sthe week in

THE PADUCAH EVENING SUNu S The Week In Society TUB J K0 1 1 OltSPItIXi i Close pot pour doorthe world Is glad with WrlngI And through tho land there falls a lintsnow Hither and thither whore the watah blow Blown from tho apple brunlhmrs bios joining Swcnt sweet tho scents the drowsy breezes bring or g coning forests where tho rtt llowors grow N Sweeter the gtre mton g murmuring I IWd lOW JOll the world and love In cvory thing CloW n qtI your doortar on Iht winding why Thi ro may como a lonely traveler 1ko little knows of Spring or aught of her rant wondormcnt aught of the wealth of iMny I Oh open wide your heart nor dream of carte Thus may you shelter angola una ¬ warts Thomas S Jonos Jr In Alnilcet AimouuieminlN MONDAYTho tncmbor of the Cotillion club will entertain with n dnnco at tho park pavilion In the ovciilng complimentary to tMIs Mar Jorlo Scolt and her visitor TyESDAY The Dulphlc club will hfcvo ill final rpKular meoUng for tho lonvon nt 10 ii mtnt i t the Carnegie library Tho program Is 1 What England liar Done for 1 Etypt In the Last 25 Years Mn I W W 10011I 1 Egypt ai n WorldInfliioneo Nor Outlook Mrs Annie H Mor ¬ rowTlI1iSDAYMra Oscar L Greg ¬ flIT will entertain nt one oclock Inn choon In honor of Miss Marjorlo Scott nnt Igor guest Miss Ellzalioth Greg pry of LouUvlllo MlM Lucy Itruen or Wuhb City and Miss 1 Nits Obear 5 It St 1011- 11PltIIAPallncah Chapter DaiiBh t tern of the American Revolution will moot with Mrs Sallie Morrow 537 Jofferton street nt 3 oclock p in Mrf E G Boone the regent will re poit on tho Contlndntnl Congrits In Wnihlnglon D C There will be a rmdng by Mile Mattlf Fowler and music SATUIIDAY The Dolphlc club will have an nftornoon reception nt the Womans club house Each member It permitted one guest An tractive program will be proconted MUs IIIOKHII anti Mr Ityiui I In Murr Muy 1 its Mr 1 Margaret Brogan announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter Agnes Catherine to Mr John Matthew Jljrnu of Central city Ky The wed- ding ¬ will take place on May 12 The bass will ho published Sunday morn INK at the St Francis de Sales Cntlio He church Sriiltlteulcy WiililliiK n Sncliil 1 Event Social Interest for the coming woxk center n the marriage of Miss Mar Jrrle Scott to Mr 1 Edwin Elmnr llew Ify I of Port Worth Texas on Wed si Hith 44your dodo about taking Aye ft non ala hollc Satutparitta Trail rIm Juatlll at tie ml 11 I fncsday evening It will be a home Ucddlng charming In Is details and beautiful In entmble Thp ceremony well be nt 9 oclock and will be fol ¬ I lowed by a reception from 930 until 1130 oclock The wedding party will consist of Miss Lucy Bruon of Webb City Mo the maid of honor Mies ElUabeth Gregory of Louisville Miss Ellse Ohiar of St Louis Miss Frances Wnl dace and Miss Blanche Hills the bridesmaids Mr Vaughan Scott Is tho best man Tho groomsmen are Mr Edwin J Paxton Mr John Brooks Mr George DuBols Mr Stuart SlnntUt The ushers will bo Jlr Morton land Mr Jay Harlan Mr Douglas Bngby Mr David Koger Tilt It ev W II Pinkerton a former pastor and Intimate friend of tho taut I ly will perform tho eromony Outoftown guests present for the occasion In addition to tho bridal par- ty ¬ t will Include cMars II all Ie C Bowleg o Fort Worth Texas the Rev W II Pinkerton and Mrs PInkerton of Ghent Kentucky t I Pretty Linen Shower for ItrldeKlect Miss Blanche Hills linen shower for Miss Mnrjorlo Scott this after ¬ noon Is a charming compliment to a gracious girl who fis made an espe cia I place for herself In the reads of her friends The spacious Hills home on North Ninth street Is effectively decorated with the southern smilax In profusion and Riot howls and vafes of pink and white tweet poos are arranged throughout till rooms Depending from tho cbandollcrs are numberless white and gold hearts while from the chandelier In the dlnjngroom Is a white woddlngbell surrounded by the hearts The diningroom table Is a charming symphony In white and pink with a basket of sweet peas In these ihadcf for the centerpiece The ice cream with strawberries nUll the heftrtKhaptd rakes In pink and white prettily emphasized tho pink and white motif The lIaen ihowor forms n beauty ful feature of the decoration Siu pmided In the doorway between the library and hall U a white Japanese umbrella handptlntcd In gold hearts The dainty favors of embroidered linen are concealed In a pretty bag In the umbrella When the guest of honor If elated In the gilt chair under the umbreln anti the hostess touches the string the shower descends Ac ¬ cording to the old superstition tho first article tho brldotobe picks up marks Its giver for the next Ifrlde and the last one Is to be an old meld fotsmtre A delightful lunehcon served buffe style will follow time shower In tho