student academic performance evaluation rules


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In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 59 of the Constitution of the International Islamic University Malaysia, the Constitutional Head of the International Islamic University Malaysia, in accordance with the provisions of the said Section 59, makes the following Rules: IDENTIFICATION 1. These Rules shall be known as the STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE

EVALUATION RULES of the INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA and shall be read together with Schedule I (Administrative Order on the Conduct of Examination) and Schedule II (Standing Order Against Cheating in Examinations).


2. These Rules shall apply to all undergraduate students following specific degree programmes in the University and, wherever applicable, to those in the Matriculation Centre.

DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION 3. These Rules shall come into force upon approval by the University Senate. INTERPRETATION: 4. In these Rules, unless otherwise stated: “COURSE” means a defined area of studies or a Unit of a curriculum comprising

several interrelated topics which is normally offered in a semester with a specific credit hour load and normally given a code;

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“CONDUCT OF EXAMINATION” means the planning and arrangement for an examination and also the execution, supervision and authentication of the examination and its results; “COURSEWORK” means the totality of course requirements which usually include assignments, short and long tests, research papers and projects which form the basis for the rest of the course assessment and grades;

“CONTACT HOUR” refers to the actual instructional interactions between the academic staff and the student measured in terms of hours;

“CREDIT HOUR” refers to the academic load of a course measured in units per semester. Usually one contact hour of lectures is equivalent to one credit hour;


products of the credit hours and the quality point equivalent of the grade for all courses taken divided by the sum of all their credit hours in all semesters up to the point in time. Computation of CGPA includes only courses within the programme requirements as approved by the University Senate;

“CURRICULUM” means the totality of all courses and other academic and non-academic requirements for the award of a degree or diploma in the University usually arranged in progressive series on a semestral basis;

“CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT” means a process of assessing and evaluating student performance and learning achievement in a course at reasonable frequency and in an effective and manageable manner throughout the semester. This includes quizzes, assignments, projects, practicum, moots, class participation, mid-term examination and end-of semester examination;

“EXAMINATION” includes any test, assignment, project or quiz given by a course instructor in satisfaction of the requirements of the course;

“END-OF-SEMESTER EXAMINATION” means an examination given at the end of the course;

“EXTERNAL ASSESSOR” means a person, not being a member of the academic staff of the Kulliyyah, who may be appointed by the Senate upon the recommendation of a Kulliyyah for the purpose of assessing the academic standard of the academic programme conducted by the Kulliyyah.

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“EXTERNAL EXAMINER” means a person, not being a member of the academic staff of the Kulliyyah, who may be appointed by the Senate upon the recommendation of the respective Kulliyyah to assist in the evaluation and examination of students in a programme; “GRADE” means the final grade of a course for one semester based on the total scores awarded for coursework and end-of-semester examination;

“GRADE-POINT-AVERAGE OR GPA” is the average grade of a student for a given semester computed by taking the sum of the products of the credit hour and quality point equivalent of the grade for all courses divided by the total credit hours registered in that semester.

“GRADUATION SEMESTER” means the last semester before a student or a candidate is allowed to graduate;

“HEAD” generally means the chairperson of an academic department within a Kulliyyah of the University;

“KULLIYYAH” includes a Faculty, School, Centre or an Institute which may or may not offer a programme of studies and may be subdivided into Departments, Divisions or Sub-Units;

“ENROLLED STUDENT” means a person who, being admitted to any degree programme, has paid the prescribed registration fees and signed the Enrolment register as required by the University;

“PROGRAMME OF STUDIES” means a prescribed curriculum leading to a degree or diploma;

“QUALITY POINT EQUIVALENT” is a numerical equivalent assigned to each course grade for the purpose of calculating grade point average; “SEMESTER” ordinarily means a duration specified by the Senate allocated for lectures, examinations and similar instructional activities but may also mean a long vacation period where the context requires;

“COURSE INSTRUCTOR” means the person assigned by the University to teach a course or section of a course;

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“KULLIYYAH BOARD” means Kulliyyah Academic Board whose membership is made up of the Kulliyyah academic staff who are on full time service of the University including the Dean, the Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, Coordinators of Units and a maximum of five other academic staff from each Department to be determined by the respective Departments to make decisions on academic matters within the Kulliyyah, in line with the policy as determined by the Senate. The Board may, if it deems necessary, invite other staff to the meeting;

“RESIT” means the supplementary end-of-semester examination taken by graduating students based on Pass/Fail rating. The resit examination carries 100% of the course grade. The grade does not affect the CGPA; “INDEPENDENT STUDY” refers to an arrangement where:

(i) in the graduation semester, a student with the approval of the Dean of the

Kulliyyah can register a course required by the programme to be conducted in one of the following ways:

a. Based on regular contacts and consultations b. Through distance-learning (e-mail correspondence) or any other ICT

mode for non-studio/laboratory courses if the total number of credit hours required for graduation is less than twelve (12) and all the course instructors agree with the arrangement.

The grade for the course will be computed in the CGPA.


(ii) a course specially offered based on regular contacts, consultations and

discussions which is in the form of projects/papers for students who wish to do additional work outside the graduation requirement of the programme of studies as recommended by the Kulliyyah in special cases. The Kulliyyah will recommend an appropriate course code, relevant to the area of studies for the purpose of course registration.

The course will be graded based on Pass or Fail basis.

“REPEAT” means to register for the same course when it is offered again;

“DEAN” means the administrative Head of a Kulliyyah/Centre/Division;


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COURSE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION COURSE OFFERING 5. Any course may be offered in any semester in any number of sections with any

number of instructors as deemed appropriate by the Kulliyyah Board. Any new course offering shall have to be proposed by the Kulliyyah Board and approved by the Senate.

CLASS SIZE 6. It is within the jurisdiction of the University Senate to determine the minimum and

maximum class sizes. The decision of the Senate is included in the Registration Regulations. The Deputy

Rector (Academic and Research) is given the authority to grant exception to the Dean of the Kulliyyah under certain circumstances.


7. Each course shall have an accepted course outline or syllabus which shall be followed by all lecturers handling several sections of the same course. Every semester the course outline will be submitted to the Deputy Rector (Academic and Research) within two weeks of the beginning of a semester. Each syllabus must be continuously updated and must contain the following: general course description, major and minor topics, breakdown of schedules, textbooks and references, and method of assessment and grading.

SOURCE OF GRADE 8.1 The grade obtained for each course must be based on the overall performance in the

coursework including assignments, a periodic test and an end-of-semester examination.

