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CBLEADSAffiliate Start-Up Guide

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What’s CB Leads?

As many of you already know, there are millions of ways to make money online.

Most of you would also agree that two of them have experienced a significant

rise these last years. I’m talking about affiliate and CPA marketing.

Affiliate marketing works this way:

You choose a product.

You get your affiliate links/tools.

You promote the product.

You get a commission out of every sale.

Pretty simple, isn’t it? This system might work, but what about when visitors

don’t purchase the product, but fill out some kind of form instead?

This is how CPA marketing works:

You choose a website/product/offer.

You get your link.

You promote the link.

You get paid each time a visitor fills out his name and email (a.k.a. lead).

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Again, quite simple. But, the problem about it is that you will have to drive much

more traffic to the offer to get the same about of money you would out of one

commission on affiliate marketing.

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First Clickbank Pay-Per-Lead Network

Why choose just one? Why can’t you just choose a product, promote it and get

paid each time a visitor either makes a purchase or fills out a form? Today, with

CBLeads you can get the best out of both worlds.

CBleads is a network that combines affiliate marketing and CPA to perfection.

Regular affiliate marketing doesn’t include lead commissions. By promoting a

regular affiliate product through you’re basically giving away the leads generated

to the vendor for free. That’s right, for free. Don’t you think it was time for

someone to change that?

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What we did is the following. We took Clickbank’s regular commission structure

and added a pay-per-lead (PPL) system. We didn’t just thought of a new way for

affiliates to make good money promoting Clickbank products, but we reinvented

affiliate marketing along the way.

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What’s in it for Affiliates?

Why should you, or anyone, promote an affiliate product knowing that you’re not

making any money out of leads generated? Is it fair for vendors to get leads

from you and for you to not make any money out of them? Wouldn’t you be

more motivated knowing that your efforts will not be wasted? Wouldn’t you be

more interested in promoting a product that would not only pay you per sale, but

per lead as well? Isn’t it better that way?

With Cbleads you can keep promoting the same products as you did before, but

knowing that you will not only get paid per sale, but that the leads you generate

will add up cash to your revenue stream as well. You will get money out of

people typing out their names and emails on their keyboards as well.

It was about time someone gave affiliates what they deserved. The opportunity

to join a network of over 17000 experienced affiliates and regular money


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The Interface

Cbleads features a friendly interface oriented towards giving the user a solid

marketing experience. No hype, no round-ups. We made sure that the

marketplace, reports and account page are as clear and straight to the point as

possible, allowing you to be informed of you progress and profits –the

information you really need, anytime, anywhere.

To access your account, simply click on my account on the top bar.

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To login to your account, just enter the Clickbank ID associated to it and your password.

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Account Home

This is where the magic happens. In your Account Home page, it’s much like

your Clickbank one, only better.

To the first box to the right, you’ll get a feed with our most relevant news and

launches. In that feed you’ll be able to know how much has a product sold,

when in the next big one launching, and general news in order for you to be as

informed as possible.

Below the news feed you’ll find your Weekly Leads Snapshot. This is like

Clickbank’s Weekly Sales Snapshot, and here you’ll see how you, your sales

and your leads are doing week-wise. You’ll be displayed 5 weeks and their

corresponding gross sales. You’ll also be able to see how you are doing

compared to the day and week before the time you’re checking y

our account. It’s important to be constantly improving, isn’t it? For example:

This Time Yesterday: $103.40. you are $15.56 ahead.

This Time Last Week: $65.04. you are $53.92 ahead.

Below this there’s a box in which you can see a yearly review of your total:

Hops, Unique Hops, Leads, Sales, Sales Refund, Lead Commision, Sales

Commision, Refund Commision, Commision and Paid Commision.

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On the first column to the left you’ll see your Contacts. You’ll see your Affiliate

Manager and how to contact him. You’ll get his Skype and email address in case

you have any doubts regarding your account and CBleads. You’ll also get our

main CBLeads email address.

Below this, you’ll find a box with our newest or current contest or launch. For

example, right now, we are in the Make Me a Millionaire contest, which features

cash prices of up to $5,000. If you click on it, it’ll take you to the real time

leaderboard of the contest in which you’ll be able to see how much are affiliates

making and their corresponding price besides their names.

Then you’ll find the Daily Sales Snapshot. It’s almost the same as Clickbank’s, in

which you’re able to see in detail the daily earnings throughout the last two


On the bottom of this page, you’ll see your Offer Recommendations. In these

three boxes, you’ll be shown the latest and most successful products available

in our database, right on your account home.

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Account Settings

In the Account Settings tab, you’ll be able to tweak and choose the main settings

of your account.