dining reom Mta Lllllo May Wlnsfroad and Mlti Frances Wallace will pre side at tho table whoro the Ices are Miss Btlle Cave will servo the punch at an attractively arranged table In the parlor In addition to Mss Scott Miss hulls guests Include Misses Lucy burn of Webb City Mo 1 Ellse Ohear of St Ixinls Elizabeth Grew ory of Loulivlllp Frances Wallace Llllle Mae Wlnstead Belle Cave May Owen Mildred Terrell Hattie Terrell Frances vTerrell Phlllppa Hughes Lips while Cheeks pale Blood thin Consult your doctor Bad skin Weak nerve Losing flesh Consult your doctor DiscouragedConsult J01yergoU I PADUCAHJfg The Keutncky I 28Tuesday 1 Prices Entire Orchestra 150 Balcony 100and 75c Gallery 50c and25c M iSeats Now on Sale r J r I Helta cJIatfield Corlnno WInstead Mary Scott Margaret Park Clara Park Lula Heed Anna May Yelscr Faith Langstaff Katherine Quigley Elizabeth Grimes of Ellzabcthtown Carline Sow 011 Katherine Powell Hobble Loving Marjorie Bagby Jane Stevenson Mrs Edson Hart Mrs Vernon lilythe Mrs John W Scott Mrs Allen Aslicraft Mrs Paul Prov ¬ ince Mrs Edward Drlnghurst Mrs Will Webb 3 Dinner Pnrty In Miss Scott mid Visitors I There will be a dinner party this evening at the Palmer House compll ¬ mentary to Miss Marjorie Scott and her outof town guests Covers will be laid for eight The party will go from the dinner to the dance given by Dr H 0 Reynolds and Mrs Hey nolds at the Womans club house Included are Misses Marjorie Scott Lucy Ilrucn of Webb City Mo Elise Obear of St Louis Elizabeth Greg- ory ¬ of Louisville Messrs Stuart Sin nott George Dullols Edwin J Pax ton Morton Hand 0 Attractive Dunce nt Club House Tonight Dr H G Reynolds and Mrs Rey- nolds ¬ will entertain with a dance this evening at the Womans club house In compliment to Miss hose English of Ixnllsvillo the sister and guest of Mrs Reynolds and to Miss Marjorie Scott and her trio of houseguests Miss fuse Obear of St Louis Miss Elizabeth Gregory of Louisville and Miss Lucy Druen of Webb City Mo Time lower floor of the club house Is attractively arranged for dancing and Is decorated throughout with the dog ¬ wood blossom snowballs and red peonies The red and white color motif Is also carried out In the frozen punch and cake The german will be led by Mr Wallace Well and Miss English The Invitation list Is quito a large one and Includes both the married and younger society sets Double Host Pasty tar Mlllnii Rus rl Some of the young men In the ScottUcwlcy bridal party will enter ¬ tain with a double box party on Tuesv day night at the Kentucky theater InI honor of Miss Scott and Mr Bewley and the bridesmaids The play for the evening Is Lillian Russell in VHdflro and those occupying tho boxes will bo Miss Scott Miss Obear of St Louis Miss Gregory of Ixmlnvllle Miss Bruen of Webb City Mr Edwin Elmorc llewley of Fort Worth Tex Mr Vaughan Scott Mr Morton Hand Mr Edwin Paxton Mr George DuDoIs Mr David Koger O KnloMiplilc Ilereptlon The Informal reception and open meeting of tho Kalosophlc club on Friday evening at the Womans club house was a delightful occasion The rooms were attractively decorated In the Kalosophlc colors of green and gold and the refreshments emphasized the same colormotif The Individual Ices were yellow tulips the club llawer The Invited guests Included n num- ber ¬ of men and the out of taw n visitors The presidents of the Fed crated clubs of the cltIivero guests of honor An Informal program was carried out during the evening The rcprlse1tatho ¬ Greece and Rome Mrs Edward IT Brlnghurst discussed Pericles br tho Golden Age of Greece and the world and Miss Lula Heed emphasized Ital ¬ ian art history and literature as em ¬ bodied In the life and work of Michael Angelo Each was especially clever and delightfully presented The open Ing address was given with agreeable charm by Miss Anple May Yclser Mss Blanche Hills and Miss Frances Wallace Mr Edwin Elmorc Bewley of Fort Worth Tex Mr Vaughan Scott Mr Morton Hand Mr Edwin Paxton Mr George DuBols Mr David Kogcr B U A R Congress Tho Kentucky delegation at the National D A R congress In Wash ington has attracted especial notice and Is receiving much attention Mrs W G CocAlCi of Covlngton 1 Ky entertained tho state regent Mrs Chenault and some of tho Ken- tuckians at Tea on Monday afternoon at time Now Willard followed by n Bridge game Mrs E G Boone ro Igent I of the Paducah chapter leas among the party Thu reception of I the president general Mrs Donald McLean on Monday evening Wlltia swell affaIr Over 5000 new mem ¬ bers have been added to the chapter the past year as reported at the Con iJrees The reception for Mrs Donald Mc ¬ Lean president general of tho D A R on Monday evening at the Wil ¬ lard Is featured as a brilliant gather Ing of beautifully gowned women It was given In