8.2 The end-of-semester examination shall carry a weight ranging from 40% to 60%.

However, the end-of-semester examination for certain courses may be waived or carry a reduced percentage if the nature of the course so requires as stated in the course description when it is first presented to the Senate for approval.

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8.3 In the case of independent study, the evaluation can take one of the following forms:

8.3.1 For repeat course(s), it can be based on continuous assessment or an end-of-semester examination which carries a weight of 100% subject to the approval of the Dean of the Kulliyyah.

8.3.2 For non-repeat courses, the evaluation must be based on continuous

assessment. However, the percentage for the end-of-semester examination of courses taken through distance-learning must carry a weight of at least 70%.

8.3.3 For a course specially offered, the distribution of marks is as follows:

Weekly Consultation/Discussion ) - 40% Mid-Term Evaluation ) Final Evaluation ) - 60% PASS/FAIL OPTION: 9. Some courses may be taken on a pass/fail option basis rather than for a letter grade.

Some departments have specific regulations concerning pass/fail registration. Students who wish to use this option should consult department or programme advisors.

Two types of courses are offered on pass/fail option. They are pre-requisites and practical training. A resit examination is also graded on a pass/fail basis.

Where a pass/fail option is provided in the Kulliyyah curriculum (e.g. Practical Training) the credit involved will be included in the total requirement for graduation. In case a student obtains an “F” grade, then the course shall be repeated.

The “PR/FR” grade will not affect the CGPA. A course may not be changed from graded to pass/fail status or vice versa after the deadline established by the Senate.

COMMON END-OF-SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 10.1 All undergraduate courses which have multiple sections, should have common end-

of-semester examinations with the exception of those courses as determined by each Kulliyyah with the Deputy Rector’s (Academic and Research) approval. Under certain exceptional circumstances the Dean of the Kulliyyah may recommend the Deputy Rector (Academic and Research) to approve the holding of end-of-semester examinations prior to the specified period.

10.2 The course outline for such courses shall be the same.

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GRADING SYSTEM 11.1 The following grading system shall be strictly observed:


Score Letter Grade

Quality Point Equivalent


Hours Credited

Hours Earned










Extremely Good






Very Good












Fairly Good












Quite Satisfactory












Very Poor






Extremely Poor









11.2 The Senate may review the grading system from time to time.

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MINIMUM PASSING GRADE 12.1 The lowest grade for a clear pass is “C” with a quality point equivalent of

2.0. 12.2 All grades lower than “C” mean a student has not acquired sufficient

knowledge and understanding in a course and the courses have to be repeated.

Other transcript notations: Grade Interpretation Hours Hours Points Credited Earned P Practical Training/P/F Option Course 0 Yes Yes PR Pass on Resit 0 Yes Yes FR Fail on Resit 0 Yes No I Incomplete 0 No No IP Course in Progress 0 No No W Withdrawal with Special Permission 0 No No AU Audit 0 No No Y Barred from End-of-Semester Examination 0 Yes No Ex Exempted 0 Yes Yes RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE COMPUTATION OF GRADES 13. The course instructor handling a specific course for a given semester shall be fully

responsible for the computation of grades of students who are officially registered in the said course and section.

SUBMISSION OF RESULTS 14. Course marks and final grades of all students officially registered in a specific course

shall be entered in the online system for entry of results within the timeframe as defined in the policy on marking of answer scripts after the conduct of the end-of-semester examination of a particular course.

SUBMISSION OF VERIFIED GRADING SHEETS 15. Verified grading sheets must be submitted by the examiner through the Head of

Department to the Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah.

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CONFIRMATION OF GRADES 16. All final grades shall be submitted for confirmation by the Kulliyyah Board of

Examiners, chaired by the Dean, acting under the authority of the University Senate. CONTROVERSIAL CASES 17. All controversial cases relating to the giving of grades that cannot be resolved by the

Kulliyyah Board of Examiners shall be referred to the Senate. CHANGE OF GRADES 18. The Changing of any particular grade that has been duly confirmed by the Kulliyyah

Board of Examiners shall be endorsed by the Senate. INCOMPLETE GRADES 19. This grade is given to a student who otherwise is passing a course but is unable to

complete one or more course requirements due to unavoidable reasons. The “I” grade is given only in instances of incomplete coursework, such as laboratory exercises, course projects, term papers, etc. “I” shall not be given for the following situations:

Absence from an end-of-semester examination;

A student on class list who has been barred from taking the end-of-semester


A student who wishes to repeat the course as auditor, retaking examination, etc., in order to improve a grade

A student who has no potential to be on good standing when the grade is

finalized. The course instructor may assign a temporary grade of “I” (incomplete) subject to the approval of the Dean of the Kulliyyah. The student must then complete all requirements within the first 8 weeks of the following semester. If the student fails to do so, the grade of “I” will be changed by the Kulliyyah to a final grade which is derived from the marks given throughout the semester as well as from the end-of-semester examination. The number of “I” s for any one student in one semester should not exceed two unless it is recommended by the Dean of the Kulliyyah and approved by the Deputy Rector (Academic and Research).

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AUDITING 20. Auditing a course requires the permission of the instructor and approval of the

Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs). An auditor receives no credit for the course. An audited course is recorded on the student’s transcript with the course grade “AU” but does not affect the student’s grade point average. A student who is auditing a course is not required to take the end-of-semester examination but must satisfy the attendance requirement, otherwise an “F” grade will be recorded and computed into the CGPA.

A course may not be changed from credit to audit status or vice versa after the

deadline established by the Senate. Under exceptional circumstances a request for change may be approved by the Deputy Rector (Academic and Research).

IP-GRADE OR WORK IN PROGRESS 21. An “IP” grade or Work in Progress grade may be given for courses that require

independent research or any similar cases in which work is normally expected to continue beyond one semester. An “IP” grade does not affect a student’s GPA or CGPA.


EXAMINATION REGULATIONS THE KULLIYYAH BOARD OF EXAMINERS 22. There shall be a Kulliyyah Board of Examiners for each Kulliyyah which is delegated

by the University Senate to manage the conduct of end-of-semester examinations with the following duties and functions: 22.1 Appoint members of the Board of Examiners for each Department or each

specific area of studies. 22.2 Appoint Examiners.

22.3 Provide overall supervision in the conduct of all examinations in the Kulliyyah. 22.4 Review and approve/confirm final grades submitted by individual course instructors to the Dean/Drector of the Kulliyyah, under the authority of the

University Senate. 22.5 Determine the prize winners for the various awards, if any, for

recommendation to the Kulliyyah Academic Board. 22.6 Determine the Dean’s List.

