structural transitions and global minima ofsodium chloride ... · fom institute for atomic and...

arXiv:cond-mat/9801152v2 27 Jul 1998 Structural Transitions and Global Minima of Sodium Chloride Clusters Jonathan P. K. Doye FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands David J. Wales University Chemical Laboratory, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK (August 4, 2018) In recent experiments on sodium chloride clusters structural transitions between nanocrystals with different cuboidal shapes were detected. Here we determine reaction pathways between the low energy isomers of one of these clusters, (NaCl)35Cl - . The key process in these structural transitions is a highly cooperative rearrangement in which two parts of the nanocrystal slip past one another on a {110} plane in a 1 ¯ 10direction. In this way the nanocrystals can plastically deform, in contrast to the brittle behaviour of bulk sodium chloride crystals at the same temperatures; the nanocrystals have mechanical properties which are a unique feature of their finite size. We also report and compare the global potential energy minima for (NaCl) N Cl - using two empirical potentials, and comment on the effect of polarization. 61.46.+w,36.40.Sx,82.30.Qt I. INTRODUCTION There has been much interest in phase-like transitions in clusters. Most of this research has been directed at the finite analogue of the solid-liquid transition [1], whereas the possibility of transitions between different solid forms has received less attention [2–4]. Some examples are known: when supported metal clusters are observed by electron microscopy, their structure can change between icosahedral, decahedral and close-packed [5,6]. However, the role of the electron beam and the surface is uncer- tain. Similar transitions have also been suggested for free atomic clusters of certain sizes, which are driven by entropy differences between the icosahedral, decahedral and close-packed morphologies [7–9]. However, it is not clear how these changes could be detected even if the large free energy barriers involved [10] are surmountable. Coexistence between solid-like isomers of small bi- nary salt clusters has previously been described by Rose and Berry [2]. More recently, clear examples of struc- tural transitions have emerged from experiments on NaCl clusters. These clusters have only one energetically favourable morphology: the magic numbers that ap- pear in mass spectra correspond to cuboidal fragments of the bulk crystal (rocksalt) lattice [11–13], hence the term nanocrystals. Indirect structural information comes from the experiments of Jarrold and coworkers which probe the mobility of size-selected cluster ions. For most (NaCl) N Cl with N > 30, multiple isomers were de- tected which were assigned as nanocrystals with different cuboidal shapes [14]. The populations in the different iso- mers were not initially equilibrated, but slowly evolved, allowing rates and activation energies for the structural transitions between the nanocrystals to be obtained [15]. Based on the small values of the activation energies, Hud- gins et al. suggested that the rearrangement mechanisms might involve a sequence of surface diffusion steps. The aim of the present work is to examine this hypoth- esis by identifying the mechanisms for one of the clusters that was studied experimentally, (NaCl) 35 Cl . We also report the global potential energy minima of (NaCl) N Cl for two different empirical potentials which enables us to comment on the effects of including polarizabilities and hence induction energies. Methods are outlined in section II and the global minima are discussed in III. Then in sec- tion IV we describe the mechanism that we found to me- diate the structural transitions in (NaCl) 35 Cl . Finally, in section V we discuss the implications of this mecha- nism for the mechanical properties of NaCl nanocrystals and its relevance to other alkali halides. II. METHODS A. Searching the PES The identification of mechanisms for the structural transitions of (NaCl) 35 Cl presents a considerable chal- lenge to the theoretician since the half-lives of the least stable isomers are of the order of milliseconds [15], whereas the time scales that can be probed by conven- tional molecular dynamics simulation are only on the order of nanoseconds. The difficulty is that in molec- ular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations the system spends most of the time vibrating about a minimum on the PES with transitions between minima occurring only rarely. One approach to enhancing the rate of occurrence of rare events, such as these structural transitions, is to bias the system towards the transition regions using um- brella sampling [16]; this method is particularly suited 1

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Structural Transitions and Global Minima of Sodium Chloride Clusters

Jonathan P. K. DoyeFOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

David J. WalesUniversity Chemical Laboratory, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK

(August 4, 2018)

In recent experiments on sodium chloride clusters structural transitions between nanocrystalswith different cuboidal shapes were detected. Here we determine reaction pathways between the lowenergy isomers of one of these clusters, (NaCl)35Cl

−. The key process in these structural transitionsis a highly cooperative rearrangement in which two parts of the nanocrystal slip past one another ona {110} plane in a 〈110〉 direction. In this way the nanocrystals can plastically deform, in contrastto the brittle behaviour of bulk sodium chloride crystals at the same temperatures; the nanocrystalshave mechanical properties which are a unique feature of their finite size. We also report andcompare the global potential energy minima for (NaCl)NCl− using two empirical potentials, andcomment on the effect of polarization.



