strategic management.docx

Strategic Management - An Introduction Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can carry so as to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization. An organization is said to have competitive advantage if its profitability is higher than the average profitability for all companies in its industry. Strategic management can also be defined as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager undertakes and which decides the result of the firm’s performance. The manager must have a thorough knowledge and analysis of the general and competitive organizational environment so as to take right decisions. They should conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), i.e., they should make best possible utilization of strengths, minimize the organizational weaknesses, make use of arising opportunities from the business environment and shouldn’t ignore the threats. Strategic management is nothing but planning for both predictable as well as unfeasible contingencies. It is applicable to both small as well as large organizations as even the smallest organization face competition and, by formulating and implementing appropriate strategies, they can attain sustainable competitive advantage. It is a way in which strategists set the objectives and proceed about attaining them. It deals with making and implementing decisions about future direction of an organization. It helps us to identify the direction in which an organization is moving. Strategic management is a continuous process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which an organization is involved; evaluates its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reevaluates strategies on a regular basis to determine how it has been implemented and whether it was successful or does it needs replacement.

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Strategic Management - An Introduction

Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can carry so as to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization. An organization is said to have competitive advantage if its profitability is higher than the average profitability for all companies in its industry.

Strategic management can also be defined as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager undertakes and which decides the result of the firm’s performance. The manager must have a thorough knowledge and analysis of the general and competitive organizational environment so as to take right decisions. They should conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), i.e., they should make best possible utilization of strengths, minimize the organizational weaknesses, make use of arising opportunities from the business environment and shouldn’t ignore the threats. Strategic management is nothing but planning for both predictable as well as unfeasible contingencies. It is applicable to both small as well as large organizations as even the smallest organization face competition and, by formulating and implementing appropriate strategies, they can attain sustainable competitive advantage.

It is a way in which strategists set the objectives and proceed about attaining them. It deals with making and implementing decisions about future direction of an organization. It helps us to identify the direction in which an organization is moving.

Strategic management is a continuous process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which an organization is involved; evaluates its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reevaluates strategies on a regular basis to determine how it has been implemented and whether it was successful or does it needs replacement.

Strategic Management gives a broader perspective to the employees of an organization and they can better understand how their job fits into the entire organizational plan and how it is co-related to other organizational members. It is nothing but the art of managing employees in a manner which maximizes the ability of achieving business objectives. The employees become more trustworthy, more committed and more satisfied as they can co-relate themselves very well with each organizational task. They can understand the reaction of environmental changes on the organization and the probable response of the organization with the help of strategic management. Thus the employees can judge the impact of such changes on their own job and can effectively face the changes. The managers and employees must do appropriate things in appropriate manner. They need to be both effective as well as efficient.

One of the major role of strategic management is to incorporate various functional areas of the organization completely, as well as, to ensure these functional areas harmonize and get together well. Another role of strategic management is to keep a continuous eye on the goals and objectives of the organization.

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Six Steps on How to Solve Operational Issues

By Natividad Imm  |   Submitted On June 30, 2009


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Working in a fast pace environment needs to have standard procedure in order to operate a business successfully. Presence of operational issues need to be addressed and solved immediately to avoid further business losses, clients dissatisfaction and employees low morale. Business owners and or managers should be on top of every issues that affect the smooth operation of the business.

Business owners, Corporations and Managers alike play an important role in the effectiveness of this process. They should be able to invest and support the needed tools and expenses in going through this process. Just like setting and adhering to company objectives where the managers are held accountable to the owners or corporation, the supervisors are accountable to the managers and rank and file staff are accountable to their supervisors etc., which means everybody in the organization work as a team in the fulfilment of the objectives and therefore solving operational issues works the same way too. This is not employees problem or supervisors problem, it is everybody's problem.

To start this process a set of company employees should be selected to work as a team in solving the issues. It will be helpful if not all members of the team are subjected to the particular issues being worked on. This is to avoid assumption but rather gather informations more on factual events or interviews. Team coach will be updating the management and or owners regarding the process.Team members of each issue will be working independently with a team coach and should be given full support by the management/owners in the gathering of information or data. During the interview, employees are allowed to voice out or say what they are actually experiecing on specific issues being analysed and avoid assumption on what could be causing the issues. When a person assumes then the process fails because it lacks the facts or the truthness in what actually happens.

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The primary step in solving operational issues is to be able to pick-up the issues affecting the operation of the business. It is vital that issues be worked on according to its basic category such as; priority and important and important but not a priority. First work on the important and priority then the important issues can be handled on a later stage after one issue has been completed. There could be five or more issues that will surface on the discussion but each issue should be worked on one at a time and if there are two or more relevant issues, these can be joined and named as one issue. List of issues should be communicated in writing to the Manager and update him on the issues being worked on.

