stress management

STRESS MANAGEMENT Presented By : Kirti Gupta

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Post on 17-Jan-2017




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Presented By: Kirti Gupta

Contents• Meaning • Levels of Stress• Sources of Stress• How to Manage Stress• Merits and Demerits of Stress

Meaning of Stress

Stress is a body’s response to any physical or emotional or mental change in life.

Stress leads to :1. Physiological

discomfort2. Some kind of

emotional unhappiness

3. Strained relationships with other people

Levels of Stress

Eustress Distress

Eustress is the healthy, positive and developmental Stress response

Distress is unhealthy and negative stress response

Sources of Stress

• Extra- Organisational Stressors• Organisational stressors• Group Stressors• Individual Stressors

1. Extra organisational stressors

• Political Factors• Economic Factors• Technological Factors

2. Organisational Stressors

• Job related Factors• Role related Factors• Inter personal and Group related Factors• Organisation’s life cycle

3. Group Stressors

• Lack of Social Support• Conflicts• Workplace Violence• Organisational Climate

4. Individual Stressors

• Job Concerns• Career changes• Economic problems• Changes in Life Structure

How to manage Stress1. Identify habits and behavior that add to stress2. Avoid Alcohol, Nicotine and Caffeine3. Eat well balanced meal4. Accept that you cannot control everything5. Get enough sleep6. Maintain a positive attitude7. Talk to someone

Merits And Demerits of Stress



• Act as a motivator

•Increase in efforts• Increase

employee attitude

• Weaken your immune system• Poor decision

making• Decrease overall