There has been much interest in phase-like transitionsin clusters. Most of this research has been directed at thefinite analogue of the solid-liquid transition [1], whereasthe possibility of transitions between different solid formshas received less attention [2–4]. Some examples areknown: when supported metal clusters are observed byelectron microscopy, their structure can change betweenicosahedral, decahedral and close-packed [5,6]. However,the role of the electron beam and the surface is uncer-tain. Similar transitions have also been suggested forfree atomic clusters of certain sizes, which are driven byentropy differences between the icosahedral, decahedraland close-packed morphologies [7–9]. However, it is notclear how these changes could be detected even if thelarge free energy barriers involved [10] are surmountable.

Coexistence between solid-like isomers of small bi-nary salt clusters has previously been described by Roseand Berry [2]. More recently, clear examples of struc-tural transitions have emerged from experiments on NaClclusters. These clusters have only one energeticallyfavourable morphology: the magic numbers that ap-pear in mass spectra correspond to cuboidal fragmentsof the bulk crystal (rocksalt) lattice [11–13], hence theterm nanocrystals. Indirect structural information comesfrom the experiments of Jarrold and coworkers whichprobe the mobility of size-selected cluster ions. For most(NaCl)NCl− with N > 30, multiple isomers were de-tected which were assigned as nanocrystals with differentcuboidal shapes [14]. The populations in the different iso-mers were not initially equilibrated, but slowly evolved,allowing rates and activation energies for the structuraltransitions between the nanocrystals to be obtained [15].Based on the small values of the activation energies, Hud-

gins et al. suggested that the rearrangement mechanismsmight involve a sequence of surface diffusion steps.

The aim of the present work is to examine this hypoth-esis by identifying the mechanisms for one of the clustersthat was studied experimentally, (NaCl)35Cl

−. We alsoreport the global potential energy minima of (NaCl)NCl−

for two different empirical potentials which enables us tocomment on the effects of including polarizabilities andhence induction energies. Methods are outlined in sectionII and the global minima are discussed in III. Then in sec-tion IV we describe the mechanism that we found to me-diate the structural transitions in (NaCl)35Cl

−. Finally,in section V we discuss the implications of this mecha-nism for the mechanical properties of NaCl nanocrystalsand its relevance to other alkali halides.


A. Searching the PES

The identification of mechanisms for the structuraltransitions of (NaCl)

35Cl− presents a considerable chal-

lenge to the theoretician since the half-lives of the leaststable isomers are of the order of milliseconds [15],whereas the time scales that can be probed by conven-tional molecular dynamics simulation are only on theorder of nanoseconds. The difficulty is that in molec-ular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations the systemspends most of the time vibrating about a minimum onthe PES with transitions between minima occurring onlyrarely. One approach to enhancing the rate of occurrenceof rare events, such as these structural transitions, is tobias the system towards the transition regions using um-brella sampling [16]; this method is particularly suited


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to calculating free energy barriers. Here we use an ap-proach which is ideal for finding reaction pathways forcomplex processes. Previously it has been used to finda pathway between the face-centred cubic global mini-mum and the lowest energy icosahedral minimum of a38-atom Lennard-Jones cluster [17], and to identify re-laxation mechanisms in amorphous silicon [18]. Stepsare taken directly between minima [17,19,20], thus al-lowing large distances on the PES to be traversed. Todo this, we first find a transition state connected to thecurrent minimum using the eigenvector-following tech-nique [21–26]. We then calculate the corresponding rear-rangement mechanism and thereby obtain the new min-imum. Finally, we decide whether to accept the step tothe new minimum, typically on the basis of a Metropo-lis criterion [27]. By repeating this process the systemperforms a walk amongst connected minima on the PES.

The steps between adjacent minima are not biased togo in any particular direction. Nevertheless, by perform-ing an extensive search of the low-lying minima we wereable to find paths between the various rocksalt-type iso-mers of (NaCl)

35Cl−. In the process over 4500 minima

and 5500 transition states were characterized. Althoughthere is no guarantee that we have found the shortest orlowest barrier rearrangements between the nanocrystals,we are confident that our paths are good estimates andrepresentative of the optimal paths.

B. Potentials and geometry optimization

Two popular empirical potentials for NaCl were con-sidered in the present work. The first is the Tosi-Fumi parameterization of the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer(C+BM) potential [28]:

E =∑








where qi is the charge on ion i, rij is the distance be-tween ions i and j and Aij and ρ and parameters [28].We have also considered the more complex potential fit-ted by Welch et al. [29] for which the full vector form haspreviously been given by Phillips et al. [30]:

E =∑




−reffij /ρ −qi(µj • rij)


qj(µi • rji)


−3(µj • rij)(µi • rij)


µi • µj








reffij = rij +µi




and reffij = |reff |. (There is a small typographical er-ror in equation (3) of reference [30].) The above formu-lae are given in atomic units. Adopting the notation ofStone [31], component α of the induced dipole vector atsite B due to site A, µB

α , is:

µBα =






where A and B are the position vectors of the respectivesites. The total induced moment in the present case is:

µBα =








β TA′Bα′β − qA




TA′Bα′ = −



TA′Bα′β =

3Rα′Rβ −R2δα′β


R = B−A′, and R = |R|.

