storylines workshop documentation

StoryLINES [documentation] The narrative intent of lines in space workshop & talks - September 13, 2014

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[WORKSHOP] StoryLines - The narrative intent of lines in space. Full documentation of the workshop and talks event on September 13, 2014 at ION Gallery. Lead by Lennard Ong.


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The narrative intent of lines in space!workshop & talks - September 13, 2014

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The workshop “StoryLINES - The narrative intent of lines in space” conducted by Lennard Ong and StoryCode Singapore on September 13, 2014 took place at the ION Art Gallery. In two workshop sessions with three instructors and three work stations, about 16 participants were able to explore this exotic topic with their own creations. This workshop was part of Lennard Ong’s exhibition “Filament Forest” which ran as part of the Young Talent Programme 2013/14 Winners’ Solo Exhibition (September 3-24, 2014.).

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By developing, incubating and exhibiting innovative, immersive story forms, StoryCode serves creators, technologists and distributors of cross-platform narrative content.We invite enthusiasts and professionals alike "to storycode" — simply meaning, to tell a story in a new way, using the bounty of new tools at our disposal.Born out of the Singapore Transmedia Meetup group the StoryCode Singapore chapter continues to advocate and educate about new forms and formats of narrative experiences set in the media business context of Singapore as well as the South-East Asian region.StoryCode SG empowers Singaporean creatives and content creators to prototype their ideas and bring them to the next level as well as represent on the international stage via the global StoryCode network.Latest community events in Singapore:


StoryCode Singapore!Global community for cross-platform & immersive storytellers

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(born 9 February 1985) is a Singapore-born architectural designer. He studied at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (sciarc) in Los Angeles and has lived and worked in Los Angeles, Berlin and Singapore.Lennard now runs the creative practice Studio Lennard+. The practice works in both digital and physical media with unique clients to bring strange and unusual visions to reality.More details about Lennard Ong’s work here:


Lennard Ong!architectural designer & visual artist

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Anatomies of Desire!Aesthetics of the behavioural biasesIn 2013 Lennard took part at the Affordable Art Fair where he introduced his project “Anatomies of Desire — aesthetics of the behavioural biases”.!

This project explores the aesthetics of emergence by using algorithms. Simulations of virtual creatures with different emotional states are traced to visualise figurations that emerge from emotional biases, for instance communal or individualistic behavior or even aggression.!

A live machine traced these simulations through the duration of the exhibition and created a tangible index of the experiment.!

Anatomies of Desire received the Young Talent Award 2013/2014.!

Video link:

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Filament Forest!“How does a line dance in space?”Filament Forest is the follow up project to Anatomies of Desire. “How does a line dance in space?” is the question explored in Filament forest. A new machine explores this question through creation of line sculptures based on the behavior of materials.The machine, best understood as a self-build, modified 3d extruder, creates different lines from event-driven behaviours. For example, a speedy machine movement creates a thin and stretched line. As different events collect, a rich tapestry of lines emerge. Like a story, the tapestry is a string of events that form a bigger narrative. Like a story, the project can be seen as spatial design through events.“Lines are not just lines. Lines have a life to them. For example, lamp posts, columns and pipes are lines, but they are militant lines: they stretch into an unyielding eternity, straight and unwavering. In my imagination, creeper vines and dancing music are lines with personality. They swerve freely in space with surprise and delight. But these qualities are shy and fleeting: too much planning and they disappear. Too little planning and they may never appear…”Video link:

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StoryLines — The narrative intent of lines in space!A project journey from behaviour visualisation to stories as spacial design toolIn storytelling we always talk about the importance of a storyline and how this thread of events and characters creates an experience for the audience, regardless the medium it is playing out on. With its September 2014 event StoryCode Singapore was taking the word “storyline” literal! Together with designer Lennard Ong we utilised narratives as a speculative design tool and create scenes of what a physical line in space can be.About 16 workshop participants explored the correlation between different interpretations of line characteristics and the scenes they inhabit to speculate on and conjure up improbable events.In order to help workshop participants to gain a better understanding of the topic as well as have a faster entry into their own creation process we developed three different stations: 3D (handicrafts and 3D extruder machine), 2D (drawing and skating) and text (storytelling). Every participant could choose the medium they feel most familiar with first. After 15 minutes of creative work, participants had to rotate to another station, going through all three media eventually.Stories and creations were presented among the group after completing all stations. This documentation serves as record of the workshop and its final results.

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character (story, emotion) origin LINE = journey Text (storytelling)

subject (line, form, pattern) origin LINE = object 3D (machine)

imagination (drawing, scene) origin LINE = character 2D (drawing)





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Prior to the workshop Lennard Ong and StoryCode Singapore’s Marco Sparmberg went through a series of prototypes and test runs in order to determine the best approach and workflow for participants. Given the complex theme and unique nature of this event both were supported by creative consultant Lara Dudley. The following three projects are raw prototype stories that were crated during the eight weeks leading up to the workshop on September 13, 2014.


