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  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy




    Fabri Iqbar

    Gloria Georgina

    Khoirunnisa Zahrotul Azizah N


    Nirwan Arif P

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    What is Bullying ?

    Bullying is unwanted, aggressiveehavir a"ng s#hl aged #hildrenthat invlves a real r $er#eived

    $wer i"alan#e% The ehavir isre$eated, r has the $tential t ere$eated, ver ti"e% Bullying

    in#ludes a#tins su#h as "a&ingthreats, s$reading ru"rs, atta#&ings"ene $hysi#ally r verally, and

    e'#luding s"ene (r" a gru$ n

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    Why it ha$$ened?

    ) $ersn #an engage in ullyingehaviur e#ause they*

    dn+t li&e the $ersn eing ullied

    nd ullying (un

    li&e t (eel tugh and strng, in #ntrl

    thin& it will "a&e the" $$ular%

    they are -ealus ( anther #hild they are (ear(ul ( ther #hildren+s


  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    What are the Forms of Bullying?

    Physical: Physi#al ullying invlves har"(ula#tins against anther $ersn/s dy% 0'a"$lesin#lude* iting, &i#&ing, $ushing, $in#hing, hitting,tri$$ing, $ulling hair, any (r" ( vilen#e r

    inti"idatin% Physi#al ullying als invlves theinter(eren#e with anther $ersn/s $r$erty%0'a"$les in#lude* da"aging r stealing%

    Verbal: 1eral ullying invlves s$ea&ing t a$ersn r aut a $ersn in an un&ind r hurt(ulway% 0'a"$les in#lude* sar#as", teasing, $ut2dwns, na"e #alling, s$reading ru"rs r hurt(ulgssi$%

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy



    When a tween r a teen uses the Internet, a #ell $hne rther te#hnlgy t harass, threaten, e"arrass r targetanther $ersn, this is #alled #yerullying I( an adult isinvlved in the harass"ent this is #alled #yer2harass"entr #yerstal&ing 0'a"$les ( #yerullying in#lude $stinghurt(ul i"ages, "a&ing nline threats, and sending hurt(ul

    e"ails r te'ts%

    4yerullies (ten say things that they d nt have the#urage t say (a#e2t2(a#e e#ause te#hnlgy "a&es the"(eel anny"us, insulated and deta#hed (r" the situatin%

    )s a result, nline ullying is (ten "ean and #ruel% T thetargets ( #yerullying, it (eels invasive and never ending%Bullies #an get t the" anyti"e and anywhere, (ten in thesa(ety ( their wn h"e% 4nse5uently, the #nse5uen#es (#yerullying are signi#ant%

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    Emotional: 0"tinal ullying invlves ehavirsthat u$set, e'#lude, r e"arrass a $ersn%

    0'a"$les in#lude* nasty ntes, saying "ean thingsusing te#hnlgy 6e%g% #yer ullying using e"ails,instant "essaging7, #hat r"s, tr"entingthreatening, hu"iliatin r s#ial e"arrass"ent%

    Sexual: Se'ual ullying singles ut a $ersn

    e#ause ( gender and de"nstrates unwarranted runwel#"e se'ual ehavir% 0'a"$les in#lude*se'ual #""ents, ausive #""ents, unwanted$hysi#al #nta#t%

    Racial: 8a#ial ullying invlves re-e#tin r islatin

    ( a $ersn e#ause ( ethni#ity% 0'a"$les in#lude*gestures, ra#ial slurs r taunts, na"e #alling, "a&ing(un ( #ust"s9s&in #lr9a##ent9(d #hi#es%

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  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    Su-e#t : -e#t ( ullying

    ;% 4an e either individual r gru$% W"en are "re li&ely t e

    $er$etratrs than "an%% L&s gd even thugh it a#tuallyhas a lw aility

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    0.e#t ( the ullying

    S"ehw, $e$le thin& ullying is a $art (li(e, a $art ( grwing u$ and an $$rtunityt stand u$ (r yursel(% S"e &ids naturally

    will nt a##e$t eing ullied, and will standagainst it% Others are nt that rave and will#ru"le at it% They end u$ (eeling lnely,unha$$y and (rightened% It #an "a&e the"

    lse #nden#e and interest in s#hl% Thesee.e#ts are als signs that &ids "ay e'hiitwhen eing aused y ullies%

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    =w t avid?

    The ideal is i( there is a $li#y and integrateda#tin invlving all #"$nents ranging (r"tea#hers, students, $rin#i$als, t $arents,whi#h ai"s t st$ ullying ehavir andensure sa(ety (r vi#ti"s% )nti2ullying$rgra"s in s#hls, a"ng thers y way (intensied su$ervisin and a$$r$riatesan#tins t the .ender, r the #a"$aignthrugh a variety ( ways% In#r$ratingullying "aterial int learning will $sitivelyi"$a#t the $ersnal devel$"ent ( the $u$ils%

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy


    =w t st$ ullying?

    Recognize an Res!on Bullying and intleran#e "ani(est as veral, written r $hysi#al a#ts

    that har" anther $ersn%

    0du#ate students, $arents and sta. aut ta&ing ullying seriuslyand hw t re#gni@e it% Aa&e an a#tin $lan t res$nd swi(tly tin#idents and daily teasing%

    Identi(y and "nitr $la#es where "st ullying ha$$ens 6e%g%, nthe way t and (r" s#hl, in the #a(eteria, and n the s#hl yard%7

    Create "ialogue

    4reate $$rtunities (r $en dialgue with yuth aut ullying and

    intleran#e% Let students lead thrugh $eer2t2$eer a#tin% Prvide $$rtunities (r students t share their (eelings, $rle"s r


    Get students invlved in rgani@ing anti2ullying (ru"s where theyreslve $rle"s%

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    U$standers are $e$le wh stand u$ (r the"selves and thers%Adel ways (r yung $e$le t intervene and s$ea& u$% Pra#ti#ewith rle2$laying%=el$ yuth devel$ e.e#tive $hrases t re-e#t negative #""entsr s#ial "edia $sts%

    =ave lder students hel$ yunger students learn t s$ea& u$%

    Foster Safety an %nclusionster identi(y sa(e and wel#"ing envirn"ents that $r"tein#lusin and a##e$tan#e, $la#es where students (eel everyne is

    res$e#ted and their identity is valued%4nne#t with yung $e$le and #reate the trust that will hel$ the"#"e (rward i( they are eing ullied%Listen t the", $ay attentin and .er su$$rt when students areu$set r sad%

    Eucate &our CommunityPartner with thers t ta&e -int a#tin in edu#ating students,tea#hers and $arents aut ullying in yur s#hl and #""unity%4reate a #alitin ( ele#ted, s#hl and #ivi# #""unity leaders tsign a s#hl2wide $ledge t say N Bullying* Nt In Our S#hl9Nt

    In Our Twn%S$nsr a CNt In Our S#hlsC Wee& with uttns, anners,

  • 7/23/2019 Stop Bullying Now! - Copy
