storage for the winter - digifind-it. · pdf file•\f v^ol. xvii no. 37.. n,j./thtjksdav-i...

V^OL. XVII NO. 37. . N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u * the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo, Ofant and Sherman October: schools (or the month O»v*laad School Sixth Grad*. {Mr. iJK Uaefeaa* )-A4*lakl* Elixab^h yfato Radut. Elizabeth Peter*. Lol« "-Stoik. trelyn Taylor: loavm Mount. »<Marion J-«ttlt, Effa Marooey. Edwiaa Woo line, Charlwi Ventns. Sixth Untie (Ui» Michaal) -V*r,K>n Conorer, Randolph. thirling, David ttiriM'f .111* ittlwitk | ilafi f*m rii T m •• t-'M|iM* I^AMMHCW ™" AUBBni*•*"' 7 Mai TIT IT Cruikahank. Catherine Damon, Edith «}tiam^rern 51 Berlins Loveland, Myrtle Reed. Seventh Oracle — Catharine Bodii. Joseph Bottler, Kuasel Damon, Gerald turman. Alex Jnsssll. Marshall Llaow- ski, Margaret Low, Edna Montenecomt. Ethel Kadut. Walter Taylor. Elisabeth Thompson, Henrietta Thompson. Eighth tirade—Joy Hansel, KosamomJ Moore, Grace TrI pp. KloreiK-e Fnzer, Ann* Woods, Qeorge Mack, -- Unooln School Grade I -Joseph' Seboltz, ThapOorw McKeown, Tony Pnmniaro, John Del Nero.Louii Clark, Thomas Davis, Frank Carsy. Joseph Abousleman, Sibyl Wal- ton, Cor* Wakensld. Mary liotans, Zet» Ridley, Florence Pendnrf. Uarothy Kreie, Edith OoUnorb. Grade 3A-Georse Packer, Henry Cb» . harme, Jobn .Schulti. Herbert Koake Lawrence Kaff. George Oleason, Helen -.Cox, Theodore Crane, George Cook, ilarteDowdoIl, Francis Kidler*. Grade SB—Herbert Batsod, Charta* Dooley. I'anl ChUg. Lena Colinero. Emma Enlodi. Beatrice airaaon, Gladys Wewer. Grade 4— Marion McumiU. Raymond Luialdi. James Collins, Joseph Welch. Grace Wattou, Halen Behn«rt, Charles Wesighan. Joyce Hoffman. Grade 0_George Abous»lmnan, Irene Casila, Mary Collins, Mabel Uornetle. Charles Cox, James ('ox, Alvin Dar- went. Helen Krdodi, Edward Everott, August Kretuch, Grace Morrli. Georgw ltosandaie. Harriet Sesmaii.tPhihp SJUK own, Rachel Hpencer, Isaac Spurloek, HarotdSUwlo. - Grade 6—ElizabethBuhnert, Marion Buell, Mary Grnbe, Estalla Knapp. Lucille Kreie, Mattie Schlndler, Evolyti Leas. Lonis Kreie, Frank Nelson, Johtf Wuncber, Walter Singer. Qrade 7— Marguerite Ahoossleniaa, Helen Dowdell. Anna McMahoh. Joseph Mann, Helen Morris, Angelina Pendorf. Grade, 8—Alice Comrle.Arthnr Com- ria, Elmore Driver, Gladys Hougbton, Frank Morris. Deborah oluller, Harold Huhtard. Grant Schoo) Kindergarten—Herritt Epwrigbt. Etsa Meder, Milton Stennke, Susan Plumiuer, Edith Kennolly. • ~ S Qnule IA-AKIOO Gates, Mary Doug last. Dorothy Taylor, - Duruthua Gran,. Sally Hay an, Marian McCartlioy, Har- riet VaiiSaan. Florence Sisaon, Hortense Kahl, Dorothy JonM.Klinabuth Kendall. Everett Fay, Leslie Bragdou, Kletcber but on.the vwBlrary.«,*<*'.aSkth^tm of the una intiuits MusJ t^llm}. 1 , . .lii»P»*- om.thny ar« tfbk*«!f«l.»s»i tut i wt« inay iaaiiife*t ivme Ui» miKirtul ami uaivwnat a Liuu - atut ItsUt.b. p. IX \ as anivursull}' sttiulsilito »•» irotii he human team ».\t .v*\*t*2*ae that Ihat trbich iciy borrowed, American i««t di-xmniiKjli^ t«i«<nii he falw anti trtie temmr laid:' ;. '• t ttw ili>*ta | t i none, of d too e l pivMalcon sv Kruier, Jainea Jlaroney, Joteph Ratti, Philip Toinlinwn. Donald Barton, Catharine Park. Grade 8A~Josopb Butlor. Winston Gibson, Thomas Oroenwald, Joan Mon- teneconrt. Jonaph Philp. Rudolph TTTrTinirn Sarah McKee, Carrie Parrot. Mary Hpencer.. Qrado 1A—Gustave Dreyer. Walter Parrot, William Gleason, -Eliml»tb Boyer. Grade 2. Senior Mallory Himnan, Joseph aliilar, George Hichardi, Brad- ley Konencrantz, Harry SiMon. Chester Wood, Elizabeth Anderson, Margaret Blake, Mario Brenner, Elizabeth Crane, Virginia Okkenberg, -Doris Denning, Madeline Harris. Gertrude Landii. Third Grade.Jnnlor—Adolph Plunder", Joliuii Weers, Crintina Pemas, Alan Krazwr, Joseph! Sillwrg. Arthur i'lke, Marion Donahue, Elizabeth CU*e. Ethel Scales, Eleanor Wood, Leonora Jones, I\ Esther Halsey, Ileleu Taylor, Estbor 1 ' Shapiro. Louise Ditzel. Third Grade, Senior-Jobn Bates, Elizabeth Bryant, Marian (loll, Dolores - •" "ilchurd LaBoyteanjt. Sally 1'etors, \ Stokes,|Mitdred Walter. Mildred ', Eleanor Bowie, Florence Dor- Marie Gray, Christian Dryer, Usowski. Virginia Pike, Bolen Tripp, Edna WaUrson. , Fourth Grader-Sarah Aldricb, Mary Clmler, Esther' Bartlott, Katharine Ohadwlck, Barbara, Ooy, Margaret Hedenuerg, MarKaret Jones. Margery Moon, Josephine Ratti, Dorothy Roach, Evelyn Walter! Eleanor Wood, Logon Bertolettc, Winlbrop Hall, Charles Lutz. Bernard Milch, tiafold Miller, Paul Otto. Robert Philp, Gwynnei "Prower, James Wood), Ralph Bonsai!.' Fifth'Qrado—George Aldrich. Lillian Avery, Margaret Addoma.' Dorothy Adams, Mary Brown, Winchester Brit- ton, Jack Babcock, Charlotte Cox, Noel Wood. Marston Millar. William Payne, Edna McKusick, Leonard Richards, Alston Rogers, Viola Kabl, Donald Robinson. Malcolm Waroock, Helen Wood, Edwarf-Monttuecoutt, Florenco Shernian School * • Kindergarten-'PatsT Barbarnlo.Mary Weir, Timothy .Oox, George Williams. Walter Wewer, Elizabeth Cox, Hilda OolUnk, ' Grade 1—Wallace Nelson, Herbert Muller, Clifford Vroom r Joe Wamntki, Robert 'Neary, August Saner. John Pelnsio. LMaora Barbarulo, Hawell Fanbton-, Tbomon Hardman. Clara , Suale. Katharine Jahn, Helen Webs. ; Grade 2B—Howard Hermes, Josepb- ' be Pendorf, Edward Kiratinos, Herbert , Croft. ElUabeth Kobiwon, Sadie Boshan. Josephine Valentl. Grace > Ckuks, Marion Tariow. Anna Wesighan, Baodolph Kirkman. Emannal Roatet, iri £ Grade 1A—Harold Sullivan, Martin |M7en,GearceX>uhhw, Teresas. Maaaa. A Uture em C%a*»tmSEMSM, ii«orK« Shaw OuhvC. S. IS tte ftiara a* t**«iww»&ij» «T Tb» Itmbrt ObuRrb. the. : ByHAROLI)^MAC GRATII iVsaeu-,"lautx Ttan&kf t ntutraimt fiwm Sanw to ttu I'htu*, Drama *# ttm * Af to- «*• T*a»»oBj.,r u not. pursue*! it. m mestat «btitwnw by the »nditnlitt! wiih luui. o»r more, than t«> \a»»h*r. H one tu hjve it 4.<«» not t< anog it w«klth .or trae *alMta&ai u i.jt only uni«0riui. but iaLh**t£.if,'l\v one Hi puaann it J<«* c-t ttik-i- *j niciumry, ur |»»wj|il... thai ••ibr-ci ••iix.aU tc- de- prived of it '. Etea ta i*sl* npenmce i *sj) tronj. » peutif k.*m*a point »f view,' thai ibtor -iiUilit* Wdun are iD!« Norton knew •sU mait they »oulj not h*tltal» to •(•cuts a melodramatic plan of:,tht« ch*r»ci«r. It was ths wsyof ib* slay; tfesy had to mak* rrlsie sboormul In ordar to <tajor it. Th«y ouulJ vary »«11 fcsT* knuckvtf him on tha hetd tkea and th«r» sad bs.ra don* with htOL Hut the tmie u»«d la voiiviitliig him lo ta» rsilrosd mtglit imn« tils N'r»fly "tour bour> h») sloe* th» innjitu 1>f tii« trl«- *rsm, ta-Jeae«. % Tbey bound yiot»tic» »nd luft h«r seated tn ths chair. A*tuyn tiny <r«re (t>a» «h» rulled to theflour,ghs was stils to right herself to hor kusss. and aflsr a torturous flvn m!nutM chsd ths flrsplsc*. 8hs burnt btr sad •wrtsts,. but the tisi» was (""Wrt^ht, tut, tr iianuM MMUtaik) »sll that tf n»*3 I CMAPTEH XII. A <3!|'*>'€B*«ty, (f j^u pi****; of ullurav-'a tn j<rr*or* andk ttrrr rap*. of fulJiaic «iiU, ullMi,( (dbnni stiil J(' n-r»e >>'tv(*tiUy;.i>f cutters,. s&<] blunt- BUS« *c!tuout>r«, anil tr»tiij>». irati'tss atlj tt>;tM. KOIIIB (it (ll.'iu iuiliMl. auliia u( tht hi kha<lv. >ni| kulUB uf ttirm til rstfj ,>f th« Hmi u.4|.r "wtin ihtt tmt ISttd it ii*<'s««r) tt> linliti «Uill lh» •lull auj todtn tu<i.«««» »iv dottvil *'tic« .i=MJs(irritn* intircbaut, run duwii ut tDf.* tit>«:l., who »:iiiikft ailing t!t^taul^* *tt**ts, ••tiaiHjMl tij m»<!t tlitiss liu ksaw In the |>a»s. You u«««r bear them iiii!iill.'in>0 |ti th» ittarltltno n«*i, *hlth Is tht, > e(H;l«iy.toluron at tine To Young Mai and Women , <g*ilih-i* ,.-...-t-. lilt. -wtio •»"•«. .1! I jlirl jj^itjl I* <>tti umvUticeS. Kour .ami >l*t«ft fmuj ||>« >|«r von KII s.-.-oimt at this batik !'•-•.it t'«»l«t. f.•&>.»»r« CKANFOkD TRU5T COHPANY N. J. Christ Jesaa, niveriul nature.,( g,**l the «<>n of (• with all K iat m.ulkind n«Hi* f.*«S u>i muutssat. ut in (onntiflK tt»» t r « » » y !.i(inj ullieirnt fur teraporjl i^»ii» tor d ye firs'- th» iii&jp&fa <-( <t*l. u>d h iliult addiki unfa» f»m..' \. XI.) lti|{ht thinfctrtg fe»»gffli f ttlmnil*n«rft bxl{»y"i» Msinrtj- a wo tboiimind «wnv«r, to ot say to «eelc tlr-tt th>* x, nfrdom of (iod nooiil 1>»jK&Ani jy ait to make th» prop«r oen tha b>rn£t Chnat i ton consider tcewr 6itE3a» ** nonyiniiiu, wbe rs. Eddy piiint* «a nierl.-" Cbrnt «- th!» hico in alt p»are<l In it* [x'rf id&al. in Utiria£ Jesus. mt nndentood igsirknem and iui v • aj'shower and EtHmjfejjTfc«r mintV|»4. If we art) to heli>!v«; inai* Aught, that Jesus »n» 4 '.iaA. &#** we nast also believe, that Uu>£ »aa, tern uf ilary. that Utid. wn ' t»mso«ii iS the ] !ovil"(Matt. iv.'tj, tbas : C«*S sKS«ral, ( j, Oethsemane. that tjoii w*»ii«tta z»a as resurrected. ' Vet cbnevtast JfC»r- ly be affirmed concernnnj t»i«i sdT v » j accept the Scriptarai p i r ™ t ™ ' Ui*l He is eternal LUf», ..tiuit fir "TTKCUUI 1* pd with evil" ! Jantm* ». ER) u»d :hat He » inOnite. umnaa&tte ii -•a SUBM, YOU •oum.-. She wus ivhicb art in heaven, HiEiiwttS 34y I lame." ( .Vis'hi nfav-| mg to himself? Agaia bm van* an ttaeg nmb of Lazart», "Father, t t&si* S3»e bat'tbou hast beartt anr." . It.) Was be givijrg t s a a b tod inspeaking of tsBaran Sac hai «sid This sickness is anC tcsft^. ^rr^fr 1 Inxt >r the glory of GodV taat t&e SOB Uf God might be slorined cSacsfty. ~ Is « not plain that JesanAiveerWKN! tam self as God, bttfhebww ist bis trae. spiritual natore he waa tite 3<aa of tiad, and that his deinu&stzalif^t cf t&a pus- erlaMness of sisv disease y^ft .*«>•<••*, wit& Chrtitian Scienee Jones arrlTed with h&lf s doten poiUca&rea. Vroon alo&i? exca^ed- Th* bailer caasht Florusct lr. hi* anas asd nearly crashed ike breath cut of her. And thf was so glad to aea him that sh« kissed him half a dozen times. What If bet-was her tether's tutlerl. He was brava sod cried. "Lookatmy wnistit" Th« bnt- }ar OA act, asd kisssd them tenderly. "And i saved aim." - J fiw"- J "»" - ''rf "nt a Itiinti firr shoolder. "When the Cms inderstandug of th» brae aa&sa^ God, and of man as Hi» t~* ~ thermore, it requires tiJ* and right living. Sods t _ the lessening of «iB ant (Saaase. Tha the practical atoa Eddy refers as the- man's unity with Gsd.~> Skamaftaaa Health, pri - f ] cotces sad my matter* enemies srs ' \ «os!oB&d«d BB( slwtiys tha rooks, ! nerer Uw tawks. 'd*~w« catch. Oo4 ji&ssyoa Norton! I Son T t kiiow voal I i M b dn witht " ftirinrinn J nw-n'Vmis *•>- , pj thaVfar co- other war realiza the f oil imp&rt of wiasa tea* mistakenly regardat M t4* f CbC J t tonement of Christ was in' Cast the fwi**, stration of man's iC^ms-aiesSwiia Gad, and this rendering o* th» monfisnotaseifby " 6y as the eocTecttiaaalBtteav t . » L»TB dOD« oithcul you" ,. "Wiies s chap'Sjis iors," besjta Nor- tom, ecbarrssnedly, - "I knew, 1 kc«w,~ Internipted Jonas, "The ssf nn i< r«U«f_trala Is' Vsiting. list oa harry" hack. 1 s£E'a't' fini s«- OD» tffl w« ar* otc* more In tha So, m ia ana. the tsre« of them tntt emm tte tracks to tha has4 bn««bt the police tot tlt# i/co benutd chtrt dwfcoooat•( tte am. only by the blsacbsd boast of thsta, •trewo along the toast. You who craVa adrtonturea oa hl«h •eas, you purcbasa a ticket, a iteainsr chair, and a couple of popular novel*. l<> an board U>the blare uf a »«ry Utdiflereut br*» band, sad b>;il«v* you sre adfeuturluii. nh«n, >B a uisttHroC fact, you tiru utout la stand a dull *«k orfortijlKht. qn;. «, ««l«r l;ol«l, bugle's call to Uisals or th« dltcovery of a card sharp In the ttnokltig room. Take a real ihlp, «o as iup«rc»r«o, to the South ness, uke the tlto slr««ta of ths oceaa, and learn what It cui 4o wJth burrtcaAjs.tyj/tooos, bllsMr- lu» c'alnu. aid ariii'f souls. Toer« will bo advsaiure *nou»h thsu, U you ar» a weakilog, slthcr you m% mad* Itrong, or you die. An honest ship, bat'nu down at the ha;l. rode st »nclior In the sound, a' foarth-rater of ths'hookvr breed; tbat !>, !<sr principal line of Ifoslosss. •as haaJlag barges op sad dowa Uw atwaL. When she could apt pick up •noagh birges to maka It pay, wty. aHfd «a ttatvuting *7wn to Cvfeafor kalas of tobacco or tvan totat Bar- ji^^iyi tit tha bsavaa aflsattiaa ^ytjav Today abs was aa oeiaa ahlp; wM*, idea of advesMn. was ahmt fosr Uumssad too*, aatf few. glass wara steraward and sot agOdshlp. IUM earrl«4 two OtttteMaioBja^*, NEW YORK TE'LEI'lIONECO- Which Way Do You Buy -Over the Counter or Over the Telephone?' T HE nuxtern way (ohuy.antt that iiifain |lie ea«i«it ttiltl iiuiit tat iifin tury wi»y, 1$ by tetophon*. CWttea there is i.Japruioeiii th* h»m«, with ail the »torc» withlo arm'* reach, fatisulnu and tiro*, waiting .hopping trTn. un- known. The liotiMwlfe oicrvly tuma to her telephone and orden hw houwholil nupftUn quickly. t* and tati-fiictorily. Can Iwr tiw csHy- tekpboae w«jr your home/ ***••»<*** -f** JI. J. Storage for the Winter AUTOMOBILES and CANOE5. v - l-arxe Si« l>rcst-o Lite Tajik and Cart The J. R. See Garage, Not. 2 'NORIM AVfNUC. West. here, you can alwat;* r»t/ ya BP to tbs mil pqrlty. Our ilairr trf form hi imoantf. muS j-im Hud that dsing our prt*ia>rt!» » t b * ind of b«a|th Cranford Dairy, CHARLES GRIMM. RariUua VaJIay Faraa» Imporur oi IBgk "l mm .318 Kortt AtMMv £iact G7J. WENKE, 'HiHXMsor iJUIsr * Nick) 5 Eastman Street. Fresh Fruits Vegetables KVERYTHINQ THE nARKBT Af FOU05 OP THE BEST •". OUALITV. 3«rvk«ajiit Courtaou* ttmtmmt . G. JrWENKE S eastauui stnat ; ETA. PRICE NOW IS THE TIME TO Paint Your Can. Fortl C4r» Painted S15 Up E. A. PRICE So. .— >. , - T - , —.-cr I - - •

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Page 1: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,



' The following u * the honor roll* If,the Cfetetand. UncoJo, Ofant andShermanOctober:

schools (or the month

O»v*laad SchoolSixth Grad*. {Mr.i J K Uaefeaa*

)-A4*lakl*Elixab^hyfatoRadut. Elizabeth Peter*. Lol« "-Stoik.

trelyn Taylor: loavm Mount. »<MarionJ-«ttlt, Effa Marooey. Edwiaa Wooline, Charlwi Ventns.

Sixth Untie (Ui» Michaal) -V*r,K>nConorer, Randolph. thirling, DavidttiriM'f .111* ittlwitk | ilafi f*m r i i T m ••

t - 'M| iM* I ^ A M M H C W ™" AUBBni* •*"' 7 Mai TIT ITCruikahank. Catherine Damon, Edith« } t i a m ^ r e r n

' •- 5 1

f a

Berlins Loveland, Myrtle Reed.Seventh Oracle — Catharine Bodii.

Joseph Bottler, Kuasel Damon, Geraldturman. Alex Jnsssll. Marshall Llaow-ski, Margaret Low, Edna Montenecomt.Ethel Kadut. Walter Taylor. ElisabethThompson, Henrietta Thompson.

Eighth tirade—Joy Hansel, KosamomJMoore, Grace Tr I pp. KloreiK-e Fnzer,Ann* Woods, Qeorge Mack,

-- Unooln SchoolGrade I -Joseph' Seboltz, ThapOorw

McKeown, Tony Pnmniaro, John DelNero.Louii Clark, Thomas Davis, FrankCarsy. Joseph Abousleman, Sibyl Wal-ton, Cor* Wakensld. Mary liotans, Zet»Ridley, Florence Pendnrf. UarothyKreie, Edith OoUnorb.Grade 3A-Georse Packer, Henry Cb»

. harme, Jobn .Schulti. Herbert KoakeLawrence Kaff. George Oleason, Helen

-.Cox, Theodore Crane, George Cook,ilarteDowdoIl, Francis Kidler*.

Grade SB—Herbert Batsod, Charta*Dooley. I'anl ChUg. Lena Colinero.Emma Enlodi. Beatrice airaaon, GladysWewer.

Grade 4— Marion McumiU. RaymondLuialdi. James Collins, Joseph Welch.Grace Wattou, Halen Behn«rt, CharlesWesighan. Joyce Hoffman.

Grade 0_George Abous»lmnan, IreneCasila, Mary Collins, Mabel Uornetle.Charles Cox, James ('ox, Alvin Dar-went. Helen Krdodi, Edward Everott,August Kretuch, Grace Morrli. Georgwltosandaie. Harriet Sesmaii.tPhihp SJUKown, Rachel Hpencer, Isaac Spurloek,HarotdSUwlo.

- Grade 6—ElizabethBuhnert, MarionBuell, Mary Grnbe, Estalla Knapp.Lucille Kreie, Mattie Schlndler, EvolytiLeas. Lonis Kreie, Frank Nelson, JohtfWuncber, Walter Singer.

Qrade 7— Marguerite Ahoossleniaa,Helen Dowdell. Anna McMahoh. JosephMann, Helen Morris, Angelina Pendorf.

Grade, 8—Alice Comrle.Arthnr Com-ria, Elmore Driver, Gladys Hougbton,Frank Morris. Deborah oluller, HaroldHuhtard.

Grant Schoo)Kindergarten—Herritt Epwrigbt. Etsa

Meder, Milton Stennke, Susan Plumiuer,Edith Kennolly. • ~ S

Qnule IA-AKIOO Gates, Mary Douglast. Dorothy Taylor, - Duruthua Gran,.Sally Hay an, Marian McCartlioy, Har-riet VaiiSaan. Florence Sisaon, HortenseKahl, Dorothy JonM.Klinabuth Kendall.Everett Fay, Leslie Bragdou, Kletcber

but on. the vwBlrary.«,*<*'.aSkth^tm ofthe una intiuits MusJ t^llm}.1, . .lii»P»*-om.thny ar« tfbk*«!f«l.»s»i t u t iwt«


iaaiiife*tivme Ui»

miKirtul ami uaivwnat aLiuu - atutItsUt.b. p. IX \

as anivursull}' sttiulsilito »•» irotiihe human team ».\t .v*\*t*2*ae

thatIhat trbich iciyborrowed,American i««t di-xmniiKjli^ t«i«<niihe falw anti trtie temmr

laid:' ;. '•t ttw ili>*ta t»| t i none, of d too e


p i v M a l c o n svKruier, Jainea Jlaroney, Joteph Ratti,Philip Toinlinwn. Donald Barton,Catharine Park.

Grade 8A~Josopb Butlor. WinstonGibson, Thomas Oroenwald, Joan Mon-teneconrt. Jonaph Philp. Rudolph

T T T r T i n i r nSarah McKee, Carrie Parrot. MaryHpencer..

Qrado 1A—Gustave Dreyer. WalterParrot, William Gleason, -Eliml»tbBoyer.

Grade 2. Senior — Mallory Himnan,Joseph aliilar, George Hichardi, Brad-ley Konencrantz, Harry SiMon. ChesterWood, Elizabeth Anderson, MargaretBlake, Mario Brenner, Elizabeth Crane,Virginia Okkenberg, -Doris Denning,Madeline Harris. Gertrude Landii.

Third Grade.Jnnlor—Adolph Plunder",Joliuii Weers, Crintina Pemas, AlanKrazwr, Joseph! Sillwrg. Arthur i'lke,Marion Donahue, Elizabeth CU*e. EthelScales, Eleanor Wood, Leonora Jones,

I\ Esther Halsey, Ileleu Taylor, Estbor1 ' Shapiro. Louise Ditzel.

Third Grade, Senior-Jobn Bates,Elizabeth Bryant, Marian (loll, Dolores- •" "ilchurd LaBoyteanjt. Sally 1'etors,

\ Stokes,|Mitdred Walter. Mildred', Eleanor Bowie, Florence Dor-

Marie Gray, Christian Dryer,Usowski. Virginia Pike,

Bolen Tripp, Edna WaUrson. ,Fourth Grader-Sarah Aldricb, Mary

Clmler, Esther' Bartlott, KatharineOhadwlck, Barbara, Ooy, MargaretHedenuerg, MarKaret Jones. MargeryMoon, Josephine Ratti, Dorothy Roach,Evelyn Walter! Eleanor Wood, LogonBertolettc, Winlbrop Hall, Charles Lutz.Bernard Milch, tiafold Miller, PaulOtto. Robert Philp, Gwynnei "Prower,James Wood), Ralph Bonsai!.'

Fifth'Qrado—George Aldrich. LillianA very, Margaret Addoma.' DorothyAdams, Mary Brown, Winchester Brit-ton, Jack Babcock, Charlotte Cox, NoelWood. Marston Millar. William Payne,Edna McKusick, Leonard Richards,Alston Rogers, Viola Kabl, DonaldRobinson. Malcolm Waroock, HelenWood, Edwarf-Monttuecoutt, Florenco

Shernian School * •Kindergarten-'PatsT Barbarnlo.Mary

Weir, Timothy .Oox, George Williams.Walter Wewer, Elizabeth Cox, HildaOolUnk,

' Grade 1—Wallace Nelson, HerbertMuller, Clifford Vroomr Joe Wamntki,Robert 'Neary, August Saner. JohnPelnsio. LMaora Barbarulo, HawellFanbton-, Tbomon Hardman. Clara

, Suale. Katharine Jahn, Helen Webs.; Grade 2B—Howard Hermes, Josepb-' b e Pendorf, Edward Kiratinos, Herbert, Croft. ElUabeth Kobiwon, Sadie

Boshan. Josephine Valentl. Grace> Ckuks, Marion Tariow. Anna Wesighan,

Baodolph Kirkman. Emannal Roatet,iri

£ Grade 1A— Harold Sullivan, Martin|M7en,GearceX>uhhw, Teresas. Maaaa.

A U t u r e em C%a*»tm SEMSM,

ii«orK« Shaw OuhvC. S. IStte ftiara a* t**«iww»&ij» «T Tb» ItmbrtObuRrb. the. :

ByHAROLI)^MAC GRATIIiVsaeu-," lautx Ttan&kf t

ntutraimt fiwm S a n w to ttu I'htu*, Drama *# ttm* Af to- «*• T*a»»oBj.,ru not. pursue*! it. m

mestat «btitwnw

by the »nditnlitt!wiih luui. o»rmore, than t«> \a»»h*r. H

one tu hjve it 4.<«» not t<anog w«klth .or trae *alMta&ai u i.jt

only uni«0riui. but iaLh**t£.if,'l\v oneHi puaann it J<«* c-t ttik-i- *j niciumry,ur |»»wj|il... thai ••ibr-ci ••iix.aU tc- de-prived of it '. Etea ta i*sl* npenmce

i *sj) tronj. » peutif k.*m*a point»f view,' thai ibtor -iiUilit* W dun

are iD!«

Norton knew•sU mait they »oulj not h*tltal» to•(•cuts a melodramatic plan of:,tht«ch*r»ci«r. It was ths wsyof ib* slay;tfesy had to mak* rrlsie sboormul Inordar to <tajor it. Th«y ouulJ vary»«11 fcsT* knuckvtf him on tha hetdtkea and th«r» sad bs.ra don* withhtOL Hut the tmie u»«d la voiiviitliighim lo ta» rsilrosd mtglit imn« tils

N'r»fly "tour bour> h»)sloe* th» innjitu 1>f tii« trl«-

*rsm, ta-Jeae«.% Tbey bound yiot»tic» »nd luft h«rseated tn ths chair. A* tuyn n» tiny<r«re (t>a» «h» rulled to the flour, ghswas stils to right herself to hor kusss.and aflsr a torturous flvn m!nutM

chsd ths flrsplsc*. 8hs burnt btrsad •wrtsts,. but the tisi» was

(""Wrt^ht, tut, tr iianuM MMUtaik)

»sll that tf n»*3 I CMAPTEH XII.

A <3!|'*>'€B*«ty, (f j^u pi****; ofullurav-'a tn j<rr*or* andk ttrrr rap*.of fulJiaic «i iU, ullMi,( ( d b n n i stiil J('n-r»e >>'tv(*tiUy;.i>f cutters,. s&<] blunt-BUS« *c!tuout>r«, anil tr»tiij>». irati'tssatlj tt>;tM. KOIIIB (it (ll.'iu iuiliMl. auliiau( tht hi kha<lv. >ni| kulUB uf ttirm tilrs t f j ,>f th« Hmi u.4|.r "wtin ihtt tmtISttd it ii*<'s««r) tt> linliti «Uill lh»• l u l l auj todtn tu<i.«««» »iv dottvil

*'tic« .i=MJs(irritn* intircbaut, run duwiiut tDf.* tit>«:l., who »:iiiikft ailing t!t^ taul **tt**ts, ••tiaiHjMl tij m»<!t tlitiss liuksaw In the |>a»s. You u«««r bearthem iiii!iill.'in>0 |ti th» ittarltltno n«*i,*h l th Is tht,>e(H;l«iy.toluron at tine

To Young Mai and Women

, <g*ilih-i*,.-...-t-.



.1! I

j l i r l jj^itj l I* <>tti umvUticeS. Kour.ami >l*t«ft fmuj ||>« >|«r von

KII s.-.-oimt at this batik!'•-•.it t'«»l«t. f.•&>.»»r«


Christ Jesaa,niveriul nature.,( g,**l

the «<>n of (•with all K

iat m.ulkind n«Hi* f.*«S u>i muutssat.ut in (onntiflK tt»» t r « » » y ! . i ( inj

ullieirnt fur teraporjl i^»ii» tor dye firs'- th» iii&jp&fa <-( <t*l. u>dh

iliult b» addiki unfa» f»m..'\. XI.) lti|{ht thinfctrtg fe»»gfflif ttlmnil*n«rft bxl{»y"i» Msinrtj- awo tboiimind«wnv«r, toot say to «eelc tlr-tt th>* x ,nfrdom of (iod nooiil 1>» jK&Ani

j yait to make th» prop«r

oen tha b>rn£t Chnat iton consider tcewr 6itE3a» **nonyiniiiu, wbers. Eddy piiint* « a

nierl.-" Cbrnt « - th!»

hicoin alt

p»are<l In it* [x'rfid&al. in Utiria£ Jesus.

mt nndentood

igsirknem and iuiv

• aj'shower and EtHmjfejjTfc«r mintV|»4.