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APPOINTMENT OF THE KULLIYYAH BOARD OF EXAMINERS 23. The Senate shall appoint the following members to the Kulliyyah Board of

Examiners: 23.1 The Dean 23.2 The Deputy Deans 23.3 Department Heads/Coordinators of the Kulliyyah 23.4 Examiners (in the case of a non-departmentalized Kulliyyah) 23.5 Representatives of the relevant Kulliyyah/Department/Centre/Division

APPOINTMENT OF INVIGILATORS 24. Invigilators will be recommended by the respective Dean and appointed by the

Rector. CHAIRMAN OF THE KULLIYYAH BOARD OF EXAMINERS 25. The respective Dean of the Kulliyyah shall be the Chairman of the Kulliyyah Board

of Examiners. SECRETARY TO THE KULLIYYAH BOARD OF EXAMINERS 26. The Kulliyyah shall provide the Secretary and the Secretariat for each Kulliyyah

Board of Examiners. RESPONSIBILITY 27. The Kulliyyah Board of Examiners, empowered with the delegated authority of the

Senate, shall be responsible to the Senate for the conduct of all examinations and the correctness and/or validity of course results and grades.

BOARDS OF EXAMINERS FOR DEPARTMENTS 28. For Kulliyyahs composed of two or more departments, separate Boards of Examiners

for each department may be created whose members shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Kulliyyah Board of Examiners.

Composition 28.1 Head of Department - Chairman

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28.2 At least 2 senior academic staff members of the Department.

28.3 Examiners POWERS OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR DEPARTMENTS 29. Subject to the overriding control of the Kulliyyah Board of Examiners, the Board of

Examiners for each department shall conduct examinations or a group of examinations pertaining to their respective curriculum or courses offered by the department.

The Board of Examiners for each department will review and approve final grades

submitted by individual course instructors to the Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah, under the authority of the University Senate.

INSTRUCTIONS 30. The Kulliyyah Board of Examiners may give instructions to examiners directly or

through the Board of Examiners and such instructions shall be strictly confidential. ORIENTATION 31. Examiners and Invigilators shall be briefed by the Admissions and Records Division

Examination Unit on procedures and rules pertaining to the conduct of the Examinations.

OFFICIAL RESULTS 32.1 The results for any paper in any examination shall not be regarded as official until

confirmed by the Kulliyyah Board of Examiners and subsequently endorsed by the Senate.

32.2 The results of any graduation examination shall be laid before the Senate on whose

sole approval they shall be publicly announced. 32.3 The results of examinations other than graduation may be made known with the

approval of the Kulliyyah Board of Examiners. All results shall be subject to endorsement by the Senate.

32.4 The students shall be notified of the examination results by the Admissions and

Records Division. Only grades and not marks shall be released. However, based on the recommendation of the relevant University authority, results of students with certain disciplinary offences shall be withheld unless the Senate decides otherwise.

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ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 33. The conduct of any examination shall strictly follow the rules and procedures


ADMINISTRATION OF EXAMINATIONS 34. Examinations may be written, oral, practical, or any combination of these, as

determined by the course instructor and approved by the Senate. The time and location of end-of-semester examinations are scheduled by the Admissions and Records Division and may be changed by the Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah provided they are clash free.

An instructor who is considering the assignment of a take-home-end-of-semester examination should inform the students at the beginning of the semester. Such an examination must be administered during the revision week. The submission of examination answers to the examiner should not exceed a limit of 48 hours unless it involves a weekend or a public holiday. If the student fails to submit examination answers within the specified timeframe, he will be assigned an “F” grade.

An end-of-semester examination may be conducted on the last day of class or during the revision week with the approval of the Dean of the Kulliyyah and subject to the concurrence of the students.


35. A student who is absent without valid reasons acceptable to the University authorities

will be graded based on the coursework marks of the course. FAILURE IN A COURSE 36. A student who fails in a course, subject to the specific requirements of the Kulliyyah

and the curriculum of his/her programme of studies, may do either of the following:

36.1 Repeat the same course if the course is classified as a “CORE” or “REQUIRED” course; or

36.2 Replace the course with another course if it is classified as “SUPPORTIVE”

or “ELECTIVE” or “OPTIONAL” as determined by the Kulliyyah. 36.3 Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Regulations, a graduating

student who obtains the minimum cumulative grade point average for graduation but fails in any course may be allowed to resit for that course subject to the following conditions:-

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36.3.1 the maximum number of courses is equivalent to 18 credit hours subject to the approval of the Dean of the Kulliyyah and beyond which the approval of the Deputy Rector (Academic and Research) is required.

36.3.2 the student has registered for the course and fulfilled at least 80% of

the attendance requirement but obtained any grades below ‘C’

36.3.3 the student was not barred or had not withdrawn from the course he intends to resit.

36.3.4 a fee of RM100.00 must accompany every application for a resit

examination. 36.3.5 the student should also register for the course and it will be dropped

automatically by the Kulliyyah if he passes the resit examination. REPEAT OF FAILED COURSES 37.1 The number of times a student is allowed to repeat a required course is twice. The

number of times a student can repeat an elective or optional course is only once and henceforth the student may only be allowed to replace such a course with another course.

37.2 A student has to repeat the course immediately when the course is offered. The

monitoring is done by the Kulliyyah. Such repeating may be by full attendance at lectures or by independent study or in any other way approved by the Dean of the Kulliyyah.

The credit and grade from each repeat course shall be computed in the CGPA as an

additional credit and grade. 37.3 Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Regulations, special permission can be

given to final year students to repeat a course which they have failed three times provided the CGPA is above 2.00.

IRREGULARITIES 38. Where the Dean of the Kulliyyah has reason or reasons to believe that irregularities

have been committed in the preparation of any examination, the Dean, at his discretion, may defer the conduct of such an examination and conduct an investigation, the results of which shall be forwarded to the Rector for appropriate action.

The Dean may, in consultation with the Rector or Deputy Rector (Academic and

Research), arrange for a substitute examination.

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In the event that irregularities are found after the conduct of the examination, the results of the original examination will become null and void.

BREACH OF DISCIPLINE IN EXAMINATIONS 39. Where the Rector is satisfied that any candidate has committed a breach of any

provision of these Regulations or any rule or procedure made thereunder or any instruction made by an authority under these Regulations, such a candidate shall be deemed to have committed an offence and the Rector may:

39.1 authorise the Student Discipline Authority to take action against the

candidate according to University (Discipline of Students) Rules, 2004; If the candidate is found guilty of a serious offence by the Student Discipline Authority, he will receive an ‘F’ grade for the implicated course.