Two approaches are available for finding the dipole mo-ments, namely iterating the equations for µB

α to self-consistency or rearranging the equation as

Mµ = Y so that µ = M−1


where µ = (µ1,µ2, . . .). In the present work matrix in-version was used to obtain the self-consistent dipole mo-ments and the first analytic derivatives of the energy.The inclusion of polarizabilities in the Welch poten-

tial makes this functional form much more expensive toevaluate than the simple C+BM form. Hence we con-ducted the most extensive searches of the PES with thelatter potential and then reoptimized stationary pointsand pathways with the Welch form. Global minima werelocated using a guiding function approach for the Welchpotential, as discussed in the next section. Transitionstates were located using a modified eigenvector-followingapproach. The basic algorithm has been described be-fore [66,33], and was used in the present work with nu-merical second derivatives for the Welch potential. Wealso employed a new approach which does not requiresecond derivatives and is more efficient [34].


Global potential energy minima were located for(NaCl)NCl− up to N = 35 for both of the empiricalpotentials described above. We employed the ‘basin-hopping’ or Monte Carlo minimization [35] techniquewhich has recently been investigated for a variety ofatomic and molecular clusters [8,36–41].


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1514131110 129

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35

FIG. 1. Global minima for the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer potential. Lines have been drawn using a distance cut-off to guidethe eye. The sodium ions are represented by the smaller, darker circles and the chloride ions by the larger, lighter circles.


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19 20

6 10 11 15 18

23 24 29

FIG. 2. Global minima for the Welch potential corresponding to local rather than global minima of the Coulomb plusBorn-Meyer potential. Lines have been drawn using a distance cut-off to guide the eye. The sodium ions are represented bythe smaller, darker circles and the chloride ions by the larger, lighter circles.

Canonical Monte Carlo (MC) sampling was used to ex-plore the transformed PES, as described elsewhere [8,36].For the C+BM potential five runs of 5000 MC stepswere performed for every cluster size with each run start-ing from a random point. Two short runs of 200 stepseach were also initiated using the lowest minima for(NaCl)N−1

Cl− and (NaCl)N+1Cl− as seeds. The maxi-

mum step size for the displacement of any Cartesian co-ordinate was dynamically adjusted to give an acceptanceratio of 0.5 for a temperature corresponding to 316K(474K for the larger clusters). Final values for the max-imum displacement were typically around 1.5 A. To re-strict the configuration space to bound clusters we resetthe coordinates to those of the current minimum in theMarkov chain at each step [42].

Since the Coulomb potential is long-ranged these clus-ters actually represent a rather easy global optimizationproblem because there are fewer minima on their poten-tial energy surfaces [7,37,43]. Hence we are confident thatmost of the lowest energy structures we have identifiedfor the simpler potential are the true global minima. Infact, the lowest minimum was usually the same for eachof the five runs at every size considered. The Welch po-tential is much more time consuming to evaluate, andin this case only three runs of 4000 steps each were per-formed. We also employed a guiding function technique,as suggested by Hartke [44], where the simpler C+BMwas used for partial geometry optimization followed byrelaxation with the full Welch potential in every quench.Once again the same lowest energy structures were usu-

ally found in each of the three runs for every size. Theresults also agree with calculations performed without aguiding function up to N = 17, and with those of Phillipset al. [30] up to N = 14, although our energies are sys-tematically lower than theirs, presumably due to differ-ent unit conversion factors. Our energies and geometriesare all well converged with the root-mean-square force re-duced to less than 10−8 hartree/bohr for every minimum.The most difficult case in this size range appears to beN = 31 where the 7 × 3 × 3 rocksalt global minimumwas only found in two out of three runs for the Welchpotential.

All the results will be provided in a downloadable for-mat from the Cambridge Cluster Database [45]. Theenergies of the lowest minima found for both the C+BMand Welch potentials are given in Table I and the struc-tures are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. The lowest ten orso local minima found for the B+CM potential were alsorelaxed separately under the Welch potential to establishthe correspondence between local minima.

