stoves, heaters. ranges^ heal estate and insurance. · 2014. 4. 2. · paint store, or received by...

Vol. XIII, ASBURY ' PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER :8, 1888 No. 49; ^ iSsii funitaliL ‘ * . . J .A A. W. HETRICK, M. D. ________ _____ _.., ____ a and Surgeon. Cor. Cookman A Bangs avs., Asbnry Park, N. J. Honrs: until 10 a. m„ and after 4 p. m. J J S. KTNMONTBi.M. D., . . t ' ^ " ’ Corner Grand and Asbtny Avenues, "'Office Hours—7 to 9 a. m., Ifco 2p. m., 6 to8p.m . m BRUCE 8. KKATOR, .* . ’ . ■±f Homoeopathic Physiolon and Surgoon. Graduate of both schools.: ■' ■ -* ■ Cor*, ABbnry avenue and Borgh street. ..uonrs—Until 9 a. m.,-7 to 9 p. m. Telephone connections. . . ‘, JA M ES B. BURNET, M. D. ; j. . 16 Chestnut Street, Nowark, N. J.. OfBoe libura -8 lo]12 a, m.', 6 to 7p. m„ Sundays—8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 7 p. m. HPEOIALTY—DTflKASH3 -OF-THE NASAL PA8- ' 'v SAGES. THfi0AT*AWU'LUNaS. I. GILL, A. M.,’P. D., PnouniatopathlHt, or Mental Heftier, 400 Sewall avenue. Cor, 0e«k street. Office hoprs 7 to 10,12 to 8,6 to 9. - £ P. PAWLEY, 0 BEEraiSI1 , 015 Bangs ave., Asbnry Park, N. J. J)R . s. T. SLOCUM, “DENTIST. * Office—204 Main St., opposite Railroad Station, Gas administered. Asbufy Park, N. J. A. 8. DUnTON, n . » . 0. i. o. burton, n. n. s'. r>URTON BROTHERS, , Resident nentliiM. Bonn Building, 605 Cookman ave.. Asbnry Park, New York Office— 69 West 3Uh st. Gas ad mini stored. Appointments mado by tolo* S hone or by mall tlonrs : 9 a.m . to 5p. ra- I'f’rs of " ZOZO”—the now preparation for cleansing and preserving the Teeth. ‘ L N. SEYMOUR, D. I). 8. f . Office 530 Cookman avoriue, near Etaory stroof. Mechanical work a specialty. _ Difficult operations solicited. iB S lt R&BERT T. GRAVATT, « - DKALBB'IH. Stoves, Heaters. Ranges^ T ltJW A R E , Ao, \ Cootaoai* av., near Bond st., ASEUBT PABK, N. J. Tin RCOHIMIADHC IDTTER*, At. Bifl-IS, T il AID (HtET 168* WM W Ml um ^^lrst-elaas work at loVnite 8._4 ^ LIPPIWCOTT T A I L O R 727 Co ok man Ave. Gr exits5 FiirnisM ngs. TBENTOK STEAM DYEING WORKS, ^ ESTABLISHED 1849. ladles’ dresses dvod In all the newest shades. Feathera dyed to all colors. Gentlemen!s cloth- tug cleaned, dyed and pressed equal to new. Agent for Asbnry Park. HENRY DOREN, (Sqocesaor to G. W. Road,) MERCHANT TAILOR 718 COOKMAN AVENUE.. Suits made to order guaranteed to fit. Cleaning and Repairing. j;' /. F. HAWKINS. , FRANK DUKAITO. JJAWKINS A DURAND, Attomoys-at-Taw, BolWorsi. $i.'^faflteiksln Chan- ,cery. Mikado Building, Cookman Av., - i j Asbnry Park, N. J.' JSAAC C. KENNEDY, * : - Attomey-at-Law, Sotfoitor, Master In Chanoory, and Notary Public.. - 1 . Special attention glyen to examination or Titles, Ao. . • Office in Cook’s Bnlldlng, . Asbury Park, New Jetsey. .-ALFItKP D. BAILEY, jCX- Attomey-at-Law, Solicitor and Master In Chancery and Notary Public. Special attention given to collection of claims. Office In Mikado Building, ABbnry Park, i £)AY1D HARVEY, Jr., Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor, Master and-Examlnor in Chancery, Notary Public. Asbury Park, N. J. GEORGE W. LEE JOBBING HOUSE CARPENTER Hardwood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to arid work dope In first-class manner, ' Manufacture? of.Storm Doors, Window and' Door Screens. Ordors loft at D. H.; jyyckoff’s paint store, or received by mall, will bo promptly attended to. ' Roaldonco—N. E. Cor. Aabury aTenno and Main street. P. O. Box 605, ASBURY P ARK, N. J. A. A , TAYLOR, Masoiiahd Builder, Bricklaying and Plastering In all branches , of Masonry work. _ ( Jobbing promptly a ttep Jed io. ! p, o . Box 007. Office, 78». MftttlRon avonne Q.KOUGI? W. BYRAM, Attomoy-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Address P. O. Box 1001, Asbnry Park, N,:J«: IlsNnr NRvitre, - Eumrfto Wiiaon, Counsellor at Law. Attorney at Taw . TJEVIITS & WII.SON, . ' ' ' Law-Offices, RKD BANK, N .J. ^ L IC E K. HARRISON, _i 303 Third avenae, Asbury Park. TEACHER QF MUSIC—Piano, O^an-aind Tlioory pRANK V. BODINE, : A H C HXT B C t . , MIKADO BDIKDINO,- P. O. Box 865. ASBDIiY PSTIK, N. J. M: RS. ROSALINE V. BIPLEY, TEACHER OF PUNDt ORGAN AND THEORY. Foreign and American fingering. Terms—515 for 20 lessens, payable ^ RHMeBSon. H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker, Dealer In Fine Watcheg, Jewelry, Spectacles &c. 1 Watohesand Jewdlry repaired at City Prices. Mala street, near Oookman avenue, ' ASBURY PARK. N. J. < G E O . M . B E N N E T T , "HOUSE PAINTING In all Its branches, nardwood finishing, Grain- ing. Calolmlnlng, Ac. Estimates furnished on application. L. Box 2182. Ocean Grove, N. J. COOK HOW LAND, Architect & Builder. Bulldlrfg plans oxeouted and all work promptly dono. Office In Cook’s Building, Main street and Cookman.avenne. Asbnry Park. JOHN W. SUTPHEN Blacksmith and Horseshoer, Carriage work in all Its branches,. CARRIAGE PAIHTiNI ANO TRIMMING In tho finest style of decorative art. Main . street and First avenue, 1 ASBOBT PARK. iV' ADOM IIPPIWCOTT, Carpenter & Builder Jobbing In all branches prompt!jTand carefully attended to. Rosldence—602 Elrst avehue, • , " P *0. Box 282. . ASBURY &AftK, N .J. FRED. B. GOWDY. : cfifSSTTi. htchk £ GOWDY & PITCHER, C arriages, and M anufactu- . . . rBrs of Ilarncas. Pnrlc. Ki-tS HnnU jw llflm n Klyer. ..... . ^ .......... . ’ ■■■— -- . ---- 1 ..I--- = DANIEtr C. COVERT,' No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J „ . GENKRAL AGENT . . *—pon‘Tnn------ •• V.,\, Purcbasa, Sale and Renting of Real Estate. Also Properly Insured In first-class companies. Improvements made for non-residents. Propet- ty cared for, Loans negotiated and Collections made. Correspondence Bolloltcd. P. O, Boxfl!30. Tents. Awnings, Flags, Foltlrig for bollors and steam pipes. S.HEMMENWAY, SIS Cookman isbury Port, N .J , '*• Sall lofts, COSbuth 8t.,'Naw York City, ~ J. C. W. STOUT. ALFRED HART .S T O U T & h 4 ^ T ? 7 . Asbnry Park aad Ocean Grov^ Concrete .Walk. Layers, ffema'piws&M .-' ■ ']§ - Office7l3Mattison am^Satlsfaction tgfti^xntood. SAMUEL m eirkbride , CONTRACTOR, Carpenter & Builder. Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference given. Rosldence—First ave., bet Bond and Emory sts, Shop and Office—First ave, and Main str~ P. O. Box 743. . ASBURY PARK. The Old and Reliable Brand. Vane, Calvert A Co. All M raM eM es of Color. N. E. Buchanon & Co. Sole Agsate for State of New Joreey. t^ ”rrices low to painters and Consumers, Liberal arrangements made with dealers. MAIN ST. ASBURY AVE. John A. Oitbens &Co. Manufacturers of, and wholesale and retail doalors In FEATHERS. Etc. 35 FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST, Up Stairs, Renovating Mattresses a Specialty. Telophono Connection. M, m. CROSBIE, Succossor to David Cartwright, -Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two and Threo:ply Roofing Paper, P. O. Bo* 802. Asbury Park, ST. I, SANITARYPLUMBING B . C R O W ELL & CO. Now occupy tho now brick building of J. Henry Applegate, on Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street, where they are prepared to CRtlmaVo on all kinds wmmimmmmimi They do none other than firet-class work, and all nlumWbgwlllbe done after the most approved sanitary methods. . /, . .Ropa’irlngr promptly attondrd Ao. ~ _ II. C. SfflARRYOTT, Contractor and Builder, Estimates furnished for every description of work. Jobbing.attended to promptly. Rosldouue^"- w Cor, Sewall Ave. and Emory St., iMk BiiTid.j • :• tN n riir p * x u , it.a. ; v t J Q H N . H U B E A R D , Praclieal House Painter, ; AND PAPER HANGEH . Residence Cor. Fifth avenue aud-Bond strsot, tunk.Bu5.075. ASitUlff l'AHK, N, J. JOS. t, DURRAH, ; . H a ste ie ^ ;• - 505 THIRD AVENUE. ' — — jobbing promptly attondod to, / ' GEO. C, ORMEROD, OONTRAQTORIW BUILDIB ,’ i... ASftCnr>ABK,rS; J, testabllabod 1873. Jobbing promptly attondod v to./ Best ofrjjfore nee given. OfllcojmaRi^Idet&ft^____ COR. S fiW A I^V K . AND B d^ST, & \ §m Mutate F. C. BRAEUTIGAWI, Heal Estate and insurance. Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Let, for Sale and Exchange. Special attention glyon to drawlngmortgagos, leases and deeds at short nfftlce. Office - ___ 710 COOKMAN AVENUE, P. O. Box 17. Neitr Malg s t, Asbury Park, N. J. H. B. BEEGLE, (Lato p . B. Becgle &0on) KEATjtESTATB. and INSURANCE AGENT, i Hsi kiim, Cseia im H ,J. ' Loans Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn H. B. BEEGLE, Notary j^iblle and Commissioner of Deeds for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and tbo District of Columbia. - Bargains in Real Estate- LOTS Atrb IMPBOViinj PBOE- . BBTY AT NOBTH BPKING IiAKE. Improved property and Lots at Point Pleasant cheap for cash. Lots at Manhasset for Bale or -Exchange. 200 feet of Bav front, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay front In the market for sale In that vicinity. Will be sold cheap. Lot 25x12ft feet on Sixth avenuo, near the ocean, ABburyPark. If you want to buy or rent any property any- where along the coast Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Sewall av. and Emory st, Asbury Park. Or W. T. Stubet, Point Pleasant, N. J. \ •• W. H. P otter, Spring Lake. N. J. ’ REAL ESTATE, I N S U R A N C E ' & . MORTGAGE LOANS, , 708 Cookman Ave. S v P ar *, ASBURY P i l l ELECTRIC LIGHT W E E C Q . MAIN STATION: Railroad, near First avenue. Furnishes Eloctrio Arc and Incandescent lights at any location. r, , OFFICERS: . Presldonf%lYRON 8. .GOULD, Vico Prds’t—EDMUND G. HARRISON, TreasWW**VOHN ROCKAFELLER, ^eo’y and Sup’t—GEO. M. LANE. DIRECTORS: Myron S. Gould, Geo. F. Kroehl, KdmumlG. Harrison, John C, MaoMurray,- Johu Uockafoller, Gep. A. Smock, ueo. M. Lane. .• —. WHY SUFFER When It Isa well-known fact that BOURNE’S English Tonic • . Dyspepsia Pills will not onljrglvQjOaso, but permanently onre IndlReation, Dyspepsia, or.any gastrio troublo. For Sale by all Druggists - WES^EYHUGplNS, tdfltraotor^Carponter & Builder Plans and speclflcatlons fuVnlahod. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference glyen. Itesldenco—100 Mt. Carmel Way, Ocean Grove. * P. O. Box 70. Asbuir Park, N. J. \ ’■ LADIE$! Do Tonr Own Dyeln^. nt IIoiA^with PEERLESS DYES They will dyo everything. Thoy aro sold overy where. Price 10o. a package-^*!0 colors, ffhoys havo no equal for Strength, Brightness, Aunfcnt ln_Paokages'or for Fastness of Color, or non-fad- ing Qualities. vThoydo not crook or smut. For sale by II. Tuatlng, M. D., Woolloy & Reed, W. B, Chrlatmo, DruRglate, Apbury Park, N. J. -THE- MfiTTISQN AVENUE GROCERY PJETER DE KEYSElR; Bucceaflor tO Wm. Boame9,A Dealer in Choice Family Groceries. The bost brands of Floor, flno Teas and Coffee, every thlnj? portal nib# to a'ilrst-olass Gro^ N e^gtock! ^grim e G o^ls! ^ENNmVJlNIA HAILBOAD. .. On and after October 28. 1868, .TRACTS UUYB ABBUIIT PARK For New York, Newark, Elizabeth. Rahway Rod Bank, Long Branoh and intermediate stations, at 9.15 a. m., 1.16, 5.85 p< m. Expresfl for New York, Nowark, Elizabeth and Long Branoh, at 7.45 a. m. ' , . For Hatawan, 7.45, 9.15 a.m ., 1.15, 6.85p.m. For Long Branch, 7.45, 9.15 a. m., 1-.15, 5.85 p. m. rPhlladelphla,(Broad St.,)Trenton, Princotou,' Monmouth Junction, Freehold and 80a Girt, 7.69 a. m.,13.27, 4.20 p, m. For Camdon, Burlington, Bordontownnnd points on tho Amboy Dlylsloin, via. Berkeley and TomsRlver, on Mondays and Saturdays only, ' 2.00 p.m. . \ • -■—vf For Camden. Burlington, and Borden town, (via. T r e n to n 0 7.£>9 a . m ., 12.27, 4.20 p . m. VIA. *■, Jam^aburg, 4.20 p. m, * For Toms River, Island Heights, and Intermedia ate stations, at 11.06 a. m. On Mondays and . Saturdays only, 2.00 p. m. Por Point Pleasant, and Cntermodlate stations, at 11.06 a. m ., S.00, 0.00,7.00 p. m. ruAi^s ulavs nw T onK (via. Desbrossos and Cortlandt fits- ferries) sob arbuxiy rxax At 9.10 a. m ., 12.00_nocn, 4.20,5.00 p. m. TiiAiKB i a u y i F m m itu n ii (Broad flt.) joB^-. AHBna'r fabe. . At 7.82,11.15 a. 4.00 p. m. Market St., via. Camden and Trehton—7.20, 10.80 a. m., 2.80 p. m. Via. Jamesburg, 7.20 a. m., 8.80_P. m. .Via. Toms River and Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, a. pi. . J. R. WOOD, Gm'l Pass. Agt. CHAS. E. PUGH. C/ett’l Hqnpaer. I^EW TORH A LOHa BRANCH R. Time Table, In effedt November 18,1888. Stations In New York—Central R. R. of New Jer* ♦ »sey, foot of Liberty Street ;VP. R. R., foot of -Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streetsf.N. J. South-f ern Railway, foot of Rector St. , L1AYS MXW TOBK FOB ASBCST FABK, JtO. Central R. R. of N~ J .—4.80,8.15, *11.15 ». m., 1.00, 4.00 *4.30,6.10p .m . Peansylvania—*9.10 a. m., 12.00 m.,.*4.20, B.00 p. m, Leave Newark. Broad. 8L Station, lo r Asbury Parit, Ao. — 8.25, 11.20 a. m„ 1.01, 4.00, p. ra. Market St. Station—9.«8 a. m., - 12.20, 4.44, 6.80 p. m. liXAVS ABB0BT. FjLBK M B HXW TOBK, Ao. Central R. R. of N. J.-0.16,0.50, *7-150,10.55 a. m.,. ' 4;i5.6.45 p.m. Pennsylvania—*7.45, 0.15 a. m.. 1.15, 6.85 p. m. For Philadelphia aud Trenton, via. Bound Brook Route—0.15,0.50,7.65 a.m., 4.15p.m. For Ocean Beaoh* Spring Lake and Sea Girt— . 7.00, 7.59, 10.20, llJDft a. m ., 12.27, L05, 2.00, 2.58, 4.20, 6.65, 6.00, 0.11, 7.00, 8.10 p. m. For Manasquan and Point Pleasant—7.00,10.20, . 11.06 a. m ., 1.05, 2.00, ‘2.58, B.55, 6.00, 6.11, 7.00, a i o p . m . For Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—7.50 a. m„ t 12 2 7 , 4 ^ p . m . For Toma River, 11.05 a. m, *—Jixpresa. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supi. U. P , BALDWINlO. p . A. O. n .K .q f tf* Jr.. _ - ; • J. R. WOOD. Gen'l Pat. Aqt. P. plIREIIOLPAUD iffiwyOHK lU » .j In effect Nov. 19,18fl§.* TBAINS WIIJ. LBAVX FOB TOBBnoLD AS FOLLOWS.' Leave Asbury Park—8.00, 10.55 a. m., 1.15, 4.15, 5.85 p. m . f Leave Long Branch— 8.16^ 11.10'a . m.* L80,4U10, * 5.50 p. m. Leave bran oh port—7.20, 11.13 a. m., 1.83, 4 88, 5.63 p. m. ." ■ Leave Little SUver—7.25,11.18 a.‘ m., 1.88, 4.38, 5.08 p .m . <■> *. Leave Red B ank-8 25,11.80 a.-m., 1.43, 4.45, «.o0 Leave MldtlietoWn—7 37, 11.87 a. ra., 1.50, 4.52 6.14 p: in, . *- LKAVB MATA WAN FOR FUBKUOLB. 6.U0,8.87, W .31 a, m.,, 2.0a, 5.00,7.25 p. m. LKAVB FRKSUOLD FOR TUB HHOUB. a*«, 11.15 a. m.. 1.85, p. m. J. E. RALPH, Sup’t. Sewer Notice. During tho past ^ear a numbor of-new connec- tions have been mado with the sewers. This has to some extent lessoned the percentage of coat of maintaining the works. As the .erection of the Bower Works waS^not a matter of specula- tion, but became a necessity becauso of the suc- cessful and rapid gro wth of tho to wn, the owners desire to keep the annual rent'at thp lowest possible pcInC.) Notice Is hereby given that on all sewor rent* for 1888, .which will be duo January 1st, 1889, for prepayment a dodnotlon of one per cent a month will be allowed. Alter the next January bn Bowor rents due the following January a deduc- tion of two per cent a month, will fof prepay- ment bo allowed. On the third year, for pre- payment, three per cent a month will be allowed 5 and on the fourth. year, for pre- payment, four per cent, a month will be allowed. This practically reduces the sower rent about one thirdsJt. is of course Impos- sible to tell, at the present time. If a stUl can be allowed on the fifth or succoring years, on account of Increased num- ber of connections, but tha owners of property which is connected with the sewer may rest assured that they will reap every advantage pos- sible. ^Owners of the works only dealre, after working expenses are paid, a moderate Interest on the Investment. C.T. BATLEY, * - Seo’y Sewer Works. Asbury Park, May 22d, 1R88. Artistic Printing. M a t e r i a l — the best, ‘ W orkmansh ip—first-ciass. Delivery—-prompt. C h a r g e s r moderate. ' ASBURY park printing house , . 718 Mattison Ave. MATTRESSES and BEDDING of all kinds can bo found a t ' •‘Wo. 1 M ain St. (Oimerod Building), A8BCHY H n K , N. 1. i Renovating Mattresses a Bpefilaity at reasonablo <2eop W illiam son, Airt. prices. N O V E L TA E S Fine Statlassery, Doll,, Toys, . Culler;, IVrlUitj; Materials, eu. ClrculKllsi litirary, ■ AT JENKINS’ NEW BRICK STORE- Main Btropfc, oppoaito Depot. -‘ ■ , George W. Patterson, BridgeBuilder l^fisneral Contractor, Dealer In Georgia TelognTnh poles. Oi furnh*«^«t short nt ABBURYPARK, N .J. mbor, Telophono and SEMI-ANNUAL . REPORT '• -OF THE— ' COUNTY OF J1IONMOUTH, N. J, FQT,thQ sbtm onths ending November 18, ^1888. ■JOAN T. HAIGHT, (Wipetor, In account with Monmouth County, Recolpts.', * - Dr. ^»1888—MAY 9. Balance lu hand at settUynent.1 . . 4,800 32 Received from J S Pittengor for Interest on hla bond... ' nn From Thomr on hla bond MAY 10. ion Clayton, for.InteroBt From James H Patterson..clerk, .for ac- > —■cdtfut 'of-'hotet-and-saloon licenses, May Teem,''88....... ............. ........... 2,000 00 From First National Bank «f Red Bank, for loan on County Note No 1.............. 8.000 00 MAY 15. From Forman 8 Weeden, for Interest on bond ol Wm U Weeden........................ 120 00 may 10. ______ ____ _ From Alfred Fielder, for account of principal on bis bond .... .. .. .. .. .V.’. . . 1.000 00 MAY 18. From Rebecca Hampton, for Interest on herbond.,... ............ ............................... . 80 00 From James Bowne, for Interest on his „ —b o u d .\ ................... .................. .............. . 8000 From Wm R BeerS. for Interest on bond of Wm H Runyon.......................... . 80 00 From Mary Vaun, for interest on her ... bodd .......... .................................... . . 00 00 From James H Patterson^ clerk, for ac- count of hotel and saloon licenses, May term, ’88................... ....................... 8,500 00 MAY28. v From Freehold Gas Light Co, for error In payment of v o u c h e r . . . 40 MAY 28. From Mary E ’Johnson, for interest on herbond .......... . ‘. .i .... .......... . 00 00 JUNE 12. From Eliza Ann Schenek, for interest on » h e rb o n d ...................................... . 120 00 JUNE 18. From Wm A Dunlop, for amount col- lected of Middlesex county, for o no- half repairs to TenEyck briago ...... 7 25 From'AuaUne Applegate,for interest ou herbond .............. ..................... . * 80 00 From Maxcy Applegate, for amount of- .. cliarge in voucher returned . . . . . . . J i 00 From Harriet Wyckoff, for loan on County Note No 2 ......... 8,00000 Froni James H Patterson^.clerk, <or ac- count .of hotel and saloomlcenseslMay tantii '88.^ ............. . -.‘t l * . , •,,, 8,000 00 . _ JUNE 14. ‘ ' From .................... , 75 00 JOS 00 1417 S rom First National Bank-oi-Freeholdv for loan on Ctountjr'NofeNo -8....... .1.. 8,00Q ‘JUNE 27. From Uflwltt C, SlcUes, for lutorost on - ......... his bond... 7^7. 7..\ .I.; v . r . ... W? JUI.Y 10. ’’ rom M J Fitzgerald, for Interest on bond of ThosB Hoff ..... i.T....... 10 JULY lJT ’; From Second National Bank of Red Bank, for loan on County Note No 4.. 9,000 rwn Mary A Nesbifc, for interest on her - ^ond ......................................... . From K L CJody.fQr Intereet ou her bond From Tunis Major, for Interest ou hia bond.. ...........^ 1 : ' JULY 25. From Theodore Fields, Sheriff, for fines, $89185; proseciitor’s fees, 8509.00; ludgee’ fees, $0.00, and justices' fees, 87.88, May term, ’88. ^ ............ .-. auoustS. From Samuel Gravatt, for Bale of grass on Martin farm, $10, and for sale of old bridge lumber, fifty cents .............. From James Enright, for loan on Coun- ty Note No 5................. . v .................... From Edward and Eliza J Taylor, for loan on County Note No 0....... . From William L Tilton, for sale of old bridge lumber. ................... .... : From Eleanor Chapman, for Interest on . herbond ......... ......... ........... - Received from A M Walton, for error lo payment of v o u c h e r . .. From Freehold Banking Co, for loan on County Noto No7 ................ ................ ! From Wm G M ^hews, for hiterost on his bond; ................ ; ............... ................ .AUGUST 15. ' From A ;Walllng, Jr, for circus license From John 0 Edwards, justice, for finep collected....................... ........................... acovstSI. From A C ‘Twining: tredsiirer; for prin- cipal 81K00, arid Interest ?138.60, of bond of Sidney T Ham pton .... ....... SEFTEMOEU 10. From Sarah Johnson,for Interest on her bond... ......... ; . ; i ........... j-' 'SEPTKkUER 12. PVom Farmers and Merehants Bank, for loan on County Note No 8.;....-............ From Long Brauch City Bank, for loan. on County Note No 9 . . . . ............. From A W . Vanderveer, for Sale of old bridge lumber.............. .............. . ' SEPTEMBER 20.- */- From C G Matthews, for Interest on his 1 bond.^ .... ^..^ ......... .................................. From Jam es tkjttrell, for Interest on his bond ......... ............. ....................... OCTOBER 10. From Adaline Applegate, for interest on herbond; ...... ........... ............................ From Wm A Dunlop, for rent of house on C J Smith farm ....... ........... From C G Matthews, for interest on his bond., .................................... ........... From Wm L Tilton, for solo of old bridge lumber,. .50, and for error In voucher, 25............ . V.. ....... .................... From Jehu P Cooper, Guardian, for 1038 60 ft"*' 27 00 12000 00 board of P Coyne at asylum.., — iries ' 78 00 From Hon Charles Haight,for collection of forfeited recognizance............ ...... 8000 00 From Elrst, National Bank of Mana- Bquam for loan on County Note No 10. 5500 00 OCTOBER 22. From James II Patterson, clerk, for ac- count hotel and saloon licenses, May and Oct. terms, ’88.^..................;. ........ 6000 00 Tofei...frrr.*.. ........................... :..$ 00728 oo . - CR. Disbtirsemeiitfl* Vou-- . lBttf—MAY 0. Qher. name. A i j .Frank "Patterson, court constable, fees. ............................... 2 W Nelson Llttlo, constable, fees ....... 8 Oeorge H Adams, constable, foes..... 4 Georg© H Adams, cousUble, fees ....... 5 Thooaore Fields. Blieriff, accouut of 1 May term, ' 08...... ......... .............. OWL Roberta, labor ou three bridges, 1 Matawan ............... ............................ 7 Jehu P Cooper, auditor, salary ......... 8 Dean & Westbrook, balance on bridge Holmdel.'. .............. ..................... i1 .......... may 10. ’ 9 George H Walling, % expense filling abutments ^ or TouEyok bridge, Mnl.n.n “: ,21 00 8 37 15 50 m 10 7 25 250 00 . Matawan............................................ 10 Edward Goran, work on Bmoko-Iack ' . on drawbridge, Matawan and liar- 11 D&vld L Applegate, plank on culvert near Ten nent, Maualapon............. 12 J O.Ackennanr^ourt constable, fees'. 18 J tJ Conover, amount allowed by. Board for services as,clerk in the absence of Mr.Walters.:.’. .v...... li 14 C W Thompson, ^ agent, material and -^labor- on new culvert, Shrewsbury. 1 15Au^Qstus Smythe, janitor, salary,! ,. m onth...: ........... ........... •• 1C jacob_.Bwftnn. ,&ttendlug...iitKhla?d drawbridge,'! month, MlddIeto#iW and Ocean .... 1 ........... . 17 Wm J Cottrell, labor and 'material on- . several bridges, Howell.-r.. .T.... , 1 18 John C VanSchoick, building four pipe hridges. Maualapon............... 10 Joseph L Butcher, freeuolder, com- pensation ......... ^... .............. . A W Vanderveer, freeholder, com-, . •pensation...... v . 21 W O Smith, coroner, Inquest on body of Infant, namo unknown 22 W CBnilUi, coroner, inquest on body orObedlah Stllwoll....... .................. 23 W C Smith, Coroner, Inquest on body . •of Patrick Silven............. .WtI. yi.,. 84 Clorenco-Poland, work on-bridge pear. • .......... Oapt Poland’s, Wall....... H.. i... 25 CW Thompson, agent, building brie— 4 50 19 25 43 00 537 7^ 40 do 22 48 27 61 9 38 2 25 v new' culvert and repairing 4 cidr "r verts, Shrewsbury and Ocean SO Wm L Tilton, freeholder,- compensa- 27 WmLTflton, freeholder, compensa- tion... t i ......................................... 28 Wm Spinnhig, building new culvert. Cintl patching 4 culverts,Ocean n n d . . Shrewsbury .... ....... . 20 Wm Spinning, labor. ou new culvert, . j Shrewsbury .^ ............................. 80 George WobUs.:Jr,'repairs to; wagon, - *-* Shrewsbury......... .; .... ' ........... 91 Dewitt C Slcklos, fitwholder, compen- sation, ..... ......... . ........................... . 02 Wm H Dugan, unloading bridgestono i Shrewsbury ............................. f m H Collnrd, auppllos for draw- .bridge, Matawan and Raritan ..... 84 Johns Estelhy work on abutment of Lane^Soridgei .......................... 9 arid Parting tp Now-. ■ man’s bridge, Howell ......... ... B^B White, drain pipe for bridge ftud labor, Manolapan 80 B White, drain pipe for bridge,uMan- ■ . * -- f t f i j p a n , ....... ... 87 Ibooo p Smith, buildhig bridge near X : ’ Garret Conover’s and putting in plpftdraln, M a n a lo p a t^ ...... : Jos wp^ylor, bridge pli||B!fcliIanala' ' 208 18 13 54 20 00 303" 70 79 70 2 75 19 65 4 00 80 42 4 60 10 80 21 60. 89 Charles Pettit, building now bridge, . near New Bedford, w a l l . ;;. i{J0. SI 40 John Gaakin, Carting for above bridge ; and gravel, WaU ................ ............. 1160 41 George w Brown, services as witness • -In oyster caSo...; ..................... '9J0Q 42 Holmes C BeUuett, services as witness In oyster caso ....... “ Pitcher— bridge, 0 44 Rlcliara N Clayton, constable,fees... 48 H B * .Lvajon work pn Highland draw- bridge. Ocean And Middletown...- T1 illVlUHU Mill, I.UliaUIJID, ICtXI,.. 45 Wm H Freeman & Son, burial of Win H H art, a. deceased soldier 40 John T. Cottrell, carting for bridge IIowell., __ " and spikes, for 8 00 267 00 10*40 P -Magco, nails a bridge, Holmdel... 48 Dr 18 Cong, jail physician, salary ’87 49 Charles W'BroWer. carting for Sever- al bridges, Howell. . ........ 60 E Vandorveor, freeholder, compensa- tion— ; ....... .................. 51 John Van Cleaf, carting for Reevoy- town and Kings bridges, .Shrew*- ; bury arid Ocoan............ .. . ..- ...... 62 Alexander MorWs, services as witness in oyster case .... 1 .............. 7 58 G e o r^ Gaskin, carting- for bridges, 54 Emile C Gliltnan, carting bridge ium- l»r, Wall: ......... ............. 65 Lewis White," filling abutments ,of bridgo at Osbom’BMills, Wall.... 60 Samuel Gravatt, freeholder, compen- sation ....... ' .......................... ........ 57 Job Kettle, work oh abutments of Os-. home’s mill bridge. Wall...........1.. 58*Cook Howland, freelioldor, compensa- tion .... ... * 50 Isaac P Smith, repairing bridgo ot A. WOIark’s saw mill, Manolapan... 60 Mraltate Walters, salary A Walters, deceased, cleric of Board.............. 61 Lewis F Gordop, freeholder, compen- sation; ;.vnv. r.'.;;: ..................... 62 B F Tilton, building bridge near Jos, . W Wnllmg’s Hmmdel.... 63 Jehu P Cooper, freeholder compensar satlon ....... ...................... ... r 64 Jacob Garrison, attending Pleasure Boy draw-bridge, oue month, Ooean anti Eotontown................, 65 George Height, filling abutment on north side of now bridgo hear his- hobse, Wall>.... ..................... . 60 Emmons & Conover, bridgo plank, Manolapan......... .......................... . 67 Forman Brown, labor arid material outwo bridges, Millstone..’ ........... 68 Richard Borden, freeholder, compen- sation,* ........... 09 J.O Ackerman, painting bridge by Samuel Neaves, Howell.......... 70 L White freeholder compensation... 71 Jacob Garrison, supplies for Pleasure Boy draw-brlugo, Ocean and Eotontown................................... . 72 Nesbitt & Pattenion, balance of con- tract for building bridge nearGeo. Heights Wall........... ..................... . 78 Charles Gordon, bridge plank, Upper F re e h o ld ... ................. 74 Taylor Pulleg, building bridgo near • 6 0 0 35 01 08 50 5108 19 37 40 77 . Leanordvillo, Middletown’. . 70 Conover Applegate piling for High- . -- .......... land drawbridge, Middletown and Ocean. ....................... ............ ' ..... 77 G Vannote, re-sawing bridge timber, Howell ................ .................. 78 Frank E Ileyer, bridgo plank Marl- - boro... — ................ !... ........ . 79 Joel Fields, bricks for bridge, Ocean • •-••„ a n d 8 h r e w s b u r y .... ,..k; ......... 80 Wm Davis, carting brick for bridgo Ocean and Shrewsbury.... ; ......... - 81 Francis Wylie, work on bridgevfiear Cold Spring, ShrowBbijry . 82 R F Hopper, bridge material, Shrews-- ^ W H .Campbell, freeholder compen- j s a t i o n i . . T ....... 84 C B Wagner, freeholder, compensa tion......... ............................................ 85 Levi Scobey, building 2 bridges ueor “slab bridge,” Atlantic................... 80 Thomas W Aumack, Baud and cart- ing same for Iron bridgo West Creek, Raritan A ......... .............. .*... 87 John Foster, bridgo plank. Upper Freehold....... ................... ........ ,■ ’ 88 W W Ramsoy, freelioldor comptmso- 89 Win E VanDyko, constable, expenses "flW m E VanDyke, constable, expenses il John.' Cooper, lighting lamps on - Cooper’s bridge aud furnishing oil ?■ :. 'three months, Shrewsbury arid. •M iddletow n . . . . .... 92 Samuel E Smith, cuttbig ieo around - Cloypit Creek bridge, Middletown. 93 Thomas Tyndall, labor on Strong's bridge. Shrewsbury.............. ......... . 94. Patrick Sheehan, cedar brush for I’iu- tard’s Gully bridgo, Shrewsbury... ‘C N Gill, eeriient'for bridgo' near A ' Borden’s hbuso Upper Freehold.. 168 Jairics J l’etitt, constable,expenses. . v-^- - may 18. - 159 JOmeo L Terhupo, casbief, di^cunt ■on county note No. 1. .’ ........ 1. “ 160 Thomas V Arroysmlth, services^Jri ^ crimlrial matters. ............. lol James H Patterson, clerk, Indoxlng < record books, «£o............................. 162 A P Johnson; constable, fees ............ 163 A P J oh nson* constable, fees ........ lei A P Johnson, constable, fees ........ 105 J CLawrence, justice, fees, .......... 166 JC Lawrence, justice, fees. .............. 107' James V Muluooii, coal, for co^rt . borne and jftil . . . v . . 168 AmosTiltou, building bridges on As- bury avenue, Neptune:............ 169 E WArrowsinitl), wertlceb as coun- sel Iri case ot Jumeo vs Board of BYoohOlders.......... 170.John Lamb, building bridgo near.. . John Pittongers. Manolapan...... 171 John Lamb, building bridp) neac A A Smock’s, Manalapan................ 172 Hon Charles Haight, extra services • and expenses in caso of Stato vvs" • Richard Kearney..... ............... . 173 Wm H Weeks, court expenses, tele- graphing— .... 174 Wm G Irving, detective, services and expenses Iri;casoof Stato vs Ross ■Raymond...'..;.' ..... ...........»;........ 1 175 Charles E Strong, constable, fees,.. 176 Georgo W Mulford, coroners -juror fees.,,. .............. ...................... ......... 177 E Wright^eoroners juror, fees.. . : 178 James II Bird, coroners’ juror, fees ■170 Willisford Dey, coroner,s jurors,. fees,’.. .............. ...... 180 Clirlstopher Sickles, cdrbrier jurors fees ...... ,.,, ....... .... ............. ......... 181 Jhriies M Ross, coroner’s Jurors 188 Nathan Matthews, coroner’s jurors. - fees.. .v........ ....VfT. . . f 183 D B Farrington,, coroner’s jurors . fees ............................. 184 Elbert O Vail, corpner’B jurors, fees 185 AS Lokerson. coroner's jurorSj fees ■180 Cook Howland, coroner’s jurors fees . 187 Mary B Hart, re-seating court house ' f chairs .................. . . * MAY 23. 188 Georgo H White, court constable, fees...:.' .............. ............................. 189 Charles T Ely, court constable, fees. 190 James M Walling, constable expen- "" ses . .................................. . 191 Samuel Garrison, court constable foes.. ........... ............................. 1D2 non A Walling, Jr, judgo, salary. 193 J Frank Patterson, court constable fees .... .................................. ........... .. » 194 A P Johnson, court constable, fees. , 195 J O Ackerman, court constable, fees , 106 II Liebenthal, constable,fees. 107 Georgo H Adams, constable, servlcm 108 Jehu PApplegate, auditor, salary... 1W Joseph Johnson, court^ constable fees.. .............................................. 200 Mary H Patterson, loan of surplus ' fund principal. 201 J O Conover, counsel, solory ........ 202 John T Height, collector, salary .... 203 A;1I Patterson, drawing plans and . specifications for new building... MAY 28. 201 Thoo Ficldsr sheriff, for-account of . court expenses; May Term, ’88 .... 200 H LiGbeutual, constablo, fees........... JUNE 5. 19 20 DOThomas H Leonard, i>aint’ nails, &o., for brhlgei Middletown................... 07 Dean & .Westbrook, bridgo lumber, 10 85 ■V 'I ..7 00 1 ■ 1 21 02;- 20USS,. fti;43 ! sed Raritan ..... ........ .............................. 98 Jnnfes Hubbard, carting bridge plank '^Blxrewsbury aud Middletown....... 09 W m J Elmer, work on .two bridges - won ........................................... . 100 B White, drain pip© fOxbridge, Man- alapan— .............. .......... ................ 101 T W Throckmorton, carting for bridge, &c„ Shrewsbury.................. 102 William H Berlin, attMpdlug .Gooso . Neck draw-bridge, Eotontown and Shrewsbury............... ....................... 0103 John B. Grover, carting for King’s bridge, Oeeanlaud Shrewsbury__ 104 John II ne'yerjBreeholdRg, com pen-1 satlon...,.-... ........... .............. : 105 E V Beole, bridgo lumber,tRaritan.. 100 Dean & Westbrook, blWgoTumber, H ow ell ........ ................ . 107 E P Tliompson, court.exixinses, tele- . . gropliliig; .............. ................ ........... •* 41 108 C w Thompson^ agent, labor aud moterial on bridge, Holmdel...... 28 20 100 Patrick Uylini labor on bridgo abut- ments, Holmdel ....... ; ........... . A ** HOG VanNote,.bridge1 inaterial and - labor, llowell... i ......... 111 B F Walrirlght, cement for bridgo, • HowelL......... v ... ,i ....... . 112 Hemy'D Llttlo, inspecting brUg^S on Fair Haven ana Oceanic road 1 month, Shrewsbury....... ; .......... . 10 00 113 Henry Little, work on bridge Shrews- bury................... ............. .................. 34 60 114 James M Walling, constable, fees... 41 70 115 F Lutz, bridgo supplies, Howell.... 116 Patrick Baggot,..,.repairing bridgo ..freehold,.;.. ................ . lit James Westnall, burial of Wm J Johnson, a deceased soldier.......... 118 Nesbitt & Patterson, plank for bridgo by Georgo Heights, WnlJ 119 Georgo Jackson, services as detec- tive i n crim e .... ............ ' 120 Joseph Johnson,'constable,, fees ..... 121 Theodore Fields, Blieriff, board of prisoners’ month of April, ’88 ..... 122 Theodore Fields, Sheriff, board 6f l jirisoners, month of March, ’88 .... 123 jamesJNorman, constable, fees ....... 121 Charles T Ely, constable, fees.......... 125"'8omuel Garrison, constable, fees .... 120 Fred M Vanderveer. corouor, Inquest . on body of Robert Hamilton. / .... 127 Fred M Vandorveor, corbner, inquest on body of James Evans ................. ■128 FredM Vanderveer,coroner, Inquest: on body of Mary.Knapp............... 129 F re d M Variderveei% 40 20 9 44 {T s r 72 03 11 48. 20 01 12.00 418 00 21 12 r, corouor, iriquest . iknown female in- on body of an uni fautr.~_.~t.../.. ............; .............. -180 Fred M VAridorveer,coroner. Inquest ‘ -in bo<lv of Slary Huggins.. id M vanderveer, coroner, inquest on body of William J Johnson.. . 183 J C Ackermori, charcoal for court houseand uso of team by freehold-, 183 E B Bedlo, supplies for court house - and jail; ......... - ...................... 131 Freehold Gas Light Co, gas cOn- . SMjjied In court house and jail, - - ... —April: J88, an d fl xtures :.T.:...77.: 135 Freohold Gas Light CJo. m s consum- ■ od in court housO ati^HiUl, Feb’y, 1S6 Freehold Gas Llgii»tJo. gas consum- ed in court house and jail, March, ’8 8 ....... ......... ...*.................. ......... 187 Jacob B HanklnBon, cleaning! out .... cesspool for Uireo months ....... .. : J88 Rose McCort,,'cleaning- io ' court- * " t _ _ houso.:n-; ....................... 189 Henry H Matthew.. buIldiuK ^ow ^ b^iugb by Wm O Dismond’slo t on rpad. and work on abutments. of ^ihneider’s mill bridgo Atjontlo_ , 140 J J Barkalow, coroner, Inquest on - . • body Of Koto Uashlon......... 141 J J Barkalow, coroner, inquest ou, body of John Foy..................... ;... 143 J J Barkalow, coroner, iuquost on body of Wm H Hart. ......... ............. 143 J ) Biu-kalow, coroner," Inquest on* body of Jobri.McLoon.............. 144 Clias E Herbert, ro-seatlog chairs for court house. .................... 145 Win Deveroux, work on bridge ovor •SharkRiver, Neptune— ......... 14<TD L CHyton, repairing choirs Ac, In court Jioyso.. . . . . . . 147 David Lokerson, bridgo material, Freehold................ .......................... 148 S P Yoorhe<», ^blacksmith .work In court houso and jail .............; 140 WmF.Madge, buudiug bridgo and cortlug, Freohold........ , ... . 160 T V Hendrickson, work-ori several bridges, N e p t u n o . . 151 Ehflha Sullwell. carting, sand-for - v bridge, Rowell........ . . . - 152 Jjwe^li. Nevis, wOrk ou bridge FrGe- ' 168 Nathan j Conov^r^survey afid 'map In case of State vs Johu Fields.... 154 James L Shinn," services and expen- ses In criminal m atters ............ . 165 Wm McDermott,%Jr, wbrkln jail ond. courthouse .... ,/: ........... 160 Theodorri Fields, slieriff, bribery no- tlcoS./|jL. .*! .......... ,/A.f v 4 .... 167 ClmrleefiTyWyi conHtablo/exjIlpnsea':. 10 j?0 18 06 200 John T Height, collector, salary .... -207 The Holmdel ond Middletown Turn- pike Co, for award of Commission- ers.. ........... ................. , 208 Edmund 8 Ruo, -services In criminal matters ........................................ JUNE 12X11. . > 200 Jehu P Applegate, Auditor, salary./ JUNEI3TU. /' 210 James 31 Walling, court constable,' fees ................ ........... ....................... , 211 Samuel Garrison, court constable, j ... fees ......... ......... 7 .........................212CIiarIes E Strong, court constable, I feos ......... ........................................... 213 Cliarles T Ely. court constable, fees. ,211 George H White, court constable, I fees .................................... ; 215 David'Warner, justices fees.............. 1 216 Hon A Walling, Jr, Judge, salary... 217 J Frank Pattkraou; court constable, . fees ......... ................................... . 218 C C Fleming, court constable. Joes.. .,£19 8 B Hinsdale, court stenographer, I ...... f fees ;..v .................... ............. . 220 Geo^pi_H White, court_ constablo, | 221 E P Thompson, Court expenses, ielO- f tttns — ................ .............. Davidson and George Levins, re- pairing bridge, Millstouo and Upv I . per Freehold .».......... ......... ........... 223 D M Davison and Georee I>evin8, j building now bridge, M illstone.. 224 Joseph THendrickson. lustice, fees. I 225 Danfef Parker, constable, fees.,- .... 220 A W Vanderveer, Freeholder, com- | pensatlon ......... ................................ 227 A W Vanderveer, carting for bridge,- M arlboro ............... . 228 Wm A Dunlop, Freeholder, compon- I sation ................... ............................ ' ; 220 E Vanderveer, Freeholder, compeu- I satlon — ....... , .... ........ '. 230 Holmes Pullen, fcuildlng bridge near I t Wm Pullen’s, Hillstond . 231 Wm !McCracken, work’on Bev'PraJ , h. ... bridges, Monolapan.......... T,. 232 Sidney Beid, repairing ballot box .... 1233 Holmes II Matthews, work on bridgo Howell ..................... 234 Richard Bortlen, Freeholder, com- j pensatlon .............. ................ ......... 235 Thomas,Nolan, building bridge, near Disbrews’ mill. Millstono.......... 236 James W Laughltn, printing auditors and-collectors reports. .................... 237 Lewis F Gorden, Freeholder, cpm- pensatlori ...................... 288 Joseph Johnson, court constablo, . fees .................................................... 239 A P Johnson, coustoblo, fees , . 240 A P Johnson, court constablo, fees.. 211 W E VanDyko, court constable, fees 242 George H Adams, constablo, feos,... 243 TIiuodore.FieldH, sheriff, taxed costs in cases of Stato vs Walter CorroU and Johu Delanoy and transporta- -thin fees ......... ............................... 244 Tlieodoro Fields, sheriff, taxed costs in caso of Stanford Potter and thmsportotion fees,. ..... ................. 315 J C Ackerman, court corfatable, foes 210 James Norman, constablo, expenses ^ ai7 James Normau, constable, fees ..... 218 James Norman, constable,expenses. 249 Win Ralph, work on bridge near C M Gills, Upper Freehold..................... 290 Joseph L.Butcher, freeholder, corii- peusatlriu . 251 D 0 Sickles freeholder, compeusa- 252 Wm L Tilton, freelioldor, compensa.- ^. . ^*tion-.-«z.............. ................. 253 Thoiniw?. L Sealrtook, freeholder, compeusatiou . i v « 254 Jacob Garrison, attending Pleasure *- Bay draw-bridge, 1 month, Ocean and Eaton town ................................. 256 John C Conover, bridge lumber, Rir- itan .................. .............. ............... . 250 John C Conover, bridge lumber, Mat- ty awan..,. ............................... ........... 257 Alfred Clayton, labor and material for bridge, Howell ...........yv . 258 Georgo W PatUirsou, on account o f. contract.for material for bridge ' across Great Pond, Ocoan ;r4*.t.v. , 259 Wm H Cilmpbell, freeholder,compen- t. safloh .... .......... ................... 200 RR Mount, burial of Sam A Von- Mater, a docoased soldier and grave stones 201 C w Thompson, labor aud material * • on several bridges, Shrewsbury... •062Cartan & Co, material for soveral bridges. Matawan aud Rarltau — ’203L Whlto.freeholder,compensation,. 204 ChaHes 8 to ware." nint^ri al for Miry Run bridge. Upper Freehold...... 205 Thomas Fields, repairing 3 bridges, Marlboro......................... . 1 20d H W Buck, labor aud niatettoT on ' bridges, A tlantic.-.., ..... ;. ......... . . 207 Frank E Heyer, bridge plank, Atlan- 268 Frank E Heyer, -timber for Ocean- - port bridge, Eatontowri................. 209 Samuel Christian, palutlng' bridgea^' Atlantic ......... ...................... 270 Aaron L Smock, work on bridge, Ocean and Shrewsbury. ....... 871A P Johnson, coustoblo, services and - expenses in county blatters, ......... 272 Wm H Burllu. attending Goose Neck draw-bridge one month and oil... 278 Maxcy Applegate, jprintiDg auditors - —and collectors reporte,.&cU-......... 274 F F Armstrong, prinpug auditors-- and collectors reports ..................... 276 M L Terry, painting drow-bridgo, Matawan and Roil tan ....... 270 Francis Wylie, work on bridgo, Shrewsbury . . . . . . . . 277 George Lowis, attending Highland . draw-bridge, Ocean and Middle- t 278 Thoo Aumack. sheriff'^ fcHia, in foro-"- closuiB stiitr;‘; a r.’.T...: ;..;; v- 270 Johu P Coopor,freeholder,ipompen- sotlon .................. . 7>r',,.. . V. 290 Conover Applegate, timber for High-. Wffd'drow-bridge, Ocean and Mid- dletown-... ______ _______ _____ 281 Charles Melres, lumber for bridge near O Gill’s,TJp^er Freehold ..... t 282 Peter Morrell, repairing bridgo near Anna Ogdoul} comer, and bridge , at Morrisvillo Holmdel — ........ , 583Lovl Scobey, agout,' building' three bridges near Slocum’s brick yard, ■Atlantic}.... ................... .*L. 281 Dr D M Forman, autopsy oh body of ' WHHart .... i. 285 Wm H Chamberlain, labor and .ma- terial fof bridge'at I’rospbitowu . mill. Upper Freehold........ ,> 280 Job' KltUift, labor and nmieilal on Khof to’a bridgo: W all. - Kittell, Kx^t-piling for Corpou- . 25 00 180 94 800 0 00 48 00 . 10 14 1 00 "870.001 150 00 . 49 41' 26 85 1(0 00 88[f3 149 65 11 28 6 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 r 5 00 .5 00 .5 00 •'"5 00 5 00 5 00 >8 00 59 50 63 00 59 50 ,225 OO 88 50 63 00 81 75 4 0 (10 60 00 59 50 5W00 60 00 60'00 1500 00 5 14 750 00 J 25 75. 60 00 91 50 ’45 60 81 25 21 75 44* 60 7 88 225 00 38 50 -71 60 190 00 3 50 \ 93 22 68 101 25 10 23 2 80 ’82 00 4 60 38 70 20 00 61 08 •15 00 76 .800 ' 38 70 80 00 117 00 42 68 21 00 . 4 60 39 00 98 00 24 24 91.57 63 00 8 00 60 96 1 80 10 7$ 45.08 ’31 GO 82 88 29 86 80 00 21 00 40 40 60 ip 400 00 45 24 287 J o b ____ ^ ter bridge.^ 288 Freeman Camp! > case,foes .... L.witn’oss i ^ y s t ^ r 01 03 43 80 235 00 80 0J- 4o 87 27 40" •16.20 4 50, 289 Cortoulus Patterson, 011. account contract for driving;and ' log piling on Union bridge-, m il. .V- 290 James L AUgcr, witness in oyster - T'case, fees.'. ....... .•..„■ '* 4 60 200 00 ' work‘ for‘ bridgtr, , Wall ................... s .. ......... ' 455 293iCharies Eldridgo, work on Miller’s . - S_. ^ UPPer Freehold... '49 70 293-D G Campboll, repairing, bridgo on . plank road, Midulotown..-........ '294'AugustusSmythe, janitor, salary... 298 O W Thompson, agent, cemeut for - Casler’s bridge, Eotoritowu and ■ - , Shrewsbury v .................. 290 C W Thompson^ agent, cement for Mdge, Ocean , ' 62 ? 45 6 2^7 T ^,9o-ftc^ {:n.b'Js}‘'. Oiling" abutinDnts A, J McCIetw, labor and "material on uuuacKenoush, tilling a ■or TenEyck bridgo (U), 1 ,J McClees, labor and me bridgo, Middletown .... 299 Wm Spinning, patching, ono cnlvort ’' and building ono new, Slirewsbury 800 Daniel Hoff, work On drow-bridgo, Matawan and Raritan.. .7r.. , 801 Cloy Woolley, constable, fees ........ 802 pharles Gortlen, work on bridge near , . Sharon, Upper Freehold 803 Robert VanOrkey, work ou MlMs..?-- Run bridgo, Uppel* Freehold; ..... 301 Wm II Howartl, attending draw- bridge throo months, Matawan " and Raritan ............ . 305 Orlando Warden, carting for Littlo Silver bridgr ------ 35*00, 47 68 ' 30 08 12 76 .■ 111*30 112 00 "U 10 31 31 98 . 4 85 800 Timothy White, w^Vk on bridge. Shrewsbury...77;/...'.; ......... . - 807-George Jbhnnon, repairing bridgo U|>per F r e e h o l d .............. 308 N V Cottrell, work on camp-meeting bridge and material, Matawan'.... 809 Georgo H Walling, work on abut- ments of abovo bridgo, Mata Wan.. 310 Augustus Bowne. work ou Parker, Creek bridge, Shrewsbury 811 Wm Stricklin, work on two bridges. Freehold ................. 7... 312. H B Pitcher, work on Highland draw . ' bridgfij Ocean aud 51iddle{^wn.. 813 H B Pitcher, work on Oceanport bridge, Eatontown ,.ii . ; 314 H B « Pitcher, work on Casier's, Throckmorton’s nnd Slaps’ iiridges . Eaton town, Ocean aud Shrews- bury.../ ........................... ............ 815 H B Pitcher, work on Jackson bridge,Ocean .............. ..... 316 John A Eaton, bridge material, Ocean .... __ ; ............... ; ........ ........ 817 C W Thompson, agent, content for bridge, Middletown ...... 7 ........ . 318 W J Cottrell, locust piling for Long* - street’s badge, Ho\vell................... 319 James W ErriekKon, stationery for Collector’s office ............................. 320 Cook Howland, freeholder, «omi»on- sation ..................... 821 J C Lawrence, justice, fees..’ ...... 322 Wm F LeRoy, printing auditor’s aud collector’s reports. .............. 323 C B Wagner, Freeholder, compenso- tio n .,.. ............ ............... 1124 Gt fleorgo Koinpson, priutlni^jiuili- ' ^tor's and collector’s reports 825 Wm W Cannon, board of Jury’ and officers in case of Stato vs Rlcliard , Kearney.......... ................... 320 LV Dey, painting bridgo, Manolapan 827 Job's H Cook; printltig.ariditor’s arid collector’s reports ................ 338 Rev S Lockwood,county superinten- dent, salary..; ....... .: ..................... ' 829 D A Bell, printing auditor’s.and col-' •' lector’s reports ....... «■■ .,. .......... ...; • 830 Morford Taylor, repairing Taylor’d mill bridge, Atlantic __ 831 L B Williamson,, repairing bridgo near StonoTavern,Millstono........ 332 Fred Thome, constable, excuses... 333 John H Heyer, freeholder,. compen- sation ....................... ................... . 334 W O Smith, inquest on 'uukhown body ................................................. 335 W C Smith, inquest 011 body of Stak- ennon...- .........7... .......... 336 Henry H Matthews, building bridgo . near H V M Dennis’ .placo, Marl- boro................... ................. ■...: .... 887 Neafle & Johnson, stationery for clerk's office.................. .................. 838 Neaflo & Johnson, stationery for auditor's office.................... ........... 839Naeile Johnson, stationery for sheriff's office...................... ............ 340 Neaflo & J olinson,. stationery for surrogate's ofllce..'..;:^,.. ......... . 341 J O Conover, services in Bult of Jer- neo vs Board of Freeholders and costs of defendant .......... ;.- ....... 312 Dean & Westbrook, .no-half contract for McLean bridge, Shrewsbury.... 313 S,B Hinsdale, reporting and furnish- ing transcript of notes in caso of JernOe vs Freeholders............ ........ ' 844 Samuol Gravatt, freeholder, com- pensation................................... ...... . 315 James S Yafd, printing auditor’s and collector’s reports, $117; briefs State vs Gulick, $6; court calen- dars, $32; check lists nnd-rules of Board, 80; copies of case of Jemeo vs Board of Freeholders, $107 25., 847 Benjamin Estell, locust piling for >,tRunyon's bridgo, Howell............... 317 JOmlma T Walton, burial of Elisha L Walton, a deceased soldier and - grave stones .... ...... ....... 818 F M Vaudervoer, coroner, iu quest ou body of unknown infant.. ............ 849 F M vanderveer, coroner, inquest on . tody of Wm Boato............... .......... 850 S’ M Vanderveer, coroner, inquest 011 body of Roso Hughes .................... 851 F M Vanderveer; corouor, inquest ou ,b0dy of«J?rnnk M cDermott ..... J..- 852 F M Vauderveer, coroner, inquest on body of Ray Brown . .................. 853 C B Reid & Bro, Iron work fpr High- land Jbridgo, Ocoan and Middle- to w n . ................ .............. , 851 A C Hart, Indexing record books,sur- rogate's office.,.. ............... : ........... • -• JUNE 14. 855 Johnson-& Morris, repairs to Rtoam heating apparatus in court house and jail ............ ... .............................. 850 Georgo Jackson-, expenses and servi- ces in criminal matters ........... 857 Johu T Haight, collector, salary... 858 Penfiold Bros,printing auditor’Hand • collector's roiKirts................ 359 R E Sliafto, repairing south oud of bridgo by Shafto's mill, Wall.. 860 John Hampton, work on bridges aiul . culverts, Howell........................... 801 C W'Brower, cartiug.for bridge, 1 Howell ................................. 862 John N Sutphln, work on bridges, Howell ........... ... -: ........- ........... * SG3 Theodore Fields, board of prisoners, May ’8 8 ....... ..................., ........... 86-1 Isaac N Sutphln, work, on bridges, • iioweii......... ....................... ............... 805 Wm H Vaun, work on bridge, IIovj'- 800 John-T OqUrell, carting for bridge,v Howoll ............... ................ ii 807 Dovereux & Burt, printing specifica- tions for bridge................. .. 8G 8 Leonard & Linglo, printing auditor's - •' and collectors reports. ............ . 809 Genting & Co.grave stones for I^>on- .ard Goodrich aud John -W Lynch, deceased soldiers. .............. ........... 870 Alfred Cooper, work.and moterial on . Court.House ............................. 871 Wm W Hendrickson, work ou facto- ry mill bridge, Millstone aud Man- olapan ........ .............. .................. 872 J C Davis & Co, burial-of Leonard Goodrich, iv deceased soldier......... 873-W E VanDykc, constable, expenses. 874 Forman Riley, assisting detectives iu case of Robert Hamilton...... ,, 875 Freehold Gas .Light Co, gas consum- ed In Court Houso -jail, May,’ 88, 1 870 Georgo H Adams, work on Court Houso ............ ...".......;.. 35 00 877 F.M Taylor, printing auditor’s and Collector's reports 117.00 878 J J Barkalow, coroner, inquest on onbodyofMre D l i n k . . . ..... 30 93 879 Cloughly, Nlcholl & Co, material for _ two brIdge8.Qc<ianf.......^.-,.2^.,.~.: ..... -SftUW - 38013 &’& J A Worthloy, work on King's' •bridgo, Shre WBbury ....... .. 31 75 881 Wicoff Barkalow, caro of Catharino Applegoto. a .lunatic..........39 00 382 J U Smock, lawn mower, fertilizer, Ac, for Court House .19 31 ' 882>£ Robert A Hukertou, dotectlve,ser- 1 ~ vices anti expenses In Robt Ham- ilton murder ........... ....... . 883 Stevenson Wood A'Co, recordboOkiV for odditpr and collector...... ,... 881 Theodore Aumack,. sheriff, costs |u foreclosure wilt., 676 00 ,.207 25 7 20 850 00 .10 71) • 10^75 .885 A A YaM, bridge Iunibor, Howoll... 880 E W.ArroWsnuth. for fe<$, notices,. Ac, of Commissioners In Holmdel . - Turnpike m a t t e r , 887 James M Ayres, grave Btoue for ; Chas M Jncksou,a deceased soldier 880 Theodore, .Fields, carting rubbish away from jail __ , ... . 1 .... 7rr;- - 889 James M Ayres, labor and material in jail.. ......... ............ .................... 890 Austin Snider, treasurer, lunatics $t Asylum-..,.; ..... .............. .S9LJ M O Pprrluo, work In Court Houso 16 id‘bo 80 90 320 00 and j a i l , ......... ...................... 892 J W 8 Campbell, cashier, discount on Oounty'Note No 3 . 893 Wm Flltcroft, bridgo timber, Howell . JUNE *??. ^ .................. 394'^ .V .Arrowsm^li, school examiner, 895 ST Hampton, court constable, fees. 806 Wm H Davis, bodrd ■ of witnesses In- ; . Koaniey-caso.,... ....... 897 J Frank Patterson, Court constablo,: feos ..... ......... ................ .......... ... 898 George Cooi>er, sucvoy; and maps of Highland bridge, Ocean, aud Mid- dletown- . * ......... ................. 899 Carton A Co. lumber for bridge' near P Crawley a, Itarltou ....... .............. 400 Daniel HofTa, work on abovo bridgo, - Raritan .... :... ........................ . .401 Daniel Poljiomus. carting Tor britlgo. ,s £atontbwn and Shrewsbury ......... . "40^ Jos Dangler, work-on bridge, Eaton- ••.- ^towu r . ........... 4C8 E II Bodle, bridgo lumlier, Raritan.. .{Continual on Fourth ]>age,) 208 27 38 27 14 00 80 50