39.2 report the matter to the Senate for such action; or 39.3 act in any other way he deems fit. ELIGIBILITY FOR ENTRY TO EXAMINATIONS 40. No student shall be eligible to be admitted to any end-of-semester examination


40.1 he/she is officially registered in such a course; and 40.2 he/she has fulfilled the required 80% of attendance and other requirements. BARRING FROM EXAMINATIONS 41.1 Any student may be barred from taking the examination if:-

41.1.1 he has failed to meet any of the above requirements for the eligibility for entry to an examination. In such a case, the student may be given the chance to appeal or justify his actions;

41.1.2 he has committed a breach of any of the University Regulations.

41.2 Barring of students from the examination shall be:- by the Dean of the Kulliyyah upon recommendation of the lecturer and supported by the Head of the Department in cases of unsatisfactory attendance; the attendance of every student in every section must be monitored. If any

student has been absent for 10% of his/her attendance during the semester, a warning letter should be issued by the course instructor to the student

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stating that he has been absent for 10%. A copy of this warning letter explaining the consequences of being absent shall be sent to the office of the Dean and the Deputy Dean of the Kulliyyah, Head of the Department as well as placed in the student’s file and a copy sent to his parents;

provided that a warning notice after 10% absence from classes may be

dispensed with if the course instructor can justify to the Dean of the Kulliyyah that the issuance of such a notice is not reasonably practicable in instances such as: after all means have been used to issue the notice to the

student but to no avail (without success); where the time frame between the first warning notice and the

barring notice is too close due to the time taken to process the first notice and the need to beat the deadline of the issuance of the barring notice to the students. when a student has been absent from 20% of the lectures, the

Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah will issue a barring letter barring him from the forthcoming end-of-semester examination of the said course. A copy of this letter should be sent to the Deputy Dean of the Kulliyyah, the Head of the Department and the student’s parents. If the student wishes to appeal, he/she can appeal to the Dean of the Kulliyyah explaining the reasons for the absence.

41.2.2 by the Rector in cases of breach of University Regulations. CONSEQUENCE OF BARRING FROM EXAMINATIONS 42. Unless otherwise reconsidered, any student barred from any examination shall

automatically receive a grade “Y” which is equivalent to an “F” for that course, irrespective of coursework performance. In addition, the scholarship of students who have been barred from the end-of-semester examination will be automatically reduced by 25% in the following semester.

SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS 43.1 Absence from an end-of-semester examination will not be allowed except on

medical/psychological grounds on the day of examination that have been duly certified by the University Clinic or in cases of serious emergencies. If such an illness or emergencies are not verified by the relevant authorities within seven (7) days of the scheduled examination, the Kulliyyah shall record an examination grade which comprises the coursework marks. A student who is absent for the end-of-semester examination due to approved personal reasons acceptable to the University authorities such as performing umrah, marriage or other reasons which are not due to negligence or disciplinary grounds

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could be considered for a special examination. However, a fee of RM 100.00 will be charged for each course.

Where a student whose absence from a final examination is excused, the Kulliyyah

Board of Examiners may authorise a special examination in the third week of the following semester unless leave of absence is granted.

A course instructor is not allowed to grant a special examination to any student

before or after the specified period of such an examination unless it is authorised by the Dean of the Kulliyyah.

43.2 A student on medical leave for pregnancy or prolonged illness will not be eligible to

sit for a special examination unless she/he fulfills the 80% attendance requirement. The student will be considered to be on audit status.

APPEAL FOR RE-EVALUATION OF EXAMINATION RESULTS 44.1 Board of Appeals There shall be a Kulliyyah Board of Appeals which is responsible to the Senate, for

the purpose of dealing with all appeals from students of the University subject to the provisions of these regulations.

44.2 Chairman The Dean of the Kulliyyah/Centre, shall be the Chairman of the Board of Appeal. 44.3 Composition

44.3.1 Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs) and two other members of the Board of Appeal to be selected from among members of the Academic staff of the University who are not the examiner or examiners of the course or any of the courses upon which the appeal is made, shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Appeals Board. The examiner or examiners may, however, be called by the Board to present his/their reports or views if deemed necessary.

44.3.2 In each case, unless he is already a member in attendance, the Head of Unit

or Department or some other academic staff member of the Kulliyyah under which the course is in dispute, shall be added to the Board of Appeal at the discretion of the Chairman.

44.3.3 The respective Kulliyyah/Centre shall provide the Secretary to the Board of


44.4 Decision of Senate The Kulliyyah Board of Appeals shall submit its recommendations to the Senate for


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44.5 Grounds for Appeals For the purpose of these Regulations, an appeal may be made on any or all of the

following grounds;

44.5.1 A student who reasonably believes that, while sitting for an examination, he suffered a peculiar hardship.

44.5.2 A student who reasonably believes that the examination has been improperly

conducted or that the Examination Regulations or any part thereof or rules and procedure made thereunder have not been complied with.

44.5.3 A student who may have sufficient reason to believe that he has been

unjustly graded or an error has been committed in the marking of his papers or computing of grades.

44.6 Application Procedure Application on grounds of appeal may take the following forms:

44.6.1 In the case of 44.5.1 or 44.5.2, a normal written appeal must be accompanied by the support of the Chief Invigilator or a physician recognised by the University as the case may be and to the Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah, within 24 hours of the scheduled examination.

44.6.2 In the case of 44.5.3, the student must first consult the Dean of the Kulliyyah

regarding the course grade that he disputes.

If the awarding of the grade is in order but the student wishes his answer script to be re-examined, then a formal written appeal shall be made by the student to the Kulliyyah Board of Appeals. A fee of RM50.00 per paper (or as determined by the Senate from time to time) must accompany the said appeal. The appeal fee of RM50.00 will be refunded if the appeal is successful. A graduating student who files for rechecking of a course with a grade lower than "C" should also register for the said course. If the appeal is successful, the course will be dropped automatically by the Kuliyyah/ Centre.

44.7 Period of Appeal All appeals must reach the Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah, not later than one week

after the commencement of the following semester. Appeals submitted after the first week shall not be entertained.

44.8 Period to Convene Meeting of Appeals Board The Board of Appeals shall be convened within two weeks of the end of the period of


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EXAMINATION PROCEDURE EXAMINATION SUPERVISOR 45. The Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah will be the Supervisor of Examinations who shall

be responsible for the organising and conduct of all examinations, for maintaining proper records and making appropriate announcements in connection with the examination.