Second step is to find out the root causes of the issue. The assigned team gathers information to the affected work site or interview employees and search for possible root causes of the problem. They should be able to list all these root causes where all the team members can see, have discussion and eliminate root causes included on the list that are not relevant to the issues. Time element in gathering of information as to the root cause of the issues may differ from one issue to another depending on the process involved on specific type of issues. There could be issues involving contact or approval of the owners, the managers, suppliers etc wherein their availability for interview and agreement with the process will be at their own disposal.

As the team proceed to the process and were able to complete the second step, they then will start with the third step which is summarising the gathered information. Out of those information, they should be able to keep the relevant and eliminate the irrelevant data. They should be able to note which data keeps coming up on the list and be able to sequence them as to which data comes first, second, third and so on according to its repetitiveness on the list. Based on the data gathered, team member will then set a procedure that will solve the issue.

The fourth step is to eliminate the obstacle in setting up the procedure involved in an issue. Once a procedure has been created, it will then be discussed with the manager and or the owner to eliminate obstacle/s for the successful implementation of the newly created procedure. The procedure should be convincing and be able to solve the issue. If the procedure gets the support and approval of the manager and or the owner, then the team will be able to finalise the creation of the procedure.

The fifth step is the implementation of the set procedure by the team members. Manager and or owner should then meet with the employees concern with regards to the issue and discussed the new set procedure to be followed in order to totally eliminate the occurrence of specific operational problem. With the support of the upper management/owner being highlighted with their presence, this will give a positive impact on the discussion and implementation of the newly created procedure.

The sixth step is to Review Set Procedure. In this stage, the team members will try to review the effectiveness of the procedure and if there is/are changes that need/s to be revised then it has to be communicated to all the person concern, re-implemented till it works without flaws.

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Summarising the sixth steps on how to solve operational issues are as follows:

1. Pick-up the issues- team members should be able to gather issues and categorised each one of them based on important and priority or important but not priority. They should also be able to make one issue out of related issues that are relevant to each other.

2. Find out the possible root causes of the issue - team members visit the work site or employees at the work site of specific issue that they are working on. They should be able to gather facts, data or information with the concern employees or work site. It is important that the collection of data or information are based on facts and not assumption.

3. Summarises the possible root causes, analyse the issue and create a procedure to solve the issue based on the facts and data gathered through the interviews made with the employees and actual observation linking the events as to how the issue is occurring. It should be factual and ocular.

4. Eliminate obstacle for the implementation of the newly set -up procedure.- team coach/members should discuss their findings with the owner and or the manager with their suggested procedure for implementation. Issues that concern the suppliers or other outside establishment should be handled and discussed through proper channels with the full support of the owner and or manager.

5. Implementation of the newly set-up procedure- team members should have a meeting with the concern employees that will adapt the procedure in the presence of the owner and or the manager. Set-up operating procedure will be in place and team members make a follow through ensuring that the implementation is taking place

6. Review the set-up procedure. After three to six months, team members will review the set procedure and make revisions if necessary for the successful implementation of the set standard procedure in solving operational issue.These steps on solving operational issues if followed accordingly will give or show dramatic improvements in the smooth operation of the business, profitability, clients satisfaction and high employee morale.

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Isu Tempat Kerja Strategik thumbnail isu tempat kerja operasi dan strategik adalah berbeza.

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Pengurus perlu menangani pelbagai isu-isu tempat kerja strategik secara tetap. Isu-isu ini mungkin berbeza-beza dari jabatan ke jabatan. Sebagai contoh, jabatan sumber manusia mungkin menghadapi isu-isu tempat kerja seperti upah dan jam kebimbangan, gangguan, keselamatan dan pematuhan dan diskriminasi. Walau bagaimanapun, isu tempat kerja strategik yang paling khusus, tidak kira apa yang jabatan itu, jatuh ke dalam beberapa kategori umum yang mungkin agak mudah untuk menangani dengan perancangan yang betul.Orang Lain Adakah Membaca

Isu-isu operasi dalam Rancangan Perniagaan Vs. Perancangan Strategik Perancangan Operasi

Isu operasi

Pengurus sering mendapat terperangkap dalam hari-hari isu tempat kerja dan lupa untuk melibatkan diri dalam perancangan untuk memerangi isu-isu jangka panjang. Isu-isu ini segera mungkin melibatkan hanya melengkapkan tugasan dan tarikh akhir mesyuarat. Walaupun isu-isu operasi tidak adalah sama seperti isu-isu strategik, perancangan strategik yang betul boleh memerangi mereka. Vs. strategik operasi