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Page 1: Stoves, Heaters. Ranges^ Heal Estate and insurance. · 2014. 4. 2. · paint store, or received by mall, will bo promptly ... Architect & Builder. Bulldlrfg plans oxeouted and all


iSsiifunitaliL ‘ * . .


________ _____ _. . ,____ a and Surgeon.Cor. Cookman A Bangs a vs., Asbnry Park, N. J .

H o n rs : until 10 a. m „ and after 4 p. m.

J J S. KTNMONTBi.M. D., . . t

' " ’ Corner Grand and Asbtny Avenues, "'Office Hours—7 to 9 a. m ., Ifco 2p . m ., 6 to 8 p .m .

m BRUCE 8. KKATOR, .* . ’ .■±f Homoeopathic Physiolon and Surgoon. Graduate of both schools.:■' ■ -* ■ Cor*, ABbnry avenue and Borgh s treet.

..uonrs—Until 9 a . m.,-7 to 9 p. m.Telephone connections. . . ‘,


j. . 16 Chestnut Street, Nowark, N. J..

OfBoe libura -8 lo]12 a, m.', 6 to 7p. m„

Sundays—8 to 10 a. m ., 5 to 7 p. m .


I. GILL, A. M.,’P. D.,

PnouniatopathlHt, o r Mental Heftier,400 Sewall avenue. Cor, 0e«k street.

Office hoprs 7 to 10,12 to 8 ,6 to 9.

- £ P. PAWLEY,

0 ■ B E E r a i S I 1,015 Bangs ave., Asbnry Park , N. J .

J ) R . s . T. SLOCUM,

“DENTIST. *Office—204 Main St., opposite Railroad Station,

Gas administered. Asbufy P ark, N. J .

A. 8. DUnTON, n . » . 0. i . o . burton , n . n . s'. r>URTON BROTHERS, ,

Resident nentliiM.Bonn Building, 605 Cookman ave.. Asbnry Park,

New York Office— 69 West 3Uh st.Gas ad mini stored. Appointments mado by tolo*Shone o r by mall tlonrs : 9 a .m . to 5 p. ra-

I 'f’rs of " ZOZO” —the now preparation fo rcleansing and preserving the Teeth. ‘

L N. SEYMOUR, D. I). 8 . f .

Office 530 Cookman avoriue, near Etaory stroof. Mechanical w ork a specialty. _

Difficult operations solicited.

i B S l t


Stoves, Heaters. Ranges^T l t J W A R E , Ao, \

C o o t a o a i * a v . , n e a r B o n d s t . , A S E U B T P A B K , N . J .

Tin RCOHIMIADHC IDTTER*, At. B if l- IS , T i l A ID (HtET 168* W M W M l

u m^ ^ l r s t - e l a a s w ork a t lo V n ite 8 ._ 4


727 C o ok man Ave.Gr e x its5 F i i r n i s M n g s .


la d le s ’ dresses dvod In all th e new est shades. Feathera dyed to all colors. Gentlemen!s cloth- tu g cleaned, dyed and pressed equal to new.

Agent fo r Asbnry Park.

H E N R Y DOREN,(Sqocesaor to G. W. Road,)


Suits m ade to o rder guaranteed to fit. Cleaning and Repairing. j;'


Attomoys-at-Ta w , BolWorsi. $i.'^faflteiks ln Chan- ,cery. Mikado Building, Cookman Av.,

- i j Asbnry Park , N. J.'


Attomey-at-Law, Sotfoitor, M aster In Chanoory, and N otary Public.. - 1.

Special a ttention glyen to examination or T itles,Ao. . •

Office in Cook’s Bnlldlng,. Asbury Park , New Jetsey.

.-A L F ItK P D. BAILEY, jCX- Attomey-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster In

Chancery and N otary Public.Special a ttention given to collection of claims.

Office In Mikado Building, ABbnry Park, i


Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor, Master and-Examlnor in Chancery, Notary Public.

Asbury Park , N. J .


Hardwood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to arid work dope In first-class manner,' M anufacture? o f.S torm Doors, W indow and' Door Screens. Ordors loft a t D. H.; jyyckoff’s paint store, o r received by mall, will bo promptly attended to.' Roaldonco—N. E. Cor. Aabury aTenno and Main

street. P. O. Box 605, ASBURY P ARK, N. J.

A . A , TA YLO R, Masoiiahd Builder,

Bricklaying and P lastering In a ll branches , o f Masonry work. _ (

Jobbing prom ptly a ttep Jed io.! p , o . Box 007. Office, 78». MftttlRon avonne


Attomoy-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Address P. O. Box 1001, Asbnry Park, N,: J«:

IlsN nr NRvitre, - Eumrfto Wiiaon,Counsellor a t Law. Attorney a t Ta w .

TJEVIITS & WII.SON, . ' ' 'Law-Offices,


^ L I C E K. HARRISON, _ i303 Third avenae, Asbury Park.

TEACHER QF MUSIC—Piano, O^an-aind Tlioory

pR A N K V. BODINE, “ :


P. O. Box 865. ASBDIiY PSTIK, N. J .


TEACHER OF PUNDt ORGAN AND THEORY.Foreign and American fingering. Terms—515 for

20 lessens, payable ^ RHMeBSon.

H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker,

Dealer In Fine Watcheg, Jewelry, Spectacles &c.1 W atohesand Jewdlry repaired a t City Prices.

Mala street, near Oookman avenue,' ASBURY PARK. N. J . <


In a ll Its branches, nardw ood finishing, Grain­ing. Calolmlnlng, Ac.

Estim ates furnished on application.■ ■ L. Box 2182. Ocean Grove, N. J .

C O O K H O W L A N D ,Architect & Builder.

Bulldlrfg plans oxeouted and all work prom ptly dono.

Office In Cook’s Building, Main stree t and Cookman.avenne. Asbnry Park.


Blacksm ith and Horseshoer,Carriage work in all Its branches,.

CARRIAGE PAIHTiNI ANO TRIMMINGIn tho finest style of decorative a rt.

Main . street and First avenue,1 ASBOBT PARK.

i V '

ADOM IIPPIW COTT,Carpenter & BuilderJobbing In a ll branches prompt!jTand carefully

attended to.Rosldence—602 Elrst avehue, • ,

" P *0. Box 282. . ASBURY &AftK, N .J .

FRED. B. GOWDY. : cfifSSTTi. h t c h k £

GOWDY & PITCHER,C a r r i a g e s , a n d M a n u f a c t u -

. . . r B r s o f I l a r n c a s .Pnrlc. Ki-tS HnnU

j w l l f l m n K ly e r . ..... .^ ........... ’ ■ ■■—--— .---- 1 ..I---=

DANIEtr C. COVERT,'No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J „ . GENKRAL AGENT

. . *— pon‘Tnn------ •• V.,\,Purcbasa, Sale and Renting of Real Estate.Also Properly Insured In first-class companies. Improvements m ade fo r non-residents. Propet­ty cared for, Loans negotiated and Collections m ade. Correspondence Bolloltcd. P. O, Boxfl!30.

Tents. Awnings, Flags,Foltlrig for bollors and steam pipes.

S .H E M M E N W A Y ,SIS Cookman isbury Port, N .J , '*•

Sall lofts, CO Sbuth 8t.,'N aw York City, ■ ~


. S T O U T & h 4 ^ T ?7 . Asbnry Park aad Ocean Grov^

C o n c r e t e .W a l k . L a y e r s ,f f e m a 'p i w s & M . - ' ■ '] §

- Office7l3M attison am ^S atlsfac tion tgfti^xntood.

SAMUEL m eir k br id e ,CONTRACTOR,

Carpenter & Builder.Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

promptly attended to . Best o f reference given. Rosldence—First ave., bet Bond and Emory sts,

Shop and Office—First ave, and Main str~ P. O. Box 743. . ASBURY PARK.

The Old and Reliable Brand.

Vane, Calvert A Co.All MraMeMes of Color.

N. E. Buchanon & Co.Sole Agsate for State of New Joreey.

t ^ ” rrices low to painters and Consumers, Liberal arrangements m ade with dealers.

M A IN S T . A S B U RY A V E .

John A. Oitbens & Co.M anufacturers of, and wholesale and

retail doalors In

F E A T H E R S . E t c . 35 F A C T O R Y N O . 1 4 3 M A IN S T ,

Up Stairs,

Renovating Mattresses a Specialty.Telophono Connection.

M , m . CR O SB IE ,Succossor to David Cartwright,

-T a r Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two and Threo:ply Roofing Paper,

P. O. Bo* 802. Asbury Park, ST. I,

S A N I T A R Y P L U M B I N GB . C R O W E L L & C O .

Now occupy tho now brick building o f J. Henry Applegate, on

Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,w here th ey a re p repared to CRtlmaVo o n a l l k inds

w m m im m m m im iThey do none other than firet-class work, and

all nlumW bgwlllbe done after the most approved sanitary methods. . / , ..Ropa’irlngr promptly attondrd Ao. ~ _

II. C. SfflARRYOTT,Contractor and Builder,Estimates furnished fo r every description of

w ork. Jobbing.attended to promptly.• Rosldouue^"- w

Cor, Sewall Ave. and Emory St.,iMk BiiTid.j • :• t N n r i i r p * x u , it .a .

; v t J Q H N . H U B E A R D ,

P r a c l i e a l H o u s e P a i n t e r ,; AND PAPER HANGEH .Residence Cor. Fifth avenue aud-Bond strsot,

‘ tunk.Bu5.075. ASitU lff l'AHK, N, J.

JOS. t , DURRAH,; . H a s t e i e ^ ;• -

505 THIRD AVENUE.' — — jobbing prom ptly attondod to , / '

GEO. C , ORMEROD,OONTRAQTOR IW BUILDIB,’■i. . . ASftCnr>ABK,rS; J,testabllabod 1873. Jobbing promptly attondod

v to ./ Best ofrjjf ore nee given.OfllcojmaRi^Idet&ft^____

COR. S f iW A I^ V K . AND B d ^ S T ,& \

§ m Mutate

F. C. BRAEUTIGAWI,Heal Estate and insurance.

Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Let, for Sale and Exchange. Special a tten tion glyon to draw lngm ortgagos, leases and deeds a t short nfftlce. Office - ___


P. O. Box 17. Neitr Malg s t , Asbury Park, N . J .

H. B. BEEGLE,(Lato p . B. Becgle & 0on)


i Hsi kiim, Cseia im H, J. 'Loans Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn

H. B. BEEGLE, N otary j^iblle and Commissioner of Deeds fo r New Jersey, Pennsylvania and tbo District o f Columbia. -

Bargains in Real Estate-LOTS A trb IMPBOViinj PBOE- . BBTY AT NOBTH BPKING IiAKE.Improved property and Lots a t Poin t P leasant

cheap for cash.Lots a t M anhasset for Bale or -Exchange. 200

feet of Bav front, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay front In the m arket fo r sale In th a t vicinity. Will be sold cheap.

Lot 25x12ft feet on Sixth avenuo, near the ocean, ABburyPark.

If you w ant to buy or ren t any property any­where along the coast

Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON,Cor. Sewall av. and Emory s t , Asbury Park.

Or W. T . Stubet, Point Pleasant, N. J . \ ••W. H. Potter, Spring Lake. N. J .

’ REAL ESTATE,■ I N S U R A N C E ' & .

MORTGAGE LOANS, , 708 Cookman Ave.

S v P a r * ,

ASBURY P i l l


W E E C Q .


Railroad, near First avenue.

Furnishes Eloctrio Arc and Incandescent lights a t any location.

r, , OFFICERS: .

Presldonf%lYRON 8. .GOULD,Vico Prds’t—EDMUND G. HARRISON, TreasWW**VOHN ROCKAFELLER, ^eo’y and Sup’t— GEO. M. LANE.


Myron S. Gould, Geo. F. Kroehl,KdmumlG. Harrison, John C, MaoMurray,- Johu Uockafoller, Gep. A. Smock,

ueo . M. Lane. .• —.

WHY SUFFERWhen It I sa well-known fac t th a t

BOURNE’SEnglish Tonic • .

Dyspepsia Pillswill not onljrglvQjOaso, but perm anently onre IndlReation, Dyspepsia, or.any gas trio troublo.

For Sale by all Druggists -


tdfltraotor^Carponter & BuilderPlans and speclflcatlons fuVnlahod. Jobbing

promptly attended to. Best of reference glyen.Itesldenco—100 Mt. Carmel W ay, Ocean Grove.

* P. O. Box 70. A sbu ir Park, N . J .

\ ’■ ■ LADIE$!D o T o n r O w n D y e ln ^ . n t I I o i A ^ w i t h

PEE R LE S S DYESThey will dyo everything. Thoy aro sold overy where. Price 10o. a package-^*!0 colors, ffhoys havo no equal f o r Strength, Brightness, Aunfcntln_Paokages'or for Fastness of Color, or non-fad­ing Qualities. vT hoydo not crook o r smut. For sale by II. Tuatlng, M. D., Woolloy & Reed, W. B, Chrlatmo, DruRglate, Apbury Park, N. J.



Bucceaflor tO Wm. Boame9,A

Dealer in Choice Family Groceries.The bost brands of Floor, flno Teas and Coffee,

every thlnj? portal nib# to a'ilrst-olass Gro^

N e ^ g t o c k ! ^ g r i m e G o ^ l s !


.. On and a fte r October 28. 1868,.TRACTS UUYB ABBUIIT PARK

For New York, Newark, Elizabeth. Rahway Rod Bank, Long Branoh and interm ediate sta tions, a t 9.15 a. m ., 1.16, 5.85 p< m.

Expresfl fo r New York, Now ark, Elizabeth and Long Branoh, a t 7.45 a. m. ' , .

For H ataw an, 7.45, 9.15 a .m ., 1.15, 6.85p.m .For Long Branch, 7.45, 9.15 a. m., 1-.15, 5.85 p. m.

rPhlladelphla,(Broad St.,)Trenton, Princotou,' Monmouth Junction , Freehold and 80a Girt,7.69 a. m.,13.27, 4.20 p, m.

For Camdon, Burlington, Bordontownnnd points on tho Amboy Dlylsloin, via. Berkeley and TomsRlver, on Mondays and Saturdays only,

' 2.00 p .m . . \ • -■ —vfF or Camden. Burlington, and Borden town, (via.

T ren ton0 7.£>9 a. m., 12.27, 4.20 p . m. VIA. *■, Jam^aburg, 4.20 p. m, *F or Toms River, Island Heights, and Intermedia

a te stations, a t 11.06 a. m. On Mondays and . Saturdays only, 2.00 p. m.

