strength through knowledge

202 Treasure Road, Queens Park WA 6107 P: 08 9458 2837 E: [email protected] FROM THE PRINCIPAL Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic excellence and are committed to value our society and environment. 31st May 2019 Edition 8 Strength Through Knowledge As we approach the end of week 5 and head into a long weekend, I would really like to thank the parents who have come forward to put up their hands to become P&C members. I will organise a meeting and invite the Western Australian Council of State School Organisations to run through the Roles and Responsibilities. All parents will be invited to attend, as this is always a great opportunity to become familiar the Incorporated Associations. Once again, thank you to our parents who have volunteered. As everyone is aware we have cameras surrounding our school both on eternal walls and internal walls facing play grounds car parks and entrances. These were installed to monitor any after-hour intruders on school grounds. We dont get many intruders. However, the CCTV has been very helpful when we do. Not only does the CCTV assist us but our community members and parents have also assisted the school, which has been greatly appreciated. If you do see or hear any suspicious activity within the school grounds after hours, please call School Watch Security on 1800177777 or the Police on 131444. Its great to see that we have a new Crossing Warden on Treasure Road. Please ensure you follow the rules. For new people working with a Traffic Warden, you cannot cross the road until you hear the whistle. This is your cue to walk safely across the road. When you do, can you also use this as a teaching moment with your child. 2020 enrolments. I know this seems very early but we are already planning for student enrolments in 2020. Many visas are expiring and if this is you, you must bring your renewed visa to us, or let us know if you are returning home and not continuing your childs education at Queens Park Primary School. If you are building a house and/or moving out of the area, please let us know as soon as possible. All of this information will really assist in planning and hopefully, we will not have to restructure the school in 2020. Kindy places are nearly full for 2020. If you are waiting to come in and enrol your Kindy child, please dont wait, do it now!! Mondays public holiday is WA Day. Be safe and enjoy the perfect weather this long weekend is meant to bring us.

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Page 1: Strength Through Knowledge

202 Treasure Road, Queens Park WA 6107 P: 08 9458 2837 E: [email protected]


Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.

31st May 2019 Edition 8

Strength Through Knowledge

As we approach the end of week 5 and head into a long weekend, I would really like to thank

the parents who have come forward to put up their hands to become P&C members. I will

organise a meeting and invite the Western Australian Council of State School Organisations to

run through the Roles and Responsibilities. All parents will be invited to attend, as this is always

a great opportunity to become familiar the Incorporated Associations. Once again, thank you to

our parents who have volunteered.

As everyone is aware we have camera’s surrounding our school both on eternal walls and

internal walls facing play grounds car parks and entrances. These were installed to monitor any

after-hour intruders on school grounds. We don’t get many intruders. However, the CCTV has

been very helpful when we do. Not only does the CCTV assist us but our community members

and parents have also assisted the school, which has been greatly appreciated. If you do see or

hear any suspicious activity within the school grounds after hours, please call School Watch

Security on 1800177777 or the Police on 131444.

It’s great to see that we have a new Crossing Warden on Treasure Road. Please ensure you

follow the rules. For new people working with a Traffic Warden, you cannot cross the road until

you hear the whistle. This is your cue to walk safely across the road. When you do, can you also

use this as a teaching moment with your child.

2020 enrolments.

I know this seems very early but we are already planning for student enrolments in 2020. Many

visas are expiring and if this is you, you must bring your renewed visa to us, or let us know if you

are returning home and not continuing your child’s education at Queens Park Primary School. If

you are building a house and/or moving out of the area, please let us know as soon as possible.

All of this information will really assist in planning and hopefully, we will not have to restructure

the school in 2020.

Kindy places are nearly full for 2020. If you are waiting to come in and enrol your Kindy child,

please don’t wait, do it now!!

Monday’s public holiday is WA Day. Be safe and enjoy the perfect weather this long weekend is meant to bring us.

Page 2: Strength Through Knowledge

Our School Community

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.



If your child was born between 1stJuly 2015 and 30th June 2016

it’s time to enrol at Queens Park Primary School

for Kindergarten 2020.

Come and complete an Application for Enrolment at Queens Park Primary School

202 Treasure Road QUEENS PARK WA 6107 Telephone: 08 9458 2837


Assembly will be held next Friday, 7th of June at 2pm.

Next week at assembly, Queens Park Primary School Choir will be singing a song we have

been practicing for the One Big Voice concert. As it is the first assembly of winter the theme of the song is Rain, the forecast doesn’t predict it will rain on Friday, but you never know, maybe it

will.... We hope to see you there. Please come and have a cup of coffee or tea from 1.30pm with Ms

Nafisa and Ms Groom.

Our School Community

Page 3: Strength Through Knowledge

Our School Community

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.

Strength Through Knowledge

ROOM 1 Mudil Nora

ROOM 2 Chanelle Sasha

ROOM 3 Derek Venkat

ROOM 4 Zay Yar Nenett

ROOM 5 Allan Ella-Rose

ROOM 13 Nathan

ROOM 14 Braxton Carwin

ROOM 17 Keenan Areeba



Page 4: Strength Through Knowledge


Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.