For most sizes in the present range the structure ofthe global potential minimum is the same for the twopotentials. However, the global minimum of one poten-tial is only a local minimum for the other potential atN = 6, 10, 11, 15, 18 − 20, 23, 24 and 29. For N = 2the global minimum is linear for C+BM but somewhatbent for Welch. For N = 5 the Welch global minimumhas lower symmetry than the C+BM structure; the ap-parent D5d symmetry is actually slightly broken on closeinspection. The similarity of the results for the two po-


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tentials shows that the C+BM form, despite its simplic-ity, can give a reasonably reliable guide to the structureof these clusters and provides justification for our use ofthe C+BM potential to perform surveys of the energylandscape.As expected, the lowest energy structures have pre-

dominantly rock-salt structures, and the particularly sta-ble sizes occur when complete cuboids can be formed(Figure 3). These sizes (N = 4, 13, 22, 31) agree withthe magic numbers observed in the mass spectral abun-dance distributions [13]. It is interesting to note thatat a number of sizes when complete cuboids cannotbe formed a column of hexagonal rings appears (e.g.N = 16, 20, 25, 27). One of the more unusual structuresis the (NaCl)24Cl

− global minimum for the Welch poten-tial. It has threefold symmetry with a trigonal bipyramidin the middle containing three (equatorial) Na+ ions andtwo (axial) Cl− ions.













0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35






E -


FIG. 3. The energies of the global minima as a func-tion of size for the Welch (solid line) and C+BM (dashedline) potentials. To make the size dependence more clear,we have used a function, Eave = a+ bN

1/3 + cN2/3 + dN , as

the energy zero. The coefficients of Eave have been chosento give the best fit to the energies. For the Welch potentiala = −0.5014, b = 0.2139, c = 0.0926 and d = −7.6829. Forthe C+BM potential a = −1.6782, b = 1.8878, c = −0.2828and d = −7.6360.


In the experiments on (NaCl)35Cl− three peaks were

resolved in the arrival time distribution. These peakswere assigned on the basis of calculated mobilities as anincomplete 5×5×3 cuboid, an incomplete 5×4×4 cuboid,and an 8 × 3 × 3 cuboid with a single vacancy [14,15].However, the lowest energy minima that we found forthis cluster could be divided into four types (Table IIand Figure 4), namely the above three nanocrystals anda 6 × 4 × 3 cuboid with a single vacancy. As the latter

structure was not considered when the structural assign-ments were made, its mobility has now been calculatedusing the exact hard-spheres scattering model [46,47].

With these new data better agreement between thecalculated and observed mobilities can be obtained byassigning the three experimental peaks to the 6 × 4 × 3,5× 5× 3 and 8× 3× 3 nanocrystals in order of increasingdrift time [47]. Furthermore, this reassignment gives bet-ter agreement with the energetics. In the experiment theclusters convert to (what we now assign as) the 5× 5× 3nanocrystal as time progresses, indicating that this struc-ture has the lowest free energy. In our calculations theglobal potential energy minimum is also a 5 × 5 × 3 iso-mer. Moreover, the 6×4×3 nanocrystal is second lowestin energy; it is 0.06 eV (0.10 eV for the Welch potential)above the global minimum, whereas the correspondingvalue for the lowest energy 5 × 4 × 4 isomer is 0.21 eV(0.25 eV).

The disconnectivity graph (or tree) [48,49] in Figure 5provides a graphical representation of the PES. It showswhich minima are connected by pathways below anygiven total energy. The end of each line represents aminimum on the PES and each node occurs at the energyof the transition state which first connects the two (setsof) minima. The tree separates the minima according tothe particular rocksalt cuboid quite cleanly. This resultshows that the barriers between minima with the samebasic cuboidal shape are generally smaller than those be-tween the different types of nanocrystal. This separationholds least well for the 5× 4× 4 nanocrystals because ofthe many different ways that the nine vacant sites can bearranged. For example, the two lowest energy 5 × 4 × 4minima, L and O, have very different structures (Figure4) and the energy at which the set of minima associatedwith O becomes connected to the 6 × 4 × 3 minima islower than the energy at which it becomes connected tothe set of minima associated with L. Minimum O is alsomuch closer in configuration space to the lowest energy6× 4× 3 minimum than it is to minimum L (Table III).Another example is provided by the two 5 × 5 × 3 iso-mers on the left of the figure which are separated by avery large barrier from the rest of the 5×5×3 structuresbecause the ions occupy the opposite lattice sites to theother minima (i.e. the sodium ions, not the chloride ions,are located at the corners of the nanocrystal).

One helpful way to characterize the topography of anenergy landscape that has come from the protein foldingcommunity is in terms of funnels [50,51]. A funnel is aset of pathways that converge to a low energy minimum.It has been suggested that a single deep funnel underliesthe ability of proteins to fold to a unique native structure.Figure 5 shows that on the (NaCl)35Cl

− PES there areseparate funnels corresponding to the 5× 5× 3, 6× 4× 3and 8×3×3 nanocrystals and a number of small funnelsassociated with the 5× 4× 4 nanocrystal.


