structural characterization of an equilibrium unfolding intermediate in...

Structural Characterization of an Equilibrium Unfolding Intermediate in Cytochrome c Ramil F. Latypov 1 , Hong Cheng 1 , Navid A. Roder 1 , Jiaru Zhang 1 and Heinrich Roder 1,2 * 1 Basic Science Division, Fox Chase Cancer Center, 333 Cottman Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19111, USA 2 Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA 19104, USA Although the denaturant-induced unfolding transition of cytochrome c was initially thought to be a cooperative process, recent spectroscopic studies have shown deviations from two-state behavior consistent with accumulation of an equilibrium intermediate. However, little is known about the structural and thermodynamic properties of this state, and whether it is stabilized by the presence of non-native heme ligands. We monitored the reversible denaturant-induced unfolding equilibrium of oxidized horse cytochrome c using various spectroscopic probes, including fluorescence, near and far-UV CD, heme absorbance bands in the Soret, visible and near-IR regions of the spectrum, as well as 2D NMR. Global fitting techniques were used for a quantitative interpretation of the results in terms of a three-state model, which enabled us to determine the intrinsic spectroscopic properties of the intermediate. A well-populated intermedi- ate was observed in equilibrium experiments at pH 5 using either guanidine–HCl or urea as a denaturant, both for wild-type cytochrome c as well as an H33N mutant chosen to prevent formation of non-native His- heme ligation. For a more detailed structural characterization of the intermediate, we used 2D 1 H– 15 N correlation spectroscopy to follow the changes in peak intensity for individual backbone amide groups. The equilibrium state observed in our optical and NMR studies contains many native-like structural features, including a well-structured a-helical sub- domain, a short Trp59–heme distance and solvent-shielded heme environment, but lacks the native Met80 sulfur–iron linkage and shows major perturbations in side-chain packing and other tertiary interactions. These structural properties are reminiscent of the A-state of cytochrome c,a compact denatured form found under acidic high-salt conditions, as well as a kinetic intermediate populated at a late stage of folding. The denaturant-induced intermediate also resembles alkaline forms of cyto- chrome c with altered heme ligation, suggesting that disruption of the native methionine ligand favors accumulation of structurally analogous states both in the presence and absence of non-native ligands. q 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: protein folding; denaturation; stability; spectroscopy; NMR *Corresponding author Introduction Small globular proteins often exhibit cooperative unfolding transitions in which only folded (native) and unfolded (denatured) molecules are populated at equilibrium. 1–3 This two-state behavior is thought to be a consequence of the fact that the native structure is stabilized by a large number of weak interactions, which are cooperative in nature, so that partially folded states are inherently unstable. Even when partially structured states 0022-2836/$ - see front matter q 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Present address: R. F. Latypov, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA. Abbreviations used: cyt c, cytochrome c; GuHCl, guanidine–HCl; CD, circular dichroism; HSQC, hetero- nuclear single-quantum correlation; NOE, nuclear Over- hauser effect; TOC, total correlation; WT, wild-type. E-mail address of the corresponding author: [email protected] doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2006.01.055 J. Mol. Biol. (2006) 357, 1009–1025

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  • doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2006.01.055 J. Mol. Biol. (2006) 357, 1009–1025

    Structural Characterization of an Equilibrium UnfoldingIntermediate in Cytochrome c

    Ramil F. Latypov1, Hong Cheng1, Navid A. Roder1, Jiaru Zhang1

    and Heinrich Roder1,2*

    1Basic Science Division, FoxChase Cancer Center, 333Cottman Avenue, PhiladelphiaPA 19111, USA

    2Department of Biochemistryand Biophysics, Universityof Pennsylvania, PhiladelphiaPA 19104, USA

    0022-2836/$ - see front matter q 2006 E

    Present address: R. F. Latypov, AOaks, CA 91320, USA.

    Abbreviations used: cyt c, cytochguanidine–HCl; CD, circular dichronuclear single-quantum correlationhauser effect; TOC, total correlation

    E-mail address of the [email protected]

    Although the denaturant-induced unfolding transition of cytochromec was initially thought to be a cooperative process, recent spectroscopicstudies have shown deviations from two-state behavior consistent withaccumulation of an equilibrium intermediate. However, little is knownabout the structural and thermodynamic properties of this state, andwhether it is stabilized by the presence of non-native heme ligands. Wemonitored the reversible denaturant-induced unfolding equilibrium ofoxidized horse cytochrome c using various spectroscopic probes, includingfluorescence, near and far-UV CD, heme absorbance bands in the Soret,visible and near-IR regions of the spectrum, as well as 2D NMR. Globalfitting techniques were used for a quantitative interpretation of the resultsin terms of a three-state model, which enabled us to determine the intrinsicspectroscopic properties of the intermediate. A well-populated intermedi-ate was observed in equilibrium experiments at pH 5 using eitherguanidine–HCl or urea as a denaturant, both for wild-type cytochrome cas well as an H33N mutant chosen to prevent formation of non-native His-heme ligation. For a more detailed structural characterization of theintermediate, we used 2D 1H–15N correlation spectroscopy to followthe changes in peak intensity for individual backbone amide groups. Theequilibrium state observed in our optical and NMR studies contains manynative-like structural features, including a well-structured a-helical sub-domain, a short Trp59–heme distance and solvent-shielded hemeenvironment, but lacks the native Met80 sulfur–iron linkage and showsmajor perturbations in side-chain packing and other tertiary interactions.These structural properties are reminiscent of the A-state of cytochrome c, acompact denatured form found under acidic high-salt conditions, as wellas a kinetic intermediate populated at a late stage of folding. Thedenaturant-induced intermediate also resembles alkaline forms of cyto-chrome c with altered heme ligation, suggesting that disruption of thenative methionine ligand favors accumulation of structurally analogousstates both in the presence and absence of non-native ligands.

    q 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: protein folding; denaturation; stability; spectroscopy; NMR

    *Corresponding author

    lsevier Ltd. All rights reserve

    mgen, Thousand

    rome c; GuHCl,ism; HSQC, hetero-; NOE, nuclear Over-; WT, author:


    Small globular proteins often exhibit cooperativeunfolding transitions in which only folded (native)and unfolded (denatured) molecules are populatedat equilibrium.1–3 This two-state behavior isthought to be a consequence of the fact that thenative structure is stabilized by a large number ofweak interactions, which are cooperative in nature,so that partially folded states are inherentlyunstable. Even when partially structured states


  • 1010 Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate

    accumulate as transient intermediates in kineticexperiments, they are generally not stable enoughto be observable at equilibrium under stronglydenaturing conditions. On the other hand, non-native states with spectroscopic and hydrodynamicproperties distinct from those of the fully native andunfolded states (the so-called molten-globule state)often accumulate under mildly denaturing con-ditions, such as acidic or basic pH.4–6 In some cases,deviations from simple two-state behavior can alsobe observed in denaturant-induced or thermalunfolding equilibria.7 Although a stable nativestate that is energetically well separated fromdenatured states is expected to favor rapid foldinginto a unique structure,8,9 there is growing evidencethat kinetic intermediates are very common, even insmall, single-domain proteins.10–14 Thus, confor-mational states distinct from the fully native andunfolded populations are readily accessible andmay result in non-cooperative unfolding tran-sitions.