On the Personal Information Tab you can enter your personal details so we can

get a better idea of who our affiliates are and where they are from. Here you can

input your name, display name (for contests and more), , address, country,

postal code, account type (personal or company), etc.

On the second tab, you’re allowed to change your password any time that’s

needed. Need to say more?

You’re free to upload a pic of yourself to use it as your avatar and show yourself

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to the community.

Last but not least, the Payment Information. We pay Bi-Weekly (yes, two times a

month) in order to protect the cash flow of both, merchants and affiliates. We,

also, always pay on time. You can choose from two main Payment Methods,

PayPal or Bank Wire.

First, choose the desired Payment Threshold. You can choose $20, $50, $100,

$250 or $500. If your desired method is PayPal, just fill in your PayPal ID. If it is

Wire, you’ll have to fill in other details like account holder name, bank name and

bank account number.

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In the Reports tab, you’ll find a detailed layout of your clicks, sales and leads.

Under the analytics tab, you’ll find a dedicated search for tracking your

progress. Just pick a date and you’ll get a bar chart that shows you

your leads (in blue), sales (in red) and clicks (in yellow).

You can display charts either for days, weeks, months, etc.

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Below the charts, you’ll see a box with a complete report of your earnings of the

date selected. On the first column you’ll see the offer name (Tim bekker lead

program for example), then the Sub-Id (of your choice) and, of course the hops,

unique hops, leads, sales, refunds, commission, etc.

The good thing about this report is that you’re able to see personalized

percentages and earnings. For example, you can see how much money you’ve

made per hop (earnings per hop), your leads and sales conversion rates.

Did you know you can make money referring our programs to others? Yes, now

you can make up to $0.25 per lead your referred partner drive to

Now you can make $0.25 every single time your partner makes money out of


You can check how many referrals you’ve got and how much money you’ve

made under the Referrer List tab.

Start referring partners to CBLeads today and watch your income grow

significantly. Use the following address to refer partners:

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For More info about Referrals, just check out our page here.

Under the payments tab, you’ll find the essential information about

your payments, when were they sent, balance, period, etc. Everything

you need to know about YOUR money will be here.

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Our marketplace is growing bigger and bigger

each and every day. Great offers are being added

on a daily basis which affiliates are seeing great

results with.

Choose from a wide range of categories. Just take

the time and browse our offers to find the one that

suits you the best. But, let’s clarify some acronyms

first that you need to know to take the most

advantage of our offers:

EPH20: Earnings per Hop of Offer’s Top 20

Affiliates. Here you’ll see the average earning per

hop of the 20 affiliates that are making the most

amount of money promoting said offer. It’s a good

reference to have an idea of how much can you

make by promoting it.

AA: Active Affiliates. Number of affiliates that sent over 10 unique hops to the

offer the day before.

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DU. Number of weeks the offer has been in the marketplace.

SUBID. Add a Sub Id to your offer link if you want to track the performance of a

specific offer link. You’ll be able to see a detailed and specific report for that link

in the analytics tab on the reports section.

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As you can see, you can get every detail about the offer right on the

Marketplace. Clickbank Revshare, launch date, Leads and Sales commission

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(of both, yours and referred partners), among others.

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Promo Tools

Every offer comes with its own promo tools, such as:


Swipe Emails


Thank You Page Ads


You can access the promo Tools page of each offer directly through the


The emails are customized with your offer links and are signed with your name

to spare the extra work.

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The image codes are prearranged as well.

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In the news tab, you’ll see every relevant event

regarding our network and affiliates. Successful

launches, contests, leaderboards, etc.

If you need to know it, then it will be there. Stay up-to-

date with the main and most important news you NEED to know to take the

most advantage possible of our network.

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In CBLeads we try our best to engage affiliates with our offers and network. One

of that ways are contests. One of our previous launches, the Make Me a

Millionaire launch, we set up a pretty good contest with up to $5.000 in cash for

the first price.

In the contests section (which you can access from here), there are

the details of the current contest plus the prizes and the real time


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Do you have your own Clickbank product? Do you want to make the

most out of it?

What’s in it for Vendors?

Cbleads allows vendors to add a pay-per-lead (PPL) offer to their Clickbank

offers in just minutes. They will set a specific amount of money that they will pay

to affiliates (like you) per lead they generate. With Cbleads you can make even

$2.40 per lead! Not only that, they are also allowed to add specific bonuses per

sale or download to increase affiliate interest and sales.

With CBLeads, you can also submit your own Clickbank products to be featured

in our marketplace. Why? Cause your product would be in front of the eyes of

our 17000+ experienced affiliates willing to take your product that extra inch it


There are three ways you can do this:

The FREE Listing:

Get your product featured in our marketplace

Product is visible for all CBLeads affiliates

Real Time Hop and Unique Hop Tracking (vs. Clickbank’s 5-6 hour delay)

It’s free

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A Lead Offer

Hungry for leads? More leads never hurt anyone. Open a lead offer on CBleads

and pay per email/name submit. A terrific option if you want to increase the size

of your email list and keep those fresh leads coming in. You choose how much

to pay per lead, complete flexibility.

