structure 2 dependent clause

 Dependent Clauses: Dependent Clauses: 1. Noun Clause (NC) 1. Noun Clause (NC) 2. Adjective Clause ( 2. Adjective Clause (AdjC AdjC) ) 3. Adverbial Clause (AC) 3. Adverbial Clause (AC)

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5/14/2018 Structure 2 Dependent Clause - 1/31


Dependent Clauses:Dependent Clauses:

1. Noun Clause (NC)1. Noun Clause (NC)2. Adjective Clause (2. Adjective Clause (AdjCAdjC))3. Adverbial Clause (AC)3. Adverbial Clause (AC)

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Clauses:A ´clauseµ is a part of a larger

sentence, and it MUST contain a subjectand a verb.

Often a sentence has 2 clauses:

An independent clause is a completesentence and can stand independently.

A dependent clause has a subject andverb, but cannot stand independently ² itmust be connected to an independentclause to be understood.

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1. Noun ClauseA nominal clause (noun clause/NC) is adependent clause that functions as a noun.NC uses a subordinating conjunction:that (bahwa), if (apakah), whether

(apakah), what (apa), where (dimana),why (mengapa), how (bagaimana)Catatan: meskipun ada konjungsi yangdiambil dari kata tanya (what, where, why,how) namun dalam klausa nominal merekatidak berfungsi sebagai pertanyaan.

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Example 1: that

I think that it·s raining outside.

Independent Clause =I think

Dependent clause (Noun clause) =that it·s raining outside

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Example 2: if/whetherWe are not sure if/whether we cantravel around the world.

Independent Clause =

We are not sure

Noun clause =

if/whether we can travel around theworld

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Example 3: what

What my mom expects is I get goodgrades.

Independent Clause =

is I get good grades

Noun clause =

What my mom expects

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Example 4: where

I forgot where I put my wallet.

Independent Clause =I forgot

Noun clause =where I put my wallet


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Example 5: why

It is not reasonable why he resigned.

Independent Clause =It is not reasonable

Noun clause =why he resigned


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Example 6: how

People will always remember howbeautifully Whitney Houston sang.

Independent Clause =

People will always remember

Noun clause =

how beautifully Whitney Houston


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Practice!For each sentence below:

Identify the independent clause and the noun clause

(1) I think that Kelly has been sick recently.

(2) She asked me why I was coming late.

(3) Do you think that Mark is upset with me?

(4) We wonder how she will react.

(5) The teacher did not know if Jake would be absenttomorrow.

(6) Do you agree that the test was difficult?


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2. Adjective clauseAn adjective clause (also called relativeclause) is a dependent clause thatdescribes a noun: person or thing.

It uses a relative pronoun:Person: who (menerangkan subject),whom (menerangkan object), whose(menerangkan milik), that, whoever,

whomever, whosever

Thing: which, that, whose, whosever,


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Example 1: who/thatThe man is angry. He drives fast.The man, who drives fast, is angry.

The man that drives fast is angry

* Who/that diikuti dengan kata kerja (verb)

Independent Clause =

The man«is angryAdjective clause = middle position

who/that drives fast


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Example 2: whomMy friend wore a hat. I met her yesterday.

My friend, whom I met yesterday, wore ahat.

*whom diikuti dengan kata kata ganti orang(pronoun) atau nama orang (Jenny, Peter, etc)

Independent Clause =

My friend«wore a hat

Adjective clause = middle position

whom I met yesterday 

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Example 3: whoseI saw a kid. His bike is broken.I saw a kid whose bike is broken.


whose diikuti dengan kata benda (noun): aperson or a thing

Independent Clause =

I saw a kidAdjective clause = final position

whose bike is broken


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Example 4: whoeverI respect whoever teaches me.

Independent Clause =I respect

Adjective clause = final position

whoever teaches me


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Example 5: whomeverWhomever we meet, we should smile atthem.

*sama seperti whom, whomever juga diikuti

dengan kata ganti orang (pronoun) atau namaorang.

Independent Clause =

we should smile at them

Adjective clause = initial position

Whomever we meet 

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Example 6: whosever

A man, whosever job is, should workseriously.

Independent Clause =

A man«should work seriously

Adjective clause = middle position

whosever job is


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Example 7: which/that

I watched a movie, which was directed byHanung Bramantyo.