EXAMINERS OF COURSES 46. Members of academic staff and such other persons appointed by the Kulliyyah Board

from time to time, shall be examiners for their respective courses. DUTIES OF EXAMINERS 47. The examiners shall ensure that:

47.1 all questions conform to the prescribed syllabus;

47.2 all questions can be reasonably answered within the time prescribed;

47.3 the marking schemes are designed to give a fair assessment of the answers expected and should be submitted together with the question paper to the Examination committee of the Department for vetting to ensure standards are maintained and for reference if there is a case of appeal for rechecking;

47.4 question papers are of a reasonable length, normally covering a period

between two to three hours for a three-credit-hour course;

47.5 all questions are properly moderated to remove ambiguities and maintain a reasonable academic standard required by the programmes.

DUTIES OF SUPERVISOR 48. The Supervisor of Examinations shall be responsible for the security of all

examination materials, and shall determine which matters connected with the arrangement and conduct of the examination shall be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

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COORDINATION OF EXAMINATIONS 49. The Supervisor of Examinations shall coordinate with all the respective Heads of

Departments for the administration, preparation and conduct of all examination papers and marking schemes.

SEALING OF QUESTION PAPERS 50. Question papers, as soon as they are verified by the examiners, shall be sealed in the

University’s envelopes, and the seal will be broken no earlier than 15 - 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Stationery and question papers will be laid out before the candidates are called in to take their respective places in the examination hall/room.

DUTIES OF CHIEF INVIGILATOR 51.1 Each examination shall be conducted by a Chief Invigilator who is normally assisted

by one or more invigilators. The Chief Invigilator shall be responsible for collecting the question papers and attendance sheet from the Supervisor of Examinations of the Kulliyyah at least 30 minutes before the examination is due to commence.

51.2 The Chief Invigilator and other invigilators shall be appointed by and be responsible

to the Rector.

51.3 Where a course is offered with only one section, the instructor with the recommendation of the Dean of the Kulliyyah, may be appointed as the Chief Invigilator by the Rector.

51.4 In the case of the Matriculation Centre, the Chief Invigilator and other invigilators

shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Dean of the Matriculation Centre.


52. The Chief Invigilator shall ensure the correct identity of all candidates in accordance with the attendance sheet and instruct the candidates to lay on their tables their appropriate identity documents as specified by the University from time to time for inspection by the invigilators.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 53. The Chief Invigilator shall be responsible for giving the appropriate instructions to

the candidates before the commencement of the examination. Such instructions shall always include all rules imposed upon candidates while taking the examination.

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RESTRICTIONS ON ENTERING AND LEAVING EXAMINATION HALL 54.1 No candidate is allowed to present himself for examination later than thirty minutes

after the commencement of the examination. 54.2 No candidate is allowed to leave the examination room/hall until thirty (30) minutes

have elapsed after the commencement of the examination. Arrangements shall be made so that in case any candidate is allowed to leave the room for any purpose and return, he will remain under sufficient supervision during his absence. Permission for such arrangements must be obtained from the Chief Invigilator.

54.3 No candidate is allowed to leave the examination room/hall within the last fifteen

minutes of the examination or within any specific period towards the end of the examination specified by the Chief Invigilator. This is to avoid disturbing students to whom the last few minutes are crucial.

54.4 In case the instructor himself is the Chief Invigilator he will be responsible for the

above (3) provisions.


55. No articles except those authorised by the examiner may be taken by any candidate into or out of an examination room/hall nor may any candidate receive any article from any other person while he is in the examination room except that a candidate may, while he is in the examination room, receive from the invigilator or invigilators such articles as may be authorised by the Rector on the recommendation of the examiners. No communication by whatever means is allowed between candidates during the examination. If any candidate wishes to communicate with an invigilator, he must raise a hand.

ERRORS IN PAPERS 56. A candidate may appeal to the examiners if he/she thinks that there is a misprint or

any other error in the question paper for an examination and may request clarification on particular points that may be ambiguous. For these purposes an examiner shall be present at least for the first half hour of any paper and will, at any rate, ensure that he is readily available throughout the duration of that paper.

SMOKING IN EXAMINATION HALL/ROOM 57. Since no smoking is allowed on campus the same prohibition will apply in all

examination halls/rooms to all those involved.

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CANCELLATION OR POSTPONEMENT 58.1 If circumstances arise which, in the opinion of the Chief Invigilator at an

examination, upon consulting with the Deputy Rector (Academic and Research)/ the respective Dean of the Kulliyyah render necessary the cancellation or postponement of the examination, he must stop the examination and, as soon as possible collect the scripts already written and report the matter to the Deputy Rector (Academic and Research). The Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah may, in consultation with the Rector or Deputy Rector (Academic and Research), arrange a substitute examination, under which conditions the original examination becomes null and void.

58.2 If, in the opinion of an invigilator at an examination, circumstances arise which

render the examination unfair to any candidate, he must report the matter to the Dean/Director of Kulliyyah.

In the case of Matriculation, the Dean of the Matriculation Centre is empowered to

cancel, postpone or stop the examination. PROCEDURE AFTER EXAMINATION 59.1 Immediately after each examination the Chief Invigilator shall hand over the answer

scripts to the examiner or his duly authorised representative. 59.2 The Supervisor of Examinations shall ensure the respective examiners collect the

respective answer scripts, the collection being officially acknowledged by the examiners.

MARKING AND GRADING OF ANSWER SCRIPTS 60.1 After marking, the examiners will hand over the answer scripts and the list of grades

to the Office of the Dean of the Kulliyyah for submission to the Examination Unit for further appropriate action.

60.2 The answer scripts after being marked shall be kept in safe custody for a period of at

least one semester after the announcement of the results, after which the Office of the Dean of the Kulliyyah shall arrange for their necessary destruction and disposal.

FINALIZATION OF EXAMINATION RESULTS 61. After the Supervisor of Examinations has tabulated and computed the examination

results, meetings of the respective Boards of Examiners shall be called by their respective chairpersons to finalise the grades and to make recommendations to the Kulliyyah Board.

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ADVICE ON DATE OF BOARD MEETING 62. The Supervisor of Examinations may advise the Chairman of the Board of Examiners

when to convene a meeting of the Board of Examiners.


WORKLOAD WORKLOAD 63. The workload of any student shall be determined based on the CGPA system and

range of academic load formulated by the respective Kulliyyahs as approved by the Senate.

MINIMUM WORKLOAD 64. No full-time undergraduate student is allowed to register for a workload of less than

twelve (12) credit hours or its equivalent in any regular semester unless he is a graduating student.

MAXIMUM WORKLOAD 65. Subject to Provision 64, the maximum workload of any full-time student shall be

twenty-four (24) credit hours provided that the total number of contact hours does not exceed twenty-eight (28).