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Early in the morning Jack the duck ascends from its home lake into the air, winding up in constantly larger forming serpentines. As he feels growingly euphoric Jack goes higher in the air, making a large loop upwards before beginning to take up his regular route. The wind carries him most the time and he barely needs to use any energy, like levitating half a mile above ground. Suddenly the wind changes and he starts getting sucked into heavy turbulences. Having no control over his flight path he gets pushed down. Finally, he is able to regain control but this comes with a price. He now needs to wind up in the air using all the energy he’s got in order to get out of these terrible turbulences. After a long and exhausting fight he manages to regain his normal flight height, the turbulences stop and the wind carries him again. Not afar he can make out a friend of his and both start flying together. Having not seen each other for a long time both remember the old days when they were just little ducks. Eventually, as joy takes over they start getting hyped-up. Playing daredevil tricks in the air, like they used to when they were younger. They forget time and what’s around them. Into the soft hissing sound of the wind breaks a sudden and loud bang. Jack collapses and drops to the ground like a stone. His buddy veers off in panic. On the ground, a hunter is packing up his rifle and heads for the spot where Jack “landed”.!

Title of work: Serpentines !Name of creator: Marco


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One fine day, a cow was leaving its barn, slowly swaggering up to the farm’s meadow to get set for a good chow of green grass. As the cow walks along the road the weather suddenly changes. Harsh gusts bending all the trees around. The wooden barn doors make loud cracking sounds. Hail starts falling. As the cow turns in order to run back to the barn she realises, that her feet do not touch the ground anymore. She got picked up by a tornado and ascends rapidly in large winding circles, up into the dark sky. After a while of spinning madness the tornado dissolves into a cloud of dust and rain. The cow instantly drops to the ground, luckily landing in the pond at the other end of the farm. Disoriented and soaked she tries to stagger her way back to the barn. !

Title of work: Cownado !Name of creator: Marco


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//Scenario floating fortresses (like the corellian corvette) that mine blocks of lava from the planet’s core. Heat is used to keep the machine afloat.!

[1] currency of energy is heat mined from the planets core. Planet is very hot - too hot to live on.[2] floating ships (like corellian corvettes) float over planets surface like blimps.[3] extracting heat by irrigating the planet’s crust with bacteria that causes coagulation of matter into blocks [4] blocks are lifted into machine and heat extracted to engines, etc. After extraction the blocks are black, coal. They are used to create ground structures.[5] planet slowly cools by the leeching of heat until its temperature drops. eventually, inhabitants of the floating ships can emerge and colonize the surface. coal structures become base-stations for expansion. [6] The “extraction scars” are filled with water to become basins of water. The planet becomes a synthetic ecology that we nurture like a garden. !

//Scene Atmospheres!

(during extraction) cracked earth crusts, red and glowing like lava. Mist and steam.(after) desolation, like a construction site (after the after) mixture of nature in surreal juxtapositions with geometry/environment/technology

Title of work: Bricks !Name of creator: Lennard


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During the workshop, each participant had to record their works by means of a “creations documentation sheet” provided to them. The following are 11 of the recorded creations and stories. Origin and nature of these stories varies widely. Some participants, however, were not able to complete their stories or go through all three stations of the workshop. Hence, this record may not be complete.





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nsIn the world of abstract, there are 3 elements living in harmony. Wood, filament and blue soil. Until one day, the wood decides to invade more than its fair share of space.That disrupted the nature and balance of the world. Filament started passing through blue soil and growing out of control. Blue soil started holding on to the others, trying to control and contain. After battling for a millennial, blue soil inhabitants finally spread out and contain the other elements. That’s when the elements realise to thrive, they have to co-exist and work together. Filament sprouted a pure white tree as a signal of friendship.!

Title of work: The abstract world(s) !Name of creator: Daylon


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nsIn a galaxy, a new material got created which travels around willing to meet other beings. Our friend met some coloured beings called “elastees” who attached, ready to travel along. The new material was amazed to see the diversity in this galaxy and enjoyed the elastees’ company, creating a whole society on his back. Suddenly, they encountered white spongy and long organisms. The communication was very difficult with this organism and the elates & our friend got scared what to do. So they welcomed this new being which actually allowed them to feel bigger and stronger for a longer journey. !

…The galaxy is full of surprises… !

Title of work: The elastees’ galaxy !Name of creator: Sandra


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ns“Sometimes he thought of past love affairs as graffiti written across the story of his life. Most of it was easily wiped away with a rag and any kind of cleaning fluid. In contrast, there were a few scribbles that had been drawn with black permanent ink. These were tougher to remove. Sometimes no matter how much he rubbed and scrubbed, faint traces of them remained for a long time. Finally there was the graffiti that had been carved deep into his surface with a sharp knife and fierce determination. It was usually small because any carving *that* deep took time and real effort. But it was the most permanent. No way could he ever erase it unless layers of himself were sanded away and obviously that was impossible. The only thing to do was accept it as part of his being now, like a scar or a bad tattoo. As it aged in years to come, it became less visible but never disappeared.”!