honor of Mrs McLean by Mrs Charles S Terry vice presl ¬ dent general and Mrs Henry S Bowron assistant historian general The ballroom of the Wlflard was beautifully decorated with American lags flowers and palms From 9 to 11 the ballroom wns crowded The Washington Post In comment says Tho toilette worn were unusually beautiful and mentions particu ¬ larly Mrs 1 Edmund Post of Padu cnhI Ky looked especially handsome In n gown of gray crepe de chinO elaborately trimmed In gray steel passementerie < G May Day Entertainment The Newell society of the Broad- way ¬ Methodist church will celebrate May Day with a pretty entertainment on Friday evening In tho League par lots upstairs of the church A muse cal program will be a taking feature with other attractions 4 Oirpv Merit Club Mss ElUabeth Kelly was hostess to tho Carps Diem club on Thursday evening at her home on Madlaon street It was tho first reunion of the club since lent began and was a happy occasion A delightful lun ¬ cheon was served after the close of the card game Thee first prize for the girls was won by Miss Marie Roth MrAl Roth captured the first honors for the boys on a cut with Mr Clifford Blackburn Miss Theresa Klrchhoff won the lone hand prize for tho girls and Mr Jpseph Roth for the boys Mr Roth cut with Mr John Mulherron The consolation prizes went to MUs Audrey Taylor and Mr Gus LegeayInformal 0 Cmil Afternoon Mrs Elizabeth Austin entertained Informally two tables at cards on Wednesday afternoon at her home DID Kentucky avenue Mrs Alexander Kirkland captured the first honors and Mrs W B McPherson received the consolation prize A delightful luncheon was served 8 Attractive 1 Fortstry Meeting Tho open meeting of the Womans club on Thursday afternoon wears un- der ¬ tho auspices of tho Forestry asso ¬ elation A clever program was pre- sented that attractively reflected the spirit of Nature and the Springtime Mrs Victor Vorls presided In her especially happy and graceful Way The Importance of tho forestry work and Its beautifying effects on tho world was thoughtfully emphasized In Mrs Vorls opening address Miss Adlpe Morton gave a resume of the local associations work Rustles of Spring was sympathetically por ¬ trayed by Mrs George D Hart In a piano solo Two decidedly I clever essays were read by Miss Susie Dab nay and Master Elbrldge Palmer of the elgth grade of the Washington school Trees and Birds were the respective themes and time essays won the first honors among a number presented from these grades Mrs David Flouruoy sang very attractively The Wind In the Trees and Mrs Lola WadS > eels gave a pleasing solo Lovely Spring The closing number was a brilliantly executed duet Country Dance by Miss Lila Heed rind Miss Mamie OBrlcn cam Matinee Muilnil Club The Music of the Seasons was attractively presented In the program of the Matinee Musical club on Wed- nesday ¬ afternoon at tho Womans Club building Mrs Edward H BrlnghursL and Miss Edna Eades were the leaders for tho afternoon The music wns agreeably featured by Mrs Leln Wade Lewis Mrs George B Hart Mrs W C Gray Mrs David Flournoy Miss Lucllo lllnckard Miss Anne nrad haw Miss Courtle Ptiryear Mss Frances Cole man Miss Isabelle Mohan Miss Lula r to- i cut tlllH OUt CONSTITUTION FOR t WOMANS CLUB ARTICLE 1Mer I e T NAME tN phi Tin immune of this Association stunt 1 III the WOJCAX8 TKRSOXAIj AVPF11h1NCECLIJD ARTICLE II OBJECT The olijort of tints Association l shall bi > Ilio Improvfiwnl of the natural apiKarrinco v- of inch of Its iiieinhivsi t ARTICLE IK > S I mEnSIllPI Section 1 Membership In this Club shall tHo of two tlnssos Acllvfl anti Passive f Hcitlon 2 Aellvi MiinlMrsIilp shall IK llinllnl to these tvlio IntrUlernlly devote n mwomtble share i of lliilr Ilimr to UK object of this Association 1 Srcllcpii a Passive hlIIlltlshlIIhllll lip confined to those who while disinclined toI Investigate the opportunities for personal Improvement file willing to accept the advice of thastihodo ARTICLE IV I r OFFIOERS The offices of Irosldent First anil Second ke President Secretary and Treasurer doll Ins huimuuj j In rlmrartir and may be nsiuunpdutviii by any member when mien assumption advances the tfood of- j time III ARTICLE V MEETINGS Section I Regular meetliiRs may occur upon bright days following careful preparation of members for lit purpose S < rlloii 2 Xo member shall tll admitted to any regular meeting hose appearance does not Instantly stamp her n member of tht Club Art Inn L Srxvlal or unexpected meetings between memltera tiny occur nt any time or places there fort Inch ineinlHr should nt till times be mindful of her iiieinliershln and never appear unlhlyror lei seen with dull brittle or unsightly lie It ARTICLE VI i QUORUM Section 1 One member shall constitute a quorum for