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  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    Story Synopsis

    A dog chased Janes cat and so the cat climbed up the

    tree. Jane climbed up the tree to save her cat.

    A Close Shave

    Meow! Jane knew what this meant. Ok Kitty!

    Lets go for a walk, Jane said. Jane had a special way

    of talking to animals, especially to her cat, Kitty.

    Kitty replied, Meow! Meow!

    Jane said, Lets go to the park!

    They walked happily to the park. At the park, they

    played games. All of a sudden, a big dog appeared out

    of nowhere. It growled menacingly. Its teeth were as

    sharp as iron swords. Drool formed in its mouth as it

    looked at Kitty hungrily. The dog chased Kitty. It was

  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    hot on its tail. Kitty ran for her dear life. She was

    petrified. The dog attempted to pounce on Kitty and

    rip Kitty into shreds. Fortunately, Kitty was fast. Itmanaged to evade the dogs capture.

    Kitty quickly climbed up the nearest tree she could

    find. She was up in a flash. Kitty was an excellent

    climber. At first, she was glad to be out of the dogs

    reach. However, she soon realised she was stuck upthere. She did not know how to climb down. She paced

    back and forth on a branch while mewing piteously.

    Jane quickly ran back to her house and told her

    parents about her cat. They got a ladder and ran back

    to the park as quickly as they could. They put theladder against the tree and climbed up cautiously.

    Kitty was no longer afraid. She jumped into Janes

    arms and meowed. Jane climbed down the ladder and

    immediately took Kitty home.

    They were all relieved. What a close shave!

    Written by: Julian Low and Janice Lim

  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    Tom was watching television late into the night. He fell

    asleep, woke up and realised he was late for school.

    Upon rushing to school, the teacher told him to wait

    outside the principals office. He cried. Did he get a

    scolding from his principal? Was he punished?

    Come read and find out more in the next story by J & J!

    Late for School

    Whoosh! And Superman saves the day! said the


    Wow! That was a good one! exclaimed Tom. He

    was watching his favourite television programme. It

    was at twelve midnight on a Sunday. Better sleep

    now, thought Tom.

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    The next morning, he woke up to see that it was

    seven twenty-five. It was five minutes before the start

    of school! A bead of perspiration rolled down the sideof his face. He must have overslept.

    Tom rushed down the stairs three at a time and

    hastily gobbled up his breakfast without even chewing.

    He swung the door open and it hit the wall with a bang.

    He ran all the way to school and stood at the classroomdoor, panting. Then, he remembered. There was an

    exam that day!

    Bracing himself for a scolding, he went inside. The

    scolding was worse than he expected.

    His teacher screamed at him, Thomas Tan! You

    are in trouble! She walked him to the principals office

    and put a chair outside. Sit here! she barked.

    Tom put his head in his hands and cried. Tears

    trickled down his cheeks. Just then, the principal came

    out of her office and said, Lets have a talk.

    The principal reprimanded him severely. Tom

    learnt his lesson and apologised for his irresponsible


  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    Story Synopsis

    A fight ensues between two boys over a bubble wand.

    Bubble Trouble

    It was a perfect day for going to the playground.

    Clouds floated in the sky like white fluffy sheep and the

    sun shone like a big glowing orange. The children were

    headed to the playground. Tom and Joe immediately

    jumped on the swings as it was their favourite

    playground equipment. Jane and May were blowing

    bubbles in a corner.

    The boys wanted to try blowing bubbles too. They

    had never done It before. They ran to Jane and May

    and asked, May we try blowing bubbles?

    The girls replied, Of course you can!

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    The girls gave Tom and Joe the bubble wand and

    soap solution. Tom and Joe started arguing about who

    would use the bubble wand. Tom said, I took it first,so I should have it.

    Joe shouted, Im better than you are at bubble

    blowing so I should have it!

    Tom and Joe started a tug-of-war with the bubble

    wand, both insisting that each has his turn first. The

    fight became more intense with each passing second.

    Just then, Joes father came running towards them. By

    then, the girls were sobbing. What is going on here?

    said Joes father sternly. The girls, in between sobs,

    told Joes father about how the boys argued.

    By then, the bubble wand was lying on the ground

    in two pieces.

