storyboard final


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Storyboard Final
Page 2: Storyboard Final

Scene 1

For this scene from 0-29seconds, I’m going to create a time lapse of a variety of objects.

The most objects that I'm going to be including in my music video as my time lapse is a

rose gradually dying, or the petals eventually coming off so creating a stop motion shot. I

will have to experiment which effect would work better as this can be time taking. The

reason why I thought I would do this because ‘Radioactive’ is toxicating and can be a cause

of death, and a rose dying represents this.

One other time lapse that I'm hoping to include is to have a time lapse of the sun coming

down and coming up. Although, I might not have both only one so when it comes to editing I

will have to experiment which takes a greater effect.

Another time lapse I'm hoping to include is a storm forming in the sky, the reason for this is

because it is a negative occurrence which relates to my song that I picked as well as my


Overall, I feel that I would have each time lapse over lapping each other so they would be

jumping in between so the footage will last for the first 29 seconds of the song. If the

footage that I will collect wont last for 29 seconds then I will come up with another idea that

will fulfill that time gap.

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Scene 2

This scene is from 30-43 seconds. During this time period, Lewis (the main

character) will be lip syncing to the first line of the lyric. I have planned that this will

be a mid-shot of Lewis doing this. The location where this will be shot will be in the

original location, Crowland.

The second lyric, I have decided to change from the draft I have came up with

previously, the reason for this is because it doesn't’t make sense in the music video

when I think of how it would look. So instead, I have decided to have slow motion of

Lewis getting up from the ground instead of having paint dripping down from Lewis’


We then turn into a close-up as Lewis lip-sync the next lyric of the song. While then

turning into a mid-shot of Lewis outside the power station.

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Scene 3

From 44-55 seconds of the song, this part is building up to the chorus. In this scene,

we will have a lip sync by Lewis.

As we get onto the next lyric, there will be a pan shot of Lewis walking while in slow

motion also as this represents the lyrics being sung in the song “shaping up, then

checking out of the prison bus”. The reason for the pan-shot of Lewis walking is

because it represents the lyric which relates to the song.

As it comes to the final lyrics in this scene, in the previous rough draft of my

storyboard, the media technical effect that I wanted to use for this would be too

complicated so I thought I would do something different. Instead I might have a

close-up of Lewis’ face with him lip syncing.

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Scene 4

From 55-1.25 minutes, this is where the chorus appears so I wanted to do something

extraordinary. Throughout the first part of the chorus Lewis will be lip-syncing along with

a variety of camera angles to represent different features and meanings within the

music video.

When it gets to the lyrics where there is repetition a lot, I was going to have duplicates

of Lewis but I have changed this where I might use the cast in this scene also. One of

the ideas is that Lewis is walking through a very small village where there are people

just staring at Lewis as he is walking. From this, this is making the music video look

more authentic.

Once it gets to the ‘Whoa, oh oh” as this gets repeated several times, I will have a time

lapse of a storm forming just like I have for the beginning of my music video. Then, I

have decided to have Lewis lip-sync ‘Radioactive” but have a dark background where

you can only see his face. I then might have his face on the storm where you can see

the storm and his face. This is only an experiment and might be changed if it cant work.

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Scene 5

1.26-1.38 minutes into the music video, this part is where it is slow and not as fast

as previous. For this specific scene, Lewis is then filmed as a pan-shot walking

towards houses. For the lyrics “I raise my flags, don my clothes”.

For the next lyric the scene will jump back to Lewis lip-syncing and then jump back

to the scene where Lewis is starting to head for the abandoned house where the

Zombie scene will take place.

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Scene 6

1.39-1.51 minutes into the song, this is where a bit of narration is going to take

place. For the first part of the lyric ‘I'm breaking in, shaping up, checking out of the

prison bus”, this is where Lewis is walking to the ‘abandoned house’.

Then it jumps back to Lewis lip-syncing, “this is it the apocalypse”. We then have

Lewis in the garden of the abandoned house and all the zombies look at Lewis at

the same time. From this, everything is able to be in rhythm along with the music as

their will be some partially narrative as well as lip-syncing performance.

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Scene 7

1.52-2.20 of the song, is where the main event of the song appears. In the first bit of

the scene, we have a clear shot of the zombies chasing Lewis in slow motion along

with a variety of different camera angles. The reason I have decided to include this

into my music video as this makes it look authentic and surreal.

As we get on to the second part of the scene, Lewis is then Lip-syncing “welcome to

the new age” and then switched back to the zombies chasing Lewis. What I have

included that the Zombies are running in slow motion and having Lewis in a close up

angle of him staring at the camera as the zombies are running towards him.

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Scene 8

2.21-2.33 minutes into the music video, as this is a very short scene, I have decided

to include a time lapse of the sun in many different ways to last for this scene.

One other idea I have had in mind which I'm going to experiment with is having a

birds eye shot of Lewis siting down under a lamp post while having the camera

zoom out.

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Scene 9

2.34 – 3.07 into the music video, this is beginning to become the end of the song

which means I will have to include more ideas into my music video which can be left


For the final parts of the lyrics, Lewis is lip-syncing to the chorus with a variety of

camera angles to make it look authentic along with it out looking boring and making

the clip too long as this can bore the viewers.

I then have Lewis walking towards the camera but he is jumping back in rhythm with

the music for “whoa, oh, oh”.

And finally, the final lyric “I'm radioactive” I will have Lewis lip sync it and walk off

and fade himself out of the clip to make it look imaginary and surreal.