the execution of any plan or the use of any proiihylnrllc not out lit Iinrinony with the object of the Association Sutton = Upon Kjieclal occasions a larger numbcrhiay coiislltutV n nimrnni provided the purpose of till meeting lutereslH mid Instructs those who art known to be loyal to tlieCliib ARTICLE VII Section 1 Hut 1 one amendment Is permissible AMENDMENTS under this Constitutionr r I Section 2 Article III may bo amended by the addition of n section permitting Auxiliary Members Section 1 Any married iiinh may Ixcoine an Auxiliary Member liy pioinptly I nail cheerfully pur s chasing for his own fmnlly sufli toilet nimtlUs or re < iilsltes as play licvdcslrwl by any Active br Passive Y 11 m er II E EIt I Is passing strange that we no for the Improvement of onea appearance a bock to nature club so We certainly peed for wo nil know Inaturlll lecture by a capable xletermatologlst be more helpful to the complexion than a beauty lotion II NOTE NOTE 2No one has encouragement literary but we are forced to admit that many hours are devoted to looking up the depredations of some ancient Buc ¬ I t the time would be worth more If spent in combating the depredations ol dandruff germs r II 3 It In n of It is a up to re ¬ one by to our of i 4 have them other than clubs many caneer when Upon this very subject hoW many the dandruff germ and the havoc creates luxuriant growth hair deplorable fact that within very I cent years century after another rolled without any Important addition knowledge hair preservation NOTE Nearly six thousand years ago or to be exact 4000 B C the mother of u the Egyptian King Chgta second klngor time uret dynasty trlel to save the hair of that monarch with n mlxturfc of dogs paws dates and asses I ground up and cooked in oil Egyptian Papyrus Similar remedies have been popular ever since II NOTE know about hoofs 5Just when cantharides took the place paws In hair remedies Is not known but Hippocrates the father x> f medicine used It four hundred years ne and it has bees In constant uSlwlth no benefit whatever up to within the present decade Most hair remedies contain It ever now What Is canthrnldes Simply a foul smelling dead fly or bug from tho Levant that has been dried powdered and soaked In alcohol Tho elder Pliny A D 23 and also Dloscorldcs overcame time mousy odor with hot vinegar J Reed Miss Mamie OBrien and Mr Robert Scott of the Seasons was also delightfully discussed In a paper by Miss Adah Brazclton e Womans Club Dunce A congenial party enjoyed the sub ¬ scription dance given under the au- spices of the Decorating committee of the Womans club on Tuesday evening The lower floor of the clubhouse was used for dancing The german was skillfully led by Mr Wallace Well and Miss Mary Scott Prograir Continued on page seven VOTE 6 J discover that the real cause of dandruff Itching scalp und falling hair Is an Invisible microbe owth of veg tible character that lodges and de- velops In the sebaceous glands I of the flair follicles In the This shows that the disease Is coo taglous and also that the use of dead animals or bugs Is Ayorae than useless Read how u guinea pig was denuded with human dandrniT germs page 511 Jackson on DTs eases of the Skin 4th edition Also Lancet Lon don Sept 24 04 Medical t Review of Reviews New York No0 New England Medical Month- ly ¬ I Oct 01 I L Literary Digest New York March 1 02 and Nov 12 04 4 NOTE 7 JIt The first remedy to successfully com ¬ J bat the dandruff germ stop ItcJ1ldiII and permit the haIr to grow as nature Intended is >Cewbros Herpiclde IJ Is a scientific srermlclde nnd scalp prophylactic It goes not stain or dye the hair and it contains no cantharides White New bros Herprcfde willnot Cure chtonlo baldness or do anything magical Its Intelligent use will prow duce results that are to sag the least extraordln ¬ ary In addition to Its remedial i qualities It makea the hair light and fluffy and gives It a silken gloss Doctor V T McGIIlycuddy Denver Colo Medical Inspector Mutual LIfq Insurance Compahy of New York writes as follows concerning Newbros Her picldei b Knowing the composition of Herplclde I can state that It contains nothing injurious In tL great number of cases of baldness a neglected dandruff cam be considered as Its immediate excit- Ing < usf > or associated condition Your HerplcMe will in the vast majority of caSes cure and pre ¬ vent the continuation of dandruff It Is an elegant and Ideal hair dressing W B McPherson Special Agent for Newbros Herpicide J I Music 11 scalp T w- r M I PADUC- yIIXY 1 1- t t e < I u n C 1 r Mr Joseph Brooks Pf esents Lillian Russell IN J j ayEgl y t WILDFIRE A New Racing Cornedy 1 A tJr H By George Broadhurst and Geo V Hobart I C f I- i 1 i oJ V i tp r < ro < 1c < SC A iOw 0 p f o t t 1M II 01 y