How do I Erase you, by Jonathan Carroll -

Title of work: untitled (#BIN) !Name of creator: Rachel


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nsWhen I see those suckling roots, those squirmy baby shoots of a strangled fig pouring at the trunk of the proud iron bark, I’m filled with a strong sense of nostalgia, nostalgia for a future as inevitable as the past. This grand old tree may as well be a stump; there is no reversing this child’s clambering, clawing, sucking encircling that will lead this iron bark to one day soon define nothing more than the shape of the hollow in a great forest fig.!

Title of work: The strangler fig !Name of creator: Graeme


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nsOne day, Koali is happy eating his chocolate bar at the local playground. Mike sees Koali and wants to eat it. Mike attacks Koali and a big fight ensues. Jia, a local schoolboy, is on his way to play tennis with his friends. He sees Koali being attacked and whacks Mike with his racquet. Mike gets a huge bump on his head and starts crying. Koali gives Jia his cholocate and they agree to play tennis next week. Mike leaves town. THE END.!

Title of work: Mumsters !Name of creator: Michael


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nsWithin a larger fox society, there was two foxes. One loved pink and one loved yellow. Life was pretty happy in the fox society, everyone lived in a happy colourful place. Apart from one day the two foxes who loved pink and yellow came to blows. This is because a new fox had come into the society who was very foxy! The new fox loved both of the foxes and didn’t know who to chose. They all became entangled with emotions. So what did they do? They decided the best thing to do was to become friends. This made a lot of sense!

Title of work: The colour of life !Name of creator: Alexis


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nsE=mc2, energy it cannot be created nor destroyed. The transfer of energy can make wonderful things happen. Tere can be thriving lines extending endlessly to all aspects of the world. However, the power then brings difference. Do you want to be different? Or do you rather follow the trend? It is up to you to decide. The future is yours…!


Title of work: Flow !Name of creator: Bryan


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nsOnce upon a time, there was a heroic and brave policeman called Danial, He was most loyal and hardworking and over the years became a chief policeman. Every chief policeman had to have an arch enemy and for Danial, it was a smart and cunning burglar named Jovan. To settle the…!


Title of work: untitled !Name of creator: Brian + brother


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nsThe countryside was peaceful before it all began. Villagers and farmers had a simple lifestyle, farming and reaving livestock. It was only until campers started appearing in their lovely land. The first camper that discovered this wonderful land was called Mark. Farmer John wasn’t very happy when he first met Mark. He knew that once Mark started a campsite there, it would attract more people to come. He lived to do everything to chase the campers away but to no avail, the land was just to nice and peaceful.Slowly with the internet, more people started camping in this wonderful land. They had all kinds of activities, trekking, swimming, etc. Soon, too many people started trekking an the mountains that it started to split!!

Title of work: Mountain Destroyers !Name of creator: Vanessa


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nsTerry is a hedonistic youth born early in the UK. His relationship with his father raptured big perpetual, plus his relentless pursuit of pleasure at expense of his family. Travels abound to Asia in an attempt to restart his professional life only to find himself thrust deeper into a hedonistic world. Threads of his life begin to unravel and in an attempt to forestal a breakdown he returns home to try and reconnect with his father and the threads of himself.!

Title of work: Threads !Name of creator: Martin


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nsThe story begins with Bob. Bob is a simple man living in the rainforest. He finds a giving tree, which provides an abundant supply of wood. Bob’s basic needs were met by the tree with an everlasting supply of food, wood and fresh oxygen as well as shade from the burning sunlight. Bob took great care of the tree. Bob anted others to feel the same satisfaction he received from working with nature. He began to sell the fruits from the tree and branches.Soon enough supply ran low. Others find out about the source of supply and through greed, chopped down the tree for the last remaining supplies.Bob ended up by himself with no tree to provide for his basic needs. Loneliness started to set in and the man kept swimming into a downward spiral.However, one day everything changed. Bob found a seed in the middle of his path and found a new purpose to life.He planted the seed and vowed to take care of the newly grown plant, not letting anything destroy the fruits of his labour again. !

The End!

Title of work: untitled !Name of creator: Ruth & Flo


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sTitle: The journey of the creator !Speaker: Tirthankar Dash Humanist/StoryCrafter

Imagine tangibly. The making of meaning!Einstein famously imagined traveling on a light beam to arrive at his theory of relativity. This is made tangible in the equation, e=mc2. In between imagination and this formula, a toolkit of equations and formulas were used by Einstein to make imagination tangible.!!"Imagination Tools" brings together an artist, a scientist and a technologist. Together, we will explore questions such as: how do tools invent our imagination? What happens when we imagine tangibly? Curious? Come and find out more.!!

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sTitle: Squatter roofs of Hong Kong - defining a parallel story universe !Speaker: Marco Sparmberg Transmedia Producer

Title: Exploding the frame - data, data, data !Speaker: Prof. Ben Shedd Imax Filmmaker, Visual Storyteller

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Event organizers:!!Lennard Ong!!!StoryCode Singapore!!!!!

Workshop instructors:!!Lennard Ong (3D)!!!Krish Raghav (2D) !!!Marco Sparmberg (storytelling)! !!!Venue host:!!ION Art gallery!!