If we art) to heli>!v«; a» inai*Aught, that Jesus »n» 4'.iaA. &#** wenast also believe, that Uu>£ »aa, tern ufilary. that Utid. w n ' t»mso«ii iS the ]!ovil"(Matt. iv.'tj, tbas :C«*S sKS«ral,( j ,

Oethsemane. that tjoii w*»ii«tta z»aas resurrected. ' Vet cbnevtast JfC»r-ly be affirmed concernnnj t»i«i sdT v» j

accept the Scriptarai p ir™t™' Ui*lHe is eternal LUf», ..tiuit fir "TTKCUUI 1*

p d with evil" ! Jantm* ». ER) u»d:hat He » inOnite. umnaa&tte i i - • a S U B M , YOU •oum.-.

She wusivhicb art in heaven, HiEiiwttS 5» 34y Ilame." ( . V i s ' h i nfav-|mg to himself? Agaia bm van* an ttaegnmb of Lazart», "Father, t t&si* S3»ebat'tbou hast beartt anr." .It.) Was be givijrg t s a a b s»tod in speaking of tsBaran Sac hai «sidThis sickness is anC tcsft . rr fr1 Inxt>r the glory of GodV taat t&e SOB Uf

God might be slorined cSacsfty. ~ Is «not plain that JesanAiveerWKN! tamself as God, bttfhebww ist bis trae.spiritual natore he waa tite 3<aa of tiad,and that his deinu&stzalif^t cf t&a pus-erlaMness of sisv disease y ft .*«>•<••*, wit&

Chrtitian Scienee

Jones arrlTed with h&lf s dotenpoiUca&rea. • Vroon alo&i? exca^ed-

Th* bailer caasht Florusct lr. hi*anas asd nearly crashed ike breathcut of her. And thf was so glad toaea him that sh« kissed him half adozen times. What If bet-was hertether's tutlerl. He was brava sod

cried. "Lookatmy wnistit" Th« bnt-}ar OA act, asd kisssd them tenderly."And i saved aim."-Jf iw"-J"»" - ' 'rf "nt a Itiinti firr

shoolder. "When the Cms

inderstandug of th» brae aa&sa^God, and of man as Hi» t~* ~thermore, it requires tiJ*

and right living. Sods t _the lessening of «iB ant (Saaase. Thathe practical atoa

Eddy refers as the-man's unity with Gsd.~> SkamaftaaaHealth, pri -

f ] cotces sad my matter* enemies srs' \ «os!oB&d«d BB( slwtiys tha rooks,! nerer Uw tawks. 'd*~w« catch. Oo4j i & s s y o a Norton! I SonTt kiiow voal

I i M b d n w i t h t "

ftirinrinn Jnw-n'Vmis *•>-, pjthaVfar co- other war

realiza the f oil imp&rt of wiasa tea*mistakenly regardat M t4*

f C b C J ttonement of Christwas in' Cast the fwi**,stration of man's iC^ms-aiesSwiia Gad,and this rendering o* th»monfisnotaseifby

" 6yas the eocTecttiaaalBtteav t

. » •

L»TB dOD« oithcul you",. "Wiies s chap'Sjis iors," besjta Nor-

tom, ecbarrssnedly, -"I knew, 1 kc«w,~ Internipted Jonas,

"The ssf nn i< r«U«f_trala Is' Vsiting.list oa harry" hack. 1 s£E'a't' fini s«-O D » tffl w« ar* otc* more In tha

So, m ia ana. the tsre« of themtntt emm tte tracks to tha has4

bn««bt the policetot tlt# i/co benutd chtrt

j » dw fcoooat •( tte am.

only by the blsacbsd boast of thsta,•trewo along the toast.

You who craVa adrtonturea oa hl«h•eas, you purcbasa a ticket, a iteainsrchair, and a couple of popular novel*.l<> an board U> the blare uf a »«ryUtdiflereut br*» band, sad b>;il«v* yousre adfeuturluii. nh«n, >B a uisttHroCfact, you tiru utout la stand a dull* « k or fortijlKht. qn;. «, ««l«r l;ol«l,

bugle's call to Uisals or th« dltcoveryof a card sharp In the ttnokltig room.Take a real ihlp, «o as iup«rc»r«o, tothe South ness, uke the tlto slr««taof ths oceaa, and learn what It cui4o wJth burrtcaAjs.tyj/tooos, bllsMr-lu» c'alnu. aid ariii'f souls. Toer« willbo advsaiure *nou»h thsu, U you ar»a weakilog, slthcr you m% mad*Itrong, or you die.

An honest ship, bat'nu down atthe ha;l. rode st »nclior In the sound,a' foarth-rater of ths'hookvr breed;tbat !>, !<sr principal line of Ifoslosss.•as haaJlag barges op sad dowa UwatwaL. When she could apt pick up•noagh birges to maka It pay, wty.aHfd «a ttatvuting *7wn to Cvfeaforkalas of tobacco or tvan to tat Bar-ji^^iyi tit tha bsavaa aflsattiaa ^ytjav

Today abs was aa oeiaa ahlp; wM*,idea of advesMn.

was ahmt fosr Uumssad too*, aatf wara steraward and sot

agOdshlp. IUM earrl«4 twoOtttteMaioBja^*,


Which Way DoYou Buy -Over theCounter or Overthe Telephone?'

THE nuxtern way (ohuy.anttthat iiifain |lie ea«i«it ttiltliiuiit tat iifin tury wi»y, 1$ by

tetophon*.CWttea there is • i.Japruioeiii th*h»m«, with ail the »torc» withloarm'* reach, fatisulnu and tiro*,waiting .hopping trTn. u « un-known. The liotiMwlfe oicrvlytuma to her telephone and ordenhw houwholil nupftUn quickly.

t* and tati-fiictorily. CanIwr tiw csHy- tekpboae w«jr

your home/***••»<***

- f * *

JI. J.

Storage for the WinterAUTOMOBILES and CANOE5.

v- l-arxe S i « l>rcst-o Lite Tajikand Cart

The J. R. See Garage,Not. 2 'NORIM AVfNUC. West.

here, you can alwat;* r»t/ yaBP to tbsmil pqrlty.

Our ilairrtrf form hi imoantf. muS j-im

Hud that dsing our prt*ia>rt!» » t b *ind of b«a|th

Cranford Dairy,CHARLES GRIMM.

RariUua VaJIay Faraa»Imporur oi IBgk

"l mm.318 Kortt AtMMv £iact

G7J. WENKE,'HiHXMsor t» iJUIsr * Nick)

5 Eastman Street.

Fresh Fruits




Courtaou* ttmtmmt .

G. JrWENKES eastauui stnat ;


Paint Your Can.Fortl C4r» Painted

S15 Up


.— >. , - T - , —.-cr I - - •

Page 2: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,


„>..-«.. , J

Such Is War In AH Its Horrors j-wiVr tbo«*'^Jfl-otnlftf GcfiDUM ar* j w *

| ^ my &«««,*• ft* Mid. "andS»«$ tiff Into lu# w*«S« like » fix,

- my wny t» m y bott**. !»ISS*d utf*lf<? »i«d wrapped up a f*w I*-

&hg* in d bur*c riisr W« h a d *iii;i*e« *-f a'lvwttiif*-*.

V%> f-i/akl n«t «H lnt» I'nrSJ, »» « «ve nr •!ili-l it to' make our war to


;SI"D o fa*-SCORE


World i* / • • ' • • ' ' '

. ...1


• . . i' i

*-lMurphy *»r» U » « B

inair' JittrjiAf. Oarii-li I limn. up- a t !

l !«-ilrvr I OTSiM, butI it a try jutae1 day.I "if a fiui thUds* Iwll player

. • - -

u N

i w ficreiJiU".' MIM O»*

# Llit* [

wr'.tr* Waller £ ££*s««-«» to the !*«<£ j tptiae bet

«la, SJ nr' tafco* off hl»' floifonn. after am ' " — * . I I i _ * . i A &> A ^ > t • * a * ^>*k«A

n 'II!i

'.^'tjtlp around U'.ht !*•&•!, i f'lii ll**f*inn- trulflwf. aii'l 1 mvr In ! tin* CuJtm>zrt<U- thV road n tew <|»z*n t Iiio>ili>m with Maxim* fthowliiir towlu nu re

; «r *»j.a*"iiy H I P



History Has Repeated Itself, andEvery Grim Tale Received FromEurope's Gory Battlefields HasBeen Told In Other Years.Reading These Incidents of theGreat Modern Struggle of Na-tions You View In AwesomeClarity War In All Its Phases.

PAHAOIIAl'llH In !li» iiew« fnunKuroiw'* ntviiA vt bnttlo Imbue(lie ri'fljrr with a rlvlil teniw »twhat *ucli a trrrlblr war rm-nm.

Tiinw uttlo ftorlti*, m> iiumcruui in tdai1I*|nit('bmi from (lip K'lio of in'tltm, rn-rvunt lii»tnucp« of ilaiintlmstlic fneo of shut nmt otii-ll amililiir mill trnijlr InrlilciilK

The 1-opdmi Imlly Tflcitrnpli nciulutlili vlvlj lilrliin- of llm liultlf of theAlmie::.- "Tu tlif Bl»««l)y flelils BlwUt 1'nl'IpiUI r.Hiiif, thmuiili th» htiuntlnic horrorot>f iiion lu gray nml tilm> Ijrluu on tin'niAiltlili1. Out> ninu won kmvllug wltll

-ltl* tlflu uu tbu *hat(«'r<«»l ntuiuvj uf ittclcgnipli pulv. Ho uil£ht have juitmi;bti>d tho t'lifmy, but !li« flugvr <>ntin- trlKKrr ntrn atlff uutl mlil, nmlttiruUKli tlif lirow of tlio nuldliT was aUny hyl*. .

I'- i

THE TRAIL OF DEATH"Ilrra tm tliu «IO|>1IIB |>laln tlipy f

thi> bntivrlM. Vuu ran trace thvpnt l iof HID men who f« l tlii>.liatt%TlM. '1'twy.tmve blatwl tin- triill with thulr IIIIKMI.1'oii Viiu M>S' wliipf»"i'lii<"miimiiiiHloir,V»I;OIIH wii l l iJ In tiiu ivnr. mid wlu'r><tlu> hunn's »tuiii|icd wltti Impatlfiit

"Ami the mnim-rn, tin' nion whofinilllit BluuiiK" fluiuo miiV thiiiidrr Inn hurricniu> uf U>ad sud «Ui-l nlinr<l<,

y o u ,«!» »w>, .wtictjo. tlu-y Kttmtl !»('•hludj lliU t'lirlliiMi ^\»lt; wlirro tlieyIUPIHUHI the nlmtU-tvd ]uirii|<«>t wtlli*l»t!iit f u n * ; where they totik coverIn B cnvo tlUK l» (he K.IIIO of \hv v\u-(ilacvtui'iit wlirn niiHWrtlni; mum ImdBut thi* rnueo nli'l luniriM VI|MU tlii'inII lU-Sdly tliuwtr. Mruii i id gum tiuv(>Cuuv, tho broad flcKU ">>' ulliul, t)i>-«ttrtixl, Biiil all tho iMiiiiliu-cnuMit^ nrvI'Uipty t'Jl'i'pt twil. Ullllhll-il liK»lll-ltho «r»y nUy nrv llu> nki'lrli'ti.i of cuii*.Tht>rv V> alwuVH t>ouu> Blnif.i;.' altmo-tialx nlwut a K»II Unit hiii Int'ir wouiul-• d In battle, i t Ii like n Imimiii )>vli>K>I t wild l la' muni' wllli lln'-v ticruniiiKUIu. I fell us If I fli-«v>t iH'fw.! iiti'iiWho litlit follcllt Ilko III-HK1*. \\Uo h/ldt«M>U nun-ly nuiindi-d mid loft L>U thubattlenvld."

THH NEXT MINUTE. DEATH!"Hero, one autoug ti-n iluuisund. !»

the tilillurf vt a Krt'iu-h |'ilvn(i>, wound-«d near Nuyon." culilod a ii'iu-n>i'inl-e a t • . - . . . ••

"\V» lny toKvtluT, my friend- mid 1.*ThjB order to (Ire in inc. We nlwt nli.l•hut until tMir rllU'jt Imrnwl us. SI HI

Vt'v tooir r«r»-tul fi ira.~ " v

"•Old you «r«> IlinlV I turned to aakOl>' friend. '

"And «» I did no 1 hoartt n tirrlt'U-dull vouuil. like fl »|mdt- xtrlklmr irotrfjrturned earth, IIU Itcnd Iun1 fnlliui for-Irani. 1 calltd him l>y nniiio. He \\a*mainjnjr n Mile. Tljrti I tumul to my

l'hotot . -Qirmm lupply m j i i t i ontsring a city, 8,— Btlgium toldlsrt bthlnd

breastworks. J.—Englith woundsd playing cant* whll* homeward bound.4-~Fr*nch soldlsrs making roady f o m m t s l . fr.—O*rman artillary wagonpassing through a Bslgium villag*. &—English Rsd Cross niirooo at thefront.

from a |x>»nt behind tho British troop*which the censor Would not i*>rmlt blmto name, a i'orre*l»uidenl demrllH* allrlttah cluirtfe \iblili, honvers; el-relied that of the famou* IJKht hrhjadoat Hulakhitu. \ ^

"The enmpaign so fur.'' he nay's,'"ap-tn'tim to have been a nwliM n( stub-

illiK'lIiHued, turtlcnl rctreuts t<>m-with Koine offensive feiits\if ex-

Kivnc-b Brtlllorymaii In ah«*|il(a) nt l lunleniu:

"Ni'vvr nlmll 1 forgot tliat luont tcr-r.lhl* »<H"ne when we ru«ho«I our lionvnninl K»IIH ncri'si Ilii- Hold, ouvorcil nilover with tho Imilrs of tlend and dyllm (iormnn nolillcia A« too sweptBi'romi thi> Held ttn- lu-nnl tho rrutirhlni:of IKIUCH nndor llm lior.ot' fret and'nun'wheel*.

g s , Blumlili'd nml HIII>|H<1 Intlit'lr luad mil O U T UKMK hmulrriln ofoor|«r*v I Oil not vonturt- to looknlHiiil, but ti'i't my I'jes ^tradlly l]\it[HI n dl«t»ut |>ulnt of luy hor«o'» nrolt.-bitt—I—htntrVnttony IIud di*|>alr, inlniilrd with iimnnInk' und weeping;, which dominated thetii'lsc of my Kall'M'liii: horsm niid KUUK.

."Oiu'o'i >vlij,-u-. my horve clipped tindfell on ono k.H«*.'.l.»iiw AMI my left the..wieek-iif u mnn.nprlmz io hi:, feet undmake a wild wsture .with Ids arms n«If to «•!«>[> th deadly- avuliitulie. Mewan kuoi ki-d down by the hor>ii« ofu Kill) Mcvt to lullic mid 1 Jieacd tbocrediting of liU bone*. JVUU muddeli-Ing vUioii im* e\er Mm e haunted me."

WHAT BROUGHT A SMILEA little wounded I'retiili trwper tell*

of IH'IIHK rescued by Hermans, "I [neuli-d to lit- de:id," lie siiMi* "as 1

tlnuijflit ii safer.' The M-IIIIM) Ucrinn'nImi Hue was a .loin: nay o(t. »>• when

the tlrst !iad paved I sot vip ni;d wan-dered nluUK. but two stray (fermiintroopers i-might ine tip. 1 thought I wasdone for, bill J.ol a bit of it. They iw-tUfllly *iivu me a haudkenhlef to bindmy wnmitls and tbe-i went away, und

1 lay tlure In a IIX-IHII " etiiildnet help roailns with laughter, lti'thwere -woiinded lu Hie ley Ixit onenniir'* Kiitne liv-wa* tlu> rtelil one, andthe oilier ime's w«» the Ufl. aiiil they

ik'wl rldlciile.UM Us they hobbled off."

UNCANNY PROCESSION.A l.oudon Dally News correspond•nt'wh-.) lias tetitriiwl to Tiirl* froinlie ut>liibU<flit>od of (HHIII* tells of alew. corps of Hie 1'reiuli atmy. IK-

"Wlieii the 'rurtiiln of ul«ht luwfallen t)\e tmi's of tl'.e seit'iiiN jio from

Ui«es und fitrui«ttMiK nu uiuauny,lilt pIXHWiloil, 10 Mt fO^tll jlU'Ul

iTiC-rr ~b ii Tn t*s*

"One of tht'iie nH It wni* re»iniiilf<l tomi' drwrvw to be |>ut iM-nlile thf iuo»lnotoblp fell* of tlio llrltUli nrmy.

"The Ninth Inueora »wui to Imvo r'o-tn'fttod midor nliuiwt thw lilnnfli*n|-nin>-dltlona IIIH rhnrtto of the I.tjrhtnt Ilitliikluva HlmV the hoElnnlni; ofHie Iliilitliw the t.'iTiiinu ortlllt-ry liastiiH'ii tho luino of our lriKi|m. iliirlui;Ilii' notion clnHo tu'lho I to) u I r> 11 frontier.'IVrrllilo- biiviK1 li«d l»oou cnuiril Iir tiurnuiki by (jroiit shi'lU fhnu a Imitory ofcli'Vim KUIID Insldo || wowl. lty tliodls|ni«iil of littKo i|uimtllli'n »f foracetho uuus liul tho Mpiiciiniiii'!' of mi-.nllhaystnirlrs nr .'RQtnetlitriji of tli«> UfnOVTJioIr Bist llro/i-au>.i>d n torrtlile lo»» tuour Mini, wlio a|i)irviai'lnil uii.siitptHt-

t •

'"Tho snnie Kiin« tMtillnucd th*lr tirefor scvoral hoiirx with coiitinuoiiH of.liM-t. ni i , | It H,>oiiiod lni|Hi*Hlblo• t» sl-IODTO thrlr tiro. xylu-H tlu> Ninth lam-cmmade their ln>rvlt' nttomi>t.

"They r<«lo ntrul|;ht nt the BUM*, do-b'.uirhltij; Into tho *>|M'II ami chtirtinsunder n hall of niclliilti' or lyddltufrom ofhor (<orni:iu guiiM.

"I have not hwii nhio ti> K>'( tin' ne«cmato estimate of tlw tIlsi!(m-»> theyrode, hut they leuilied tlio ctiuo -lieuvyi!«n* nliuost ii|H>fi>tlinatliiK sH'OT KUII*In »l»i» cm down all tlio uunnerx amiput Iho sun* i'iit-»f aitloii Then, liketheir pnttotyiM1* nt..llnlttkliivn, theyiixlo biiek nml on their"return fill In

I «ri>!ltt>r tlUllllMIS Still," r.


Anotlifi- pillaut i lwd re|>.>;i(-d bytills fotr.'s|Hiiiiloiit wim "llliit or Ca|>-tain l \ ii ,: <;IVIITWI of tint Miitli |mi-*trrs. Ho was lilt In both l e t i and hadtwo thiKortt Rliot o!f at the wuiio tl,me.Almost a» lie reeelviHl \\n>y'"WVUIHIH a

nix lt-t ««f;t« rlfilioni-

j i f . » a » «f Khantly^lclif, More U«-rniari»j w«-f<" Kx.-'loi'ln* ttrr«w» the (ICIUK. ami .inj mitiJt>l>ijua wax flying «v.-rli<-rul In a

II dW patnmai**t at itt••-:-••

hard a« tbfy '-otjld nt tlie aerojiiaiie,.* tut "at the 'aanif tlmi» toe qulik nn?rsIn the ditch ttrn* L'olns fall | « l t when-•>vrr n rabllne ttonu'omn earne'nU>nK.Hi hind them artillery waK llrlnir, a mln« the shellm t*»ri» over otir heads theTomruli-* «"Oil1il <-heer and. sluitit out:

ifollrr, Ixjyn" Ami you Iwt they

BELGIANS COOL UNDER FIREStwrtrs of the <•»>! n e n e "f Iteisian

noldiert"Biider llrt< are U-lnK told pvery-vfbere by ivtugm-i and rorre^pomlents»*rivIiiK from tli« battlefield In lowerH*'li.'!imi Tlii* utory Ik tnld of OIK- vol-untet-r who returned after a nklrmtiihwith uhliiii* and calmly anii'iunreil,"Well, I killed two." Then' as liefilled hli. pipe bf. tiiiilwl: '",-' • • 4 •

. " I lilt obe rlfjht ih»-re." puttliiK liUCtujer to'his'forehenll.*1' "Ill* Iw-luietwent irplnnlnB. and t "T'l|>1('eil It UpInter and saw Itin hole uiy bullet hadmade." -

Cli-rkM, brokers and lni«lnrs« menhave hern turne<i Into n^litln^ dcvilri.Ttte lleluiaiiK 'went not out of tiielrnntfomut for days ,-it a time. Weep-ing »nd entiujr In the troui-hi'ii nb(-irthey could, tbey lwciuue veritable vag-abond*. Kveii •»&«•« eatrhlni; n fewtrltika of »leyi the men lay with theirrides on th«ir arms ready for action.D0Q8 OAVE BATTLE

Tlio Ki'ljilan iiew»puptr l'ntrlote tellsthis utory:

A buttery of Itelulnn mltrnllU'Usvswas Kiirroundcd when their ammuni-tion wait exhausted, but the men de-termined to n u k e ii ru»u ulUi clubliedrlllf«, uslnu their Imyouets us dnir^nrH.A* everyliody familiar wltb Ilelitlumknoftn, doitu am everywhere iist-U forllKht draft, nnd niltrnlllouse batteriesare DHMtly drawn by line nnliunt*. Se«^lint their urn stern roughly trentmt ina hniid to hand light the doit* JoinedIn so elfevtunlly us to~ennble thu sun-ners to break thrniiKli.

A BuMler currlni ono of Ilicso heroicbensit* In hi* nriux, for It had n bulletthrough It" paw. but It did not whinennd kept Ikklin;-the man'il baud withIts i;rt>at hot ton^-no.

trar^l with a ciub torTrfrm ja tiiu*' liwt is up In the l>nttllng for

!«• ;«iiiiaut. The players uever fotvetlUiit fc-etn close,

many of a ni'rrou* tciuperauicnt

, . . . / * Chane*.Bert Wh«HnK. who (to ably a*si«6wl

Hank Gowdy as catcher for the Bostontes trot- ] Bra*c» dnrtafr the team's sensational

f advance from la*t pla'-e tu tbe tup, has_ . ... _ , „ _ „. _ i^D«4» * «e>outk»n <or-bbja»Blf^ **-*r.

tU'i^pted *t<iry Ui fii*- ^rt.*>il' fiTfTJ:!—Murphy ba» tft* nafsa* 55 2a* At«i«*aito li-itttlmateiy t l ' i s f i t :* . t lw i'ji;>fi»l-tl»n. w!!er»at irmt rj?-.riHS irhiutr ina«R« oufatul Ajtiiz Lr f^ici **J*- » wireIt Biay nut \m -r.1» N.srte*1 U l * *if!<|Mirt«mim.iWp, -tmt it iZi S»--5» to t»*pth< toui:hk<r[M^ t-s»3;-4S«r '-of the of wlcaiaf <!••;>•»«»



Uan-," «ay» Tjf • .V.(..uf the tH-truit TUp-' "It I s3un a liig

two li'iiir* i'V«ry ilay.n»l«y ilaj>» nml t lajooft l ie .Suwlay*. .

.".'I «"l*h 1 hsi'l h>i«if»the outsider. 'ICH a i

w -etirk «a

~dlv t<» tate

h a v e t h e rent •>! ttur CLiUir ".*> i."To w r r w t tHL< l:ajcws«3T

ItiK to t».'ll l iow t>ii!i pula—r»' *;t i m e off the It«rtiJ itrut t3i«mt-7 I ry


l i e

who t*lleve tftat tiitr ZHe •*£ a i.-ij jleaftuer U pr3'tl*"t:Ij; .tSw mume »* luaf- jIntf that the pluylasc at 6«#i«iall iraalails jiMiiue work b*»UV» t i n >3ia* imduimoml and that It BURKSI* -ritrpJut liv-tuj.'. wlilcli ilixw nut flc isb •***.] iplnlu IIKIIIIU'.

"Arthur Sihafer, foemwrty' Jman of the Gfciot^. 8»T«» *aa iview this spring, lalie tbutight he wouJii -

had Jollied a bljf fens1**- ti'Vul JliU |wrU«I of svrvU-v tai.» sj-ff .over nenrly s* taoi:& tiaiir. X* 1 iwall jIt. Shafer Jolii«t ta» -iaiatt. 2a Jiea Boxing Schoolboys.

, , , . , "ll™ "I *rt . " t t"* a ' "*" : n ' e adoption of boxlm? In tbe Vic- ' that tiU lutr lu^l B-^JBU » n n | t o r t a Khi)oht ,„ 1 > a r t , £ tt g , , ^ ,ac!!^'. ,, I sfbenu- for tbe. physical developmeiit

i beU«™ that »!toB tew J W B S tmri j , ,r Au«trallan schoolboys. I t Is plan-of tn« •Ilaot* to* «vXl *l«nt j 1 M r f t o ^lect a hundred hlfib school

nml to* sraj tuia-. itataitig la , u.ys from each state, train mid conchthe biit leamie I* UYar. Uis ii Jw «1*»'} tbtau and then use them aa Instructo™to hi* announced uVCKcauaiisSiiti to-r*- I for.the uthera. " • : •tire I don't see tour a# t* »as«rt(. crt •"Snowy" Bater^originated tills plan,

it witliouc to* .H*e -rf-nxriuiaaa •-which waw-taken up •with enthuslnsm

Ptolo bj Amorlcan Prus Association.Swt Whaling. Who Stalllnga Thinks la

In th# Marvol CUts. - .

1iartMnj>. As a batter he lictped totu-orc many runs during the season justl«M»cd, while Ills strouK arm shut offmnny rung for . opponent*. 8talllni3MITI. lie will make AVhallnR the best

the league before tbe end ofyear's ]

to ntilch it ft-w hi tjy the goremnient otflcials; many ofJI a iu i l !«»a>ntfolk»wer8 -of tbe sport:

stealing a Smile Here and ThereTook th* R«tt*r Propoiition.

"The ttlrt* of today are all moueymad/' (>lt»«rved.,thci groueb.- T h e y arelookluK for tile Mk' coin when they

wikfsthe old foiiy.

*"Why,.he«('i« itfi

tho trouble-now?"r. .. :' \

jfew Yo'rtMsirl whoorfeltwV n t .oOOOHK) estate, ti^murry

citiuntl Kuqulrct, ,

' • • • • • • • . ' • : r . ' r : • • : : - * • ' , }

N«v«r Kn*w th* DiK*r«lHmltli-II. f ink wtnt on a •llunee

Ktrlkcj the olber dny, but ,lt did no:o"d. i . .Thciiuim—Wt(,v Imt?

>smlth- Mrs. It. i"eck. wouldii't stopalkhiK loug ..vmnish" to notl«« • U.—

J t i d s e , ' ••••*' ""•

Anxious Inquiry.

lead.way lllumliialed bj- liorti lanterns and'

nud their shadows diuit-D»;houl likeTiribe HUki-r of the IHMRISO

double.''lint their" shadows aUild tbetro-H me iihadows of sluntx.__ *\niel.r.,wt»iutu. Xullaw-lHtUlud -l>oar-I HI; little biimlle!i of pwh-d wlltow

wcr* adrnneliiK ipilekly now. wand* nml strand* of wire. They cutAn, how coo l l was! I idiot so slowly, » r<'»' Inch™ from each wand-nnd•nd tb*D-<ln yon know whnt It feels ""id It on m « « « K- with the wire, nudlike to he wounded? I rose Junt a little I whenever n.i orflit-r 1* found cold and

' Miff timid the dead a i m , of willowwillid U plaiVti vVer IiS crnre

"Hour nfter hour ulstit after tilsht,the corj« *f <K<iti>i'.« wltb the womenply their trade, martins cemetery after

Their I«invl1«s of sticks dl-i tbls acreage of the dead

too high on my elbow. Xntlnc plercvdmy arm like n hot wire, it uns Urnaliarp alroruit to tie sore. I felt my armt o from me, and thru ray ride fell. Iwas a little daxed. I l<mVed at myfriend premwtiy.'He nas dead."OUNT CHU0H THE,DEAD

rtu Wlnwliw a«crtptlou of the nd.vane* of n^-battery •crom a itrickeu


OF LIGHT BRIOAOE"«««• » « w w t ?W«« ny * i ,ln dl»i«tch«* I . tbe London Mali,,

l '

jdeiirlnnl of thelt iK-rven«. all of whommtve one were struck by tho burstingof nhrapui'l. The hortso* for thehad In-en I'la^U under coyer.

Utvnfell, ami at that, with nof hl« men. In spite of hL" wounds.-hetlM UiaiiiiKw To liiirux'ssr the siiiis upand gvi them nwuy, '

Men who twit;; |\art . (n tha. SmithAfrU-nu campaign mf that the hottestllrhu; there was chlldlsli'

In lleltlum and l-'ranre,

REFUOCE SAW FIGHTA ttet'lux resident of Chantllly tellt

how the llrttlxh with their Maxima cutthe uhlans- to ribbons, l ie was teadlnjroff n xtrltiR of boras alone the roadwhen he WM held up by £ugU*h«it-dlcra.^ "You had better horry up," aaid they,

™J'llo*r juTnlyTriues have yon been nr-tsatcdV

••l)u sorry, Jmljte. but l'v« lost countDerilaiu't miybody offerln-fl prUe,-UdvreV'—St. Louis Ulobe-Vemocrat.