Por Point P leasant, and Cntermodlate stations, a t 11.06 a. m ., S.00, 0.00,7.00 p. m.

ruAi^s u la v s n w T o n K (via. Desbrossos and Cortlandt fits- ferries) so b arbuxiy rx a x

At 9.10 a. m ., 12.00_nocn, 4.20,5.00 p. m.TiiAiKB i a u y i F m m i t u n i i (Broad flt.) joB ^-.

AHBna'r fabe. .At 7.82,11.15 a . 4.00 p . m. M arket S t., via.

Camden and T rehton—7.20, 10.80 a. m., 2.80 p. m. Via. Jamesburg, 7.20 a. m ., 8.80_P. m. .Via. Toms River and Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, a . pi.

. J. R. WOOD, Gm'l Pass. Agt. CHAS. E. PUGH. C/ett’l Hqnpaer.


Time Table, In effedt November 18,1888.

Stations In New York—Central R. R . o f New Jer*♦ »sey, foot of Liberty S treet ;VP. R. R., foot of -C o rtla n d t and Desbrosses Streetsf.N . J . South-f

ern Railway, foot of Rector St. ,

L1AYS MXW TOBK FOB ASBCST FABK, JtO.Central R. R. of N~ J .—4.80,8.15, *11.15 ». m., 1.00,

4.00 *4.30,6.10p .m . ’Peansylvania—*9.10 a. m ., 12.00 m.,.*4.20, B.00

p. m,Leave Newark. Broad. 8L Station, l o r Asbury

Parit, Ao. — 8.25, 11.20 a. m „ 1.01, 4.00, p. ra. M arket St. S tation—9.«8 a. m.,

- 12.20, 4.44, 6.80 p. m.liXAVS ABB0BT. FjLBK MB HXW TOBK, Ao.

Central R. R. of N. J.-0.16,0.50, *7-150,10.55 a. m.,. ' 4;i5.6.45 p.m .

Pennsylvania—*7.45, 0.15 a . m.. 1.15, 6.85 p. m. F o r Philadelphia aud Trenton, via. Bound Brook

Route—0.15,0.50,7.65 a.m ., 4.15p.m.For Ocean Beaoh* Spring Lake and Sea Girt—

. 7.00, 7.59, 10.20, llJDft a. m ., 12.27, L05, 2.00, 2.58, 4.20, 6.65, 6.00, 0.11, 7.00, 8.10 p. m.

For Manasquan and Point Pleasant—7.00,10.20,. 11.06 a. m., 1.05, 2.00, ‘2.58, B.55, 6.00, 6.11,

7.00, a io p .m .For Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—7.50 a. m „

t 12 2 7 ,4 ^ p .m . •F o r Toma River, 11.05 a. m,*—Jixpresa. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supi.U. P , BALDWINlO. p . A. O. n .K .q f tf* Jr.. _ -

; • J . R. WOOD. Gen'l P a t. A q t . P . R .f i .

p lIR E IIO L P A U D iffiw yO H K lU » .j

In effect Nov. 19,18fl§.*

TBAINS WIIJ. LBAVX FOB TOBBnoLD AS FOLLOWS.'Leave Asbury Park—8.00, 10.55 a. m ., 1.15, 4.15,

5.85 p. m . fLeave Long Branch— 8.16 11.10'a . m.* L80,4U10,* 5.50 p. m.

Leave bran oh port—7.20, 11.13 a. m ., 1.83, 4 88,5.63 p. m. . " ■ ■

Leave Little SUver—7.25,11.18 a.‘ m ., 1.88, 4.38, 5.08 p .m . <■> *.

Leave Red B ank-8 25,11.80 a.-m ., 1.43, 4.45, «.o0

Leave MldtlietoWn—7 37, 11.87 a . ra., 1.50, 4.52 6.14 p: in, . *-

LKAVB MATA WAN FOR FUBKUOLB.6.U0,8.87, W.31 a , m.,, 2.0a, 5.00,7.25 p. m.

LKAVB FRKSUOLD FOR TUB HHOUB. a*«, 11.15 a . m.. 1.85, p. m.

J . E. RALPH, Sup’t.

Sewer Notice.

During tho past ^ear a numbor of-new connec­tions have been mado with the sewers. This has to some exten t lessoned the percentage of coat of m aintaining the works. As the .erection o f the Bower Works waS^not a m atter of specula­tion, but became a necessity becauso of the suc­cessful and rapid gro w th of tho to wn, the owners desire to keep the annual r e n t 'a t thp lowest possible pcInC.)

Notice Is hereby given th at on all sewor rent* fo r 1888, .which will be duo January 1st, 1889, for prepayment a dodnotlon of one per c e n t a month will be allowed. A lter the n ex t January bn Bowor rents due the following January a deduc­tion of two per c e n t a m onth, will fof prepay­m ent bo allowed. On the th ird year, fo r pre­payment, three per c e n t a month will be allowed 5 and on the fo u rth . year, fo r pre­payment, fou r per cent, a m onth w ill be allowed. This practically reduces the sower ren t about one th ir d s J t . is of course Impos­sible to tell, a t the present time. If a stUl can b e allow ed on the fifth or su c co r in g years, on account o f Increased num­ber of connections, bu t tha owners o f property which is connected w ith the sewer m ay rest assured th a t they will reap every advantage pos­sible. O w ners of the works only dealre, after working expenses are paid, a m oderate Interest on the Investment. C .T . BATLEY,

* - Seo’y Sewer Works.Asbury Park, May 22d, 1R88.

Artistic Printing.

M a te r ia l— the best, ‘

W orkmansh ip— first-ciass.


C h a r g e s — r moderate.

' A SBURY p a r k

p r i n t i n g h o u s e , .

718 Mattison Ave.

MATTRESSES and BEDDING of a ll kinds can bo found a t ' ■•‘W o . 1 M a in S t . (O im e r o d B u i ld in g ) ,

A8BCHY H n K , N. 1. iRenovating Mattresses a Bpefilaity a t reasonablo

<2eop W il l i a m s o n , A ir t.prices.

N O V E L TA E SF in e S ta tla ss e ry , D o l l , , T oys, .

C u l l e r ; , IV rlU itj; M a te r ia ls , e u . C lrc u lK lls i l i t i r a r y , ■


Main Btropfc, oppoaito Depot. - ‘ ■,

George W. Patterson, BridgeBuilder l^fisneral Contractor,

Dealer In Georgia TelognTnh poles. Oi fu rn h * « ^ « t sh o rt nt


mbor, Telophono and


-OF THE— '

C O U N T Y O F J 1 IO N M O U T H , N . J ,FQT,thQ sbtm onths ending November 18, 1888.

■JOAN T. HAIGHT, (Wipetor, In account with Monmouth County,

R ecolp ts.', * - Dr .

^»1888—MAY 9.Balance lu hand a t set tUynent.1. . 4,800 32 Received from J S Pittengor for Interest

on hla bond... ' nn

From Thomr on hla bond

MAY 10. ion Clayton, for.InteroBt

From James H Patterson..clerk, .for ac- >—■cdtfut 'of-'hotet-and-saloon licenses,

May Teem ,''88....... ............. ...........2,000 00From First National Bank «f Red Bank, •

for loan on County Note No 1.............. 8.000 00MAY 15.

From Forman 8 Weeden, for Interest onbond o l Wm U W eeden........................ 120 00

• may 10. ______ _____From Alfred Fielder, for account of

principal on bis bond.. . . . . . . . . . . .V.’. .. 1.000 00MAY 18.

From Rebecca Hampton, for Interest onh e rb o n d .,. .. ............ ............................... . 80 00

From James Bowne, for Interest on his „—boud .\................... ................................ . 8000From Wm R BeerS. for Interest on bond

of Wm H Runyon.......................... . 80 00From Mary Vaun, for interest on her ...

b o d d . . . . . . . . . . .................................... . . 00 00From James H Patterson^ clerk, for ac­

count of hotel and saloon licenses,May term, ’88................... ....................... 8,500 00

MAY 28. vFrom Freehold Gas Light Co, for error

In payment of v o u c h e r . . . ’ 40 MAY 28.

From Mary E ’Johnson, for interest onh e rb o n d .......... . ‘. . i . . . . .......... . 00 00

JUNE 12.From Eliza Ann Schenek, for interest on » h e rb o n d ...................................... . 120 00

JUNE 18.From Wm A Dunlop, for amount col­

lected of Middlesex county, for o no­half repairs to TenEyck briago . . . . . . 7 25

From'AuaUne Applegate,for interest ouh e rb o n d .............. ..................... . * 80 00

From Maxcy Applegate, for amount of - .. cliarge in voucher returned . . . . . . . J i 00From H arriet Wyckoff, for loan on

County Note No 2 . . . . . . . . . 8,00000Froni James H Patterson^.clerk, <or ac­

count .of hotel and saloomlcenseslMay tantii '8 8 .^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.‘t l * . , • ,,, 8,000 00

. _ JUNE 14. ‘ 'From ‘ ....................

, 75 00 JOS 00

1417 S

rom First National Bank-oi-Freeholdvfor loan on Ctountjr'NofeNo -8........1 .. 8,00Q

‘JUNE 27.From Uflwltt C, SlcUes, for lutorost on - .........

his bond. . . 7 ^ 7 . 7. . \ . I. ; v . r . . . . W?JUI.Y 10. ’’

rom M J Fitzgerald, for Interest onbond of ThosB H o ff.... . i.T....... 10

JULY lJT’;From Second National Bank of Red

Bank, for loan on County Note No 4 .. 9,000 rwn Mary A Nesbifc, for interest on her

- ^ o n d ......................................... .From K L CJody.fQr Intereet ou her bond From Tunis Major, for Interest ou hia

bond.. ...........^1 • : ' JULY 25. • —

From Theodore Fields, Sheriff, for fines, $89185; proseciitor’s fees, 8509.00; ludgee’ fees, $0.00, and justices' fees,87.88, May term, ’88. ^ ............ .-.

auoustS.From Samuel Gravatt, for Bale of grass

on Martin farm, $10, and for sale ofold bridge lumber, fifty cents..............

From Jam es Enright, fo r loan on Coun­ty Note No 5.................. v ....................

From Edward and Eliza J Taylor, forloan on County Note No 0....... .

From William L Tilton, for sale of oldbridge lum ber.................... .... :

From Eleanor Chapman, for Interest on .h e rb o n d . . . . . . . . . ......... ........... -

Received from A M Walton, for error lo payment of v o u c h e r . ..

From Freehold Banking Co, for loan onCounty Noto No7 ................................ !

From Wm G M ^h ew s, for hiterost onhis bond;................; ...............................

.AUGUST 15. 'From A ;Walllng, J r, for circus license

From John 0 Edwards, justice, for finepcollected....................... ...........................

acovstSI.From A C ‘Twining: tredsiirer; for prin­

cipal 81K00, arid Interest ?138.60, of bond of Sidney T H am pton .... . . . . . . .

SEFTEMOEU 10.From Sarah Johnson,for Interest on her

b o n d ............ ; . ; i ...........j-' 'SEPTKkUER 12.PVom Farmers and Merehants Bank, for

loan on County Note No 8.;....-............From Long Brauch City Bank, for loan.

on County Note No 9 . . . . .............From A W . Vanderveer, for Sale of old

bridge lumber.............. .............. .' SEPTEMBER 20.- */-

From C G Matthews, for Interest on his1 bon d .^ ....^ ..^ ......... ..................................From Jam es tkjttrell, for Interest on his

b o n d . . . . . . . . . ............. .......................OCTOBER 10.

From Adaline Applegate, for interest onh e rb o n d ; . . . . . . ........... ............................

From Wm A Dunlop, for ren t of houseon C J Smith f a r m .. . . . . . ...........

From C G Matthews, for interest on hisbond., .................................... . . . . . . . . . . .

From Wm L Tilton, for solo of old bridge lumber,. .50, and fo r error Invoucher, 25............. V......... .................... ’

From Jehu P Cooper, Guardian, for

1038 60

f t" * ' 27 00

12000 00

board of P Coyne a t asylum .., ” • — iries '

78 00From Hon Charles H aight,for collection

of forfeited recognizance............’. . . . . . 8000 00From Elrst, National Bank of Mana- ‘

Bquam for loan on County Note No 10. 5500 00 OCTOBER 22.

From James I I Patterson, clerk, for ac­count hotel and saloon licenses, May and Oct. terms, ’88.^..................; . ........ 6000 00

T ofei...frrr.* .............................: . .$ 00728 oo

. - CR. D isbtirsem eiitfl*

Vou-- . lBttf—MAY 0.Qher. ’name. Ai j .Frank "Patterson, court constable,

fee s . ...............................2 W Nelson Llttlo, constable, fees.. . . . . .8 Oeorge H Adams, constable, foes.. . . .4 Georg© H Adams, cousUble, fees.......5 Thooaore Fields. Blieriff, accouut of

1 May term, '08. . . . . . ......... ..............OW L Roberta, labor ou three bridges,

1 Matawan ...........................................7 Jehu P Cooper, auditor, sa la ry .. .. . . . . .8 Dean & Westbrook, balance on bridge

Holmdel.'............... ..................... i1..........may 10. ’

9 George H Walling, % expense filling abutments o r TouEyok bridge,M n l.n .n “:

,21 00 8 37

15 50m 10

7 25 250 00

. M atawan............................................10 Edward Goran, work on Bmoko-Iack

' . on drawbridge, Matawan and lia r-

11 D&vld L Applegate, plank on culvertnear Ten nent, M aualapon.............

12 J O.Ackennanr^ourt constable, fees'.18 J tJ Conover, amount allowed by.

Board for services as,clerk in the absence of M r.W alters.: .’. .v. . . . . . li

14 C W Thompson, agent, material and -^labor- on new culvert, Shrewsbury. 1

15Au^Qstus Smythe, janitor, sa lary ,!,. m o n th ... : ........... ...........••

1C jacob_.Bwftnn. ,&ttendlug...iitKhla?d drawbridge,'! month, MlddIeto#iW and Ocean . . . .1 ............

17 Wm J Cottrell, labor and 'material on-. several bridges, Howell.-r.. .T.. . . , 1

18 John C VanSchoick, building fourpipe hridges. Maualapon...............

10 Joseph L Butcher, freeuolder, com­p en sa tio n .... .. .. .^ ... .............. .

A W Vanderveer, freeholder, com-,. •pensation. . . . . . v .

21 W O Smith, coroner, Inquest on bodyof Infant, namo unknown •

22 W CBnilUi, coroner, inquest on bodyorObedlah Stllwoll....... ..................

23 W C Smith, Coroner, Inquest on body .•of Patrick Silven............. .WtI .yi.,.

84 Clorenco-Poland, work on-bridge p ea r. •..........Oapt Poland’s, Wall. . . . . . . H . . i . . .25 CW Thompson, agent, building brie—

4 50 19 25

43 00

537 7

40 do

22 48

27 61 9 38

2 25

v new' culvert and repairing 4 cidr "r verts, Shrewsbury and Ocean

SO Wm L Tilton, freeholder,- compensa-

27 W mLTflton, freeholder, compensa­tio n ... t i .........................................

28 Wm Spinnhig, building new culvert. Cintl patching 4 culverts,Ocean n n d .

. S h rew sb u ry ........... .20 Wm Spinning, labor. ou new culvert,

. j Shrewsbury . ^ .............................80 George W obUs.:Jr,'repairs to; wagon, -

*-* Shrewsbury......... .; . . . . ' ...........91 Dewitt C Slcklos, fitwholder, compen­

sation, .............. . ........................... .02 Wm H Dugan, unloading bridgestono

i Shrewsbury .............................f m H Collnrd, auppllos for draw-

■. bridge, Matawan and R aritan .. . . .84 Jo h n s Estelhy work on abutm ent of

Lane^S oridgei..........................9 arid Parting tp Now-. ■m an’s bridge, H ow ell......... . . .

B^B White, drain pipe for bridge ftud labor, Manolapan

80 B White, drain pipe for bridge,uMan- ■.* -- f t f i j p a n , ....... ...

87 Ibooo p Smith, buildhig bridge near X : ’ Garret Conover’s and putting in

plpftdraln, M a n a l o p a t ^ . . . . . . :Jos w p^y lo r, bridge pli||B!fcliIanala' '

208 18

13 54

20 00

303" 70

79 70

2 75 19 65

4 00

80 42

4 60

10 80

21 60.

89 Charles Pettit, building now bridge,. near New Bedford, w a l l . ;;. i{J0. SI

40 John Gaakin, Carting for above bridge ;and gravel, WaU ................ ............. 1160

41 George w Brown, services as witness• - In oyster caSo...; ..................... '9J0Q

42 Holmes C BeUuett, services as witnessIn oyster c a s o ... . . . .“ P itc h e r— ’ bridge, 0

44 Rlcliara N Clayton, constable,fees...

48 H B * .Lvajon work pn Highland draw­bridge. Ocean And M iddletown...-

T1 illVlUHU Mill, I.UliaUIJID, ICtXI,..45 Wm H Freeman & Son, burial of Win

H H art, a. deceased soldier 40 John T. Cottrell, carting fo r bridge

IIo w ell.,__" and spikes, for

8 00

267 00 10*40

P -Magco, nails a bridge, Holmdel...

48 D r 18 Cong, jail physician, salary ’8749 Charles W'BroWer. carting fo r Sever­

a l bridges, Howell. . ........60 E Vandorveor, freeholder, compensa­

tion— ;....... ..................51 John Van Cleaf, carting fo r Reevoy-

town and Kings bridges, .Shrew*-; bury arid Ocoan.............. . ..- . . . . . .62 Alexander MorWs, services a s witness

in oyster case . . . . 1 .............. 758 G e o r ^ Gaskin, carting- for bridges,

54 Emile C Gliltnan, carting bridge ium-• l»r, W all: ......... .............

65 Lewis White," filling abutments ,of bridgo a t Osbom’B Mills, W all.. . .

60 Samuel Gravatt, freeholder, compen­sa tio n .. .. . . . '.......................... ........

57 Job Kettle, work oh abutments of O s-.home’s mill bridge. Wall...........1. .

58*Cook Howland, freelioldor, compensa­tio n ... . . . . *

50 Isaac P Smith, repairing bridgo o t A.WOIark’s saw mill, Manolapan...

60 M raltate Walters, salary A Walters,deceased, cleric of Board..............

61 Lewis F Gordop, freeholder, compen­sation; ; . vnv. r . '. ; ; : .....................

62 B F Tilton, building bridge near Jos,. W Wnllmg’s Hm m del....

63 Jehu P Cooper, freeholder compensars a t l o n ....... ...........’.............. r

64 Jacob Garrison, attending PleasureBoy draw-bridge, oue month, Ooean anti Eotontown................,

65 George Height, filling abutm ent onnorth side of now bridgo hear his-hobse, W all>.... ..................... .

60 Emmons & Conover, bridgo plank, Manolapan......... .......................... .

67 Forman Brown, labor arid materialoutw o bridges, Millstone..’...........

68 Richard Borden, freeholder, compen­s a t i o n , * . . . . . . . . . . .

09 J .O Ackerman, painting bridge by Samuel Neaves, Howell..........

70 L White freeholder compensation...71 Jacob Garrison, supplies for Pleasure

Boy draw-brlugo, Ocean and Eotontow n....................................

72 Nesbitt & Pattenion, balance of con­tract for building bridge nearGeo.Heights Wall........... ..................... .

78 Charles Gordon, bridge plank, UpperF r e e h o l d . . . .................

74 Taylor Pulleg, building bridgo near

• 600

35 01

08 50


19 3740 77

. Leanordvillo, Middletown’. .70 Conover Applegate piling for High- . --.......... land draw bridge, Middletown and

Ocean. ....................... ............ ' . . . . .77 G Vannote, re-sawing bridge timber,

Howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................78 Frank E Ileyer, bridgo plank Marl- -

boro ... — ................ ! . . . .........79 Joel Fields, bricks for bridge, Ocean • •-••„ a n d 8 h re w sb u ry ...., ..k; . . . . . . . . .80 Wm Davis, carting brick for bridgo

Ocean and Shrewsbury. . . . ; .........-81 Francis Wylie, work on bridgevfiear

Cold Spring, ShrowBbijry .82 R F Hopper, bridge material, Shrews-- ^

W H .Campbell, freeholder compen- j s a t i o n i . . T ....... •

84 C B Wagner, freeholder, compensation......... ............................................

85 Levi Scobey, building 2 bridges ueor“slab bridge,” Atlantic...................

80 Thomas W Aumack, Baud and cart­ing same for Iron bridgo West Creek, Raritan A....................... .*...

87 John Foster, bridgo plank. UpperFreehold.......................... ........ ,■ ’

88 W W Ramsoy, freelioldor comptmso-

89 Win E VanDyko, constable, expenses " flW m E VanDyke, constable, expenses il John.' Cooper, lighting lamps on

- Cooper’s bridge aud furnishing oil ?■:. 'three months, Shrewsbury arid. • M i d d l e t o w n . . . . . . . .

92 Samuel E Smith, cuttbig ieo around- Cloypit Creek bridge, Middletown.

93 Thomas Tyndall, labor on Strong'sbridge. Shrewsbury........................

94. Patrick Sheehan, cedar brush for I’iu- tard ’s Gully bridgo, Shrewsbury...

‘C N Gill, eeriient'for bridgo' near A ' Borden’s hbuso Upper Freehold..

168 Jairics J l ’etitt, constable,expenses. . v -^- - may 18. -

159 JOmeo L Terhupo, casbief, d i^ c u n t■ on county note No. 1. . ’. . . . . . . . 1. “

160 Thomas V Arroysmlth, services^Jri ^crimlrial m atters. .............■

lol James H Patterson, clerk, Indoxlng ■ < record books, «£o............................. ■162 A P Johnson; constable, fees............163 A P J oh nson* constable, fees.. . . . . . .le i A P Johnson, constable, fees.. . . . . . .105 J CLawrence, justice, fees,..........166 J C Lawrence, justice, fees...............107' Jam es V Muluooii, coal, for co^rt .

borne and jftil . . . v . .168 AmosTiltou, building bridges on As­

bury avenue, N eptune:.. . . . . . . . . . .169 E WArrowsinitl), wertlceb as coun­

sel Iri case o t Jumeo vs Board ofBYoohOlders..........

170.John Lamb, building bridgo near.. . John Pittongers. Manolapan. . . . . .

171 John Lamb, building bridp) neac AA Smock’s, Manalapan................

172 Hon Charles Haight, extra services •and expenses in caso of Stato v vs" • Richard Kearney..... ............... .

173 Wm H Weeks, court expenses, tele­graphing— . . . .

174 Wm G Irving, detective, services andexpenses Iri;casoof Stato vs Ross

■ R ay m o n d ...'..;. '................»;........1175 Charles E Strong, constable, fees,..176 Georgo W Mulford, coroners - ju ro r

fees.,,............... ...................... .........177 E Wright^eoroners juror, fees.. . :178 Jam es II Bird, coroners’ juror, fees ■170 Willisford Dey, coroner,s jurors,.

fees,’. . ....................180 Clirlstopher Sickles, cdrbrier jurors

f e e s . . . . . . , . , , ........................ .........181 Jhriies M Ross, coroner’s Jurors

188 Nathan Matthews, coroner’s jurors. - fees. . .v. . . . . . . . ....VfT. . . f

183 D B Farrington,, coroner’s jurors . fees.............................

184 Elbert O Vail, corpner’B jurors, fees185 A S Lokerson. coroner's jurorSj fees

■180 Cook Howland, coroner’s jurors fees .187 Mary B Hart, re-seating court house ' f chairs ...................

. * MAY 23.188 Georgo H White, court constable,

fe e s ... :. '.............. .............................189 Charles T Ely, court constable, fee s .190 Jam es M Walling, constable expen- "" ses . ...................................

191 Samuel Garrison, court constablefo es ..........................................

1D2 non A Walling, Jr, judgo, salary.193 J Frank Patterson, court constable

fe e s . . . . .................................. ........... ..»194 A P Johnson, court constable, fees. ,195 J O Ackerman, court constable, fees ,106 II Liebenthal, constable,fees.107 Georgo H Adams, constable, servlcm108 Jehu PApplegate, auditor, sa la ry ... 1W Joseph Johnson, court^ constable

fe e s . . ..............................................200 Mary H Patterson, loan of surplus

' fund principal.201 J O Conover, counsel, solory. . . . . . . .202 John T Height, collector, s a lary .. ..203 A;1I Patterson, drawing plans and

. specifications for new building...MAY 28.

201 Thoo Ficldsr sheriff, for-account o f . court expenses; May Term, ’88 ....

200 H LiGbeutual, constablo, fees...........JUNE 5.

19 20

DO Thomas H Leonard, i>aint’ nails, &o.,for brhlgei Middletown...................

07 Dean & .Westbrook, bridgo lumber,

10 85■V ' I

. .7 001 ■ 1 21 02;-

20USS,. fti;43 !

sedR a r ita n .. .. . ........ ..............................98 Jnnfes Hubbard, carting bridge plank

'^Blxrewsbury aud Middletown. . . . . . .09 W m J Elmer, work on .two bridges

- w on ........................................... .100 B White, drain pip© fOxbridge, Man­

alapan— .............. ..........................101 T W Throckmorton, carting for

bridge, &c„ Shrewsbury..................102 William H Berlin, attMpdlug .Gooso .

Neck draw-bridge, Eotontown and Shrewsbury......................................

0103 John B. Grover, carting for King’sbridge, Oeeanlaud Shrewsbury__

104 John II ne'yerjBreeholdRg, com pen-1 s a t lo n .. . , .- . . . ......................... ■:

105 E V Beole, bridgo lumber,tRarita n ..100 Dean & Westbrook, blWgoTumber,

H o w e l l . . . . . . . . .................107 E P Tliompson, court.exixinses, tele- .

. gropliliig;.............. ................ ........... •* 41108 C w Thompson^ agent, labor aud

moterial on bridge, Holmdel.. . . . . 28 20100 Patrick Uylini labor on bridgo abut­

ments, H o lm d e l.. .. .. .; ............ A **HOG VanNote,.bridge1 inaterial and

- labor, llow ell... i —.........111 B F Walrirlght, cement for bridgo,

• HowelL. . . . . . . . . v . . . ,i....... .112 Hemy'D Llttlo, inspecting brUg^S

on Fair Haven ana Oceanic road 1 month, Shrewsbury.......; ........... 10 00

113 Henry Little, work on bridge Shrews­bury................... ............. .................. 34 60

114 Jam es M Walling, constable, fee s ... 41 70115 F Lutz, bridgo supplies, Howell....116 Patrick Baggot,..,.repairing bridgo

. . f r e e h o ld , . ; . . ................ .l i t Jam es Westnall, burial of Wm J

Johnson, a deceased soldier..........118 Nesbitt & Patterson, plank for bridgo

by Georgo Heights, WnlJ119 Georgo Jackson, services as detec­

tive i n c r i m e . . . . ............ '120 Joseph Johnson,'constable,, fee s .....121 Theodore Fields, Blieriff, board of

prisoners’ month of April, ’8 8 .....122 Theodore Fields, Sheriff, board 6f

• l jirisoners, month of March, ’88....123 jamesJNorman, constable, fees.......121 Charles T Ely, constable, fees..........125"'8omuel Garrison, constable, fees... .120 Fred M Vanderveer. corouor, Inquest .

on body of Robert Hamilton. / . . . .127 Fred M Vandorveor, corbner, inquest

on body of James Evans.................■128 FredM Vanderveer,coroner, Inquest:

on body of Mary.Knapp...............129 Fred M Variderveei%

40 20 9 44

{T s r

72 03

11 48.

20 01


418 00 21 12

r, corouor, iriquest . iknown female in-o n body of an uni

f a u tr .~ _ .~ t. .. / . . ............; ..............-180 Fred M VAridorveer,coroner. Inquest

‘ -in bo<lv of Slary Huggins.. id M vanderveer, coroner, inquest

on body of William J Johnson.. .183 J C Ackermori, charcoal fo r court

houseand uso of team by freehold-,

183 E B Bedlo, supplies for court house- and j a i l ; . . . . . . . . . - . .....................

131 Freehold Gas Light Co, gas cOn- . SMjjied In court house and jail, -

- ... —A pril: J88, an d fl xtures :.T.: . . . 7 7 . :135 Freohold G as Light CJo. m s consum- ■

od in court housO ati^HiUl, Feb’y,

1S6 Freehold Gas Llgii»tJo. gas consum­ed in court house and jail, March,’8 8 . . . . . . . ......... ...*...........................

187 Jacob B HanklnBon, cleaning! out....cesspool for Uireo m onths....... .. :

J 88 Rose M cCort,,'cleaning- io ' court-* "t__ h o u s o . : n - ; .......................189 H enry H Matthew.. buIldiuK ^ o w

b^iugb by Wm O Dismond’s lo t on rpad. and work on abutments.

• of ^ihneider’s mill bridgo Atjontlo_ ,140 J J Barkalow, coroner, Inquest on -

. • body Of Koto Uashlon.........141 J J Barkalow, coroner, inquest o u ,

body of John Foy..................... ; . . .143 J J Barkalow, coroner, iuquost on

body of Wm H H art.......................143 J ) Biu-kalow, coroner," Inquest on*

body of Jobri.McLoon.. . . . . . . . . . . . .144 Clias E Herbert, ro-seatlog chairs

fo r court house.....................145 Win Deveroux, work on bridge ovor

•SharkRiver, Neptune— . . . . . . . . .14<TD L CHyton, repairing choirs Ac, In

court Ji oyso. . . . . . . . U»147 David Lokerson, bridgo m aterial,

Freehold..........................................■148 S P Yoorhe<», ^blacksmith .work In

court houso and jail ............ . ;140 W mF.M adge, buudiug bridgo and

cortlug, Freohold.. . . . . . . , . . . .160 T V Hendrickson, work-ori several

bridges, N e p t u n o . .151 Ehflha Sullwell. carting, sand-for -

v bridge, Rowell. . . . . . . . . . . -152 Jjwe^li. Nevis, wOrk ou bridge FrGe- '

168 Nathan j Conov^r^survey afid 'map In case of State vs Johu Fields....

154 Jam es L Shinn," services and expen­ses In criminal m a tte rs ... . . . . . . . . . .

165 Wm McDermott,%Jr, wbrkln jail ond. courthouse....,/:...........

160 Theodorri Fields, slieriff, bribery no- tlcoS ./|jL . .* ! . .. . . . . . . . ,/A.f v 4 . . ..

167 ClmrleefiTyWyi conHtablo/exjIlpnsea':.

10 j?0

18 06

200 John T Height, collector, sa la ry .. . . -207 The Holmdel ond Middletown Turn­

pike Co, for award of Commission­e r s . . ............................ ,

208 Edmund 8 Ruo, -services In criminalm a tte r s ........................................

JUNE 12X11. . >200 Jehu P Applegate, Auditor, sa la ry ./

JUNEI3TU. / '210 James 31 Walling, court constable,'

f e e s ................ ........... ....................... ,211 Samuel Garrison, court constable,

j ... f e e s . . . . . . . . . .........7 .........................‘212CIiarIes E Strong, court constable,

I f e o s ....................................................213 Cliarles T Ely. court constable, fees.

,211 George H White, court constable,I f e e s ....................................;

215 David'Warner, justices fees..............1216 Hon A Walling, J r, Judge, sa la ry ...217 J Frank Pattkraou; court constable,

. f e e s ......... ................................... .218 C C Fleming, court constable. Joes..

.,£19 8 B Hinsdale, court stenographer,I ...... f fees ; ..v .................... ..............

220 Geo^pi_H White, court_ constablo,

| 221 E P Thompson, Court expenses, ielO-f tttns — ..............................

Davidson and George Levins, re­pairing bridge, Millstouo and Upv

I . per Freehold .».......... ......... ...........■ 223 D M Davison and Georee I>evin8, j building now bridge, M ills to n e ..

224 Joseph THendrickson. lustice, fees.I 225 Danfef Parker, constable, fees.,-....

220 A W Vanderveer, Freeholder, com- | pensatlon ......... ................................

227 A W Vanderveer, carting for bridge,-M a r l b o r o ............... .

228 Wm A Dunlop, Freeholder, compon-I sa tio n ................... ............................ '; 220 E Vanderveer, Freeholder, compeu- I satlon — ....... , . . . . ........ '.

230 Holmes Pullen, fcuildlng bridge near I t W m Pullen’s, Hillstond .

231 Wm ! McCracken, w ork’on Bev'PraJ , h. ... bridges, Monolapan. . . . . . . . . . T,.

232 Sidney Beid, repairing ballot box . . . .1 233 Holmes I I Matthews, work on bridgo

► How ell.....................234 Richard Bortlen, Freeholder, com-

j pensatlon .............. ................ .........235 Thomas,Nolan, building bridge, near

Disbrews’ mill. Millstono. . . . . . . . . .236 Jam es W Laughltn, printing auditors

and-collectors reports.....................237 Lewis F Gorden, Freeholder, cpm-

pensatlori ......................288 Joseph Johnson, court constablo, .

fees ....................................................239 A P Johnson, coustoblo, fees , .240 A P Johnson, court constablo, fees.. 211 W E VanDyko, court constable, fees242 George H Adams, constablo, feos,...243 TIiuodore.FieldH, sheriff, taxed costs

in cases of Stato vs W alter CorroU and Johu Delanoy and transporta-

- thin fees......... ...............................244 Tlieodoro Fields, sheriff, taxed costs

in caso of Stanford Potter andthmsportotion fees,. ..... .................

315 J C Ackerman, court corfatable, foes 210 James Norman, constablo, expenses ai7 James Normau, constable, fees . . . . . 218 Jam es Norman, constable,expenses.249 Win Ralph, work on bridge near C M

Gills, Upper Freehold.....................290 Joseph L.Butcher, freeholder, corii-

peusatlriu .251 D 0 Sickles freeholder, compeusa-

252 Wm L Tilton, freelioldor, compensa.- ^. . ^*tion-.-«z.............. ‘ .................

253 Thoiniw?. L Sealrtook, freeholder,compeusatiou . i v «

254 Jacob Garrison, attending Pleasure *-Bay draw-bridge, 1 month, Ocean and Eaton tow n .................................

256 John C Conover, bridge lumber, R ir-itan .................. .............. ................

250 John C Conover, bridge lumber, Mat­ty a w a n . . , . ............................... ...........

257 Alfred Clayton, labor and materialfor bridge, How ell...........yv .

258 Georgo W PatUirsou, on account o f .contract.for material fo r bridge

' across Great Pond, Ocoan ;r4*.t.v. ,259 Wm H Cilmpbell, freeholder,compen- t . safloh .................................200 R R Mount, burial of Sam A Von-

Mater, a docoased soldier and grave stones

201 C w Thompson, labor aud material * • on several bridges, Shrew sbury...

•062Cartan & Co, material for soveral bridges. Matawan aud Rarltau —

’203L W hlto.freeholder,compensation,.204 ChaHes 8 to ware." nint^ri al for Miry

Run bridge. Upper Freehold. . . . . .205 Thomas Fields, repairing 3 bridges,

M arlboro.......................... 120d H W B uck, labor aud niatettoT on '

■ bridges, A t la n tic .- . ., . . . . .; .......... . .207 Frank E Heyer, bridge plank, Atlan-

268 Frank E Heyer, -timber for Ocean- - port bridge, Eatontowri.................

209 Samuel Christian, palutlng' bridgea^'Atlantic ......... ......................

270 Aaron L Smock, work on bridge,Ocean and S h r e w s b u r y . .......

871A P Johnson, coustoblo, services and -expenses in county b latters ,.........

272 Wm H Burllu. attending Goose Neck draw-bridge one month and oil...

278 Maxcy Applegate, jprintiDg auditors- — and collectors reporte,.&cU-.........•274 F F Armstrong, prinpug auditors--

and collectors reports.....................276 M L Terry, painting drow-bridgo,

Matawan and Roil tan .......270 Francis Wylie, work on bridgo,

Shrewsbury . . . . . . . .277 George Lowis, attending Highland

. draw-bridge, Ocean and Middle- t

278 Thoo Aumack. sheriff'^ fcHia, in foro-"-closuiB stiitr;‘; a r.’.T.. . : ; . . ; ; v-

270 Johu P Coopor,freeholder,ipompen-sotlon ................... 7>r',, . . . V.

290 Conover Applegate, timber fo r High-. Wffd'drow-bridge, Ocean and Mid­dletown-.. . ______ _______ _____

281 Charles Melres, lumber for bridgenear O Gill’s,TJp^er Freehold.. . . . t

282 Peter Morrell, repairing bridgo nearAnna Ogdoul} comer, and bridge

, a t Morrisvillo Holmdel — . . . . . . . . ,583Lovl Scobey, agout,' building' three

bridges near Slocum’s brick yard,■Atlantic}.. . . ................... .* L.

281 D r D M Forman, autopsy oh body of ' W H H a rt . . . . i .

285 Wm H Chamberlain, labor an d .ma­terial fo f b r id g e 'a t I’rospbitowu . mill. Upper Freehold. . . . . . . . , >

280 Job ' KltUift, labor and nmieilal on Khof to’a bridgo: W all. -

Kittell, Kx^t-piling for Corpou-

. 25 00

180 94 800 0 00

48 00 . 10 14

1 00


150 00

. 49 41'

26 85

1(0 00


149 65 11 28

6 005 006 00

5 00

5 00

r 5 00

.5 00

.5 00 •'"5 00

5 00 5 00

>8 00

59 50 63 00

59 50 ,225 OO

88 50 63 00 81 75 4 0 (10

60 00

59 50

5W0060 00 60'00

1500 00 5 14

750 00

J 25 75.

60 00

91 50

’45 60

81 2521 75

44* 60 7 88

225 00

38 50 -71 60

190 00

3 50

\ 93

22 68

101 25 10 23 2 80

’82 00

4 6038 70 20 00

61 08

•15 0076


' 38 70

80 00

117 00

42 68

21 00 . 4 60

39 00 98 00 24 24

91.57 63 00 8 00

60 96 1 80

10 7$


’ 31 GO

82 88

29 86

80 00

21 00

40 40

60 ip

400 00 45 24

287 J o b ____^ ter b r id g e .^288 Freeman Camp! > ■ case,foes....

L.witn’oss i ^ y s t^ r

01 03

43 80

235 00

80 0J-

4o 87

27 40"


4 50,

289 Cortoulus Patterson, 0 11. accountcontract for driving;and 'log piling on Union bridge-, m i l . .V-

290 Jam es L AUgcr, witness in oyster - T'case, fees.'........ .•..„■ '* 4 60

200 00 '

work‘ for‘ bridgtr, , W all.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . . . . ' 4 5 5

293iCharies Eldridgo, work on Miller’s . - S_. ^ UPPer Freehold... '49 70293-D G Campboll, repairing, bridgo on

. plank road, Midulotown..-........'294'AugustusSmythe, janitor, sa lary ...298 O W Thompson, agent, cemeut for

- Casler’s bridge, Eotoritowu and ■- , Shrewsbury v . . . . . . . ...........