I watched a movie that was directed by

Hanung Bramantyo.Independent Clause =

I watched a movieAdjective clause = final position

which was directed by Hanung Bramantyo


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Example 8: whichever

Kids like toys, whichever attracttheir attention.

Independent Clause =

Kids like toys

Adjective clause = final position

whichever attract their attention


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Example 8: whose

I found a cat whose tail is long.

Independent Clause =I found a cat

Adjective clause = final position

whose tail is long


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Example 9: whosever

Whosever color is black, a car looksmore elegant.

Independent Clause =

a car looks more elegant

Adjective clause = initial position

Whosever color is black


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PracticeFor each sentence below:

Identify the independent clause and the adjectiveclause

(1)Kelly, who has been sick recently, is my friend.

(2) She owns a house whose garage is spacious.

(3) Do you think a man, whom I talked to, is upset withme?

(4) We bought a book that is interesting.

(5) The teacher called the students whosever scoreswere bad.

(6) Whomever you love, you must be happy with him.


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3. Adverb clause

An adverb clause (adverbial clause) is adependent clause functions as an adverbthat describes a verb.

There are 6 types of adverb clause:1. Clause of time2. Clause of place3

. Clause of contrast4. Clause of manner5. Clause of purpose and result6. Clause of cause and effect


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It describes a time and uses subordinatingconjunction (kata penghubung):after, before, no sooner, while, as, etc.Examples:

Shut the door before you go out. You may begin when(ever) you are ready.While he was walking home, he saw anaccident.

By the time I arrive, Alex

will have left.No sooner had she entered than he gave anorder.*kalimat warna merah: independent clause

kalimat warna biru: adverb clause

1. Adverb Clause of Time


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It describes a place and uses subordinatingconjunction (kata penghubung):where, nowhere, anywhere, wherever, etc.Examples:

They sat down wherever they could findempty seats.The guard stood where he was positioned.Where there is a will, there is a way.

She is going nowhere she cannot find apeace. You may go anywhere you like.*kalimat warna merah: independent clause

kalimat warna biru: adverb clause

2. Adverb Clause of Place


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It describes a contradictory of two events and uses

subordinating conjunction (kata penghubung):although, though, even though, whereas, even if, inspite of(diikuti dengan kata benda), as the time, etc.Examples:

As the time you were sleeping, we were workinghard.Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to goon.

Although it is late, we·ll stay a little longer.He is very friendly, even if he is a cleverstudent.In spite of her mistakes, she doesn·t say sorry.

*kalimat warna merah: independent clausekalimat warna biru: adverb clause

3. Adverb Clause of Contrast


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It describes how something happens and usessubordinating conjunction (kata penghubung):as (seperti), how, like, in that, etc.Examples:He did as I told him.

 You may finish it how you like.They may beat us again, like they did in 1978.

*kalimat warna merah: independent clausekalimat warna biru: adverb clause

4. Adverb Clause of Manner


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It describes a correlation of purpose (tujuan) and

result (hasil) and uses subordinating conjunctions(kata penghubung): to, so that, in order that, in thehope that, to the end that, in case, etc.Examples:

They went to the movie early (in order) to findthe best seats.She bought a book so (that) she could learnEnglish

He is saving his money so that he may take a longvacation.I am working night and day in the hope that I canfinish this book soon.

*kalimat warna merah: independent clausekalimat warna biru: adverb clause

5. Adverb Clause of Purpose and Result


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It describes a correlation of cause and effect. It

uses conjunctions: that (sehingga), because of, dueto, since, because, as (karena), as long as, in asmuch as, therefore, consequently, etc.Examples:R

yan ran so fast that he broke the previous speedrecord.It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.Because of/due to the cold weather, we stayed home.Because/since/as/as long as/in as much as Alex was

sleepy, he went to bed.Alex was sleepy. Therefore/consequently, he went tobed.

*kalimat warna merah: independent clausekalimat warna biru: adverb clause

6. Adverb Clause of Cause and Effect


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Practice!For each sentence below:

Identify the independent clause and the adverb clauseIdentify what type of adverb clause that is

(1)Kelly has been sick recently that she cannot go to school.

(2) We will help him, even if he refuses our help.

(3) While I was watching TV, the snow started falling.

(4) The cat will go anywhere you go.

(5) The teacher teaches math in the hope that students can

understand it.

(6) We have to do as the instructor tells us to.

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