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FIG. 4. The lowest energy (NaCl)35Cl− minima of the four types of nanocrystal for the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer (A, D, I

and L) and Welch (A, E, I and O) potentials. D and E differ only in the position of the vacancy at an Na+ site. The sodiumions are represented by the smaller, darker circles and the chloride ions by the larger, lighter circles. The minima are labelledas in Table II.











/ eV








8x3x35x5x3 6x4x3





FIG. 5. Disconnectivity graph showing the multiple-funnel character of the (NaCl)35Cl− PES. The branches that end at the

100 lowest energy minima are shown. They are marked by the type of structure: 5×5×3: diamonds, 6×4×3: squares, 8×3×3:crosses, and 5× 4× 4: unlabelled. The dashed lines approximately divide the tree into the different types of nanocrystal. Thenumbers denote the number of minima in a branch. We also label the six minima that appear in Figure 4 with the appropriateletter. The energies are for the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer potential.


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/ eV

path length / Å

6 x 4 x 35 x 5 x 3


6 x 4 x 3

5 x 4 x 4

5 x 5 x 3

5 x 5 x 3



8 x 3 x 3



/ eV

path length / Å









0 10 20 30 40 50 60

8 x 3 x 3

path length / Å


gy /












0 10 20 30 40 50 60







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

6 x 4 x 3

FIG. 6. Energy profiles of pathways between different(NaCl)

35Cl− isomers. (a) The shortest path and (b) the

lowest energy path between the lowest energy 5× 5× 3 and6 × 4 × 3 isomers. (c) Two pathways between the lowestenergy 6× 4× 3 and 8× 3× 3 isomers; the shorter pathwayis the pathway with the lowest barrier. The sections of theprofile with solid lines are illustrated in Figures 7 and 8. Theenergies are for the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer potential.

This characterization of the PES helps to explain theinitial presence of the metastable isomers in the exper-

iments by Jarrold and coworkers. [14,15] The energylandscape efficiently ‘funnels’ high energy structures intorocksalt-type minima [52,53]. However, the barriers be-tween the different funnels are large, leading to a separa-tion of time scales for relaxation down the PES to a rock-salt structure and conversion of the metastable nanocrys-tals to the global minimum. In Ref. [54] we predicted thatthis behaviour would occur for alkali halide clusters.To understand the mechanisms for the structural tran-

sitions we have visualized many pathways connectingnanocrystals with different dimensions. In virtually allthe pathways the major shape changes are achieved bythe same type of mechanism. A typical example of thisprocess occurs in the shortest path between the lowestenergy 5× 5× 3 and 6× 4× 3 isomers. The path involvesfour sequential transition states (Fig. 6a), the first threeof which mediate local rearrangements of the empty sitesin the 5×5×3 cuboid. The fourth rearrangement causesthe major shape change and is depicted in Fig. 7a. In this‘glide’ mechanism the two halves of the cluster slide pastone another on a {110} plane in a 〈110〉 direction. Otherexamples of this mechanism are illustrated in Figures 7band 8.Although the path shown in Figure 6a and 7a is the

shortest between the lowest energy 5×5×3 and 6×4×3minima it is not the lowest in energy. The latter pathway(Figure 6b and 8) is more complicated; rather than pass-ing directly between the two nanocrystals it goes via anumber of 5×4×4 minima, some of which are structurallysimilar to minimum O. Again the glide mechanism me-diates the main structural changes between a 5 × 5 × 3and a 5× 4× 4 nanocrystal (top of Figure 8) and from a5× 4× 4 to a 6× 4× 3 nanocrystal (bottom of Figure 8).The former mechanism is not quite so clear-cut since theglide is coupled with local defect motion on the far sideof the crystal. The middle rearrangement in Figure 8 ac-tually involves the highest energy transition state on thepathway. In this rearrangement a triangle of ions slidesover the surface of the nanocrystal. The final rearrange-ment in the pathway (not depicted in Figure 8) is theconversion of minimum E to D by the motion of a singlesodium ion.The lowest energy pathways to the 8× 3× 3 nanocrys-

tal all occur via the same transition state The pathwayfrom the 6 × 4 × 3 nanocrystal is illustrated in Figures6c and 7b. Two glide rearrangements convert the lowestenergy 6× 4× 3 isomer into an 8× 3× 3 isomer. In thefinal rearrangement on this pathway a single sodium ionmoves so that the vacancy in the 8 × 3 × 3 nanocrystaloccupies the site of lowest energy.It is not hard to see why the glide mechanism is

favourable. On either side of the {110} plane are rowsof oppositely-charged ions (these can be clearly seen onthe top face of the nanocrystals in Fig. 7a and b). Whenthe nanocrystal slides on this plane in the direction ofthese rows, no ion comes any closer to the nearest ion