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Page 1: SThe Week In


TUB J K0 1 1 OltSPItIXii

Close pot pour doorthe world Isglad with WrlngI

And through tho land there falls alintsnow

Hither and thither whore the watahblow

Blown from tho apple brunlhmrs biosjoining

Swcnt sweet tho scents the drowsybreezes bring

or g coning forests where tho rttllowors grow

N Sweeter the gtre mton g murmuringI


JOll the world and love In cvorything

CloW n qtI your doortar on Ihtwinding why

Thi ro may como a lonely traveler1ko little knows of Spring or aught

of herrant wondormcnt aught of the

wealth of iMnyI

Oh open wide your heart nor dreamof carte

Thus may you shelter angola una ¬

wartsThomas S Jonos Jr In Alnilcet

AimouuieminlNMONDAYTho tncmbor of the

Cotillion club will entertain with n

dnnco at tho park pavilion In theovciilng complimentary to tMIs MarJorlo Scolt and her visitor

TyESDAY The Dulphlc club willhfcvo ill final rpKular meoUng for tholonvon nt 10 ii mtnti tthe Carnegielibrary Tho program Is

1 What England liar Done for1Etypt In the Last 25 Years MnI WW 10011I1Egypt ai n WorldInfliioneoNor Outlook Mrs Annie H Mor ¬

rowTlI1iSDAYMra Oscar L Greg ¬

flIT will entertain nt one oclock Innchoon In honor of Miss Marjorlo Scottnnt Igor guest Miss Ellzalioth Gregpry of LouUvlllo MlM Lucy Itruenor Wuhb City and Miss 1Nits Obear

5It St 1011-

11PltIIAPallncah Chapter DaiiBhttern of the American Revolution willmoot with Mrs Sallie Morrow 537Jofferton street nt 3 oclock p inMrf E G Boone the regent will repoit on tho Contlndntnl Congrits InWnihlnglon D C There will be armdng by Mile Mattlf Fowler andmusic

SATUIIDAY The Dolphlc clubwill have an nftornoon reception ntthe Womans club house Eachmember It permitted one guest Antractive program will be proconted

MUs IIIOKHII anti Mr Ityiui IIn MurrMuy 1its

Mr1 Margaret Brogan announcesthe engagement and approachingmarriage of her daughter AgnesCatherine to Mr John MatthewJljrnu of Central city Ky The wed-


will take place on May 12 Thebass will ho published Sunday mornINK at the St Francis de Sales CntlioHe church

Sriiltlteulcy WiililliiK n Sncliil 1EventSocial Interest for the coming woxk

center n the marriage of Miss MarJrrle Scott to Mr 1Edwin Elmnr llewIfyI of Port Worth Texas on Wed

si Hith44your dodo about taking Ayeftnon ala hollc Satutparitta TrailrIm Juatlll at tie ml



fncsday evening It will be a homeUcddlng charming In Is details andbeautiful In entmble Thp ceremonywell be nt 9 oclock and will be fol ¬

Ilowed by a reception from 930 until1130 oclock

The wedding party will consist ofMiss Lucy Bruon of Webb City Mothe maid of honor Mies ElUabethGregory of Louisville Miss EllseOhiar of St Louis Miss Frances Wnl

dace and Miss Blanche Hills thebridesmaids Mr Vaughan Scott Is

tho best man Tho groomsmen areMr Edwin J Paxton Mr JohnBrooks Mr George DuBols MrStuart SlnntUt The ushers will boJlr Morton land Mr Jay HarlanMr Douglas Bngby Mr David KogerTilt It ev W II Pinkerton a formerpastor and Intimate friend of tho tautIly will perform tho eromony

Outoftown guests present for theoccasion In addition to tho bridal par-


t will Include cMars II all Ie C Bowlego Fort Worth Texas the Rev WII Pinkerton and Mrs PInkerton ofGhent Kentucky


IPretty Linen Shower for ItrldeKlectMiss Blanche Hills linen shower

for Miss Mnrjorlo Scott this after ¬

noon Is a charming compliment to agracious girl who fis made an especia I place for herself In the reads ofher friends

The spacious Hills home on NorthNinth street Is effectively decoratedwith the southern smilax In profusionand Riot howls and vafes of pinkand white tweet poos are arrangedthroughout till rooms Dependingfrom tho cbandollcrs are numberlesswhite and gold hearts while from thechandelier In the dlnjngroom Is awhite woddlngbell surrounded by thehearts The diningroom table Is acharming symphony In white andpink with a basket of sweet peas In

these ihadcf for the centerpiece Theice cream with strawberries nUll theheftrtKhaptd rakes In pink and whiteprettily emphasized tho pink andwhite motif

