store pictures

Store pictures Observation by Iuren Ramiro on CCC

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Store pictures

Store pictures

Observation by Iuren Ramiro on CCC

Page 2: Store pictures

Insights and opportunities for “ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?”I’ve saw different types of business stores…1. A team Clothing Store (Flamengo’s Fla Boutique)2. A bag and purse store (Le Postiche)3. A traditional shoe store (Mr. Cat)4. A big Cinema (Cinemark)5. A big Bank (Itaú)6. A Fast Food service store (Subway)

In two different shoppings.

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I understood that, in some types of business people tend to follow a way of walking, due to the space or the objective (subway works only in one way).

A well organized idea of store will have a good ratio of people attending, even if the volume of people become big by some

random reason.

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I did not have found any BIG sign, thus I did have found some that were not that small.

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The only store that drove me in was the Cinema, due to two reasons: my will to see the movie and the smell of popcorn, that called my attention at the instant.

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The majority of the places gave a feeling of a cold place. This doesn’t help the brand. If they want clients today, they need to give them(the clients) a warm feelinga. As a result we ended up with many stores where you don’t like to stay more than the necessary.

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The stores didn’t use the illumination to create a specific mood, so all the examples have a plain


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The Floor and the ceiling helps me to identify the mood of the store and gives me the impression of a clean place – or not.

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The environment will always influence the perceived value of the merchandise, increasing it or the


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When happened, the loudiness, in those cases, was not good and contributed negatively to the store’s image.

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A sparse place is good. If you really don’t need to show all the options available, a virtual display can help to

diminish the crowed visual.

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In all the examples, the discounts, promotions etc were at the entrance and also, sometimes, before it. Always having priority.

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Some products aren’t for browsing. They are mission products.

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When salespeople do a script you can see two things: people expect that behavior and people behave accordantly, when already knows the “protocol”.

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Obs. My head guides me to a different type of view than a woman’s, so my visions are too unilateral. They should be made with another gender together.