structure from motion · 2019-06-06 · structure from motion “3d pointcloud + cameras” •...

Structure from Motion CS448V — Computational Video Manipulation April 24 th , 2019 (or 3D from 2D)

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Page 1: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Structure from Motion

CS448V — Computational Video Manipulation

April 24th, 2019

(or 3D from 2D)

Page 2: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction


•Structure from Motion

•Photo Tourism

Page 3: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

3D from 2D• 3D? Really? Why 3D?

• Didn’t I sign up for video manipulation?

• Yes, but our world is 3D

• Images are ‘just’ a 2D projection of our real world

• Many edits are easier to perform directly in 3D

Page 4: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Video Stabilization in 3D

Page 5: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction
Page 6: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Structure from Motion (SfM)What does SfM recover?

1) Sparse 3D point cloud 𝐯𝐯𝑖𝑖 ∈ ℝ3

2) Camera Extrinsic Parameters

• 𝐭𝐭𝑗𝑗 ∈ ℝ3, position

• 𝐑𝐑𝑗𝑗 ∈ 𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒 𝟑𝟑 , orientation

3) Camera Intrinsic Parameters

• focal length f, skew s, optical center 𝐜𝐜, lens distortion parameters, …

Page 7: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Quiz: What is?• Structure from Motion

“3D pointcloud + cameras”

• Bundle Adjustment

“a way to perform SfM”

• Multi-view Stereo

“dense reconstruction step after SfM”

• Photogrammetry

“dense reconstruction step after SfM”

Page 8: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Intrinsics of a Perspective Camera3D



2) 3)

“rule of equal triangles”

“math” “vectorize/homogeneous coordinates”



𝐩𝐩x =f � 𝐯𝐯x𝐯𝐯z

𝐩𝐩y =f � 𝐯𝐯y𝐯𝐯z

𝐊𝐊 =f s 𝐜𝐜x0 f 𝐜𝐜y0 0 1


=f 0 00 f 00 0 1


�𝐩𝐩 = 𝐊𝐊𝐯𝐯

𝐩𝐩 = 𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝(�𝐩𝐩)“more general”

Page 9: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Epipolar Geometry & Triangulation

𝐝𝐝l 𝐝𝐝r




Epipolar Line


Epipolar Plane

Page 10: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Essential/Fundamental Matrix

𝐝𝐝l 𝐝𝐝r

𝐜𝐜l ∈ ℝ3 𝐜𝐜r

𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐥 ∈ ℝ2 𝐟𝐟𝐫𝐫

𝐜𝐜rT𝐄𝐄𝐜𝐜l = 0Essential Matrix

“3D to 3D”

“Camera Space points” ̅𝐟𝐟lT𝐅𝐅 ̅𝐟𝐟r = 0Fundamental Matrix

“2D to 2D”


Page 11: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Pipeline: Structure from Motion

Keypoint Detection

Detect features using SIFT[Lowe, IJCV 2004]


Page 12: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Feature detection

Detect features using SIFT [Lowe, IJCV 2004]

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 13: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Pipeline: Structure from Motion

Keypoint Detection Keypoint Matching

Detect features using SIFT[Lowe, IJCV 2004]

Refine matches using RANSAC


Page 14: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Match Features between Images

Refine matches using RANSAC [Fischler & Bolles 1987]

to estimate fundamental matrices between pairs

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 15: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Correspondence estimation

Link up pairwise matches to form connected components

Single 3D Point

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 16: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Pipeline: Structure from Motion

Keypoint Detection Bundle AdjustmentKeypoint Matching

Detect features using SIFT[Lowe, IJCV 2004]

Refine matches using RANSAC

Energy MinimizationImages

Page 17: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Multi-view Geometry

Camera 1Θ1 = {𝐑𝐑1, 𝐭𝐭1, 𝐟𝐟1, 𝐜𝐜1, … }

Camera 2Θ2 = {𝐑𝐑2, 𝐭𝐭2, 𝐟𝐟2, 𝐜𝐜2, … }

Camera 3Θ3 = {𝐑𝐑3, 𝐭𝐭3, 𝐟𝐟3, 𝐜𝐜3, … }





𝐕𝐕 = 𝐯𝐯1, … , 𝐯𝐯7

𝚯𝚯 = {Θ1, … ,Θ3}

Page 18: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Bundle Adjustment

• Energy Minimization based Approach for SfM

Θ∗,𝑉𝑉∗ = argminΘ,𝑉𝑉

𝐸𝐸 Θ,𝑉𝑉𝐕𝐕 = 𝐯𝐯1, … , 𝐯𝐯M

𝚯𝚯 = {Θ1, … ,ΘN}

𝑁𝑁 cameras

𝑀𝑀 points

Page 19: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Re-projection Error

𝐸𝐸 Θ,𝑉𝑉 = �𝑖𝑖=1




w𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 𝐩𝐩𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 − Π𝑖𝑖 𝐯𝐯𝑗𝑗 22