290 C W Thompson^ agent, cement for M dge, Ocean , '

62 ? 45 6

2^7 T ^,9o-ftc {:n.b'Js}‘'. Oiling" abutinDnts A, J McCIetw, labor and "material on

uuuacKenoush, tilling a ■or TenEyck bridgo (U), 1 , J McClees, labor and me bridgo, Middletown . . . . “

299 Wm Spinning, patching, ono cnlvort ’ ' and building ono new, Slirewsbury

800 Daniel Hoff, work On drow-bridgo,Matawan and Raritan.. .7 r.. ,

801 Cloy Woolley, constable, fee s . . . . . . . .802 pharles Gortlen, work on bridge near ,

. Sharon, Upper Freehold803 Robert VanOrkey, work ou MlMs..?--

Run bridgo, Uppel* Freehold;.. . . .301 Wm II Howartl, attending draw­

bridge throo months, Matawan "and Raritan ............ .

305 Orlando Warden, carting for Littlo Silver bridgr — ------


47 68 '

30 08 12 76 .■


112 00"U 10 31

31 98 . 4 85

800 Timothy White, w^Vk on bridge.Shrewsbury. . .7 7 ; / . . . ' . ; ......... . -

807-George Jbhnnon, repairing bridgoU|>per F r e e h o l d ..............

308 N V Cottrell, work on camp-meeting bridge and material, Matawan'.. . .

809 Georgo H Walling, work on abut­m ents of abovo bridgo, Mata Wan..

310 Augustus Bowne. work ou Parker,Creek bridge, Shrewsbury

811 Wm Stricklin, work on two bridges.Freehold ................. 7 ...

312. H B Pitcher, work on Highland draw . ' bridgfij Ocean aud 51iddle{^wn..813 H B Pitcher, work on Oceanport

bridge, Eaton town , . i i . ;314 H B « Pitcher, work on Casier's,

Throckmorton’s nnd Slaps’ iiridges . Eaton town, Ocean aud Shrews­b u r y .. . / ........................... ............

815 H B Pitcher, work on Jackson bridge,Ocean .............. . . . . .

316 John A Eaton, bridge material,O c e a n .. ..__ ; ...............; ........ ........

817 C W Thompson, agent, content forbridge, Middletown . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . .

318 W J Cottrell, locust piling for Long*- street’s badge, Ho\vell...................

319 Jam es W ErriekKon, stationery forCollector’s office.............................

320 Cook Howland, freeholder, «omi»on-sa tio n .....................

821 J C Lawrence, justice, fees..’. . . . . .322 Wm F LeRoy, printing auditor’s aud

collector’s reports...............323 C B Wagner, Freeholder, compenso-

t i o n . , . . ............ ...............1124 Gt fleorgo Koinpson, priutlni^jiuili-

' to r's and collector’s reports 825 Wm W Cannon, board of Jury’ and

officers in case of Stato vs Rlcliard ,Kearney.......... ...................

320 L V Dey, painting bridgo, Manolapan 827 Job's H Cook; printltig.ariditor’s arid

collector’s rep o rts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338 Rev S Lockwood,county superinten­

dent, sa la ry ..;....... .: ..................... '829 D A Bell, printing auditor’s.and col-'•' lector’s reports.......«■■.,........... ...; •

830 Morford Taylor, repairing Taylor’dmill bridge, A tlan tic__

831 L B Williamson,, repairing bridgonear StonoTavern,Millstono........

332 Fred Thome, constable, e x c u se s ...333 John H Heyer, freeholder,. compen­

sation .......................................... .334 W O Smith, inquest on 'uukhown

b o d y .................................................335 W C Smith, inquest 011 body of Stak-

ennon...-.........7 . . . ..........336 Henry H Matthews, building bridgo

. near H V M Dennis’ .placo, Marl­boro................... ................. ■ ...:....

887 Neafle & Johnson, stationery forclerk's office....................................

838 Neaflo & Johnson, stationery forauditor's office.................... ...........

839Naeile Johnson, stationery for sheriff's office...................... ............

340 Neaflo & J olinson,. stationery forsurrogate's ofllce..'..;:^,........... .

341 J O Conover, services in Bult of Jer-neo vs Board of Freeholders and

• costs of d e fe n d a n t.. .. . . . . . . ; .- .......312 Dean & Westbrook, .no-half contract

for McLean bridge, Shrewsbury. . . .313 S,B Hinsdale, reporting and furnish­

ing transcript of notes in caso ofJernOe vs Freeholders............ ........ '

844 Samuol Gravatt, freeholder, com­pensation................................... ...... .

315 Jam es S Yafd, printing auditor’sand collector’s reports, $117; briefs State vs Gulick, $6 ; court calen­dars, $32; check lists nnd-rules of Board, 80; copies of case of Jemeo vs Board of Freeholders, $107 25.,

847 Benjamin Estell, locust piling for >,tRunyon's bridgo, Howell...............

317 JOmlma T Walton, burial of ElishaL Walton, a deceased soldier and - grave stones . . . . . . . . . . .......

818 F M Vaudervoer, coroner, iu quest oubody o f unknown in fan t..............

849 F M vanderveer, coroner, inquest on .to d y of Wm Boato............... ..........

850 S’ M Vanderveer, coroner, inquest 011body of Roso H ughes....................

851 F M Vanderveer; corouor, inquest ou,b0dy of«J?rnnk M cD erm ott.....J..-

852 F M Vauderveer, coroner, inquest onbody of Ray Brown . ..................

853 C B Reid & Bro, Iron work fpr High­land Jbridgo, Ocoan and Middle-t o w n . .............................. ,

851 A C Hart, Indexing record books,sur­rogate 's o ffice.,................. : ...........

• - • JUNE 14.855 Johnson-& Morris, repairs to Rtoam

heating apparatus in court houseand ja il............ ... ..............................

850 Georgo Jackson-, expenses and servi­ces in criminal m atters . . . . . . . . . . .

857 Johu T Haight, collector, sa la ry ...858 Penfiold Bros,printing auditor’H and •

collector's roiKirts................359 R E Sliafto, repairing south oud of

bridgo by Shafto's mill, Wall..860 John Hampton, work on bridges aiul

. culverts, How ell...........................801 C W 'Brower, cartiug .for bridge, 1

How ell.................................862 John N Sutphln, work on bridges,

H o w e ll . . . . . . . . . . . ...-:........-...........*SG3 Theodore Fields, board of prisoners,

May ’8 8 ....... ...................,...........86-1 Isaac N Sutphln, work, on bridges,

• iiow eii......... ....................... ...............805 Wm H Vaun, work on b rid g e , IIovj'-

800 John-T OqUrell, carting for bridge,vHowoll ............... ................ ii

807 Dovereux & Burt, printing specifica­tions for bridge................. ..

8G8 Leonard & Linglo, printing auditor's -•' and collectors reports. ............ .

809 Genting & Co.grave stones for I^>on- .ard Goodrich aud John -W Lynch, deceased soldiers. .............. ...........

870 Alfred Cooper, work.and moterial on .Court.H ouse.............................

871 Wm W Hendrickson, work ou fac to ­ry mill bridge, Millstone aud Man­olapan . . . . . . . . .............. ..................

872 J C Davis & Co, burial-of LeonardGoodrich, iv deceased soldier.........

873-W E VanDykc, constable, expenses.874 Forman Riley, assisting detectives

iu case o f Robert H am ilton.. . . . . , ,875 Freehold Gas .Light Co, gas consum­

ed In Court Houso -jail, May,’88, 1 870 Georgo H Adams, work on Court

Houso ............ ...".......; . . 35 00877 F .M Taylor, printing auditor’s and

Collector's reports 117.00878 J J Barkalow, coroner, inquest on

o nbodyofM re D l i n k . . . . . . . . 30 93879 Cloughly, Nlcholl & Co, m aterial for

_ two brIdge8.Qc<ianf.......^.-,.2^ .,.~ .:..... -SftUW -38013 &’& J A Worthloy, work on K ing 's '

• bridgo, Shre WBbu ry . . . . . . . — .. 31 75881 Wicoff Barkalow, caro of Catharino

Applegoto. a . lunatic..........39 00382 J U Smock, lawn mower, fertilizer,

Ac, for Court House .19 31 ' 882>£ Robert A Hukertou, dotectlve,ser- 1 ~

vices anti expenses In Robt Ham­ilton m u rd e r . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .

883 Stevenson Wood A'Co, recordboOkiV ■ fo r odditpr and collector.. . . . . , . . .

881 Theodore Aumack,. sheriff, costs |u foreclosure w ilt.,

676 00

,.207 25

7 20 850 00

.10 71) •


.885 A A YaM, bridge Iunibor, Howoll. .. 880 E W.ArroWsnuth. fo r fe<$, notices,.

Ac, of Commissioners In Holmdel . - Turnpike m a t t e r ,

887 Jam es M Ayres, grave Btoue for ; Chas M Jncksou,a deceased soldier

880 Theodore, .Fields, carting rubbish aw ay from jail__ , . . . . 1 . . . . 7rr;- -

889 Jam es M Ayres, labor and materialin ja i l .. ......... ............ ....................

890 Austin Snider, treasurer, lunatics $ tA sy lu m -..,.; .. .. . ..............

.S9LJ M O Pprrluo, work In Court Houso


id‘bo80 90

320 00

and j a i l , ......... ......................892 J W 8 Campbell, cashier, discount

on Oounty'Note No 3 .893 Wm Flltcroft, bridgo timber, Howell

. JUNE *??. ^ ..................394'^ .V .Arrowsm^li, school examiner,

895 S T Hampton, court constable, fees. 806 Wm H Davis, bodrd ■ of witnesses In- ;

. K o a n i e y - c a s o . , . . . .......897 J Frank Patterson, Court constablo,:

feo s ..... ......... .......................... ...898 George Cooi>er, sucvoy; and maps of

Highland bridge, Ocean, aud Mid­dletown- . * ......... .................

899 Carton A Co. lumber for bridge' nearP Crawley a, Itarltou.....................

400 Daniel HofTa, work on abovo bridgo,- R a r i ta n .. . . : . . . .........................

.401 Daniel Poljiomus. carting Tor britlgo.,s £atontbw n and Shrewsbury......... ."40 Jos Dangler, work-on bridge, Eaton-• •.- ^ to w u r . ...........4C8 E I I Bodle, bridgo lumlier, Raritan..

.{Continual on Fourth ]>age,)

208 27 38 27

14 0080 50

Page 2: Stoves, Heaters. Ranges^ Heal Estate and insurance. · 2014. 4. 2. · paint store, or received by mall, will bo promptly ... Architect & Builder. Bulldlrfg plans oxeouted and all




” ‘ i u SBrtw.' "". ’r


t. K. WALLAC*.- , „ „ .7 ia ,MATne0NAVENU^----- T ” ~—KtW JERSEY.

- Entered as second-class flatter at. the Asbury_Park^, ____ £ js tn u $ & & m * a n & .U.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.1 yoar,In advanod,.— .*■ »*• * » vli.5^

.» 6 m onths,In adyanoe,..............v........v8 m onths,in advanoe,.. . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . 'Single oopiea,.. \

TO 00RRI8P0NDEIIT8,""W b B h a llb rp flaa to re c e lw ito m b <j(r .. - . . .‘ Qorfimuntoations on subjects of in te res t to th is

community. • *In writing articles lntendod fo r publication,

onr frionds w ill pleaso b ea r ln m ind th a t a Bhoot

litho* full**oamo arid address of th e w riter, no t'

rf ‘necessarily fo r publication b a t as a g u aran tee of good faith . Anonymous letters will n o t be noticed. ,- . . • ‘

Wo cannot re tu rn rejected communications, bnt w ill hold them for a Ilm ltodtlm elf requested tO.

All le tters Intended fo r the editorial o r ne\?B departm ent should be addressed to .the

E ditor of Th s J o u r n a l ahd Rktubpoan,' Asbnry Pa*k. New Jersey.


SPECIAL NOTICES.' O n th e label of e*eh paper w ill be

fonnd th e date .of expiration o f the- ■ubaerlptlon. I f th is date U wrong please notify as at oneej lr yon are In arrears pleaae rem it at onee.

H i s L a s t M e s s a g e .

The Philadelphia Press remarks that President Cleveland's message may be summarized about as follows :, ** The peopTe of this country have told me to

: get out of the White House and Ivm go­ing. Bnt ^ou will observe that I slam the door after me rd&l hard, there I”

The message sent to Congress on Mon­day is the snarl of ft defeated candidate. I t inveighs against the tariff and magni­fies the danger threatened by “ gigantio monopolies.” I t attacks the “ ^commun­ism of capital ” and by inference justifies the methods of anarchists; but in ali its

^^riticisms and fault-findings i t suggests no ,.method of reform. I t praises the work of the several departmepts, . not omitjing even Garland and the miserable

- - postal-fiervicb. - i t is. the last- message

New R ole a t tlie l ib r a r y .A t tho m eetings ofi tho trustees o f tho

l ib r a ry A ssociation a t th e ’o lo se -o tla a ta o a ^ son, the question was Boriously dlSduasCd relatlvo to a chango ln tho mBthoda o f th e M onflay * ovoning m eetings Wf th ltf W inter.' T here had been so m uch o f tho lig h ter c lass

^ f en to rta inm ontr both afc-tho L ibrary-nnd a t o th e rp lac e a f th a t it-w as th o u g h t a d visablfr to-gfVe to tho Library, m eetings mhro o f tho ed u ­cational tren d . . .- A t th e f irs t m eeting of th e tru s tees th is se a- ^ n r h e l d jo fn tly 'w ilH 'tho exemUlvb- com m it^ teo, a u d t h 01 fu lly 'co n s id o ro d a t a suhrcom - m lttoo meeting,- a n o ^ p lan w as arranged; looking to a chango for e v e ry evening ly-the, m onth th a t should give varie ty an d in stru c­tion by aw akening an\ In te rest in tho s tu d y o f history, aoience an d lite ra tu re , leaving one. cvehlng—ftio reg u lar p u b lic—for th e b e tte r class.of p opu lar e n te rta in m en t in the J lg h te r readings, rec ita tions and m u*l6. 3 / ’ ^ :k;

The new order went In tq effect M onday ovoning, and though n o t generally know n o r woll understood, thero w as a good audience, an d the exercises wero pronounced by a n um ­b e r to havo been o f moro fflan o rd in ary in te r­est.. A t least m any of those p resen t Bhowcd tho lr appreciation by p a rtic ip a tin g in tho in ­form al ta lk s on history.

Mr. W m. D. Pbnnypackor, presided , an d tho leadership was assigned f<j>r tho evening to Wm. F . leR o y . Owing to a w a n t of p ro ­pe r no tice — tho previous M onday being storm y—tho leader.sole^ted U nited S tates hls^ to ry , a s being moro fam iliar. Tho inquiry gau w ith the earliest au th en tic acco u n ts o f the occupation, of Am erica, th rough tho dls- covorles o f tho 15th century, tho nationalities, settlemontB, religious persecutions an d wars, down to th e adoption of tho F ederal C onstitu ­tion, ' ’ >

A t tho closo tho leader read a sh o rt p ap er o n the critical period during tbo tim e o f tlio* C onfederation,, show ing tho difficulties u nder which the S tates labored W ithout cen tra l gov­ernm ent to regulate comm erco, levy taxes, provide fo r an 'arm y a n d o th e r in te rnal affairs. Each S tato was jealous of tho o th er and thO' Inequality, b t rep resen tation was llkoly, to cause a perm anen t ru p tu re . Tho porlod ju s t beforo the adoption of the -Constitution o f tho S ta te was considered to havo been moro peri­lous than an y tlm o in our history.

Am ong thoso who wero m ost ready in a n ­sw ers an d suggestions wero Dr. A. F . Pawley, C ap t, Abr’am Baker, Capt. J . M inot, Mr. D. H. W yckoff, Miss E. A. Todd, M rs. Bakor, M rs. George and a num ber o f others. Miss E . A. T odd especially, gavo such accu ra te a n d detailed answ ers and inform ation tb a t sho may bo Baid to bo an au th o rity o n U nited S ta te s history. ’

S o c i a l e n t e r t a i n m e n t s .

This has been a busy Week o f social en te r­tainm ents. F irst began the L ib rary m eeting M onday b ig h t, of which a re p o tt Is m ade.

that Grover Cleveland, as President, will deliver to Congress and the people, and

--'-therein -lids ite only oommondablafeatnro*.J -

P o l i t i c a l S c h e m e r s . '

After opposing by all the means in tlieir .power the passage of tfib local op- tion law, and thon predicting that the law would be declared unconstitutional,

:pMfy adherents and sympathiz­ers aro now pretending to have a tremen­dous interest in this same illegal and un-

"---- -— righteous bugaboo.These samo people havo brought dis-

* crodit and contempt upon everything that relates to temperonoe and pjrohibi-

- > - tion, until the,use of either of these terms is regarded as a misnomer by the sincere temperance men and women of the coun­ty, and they will refuse to obey the beck

- and call of presumptuous leaders of the . Democratic annex.

If local option is to be defeated, ’about tho quickest way to do it is to allow the

“7“’“ -Prohibitionists to go. along in their own way and follow out their, mpjto^ which Boems to be “ rule or ruin.’1

The way to obtain its benefits is to keep this same crowd ont of all prelimi­nary arrangements looking tb that end. It iff bad policy to gi ve tho management qf those who have worked their hardest heretofore to ’defeat and cast con­tumely upon the very act they pretend to regard so favorably.

The tactics of Judas can’t-be worked to advantago here. Neither will the peo­ple look with favor upon the appoint-,

-m ent of*men upon committees who have given their time and money to elect can- didates'in sympathy with tho rnmsellers’ and brewers’ interests, and who. are now

. . working for no other purpose than a. sel­fish political and personal interest, ih

s "• toadying to their friends and allies of tho third party._ There seems tp be a well-laid plot that theso pet schemes must bo pushed through. And those who are dolfig the

. most grunting, whilo they enoouiage others ^o do the pushing, are the ones who will be holding up their hands and raising aloft their PharMcaTyoioes along about election time, telling the people to look and behold wliat they have done to relieve their fellow men from the “ thrall- dom of the drink traffic.” •

. BeVtere of them! t — -

S e n t e n c e D a y a t t r e e l i o l d .. On T hursday Ju d g e W alling, o t tljo-M on­

m outh C ourt, called u p tho several cases on record fo r ’sentence. F ran k Gulick, who. stood convlotcd of k ipp ing a disorderly houso a t N eptuno C ity in 1887, was Bontnced to pay a flno of 1300 an d costs, -or im prisonm ent for

- -*Otle y ea r and a day.O’ila g a n , Folllnsbeo and Borden, why wore

convicted of d isorderly conduot and outrages bn Jo se p h ' ‘ M cln ty re,' a tv O ceanvi 1 Ie^ fo r- felted their bonds by not appearing . M rs. Barrow s also forfolted her ball by falling to answ er when called.

' T h e G . A . I t . S t a n d s F i r m .

. Geril ^ a im p r^ o M to d la n a , a Sore and dls^ gruntled politic ian , haB been vory activo since

- e lection in sow ing eeeds o f discord in th a t grand organization o f veterahs. th e G._ A. R ,, asserting th a t i t was being usedbyuJhe,Repub-

1 llcans as a m achlno fo r help ing^aiong th eir cand idates. ' . , -

Laat week wo purposely o m itted com m ent on th e alleged difficulty, believ ing th a t there

,- / I w a s very little ground’for,tho ACtJgji. o f .Gen,, ? I’S lm cr a u d h ls followers In th u s ondoavor-

. ing^to creato a division in tho order. I f th ere ' was .an jT g ro n u d a t a ll fo r h is coarse, the

sam e could h ave been a s tru th fu lly sa id on tho othor side . < ... *Aa wo supposed , t^e ran k an d , file o f . tho

. Q. At ill. a ro i o o loyal to th eir O rganization' tb perm it-trifles to d lsln teg rato them . Tho

■fact now ap p e a rs th a t very few havo an y inclination to w ithdraw from th o old poats, and tho a g ita to rs will- receivo the cold shoftl* d er o f d isapproval if a n OffortalS 'm ado tO~

. ^puah an .opposition organ ization . ,

- T ho^o-triai of tho lndlctmpnts g a i n s t Frank Patterson has been postponed 'until the January term;" *, -r • -

elsewhere.'^T u esd ay n ight the ladles o f tho Reform ed Church know n as th<? H elp ing Ilkt/cTSociety^ oponed a bazaar a t E d uca tiona l H al I" w hich w a a 'c o h tlu u e d ~ tllIT h u rs d a i’r'o ^ e h In g .T h oh alL was a rran g ed very •‘'neatly With booths a*&d tab les fo r tho salo of fan cy goods, fru its .u tc : Tho m oat ftttffieilvo w as the evergreen bow er In tho cen tre fo r th e dltjpcn'sltig Of hom e-m ade Tcandy . W ednesday evening a bean supper was given, an d guessing on tho con ten ts o f a beaii ja r was begun a t S cen ts a guess, ono half_of th e proceeds g o ing to tho sutf&easful guesser. A n ice sum w as.realleed In a id ing the ladles as ‘'helpers” in church work.. Tbe oyster supper the L adles’ A id

Society of tho PrOsbyterlan C hurch a t L ibrary H all on W ednesday evening, w as em inently

A social affa ir and well a ttended . T ho supper was begun a t 0.30 and v isito rs kept the Aids busy u n til afte r 10 o 'clock. E very th ing was disposed of excep ting ono cake an d a fow pounds o f candy, which wero th en sold a t auction . The m ost p leasant featuro was the absence o f all form ality , ovcrybody seem ing to feel them selves a t homo, en tering in to tbo renew al o f old acqu ain tan ce and m aking now frionds.

W ednesday evening was tho sceno of a v e ry pleasing en te rta ln m o n t a t W estm inster Ghurohr n n d e r tbo'm ahAgom ent okM rs.- Wes­ley S tout, assisted by Miss Bello Greene. T he flrst p a r t consisted o f a can ta ta , “ Tho Tem ­perance N ine.” Tho “ B irthday P a rty ,” by tho littlo girls, was very natural," and the “ L ullaby.Song,” by Misses D essalet and M ar­iner, was-rccelved with m arked approbation . T he boys excelled them selves both with s in g ­ing and ac tin g th e ir various p a rts . “ Tho Old Oaken B a c k e t” was su n g by M aster M. Saw er with considerable credit. A ftor tho first p a rt there was to bo a tab leau “ G rand F in a le .” Tho co rta ln draw n back disclosed a table loaded w ith cake, cream , etc. In an o th er placo tables disclosed fancy articles to please tho tasto of ladies. A largo aud i­ence of ab o u t four hundred encouraged tho littlo folks. There will a lso be a gain o f a hundred dollars to encourage tho o lder ones.

A R e p u b l i c a n C o iijy rc s s -^ iw e ^ j;A ccording to tho re tu rn s m ado by tho Board

of Canvassers In tho several S tatos, a s given in , the Philadelphia iV m , th ere Is now n o d o u b t th a t thero will be a m ajo rity o f live an d possibly soven In tho IIouso of R epresenta­tives, and there is a m ajo rity o f tw o In tho S enate w ithout tho casting voto of tho Vleb President.

In N orth Carolina threo Ropublican con­gressm en were given m ajorities by tho can­vassers. T he d oub tfu l d istric ts of Louisiana and M aryland have also- been “given to tho Republicans. Two d istric ts in W est V irginia have beon conceded, and E v an s, th e R epub­lican c la im an t of one of tho- Tennosseo dis­tric ts , is prom ised tho ccrtiflcate from Gov. Taylor, a fte r a fuller consideration , a lthough ho had m ade.out one previously tp th e Dem o­cra t. . I f bo th aro presented , tho H ouse C l^rk will probably decline to receiv« e ith e r un til the question is decided. -W hatever the out- corrio ln Tennessoo, i t will n o t jeopard ize the holding o f a m ajority o f R epublicans in Con­gress. A llow ing th a t tho R epublican is seated , tfio Houso will a tand a s fo llo w s:

V R . D. State. -R,. D,— 8 Missouri, •' 4 JO"

— B Nebraska, 3 2 Nevada, 1 —:

—Now HarapBhirej -~r • New Jersoy, * 4 8 New York, JO' 15 North Carolina,' 3 - 6 Ohio, . 1 0 5 Oregon. 1* —'Pennsylvania,- 21 7 Rhode Island,

S t a t e . Alabama, Arkansas* -• „ . California, C o lo ra d o ,- - - - Connecticut, Delawaro,

(Florida, , Gfiorgla,- Illinois, 1 Indiana,Iowa,K a n s a s , ^ Kentucky,- 1 Louisiana; Maine,Maryland, . 'MassachuBOtts,


a l— l— 2— 10-ia ; 7 a 10

10 -1

2 . 01 B4 - p2 4

10 f}0 25 —


South Carolina; —. Tennessee, • ' 8

•Texas, . , *2?^/ Vermont, 2 K, Vii^in&,

Weat Virginia,* 2 2 Wlsoonsin, * 7 2

T o tal, iooi&S

' M e m o H a l S e rv ic e . _ 'A m em orial aorvlco w ilt bc^ F irs t M,

E* C hurch, S unday evening* a t 7.80, com ­m em orative of the . death o f R; H arry A p1- pleby.. T he pasto r w ill' p rea c h tho serm on, and. young, m en and frloiids of7dccoascd a rc Invited tp bo p resent; ''

> : N o t i c e . .

Tho Com m issioners o f A ppeal fo r N eptune tow nship Will m eet a t the L'akcT VJow House »Jn^Monda'yi Doo. 10, a t 0 a . ji. • *

A. HAnT, Township Clerk..-.

T h e pasto r, S. Ed . Young, will p reach in W o8tmIpster. C hurch Sunday niornlng and. evening. T he evening dlscoprso will b e ,th e th ird q f t iie series b h ^ ‘ B attles o f th e BTbio. ”■

T ho S an ita ry ABSoclatloo o f Now; Je feey is in session a t TrOnton, ' r f — ; ; .’v ;

A ‘W a n d e r i n g ’ H o m e .^)no of tho fam iliar c ra f t of B arnegat Bay)

is a trim little jlb ‘ and m ainsail sloop k now n as the M ia Lillie. Slio is porbaps-f orty-foot-| long, is bigh o u t of w ater an d the m odel do- notes a safe a iid staunclil sea boa t., Sho can never bo hired by flflhlng or. s a il in g . parties and is-Boldom Been in queat o f flab Or fgljow- in g -tho^isua l-occupatlons-o f o th er B arpegat yachts. -Tho.jff/ifa X«H* la.tho only hom o of hor ownor', C a p t AmOB G rant, a m an .of

p M t ^ yeara o l agdr H e w as born a t C edar C reekand .fo llow ed Uie w ator till h is life. B ut one m em ber of hla famllyj io now living and th a t iB.hJs marrlecl daughter, M rs. Lilllo, from whom; the yach t takes its nam e. A lthough a m an Of considerable-m eanB ho^haa fo r y ears m ado his; honio upon his vessel alo^o, an,d m anaging her oh tlro ly .by h im se lf .' Ho docs n ot pretend to w ork for hire, fo r th cro 'ls no O^Qesalty/but roam s ab o u tfin J 1I0 .llttlo s lo o p a t hla ’ o wn sw eet will. Som etim es ho will Btay for'Wooks in the v icin ity o f .B arn cg a tan d thefi'SUddonly p u t ou t to bo* an d head^for tho south , spend ing weekB (o V irg in ia w aters. W hen bo tiros o f thja ho w ill gq to Now York or up Long Islan d Sound, ju s t "as tho fancy tdkea him ; ’bu t, whothor a t sea o r In-harbor, in storm or calm , ho IS alw ays a lone oh his

C aptain Amoa, when a t hom e, m inglos free­ly with hla flaherm an frionds an d - is o f a sooiable and p ioasan t d isposition . Ho is by no m oans.a horm lt,(^ u t . f o i l o w s ^ f o .meLc- iy from his fovo fo r It. I l ls younger bfother, C apt. J o h n G ran t, follows tho w a te r at.B'ar- n o g a ta n d la notod f o ^ t r c n g th , cndurapce,

cap tiv a tin g conversational powers a n d a m ost gonial d isposition. ^

- T h e O b j e c t o f I t .

; LOst S upday m orning i t was announced in F irs t M. E . Church th a t a list of th e m embors of tho church w ould bo p rep ared a n d hun g In tho vostibulo n e x t 8unday showing, by a su it­able m ark o^poslto oach namo, thbso \^ho had-contribntcd u p to d a te and those who had not. Tho o b jec t b t tho b u lle tin -Is n o t to black lis t any m em ber. The F irs t M. E. Church has only adopted a system th a t has been in uso fo r several yoara: in n n um ber of churches^ in the New Je rsey Conference, Broadway M. E. C hurch, C am d o n ; St. L uke’s, Long B ranch, and o thers th a t m igh t bo nam edr W ith tho onvolopo system m lstakos aro not nnfrcqueotly m ado in n o t giv ipg credit to thoso who havo pa id .” In o rdor to avoid this, as n o receipta aro g iven to m em ­bors who pay, a bulle tin co n ta in ing th e nam e o t overy m em ber o f tho Church Is m arked With a cross opposite to Bhow t h a t such mem- -bor has paid. I f the cross is n o t th ere then inquiry a t onco is m ado and th e co rrection follows. Thoso who havo n o t p a id are, left blank. N o am o u n ts aro credited, so th a t the mombor w h o g lv e s t ip e r year recoives as much credit a s tho ono who gives $50 o r $100. T h $ sensa tiona s e n t to New .York papers abou t tho excltom ent an d Indignation o f m em bers, e tc ., o rlg lhatcd w ith som e Bohe­m ian who was h a rd u p fo r “ nowa.”

A S i n g u l a r A ffa ir .P hil Daly, the* n o ted .gam bler, w aa tho^ ccn-

tra l figure In a pecu liar affair in Now York on las t M ondaylafternoon. • T he fac ts th a t a re positively knq tfn are these D aly staggered Out of a honso in F o u rth avonuo with blood s tream ing from a bullet w ound bn-tho sldo of

Tils head. The shot had been fired from In front of him an d had ploughed a d eep furrow threo Inches long. Tho skull was n o t In jured and tho wound, whloh w as n o t serious, waa soon dressed. H e said th a t a w om an nam ed Stanton had sen t him a qoto saying thatBOme- onb w anted to seo him on im portan t business, l ip d id n b t know the wom an, b u t w ent to see w hat was wanted. Shortly a f te r en te ring her room s two mon auddonly stopped o u t o f an ad jo in ing room , and poin ting a p isto l a t h im , dem anded bis valuables and money. H e had ab o n t *3,000 fn caBh, a |900 gold w atch, a $500

-diam ond and & large am oun t v f bonds, and ho determ ined to flght for thom. Ho sp ran g a t tho m an and a t tho sam o tim e orfe o f them - flred tho shot. T hey th en tu rn ed and fled, and In his dozod couditlon ho c on ld n o t over­take them . T h e wom an S tan ton an d ano ther nam ed H hm niond, both of im m oral character, w ero .arrcstcd , b u t would say nothlng.__On tho o ther hand peoplo say th a t Dqfy haa been a frequen t visitor to this honso, pnd tho police d oubt tho s tory th a t ho tells. » .•«-

No trace o f tho two m ^n has been" found, no f aro tbo detectives able to form a f l ld e a a s to th e ir Identitly . Tho case will com e u p In c o u rt th is (Kriday).m orning,

A N e w I c e C o m p a n y . .Tho M onmouth^ Ico C om pany w aa in co rp o ­

rated In Novem ber w ith tho following m ana­gers : Thoo. W. M orris and F. B . Conovor, o f Freehold, and J . E. R alph an d Goo. W. Byram , of A sbury P ark . I t will deal exclu ­sively in Lako H opatcong Ice—noted for Its p urity—and will have storago houses a t Sea Bright, LongB ranch, A sbury P ark , Red Bank, F reeho ld ap d South Am boy. Tho A sbury iCark houso will hold 5,000 tons an d will be located a sho rt d istance north o f tho A sbury P ark W ater W orks pum ping s ta tio n . .Tho com pany will sup p ly local dealers o r consum ­ers and will c a rry a s to ck of from 20,000, to 23,000 to n s a t all tlm es. *■ . ■

C l i a n c e p f T i m o ,

A sligh t chango in tho tlm o o f t^vo tra in s takes effect on M onday next. /T h e m orning mall tra in will leavo A sbury P a rk fo r Now Y ork a t 0.56 instead of -7.02, and tho C entral express leaves a t 7.55 Instead of 8.

N eptune Com pany’s U oings.A t tlio'busTneSJfm eetin^of N optuno E ng ine

Co., No. 2, hold a t tho lr room s W ednesday nlgbf, It was decided, to have tho lr A nnudI Social on tho evening of J a n u a ry 16th, 1889. Tho en terta lnm ont com m ltteo was a lso au thorized to glvo a banquet to tlio wives o f tho mombora and tholr frjoqds som e tin \e d u r­ing th e w inter. T he business concluded, the m em bets partook of tholr m onthly ropaat o f chow dor a n ^o y a to ra . " . .

A d jo u rn ed M ee tin g .'A n ad journed tfaeW n^of tho Com misalon-

erff o r Appeal fo r ‘tiji0^ 'B0¥0ugh;W 'A SU afy P ark will bo hold a t ,P a r k H all, M onday, Dec. 10, a t 10 A. m . . , ‘ ' ' •

t - T lie JButclier B i r d / ..."■. ^I f you wish to seo h o ^ th o b u tch e r b ird

trea ts i t s victim s take a look a t t h o ^ j^ lo w In B ird’s K nickorbooker M arket, whero th is g rea t Am erican ehrlko,. as know n b y 'na iu ra l- i'jts. liaa ' impalod on a branch of th o rn s a num bor o f sm all birds. t.

Tho shrike .belongs to tho o rder paiscres. Tho len g th of tho b ird is 10 Inches, ex te n t of wing 14 Inches, very strong. I t has a peculiar bobbing m otion and ' je rk in g of thb tall. I n a ttack in g its proy it pitohos dow nw ard with- closed w lnps like a haw k, and seldom*falls in its pp rpose. ^16 devours Insccts, m lcc an d sm all b irds, wh Iclj it .'Impales o n tw igs o r tborfi b u sh o v (^3 soon in ' tho w indow ) whero" thoy rem ain u n til the fyutohor b ird ls^ ready fo r h is meals. . v , 1

_— -------------> ’ r - — 7 * . .

To E le c t p illcors. v ;r' The annual m ooting of th e B oard o f T rado

will bo hold at>its roqm s o n MattlBon avenue,' W ednesday evoning ndXti, Deo. 12. t i e o ther business, * thoro^will bo an elootlon o f ofllcera 'tor tho qnsulng yoar. I t ,1s desired th a t evory m em ber shall be pr^sont.j^''

, Thorq sooraa to bo a lull* In the co n tes t f o r ttfo A ebury P tfricjosti officol .

A New^ F e a tu re in p o litics .The nearness to an e ia c t balance between

tho tw o p a rties—tho changing o f loss’ th a n oao th ousand votes in 1884 w ould have elected M r.’ B la in b ^ m ad e tho canvass beforo the la s t oleo- tion ono o f unrisual intoroBt, and w as calcu­lated to b ring o u t tho m ost activo a u d ener­getic Workr>- > :.......• r-In view “o f thl^ closo vote a n d th rtto f iiro to m ako tho cauvaea a n anflured 'bucccbs; a lttiw fea tu re w as in troduced lnjpjollUos, _vIzj_tho. ap p b ln tm b n t o f ah .A dvisory Committeo.;by the N ational Comm 1 tteb,'^‘as^authbrl^ed a t tbo C hicago cfonventlon. Tho roault o h o ^ s the Wisdom o f tho m ovem ent, an d t h a t th o selec­tion m ado was1 a good ono, 4 •••'• •

E arly in tho canvass C hairm an Q uay and his associates, a s tro b g N ational Com m ttteer consulted , w ith roforenco t o those advisors, and fixed, u pon a cholco o f representative business m on w ho should a c t as a sq rt of w ays.and m oans, for raising funds a n d pro­v id ing tho legitim ato oxponses for spoakers, publication and^all tho requirem bnts- of tbo cam paign. Thla cijjlim lltea w as m ado u p o f m on of ih o h ighest character, personally ahd In bualneSp, such qs Jo h n W anam aker and ThomaB D olan, qf Philadelphia ; Jam es Solig- m an, Cornollua N. BIIbb, H. K .T h u rb o r, II. O. A rm our, W m . L. S trong, Jo h n F. P lum m er an0-A uguBtu8 ltountze> of Now York, with m en In equal stan d in g in the o thor largo cities.

’W ith J o h n W anam aker a s '. l ts chairm an, this,A dvisory Board w ont a t I ts w ork with d irec t and u nrelen ting labor. Tho co-opera­tion of aux iliary com m ittees w aa secu red lrr the im p o rtan t tow ns by m canafol a c ircu lar le tter sen t out. Com ing from suoh a,fiQj}rc(^ tho response was earn est and ro c lp ro ca ir' T h o w ork of tho Cam paign, was th u s unlflod and inado,m ost efficient, b rlpging to b ea r all the Im portan t forces In d lrec t. co n ta c t w lth tbe peoplo. I t was a cam paign of intelligence of tho best ch arac te r, an d successful.

— ? ~ z r w i i y N o t a t S c l i o o i v

Alm ost an y hour ln the d a jM u r ln g echopl hours m ay bo aeon from ono to a dozon lads and half g ro w n y oung m en Idling aw ay their timo o r p erhaps engaged In do ing som ething th a t is m ore o r le s s 'o fa vicious na tu re .

