stop in the name of norton

Stop in the name of Norton Adam Jackson, Stuart Kiely, Luke Newcomer, Joe Lichty

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Stop in the name of Norton Adam Jackson, Stuart Kiely, Luke Newcomer, Joe Lichty

2. 5. The Importance of Computer and Internet Security (BCGA) Why? Technology is evolving every day and more people are using it for more important things in their life's. We feel that without the knowledge of security, potentially it could be a disaster to your life. E.g. credit card details, Social Security, address etc. 3. OvErViEw Internet Crimes Internet security for your own personal security How viruses come about Preventions of Internet crime and viruses 4. Internet Crimes FRAUD - refers to the use of internet services to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions, or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions or to others connected with the scheme. HACKING many different forms but most common is entering a network which is intended to be private or changing the content of another persons web site. (Adebanjo) 5. Crimes Cont. SCAMS -A typical Internet scam is to put up a bogus Web site which is just a front for criminal activity. Only slightly more sophisticated is the get rich quick site. This offers grants or payments in return for credit card or bank account details. CYBERSTALKING Cyber stalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. (Adebanjo) 6. What is a computer virus and how do you get one? A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. HOW YOU GET A COMPUTER VIRUS One of the most frequent ways of acquiring a computer virus is by booting from an infected diskette Opening files that are shared Downloading off the internet Attachments in emails 7. PREVENTIONS OF INTERNET VIRUSES Always be cautious about opening attachments you receive in an email. Especially if the mail comes from someone you do not know. When you need to distribute a Microsoft Word file to someone, send the RTF (Rich Text Format) file instead. By doing this, you can ensure that you won't be sending an infected file. Change your system's CMOS Setup configuration to prevent it from booting from the diskette drive. Be cautious about the information you provide on the internet Beware of hackers. Download music from secure online programs such as iTunes. (Computer virus information) 8. Internet Security for your own personal use Online Banking Credit Card Information Social Security 9. Internet Security for your own personal use Keeping personal information safe In 2009 over 222 million protected records were exposed Identity theft is when personal information is stolen through the Internet Credit Card information Social Security number Access to online banking (Investigating digital finger prints) (Knight) 10. Norton (Anti-virus) (Kimbo slice vs) 11. Conclusion We feel that security for computers is getting more and more needed due to the development of the internet and accessibility of hacking. Its important to be aware of what you put on your computer and who has access to view it. 12. References About identity theft. (n.d.). Retrieved from Adebanjo, V. (n.d.). Crime on the internet. Retrieved from Computer virus information. (n.d.). Retrieved from Kimbo slice vs caterpillar: security software - ufc fights | norton. (n.d.). Retrieved from Knight, E.. (2010). Investigating digital fingerprints: advanced log analysis. Network Security, 2010(10), 17-20. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2173222451).