stickiness (to francisco varela, chile 1946 - france 2001)

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a book by Nico Dockx and Helena Sidiropoulos produced by Nosadella.due (parte of an ongoing work "Through Time & Today")


Page 1: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

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Page 2: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

22/10/2007, via Nosadella 2, Bologna. In less than anhour their ‘portable studio’ is active. All it needs is atable, some electricity and a wireless connection. They brought a box from their archives. A piece of personal history, destined to change depending on the context in which it is. Papers, photographs, receipts,leaflets, correspondences and little objects spill onto the table. The transport, through time and throughspace, allows its transformation (Elisa Del Prete).

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Page 3: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

other. Where places areattached by tiny threads,weird connections thatcreate this tapestry ofthe seam. A tapestrycomposed of thousandsof interwoven threads,composed by mixed layers of life. Variousrhythms of solitude and togetherness play. The desert in which I am continuously moving inand out. The place ofchange.

We are in a state of continuous mutation toproduce a new kind ofreality. We are on themove. But as the palm ofmy hand could be both athing and a place, I walka trajectory of spirals,loops and flashes. A continuous tumblethrough a margin of theunknown. I stumble intoa plurality of places, theseam where things overlap, one behind the1 2

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Page 4: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

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Page 5: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

Mercredi 3 octobre 2001carnet de terrain19/12/2001 -48p79p2168En bus. J'ai pris des photos.

The desert, for some,means distance, light,dreams and mirages. I pass my thought ontothe train, I am a man onthe moon.


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Page 6: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

The world of the spectacle hides variouslayers of life that can beaccessed or activatedthrough punctuating thescreen.

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Page 7: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

People on the move.What we do and whatwe see is not seperate(Francisco J. Varela).


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Page 8: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

This tale is a tale of tales.This place is one of manyplaces. Dissolving essences and playingwith identities.Constantly trespassingand reversing the rules.Swift shifts from back to front, and back again.This is a tale of taleswhere you will find newsof plunder and bountiesdelivered. Boundariesshift continuously andreconstitute themselves,

in between all this thereare they. Their place isone of many places. They move in autonomous ways. THEY move.

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Page 9: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

New forms of movement,improvised and unpredictable.Autonomous movement.The movement thatexceeds bodies movingthrough a space; vibrations, excitement,communication andintentions.

Every form is a face that looks at us (Serge Daney).


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Page 10: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

After detours in manydifferent directions youfind out that there is thejourney and the need fora home; that there is thereality of the city and thepresent conditions of itssociety. That these areliquid spaces that (almostinvisibly) separate andconverge, mutate andinfect.

There you will see a falseentrance. You have to

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Page 11: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

walk through the corridor to get to thereal entrance. At a certain moment you willnotice the several liquidcorridors that need defining and redefining,which surround you.Multiple paths andunpredictable outcomesprecede you. It can takesome time to traversethe surface, to touch theother for just a moment.

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Page 12: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

Ghost Filesan exhibition curated by Andrea Viliani11/03/2007 - 25/01/2008Giovanni Anselmo, Building Transmissions, Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda, Nico Dockx & Helena Sidiropoulos & Andrea Viliani, Jimmie Durham, John Kelsey, Pinot Gallizio, Renato Guttuso and Christopher WilliamsGAM - Galleria d’Arte Moderna di BolognaPiazza Costituzione 340128 Bologna

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Page 13: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

Even if, as a consequence of the meeting in between an artistic and an institutional personality both are dampened and activated reciprocally, they also gain inthis meeting, in the collaboration that arises, a way offunctioning that is less defining, and that unpredictablyreclaims tones and registers more adventurous, oblique,ephemeral, … no longer speaking of an “institutionalcriticism” but rather of an “institutional narrative.”(Andrea Viliani)

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Page 14: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

Look closely and notice a sort of laboratory. One that explores the limits of its own temporal presence and thatabsorbs the landscape. It becomes the plurality. It penetrates into its surroundings and collects data. A spinning movement of the hand…

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Page 15: STICKINESS (to Francisco Varela, Chile 1946 - France 2001)

January 2001. Another photograph is this one, I think it is important to remember it. Together with the photographs Nico has sent precise instructions for theinstallation within the space. (Gino Gianuizzi)

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