    Cytochrome c (cyt c) has long served as a modelprotein for developing new concepts andapproaches in protein folding.15–25 The presence ofa heme group, covalently linked to the polypeptidechain via thioester linkages to Cys14 and Cys17,provides a sensitive spectroscopic probe. While oneof the axial heme ligands, His18, is maintained evenunder denaturing conditions, the second one,Met80, is inherently labile and readily displacedby other side-chains, such as a deprotonated His orLys,26 which can become trapped during folding.21

    Early solvent and thermal denaturation studiessuggested that cyt c, like most other single-domainproteins in its size class (104 residues), exhibits two-state equilibrium behavior.27–29 More recentspectroscopic and calorimetric studies revealeddeviations from a fully cooperative two-statetransition for horse cyt c at denaturant concen-trations below those leading to major unfolding,30–32

    and a small-angle X-ray scattering study foundevidence for two or more distinct populations ofdenatured molecules at higher denaturant concen-trations.33 Mayne & Englander34 further predictedthat low levels of equilibrium intermediatesaccumulate in the unfolding transition region ofhorse cyt c on the basis of earlier native-statehydrogen exchange data.22 Most previous workwas done at or near neutral pH, conditions wherenon-native ligand interactions between deproto-nated histidine or lysine side-chains with the hemeiron can occur.21,35–37 In fact, Russel & Bren30,31

    reported complex changes in the 1H NMR spectra ofhorse cyt c indicating that lysine residues (possiblythose at positions 72, 73 or 79) can displace thenative Met80 ligand below the main guanidine–HCl(GuHCl) or urea-induced unfolding transitionwhile His33 is the predominant ligand at higherdenaturant concentrations.38

    Although evidence for accumulation of equili-brium intermediates in cyt c is compelling, little isknown about the structural and thermodynamicproperties of these states. Moreover, it is unclear

    whether accumulation of equilibrium intermediatesis linked with the formation of non-native hemeligands, or whether they are inherent structuralintermediates. To gain further insight into thestructure and stability of non-native equilibriumstates, we monitored the reversible denaturant-induced unfolding transition of oxidized horse cyt cusing a variety of spectroscopic probes, includingfluorescence, near and far-UV CD, heme absor-bance bands in the Soret, visible and near-IR regionsof the spectrum, as well as 2D NMR. We have madeextensive use of global fitting techniques for aquantitative interpretation of the results in terms ofa three-state equilibrium model, which has made itpossible to extract the heme absorbance spectrum ofthe intermediate. To determine whether hememisligation plays a role in stabilizing intermediates,we prepared a recombinant horse cyt c variant inwhich the predominant non-native ligand, His33, isreplaced by Asn,38,39 and compared the equilibriumunfolding behavior of this H33N variant with thoseof the wild-type protein at mildly acidic conditions(pH 5). NMR studies as a function of ureaconcentration, using 2D 1H–15N heteronuclearsingle-quantum correlation (HSQC) spectroscopyto follow the changes in peak intensity forindividual backbone amide groups lead to adetailed structural description of the pre-transitionintermediate in the H33N variant.


    The absorbance spectrum of cyt c is highlysensitive to the heme environment. The hemegives rise to bands in the Soret (350–450 nm), visible(500–600 nm) and near-IR (600–750 nm) regions thatvary substantially with the oxidation and ligationstate of the iron, as well as the hydration andpolarity of the heme environment within theprotein.40,41 Heme absorbance is, thus, a particu-larly sensitive probe for detecting conformationalchanges associated with folding intermediates. Wefollowed the unfolding equilibrium of WT andH33N cyt c by recording absorbance spectra over awide spectral range (typically 250 nm to 800 nm) asa function of denaturant concentration (GuHCland/or urea; see Materials and Methods). Figure 1shows the effect of GuHCl concentration on thespectra for H33N cyt c in the Soret (a) and near-IR(b) regions. As in the case of WT cyt c, native H33Ncyt c shows a prominent Soret band with absor-bance maximum at 409 nm (3Z106 mMK1 cmK1),which moves to 399 nm and increases in intensity (3Z143 mMK1 cmK1) upon unfolding. The lack of a clearisosbestic point as a function of GuHCl concentrationindicates that unfolding is not a simple two-stateprocess. However, the Soret band of the fullyunfolded state continues to move to higher wave-length with increasing GuHCl concentration (O4 M),which makes it difficult to extract the spectralcontributions of any intermediates populated nearthe unfolding transition region. The spectral changes

  • Figure 1. Absorbance changes of the H33N variant of cyt c (0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0) at 15 8C) associatedwith the GuHCl-induced unfolding transition. (a) Absorbance spectra in the Soret region recorded at a proteinconcentration of 5 mM using a 1 cm path length cuvette. (b) Absorbance spectra in the near-IR region, including a band at625 nm characteristic of high-spin (penta-coordinated) heme and a weak band at 695 nm associated with the Met/His-ligated native state, measured on a 80 mM protein solution in a 1 cm cuvette.

    Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate 1011

    within the unfolded baseline region, together withthe fact that there is no simple theoretical model fordescribing electronic spectra, also impede the use ofsingular value decomposition (SVD) methods.

    In contrast, it is relatively straightforward tomodel the denaturant dependence of unfoldingequilibria, even if intermediates are populated, andwe were able to overcome these problems simply byreplotting the data in Figure 1, choosing denaturantconcentration as an independent variable ratherthan wavelength. Figure 2(a) shows a series ofunfolding transition curves for H33N cyt c obtainedby plotting the extinction coefficient at selectedwavelengths spanning the Soret region as a functionof GuHCl concentration. The transition curves atindividual wavelengths can be approximatedreasonably well by a two-state model (not shown).However, the midpoint concentrations, Cm, andslopes (m-values) vary significantly with the wave-length, which is a clear indication that a two-statemodel is inadequate to describe the data. Inaddition, closer inspection of the transition curvesin the 405 nm region (Figure 2(b)) reveals significantdeviations from the symmetric sigmoidal behaviorexpected for a two-state transition. On the otherhand, a three-state model (Scheme 1)


    Cm1 Cm2

    5I 5U

    m1 m2

    (Scheme 1)

    consisting of coupled equilibria between native(N), intermediate (I) and unfolded (U) species,respectively, can fully account for these complex-ities. Each of the two coupled transitions aredescribed in terms of a midpoint concentration,Cmi, and slope, mi, assuming that the free energyfor each transition, DGi, varies linearly with

    denaturant concentration, c:

    DGiðcÞZDGið0ÞKmic (1)Since DGi(Cmi)Z0, equation (1) is equivalent to:

    DGiðcÞZmiðCmiKcÞ (2)The fractional populations of the three states in

    Scheme 1, fN, fI and fU, can be expressed as:

    fN Z 1=ð1CKNI CKNIKIUÞ (3)

    fI ZKNIfN

    fU ZKIUfI

    where KNI and KIU are the equilibrium constantsfor the two transitions given byKiZexpðKDGi=RTÞ. Thus, the changes in extinc-tion coefficient associated with denaturant-induced unfolding transition, 3(c), are given by:

    3ðcÞZ 3NfN C3IfI C3UfU (4)where 3N, 3I and 3U are the extinction coefficientsof the N, I and U-state, respectively, which reflectthe intrinsic absorbance spectra of the threestates. In general, the absorbance properties ofeach state may vary with denaturant concen-tration, especially if the chromophore is exposedto the solvent. However, we found that excellentfits of the cyt c unfolding transitions monitoredby heme absorbance could be obtained with thefollowing simplifying assumptions: (a) 3N and 3Iare independent of denaturant concentrations(consistent with the solvent-shielded environmentof the heme group in compact forms of cyt c); (b)3U varies linearly with denaturant concentration,i.e. 3UðcÞZ30UCsUc, where sU is the slope of theunfolded baseline versus denaturant concen-tration.

    The continuous lines in Figure 2 were obtained bysimultaneously fitting a three-state equilibrium tothe combined data set consisting of 61 transitioncurves (3 versus [GuHCl]) at 1 nm increments over

  • Figure 2. Absorbance-detected unfolding transition ofH33N cyt c at selected wavelengths versus GuHClconcentration. The lines represent the best global fit of athree-state equilibrium model (Scheme 1) to the combinedabsorbance data. (a) Molar extinction at selected wave-lengths in the Soret region (from Figure 1(a)). (b)Expanded plots of the transition curves monitoredbetween 402 nm and 408 nm showing wavelength-dependent changes inconsistent with a two-state beha-vior.