    Joes father scolded the boys. They were sorry for

    their actions and apologised to the girls. The girls

    forgave them but Joes father was still angry. He

    explained to the other parents what had happened


    Tom and Joe were grounded for a week.

  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    The Birthday Party

    The crackling of wrapping papercould be heard as Tom was

    wrapping a present for Jane. While he was wrapping the

    present, he thought of the marvellousparty that would take

    place at Janes house next week. He had everything he

    needed. He had a pair of scissors, tape and most importantly,

    the wrapping paper. This party is going to be awesome, Tom

    thought to himself. The wrapping paper was pink with yellowstripes and the wrapped present had a lovely red ribbon on


    Finally, the day of the party arrived! There were many

    guests standing at Janes door ready to wish her a Happy

    Birthday. Janes eyes lit up in delightwhen she saw them.

    Happy birthday, Jane! they chorused in unison. They then

    gave Jane the presents they had brought. Jane invited them

    into her house. As they were walking in, they were chatting

    excitedly about the games that they would play and the food

    that they would eat.

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    First they started to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey,

    then they played Blind Mans Bluff. Nothing could dampen

    their spirits. After playing the games and having fun, Janes

    mother finally announced, Time to eat, children! In a flash,

    they hurried towards the table and happily tucked in. There

    was a wide variety of food on the table such as Chicken

    nuggets, french fries and many other food items. The

    sumptuous spread of food looked delectable. Tom picked up

    a chicken wing and sank his teeth into it. It was scrumptious!

    After everyone had devoured the food hungrily, it was

    time for cake-cutting. It was a two-tier cake with layers of

    vanilla cream all around it. On the cake sat eight candles and

    many decorative flowers. The icing on it made the cake look

    beautiful. Everyone sang Jane a birthday song. Jane grinned.

    She was delighted. Closing her eyes, she leaned towards the

    cake and blew out the candles while simultaneously making a

    silent wish.

    Everyone ate the cake. It tasted sweet. That was the

    most yummy cake Tom had ever eaten. Finally, the children

    wished Jane goodbye while waving to her. Goodbye Jane!

    they said.

    I hope you had a good time at my party. Thank you for

    coming and for your presents, Jane said gratefully.

    We had great fun! Tom replied. That was the best

    party Tom had ever attended!

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    Ding! The doorbell rang. When Jane came to

    answer it, she saw that it was her mother. She must

    have come back from work, Jane thought. Suddenly,

    Jane heard a soft meowing sound. Her mother took out

    a cute little kitten from a basket she was carrying andexclaimed, Surprise! Happy Birthday, Jane!

    Jane had almost forgotten that today was her

    birthday. She squealed with delight. From that day on,

    she looked after the kitten with tender loving care.

    Every night, the kitten slept in a basket with cushioninginside. Jane would pet it before she slept.

    One day, Kitty was missing. There was an

    incredulouslook on Janes face. She searched high and

    low. She searched under the bed, behind the cupboard

    and even in the drawers. Tears brimmed in her

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    reddened eyes.Where was Kitty? She thought to

    herself. A look of panic was on her face. What should I

    do? What should I do? She wondered while pacingback and forth. How can I explain this to my mother

    when she wakes up? She wondered.

    Three weeks later, Kitty was still nowhere to be

    seen. Jane was devastated. She searched high and low

    but her efforts were all in vain. Finally, one day, Janedecided to go on a great big Kitty hunt. However, just

    as she opened the door, she found Kitty running

    towards her with three kittens by her side. Where

    have you been, Kitty? Jane asked. Kitty meowed as if

    to answer her question. Janes face lit up with a smile.

    Your baby kittens are so cute! she told Kitty. Come

    on, lets go inside, she said.

    Jane learnt that when Kitty needed to do

    something private, she would go outside. From that

    day on, Jane would observe Kitty more closely so that

    she would always know about Kittys whereabouts.

    Jane also hoped that Kitty would let her know next

    time when she wants to go outside. This incident was

    one that Jane would never forget.

  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    Cycling in the ParkA Lesson Learnt

    Come on, Tom and Sam! Lets go to the park and

    you can ride your bikes. Tom and Sam were brothers.

    Their mother was asking them if they would like to goto the park.