The lIaen ihowor forms n beautyful feature of the decoration Siupmided In the doorway between thelibrary and hall U a white Japaneseumbrella handptlntcd In gold heartsThe dainty favors of embroideredlinen are concealed In a pretty bagIn the umbrella When the guest ofhonor If elated In the gilt chair underthe umbreln anti the hostess touchesthe string the shower descends Ac ¬

cording to the old superstition thofirst article tho brldotobe picks upmarks Its giver for the next Ifrldeand the last one Is to be an oldmeld fotsmtre

A delightful lunehcon served buffestyle will follow time shower In thodining reom Mta Lllllo May Wlnsfroadand Mlti Frances Wallace will preside at tho table whoro the Ices areMiss Btlle Cave will servo the punchat an attractively arranged table Inthe parlor

In addition to Mss Scott Misshulls guests Include Misses Lucy

burn of Webb City Mo 1EllseOhear of St Ixinls Elizabeth Grewory of Loulivlllp Frances WallaceLlllle Mae Wlnstead Belle Cave MayOwen Mildred Terrell Hattie TerrellFrances vTerrell Phlllppa Hughes

Lips while Cheeks pale Blood thinConsult your doctorBad skin Weak nerve Losing fleshConsult your doctor



The KeutnckyI


PricesEntire Orchestra 150

Balcony 100and 75c

Gallery 50c and25c

MiSeats Now on SalerJ rI

Helta cJIatfield Corlnno WInsteadMary Scott Margaret Park ClaraPark Lula Heed Anna May YelscrFaith Langstaff Katherine QuigleyElizabeth Grimes of EllzabcthtownCarline Sow 011 Katherine PowellHobble Loving Marjorie Bagby JaneStevenson Mrs Edson Hart MrsVernon lilythe Mrs John W ScottMrs Allen Aslicraft Mrs Paul Prov ¬

ince Mrs Edward Drlnghurst MrsWill Webb 3Dinner Pnrty In Miss Scott mid

VisitorsI There will be a dinner party thisevening at the Palmer House compll ¬

mentary to Miss Marjorie Scott andher outof town guests Covers willbe laid for eight The party will gofrom the dinner to the dance givenby Dr H 0 Reynolds and Mrs Heynolds at the Womans club houseIncluded are Misses Marjorie ScottLucy Ilrucn of Webb City Mo EliseObear of St Louis Elizabeth Greg-ory


of Louisville Messrs Stuart Sinnott George Dullols Edwin J Paxton Morton Hand0Attractive Dunce nt Club House

TonightDr H G Reynolds and Mrs Rey-


will entertain with a dance thisevening at the Womans club houseIn compliment to Miss hose Englishof Ixnllsvillo the sister and guest ofMrs Reynolds and to Miss MarjorieScott and her trio of houseguestsMiss fuse Obear of St Louis MissElizabeth Gregory of Louisville andMiss Lucy Druen of Webb City MoTime lower floor of the club house Isattractively arranged for dancing andIs decorated throughout with the dog ¬

wood blossom snowballs and redpeonies The red and white colormotif Is also carried out In the frozenpunch and cake The german will beled by Mr Wallace Well and MissEnglish The Invitation list Is quitoa large one and Includes both themarried and younger society sets

Double Host Pasty tar Mlllnii Rus rlSome of the young men In the

ScottUcwlcy bridal party will enter ¬

tain with a double box party on Tuesvday night at the Kentucky theater InIhonor of Miss Scott and Mr Bewleyand the bridesmaids The play forthe evening Is Lillian Russell in

VHdflro and those occupying thoboxes will bo Miss Scott MissObear of St Louis Miss Gregory ofIxmlnvllle Miss Bruen of Webb CityMr Edwin Elmorc llewley of FortWorth Tex Mr Vaughan Scott MrMorton Hand Mr Edwin Paxton MrGeorge DuDoIs Mr David Koger

OKnloMiplilc Ilereptlon

The Informal reception and openmeeting of tho Kalosophlc club onFriday evening at the Womans clubhouse was a delightful occasion Therooms were attractively decorated Inthe Kalosophlc colors of green andgold and the refreshments emphasizedthe same colormotif The IndividualIces were yellow tulips the club llawerThe Invited guests Included n num-ber


of men and the out of taw nvisitors The presidents of the Fedcrated clubs of the cltIivero guestsof honor An Informal program wascarried out during the evening The

rcprlse1tatho ¬

Greece and Rome Mrs Edward IT

Brlnghurst discussed Pericles br thoGolden Age of Greece and the worldand Miss Lula Heed emphasized Ital ¬

ian art history and literature as em ¬

bodied In the life and work of MichaelAngelo Each was especially cleverand delightfully presented The openIng address was given with agreeablecharm by Miss Anple May YclserMss Blanche Hills and Miss FrancesWallace Mr Edwin Elmorc Bewleyof Fort Worth Tex Mr VaughanScott Mr Morton Hand Mr EdwinPaxton Mr George DuBols MrDavid Kogcr


U A R CongressTho Kentucky delegation at the

National D A R congress In Washington has attracted especial noticeand Is receiving much attentionMrs W G CocAlCi of Covlngton1Ky entertained tho state regentMrs Chenault and some of tho Ken-tuckians at Tea on Monday afternoonat time Now Willard followed by nBridge game Mrs E G Boone ro

