strategic success in turbulent times · 2019. 10. 26. · copyright © 2016 strategic posture, all...

Copyright © 2016 Strategic Posture, All Rights Reserved Information: 858.733.8888 or [email protected] 1 . Strategic Success in Turbulent Times A Paradigm Shifting 3 Day Seminar/Workshop The Next Dimension for Strategic Management Connuing and advancing the principles, methods and concepts of Dr. H. Igor Ansoff Father of Strategic Management What Management Icons Have Said About Ansoff “Igor Ansoff invented’ strategic planning and strategic management.” Philip Kotler “Igor Ansoff is the father of strategic management.” Henry Mintzberg “Truly the godfather of corporate strategy.” Gary Hamel “Igor Ansoff was the father of modern strategic thinking.” Tim Hindle “In 1965 came the Bible of strategic planning, H. Igor Ansoff’s monumental Corporate Strategy.” Richard Koch ANSOFF 2.0© is partnering with you to increase your firm’s profitability. Its members have studied and worked with the strategic management master, Dr. Ansoff. They have successfully implemented his bottom line principles repeatedly in organizations ranging from small to global. They are dedicated to sharing gained knowledge and practice while further refining, expanding and advancing their mentor’s legendary creations. Board members, C-suite and senior executives Executives responsible for a major division Individuals/groups involved in: o organizational change o new product/service o pursuing mergers and acquisitions Turbulence •Familiarity of events •Intensity of shifts •Speed of change •Visibility of future •Complexity: Scope, Economic, Social, Technological, Political, Educational etc... Strategy •Innovation •Marketing Capability •Capacity •Culture •Information •Manager/Mentality •Structure •System •Technology Resistance •Individual •Group •Systemic “Our pracce is mul-disciplinary in the sense that it seeks an opc appropriate to the problem and not to a parcular scienfic discipline.” H. Igor Ansoff Usual Attendees Include “Synergy = 2+2=5” Dr. H. Igor Ansoff Learn why certain models (Strategic Planning, LRP, SWOT, MBO, MBE, Blue Ocean & other) work at mes but fail at other. And, how to dynamically access, apply and opmize the relaons which maximize financial performance.

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Page 1: Strategic Success in Turbulent Times · 2019. 10. 26. · Copyright © 2016 Strategic Posture, All Rights Reserved Information: 858.733.8888 or 1 . Strategic

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Strategic Success in Turbulent Times A Pa r a d i g m S h i f t i n g 3 D a y S e m i n a r / Wo r ks h o p

The Next Dimension for Strategic Management Continuing and advancing the principles, methods and concepts of

Dr. H. Igor Ansoff

Father of Strategic Management What Management Icons Have Said About Ansoff

“Igor Ansoff invented’ strategic planning and strategic management.” P h i l i p K o t l e r

“Igor Ansoff is the father of strategic management.” H e n r y M i n t z b e r g

“Truly the godfather of corporate strategy.” G ar y H a m e l

“Igor Ansoff was the father of modern strategic thinking.” T i m H i n d l e

“In 1965 came the Bible of strategic planning, H. Igor Ansoff’s monumental Corporate Strategy.” R i c h ar d K o c h

ANSOFF2.0© is partnering with you to increase

your firm’s profitability. Its members have

studied and worked with the strategic

management master, Dr. Ansoff. They have

successfully implemented his bottom line

principles repeatedly in organizations ranging

from small to global. They are dedicated to

sharing gained knowledge and practice while

further refining, expanding and advancing

their mentor’s legendary creations.

Board members, C-suite and senior executives

Executives responsible for a major division

Individuals/groups involved in:

o organizational change

o new product/service

o pursuing mergers and acquisitions


•Familiarity of events

•Intensity of shifts

•Speed of change

•Visibility of future

•Complexity: Scope, Economic, Social, Technological, Political, Educational etc...















“Our practice is multi-disciplinary in the sense that it seeks an optic appropriate to the problem

and not to a particular scientific discipline.” H. Igor Ansoff

Usual Attendees Include

“Synergy = 2+2=5”

Dr. H. Igor Ansoff

Learn why certain models (Strategic Planning, LRP, SWOT, MBO, MBE, Blue Ocean & other) work at times but fail at

other. And, how to dynamically access, apply and optimize the relations which maximize financial performance.