^Turtld Soup. .,-, •",\h, I've *ecu some roush times.

slrf said an old salt "Once we weren:f*ckeil and we'd e«tettal! our t>roTi-sio|is. Tlienwe ate our belts, and thentha *hlp turned turtle, and we ate hertool"

oltli'e ulrl lu>t ':i»l. of ua; •itv'' * U*x Klifdidn't whistle or >»BI«IIU»_ !m:!t *.ii- T:;iied

"Why W;iH tf;;lC;'"She could ni'^i'r !c.i:-n -:. sn nut

und Ket-tlu' cornx-t •».'•.'-*•."'•-!U-«it--«ll*jL'ourler-Jiiuruiil. 1

Got Whjt Was Cam r-^3 tu M on. !'iWhy nr«, ymi ti«r*V" •$:&*VM>& nine-1

•iflsltor Ut the prb*4iwe,-XI forgetl my' owa, f^trJi-t,."i

Jim the Penman, sriii r.:Jwas A

Why Th«y D»nc«d Togcthar."Janies, you've already tlau<'ed with •

that JOUJW Mitw.SinltUers four I hues. "1 tbltilt rou ought lr» drop her now.

i i j - ' ""'.Now. iua"— -•'

"1 t<-ll you It doesu'Mook rlsht.".•'I'ou't Ret jiiilouu, I'm not .lu'love

w^h . l^r. ^liv's. .the.:t>iily- -ouc~ In- theUuJlr.H..iu n bo .lances th« liciUtiitlou tlia«"ue way. 1 <!,..;'-iH-troit->"iv«'. I'ress.

. ' • •. i i . ' '

The Lucky' Ohbs. '"'•-I'utr. why tlid they j.-lve tlm otlicvrs

jililed i

. "Myttowt-r," saitl tli* tJtF j

"Oh, yet." _rej>!iB«H!x$l5is.' Cssaxrex.with Inferest ~my family ever-carwl Ssrf RUis«« "tic «s-curaloM."—WaatticstJtt Scxrl "•-

"Fur brayury. my son ""WhatV bravery, paw?"

In; most case* It's Imtlns the"imk to command a lot of mighty good

"-Cleveland ri:iln Dealer.

Cav»m.Tbe art of Imtlto* l»

Illustratetl by thwFrench critic Iwforu i n Bi^feS"canvas: "C'est «HP«MIJ«C C-i"Ktnlfi<i»e. Ce'st prettyWords.

-—' His O w n ; rf T*OTB».

Charlie came fo tilea state of streat exdttftnenr asuB"Please, doctor, ennat.

^ to «ee Fre»dUy Lthat he's wreatnei laator.

Running ln£»"Our water pipe sue

the ronfouudwlW for fixlns' It

"Well, yeu can't say JUIE iJSStlJLJfUJLfoc.script.


»L*. -.-


f"«mili*r Sounds."What ta that noUe,..... ^ . — U»TO

the. children cotm home from school r"No. mum; that'*, the powder i works

dofa thft, Mnjet JmtlUowa



His6C yoitr

"Huii<eck says he doesn't know whathe'i do without hla automobile." '

""Sow's thatr"-UToy. wbea be crawls under It be

3 knows it's the only plftce-hk wife can't.llU him."—i'ittsbursh Press.

A Sacrifice

Teacher— Now. WBUax mthe customs at Carfsanasi i

n l la. debt—UBe-

7 Sra. Hatte—DM you see the doctorI lahuni your Indixotion today?' ~33c Flan*—Vea.- THd be auk yon

'—Toskera StateamauL

*M Varr.Qood. .

fup anr-

d. .I e » - S ? »« e"^ «nwh stwcthw bad

' * '

Page 3: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,

:W^Tk^r^™*,i«M^ «+*" *£.5»5 -Ci, iSSSo*** 1 ,"*"*^^^^*^* „ ,V \

By I A N H A Y

The Whole Family Read* Bis. Story With Enjoyment

Coprrirfit. flouflKM. MKBn *Ca.

The Vereker children'*the games.,«f must healthytud» hi A t|bkr*0, atuf Itat>tn», tn* eiil<

•est. In her^roTp'ufc-ffinther. a. positionabe un« OrCTipUxl alnp«- the death o ftheir nrnl mo«|ier. fliulj It uwnmarr t«use Ktehi'tamsuMb S*rim CIHBIHI**)tbe fijluflj-; ^^gflMC^Yereker. rector lafin' KIUJIMJ, flOninr Tillage. B#ei«l«»

W , aro Anthony; niia*known a* - S "

fr'toplum, who miB^m uloujt withulc-knanSe ^


•Trw ( w ywa. Dapbae. Ar» yoa

-W»il. you had better hvr* Onttewto dliw wtth yoo, and t!>*u b« c«n tak*jua tu the ttoMter «rt*r*«ril Henry I

3 «aat aunace it in)-fv>t our two| " tie added. rtrilHty

Rut Dajthiw wan quite catlsttal witb

! (OJltlOlf,.. . '• '.j "Xotr. i am otl sbopitinK." »he a»-

•i.&S&BSS£i "Aflrr th»t 1 alii lum-hlmrt"will* a «trt 1 met list nisUt: then Hor-j Unsbam with th« 1'WIUHI.V«. If J««j are. coins sursiuc. at *I3U I |«rcdia<j My aluu't m you attain today; aw I'll.| nay KO>I1 cl£bt now. 1'lonnt drratoa!, 1 aia off to [ilny Mltti l«lir Iwfore I

j jfiKMit. So Urns I" .^ iilw iarwou-d VH-T iiUfltand *Uh bl*; dtanulabH and departed In M«lfb otI J!a**« Brian \>n>k«-r I'arr. who»» do-i. main tint iMtnatiil lu the uM*r rrgtou*; <>f the hnuw, IliTi- fur a tlm* tbe: l«eaatifol nud stat'rly f>ilijecilt of. Sir• J<ihu 4"4IT nn-rotl lnt'> lite Dspbup vf

iw Itttle" hioth# of* «tl

in.a la



ly mlilrvWed aa "AJJy," amTor "Itapli" for»hort. ; MJrtJey CoUterr-

n ideputntloif. sent by the dlsaathiflpdminers. The Juitieruant nrrlv»», lian^dte« the. meeting wlth^M*1 mma! Iron* i J - * ami the labor'agitator* are hef«l;

line i*oil to n-udjust a tUBer*

encv lioUvePii. .ipcniliors' <i0^'hje^ ffttn*lly, with <'ltly and Nicky a* the prin-cipals. Sunday morning- ..Daphne- Iranto exercise her every tmtennlty to g e tthe clilhlreo off to ehureb. where theirimrullnCTs ID more evident ibatt. theirdevotion, Juggernaut,-Sir John t'urrliy name, Is In the cou^cgattou, tbu surprise nnd eousternathm ofDaplnie; "who hadn't'• exiiected com-,,luiliy, be Is Invited by tb» rector todinner. I l ls visit-I* prolonged Intoweelis, nud Apotlyon.. us he la nlcfc--iiamcd, Ruts 'acquainted with th» fam-ily arid espeetally- Daphne, to whuinlie proposes n convenient marriage ar»I-Hugeiucut, which she aceept*. as Itway benefit "her family." The Ilrst jyears of, married life, even after thtir;child Is lioru, provo inhunnouiuiu. 'Piiplnie's brother* make extravagant;demands nil her jtocketbook. and Jug- iecrnaut, despite help nnd ndrlce tram [elderly Jim. ('urfroe, proves a i«Kir;companion at" home.. Oanline IInil* *.j

rtwtsm'Ea:- Sma*»Icr "t« Si» f a t e "he 1»

t!u» :i«*te.-, rf.'-iu'-rata* » ctri t» tmitmier

the i«Vrc!,,,:'««.-r:i:»™' *«i«wtiMiw with tti*rtfefct .m&: -^liltrrijett*^ -r.-ltu tin1 ewtn**?-.ViMrtCT- :ro*»»lli~ "tfsm- I«- t i t « the Ml

tutw is. iii«>*»7r*]ttrt»> «f tlw last play be«!'* Aaisf «>r 'Kant


«•.' ..At. tii* own

will'-Ht^iti-.aml VaurA •!••• tii'iunter* fi»rJ .rriinitir <<f aSi->-t!tin and

Is n

K]>iu:f *««: iirsii-nl'T!-^' llsl« i ihlhit l i iorln».crr> <frt-^ir.-rrsatiiHi ivttli .some

.• Mitv frt»«*T^«! that Cnrtht>W«3iizil'r: .ftr ami Hint' ^Vlrti" iu^

!it*a»nr is»tlh«n«w- lw- » a « »'xrrei«|nK a

!ter i-HOKiltttf^ti^fr T*.tUTn. J imWICSF x rm»-Lltrftuii in tiist he bated re-

'if, rlw rovrttU i.iuit xnitfkr ttie ordinaryhl» IWlhi^rt do j:t«i

h i o w t f i^pducctl

. «hrinkiusimiiHIe frt-

of iuii" facuity1'« Si deprive*

r rp'Uw»*rfnais: JtwfiVnr of the Kj-rii-i. •*« JU«* Tlstrt and •wbUi

w-otiiti? Is*- liii** miiti lie inlt take theworiu intio 'life- '•"nfiuVinip. But the

•T¥nrid:<-33*.iss«ri-*r *3<i i lwl f of the 'notionlift-s'tlli -VraMTW TttU-cIt-pp, I •'<!!««»-v • j^lirii .o.irtiii'-M- li.-iN^^l in tintI- !r****!'«s'- i i i - iYj**a*1* «« it kinifiy,

:: Utftrrwi. -rrif'fT */<n'li<-*N trinrr.ISstt Uan' . iw tra*. 1»<»I .'itMaeUier lie-crttw«lirtihT»«.MSi Snrt l t t t1 f j u n n Min" rirt*'nnan>:.'aiaii. •Klw- i:;i«rViVil"*l hl»

T'lUshtful Eauim mul repairer of all dam-< atrrft Incurnsl tlierrin. Her son'v rubl-\ (iiml and i>m*kercd i"<iuntcuance }hjht-

pnt-U at'urr api>r*Nirii. Ue Iterniltteil1

; l.K luiiMt 'iwth to t f eiblUlted without

j'enconrasUiBly, ov«r bis mother**, tin-; lvrwrnatlun of a 'iljint: pie. uud pnldI her the supremo roinplliueiit of bowl*{ Ins lustily on ber ilcpartiiro.i Master t'arr uevcr Imwvlcwul hisi pirt'lif tliuultiineoiiKly. IIU fnthnr's] visits—unt QUIIC »i' constrained n* on*j niletit liuiujln... once tlu* .«iipcr<l|loit»I imr*f had been rciiioved nut of mir«

uliot-imuallv tiwk place in the evcu-Inc. j»H l-t-forc tllnucr, but father and

! iiiottuT never cnuic t"c«.thcr. Hud: they dotiv NO. it lit l"v*Ml>lt< ttint thisj narrative might luivc folliiwod a differ-* cnt counip. " "X IMIUIHOU Interest, «sp*' dai ly when It iHi -icsAca ItM *-fa4!her-'sfmonth nnd Its irtotbert "tft*;~- with -ai tv|N«rtory of SOU'HIII tmt nttnn-ttve; tflcks with It* arms and ictft thrown

• In. t» iipt t'» l'« H very nnltliiR (hin«.l>aphue duly lum-ln-d with Mlwi Tal-

j Icntyrc.] , ">Iay 1 ivill you Piiphni'T' the ulrcn' n\l;.sl. in n vole.' which hillmiitcd tllilt

• us a cojinn.niil i'rom uuwt. "I'Tnivei t.ikcn.a finey t" ,v"ii. nnd vhen I doj that to OIIVIMNI} .-whtili Isn't often—Ii Hay in. Sly-dear, Sou nrc perfectlyj .lovely' I « |K|I ] Innl your eomplpxlon.j Von don't put uuytliltis on It. do yon?"j "Snap," »:ild Diiphm) briefly. Wiej wa» not tif- tlia sort which Hikesi "fnnt'ten" remilly. ;j Ml«x Tallontyre snillffl,; "*l M V yon huveifl.Kot1 me yet." «.1IP iltauled.j little wffend«l with uie.! «r<- ut flrxt. but tln'.v xwn fluil that It's| not really nidt'uVHrf-only me— and they

moil come round. I don't go In 'forrom.-"1 eithi-r: like you, I don't need ItHut I linve !<• toii.h up my eyebrow*.

i Tli^.v nre quite tvaj:li-:illy •iiiuily, nn(lI my f a c looks iK-rfei-tly limlt'ld If 11 iefu e tiicin IIM lliey inc."

llHlV IKee!, 1 lw'Iie\e in lielnt;

t l l ' t \ . l l'' III1

ucuned It iwrmmjently and fUywl it. ' "t ,vt» ;t*mu>v:Jm<Kt^-it tUUM bo MtttflMteil. ttnn'BMwBlJ | ttse >i»*Mr. sstawm-fcwel!. Her |KM«. w»a Uat of tfee tuimt I"Vratmtitr- :.*•*•ad raodid *tlUl pt ftaWr^ an*-'her ! *««w*.«* oar ;as«w*»r:ptrfonnutcM ranitvd fnaa uubtu»liRW iflattrrr toward thuMe wtta «ru.m i)ut i

to *tand wrtl t<» andixtutwd Jtoward tbt>M wbom »lw> .U»- [liut u-t.

ittted and did not tbtak It neevwatry to. i wim-tim*. >•; • *- '.aw«r ' .IJHWT-j S

i.arr« •fwrtacie at tt* Savoy-all had coutrn>i ntmi b> tiu- t,.(.-U Klnally tbat tete-u. .: I«*F w«<*-r jH-ita Jim'«'artlww—ludubt! ?ai*iy a 4eer-~«>iidliu$ with the ppl*xln; at .Ally •••' A HttW du>turiilntt, tbat last;• Weil, (•rruit's Ally « M only Irylns to\ t*v itf*. Mo. 1H hi* own1 way. Life!

IUKW. n« she felt her own ..\n l»«ir vein*. And tuiuorrow would

Her method '•jp**ip«««d. taB»,r»» =

take «• at **•«*»

of «<ltlUlT«L She J ri»tot'» <flttai*M«*«*r="-«»«w-»»e souirtt i «r

It *uty a* au 1 II»» •<•«

lacked as*t n very hl«b«Wp, U>ct'ptl.mal tuvur, awl ttaw pubtk>. walt-ft»lr\*ys buys en tbti rhW. bad rune

,Mla» Tilte»beauty.' her s i t , herj

Tben VUs HKtidaian paid his visit, and•V»r .*l(ipt like tbe tired child that »h.»»"»•. havijig nimpletrd to hor entlro

*Uii&n-tiun a&>lbe* day of what, when?mi raw to think of It. was nothing-u.'-i or M»«» ttiuu »n utterly Idle, »*l-

Ih it ti limnno. like her Scrip.' romi i-1't.utipnwrt rnineto benelf. At-


Tl* luncheon wtt» n Wte-a let<» fliae ' •««*tlon. the l«r»nt Wrdv »» Ml«» Tjlten-1 *tyro tertnAl them, bitlikahMtti npoa « 'ri

vtiat... Aftemvard llumun rts ,M and ll.mrur hraiuif were « r r '

.eJMtfc.isfXw,,.,;l^Bfe^aerlJnian'l)'. luxurien, lint h«? h.oi

limlly.the hfiUR of"You tjre uMOHt |MMipl«

husband's »wrctary«

»»rcit« w # ' .t,« ftmt I don't IKmk I should raid

» to tolnl » l r . im«r t . '

"Sot- th»r t Ilka them." she rtiiialn ied with a plaintive tittle «l«h ' Init itl<Mks chic, and <mo mast Ite .Bl>' or*die Itnddea. I nm rtulmt-it to nnaor I *\ • ! »"« ' »«r**t *» r«ne of IUJT admtrent-'ont* ofpie1 mlndwl, early Vlelurt*u. John Botl- i l||rart

l»h i-rv«tutyn wtio dbdlke sv^lnc a ttrl j ltl" '**""J

Niiiiike or drink coenac or no tu lb» | ' " *H'1""1 "-' - -**a<«—theater without a chaiwrou Here it t "'MH latwat «.ffusloii. It "111 makw )oti ! """'" " '"»hrl..k." ( • | ' "«"<"•• - • " "

Mi.» ptciixi up «f Icttrr from « littlo ' ' ' M m r 'tnlile l iy-her *ldi« nih| bpttnu tu n t i d i ' ""'alnml. H . . t r r ' « i i « . , ' • »>> - - a * i

" X i i i a , d,-ar rhltd, I ktv>« i ii d m t | '"' •"•"' v l t " * "' _ , " * ' , x < n u

cure for me. nay >uure'^-a* a uiitiiir o ' "•*** " '—•' ' ' 1»- t-a"fiict I u*»w rared ft* him at. unj itnm ' 1 P l 1 1 ' • * n - - » - « i i t . -«w--'but 1 e«u*t hulp still taklneau int.i . n ' ' " " * tan. •*!•e«t In you Und'.all Hint. 1 musf xny I U«M'.i-<" " „ . » , . - - c r s i ,tbl«. »>n Tuesday ulsht I wiw j.m « u s 'rt u* n>1;"'- ' "*• '""•"• -*- w "thus at uttpper witb two uwu ut the !-l1'""1 '<' ' ' " " " " • _iirM*« juValioniliroiHi, without anjliody clue tol l w p you Inllijtieur brandy uud

H I ' i n .i n i > i

, Th» Breach-Wf T «o far Curthuw

oi'Mifee Ilii! ut


)VCHietliu .

he< M l

f j taiiSlit him nil he knew. II. • ,cherl.siieil iv theory, someTrbaC i

unusiinl In h rlslni; man, tltat conitnonileceliry rei|ulre« •ot B pupil that heHhpiild ctidfiiyortp repay his master;at the end of the |>erlod of Instruction !by a period of iiefsoual service.

lie was a freckle faced youth., with |a frank Ktnllc of considerable latitude 1

__:tind. a.l.M>ylflh...?!(*at. for the..hea!tby_puiS. jsuits of life. He IMjiseHHiil liralns anil |

, chnract^r, in* aiiy uwu must wbiiserr-nI c l under Juggernaut, and llk<- hi« njasij

ter he was a shrewd Jndgc.of mon. Ofhis ciiimclty for (leallnc with' woiiienDaphne knew les«, but she had al-ready henrd runifni—confidences ex-changed ovor teacups and behind fim»

; ."-of >: ccrtalri Mb« Nina TaJIentyri!.perhaps the rtcknowlodited Iteanty of

. that Kennon, nt the flame of wh»*e,altar Jim Cnrtbew was said to havesinged bin wings In a, con»plcnon.tlj-reckless fashion..- But all tbla wan dmmerest hearsay, and Daphne waa un-acquainted with tbe lady into tbe Imr-Rain. 1'oaslb.ty It was with a viewto remedying tbla deficiency in hercircle of ucqnalntante that «Ue keptJim Carthew at her side for the spareof half nn hour after thej! reached,Mrs. Illaokney-l'unhkln*' reception. .

After n conple of walfioe*. Lady Carr!eiprefwed a desire to be fed wltt» Icewjand crcftm.buns. . ' . .^^~=^. .1 .1..... t

Mr. Cartbftyt.aiisentcd,. but with IM» ;enthtulaim than before.' Daphne no- IUced that hto eye,wta,beginning u>\wandsr. ' ".-",: ' . " • ' " ' • - -I

"After that" she contained cheer' ;"we will find seats, and you shall

-Toil ins?..-Wni •«* ttwt striV Tli«* t.-t!lnf wjtlurjar- iwiir -asul t*|<lrtiilid

,-*vi'atets**i«-tfre«*KI ta,T ai*«i

-t?I»in»<r«k«T<ni riiiir-n;." wiid I>»i>bnt<.-nmt* i»>':E .'IM*X.» Talwatyrv," nulled

Onrtow. •«««*««»!>. "1»<. you think, 1 ^ . l s , lvn^xr- '•'' -'if »<id«l. after a »lishtij . «ti»iiwH,i LF«a«r.-- •

- t rtmili. <*»• ^. j*erf«>ctly maccilirent.D» y-ml.4SIIS<«T\ t«r T"

"i-:r->-<-*,"" •

1^ ,Ue>. ! i lLht : ; a r t •1talt nKily i,,,r part-

ter^ JUBi! t t e s ! t :,>3O ^.jj. t_4_- f m . to runufTitiKtiftxaii-tiK- icianihtr 1 few svv youan»-.<4o :mxt«»Mi* ;«-»*sat" ;;

T!if iia!ia««i» • OoTti iw taring a'<iiH>rt'ert, ttii», titan*• «SUi oa»kl*ral>ly mored tsat i»i> 4ntd i « m no

e! Iny thi« morn-ing: iijwti, iJsiptLiM!* lmt ikfa«t tray.urcUL jt•,H'.i««M" af Ijr.ltatlynfi—l*ajtlmewas; in i3ittcr»tjn««t at prtwent— In ti»ef b u a of f» iwi fc - imlt t« i nnau tbitt; Woepa[tec jit t.- fcnsv aJid r a t b ^

irrsJtl- I t ranDau- liiitt- auT—iteiii xrnnUer me *

thnmxarct. TPUZEX; ,%r*t*at* it 3 «*k ytnt lo h*an rtxxspi: zsxki <-nsBa« ufc&ri hmcti v i lb m«

% Li 'OStem.- ,sUS <mmt> tit rrtrmvnXnt>rtoi» <mch» cltma*

. \am *r» TOU -akr u m tor~* "We 2a43 uirli a liny2 3 A, «.


• \'t.

tell me wlto everybody U. I amstUtrather a cotjntry monse."

"I should think sor said Cartney.reluctantly recalling til* gaze from a jdistant comer of tbe refreshmentroom. "I beg your pardon: Ton were jlaying"*—

"Perhaps there is some one ctar'whom yoa hare promised to dancewith, though," continued tbe country ,mouse demurely. ',

Cartncw. who«« eye had slid stealth- j.'lly round once more In tbe direction of;

covered Mnuelf resolutely and madfe!the qply reply, tbat gallantr/ p o u t )

T l u f s all riRbt tnen." raid Datfme.,'"Tell aw wbo.tfcoae people are harhnf Irapper orer tnere. That nan wltfi, U» [tttta Mack ejM-wHo la-he? He looks

:K»JA T A L L E K T T U E .E ^ tin- murt of jrfrl to

*ire. a smrried worn-ant' off nwaou-tiinw- "TStfa a biuliaiulanjt Ixaon .<K lite- «wrji. nlwnii! icfonu-ailr Cur lAaiiteti tu a ft-nt: IIT a

who piMMMMMi ;3K-itliCT- In a c y casetne- iastc ^cipaeCT' ~«r3»iUl t a v e been tootrrtici. S>T7 iarrr-TaiLttT- «Uie KCTlli-liied an a t c a r a e t M - t u m j i w soTlim J a ylarttattuiL. THUI « c t a i x m t i e r ' t u o m i a jtnitac

Oam-Uirmatmtm.-<&t fBiM tar TWOS!pimcttUaaar -iiti: •tf i f e l i inarj. where]ua: iajwamie Tnas-wnnilSy te lie fonndaatil I^-'"-i«ak She inquired ta btxBregqr getaMac affrr- Dm heUth at tbenuwtlmr iff "eoilacswtntk and -ezprenavd

«t * . aa entered apmpecohcatf* n e e Stoe next yroceed-e«Eti)i tb»<wlfc3«> *f t ie itay.

*"Ja3e>jo"aIna« «w taaistrt, dear?"

"«B*.i»«raor«a»«- a «*«y ffisaer at

"Perhaps there is tern* on«-«iM whomyou hav* promUtd to dsno* with,"

yourself—say what you tliluk'. Tbatis the only true motto In life, l«Ji't It?"

I>ai>bue aKrwd, cautloualy. Sbe haduot yet plumbed .tula ratiicr |>wiillnryouns woman. It b4d never' occurrcilto lier.itn tbe_ghgle_cguwp of be/ frank,taceiiuou* existence, to rwlt - herself,whether the was lnnelf o r not. Huclithlnsawere too high for her. Klie be-gan to feel that »he had been stcie--what remiss In tbe matter. Minn Tnl-lentyre appeared to i»ave made a spe-cialty of It.

l i s t aa ahrawd Paptine wait t w o tod i w r n for bcrself. tills w*a enlyjrrtity Nina'* way. A more confirmed(KHtennc never anslcd f'/r the>' admiration «f mankind. NinaTalSrntyre was no fool. Having ob-served that In order tu become prtysfdcootM In lhls world it In an yv&ivantage to poiwow marked tndivldtMl>ity. and baring none of tier own be-yond tbat conferred by ber fare andfigure. *ibe decided to mmqfactnro asindfridaalUy for nerstlf. Aw acevrd-iogjy detected wbat (be cos*td«wd tii*WMt •atta&te«(-tsTNkt aMier db-

'a d « r ! You simply d<m tknow wlwtt criiel th lo f s \»v\\* » i r t » u l ' l - i t ial».ut a.Klrl wllti d»«« that »otl ..f | taku t1 . u iIliliiif In li>lliUc, Of eiitinw, I kuuir t'j . it)you are ttlwolutely* "—

Hut Litily Clirr wiis o t li .r fm t , "*

Hllhk f mUHt Iio tfulnu now " »ln. ] " "fSJIIII. '"I hnil nui liU'ti It wim •** l i t i I ' ' "''have to meet MUIUO |>eo|ilti ut U n t i l e . n"hiiin," • IMI'IIM*- i -".

"Hurry you batt> to rti*b off," >nlil i.m>w ill" J

no c'oi.V. I w r t . i h l * letter pi>ife<'ilv 1 • n>ti » i «sweet V"

l iapl iue , w i io U'IIS i;!owliii( li i i ' idwi ly •lxikw lier IIJIIHI, nil " •i«im i -

"If 111! hom-Kt liiali ' ( h e HIIIII w n l , M M

m e a , le t ter l i k e t lnu I il.m t tlilnl I i L ushoi i ld rend It iilou.t In lo ia l mi i m . n - ' s , , .e v e n If 1 M'IIH mortal ly oft*<Mnlid I . iH (t'M'iin't w'Otn to uio n l r l i i i I , I ill'i iri i l tt i imli ,MIII MI iniirli !'.|- I l i u i ilu lunch'"

" N o t • n l | i > « e l h e r a sin-' r e f i l l | . r l ituU!«('d | i n | i i i u o , a t a t a ^ l i ' i l i . n \ . i . . |h e r - t o I l l i l - l l l i c l i i l l i i . "Wllrll i l u l l fnKlri: A n i l ' y e t at t"t»«- I w U ' r ill t itH f f e e t n i l o u I I m l l e n ' t h e r e Is niniu l l i l n n

1 co i i tdu ' l . h.- lp IIMim In-r. M i . • it ily Is v e r y I n v e l y , ;ii»l "In- n m t i

h e r a m i npo l l e i l h e r . * * * I « n * iIf t h a t l e t t e r « n » f r o m J i m < i i l l n vIt w i i i m l i t l Hive III" I' lnnt . I I mi ) , n n . .way of I IO I I IK tliliiii". Well , lu I- < Il id of her. anyhow. I l u m h ^ Io IJ IJ;

hirtliiHluihi, iiiiiTTlreri! »rn tin I'idj-M! Mow lovely to »<r Hi' t i n s nml Ji l f i | , , , . - , ( t • - , , .„rain* u^aln! And tin1 ileur ) m i l n M1 , n , | , r , , , - . , )T h e . o i i n l r y l i r t i l Klrl «Ir«-« " l o n e i j | • • » . 11 . *> ' • w ;•

luxMrlut iH b r e a t h - , a n d In t l w f u i l m m n f i u n, |M „ , , " )r K

h e r h e a r t , w r i x i i i l y . O U T J I U J L I , ! I i . i i l m t i i t ( „ p ( „ , , , „ • . ' . *.4r.per on nllchllni,', i'lieu... roreettliiK \ l l t i i , t l l , , I t r i r . r , (, > r , ( , , - fl,Talleiilyrw.and her e»otle iitiii.'-i'ln n t [ tud •< *• "m ^ n n n - ri->ii.utU-rly nnd nlim-iutely. * '""'-•"• , „ ' , , „ . , , „ ' . „ . ' >t

with all the eiifruy of her «nnii\ a.mi . , ( j | | | | t r , m , , , , , v - . , - 'Into UiaJinue dcllijhtj) uud v.lulljnmii! >' ^ , ^ * . , 'Joy* afforded by green t.r»M» viiimnni I l r , l l ( t l l '»kl«s nnd prainim,- [Kilo (Hiniet

her ihn , aftir idrive honie 111 the ""il of tlje

•n'rlMi \xix man of H m n l i l.y " ' ' ' '' "" •*'eiitertaliiliia' Jim CarUlew nt illm i>r i '_ . ' ' ' , " ,Afterward he » n s to take ln-r to Tin ' ir" '<~h 'Veunivo »f the «)u«rd." whi- ii «n» run , '' '" *uliyj llirwittl) ii rwlval lit 111- Hm..j I """''„ ..'.'i.'"theiilcr, Uiiplme wiiit-by m> meaiw i I " | r i "


nrI i I i n i

1 i i_ > i

i 1replant till , iI < I'ill I ' 1 i

bhise I>vii(luii'T an yet, for niutli i>rher »liort innrrlH life hod ix-fii ipmtat llellou, uud tlio theutvr W M millan nblillui: J»y to li«lf. OIJ tl»> »n>»lio rattle<l off a iiit of the pU^in nli'thad Keen.

"And you IIIIVB never l«-*ii t» n <,llbert and.Kulllvuu uperiT^JUikitl ( urtbew ln«;Teilulou»ly, ! >

"Xo—nerer,*'."All 1 can «»y l»—<li**r»!