I t Is presum ed tho .paren ts o f these boys know of tbo ir w hereabouts and how they a re engaged. I f n o t tljoy should know, an d a re cu lpably neg ligen t a s p aren ts o r g uard ians fo r tholr m isconduct. Thoro is n o th ing so dem oralizing as Idleness. It* Is the m other of vIco and leads to law -breaking. How indif­feren t p aren ts appear in th is m attor, leaving their"b o y s too often to seek society on the s tree ts , they know n o t whero, u n t\l they aro past reform or havo con trac ted hablttr th a t can never bo effacod. Many boys o f n a tu ra l­ly good h ab its and m anners a ro th u s co rru p t­ed, and frequQntly led Into w a y Q ^ a t prbvo a sorrow to thomsolves and frlerids.- .

N o one, however poor, can afford Ib’ t h l r d a y rto fall ^in secu rin g , an education . O u t free Infltltntlnnfl are bnned fo r tbolr;porpotulty on tho enlightenm ent of tho pooplo, an d there­fore schools bavo been establlahod in neArly all of the S ta tes th a t a ro absolutely ffeo to ail. Tho p o o r ha^o tbo - sam o prlvllegoa w ith thb1 rich a u d th ey can only bo d ebarred from thca*) advantages by the(r own ueglctat;

— T b irv ic tn l ty h asT rab licB ch o o lr of the .best kind. “ T tb m th e lo w e s t grade p rim ary j o the

Tilgh school} all tho dopartm bnts aro provided withj experienced teachers who glvo th o tr a t ­ten tion only to tholr p arttou lar work, th u s In­su rin g tho ijest- reauUs. Therb is no possible excuse for anyone n o t a t w ork Or otherw ise engaged; fo r n o t a tten d in g thoso schools, P aren ts a re opening the way for fu tu ro trou ­ble and sorrow for tbomBolvcs an d ch ild ren if the|r neglect those p la in Ratios. J u s t so su re- ly as d irt will dofaco or p itch defile, so will Idleness leave its .b anefuL m ark and th o w ant of education d e trac t from the usefulness of the lives o f thoeo children .

L in c o ln T o w n s h ip ,I t is know n to com paratively few residents

o f M onm outh county to-day th a t a tow nship called “ L incoln” once existed in th is county . Ocoan township, before- N eptuno waa c u t off the so u th end of it, was a long and rathor n a r r o ^ te rr ito ry , ex tend ing a long tbo coost ftom Shark R iv e r-to Sandy 'llooK T ’* In 1807 tho Lcgltilaturo c u t Ocean tow nship in two, b u t th e d iv id ing llnfc was a zlz-zag, worm fonco lino th a t, in a general way, ran.parallol with thfr ocoan, beginning where Mill brook em pties in to Shark River and en d in g a t tho Shrew sbury. Tbo easte rn a tr ip reta ined the n am e-o f Ocean and the western s tr ip was callcd Lincoln. Tho division w as o u t o f all ’foSiion and justice , an d w a s m ad e for p artisanpurposes. Tho Legislature of 18G8 repealed tho a c t and the sp ind ling township, d ied when It was b u t a year old. ' - ;

Do' You W in d ’em Up ?An o rderly sergean t In tho engagem ent?-at

ChanceUorsvllloJ now a rosidout o f A sbury P ark , was rep rim anded by*fits superio r officer for unduo lev ity a t a critical tim e, w hen tlio tu rn in g of tho t ld o o f battlo w as as likely to g o p n o way as the other. Th'o said orderly laughs over thb circum stance y e t wbcnevpr ho th in k s a b o u t It, an d says if ho had been shot for it, ho1’ could not havo k ep t from laughing.

The two lines wero draw ing In to closo q u ar­ters, tho N orthern mon p ro tected by rlfle-plta from which they*raked the robol reglm ont w ith terrib lo effect, Tbo S ou thern mon were ordorod to a charge^ o u tbo rlflo-plts. They, had rocelvod ono volley, and supposing the entronohod “ Y anks” m ust s to p to reload , o r to “ fall back and com e again ,” a s was abme- Ume8 tho ouatom w hen arm ed w ith com m on rlflea tho rebel com m ander urgbd his m en to a renew ed charge. • “ *"• . '

The echo, o f tho flrat .volley had scaroely passed away, and as tho advanco waa pushing t^p to w ithin a fow y a rd s o f tho lino, tho- sec­ond volloy was poured into tho ran k s o f tho enem y, lite ra lly b reak ing the f ro n t *of tho coltinfn. One tall m ountaineer, ab o u t the size b f o u r n ig h t w atchm an, was n o t touched, and T rails headlong courso did n o t a to p un til ho had reaohpd tho very fron t o f the ea rth ­works. #

Seeing a score of bright Wlnchestor’a with tholr muzzlos'in raugo, ho cried out, “ Yanke, don’t shoot I I juat want to ask ybu a qnes; .tlouv^Ila ynu w ludthau\.tbluga up?”—• The question was asked ln such a comical manner that It created a^ roar of laughter, which tho officer in commair thought was out of place. • He did not take "In the jbko.

The Pem borton will caao ia a g a iu ^ o b a n ^ cory, thla tim o * o n a ; Bt^JJoment. o f eoeto, which am o u n t to $3,000, ab^ wera"ord6re<l to b e takon o u t o f p r o p e r t y . A dm in istra to r W oolley cn d ^Jrb red to Bccuro It by a ttach in g fu rn itu re ot/JAre. P em berton. Sho cla im s— no d oub t, jrtit ly —th a t tho fu rn itu re never be­longed to h e r mOthor. lio n ce th e Chancery su it. '• ..

. . i |r . Bradley In introducing‘8 onator Novius at the groat mass meeting a t Educational Hall, referred to him as " a future New Jorsby Governor." In tbla connection a contempor­ary speaks of him as a good.soldior who “ per­formed valuable service to tho Grand Arihy by his successful efforts In wiping o u t Jho largo indebtednuss incurred 'under a previons M n lIn tatra tio n .,^ ' - " ^

. The Pantcchnctheca coramltteo of. F lts t M, E .4 Church dealres to tendeir thanks to Mk Jainos A. Bradley, noLonly.fortb(/UB&of Ed- ucqtional-Hall, but also for b ir^encrous glft of brushes.' They’ doairo further to -thank ' thoso. who asftstpiHu making tho affair a sue- cess, espoolally/Mrs. NolHo C. ^fe^Nortwlek, whiMO collection of antiques and curios^wld- ed muoh to tbo bazaar.

M onm outh Courts.‘ ’ t ■ . 7


' "T 6 o second.of the indictm ent^ ag a in sM a s. L . Black, fo r forgery, wa^ moved o n W ednes­d ay m brnlpg , Nov. 28, a t th e closo of tho tria l, o n th e C am pbell n o te , _ T v ro ju ro re h ad b e e n ’ dro^ , ^ a h d w hen th o n a ln e o&4ho third"w as

'calfoS^ i t wasTbunH th a t h e w as eerving on th.o flrat case, aiid was locked tip w ith tbo others. M r. R. ~T.’ 8 tou t, connsel fo r defendant, in ­stated', that, as : th is m an’s namo w as o n - th o papor whloh had boon furn ished him as iho . list of ju ro rs to try th q cago», ho m u st bo p ro ; duced and-answ er to h is namo.( Ju d g e W alfc ln ^ Bald th a t in- h is ton years’ oxperionco o h tho bohoh no such question had^B?er arlsgn, and as ho had no p receden t to g u id e 'h im ,'th e caso.would havo to w ait u n til - th e :f lf t t ju ry had retu rn ed w ith tholr v erd ic tl

T h ls^u ry rem a in ed -o u t until* 8 o ’clock o n Thursday, m orning, Ju d g e W alling ‘and tho dofohdant had rem ained a t F reehold o v er night,' so: as to b o on haud 'W hon th o ju ry agreed. Aftor tholr verd ict of- d isagreem ent had beon entered they woro dism issed to e a t their Thanksgiv ing tu rk ey s a t th e ir several hom es. -

On F riday m orning a ju ry was sooured a fte r m uch squabb ling over challenges an d an effort to find o u t If W illiam n . S hafto ,,a brother-in- law of M r. Stoiit, had beo“n too freo Jn 'o x * pressing h is opinions Jabout the caso to o ther, jurors*, an d oddoavorlng to get an Vekobange of'Idea? from thom, - Ho was challenged by -the wtato. A ju ro r who had served on tho flrst caso was questioned a s J o - h is voto. Ho refused to answ or nnd w as BUatalnpd by tho court, \ ;

D efendant’s counsel raised tho sam o objee* trons ln thla as in lh irp recb d ltig COao, cla im ­ing ' th a t his c llo n t had been Indicted by a n lllogally-constltnted g ran d ju ry , oto., b u t the Court overrulod tbo m o flo n san d a llo w ed 'th o usual exceptions. ; ' ^ _

Tho tria l was proceeded with, an d tho .facts ' upon which tho prosecution basod their caso wero qs fo llow s: A no r $180 50, m ado hy Mrs. E lizabeth Davis, ow ner of th o W indsor, A sb u ry /P ark , payablo tp iho 'o rder o f U riah W hite, th reo m onths aftor da te ,.h ad boon d is­counted by tho Long' B ranch B ank ing Co., and credited to tho a cco u n t of U riah W hito. A t its m aturity In Ja n u a ry a renew al note for tho eamo am ount-w as d iscounted, b u t when tbla renew al eamo duo ln A pril i t was p ro ­tested. Mrs. Davis p ronounced i t a forgery, and said ahe.Uad g lvou tnono of these n o tes. She had b u s in ess . tran sactio n s w ith , U riah W hite, and owed him only $29 18 a t the d a to o f tho flrst note,

U riah W hllo co rroborated Mrs. Davis’s te s ­tim ony. Ho bad onjlorscd nono o f theso notes,^ind there was no record on his books of tholr ex istence.’ H._W. Johnson , cashier of Xho L ong Branch Bapk, adm itted recblvlhg thoso n o tes , and p a c in g them to the c r e d l t j r t U riah W hlto. l lo o llo vfid tlio s lghaU fre^ gong I no ,, bQ tJ \f t f r p ro te s t an d u ooiupurlHUU w ith 'o th o r signa­tu re s o f Mrs. Davis, ho th o u g h t thoy wero forgorlca. •*.. Danlol T . Amog. ^n expert,; occupied tw o hours on M onday m orning In t ry ing to oxplain tho m any dlHeron cos th a t appeared botwoon tho gcnulno and tho Im ita tion s ig n a tu res of Mra. Davis. t11Ib eyldenco w as weakened on cross cxam lnation , an d seem ed a s favorable to ono side as tbo other. . “ ;

F or the dofenso, Jam es L. Blaek denlod tho chargo of forgery, an d said th a t bo had n o t w ritten tho nam es of eithet1 M rs. Davis o r Mr; W hite to theso notes, and d id n o t know w ho elso could/havo dono i t If thoy d id not. H is recollection of the m atter was th a t M rs. Davis had given a note for in te res t op m ortgage an d a book accoun t, an d th a t th is no te had gono to tho bank and boon credited to Mr. W hite, a s th e bank book showed. Mrs. D avis h a d visited M f. W hlto’8 ofllce d u rin g tbo w inter of 1888 in regard to hor affairs, and witness b e­lieved th a t ho had signed tbo noto a t th a t tim e. I t was a v e ry a tbrm y day, and ho had sen t o u t for a stago to tako her homo.

Ju d g e W alling eamo to the help o f tho a s ­s is ta n t p rosecu to r and crbss questioned Hiack a t length upon thq transactions as they a p ­peared on tho books, I t w as a rollof to the prosecutor,JbccauBO,thoy had become so m ud­dled over their ow n quest lor\*s as to delay tho tria l. .*Gco C. Brown testified to going, w ith bills

to Mra. Davln, a n d though t th a t ho a lso took a note,, f o r signature.', On tw o occasions monoy was paid on accoun t.

Dr. IL 8. K lnm onth, « . W. T reat, L. E . W atson, Jo h n H ubbard , 0 . T . Bailoy, S. T. H am pton, and othors, wero called to a ttcs^ the; ch arac te r of tho d efo n d an t preyloiis tothoso charges. 'C

A fter.counsol had sum m ed u p Ju d g e Wa!? ling delivorod hia chargo. I t was particu larly sovoro o n tho dofendant. L aw yers adm itted th a t thoy had novor hoard auch a scath ing chargo from tho judgo before.: Tho ju ry was p articu la rly Instructed to convict, an d they d id I t a f te r tho flrst ballot, a lthough five bad voted not guilty . -Tho im pression am ong bjijjo seem ed tb bo th at a fto r such a chargo thpy wero liable to co n tem p t for flndlng an y o ther verd ict oxcopt gu ilty , ■

Tho defendant’s ball wa3 incroasod to $3,500, an d tho day of^sontcnco w as nam ed as D e­cem ber 17.

Mr. S tou t a t once gavo notice o f an a p p e a l to tho Suprem o Court.

W ill.Speak to Y oung M en.A dolegatlon o f young mon from Pfincoton

College will com e to A sbury P ark n ox t S un­day a n d will speak a t 4 o ’clock r . m ; lu E d u ­cational Ila ll, under tho auspices o f th e Y oung People’s C hristian U nion .

In tho ovohlng a t 7.00, th o y will speak fo r tho Y oung Peoplo’s C h ^ t ia u U nion , a t tho P resby terian Church. All, persons in terested a n d especially young m on aro cord ially in ­vited to a ttond thoso services. ______ )

^ C o n v e r t e d .

Ono o f tho B taunchost Bupportors tho tlilrd p a rty proh ib ition ists havo had waa Rev; 8am . Sm all, tho noto0 ovangellst. Ho_h‘as ev idently profited by e x p e rie n ce ,-fd r a t a m eeting in C hickerlng H all, New York,, las t S unday, b e threw a bom bsholl in to his ow n cam p.. H ero Ib p a r t of w hat ho sa id :•- I don’t believe in N ational P rohibition poli­tics. J le ro a f tor I am going to h ave somo- th in g ..p m e tica i„ ab q ^ t „piy princftgvji^Rbput, myivdfo an d ab o u t w hat l -d o r 'vrino lp lo }s worth m ore to mo than all t ltb 'lm rtle s th a t ev e r-tram p ed tho globo. T ho^lquor dealers d o n ’t caro for party . Thoy elect, the m an th a t will favor tholr eauso. of w hatever party they m ay be^ I d o n ’t bellovo id lettln g th e dovil’su tow tihget ahoftd of mo on a p roposi­tio n of coifimon sCnso. ,,, VVe Prohihitio.nlRts hftvo hnld thfi balance o f

.power in flftyHwp Congressional d istric ts, an d we m ight have uped our powor to -h av e , m en p u t in to offioo favorable to prohib ition . B u t tno Prohib ition p arty has constan tly run independen t tiokoto, instead of jo in in g with som e o th er party , and as a consequence wb representation . W o have a lso held the ba lan ce of pow er In several of !iho States, b u t wo havo lost ou r o pportun ity bocauso we

Jiave Placed p arty above princip le . Natl&n- a IlyMI th in k all; tbo flow eryi.ijbseate Ideas o f having al Prohib ition P ^ y ld b n t, an d o u r m arching Up to -th e W hltv^llouso and.dTink- ing his health iq puro cold water, will not^ho realized f o r a long tlmo,- //

If,- as‘ Prohib itionists, you can $0,in w ith othor parties,, jo in them , an d C M wnl bless th e com bination. I t is be tte r t h a t tho saloon ghould go ^han th a t tho Prohib ition , p afty

'should como. . --

T he C horal U nion. .......The^sbury Park Choral. Union will mod

noxt Wedtfesday evening at the Carlton,- cor* ner First and Bergb aVopues. - AU merabeis aro.destrod to bo present. ’-X-;

A .w asted toothaoho—‘f c o e s nobody w an t $0 b e y a k o d up parJy^ toflnorrow J ' w N o . ” “ T h a t’s a 'p i ty > ^ b a v i such a ' toohiaohe th a t I c a n ’t’sleop.” ' ’ , . ' '

y \ .......-

^O eal I n s ta te C o n v e y a n c e s .L is t of conveyances, M onm outh C ounty

C lerk’s 'o ffice , fo r tbo w eek en d in g Deo. 1, 1888:'- .

ASBUBT PARK.Henry Kroohl tb George F. Kroehl—lot Aabury

Park. $1. . ' ’ ■ ■James A. Brddloy to KUxHbettrTT. Wilson—lo t at

Aabnry rarlcrf800r‘1— ----------- “ iu*------ -— — “, 0Atah M. Weetbrootto.M ary.Ilcccroa^-parlH of- lota 1,014, l ,0ir. and 1.010. 81 r%0.-

MOrgarot It. Dietrich to Frank rnwloy—h art of lot 018, M.000. . . .......... ..... -------- -—obaATI OROVB^ y,- -

T. A. ObdfVby to Ti Wi IJHftgoro-'lel^022;aiid 623. 52,050,■ 8am otosam d—lois030andC21. 81. , .

Thoo. W. Lillagoro to Lewis P. Tlbbals—loW 02Q and fi2l. 81,200. - * •

Same to pamo—lots (522 aurt.023.'81,400. “ • VT ' Lizzie ICennoy to-Dftvld II, Dntea ct al., E x’r a -

undlvided ^ o t lots and 7H. f li •Llisaio Kenney to enlllo J. It Bates—undivided

H same property.181. •Mary Jane Beoly to LIzzioKeunPy—p art of same

property. 85. , j .CatbatlnrinrstisTb'-M atnila'J.'Dubbs^lot'l 88r

81. ’ ------^ v . ...Jane K, Cummings to Hiram H avls-undlndfla

% of lot 726, 8300v /r__^ ; - • • .-. ' i . '. NBPTUriB TOWNSHIP. . -. t

Wm. A; Harveys7 by Adm’r. to Frances M. TH: ton~lo t Neptune toivnshlp. 822c. •

Same to Caroline Tucker—lot Neptuno township,

Lizzie L. Stout to Hairry F, Harvey—lot West AabupyPark: 81,0001.

F. Q. Burnham . to Fjcdcrlck Seliock—lot,West Asbury Park. 8900. . , -

Kate McDermott to P. J. Broltler-Mot Neptune township. 8850. -, Zenas Ml.HOwland to T hopas B. Height—12 IB- 100 acres, Neptuno township. 8«08. ‘ • r"Stephon TT Wllietls to J M w l u B o l l e s —lot

Neptuno township. 81. *” '■Knos D, Trymby d al.. to Clara RcHett—lot 873,

Key East. 81,200.Kdward G, Buchanon tb Tbb flea Shore Electric

Railway Co.—lot West Asbufy Park. 81.Emily L. Blackall to ’Aiudo S. Batchelor—lot

1W, Key East. 81,000..............’ . ...MlSCBLLANBOt's.

Wm.‘ Lackey-to-Leon Cottontln—lot a t Long Branch. 8700, - .

John W. Cook to Wm. E. JciTroy—lot a t Long Branch, ^coo.

Daniel Dodd cl al., to Jeste Cook da l.—lot at Monmouth Beach. 8100.

Michael .Uennessy to samb—same property.8200.,

Waiarren Brown, by sheriff, to Wm. Spader—lot at Matawan. 8500.

Wm. F. Gfavatt to Charles 8. Debow—lift; 17-100 aercs, Millstone township. 850. ’ 15

Charles 8. Debow to i la ry Gravatt—samo- prb* perty. 850. •

Andrew F. Yannote to Anhlo C. Vannote—lot at Manasrpian. 81. ..

Abnlo O .Vannoto to Andrew F. Vannote—lot at Manasquan. 8100,■ Wtq, Hpador to John' Curtis—lot Itarltan town­

ship. too.Ann P. Walters to Sarah Verity—lot'a t KeyporL:

■Wm. It. Maps el'al., to Ephraim Bell—lo t a t Long Branch. 8300. - ;• .

Brielle Land Association to Jacob Fiold—lots at Brielle, 81. • ■ * -* . •

Deborah a . Ely to James It. Ely— lotMU&tono township. 8100. ’ * ; . .

Samuel 8. Thoxnell to James Wnsblegton—lot Long Branch. 81,300. . —

Shephard Kollock, by sheriff, to Jane B*Borden —lot Ked Bank. 81,0M).. Wm. II. Manahnn to D. Sansbury Dangler—23 C8-100acres, Shrewsbury township. 8500. ....John F. Dangler to D. S. Dangler—11 &1-100 acres, Shrewsbury township. $1. — >

Samuel L. Tucker to Charles F . Adams—lot Middletown Point. 81, ■ '■

Charles F. Adams to Josephine Tucker—samo property. 81. . • -

Peter C. Morton, by sheriff, to Wm; Allen—2 01- 100 acre*, Wall township. 8525. '

Briello Land Assoclailon to Johu J. Behringer —5 lots at Brielle. 81,000.

Benjamin C. Whlto to Cathqrlno J. W hite—2 lots a t Eatontown. ?4.200, . .

IlM aruariit Grillin to James L. TVrtnihe—‘ 222-100 acres. Freehold township. 82,170.

Eugene Walling to J a m e s M.' Butler—lo t a t Koyport. 8150.

Cliarles P.Avest to Jam es II. Cronter—lo t a t Long Branch. 81. 1‘ Sarah T. Conrow. by Sheriff, to Edw ard Wat- linK—lot a t AtlantUmllQ. &l.QOO. ^ j

Cornelius Osborn to Georgo Hanco, J r.—lo t o t Red Bank. $100, , ,

Ocean lo. $800. •John C. Shaw to Charles Lapin—4 lots a t Long

Branch. $1. .. ^ .........Charles Lapin to Lizzie A. Shaw- 4 lot3 a t

Long Branch. 81.Philip L. Moyer to Wm. I. Preston—4 lots a t

Long Branch. $50,000.Jam es T. Allen to Lydia Goblo— land in Wall

township, '8100.Lydia Goblo to Sarah It. Frazee—IB acres in

Wall township. 81.Samo to Jam es A. Frazeo—lot o f land In Wall

towpsbip. 81.D’aniol Williams to Danlol M. Voorhees—lo t In

IIowoll township. $ia.7G.Jo h n Newman Thompson Tr^Newman—5

21-100 acres In Wall township. $100.Georgo W. Newman to 8auio—4 28-100 acres in

Wail township. 8100. ' - ........:'r ................ . "T •John Nowman to samo—0 71-100 aercs In Wail

township. 81. • • . • .Hulda Tilton to same-^O 25-100 acres In Wall

township. 8100. ' . ' _Kdward Maloney, by sheriff, to John W. Her-

bort—farm in Marlboro town«riin. 8.‘).00i).'- Elizabeth Matthews to John Alfred Matthews

—11 05-100 acres in llowoll townsiiio. 8110.50.Wm. M. Force el al. to Jessie McK. Swa*n—2

lots a t Lako Como’, $i,212.50.Jam es G. Ivins to Lavlnla IL Hosovear—0

88-100 acres in Raritan township. 81,500.Margaret Woolley td Annlo E. Woolley et a ’.—

lots a t Long Branon. 82,500. ■' Samo to samo—lot. a t Long Branch;. $100.

Same to samo^ Izmir lim n oh. 81,000. Rhoda Stricklin tb Sarah V. Apnlogato~3

tracts o f land In'Freehold township. $1;Elizabeth H. Lloyd ft at. to H erbert D. Lloyd—

land In Raritan township. 81.: John Slocum to J . 11 oward ‘Slocum —3 lots a t Long Branch. 81,000.— ~~ r' “- ,■ J . Howard Slocum to Lotitia Ford—lo t a t Long Branch.- $t,000.

M. Howard Maps el al. tosam o—comet cry plot.$2<>. , .............. - • .

Robert Shafto-to Britton White.-Jr.—1 82100 acres In Shrewsbury township, phi deed. 860,

Frederick Park or,.-Special-.Master; to Aaron tracts of land in- MUlBtono township.

Samo to Jam es M. Ilartsborno—farm in Free­hold township. $8,800. ' - .

Samo to Allco L. Wlkoff—2 trac ts of land IU Mlllstono township. 8280.75.-

B u ild in g : C o n t r a c t s ... ril.BD TO AND INCLDD1NQ I>EC. t ..■ ‘ ■

21J5— arolisia B. D cJp iriT ^n il W._E. H o g g - new house a t Deal Beach. 83,100.

S176—Charles F. Reeves with John M iddleton- new house a t North S p rin t Lake. 82,015;

SJ177—Marcella Lowls w uh John J. Leonard—. carj>enter work, Ac., new buildings a t-----. 82,800.

2178—C.' CoddltiKton with W m .. Jeffrey—now house at.Long Branch. 80,OOOr '*. • ^ t

2478J4—J. A,. Stratton with J. C. PoUer-rncw: house a t Elbeton. 81,576^

2470—Wm. I). Harper With James Clonghly & 8011s—nev^lpuso Eatontown townslilp. 82,500.

2180—Norman L. Munro with James^Clougbly & Sons—now house at Lonar Branch. 85(000.1

2181—Martha Miller w ith Warrcu Brown—now house a t Ocean Grovo. 81,775.. 2182—W. H. Johnston with Carman & Holbrook —new house a t Ocean Grove. $1,400,

Iteso lu tio iis o t R espect.In accordance with th e action taken a t a

lato m eotlng bf tho Y oung M en’s ltopubllcan Association, o f which Joseph Gonung, do- cchsedt-was an activo an d honored m omber, tho com m ltteo th u s solcctcd preson t tho fol­lowing trib u te : ■, . ■. , . , ’

WuKnEAS,- God in his mysterious providence has called away our greatly esteemed and much-, respccted follow-momber, Joseph G enung; and,-'

W hebeas, In bis death wo rccognlzo the loss or ono who lias over been tm o and dovoted to tho tho best interests of this Association; therefore :l)0 It. ’ ; ■

Mesolml, That the mcmbert of this Aasoeiation deslrqtaglVo expression to tho high regard in which they held tho deceased, and to their deep approbation of his constant and unseltlsh support ol tho principleaJjpon which this'organlzation.ia fotindoa; ana bo It

Kcsoh'cd, That wo tender .to the family o f tho deceased our fullest sympathy, with the assurance that w cshall always cherish his memory as th a t ' of a m an worthy of the fbllest res{>ect ana esteem;,and, I. ___________.rf. -r ., ...............................- ficsolvcd, That a copy o f these resolutions be sent to tho family of our deceased momber,-and* that a copy bo ppread upon the m inutes.v - '


' I J . M. R alston,__:_, Qmmltke, - t

Enam el"I>rlve-W ell P o in ts .An Improvom ont in well po in ts recently

patonted.ia of lm portauco to all o u r readers who havo an y th in g to 'd o w ith^djlvb .wpljf. The po in ts are rendered practically rust-proof b y being finished In ag a te o n am o l; tho samo articlo as la uaod on a n Im p o rtan t Hub o f kitchen utortBlla which m any, o f o u r readers handlo. Tho enam bo applied a s to bo- ouro tho Inclosed m etal ^aj_nat rust, a n d a c ­cordingly there la no d a n p r o f th V ^ o tb o in g choked r - Po 1 n ts .0 f - f RIbb ty lo a re estim ated to Tast in cold, wot oartb fo r oub ormorb^goner-,. atlona# Airiong tho foaturea in tho po in t, aaldo. from tho appllcatioh of a g a te en am el,is . tho spaoo d o v p te ^ o tho gaijzoBtralnor, T his Is g reatly In e x c ea ^ in a re a over 'th a t-o f any Othor mako, a n d la^hold ap a rt from tbo tubo aulliolently to lot tliovwater filterithrough its length and width' save only a t ’the soldered margins. The tube la first wound spirally With brass cord, and noxt w rapped wltp wirefauze, both boiag pecured. Outaldb-ofr all

hfa Is the perforated b rass p la to u su a l to artl-> clea of its class.- This im provom ont Is tho In­vention of Dr. ,W.. A. Rgyco, of N ew burgh; N, Y. Th a goods are eold^ am ong others, c *

P a r k e r M e m o r ia l L e c tu r e . 'A t ah Inform al m eeting o f the P a rk e r Me­

m orial com m ittees T hursday a fternoon I t waa deolded to invito H on . J o h n L. W heeler to irlve bis llluatra ted lecture on tbo h isto ry of Npw Jersoy, ln old of tho fund, In acccrdanoa w ith bis proposal. - . 7. i ' •— Tuoflday ev en in g -Deo.“r18tbrlB the- tlme- n * jed n p p n ifTl.UsagrijOftbleio.iudgo.W toeolor. T he full p articu la rs will bo given n o x t woek,

^ i s i a u d a l .


- 728 Mattlson aVp „ opp. P. O. A S B y M ,P A H K ,: N E W - J ^ I t S E Y .

O a p i t a L j

Authorized by law to a<!t as Exocoitor, Admin­istrator, Guanlian, Trusteo, Asslgneb, Receiver, Agent, oto.. and for tbo faithful perfom ianco p i all suoh duties its capital stock and surplus aro liable; plso to Recolve and Exciinto Trusts of every description, from tho Courts,!Corporations and Individuals.

All Trust Funds and Investm ents aro inscribed In tho names of tho owners of tho property hold in trust, and aro kopt separato and apart from tho asaotB of thb Company. ■*.

Intercfit AIlonrcd onXlcpoNUM.NniTe pepoAft Vanllit tn tiro nod linrt

fr ln r p r o o f b n (Id In g - now In course o f i^roc- ion, oom er Mattlson avonuo and Bond streot. Wills receipted fo r and kep t w ithout charge.

ISAAC C; KENNEDY, Prosidont.M GEO. F. KROEHL, Vico Preildont.

IlBNRY C. wrNSOR, Sooretary. v A. C. TWINING, Treasuror.

DIRECTORS :G. D. W. VROOM, T renton , N ^J.W* j . HAiUUHON. I^kow ood tN . ,T.,OM VERII. BROW'Nr-SpringLako. N. J . HENRY II. YARD, Ocean Beach, N. J .

\ JNO. S. FERGUSON, Asbury Park, N. J . .\ HENRY C. WINSOR, — -

' GEO. F. KROEHL,' “ - J Uv *■ BRUCES. KEATOR,M.D., "


Y 0 1 Bank A c c o i t„ Wo do a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g m id € « ! •

l e c t i o n BnNln^KN; Issue Forelcn ■>D ra f ts . and Letters of Crodit, ’throuch th b ‘ well- known Banking IIouso of i f o r -s n n & € 0 . , N . Collect Intorest, Divi­dends arid Coupons, without charge, and A l lo w I n to r c N t on M o n e y U fix M itied b y ,C e r t if ic a te .

If V611 aro deslroiis of transacting any banking business, wo shall bo clad to offer you our facilities.

TANK CAPITA!., 8100,000.00.

P U JB L IO N O T I C E ia .h e re b y g iv e n b y John Hubbard, Collector of tho township of

Neptuno, lu tho county of Monmouth and S tatcof Now Jorsoy, that by virtue of a lax warrant issued o n tb o l2 tb d a y o f November. A. D., 1888.bytheTownahIp CommItteo of-Baid tow nsb ip ru irw ill-----^ppll a t publlo vonduo, all thojaurte. tenemental. „ hcrc>IilnmciiTs1 and fcaFesfrdiTheromanor m en -’ * • tloiied, for thb shortest term for which any per- - son or persons will agreo to tako the same and pay the taxfs. assessed against tho samo for tho yeaT wit b interest thereon accruing,- and altcontfli-foes,-charges and 'exponWR tn -re la tiiu^to4-- ''...the levy, assessment and collodion of said taxes.Salo to tako placo at Park Ilall. Asbury Park, on

MoM&y*, Dec. 17th, 1888,a t 2 o’clock. P. M., Tlio said lauds, teyemeuts7 * horodit^^cnln OWpK'rtl Cfliato so to bo sold, and ' the namfes of tbo persons Jtgnlnst whom the taxes ^ have bebu laid on account of. the same, and the »' amoyjit o r taxes, laid 011 account, o f eaelrtijfreel -U'-arb aS follows, v iz : - ....* .--^SlulJ,l4ftAtcAllUtorv.Uwumm of forty dollars, On*’-7 - all th a t certain proiKj/ly situaio In Asbury l'ark,

'known as lots Noa. o5, (W and Sty corner of Main 1 « street and Bangs avenue^ \

H. Bcatus/tbo J5tim of forty:flvo dollars, on all tb a t certain property , s ituate in; Asbnry Paik, known as lotsty l aiid 298,'Lake avonue.. Geo. A. Dohm, the sum of forty-live dollars, rin ’ .alU hat certain property situato in Asbiuy Park, 'known aa lots 638 and 639, Cook man avcniio.

E. E. Smalley, tho sum of thirteen dollars, on all th at certain property situato in Asbury Park, known as lot 993, on Main, street between Third . and Fourth avenuOi * , -* ■

Carolino Ayres, the B u m ofnlneteen difflars ami fifty cents, on all tb at certain pioperty situato in Ocean Grove, known as lot 533, north anil south'.

Amanda Garford.^bo sum of six dollars and fifty cents, on all that_certain property situate in OceiyiGrovo, known as lot No. C»70. ... .

D .m . Holmes, tho Sum o f thirteen dollars,' on. ajl that certain property sUuate ln Ocean|Grove,' kilown aa lot No. 327. ' |

Mrs. M, Johnson, th e sum ofslxdnliarsnnd filly cents, on all th at certain property situate In Ocean drove, ktrtwn os Jot.1,100.

1; Prter Kendrick, tho silm of six dollar#and liily, ceii’fl, on a j l th at certain projieriy situate in'Ocean t

•i'Grtwe, kiff)wri' ariorNnr290-A^— ’ , a William Pattfcn, Uie sum of ton dollars and forty ennts, 0% all th a t certain property situate in Ocean Grovo, known as lot No. WW.

Kmily Morris,'the sum of live dollars and twenty' . .cents, 011 j>ll .tha t coctain- property situate In/. Ooean Grove, and known as lot No. 000. . ‘

- Jennie I^cnt, tiio sum of ten dollars, on all that certain property in West Park sltuatd.on northn. westcorncr of I^ingford aiid Mattlson avtnues.

Atina Cottrell, the sum o f six dollars, on all that ccitatn jmtporty situato iu West Grove, 011 .north sldo of Corllcs avenue, adjoining lot oi Charles Tilton o n the east a»d William Thompson on tiio west. .• Eltzabeth Higginbotham , the su m 'o f twenty

dollars, on all th at reertain property situate In Occan Park, on south side o f Cl 111 avenuo, bo'und- ed on east by lands o f John Roekafeller, south by

Jauda o f Jlraduor and west by. Fred. Hackman.Charles Bogart, tho sum ot four dollars, ou aff '

that certain property situate I11 Occan Park, south side of Deal Lake and Squan Bridge Turnpike Co., adjoining lands of Eleanor Morris on tho north «j»d JlgnrVjMon-is on tho south.

Janies W. Emmons, iho sum of four dollars, on' all that certain property in West Grove, bounded .' on the west by lands of Borden and on tlio east by Lydia II. Applegate. , ,

rrSai&ucl Hendrickson, the sura of six dollars^on a lr tb a t ccrtaln’property situate, lu West Grove, . north side of Corlies avenue, west o f railroad.------— -Coleman, the sum 01 threo dollars and

ninety ccnts, uti a lt th at ceriain land situate in Neptune township, west of Wcht Park and east of Whitcsvllle, formerly owned by Coleman, FIsoher A ita)ph. JOHN HUBBARD,Dated Nov. 12,1888, collector. .

“ Mikado?’ Building,■___ . <J... ..

r ’-iVXaiEC, 35T. T ^ - ' '

$15,000TO Loan on Good Mortgages.

S. C. COWART, Froohold, N: J .


Notice Is hereby given to tho creditors Qf Tyleo 1 Emmons of Asbury Park, New Jersoy, th a t all claims against his estato m ust, ho exhib­ited to tho subscriber, his assignee, a t hisbfllco in 'U look's Building," Asbury Park, N. .L, under oath orafllrm atlon on o r beforo the 18th .day of January, next, being four m onths from the date of tho assignment, o r bo forever barred from ' coming in for a dividend of tho estate, And said creditors aro further notified th a t a list of thb' .claims against said Tyleo L. Emmons will bo 41 led with tho Clerk of tho Court of Common Pleas o f the Connty of Monmouth- a t tlio expira­tion ot said four months, whon exceptions there­to may bo filed by any.^erson interested. ■*?


■ \ T O N M O U T H C O U N T Y C I R C U I T jLYJL COURT.Joaephtno Fcturson | Jn contrao t.

Lydia O-Cocka.- .................% Notice Ib hereby given tlia t a -writ of a ttach ­m ent a t tho suit of Josephine Peterson against the rights and credits, moneys and chattels, lands and tenem ents of Lydia C. Cocks, a non­resident debtor, f i r thesum of one hundred and n inety dollars, issued o u t of tho Circuit Court of the county of Monmonth in tho Stato o f New Jersey, on the n inth day of October, A. D. 1888, Returnable m d returned in to court diiiy exe­cuted by the Sheriff of the county o f Monmouth on tho seventeenth day of October A. T>; 1888.

*: JAMES n . PATTERSON, Clerk. - ALFRED D. BA11.EY, A tt’y for Plaintiff.

Dated O ct 17,1 m .

j g X E C U T R I X S A X E .

Tlio subscriber, M argaret A. Johnson, oxocu-^ t r ix o l tbo estate of M argaret A. Atwood, de­ceased, will expose for publlo salo on Tuesday,* tho eleventh day of Decorabor, 1888, a t tw o o ’clock In the afternoon on tho promises all those certain parcels of land and promises sltu­ato, Ijlng aud boing ln tho township of Neptuno, county of Monmouth and S ta te of New JOrifcy, known as Lots 052 and 051 011 a map o f Ocean Groyo and boing on tho north sldo of Broadway, between Contort avenuo afid Pilgrim Pathway.


Granito and Marblo Monuments Tombstones, and all Comotory Work. Call a t our show-room and seo samples, outs, &o. Wo can su it ln qual­ity and p^Ice.. G E N U N G «3c C O .