Page 2: Strategic Success in Turbulent Times · 2019. 10. 26. · Copyright © 2016 Strategic Posture, All Rights Reserved Information: 858.733.8888 or 1 . Strategic

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Strategic Success in Turbulent Times covers three main areas moving from the general to the specific and introduces the “Strategic Cockpit©” that provides tools for each to optimize financial performance. Strategic management is at the core with predisposition and strategic information on the periphery. It covers relationships between turbulence, strategy, capability, resistance, process, predisposition, strategic database and the impact on financial performance, as follows: 1. Strategic Management - Knowledge from outside and inside the firm translates into an action

plan for profit potential. Results: profit optimizing model(s) that are applied either: sequentially by planning then implementing, concurrently by planning and implementing at the same time or both, in some instances. A revision process is also implanted in order to assure desired results are achieved (Exceptional and Immediately Applicable Practice).

2. Individual Predisposition (New) - Introduction to tools that constantly enhance your personal skills; encompassing Aspirations, Body, Mind and Traits. Applications of the model with emphasis on ethics and leadership imperatives are introduced. Results: intelligent awareness leading to better influence and action potential (A Toolbox of Imperatives).

3. Strategic Information (New) - Design and applications of a strategic database. It includes turbulence assessment, strategic issues and expert critiqued surveillance method. Results: help in business intelligence, perceptions and interpretation of future turbulence (Real World Practice Using Firm and Industry Data).

Partial Companies list: A.H. Robins Ltd., Abu Dhabi Combat Club, Amdahl International Management, Anderson Corporation, Arab Monetary Fund, BAYER, Boehringer Ingelheim Zentrale, C.G. Jensen A/S, CEPSA, Ciba-Geigy Ltd., Computervision France, CONEX, DEC Digital Equipment GMBH, Delta Airlines, Electro-Oil AB, Ernst and Whinney, FARMITALIA C ERBA SPA, General Electric, Honeywell Europe, HUELS AG, IBM Brazil, IBM Mexico, IBM Netherland, IBM New York, ICI PLC, INFOTEK A S, Institute for Banking Studies Kuwait, Jeumont-Schneider, Johnson Wax, KONE, Kuwait Finance House, Lockheed Martin, Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm, Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Minolta Camera Handles GMBH, MUTATIS, NOKIA, Oeberg ODC, Oy Rastor AB, Pearl River Investment Company, Philips SPA, Sandoz AG, Shell, Sony Mexico, Texas Instruments France, UNI Forsikring, UNISYS Belgium, Unilever, United Nations, United Trading & Services, U.S. Aid Middle-East Education, US Navy, US-China Chamber of Commerce, Westinghouse and much more, plus findings from over 2,100 companies.

For details call or e-mail


[email protected]

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“Optimum performance occurs when turbulence, strategy, and capabil ity match each other .” Dr. H. Igor Ansoff


Dr. Tamer Tamer Salameh

Dr. Peter H. Antoniou

Dr. Alfred Lewis

Dr. Dan Kipley

Dr. Chris Carlson

Michael J. Aguirre J.D.

How to

• Increase ROI potential

• Acquire knowledge

• Manage perceptions of discontinuity, uncertainty, unpredictability and complexity

• Develop and deploy strategy

• Develop capabilities to support strategy

• Develop contingencies

• Manage the process of change

• Conduct a strategic audit

• Manage if all else fails

• Install preventive mechanizims


• Strategic surprise(s)

• Performance lag

• Resistance to change

• Bureaucracy & red tape

• Misperception of economic, political, educational, social, technological, religious, and geographical challanges

• Issues impact /urgency

• Wasting time

• Paralysis by analysis

• Trial and error

• Disorganization

• Strategic myopia

• Overload


• Revenue and cost

• Creating the future

• Talent retention & acquisition

• Mergers and acquisitions

• Diversification

• Integration

• Differentiation

• Reorganization

• Alignment

• Positioning

• Leadership

• Readiness to deploy

• Issue management

• Signal(s) cognition

• Existing and new product/service

Feedback for practical applicability (Results) of previous participants in consulting and coaching, and partial list of Companies

Join us in San Diego, CA USA - For a 1st of its kind

Practically Applicable Seminar/Workshop



February 20-21, 2016

March 11-13, 2016

April 15-17, 2016

May 13-15, 2016

June 17-19, 2016

July 21-23, 2015

August 26-28, 2016

September 23-25, 2016

October 28-30, 2016

2015 Empirical results by Dr.’s Kipley and Lewis, show firms applying Ansoff’s principles outperform the rest