Hi-eiiii f *rfM * i i

I n full I u l ' • '

l lmr »•"•• irw.iIlfn I iit ilfr- ..t'/IIH

U'list . ->vr,

matt u h't «* i\

{ UIU b I

"HiipptMiiig you were a1 "Ir ' irr•#•»!•

VIIV my - ) t ii |) ' nt^fl Illlfl }H I ^

per»on alxiiit to Infroiluce u mnfill hov ito. bis Mrxt plum puddiii;,'. >oii lu i i . lfeel n* I do," repileil her t uutiiiiiloii. ,"Hut wait, llcru Is the theater. « e ir« i ( , r | l 4 ( , ^In the fourth row of.jtflll*.'

sat rnptly thrmlKh t!i« tint '()uc» or twIi'B lii-r inii^'iHr ran^


chlld'a and f |«:««jfi» lurm-lnud smiled. *ympat)i(.ih:ally ufun lit-r.but for, tb« tomtnndDllent ,

*lu< ntlhlu Mnllliajjn erpr

( I ' »u!il "i )

•ifwm i n 'jirrnsn i *


ul Hi , u i n i . 1 i n n d p l n n t i i -i ' U i l i i l l i v t i n ' f i l t l i t u l M r , ' "

at Melton tillIII.' IlIIUPO III

.ulil tie l indy IN I u well l 'Ml-

lutle •HLnhllnliuient IIIt Init her IIII'HH In eer-

tit IK r li'inlinii'I limlr<"l I i Mm • arfrao Were <!»•

' I ii^ *n II virj tfrotlfvluit iiirtnnor.nn . Ii i iiiniiiliiK l>iipline arrived nv

!.MJIL'!II.I Imir nn hour lute ' loduhi ir .i.M i (Ills MIIH nil tiiiuniinl fault, for

i i'n iiiiintit Ktie VVDUIII never havul.i . i i r i ,r inlulndnj tu "Mill nil urbanm m «* tin iikfi"! Ill h« l Her tin-i i m i l i t i nn> ii t ilue in ninth. Kim

I u r, in]) mi) i llllh ll'lul 111" lll'irlli K i. h i i f Mimtn llrlnn Veroker

• t ' i mil lii.l i >in t/ikni a i''in»U(il- •ii n n witli Mr luAi t > nlonit tile< i' li r i ' •> tin •lioiilil*r'if-.»iuH'«a.-.-.--.--

i n inl li< Mon | It two miles away!• ,, k i i u t'uil li<r li'n>liuii<l had g'lliii. i ! nt 7 . ' I nil t i Inn rvti w lh« iiiiiu-, n t in Hi.. |iltlnii. | m i l xliii Imd- i . I mi! II- liilm; pli Unl up li)1 tlw rn-• r'iujL iiutoin T~riV liml tirniTKlTt*-h"ino •"

t VM f r i oi I - I tin akfilitt. Un-* n i>tiv ii IIIKU1 rmmt liml i.'linnu<.it.lil: |>i ili« iiixl c me t<> nii'ilin r pit In tlio

' IHI-III <llr.. tloti, nltli tli" riKUlt Hint!• | lim tnxlilm IH Ihlt I ' llllM'lll'il (O« ,,V I" I i n« f i r us ilie Illti-lulc'l.I i f i II inio nfortJilne tomlilmiflon. ' . | r mi mi ] i tilllt lni-l»iinlf lur v\ |i II ln nit' lii"l li'

I i-t'iiiiiMt | .«»ir ' ilii'li >•• •!. f u In r uli'ifti i'»ilni< noiv. It

l,u 1 i .no|j ie Ijlit i iisluin «f lute If hi)i ' i iifl>aii>ihliiiC fiinlm In the iliiinngt!-'

i , i i i,f Hu «»!«! llshiiiitit to ni'li'l a!o»'»«*ti(i (<i tin ImilHeki'i |ier i l l m t . | l «*il:.*u il t u * ' Lii.jwu le t ter l>iiphnp,f _ nt "lint: n u l l H pro leilluK h« nn tin*[iiriji!i<iii >f ihiiiiu'/TtPiiMi ou her part,l-.•ih-') ' inanl l ) , lit Hie ellgllt, tlionull'.. i iiiM«li> m m of J.Hi||<t> told bnrDm' it y»< not II II " L ' H I T umli'Dorvi'iI.Iii *n^ u xr*"It **tn''-^< Is apt to IMJ AK ' U M K iii nn.r»ll>l[irf tniiinesn, nml]>t | i | i i . txrailf -"'M lictfliininx dlinly\ ri.a l » tin f/n-t There w i n no<i .nm f'.r liiitmn c Hint she was tint*ite IKHHM bm'ii r «lie had Ii-t'li. Huti j i a t w. i . tin* i f««l v Th< re had bevriwo-if ir*Hlit lit ftMHlfnic Hi** ln>ys and[ltd •>« li'iir nothing, and In coujurlnxitiat *rrtnui w i ' k l y jflnt mil of itli'mx'krflilns mirpliis t in t wits a llttlil.JTJIBIH Ul triumph iii i tT l f Hut now«fa>. rsrwl tf n liii "f mutton weraMitMr/rifit ' \Mint '11*1 It matter If th«'<«,l w.i.l tin- It itliiui and tint butlerQraui. tbr nln> ' H'T husband could

f ti7«rd It \n<l «"i nnA ili*-ii««l"ii liml arisen on this sut>*

, b^i tin <^I>1IIK t*f"i>, ami the silent,".""Lt'iS'i »h'»m

xu<] -

limpid music nnd following tins s<ene4 j " *that passed before h«r with br»alhl«w '»•'''*attention.

Whm tlw curtain fell slowly titwj»the finale of the flint act—the sixltieniydeserted stage, tbe buwl'dem) Fairfax

of thai

g bin fntutbiic bride tn hl» arm*,and the but' k. motion!*** d«ure of tbeexecutioner lower ing orer alt—I/«pmwdrew a »!)(> trrmnfoiia breath andturned Ut her compnnlou.

"I understand iww Vbat too, ax-aut."abe antd toftlj. "How perfect, to \mAlii* to VAog *omo one tiere for atm

"What aonniMt me." i"1» dujb Mr- Jofm luuiD't brought;het*«itt*tf.It"

f fc rntf

M siw letO. Inter'mm*. «t. a s - tCUmr:tltvd *T»-

had jnar-JiftieT

s l,i. I'niu the fart Unit he treatedm *<;uif"ibiti# I>etwi >n ari lncotnpe-wrtaiit nid a •(u/lled < bll'l, ap-

wl to midcrstetnl ber even less,Kpoknt <mt nKire frankly than

,, -with nut altogether -above all hrr«d'-opetf~

i nMn and condor ami she could not en*time tu feel that ber busband wus ex-errjaUtie fnrbearawc toward ber,. or

i nwiJux allowam m, ot talking downi to J*>r Irrel CiAuwqueutly the laborl-r«iiia ittiiai i«rture she bad received,j-wttii « • afudtad moderation of tone! and Its can MM desire to- let ber down|.S<attij; bad bad an unfortunate, but

« t jdtfloejner unnatural result,' "Jog-wonld tiar« done bettor t*»m-W« stum. *ucn as be re—t ted

JW refaauury priMIe nwrtHip. As Ittort ber temper. <

• j - l

Page 4: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,


** r~* »**. *."il. **;j .^U AlWl^Sr^Jll. X ^-t i -*- '**TO'Z.*~il-rjis«<IT*fc

(Bfje (Eranforb Citijrn


(Incorporated.)Union Avenue, , Craaford. N.

T o m On* Dollar • Y«v.

Entered u tb* Cnalord POM Oficias Second O S M Vsctcr*


Complete official return* frv«O evrrfxranty in—Sew J«-»ey ihoir tbat »hHefiublicaii majority la*ni o*» tb» vot#ftr AmmliiynMn wait •&.*"*-s

•''Ifliertrarsat pf •th«-iv<»tf".-'K*T* GovernorFielder a m*>'«ritj t»iW.MO.

•ncnroil in only eight cimntiaBurlington. Atlantic Mercer. Cap*M*y» OlouoMter, O«fan and Pa—aicIn (be recent electbh KepnhlicaiM werx

imly in Jindtun.- Btrgrn. Slkddlew.*,iiiuil«rdou, Warren ami S n w i InUvrgru a' Uemucrstu- majority "f *tIin I9HI WM reduced til 2f.j ttirt >*ar

A comparison cf the Agurra fur'Mlatid 1014 wilt ftirnljb ixrtiVincinft proouf tbe Kate wide resentment vl the e*truvaijanceand iwompetrmry of tbellntnnqratit' majority in the I*M mmof tlw N«w Jfirwy I.#gUl'atun> und al«oof tbo iY>nnd<wr« nf the jwoplo In tbeIh'fiuliliran I'aHy t» rrMotf *n efliciensod MKinotnlr Rovarniui>nt l l w t ' i x


h i

AtlaMii- . . . .llenanllurilngton

l ipe»layCumberlandEMaJX.. .UlouontnrHudsonHunter donMercer ..

MonmnutbMofri* . . .Ocvan . . . .PASsaic *Katam^,...

Sussex.,.. .UnionWarren .,


Atlantic...H*r«*t! . . . .HurTingUin .

Cap* S«y.'OmnbfifiaiKlK s a e * . . . . . i


• ' • ' • • • «



10,00!majority Sl.Kn



: . : I « M .

."'.".' MMtaw


. . .

! ' . ' . B 8 W '.•.'"


. M 4




^ «11312330iwse

« Sll>.

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Bi t



CwnmuairatHl.Tu Ui» Kdltor uf the Ounford l.itiiru

tb« iectarrr in tbe ''hrUttjui•Thorobon Tuesday IIWIICT! that Jem*nustiod. I beg tu sublull tbe followintf. The tostiniuu)' uf Je*ot uugbt tuln> more Important tbuu any other aiu) lra|«iitnnt a* tlii» VcturwJ«iU Mid ill Julin - li> ilo. I ami fin yFather are mio Then the .!<•*« iuuk up•tones again to ntuoe biw,it tbe !reaatio be n u orufinnlhe made hlmwlf t>iuil with (Pathtr.

A.fti>r'his re*urrection. .lrnu« uid toThomas {Jvtxo fftti Keub htthet thytlngor and behold my hand*:hither (by -hand ana tbruat it int

j( be not faithlrm but briietinn «unl|*aid My Uird and My Ood. II

i not U%n Lotd »od Uud beowad It- |o Thouuu tu tpll.hiin no, f,»TboMa* Donsidenitl aim Uwl arid J«u»allowed him to Ihiuk w ' If Jesta* w aBOtOnd b* defwiini hinueir first andThoainn .second, In nilber cam th«Ifctorur was wrong if J«u» wal notGod then Jesus wav* a d««iver arvJ ttm*lecturer ia suppotUnx tbe wotk of a Oe-oclver. : if Jeans wan Ood ami*th* Mtllmoay of Jenuoo the sithen the WaHoref lie* aliout Jrm»

of / Jmu* in

~ it not rut>b*ry to l*> wjo»lbut made hlnjaelf of no repaiation.took opon hlmieU the format > aervant,and WSJ made in the llkenM* ufand beiuij foand in It* Ukeoeas of asao.he homuled himwU and Mean* ubadi•ot onto doath, evfi. tbe d»Mb «< Ut*Orosa. Where for Ood alw hats hifhly

' *xa)t*d him and (riven him a B U M-which i* abOTe every name—thai at th*

-««n* of JasD* every kus* afconld b*w.«t*ttOn«»bi lk*a*«B. in earth

Chess Oat.By C

Cbem tnuu-n"*»nm to j * mnt«ntag Ibraueltai with toonn»( tli« muntrand piaytnK uinultaJHXMit i«jrfiirinanc(TapaMaaca it tt%n>rifi a* bHnjt onScMjtb Aln*fMM0 tnji KhlU Mitrxba»IIIT <u.rtut( at tlw Manhattan ('tie(lot. will tour the United .Siitn.

iitmr* P. M. TbomM <>f Hurdentowand 11. I' Horrwr and K. H .lick**tv U» roprnwmUtlTe* of tbf Htato5>« JtrwyUtt tbe rurrfwpejrKUmi* toilh » m \ l»ing arr|Ui)(<K) tor Americaand Oidadian»»r« l>y Ilirmmi IMii<A VJi Naiuu .strret. New York. Three•rctioiu afr under « JIT w

'enniylvaiiia. Di«trlriVirginia. W"»| V

.\etira»kn, Wa*binKt<>n IUI

nnng NovemlT . : Tli« I'nltifur it unct dollar.

Following »re IIMI K"r«< tn tli* rbnmrwhlp tuarnamfnt "t lli< Hrookly

Cb«M ciqb U) date

8 ri.rtfr»'M

• '1

M Nrh I kli.lB. I I M'rowiU .......„, ujird lA*ker HUH U rotirxi rot

trutMit tournty at I tin Mmilmtui.*bM«iC1al> on eleif-llun ril«)il.

urfhiill turned out a winnrr in u '|nngulmr mulnst which r follnwnl ticfurtner.

LM'il'K NI.HsUir<<ctor Kunil r"|Kirti tlr

rmalu KorUm Im.t nun otivvh frum Drabbln ami Holt in llniiltin «jitb In I lip win! Itiutlx of tinw i c n t b Norlun won from .Mmum IUIII M. Hifiv«n*on Irom Schitk

In tti« prellminur)' ruiitul of the ninllr'ciwl 'won from Wilsun.

l'b« followttiK Until fuminliixl lin-retary IttrkoK ohoiild !»• <>f (innidiT

»U« inKrtmt to our rlirw rc.wlcr». Tini>t thin matrh •will Yw rlnwl

I'nitnt Htatm v» Cnniulu. unilur tincit ('inn

Vurk. 'I'lof I'oai'o IHIIWIWII (Irmi

DtiiiHii awl lli« I'nllfxt HtatM will I"1

-»lr-t»r;itod by it frl«nilly <:limi unitetmtwivii «i|«Tt< of luiitern famuli! miIliraleJ New Vurk. ami wtm Imvo entorn! tbe list* at tb« Koyal.dninn.

AdOf TniraUnic, N.nv Dori., H I , J. W. T. l*atten, Truru. N. H

CbartM I.. Itauid. U1H J«rTnnMin, AVKruDklyn. N V . *» l)r II N Wiktm. HI

Andruw*. K M I , UnflMic.Win. V Tulhlll. iTii Oarivnlur A n

Brunt, N V,. v« .1. MiJnn^l, Otla«i\Out

lluratw Kratui', AlB l'ntiiam AM-Broukhn. N V , »«. i>r. W. I. ViUoi

l (IItotit. HIcTetuun. I0IH Kui Ht,, Hi on*

X. Y . n It. O .Stnolllo. Ttironti.. Out« . . W Tuckoi. J r . « '« W inn.

New York City, v., \V. AV I'iMkallrutftird. OutWro. K Him». 105 W. ItM Hi.. N'mv

York, V* \V K Mi'lllllclil, ltid||('tiiwu;Out

II W. Muwery, Ni-w iKirp, S. I , \tHov J. | y « k » a r d . C1iuu»ut«)iurt. N. :

I>r II U. StevnuMui. Hi Huralil AvuliichuuMKl Hill. X V , v « K. A i'siner

(>afur Utrnialin. i'M Itynui .Ufrlnmt, X V . « U i S II Ilitctiit'. ;u)S,Hilh Street, Halifax. N H -.

M II. Cliadwick, to Uartittv. SI . X«vYork City. v» i , C \Vil»iu. :.<i V "

S II ClUUWKK.Cranfonl. S. J.

GARWOOD>uMi|(u t'lif k Koini but i<nuc<l »i\lvt* bunU>X4' Ih^Httv* thl« fall, l^^t yc:irlbt« (titii* M\t^f )'>0 lii"!'iiw«i. wort

-^IM out Moudny wftMnoon to ox.initui»lia liclil lire lKtn<<on tlio fifl)[lit

butlw and th? Tuttln Kiiiiinlry on NorthvnUR TH« flnnn'« «t»n> nut out !»>•>tf any UmnaMo rmiillixl.Howartl Waibliurn, Infunt mm of Mr.

a n j Mr*, \VntMittrti, «l Norlli uvinUjUnjp<ri>ii«ly ill nil l i apiiinl luouili|;UiHat I be KlijMtlcth (l«Mwtrul lloi|iltul

Mr ami Mi» John J McOmtli, •>(New Y»tk, have Iwoti vWitiiiK Mr. amiMt> Jtwirib MrOntlh, oi Smith uvi'in»>.

t l i a r i n KaningUui, of New UIHIIPfi-wnwr rmjilitnt of (lurvviK»l. vUittil

rw>Dd« bwe ToraWy.

St. Paul's M.I . Church.He* K. M. Coni|itf>n, I'

•Morning WurJUp. 1« 4AEvening WH>r<blp H.00. S«riii(>ii!i liy

Kftworth Lraijiu- ilrvutlonill.J ' p tn .

Baxiar and 3upp<>r in tht> TrustBudding u«lay,tomorrow uii'l S.ilurilny

Rr» AlarmI" • •* Varwip. Walnut ftudh>atttti Ar»a\iv«.-

a Afvauc.. euriitw N»rtb AT«DU iH<M)aa»t1«r», North Airnne Kui

SMrftriilr i i M u and Wililwna #Hv*\.V* ruoa «ad Ctenmoul AwttUn 'X i tnutr A»rnn» MH! Slitti M m )

1J V l AU-Vurih A««ai>«uidUntuurUSu».I.

RUatMl•»- N,*U A

U S HUI* w i KUtatfUl At

B u l Kudttan «ttr»Ha.h l d l i U Au d l i r U i A W«B» ,

l MMtac*>U Atrno*.•»!onteuntel



"N. ft. LBAVITT,

Ijbrwy Presidwts Rcpwt.r»« fnliuwinf( u tb

llrKuilry Srbbol fur

4 S

erf tbed»-nt of tiw rru t»-<i trf rfw Free I'ubttcIjlirarj uf < 'T»/ifi»r'l. for tbe past jrar

"In waking an annual tejuriaA l<> t4»«•nmk n( thr- Crjnford lAtmuy In atcordii itn with tl«< rn|uirruM'nU of tl>«* by-l a n t u f tiif> rrinl<i«, the I'remlmt "ftJw B>nr>l h;n plritnare in noting IUI in-irrBUc iii i u artivitie* and eontiturdajii«-r<iiiti'in iif tlm Ijlirarr by ttwi«-«|'leof Cranford M at *>ur-<!» iif ul«a»ut<-, in-•truclion »nd information. . .

"1'IM librarian r^iwrtu that fur tliai Mir«Jret Vjtiile.y«ar «niilnif ,011 Oitnln-r 14f, tlw total! Orude 2 Jiibn Arthur Uiminkciri-ulatii.ii ut l*».k« bwi linen 30.CW; »n Frula, ii»e\>\i WakryrNVftU, * . »... -.L -1 llrnrv Jl *1>u. Jerfiiiiu KrahCfiior,incroaxi i.f 1,31" ovrr tbo previous year, Yo'j, . II,J .... ,hi,wbllir Urn nuuilwr (if l«ok Unntwi-n is I j|i.-Oirtby, Ttwrt^a Inmn-enti, -J,'t*i»4.-*ir ailH more than l»«t year. 1 Kn' Mturaun, KalinMaul, fioitie ^TVIIJCHun-iii((» of UMiJca |wr i b y n Orudi< 3 -I'aul Kinki'l, Au«tin litlleli«;u.-,<." '= '.,-yi:;.:;•':'j*:.V":. ,-t:.-r;~.'~."-^r'•-:. .1.Frwik- Intaxwii i . :Cujir ie* Knut l**


tlm inontri

g f , JohnNiMtrand. Ualt4i Slcri-rn JldttbnwWilton. Mik« rtli-irl*!. Kiln aril Wilvm.itundo||>ri Kil)!, II'MI Mj»^nna, A I ' JMcrMartry.

Urad«1 -Walter Meiturtrf. tUnn&nNiithaniKHi. -lobn Nolin, Jamrm 1'rlff,

Itntelli Sam Vitale, Aml^rdoMarieamt Vumlmtg, l«o»

s, Jlnripiret 1'riff, <A**UJL ,S«-ber-Beriha Wilwjn, Advlina Vital

(.0W. I)liuvi' hrwnpurt-luiMn,

llowanl SnydearKiui't Kmke

ri»K "'« ><*$ flTri volnffii'4 __J M » I 1/1 llm Library, 411 l<i | Miclnu-I Turtura,'.fit liy donation from '/I | Marin Nolan, (-"arrifl

'I'ttim, Brryl Antmliu*. Kloronc* Kuth...iUMl.}- f > t t B ( w , OeHarriKMwp'h I>rliirr«kf.

4'iTarfe—6""•FWiiW" f«m»l»r»w»»;"~KH»>llire-1 i.ntiiid"-.?., lo l»< excmiivrly | liutli, Kdith rtt»alf, Kr»l Kinki:l, (i»Ntubut Ihtni . trim of all librBii..i»..f [ r V y . Amlntw Skiiiii»-r. Alton. rtiiyiloi- T h V l r m t c e . i o u t . n u e . h o v r . V™k Trip.«ll. . • • .

(Inule R.-Allnn-Arthur. Jubn SlialThiillliti Wilkmsun, l.liliic:i Frixv

iiv«r, to twirl many l»>ok» of )HoK[ui>!iy,-••-•--•—- —•' •'- _„ ._ . , . . , ,.,,«»,, Tli.,oiit« Wilkm<i(ifi. Linnea Kniflimtory, wi,rUnt,t ref«iriim^anil*tamlanl j Ilt.rj<, |j,,rtlm Miottw, Hutwr t-onklin

unil aim loniuintly tutbi-n tint uwfulru'wi of tlix U h m r y (>ntbo fdw^ttiiuiiU iiiit>,

"An iiitmWinit t)i!V<'.lopmnnt hit l«x:nt)i<> iiitrmlui'tiuii ul «!l« of nt«r«o«

ruphn of t lw. i:uoiitri«f9 oftvith d(w'ri|>liv».t«it <II'N<TI

tlm All, inoiiiiiiii'jiU, nnlurul la'iiiitlt-9unil li:irui't<irl"illi

itlrliircti nu\

Thii fnatiiro of tli»

« nf IIIK ci'iintrit!«.

Ittjiitifl liko^ lnMiha,fining t?a£h not. ThLibrary hiw I'tvvrnW c l m m luiw ilcVfii

<H>tt nf iiictuioH. ami l iny HII-III I'oiittantdt'iiiurui. • .. ' ; •-/•' ' _ j

"Tho Tr«!uiiirnr'» rt<|i<)rt, whirli will»> lili«l In l)i'(i'inl»<r with Ihn Tmtn^liiii[Vimiiiittiw, nliuMi It •.utinliwtory 11 nulllinn of thn Library'* Iliiunciii, unil th<(11(111 i« l»-in)( iimiln In I'ltabliali u tu>«>rvn fi>r flit 11 to I'lUiltNliiii whmi n«ril«t.\ Htt|ntrul<) lu'coiilit n kit|it <if liniiicy 1ivlvotl for HUM, unil it !• mir wl»bn|H'ii(l it in wuyi uf Viilon uud int«ri»twiilcli illicitt not IH( iiullo within thauiilicmry m'»|»t df tux rnvyniK CX|>I'IHII-turn, Dmt «icb uinMiixl, tho luit y«ir.wiii in |irnvlilliiK tur un cxlreuiely iu-

itiul wi'M itltrlidiKl locluro liyMr. (ImrKii Kciinuii, llm HI'II iiii.>\i-iireveller mill

" l'h« only CIIUHK" i'l Hi" ni»iul«irKbipif tlm llouril duriiiK tito yiur li;n'UIIWMI liy tlm liiw mikkiiiK tint

lUrry .Mmtlc. Aururtk ('nan, Dorolli•' 'K(4n Hlinlli-n«i. MarVViijii-io.

! (inule* Hami H—I'aul Arrlicr,WilflairICttupliell, Muliai'l Klko, Klini-r iludwiii

l"c Howard Kruuchux, t IITIIKUI Mrr>r<iii.Miiliut'l tiwkur. Km

NcNiu" Merifutt, Kutlmlcclirowii, Itnth •'i»n{ruvi>, Orwn IVAr•Kind, JlarK'^rvt SlinllcnnH,

»K I'riiHipul of tln> Craiif.irU wliou!* ant rltli-io iiit'inUir uf th» lioaid uf Tm»-«^ In uoronuiiiew witli tb« |irovi«ion

Mi. A. I.. .JohimMi. HUM Ciiunty Super-piiilfiit of .^khi)o)«, rmtiruduft«r«)viJrulri iif fiillliful ami )>tllci<!iit wuvu'e

ami hit* Ux'ii t<'|.lain| liy M m SarnliCtlmonil, a munt tvi<lcoini< iiililitliui tomr llo.uil'

"In i>iwiuU-r tlio1 (ITIII *if u)>j.ioint*niiil U. thu Bt'ianltif Mr A H VVuriiockiiijiiii«i"iiy'liiuitiiiiuii In jttnv uf."S'iriiV'urnovk'* (aliiiililfi fui.l •'Illtit'iit vjr-i n ? tioth-m rtrtrt'tary itial in K'wural

uliiiiiilstrallon. I fp.'l «uro that all the'runtfi'i will Join In nikfnK U«« <-'li»ir-

i irf-ttm 4,iiVtt^lrip-f hirraitittnnrrTe^iint Mr. Warnik'k- fur tiw lull turm

I tivu yi'iui

" fb« I'nxiilint nf tl»< l»,iur,| of Tnn-rum WIIIU-H In Ihuuli (bu iiimiiUst* otIn' liourd fur tjii>ir ri>>{uhir utti'uUnmt)I ll"> incntlily i invlmni of tin. Trmtei*

d f»r thoir ;u-iim IIIUTIK! If he \%I iiiixtukt'ii, thi'ro liiix not IH'I'U u ulnylo

>'Tstpnni<m«trit of u iiiTOtiiirf 1»H;aii»'iifuik of .1,'iiiuniin iliirilix tbn year."

Stammtred to rOmaalf.To tbom> nbu vtutter or atnaitntMlrt

Dm •ugt'cui uvy inrsunat curtx . Atbout fourtpvu 1 was attacked by a

bad bablt uf atawuitrlug axid fonljr/tU r t n remark, wltbout It Tb« «tb*r

boya laiiKhcd at n>A and/eUlera pro-Jetted ctvuipltrdtctl cure*. Uut tbo ab-

urtllty of ttio altuition iappealed t>>me. Why. couldn't I aay "I" at oac»without the prvUinlnary atanimerT

It wan obviously uvcwnav to stutter.ften before navtnc "Nft." Well, why

•houldn't 1 «tntliT to mytwIfT Tbnmethod w«* adopted. ' Wbeu a n«nence had to be aurted th» summer

Wat carried out In »ll«nce—If a down"uV bad to atart a "No." Aud utter

few days of delltwrato ipcocb. withtbo •tamau'r done lit a0enc«. I wa»

Tcred riitlrety from tb« halilt.—London 8taudar<l.

The Bn*e». 'aay "Ood bltaa. ,n»" afterfrvin th* tact that) In tbe days

tbla ttrrlbl* maladr be-

lar, Mary . Kanani*. Lillian Xuthniitoihuv«rn(! i lciny.

In aniwer to I ho rail for plant forfour room uildition lo thn Mi'Kiulu•H'lionHiuildliitc<'oinpti-'t«, with fiirnituri'f.t«*ain hi'iit.t^iuijil^tH vi'ntlliitin^ syitii., roiiipl»t<i pliiiiilii'u^; <«yHti'uiv. with innnln i-low'K lit it ciint I'II-OBI {IS,000 HHv«rnl m-t .uf jilinn worn i-saiiiiliy (In- tSmrd n( Kilui'atioii, at tilta|»«'iul niix'tinx IMIIIII fur luit rvirrinami I In- |il.iniol .lolni N. I'liMHon A Sonof IVrth Aui.l«>y, X. •!. ««liHt«l. Tbe|>!iun iw M-lit-tinl will Im ki'jit on c-ihlbillon in tli" I'rinciiml'n room of thMcKtnli'y irlioo), for t « o wmki, und

any ono »o may. call" ami ox

Folltivvini; tlm lk>ard'i dot'i'iiijii, a ilmilitninion MMiioii wax held, in whichOdtiultl MI-1<<'IIII wa<t I'IKMCII Atloriit'

fur tin" ycaijiil $511, I10 tu hnvi^i'lntrtjii Ltbo futuri! lOTttngimiont* le>ulitiK up lothK C(illi|ilctliiil 1 if thn iit'hool litliMiiiK

It wan tlio'iditl t» I'luxw tin- school 1111WIH1MI-«III) , N'ovi'iiilier '_'.*.( lj. for tlThiink«KlviiiK vurotion, tu reu|i«*n Monday llmautli.

Ailjiiiirnini-nt wiw t.tken tu cull of thobiiir.

I lie I'lainllclii Union Wutcr ComNUIV ur« milking tbo wutvr niaiii ux

tenuousiut tbu trim streelH, uud Uuveft force of raun at work' today in 10thanil Kill Htn'oK

- - Building s fir*.la building a wood Ore la an open

fireplace shake out it double abe«t ofnewspaper and cruiih it tightly, leavingtb* edges loose, that It may Ignite oaalty. Tbe back lug abould be of th*area tent-«rwr tunt--the—fireplacehold aud may be of green wood, as thisIs tbe "lowest to buru out, and thedraft and Ore are strongest in tbobfttk. Tbe log abould U# ahoved againstUto walL If It H a ipUt lo» tho lnsldiof It should be turned toward tbe front.Three logs are a good number to starta lira with—the buck log, a smaller oneIn front and the third log on top ofthese. — -All of-tho aabes of the firstthree) or four Mhould be left- on thohearth, t» they ma;ks a,Do* bed forkeeping tbo viuber* bot-w(W th*y havefallen through tb* andirons. Thewood should bo mixed in order tohave an Idctil Bre~gre<su wood withdry, and tbo harder varieties, oak audpine, with tho wood of old fruit tree*that have died. AppI* wood gives amellow, aoft light—New Tork Sun.

f tbe»an^lttiirlultut spelling and other Ja -Wlt ldlcatioo* of <vld. Tbe eicintuntloa vimathus originally a prayer to be deUT«redfrum tbe pltKue. •

Har Injtlatlv*."Ur, Wtlgus trted to kin m*

v e o l u n " ' • ' • . • • . 'tut'

Cenn*«tleut Tavern* of 1M4.Tarertit ouuie tarly, and .Uudir or-

der of the gentral court Ui li>H m<-jpwere eatabilihcd "not oaljsln other* lu each townltt>ou our riv-er." Au old authority tell* whatguest might expect: "i.. "Clean abtwta to Ue In wherein noman badticeu lodged alnce they cam*from the landrvas* and have a Mrvnuteto Undto hi* Or* and one to putr offhla boot* uudmak* them clean audhaT* thu h-wtp aud hostta* to rialt bluiand to eat with the hoate or at a coin,moo table if be plcuea or eat in btachamber, commanding what me*U hewill, accordujt to hla appetite.* kitchen being open lo him to orderth* meat to' be dressed u b» Uketb it

Tbe Uudlord waa not to allow, aperton to' be Intoxicated \n his homeor to drluk ocesslvely or to UppI*afttr 9 o'clock at ulght-"A UUtory otOewwctlcut,* by Oeorga L. Oark. • •; .

-Ue diautj t dared btm."-rttt*burgh're**. ,. ,

Attar *f Battar of rose* ta q *

cat from tb* Bulgarian product. Th*of tbe Pertlaa dittrlct of Kan,

IT* been fajooua tor tntny wnttrta*.

All «*t»l«tBvward-l bear you daughter ta ge.

a t to iDarry u Bagitah ttoUejaaa taIt « l attttett 0»w«r*-I*»; «eancau'aa* fc»a . > . >T**

.Sbe.wa* a beaattfnl woman-and hl«wife. But one ujght; getting holnelate and having some excited comer-•aOon with bar tn tha hall, ba said t jhlmieir:

"A thing of beauty may be a Jawforever."