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of the same charge. This situation only holds for {110}planes and the


direction. The activation barrierarises from the loss of some favourable contacts betweenoppositely-charged ions. It is also interesting to note thatthis plane and direction correspond to the primary slipsystem for dislocation motion in bulk NaCl crystals [55].One other mechanism by which major shape changes

can occur is illustrated in Figure 7c. In this ‘hinge’ pro-

cess the two halves of the cluster split apart and rotateabout a common edge until they meet up again. Al-though spectacular this mechanism is unlikely to be rel-evant to the experiments because the barrier is probablytoo large (Fig. 6b) to be surmountable at the appropriatetemperature; the transition state is 1.57 eV (1.21 eV forthe Welch potential) above the 8× 3× 3 minimum.

8 x 3 x 36 x 4 x 3

8 x 3 x 36 x 4 x 3

5 x 5 x 3 6 x 4 x 3




FIG. 7. Portions of the three rearrangement mechanisms corresponding to Fig. 6a and c. (a) A glide rearrangement whichconverts a 5 × 5 × 3 into a 6 × 4 × 3 isomer. (b) Two glide rearrangements which are part of the lowest energy path betweenthe 6 × 4 × 3 and 8 × 3 × 3 isomers. (c) A higher energy ‘hinge’ mechanism which converts a 6 × 4 × 3 isomer directly to an8× 3× 3 isomer.

From the experiments of Jarrold and coworkers ratesand activation energies were obtained for the conver-sion of the metastable nanocrystals to the global min-imum [15]. Therefore, it would be useful if we couldmake estimates of the activation energies to provide in-

dependent support for our results. However, this is non-trivial. There are a number of possible approaches. Fora complex process one needs to consider not the energybarrier, but the free energy barrier. The latter barriercould be computed by umbrella sampling [16] if a suit-


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able order parameter was found which could distinguishthe different nanocrystals. The rate of barrier crossingcould then be calculated by performing a series of simu-lations which start from the top of the barrier [56,57]. Asecond approach is to use a master equation to model theflow of probability between the minima on the PES [58].However, to achieve reasonable results one would needa larger set of minima and transition states than wehave obtained here. Furthermore, this approach also re-quires an expression for the rate constants for transitionsbetween minima. Although these are easily calculatedwithin the harmonic approximation using RRKM theory,more accurate rate constants which include the effects ofanharmonicity are far harder to obtain. There are alsotwo recently-developed techniques which could possiblybe applied to calculate the rate constants: the macrostatevariational method [59] and the transition path sampling

approach of Chandler and coworkers [60,61].All these approaches are computationally demanding

and beyond the scope of the present work. However, wecan obtain an estimate of the activation energy if we makethe approximation that the only important path betweenthe nanocrystals is the one with lowest energy. The acti-vation energy can then be equated with the energy differ-ence between the highest energy transition state on thispath and the starting minimum. At absolute zero this en-ergy barrier is equal to the free energy barrier, howeverat non-zero temperatures the free energy barrier is likelyto be reduced by the entropy associated with the multi-plicity of paths between the two states. This interplay ofenergy and entropy has been observed in the free energybarrier between the lowest energy face-centred-cubic andicosahedral minima for a 38-atom Lennard-Jones clus-ter [10].

5 x 4 x 4

5 x 4 x 4

5 x 5 x 3

6 x 4 x 3

FIG. 8. Three rearrangements from the lowest energy pathway between the lowest energy 5× 5× 3 and 6× 4× 3 minima,for which the energy profile is shown in Fig. 6b. The middle frame is the transition state and on either side are the two minima.


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In Table III we give our estimates for the activation en-ergies of pathways between the lowest energy isomers ofeach cuboidal nanocrystal. In the experiment it was onlypossible to find the activation energies for rearrangementsbetween the 6× 4× 3 and 8× 3× 3 nanocrystals and the5× 5× 3 nanocrystal; the values were 0.57± 0.05 eV and0.53± 0.05 eV, respectively [15]. These values are of thesame order of magnitude as our estimates of the activa-tion energies (Table III), although somewhat lower thanwe find for these specific transformations. The differ-ences could be due to the empirical potentials employedor the approximations involved in our estimation of theactivation energy, which would probably produce over-estimates, as observed. It is also possible that we maynot have found the lowest energy pathways. Further-more, the barriers are calculated with respect to the low-est energy minima for a particular type of nanocrystal.However, as the barriers between minima with the samecuboidal shape can be quite large (e.g. in Figure 6a thereis a barrier between two 5×5×3 isomers which is 0.66eV)it is not certain that the nanocrystals in the experimentare in the lowest energy minimum for that shape.Given these uncertainties it is not yet possible to use

comparison of the experimental and estimated activationenergies to provide additional confirmation of the glidemechanism. However, the universality of the glide mech-anism amongst the many low energy paths that we havediscovered strongly suggests that this process does medi-ate the structural transitions.Although most of the results in this section are for the