A Bonus/Sale Offer

Want to stand out from the crowd and blow the competition away? Then give

affiliates an incentive to promote your product. Add a small bonus over

Clickbank’s Revshare and affiliates will be more than happy to promote your


At the My Offers Tab you’ll see a link to contact your affiliate manager in order to

list your product with us.

Submiting your products to CBLeads is the smartest way to go if you want to

make money out of your own product. People respond to incentives, we get that.

So why don’t give affiliates a bonus to go that extra inch for your product?

The Next Step

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After your request for a listing is processed and approved, it’s time for you to

submit your first offer. To do so, go to My Offers tab.

To create a new offer just click on Create

New offer, on the right side of the page.

Adding an Offer

CBLeads gives you fully customization in terms of adding your offers to our

listings. In the offer information column, you’ll be able to create your lead,

bonus/sale offers, or both.

First, you need to choose a category for your product to be listed in. Then you

need to set the offer title and your offer’s URL target location. If you want to set

a preview URL (for example access to a sample) other than the Target URL, fill

in the preview URL. If not, just leave it blank. Then, you also have to choose an

image for your offer.

If you want to create a lead offer, fill in the Lead Commission Tier 1 and Lead

Commission Tier 2. The tier 1 corresponds to the direct price you want to pay

per lead generated. The tier 2 is the price you want to pay per lead generated by

a referral partner of the tier 1.

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To create a Bonus/Sale offer, follow the same process as a lead offer. Just fill in

the Sales Commission Tier 1 and 2 with the bonus you want to give to

affiliates/referrals per sale generated.

Then you must choose your offer type, Clickbank Revshare and Launch Date.

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As an example, I’ll create an offer for our Make me a Millionaire product.

There are other details you have to fill in

for your offer to be complete. First, you

need to choose if you want your offer to be

public or private. Public offers will make

your product available for promotion to

every one of our affiliates, while private

offers are more exclusive, hence they

might attract bigger affiliates.

Then, you must also select the

Clickbank Rev Share of your product

and when you want your offer to be


On the column in the right, you must

choose the country when you want your

lead to be counted. If your offer/product

is based in the UK, then you won’t want

to pay for leads in other countries, right?

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The other necessary info is the description. An extract of the description will be

available in your product listing in the marketplace and the full description will be

available in the View Full Offer Details button, also in the marketplace. You have

a solid HTML customization to make your offer description appealable for our


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After submitting your offer, you’ll see your offer listed under the My Offers tab.

It’ll have a pending status, because it’ll be being reviewed by our affiliate

managers. Once it’s approved, you’ll be able to set up your Offer Budget and

see how much of that budget you’ve used.

You’ll also get a tracking code you’ll have to install in the offer website, for us to

tack both, leads and sales and accurately calculate your budget.

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Creating Affiliate Groups is a very good way to boost your lead or sales offer

performance. Now you can choose a very select group of affiliates and give

them an extra bonus per lead or sale. Not to everyone, but to the affiliates of

your choosing.

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Just click on Create Affiliate Group, choose a group name and select the

affiliates you want to be part of said group. After clicking Submit, the group will

be featured under the Affiliate Groups tab, and eligible for modification.

Whenever you want to create an affiliate offer for a certain group, just select

Private instead of Public, and choose

the affiliate group that’s suitable for

your offer.

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Cbleads: The future of affiliate marketing.

With CBLeads we have come to change affiliate marketing forever. Not only we

are starting a hot trend over the internet, but we are changing the way vendors

relate with affiliates and the way affiliate relate to the products.

The market is constantly changing. Right now, it is being plagued by useless

products every single day. We’ve come to give that market a break. We’ve come

to create a network that cares about affiliates by offering only good products.

We’ve come to make every effort of our affiliates worth it. No more wasted time

promoting bad products and no more wasted money giving away leads to

vendors for free. We now provide the tools vendors and affiliates need to

efficiently succeed online, so no effort is wasted and no money is thrown away.

Things tend to evolve; Darwin called it the Theory of Evolution. Well, this is what

affiliate marketing is evolving into. We are proud that you’ve decided to take

action and become part of this evolution. We are very proud that you are getting

involved with us and our network. We are, also, proud to say that you’ve got

what it takes to take things one step further.

We want to welcome you to CBLeads. It’s the smartest move

you could have made.

The Best of Lucks,

The CBLeads TeamBrought to you by TimBekkerdotcom