. , Dutiful.. TB* Old Ooe-.?oa (houkl alwmya (to-ahouU alwmya <U>M> to your boabud'a wiahea, my dearnw^New 0 B » - 1 T . 4OO* ao m r aloe

yNew 0 B » - 1 T . 4OO* ao m r aloe*ld«* ttathmiMmbiM


S|anMr W*rfc »f LM Venndry* m»iHi* Gallant Band.

n e firit white inaii to reach-WMti-TO aes'' by CTOantne the NorthAmerican continent was Sieur i'lerreOsultler de Vammn de hi Vereadry*.* U K expedition Irft Uontrrsl Jun* 8.1731 With half * hundred comfdin-tons, Includlnr bis three young sons,the daring Frenchman set out fromthe fort at Mootreal aod plunged intothe wilderness. Intent upon discoveringthat uarrow tea which was supposediff separate-America tad Chins. -

Daring the months and yesrsthwfollowed La Verendrye asd bt* g»II*ntboys-trliunpbed over a multitude utobsttcles. Some of bl( inen weremasMcred by boatile Indian*, other*fell rtrtlni to disease, exposure end

After many 'hardship* Lake SVLnnlpeif.waa reached, but lA Vereudrye w«»dliappolnted la finding it a- large bodyof frrsti water. Instead of the fabledweaternaea. ' '• • 'ii After thirteen yean of effort tin

But, although tbe mala mission failed,Ija Verendrye was the Ont white man10 reach tbe bauk* of the upper Mis-souri and Xaakatcbewsn rivers and totraverse what are now the prosperousprovince* of Muultoba and Haskatcbe-wtn.

It was not until 1TO3 that AlexanderMackenzie, a Scotchman, penetratedthe Heckle* and reached tbe shores ofth* Paclflc—New York World.-


In May8*v>re Storm* th* Cr**t*Mount Fifty F*«t,

It is oiily In the imagination of theptwt*that WUII-H rlniv"u)ouulMlu« high."The exact ultliudi- nlii length i|f wovenbave'boeu m«-asiir«l wl ib Bcleullflc a ocuracy, urnj-tur rn'ord waves are carefully recorded. \Vavea In Mbiilluw wa-ter ure. a* a rulf, higher tUiiu thwfe luopen or dtt-p uulvr. The height of awant U i-omiiiuuly nbont ou« fifteenthIU IrUKtU1- , .

The 1'iuKf.Ht wavtt un rviurd waa«,5U0 fvt-t,. iiiiaaiiriiiK fruui ore.Ht tocrest, Its IHTIOII bi-iug utxiut twrllt y t w o neiviidi. WavtHi uf. t-itrfuitruKth are arldoui very tilKU. A wave

t lu leugtb/riiilult In dtwp W»ter, will liuve n hflgbt of alxiut llftyfeet.

When a wave t-uters nUallovv waterit* creat tn-i-ouifti cousldprablyaod oue of a bflght uf furty fvet willfrequently rlaieiu urty ferf. If it ^realittHuce, It may be thrown up twicethis height. .

lu aevert) Btorujj qt HHU IUVIM rarelyreach u height ot ufty feet. The artrago in »uch_ tluae hux u |H>rlod of aboutteu micoudi, which would ludlcatp alength of about too feet Waves witha period of tfii Htfuudii buv« uof froui ISO to SuO fi<et uud it heightof thirty-three fsyt'anil form a veryblgb ten.—Kxchuuge.

Porflrlo Dia»'t Poetio Prophaoy.fnwldpnt Porflrlu Uax, who ruled

over Mexico for more Uiuu a (iiiurteiOf u Century us un absolute dictator,ticlleved that only nuch tmu 111K' <'o(

peace uud projfri.t-i to tile inllltoiii uf that ciiiiiitry. Hierul year* ago, wticu liis (Hiwrr WasBtlll UlltiroUfll. till Auii'lkllll vvllo HU1oil lutlniiitr tertus with tilui tt-uturrd

will- Ho—sugsesi—Hurt—tbe—iteihTimr-weTB-uuw prepared for a muru liberal formof government uud tiluu-it Hint hU rulewu» lo« aenrc. Tin? stem old man

lied, tils Kuuut ligur« uud run tiHthroiiiib bl* liK'Jta. -uvw-white

w.lth year*.When these HUOWS melt."bv *:M

prupbetlcally, "the mud will be deepIn Mexico."— Youth's Companion.

An Infallible Sign.Whenever Kobeit's mother went

aWay ou a visit the little fellow \va»_».<badly spoUiHl by a fotbur andgTtnduiotb«r that upon' her rvturu ttlook several a|ipllcutlou» <jf th« rod tomead bis wuys .

Cue day when »he hud t>«'t-u absentfor u w«ek n uelghbor asked Hubertwhen hla uiuther was couilug home.

"Ob, she'll be buck very aobu uow,"he replied. "I'm beginning to get pret-ty bad."—New York Fo»L. r

A Tru* Csurtler.Dpon tiU arrival at the court of VI

enna -u former French amblsiador waipreseuftM to the emprcai, who wa.tawaro that th'» day before he bud YU-tted the tn-uutlful Countea* X.

Is It true," -she anked,. "that 'thaCouDtea* X. U the most lovely womauIn, Europe i"

"I thought <o yesterday, your aiajt y , \ replied the diplomat, with .a

gracethl bow. ^ :

Concert Pitch.She.(lit the ball,game>-Why doe*

he make those motions wlu» bis arm^ * bare sigoils to the catcher. The twomen work Ui concert Sbe—Dear me!I* that the "concert pitch" I*r* ktard•boot *o often V-Boston Transcript

• Explaining an Aneisnl Eplwd*."Oeorge Waahtngton did mat hesltat*

to tell the true story of how tha cherry" • got chopped." .

Tea," Replied the man who had teatl-Bed la an Investigation. "Creorg* waspretty amart He knew haw to g»tlmmanlty.i-'Wiahlngtoa 8b

i \j IfJMrWtt • • ¥*J* alBWaj • , • ! • • a»a— ^ ™ ^ Z ^ " L i

IMb«a4aa»*rU»ttaa(u of tb* Boromca ofll.UordiUaidbrtWM.rur and OoaaeJl of

Ltue Boruvcb of Kvwviwtbhcllun I Thai II 'katl be unlawfal far aar

iwnoatoprt off,»iplod.or a » a s / Mad ttSrerrarkrta. lortndofla,rockrta oraaj aftfcllaa«fjaiinofi!i known aa ar*warfc*,oriuif rwolver.ptotol. abut gsB. rtflW. carlrfalicB. r»puwdar,cannot, draaiulta or DUKT tzi^uaif « J S or apaaaaro/Uv poWfc atrawta, fcicfewa** <•*'saMfe

oer»^tti>«*f«r»ttaTl*av«flr»l U « owaiiuMrruiathaKoliiwCaiBivltUw of Uw Boron** uf

Unction t. That no nenwa nhall aa< off or'uiWan? flr. talloun at any ttnw aa;whw> wutatiW

«i l lnUoSnrtloilS Thalnopr

any ariworiu known awroloeill*a»wurk. wUhJaaUUlldl wlitiln th* Utatta of•*«-tlon( T b a t a o p a n a n l l i t i r a r iut

•bj klbdof flreerackan, tatvniaial; rwkau or«uiy trllck-™ioiiu>nljr known aa firework*, orImy rM<>lfer, |*iat»l. »nul-iUB. r«l». cartrldg.,^ d . canfroB. dynainlt« or otner uplo-

ithi t s luutuof tb boroufb^nuowdir. canfroB. dynainlt r tnr up l»>y*li«» within tnsluutuof tb> boroufb«l KenUwortn, ««*pta»«wa»B tha^tioor* at *

liaun cif « p. n, or July «Ui u d 0 «. ni, oT JolyOh Profkttd furtbar that ncahujf to Ui .untluum mb»U tM esutrixd M iDterferlaitK ilh tbn uae of llrrmrmi bj btate, Oonntjr orhurtwih ofllcttli u> ttw iwrfunawiea of th»irUul». UM>U»«af llwarnu for IslilUI-jr o»erol*«nr uircittwettM BC^h»uM wt awarun ta ih»lawf ul d«t»m« uf tbe p«r»on, famtlr or jirou-

wcrtli or uiuler Hlalo Ikxuiaii.Hectton'i Th« rolio«UiK rulaa

tlulia Itltut b« oUuexrml with rtapevt to til*atonca. aak> and us* uf UrawoHu, Ma.

1 fftreeraclferaor flrHVorkaahall not be ezpuard fornaltforauld prior to the SDth of JUA»or after tbe'fith dtff of July without a apoelal{wriuit from Ut« rSiUoa) IViMirtiiieut.

It No firework* aoall Ua dl«plav«(| or aoklrrotn any utaiut oaUi^iv of aad wtthlu U) ftf«tor aoy bulUllug.

A OlttOkloir ahall llut be peruUtt«d In anyatorewhitn* firework* ara on nalci and a |krop«r.uotloaU> lbU«ff«ct tuuat b«nlabfd tn a uroral-utmt poaltlou ID aiiy at<in» where flreworka ara

No Qrecrackon ur firework* aha'l ba Met offtpliM!«l wttliln.&o feat of any atora or tiulkl

Ing wber« Qraworu are BokLSection 6 Auy poraonj arm or corporation

who ahall violate thtaoruiiianoa' or anr aectloumf, atiall, for each ofTancttj b« liable foraliall pav upon cottf Ictiou of each vlolatiou

a tint* of uot iHa thau ten dollara or mom thannrty tlojlan. •. nation 7 Tliifi onlinanee ahall lake elfect

iiuu«<llat>tlr.'PaiMMt Nov.'2:i»tl.

- . Approred: ' . ,JOHN HIIXIM, JM.

• - Mayor.. l i tMt .. . • *, .


K'H HAl.B-ln Uhancn-7 nf New JarUctween Ch»rl«t Uuat, cooplalnanl,abMik Siulth Ldtmtw C u i u y t at

piuiniuyof mo

? U w h»rl«t Uuat, canU rUuabMik Siulth Ldtmtwr Coiudefendant*. Kt fa. for **!« furrlutaeH.. IIr virtue of llm a i t o v » > u t « d wr i t of

fncU»l<. m n U l I l I h l l f ld

l a l n a ,, at. at.,t i i

atov»>ut«d writ of fieril mUlrwIwl, I ahall «xuow for ««l» bj

potaio vciidne, Hi tbe nhxrifl'* otuoe In th«rourt houio, In tha elty of BUxbelh. N. J., onWKDNIHlMY. THS TWIHJTY-WrTH DAV

OF NOTRMBBtt. A. U., 1IM4,ul two u'cluck In Ihn Kftermxtu o( «uM day. ailHUMS cerMIn l»ta. inwli or parcel* ot land ami

b borrliuricr pArtlniilarly itcacritxid.l l l g I Uw T l faituuto. lylnii awl belug in the fowoahlp of

I'rnururd.ln the Huintjot Union, and UtaM ofNrw Jrnuj, ami inortt partlcnlarlr deaorlkwiaafoUoHn:

Firm trant.—Bt-KthuUiit at • point in th«wntvrly Hue of llio liertfuarterdeicribed premtaraouallu* at right aiutlm to North Ushl(havenue and dlataiit une hundred.and twenty-'Itva 11-11 f eat wjutberly on a point In the aoutli -• rlr line 01 aaU avenue, which aaldpololtt twobundral and thirty twowidtwantr knndradtha(«C!.W) fwt eaatorly frubi tha aaaUrly Una of.'etiteimlal aveuuo; thenca (I) parallel with tlwIne of NortUv Luhlih aienae north 16 Aetna .

a) niluatva eait four hundreil and- fifty (Uo)rnt to a point; thence (() aouth 4S (l««reaa »(,inluutw nut Mventy-dv* (75) fettto a point;'brace (3) parallel with tha drat couraatoulh« devma » inlnutea wnn tour buntlrad and

nttv (4MIJ fwt lo a point; theoc* it) north 43i\ettrtx*J!<l tttlimtM wott *av«uty flv* (TS) f«*>to 111* point uipU™ of beginning.

Hvound Tratit.-~Btvtnuln( at a point Inrtotitherly line'/uf North Lehlgb avenue, *point temg dutaut *aa4«rl7 thrae hundrad r .eighty twj and twenty hundredtha {&St K) featfronT'the oaBterrj1 ltn« of Centennial avvuun,Itumce (I) ruunliie along add North Ijaklghavenue uortb 48 degrao M mliiutet «ul ten(10) feet; thtnc* (!) sooth 4i degren 94ralnutee eaat at right antloa |» naU NorthI«tit(h avirnuu one hundred, and twenty-llv*U ') f<xt to tb» buidaueaorloedAttractoambar uno. tbeiice (II) parallel with tha nui-c*raiw »oath:-4».deaTPe«-flo ratnirle* weat.*andalong tliv nortlurlyItno of the Uud berelnhoora dncrlbed ai tract uuiubfr on*, teu lUi)

feet toa point; tln-m:« it) north 43 degreeoMinluutea « K t and parallel to the aectoouToourMonx hundrrd and twentyltce (IV.) feat to thepoint or place of beginning. * ~

WILLIAM a. WKlUUlNJthtirlirAUTHUU S. (X>IUUN. Ska-r~00t » " 4 ^ — •-

MTATKMKNT ot the o« usrmhlp, inanageuient,sto..of tneCranford Ctttien uubUahedweak

l» at Crtnford, N. J., required by ttwaitcifAxtmMt M, IMS. iUltor, BuMnwa Manager and•nCllahar,Jaa.K. Warnar, Htoekholden, J.K

Warner, J. w. fertuaon, E. O. VfoodUng. O -li. Teller, v. B. Aerce, f. W. Hhrrp, if. I i '•Vmtnr, l!rinford, N. J-., V. W. II. Aiber oflU«ab«th. N. J., J.. B. Hall, Plalnflekl, N. J .<ort«tge«, B. (\ flume, Triutae. Jaa. KW P b l u h fWarner. 1

HW(HTII tu and Biiliaurtbrd Wore me thu flr»tdav or Octiibrr.iwtrti. Mr IHmdrtaUfi, Notaryriililto. ^ t


Puranantto tha order of Oaorg* T. rVurrot.8urrog«ta ot the Count; of Unlou, made on Ibeappllratlou uf tha undersigned, eiacutora of•aid deDeMRd, notice ta hereby given to llu>crrdltora of a«Ul dsoealgd to exhibit to thelubacrlbera .under oath or affirmation tl

(•laliui and d«inand* Bgalnat the nstata of •d<rea»ed wlthlu ulna raonttu from (bs twei .wcond day of B«pteuiber, 1W4, or thay willlU.onner barred from proaeoutlnir or reoorerlng

the lorat agalait Ik* aobacrlb»r».HANB HAS,PAUUNK ANDKHSON,SOl'HIB WILBON,

. II. Un Huoi.r, Prootor.

» Trustee's Settlement.Notice in, hertby gWea. that (he aeoouut of

'K?aiMoir't*ri^riltt'*u"a*rM>ewlU«f Huj I ' t t d l l d l l d t t dj t .wwl.HluoeaudllMlaod.tatedbyt»»"rro«ate, and reported for aettloneat to

ibv Orphan • Coorl of tlw County of Union, onntlDAY, THB E1JSVKNTH DAY O*'

U8CEUBKB.NKXT.Hated Nov.mber 6, lull.

"ID T a p a l (UMtTAHT.Tea*, H£u.

>*••*»«>JOHN T. KANANE

Real Estate and li^ura! Ohoie* Hotuea and Store (or


Po»t OKICH* Building,;

KENILWORTH, N. J.Ttl. l*t.W, CMafoid


Falrrt Pralsa,-I* the boy truatworthyr"I consider him *a,, sVi tntet him a*

I ld hi CMs t him a*

far as I could see him. , CM coora* I*n»W h j i t i M L - M ^

ContractorPaintcraft m "v


Page 5: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,

J-^* - . - . .»„-. *ww.~ .


ajsorapaa• or'MbU*h. nnl«— k


•aya ur i

t air or Uf,ruefcau or'rnrorksL or, mrtrM»,tacr «ipl>lwBorou«bboon at •

Vmrth J?>iluu uf int » m th»•u, oX July

lat la lifeinterferingCounty ur

«• uf todr

mat la ih»

Lsk* nflaot

I.LrK JH.Isy or.

oin« la th*

>», t«u itO)i l n r m K4

o&uoourMtnt tu id.


i«nn.n —

thunnt* Notary

MAX, tM-

t (or



i t .

Town Notes.

Mr. and Jlis. irTing C. Lay are isfor b r t i i

Mis A. Edgecombe left Lut Thursd*for- Salisbury. Maryland, for iweek*' stay. ' .

Dr. Anna "Howard §b*w, will speakfor tbe Equal Franchise Geagoe at tbeiClereland SchoolBoston fora ibortvisit

Mi» Fwda Le*» eatertained a fewfriends at cards las; evening -, J. A. Putter and famUy are now oc-

cupying their house on Uiln street.

Raymond Moody entertained'a. mtm- — --r—•her of fritads at a dance hurt Saturday «ndi»lljr" irivitoevening. . " . . . . . .

J. E. Meyer., who has been ill at binhome on Union avenue, North.-is im-proving slowly.

Miss Florence Dickaon ot WoodUwii.'''J>»». bMfl «t«ying, «rif}, .,Blr, apd

g, Pee: 4.

* The rt^tar November meeting of tbeCranford Republican Club will be held'at tba Township Raobw Friday evening,at 8 o'clock. ' ' ...

-Ti>ouf tbe famous Krwin lecture*Will be given in the Pr»t»yMHaln church

and so.A. Hanola Itecttal will lie tendered by

the Aeolian Company of New York, furthe nwessitious school children's fund,Monday evening, November 15.

The first meeting'of the season nf tbeKqual Franchine league'of Cranfoiwatbeld yesterday afternoon at thehome of Mia* Alice Lakey. aiid vtmust interesting one, Mrs. CarolynsB. Alexander'was present and deliverwl a stirring talk. A new conttitutimTor the society was adopted.

The regular meeting of tho Woman**Auxiliary of Trinity Church will boheld at th« home of MM. Uarrison, corner of North avenue and Arlington rou«l

- oil Tuesday. November 17th, at a p. iuThe Key. Alexander Uostwjck. of Viiimntown, N. J., will tell of tho' groatneeds in the line District. All interrated are cordially invited.

The froe lunch room at tho ShermanSchool was opened on Nov. '!. Almostfrom the first day. 2H- rhildron appliedfor the luncheon, Ileforo tba lunclroom was o|ien«d, a number of childrenstayed on the school grounds during thenoon hour and when questioned as towhy they did not go hope, replied thatmother wo* out to work and-that thoywould get some supper on her return.These are the children wo are helping.Contributions will be gladly received hytbeSchool Committee of the V. I. A.,no mutter how small, it is expectedthat at least 60 children each day willbe served with a warm luncheon duringthe winter.

lira, Thouiai A. Sperry's bauno onProspect street was entered Mondayuvening through Misa Marjori« Sperry'*rooru. After rummaging for Jownl».tbe intruder took several pairs nf silkstockings and departed, with no one- inthe bouse knowing of his presence. Itwas discovered i>ext day that the laildorriatl been "borrowed" from tha premisosof Uoo. R Ferguson. Karlier in tho

- livening a strange man was scared awayIran tbo porch uf E. II. VanJVyck.Later Mrs. VanWvck noticed\a manprying thu lock from the door uf thegarage on tho property of W. li. Cuody,which in next 4owv~hbe-d«nc-r4b«i-l>imai wearing a brown but pulletFovor hiiuyes.Yiid nell dressed. After gnttinginto the'garage he took nothing. Whileit seems evident that tho roan it th»sane in all caaos, it is not understoodAvhut bis motives could have been.. Mrs.Hperry has secured a detoctivn,; wfaci isnow working on tha cose, lie declaresthat the.manJ^an oxperi, as he woregloves and left nut a single Nngerpruit

About three hundred people wero wellrewarded for braving tbe rain utormlast HiinJay evening and, atUuidintf tbnlecture delivered by the Kev. Dr. 8.Hall Young, I). D., on the subject''Alaska," In tbe Presbyterian church.Tbe locturfc,was under;, the auspices otttie Young 1'eople's Christian EndeavorSociety of tbe church, and tho collec-tion, which amounted tu *30, wereturned over to the. mission work. Ur.Young has been engaged in missionarywork in Ahuka for a number of yeajn.aod was thoroughly acquainted withhU subject.. He traced the three goldstampedes and bis lectum waif doublyinteresting, due to- tbe fact that eachparticular place was illustrated bybeautiful itereopticou slides. lie show-ed the pleasures and hardships of tbelife in that region; the working of goldin all its phases, and stated that Alaska;was the coming country. Me also show-«Sd tildes "of the natural resources andin referring to grain, said there wu»enough raised in that country to supplythe United St»U» west of the Mississippi

p. m.The Oranford Ciinoe Clnb Juniors

Ipd a feed in the club huow but Satnday night, foul aotl checker tourumenu were" played off.'

The invent Toacbers Asuociatioii

Hume tjcagoe.tu attend a meeting Nov' i. HAS, p. m . at the Cktvrland School

At the meeting uf tbe WednesdayMorning dab . this week Mrs, Dohrman(r»Vd « paper v»o "Our loteroitional K<»-

in MexUx>." This v a s folluwei

on the Mravrue IXntrint-. from thn.rat view T»)iot "

On Tuesduy evening, shortly afteinine o'clock, a chimney fire at tba rwidencn uf H. ('. Whiilng, on Lincolhvenae. called put tba fire departtneri

Uuu>no damage von

p p rWith coal tor a number of years.

"What men need is lint the desire J-rrlghteoDioeas and next tbe strength forrighteousness. And what tbe church Usupremely challenged for, in its highestrange of doty, is to supply men withBible:guidance'in' tbeTray^of'rtgli-"ousness." • ' • ,

RrctPresbyterian Church


. SUNDAY 8EBVICE3Sunday School. » .« A. M.Public Worship, II A. M. and 8 P. MsJunior Christian gndeavor. 3 P. M.Young PWpk* & C. E., 7.15 P. II.WedwBday, 8 P.M. Mid-week »»r-

kitchen dirtr from <done. . -

On Friday*' itvening, Uec. 1th, at 'tireheadquarters, tlu> hmrth informal in-vitation dance will be given l>y the tiro*men. These social affoWiiaye provrd«iicce«M><i in tli<> past and lha >ximmitt«ein charge are sparing nu puins tuthis one equally sucwwful. Music will*> furni«biHl by iieawh's full orchestraThe Boys' Traveling Club had in iu

rueat Hunday afternoon, at the home <:.Mrs Hi.lxTt V. Plnme, l>r S. HullYoun»ft 1). !>., of Alunka. Dr. Yoiingentertained the !«>yi with slorim o/bunting and uilventun', glViiiK nmhyiiiterestini; |»'rnmal nxiierienctM.

A <iur]iriw party and nliowxr wm tendeml Miss Hone BinileiiloTKer of l.incoliaVBiiue, Tuwnlay evflnlng, Nov. luth, inhonor of her ongiu(oiii«nt to Haroli

]••«•*. of Crsuifonl. All kinds »finen urtlclcn wero ihow>>red Mis

viiberger will tieoome a hrid.i nextmunth. About forty gumts werapresentn>m the neixhlmring tThe I'arent-Tcacbers Assoclutkui will

bold tho nrxt meeting and entertainmentfor parents uutl tuauhen on Nov. IB, at

•*), o'clock in the ('lajveland School.Dr. Maxsnti, I'rlncl|xtl uf tho Hainfleld

•hoolii, will give a short address Mrs.Benin Allan Collier will sing. MiLuclle HaKen at tli» piano, Mrs. OlcottPayne will rerlto. Kveryone is oordlally Invited U> ctmio and bring yourfrlemls, *

Over fifty touchers and uRIcers of theurious Sunday Schools of town were

present last Friday night at the l'rr*bytcrian chapel, when tho matter of form-nga Humlay School Association wasitcussed. Tha pur|»«» of the organl

tation is to promote unity and efficiencyin th« fii'hoolx. Mjw Sun Vnlentine, ofKlizabuth, guvo a talk on tho work oftho schools, (> |iwiiilly on thn lower:rud«t. A. M. ('ran« was electnl prtMi-lent; K. N. llevgerstock. vicn presidnnt

and A. 1.. Kennnlly. wx'rotary. Anuiuiuul mtttir.g will bu hold every iiep-temlier and other meeting* will takeplace daring the year

NiKht <K-hool started last Friday nightn tho Cleveland school, and was moreiucctswful than OTWI tliiwo in chargeuicl hopiMl for. Over KAventyllvo pupilsattended. There urn four course*, onen English and elementary subjects fur

foreigners; commercial rourno and book-keeping and drawing. 'LotJous aregiven Tuesday, Thursday and Fridayevenings. Miss F. Bogert has charge ofhe Kn^lisli. Mim Jcwnia Kverett of theivpewritlng and stenography; Mr Tripp

?'commeri'ialrixiurf*e und Clarencejhuhert of the mechanical drawing. His expected that tha Hchoul will|uliui«tpay for itself.

Tho llrst unnual ina*(uormj» IJUII ofTonaluka Council. No HI, Uogrue ofPocahonbu, was held Monday eveniogn Ked Men's Hall and was a big sue;.

Tbe ball was beautifully decor-ted, tbe National colors predominateng. Wheeler's orchestra furnished tbe

music. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lwiardlled tba grand march. A large numberwere prewnt from ltoselle, vVestflaldand Plainlield llio following ladlesumprised tbo committco in charge:

Mrs. W. A. Oouirie, chairman; Mrs.Qabbett, Mrs. Klnney. Mr*. Miles, Mrs'Nelson, Mrs. McCaffrey, Mrs. Peterson,Mm. Zleblke, Mrs II. Dill, -Mr*, a,Austin, Mrs. J. Doyle, Mrs.. Neilsen,Mrs. Kivutinbe, Mrs. Poderson, Mrs.Svendsen, Mrs. Mott. Mrs. Urossmanand Mm. Wesighan. Mrs. II. J Losardiwan floor manager, am} Mrs- C. Deck-hut, assistant. ' '" '

Mr. James -*v. Erwin ol San Fran-cisco, well known to Cranford andiences.

lectnres, illaatrated hy colored motionpictures, in the Preebyterian church,Thursday; Nov. lWJo, ."The Wondersand Glories of California." . Friday,Nov. 20th, "Tbe Ijuids of tbo Rising

Ej-winslourth season" trrappear undertbe aoxpices of tbo Men'* League. Onformer occasions tbe seating capacity ofthe church auditorium m taxed to tbealmost to accommodate the crowds.Thedoors will-be thrown open at T IS p. rn.•MI that there may be ample time foreveryone to be seated before (t o'clock,at which time the lecture starts. Every-oWi» 'invited to oome^ So seat* re-served. Children win be admitted onlywhen accompanied by gnardian, and

remain under their care throogh-

Bwi«f Traie.There was a larger thaa ttaoal attewd

at tb* twgutar Noveintyr uuwUnnof tbe Board ocTrad« Toesdiv which Praudeat Teller pjrtpidal. Omnew UMmber. \V. D". Hiitwl.iw.vrMelected. .

Tbe Treasurer's report shewed a rashbalance of »Ai5 •* and the rrpott .>f theFinance Coounittee, by U. M. liead-rick*, chairman. \luiw«l fRau 4tAi»* theBoard-

Mr. DrooKcher d>r the cuuuaittm onaiuaici(iaJ affair* reported on tn« matt«r of bridge over the river tatwwia tb«V'nion avenve and Springfield avenuebridges that tba matter bail btwn takenup with tbe Township Cummittw andby that hod;.with the Beard x<t_hoMert for cot&UtorsrtJuo.' ";">'"

_ The commithm mi clnaning tlu> riv«rby its Treasunir,Mr.lItindricln, r«tH>rtadwith regard to lli« ttnaru-iiU ustill due for labor in conntvtlon with

work, with «uh on hand $11.23making a net amount tibVirt tSitX' This

" Uniiifinous votti' "vaX'SritSriS' 'paST.'""Maynr Keins hroughVnp f»r consider-

ation by the Board the matter of cbargtmby tho It. It. t\> . of fulh^arm to ownersof commutation ticket* when tickets for»>me rmuun are nut . prtHluced. Mrlleins suid it was unfair and unjust tlmttbo iiwiii'r uf a it>iuiuutati«n tickettbviuld be compelled tn pay full fare atsingle ratret without cliani-e f»r rrliirnand be lieliAVixl that some fuir sndniuithid rule on this msttvr nmld Iw nmdiv

whicb, while providing penally for car«would not oum|n-l th« payment

of tbeprment «xtr» farm l'bn matterwas niforrcd t» u »|»i-ial

n. Drumclwr »nd Tool.



CnnforU BnuwU >a -Uw(iutkl wa*beS4 *t IV»W. MtHard. » « Ca»iau"*»«iaethe inmrnTK at th* >l*acted, Ufluh<n-ithe buiimst, whuwt grafiuum h.-»f-iti»i '•|IM> titmmittiw grutefullyIt i» a pleamni u>4'H) k-sniicut-> hav* twrt iumjioi us.

Men's league Smoker.The Mdn's lieogiiH of (be

Church fortnully o|i«-n«l ili |m>Kmn.iumfor tlt» vrinter hut Thursday nvening)y it nmoker belt! at lunno of l"n>ili>rick!\ Fruzer on I'ninn aveium Aboutifty uu'int«ir» uttended At u »tiortluslmiwi moettiiHMr. ItM llmlginandMr Withington were v<)tnl to mumlwr-ihip. PruNident A. I.. SVoodlantliresided.. The iiutertulnen for th<< evenlnx wnroall memliers of the Ixxlgti of Klks ofMiunfiulil, who werosccured by William

Mnlvvy. i'liu programme openedwith n Mtlnction by tha famous banjoplayer, Fred Van Kpps, who is reputed

thn FMIson and Victor Companies tojo the liest tiaajo player in America,'he quartette for tb6«vening compriseil

Elmer Cutting. William Smith. JosephMartin, and Kdward Hanllng, FredBanta was the pianist All the piece*

ere applauded anil encores dstuamlnd.\moil* ll«««i prnaent worn tha followlog: Hov. Ur. (leorge F. Urnene,Louis Hagett, Jules DuUurry. F. K.Lamb, Clarence Howard. I'lurnncii

ltaroh| Franclit, I. T KOVUM;1. Kennelly. Hurt, A, II

Lewis, Win. (.'. Mulvuy, F. T. Frii/er,Louis llendrickmn, Harold (tinkling,William McKe«, H. It. Jones, It. M.lliiku. A;;ti.;Woodland/A;tt'. Watiwick;idward Mushar, Irving C, 1-vy, K liIiirUm, Mr. Withltigton, R (1. Woo«l-ng, iulwurd Kverntt, deo. It. Milieu.