MAXIMUM LOAD FOR SEMESTER III 66. A student can register for a maximum of two (2) courses except for graduating

students (final semester) and those students who are allowed to carry an additional course as approved by the Dean of the Kulliyyah. The maximum number of contact hours is thirty-two (32). The combinations could be both core and non-core courses. The combinations have to be determined by the individual Kulliyyah.

All students on International Islamic University Malaysia loan/financial aid have to

register in the Semester III session whenever the session is on.

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GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS PROGRAMME OF STUDIES 67. Every student admitted to the University must follow a specific programme of studies

offered by a Department or Kulliyyah. MINIMUM RESIDENCE 68.1 The minimum number of semesters for any regular student to complete a degree

programme in the University is six (6) semesters. This excludes the Semester III sessions.

68.2 For a non-regular student, i.e. a student who is given credit transfer, the minimum

residency period is four (4) semesters excluding Semester III sessions and leave of absence.

68.3 For the matriculation programme, the minimum number of semesters for any regular

student is two (2) semesters excluding Semester III sessions. MAXIMUM RESIDENCE 69. The maximum number of semesters for any regular student to complete a degree

programme in the University is twelve (12) semesters, excluding the Semester III sessions and leave of absence.

CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION 70. Any student who has taken all the required courses as prescribed in the curriculum he

is following shall be considered a candidate for graduation, subject to other non-academic requirements of the University.

MINIMUM GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 71.1 All required and elective courses taken and passed as contained in the programme

curriculum. 71.2 Be on good academic standing with a CGPA of at least 2.00. A student who has

completed all the course requirements but failed to achieve the minimum CGPA of 2.00 will be considered as a failure and will be terminated from his studies.

71.3 Free from any negative report from the University Disciplinary Authority or Student

Affairs Division.

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71.4 Fulfilled co-curricular requirements. 71.5 Fulfilled other University requirements. RESPONSIBILITY FOR STUDENT’S ACADEMIC PROGRESS 72. Each student is expected to be aware of the requirements of his degree programme

and of his own progress towards completion of those requirements. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain close contact with his academic adviser throughout each semester in which the student is enrolled for courses at the University.

PRE-GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 73.1 One year prior to graduation, students should file their graduation applications to the

Kulliyyah. 73.2 Students intending to graduate should submit an application for graduation to the

Kulliyyah at least one semester prior to graduation. 73.3 Every curricular degree programme is directly under the responsibility of the

Kulliyyah concerned and the completion of each programme rests in the evaluation and recommendation of the Kulliyyah to the University Senate.

CREDIT TRANSFER 74. Subject to specific approval from the Dean of the Kulliyyah, a student may apply to

have his academic credits for courses taken at another Institution, University or Kulliyyah transferred to his current academic records for the purpose of fulfilling graduation requirements.

The maximum number of credits transferred from outside institutions recognised by

the Senate of the University is 50 % of the total credit hours requirement of the programme of studies.

The minimum grade that has to be achieved for the consideration of credit transfer is ‘C’ for local public Universities or ‘B’ for local private or international Universities.

However, the maximum number of credits transferred within the University or

Kulliyyah will depend on the relevancy of the courses already taken to the requirement of the new programme of studies.

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EXEMPTION 75. Based on the results of language placement tests (i.e. EPT, APT and TPT) and on the

approval of the Dean of CELPAD, a student may be exempted from taking language proficiency courses.

Credit hours for exempted courses are counted towards the total credit hours fulfilled.


ACADEMIC STANDING GOOD ACADEMIC STANDING 76.1 A student is on good academic standing if he maintains a CGPA of 2.0 or better.

76.2 For a student who registers a combination of proficiency language courses and

programme required courses will have his academic status determined only after he has attempted at least twelve (12) credit hours of the programme required courses.

ACADEMIC PROBATION 77.1 A student may be allowed to be promoted on probation when he fails to earn a CGPA

of 2.00 or better but not less than 1.67 at the end of the semester, on condition that:-

77.1.1 he does not fail in more than two Kulliyyah core courses

77.1.2 he carries a workload of not more than 15 credit hours in the following semester, and

77.1.3 he undertakes to reduce his extra-curricular activities, if any.

77.2 A student on academic probation will receive an academic warning from the

Kulliyyah. EFFECTS OF PROBATION 78. No student shall be allowed to graduate with more than two (separate) promotions on

probation. COUNSELLING 79. Students under probationary status shall be required to undergo counselling.

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ACADEMIC DISMISSAL 80. A student shall be dismissed from the University if:

80.1 he receives a CGPA of less than 1.67 or

80.2 he fails to earn a CGPA of 2.00 or better while on probationary status or

80.3 he fails a course (with a grade of “F” or “Y”) on the third attempt or

80.4 he fails (with a grade of “F” or “Y”) in more than 2 Kulliyyah courses and the 1.67 < CGPA < 2.00.

80.5 he receives a 1.67 < CGPA < 2.00 for the third time which is non-

consecutive during his period of studies. The University also reserves the right to bar, suspend or dismiss any student from the

University or any of its classes whenever, in the interest of the University, such action is deemed advisable.

DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION 81. A student whose behaviour is in violation of the University regulations is subject to

disciplinary action. This may result in Disciplinary Suspension or Expulsion from the University. A student who is expelled for disciplinary reasons cannot apply for readmission.

APPLICATION FOR READMISSION 82. Senate Appeal Sub-committee

There shall be a Senate-Appeal Sub-committee for the purpose of dealing with appeals for re-admission from students of the University subject to the provisions of these regulations.

82.1 First Year Students

82.1.1 A student who obtained a CGPA of less than 1.0 will not be considered for readmission. 82.1.2 A student who obtained a CGPA of between 1.0 and less than

1.67 may be considered for readmission on a clean state.

82.1.3 The readmission is not automatic and the student has to formally appeal for it and undergo an informal interview.

82.1.4 The student must be free from any disciplinary problem.

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82.2 Senior Students 82.2.1 A student who is dismissed on academic grounds will not be considered for readmission.

82.2.2 However, consideration may be given to cases which are based

on medical/emergency reasons acceptable to the University authorities. The student will be readmitted into the semester where the CGPA is of good standing.

The decision on appeals for readmission will be subject to the Senate’s endorsement.

CONDITIONS AFTER READMISSION 83.1 A readmitted student should achieve a CGPA of at least 2.0 in the first semester after

readmission and failure to do so will result in dismissal. No further appeal for readmission will be considered.