710 M attlson avo., Asbury Park, N. J .

. (Eatabllshed In Now Y ork 1881,)


829 Cookman A yg ., Asliary Park,N J .

S e a t M e 3 , t s

F i n e s t P o u l t r y ; .~ ~ S m o k e d W I e a t p

Superior Corned B eefFrom Selooted Stock, Art<

Pickling Msaian W ater and Pure erlals.t

..................................................... w :v ^ i , h0 _ ,* E d^ratdvl)a rr Com pany, \7# Jo h n street, Nfew ’’

51,6 YOrk. and tho Wolla R uetloss.lron C om pany^ wa,v y A ^ ’j n n a T T T fT ffe 'T v.31 Cliff s treet, Now Yorty—Itvnytyc. . W > * J A I V l J ^ i O J t l^

• V e g e t a b l e s f n d . F r u i t y'F r e s h Dally fron^M or^uju th County

c a n h e d v e o e t a i ^ e s , 'DESSERT (FRUITN,

r ‘ • PLUM PCpniN O , *c.fa * . . .•

A satisfactory place to doal, where everything sold is guaranteed to ’too the beat in the m a r k e t ;

Toiophfmfl oonnootionn.wlth Park and.Orovo.


T H E O A K S P50G Third, avdntie. HitTfctied opposite EduCa- t4mial Hall Square^ Fall ||n d w inter terms 85 to 8,s._ lioater<-&oi Exoollont tuTilo.' Opon entlro- yoar. Special term s to families. •

Pleasant Rooms, with Board.■‘’ “-AlsoTnblo'Boai'tU Term b reasonable. 1

MRSfM: B. WILSON^—.C00 Cook gym avo., Cor. Emory s t

M T R S . - K J r ^ G - S X . I i Y ^ O F 11 T H E I M P E R I A L ” ,

announces th a t She w ill keep her house opon , during tho W in te r.. . '

TH E IRVING ;Third avenue, n ea r ocean, :—.

OPEN TH E-ENTIRE YEAR.For further particulars, address


For Sale at a BargainOno of tho oldest and loading

Book and Stationeryestablishmonls in Asbury Park is offored for sale to closo tho accounts of an estate. Very favora­ble terms. Must be disposed of. Only a small payment 111 cash required. Possession immedi­ate.. Address ^

“ B U S I N J E S S ,"I . r ’ • Caro Lock Box 8SI,

Asbury Park , N. J .

F o r S a le o r E x c h a n g eAn old-esiablished storo propdrty, together with , 0-room hOuso uiyl barn, a t Imlaysfown, Mon- niouth Co., N rJ r^ F o r salo ohoap or exohaugefor Asbury Park property. Address ' ......

M. D. L., JouitNAi. office, Asbury Park, N. J . .

B A R G A I N .Fully furnished boarding house n ea r the beaoh,

also eottago and cholco lot very oheup. ' . Address BOX 181, Ashurv P a rk P. O.

T ?n 'R CJ A T .TT! A farm of 20 acres, with- J? w X V O n I 1P 1. good tmildinga and Im­provements. Good location, miles from Ocean Grovo,^ 011 tho m ain road. Term s easy.Or

/Vpply to T . V. HENDRICKSON, Asbury Bark, Z. M. HOWLAND, Long Branoh.

For ,Sale_ or Exchange.A country storo and dcslrablo dwelling 13

rooms (suitable fo r summor boarders) bam, wa­gon honso, * 0. 7 acres flno garden land,-400 peach trees, 25 apple trees, 1 acre strawberries and raspborrles. N ear Long Branch and Aabury Park, N. J .

Farm 12 aoreB.~3}4 miles from Asbnrv Park. N. J. Apply to WM.B. B Y R A M p ^

Poatofllco Building, hootn 1, Asbury Park , N. J ,


, MORTGAGE LOANS, 708 Cookman Ave.

!S -

' l u r e .I T I 8 A 0 P R E C U R E .

Mn. Bsssktt, D ear Sir—I was aflileted vory much with dyspepsia, b u t alnco 1 have used your Gastrqdyne I exnorieiice n o ill offoctfroln a m ost learty meal, and I bollovo I nth curod,V 1' P. II. WYCKOFF, Now Brunswick, N. J .

llAlSUY Jj, OGDEN, Agent,S14 MAIN ST., ASBUKY i ‘AHK, N. J

ij w p r * « *

And Sowing Machines, ■F O R N V LE O R R E N T F O R C A S H O R O N

IH M T A L M E K mRopalrlr.g and Tuning. Cor. Bond street and

M attlson ave.t Asbury Park, N. j .^W M . B. DOUGLAS', Agent

Asbury Park Printing House.jNowcat designs of typo; latest improved ma-

ry ; skilled wo.ijrabn: ovciy 4 fo rii'tin n of ,.s ng; oatimateafflftkn. SpoolalpjpKfahms fiom • un^y Fair for fineTriutlng.

Page 3: Stoves, Heaters. Ranges^ Heal Estate and insurance. · 2014. 4. 2. · paint store, or received by mall, will bo promptly ... Architect & Builder. Bulldlrfg plans oxeouted and all

M ourns.W*KK8,



and M O N M O U T H , R E PU B L IC A N ,


I QWi n. - 5 0 - 751 “ VA I iW

1 (k) 1 (Kl2 ‘ 1 5*53 175 ■ tom4 *' • a ‘25 HWH-col. 8 00 r4 5(i

S,J 5 m; HTil1000 17 00


175S753 BO4 flO RW) 760


f 1 753 254 35 500 700

-800 13 00 25 00 4500

B S0|*4fl0|* 600 4 00 6 00 .10 00 550 8 00 1400 7 00 10 00 18 00 0 00 1800 *300

12 00 2000 8500 18 00 3000 60 00 85 00 55 00 85 00 05 00l0000|l5000

Loom. N otices .—A lim ited num ber of^ local .n o tlc o sw ilL b o adm lttfid .a t, the ra te of fifteen

cents nor lino. Thoy wJlltbo placed a t tho. bot­tom or th o looal oolutnns'ortly, ar^d m ust hav**

’ “ ado " a t tho end.' Whon continued foursom e o r longer, a discount 0f 25 por cont. Is allowed.

T erms,—Yoarly advertisem ents a ro payable quarterly , In advance: advertisem ents for Jess

. oeriod th an th ree m onths aro cash.- - .v . •

O n r A g e n t s . .Goo. P, Rowoll & Co.. 10 Hnnico s t.. Now York.W. W. Blmrp A Co. iit Park Row, New York.Edwin Alden Jb Bro.', 140 N assau at., Now York,

and Cltfolnnatl. ?J . II. Bates, 41 Park Row, New York. ■ *N, W. Ayer & Son. Times Building. Phlla'd.P ra tt * Co.; Ninth and Arch sts., Pbila’d.Will ro o e lv o a d v e r t i s e m e n t s f o r Tnis J o u r n a l ,

a t r e g u l a r p u b l i s h e d r a t e s . . • :In all cnses.wo reserve the right to roJeot any

advertisem ent th a t m ay bo objectionable to 08.

L e K a l N o tice * .Onr frionds will plfaasd bear in m ind that.T ns a Iepal newspaper*, and as snqh lathe proper medium for all loj?al notlcos. •RnTOoAa- vortlsem enta belong to us by law , wm ie w ltn m any o thers It Is optional w ith tho p a rty Inter-

* ■ 1 ■ ■ -• - *■* — ’-"sh ‘ .......gated as to w hat papor .should publish them .

' « f r e e N o t ic e s .” .. By mutiml*TijtTO(Jment, and by recommenda­

tion of tho Now Jersey Editorial Association, tho newspapers of Asbury P ark have decided to abolish tlio unfair and unw arranted custom of Riving freo local notices .to en tertainm ents (\f any kind which havo as thoir object the raising of money for the bonpftt of aoeletles or Indi­viduals. H ereafter We shall make a oharge o f Ave cehts per line to residents and ten oents per lino to travolln* o r outside companies o r 'bersona

Mr. WJlliarrf B m m aker, o ( Tronton^ was in tow n on M ohday. *1

Holiday goods aro stacked -up in tho win dow s o f th e s tores. .

. C hristm as e d itions of all the,,m agazlncs a reon salo a t Jenklnf^sR r -

Mr. J o h n Biickelow has resum ed h la daily business tr ip s lo New York.

T ho new hook a n d ladder com pany In W est A sbury P ark has adopted Iho nam o of“ flood. w n i .H ' ’ ;

Miss A deline Corwin, o f W averly, N . Yn Is v isiting h e r friend, Mis’fc Jonn lo A. L ain, on P o o rth av en u e. . . r ' - o.v ; ; •

The Emory Btrfiet Iron bridge across Wei- ley Lako is corapietQd, with tho exception orthe approaches. . ~ . ■; _____ ;__ ; _

"* This Is “ clappcr” tlino WUh ^tho' boys. They huvo given tho drumsticks a rest until another campaign. ' , .

i . ~ ’ Mr. John S. Brower and family, of Ocean _ - _ J l r a y o , have taken Mr. I)nncklee’s coltago on

Bond streot for the winter. *

Thero was no wool- on Cleveland’s inessage th is tim e. I s it possiblo tho Innocont eboep m u st suffer fo r Ids d e fe a t . .

Tho oxponsos o f the Post Office d ep a rtm en t of tho G overnm ent for the fiscal year w aa over $4,000,000 above the receipts.

M r. B. P . C& *rer has moved from th e G rove to tho houso on Bergh street., betw een A sbnry and F irst avonues, A sbury P ark .

O u r local polteo co u rts a re d istressingly d e s titu te o f nuwa and o a r ju stices have no th ­in g to d o b u t keeT> u p tho office fires.

There woro 19,099 em igran ts landed a t C as­t le G arden d u rin g Novem ber—nearly 4,000 less th an fo r the sam e m onth las t year.

Don’t fail to see G as W illiams In hla new hom e com edy,“ K eppler’s F o rtu n es ,” a t the No\V G rand O pera H ouse th is (F rid ay ) overi-v lug. v ■ ' ; • ,

— Mr. F red-H oover; form erly o f Asjm ry Park ,, h a s seen red a co n tra c t fo r a new c<mrtrhona(r n t St. Paul, M inn. T here woi« ovor tw ep ty co m p etito rs. ^

Rev. Chas. H olland Kidder has been a p ­po in ted by Bishop Scarborough' a s m issionary In tho P . E . Church, 8L ' M ary’s-by-thc-Sea, a t

' P o in t P leasan t.

_______ TlifLCQaLdoalBra-Qf Ashury Pa rk , ha yo-m adoa reduc tion o f 25 cen ts p e r ton on coal, the r e s u l t o f a B light chango in tho price a t the m ines fo r D ecem ber. V » ? :

A sbury Lydgc, No^ 142, F . and A. M , Will h ave a public installation the la tte r p a rt Of th is m onth , follow ed by a‘ supper to the Lodgo a n d .invited guests. *

I t i a reportod th a t tho p roduction o f gold au d s ilv er la s t year for the wholo w orld was 1234,555,300, of w hich $80,357,000 Is to the c re d it o f th e U nited S tates.

- Mr. Ja m e s II. S exton is m ak in g a n ex- tondbd trip through the west. A t la s t ac ­co u n ts ho w as a t D enver, and m ay extond h ts rou to to tho Pacific coast. ... -• --

In a collision o l fre ight tra in s ou tbo C. It. It. p t f t . J . , near Solom on’s G ap, Pa., on M onday m orning, threii men vyere.killed and soveral o thers dangerously in ju red .

Several fep lles for “ R. 0 . ’,i rem ain tin- callod fo r a t th e JounNA t. offlco.

A sbury P ark is one of the few tow ns in tho Stato Illum inated a t n ig h t by a ro ligh ts. -

Those gentlem an tonrista who a re abovo ^M radl.nK,themselves w ith inannal labor, find

Shelr leafy eonohps and " b ine c an o p y " 007jjr; 'Tftg^AfKerohlnTnglK oi^^gEta.

Miss E dith R . M itchell re tu rn ed to hey s tud ies a t V affa r C o lje^ .P d n g h l^ P H lg ;, MggK

tlqn from h e r ^ a n y friends during the, sh o rt vacation . • ..

The arm y of th e U n ited BliitCB la s t year $33,337k245.1l to r Its support. In pufello im ­provem ents tho w ar d ep artm en t also e i - pended $9,158,510.63, Including rivers , and harboia. '■ ’ t " ;J’- ' :

MIbs Mollsaa Cottroll, (>f tho^ N epttino House, desires to bo added to th6sa whot r e ­tu rn ed tholr th an k s to th e Com m issioners fop tho electric ligh t n t Second a v e n n ^ a n d Kingaloy s tree t. . !

Tho tw o b a n ^ build ings a re c lim bing sk y w ards. Each lV past tho second sto ry , a n d will bo fin o rn arao n H o th o town. • N o t m any buildings In the S tate-w ill su rp ass them in aTchltectu|cd b e o a ty > n d solidity.

Everybody in A sbury P a rk who. knowa the .famous '• G erm an coniM ian , Mr. G n s W il­liams, shonld cm braco tho o p p o rtu n ity to see* him as the 'M arshal in “ Kefipler’s F o rtu n es ,” a t the Now G rand Opera IIouso th is (F riday) ovenlng. . '• y -■’ • - - .

Tho to ta l rece ip ts a t tho P an lechno tbeca am ounted to nearly $450; tho expenses wero abou t $80, and. tho rem ainder is to bd divided betw een the L a k e s ' parsoongo A ssoolatiotf and th^Boalrd pf*Trnstecs pf tho F lrs t^ J i E, Chnrch;

Rev. Geo. C hristian, rec to r of Oracp Cfiorch, New ark, preachetl an adm irab le serm on In T rln ity Church o n W ednesday ’pyoning, his su b jcc t being ih o 1 Second 'A dvent o f our, Lord* using tho firat*nine verses o f the th ird ch ap ­te r o f 2d Pet e$. .

E x o rb itan t prices^ qn tho parlo r c a rs has killed-tho pa tronage on tho Long B ranch road. T he r a te 'f ro m Now Y ork .tp P hiladelphia Is fifty.cents-v-Cor-a dlstanco o f 00 m iles. Be­tween A sbury P a rk aiid Now Y ork, 55-mileS/ the prlco is forty cents. -V

Joseph J . M cIntyre, tho one-arm ed colored m an w ho keeps a littlo storo n ea r Ocoanville, and who was annoyed by a lo t of hoodlum s wltoin ho caused to bo arreatod a n d fined, desires It to bo knoftn th a t ho m eans to rem ain in business a t the o ld s tand .

The su perin tenden t of th e W ater W orks has rccontly found soveral f t r o ^ d r a n t r t b a t have been o p ^ e d o r p a rtly opened by som o mls- clilevous person. A-State law Imposes a fine Of.$50 for such.arfrifr^ridonnd the W aterConi* miasloncra j y i l l , p roadcutu tbo offondfrs .J ffonniir . S r * . . . . .

.. ’ . —r-i—------♦ f* ’'-------- -—“Itov. E C. Scuddor, of tho well-ktrown mlfi-

slonary fam ily, a n d himself a re tu rned , m is­sionary, has been chosen a supply p as to r of th e Reform ed. Church. Mr. 8 cudder Is an ab lo preacher) and will <Jo acgood w ork for tho congregation . W e wish him every success ■in his new fiold., 1 . ; „ ,

I t Is now believed tb at s 'tanley I s J iv in g an d has effected a juucCiontylth Em in. D r^L entZ f a n experienced A frican tfavelor, g ives th is as his opinion.— n o c a n n o t bollevfrthat five hun­dred m en have disappeared w ithout leaving an y trace. Sir Sam uel Baker1 waa sh u t off fo r m ore than two yoars from a ll com m untcntfon ou tside .

■[Written forrTHE Joift&AL.J

.Sheridan a t-S ailo r’sC ro ek jY a^ .t G ra n t’s troops h ad m et . Lee’d lu th e shock qf b a ttle In f ro n t o f P e tersbnrg , ip Aprl!, ’65. The rebels wefo rou ted all a long the rllnefli Steridan.bad.BW Optpyer and a ro u n d tha r lg h tflank of Loo, an d now i t was a race ; endnr-

Tincn 'R g^oll"nff_06bfago 'm usE- fuIir'“ T6_ nie A rm y of the Potom ao and Sheridan’s bold riders wa&bsslgnod tho ta sk o f lieeping the

,th e . porjfe s ld e .o f^ tie lA ppo-. m attox . while t^oy w ere m arohing as only •desperate mon*can an d Will march.' Lee w as looking, o r rfrther feeling, fo r a n opening in to whlo'h hg^conld th ru st his. tired legions, c a t

:the' U tjion Army- in twW jand aw ay to 'th e Car- olinas and a Junction wltB' Jdhnstonr-

B u ta n eagfo eyo was on tholr f lank, Sheri da n w ith his b rave troopers waa r id ing through the old plno forest*, aoross old farm i,'tK rough m orasses, anyw here, 'everyw here , harassing ' thein’ day an d n igh t, now ponnoing n pon t,helr am rannltron tra in s, then ... a sh a rp sk irm ish with th e ir cavalry. I t was oxpected^of the In fan try o f th e old Arm y of th e Po.tqmab th a t thby w ould keep pace w ith the cavalry, an d woll tjioy perform ed th e ir p art. O ur ow n 6 th C orps, com m anded by General I lo ra tio O, W rlghtj dhaticod to bo tho loading corps o n the m orning o f April 0,' 1865,‘only three days baforo tho flnal oyerthrow and cap tu ro o f tho g ran d arm y of N orthorn V irginia (though jflghtlng in a bad danse). Tho T hird Division, loading tho corps, and o nr own b rigade lead ­ing tho division, in the advanco was o n r ow n roglm ent.

O rders had te e n read to ns tbe n ig h t beforO as we tra m p ed 'o u r way, w inding-through tb o ihassivo pines th a t lined tho narrow roadw ay; by m ounted a id s with torchos'vwftfIng o v er tho tr heads, s a y in g 1 *tbfat a g o o ^ e o jdicr would be as w illing to glvo Til»-llfe for h is co un try on-the_m arch, a s on tho fleld of b a ttle .” . N o tjnio to h a il ^ o t i r a o ^ o H e s tY M f o n I Eve^ push ing on. A nd oh ,”how w oary wo" tte ro I Nearly all n ig h t o n th is forccd m arch , a n d o n u n til a h hour o r tw o p a s t noon wo neared Salloy’s Creek.

Shorldan, with his cavalry , ha<l dashed In to Lee’s rea r guard , and hart them a t bhy, T hey had tu rn ed on him , aiid were tod s tro n g fo r his troopers. The Btruggltfhad been dqsperato, as was proved b y th o dead horses and mien ly lug on e ither side o t t^e roadw ay. T h e ro ar of rifles and shrill crasb of carbln<$ cam e to our cars aa wo trailed o u r w eary way, a n d BOon^ a m ounted trooper cmorged from c lum p o f p ines Xrom which tho ro a r o f b a ttle came to_us, l lo ro d e : rap id ly . W e rocog nlzcd him as a staff oltlcor as ho neared n s . l ie dashed to w ard o u r co rps com m andor w ho was r id ing ju s t by -onr ^ lg h t; T ouching h is cap ho said to Generol W rig h t: “ Genoral Sheridan’s com plim ents, l lo desires you to hast on the m arch o f-y o u r -corps dshow lflhes to chargq the, enem y’s lines 5” and aw ay ho galloped, d I sap pea r lng( 1 n a cluster o f pines to SULllKht. fin i-flpm e . d istance In f ro n t o f ns- S om ercp iy had been m ado by G eneral W right which wo cou ld n o t u nderstand . O rdersw cro passed baOk to h asten , tho iparch and clbf© u p thb llhcs; Iu a fuwjplM.uloa tho featne s taff ofQeer cam e rW ing r&p1dly {oward us. W e wero all a tten tio n nowj and" had brightened u p considerably. I lo -a g a ln presented"thlTcompHmontB o t Q io e ra t ShbcMan, « lib-H w - Ig iB re s tin g ocatributlonB on G erm aa . I ta lian

Nono should fall to call upon tho “ L ady of th e Lake,” a t the Y. M. G•< A. B azaar nex t T uesday, W ednesday and T hursday ,—Adi>, r'

Tlio M onm outh Ico Co..H as begun tho e rection of I ts largo (5,000 ton) ico houses a t A sbury Park, L ong B ranch and b thor shore points. . They aro ready to con­tra c t for sum m er delivery o r w inter filling o f Ico houses w ith puro ,H opatcong Lako ice ex-

slveiyi-v In form ation m ay bo obtalnod and com nfcts m ade on dppllpatlon to George W . By r im d r Daniel II. Taylor, Aabury P a rk , or F . B^Cfjlnover or J . E. Ralph, Fxeehold~-/lrf«.

-O ur ISasem ontla full o f toys of overy description fo r chil­d ren ; E xam ination will p rove th a t o u r a s ­so rtm en t is tho larg est and best selected of an y honso in this tow n. S teinbach Bros.— Ado. . . -

W a n t e d , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . "

F irs t m ortgage. P ro p erty cost o v er $50,000.,

J . W. Buck, of Freehold, gives notice that; ap p lica tion will be m ado a t thd com ing Hogls" la tu ro t o ’chango tho boundary lines , o f tho Assem bly d istric ts In th is county. """ I

Six persons wero adm itted to m em bership In tho P resb y terian church a t tho ir co m tn u r- ion on Sunday, two on confession o f faith and fo u r by le tte rs from other churches.

P rof. I la rd in g ’s class in volco cu ltu re an d vocal mtisfc, a t the5 P resbyterian £ h n rc li, Is m ak in g fair p rogress. A"Iargo num bor o f tho c o n g reg a tio n ,a tte n d to jo in in th e singing.

M r, C , H . D otre an d fam ily have goho to . Philadelphia to spend a portion o f tho w inter -m o n tlre ,—They—w lll-be-U iueh -mlflflcd- from

their accuHtomod-placc.^, b u t all the^m ora. w arm ly,w elcom ed when thoy re tu rn .

C hristopher G regory, vice-principal o f tho S ix teenth W ard H igh School, o f N pw -Y ork dltyi has been elected succossor o f Prof^. Groon, 'as prlnoipttljiJ^$J}pa,Long Branch HIgh S ch o o l. Thero wero ton ottrof applicants,

M essrs. Doverei B u r n e r the ¥ ^ y a iwill b e am o n g tlio leg ls^ tlv o reporters iit - ~ • -yos*—. g |'T ren to n this w Inter,.cach-having assignm ents fo r tho local papers, and ac tin g a t the. sam e Cl mo* a s correspondents fo r Now YorlrJ Nfiiv Je rsey and Philadelphia dallies, '■■■' t ’

Tho pub lication of tho . scral-aunual s ta te ­m en t of tho C oun ty C ollector takes u p fion- sldorablo spneo th is week, a n d has necessltatedu condensation in sqine o f oTur. othepwlsb ex- tended reportsoC local a ffa ln rfb u t tho . new s

. o f A abury P a rk and vioinity will bo fplly se t fo rth , though ih some cases b rief. \ 0 r';

Tho fates o f faro to thq in an g u ra tlo n o f P rer- J d e n t H arrison in M arch will bo low er th an

- /"over. In 1881 It cost a b o q t ton do llars vto rnako^tho tr ip from SV ebury P ark .; In 1885:' ab o n t eight, hnd this nox trdem onstration c a n bo w itnessed for a Ijttle over six dollars. Tho Baltimore &.-Ql\io<Ruilroad Is m ak ing a lively cahvofls for patronage, a n d ' pffeni .to do-ai

I m any thingw dn o jd e r t o « ^ ^ o p l o : t o Eil over Its lin& ftto lho N allonarC w ilta l.

A sbury Park . A ddress “ Good Security J oubnai. ofllco.~y4(7tf.

Tho new fu rn itu re c lub a t Schneider’s Is increasing v e ry rap id ly . Thoso who -wish a handsom e au it or carpe tings should jo in a t onco. The paym ent—ono d o lla r a week—Ib scarcely felt, and vqry booi^ tho subscriber is In possession of a fine otitflt.—•Atlvl ; f ,.«

K very O ne W elcom e.‘A4genoral Invitation is ex tended to every

one to Inspect tho handsom o lino o f holiday goods a t tho Ocoan Palace of H enry Stoln- b acb .—A tin.

Stationtory.W m, C ram er, successor to J . C . W.

S to u t Brd.1, In tho sta tionery business IB now ready to show tho p ub lic all goods in t h a t line, such as Pads, P aper, Books, e tc ., a t reduced prlcce. P ro m p t a tten tio n will bo gw en evory o ne who calls to see us a t 713 M attlson avp- n uo ,.opp ,.C en tral f la il.—Jdw.

Rich velvet carpets, barga in a t $!.!!* a t Schnoidcr’s, 107-169 M ain 8 t.~ 4 t/t/ .

. .. . B u tte r .F anoy C ream ery B u tte r 28c. por pound , a t

W. B. O’Brlon’si grocery, C ookm an avonuo an d Bqjid streo t.—Ado. ,

Shoes a iu l l^ancy. S lippersfor tho H oliday trado In groat variety . Tho asso rtm en t a t 8 teinbach Bros. Is com plete, an d and all can bo su ited .—Adv. .

P erfe c tly B e a u tifu l.Tho^mpst^ologant lino o f .holiday goods ovor

show n In th is pounty will be o n e xh ib ition at. tho Brjck S toro o r H enry S telnbach.—Adu,

Flno sta tio n ery , periodicals,- b lank books,, daily papers, p ocke t cu tle ry , toys, an d fancy goods a t J e n k in s ’, 308 Main St.-rA dtC '-' "

P re se n ts if0r;-J|?olIiiayH,no m atter of w hat descrip tion , can bo found inWhe fullest v a rie ty and a t bottom prtecs a t

^^ -R aT e C hance.Tho Doal and Squan Bridge Turhpiko, lying

betw een O cean Grovoj an d Shark River, w ill bo leased fo r a term o f five years. T his Is a raro chanco for a horso or E lectrio R ailw ay Com pany. All com m unications a d d r e s s ^ #>; C. T , Bailey, Secretaryr will receive p ro m p t a tten tio n ,—A d v .- ■ .

■■■'. P re se n ts w ith Shoes*,* ; . ------------------

Honry Stelnbach, o f the B rick Storo, w ill from this S a tu rday o n until tho holidays, pro- aont overy shoo buyor with a handsom e pres- p n tf—Adw.- -F u rn itu ro recovered equal to now. ' E logant U pholstery in stock. Sohneldor’fl,—Adv.

• W anted^ • .

A lotriiU aated along th o ra ilro ad in ABbury P a rk o f Vioinity., A ddress o ra p p ly to

^agjFRED D. BAi^fig^Vsbury P a r i£ t f . J . O ^Q ce^ . O ..B ulldlhg. —A .

requost th a t “ ho (G o n o ra n v rlg h t) from his corps for a n Im m ediate charge.?’ W e can only speak o f o u r ow p brigade now, fo r wo had ab o u t all w e could do to soo its w ork,K Tho lino of ba ttlo was form ed by njovlngr;to:

thev r igh t o f thq ro ad by the r ig h t flank tho length of each,regim ont, and then-b y the loft flank, an d w lihout a h a lt we dashed in to tho p ine th icket, and wero not long In dndlng that* It was a w arm placo, i t tho w eather was cooC Wo a re a p t to thfnlc th a t the m en who a re often heard ta lk in g abou t thoir lo.yo o f a charge ipon an nnsecn enem y, an d Waving no fear o r 'd read u nder snch circum stances, would h ave changed thoir m inds a b o u t the timo wo .reached tho cen tre of th a t p ine thlpkot. The a id who com o tp ns had said th ^ t Gen. Sheridan w ould lead th e chargp, Thp p fne^ tops w ere d ropping lively, and we cptr^l hear tho bulle ts g o ing Z ip ! Z ip I Z ip I ttjjrongh tho branches. T h ings w ere g^ttlgg ll^elyi a n d sure enough here “Is o u r beau igval of a fighting so ld ier,. »** L ittlo Phil,” lead ing th o chargo; J u s t th ink o f it I A M ajor Genoral leading a chargo I B u t hed ld , for bo was not m ore than ten steps from ub.I can boo him now as he s a t on hla horse tb a t day, h ls jo f t hand m oving backw ard , and for­w ard on th e reins, a b ab lt w ith Gpp. Sher­idan; “ w eav in g ” wo called It. Ho was sm oking a c igar. ■ t.

Wo soon s tru ck a slight lino of breastw orks b u ilt w ith rails an d gravel. T his d id not atop us, b u t over an d on wo went, fo r “ L it- t lo PJill ^ was leadin g ns. W e soon reached a m orass, o r o ld m ill pond sjto, the s tream th a t fe£ the pon d called Sailor’s C reek. Over th is , knee deep in places, and u p th o steep banlf on tl |0 south ' side, Whero wo Buffered severely, th reo o f o u r own com pany going dow n ju s t as wo reafehod the Orest. As wo entered an opon woods tho firing becam e te r­r if ic / Wp liittf s tru ck the m ain body .' Wo saw jtiBt to 'o n r r ig h t a j ) 0ily o f horoomon, and noticed tb e l r 1 un ifo rm s w e rV g ra y . A s wo looked a m ounted officer cam e to w ard us, and Inquired w hat com m and ours x was. Being told, ho replied th a t Gen. Ewell desired to su rrender iil^co rp s .- In a m om ent wo ran to tho com m ander, of ou r Brigade telling him w h a t the_pfiicer.bad stated . Ho rode to the r igh t an d rocolved the su rrender of Ew ell and his staff, a n d in a few m inutes tho firing ccased. Sooner than wo could tell it, E w ell’s corps, num bering 9,000 m en, Leo’s rea r guard, were p risoners o f war. “ L ittle Phil,” a M ajor-General, had led tho charge a t Sailor’s C reek, and the resu lt was tho cap tu re of fyOOO bravo C onfed­erates,-Tind threo days J a te r th a su rren d er of 'Leo and his arm y—thef close o f the Rebellion.

A jGraml B a za ar J

F o r tho benefit of the Y. M. C. A. of A sbury Paris and Qcean Grovo, will bp hold In thoir room s over tho post offico, o n Tuesday, W ed­nesday and T hursday ovenlngs o f noxt~weok, Doc. 11th, 12th an d 13th; F anoy a rticles o f atl dcflcriptlo^s will*bo on sale. An im m obso C hristm as p lu m p udd ing Will bo dlsponsod a t 5 cen ts a p lum j a leo cake p.nd crcam . A good supjicr will be served eacli n ight. Adm issionfreo.—Ado. ------f ' .

IIOHtlay-GoodH;W e aro dlapifi^ing a vory largo jw sortm ent

of holiday goods a t very low prices. Theso goods have been purchased on such hdvan- tageouB term s th a t wo can offer thom below any o ther house.. S telnbach Bros.—Adu;t

A burlesque A rt G allery will b b ‘ o n o o f tho atti-abtions a t tlio Y. Mv CJ A'. B azaar n ex t yfwfc,^-Adv. •;.• • • -

Cloaks a n d Overcoats.,All our flno stock of Cloaks an d Overcoats

w ill be so ld at>a aicrlQco regardless o f Coat. ■Ouretpok Is large a n d ‘m ust bo redpcod.

. - I ' S tolnbaoh Bros.—vidfy*

Spectacles, Kyeglassos,Pockot knlvos^aud m any o ther goode* fo r salo cheap, un til Doo. 31,1888, when m y ptpre will bo closed for tho w inter. .*. ; IL D, Coleman-.—4d«.

A u r a lly papers delivered by W m. J ; C ra­m er, Btatlonor and new sdealor, 718 M attlson dvenno.—Adu. "

^ r N ew B ilfckw heatn t W.’ Ri O ’Brlon’s grocery, Cookm an avenue and lfi^pd Btreet.— d i r . -i«'—-rr '" T '

Linoleum , th e boat floor opvoplng, so lid and everlasting , 85o. yard.-' Sbhgolder’s.—-Adv, .

^ is ;MlncC M eat~: ,v~- ■* ‘ -• a t W /R . ( p r i o n ’s g ro co $ and Bond s treo t.—£dv.

y ■

i(nan a i^nue^

H o m e S c h o o l .Miss M. J . Drake receives pupils a t

WOODSIDE COTTAGE, 215 Second avenue, Asbury P ark , N. J .

S e a ~ S i d e H o m e ,B o a r d in g a n d D a y S o h o o l f o r Y o u n g

- J j a d i e f l 'o n d C h i ld re n ,AHBORTPABK,— WJKR8BT. :

^Eleventh year opens SeptPmUlr 20,1888. A ddress JULIA ROSS, Principal,

t> 604 Asbury ave., A sbury P a rk , N.‘J

Tbs New Jersey Adamaat M’f’g Go.Mannfacturoffi o f ,

Adamant Wail Piaster.- W o rl tu 301 t o 4 0 S P a n s a le A v e . , '

~ . " '.V ./■ IIARRISON, N. •

Adam ant tho new cheap an d only supqrlor jiubstlInto for tjie ordinary w a ll Plaster.

. , 1 ■ J . M. j AooBUS, ffinorsi Ajfont.No authorized o«ont w ithout w ritten au thor­

ity with seal of company attaqhed.J; W.-DBY, General Manager.

,;N. E.'Baohanon & Co., agents to r Asbnry Park, Elberon arid Long Branch. II. II. Jones, ageni for Ocoaq Beaoh and vlplplty. . >' •


B t Nicholas for 1889.> —

P E O P L E w ho h av e the idea t h a t St. Nicholas Mag­azine is on ly fo r l ittlo chll-r

■wdron should look o v o r the p ro sp ec tu s .of t h a t m ag a­z in e fo r 1889, and they

w ill d isco v er th a t i t I s ’f fo r c h ild ren of _al l^_agQB, o to elghty-flve,” r a s Bome ono reco n tly saldVof i t . Indeed , w hilo iVicAolaa is desig n ed fo r g irls , an d boys, i t ,m ig h t a lm o s t bb ca lled a u fam fly m agazine,” fo r tho grow n-up m em bors o f a household w ill find m u ch to In te re s t thom in e v e ry num ber.. T h o editor^ M rs. M ary M apes Dodge,

ca lls tho n e x t *Polumo a n . “ aU-rotind-tho- w o rld y e a r,1? b ecauso i t .Is to ^contain so •many illu s tra te d p a p e rs a b o u t th e w o rld in g en e ra l—n o t d ry geo g rap h ical p ap ers , b u t s to r ie s and sk e tch es a n d ta le s o f t ra v e l an d a d v e n tu re by lan d a n d seo—a n d a ll i llu s­t ra te d by th o beat a r tis ts .- T he fe a tu re s w ill include a se ria l s to ry , “ H ow W e M ade th e F a r th e s t N o r t h , ” by G en. A. W . G roely, tho w ell-know n co m m a n d o r of, th e G ree ly E x p ed itio n ; 1 se ria l a b o u t C anada, .by Mrs,Catherw ood, w ho is w r i tin g a se ria l s to ry for The th is y e a r ; ‘‘In d ia n s o f th e ALmazon,” b y M rs , F ra n k IL*BtPcktom” T h ere a re m an y p a p e rs ab o u t E u ro p e , in c lu d in g a C h ris tm a s s to ry o f life In N orw ay, b y H. H . I}oyoson‘ a r t ic le s oh H olland and th o D u tc h ftjy M rs . M ary H o p e s D odge; “ Tho Q ueen’s N avy ,” b y L ieu t, F . U arrlsb iT HniLUi, IL N:, w iiV illu a tra tio n 8 o l m an y of E n g la n d ’s f in e s t w a r sh ip s ; “ Thp W in c h e s te r Bchool,” iliUBtrafced-%y^Joseph P e n n e ll; “ EngU ah R ailw ay T ra in s ,” b y W m. H . R idelng , o tc .t e tc , , Tho F re n ch p ap ersJn c lu d e -U F erd in an d do L e ssep s an d h is tw o S h ip C an a ls,” a n d th e re a re sev era l

and R u ssian su b je c ts .. U n d o r uA sla ,” com es “B oys an d G irls in C h in a ,” by Y a n Pbou L e e (a r e c e n t g ra d ­u a te of Y a le ) ; “ Htfmo L ife in

_____r y 7 \ th o E a s t ,” by M rs. H olm anJ jy * i f > H u n t, a n d a n u m b e r o f paJr

p o rs ab o u t J a p an . U n d e r “ A fr ic a ” ih e re | ia - a - s k e tc h ^ o f H e n r y M-

B tanloy, b y N o a h " B > 0 0 k s ' a n d so v o ra l s to r ie s ab o u t E g y p t A u s tre m a -is -n o tr to r -^ g o tten , n o r th e Islaq d s o f tho ^ sea, a n d th o re a re ev en to bo s to ries o f u n d e r th o sea. V

O f Course th e b u lk o f th e c o n te n ts w ill r e la te to A m erican su b je c ts , a s usuaL M rs. B u rn e tt , th e a u th o r o f “ L ittlo L o rd F aun tlo - roy,” c o n tr ib u te sa s to ry o f N ew Y o rk ca lle d ‘^Little S a in t E l i z a b e t h t h e r e w lllb o p ap ers

d e scrib in g how t h o g overn ­m en t offices a r e conducted , p ap e rs a b o u t a th le tic s , am a­t e u r p ho tography , e tc . T h e fu ll p ro sp ec tu s w il l b o Bent

' to any ono who w ish e s to boo ill b y tho. p u b lish e rs , T h o C e n tu ry Co,, o f New Y o rk .a * » • - r \

T he Graphic re c e n tly sa id o f St. Nicholas, “ tho fam ily w ith o u t i t Is onlyjMUt-jbleBsed.”

Steinbach Bros^L E A D I N G


NEW JERSEY,are offering great Bargains inall Departments, to reduce their large stock. Half an hour’s inspection "will show •you how you can save many dollars. . ~

Handsome and useful,ar- ticles are presented to every purchaser of Shoes,


Wooden Building, Near tlie Lake.


Spring Lake,(Know nas LotsNoa. SOand SJl,)

Sltnated within 160 feet b f Ocean avonqe and within 160 yards of tho aurf.

The p lo t has a frontage of 10& feot o n Brighton avenue and the eaat line la aal feot In depth. /On th e block ad join lfig the large Hotel W ilbunon. Ju s t the Place for a flno summ er residence, ftrith plenty o f room for stable and carriage houso. *

. Antl-1 Iqnpr aud anti-nnlsanoo olausoji in .'a ll deeds in the neighborhood. .

Tho'dlpt w ill bo so ld a t a reasonable figure, as the pwj\#re’ residence and lntorosts are oibP- wboro.„ . V . . ’ . . .

I n q u ire $ t „ _ . * .

. H.' Potter,O. H. Brown o r



P O ST O W O B ,


< t a H f f l i j S J .

Open ill theTransient Bates, 50 cents a Meal

Pcrfect Byste nr of drainage. Pure Xr- ■ leslan water. Steam heat. Electric

1 igh ts ■ Sun parlor.-' CHAS. J. HUNTi PronrietoV—

,. ... 1 Organized February * 1880.,‘ nENRX'C. WTNSOB, President. ' • JAS. A. WATNRlGItT, VIco President,f V - ALBERT CrTWINIHO, Cashier,:*** . " ;,T " *•".*7™ '"

A SB U liT PAUK , NC a p i t a l , ' $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . ■ ' * S f t r j i l H H . ^ 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

TOST OPFIO B'BU IM INa, MAIN STBBBf- ANI5 MATTISON A VENDS,T ra n m rtj a aenoroi blinking bimlnossj iesnos lottcra of credit available In tlio principal cltios or tho world. Forolprn and domestic exchanges bought and Sold.

Collections o^rMully mado and promptly accounted for.

; ; r b o a r d o p d ir e c t o r s ; . .G. F. Kroehl^ * ■ • Jas. A. Wain right,

Albort 0. Twining,Henry O. W insor,*.

N. E. Buchanon, Oliver H. Brown,'

‘ Isaac C. Kennedy,'J . Stanley Ferguaon.



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- - p j

. . S 'The A*bu}y fiti'k7J<>rtl'iftil<iJ'JI<ibrUa>-y 25, 18H8, compUifimlx it th m :-r '■ .

Laat fuii tho ed ito r o f th is papor con trac ted w ith Mesara. W. JJf. Pawloy & Co., o f this p laco , for a 3C-Inclj U tltia Palaco King Beater to replace stoves a t h is residence. F lre was s ta rted on Nov. 5, 1887, an d has n o t boon o p t since, and tho six reg iste rs have-kept nearly 10,000 cubic feet of apaco a t a uniform and pleasaut wurm tb, n igh t an d day, w ith b u t a trlflo over one-half tho coal previously used b y 'fo u r Btoves, and w ith no m ore tro u b le th an th a t which w ould bo necessary w ith an o rd inary self-feeder. D uring the la to ex trem e and long continued cold weather n o t tho s ligh test difficulty w s b mot In keeping room s an d balls a t flummer tem peratu re . This testim onial iagivon w ithout so lic ita tio n ,b u t It I s a deserved ono.

~ . I f wanting a «ood furnaco please Imjulre I n t o - 1 H o r n t h o “ Palac<TKih"^,'"“and aT8o“InRT. tho Buporior workm anship and solontifio principloa employed in Bottlnsr tliem up fo r operation, tho result of oloso application and study by

W ; M . P A W L E Y & C O■ y h e Leaiiiug^Stove Dealers of tho Now Jorsoy Coast, -

166-168 Main Street, . A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .“ Excelsior" Tin Sheet Metal and Furnace Works.

| s p

Great Preparations?• . Are nowin.prdgrpas^'otnisplay: of”

H O L I D A Y G O O D S .

” ------ M I L I N R O S S ,Real Estate, and Insurance Agent,

725 Gooloiiau Avonue; ‘Aebufy Pfitk, N. J . ‘ ""Transacte a general Real Estate business, handling properties on following termB:

FOR S E IJ jXNG, PER CENT.; RENTING, 5 PER GENT., deducted aa tho rent ia, collected.

Negotiates Mortgage Loann on Real Estate.^ .Repreeenta LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES,

We1 feel bmind to a ti m o n i s h ni c n against .tlie neediest

' e x r r f C v i u | ' a n c c o T

w e a r i n g c u s t o m - clothes; many a man fcelsrhis.tailor's bill a perpetual burden.

.Try our plan of w e a r i n g first-class ready made clothes, that cost a third le ss ., look as well, wear as well, and are practi-

^cjdly as good in every respect: 1 ' ■!... . .

Our stock is particularly strong ,11 O.vercoats 'at $20, $25, $28 and $30 ' Cheaper oR®8 and higher,

-but at those pieces a man gets most for his m oney.....

& C O . ,. . s '


Broadway and Prince St. Broadway arid 32d St.

N EW Y O R K . j


. " „ G r e © . , T X T . JT

Licensed Auctioneer,$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 to ijo a n o n 1st M ortgage.

REftL .ESTATE i l l INSURANCE AGENT, 2io Main S t , Asbury P a rk , N . J

Will commence at the

0 0 3 3 J & . 3 5 T A - O E f f

Presents with Shoes until Holidays.

Yisit the Brick

.H e m e t s a ? E ; i a T B ^ . o i a ^

FERGUSON’S Coal, Wood & C harcoal

GEO. E. FARM ER, P rop rietor,

Wholesale and Retail.All my Stock is o f tho best quality in the m arkot, and Is now

, kept constantly dry under complete cover. >v '

I w arran t everything I sell. _If not as represented tho m oney___-w ill he refundod. '


Yard and Office, 51 S:uth Hair. Street,Opposite Occan GrovaMain Entrance.

C O A 7L

BRANCH OFFICES—Bamman’s Grocery S tore ln tho Park.W alnright *fc Errickson’s Store in the Grove.

Orders by mail promptly received and delivered. Complete ’ Teleohone Connection.

H i - I M Z - T A T L O H ,Succossor to GRAVATT & TAYLOR, wholosalo and retail dealer In _

Lime, Lath, Hair, D em it, Plaster

G O A L ,


And a ll klnas of

lt*J 1

* a t tho old establiBhed yard . " .>^r IN HEAR OF LAKE VIEW HOUSE.

, A full Stock of tho above articles will lio kopt constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed. Branch offices a t B eam ea'Grocery, Asbury Tark, and Mattlior ~ “ ” ~ -------- " ----- ^ ------jr 1 ai tv, umi iiiuLii


150 a M o n th T u rn e d ,. O u t a t O u r F a c to ry

' THE OPERA PIANO,. . ---------/o ag en ts’ p i ___

T H E O l ' l i H A P I A N O Is J s tr lc t ly flrs t-dass .;


M A IN S T .Larpo clock Jn

fron t o f the stow

JEWELRY. Fltio repalrtng and'

adjusting a specialty

F IN E P O M A D E S H O E So f Ovorv description. In stobk or m ade to prdet1

tho premlseslat short notice.. Repair-^ Inff dono neat and cheap. -

7 QT Cookman Avo., Anbury P a v k ^ .J f.• ' Old No- y o .’ ■ ;

Buy of tho piannfadturer. anrf save agents’ profits. 'H E o p e u a P I A N O is J stricter flrst-olass.

Every Inatfument is fully w arranted. W einvltft ourcustomers to Inspect our factory and sqo fo r them- solves th at irl'lano can be made perfect even a t a reasonable'prlce. Catalogue sont o/uippllcatlon.

New Pianos Sold or Installment • Plan o f $10 Per Month.y .. ._

Pianos and Organs Taken in E x - . . change and Full Value A l*

■ lowed fo r .them. ..Second-hand


P E E 3 5 , F R O N T S T R E E T , R E D B A N K , N E W

___ land Pianos and Organa from 825 u p ; 5(5.i>er m onth .. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired.

!S s 8/ | ■

W ttJJSFOED DEY. T.I'EANK’W illlsford Dey & Co. ,

Wo have a largo num ber of f Ocean Grovo for, ent. Bradley

lrnlshed cottages cfrid a^ew boarding houses In A ab u rito p k and Jeach plots almoftt given away*,

. ■ Strongest Insurance Agerjcy in AmericjPhconix, H artford; (german-Am^ricanj ’Home,- Niagara, Continental, PUeni:^

Glens Falls and Liberty, Now York; Insuranoo Go, of North America, F i r e ^, Association and t "Dnionj JPhiladolpliia ; Liverpppl- and London and

Globe, Royal’and Ijondon and Lancashire, Liverpool-; Coni- f - meroial Union, Ehoonix, Imperial,-Fire lnmiranoe Asao- \

ciation and Gitv of London,'London; Laricaahiro, Manohoater ;_Nortli BHHsKand Mercantile, Edinburgh; EUqfc, Boston; British. .r

.... - America. Toronto; Providetibe 1 Washington, Providence. \ Equitable ■ Life, Metropolitan Plate Glass, and American Surety Company,. New JTofk;• * (Kir companies Insure‘against damaco by lightning, wliothprflrbonsues o r n o t ' ^ •

Page 4: Stoves, Heaters. Ranges^ Heal Estate and insurance. · 2014. 4. 2. · paint store, or received by mall, will bo promptly ... Architect & Builder. Bulldlrfg plans oxeouted and all

Tf-rrrT** ■

; "

- •-

(CbnHn««d/h£>m >

™F-aY _ ' JVAME. . AM461 AuguatiM Smytho, jan ito r,sa la ry ... ‘ 45 1-105 Jo lm T Haight, collector,. ^alary. . . . 200 f

•" ^ f a l l in g , .Judge, Balary..• 1w A P Johnson, court constable, fees.. ~

225 0024 00


™ '“ itay^rnwbriaK<rj& fla TUfiifl&nt;— —,,14'■ „ Ocean and E ato n to w n.......... . . . . 30 (

^ 111 Georgo W -Patterson, on aceonilt of • '--- __ lumber rumlshed on GreatPond

bridge, O c t i a n . . . — 8Q0C -4W VanloiiP .& Brown,' bridgo m aterial?

. Wal l . . . . . , , t 4 !7TT.. . . . . . . -,54 J413 Joshua Now m an. building two hous-

• es and platform on Georgo Height- bridgo, W all............... ..'. .............. 15.1

414.C W Thompson, agont, buHdlng ■ bridgo near John K ing's and p a rt

o t bridge near Win M cLaue's,'> ^S hrew sbury ,,.410 C^V Thompson, ■ agent, cemuut ior

- . bridge*} - M a r l b o r o . : .......... ; . .410 Wm Spinning, maedn work on'LRtlo;

Sllvef culvert, S h r e w s b u r y ; . /117 Randall n Fora, m ason w o rk u p -

a u ty Run bridge.Unriei' Freehold^. v Uckles, freeholder; cqmponsa- :

o ritch er, work on Highland rldeo and1 OceanRort drawbridge,- :c, Oeead,vMiddlotown and Eaton-

■4181) C’tlo n ................................................. .

410 Jo s W Tilton, carting for bridgo,.. . M arlboro. . . . . . . .—42Q4jameaJft Soxton,-burial o f J o h u -W _

Lynch, a deceased soldier. . .........421 Thos Dugan .cartiug for bridge,Miiri-

1? . b o r o . ....... v:” . v . . * . . .* •’. 422 Georee; LowIb,- iltefcding Highland

drawbridge, Ocean and Middle-, • tow n ... . . . . . yi.

423 Wm O. Hulse, bricks fo r bridge, ; -. . Bl ar l bprd; . * . . . ,

; * 431 G eorge'- W Russell, V mason work on bridges near K Schank’s, Jolm M Ely's and W, Carson’s,Marlboro.

.-4 2 5 II B Pitcher, work -on Highland bridgt

town ....................................................-420 H B Pitcher, building bridgo near

Deal Beach, O cean ...............• ,427,'II B Pitcher, labor and m aterial on

; Jackson b r id g e ... .. ..^ ...T ......... . I-428 Robert/Black, cement for eeVertd y / . bridMe.-Uppop Freehold.. . . . . . . . .

420 Sm ithw pitcher, labor and m aterial on . Pleasure Bay draw> bridgo, Eatontown and O coan.;....... . . . .

430 C W Thompson, agent, cement for .- - bridge, Middletown....................

'431 Forman Brown';bulldIng bridge/near,* * Union Behool'House, M illstone.....'

r . 4:>2 Samuel Gravatt, .freeholder, compen-*--* n a tio n ........... .....................................

* 431J A Throckmorton, .bridge material-' .S h re w sb u ry ..... ...............

431 Ja s W Walling,' court constable, fees 4:i5 Wm C Hubbard; carting for bridge, -

Middletown ......................1.- .4:#TC B Held & Bro, Iron work for High­

lan d drawbridge, Middletown and .* O c e a n .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ; . . i

-s. 437 A W Vanderveer, Freeholder, com-- .. pensation . 1 ...............

- 4iW Aaron E Johnson, sorvicea and ex­penses in caso of Kearney .Oh trialfor m u rd e r . . . : . . . . ........... i . . . . . . .

439J O Ackerman, court constable,, fees •110 J H Ileyer, freeholdjqr.compenaatlon 4,11 Rliliard Borden, “ “ '412 J C Coiibvor, a t t ’y, senrlees and ex- •

pensea resisting application of .... Eatontown & Seashore Turnpike—

'Co; in application o f Holmdel Turnpike Co; In sale o f Hartwick property; iu m atter o f title to Higli-

• Ianu drawbrh’------- -— t-4-i‘l Jeliu .P Cooixsr,“ : « a tJo n ,.;.; ; ; . ................... .............

441 C W Tayleuro, prlntlug audito;and collector’s rep o r ts ........... /.

415 Isaac N Sntphln, work on abridge,H o w e l l . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... .

M IO Cortenina Patterson, work on LongBridge a t Uulon....... ......................

4.47 S O Pullen, bridge lumber, &c, for bridges,.Upper Freehold,. . . . . . . . .

418 Win LTiltou, freeholder, compcnso-

“ 4 lO O B Wagner, frc4'Hoiaor, ooiii"i>enHa^-. «tion..... ...........■'

- ‘ 4r<6 L I? Gonlon, froolioIderr compensa*tion ....................... ; .................

.451 Wm G Irving, detective,services and• '-expensesin criminal c a s e s , ~

, 4.rj2 Georgo Cooper, survey and m ap of• pluce of Hamilton murder,attend*' ance a t court and expenses.

45.‘l Robert Van Orkey, w ork on Miry •Run bridgo, Upper Freehold.. . . . .

451 Jolmdon B Blair, painting Pleasure Bay drawbridge, 2 coats, Ocean ..

. aud E atontow n............................... •455 Chas U BlcChesuoy, work a t Court

H ojiftfij* ................450 Jolm H am pton, work on bridge,

I l o w c t l ....... ....................o 457 P a trick ' Keoniey, work o»» bridge,—,

..- . ■ ftlatawan;.............................. 45!i.Wtit F Davison,, work on culvert,

'Millstone.453 Heuben Hendrlokson, bridge lum- .^ . her. Upper Freehold. ...

. 40 j B.B lledlo, supplies fo r co u rth o u se_und ja iU —................ .

401 Theo. Kleldn, sheriff, board of prls- _. oners, J u n e , ........................

4fi2 J Lister Pletauh. p u ttin g ropo In

410 03 , 10 25

a»‘oo31 05


rldge.proiierty..............r, r ^ h o ld e r^ o m p e ^


*85 00

rr5 o

nully on flag polo— •.r A v h i to - - c - s - r — - ■


85 50

“ 35 20

.5 55

403 L W hite, freeholder, o m penaation -4IJ-I D r 8 U Hunt, autopsy on body of

•Robert Hamilton ............ .............405 Dr S II B un t, p o s tm o rte m exami

nation of dead body n t Duffy'sresidence .................. .........................

400 Jam es M Smith, building threo bridges om road from Keyport. to

. Phillip’s mill and carting bridgefH,K.lank, R aritan ..................................

4fi7'?&meH. M Smith, building bildee u e a r A1. Poole’s, Middletown and.

' H olm del.... ...............'....... .'4G8 W m H Campbell, freeholder, com ­

p ensation ....... .......................... .400 John^N ^Sutphln;7w ork on bridge,

• . 'IIOWDll,-.. . . »«..................................470 Wm H S eott. work on bridgo near

Charlos Allen’s, M iddletow n.......471 Jo h n Lufburrow , /w o rk on tw o

bridges, S h rew sb u ry ..... . . . . —4*2 H enry U M atthews, cu tting down

. . bridge, Howoll— ......................473 A P Johnson, constable, fee ...........471 Potor Morrell, repairing bridgo n ea r .

Holmdel, Holmdel..................473 Edw ard Carroll, carting for bridgo,

Uppet-H-eohold..............................47G W m U Vann, .work on bridge, HoWr ■

e ii .........: .....................: . .................... *• 14 ni477 W m F Madge, w ork on bridges,

Froehoid......... : ............— -478-Wm II Burlln r-a ttend lng-Q oosfr

N eck draw brldgo,Eatontown andShrew sbury................................. . 80 00

-»-4iT) Ju s L B utchor, freeholder, com pen. . s u t lo n .i ......... ..............‘......... ‘480 J A Mortou, bridge m aterial. How*

- ell .................... . . : ...........................- '481 Jo s Dangler, - work on bridges, '

Eatontow n and S hrew sbury .. . . .;4S2 J o h n - U Williams, bridge lumber,

~------* H o w e l l . . ........................;. . .483 Geo C H ulett, w ork on b r id g e s ,«

H o w e ll.,..............• 481, J C Lawrenao, justice, fees * 485 F ran k P McDermott,Supremo Court !

commlsaloner, exam ination in Eatontow n and Seashore tu rn ­pike m atte r in m andam us case,Jn . case of E atontow n township vs. Board of Assessors, fees. . . . . . .

480 John L&mb, putting ln culvert a t John p lttenger’s, a t Tom Roo­ney’s, and w ork on bridge a t Wm

\ Adams’, and m aterial, Manalapan487 Edw in ^Venable, grave stones fbr

Thom as'Travers; a deceased sol­d ier ............................ .......................

488 FfanW M Lamberson, painting twobridges, M u t a w a n . . . ...........

480 Chas D Bray, bridge plank, Marl-b o ro ,4 ...v ., ....... . . . . .^m L Conover, Umber for Haley’s bridge.'freight and oartage, Man­a la p a n ...............................................

401 Jeh u P Applegate, auditor, salary.402 Jo h n T Haight, collector, sa la ry ... -

; . 40a JamoH Norman, constabletexpensos404 Jam es Norman, constable.expenses

^ 405 Jamoa-Norman, constable, fee s .. . . •-- 40C'James Norman, oonstable, fee^ .. . .

. 407 Henry J 'Child, justloe, fees....... .408 Jo h n 8 Estlfl, labor and m aterial

dn brldgo, How oll...................499 Hon Ohas H aight, Prosecutor, fees C00 E dw u rd ln n et Pltoher, services and

expenses In orlimlnal m atters.......AUGUST 25. o

501 Jam es Norm an, constable, foes__502 Henry J Child, justloe, f o e s . . . l__503 C C Fleming, constacle, fee s ...........501 Sam uel Garrison, co u rt constable,

v fe e s .. ................... .....................505 J F rank Patterson, co u rt constable,

- ( l e e s . . . . ; . . . . ......... ..........j ........... 1,- 500 David W arner, ju stice ,.fees..' 507 J F rank P atterson , constable, fees . 508 Theo Fiolds.Bheriff.balanee of court

»- . ■ expenses,.May term , ’88................ I500 T heo Folds'; sheriff; taxed coats In

- ' - case of* S ta te vsr Thos Dolauoyan d transportation feep...............

+ 510 A ugustus Smytho, jan ito r, salary,AUUU8T 8.

51J I B Edw ards, cashier, discount on- County jMote No. 4.’. ...................

512 Jo h n D Ilonco, clerk o f Board, sal-' a r y ........................ li

• ;■ 513 T heo Fields, sheriff, taxed .costs in -.-.r ca ses of S tato vs. Everltt-Meyers

v a n i Frarfk Douglierty .and tirans- . ■ " '" p o r C a t l o a f e e s . 77^-k. . . . . . . . . . .

514-Theo Fields, bhorlff, taxed-costs In j.- caso of S ta te vs. Jphn TolIyer and

transportation fees . 515 Aaron Tllton,'oonBtabl6, foes.. . . . .

MU A P Johnston, oohatable, f e e s .—517 J C Lawrehoe, justice, fee s ..- ; -L’.i518 Hon C A Bennett, judge, CQtdlem—

. .. fiia S, B, Hinsdale, court stenographer,fees ....................................................

520-flarrpt'Forman, justloe, feeB— .... 521 Jo h n Moloney, labor, and m atorial

foif two bridges, M arlboro..... .522 Jam es M Walling, co u rt constable, '

• f e e s . . . . . .........523 W in I'lttengdr, bridgo plftok, Man-

. feos - terlal

A t ^

52fl Ja co b Wyflkoff, iabor and m aterial fo r bridges, H o lm d el...;. . . . . . . . . .

i ~.. .^7 ; J«l> H o y e r , fro^holder, flortljiona*

; : )& T 51? B h im ons^agen t. ’ frbight 'o n •- ■: • - bridgtrm aterial. W a ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

520 W.m L TJttpn, freeholder, oompens-,/ •* i t t t io n .i .^ .7 . . . . . . i . . i . . . . . . - . - «

/ 500‘S B .Hinsdale, cpurt stenographer,I ' f ees / . ......... i.vV: •' • i " ' ; . ,——4i3i- Stevenson & W‘eod, s ta tio n ery foi ..

commissioners o f ju ro rs . . .v . . / . v i »32 Goo W Patterson, balance for build-

h igbrldaO overO roatrond.O eean r»33 J C Conover, a tto rn ey rtax ed c o s tt1'

, - t aiid stjrvluus lu C uthorlnS^bm ltn 1 foreclosure s u i t . . - . - •••

531 W ul Smith, work on-CarspYs and Kly’s bridges at}(? m aterial, Marl­boro................. ................................. *


180,17 50 00

200 00 1 1

20 72 - 7 81 10 00

110 23 230 00

10 43 7 70 6 72

■al 50

10 50 14 17. 53 G2

56 35 -45 £3

alnpah and M ills to n e .. .. . . . . .P2I Geo 11 Whlto, court constable. I

u.5ir» Frank E Hpyer, labor and m att • . . on bridge near p a t Dugan’s

la j i t lo .. .. : . .

04 * 13.07-

6 90, 10 14

-■210 00

9 00sa so

B85 George- Russell, -work on. abovebrldgoa, M arlboro............... ...........

530 Hon Cnaa Haight, prosecutor, fees/537 Wm Spinning, m ason w ork on

bridge, Shrew sbury................. .538 J B Mills, m aterial fo r bridge near

Chas Allen's, M iddletow n,. . . . . . .539 John Soott, carpen ter work o r ^ - . bridge, Middletown;............. i . .510 Jo h a ti Estfll; labor'on Nowman'B— .- -bridge, material- for same, How*


541 Dew itt C Sickles,.freeholder, com* ...pousatlon . . . . . . .

542 John U Buck, building bridgo, At-Iantio.. . . . . . . i ..•• i . v o . .V.. .M

M3, Will c « |i l j§ , bridgo ro&terifd, Marl; • b o r o •••’» * . . . . . . . . . . .

544 Cartan & Co, fir Idge m aterial, Marl- "

545' A W Vandervoer, freeholder, com-.ponsatlon ............ — .?

540 John Antonldes, bridge , material, Mftribnro r...

547 Wm Carson, labor on b rid g e /U ark bw o ; v

618 0 W.Thompson, agent, afiment for v bridge,M arlboro.. . . . .

549-Samuel Gravatt^ freeholder, com- peniatlon '. ......

550 H B Pitcher, building bridge a t DealBeaah;Ooea[n ........ ;

551 H B Pltoner, building brick cu lvert,—O cean.'.......

562 Jo's L Butcher, freeholder, oompen-

553 6e ntrar~R aJtroad “Cor~fre Igh t -o a —bridge m aterial, Howell

554 L E .Soden, agent, freight on "bridge m aterial, H ow ell................

555 Timothy McCarty, building culvertnear John Tunis Conover’s, Mill*

. : s to n o ...:a \ ..............i . . .,559 Levi Sooboy.agent,building bridge^

a^T ellbw Bropk, n e a r Sam John­son’s, .A tluntlo ................. .

567-Lovi Soobey.aKont.ropairlng bridge • •' near John Morphy’s, A tlan tic__

558 Wm a .Buck, repairing, bridge a this m ill,A tlantlo ..".............i . . . ! . .

559 J B shum ar, justice; f e f e s . - 600 Wm Kane, repairing bridgo near

Bergen’s Mill, M ills to n e .... ......... ■501 Dean &..Westbrook, balancedneon t -.. McLean bridgo,Shrew sbury .. . . .

5KTD J Clayton, carting stone for Haven’s bridgo, Howell

>503 Wm J Cottrell, ca rting atone for Haven’s bridge, handling stone, piling an d freight o a stonfc, How-

‘ 65 00 125 00

61 50

102 00

J* 00.

— 0:50

20 33

m 37

T rrw ;S8 00

82 80

2 00

12 80,

28 00

22 42

341 87.


23 54

u u v ia /w u . uuiuuk ntuuaHaven’s bridgo, Howell

Wm J Cc - *p ------4 • ". Haven’s piling ai

504 A M Waiton.sCouo lo r bridgo. How- .

505 Thomas Martin* labor on bVidgo, , near brick ' sohool houso, U pper ‘

F reeh o ld .... .. ........................5C0 Randall> K Ford, -mason w ork on

bridge, Upper Freehold ;................607 0 B. Wagner, freeholder, compensa-

‘i* t lo n .......................... . . . '..........V......608 Cook Ilowland. frechoIfler, com-

.>ensatIon..........................................509 L E SOden, agen t/fre igh t on bridge

.m ateria l, H ow ell.‘. . . . v . . . . . . . . . .570 Alonzo W hite, work and m aterial'

in court house and Ja il .; ........... .571 John Enright, sohool oxamlner.feea572 Theo Fields, shorlff, services and

expenses hunting fo r P e ter Dow­lin g .. ................. ................................

573 Levi ticobey, building bridge, uearMlko Allen’s, A tlan tic .............. .

674 D M Davison, repairing bridge,M illstone.....................

575 Davison & Levins, building bridge.570 Jam es Norman, constable, fee s ..,.57Z ’Jam es Noi man, constable,expenses 53$ C V K Poland, services hunting for .

P e ter Bow ling.......... .............. . .579 Wm H Campbell, freeholder, oom- '

' * pCSUBatiori T . ; . . v . . . . . .580 Jaco b Garrison, a ttend ing Pleasure I

Bay d ra f t bridge, and assistant, i ’ Eaton town-and O cean... s . . . — * >t*f

581 Lewis' F Gordon, freoholdor, com-• ponsntlon ...V ....... ..582 J G White, filling abutm ents of . . b r id g o a t Deal Lake, Ocoan. —

583 Dr Wm W Trout, autopsy on body _of infant, and exam ination ofm other o f child ................. . . . . .

534 Theodore Sickles, w o rk f^r - ro urt - ■ ■house and j a i l . ..

Bd& A^J'Vliokfirtaga pla , _______580 R J.U ogers & Co, lum ber for court

plank, FroohoMr

houso, 883.80; Cement for bridges, ■Freehold,?l.70; M illstone,$33.00.

587 Tbos L deabrook, froehqlder, com-*> p ensation ....... ......

588-Enas Vanderveer, freeholder, _com-- p e n sa tio n ................. ............ -4.. h / - ■t-

589 David L Clayton, pum p,for c o u rv f 'house........................................

690 David Applegate, building b r id g e '/ near John T English- and F T ■

- Thompson’s,M analapaa ..v. . ....... .591 ‘H arry Butcher.-c{trt4ng to ,H&ven8 .

bridge; Howou. .............. . . . . . . .502 J P Applegate, auditor, salary 5SI3 Davison & Levins, building bridge, ?

Upper F reehold......... .............. .604 Geo W Patterson,, bridge lumber,

Wall.............................. 1: .; ........ .505 Jtfs L B utcher, cartln e stone to

Havons bridgo: How ell; ......... ..^00. Charles Gordon, lubor and m atorial.

on bridge -over Horse Brook, Up- *" p er Freehold . . ’. . . . . . . .

.fiOTS CTPnllen. labor arid-m aterial-on— bridgo u eaii,-^MalflbejTy^flK_ypporFreenold..

S R F H o p598 R F Hopper,bridge m aterial, Eaton­town ..............................4. . . .............

500 Wm H Burlin. attending Gootie Neck d raw bridge, Eatontow a,.

•and Shrewsbury..*...............000 L White, freeholder, compensation001 Wm A Dunlop, freeholder#contpen-

602 Alonzo Brower, building wagonshed d t sheriff’s s ta b le .............. ..

003 Alonzo Brower, labor and m aterial ' erecting scaffold and fencing for execution of Richard Kearney..,. •

C04 Henry Longstreet, a ttending draw -:' bridge a t Union/1 m onth, Ju n e1888, WaU----- - -------

005 Henry Longstroot, a ttend ing draw bridgo a t Union, Ju ly 1888, and assistant, W all.......... . — . . . . . . . . .

000 Georgo LewlB, attending Blghlfind ‘draw bridgd, Ooean and ‘Middlp-

1 , town . . . . . . .007 Robert C Morris, labor and matorial

for bridge, Wall................... .608 Jehn P Cooper, freehp]der, com­

pensation ..............................609 Richard Bordon, freeholder, com-rf,>i p e n s a t io n .......... J.............V. — 1 ♦010 Put^r Morrell, repairing bridges

n^ar-Molly Slilwoll’s. Jonatlian L'ongstreet’s and W W Brown’s,

.20 10

. SO 53


57 73

53 68 10 90

18 72

575 00

.9' 00.

02 42

553 501

. 32 75

17 50

28 18.41 60

17 40

23L78 14 00

68 54

75 00

10 61 31 2523 81

1 80

a i 00


• 60 00


30 00

15 00

6 05 -: 40 00

08 59

30 70

::8f P 0

.13 50

106 00

7.50 400 00-

41 00

123 00

. H o

• 49 50

73 73

2 40

30 00 n 90


21 09

.23 73

.50 00

54 00

"c o w

60 00

20 50

2G 90.ruyjr bidiiuu, uiiun^a-ivear-M olly Slilwell's, Jonatlian '' L'ongstreet’s and V'Ilolm del,........ ..................................

^>ll.-WniJ UottreHrbrldgelumberrHow—-

612 F M Vanderveer, coroner,* inquest - on bo^y o f unknown male adult.

613 F M Vanderveer, oororior, inquest :on body o f Mary T-I^>gan............

614 F i l Vanderveer, detective, services ~and e x p en ses;;................ ........... .

015 F M Vanderveer. oorener, inquest on body o f Lizzie I lam ensh lat.... ■

016.F M Vanderveer, coroner. Inquest on body o f Emma D W alker... ..

017 F M Vanderveer, coroner. Inquest on body of Michael H ines,...

618 F M Vanderveer, coroner, inqueston body of Deborah 8m lth .. . . . . . .

619 F M Vanderveer, coroner, Inqueeton body of Rota F H ulsart.........

620 F M Vanderveof, coronor. Inquestcm body of unknown male In fan t—

621 F M Vanderveer, coronor. inquest on body of Margarot D ockerty...

F M Vanderveer, coroner, inqueston body o f John M F raser............

623 E M Vanderveer, coroner, Inqueston body of Emma Boas. ...........

F M Vanderveer, coroner, inquest on body of Robert J W alker.. 1 ..

625 F. M Vanderveer, coroner.*Inquest■on body of Jno W D ronnen...........

F->M Vanderveer, coroner, inquest on body of Dorry n a i l . . . . .v. .

627 F M Vanderveer, coronor, Inquest , on body of Otto F lash ..............

628 Thos A W ard, cashier, discount on 'county n o te No 7 .........

129 Forman Brown, w ork and m aterial 011 bridge near Bates P alm o 'rVM il ls to n e .. ; . . . . . , . ............ ......... . 4

030 A A Yard,tim ber for Havens bridgo, H ow ell....... . . . . . . . . .

631 Jo h n W ilte, bridge m aterial and - labor, M lllstona...............................

632 Joseph Maxson; repairing cbimnoyon houso on Highland^ bridgo, Ocoan and MIddloto,wn..........

633 Jaoob T S tou t, lum ber for Mulhol-land bridgo, Shrewsbury..............

634 C W Thombson, agent,’ cem ent forbridge; Howoll........... ...................

635 C W rhompson, agent, comont for, bridge, Freehold

660 David S Allen, painting Swimming River bridge. Bhrowsbnry and

; M idd letow n ..J ..601. Je rry O’Conner,! cleaning well a t

co u rth o u se .. 1......... . . >662 J M .Ayers, w ork a t co u rt houso

and j a i l ; . . ' . . . . . . . ; . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .603 John 8 Algor, m asob w ork on

bridges. W all....... .................. ;004'Genrgo Qruikln, w ork on bridgesr->

oartlngi w a l l . ; i i . . .665:.CortoniusPat£er8oni work and ina-n:

' terlal fo r several bridges, Wall.-;.6C0 J J Barkalow, inquest oit body of

Irwin P e rrln e ....1. . . . .667 J J .B arkalow , Inquest on bodyof

Cord F aber....... .................— ...OflS'TRLOiigstrettV caHlhinjrloRraTld'

' Sand fo r bridge near Treadwell’s

SO 00

0 00 13 75

. 87 95

14 00

140 28

12 93

18 90

45 83

houso, Shrewsbury.t AUOUBT.22.

009 A A Yard-.oplleato^ sehooil order,1 . SnrpliiB Ilovenuo Intereqj,............070 J; W S Campbell, cashier, school ' orders. Surplus Revenue! Interest071 Thos A W aM. easblor,school orders, u- Surplus Rpvenne interest 078, J B, sohool order* ;

' ' Surplus Revenue IntereBt . . . . . . . . 1673 Augustus Smytho, jan itor, sa lary ..

■ BBrTBMnsn 10.674 Hon A Walling J r , jqdge,salary .? . 450 00675 I B Edwards, oashler^aohoOl order.

Surplus Revenue In te re s t . . . . . . . ^ . 287670 John W Grdver, loan of Surplus

Fund prinolpal.. .1. .*.......... . .. 150 00677-T-A~WardrOaahler.BohoolordorH,i. ,

Surplus Revonueinterest.-: . .1* ^14 29.678-John W Hui8o, oonBtable, fees..1.*. . 4 60 079 J C Lawrence, justice , feo s .......

. BBPTBMRBa 12.680 Gfprge Lewis, attending Highland .

draw bridge^-'Middletown audOcoan— ....................

681, John ILHeyor, freeholder, compen- Bation.-.. . ............ .

682 .Peter Morrell, new wing in bridgonear Jonathan Longstreot’s Uqlm

683 W C^Smlth, coroner, Inquest on


296 49

. "In g itio h ard K earn ey '................. ..21018“ Jubnsou, coustable, eorvloen

-- and expeiihus lu criminal m atters799 C O FlemlngA'Cqnstablc, iwatching

Richard K earney .....................800 J F rank Ilatteraon, constable

watching R ichard K oarney. . . . . . .801 Jos Johnson] constable, watching

R ichard K6arney .A.„......... .:.........802 .Charles T Ely, constablo, w atch­

ing R ichard K r-------

vbody of. Robert Watson0. . . - .........•684 Jehu P ■ Cooper; freeholder, com­

pen satio n ............ ............. .6t5 Dr Ja s H P atterson, olork, indexing• ' record books.. ....... ..................680 Ja s H Petqrs & Od, paint, and oil

fo r bridges, A tlan tlo ----- -----------687 Charles Allen, labor and m aterial

for bridge, M iddletown.......... *=688 John Gordon, building bridgo near .

John T hem ’s, M arlboro— ; . . .689 Thomas-, Fields, building bridge,

M arlboro...........690 Austin Snider, treasurer,lunatics a t

asylum^.601 Paul B Ta_____

M llls tono ....... ..................692 W m'Buokelew, oartlng and m ater

ial for bridge noar ImlaysWwn,- Upper Freehold............ . . . ; . .1. . . . ~

693 Martin Nolan, labor and m aterial ‘for tw o bridges.M lH siohe..|.......

694 C,JIutohlnPon, bridge lumbajf, Up-p -r F reenold. . . ; .......;v___ -t.. . . . .

635 E H Sutphln, repairs to brldrfesj At­lan tic ............ .......................J . ..........

690 O Huteblnsori. bridgo lumber, Up*- .per Freehold. : ................. ' . . . .........

697 Davison & Lovlns,. labor and n a - , 'te rla l fo r bridges. Millstone.........

698 Thos L Seabrook, freeholder,

Tollman, building b rid g e .

com­pensation ............................... .

699 Chas Allen, piling for John K ingbridge, Shrewabui- ___________.,ry ...........

-700-Wm H Scott, w o rk 'b n Gulon’s bridge, Bliddletow n..........

701 Jo h n Cooper, lighting lam ps on. Cooper’s .bridge and furnishing , oil, 0 m onths, Shrewsbury and

" -.Middletown............702 A W Vandervoer, freoJiolder, com*

pensation ..............1...........703 Samuel G ravatt, freeholder, com-

- ■ p ensation ................................. .04 J ,a Okerson, oartlng and matorial

0 76

- 60,00

20 90

27 17


37 1J

128 00

12 80


120 00

01 32

1,974 31

30 57


35 00

12 18

19 00

,109 42

65 84

7 05

14 00


50 00

85 20


on approaches - to bridge ovor. Manalapan brook, M analapan... — 00

7CO C P Rogers, painting 8 bridges,Man­alapan......... . . ; .........................

706 Wm L'Conover, building bridge ov­er M’tnalapan brook, Manalapan

707'Wm'-ir*Howard; attonding ‘draw bridgo 3 months, M atawan and R aritan ....... .— ..........

708 F rank E Heyor. plank deiivored a t 1 ^leueall’s bndiJO. M drlboro ......

709 W ^NIviaon* w ork Qn bridgo, Marl-

10 Hendrickson •& Applegate, - bridgesupplies, Shrewsbury.....................>

711 W C Hubbard, w ork on bridgo. Mid*

©son, agent, labor and ^ ” ~* imb’s ------ *

636 C W m aterial for MoOlanb’s and Tread-

. 'rt'ill’s.bridges, Shrewsbury.;.- . :. .637 C W Thompson, agent, cem ent for

- bridges, M id d le to w n ...............TS8 Theo Field, nherlff, board of prison­

ers, Ju ly *88. ........Jo b Klttoll, bridgo m aterial and

l a b o r , W a l l ......................... . -640 J B Ilanklnson, pumping out cess­

pool,-1 m o n th ..— ..................041 J J Barkalow, burial of Richard-•v .Kearney.......................... ; ...............612 JchuTP Applegato, auditor. actual

expenses paid out in special In-- vestlgations, suits, and • speciala ttendances for 8 y#ars...............