W. Tripp, William Huffrauii. Km).'tty,. W. -H.""l{os«nicranlif—anil -Hughearoil.

Trinity Church,Another attractive progmm lias Ijcon

rruugod for the ntonthty praise sArvlcuhicb i) to he given Sunday evening

mxt Nov. 15, at Trinity; church, Mr.riesenbeck, concert master of theewurk Symphony orchestra, will assist

n tho anthem arcompuniinenU, alsoflaying the opening and closing mini'•eft* of the wrvice. The work of thelioir D M very highly commeuded after;ho choral ver.vlce last month and tbemblic Is cordially Invited to enjoy tbeximing evening of worship in song. A

ry bnautifol ontbem by Uaorge Marin, a noted English composer, will beting by the cboir for tbe first time inrvlie. The program follows:relmlii "AnVlante Iteligloso"... ;Tbome

Violin and OrganJrocmsion»l Hymn 493Prayers and Verslcle»,...........Talllslagniflcat in A Flat. . . . . ; Mannunc Uimltti* In A Flat..; Mamai) them "Jeaus My Hope*'{Hymn flSOJ.......',....«. E. dander

Mill do »• by wndin<; twaacily alike to Mr». E. A. frmicsbm*. •]US Holly wreet. - '

Thn dirnctur;! take thi» »prjurf3niSii >:t'upM xring to all wau ban*i n u u u M y <•«••

ofIt h;u Iwvn thn CIWUMB in tSw{sw6 5^

of Cranfunl Bat omtag ft? taa :;with' «i» itaainf p«iipfcf ii>«.e •:£ '

l ;>l»n A» i.Vi,i i

Miss the frwinMotion Pictures in Colors.

Thursday, November 19•)t* Wowkrs «>d Glories of CWonw"

Friday, November 20th'Tbe landv of tte Ks«t W

(Hawaii, l'iiilippiuea, Japan. Cluua.)

r*»urtti Sea Mm under Ihc auspices of tit* Men's l.eafu*.

l'-.w»i'|*i)M5 1VM, ' • lectures M 1». M.iSILVER OR ERINU. NO HE5KRVUD 5EAT5 ift

unl mlmitttul unless witli iIt » :n iiiianinHMtxly vutnl m tar c.-i•tanc« to end It »t buitw u 4 tar ttt»pn<«ent all gatunViiu will b* |t» 't Wt'ntuford umi vicinity

garment* «i l l furm 4 1.1. . 4 ;tiil'l will las in rti4.ri(ttct ;^t-,'

Joint Welfare ('nuimtltw ai:4 th«» ticnelU'tmt Ooinutittou u( tl» \ ! %.!rim Juint \Wlf»rit CiHtiAitttiw.» t-ijrai •"

jliiwnl of fi>Uft«en W.uiwn'* rtut* w.S"


It 11 r.*|ueM,xl ill .-tutioti be ru^'rttHl Ut AjUitinou,* U Ma4i>M>n uvr'tiii•co-lhat «v«ary stirli m w »

iind suitably r>ti<»v««l. t.Sfwwiithat th«* l»«*ftr?«forr .t*' •:.£ b

onr -people iliall ri"t l)i« impf^p^fl^ i » |.itiiil thrift ;wid imitMtrv- \rv -"0: j ;ii und •

It "ill (at of uitnrvHt tu iJl win! 1I.L»J |!utrihutiNl to thi<* tturthy .^ijm-t: fe-^u

know that wilbin ii h>>inri After taWpliwtinu a nnmly..faintly hnv» tt*i ti».>Vurpliilili'-n Ilitnl out with w^rnt tuuior Ilothing for thn Winter .iinil Cli>* i» bun ti

.hn U'ltinnintf of thn >mir « wurh ;'

A Safe Investment!Buy a Lot.

If voii nir u.nLiii{4 for * HHI*IV ami liuil it iliBloult to mava:ii>ii*v. PI . if Vi'u ha\<< » litU« lummy ami want it li> earn more; w i « (,.r voii IlliV A LOT " .

Y.-u c«!i bttv a lot for a HIUUII i-siili'|p»yiuont, tint ImUine toy.r : sr,i m tuniitlilv iiintsllnmiilH. .


.'itr lot', if i-iiM>u lurn niN'it

fully Imti^lit,. will mClrnmi in valuu,<-uimnli>nihl"' s u m ill CiUlli . roil will

Otirlut* Iiaxe all City "Improvement* and are lucnted inifct ttc t Section DI the town and within a lew mlnutci" walk(men tbe railroad station anil trolley Hue. - . '

I iu | i i i t" nf •

H . I ! . IHtOKHl'IIKH. (!rnufi;rtf, N J . , - , . .'.,

Jffertoiy Anthem "Whoso UwtUbtbUnder tb* Defense «f tb* UtmtHigh".... , . .• ^.O«>; Martin

\tnen and Sentence... .Oeo. K. Qauderieceasional Hymn 518Jostlud« "Melody"..., . ... Oillet

• • ' m *-•

I'lumber William Isleib bad ln» carl>ut out of commission Bnnday by crash-ing Into a store at Newark in trying tosvoid running down a motorcyclist.Several friends were in the car-bot DO

Cranford gunners were out in forceTuesday, and most everyone got tbe fulljuota (10). Those who went- cntr ofown were not M highly favorssll as

those who stayed at home, for' Wideralitilti,—tbe—Utt*r—WBTB—fortunateenough to secure several pheasants 'mwl

i w U l . . - ' ' • • ' .. A

Ethel Cburchili Lehmau. the live'ear-old daughter of Ur. aod Mrs.logo H n " , of 22J North avenue,

died yesterday afienwoo atberg Hospital; PlaindeW, wberr

was taken last Friday, sufferingmMtotditk Funeral serrkys will

be h«ld« tbe borne tonight and ifflT b»conducted by Bev. Oeorge P.1'pastor of



Preabyteriao Xetareto-late plao« tmmxnm

School Notes.Tliu lli«li Siinml ftmttuxU IKUU

ploying lli» SpriniitlKlil «:b»iutthis aftermxiti, mi lim ( I n - b v l lenwuJ!groundii. |

i.t th« K>w<i .itfpKlucatlon Inn ofTnriHl n cup fc>r ttM !'winning d a w in the ciimuig >nt«r «(**»!on popular *uljje<-ti durmx tl>- » i t i b s

The'dlrU' lwik»ttwll t«>n» t» h<-iftictlcoilally In l l m H . n i ' ("tubrat game will be iwi>. vrmkThnllrnt Issiw of tl«! Htud«n( wiii

e«t week.In order U> ttuM mtiiwv- •><•

'icttires for th<> Uk-veliutii Hcht«jt,L'orlii"* Is piauiiing t<i tc'»t)l<i Ancieiil and Modern HiiU>ryn tho nttur futurit

" Resoiulkm of Respnt.At A meeting of tliu honT'iot

I tint I'hilntiel.l 1'iii.itt V¥ati>riel'1 Nov. UHh, tho following r

il*1 t tiff clftli.tlt i if j J J jli If •VtMtfl W H T H iLtli Jl/fLtfit jn -II

'That »im-«- tint tu«meeting this roui|HUiy I'if* suflirwl *'plorablo loss In th« d»»th uf .fuhitur vice pnaident. who w^t tlui f

if til" coinpany awl its principalpuruir in tlu; troublmmno v«ar* wwcirks weru constructed awl it<>uudnrtokiin. Drawn Into UwstitBrpnn*by an accident of tmsimm Mr. Kmu;saw an opportunity t<> iwiablwJi a, uorfiiand imtwrtant mean* of public- -mriu:'be realiuxrthu difficultuni uf the umi<>rtaking and know tlat tngnatmt flSirtitu auximpllsh 't uuwJw by otlinr* iiim'fffuvoritblii Umtit hail fiiiuxl. Bat wlWa.he decided &L\ undertakit lli» wucfc bi-pronecuted it with th» same U»gr»i» at(murage and perseverance that auuimihis useful ana honorable runmt butU LMpublic "und private Ufa; andtoo more than fffly tbtiusoiui

IMI'I" H II t«-

Hess Bros.,ifte^itg, Heating an. Tinning.

7 S . Union Avenue*

B ^ f i i CRANFORD. N J

PETER'"**"!' 1< lljtrry llilniiiiel)

Seafood and PoultryMAI1KKI

and Cl.AMS



y i g^edkiently served by th» wmp<usj svutcuostautly sharing in tho WUXMBVI bmlabors. Una of bU last bosinma #ffi»ta»was to improve tb* company'*

d t l bi f tand to make prorblun fur iu «f8ewBe-|iin years t<» amui. It ws» hi» wiafe iu»£admonition, often ittprrssml. that ta*ODftfpaoy siknjld discharge it» impiirtaafiduties carefully ami literally thrumjioat the commonitie* lr> which iU w>ri;>ar« located, realiiiog the B»c«»Htyvalue of their good will, tuui It ihtmhlbe our purpose, now that hi in nun* friamtintu) that policy. an>l b» itfint&ts

HmoLYm, Tl>»t-itt-tb*-Mr — t ^ p n yfast friend and a ooorlooat pand In~lrt« «<omt cliSlr w» rtitliar i,painful lom that w« will not farjprt asi£nothing can repair. And bw it fart&nr

lil.soi.VKD. That tbU imutaOiat IXengrossed and pr«ent«l to th« tumly.ot Mr. Koan, and printml in Out owi»>papers of the county,

anROonoM tb» total n-oeipM of the rummage sale ot Trianjchurch held. October 27tn. as tlSt.

Cranford Gjumed

Meets Irt and Srd Thnradaj ofeach month

AT UABOSJC ff^t',rlnfonnalianad!W.B.J

Carefully Done

- - Cailmetea f urnlahed -

Bfisidfincejnd Shop,

-*7 ftVtH flttfuSidi Af8liU0

GAMiLLO MASS)),General Contractor.

CvncreU Work,CHUn txMvated.

Si4«w«1k»t etc.

N. J.

_ Tfcoght «hildr«-h. Hatur-v«rf rnasun-

.Tor foil infwomtiuh ti

8KST-D«««r»l,l« sinill lummt

"fSrfSiniif«riji»iioo, address "J,

«ALE._ I'arior dtov-i.1 iliSostI r f - . cheap, Aleu<}iaitd»oia»

K tamp -with groen how)Ortft. Bonier Avcnu* («nd)

-$J9&Z— ,—-—Bwmjli; raalu hanttng•:*'Sm^ah bl»ck spota. long brown

•K;r», Mmwmri, 706 Orange avenue.

11OOM3 - U r g e c««Eii! att El* Wslntit av*woe. I0-29-4t

-Few UAK, matt be very<ift«a<p Mid ;n«i far from station. State!iSi ptetmOxnt and price 'by latter.iOBmm.U Codar street, New Vorlc.

&EST-iaJrgfi light badrociint w carUemen: board if re-

laqwre SS Lutcoln avenue.

VAS2IIKG M»d irotiiDg done a! homef «xye*Seao*il woman SatisfactionpwrrwrtHlia. Address Mrs. KnMa,Mdtanaai flat*. N«w Htreet. (Barn'•teJUtme.;

«CKX> hAXX-WeUcrtlat any length; at!

•OUHIS Fanna, ptmw

Our cigar ease is MINUSKotxln of a "Vintage'' forthe reason that we receivesmoker's supplies m smallquantities—often, We can-not afford to cany stalecigais, cigarettes or tobaccobecause we want the firstsale to YOU to have manyrepetitions. We can onlystick you once! Ou.r stockhas plenty of variety—ofcourse we have- your favor-ite brand in any form ofthe fragrant weed.

Reay'sDrujc Store

EverythingFor Your Kitchen>." Including thu atovel. C'ooking UtttitaiU — Alumiiiu/u,

Cop|>r, HUiel Oray, for every culi-nary purpoie. •..*. ..-. .

From Cutlery to Coal Shovelswo i-ftii <>Sor quality ami priucswhich appeal to every prudootmanager of hou«eLoM iiuancis.

Ofi iUaOiix U m p a , W«l»hathLlgbU, d a s Light Adc«t«Hrl«s.






Schafer A fftumrtitn,Maaona and Contraeiara.

TaidoirtOuwpodM. 1

* i m m o w o k rAw, Md JfopJ«v st

Page 6: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,

X, i}Wi''*)"'wpi'i'i»Miii!Lii|ii(i(iiii i i Himuii[iuinri>iMiniiniiniiiwiiiimiui flimiiiwiyarJIIW^WI^»^M^^^^^^^B^^^^P^W^^P—^^^^^^^^^^^^^p^^p^ipjppp^^^^^^^^^^^i^iwyi 111 u11 jmy i i^i I ' ^ ^ y ^ } w J, ; ' " » ^

Snrvey of the World's NewsC


MEIli.tKIt.m and ur<S>

IAUMXAl.of llrlKluMflllueo, ontf uf tlj- .-tti*» 6ri-

^t by »be-"<"-ft«K ft-!"-*,lias! a difficult time 111 rrturc-ics fp*tu-IU>me to Helgiuui.

IJemUKe tbe ranllnai l;a<J rtf-:***! t»«piv« a denial to Hie <h-»re«"» <>f '- ' 'nsi i iitrucltles ID Belgium. tb*k*U»r'» esv.-'jIn" Kemp lsad .r.-j«;tfl bl«.rv«iu*»t fura wife conduct hack t> his arvlv&xt**flftrr the papa! <-»>ncI:i\r. *» he « » •C"ini*#"llf*U Jo rt'turo thrmisk KueLi&d.

•TirKnei«n<l ttie IrlMi I'sth.-it* »»si#,lthe oce«i«U>n of nl^mliiE thHr s t o -

t»rtcut» tticisJe s m a w/i! noon produce results»V,p ,•! ft j ijKXI Itopnnant < liara^leit. • . -

ttr*4-rrrli Vnrt lourenjlng the dU-**&*# - J**» li*-**h In j-rosn-ns Bt theI:.>i«-fe!,'<-r Institute for, at<yj!rt| ;,»lx.jcurK.. IJ.-»uli» at first wrro -hlmllari» those isi <*t!jrr liil«pratorle«, wheretLp «jruln.t ugi-ui eluded primary IBVrtitnvj.Jf- flctertloii. Hut the iilupleu*-.ii.« at the <<!iJin*iind of Iir. KlextMT

Bpse« In Celumns «?*» jaurnalWorth Money and Should Da

Paid For at F««* V»lu«. ,


l!«in T'T'puriiio the 'work 1»;-l a w tit will 'b It hiid blo<-k

t |^ial)r]K 1* spread In HiflnyIl ic .roliilliuil linUM>fly I*. ilU

'.nrrji-r • <>f It Hcillmen and^rJ!'U!c Ii. Ilmiinn niul other I

Jut ^M'lj dpiH'jir To «txlin)t» tin*<'rfc':ii, j -H jH Hh ' l U n i t lllf*'«*l KU

!>'.r i"-r.<"u* witti n li<"»in tlicy rotim

Time naii wlicu railroad fare,paid by anybody VIID "•««he ajiolftglztd tot It, for nearly erery-body had a pmw. Tin? theory * u thatth« railroads mu«t mil train* anyway.Tlify uilfflit Ju«t a* writ run thun foilui>. It didn't rx»t tlw railroad nity*tiling morn t» 'nrrjr ;pn rxtra iianura-KfT trrr. M 1.1 fee rtn<l Hmail *bll>l«[«i|HT mid mnpaluc riiPn. frinul*of. ttw IMJiiuixrrnciil, ritllroad tefn from••tticr road". [Killtli Ind*. crnrit-r» mid


Habits of Busy Mrs. Duck

tf*r<parad by Ccltcd

A <iueKtlaa


Mallnd C«thtdr»l anddiara D«f«ndlng th« Torn.

puthy for Itflgluin I'f tiimtK'-iratluii: a

li.v (he enrdliiul, whu nat trti a l^kon i fwith John Iliilinond rtn tit* right amiT. 1', OVouuar on tiU tefl Tbe t><»cession nuiubr:refl more tlinn £<M.M>Later tho cardinal « m wjrsiilj «<!•cdlnf'd I1|HIU IIIM afltvitt at M^USKH* I»Tthe hiirgotnaitcr and rl l lzm* vt thetown. He e»prei**ed ^rriit gflrf at 'th*r


ARCHANGEL PORT OPEN.Vrordlni: \n ifiform.illon rw»lvod li»

Uri- l',r)u-\i l»>.iril-(if l.ciidi' II nmy l«>f«iin<l |p««*ill«lf I«I k«"|i I'I'MI tin* Itnntln'u i<->rt ...f An linncil In. Die Arrllr• nwti l>y i:iv<iii» 'it l ir lirriilcliiK iil«!nin»M;M- utilil I In- inil uf .NrivcluliiT midl«K»11i!jr iinill tin- inhlilli- of lic^niln'r.It *!•«• 1> li>i|>iii t" tiinlir iirruitifiiK'iittf.-r nddlflAruil Wrtli* wlilcli will fiiolll-(.•.!i' tin' illw-liuifif "f |irl>n|i' citrst*-" .

An IMUIM-I I* tlic nid»t mirllii'rly puliilIn llir r.illnii) tVslrin nf IIiir<i|<t>. mxli« tltf iH:iy inr«ri* M'H|Hirt on (IK* uorlh<M*t "f tlir Kiixil.iii <iii]>lriv Tin' hiir-1«T ii»inill.» l« fiti> from lie only lir-(•».< M July and S<|itrmlMr, '

'•0V-'SCOUTS DOING DUTY1 Iri r<-»i«.n«.' 10 the •all of Chief Hipj>;entr.«l *lr llnlM-ri (ludeii -1'owell morn! ilintl |<KI.«*KJ Imy fMoiltti nlo liow l»>r-rforiiiliiB wml iiillltur.V scrvlie through-< ••«t" KUJII.IIM). Their Mullen Include tbe

j *ert«. t<'Segra|i|« mid telephone Hues,

J«irriln*; dl«pnti het. enlleclliiK liifornm-tl HI a* to kiiji|i||f-i. pli'MiiK up liud

; fm".iiiliii;: <lk|isili hen dropped by nlri < raft. iK-rMIng tiiirtt'guard* UH sea' • • •u t i inn)- illMiilmtliu: notfics to In-

The rlty In a m>n«« 1* thernpltnl ot llelglum and 1* situatednhoiit halfwiiy between Antwerp andllrtnmcl*. It has a population of about7(>,*WU. It cnye the ii.uue (•• tuectilhiInoe, for the making of which Mutinr*wua once fuinoti*. It I* one «>Jt thebusiest rnllroud center* of Itclilum. torIIIICH from Antwerp to ItruwU andfrom (ilieut to IJcgc crowing ttMPTf.


Olllclal llgureit on the r r w m of1'uilK, wlthlii tho city.walls. »hun ththeiv nro today In the capita) :&£.'. l.V?fewer fniiilllc* than there ncr.-tu ly l l .The number i'f household* i.'W In t!i<-city in T<li.'.M«i-th:it K-'» third «f the-

fiunllleii have left.

lor |Miiif wire

tlnn nf l.»W!.Rt|7 n.i roni|urr<i ivlta thr.»of J011. ' Tlil« i i iijiial t» «C.'iwr tvutof tin' |H>liulntl(in In imruial tliuin

H at. ' . .


Imy m;oiilM nroni, lirlilKcit mid

illi" L.'.<KI(I uri' nil lln> li'Ok-i<i!lli)i> tili'smiili mid tolc-

i nltoiK. In Hilling U|«m"iierul Il'iidrii-l'uivellliiailvd'

"lUiva of I tilt nl TI. dnii't pt nlinutwaving flii«« mid t-h.'iltlni; lM'iiiiiii'<l»*tv Ii «nr; nnv HUM run d" Unit. Andilcn't »lny Mli- dnllnj nnllilni;; Hint tta!ilV>«l «w<c. I'IHIIO mid <l<> xonit'llitiit;fi-r y««'nr «iuntry. Slic jiocdit ymir liflp.

"Tlw I'cv MNIUIS nri* now In "crvht*

! 1 •*"•'" ttio iif.irt>t trmip In ymir nun ills-

OEFENDER OF PARIS(Sriirrnl ,ln»i*|ili liiillii'tii, (n wlmni

.«•».». ttiirustrd. lhi« <Jrti:iiii-'..u.f.i:Ml^..Js<«:;»S.],-H-il mif i.r tit,, ulili'st iiiiijliiiy"Mm inTYiiluy. A'-i liilMlat'.v y 'Vrt'liorof IViils In- ««s ulvi'ii cMimwdlniiry|>)«rr«, wlilil) lit rffiHt ii-nih'icil himiiMlflwndfiit »f nili'iffri'iirti liy rllhiT

rut otttrv slvo a ilt'sirlpttin «>f a s»a(rt:t-cil Mit'll tlnit Ii lntfri'ntliii;. In vSfw.nfti noun OWpiitoh fmm Mnlta, u t . l h

• »ny», "Thcrti In intK-li talk hrtr- t-i -anew iirniinn nieee mm « t i t h kU!» »«nuirli by iKjUonoiis puk-s Ilt«"rat<->1 frv>at(he ulicll «».!>}• thi% IM'IM O'iitrntn."

Tliirn la nuililn^ In tbp »;wiflcatfc>n*mi flip at the pntrut utHco to atiow ttuta »hi'll pntt'ntwl' on behstf. of ttu>.Knipi'ii, th«' (icrtnttn «i2inufit< tuivr*of war lunlcrluls, In At N- a- -d 1^ ttwI'urjiiso of Koiipratlui:-i>obtofi"i!* KSM-K.but the descrlptUm comiiiiotnU to tbatvt tbo tliell uirntlDunl \u ttu-. MaltailUputch, ottd unuffli'lnl liifi'rmjttlon into tlm effect that It Is lutewi!<f«l'for ttwP'Ucrall.'n of |fn*e«.

The application for itn- |<atmt. « Mll a nintti'f of public rn-nnl. w tv,,^lon CK-t 10. I0H«."The mtcnt w*tgrautotl ou KriiL U.'. 1011. Ttir i«»t« r.(«was Kart WhtM-r, desorlbeil as "a *uNJcct Ot the «tU|H-ror of Gcraianj atol• resident ot Brwlftiey, j;*rusaoy.~He wai the Inventor vt the *h»-lL Tt:*ofllclal rt-cordu »IK>W that WIFSW endy«D Bulsnment of the American t<aUDtrlffbtn to "Fried. Krupiv Akii«a Clcwii-Khaft of Kiwrnon ttif-!t«tir. U«r-

.The Malta n«w* <ti>i\atcts d*-

lud Is easily mounted <m winM*. Ttr•hell faloadeil at the mmith i.f tlio giisybat a metallic tdiaft, tnafm*: i i ; «with the shell, l« rammed ttcbtty lj&to(lie gun. Shell and shaft are shot to-gether. Tbe »hell Is detached la It*coarse. The shell when It

•Ire missiles."

CURE FOR OREAD DISEASEHope of a cute-for Infantile paraly-

sis, a disease that has baffled tb* moj-Ical profession for r«»w. Js _heW_«ui

• by Dr. Simon Kleiner, director of tb*Ilockefellcr Institute Kur Medical Ke-bennh.

Dr. Kleiner exptauw thatexperimentation tbe

o of the disease, heretofore a- • That? who inojv Uolb n n say thatvisible ercn with the aid of the ct«t Gtwral «;a!lk>nl Is much tlia samepowerful microscopes aad extnss^y tiW vt soldier as 1/ird Kitchener, Kug-dlfllcult to- Brow optildft the IIQCSID :acd~« minister of War.. He Is a won-body, has finally been crown In tr»l drrfni orpuilwr aiul adiululstrator andtubes and I* found rtstbt* trfcea' 3 BOJU of »trong detennmatlon; Likeilewod throush tbe microscope ta | Kltvlwoer. too. be \* of few words,Jljutmasses. l i e makes no definite prucs- tsach action, and he has the entire «ui-Ise. bot lie leaves tbe dtttinct tape**-' ftSeur* of the Kituch, csiixhilly tho•toil tiMt recent experiment «rft& (U*: fitrWau*. x

ivramauilcr In chief of tho Flencharmle-s In the Held,

Altlu'tiKti n"unlive of France, (ieiicrn!t'.sllleiil la of ltnllan pnieiitiitco. He.»a»_borii1 in,_'18iU...and Is a..veteniji. of|!se i'ranco T'riiislim «;nr of 1X70. Must«f hi» VnHltary kmmledse, however,has U-cn gnlnttl lu tho French coloniesin Africa end Chliin.'whero he spentiWilJ-sflx jcars uf .His prlu-<!i>HJ t|*.k, |irobal>ly wns the continentand |-atia<-atlon of tlm Island of Minla.

curl) tmrtiai-ous klugdom Into a rich

Ctn»r»l Jouph Qallltni, On* ofAblc.t Frtnch Military Mtn.



jndiululsinitlon he built a

of raUiwids and highwnjgailacamir suul dmtotwd tt«asricultimil and luliieral to-

It t<mk (tic Mrong nnn of the lair U>Riinlly atop t)il< pmrli'e, (o i-onrlar*the rallroadx Iliat a fr»>r pHM ITS* »•l«id for th«- ii«pr n» It wn» for the rail-road, find that It Wiis"iiiiwp*«ary |o[rlrctiKris'~'>W"T»f lttir~iTiU'T " • o n h f "

's»n? thniiiirh th«* urinie irarniformajimi!A "|'ii|nTr<!" IIUIIHK U m>w the *\ga ofu poor pnilti' tlon.

Thv lu'u'iipiiiM-r U the lost nf. thethri'i- moro »r li1** pulillc M-rvlcv-Inatl-tulluiiH to realize the nhnrt «li;lil"ln<Tfnof trylne to x-ll a thing that It i» at tho•wiDL' tithe (.'Ivliiit nway. To glre a••(•rtolii niuoiint-of »pn<-v free In con-Jnni'tlon with n (crlnln amount »f paidMilvcrllxlni;. no innlti'r If tln> frtv ad-verlUinK pn'tciid* to de newi, prrt-IIIIIOH itiK-tiiattrin and un«liilile value*In- IIIP ni'WMpaper'n chlrf roiuiuodlty-^mlviTtUliitf wpacp.

Tilt-•mivertlscr who «i:t* KIO Hn--» offtn1 Hihrrtl-liic In "innwtlon nltli W>HIMII of paid udvi'ilbliiit In liiiylui; liUliihcrthciin-iit nt Juxt tiulf the uuirketprl(;e. .ThU In iinfnlr to the mlvertliwr

»Iw b.iv« not h,;drnUiiiR cold: -

trA and i-m-l tieml Ijfttir liur>* tiioa

flr»t »Inter; or will &r ;»*lf iu«re fittl<:kly la

It truuSd 1* Well tur'altJUcnrt*an* «••»• prwliuins or »Su|>rr»lne»- la tUe future nt» »r

whi'tln-r he lye f«t well orfor lilmwlf ii*!«• allunwl itiffli'wttt ritui-liik'. nKriiryvter grnwttjwent of. tb# rolt i!»ti^nit» i'»c. ;i*on rhe nature of rtiif f-*«l sS^»!t £any other irr««tna t h t i e ia.l ar-farmer »-t'hn« ti> fnilaii»>- is -i. 'lieriiu-nxlvt* ra'ri*U-»"*nifp«, tUf "immc Qu atiix'ro ••n«i!y Uiaiu, tahH i-olln.

After tin- yomiK 'fit. I m s t s ai> lisrTestluate bU.itiotljf.f * fwwt hot in S?r&Ing tlnii; hi* ulionlif ' * priviil«<>t w n f c *IMIJ of tii.t rptn amt r»»t o w s u w y .«lif»iit ult th»» i^iumi »ut-# ij>t ::iF?ii l iewnnt* tw|i.» ti'iMy. Rue if: .» lwi;:.?''aftt-r be It w»>aup<l «t a tinw sr'tno. *«••can l*»<t iitllta' a lllwml s r i m rrir

«'ho |«B}PI the full prjee. the ndveHiwr j thai he fa'rw tftc' hant.«r. ! • as*who»e line of liti«liui*» U KUthlliat be I* what It ntw.ulij Iw. hw will •••mrtniiw

h are w> frwlyno fnvorit atlfhto theaters, lr<x>k<,

Klciiinahlps "in! ether cojulnerrla! en-

ThU doc* n»t men 11 that n'ueivspa-per hhnll not ri'VleW- 11 book or a playor ileHciilie In Its iiewn coluinna 11 uy-thlni; tlml IIIIN rciil news vitlue to thepithllc, prcivided the mutter Is writ-ten lu thn «irmi! «vny that It would tiewiliti-n if no iidvertlxlni! |«w<MiiHtywcrb nllnched. • • . • ' " * ". No corollary l« so well established ntth'p ouo; wlilch tenches 11.1 that thoni'w»|m|icr which In most compliant Inrcfiinl to freo iidvertislng Is alwaysIlio weakest wwspniw.

to irroW.JBOO<1 t t


i:«n Hii»' t.i-

uTeadllyL- well mi

j he Ii poorly fill; h»j rlKht. ho !i«'(im«i

lu*silica of ."corn unittelllnd effert wh**u *pn:!tr . 'Jthrough hi* poor limtrft. tr>«d"'Clieanmce and 'Irooplas »plrif«. EBthnot only (rniw mum 'irtnwly 'mechnnccs »r» aanlnurthe I horse he ironlitmade.

'.tlttl' •.«,

• r w - « IVt<- fflj-d. "Keep n duck for luck."TiHT«>* ii4» trur. sure—If you don't want'*Kjp» laid on the hon tuntnllment

;:int,. Li-*-;, i'fklm;, Runnrr or OnilnRtuu iiunetn, for when they atnrt to lay In•MHT-'II or Frliruary.lWI tve* «tr,ilsht ahead' Is no unusuul reconk' < . - . •

]f von wish a duck to fit conn, don't remove eRgu froq» Ulwt unless s'-'umulati'. She ljulld« her nest gradually lij adding »tlck», itruws nudH-I.'I-*, curt wi,fII it In lined .ull round with her Uuwn anil ti''athcr»_her lay U-GiMitn OMT ami liatculns becl»». " • ' ' ' ' ,'', '/ • '

In 1*\/t*rt ,)irr «ss« thmi chill and vormlntg dhe C<tTer« thejn when Qtfii.titl'iti'i rrtu'rn trfiffl a swim sprinkles them nltlr her Wet eathtfrirli) aisslit In-

l B t i a • ' ' ' '' ' • " '''•'•'



"PoStaging a Trial.

you think youmnnel for my liny}""Vwi-wo linve n upread eagle orator,sob N|>eclnlixt, nn Infinity extwrt

;nl a little cutH who knows the law IfW» need any law."—l^oulavlllo Cburlejs

ivnfiA sw.1 of WUcouslu's dairyii«, i-iiiitaiiiius In all more than 13,-

«•»«;' lire t«'iuR KtUvlally tested< yr&x for the purpose 'ot detectingI <">uu!iuthis from them nil "hoard-" I^ith of these progressive dalry-11* SJ inwiitxsr of one of the twenty-

Roughag* Far-TI11.1 quality of ruilgllajwi- CM£

Is fill will determine- w wnn*the amouut of ninctTUi!«• allowed. For isxsnt^ltf. l£ wn«flme«-of gtjml iiuallty i* sl1"«i Bt»ns adw iniiu-

Imvo strmclent 1 rentnte allowaww ena t>»*- rwOnvmB.I Corn" silage, together wltlL aJCiiSSn ;iiua

clover buy, cat» b« miswtt « i tfarm- The*! nre a» JTMIcan 1M» found, tind th«lr u»i« w-UI! •dulryiueu no. small amount: teflii-e»«ntrnte bill.

urn* «n» it-stlng awsotiatlous which greatly Increased.

have tieen orgimlzeil by the WisconsinHalryincn'd fiKsoclntlon. U Is ho|iedthat by moans of the worU done tiytheso testers In rldulull herds of poorcowrund lu' aiding dalrj'uien lu thomanngeDtent of' their herdu tho pro-duction of tho-'CQwr retained will be

The Sunday School LessonSENIOR


T i n . — Whatsoever n manlUui sliall he nlso rt-ap tijnl'.