    Table 1. Thermodynamic parameters by global fitting of a thrtransitions of cyt c monitored by heme absorbance, near and

    Protein/denaturant Cm1 (M)

    m1 (kcalmolK1 MK1)

    DG1 (kcalmolK1) Cm2 (M

    H33N/GuHCl 2.07G0.06 1.7G0.08 3.5G0.2 2.34G0H33N/urea 4.0G0.2 0.59G0.06 2.4G0.3 4.81G0WT/GuHCl 1.50G0.05 1.34G0.11 2.0G0.2 2.55G0

    Measured at 15 8C in 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0).

    1012 Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate

    the range from 370 nm to 440 nm). The fourequilibrium parameters, Cm1, m1, Cm2 and m2,were used as global fitting parameters. In addition,the four spectral parameters (3N, 3I, 3

    0U and sU) were

    used as local parameters to describe the transitioncurves at each wavelength. Note that the absor-bance changes at low GuHCl concentrations arefully accounted for by the accumulation of anintermediate in the pre-transition region, and thereis no need to introduce additional parameters forany denaturant-dependence of 3N and 3I. Theoptimized fitting parameters obtained by usingthe global fitting routine of the IGOR Pro softwarepackage (WaveMetrics, Inc., Lake Oswego, OR97035) are listed in Table 1.

    Figure 3(a) shows a plot of the optimized localparameters, 3N, 3I and 3

    0U, as a function of

    wavelength, l. As expected, 3N(l) is an exactrepresentation of the Soret spectrum of native cytc (cf Figure 1). 30U is the intercept of a linear fit to theunfolded baseline, and its dependence on wave-length, 3U(l), is similar in shape and position to thespectrum of the unfolded protein at high GuHClconcentrations (Figure 1). However, the absorbancemaximum occurs at a slightly lower wavelenth(398 nm, compared to 399 nm in 4.2 M GuHCl),since it represents the spectrum of the unfoldedstate in the absence of denaturant. The spectrum ofthe I-state, 3I(l), is similar in magnitude and shapeto that of the native state, but its absorbancemaximum lies at 405 nm, corresponding to a 4 nmblue shift relative to the N-state. These differencesare far outside errors as indicated by the error barsin Figure 3, which are based on the covariance of theindividual local fitting parameters. Thus, our globalfitting procedure is a robust and straightforwardapproach for extracting the spectral contributions ofintermediate states in multi-state folding equilibria.At the same time, the four global fitting parametersprovide an accurate measure of the denaturant-dependence of the individual equilibrium transi-tions, and thus define the populations of the threestates as a function of denaturant concentration(Figure 3(b)). The I-state reaches a maximumpopulation of 45% near 2 M GuHCl.

    To obtain further structural insight, we followedthe GuHCl-induced unfolding transition of H33Ncyt c using several other spectroscopic parameters,including tryptophan fluorescence, near and far-UV CD, aromatic absorbance and heme absorbancebands at 625 and 695 nm. Figure 4 compares thechanges in ellipticity at 225 nm, which reflectsa-helix content, with the changes in the near-UV

    ee-state model to the GuHCl and urea-induced unfoldingfar-UV CD and fluorescence

    )m2 (kcal

    molK1MK1)DG2 (kcal

    molK1)DGtot (kcal

    molK1)mtot (kcal


    .01 3.08G0.06 7.3G0.15 10.8G0.35 4.8G0.14

    .03 1.84G0.02 8.9G0.1 10.5G0.4 2.43G0.08

    .01 3.05G0.03 7.8G0.1 9.8G0.3 4.39G0.14

  • Figure 3. Intrinsic heme absorbance spectra (a) andpopulations (b) of the three predominant states populatedin the GuHCl-induced unfolding equilibrium of H33Ncyt c. The symbols in (a) represent the extinctioncoefficients in the absence of denaturant obtained byglobal fitting of the data shown in Figures 1 and 2. Errorbars indicate the co-variance of (local) fitting parameters.The populations in (b) were calculated using the globalfitting parameters (Cm1, m1, Cm2, m2) listed in Table 1.

    Figure 4. GuHCl-induced unfolding equilibrium ofH33N cyt c at pH 5.0, 15 8C monitored via the changes inthe far-UV CD signal at 225 nm (right scale, 2 mm pathlength, 13 mM protein) and the near-UV CD band at294 nm (left scale, 1 cm path length, 40 mM protein). Thelines represent a three-state unfolding transition using theglobal fit parameters listed in Table 1. The intrinsic CDsignal of the N and I-states was assumed to beindependent of GuHCl concentration.

    Figure 5. Normalized transition curves for GuHCl-induced unfolding of H33N cyt c monitored byabsorbance (3), CD (q) and tryptophan fluorescence(Em). The normalized signal n(c) versus denaturantconcentration c at a given wavelength was calculatedfrom the raw signal s(c) using the relationnðcÞZ ½sðcÞKsN�=½sUðcÞKsN�, where sN is the fitted signalfor the N-state (generally assumed to be independent of c)and sU(c) represents the GuHCl-dependent signal of theunfolded state defined by the fitted intercept and slope ofthe unfolded baseline.

    Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate 1013

    region due to aromatic side-chains. Under nativeconditions, this region of the CD spectrum featurestwo sharp negative bands at 287 nm and 294 nmattributed to Trp59,42 which begin to decrease inintensity already between 1 and 2 M GuHCl. Onthe other hand, the far-UV signal shows majorchanges indicative of helix loss only during thesecond transition above 2 M GuHCl. In fact, thesignal at 225 nm becomes slightly more negativefrom 0 to 2 M GuHCl, suggesting a small increasein helix content prior to main unfolding transition.In order to detect changes in heme coordinationassociated with unfolding, we monitored theGuHCl-induced changes in the absorbance bandcentered at 625 nm, which is indicative of a non-native high-spin state (i.e. the sixth heme coordi-nation site is unoccupied or contains a weakligand, such as a hydroxide ion), and the weak

    charge-transfer band at 695 nm, which correlates withthe presence of a native Met80 sulfur-iron bond.41,43

    Finally, we measured the GuHCl-induced changes intryptophan fluorescence, which are dominated byresonant energy transfer to the heme (a highlyefficient fluorescence quencher), and thus provide

  • Table 2. Spectroscopic properties of the equilibrium intermediate in wild-type and H33N cyt c

    Protein/denaturant lmax (nm)3(lmax)

    (mMK1 cmK1) f(q225) f(qarom) f(Em350) f(A625) aIZm1/mtot

    H33N/GuHCl 405 104 K0.15 0.31 0.06 0.40 0.35H33N/urea 408 110 0.04 0.28 – – 0.24WT/GuHCl 407 107 K0.12 0.42 0.04 – 0.31

    Figure 6. Urea-induced unfolding of H33N cyt c (pH 5.0at 15 8C) as monitored by heme absorbance. (a) Unfoldingcurves at selected wavelengths in the Soret region(symbols), along with global three-state fits (lines). (b)Intrinsic Soret absorbance spectra for the native (red),intermediate (blue) and unfolded (black) states obtainedby global analysis of the combined absorbance data versusurea concentration. Fitting errors are indicated by theheight of the symbols.

    1014 Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate

    a measure of the average distance between Trp59and the heme.44 Figure 5 compares the unfoldingtransitions for the various spectroscopic parametersobtained by normalization (see Materials andMethods). To avoid any bias due to the choice ofbaseline values, we used the offsets and slopes ofthe native and unfolded baselines obtained in aglobal three-state fit of the raw data (see Figures 2and 4) to normalize the measured transition curves.