IgentI of the Paducah chapter leasamong the party Thu reception of

I the president general Mrs DonaldMcLean on Monday evening Wlltiaswell affaIr Over 5000 new mem ¬

bers have been added to the chapterthe past year as reported at the ConiJrees

The reception for Mrs Donald Mc ¬

Lean president general of tho D AR on Monday evening at the Wil ¬

lard Is featured as a brilliant gatherIng of beautifully gowned women Itwas given In honor of Mrs McLeanby Mrs Charles S Terry vice presl ¬

dent general and Mrs Henry SBowron assistant historian generalThe ballroom of the Wlflard wasbeautifully decorated with Americanlags flowers and palms From 9 to11 the ballroom wns crowded TheWashington Post In comment says

Tho toilette worn were unusuallybeautiful and mentions particu ¬

larly Mrs 1Edmund Post of PaducnhIKy looked especially handsomeIn n gown of gray crepe de chinOelaborately trimmed In gray steelpassementerie <

GMay Day EntertainmentThe Newell society of the Broad-


Methodist church will celebrateMay Day with a pretty entertainmenton Friday evening In tho League parlots upstairs of the church A musecal program will be a taking featurewith other attractions


Oirpv Merit ClubMss ElUabeth Kelly was hostess

to tho Carps Diem club on Thursdayevening at her home on Madlaonstreet It was tho first reunion of theclub since lent began and was ahappy occasion A delightful lun ¬

cheon was served after the close ofthe card game Thee first prize forthe girls was won by Miss MarieRoth MrAl Roth captured the firsthonors for the boys on a cut with MrClifford Blackburn Miss TheresaKlrchhoff won the lone hand prize fortho girls and Mr Jpseph Roth for theboys Mr Roth cut with Mr JohnMulherron The consolation prizeswent to MUs Audrey Taylor and MrGus

LegeayInformal 0Cmil AfternoonMrs Elizabeth Austin entertained

Informally two tables at cards onWednesday afternoon at her homeDID Kentucky avenue Mrs AlexanderKirkland captured the first honorsand Mrs W B McPherson receivedthe consolation prize A delightfulluncheon was served

8Attractive 1Fortstry Meeting

Tho open meeting of the Womansclub on Thursday afternoon wears un-


tho auspices of tho Forestry asso ¬

elation A clever program was pre-sented that attractively reflected thespirit of Nature and the SpringtimeMrs Victor Vorls presided In herespecially happy and graceful WayThe Importance of tho forestry workand Its beautifying effects on thoworld was thoughtfully emphasizedIn Mrs Vorls opening address MissAdlpe Morton gave a resume of thelocal associations work Rustles ofSpring was sympathetically por¬

trayed by Mrs George D Hart In apiano solo Two decidedlyI cleveressays were read by Miss Susie Dabnay and Master Elbrldge Palmer ofthe elgth grade of the Washingtonschool Trees and Birds werethe respective themes and time essayswon the first honors among a numberpresented from these grades MrsDavid Flouruoy sang very attractively

The Wind In the Trees and MrsLola WadS > eels gave a pleasingsolo Lovely Spring The closingnumber was a brilliantly executedduet Country Dance by Miss LilaHeed rind Miss Mamie OBrlcn

camMatinee Muilnil Club

The Music of the Seasons wasattractively presented In the programof the Matinee Musical club on Wed-nesday


afternoon at tho WomansClub building Mrs Edward HBrlnghursL and Miss Edna Eadeswere the leaders for tho afternoonThe music wns agreeably featuredby Mrs Leln Wade Lewis MrsGeorge B Hart Mrs W C GrayMrs David Flournoy Miss Lucllolllnckard Miss Anne nrad haw MissCourtle Ptiryear Mss Frances Coleman Miss Isabelle Mohan Miss Lula

r to-

ii cut tlllH OUt



NAME tN phiTin immune of this Association stunt 1III the WOJCAX8 TKRSOXAIj AVPF11h1NCECLIJD


The olijort of tints Associationl

shall bi> Ilio Improvfiwnl of the natural apiKarrinco v-of inch of Its

iiieinhivsit ARTICLE IK

> SI mEnSIllPISection 1 Membership In this Club shall tHo of two tlnssos Acllvfl anti Passive fHcitlon 2 Aellvi MiinlMrsIilp shall IK llinllnl to these tvlio IntrUlernlly devote n mwomtble share i

of lliilr Ilimr to UK object of this Association 1

Srcllcpii a Passive hlIIlltlshlIIhllll lip confined to those who while disinclined toIInvestigate theopportunities for personal Improvement file willing to accept the advice of thastihodo


The offices of Irosldent First anil Second ke President Secretary and Treasurer doll Ins huimuuj jIn rlmrartir and may be nsiuunpdutviii by any member when mien assumption advances the tfood of-



Section I Regular meetliiRs may occur upon bright days following careful preparation of membersfor lit purpose