Women's Rights•-*


,• U:<- Social 1'hase of the Saloon, ajfSjMjCTiliJunperniK* lesson, prepared by) 3iiiirr.v i*. AVutncr.•' ..a. *>!Tij>tuie i:<;aulne.—Isn. v, 11-13.; zz rs; MVIU. l-T.

21, Aim of This Lc"«t>u.~T« showi'ttml il>o saloon Is an unsocial lnstltu-

OJtK'i'HlNtJ over n - hundixtdjikirs u%'o, when Kuroim.wa'snnikliiL! 0110 of those advances

in new linen of tliiniKlit iviiTcHhtive iiiarkiil dllTcleut 8t,»ges of la-

I" development, when' 11 cropof grciit French tlilnkers-Voltalro uu<lo.then»-we«) iittnutlng attention, a

hy l'nrlwlun Imly cmicelved In

the niuelloriithui of women that are lu'Bite during tho present day.Mine. Dilvniik did not follow the

llurs of thp present tiAtfemont, wherefil7«:c7iireu Ti-onfeiid for" etiuaitty-"w.Ithinch. Her Idea was that women were

Miiliher Intellectual develop-incut thau lueu itrpm the fact thai they..... made trf.ftucr .texture.,Jtsr l!'a»wu* to Xitllhtit the [mile forct- of meliby-Miaklng U'•MbSctvlont to the »upe-rlurl tutellectimi facultIrs of- women.'

Muie. Urlyaux. ,who piwsesscd nnenormous.f<tft,uui". purchased au IslandIn tbe MedlterramNui Mia, »|pou,"whichMOO pruposcd'.'.to enrrj out lier Wea. | Sheh|\0 no dllllvulty lu fimndlne her ct'»l-ouy SOUII1 of Iwr crtlaiilst^j w"<jre of

birth; other* were comiueiiers.but nil were JiiteUectunl SJictalUnlfor nieu volulitccnt who must Jolii with

full understanding that the women«eic to do the thinking, the men tosen e us* protectors.

JIuie. I'lrtvaUk'n' Idea In separatingher colonists from yie rest of the worldWi\» tlmt Hhe might ui.nke an absolutelyfresli stint, .uutraiuuieled by existingn<itltiitloiis,.laws, rustonw. But a per-

fect nhuklng off of tbe present luonlerto InnilgumltvA. new future Is veryjUf-llcult. A -weak—«|»tit—liMhe fouiHlcr"*purpo-ie was that nui«ng the huiidnslwomen she took with her thertt werethree, each ot whom wn« loved by anum. These men, unwilling to |>nrtwith those they loved, enrollwl them-selves nuioug the umscullno force whowere to do the tlghtttig and lal«orers.Thus :it the very outset did the canker.

tjeFlhtoTfic; roots t4-tfav-m« thatMme. I'rlvaux had phtntM with somuch thought, trouble and expense.

Mme. Drlrnux had enlisted everyman colonist herself* taklnc cane thathe was not oppomrd to her s»"heuie orunwililnit to «tv*'Pt the direction of the

looking to hu muscles ratherthan his brain for his share ot thework. But these thtve "misbegottenknaves," who had Joined for Uw pur-pose ot getting puHsetHlon «f the wom-

thoy-loved, dre-olved h»r" by Ufinsthe lomlest In their advocacy ot herplan aud their promises to ho obedientmid patient laborers and soldiers. *

Marriage waa not forbidden to thacolony, b,ut every man who marriedwas obliged to tironto« that he wouldobey his wife., Morcvrcr.' he waiobliged to agree td be a. hewer ot woodand a drawc* ox vater, looklnt to bis

111. l c«M>n.of th* "Social Glass."

% that-can-belniHlo3«r iiyitiir Is tbut It furnishes Ttii* It diws. lirst. by means•si :lie "sw-lal slasii" to tbo two oritcw-wr-jutir? taking It together, and,

{•y lutsiuitof Ibc iwiloan serving• rcrtaln-rfasses-ol

«bo either prefer the kind of1c IN- found there or .who have

ic who can Cad uo other place oiien toTlic i«1' l - who rc.fiH.1id In any

to the ttjclabillty tea-

wife for gulda-nce like an nB«Hun« S11*band.

Now, tht1 threw murxilntw wlnr- .liiitljollied tlio colony-- FifrftTiiiii'ficTJwt- Miil-ihaving to leave r:irtt» fur a .!«u»i»lW-ablB tlnio In order to *iri* &ic t2hnni-svlves th« women they liir«l. HD vuoou tho voxitgi* they put Ul«*tr ht'tnlKrtrvgether' to .ili^i'lse n I'litii P»c UHUIIE tr't-veugbd" oii the colonist* f»r 'hitrtfe they wt»rt» obllKml rti raa^urally It was easy f?»r tflttnt.trol of the other men HroloiiistSvlatter iK'lnsr fi'ntent tv. lee tit&-da their tni'nkimr w i » miir iB»ow!«*rj Jiiii«»naut

^TuTt* iJ ibe sakwn are:The more well to do or

Jthy daiH« who distinctly preferwjrt of «oriablllty that necouipa-

.Vow. It •«. 'happened ttot *nm 'Jh«r" wm'm 1t>Moxts alcoholic Intoxication,tbe colony was e*rabll»o«l *• -My na,^ : «w"nCL-Tbe outcast and degeueratoprd at th« tiland Uwulml wim * tta«r~.-j <« « b « - r -etas** who *et-k the r nsso-band ot Arabs fnuu toe- i O t r a i t ? n w . i ciau* -among the «x-crimlnals. cm-bent on plunder. Mme. Drlv-n-'ns -•airwfi S taj-oalc crimiuals. liiafers, profwslonalUiwn the men t» attack. tii» Lnv>-»B«r?* •1««K=1TK- *? c - ot the low down grog-ami drive them away. Jtiira* (Ctlmnfli*- ? TWri*" Tnol». one of the <Un» nwa w!to !imB Tnird.-.V relatively small but lm-heen plottlus agalnj* >0B- massm •ff ] 3««ta«a cla«. «f business men who usetbe. colonial scn«u«v «hl; i *>» «aln«ni a* a place for business np-

"WV are ready to ilrtvit rU«s« m e \sn«tammas.away, but we would be »!<«»•£ S wiui j 3-«unh-Then- yet remain the work-would give us a plan of artartt " tft a» ; « cliw»« who regard the saloon asour part to do toe aishttas. ts& yonr':* '3*"* -of-»ocUl intercourse. Herepart to tell us how. SBall aw a** Ste- i *tw Teal problem to foond. First, thisoffensive

to think for them^-lvess;associating" With- men wtin tntm- iU».- :•I>osed to lead tlieiu, ttiey auttiraily '3iB- :

. r.ta» i* thr largest In tbe total audijxB-aiptta consnmption of liquors; sec-i jina. opjmrtunltieij for social en-j 3i;rB«!in. •epaimte from the saloou. arcI stare Jlmitod, and so tbey arc com-i jiclkd to depend upon It more and-msnc. I s a worvl. It is the laboring

and lie, alone, who may claim* In aUy liense a real "to-

ot act upoa taeShall we use guos or aaaJlour bayonets?**

Mme. Drjvaux InokntM. Champlnots. stamped: nwr Suit -uaCtold him to drlv# the raws&rwithout asking any further

I l lL wom*>n JBchief were much

"This iiilony In orsranijat:tile men's spokesman, "'in ra» plan Syou- Wt>men do the thinking jfiEmen the work and ttte ttsiltlnirIHittion at the cix«l tfiimstfv»r doing the«< alone, tr !» :&<r |in«:that'we should V* calieil apaot Ai tfuait

see wherein you aw »up<a*>rc» nat m»B j^niiitj> ^ S w l in t «-t*i5idwe call upon you to. surrender tHw 3»B- j an ss*y l«*r wcli fumisiied quarters andershlp In our favor.™ pgujinnriit. i>J no one doubts for a

The'Arabs were stealing up niit Zfeam '. saiuatr t u t the saloon keeper docs allpoor women w bile the men Tn>re-«ap<2- ' liii*. porfjj E* H Ituslaess venture, of-

H*aaana. low. cost

Tar PepularityT" :at which the saloon

Its numerous attractions Is: irw oT The «troits features in tusking•tx jwtjiniar. t toe reason why latwrlnp

flu mwtiann clubn o t their own .istlicr cannot ftSurd the mem-

to l'xlges. laborBWe sfiairtie mttrdereiET "EinaaiBaBiC "* « iD tSUer "BKacliaUsns roomsbeatsd

Po your duty:" ' •|aos»5 %Jned near to t i e saloon abso-The«e expressions oa tie- axraftesr ajr>-ij iwet* 4r**-tf«asi, It iir.tnconcelrable

ppnnch of the enemy giTe pCta.-a-tsr-~Stnr-:f"tlaBt Soe Toaary which }*ys for*lheheaven's sake save us and: pan- a s ? ?j-a3xiks. ra» t i e "attractions" providedha\> everything?" -. . . . . .•- . . . , :....,-. -3?; itoe «*k*ffik wwitt n*t pay for the

"Ueslgn to* thlxtUox s«"Rsr <BT 3«?- -WTtartlma* .atay. If.tite drink* were

"Weresl£nrrepU«t4!mntfrefETnfe-K. S o w e s s TO help conclodlnc that"FolKm a»!~ amt tumtos: ar ?tsB.;; -*Saar t V «akwB 'now- acts as a sort

the mea acshnt ffie-eerajt .•sHtoasctteV iCjuxcxa&'s ciob ft Is tbe dub which,their shbj» and. sailed: i-irar- 1 aaKBg w&xxatase ot Ms poverty and of

<Xbfr QcSit dkj* nftsHf A r ttysiff 'VCSE^&BC 3dv ficstzv Sor j^ttttnp^tit^l trmfrf birothe col<my brake ag aai. LKSMLJOL nt 3»sr anasx Tar Us codal life than anyfnnca. . , S&*Bu«aBr.«*aai«*j«tile wtthsoderateor

BEREAN.low earnings. As,n prominent ttgstoa .1II|IKT dealer has said: "if the saloon;Is the |>oor inan'H dub, then I contendthnt the dues arc too high. It costtbim too much to keep the club stewardIn 11 prosperous condition ami-there-fore should be disbanded for tbo ben-efit of the club members and theirfuuilHes aud. the counnuuijty atjargc."

Sugpestsd Substitutes,

There ure many orgnnlAitlonii andclubs,.both philanthropic and self *ui>-portlng, which provide healthful amuse-incut and rccrouULin.- ll'lieae, lutenttob-ully or unlntentlonnlly, servo an coun-ter attractions for the saloon to sumoextent. Hut the great need of ourInrgp cities Is for uiore, ninny more,niul better ones—those iu which therrf;•~svHt~hc tnTTre-I-nducoBients-aa welfr-imore of a feeling of freedom onpnrt of those for whom they are cstub-liidicd. The most successful of theseInstitutions at present are coffeehouses, lunchrooms, reading rooms,bowline alleys nml other athleticgames not in-connection with WIIOOUM,recreation centers, social sctticmentathe better grades of theaters and parks,especially the,- small parks In 'dense'residence neighborhoods. ; These nilsupply means to sociability of n purakind away from the tcmptatlous ofthe saloou. But their number Is alltoo meager and the hours of closingoften too early. Tbe Young Men'sChristian associations to gome extentfcr te ln this capacity, but their flchlIs largely limited to clerical and rail-road men and strange young men ofthe better, class coming from tbe coun-try and small towns, They do not -toany marked extent counteract the nt-tractions, of the saloon to those whoneed them most . . .

IV.—Some pertinent questions.First-Should a man cultivate socia-

bility? Why? . •Second.—What responsibility, has so-

ciety In meeting this social need by thomaintenance of public Institutions? ;

Third.—Are ordinary people capableof furnishing adequate amusement for"themselves?1 Kourtb.—Do they know bow to play,or must they havo others play forthem?

Fifth.—Is It possible to solve the sa-loon problem and take no account ofIts opportunity for sociability ?

Sixth.—\Vbo patronize the saloon?Seventh.—Which of these "classes la

most dependent upoflrltj , ". " • ""-Elghth.-Why does the saloon appeal

the most strongly to the poor laborer?VJ—Class discussion.First-Brine qat.clearl]r that man Is

_a social being.8ccoud.-Slan"s social needs make

some kind ot social institution neces-sary. • , . - • • • . ,

Th1rd.-The saloon. Is meeting theseneeds In part, In spite Ot the fact that

Us cBef aim U unsQc^-that 4s.! Honorselling.. • , •

Vt—'My personal obligation.First.—To support Institutions that

legitimately meet the social needs ofmen.

Second.—To help make my chorcnsocial cordial to the stranger

Third—To l* a "nelshbor" to o c abefore the/ tail arnoaj tUcrav - *' *

\ • =

f; : «

,* •'•"V

jrilx. r"r«r1--

v ; . • >; • ; . , - .j7^f ?&****-:W > : , - . : ' : ; ' ^ « - 5 ^ !

Page 7: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,

' ^ ' , * A *~ n - - , * H , . i - ^ . . .,.,>T:W.. - . . . . ( T ^ . L t ~ . , < ^ftj 1 , , ) ., tv^K. ,*/.*« .. */ , .-!*,i injii iM>""lJ ' ( • ' J l l"!l'lfl lMM&BiBM<lt iiH< ' l! lA i^ Ijiiii'IMIiii'lJillil ' " I *">•* - * " " *T— i r6 i a iu« ,» -« ' ' ~™

_ _,„ ,«.s"'-#j;v-=,i Sy. nT«&^<MrKttra



Good Reading For I k to Date WomenAprons For the Maids t SMART FOOTWEAR.

MEXICAN <*FUCHER0,"It I* On* • ! tK* I M I Q.*fw* TS»t Cfan-

try H«* t» O ^ cWhrn ttuBjM are i t t5*ir £>*-«» I:,

MexUo first ratr tev&itz U t> if l-id

Our Illustrated StoryTHE WAR RARV V m w u i « . locne

. If you wtttj/Roinethliig Hmart for your maid or wultreiw take a hint fromthe •costume?'Illustrated here. These arc the'correct dre«»en for them. Theirowiw. are>Wniple black onen, finished with white organdie collars ami cuff*.The llttjef cnp in. optlouul. It l« nothing mure, than some bits of lace finbthedwith B/IKIW of ribbon velvet. The uproiw are'of fine lawn trimmed with,Vufi)rR'Ieritie» law. These latter would make excellent chafing dish aprons.

CHAISE LOUNGE.Comfortiblt and Convanltnt For tha

Sun Parlor.I'or the nun parlor there Is no more

appropriate and comfortable jilecc offurniture than n chaise lounge, wherethe afternoon nap can be taken Inpeace.

CbnUex can be had at many prices.-Hoiue.tlmes their >%lde arum are- sup-plied with rings Just big .enough tohold a glass of lemonade or Iced tea.Sometimes they are In the form of

-baskets Xor_.umguzluea-and:.books. - .Sometimes they ure wide to eupport

your tirms uud hands. They are al-'ways comfortable. One of very goodworkmanship and material coats aboutJlMUiO, Btaiued and titled with cretumie(,II«|||OIII<. Thla chnlr U inada nf_wlU-low. '* . . . • •

A much cheaper chair Is one of luun-boo poles, hound with vanished splitwillow. Thin Sort of chnlr coats onlynbout $10 and li by in* means so dura-ble us the other. But It la comfortableund attractive.

Clianting tha Faca.The daytime demising of the face ..Is.

ncc<.unpllHhed with n massage -withcold cream' or some lotion, this fol-lowed by a rub with a suft clean clothnnd the application o r p i n e delicatetoilet water made «'**»*<'•

SKIRTS WITH YOKES.New Modala With Low.r S.otiona In

Plaits or Circular Form.AnraiiR the new model* which have

been brought out for full an* nklrtitinnda with yokes of various kludx withthe lower section uindc In circular orplaited form, soys the Dry <!oods Econ-omic. One good example, .of.o »klrtof tbbTtype ban a round KIIIIIIUW yoke,tlip cdKe of the skirt being Mulshedwith three bins folds. giving the effectof tucks.

^Another good sKIrt har n small yukewith Inverted plait* net In the frontand In the back nnd finished off withthree wide tuck*. •

Aiming- the models now being shownnre velveteen Rklrts^n JMajt^l_iii_navvt

TiFTrowiTnnd In dark green. Some ofthese have yoke effects.

What to Do With 8ilv«r.Where tlio h6nteti» linn u linndsome

set of < Mlverivnro It Is cimtoinnry toplace It upon the sideboard, nnd alsoany silver or ware that'll to be usedduring a formnl dinner Is placed readyto hand.. The observance of .tliUjoTiw.nimb tribulation,of spirit for hostemnud help. If her >iel|i It tr:|ii|Pd dlioknows 'there will be no gup In th.rservice. If untrained, a half hour, les-son to Initiate them will be well nitent.

A Busy Tradesman

I. SHM. Amiru. Wom.n L«dF»»hion«.

The m^omj *.f « # » » bat*«, t . f p u r , u b , h e . « .«crv«» Ihf tiiilcii and a fjm\

c - u r of the hl h l^bO riin« vtth •ju.i,,Tcro«*Mr.,»«hUhbut never «un nuco1**. lu far

ia I nay* dh>lllnl thpump with It- bnuof grwcTAln ribU>u to tuiiah the lamp. | \"

d iU\ *

lii-C«ii. but It d>v<t IHII *;well with Jhf t>pl> iJ Aiuetivuu fuot.uliUii |» loiiu nud ttiiii. It Itluc to tin- wuniiin who tm* uufor the hnml of Icutlur ai r\i->'i the foot.Urvukluc the leniitU ttlul hfUifit«ulai;.thr Brcti, r< Tfrerrtre mftt •BatftrtDWri-•u by th« aiklltloii of a smart buckloIn sllter ur cut itwl

Some .IraIon arc atill wiling tb* or-nuuuutal Uouuu mthuni, aud profw*flonal dJiuvrs ure ui>t the only unc*who wear It. It has been »iywomen who flna iltlllrult.Y lu keeplutron. the averapo vveutnc «ll|i[i»r Budwha- prefer the IIIKII IKHII with Iti•traps of rtbtxiu acroiw tUe rnuit to tlitfflat slli H-r with the-»trup.

Ttuit oronmentnl lilch *1HH> und theupiien of brueadetl. Kolit mid silverCloth which U'nuu their enre«r In Junenre seldom wtix, althuugU th« curiumU mads of. bullion cloth, uml for pro-fessional ilfliircm the »trai : In frontore caught with snmll Jt-weU wheretheycroMB.

HlacW velvet sllpivrs art nut as muchIn. fttnlilon, n» they were, but nil lightrol'omt" itocklnga' an< |irvfvrreil' toblack one». On tho street, no tuatterwbnt the color of (hu K<t»'n, nud whentho slipper Is Mack tho »tooklu«» ar«white, »tone color or pale tail.

BLUE AND TAUPE.DignlfUd Color Combinations W«ll

Pltaaing to CoriMrvativ* Wgmin.Blue and taui>e Is one o* a very fow

coniblnatloua which cannot U« called nrevival of a byjjuue tuode. For tbublue U»<M) U the iiinrliio «hml» whichcanie Into fnnblon after the civil wnr.and tnuIK! ban lens than two dveadea UiIts credit.

Naturnlly them* two coloni, the d»<eti.dark blue and the dull tnimlnh Bray,are seen rlilvfly among tli» simplersuits nuci frockn for Uay nervlce. al-though the combination KUirgi-ata ]«>«•slbillllei* for eluborute afterniMiu cu».tuiueit.

To middle ngetl tnntroriK It will a|».peal stningly, nml In due etiurm) «ll«-nlHcd creations lu satin and velvet,thus blended,'will undoubtedly uppvur.

» • » j\\ W l > "ti it tlu* tlftie uf tile 1tvll

« T - l-iit \ e jr I h u e ner;i . ; 1 I J ^ «r a. n»«ii tl'l rw»uth M) earl

' '•'•• it < -1 :v ui nil 11 t> U Klin; lu 115 :v% ii '«> . \ . f .ijdii ,; iLitiiiutl 11 In Harrl«burii

Tlwr,. 1* ta «i i t -fi* • .' » i r , J'.i | | , in I 1 MV in W Hurt- I io«'d* i'ij\ks,| IHU >»> * 1 ' ' "i » J ' 11\ 1 - sn.ti 1 ii r >r i m n ) idctug fruwa. k 1 inM •.,-* j"»t • ' «• i! t ,\ j ^ , tu« r.i is,, , 1 ,., ,,f Hi,, w ir

•* I* •• ,jij wh,ti I I I M ' M I V u d iMrxlhlug« i , 11 1 M lit 1 ' 1 i> 1111 n ui 1 It ft!*JI i^ihnu A\ Ii* K I u int h u e U*eu

, >i\iefii , u>l 1 im I'uMe \v n<* 11 rtt«»rd.1 tin- !>• •!.« lu f*..l • r 11 ft 111 ile Ihilijr

if! Ui MM n\h* t 1 )« Ar iiKt tli it w \»• ' < l 11 i n »>r Hi il> »r •• iintlili ^ ltk»

i'1 . 1 I'I- in^t littir «ii» l •iit.uil i>ml1 ! • » 1 il til lit II) It «n* f-Miiuni tintI t'le 11 tiul I-. it illxtl t > mo

SOLVING SECRET WRITING.It l i Ntcataary lo K » ) « Wlinh -Ltlttr*

of Alphabet A n U»*d ClWnaitThe orUliiari v iirr>.' & !•!'• - »r Jiv

ulu. nl til its M s rtt u ; ^' : -) :< 11 • Hiher that -aito**!'" Sn tUU viSr«» "*leg-.trUs aliiK»t »wry LinJ «•* 'sji't.fc

vUlutil letter ef tb* Ai|-iiAt^rt 1» i;«<\i in

rnlo.i»ui of *t\\ 1 IPHITIJI till.

Wr »!-• I.II> WOVrf It

' * (Lit h I U.JI 1

,1>, h. o, t- uiiU u itrv KM iLihl i .TfN* a=reganlfi i»rdlitlry y v . I. *. . I .?ni3.r an111 «et"ulld |'ta.v, l<«*lii c«« l 3 irrv UMUnfti'iier; 1 and nj ar.» Eta foilrth ;>!.;i<-with f, y, >% r. p aK<t f.• ik«*c> afterwanl; j and t an- Unit <-vaniii>u <.ii'tiinpaivtl wtlti tb«- r»-"t,.«!.!'«• t, <| am.x are u*wl !nt*( of aiL

The iptt*r v U la Brst 5i.i.-.% lHii.(u M | far ufimiKT'tlutn aa»' v t i t r "iitim111 tile *-. »»1 Dive Dim"e'*, U fountl stid tli«r I* ttr-m l'j»t

solutloa t*.o-:ta:ii l.«i

Naval War at Spitrwatl.Actual naval ttarfan- b^« l . « i

mievl by a klitjC uf K^tUr.: *x w

•*iii',.t-' in) I lu- In intui t . ) ' «f li aintil!; >i u |H »-*u 1,* till ui MI) mtii-tili (» 1 innl . ' fMK lti>)tilr\ nn^rniiu*• : i iu I it ill I <iuild linrn «IIH the<>lxite. llii- i'ii<lhe» III wbli'li 1 » I H.HMOUhl ! > till- Ill-tllUtinll llllil |l,'<ll{•re<*ir i-il. l-nt the mtly tiling on OteuifiT ld>'lltln>'Ut|iMI WOH tllll li'ttlT") "II.t *• .'* « filv !i ^ viv i'ari't'uil> y'nbruldervd.

Hit .'.!-ML« the iixiluiu I went I"*.tn>* u inii'HoiiiiiLl ^vltll n'Mrit. Situ''» er lu 1'lilladelphtii- Slie »uil .lu-r bin-Itnitil. wrr<* l'i*lloe\l pi'r«nm :>nd <III henr-t:i|! my «t"ry ImJi nil Interest tit inn, e ilireV^tuc tlieinnt'lvfa n'uil.v to help tue»•• lind luy I'Hjvmi.

When. 1 MIIH nlueliNM! yenr* <>U1tiiir.- » » i a gatUvrltii; <>f vrternn*i n i!i>> I'.ili'i-I'.flil uf iii-li'>>liiii'ii;, uudMr S.iKjvr )ni'|Hii«iHi Lj IIIM Vlfn Unit.'they niiikt1 uu cxv'iir^ltiii niiil vlnlt the

mlves Mrlint "in wItlt-'iit 'InWIii't! (heir ».')i, Tiiiii'my. li-nv fowr >enr» old, uml that' In-vulrtnl lukliii: uie nloim l<> bine ttii»<-aiv nf IJItn MII!II' bit futlier utnl inotlirr were vtNlMhtf tli.i* »reiuL» nf llii* ilif-f.Trill ll|il>lH I'll till- iMtllcllehl.

S.i IMMIII wi'iit ib>» ii t'iKi'llier oninu><>f ttu* ttiiiilvrrHiirleii of the Htruggl11*

lnc« Tkiuini)' innnlfi'«tiHt ut u - a d . I n J u i » . I ' - i -V l ! . t . r i V I I I . j («• R . I » l < m i t « l t h h l x f s i t h e r n n d m o t h e r ,

f r o m t!i* u|-\eler.itiH no saw imivlnir about lu

i-vlthig d.iyn nf l"*il;j were twt Uu' nlildaya i>f NUIrtnUhtu.i;' c^<-d4-~t*Uv r^ J tticii they run t<n|.t.v. ;.Miuiy of theulKtilt, i>ut th>> HjaifUtlt Anrt ( u S r m l u»<>! fougbl u» ini-re IHI.VB, 11111I they

ioi«. Tb« Maty It'-H. '. \Ur yrUU' \ *>'ier«' t'ni' tihiKlin; uilddli* ag**il nn-n,

tnilt by the Kreuclt Cn t i>s»-'a 1L*-Iimj;llf*b tlcet wbU-h t*> fcaie ^ »n•UKttliist the l'ruutli »ti<>n«. Tfc* t *

I lind uu iippui'liiiifiy. In Thu

of thi» niivv. »»hlp of

»i.Mjr timt»t)». M»»"n«iiuti(rtt !<»• tin

ordniuii.'i11. j*iuM*-wly tw*"**! n r r atSplthiMid In i'<iB«rijt>en«». «sji« lialflslj.of "a Illtl* atvuy In. ni»Unn :ts.- »!il|«nlMint. lu-r |»>rt» tal;i^ x u l i n FjttwnllU-'licH ilf tlur nqter,"" "S'rric It i ' .mnin'ellt dnu'u with Ii«T <t"!*«E;t 'i«t fi'Wcrthan tliiwe bur «tth «tu- li-j;il <:.-<ni;*L'ItT yenm liitrt.r l.'.'ii',!-iti •STS-'M-,

One Vnliiit vetcniu !>•• tum tietivtWUiljinv the niiil furl* yearn old n friend"f Mr ^iitt)**!', loiik cliiirjiii of tnir |uir-t.v nnd «lioiv<il 111 over the Itelil, telling*>* in n vi'iy Inteie-allni: 1 Mn1111 • -r uhetet!ik nml Hint eiiiMgi'iiu'iit hud'takeni«l.n'<*. l.Hlli- I'miml 'I'iip, I'emel.'ryliltlgo final nllier Iniereil-tiiu pulntii,i»i1iit|ng nil! wiiiirt' lil< mui rek'lnipiittiiiil fmuht ulthi.iil clnliiidiK that It

—Spokane Bpok

Here, Children. This Part Is For YouTHE DICTIONARY DOOR OPENEDAnd in Flow a Black and I jly Wcrti—

Diaobiditnci.j)ue day there wax » terrlhle JmijK

Xiu the dlctUiuory dwr. All the wordslooked at onj< another lit ulnrij' nmlwlibtpereili "Who's that? Who's that'/""Ix't me In, 1 nay!" called a (ll»a«r.ei.<-nble voice. "I >t me In.-I'Niiy!'f ,Thoolder word" »ho<;k their heiidH, amiII11110 that didn't have heailx »h'>uktheir tails. "No room; no room!" theycalled loudly. "Oh, but Just wnlt tillyou'vo seen n»i.'" called the volcp.Ami then, whllw the older wuriln weretalking tiliout wbut they xhuuld 1!". avery lniseblevouii woni whone noiuoiwild curiosity crept ijimt them nmlopened the dictionary <)oor. Wliw-!In. bounced 'the blnclict. tiKlli'Kt wordlu the language—dlnoliwlieiice. '*I'I1KIIIKV you fellown a thing or t»'o!"*crre«;lied the Tiau«hty little «rord.After llmt—after tlmf-thc good Worilnhad a dreadful time, Every time -«little boy or girl I* dl<iobedlcnt theyget out their prellxeM und aillxeH(which they uxe u* bauilkerchli.'f») anilcry nnd cry. '.

IJut every tjuif n Httie boy or sirlIn obedient the g«jod Wfjrds get togeth-er and pu'ih thin.ttkln-d word toivaitlthe dictionary door, nnd noi'in* iLiy —ttome day—when you nud I hnvp I«.H'IIJijHt awful Koo<l they'r*" gulng to wildduwlxMllpuce tlylog out the tjictlonarydoor with otic

ANAGRAM LETTERS.A Gamt V/hich Will Chat* Dull Hours

i Away.Kmpty the contents of a box of "ana-

gram letter*" on a table, no all til"letters are In a pile, fact' duwuwanj.The player* «lt around ,11K- talite.__X.he leader U'ElB»_by burning, up «tieof the letter^ nud iayinj: "Ulfil"' .ftieletter Ii laid.where all ran see it. nudthe Ont one who respond* by elrin?the name of a Irtnl besiualug wltbtli.itletter I* given the card, and It la ttienbin pl4fe to turn up (mother card availcall ont "bird." "JinJiaal," "fkb." "fa-JQOOS man" or nnytilng «tte: «rUh«.Rappose Hie Cm Wiw, # u & aoda player answered It with eagle, thenext letter G and, "fainoo» m»o" call-tA. wmie one iroold «nrcly **T "Grant."