Pengurus mesti memahami perbezaan antara isu-isu tempat kerja operasi dan strategik. Isu-isu operasi termasuk yang hari-hari tugas seperti memerangi masalah teknikal atau rangkaian yang boleh mengekalkan pekerja daripada memenuhi tarikh akhir tertentu. Isu tempat kerja strategik melibatkan isu-isu yang lebih besar seperti budaya korporat, yang boleh memberi kesan kepada keupayaan organisasi untuk memenuhi tarikh akhir yang konsisten dalam jangka masa panjang. Menurut laman web PlanWare pada pengurusan strategik, isu-isu strategik tempat kerja adalah mereka yang boleh diperangi melalui "berwawasan, konsep dan arah" pengurusan manakala isu-isu operasi adalah "mungkin jangka pendek, taktikal [dan] memberi tumpuan." pengenalan

Isu tempat kerja strategik tertentu melibatkan elemen seperti nilai, visi dan misi organisasi. Matlamat dan objektif juga isu-isu strategik, begitu juga dengan program-program khusus organisasi yang menggunakan untuk memerangi isu-isu tempat kerja strategik. Analisis SWOT Kekuatan mengenal pasti organisasi, Kelemahan, Peluang dan Ancaman, manakala analisis PEST itu mengenal pasti luaran Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial dan Teknologi faktor yang memberi kesan kepada keupayaan organisasi untuk mencapai objektif jangka panjang. penyelesaian

Proses pengurusan strategik biasanya bermula dengan kajian semula kenyataan misi organisasi untuk memastikan ia betul menangani wawasan pemimpin organisasi 'untuk organisasi. Objektif dan matlamat yang ditetapkan kemudian dengan niat menjajarkan aktiviti

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operasi dengan misi keseluruhan. Pemimpin organisasi menganalisis keadaan semasa perniagaan berbanding dengan kedudukannya yang diingini dan membangunkan polisi dan prosedur khusus direka untuk merapatkan jurang yang

Baca lebih lanjut: Tempat Kerja Strategik thumbnail isu tempat kerja operasi dan strategik adalah berbeza.

Pengurus perlu menangani pelbagai isu-isu tempat kerja strategik secara tetap. Isu-isu ini mungkin berbeza-beza dari jabatan ke jabatan. Sebagai contoh, jabatan sumber manusia mungkin menghadapi isu-isu tempat kerja seperti upah dan jam kebimbangan, gangguan, keselamatan dan pematuhan dan diskriminasi. Walau bagaimanapun, isu tempat kerja strategik yang paling khusus, tidak kira apa yang jabatan itu, jatuh ke dalam beberapa kategori umum yang mungkin agak mudah untuk menangani dengan perancangan yang betul.Orang Lain Adakah Membaca

Isu-isu operasi dalam Rancangan Perniagaan Vs. Perancangan Strategik Perancangan Operasi

Isu operasi

Pengurus sering mendapat terperangkap dalam hari-hari isu tempat kerja dan lupa untuk melibatkan diri dalam perancangan untuk memerangi isu-isu jangka panjang. Isu-isu ini segera mungkin melibatkan hanya melengkapkan tugasan dan tarikh akhir mesyuarat. Walaupun isu-isu operasi tidak adalah sama seperti isu-isu strategik, perancangan strategik yang betul boleh memerangi mereka. Vs. strategik operasi

Pengurus mesti memahami perbezaan antara isu-isu tempat kerja operasi dan strategik. Isu-isu operasi termasuk yang hari-hari tugas seperti memerangi masalah teknikal atau rangkaian yang boleh mengekalkan pekerja daripada memenuhi tarikh akhir tertentu. Isu tempat kerja strategik melibatkan isu-isu yang lebih besar seperti budaya korporat, yang boleh memberi kesan kepada keupayaan organisasi untuk memenuhi tarikh akhir yang konsisten dalam jangka masa panjang. Menurut laman web PlanWare pada pengurusan strategik, isu-isu strategik tempat kerja adalah mereka yang boleh diperangi melalui "berwawasan, konsep dan arah" pengurusan manakala isu-isu operasi adalah "mungkin jangka pendek, taktikal [dan] memberi tumpuan." pengenalan

Isu tempat kerja strategik tertentu melibatkan elemen seperti nilai, visi dan misi organisasi. Matlamat dan objektif juga isu-isu strategik, begitu juga dengan program-program khusus

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organisasi yang menggunakan untuk memerangi isu-isu tempat kerja strategik. Analisis SWOT Kekuatan mengenal pasti organisasi, Kelemahan, Peluang dan Ancaman, manakala analisis PEST itu mengenal pasti luaran Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial dan Teknologi faktor yang memberi kesan kepada keupayaan organisasi untuk mencapai objektif jangka panjang. penyelesaian

Proses pengurusan strategik biasanya bermula dengan kajian semula kenyataan misi organisasi untuk memastikan ia betul menangani wawasan pemimpin organisasi 'untuk organisasi. Objektif dan matlamat yang ditetapkan kemudian dengan niat menjajarkan aktiviti operasi dengan misi keseluruhan. Pemimpin organisasi menganalisis keadaan semasa perniagaan berbanding dengan kedudukannya yang diingini dan membangunkan polisi dan prosedur khusus direka untuk merapatkan jurang yang

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