    The fact that the transition curves for differentspectroscopic probes diverge between 1 M and2.5 M GuHCl confirms our conclusion that anintermediate is populated at intermediate dena-turant concentrations. The different signals showtwo types of behavior: (1) the Trp59 fluorescence,far-UV CD and Soret absorbance at 407 nm remainessentially at their native levels up to 2 M GuHClfollowed by steep transitions centered at 2.34 MGuHCl; (2) the remaining probes, including thenear-UV CD changes at 294 nm and thenormalized absorbance changes at 289 nm,404 nm and 625 nm begin to increase above 1 MGuHCl, reaching relative values of about 0.3 at2 M GuHCl before joining the other probes (the695 nm absorbance band shows similar behaviorto that at 625 nm, but is less reliable due to itssmall extinction coefficient and large underlyingbaseline changes). The continuous curves inFigure 5 represent a global fit of a three-stateunfolding equilibrium to the combined data, usingthe equilibrium parameters obtained in theanalysis of the Soret data (Table 1). Table 2summarizes the spectroscopic properties of theintermediate state in terms of the wavelength andextinction coefficient of the Soret band and therelative contributions of the other parameters.

    To rule out the possibility that specific binding ofa guanidinium ion to the native protein is respon-sible for accumulation of the equilibrium inter-mediate, we carried out a parallel series ofunfolding experiments using urea as a denaturant.As in the case of GuHCl, a detailed analysis of hemeabsorbance in the Soret region as a function of ureaprovides clear evidence for accumulation of anintermediate in the unfolding equilibrium of H33Ncyt c. The wavelength-dependent variations in theshape of the unfolding transitions, which areparticularly pronounced in the wavelength rangebetween 404 nm and 408 nm (Figure 6(a)), areinconsistent with a two-state transition. The spec-trum of the I-state obtained by global analysis of theSoret data (Figure 6(b)) shows again a blue shiftrelative to the N-state (Table 2). These spectraldifferences are well beyond errors and fully accountfor the complex shape of the individual unfolding

    curves. For example, between 405 nm and 409 nm,the extinction coefficient of the I-state is higher thanboth N and U-states, giving rise to a local maximumin the unfolding curves near 4 M urea (Figure 6(a)).

    In the pre-transition region (1.5 M–4.5 M urea),we also found major deviations between theunfolding curves for different regions of the CDspectrum (cf Figure 4). In particular, intermediateurea concentrations result in substantial changes inthe aromatic region of the CD spectrum

  • Figure 7. Multi-parameter analysis of the three-stateunfolding equilibrium of H33N cyt c versus ureaconcentration. (a) Raw unfolding transitions monitoredin the near-UV (left scale) and far-UV (right scale) regionsof the CD spectrum. (b) Urea dependence of the fractionalchanges in absorbance and CD at the wavelengthsindicated. (c) Urea dependence of the populations forthe N-state (red), I-state (blue) and U-state (black)calculated from the thermodynamic parameters listed inTable 1.

    Figure 8. Normalized unfolding curves for selectedoptical probes (a) and populations (b) obtained by globalfitting of the GuHCl-unfolding equilibrium of WT cyt c.

    Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate 1015

    (Figure 7(a)), whereas the far-UV CD region showsonly a small decrease below 4 M urea consistentwith a slight increase in helix content prior to themain unfolding transition. Figure 7(b) comparesthe normalized transition curves (fractionalsignal change) for several different spectroscopic

    parameters, including the 294 nm band in the near-UV region of the CD spectrum attributed to Trp59,the CD signal at 225 nm, and selected wavelengthsin the Soret region. The curves in Figure 7(b) wereobtained by constrained fitting of a three-statemodel, using the set of equilibrium parametersderived from the global fit of the heme absorbancedata (Figure 6; Table 1). The fractional population ofthe I-state calculated for these global equilibriumparameters reaches a peak value of 50% at 4 M urea(Figure 7(c)).

    To determine whether the H33N mutation hasany effect on the equilibrium properties of cyt c, weused the same combination of optical methods tofollow the GuHCl-induced unfolding transition ofwild-type horse cyt c (obtained from Sigma Co., StLouis, MO) under identical conditions (in 0.1 Macetate buffer (pH 5.0), 15 8C). The results of ourglobal three-state analysis are summarized inFigure 8, and the set of equilibrium parametersconsistent with the combined data is included inTable 1. As in the case of the H33N mutant (Figures3 and 6), the intrinsic spectrum for the intermedi-ate obtained by global fitting of absorbance data in

  • 1016 Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate

    the Soret region shows a small, but significantblue-shift relative to that of the native state(Table 2). The normalized unfolding curves(Figure 8(a)) again show major variations amongthe different spectroscopic parameters in the pre-transition region (0.5 M to 2.5 M GuHCl). At 2 MGuHCl, the equilibrium intermediate reaches amaximum population of about 70% (Figure 8(b)).

    Our observation that a stable intermediateaccumulates in the denaturant-induced unfoldingequilibrium of cyt c, accounting for over 50% of allmolecules under certain conditions (denaturantconcentrations just below the main unfoldingtransition), suggests the possibility of using 2DNMR methods for obtaining more detailed struc-tural insight into this partially unfolded state.Because high concentrations of GuHCl result insevere NMR signal loss due to its ionic character, wechose urea as a denaturant for NMR equilibriumunfolding experiments. Working with a uniformly15N-labeled sample of H33N cyt c, we recorded aseries of 11 1H–15N HSQC spectra over a wide rangeof urea concentrations (0 to 5.81 M). As indicated bythe examples in Figure 9, the spectrum in theabsence of urea (upper left) shows a subset of thewell dispersed backbone 1H–15N cross-peaks in thenative state, which were assigned to individualresidues using standard 15N-based 2D and 3DNMR techniques (see Materials and Methods).

    Figure 9. HSQC spectra (expanded region) of H33N cyt c (inin the absence of denaturant (top left) and in the presence of inare shown for resolved 1H–15N cross-peaks of the native stat

    The spectrum at 5.81 M urea (lower right) containsa new set of peaks with narrower line widths andlimited chemical shift dispersion within the regionexpected for a random coil (a total of 81 peaks canbe resolved). Although residue-specific assign-ments for the U-state are not available at this time,these properties are characteristic of a disordered,largely unfolded conformation. In the spectrumrecorded at 2.84 M urea (upper right panel), we stillobserve the majority of native peaks, althoughmany of them with diminished intensity. Onenotable example among several residues withstrongly reduced peak intensity is Met80, whichserves as the sixth iron ligand in the nativestructure. The spectrum at 4.30 M urea (lower leftpanel), where the population of the I-state is at amaximum (based on the optical results in Figure 7),is dominated by peaks assigned to the fullyunfolded state, although a subset of the nativepeaks is still visible.

    Figure 10(a) shows a plot of the normalizedpeak intensity for a representative set of resolvedN-state peaks as a function of urea concentration.Also shown are a few resolved peaks attributed tothe unfolded state (labeled u1–u5). If unfolding ofcyt c was governed by a two-state mechanism, allpeaks assigned to the native state would exhibitthe same dependence on denaturant concen-tration. In contrast, the urea-induced changes in

    0.1 M sodium acetate, 5% 2H2O (pH 5.0)) recorded at 15 8Ccreasing concentrations of urea, as indicated. Assignmentse.

  • Figure 10. Urea dependence of the peak intensity(volume) of resolved cross-peaks in the HSQC spectra ofH33N cyt c. (a) Representative residues in group 1 (bluesymbols) following the urea dependence of the N-statepredicted by a three-state model (blue line), residues ingroup 2 (red symbols) approaching the predicted for thesum of N and I-state populations, and normalized peakintensity for selected U-state peaks (green). The yellowbroken line indicates the range of behaviors included ingroup 2. (b) Normalized peak intensity for four residuesillustrating the range of unfolding transitions observed.Continuous lines were calculated with equation (5) for fintvalues of 0 (T19, blue), 0.39 (K25, purple), 0.76 (K13,yellow) and 1.0 (K88, red).

    Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate 1017

    N-state peak intensity shown in Figure 10 segre-gate into two distinct groups: residues in group 1(blue) show continuously decreasing intensitybetween 0 and 5 M urea while residues in group2 (red) exhibit nearly urea-independent peakintensity up to 3 M followed by a sharp decrease,

    mirroring the urea dependence of peaks assignedto the unfolded state (green). The lines in Figure 10indicate the populations predicted for a three-statemodel, using equilibrium parameters (Cm1Z2.9 M,m1Z0.6 kcal mol

    K1 MK1, Cm2Z4.8 M, m2Z1.4kcal molK1 MK1) similar to those obtained byglobal analysis of the optical data (Figure 7;Table 1). Group 1 peaks follow the urea-dependenceof the native population, which begins to declinealready at low urea concentrations. On the otherhand, group 2 peaks approach the urea-dependencepredicted for the sum of the populations of the Nand I-states, indicating that these residues maintaina native-like structural environment in the inter-mediate state. The same three-state equilibriumparameters also describe the steep increase inU-state peaks above 4 M urea. Thus, the NMRdata directly confirm accumulation of a partiallyunfolded intermediate state and are fully consistentwith our optical evidence presented above. If thestructural environment in the I-state around a givenresidue were either native-like or completelyunfolded, all residues should follow either theN-state population (group 1) or the sum of N andI-state populations (group 2). While most residuessegregate into these two categories, others fallbetween (Figure 10(b)), suggesting that partialunfolding or increased mobility within I-state mol-ecules can contribute to the N-state resonanceintensity (a more detailed analysis of the NMR datawill be presented elsewhere).

    The HSQC spectra at each urea concentration aredominated by peaks assigned to either the nativestate or the fully unfolded ensemble. In addition, anumber of small cross-peaks appear at intermediateurea concentrations (3.4 M–5.3 M). They are welldispersed in both frequency dimensions and aresomewhat broader than the peaks assigned to thenative and unfolded populations. The intensity ofthese minor peaks goes through a maximumbetween 4.3 M and 4.7 M urea, but reaches nomore than about 15% of the full intensity of resolvednative or unfolded peaks. In several cases, theminor peaks appear in close proximity to resolvedN-state peaks, indicating a population of moleculesin slow exchange with the native state. However,the maximum intensity of these peaks is too low toaccount for the population of the I-state detected byoptical methods (Figure 7(c)). In a recent NMRstudy of another cyt c variant (H.C., L. Wang & H.R.,unpublished observations), we found that minorpeaks appear only after prolonged incubation in thepresence of urea, indicating that they are the resultof a slow and irreversible chemical modification oraggregation process.

    The fact that the HSQC spectra show twopredominant sets of peaks with denaturant-dependent intensities, but only small urea-inducedchemical shift changes, indicates that there are twoensembles of molecules in slow exchange (relativeto the frequency difference between N andU-states). Therefore, the I-state population mustbe in rapid exchange with N or U (in most cases

  • Figure 11. Plot of fint versusresidue number representing therelative contribution of the I-state(fint) to the population of resolved(N-state) peaks in the HSQC spec-tra of H33N cyt c. fint was obtainedby fitting equation (5) to themeasured urea dependence ofpeak volumes (cf Figure 10).

    1018 Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate

    the N-state, based on the urea-dependence of nativepeaks). Empirically we can describe the relativeintensity of the N-state peak for a given residueversus denaturant concentration, c, as:

    IrelðcÞZPNðcÞC fint!PIðcÞ (5)where PN(c) and PI(c) represent the normalizedurea-dependent populations of the native andintermediate states, respectively, and fint describesthe fractional contribution of the I-state to theN-state NMR peak intensity. Figure 10 shows thatthis simple relationship is sufficient to describe theurea-dependent intensity changes for the majorityof peaks, including those belonging to group 1(fintZ0), group 2 (fintZ1), and those falling betweenthese extremes. In Figure 11, the fint values obtainedby using equation (5) to fit the urea-dependentintensities for all resolved N-state peaks, are plottedversus residue number.


    A number of previous studies questioned whetherthe denaturant-induced unfolding equilibrium of cytc can be described adequately by a two-state model.For example, Myer45 concluded that urea denatura-tion of horse heart cyt c is characterized by severaloptically monitored transitions implicating partiallyunfolded states. Especially clear evidence that anequilibrium intermediate accumulates prior to glo-bal unfolding of cyt c was presented by Ferri et al.,46

    who found that protein species distinct from thenative and the unfolded states, in terms of theirredox properties, accumulate above 1 M GuHCl,within the region previously considered as the nativebaseline region.44,47 Heme CD and absorbance

    measurements at 695 nm further confirmed thecomplex mechanism of cyt c equilibrium denatura-tion.46 Conventional and magnetic CD measure-ments in the Soret region were subsequently used tocharacterize reduced and oxidized forms of cyt c andprovided additional support for the existence of thepartially unfolded state below global unfoldingregion.48 Another recent study made use of CDand heme absorbance to show non-coincidence ofdenaturation curves monitored at different wave-lengths.32 Although these studies clearly documentthe non-cooperative nature of the cyt c unfoldingequilibrium, they provide only limited structuralinsight. Moreover, all these experiments have beenperformed at neutral pH using GuHCl as the onlydenaturant. Here, we studied both urea and GuHCl-induced unfolding of WT (Sigma) and recombinantcyt c, H33N, at pH 5, which effectively suppressesnon-native heme ligation.

    Most prior reports of equilibrium intermediatesin protein unfolding have been based on the non-coincidence of denaturation curves obtained bymonitoring various spectroscopic probes.1,49,50 Onelimitation of this approach is that small populationsof intermediate states are not expected to result insignificant differences in the apparent Cm andm-values, and intermediates can be detected onlyif their spectroscopic properties show measurabledifferences from both the native and unfoldedstates. Moreover, comparison of different probesrequires normalization of the raw data, which canbe model-dependent. In the simplest case the preand post-transition baselines are linear and shallow,and a two-state model with linear baselines (six-parameter fit) is adequate to describe the data.51

    However, non-linear and/or highly sloped base-lines are not unusual, and additional information is

  • Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate 1019

    required for a meaningful analysis of the data. Wehave been able to overcome these problems byusing a systematic global analysis approach to fit amulti-state equilibrium model with a common setof thermodynamic parameters to a family ofunfolding curves recorded as a function of wave-length using different spectroscopic methods. Glo-bal fitting methods have been used extensively toanalyze time-resolved fluorescence and other spec-troscopic data, including denaturant and pH-induced two-state unfolding transitions.48,52,53

    However, there have been few systematic appli-cations of global least-squares fitting methods tostudy the spectral properties of intermediates inthree-state folding equilibria.54 In the present study,this strategy has provided clear evidence foraccumulation of a partially unfolded equilibriumstate in two forms of cyt c (WT and H33N variant) atlow to intermediate denaturant (GuHCl and/orurea) concentrations. The observed discrepanciesbetween the transition curves as monitored bydifferent spectroscopic observables, including hemeabsorbance and CD changes at multiple wave-lengths, tryptophan fluorescence quenching by theheme (Figures 5, 7 and 8), as well as NMR peakintensity (Figure 10) are clearly inconsistent with atwo-state unfolding transition. Moreover, indivi-dual unfolding curves for many of the probes used(e.g. near-UV CD and heme absorbance at certainwavelengths) exhibit a complex shape that cannotbe fitted by a simple two-state model. In contrast, athree-state model can fully account for all of theseobservations, including the dispersion among thetransition curves for different probes and thebiphasic denaturant dependence of individualprobes. Although small amounts of additionalstates cannot be ruled out, the quality of the fitsobtained in our global fitting procedure indicatesthat a three-state equilibrium mechanism (Scheme 1)is sufficient to account for all of the available opticaldata as a function of both urea and GuHCl.