C+BM potential those we have obtained using the Welchpotential encourage us to believe that the C+BM formprovides a reasonable description of the interactions. Theglobal minimum for (NaCl)

35Cl− is the same for the two

potentials. Furthermore, the low energy minima are sim-ilar (Table II). There are a few changes in the energeticordering of the minima; most significantly the 5 × 4 × 4minimum O is significantly lower than minimum L for theWelch potential. It is also interesting to note that the es-timates of the activation energy are systematically lowerwhen the Welch potential is used (Table III) bringing thevalues closer to those found in experiment [15].


At the transition state of the glide mechanism thereare stacks of hexagonal rings perpendicular to the direc-tion of sliding (Figure 7). Hexagonal rings are a commonmotif in small alkali halide clusters [62], and when theratio of the cation to anion size is smaller than for NaCl,e.g. in the lithium halides, NaBr and NaI, the hexagonalstructures are more stable than for NaCl [63]. Hence theglide mechanism might be even more favourable in thesesystems. To prove this supposition calculations similarto those in this paper could be performed. Furthermore,

if this suggestion is correct the dependence of the kinet-ics of structural transformation on the particular alkalihalide could be then used as an experimental test of themechanism we have found here.As the glide mechanism is a cooperative mechanism,

unlike the surface diffusion mechanism originally sug-gested [15], it is expected that the barriers for this typeof rearrangement would generally increase with size (al-though as with any cluster property it is likely thatspecific size effects would also be superimposed on thistrend). The structural transitions would become moredifficult with increasing size. Again this could probablybe used as an experimental test of the mechanism.The glide mechanism also has implications for the me-

chanical properties of these nanocrystals. It allows themto deform spontaneously and plastically to a thermo-dynamically more stable structure; in other words, thenanocrystals are soft. Similar homogeneous slip mecha-nisms, where whole planes of atoms slide past one an-other, have been seen in simulations of strained metalnanowires [64,65]. As the barrier to these cooperativeprocesses increases with the area of the sliding surface,they become less feasible as the size of the system in-creases. For the metal nanowires the increased barrierleads to a change in the slip mechanism to a more lo-calized process, namely dislocation motion, with increas-ing size [65]; the dislocations maintain the ductility ofthe metal nanowire. In contrast, for NaCl nanocrystals,at temperatures relevant to the experiments consideredhere (7-67◦C [14]), dislocation motion is much more dif-ficult than for metals. Therefore, the increasing barrierappears to lead to a dramatic change in mechanical prop-erties. The nanocrystals become harder as their size in-creases, until a point is reached where an applied stressis more likely to cause fracture than plastic deformation,and the typical brittle behaviour of bulk NaCl crystals isrecovered.The mechanical properties of these NaCl nanocrystals

provide another example of the unique finite-size prop-erties of clusters. It might be possible to confirm theincreased plasticity we predict using a microscope tip todeform NaCl nanocrystals soft-landed on a surface.Previously, Ball et al. have compared relaxation to the

global minimum of (KCl)32 with Ar19 in terms of ‘mono-tonic sequences’ [52]. On this basis the salt cluster wasdescribed as a ‘structure-seeker’ because rapid removal ofkinetic energy usually leads to rocksalt structures; in con-trast it is relatively easy to quench Ar19 into a defectivedouble icosahedron. The present results for (NaCl)


are relevant to this relation between the energy landscapeand relaxation dynamics, regardless of whether the glidemechanism is operative in (KCl)32.Assuming that the model (KCl)32 cluster discussed

elsewhere has a landscape similar to (NaCl)35Cl− we

would expect different cuboidal rocksalt morphologiesto lie at the bottom of separate funnels. Relaxation


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within each funnel is efficient, but relaxation betweenfunnels will probably occur on a much longer time scale.Hence we can call the salt clusters ‘structure-seekers’ if by‘structure’ we mean any of the cuboidal minima. By thesame token, then, we should perhaps have bunched thedefective double icosahedra together with the global min-imum for Ar19 in the previous study [52]. In fact Ar19 isa ‘magic number’ cluster with an essentially single funnellandscape and so Ar19 is also quite an efficient ‘structure-seeker’. A better contrast would be provided by a clusterbound by a short range potential, where the landscapewould be rougher, or by Ar38, whose double funnel land-scape we have investigated elsewhere [8–10,17,49]. Thepoint is that the salt cluster relaxes faster down any onefunnel than Ar19, but may not reach the global minimumexcept over a longer time scale.