    Of course! they chorused in unison. They ran to

    the park at breakneck speed, racing each other. Their

    parents took a leisurely strollbehind them. The park

    was beautiful. The leaves rustled in the morningbreeze and the scent of flowers filled the air.They

    climbed onto the newly bought, gleaming red bikes

    and rode on. They were racing each other. Tom got too

    cocky as he was in front of Sam. In an attemptto show

    off his riding skills, Tom did not hold the handles and

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    even waved his cap in the air. Sam shouted at him to

    stop. Slow down! You dont want to hurt yourself!

    However, Tom did not listen. He rode through the parkat the speed of light.

    All of a sudden, Tom lost control of the bike. He

    crashed into a protrudingtree root. His bike jerked

    forward and he was flung from his seat. He flew into

    the air and landed on the ground with a sickening thud.Ouch! he cried out in pain as he clutched his leg in

    agony. He had broken his leg! He was moaning and

    groaningwhen his brother and parents came running

    towards him. They carried him and rushed to the


    The doctor examined him and took X-rays. The

    doctor said that he had to wear a plaster cast and that

    he would not be able to walk for several months. As

    Sam and his parents came into the room to see him,

    they were extremely concerned. Tom felt deep regret

    for his actions. He was miserable. He apologised to his

    parents and his brother for the trouble he had caused.

    Tom would never forget how painful his leg was.

    He decided that he would not be too arrogant and

    proud in future.

  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    The Race

    Come on, I can do it! I thought. I was at home

    practising. My name is Tom. I had practised very hard

    for the 300 metre (m) race I would be participating in

    with the other contestants. I was running on my

    fathers treadmill doing some last minute practices.

    Tomorrow was the day of the race. There would be

    many events. I had completed my practice and I went

    to bed. I was exhausted. As soon as my head touched

    the pillow, I fell into a deep slumber.

    Today was the day. There were many events.

    There was the pole jump, the swimming race, and of

    course, the 300 metre race. The stadium was packed

    with spectators all chatting excitedly. The noise level

    was overwhelming. They were fidgetingin their seats

    waiting for the events to start.

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    Finally, the games started. The crowd fell silent. In

    a flash, we set off. I ran as fast as I could. From my

    point of view, it looked like I was running at the speedof light!The other contestants were hot on my tail.

    We were at the last lap. The suspense was unbearable.

    My supporters chorused in unison, You can do it,

    Tom! And I crossed the finish line! Tears of joy

    trickled down my cheeks as I punched the air in

    jubilation. I had succeeded!

    Soon, it was prize giving time. The guest of honour

    walked onto the stage. I smiled proudly as I received

    the prize from the guest of honour.

    I would never forget the moment I crossed thefinish line! I feel like all that practice was worth it. I

    learnt that practice makes perfect. I hope that the next

    Olympic games event would come soon and I feel very

    confident that I can win again!

  • 7/25/2019 Stories by Children for Children


    Accident on the Stairs

    Ring! The bell rang to signal the end of the math

    period. The boys walked to the canteen in an orderly

    manner. There were two boys, Joe and Bob, running to

    the canteen. They were running right behind the

    WALK, DONT RUN sign.

    They were rushing down the staircase wanting to

    be the first in line at the canteen stalls. Suddenly, Joe

    tumbled down the staircase. He landed at the bottom

    of the flight of stairs with a loud thud. Ouch! he

    groaned in agony, clutching his leg. What will I do? He

    thought. Just then, a teacher came with a panicked

    expression on his face. The teacher lifted him up,

    carried him to the staffroom and immediately called

    for the ambulance.

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    The paramedicscarried him on a stretcher into the

    ambulance. When they got into the hospital, the

    doctor put him in bed and called his parents. He said, Youre going to need to wear a plaster cast. Your

    bone was fractured. Just then, Joes parents arrived.

    The doctor explained to them what had happened. Joe

    had to spend a few days in bed. His family visited him

    from time to time.

    Finally, he tried to stand up. His legs were

    trembling like jelly. He was not afraid that he might fall.

    However, after much effort, he did it. The doctor told

    him that he had to use crutchesfor a month. His

    parents came and took him home.

    Joe was sorry that he ran down the stairs. He

    promised his parents that he would be more careful in