    There are examples in the literature where anapparent equilibrium intermediate has been attrib-uted to specific binding of a denaturant molecule toa folded state with native-like structure.55,56 In thecase of cyt c, Thomas et al.48 proposed that aguanidinium ion may displace the side-chain ofArg38 in cyt c, which forms a functionallyimportant salt bridge involving the buried hemepropionate side-chain.57 To address this possibility,we carried out a detailed comparison of the GuHCland urea-induced unfolding transitions for H33Ncyt c. In the absence of specific binding effects, weexpect that the free energy of unfolding extra-polated to cZ0 is independent of the denaturantused. Indeed, Table 1 shows very similar values forthe total unfolding energy, DGtot, for the GuHCl andurea-induced unfolding transitions of H33N cyt c.However, the free energy changes for the individualtransitions, DG1 (N5I) and DG2 (I5U)show significant denaturant-dependent differences(Table 1). This behavior may be due to the fact thatGuHCl is an ionic denaturant, which apparently

    raises the free energy of the intermediate relative tothe native state (by 1.1 kcal molK1; Table 1) withoutsignificant effect on the total free energy ofunfolding (0.3 kcal molK1). Despite these differ-ences, comparison of Figures 3(b) and 7(c) indicatesthat in both denaturants the intermediate reaches apeak population of about 50% below the midpointof the major unfolding transition. Moreover, thereare striking similarities between the GuHCl andurea-induced intermediates in terms of theirspectroscopic properties (Table 2), including ablue-shifted Soret band (cf Figures 3(a) and 6(b)),a native-like far-UV CD signal and diminishedintensity in the near-UV CD region (cf Figures 4and 7(a)).

    It is well known that folding of cyt c is intimatelylinked with the presence of the heme and itsligands.21,58 Studies of oxidized cyt c from severalspecies have shown that the native methioninesulfur-iron ligand is replaced by a His, Lys orN-terminal NH2 (if unprotected) under denaturingconditions near neutral pH or above.30,35,38 Thepresence of a non-native heme ligand can result inthe trapping of transient folding intermediates iffolding experiments are conducted near neutralpH.20,21,59 Misligation of the heme has also beenlinked with the accumulation of equilibriumunfolding intermediates.30,31,36,60 This study wasdesigned to minimize such complications by work-ing at mildly acidic pH where His and Lys side-chains are protonated and no longer available aspotential non-native heme ligands. As an additionalcontrol, we compared the equilibrium unfoldingbehavior of WT cyt c in GuHCl with that of theH33N variant, which lacks the primary non-nativeHis ligand.38 While the H33N variant is slightlymore stable than the WT in terms of DGtot (Table 1),both proteins unfold via highly populated equili-brium states (cf Figures 3(b) and 8(b)) with verysimilar spectroscopic properties (Table 2). Thus, wecan clearly rule out the possibility that coordinationof His33 to the heme iron is responsible foraccumulation of an equilibrium intermediate.Since the pKa values of other potential hemeligands, including lysine residues and theN-terminal amino group (which is not acetylatedin the case of the recombinant H33N variant), arehigher than His, they are even less likely to bedeprotonated and bound to the heme iron in theI-state at pH 5. However, the fact that a prominentabsorbance band at 625 nm appears at GuHClconcentrations well below 2 M (Figure 1) wherethe changes in the far-UV CD and fluorescencesignals are minimal (Figure 5) is a strong indicationthat the native ligand interaction between the Met80sulfur and the heme iron has been severed in theintermediate. Together with the comparison of ureaand GuHCl discussed above, these observationsindicate that the I-state represents a genuineconformational intermediate that accumulatesunder moderately denaturing conditions irrespec-tive of the denaturant used or the presence of anynon-native heme ligands.

  • 1020 Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate

    Despite differences in solution conditions, thethermodynamic parameters for the major (second)unfolding transition of WT cyt c observed here(Table 1) show reasonable agreement with valuesreported in the literature.28,47,61 However, the totalfree energy (DGtotZ9.8(G0.3) kcal mol

    K1) andm-value (mtotZ4.39(G0.14) kcal mol

    K1 MK1)obtained in our global three-state fit are substan-tially higher than published values, since theyinclude contributions from the pre-transition thathas historically been dismissed as a baseline effect.Thus, the use of a two-state model to fit a multi-stateequilibrium with overlapping transitions canseriously underestimate the overall thermodynamicstability of a protein. To illustrate this point, weused the standard two-state model with six freeparameters (Cm and m, intercepts and slopes for thepre and post-transition baselines) to fit individualunfolding curves for H33N cyt c in GuHCl,including those monitored by CD (Figure 4),fluorescence and heme absorbance at selectedwavelengths (cf Figure 2). The apparent Cm valuesare close to the global value for the secondtransition (2.34(G0.1) M). However, the two-statem-values range from 2.8–3.4 kcal molK1 MK1 result-ing in apparent free energies (6.6–8.2 kcal molK1)well below the total free energy obtained in theglobal three-state fit (10.8 kcal molK1). Moreover,for some of the data (e.g. the near-UV CD curve inFigure 4) a two-state fit results in a steep slope forthe pre-transition baseline implying that the native-state signal varies strongly with denaturant con-centration. By contrast, global fitting of a three-stateequilibrium model (Scheme 1) yields a single, self-consistent, set of thermodynamic parameters(Table 1) and accounts for all of the data withoutinvoking highly sloping native baselines.

    In addition to accurately defining the thermo-dynamic parameters for each unfolding transition(Table 1), our systematic global analysis of theunfolding transitions as monitored by a variety ofspectroscopic parameters also provides insight intothe structural properties of the equilibrium inter-mediate (Table 2). The fractional change in the far-UV CD signal, f(q225), associated with the N5Itransition is close to zero (H33N cyt c in urea) orslightly negative (WT and H33N in GuHCl),indicating that the helix content of the I-state issimilar to that of the N-state, or even somewhatenhanced. The low values for f(Em350) in both the Nand I-states are consistent with a compact ensembleof states with an average Trp59–heme distancesignificantly smaller than 35 Å (the Förster distancefor Trp–heme energy transfer). On the other hand,the N5I transition is accompanied by significantchanges in the aromatic region of the CD spectrum,including a nearly complete loss of the sharpfeatures near 290 nm assigned to Trp59, indicatingthat some of the specific side-chain packinginteractions are disrupted in the I-state. Theobserved shift in Soret absorption band to lowerwavelengths (Table 2) is also consistent with aloosening of the protein structure and a concomitant

    increase in solvent exposure of the heme. At thesame time, the presence of a prominent absorptionband at 625 nm in the I-state correlates with the lossof the Met80 ligand, which results in a high-spinheme state;62 the sixth coordination site may remainvacant or occupied by a weak ligand, such aswater.63,64 This conclusion is further supported bythe observed loss in NH cross-peak intensity at lowurea concentrations for Met80 and adjacent residues(Figures 9–11). It is also consistent with previousreports of changes in the magnetic CD48 andparamagnetic NMR spectra30,31 preceding themain unfolding transition of oxidized cyt c.