83.2 A readmitted student should normally carry a workload of not more than fifteen (15)

credit hours. He can carry a heavier workload only with the approval of the Dean of the Kulliyyah on the recommendation of the Academic Advisor. He will be closely supervised by his Academic Advisor/Deputy Dean (Student Affairs).

NEW APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION 84. Students who are dismissed may be considered for admission into another

programme by submitting an application to the Admissions & Records Division provided the dismissal was not due to factors other than academic.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE 85. A student who wishes to spend a period of time away from the University may

request a leave of absence. In order to be considered for such leave, a student must submit a letter to the Dean of the Kulliyyah stating his reasons for the request and the length of leave desired. Undergraduate leave of absence is normally given up to one year. It has to be approved by the Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah and reported to the Senate.

A student may request an extension of his leave of absence by writing to the

Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah for further approval by the Kulliyyah Board of Appeals.

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WITHDRAWAL FROM INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA 86. To leave the University on good standing, a student must submit a letter to the Dean

of the Kulliyyah stating the reasons for withdrawal and the student’s last day of residence on campus.

A student who is permitted to withdraw will receive the grade “W” in all courses. A student who withdraws without informing the Dean/Director of the Kulliyyah will

receive the grade “F” in all courses.



EXTERNAL EXAMINER AND ASSESSOR FOR EACH PROGRAMME 87.1 There may be an external examiner or examiners for each programme of studies. 87.2 There may also be an external assessor for each programme of studies. APPOINTMENT OF EXTERNAL EXAMINER AND ASSESSOR 88. The external examiners or assessors shall be appointed by the Senate on the

recommendation of the respective Kulliyyah Academic Board.

WHEN APPOINTMENT MADE 89. The external examiner or examiners or assessors may be appointed annually, in

succession for a number of years, or at intervals for two to four years depending on the needs and requirements of the respective programmes of studies.


90.1 The duties of the external examiner or examiners shall be to evaluate the suitability of the examinations and of the examination materials and the candidates’ performance in the examination.

90.2 An external examiner may also become an external assessor, if he is so required, to

perform the following duties:-

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90.2.1 to comment on the suitability of the Kulliyyah’s programme and curriculum in relation to the stated objectives of the programme and courses concerned and, where necessary, to suggest improvements;

90.2.2 to comment on the suitability of methods of assessing students’ performance;

90.2.3 to offer his opinion on the adequacy of the facilities available for conducting

the programme and relevant courses. REPORT BY EXTERNAL EXAMINER AND EXTERNAL ASSESSOR 91.1 The external examiner or examiners and assessors shall make their report to the

Rector who shall bring the relevant aspects of the report to the Senate. 91.2 The report shall be regarded as classified material and shall remain strictly

confidential, but members of Senate may read the report individually with the permission of the Rector.

91.3 The Dean may keep one copy of the examiners’ and/or assessors’ report for custody

by the Kulliyyah with the permission of the Rector.


GENERAL PROVISIONS BY-LAWS 92. Kulliyyahs or academic departments of the University may institute by-laws pursuant

to these regulations. Such by-laws shall come into effect upon having been duly noted by the Senate.

PREROGATIVE OF THE SENATE 93. Notwithstanding the above Rules and Regulations, the Senate may under exceptional

circumstances grant an exception to any of the Rules and Regulations provided the Senate arrives at a unanimous decision on the matter or there is a majority opinion of the members through voting.

NOTE : The pronouns he and his in these rules refer to a person of unspecified sex.

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STANDING ORDER AGAINST CHEATING IN EXAMINATIONS The Admissions and Records Division acting under Section 40 of the Examination

Regulations of the University and using the authority of Article 6 (2) of the Discipline of

Students Rules 2004 hereby makes the following rule:-

“Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat in any examination by any

candidate is a serious breach of the “Examination Regulations” and this

offence is punishable under Discipline of Students Rules 20044”.




Senate Approval: 272nd Meeting on 30th August 2002

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GENERAL INFORMATION _________________________ 1. VENUE OF EXAMINATION The venue for an examination shall be as stated in the examination timetable. 2. INVIGILATION ARRANGEMENTS

(a) The ratio between Invigilators and candidates is approximately 1:50. (b) Examination Assistants will be provided to help in the distribution of answer

books, question papers, reference materials (if any) and other stationery which has been approved by the examiner before the examination. At the end of the examination they will help in the collection of the materials as instructed by the Invigilators.

(c) Examination Assistants are not given any supervisory role, except when

authorised by the Chief Invigilator. However, they are given the authority to ensure that the Invigilators fill in the relevant forms in the Reference File before collecting the answer scripts.

3. IDENTIFICATION All officers and staff on duty must wear a name tag whenever they are in the

examination hall. 4. REFERENCE FILE A reference file which contains the following documents shall be made available at

every examination venue:- (a) Examination timetable (b) Invigilation timetable

(c) Notes for Invigilators (to be read to students) (d) Seating list/plan where relevant (e) Administrative order on the conduct of examination

(f) Attendance Sheets (with seat numbers) (g) Mark Sheets (h) Relevant Forms on examination details

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5. QUESTION PAPERS (a) Each of the Invigilators in charge of the examination venue shall be

responsible for the collection of the question papers, except for larger venues or lecture halls where the Chief Invigilator shall be responsible for the collection of the question papers from the Examination Supervisor at the Examination Operations Room at least forty minutes (40) before the examination is due to commence.

(b) On every envelope the following details shall be recorded:- (i) Details of question paper (code, course title, examiner, section) (ii) Number of candidates (iii) Examination venue and time 6. ANSWER BOOKS/SCRIPTS (a) Initially, answer books shall be distributed to every candidate as specified by

the examiner and subsequently an additional answer book or loose sheets will be issued on request. A candidate must use only answer books which are of the same colour for a particular examination.

(b) The Chief Invigilator /Invigilator (where applicable) has to ensure that the

number of answer books collected matches the number of candidates sitting for the paper. The respective examiner will have to officially acknowledge receiving the respective answer books by signing the receipt form/collection of answer books/scripts form. When the examiner is unable to collect the answer books/scripts, the Dean or his authorised representative will officially acknowledge collecting such answer books/scripts from the Chief Invigilator.

(c) In cases where the number of collected examination scripts does not match

the number of students, it is the responsibility of the Chief Invigilator to write immediately a full report on the incident to the Dean/ Director of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.

7. SEATING ARRANGEMENTS In an examination hall/room where more than one paper is being examined at the

same time, a separate seating location will be arranged. For some papers, a fixed seating arrangement will be implemented, if necessary. The relevant seating plan will be included in the Reference File. The Chief Invigilator shall be responsible for giving the appropriate instructions to all the candidates before the commencement of the examination.

