stress selfishness and selflessness dr. shriniwas janardan kashalikar


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Page 1: Stress selfishness and selflessness  dr. shriniwas janardan  kashalikar






Page 2: Stress selfishness and selflessness  dr. shriniwas janardan  kashalikar

Right from the birth; “I” begin to need! I need food, protection, nursing,

shelter, clothes, entertainment, pampering and so on!

Gradually my “needs” begin to get converted into “wants”!

I start “wanting” better food, better protection, better nursing, better

shelter, better clothes, better entertainment, more pampering and

so on!

Soon, all these “wants” necessitate the physical, political and monetary power

and thus “craving” for power is produced!

The “craving” leads to all actions directed at fulfilling the “craving”

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irrespective of; or rather at the cost of others!

But why should there be stress?

Strange it may appear, but; even if every craving of mine is fulfilled, still I

remain restless and unsatisfied (stressed); unlike the animals and


The reason is; the plant and animal life is apparently almost free from choices and hence almost free from

conflicts (and stress)!

I am however; evolved to get the “freedom” to make choices and

“condemned” to get conflicts (and stress) due to dilemmas!

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Barring the infancy, the choices begin to hover around and conflicts begin to emerge, producing stress and erosion!

Satisfaction of physiological needs, instincts, emotions, thoughts and

behavior are influenced variably by ethics, rules, regulations, laws,

conventions, traditions, religious precepts, commandments and so on!

They all cast their influence and create conflicts and stress!

The stress is especially marked; because, neither can I; further revert

back to animal behavior and feel satisfied, nor can I cope with the

preaching of selflessness!

Even if I begin to forego my cravings, wants and even needs, the subtle

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desires that I should be loved, respected, admired, cared for, served and so on; still remain active; though in dormant form! The feelings that

“my” desires are fulfilled, “my” advice be obeyed, “my” concepts be

practiced, create stress!

The human life is apparently very short to transcend from selfishness to


The stress therefore; does not get managed, either in “me” or in the


One way of expediting this stressful, strenuous and tardy transition from physio-pathological and animalistic

selfishness to conscientious selfless cosmic consciousness; is getting involved in the

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practice and propagation of NAMASMARAN!

Why should I (not merely practice, but) propagate NAMASMARAN?

It is because, “the love of NAMASMARAN” is not as physiological and as strong as the various needs, wants and cravings described in the foregoing;

and hence the hype of selfishness can burn; the selflessness and cosmic

consciousness; budding in my (and everyone’s) heart!

It is also because, if I do not propagate and promote NAMASMARAN, it would

amount to boosting, promoting and passively propagating the dehumanizing

forces that hinder the process of selfishness to selflessness; by crushing the

selflessness and cosmic consciousness

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blossoming; not only in my mind but also; in the social psyche!

Practice and propagation of NAMASMARAN ought to lead to the

evolution of perspective, policies, plans and programs of universal benevolence,

amongst the leaders (international, national and local) on the one hand; and

the ability to support and follow them amongst the common people.

This is what would create the environment of optimal fulfillment of

needs; and facilitation of the transition of selfishness to selflessness, thereby

ushering in greater unity and harmony in various aspects of individual and global


Practice and propagation of NAMASMARAN, ought to ensure that

the philosophy and spiritualism no more

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indulge in hollow jargons! Selflessness is no more preached to those who have

nothing to lose! Nonviolence is no more hammered on those who are the victims of worst possible violence! The lessons of love and romance are no more professed to those who have to go through violent struggles for every morsel of food and

every sip of water.

The practice and propagation of NAMASMARAN must inevitably

conceive and ensure that the laws, rules, regulations, traditions, conventions are organized and reorganized around the

premise of “Progressing from selfishness to selflessness amidst the environment of

optimal fulfillment of physical, instinctual, psychomotor, productive, emotional, creative, intellectual and

spiritual needs and aspirations; of one and all”!