Πi 𝐯𝐯𝑗𝑗 projection of point 𝑗𝑗 in camera 𝑖𝑖

w𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 = � 1, camera 𝑖𝑖 observes point 𝑗𝑗0, otherwise


Camera 1Θ1 = {𝐑𝐑1, 𝐭𝐭1, 𝐟𝐟1, 𝐜𝐜1, … }

Camera 2Θ2 = {𝐑𝐑2, 𝐭𝐭2, 𝐟𝐟2, 𝐜𝐜2, … }

Camera 3Θ3 = {𝐑𝐑3, 𝐭𝐭3, 𝐟𝐟3, 𝐜𝐜3, … }







Page 20: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction
Page 21: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Photo Tourism

2) Structure from Motion 3) Photo Explorer

Extrinsic and IntrinsicCamera Parameter

3D Point cloud

1) Images from the Web

Page 22: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction




Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 23: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2005 by Yahoo! Inc.YAHOO! and the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 24: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Photo Tourism

2) Structure from Motion 3) Photo Explorer

Extrinsic and IntrinsicCamera Parameter

3D Point cloud

1) Images from the Web

Page 25: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

SfM / Non-Convex Optimization

Why non-linear?• Rotation parameterization• Projection (‘z’-devide)


We need a good initialization!𝚯𝚯0,𝐕𝐕0

𝐸𝐸 Θ,𝑃𝑃 = �𝑖𝑖=1




w𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 𝐩𝐩𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 − Π𝑖𝑖 𝐯𝐯𝑗𝑗 22

Page 26: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Incremental SfM• Select two “suitable” images/cameras

• Find camera parameters using the 8-Point algorithm / RANSAC

• Iterate:• Add one camera using the Direct Linear Transform (DLT)

• Bundle Adjustment (Levenberg Marquardt)

• Prune “bad tracks” after each iteration

Page 27: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Incremental Structure from Motion

Page 28: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Scale, Rotation, Position Ambiguity




Page 29: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction


Page 30: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Photo Tourism

2) Structure from Motion 3) Photo Explorer

Extrinsic and IntrinsicCamera Parameter

3D Point cloud

1) Images from the Web

• Browsing• Rendering• Annotation

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 31: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

3D Browsing

Page 32: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Object-based browsing

Page 33: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Object-based browsing• Visibility

• Resolution

• Head-on view

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 34: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Relation-based browsing

Zoom in

Zoom out

Move left Move right

Find all details Find all zoom outs

Find all similar images

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 35: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Relation-based browsing

Page 36: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Relation-based browsing

Image A

Image C

Image D

Image B

to the right of

is detail ofis zoom-out of is detail of

to the left of

is zoom-out of

is detail of

is detail of is zoom-out of

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 37: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Photo Tourism

2) Structure from Motion 3) Photo Explorer

Extrinsic and IntrinsicCamera Parameter

3D Point cloud

1) Images from the Web

• Browsing• Rendering• Annotation

Page 38: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Rendering Transitions

Page 39: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Rendering Transitions

Camera A Camera B

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 40: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Photo Tourism

2) Structure from Motion 3) Photo Explorer

Extrinsic and IntrinsicCamera Parameter

3D Point cloud

1) Images from the Web

• Browsing• Rendering• Annotation

Page 41: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction


Page 42: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction


Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2005 by Yahoo! Inc.YAHOO! and the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.

Presentation Notes
Slide inspired by Noah Snavely’s slides:
Page 43: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Limitations1. Some photos can not be registered

• Reason: blur, noise, no overlap, dynamic objects, …

2. Runtime Speed (up to several weeks)

• Fix: Hierarchical approaches, Parallelization, …

Page 44: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Building Rome in a Day

The old city of Dubrovnik, 4,619 images, 3,485,717 points

Page 45: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Small Detour: Bundle Fusion

Page 46: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Limitations1. Some photos can not be registered

• Reason: blur, noise, no overlap, dynamic objects, …

2. Runtime Speed (up to several weeks)

• Fix: Hierarchical approaches, Parallelization, …

3. Transitions do not look “real”

• Better Image-based or Neural Rendering?

Page 47: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction

Enhancing Transitions

Page 48: Structure from Motion · 2019-06-06 · Structure from Motion “3D pointcloud + cameras” • Bundle Adjustment “a way to perform SfM” • Multi-view Stereo “dense reconstruction


• 3D is important

• Perspective Cameras

• Structure from Motion

• Photo Tourism