S< rlloii 2 Xo member shall tll admitted to any regular meeting hose appearance does not Instantlystamp her n member of tht Club

Art Inn L Srxvlal or unexpected meetings between memltera tiny occur nt any time or places therefort Inch ineinlHr should nt till times be mindful of her iiieinliershln and never appear unlhlyror lei seenwith dull brittle or unsightly lie It


Section 1 One member shall constitute a quorum for the execution of any plan or the use of anyproiihylnrllc not out lit Iinrinony with the object of the Association

Sutton = Upon Kjieclal occasions a larger numbcrhiay coiislltutV n nimrnni provided the purpose oftill meeting lutereslH mid Instructs those who art known to be loyal to tlieCliib


Section 1 Hut


one amendment Is permissibleAMENDMENTS

under this Constitutionr r

I Section 2 Article III may bo amended by the addition of n section permitting Auxiliary MembersSection 1 Any married iiinh may Ixcoine an Auxiliary Member liy pioinptlyI nail cheerfully pur s

chasing for his own fmnlly sufli toilet nimtlUs or re< iilsltes as play licvdcslrwl by any Active br Passive Y

11 m er

II EEItI Is passing strange that we nofor the Improvement of onea

appearance a bock to nature club soWe certainly peed for wo nil know

Inaturlll lecture by a capable xletermatologlstbe more helpful to the complexion than abeauty lotion



2No one has encouragementliterary but we are forced

to admit that many hours are devoted tolooking up the depredations of some ancient Buc ¬

I tthe time would be worth more Ifspent in combating the depredations ol dandruffgerms r

II 3It In n of

It is a up to re ¬

one byto our


i 4



other thanclubs


caneer when

Upon this very subject hoW manythe dandruff germ and

the havoc creates luxuriant growth hairdeplorable fact that within very

I cent years century after another rolledwithout any Important addition knowledge

hair preservation

NOTE Nearly six thousand years ago or tobe exact 4000 B C the mother ofuthe Egyptian King Chgta second klngor time uret

dynasty trlel to save the hair of that monarchwith n mlxturfc of dogs paws dates and asses

I ground up and cooked in oil EgyptianPapyrus Similar remedies have been popularever since


know about


5Just when cantharides took the placepaws In hair remedies Is not

known but Hippocrates the father x> f medicineused It four hundred years ne and it has beesIn constant uSlwlth no benefit whatever up towithin the present decade Most hair remediescontain It ever now What Is canthrnldesSimply a foul smelling dead fly or bug from thoLevant that has been dried powdered and soakedIn alcohol Tho elder Pliny A D 23 and also

Dloscorldcs overcame time mousy odor withhot vinegar J

Reed Miss Mamie OBrien and MrRobert Scott of the Seasonswas also delightfully discussed In apaper by Miss Adah BrazcltoneWomans Club Dunce

A congenial party enjoyed the sub ¬

scription dance given under the au-

spices of the Decorating committee ofthe Womans club on Tuesday eveningThe lower floor of the clubhouse wasused for dancing The german wasskillfully led by Mr Wallace Welland Miss Mary Scott Prograir

Continued on page seven

VOTE 6 Jdiscover that the real cause of dandruff Itchingscalp und falling hair Is an Invisible microbe

owth of veg tible character that lodges and de-velops In the sebaceous glandsI of the flair folliclesIn the This shows that the disease Is cootaglous and also that the use of dead animals orbugs Is Ayorae than useless

Read how u guinea pig was denuded withhuman dandrniT germs page 511 Jackson on DTs

eases of the Skin 4th edition Also Lancet London Sept 24 04 Medical t Review of ReviewsNew York No0 New England Medical Month-ly


I Oct 01IL Literary Digest New York March 1

02 and Nov 12 044


JItThe first remedy to successfully com ¬ Jbat the dandruff germ stop ItcJ1ldiII

and permit the haIr to grow as nature Intended is>Cewbros Herpiclde IJ Is a scientific srermlcldennd scalp prophylactic It goes not stain or dye thehair and it contains no cantharides White Newbros Herprcfde willnot Cure chtonlo baldness ordo anything magical Its Intelligent use will prow

duce results that are to sag the least extraordln ¬

ary In addition to Its remediali qualities It makeathe hair light and fluffy and gives It a silken glossDoctor V T McGIIlycuddy Denver Colo MedicalInspector Mutual LIfq Insurance Compahy of NewYork writes as follows concerning Newbros Herpicldeib

Knowing the composition of Herplclde I canstate that It contains nothing injurious In tLgreat number of cases of baldness a neglecteddandruff cam be considered as Its immediate excit-Ing <usf> or associated condition Your HerplcMewill in the vast majority of caSes cure and pre¬

vent the continuation of dandruff It Is an elegantand Ideal hair dressing

W B McPherson Special Agent for Newbros HerpicideJ I













I un C 1

rMr Joseph Brooks Pfesents

Lillian RussellIN J j

ayEgl y

t WILDFIREA New Racing Cornedy



tJr H

By George Broadhurst and Geo V Hobart I C


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