Strength Through Knowledge

At Queens Park Primary School in 2019 we will continue to use the PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) Curriculum and we will be posing questions to students about issues or problems that are current at school. In PATHS we want to help students to learn to recognise when they are having a problem and use thinking skills to control their behaviour. Eve-ry fortnight during assembly students will have the opportunity to share their responses to PATHS questions. We will include the PATHS problems in the newsletter each fortnight so parents and caregivers have the opportunity to discuss experiences and situations with their child. Some suggestions are to talk with your child about the problem: What was the problem? How would you feel or did they feel? What could you do to solve the problem? What would you decide to try first? How did it go? PATHS Problem Term 2 2019 Week 5 Your best friend said that he or she wanted to play with someone else.

Important Dates to Remember

3rd June Public Holiday

25th June School Photos

26th June Winter Carnival

28th June NAIDOC Week Opening

5th July NAIDOC Week Close

5th July Last Day of Term

Page 5: Strength Through Knowledge

Last Week’s Assembly

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.

Strength Through Knowledge

Room 3 did an amazing job telling everyone about what makes them shine. For some it was seeing a shooting star, for others it was when they’re at the beach or when they do art and another shines when her Aunty smiles. We all agreed that one thing that makes everyone shine is to dance! Room 3 then performed an energetic and joyful dance to the song We’re Ready And Set To Dance. It was delightful to see them all shine! Mrs MacLeod and Mrs Nici Room 3 Teachers

Page 6: Strength Through Knowledge

Around Our School

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.

Strength Through Knowledge

Earn & Learn

Thank you to all the families who have been bringing in their Earn and Learn stickers for us. Please keep bringing

them in.

Our Values

We’d like to remind you all of the Values of our School.

They are Resilience, Respect, Honesty and Independence.

We’d like to remind all members of our community of these values and hope that our parents can continue to model these values to your


We ask that all visitors to our school please show respect to all of our community. Whether it be respecting your own

children to other parents and children who you meet during your time on the school grounds.

Don’t Forget

School is closed this Monday, June 3rd due to the WA Day

Public Holiday.

At each of our School Assemblies we sing our National Anthem and The Kaya Song. Both songs are very important to our school community and the values we have at the Queens Park Primary School. We’d love to hear our parents and community members who attend our assemblies join in. Please see the next page of the newsletter for the words to both songs.

Page 7: Strength Through Knowledge

National Anthem & Kaya Song

Strength Through Knowledge

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.


Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. Beneath our radiant Southern Cross We’ll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands; For those who’ve come across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.

KAYA (Welcome) By: Charmaine Bennell

Kaya! Ngalak djoorabiny noonook djinanginy (Welcome we happy you seeing)

Kaya! Ngalak doyintj-doyinjt yoowarl koorl

(Welcome we together come)

Doodjoorak noonook ngalak warangka (Song you we sing)

Noongar boodja-k ngalak yirra yak

(People ground on we up stand)

Page 8: Strength Through Knowledge

School Chaplain

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic

excellence and are committed to value our society and environment.

Strength Through Knowledge

If your child has seen bullying Your child may know someone who is being bullied or has seen it happening at school. Witnessing bullying can be distressing. A child who witnesses or knows bullying is occurring needs support. Ask your child to tell you about it Encourage your child to talk about what happened. Children who see bullying sometimes want to talk about: Let them know you understand their feelings and fears about what to do. Respect their feelings and the assessment of the situation. Ask your child what they want you to do. Don't jump in to solve the problem. If there is an immediate risk of danger to anyone involved, contact the school. Tell your child that reporting the bullying is okay because kids often need help from adults to stop it. Point out that if they don't do anything the bullying will only continue. Talk about how to be a supportive bystander If other students are confident to take safe and effective action, there is a greater possibility that the bullying will stop. Supportive bystanders can use words and/or actions that can help someone who is being bullied. Suggest to your child if they feel safe to do so, they could: walk away and tell a teacher right away tell the person who is bullying you will get a teacher if they don't stop encourage your friends to walk away or tell the person to stop tell the person bullying you don't think what they do is cool or funny help the person who is being bullied to get away and go somewhere safe. Suggest that if they don't think it's safe to say anything, there are other things they could do: tell the person being bullied that it is not okay and they didn't do anything wrong ask them if they want help to get it stopped tell a teacher about it help a friend or classmate who is being bullied with other things try to make sure your friend is not alone when they might get bullied ask the person who is being bullied to join your group or game walk away as people who bully like others to watch. Respect your child's judgement about whether it is safe to say something. They are the ones who really know the situation.

If your child tells you that the bullying is continuing or increasing, contact the school

Page 9: Strength Through Knowledge

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic excellence

and are committed to value our society and environment.

Strength Through Knowledge

School Community

Page 10: Strength Through Knowledge

Our School Vision To empower our students to be creative, positive and independent people, who strive for academic excellence

and are committed to value our society and environment.

Strength Through Knowledge

School Community