    Our NMR analysis of the urea-induced unfoldingtransition provides novel insight into the structuralproperties of equilibrium intermediates at the levelof individual residues. When we plotted theintensity of 1H–15N peaks versus urea concentration(Figure 10), we found a clear segregation of theresidues into two distinct groups. (i) Group 1residues (blue symbols in Figure 10) exhibit agradual loss in peak intensity over the 0–4 M urearange, tracking the population of the N-state. Theseresidues are located in regions of the protein wherethe native structure has been disrupted in theI-state, either through local unfolding or increasedmobility, and their relative contribution to theintensity of N-state peaks, fint, is low (Figure 11).Residues in this category include the axial hemeligands, His18 and Met80, and adjacent residues(14, 19, 78–82), as well as a majority of the residuesin the non-helical regions of cyt c. (ii) Group 2residues (red symbols in Figure 10) retain full peakintensity up to about 3 M urea followed by a steepdrop, following the behavior expected for the sumof N and I-state populations. These residues arelocated in regions of the protein where the nativestructure is largely preserved in the I-state. TheirNH groups experience minimal chemical shiftperturbations, and the I-state population contri-butes significantly to the intensity of N-state peaks(fintO0.5). This category comprises most of theresidues in the N and C-terminal helices, a fewresidues in the 60s and 70s helices, as well as tworesidues (L35, F36) involved in hydrophobic con-tacts with the heme (Figure 11). Thus, the twointeracting a-helices near each end of the cyt cmolecule appear to be largely intact in theintermediate state while other helical regionsappear to be partially disrupted. On the otherhand, with the exception of a cluster of residuescontacting the heme, the non-helical loop regions ofthe native cyt c structure appear to be largelydisordered. These structural patterns agree wellwith those described by Englander and colleagues,based on native-state hydrogen exchangedata.22,65,66

    In those cases where the relative intensity of aresolved (conformationally shifted) 1H–15N cross-peak remains high up to 3 M urea (fintw1), we canconclude with confidence that the local structuralenvironment of a given residue remains intact in theI-state. Likewise, a steady decrease in cross-peak

  • Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate 1021

    intensity with increasing urea concentration indi-cates a major disruption of the local environment inthe I-state. The fact that we found no resolvedI-state peaks of sufficient size to account for theintensity loss of N-state peaks implies that theI-state undergoes fast exchange with either the N orU-state. A likely scenario is that for group 1residues, which experience large chemical shiftchanges on formation of the I-state, the N5Iexchange rate falls into the intermediate exchangeregime (compared to the frequency differencebetween N and I-state resonances), resulting insevere line broadening and loss in measurable peakvolume. On the other hand, for group 2 residues,which are characterized by small chemical shiftdifferences between the N and I-state, the rate of theN5I transition falls into the fast-exchange regime,giving rise to a sharp peak at an average chemicalshift (close to that of the N-state) with an intensitycorresponding to the sum of N and I-statepopulations. The residues falling in between theselimiting cases (Figure 10(a)) experience partial linebroadening in an intermediate-exchange regime, sothat the I-state makes a fractional contribution to theintensity of the observed peak.

    In conclusion, we have detected and structurallycharacterized a non-native state of oxidized horsecyt c that accumulates at equilibrium in thepresence of moderate concentrations of GuHCl orurea, accounting for as much as 50% of themolecules at denaturant concentrations below themajor unfolding transition. The relative sensitivityto denaturant, aIZm1/mtot (Table 2), indicates thatthe N–I transition is accompanied by a w30%increase in solvent accessible surface area relative tothe total change associated with unfolding. TheI-state appears native-like in terms of its a-helixcontent, which is w10% higher than that of theN-state, low Trp59 fluorescence consistent with ashort Trp59-heme distance, and a Soret bandindicative of a solvent-shielded heme environment.On the other hand, the I-state shows majorstructural differences from the N-state, includingthe loss of the native Met80 sulfur–iron linkagerevealed by near-IR absorption and NMR spec-troscopy and disruption in side-chain packing andother tertiary interactions resulting in changes inthe near-UV CD spectrum and chemical shiftperturbations for most non-helical amide groups.These structural properties are reminiscent of theA-state of cyt c, a compact denatured form foundunder acidic high-salt conditions.18,67–70 Thedenaturant-induced intermediate also shares somecommon features with the alkaline state and otherpartially unfolded forms of cyt c stabilized by non-native heme ligands.63,71 For example, in theirstudies on a K73H mutant of yeast iso-1 cyt c,Bowler and colleagues found that the transitionfrom the native state to a His73–ligated intermedi-ate is accompanied by a 30% increase insolvation,72,73 which agrees well with the aI valuesin Table 2. Moreover, recent NMR data on thealkaline transition of iso-1 cyt c showed that the

    a-helical core remains intact and the loop regionsbecome partially disordered when Lys73 replacesMet80 at alkaline pH.74 Thus, different means ofdestabilization that disrupt the native Met80–ironbond give rise to structurally analogous intermedi-ate states.

    What is the relationship between this solvent-induced equilibrium intermediate and the transientintermediate states detected in kinetic foldingexperiments? Although the kinetic intermediatespopulated over the 100 ms–1000 ms time range arecompact, based on time-resolved fluorescence andsmall-angle X-ray scattering data,25,75–77 continuous-flow CD measurements indicate that only a fractionof the native helical secondary structure is formedat this stage.78 In addition, the shallow denaturant-dependence of the observed rates on the sub-millisecond time scale25,79 suggest that a smallerfraction of residues are shielded from the solventduring the initial folding phases compared to theequilibrium intermediate. Thus, the denaturant-induced equilibrium intermediate appears morehighly structured than the intermediate statesencountered during early stages of folding. On theother hand, it resembles a late folding (or earlyunfolding) intermediate, N*, which we have pre-viously introduced in order to account for thekinetics of unfolding of cyt c.21,61 The transitionfrom N to N* becomes rate-limiting for unfolding athigh denaturant concentrations and gives rise to arate profile (chevron plot) with a highly non-linearunfolding branch61 (similar behavior has also beenreported for two bacterial c-type cytochromes80,81).The shallow denaturant dependence of the N to N*transition and effect of imidazole (an extrinsic hemeligand) on the kinetics of unfolding confirm that N*is a highly structured state lacking the nativemethionine–iron bond.61,80

    Materials and Methods

    Horse heart cytochrome c (highest grade from Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St Louis, MO) was used without furtherpurification. Urea and GuHCl were obtained from ICNBiomedicals, Inc., Aurora, OH (ultra pure grade). Unlessstated otherwise, the standard solution conditions usedfor biophysical measurements were 0.1 M sodium acetatebuffer (NaAc) at pH 5.0 (titrated by adding glacial aceticacid to 0.1 M solution of sodium acetate salt), 15 8C.

    Protein expression and purification

    All of the genetic manipulations were performedaccording to conventional molecular biology or manu-facturers’ protocols.82,83 A previously published pro-cedure has been used for expression and purification ofunlabeled H33N cyt c.39 Briefly, an expression vectorpBP(H33N)/3 was constructed via introduction of thehorse H33N cyt c gene, prepared using PCR-basedmutagenesis, into a plasmid pBP(XhoI/BamHI)/3. Lig-ation of the amplified DNA fragment at XhoI and BamHIsites resulted in the placement of the cyt c gene in tandemwith the gene of yeast cytochrome c heme lyase,CYC3.84,85 The protein was expressed using the JM109

  • 1022 Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate

    Escherichia coli strain in the presence of ampicillin. Thepurification protocol used was as described.39

    In an effort to increase production of uniformly15N-labeled H33N cyt c, a new expression vector wasconstructed based on the pET-24a plasmid offeringkanamycin resistance. The region of pBP(H33N)/3containing the H33N and CYC3 genes (w1.3 kb) wasPCR amplified using Platinum Pfx DNA Polymerase(Invitrogen Corp.) and inserted into pET-24a via newlyintroduced NdeI and HindIII sites. RapidTranse TAM1competent E. coli cells (Vinci-Biochem) were used forplasmid DNA amplification and BL21(DE3) strain(Novagen) was used for cyt c expression. In order toachieve optimal cyt c production a quick semi-quantitativetest procedure was developed. Typically, 1.5 ml of theculture prior to and after IPTG induction was centrifugedto pellet the cells. The pellet was resuspended in 600 ml of50 mM Tris–HCl, 2 mM EDTA (pH 7.5), plus 10 ml of a50 mg/ml solution of lysozyme. Following 10 minincubation at 30 8C, 5 ml of 1 M MgCl2 and 10 ml of20 mg/ml DNAase I were added, and the incubation wascontinued for another 5 min at 30 8C. After 2 mincentrifugation the supernatant was transferred into anew tube, and the absorbance spectrum was taken in theabsence and presence of sodium dithionite. Every fewhours time points were analyzed for the amount of holo-cyt c produced.