The one who ha»aniiwrr«l tb* nwwtand acquired th* (rcotett somber ofletter* i» the vfauxc :.

r « book», yoorSacanae wbro tk«r tot* yon jmi <*akb,trt tteni op witbott giving offence.

English Boys* Brigade Inspected by a Prince

I'hoto by Arr. r, an l'r»*» A»»i>' &*Knsflutd Li* u i r \1tn0n •. t *

on Bimrilt nnd jiiwli-* » u'- '«i» fn»alri*e«.irijiipi f>-i •»-« 1 »» '^ 1which nrr> r«i'>iir^i 11'J !-•>!'' ,£ f(Miurch fjnl r«i.t3 !•> jt !'• tL I i«•weiir. Tliijr U f a i i L . i r i> i i.Imvr HIP} «r« >'- L>-1 • • tt -vcliln._Tfio l*iji J ! ' !«!-_! i-iatt(iw&n &larf~ot Kaati&t:

« b « IJIIVP l*e«j dolni* viirtoiiN ilutlc<iml bj^ t.rnlli<>i«'IIHVO be«-

1 v i u | > tiiitK are other l*iy urKHiilft- i>. :ib« IM 'U-tfiun, wiwi <'lliz.cir<

* <f theM". Jiollfi- Die i ( i |» |h<»1; liv J'wiuuijr ^tklim In |>».n<i< I.IIIIH.

t IT -n. I ar<> W.I/1 "ii by « \,»n,\ »i,,\vt

CHANGING -"BEE0-"By Inwrtlnz a litM

In n'resr! chaiise Itoewiilr

Into r«-i«II<itl; a niaut \uio nfirarSnd: a<l"Ui4Ud into rwii twcl; a ri&e lr/to•turtwi back: a »trittg IEJ" rt&*ttivi'.n. lltle into r>..Ia:«<i lu JSptisj- n ifcl Io*«reipilim): to think !st» i s - ^ o ^ J . ayarrwut Intu !<•» set rl«W; HrJl of aE»hrIfifu -iiiirlfhSlraT SjSSif* isa« ajxwn*«d; rweut lnti» »e*lr«l. a'«B{*$!y IntoI»ald l^jilt: tn uatt* teto rrp5!*^:Into fallen lack; a £a*t to 10tender: \>^of\\^JitAn i£ai'£: a Umbliito rolint to mind; to «te j lawbrom-h! tn notice; twa fetw mtaned:a %wt**»'Um of •ooait* fsta assailed:f l I« i t l wsflfflrf iato «T«p*tfuel I«« rwitisil; ewsflfflrf iato pt*d: a poistrd Mt of HHrttS IKS'O com-{rialsed: s harbor Into toil: to exwar4Into, rtwdu<I-. s .aMRb into aafcaid; toIfltTe off Into naujJtd: dt»p»wi^dbtto to be twllcnaost at; a <Ioai lotsdr«a " ^ a Ua*f tet» * m t ;into Held Iwcfc, acTcw Into

nhfcmnt lirtu tnkeo up; nu *IK) laio)*»id In «(oall ijuun(ltl»»; n pamphlet[all. iaiujrawui to «!«•« a clnrulnr mo-tlwi lutti |'> (I/lot- bACkf (I kind OflMu'«lliK'loa«ii; in otiitt^K Into; id uf K lock iato repaid,

txl, rw-idrtl'"!, rfnount-id, l"ii-t'ovt-r*d,d, re-fla-«d. re-_rfrfuiiil-«!l. „ re-:

Jr«in-«1, re-l«t»<«l, mlentwl. reuuiln-«J. r»-to«tab«-re!d, r(t-uaud .-I. re polr-«J. rr i^-al«J.,re-peat-ctl, te-imtXtA,n-j.Sa-<-d. r^-port^d, re-preniml. requtat-wl. Pf-qult-erl. re-*CTit-fJ, rt»ulen-ni, re-

r<-»frsliuwl.' re-«trtet-ed. >e-r«?-taU«l, «-tract*«I, re-tam-

ed. r#-veal-*d, re-vl«w-«d. r*-»ard-«d.

r Putxh.ift'fKlM, a* all mat kntrw.

S*K wfcen 1 n> mu'priM vtU tbtnr.T5«m iaJw • tttp that lead* you up;ton* <HM tbat'a tint, than mind your cap;Vrith nwrntn* aans rciUuittlfh tua.Ant utoat ta principal yen Ma.

•jU*a, atalr, wilt, matin, o a l o .

hid won t'li* tli;ht or li-l.-«l, navlnjmnihl'ill nlniit lt» or hi* i ihlew.miit i

Vftir » | . luil *<•, u the n tnei <if her >•l»m uf uihira I a»W«l uur K'llile to I*myiv j .T 1, t iu_ Uia uuUi f u( !il«- .,»t»l-uttli lp.i|ii 11 in tl-e tutt.f MrMlojtn rii si lb|t itlniK ho I )lil liU »ti rvwhkh « i< liitirritlii; though !)«• r»»ruln.Ml nl! Ihh.iuh It fniiu . i.iUulugI" hi\,« il.wio aii)ttahiai \ery bnne.

\ ' t i r drtt|h|{ utHiiit tt.o Hi Id we iti<|>-I "1 rjl >t f iruitiMiiac uoffar fn-iu It furdJ2iU«v A »«M«i>i| wlrJ «r?vr4 U1 wem-e«t Inr.'nsliil |n .ui'r k but itbuiit n l u tvt 0 ti n| HIVII 11,it b. im- itked vlivther»hi> bud l h i d there ntitu tile l.altlotook )il<iie. mid

"\ i« . 1 llteit hi le. nud I with IImln t fur thetv l-i 11 uiittir 1 •intuited»v itU thu b.'illleflcld that h;lH tven ti r>-

• " I am that baby . l^ • - . . -

tret to inn vver niiitii anil alwnyi wiltI"*. A hilly Inld eouiii fluiii the city ofI'tillndelphla in be In tin- country for.her lienllh, Hho buurded with tuyUKillier. who lltptt In a hoiniv whe'rvI'itrt of .HIM tlglitlutf toeli pl.iiii. Welountry lUMJiilo didn't Jbnuw that llwrewin to im n Imltli! hem nin) were not|ire|nt'reil fur It, Tllt'l'it Wi-ru Inta ofxi>lillei'n untticrlng Umv, nnd >v« wer«all much ••»ilti><li ovnr their coining.Th IK huly fr<.iu riilliiiMphta hud nl»t|iy nml hud brnujtht 11 mirso withlii-r lit, tnlii' cure of It. Tlnfuuran vimlakmi nick mul went hoiii'r. Tlivii--Ihuhtily iilrwl inn to tiiku fiin» uf her child.

•line uiuruliig I wauti'd b> «u to mtnmy uiint, whu lived ui limn the lleldu Iti-re HIM HU1IIII<|-H were to light,>and.tIliuiiuiil It » i£<«'«l plnn tM tiili« tli« babywllli :••*• In her IKtlii cnrrliigv. Hu Il-iu Ihu iHittln In |i«*r Umulli ami utart-cil. 1 »va«i |iii»nlii« IIIIIIIK (iuli'tly whim1 h i n r d a hit ur tiring nil ubuut -tin*.nml II m<euii*l rm If a iloauiii tltuuilur-*tiit:uiH hud liiottrii oMt at 0IJC1*,"

Th« woman Heiuieil In. llvo nunlii'lnthe wi'Oiio »IIK wan dcnerlblnit anil train..bled. . '

'"riiiiii I illd wiitit 1 liuvn regrettml(ill tin; reit of my lift.. I (le«ertiid ||, (.hilliy, leavlllK tbir llllle t.m'lnj:nuik|.llg •at"1H Imlflit. lir It/i •iniliiKe, nml runuvvay nml It Jit lu tin- llr»t Iinijs<> I nliii.iIn. Th" chlM win |in»liiibly UllleiJ, forir»!«i<Iy lint nvcf hrunl ,,f It nlm-e,"

"1 'an rinwin- you," an Id' »Hr ijiilile."tbiit It wnntri kllletl, r,r diir regimentIti'ived Ihrituitli tlm triif-a »vl|n|i ynu lureIt. Sly I'Mptlilu i|i.tal|ei| iu«> ti, taka'biirgj- of It. i never hate wjiici- likedto talk iilmiil my (nirt In. tlio bottlo of•fi'tlyHburit lit leant, to mitulluu tliliIII" I'b'iit ...for u'hitii I •niy.'.I wan wli««l-itm a baby ('flrrlage «v*»rylKHiy liitlKb^."

"I'or liiud'x «ake!" exrlnlliieil the wo-mini. "What flld you do with It?"

"I'm It In a barn till the battle wax'tver. then fun ud it nafe and MOUIHI, but •ImwIliiK fur iii(ir» milk. Ikforo them»xt day'* flglit cnniM on J had pruvld.IHI fur It t«mp<>rarlly, arid, after tin;fighting wan over ao(l tl)0 Cojifederutexhud withdrawn, my rnptaln •••lit IIJ«'iff lo huut for lt» tfi'itlicf. I couldn'tIliid bcr. nud I wu« Mi'fit to IfiirrlMlmrgwllli II. where 1 ciiuckvd It In an «r-plum Bitylutu."

"1 run (lint baby!" I i7»cla|ii>i>(l, much.i't< lied IHK], not realizing wbdt I watt

, threw inywilHntu Illo arum-of—-that Iiad r«f»cu«d Sie.

wai a couiuioU«a nt lhl«, andIlii-ii tlio rwjf at i\u» matter com« out.I M w o m M who had lieeu tny nurne re- 'membered 111 to<Hb«r'i» name—C'lieno-wltli-and I had t^en baptized l^anrlot.Tbl» Vorropoiided with tha Initial* "ILC," etnbiwjld«re«l on toy baby cfotaeav .--

What rctniiliw I will tWl l i 1 fewword*. Jly motber and-father w«rt»l«th llring,. nnd- I wa» reunited withtlu=Hi. aud wevt/ral brottwr* and alitcra.Ttn-y were overjoyed at, (lading meiind iavMied ever/ bleaalng. ou oia tbat •,tlu>y could think of. One. day th* aol- °'

"Where do I come In?" and when I In- 'Ijnlrwl nt him whera he wished tocoma in he mild, "Kinder* are ktepm,"wblch, b*Ing Interpreted, meant Out he ,wanted m« for himself, H« didn'thave any trouble getting mt. '

After oar marriage wa went to rji«mylum wbera he bad left n * mowtlinu twenty jtorn before and exam-ined the record. There I raw that thmflrat fetter to thenauM I bid, bfaaglreo waa Intofttlad for av O. I liattbeen called Getty, bom the. battle ofCettrabore, but Uw Bam* mtv 1

to Stttr., - 1




.V -H •J,

Page 8: Storage for the Winter - digifind-it. · PDF file•\f V^OL. XVII NO. 37.. N,J./THtJKSDAV-i NOVEMBEK li 191* THREE CENTS ' The following u* the honor roll* If, the Cfetetand. UncoJo,

^ | ^ ^


i 1i >

: * f

! ;



The Million Dollar MysteryOontinof*! from |*&JF** 1. *

c'half doica boUt boornt, an* ibe oolyTlHU* rtirn <if utvtkicc now on Jiffwee her bomprit Thii »»• net. doubt'let- becau** aba %*S j.i.ktd Lcr notetoo far Into her UK *'ip

H( ' era* »»• orderly *r.<J tractable.Then ««r* ibore drunki, to be «ur#,b»aai« tfc'X •"•«• *aUor»; but. tb*ywere at t o r i t They xammi'mXtimtfcrUkly. for thf»r •*rn ©o tlte point orrilling: for \h* Bahama*—pcrh«r>« fortuor* onlcmi Frtantlv 1h« »itid!*««eraeied io<l ihrtllnl. add th* blobbrUnka, nucb ID c*»d of tar palct. rid• • fiah (tl|a,-clatter*4 down Into the

. ^°w- : Spni*Uto»» lh'> painted th*.v<fbiitf s»:if <iw»Tnfw;"'tiit' iiaiof "*a'*:

ooat'ly, and ttlt vat done only ulienthe aechor tbreatescd to »Uj on thebottom,

Tbar* waa a tailor aooci: tbl* craw,amJ b» »*nt by tfcs r.iiu« of Star*Hloatom: aod hir * a« o&« <jf bla klAd. A

dltn* BOfel protruded' raklihljt

9che*k wai IWOIIMI. ai »l!li the tooth-ache, due, probably, tu a icneroui

. "chaW of 8«<am«ti"« IMigbt. Ho waia real tobacco cbe»*r, fur be rarely•pat. Ha was a> peaceful aa a back-water bar In luriitnrr; lion argumrula-tlve tad peialvo, h« stood hli watchID fair weatbor and foul.

No cue »ave the anrhor aiijr morn•attention after It came tu r*«t 7b«treat city over the .»ar >at fain-Ilk*la Ha haztnea* audlv«oft#?D*d 11i»«f•. It« u the pootry of anjtlr*, <>t ahaftiand apara of »u>i.e. and Hlrvo {lionaom, having a oioincnt to lilmaolf,lcanad acaluit the rail »nj dared rrar*tfu1l>' Ho bad bun |«iic>tiuil)drunk tba nlibt .brfote, und It « • • a

• pla&aaut recollectloo. CbamiK Ird binil*D6» to trail doon tin fL.i»*tn 1IUneck ttratcbvd froni Ma collai- like »

' turtle'• from IU ulirll"Writ, lit b« kumtooitilcd'"- IIB

'murniumd. iblttlug bl> cud from «Ur-, board to port

Caught on tb« Puki- of tint aocbor. wa« tb« •Irangcut looking tot tii- bid»mr laid » y n ou. Tbvrf wrre li>attnTand at re) band* and diamond nbapvd

nilla of (b* Ollira bovaa.Wulte «nooaact»u«l/ be (poke tbi» word•load. •

"HubT Well, If ye dou'l Ilk* onloi)».Oud a hooker thai i<acki violets laL T bold." » • • tbe rhftrful adrlco<it tb<- roan at Ht';TP'« elbow.

"Who'a talklti' t' you?" grunledSteve. 'Wba'did I «a)7"

"Onion*, }» lubber! Doa't we know«hut onlnnaii? Ain't wa unfit 'cmao long that y» could stick yr noa«In th ^larboard tight an' lifver «m»!lBO -k#roa<ia«.t Ouioat! , l'aa« - th'.cawffy."

Btrva helped blmielf flnt. Tba roao*ho >pok« bunkrd over liim, and theywore not on tba beat of termn. Tb«raw»» no real rcaioa for thin frinltantagonlam; (Imiily, they didmojr mor» effocltjaily than rot ton

a B rrtji' ipffcS.' "tiivwii ii<o uiif«V<ifyand tuperitltloui; at Iran tbry K-n?r-ally arti on bookera of the "Cap'alaManocrf br«*d HUve wni n<ii'itn\)tlouii and Jim Ouokara » m mood/ sudbad no thumb on hla left band. Htrvehated iit« light of that red nubbinHa ««i quite ctrtaln that It had been

'a' »"h*67a ih'utSV"dSiuT tVfi~f1j«"way" "logougs out aomebody'i eje, and hadInadvertently conceded with aomabody'i t*«lh. ' -

HinnliU doublooni and pearli anddiamond! and rubl«i! It wai mightybard not to lay thiift word! out loud,too; blara them Into the lullen faceagrouped around tbe tabla. H»watch till midnight- and ha wa« won-dering If ha could get tbo box withoutattracting tha attention ut Iliu lookout,who bad a dqrtllab k«en eye for ovarything ibat »tlrrad oo deck nr ou waterWell, lid would have to rink It; but hawould wait till full darkneii had fallenov»r tbe ana and Dm lookout would beI'uiuptrlli'd to keep hli «•>>•» off thadeck. Tba boyi wanted him to plmyc a r d i . ' . • • • - . •

"Not for me, lluitad. How longtl'y' thing 140 II laat In'New York, anyUowT' Atid be atalked out of Ibe fore-cattle and wvnt down Into tho walitto eu)uy bla evening p\\n\ nil th»w^llu ktcplug a weather eyu forward,at tho ratty old pilot tiou»o .

It «at ten o'clock, land time, whimht* rammad his cutty luto.a pockutand re»oluloly wnlkpd forward. If

aajtslaa. be aaw aa eMmy eras i s hl»ahadow.

At four o'clock ka tuned i s an4•tapt like a log.

In thenmornlng be found bit oppor-tunity. Yor half ao hour the for*ca»t!ewai empty of all aare UnMelf. Fever-iably ha prl'd back tbe boardi, foandthe brace beam, and gently laid thabox th«ra. It i a i a mighty ctjrfcrailooking box. Once be had itoksd npthe Cbluc»e coait from, tbe Pblllp-plnei, and be judged It to b« CblnsnaIn origin. He tried to pry open ttM»cover, and feait hl» »yea 'Upon thetreaiure; but under the leather andIvory and mother of pearl waa Imper-Tiom «1M'I. It would take an ax or• crowbar to itir that ltd. He aigbed.He replaced ,tbe boardi, and becameto all appearaiicea bla itolld . »elf

Hut all tba way down to the Baba-m n be wai moody, and when' be as-iwered any queitlona It w u withword! ipoken ieitlly and Jerkily.

"I know whufi th' matter," taMIhjuken. "He'a In lore."

"Shut your mouth!'*

New Jersey Centra!From VftMer. tjEUtaJett, Newark

r*vw Tone


• • • . » • • • » • • # • • > > * 1 * • • '

Tnie Economy

, t-U tit.

l;u. •3:01. 2:11,. •!:«£, •*:»», a.-li | «4:1*. 4.46. f :14. C:4I. sTtS. ( l ' ( | ,K. H*"-ur.Iair«i (:2i u s »xc. tiilurj.y.i «;#«,

? - V " r « " ' « ' i 1 7 - '"• •llu

Mau'h rlmtik--4:tj,~ . .<?>mnki'g:M, A. M"ic:<4 l» Kaaton only*J:M. (.07. »:41 A. M.,

Fur Wllkeji llarrft ari<• : « A. « . , 6:H P. *•>:•! A. M.. l:V> |». M.-

tvory end mother of pearl and it hungJauntily on tbe polnllif thn dutly Buke.Anybody would t« ho<u««otlgled totllmpi* iuch a droll J.»t of fate. Outh« fllike of tbe uld luudhook. by atoalr, you might •») lu all tbv wild•aa yarna he had r>H-rv^l or beardChan* • • • nothiag to ibatch thla.

Trea»urelAud Slat* waa deitturtl nerer to be

I>aa»lve*agalo. 1IU Pr»t tuipulie waito call hla companion!; bit «econd |ui-Sala» »a« 10 *ay ni.lblng at all, andsalt for an opportuulty to get the boxto' hl» bunk without being drtectcdTrwUure! IXatnoutl* atid rublei andpeaxU and old. tji>»L.«h told; all haJig-Ing to the Ouk» cf.tbo auchor.

"Homiwoggled1" ia a klud of i « >•ome wbliper tUU tlui« .. "An' w«aheadln' (or lh' Babauat!" Fur underhi! f««t ba could hcai- th« rhythm ofcngiltea. "\Vh»fU I do? It l.lcata «.aome uae eUeil aee it ' Hr tcmtchtslhli thin p*rp)ei»«ll>; «i.J the cud "tutback to'itarboard. "I (ul \W

Ha took off hla coat ai.d, carefullydropped 11 down over th« m>'su-riouabot. It wai growing darker aud datk-«r all th* lime, and thortiy i.oubercoal nor anchor wouJd tm Usible with

Tha Matter Villain and Hla Advlaar. ,any lone watched him they would thinkbe i a i ouly looking dowu the out-wator. Tha thought of money andthe pleaiurai It will buy lunktm oun-olng tha *tuplde«t of dolta: and Stovewaa ordinarily a dolt. But tonight hlibrain wai koeai enough for all purpOaei., It waa a haxardoua Job to gettbe fci» off th* fluke without lettingIt Slip back Into the sea. 8t»vi, how-ever, accomplished the real, climbedback eh th* mil and aat down, wait-tog, A quarter of aa hour pasted.' Noon* had seen him. With hit coat se-curely wrapped about hli preciousfind ha luatlo for the forecastle, Uliniatos, iave those who wer* doingtheir watch, were all In their, bunki,An. oil lamp dimly Illuminated the for-ward partition. Steve'* bunk wat al-most lu darkuon. .Very deftly ha rolled"back the bedding; and lecrctod thetux uudsr hli pillows, and thenstretched himself out with Ibe pro-ttni«..of auooilug 'till the ball tilledhim to duty. • .

He wai rich; and the moment aman has mouey be ha* troubles;there \t alwaya aotna one who want*to take It away from you. IU* bunk• as on th« I'Ort tide, and there *n»

' pteuty of biding ipac* between thacupidity, erica Steve u « only tho j l ruQ Plate* and the woodtn partition.xrtajur* and sot Ita camp followers. ! '** lutented to loosen three or fourWhat did they call them?—diKibluonq j pla"V». and then whan the Umo came.

»llp tlie box Itbltid them. Some timeduring tin morning the,Jorecaitlewould b« empty, and then would b«

JOa lltae, _ _ — . -Dut bo suffered tbe agonic* of dam-

cation during the four hours' watch.Supposing tome fool should so rum-maging about—his.bunk and.discoverthe box? Buppose . . .But he darednot suppose. There was nothing to dobut wait It he created any curiosityon the part of his mates he was lostHo would have Jo divide wlth^oivnall, from the capUlUown to tha cook'sboy. It wa* a beSHreudlag thoughtFrom being the most open aod frukman'aboard, he became th* most cun-ala»- from M w *»" M f wlUwmt

He ate bla eupper with hli meaa-matea, and he ate heanl)> aa uiualIt would hav e takro KnntfhlctTnorevital than mere trt»»ure to disturbBteve Bloiaora'a appetite. He waaone at tnoae.e&viablei&4tildua!i wholetmagt&atlon and gutrtc Juice* workAt Ike aaae time. ALSJ while he ateIts planned. In the tn\ place, hawould'baj that home at Bedford; then

' 'he woola take over ihe Uliaon faouieand live Ilka * lord. If be wasted adrink, all he would, have to do wouldbe to t u n U» apigot or tip a bottle;and aore, than tkat, he'd have a bar;Under <0 dol t . Ostoaa! He awore

- Jw voold M

tallter,'"dancing toward tb* compan-lonwiy "Blsve's In lore, 'r bw didn'tgit drunk enough on shore' t' satUfvhis whale'* belly!"

A boot thudded iplUfully agajoitthe door Jamb.

"You fellah* let m« alon*. 'r I'll bashIn A couple o' heads!" . .

"0, yuh will, will vuhT" cried Dank-er* from th* deck. "If yuh want alittle exercise,' yuh can begin on me,yuhtnoomlckawab! Whut'rth' matterwith yuh, anyhow? Whirs'* ja% gitthli grouch? Wbut'v* we done f yuhTHuh?" -

"You keep out o' my way, that'* all,I'm mlndlu' my watehec an', don't askno odds or you duffer*.' What If 1 barea grouchT Is It any cf your builn»i|?All right. Wheu we ttep.aahore attb- tiahams, Ulstsr Jim Ouaken,I'll trar tb* rope* out C your puUayblock*. But till we gll thsre,'you I'tb-. upper bunk an' me V mine." .

"Leave. th' ol' grouch alone, - Jlm-Th' mate wotrTataad for no acrapplu'aboard. We\t have th' thing doseright In th' cukota ihsdi. We'll barea flulih Bghi, Queansberry. rule*, an'way th' best man win,"

"I'm wlllln'," said Jim."Ho'm I," agreed Btsve. But his In-

tentloos-were not honorable. He pro-posed to desert before any tight tookptaco. Not that he was pbyiloallyafraid; no; be wanted' to dig hi*hand* deep Into those doubloon* aadptecetor-elgbt. -

Ho the four day* down paaied other-wise uneventfully, amid paint pot* and"Iron rust and three msals a day ofpork, onion soup, potatoes, and strong,bitter etiffco. Tba.winds becaiutt lightand balmy aed the asa blu'e and gen-tle. Tbo ftit'U went about In theiruudtrvhlrt* and dungareei, barefooted.Of course tbe ouiulng tight wa* thomain topic of conversation. It prom-laud to bo a ruttllng good scrap, forboth men worn evuuly matched, andboth hail a "kick" In eithar baud. Eventba captain took a mild, lutsrttst.ln thoaffair. Ho was an old sailor, lie knewthat tlioru was no such word'as arbl-trutlun lu a sailor's vocabulary;:hisdispute* could lie Bellied only ln-on»-liuuiiinf. by bis cajluusgd Osts.

When tbo old umdhook' (and somu•lay atine was going to buy It andhaog It over the entrance of tbe Oil-•Ou hoil>«) slllher«d down Into thu

Ing water* of the buy, Steve con-cluded that discretion wai the bettfarpart of valor. Ho would steal ashoreou the quarantluv tug which lay along-side.. He was willing to tight uilderordinary circumstances, but he mustgrt his treasure in'safety llrst..'. They'could call him a welchar If theywunted to; davit a bit did be care. Boho prlnd back the board* of hi* bunkwall, took out the boxi eyed It fondly,and noted ror the first tine the Jet-terlng on It: • • 1

BTANUSY HAROilBAVK.He wrinkled |bls bruw In thu effort

to recall a plratu by tHls nauid, butwa« uusuccesaful, No matt«r. H«hugged the bqx. under bis coat amimade for the gangway, and luadver-WJitly ran Into hi* enemy.• l>uukors caught a bit of the boxpeaplng from under the coat

"What 'a1 yuh got theref* he de-manded truculently.

"None o' your damn business! Youleinme by; hear me?" ' -/^~

"Alu't none o' my hualness, huh?Where'd yuh gtt a box like that? StealIt? Ity crlpei, I'm'gotn' V have alook at that box, my hearty. It don'tsmell like honest onions."

"You k-tuni* by!" breathed Btere,with murder In his hvart.

Suddenly the two m#o,cloted. surgedback and forth, ouft deleruitued totaku- and the other to hold this tuyi-tertoua box. Dunker* struggled to up-hold hi* word: not that he reallywanted the'box but to prove that hewas stroug vuough to take It If hewanted to The uame on the boxDashed at)d dUaupeared. It w.aa a kindof shock to him. He and Blossom wentbattering against the rail, Duukers'grip slipped and lo did BloiaorH'j._Th»-resttlt-srmrxhtt the l o t was catapultedtuto the sea With an agontilng; cry,Blossom leaned far over He saw th*box oscillate foe si uiyuwiit,, then alnktntccfoily lu a Yigxsg course, downthrough tha blue water* Fainter andfainter It grew, aad at last vanished.

(To lto Contlnurd) •—s

Aliiintowin,is. I'jic. Mau^h

t;41. l : « , t.H.J'. at. Hundaya1:1?, t:!0. «:«7

» t oMunday

A. M .

* 4:6«

•law A. M.. J:»I I: »f.« Kicrvt Newark. :a"TlirouKh Irald to Newark.* Saturday only.

yprieeado not nece«*»rily indicate: ebeapneaa.

OooiJ» whicli co*t the least in the begriuning may tie theruoi,t «xppr»8iiro in tbe end. From-tho aUndpoipt ofT Bon-omy i d wi«e to leave inferior good* alone and get tbe>*eat To Imy here in to practice econotuy, b«cajiae anin»e*ttn»at iu oor mercuandue alnire* you qpuality

Cranford. Warehouse, Roselle Park. Elizabeth.

-Re-Clcarnul Orain, Flour, Feed, Baled Hay,Straw, BU,.PeKUilzer and Seeda. |


»•-•-•-• • e. •.-•-»• «>•.<•«)- e e » » • •

\ -,

OTIS WRIGHT, Incorporated,C^IAL, L U M B B R

And Mavon's Material*,. I'rninnt

William Isleib,PLUMBING

Heating &, Tinning.NKW VVOIIK AND ItKI-AHtH

Shop. Miller Block, Eastman Streetl«l. Iliii W CRANFORD. N. J

Itronch Ufllce & Shop•lfr.8.'2"Ut

Cranford Property My Specialty^

i Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged.RHNTINO AND MANAOEMENT OF :


Plan* for data ii> the now Orauford Trui( Coinpauy' imildiug'may lie seen at tbia oflloe.' . ' ' '



New Oraotre Park Kenilwoith N. J."Crouford IH7-U."


Meats, Fish,Butter, Eggs

and PoultryPHONE 93.

FREDH.JAHN,(Hui'dMumr U.i l'liili|ip John) .

House, Sign, andFresco Painting,

rialn andO«coratl««

Paper Hanging-AITD nut an IN—

GIaHH.OU. Paint, Vuniishet)and Wall Paper.

Cranford, -..- Haw JerseyTelaphune 2H-1L

J. e . W. RflNKiN,Lehigh Valley Coal\ . A N D ' - ' > • '


Sewer Plpei fij|«.Office. 11 East North Avenue,



KEMLWQJtTH, N. J.Auto Parties Served on Short;'• Notice,

Chkkcri Dinners « Specialty.UnliT* tliken fur BUUKMIA a>t-

tli>J lloor ut tho (mi. atUl l Kuuilvvurth. T I

Telephone Conneotlen

Cranford HotelHint \Vnlnut

Accommodations tor Perman-ent and Transient Guests.ItiiiviiiH iiici1!)' fiirnlahed, heatedby HIHAIII, IlKiited by oleotrirltyund lu all ti'Hpvota Hilii|itwl tolU'otnotu cumfort HIHI conven-li'noo.

Meala Served at all Hour*.

EDW. W. MULl,ER, Prop.' l W 0 J


CIVIL ENGINEER , and SURVEYORTownship Engineer.

Lot Hurveyi).

Bank Building,

Heal EatatePIHUB.

Cranford, M.

Auto VansPacking Shipping

StorageAuto Truck for Joy Rldjg

Robbins & AllisonPUone8Ta-W

Crautord, N. j .

H.WEIM0ERGUpholstering & Polishing

Furniture ';Blip Ooven cat and Bade to orderAUUodsof lUirMatUeae* madeanaremade.

North A«.W. CraafonlTnatBldg.

M. F. WheelerICE


Prepared Under Strictly Sanitary Conditions

From Sound. Selected Apples.v: