strategic management(1 4)

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  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Management(1 4)


  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Management(1 4)


    Weru Joshua Nyirasoni Lois

    Habinshuti BenjaminNdayisaba Willy

  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Management(1 4)


  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Management(1 4)



    yStrategic management is a set of decisions and

    actions that result in the formulation and

    implementation of plans designed to achievecompany objectives.

    yStrategy is a large-scale, future oriented plans

    for interacting with the competitive

    environment to achieve company objectives.

    yStrategy provides a framework of managerial


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    Critical Tasks in Strategic Magt

    yFormulation of vision & Mission statements

    yAnalysis of internal conditions and capabilities

    yExternal environment analysis including

    competitive and general contextual factors

    y Identify alternative strategic choices

    y Identify the most desirable in light of its

    resources and external environment

    ySelect long-term objectives and grand


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    yDevelop annual objectives and short-term


    y Implement strategic choicesyEvaluate success of the strategic process

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    Dimensions of Strategic Decisions

    yStrategic issues:

    yRequires top-mgt decisions /involvement


    Require large amounts of the firms resourcesyOften affect the firms long-term propensity

    y Future oriented


    Usually have multifunctional/multi-businessconsequences

    yRequire considering the firms external


  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Management(1 4)


    The three Levels of StrategyyThe corporate level comprising of board of

    directors, chief executive and administrative


    yBusiness level comprising of business and

    corporate managers at SBUs.

    yFunctional level comprised of managers of

    product, geographic, and functional areas.

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    Characteristics of Strategic management


    yDecisions at corporate level

    yAre of more value, more conceptual and less

    concrete.yHave greater risk, cost and profit potential

    yNeed greater flexibility and longer time horizon


    Functional level decisionsyRelatively concrete and quantifiable

    yReceives critical attention and analysis

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    yBusiness level decisions

    yHelp bridge decisions at corporate and

    functional levelyAre less costly, risky, and potentially profitable

    than corporate level decisions

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    Formality in Strategic ManagementyDegree to which participant, responsibilities,authority and discretion in decision making isspecified. They include:

    yEntrepreneurial mode: associated with owner-manager of small firms.

    yPlanning mode: associated with large firms thatoperate under comprehensive, formal planning


    yAdaptive mode: associated with medium-sizedfirms

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    Benefits of Strategic management

    yEnhance a firms ability to prevent problems

    yGroup decisions drawn from best alternativesyEmployees involvement in strategy formulation

    improves their understanding and motivation

    yGaps and overlaps in activities are reducedyResistance to change is reduced

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    omponents of strategic modelyCompany mission

    y Internal analysis

    yExternal analysis

    yStrategic analysis and



    Long-term objectivesyGeneric and grand


    yShort-term objectives

    yFunctional tactics

    yPolicies that empoweraction

    yStrategic control and



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    Company Mission

  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Management(1 4)


    What is a company mission?

    yEnduring statement of a firms intent.

    yEmbodies business philosophy, image sought, principal products or service and primary

    customer needs to satisfy.

    y It answers the question: what business we arein?

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    Formulating a MissionyThe mission should state the basic type of

    product or service to be offered, the primary

    markets or customer groups to serve; thetechnology to be used in production or

    delivery; the firms fundamental concern for

    survival through growth and profitability; the

    firms managerial philosophy; the public imagethe firm seeks; and self-concept those affiliated

    with the firm should have of it.

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    Vision Statement

    yThe vision statement is sometime developed to

    express the aspirations of the executive


    y It presents the firms strategic intent that

    focuses the energies and resources of the

    company on achieving a desirable future.

    yThe vision and mission are frequently

    combined into a single statement.

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    Board ofDirectorsyThe group of stock-holder representatives and

    strategic managers responsible for overseeing

    the creation and accomplishment of company


    y In the current business environment, they are

    accepting the challenge of shareholders and

    other stakeholders to become actively inestablishing the strategic initiatives of the

    company that they serve.

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    Corporate Social Responsibilityand Business Ethics

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    The stakeholder approach to social

    responsibilityy In defining company mission, strategic

    managers must recognize the legitimate rights

    of the firms claimants.

    yThese include not only the stockholders and

    employees but also outsiders affected by the

    firms actions. (stakeholders)yThe mission statement should incorporate:

    y Identified stakeholders

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    yUnderstanding of stakeholders claims

    yReconciliation of the claims and assignment of

    priorities to them

    yCoordination of the claims with other elements

    of the company mission

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    Types of Social Responsibility

    yEconomic responsibilities: The duty of managers, as agents of the company owners, tomaximize stakeholders wealth.

    yLegal responsibilities: Firms obligations tocomply with laws regulating business activities.

    yEthical responsibilities: The strategicmanagers notion of right and proper business

    yDiscretionary responsibilities: Responsibilitiesassumed by a business, such as public relations,good citizenship, and full corporateresponsibility

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    Corporate Social Responsibility and


    yCorporate social responsibility is the idea thatbusiness has a duty to serve society in generalas well as the financial interest of stockholders.

    yCSR should be viewed as a component in thedecision-making process of business that mustdetermine, among other objectives, how tomaximize profits.

    yCSR costs are more than offset in the long-runby an improved company image and increasedcommunity goodwill.

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    Corporate Social Responsibility

    TodayyThree broad trends are driving businesses to

    adopt CSR frameworks. These include;


    The resurgence of environmentalismy Increasing buyer power with consumers

    becoming more interested in buying products

    from socially responsible companies.

    yThe globalization of business: CSR has become

    more complex as companies increasingly

    transcend national borders.

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    CSRs Effect on the Mission


    y In developing mission statements, managers

    must identify all stakeholder groups and weightheir relative rights and abilities to affect the

    firms success.

    ySocial Audit attempts to measure a companysactual social performance against its social


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    The nature of Ethics in Business

    yEthics is the moral principles that reflect

    societys beliefs about the action of an

    individual or group that are right or wrong.

    yCentral to the belief that companies should be

    operated in a socially responsive way for the

    benefit of all stakeholders is the belief that

    managers will behave in an ethical manner.

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    The Future ofCSRyCSR is firmly and irreversibly part of the

    corporate fabric. Managed properly, CSR programs can confer significant benefits to

    participants in terms of reputation, hiring,motivation, and retention and as a means ofbuilding and cementing valuable partnerships.

    yThe challenge for management, then, is to

    know how to meet the companys obligationsto all stakeholders without compromising thebasic need to earn a fair return of its owners.

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    The Firms External Environment

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    External Environment AnalysisyExternal environment refers to factors beyond

    the control of the firm that influence its choice

    of direction and action, organizational structure

    and internal processes.

    yThese factors can be divided into three;

    yRemote environment

    y Industry environment

    yOperating environment

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    Remote EnvironmentyComprises of factors that originate beyond, and

    usually irrespective of, any single firms

    operating situation;


    y Social

    y Political


    yEcological factors

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    Economic factors: these relate to nature anddirection of economy.

    yConsumption patterns, availability of credit,

    disposable income, interest rates, inflation rates

    and growth trend of GDP.

    ySocial factors: involves beliefs, values,

    attitudes, opinions and lifestyles of persons in

    firms external environment.yChange in social attitudes leads to change in

    demand of various products.

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    ContdyPolitical factors: defines the legal and

    regulatory parameters within which the firmoperates.


    Antitrust laws, tax programs, minimum wagelegislation, pollution and pricing policies etc

    yTechnological factors: a firm must adapt tochange in technology to avoid obsolescence

    and promote innovation.y Internet and particularly e-commerce have

    changed the way of doing business.

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    yEcological factors: relate to threats to natural



    Ecology is the relationship among humanbeings and other living things and the air, soil

    and water that supports them. Pollution is threat

    to ecology due to human activity.

    yEcological concerns are global warming, loss ofhabitant and biodiversity, as well as air water

    and land pollution.

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    Industry Environment

    yRefers to general conditions for competitionthat influence al businesses that provide similar

    products and services.


    The five forces driving industry competitionaccording to Porter are;

    yDeterminants of entry

    yDeterminants of rivalry

    yDeterminants of supplier power

    yDeterminants of buyer power


    Determinants of substitution threat

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    Barriers to EntryyEconomies of scale deter entry by forcing the

    entrants to come in large scale or accept a cost


    yProduct differentiation creates a barrier byforcing entrants to spend heavily to overcome

    customer loyalty.

    yCapital requirements creates a need to investlarge financial resources in order to compete.

    yCost advantages independent of size

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    yAccess to distribution channels: a new food

    product must displace others from the

    supermarket shelf via price breaks, promotions

    or intense selling efforts.

    yGovernment policy: can limit or even close

    entry to industry.

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    Powerful Buyers

    yCan squeeze profitability out of an industry. A

    supplier group is powerful if:

    yDominated by few companies

    y Product is unique

    yNot obliged to contend with other products

    y Industry is not an important customer to the

    supplier group

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    Substitute Products

    yThey limit the potential of the industry unless it

    can upgrade the quality of the product ordifferentiate them.

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    Powerful Buyers

    yCustomers can drive down prices or demand

    high quality if:

    y Purchases in large volumes

    y Products are undifferentiated or standard

    yEarns low profits

    yThey buyer pose a threat of integrating


    y Product do not save buyer money

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    Industry Analysis and competitive

    AnalysisyThe firms executives need to address four


    yWhat are boundaries in the industry?

    yWhat is the structure of the industry?

    yWhich firms are our competitors?

    yWhat are the major determinants ofcompetition?

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    Operating environment

    yThese are factors in the immediate competitive

    situation that affect a firms success in

    acquiring needed resources.

    yThese factors are:

    y Firms competitive position

    yComposition of its customers

    y Its reputation among supplier and creditors

    yAbility to attract capable employees

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    ompetitive position: includes market share, bread the of product line, relative productquality, financial position, effectiveness ofsales distribution, price competitiveness,

    technological position among others.yCustomer profiles: include geographical,

    demographic, psychographic and buyerbehavior.

    ySuppliers and creditors : dependablerelationship between the firm, creditors and thesupplier is essential. Other factors include

    reputation and human resources

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    yAssessing the potential impact of changes in

    external environment offers a real advantage.

    y It enables decision makers to narrow the rangeof the available options and to eliminate

    options that are clearly inconsistent with the

    forecast opportunities.y It generally leads to the elimination of all but

    the most promising options.