    Following transformation of BL21(DE3) a single colonywas inoculated in 50 ml of LB media with 1% (w/v)glucose and 50 mg/ml of kanamycin and grown overnightat 37 8C. Then, 1 ml of the starting culture was inoculatedin one liter of a semi-minimal media (11 g/l Na2HPO4,3 g/l KH2PO4, 0.5 g/l NaCl, 0.5 g/l sodium citrate, 1 g/lYeast Nitrogen Base (BD and Co.), 1 g/l 15NH4Cl, 1 mMCaCl2, 2 mM MgSO4, 1 ml of a vitamin mix (BasalMedium Eagle Vitamin Solution; Invitrogen/Gibco,Carlsbad, CA), 50 mM FeSO4, 1% glucose and 50 mg/mlof kanamycin) and bacteria were grown at 37 8C withgood aeration until A600 w1. At this point IPTG wasadded up to 0.8 mM and the growth was continued at30 8C with good aeration for another 36–40 h. cyt cpurification was performed according to the previouslypublished protocol.39 At least twice the amount of purecyt c has been obtained using the new expression system,compared to the pBP(XhoI/BamHI)/3-based system,both in minimal and rich media.

    Denaturant-induced unfolding experiments

    To ensure constant protein concentration duringdenaturant (GuHCl or urea) titration experiments, twosolutions were prepared at carefully matched proteinconcentration, one containing the native protein in buffer(0.1 M NaAc) (pH 5)) and the other containing fullyunfolded protein in the presence of denaturant (6–7 MGuHCl or 9–10 M urea in 0.1 M NaAc (pH 5)). Thedenaturant concentration was increased at constantvolume by replacing an aliquot of the previouslymeasured sample with the same volume of the unfoldedprotein solution. This experimental design helped toreduce protein consumption. Samples were equilibratedfor 3 to 5 min at 15 8C prior to every measurement.Denaturant titration experiments on wild-type cyt c(Sigma) were performed on separately prepared samplesincubated overnight in the presence of various amountsof denaturant. The denaturant concentration for eachpoint of the titration was determined by measuringrefractive index (G3!10K4), using a Leica Abbe Mark IIrefractometer (Leica Microsystems, Exton, PA).

    Optical spectroscopy

    Absorbance measurements were performed on aLambda 6 Perkin-Elmer (Boston, MA) and a HitachiU-3010 UV/VIS (Digilab Hitachi, Randolph, MA) spec-trophotometers. In order to monitor spectral changes overwide 250 nm–800 nm range two separate experimentswith different path lengths and protein concentrationswere performed. Spectra in the Soret region (350 nm–500 nm) were recorded at protein concentrations of 5 mMor 25 mM using 1 cm or 0.2 cm quartz cuvettes, respect-ively. For the near-UV (250 nm–350 nm) and visible/near-IR regions (500 nm–800 nm), 80 mM protein solutions anda 1 cm path length were standard. Typical scan rate of1–2 nm/s and a constant 1 nm bandwidth were used inboth cases.

    Fluorescence measurements were performed on a PTIfluorimeter (Photon Technology International, Lawrence-ville, NJ). Excitation and emission wavelengths were280 nm and 350 nm, with the excitation and emissionbandwidths set to 4 nm and 8 nm, respectively. Typicalprotein concentration was 10 mM. Denaturation curveswere obtained by scanning complete emission spectra orby 100 s kinetic trace measurements at 350 nm to improvequality of the data.

    CD measurements were performed on a model 62A DSAVIV circular dichroism spectrometer (Lakewood, NJ)equipped with a thermoelectric temperature control unit.Denaturant-induced changes in the far-UV region weremonitored at 225 nm with 0.2 cm path length; changes inthe near-UV (aromatic) region were typically followed at294 nm corresponding to one of two negative peaksoriginating from Trp59,42 using a 1 cm cuvette. Thebandwidth was usually set to 2 nm for both UV regionsand a 120 s kinetic trace was recorded at each denaturantconcentration. Protein concentrations were 13 mM and40 mM for far and near-UV CD measurements, respec-tively.

    NMR measurements

    15N-labeled H33N cyt c was exchanged extensivelywith 50 mM sodium bicarbonate (pH 7–8) via ultrafiltra-tion (Centriplus YM-10, Millipore) and lyophilized. 1 mMsolutions of native and unfolded cyt c were prepared bydissolving the lyophilized protein in 0.1 M NaAc, 5%2H2O(pH 5) containing no urea or 9.7 M urea, respect-ively, and a small amount of DSS. The total of 7 mg of cyt cwere used for the equilibrium unfolding experiment.1H–15N HSQC spectra were collected initially for the fullynative and unfolded (9.7 M urea) samples, followed bytitration from 0 to 5.8 M urea.

    NMR spectra were collected at 15 8C on a Bruker DMX600 MHz spectrometer equipped with a 5 mm x,y,z-shielded pulsed-field gradient triple-resonance probe.To confirm resonance assignments, 15N edited NOE-HSQC and TOC-HSQC,86 HNHA,87 and HNHB88 spectrawere collected. The previously published 1H assignmentsfor WT horse cyt c89 were used as a reference for assigningthe 1H–15N cross-peaks. Urea-induced unfolding wasstudied by recording 1H–15N HSQC spectra90 for 11samples at urea concentrations of 0, 0.92 M, 1.90 M,2.84 M, 3.39 M, 3.88 M, 4.29 M, 4.80 M, 5.28 M, 5.63 M,and 5.81 M. The samples were prepared by proportionalmixing of the native protein stock (1 mM protein in100 mM sodium acetate (pH 5)) and the unfolded proteinstock (1 mM protein in 9.7 M urea with 100 mM sodiumacetate (pH 5)). The final urea concentration was

  • Structure of an Equilibrium Folding Intermediate 1023

    determined by its refractive index. 1H–15N HSQCexperiments were run with 256 experiments in 15Ndimension (t1) consisting of 40 scans and 4096 datapoints in 1H dimension (t2). The spectra processing andcontour peak integration were done by using Felix(Accelrys, San Diego, CA, USA).


    This work was supported by NIH grantsGM056250 and CA06927, NSF grant MCB-079148,and an Appropriation from the Commonwealth ofPennsylvania. We thank Dimitry Dolgikh for hisexpert advice and help with protein expression. Weare grateful to the Spectroscopy Support Facility, theBiochemistry and Biotechnology Facility and theDNA Sequencing Facility for their support.


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    Edited by K. Kuwajima

    (Received 11 November 2005; received in revised form 11 January 2006; accepted 15 January 2006)Available online 3 February 2006

    Structural Characterization of an Equilibrium Unfolding Intermediate in Cytochrome cIntroductionResultsDiscussionMaterials and MethodsProtein expression and purificationDenaturant-induced unfolding experimentsOptical spectroscopyNMR measurements