IHJLFroehold Gas Liglifc vo, gas:'con-r ! sumod ln court houso and -Jail. -

Juno ’88. . . ; . . . . . ................... ........641 W C .Smith,; coronor, inquest on

. b o dyof A nn Coffee . I . . : . . : ; " — 615 W C Smith, ooroDer, inquest on

bpdy-of M artha I I Collins............616' W O Sm ith,-coroner, Inquest on

. -body-of Moses Brown .......... . . . . .647,N- E Buchanon .& Co, bridgo sup­

plies, Neptuno?...............................618 Goo II Burage, iron work for Now

Bargain b rlp g o ,H o w ell...-649 Jolm A Simpson, w ork on' j

a b rid g e , M iddlotow n......................650 Emmons &> Conover,.buildlng.niOW

bridges- near M atthias Mount's and • JoBlah W oodward’s lano gau>, Ma'nalapan - . . . . '. .......

651 W.m II Soott, m ason w ork uu Allon -bridgo, Mlddletowri ..........

Wm 0 Hubbard, oartlng ou Allenbridger M lddlotow n..................... .

653 John#H Llnpincott. work and ma- . terlal fo r John King bridge; and clay fo r Parker’s Creek bridgo,-* Shrew sbury...v. "I

(XA Sam uel .0 Hendrickson, oarting stono to- Havens bridge, Ho well. .."

655 Jam es VanHise, scaffold for exdeu* v tlon of Itiohflrd Kearnoy.gi40.00, and services, aa expert a t execu­tion 8100.00.. ..

656 Thoo Flolds, sheriff, services In thoexecutlon.of Riohard K earnoy...

657 Theo F ields, ahorlff, Bpeciai* depu- , ties' to preserve' tho peaoo a t the

exooutlon of ; R ichardr Kearney, fees .. > . . i . s . . . . . . . . . . . .

658 A PvJohnson, court constable, foo.659 H W alnright. burial bf Aloxander

. _8prlng8toen, adccoased so ld lor..

' Allen’s


5 00

0 78 7 08

6 78

i f 2§

0 78

23 08

6 78

6 78

7 28

2^8 96

1 !69 80

03 53

14 24

4 00

’ 101 60

48 00

24 00

'273 38

40 20

488 60

‘28 00

15 00 2#bq,



. 8 68

10 48

0 68

8 k 3 00

18 25

22V 00

69 00

24 60


240 OQ.

400 00

‘ 78 00 -12 00

dlotow n............ .r r rr r r . —712 J C Conqver.oounsel, s a la ry .;.........713 Jaraes^Byram, wofck onjjrlago, Mid­

d le to w n :.. .. . . : .............. ................ .'14 John F.Sobtt, w ork on bridge, Mid­

dletow n y ...............715 Mrs J B Mills, bridgo m aterial, Mid-’

' d tatow n ,............................................................ .......................... V.. rv: j: :.16 D_W/_.Smith, Iron work for Mo-

* ChUio’s bridgo. Hlirowabury.........717 John M ount & Bro, work on Hub- :•

barrt’s bridgo, Shrewsbury and M iddletown .; ......... :

718 Martin Caven,. w ork on McOlt)uu’sbridgo, Shrewsbury......................

^lff-'Wiiiratfl SpliThlrrg, mason .work on bridge near Troadwell’M, Shrew s

720 iWHH am Spl oiling; mason w ork on• bridge near W Ithers. Middletown

721 S Ketcham, work on Me Lane bridge.Shrewsbury................ ... ; ...............

722 A Botticber, agont, freight onbridge stone, Shrewsbury__ ... .

723 Jolm Lufburrow, oarpentor. work oil Tiwlmmiug River bridge, Shrewsbury and M iddletown: . . . .

724 Wtu.R H aynes & Son, p a in t and oil — ..-j-. fpr bridge, E atontow n....... ..........725 Eli Conover, pointing bridgo, Eaton­

town ............................. ....................726H jB Pitcher, repairing brldgos,

O cean ...................................— : . . .727 H B Pitcher, labo^ and m aterial fo r-

Parker’s Creek. draw bridgo and bridgo a tsaw mill nearOooanvIUo, Eatontow n...................................

728 H B P itcher, work and m aterials on bridgo over Mill brook n ear Ocean- .port. Eatontown - -.......................... -

JJ29J -G Conover,, burial of W illiam Melrs, a doceased Bbldicr andgrave s to n e ..^ ........................... . .

730 L White, freeholder, compensation781 Wm Itpad, oartlng bridgo plank ■

E a t o n t o w n . . . . V . - . r . - •782 Wm H Burlin,attending Gooso neck

' draw bridge and oil, Shrowsburyand E a to n to w n ..- . .. ; . . . , ............ .

733 CW Thompson, agent, labor and m aterial on MoLnne, H ubbard & M ohm outhstreet bridges Shrews- bnryr:

. ^50 00

.37 60

-21 14

. 0 25


17 50 100 09

85 CO15 75

33 00

80 o>y

0 00

7 60

S9 50

16S 00

15 83

' 61 88

33 00

1.8 95

1 21 25‘

91 90

50 0*) 4 2 00

734 C W Thompson, agent, labor andm aterial on W ithers, .and River­side avenue bridges, M iddletow n-

735 Jos W Longstrtiet, labor on bridgo,Shrewsbury *»■«•*■....... ....................;> :

730 L F Gordon, freoholdor, oompeusa*.t io n . . . . ..................

737 W C Smith, coronor, Inqjuest onbody o f Slatthias Tice......... .

733 Wm (luiokslll, p lank for bridges near H ornerstow n, Upper Free­hold.................................................... :

739 Fred Lupton. % m atorial furnishedto Ten Eyok bridge, M ataw an... .

'740 Foter M Force; repairs to draw bridgo, -Matawan -and R aritan ... .

741 Joseph L Butcher, freeholder, cbm-sati(*n— ......... ........ •

742 John JJ. Grover, work on bridge " " noar Black Point, Shrew sbury....

743 O J* W arden, carting bridge* mas,1 terlal, Shrewsbury.........................744 L P Conklin,timber for Bonj King’s

bridge &o, Shrewsbury.............. .745 C L Borge, painting Yellow Brook

bridge and m aterial, and w ork on Haven’s bridge, H ow ell... i

740 Nathan McCoy, work on Smith vllloand II P Davis’ bridges, Upper , FrOOllQldi i i Vi i rs . i.» i'i i i i . . .

747 Anthony Vanhlflo,bridgo plank; U p -.per F reehold......... ..................... .

748 Tlieo Fields, sheriff, taxed,costs inCases of -Stato vs Wm Sobanok and Morris Cowan and transpor-

■ . ta t io n ..................749 9 C ?ullen,w brk ott several bridges '

- Upper Freehold .............................. .750-C A G eran. paint and oil fo r Camp

m eeting bridgo, M atawan............751 Richard Borden, freoholdor, com*

pensation........; .................... .752 Curten & Co., lum ber for bridge

nearH ennlngof mill, M ariboro...753 Charles H Bolco, building tw o new bridges near John M ahoney's and*

_ repairing bridgo MoGlnnis’, Marlboro...................

754 Goorge A 'patterson , labor an d ma­terial on HavonB bridge and cart­ing to Browers’ bridgo, How eik;

755 David L owIb, w ork on Havens----- vfc>jdge4 H S W e l l ....................56 John H Patterson, carting s tone to ,

2C5 05



42 40

6 68

27 32

81 69

20 8S

53 30

ijy jo11 50

222 88

43 76


- 10 56


.-71 68

8 83

30 00

80 86'

193 65

. 189 87


9 do

19 25

53 88

90 08

18 90

44 1?

______ J, uaruuK ofcHavens lyidgo, Howoll—

757 John Meglll. w ork on n a v e n a ^ ;^bridge, Howoll.. . ' . .......

•*768 Caleb Pattorson, w ork on Havens - • bridge.'Howelr/.'Vv-'.-

769 Dean & W estbrook, bridgo lumber,-W all......... .............. ......................

760 JosePtrL'Hutchfcr.frolghtoi! bridge—m aterial, Howell.."........... . . . . . . .

•7{Uk Jam es 'C M atthews, work on Ha- '\ Tonabrijlgo, Howoll..... ............"

7 6 2 rtrx ^® w ; work 011 Muah Qaash brook bridgo an d m atorial, Nep-

J,uno^. ......... .. v -r*. «- 89 30768 D aulelL Dangler, w brk on bridgo

q t Maps’ eaw mill, Qoean. .— 12 63764 Wm fl Campboll, frooholdCr, com*

p e n s a t i o n . . . . — 80 50!765 uaoob G arrison,attondingPleasurfl ........

• f ’Bay d raw bridgo and assistant;. ' Ocean and Eatontow n.. . . . . . . . . .

~766 E W Patterson , work oh Havens bridge and material.-Iio w ell.......

767 8-D Allen, brloks for brldgp nearCook Comb’s, W all................

768 Nelson Cooper, w ork on Havensbridgo, How oll,.............

769 John Hyres, w ork on Havensbridge, llow oll;.. — -------..

770 Jam es H Butohery -work to n Ha*vong bridgo, ,Ifo woll ...

771 n B Pitcher,3^ O oean....

0- b/ldgep,', . - w u iiu . . . . . . . . . . . . .<72 GoprgeSpringsteon, work on n a -

yens bridge, H ow ell..

,51 00

114 62

20 00

41 19

50 00.

12 00 '

109 82

22 81778 J J Barkalow. coroner, Inquest on . . • « • body o f Mlchacl Troy’s c h ild ....; ‘ 32 18774 Wrh LTJltbn, freight on bridge m a

terlal, W all..,. ................. ............775 H enry Hold, w ork on Haven?

bridge, How oll..................776 J e rry Layton, w ork .on HavenB

bifd*b. Howoll. . .............. -777 Charles F-Ely, oonstable fee.........778 John T Cottroll, w ork on Havons.

bridge, Howell .t* ............ -t ■,.....779 C W Thompson, agent, cem ent-for

bridge, H o w e ll.. ,. .,

w an ........ ............ .....IS Theodorp Fields,'sheriff,- board bf

. 'prifewmdrs, August-, ’88.783 Noaflo & . Johnson,; stationery, , * ■ -sheriff’s u f f i c e . . v . , . . . . . . . . s

25 20

14 87

43*31 J *3 00

• • ^ 7 6.60 lib

-V. 60 00

V 67 80;

613 16

r 40i60

784 Neafle & Johnson, stationery,Clerk’s offleo. .......................

785 E B Bedell, oourt. honso and jail87 85

786 Wm J Cottrell, labor and m aterial 880 19 .. a t Havens bridge. HoweU..................299 54

787 Jam es Clay ton,bridge repairanFree*h o ld .. . ............................................. .......27'88

788 H enry Johnson, cleaning court ^_house pfflco*.. i;ai l r* » i t * J ? t : W r

,^ 8 2 00

8 47


7D9 Wm’L Tilton, ffeeliuldor, com pen;' ------- s a t lo n ^ - ^ i i *■; ------------7W Joseph T Lako, work a t court

. h o u s e . . . . . . . . . . ; ..................... ..791 Wm M cDermott, J r , work a t

court house aud m a te r ia l . . . . . . . . . ; ____s792, C B W agner, freoholdor, oompensa- - " t lo n : . . . . . :v. ; : r . : : : t : : ‘.;v::T. 97 56 TM Jo h n F Thompson ’work ln ja il and

m aterial 1....... . ................794 John K lttell, labor and m atorial re­

pairing a bridges, W all...............795 D R Patterson , w ork on Havens

bridire, H o w e l l — . . . . .796 J C Aokorman. conHtablo,watching

R ichard K earney..797 Samuel Gaorison, constable, watch*------------------- -

- ............. K eam oy:.A P Johnson, constable, watching

Riohard Koarney.......... .804 Jame» M WaDing, constable,watch­

ing Riohard Koarnev............805 C E Strong, constablo, watching -.

Richard K earney .; .. . . . . .800 A A Yard.brldge lumbor, Freehold807 George W Patterson,.blank ' for use

of C ou n ty ,........................808 W T Kotcham, wrfrk on Havens

bridge, Howoll .'•.;........ ,*s.. . . .809 O E S trong, constable, services and

-expenses tak ing lunatlo from jail,, to asylum.

810 Flold & BuitoWs, m aterial .furseveral bridges, Shrowsbury and M id d le to w n ........... .

811 John S on Ground Hog-bridge, How ell.................

812 William C M atthews, w ork o n .bi Idgo and. matorial, Howoll. . ; . .

818 A M W alton, stone fcfor bridge, H o w ell..-..,. .................\ . . .

814 F M Vandervoer, coroner* inqueston:body of K ate M ellon:. . . . ; . . . . .

815 F M Vanderveer, coronor, inqueston body o f John s tac le r . . . ’. .........

816 F M vandervoer, coroner. Inquest -on body of Luther H endorsnot.. -

817 F M Vanaerveor, coronor, inquest- on b ody of Jo s Previshr.............j .

818 F M Vandorv«)or, ooroner* inquest -on body of unknown a d u l t . . . . . . --

819 F M Vandervoer, • qoroner, Inqueston body of Adolph I lo m au ....... .

820 F M V anderveer, coronor. Inquestotr body of August C arls ton ..—

821 F M Vandervoer, ooronor, inquoston body o f Charies K errigan.......

822 F M Vandorveer,'ooronor, Inquestoa body o f Ann Jaokson............ .

823 F M Vandervoor, coronor, Inqueston body o f Potor K n o lp .... . . . . . . .

821 Wlckoff Barkalow, caro of Catha-.' rine E Applegate, a lunatlo, and clothing................ i . , . . i . .........

825 Hon Charles Haight, sorvlces and *. expenses,collobtlng forfeited tep-

ogBlzance...'............ ....................... -826 Jam es N orman, constable, fees—827 Wm H Morris, J r . burial of 8 bodies

by o rd er of coroner V anderveer.. 028 Wm G Jrving* detective,services .and

expenses in ca»e of John Heuder- 'son and Wm Neaves .........•

829J Frank Patterson,constable, ft«s.830 Dr Geo W Brown, 2 autopsies, $20 &.- . ... 9 post mortem examinations, ®45.831 Cook Howland, cast) paid fo r bridgo '

repairs, Neptiiifo/:......... ............. . ,BKPTKMEIKR 2ti^»

832 Augustus Smythe, i&nitor,salary. . . .»13C H Wardell, cashier, discount ou.* county note NdB .m .C l. . . . . . . . . . .831 John Tcrhune, cashier,, discount on

/. county note NoU&J5.Jno Fox, Iron pli>eH for bridge, uow- ...

836 J M C Pcrrine,.woris in court houao ond ja il ..................... ................ - - .5.

837 Cortenius Pattorson, work on bridgeover Osborn’s Mill brook.............

838H B PttcIfOr, work on Solomon Maps. bridgo. Ocean aud Eatontown....... •

Frank E Heyor, brldgo_plank, Marl- .

810 Jo s L Butcher, freelioider, compen-' satlon

841'Wm L Tilton, freeholder, compensa­tion .if.’. . ; . . ; . . ......... ....•'

812 A W Vanderveer, freeholder, com- „pensation. .......................*

813 C-L JShenparil,' <5oal fo t courthouse ~- aiid j a i l ; ....... .V

Smith, coroner,inquest on body— of A rthur Rose....................... .........

8J5 Wm Parker, work 611 factory bridgo— . Millstone and M a n a l a p a n .816 Win. II Vann, work 011 I'rickltt’s and

Runyon’s bridges, Howoll..............817 Freehold Gaa Light Co, gosconsmn-

’ ' ------- - * ........ v *011, July. ’88ou^briuges

101 60

1 21 60.

34 |8

‘ 18 2 io

^•85 00

147 00

—115-50'35 QO,

28 00

189 00 28 18


'10 50

17 28

. 76 00r

12 60

80 95


7 68

' 7 68

7 88

* 7 68

6 88

8 28

500 00 71 64

912 09-73 91'

65 00


45 83

216 W 112 44

106 887

3 25

417 01

919 Eobert-Blaok, bridge m aterial, Up­p e r F reehold .. : ; . .......................

920 John White, re-building bridge by •* David Balm ’s, M illstonq..............

921 Wm G Wyokoff, Iron w ork a t ja i l ..922 Wm G ravatt, p a rt of license fee

refunded.'................... .923 John S Maple, oonstable feos.. . . . .924 John S.Maple, constable expenses.S25 Lewis F. GnrdOBrffeBUoldnr. oom-'.

p e n s a t io n .. .. . . ................................926 D ., fo r co u rt

house and j a i l ...............................927 J C Ceuover, counsol, sorvlces an«5

• expenses In rnandam uscase, Shu­m ar vs A u d ito r . ., . ....... .

9‘28 David L Applogpte, pftintlwr ....... jj-fjgKOaj M aiiam pan ...r . . ; . . . . . . .Q29 Josiah W oodward, laying the cul-

vert and m aterial n oar *1M oun t ’sM &nalapan.... r . . . . . . . ............ .

(B0 Wm MGCraokeji, w ork on several • . , . b r ld g o s ... . . .............. .......................931 D G Campbell, repairing bridges,

.J t tld d le to w u .,. . .- . ....... . ;^ * a ^ 4 2 J il_932 George Lew is,.attending Highland v : /- d raw bridge, Ocoan and MiUdlo*

tQWn..............................................V ...933 Jam es. S Yard, bound volume o f '

Democrat, blank orders, courtcalendars....'....... ....... ,

984 Jo h n W Allgor,” carting bridgo plank, W a l l . - j . . . . . . . .

935 D r A W alker, racdfolnes for priso-ners, . . . . . .v -,-................................

986 Honry Longstroet, attending draw bridge a t Union. W a l l v

-9 3 7 -F -H ollaw ay ,^gh tJw atchm an_ ju ii_bridge. W all.............................. {..

938 Theo FleldB, Sheriff,board o f priso­ners, September, *88.;

989‘John* Glllnly, repairing, bridge,. - M l l l s t o n o . . ; . .........

940 Freehold Gas Llg)it; Co, gas con-' sum ed In co u rt houso and Jail, *Septem ber’8 8 ...;.-............ '

-941-Cortenius P atterson, ’ repairing .bridge, WaU........ Z: :.. : . . . 41 .

942 H H Hankins, work on b r id g o a t Prospertpwn, m art p its,-U pperFreehold.. -. .................... .

918 Georgo Gaskin, carting bridge m a­terial, W all..................

844, Jam es S 'W hite, Indexing record. books In surrogate’s office........ .

945 Combs & Ellis, supplies for court. house and ja i l ..................... ....

916 Wm H Campbell, freeholder, com­pensation.

947 Jonn T H aight, collector, sa lary ...948 R obert Gant, bridgo plank, IIow-

919. F M Vanderveer, coroner, inquest. on body o f Joseph Conover........

050 Charles E- Strong, constabe fix-951 A D 8 Leigh; work’ on Shark River

. r bridge,-Neptune and W a ll .. . . . . . .952 T V Hendrlokson, work on several

bridgea. N e p t u n e . . ?............‘968 N V Soulthorp, work on Jum ping

Brbbkbridgo. M e p tu n e ...., .. ,k ..954 Theo Fields, Sheriff, s e n loes and

expenses hunting for Alexander H ooper.......... .............. ...............I.f

955 Theo Fields. Sheriff, fees in fore­closure s u it—

956 John Jemlson, building bridge oypr Assanpink. Creek, Millstone apd Upper Freehold...............................

957 A h Patterson, building bridgonearW m Butcher’s farm , Free­h o l d . . , . . . , , ...........J . . ....................

958 Cook Howland, freeholder, com­p e n s a t io n .. . . . ; . . . ............... .

959 A P Johnson, court oonstabto fees.900 Sarah E Cottrell, loan Surplus Fund

. . P rincipal./...............................- OCTOBBRlfi. „

901 M.D L Mngeo, cashier, discount oucounty noto No. 10...........; ..........; .

OCTOHKll 23.962 W N Little, constable fees....... . . . . . .9*» Jam esM WaUing, oonstab(d.fe«a... .964George 11 W hite, court constable*

fees..... ........ ............................... . . . . .965»James Norman, constable fees.......Of* Richard V Cl*yton, constable fees.. 907 J F rank Pattorson, constable fees.

J F rank P atto rson , coUrt constable• f e e s . . . . . . . . . .........

969 Augustus Smythu, Janitor,T<aftry... - 1970 A P Johnson, constablo fees.,

21 90. i

848 Thonias 'FleHB; woYk-Marlboro.......... .............................

819 Job Kittell, locust piling for bridgo Wall.................... ................................

850 John Lamb, work o u . bridges, Man­alapan .................................

851 Win H Davis, work on bridgo and'material, U pper Freehold.. . . . .

852 Wm H Davis,. te rra : cotta pipo forculverts, upjier Froehoid..........

853 J V D Beekuian, • bridgo lumber, - ■7 Upper F r e e h o l d .

(&l S Broeklebauk, bridge material;Freehold ..................... *......... ,V.

855-John-Mount,work on bridgoat Pros- - l>ertown. • U pper Freehold..........

856 Euoch Cafferty, repairing'brltlge inAllentown, Upi>er Freehold.*i> ..**

857 Maxcey Applegate, printing vouch-

858 Joliu P Applegate oxiwnses and ser­vices in • mandamus suit, Shum ar ; vs Auditor............ .’.................

859 John Gleason, freight ou laws andc a r t a g e . . .........................

860 George II Adams, constable, fees...861'J" W S Campbell, cashier school

order, Surplus Revem uiJnterest.. .862 Hon Chas Haight, peosecuTof^fees..863 .Theodoro Fields, sheriff, taxed costs

4 la cases of F m lerick Lawrence,and Austin .L Johnson, and traasv-portatiou feek.. .. .. .* . ........rr? '. . . .

1 - OCTOBBR '4.861 John T Height, collector, sa la ry— 200 00 — ------------ ifo-*- ----------- - * 1 —

971 J C Lawrence. Justice fee s—972 S B Iliustlalo, oourt -Btunographer,

;fe e s : .................... ..............................,978 TliendotoFieldH, sheriff, percent­

age on fines, Jahuary and Mayterm s ’88........... ................. .......

074 John 8 Maple, constable f e e s . . . . . . .j KOVBMUBItO.

48 50:' 975 John Lloyd, election expenses, ’88 ' j Mlddle.dlatriot, K hrew sfm ry......

42 00- 076-Gilbert— Crawford, election . ex- I « pensea, W<jatern d istric t Shrews* -

ao 51 b u i y . . . . . .............................| 977 Rev S Lockwood, county superin-.I . . ten d en t,1 s a l a r y . . . - , 978 Charles Hlierman,election oxpenses

JH 80 I - ’88, A tlan tlo ,......................... ’....... ; .......“4B‘Wi.... ' -—t-979 George SchanoH, election oxponsos—393 16 * -— -HolmdeL.......... ; ...................-^—.—4 ! 25

980 Danlql P ' Van Dorn, election ox*"^2 28 ponses. M a r l b o r o . , 4<> 50

t 981 Jest«o S Sickle a. eleciitm expenses,8 50 !• M atawan................. ..................... .

" ; 982 C A Smlili, ehictioU cxiiotisus; 3^8 5i) I Dlst, M iddletow n.................

983 Charles H Dennis, “election ex * renses, Eastern Dlst, Shrows- . .b u ry ............ . r . . ' ................................

981 E C Dlsbrow,- election expeuaus,Mlllstono............ ..............................

985 JphqM Doy, election expenses, 2d ■ D ls t.-N e p tu n e ...;... . ............ . . . .

986 David Osborn, election exponses,1s t Dlst, M iddletown— ................

987 J H Montgomery, election expen­ses Eastern Dlst, H ow ell..............

988 Bloomfield Cook, elecllon expen­ses, 1st Dlat, E atontow n................

989 R obert C Morris, election expenses,1st Dlst, Wall . : . . .

990 John W Parker, eiection expenses,Southern Diat, Shrewsbury....... .

991 Thomas Tallm an, election expcn- .scs, 2d D lst, Eatontow n................

992 A K Eldrldgo election exponses,Millstone

.993 Jam es G Ivins,' election expenses,2d Dlst. R aritan ,..- ....-

991 J a p b la VanDJrKe,' yieiJllOh f&lfpetF-ses, 1st Dlst, O cean ..: ....................

995. J M Stratton , Eleetion expenses,4th B 1st, O c e a n ................ .

996 Levi (C lrw ln , election expenses.W estern Dist, Hqwell.......If A 1 If Off If,,. AVIUinDAJ

118 G5 61 74

59 40

56 00

42 00

GO 03 152>

14 40

33 00

32 59

’ 10 50


1 44 11 60

100 85 157 00

- 1

865 Chas 8 Bullock, collector, school or- .— , der, SurplusItovenuo In te re s t .. . .

octouer 8.866 Theo Fields, sheriff, taxed costs lo

cases of Thomas Williams and*. Henry Jackson and transportation

867 Theo Filils, shoriff, on account of - court expenses, October term , ’88 2,000 00 Edwartl Innet Pitcher, services and

expenses in requisition- of/ Ebon --------- 'I d a B a r

" 100 os

116 05

i n n k s . . . .. . .Cooper and It__________________) J .W 8 CamplieU, casliier, school or­

der Surplus Revenue In te rest,. . . . . OOTOllEll 10.

870 Hon A Walling, J r , judge sa la ry ...-.----- *ible, - ~x>nsw‘ *

____ us, grave 1_____ __________Mount a deceased so ld ier...'..........

W1.A W Tilton, conatal:872 A W Tilton, constable, expen_____873 J M Ayreb, grave stones for Robt M

413 98

225 00 17 28

8 00

874 Charles G ravatt, C harlston" * m a te ria l, '

uixumcuHomiur................ '•'vravatt, rebuilding bridge, V in Springs, painting and. i, M illstone..)..__ • Oi

876 Dean & W estbrook, gas plpo, rail-, Ing fo r bridge. Holmdel............ . .

876 M J Kanoy, work on bridge, Marl­boro. i v V.-; ...........

677 Wm LTillon.-freoholder, compen-- aatlon . . . . . . . . .........................

•878 Jos O M atthews, work on bridges, U o w e l l . .........

879 John W Reynolds,work on bridges, Howell................................................

C A Harkm an, m aterial fo r two culverts, Mlllstono.........

881 A W 'V aridotreer, freeholder;’ .com •pensation....... ......... ................ .

882 Henry O kerson,bridge p lank,H ow - *

Jo s L Butcher* freeholder, com­pensation ...- .. . . . ................ '.......... .

O u W agner, freeholder,' oompen- ‘s a tlo n .. . . . . . . V . 7 . T . . . . ' . r . T .

Jehu P Cooper, freeholder, com- . p e n s a tio n .. .. ...................................

880 John H .-H eyor, freeholdor com* ..p en satio n ......................... ..

887 Wm A Dunlop, freeholder, com--._pensatlon ................... j .....................Wm A Dunlop, cash paid fo r insur- 'anoo on Smith building—

889 Richard Borden, freeholder, oom*.pensatio n .......... ................... ..........

8d0 L white, freeholder, compensation 891 Samuel G ravatt, freeholder, com-'

'p en sa tio n ...................Dew itt C Si^kleB, freeholder, com-

ponsatlon... 1’TheOd____ lOdore Ilullck, oonstable fe e s . ,.

»4 Jerem iah Lyford, constable foes .. i5 Wm F Murphy’s Sons^-stationery

for eurrdgate’s office....................896 W N Littlo, oonstable e^penaos.. ..897 W N L lttlo , constable fees. . . . I ..... .188 A P Johnson, constablo foes...........

J99 J C Lawrenco, justloo fees ..........000 J. Frank Patterson,.conrt.nnnBtahln . v„.

, f p e s .............................901 Forman Ayers, work on soveral

^bridges, S hrow sbury .... ••..............J A T hrockm orton ,. bridgo - ma­

terial, Shrewsbury,................ ....;F M Vanderveer. dotoof.lve._6x

904 1tenses in Riohard Koarnev case.; I V anderveer, coronor, inquest

______ l y c . ......... .................. .........905 F M Vanderveer, aoroner, inquest

on body of female In fan t.............906 F M Vanderveer, coroner, inquest

on body of Jo h n Gaskin....... . . . . .907 F M Vanderveer, coroner, inquest

on body of Mlohaol Coftly. . . . . . . .908 Daniel Polhc-mus, work on bridgo,• ‘ . E atontow n....... ...........................909 Wm H -Flltoroft, m atorial for if

bridges', n o w ell— . . . ............. _■910 Win H Burlin, attonding Gooso

Neok.'d'raw bridgo,‘ Eatontow n and S hrew sbury ........

08 00

45 00

8 88

10 06: -a,, 6 0081 .w20 20


3 20

12 64

~80 28‘

31 15

29 65

20 06

6 00

80 90 17 80

22 84

24 015 64

_8 76

57 18 3 00

•20 66 n 1013 62


22 60

71 11 10 00

8 28


&H66 78

7 60

22 60

30 CO



250 00-

911 Joseph L B atcher, carting bridgeV• •' m atorial, Howell............ - 12

CW Thom nson, agont, lubor and • m atorial for bridgea, Shrowsbury H B Pitohor, building brlok . cul­

v e rt n ea r Curlls Nflwman’s,.. Ocean and N eptuno.... .. .- .. . v , .

914 Jaoob Garrison, a ttonding Pleasure Bay d raw bridge, m to n to w n and .

. Ooean A-..•■.*.• ■«. '015 E IX Bedlo, o o u rt hoiwe anti jail r ' supplied. . , —f . . . . . . . . .910 H e p ry r‘ H ' Mattli°WB. building

bridge noar Wm T M atthew s’ lot. <n^PMTOR^»ear D D H unt’s,

; -ana notifying freeho lders...917. Elias ^ m o n , j j ^ g ^ i ^ f t j r j j o u r t

018 Gttorgo H Adame, ’ fixing awnings on co u rt houso. : ....................

30 0)

1B1 85

5^2 50

" 7 60

-■\oo., j ‘.'.'i

Istone apd


251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New York,Have occupied tho same building m ore th an a q u a rte r o f a oent'urv- Tholr goedB a ro shipped to all p a rts of tho Unlied States.

997 Alfred Hart,,elucllon oxponaojj, 1stDlst, N eptune........./ . ------ - ..

JKW W E Newing, election oxpeiisea, 8dDlat, O cean........................//............

999 Josiah Borden, eleotlon expenaes,2d Dist, U pper Freehold^..............

rlOOO Rufus Ogdenj-eleotlon/expenBOS,1st Dlat, R a r i t a n . . ; . . . . ............... :

1001 F A rJehl, eleotlon expenses; 2dDlat, Ooean..........................

1003*E H Tliton, election oxpensos, 8d Dlst, Neptuno..... .............................

1003 W J Leonard, eleotlon expenses, • 2d Dlst, Middletown . . . . . . . . .. .. .

1004 Edward A Hoy^r, electjon expen­ses, 1st Dist, Upper Freehold. . . .

1005 Riohard V Clayton, constable fens =1006 N J Conover, election expenses, ’88

2d Dlst, F reeh o ld .;.............. .1007 Theo Fields, sheriff, ta x e d costa , r! in ca s o b rS ta te vbDavid Conover,

and transporta tion .feeg j. ............2008 Charles w Roswell, court constU'

1 ble f e e s . . *7....... ................., . . .1009 J Frank Patterson, court consta­

ble fees.......................... ....1010 George 11 Whlto, co u rt constable

feos.............. ......... ............................1011 J o h n s Maple, court constable fees1012 J C Ackerman, court constablo o

fees....... \ ............ : ..........: ............1013. Riohard V* Clayton,“co u rt consta­

ble fees ......................... .;fc. .'..........014 Hubbard Forman, eleotlon oxpen- * sea, ’88,2d Dls^ Wall.......................

1015 Theo Molds,-shoriff, on account cif .' / oourt expenses, October term , ’68

1016 J CLaw rence, jiiBtice feo s .;.........1017 W O Hartshorne, election oxpon-

B03, ’88, iBt Dlst. Freehold ...........

!}9 00

30 00 29 00

89 00

39 00

40 50

40 60

89 00

51 00

53 25

39 25 2 20

39 00

49 69

70 00


81 60 70 00

65 00

70 00

; 53 60

1000 00 23 26

. 40 60

Oliver H. Brown,H O U S E F U R N IS H IN G


------ - T o ta l.............. ...$85 700 06R eceip ts..............T .. . . ...;.........$90,728 09’D lB b u rs e m o n ta .. . - . . . . . 8 5 , 7 0 0 06 - - .

Balanco in h a n d ............... $5,028 03The balance is deposited in the follow- , •

ing named banks, to-wit: • ■«"F irst National Bank of F« jq^. *

hold....... . . . . : ........ ..................$4,597 51-Freehold-Banking Company . . . -19 43 - - F irs t National Bank of Rod

B a n k ..; . ....... ............................ 15 87Second National-Bank of Red.

Bank.......................................... 34 60Farmers’ & M erchants’ Bank.. 215 28Long Branoh City B ank .:....... .1 8 60Firat N ational Bank of Mana-

Bquan— .................................. 96 94• - - -*' 03

The undersigned, a pommlttee of the Board of ChoBon Freeholders, duly appointed io r the. purpose, do hegeby certify 1 th a t w o-have ex­amined the aocounts of Jo u n T. IIX ioht, Collec­to r, for receipts a n d dlahnrsemflnts from May* 9,, ’88, to Nov. 14,88, and find the aocounts here re­corded to bo porreut, and .wo also examined tho bank afid baft) books, and find the balances tor ■ itnil . ' '


■ ENTIRELY R E -A R R A N G E D .Tho Finest Stock of V

Housefurnishing Goodsto be found on tho N ew Jorsoy Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture.ANTIQUE OAK

In IsdfBBffl Suits, Slda-Qoards; Ohalrs, Tables, E t c .. v , u_ _

ba as herein stated. "'Hated Nov.-14,1888

(Signod) * -WM. A. DUNLOP, * W m. L. TILTONiCo o k h o w l a n d .

■ O fth o Committeo to se ttle w ith Collector. Approved by mo, . • , • . ;

(Hl«nea) 1 JollU P. A PPLEO l'l'lt, Auditor.

Carpets, Mattings, j Iteed and Rattan Goods,

BEDDING ,SilverwarS?^ Lamps, Stoves.

_ : All the Noveltlos in n

Frencli, Bohem ian and Do- ' • m c H t i c G la 'f l f t . " '

Foreign and Dom estic China and Table Ware.

Goods delivered In A sburr Park and Ocean Grove.

Crawfoi'd’s Palace o f Music,_the leading muMo storo of tho Atlantic coast.


l4 3 * l4 5 M a ln Hi.* A a b u r y P a r l e , N . J .(White’s new brlok building.) Bohr Bros. & C o’s, M athushek^Storilngand MoEwen Pianos. Wil­cox A White and stprilog Organs. Musioal In­strum ents, muslo book,^,. shoot muslo. Planp, org&n arid tablo covors. f 1 Soarfs, stools, and sow­ing macblno suDpllos, rP lanoa, and,O rgana for Bale or rcn t-rcasn o r O Eflnatalm qat^JJom estld. American, ren t

TEpaale—oasn. o r on yfwtalmonta. R e ^ r a m ade to pianos, organs and a>wlng niaohtno^U _


Highest dcgrco of quality insures Riyyest coat and best work. -

Tlio price por gallon higher, but quantity need­ed la less than i f any‘othcir paints were used.

Any building th a t 1s not satisfactorily painted w ltlu t, o r upon which its uso has not cost less than i f other paints had been used, w i l l b e r e p a in t* e d a t o u r e x p e n a e . . .

____ FOR SALE BY ”W . X a . A T J E C I M - S O I T ,

Dealer i n ...r . . . .Paipte, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, he...

“Artists’- Tnbo'CoWWi^niBhca. W alH^apc^x ^ NO.206BON»STRBET, ' >-

(Established 1864)- •> (' Asbury Park, N. J,

JAMES' H. SEXTON\ r .L . . . • u * ‘ “ ' ' ' ' ,


K T . J .

UpholntoriDg in all’lt« branohea onrriod on, nlBo a full line of Piotnro, Framen anil MonldingB kept constantly on band. Window Comioee ol oil desariptions.

Having had sovoral years’ exnoricpce'ift th e undertaking business in Asbury P a rk and vlclnit* I foel compotent to givo satisfaction to ail w ho m ay favor me w ith their patronage. '

TELEl'HONE CONNECTIONS w ith prinolpal hotels and>stores ln P ark and-Grove.

Office open day and night*. . T A K E S EE.

BUILD YOUR HOUSES WITH GOOD LUMBERAnd they will last a long time.

Ono o f the best, places to find an assortm ent o f FIRST-CLASS BUILDING TWTATRRIAL, Is a t the old established .business place o f .................. .

N. E. BUCHANON & CO.,; . : Southwest obm or of Main s tree t and Asbnry avenue,

~ “ 7 ~ ------ - — - A s b x t r y 1 ‘ a r k , - S o w .T c r a o y .

Thousands of customers who have patronized this house, can testify th a t there Is no botter place to purchase everything which enters in to tho construction of a cottago or a palaeo. Como along w lm your orders for - ~ . ’ . ........ .






And evoiythlnir to complete your house. Satisfaction guaranteed 19 all customers.

H, E. Sackanon, * 5 , 7 , Smock. - - Geo, A, SnocK

G. J. SCHANCK & SON, Successors to 'F R B r j i i . . s o h s r s ;

A sb n r y A v f . t im lM a in H t., A s b u r y P a r k ,N . J .URANCH OFFICKSnrMiian Ross's, 120 Cookmari avenue, Asbury.'Phrk, and G. W .‘Martin's, Pilgrim

Pathway, OQean(]rovo. where a ll pVdors received w l|lb ep ro m p tly fill eii ■>.-

Main Street, Munroe Avehue and Railroad, V ' \ , ASBURY PARK, N r j .

.. ud Soft WfiiHl JHahteiii. ‘W uning i r ______________ „d a ily . Design* and Prices Furntshed on Appiicnilon

o o i a i n „ . .r n lu K a n d

icfcela andjj 1 roll Nawilij