We would like to thank Alex Shvartsburg and MartinJarrold for calculating the mobilities of some of the struc-tures and for helpful discussions. D.J.W. is grateful tothe Royal Society for financial support. The work of theFOM Institute is part of the scientific program of FOMand is supported by the Nederlandse Organisatie voorWetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO).

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TABLE I. Energies of the lowest minima found for(NaCl)NCl− clusters with the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer andWelch potentials.

C+BM Welch

N Energy/eV PG Energy/eV PG

1 −7.712 D∞h −7.960 D∞h

2 −14.948 D∞h −15.272 C2v

3 −22.452 C3v −23.040 C3v

4 −30.204 C4v −30.871 C4v

5 −37.386 C2v −38.221 C1

6 −44.891 Cs −45.793 Cs

7 −52.511 C2v −53.456 C2v

8 −60.208 C4v −61.163 C4v

9 −67.647 C3h −68.979 C3h

10 −75.141 Cs −76.398 C2

11 −82.658 Cs −84.007 C1

12 −90.482 C4v −91.668 C4v

13 −98.672 Oh −99.756 Oh

14 −105.567 Cs −106.880 Cs

15 −113.132 C1 −114.570 Cs

16 −121.086 C2v −122.497 C2v

17 −128.703 C4v −129.994 C4v

18 −135.761 C1 −137.381 C1

19 −143.611 Cs −145.255 C2

20 −151.084 Cs −152.667 Cs

21 −158.972 C4v −160.448 C4v

22 −167.158 D4h −168.576 D4h

23 −174.123 Cs −175.757 C1

24 −181.602 C1 −183.331 D3

25 −189.525 Cs −191.227 Cs

26 −197.173 C4v −198.766 C4v

27 −204.809 C2v −206.602 C2v

28 −212.385 Cs −214.152 Cs

29 −219.969 Cs −221.732 C1

30 −227.494 Cs −229.315 Cs

31 −235.584 D4h −237.305 D4h

32 −242.755 Cs −244.505 Cs

33 −250.295 C1 −252.320 C1

34 −258.304 Cs −260.187 Cs

35 −265.748 Cs −267.756 Cs


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TABLE II. The fifteen lowest energy (NaCl)35Cl− minima

for the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer potential. The energies ofthe minima after reoptimization with the Welch potentialare also given.

Rank Energy/eV PG structure

C+BM Welch C+BM Welch

A 1 1 -265.748 -267.756 Cs 5× 5× 3B 2 4 -265.741 -267.653 C1 5× 5× 3C 3 2 -265.739 -267.721 C1 5× 5× 3D 4 6 -265.685 -267.582 Cs 6× 4× 3E 5 3 -265.658 -267.656 C1 6× 4× 3F 6 5 -265.652 -267.588 C2v 5× 5× 3G 7 8 -265.606 -267.524 Cs 6× 4× 3H 8 7 -265.601 -267.573 C1 5× 5× 3I 9 12 -265.592 -267.476 C4v 8× 3× 3J 10 25 -265.573 -267.417 Cs 6× 4× 3K 11 13 -265.557 -267.467 C2 5× 5× 3L 12 29 -265.543 -267.400 Cs 5× 4× 4M 13 15 -265.542 -267.465 Cs 6× 4× 3N 14 16 -265.519 -267.445 Cs 5× 5× 3O 15 9 -265.507 -267.502 C1 5× 4× 4

TABLE III. Details of the pathways between the lowestenergy cuboidal nanocrystals. We give the energy differencebetween the highest energy transition state and the lowestenergy minimum of the higher energy nanocrystal (the bar-rier), and the path length [66] for the paths that minimizethese quantities. The values of the barrier in brackets arefor the Welch potential and were obtained by reoptimizationof a selection of low energy pathways; an extensive search ofthe PES was not conducted with the latter potential. Forthe 5×4×4 nanocrystal we give the barriers for the minimaL and O which are the lowest energy minima of this typefor the Coulomb plus Born-Meyer and the Welch potentials,respectively.

From To barrier/eV path length/A

6× 4× 3 5× 5× 3 0.78 (0.69) 33.58× 3× 3 5× 5× 3 1.06 (0.91) 69.85× 4× 4 L 5× 5× 3 0.62 (0.41) 66.35× 4× 4 O 5× 5× 3 0.60 (0.54) 46.6

8× 3× 3 6× 4× 3 1.06 (0.91) 36.35× 4× 4 L 6× 4× 3 0.63 (0.44) 57.15× 4× 4 O 6× 4× 3 0.56 (0.54) 14.4

5× 4× 4 L 8× 3× 3 1.01 (0.83) 92.65× 4× 4 O 8× 3× 3 0.97 (0.91) 50.7

5× 4× 4 O 5× 4× 4 L 0.60 (0.43) 42.8