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8. MEDICAL TREATMENT The Chief Invigilator/Invigilator (where applicable) must liaise with the Examination

Assistants at the respective venues to contact the Examination Supervisor at the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute immediately if there is any candidate who requires medical treatment. The Chief Invigilator/Invigilator has no discretion to discontinue the examination until verified by the Supervising Medical Officer of the IIUM Clinic. If the candidate is later found to be fit to take the examination at the sickbay, the question paper and answer book will be provided.

9. PROVISION OF MATERIALS The following materials/stationery will be provided by the Office of the respective

Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute at every examination venue:- (a) Ball-points (red and blue) and pencil (b) Marker Pen (c) Cellotape (d) Scissors (e) Stapler (f) Thread (g) String (h) Puncher 10. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Invigilating officials who require additional information on examinations should refer to the academic officer of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.


RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES _______________________________


(a) The Chief Invigilator/Invigilators are appointed by and responsible to the Rector to regulate examinations that are scheduled in the University as specified in the appointment letter.

(b) The Chief Invigilator may be assigned either;

(i) to the larger venues (as Chief Invigilator in venue) or (ii) to each level of the smaller, segregated venues (as Chief Invigilator

on the move).

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12. DUTIES OF CHIEF INVIGILATOR (IN LARGE VENUES) The duties of the Chief Invigilator are as follows: (a) To collect question papers from the Examination Supervisor forty (40)

minutes before the start of an examination. (b) To supervise the Examination Assistants in handing out the examination

stationery and to give instructions to them to distribute whatever examination materials are approved for that particular paper. Examination Assistants are not given any supervisory role, except when authorized by the Chief Invigilator. However, they are given the authority to ensure that the Invigilators fill in the relevant forms in the Reference File.

(c) To carry out the general supervision of an examination under his/her control

and to ensure that the examination runs smoothly and effectively. (d) To ensure that there shall be no cheating or copying by candidates, or giving

away of answers by any official to any candidate during the examination, and to act immediately when a candidate is found cheating, copying or breaching any of the examination regulations in the examination. (Refer to Part VII – Provision 24(a) and (b))

(e) To supervise all Invigilators under his/her control and to note their

attendance. (f) To give appropriate instructions to all Invigilators under him/her and to hand

over the question papers to them. (g) To instruct candidates when to enter the examination hall/room.

(h) To ensure that there shall be no candidates entering the Examination Hall

more than thirty (30) minutes after the commencement of the examination or leaving the room during the last fifteen (15) minutes of the examination.

(i) To remind all candidates of the rules and regulations imposed upon them

while taking the examination and to make all necessary announcements to candidates. (See SAMPLE in the Reference File)

(j) To be in control of any incident which may occur during the examination. If

circumstances arise in which the Chief feels that it is necessary to cancel or postpone the examination, he/she must instruct the Invigilators to collect the scripts already written and report the matter to the Dean/ Director of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.

(k) To announce the time fifteen (15) minutes before the examination ends. (l) To instruct the candidates to stop writing when the examination time is over.

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(m) To mark the attendance of candidates in the mark sheet and in the appropriate form provided in the Reference File.

(n) To ensure that the examiner of the respective paper counts and officially

acknowledges receiving the examination scripts by completing and signing the receipt form provided by the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.

NOTE: Under exceptional circumstances, the Dean (or his representative

with written authority from the Dean) may be present at the end of the examination to collect the examination scripts).

(o) To complete Form EX ‘A-E’ and ensure that all Invigilators have filled in

the required information (where applicable) which shall be submitted to the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute within 24 hours.

(p) To write a full report on any matters regarding the misconduct of Invigilators

or any irregularities during the examination, to the Dean/ Director of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.

(q) To make sure that no Invigilators mark the answer scripts while invigilating. (r) In the event that an irregularity is found after the conduct of the examination,

the Chief Invigilator/anyone who replaces him/her will be fully answerable. (s) To perform any other duties as may be stipulated by the Rector.


(a) To carry out general supervision at several venues and to ensure that the examination runs smoothly and effectively.

(b) In the absence of the actual Invigilator, the Chief Invigilator shall collect the

question papers, distribute them according to the seating list, make necessary announcements and collect all answer scripts at the end of the examination.

(c) To supervise all Invigilators and note their attendance.

(d) To write a full report on the misconduct of Invigilators, cheating cases and

other irregularities and complete EX A and EX B1 Forms in the Reference File. (Please refer to Part VII – Provision 24 (a) and (b) on handling of cheating cases).

(e) To control and act immediately if any incident occurs during the

examination. If, in the opinion of the Chief, it is necessary to cancel or postpone the examination, he/she must instruct the respective Invigilator(s) to collect the scripts already written and report the matter to the Dean/ Director of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.

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(f) To ensure that all Invigilators observe the examination policies and procedures and carry out their duties as stipulated.

(g) To ensure that the examiner of the respective paper counts and officially

acknowledges receiving the examination scripts by completing and signing the receipt form provided by the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.

(h) In the event that an irregularity is found after the conduct of the examination,

the Chief Invigilator/anyone who replaces him/her will be fully answerable. 14. DUTIES OF THE DEPUTY CHIEF INVIGILATOR (IN LARGE VENUES) To help the Chief Invigilator in the following, and to act as the Chief Invigilator in

his/her absence:

(a) Collection of question papers from the Examination Operations Room, as specified in the appointment letter, forty (40) minutes before the commencement of an examination.

(b) Supervision of all Examination Assistants in handing out permissible

materials for the examination.

(c) Supervision of all other Invigilators and their attendance. (d) Monitoring of the distribution of the question papers by the Invigilators. (e) Completion of the necessary forms/reports as required in the Reference File.

(f) Monitoring of the overall conduct of the examination, making appropriate

announcements and giving instructions and reminders to all candidates.

(g) Control of any incident: cheating, attempting to cheat or any other irregularities during the examination. (Please refer to Part VII – Provision 24 (a) and (b) on handling of cheating cases).

(h) Monitoring of the submission of answer scripts by all candidates at the end

of the examination, as well as monitoring of the signing of the Ex D Form by the examiner upon collecting the answer scripts.

15. DUTIES OF THE INVIGILATOR (IN LARGE EXAMINATION VENUES) The duties of Invigilators are as follows:- (a) To assist the Chief Invigilator in the conduct and supervision of the


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(b) To report for duty to the Chief Invigilator at the prescribed time to receive instructions.

(c) To collect the question papers (together with the list of candidates) from the

Chief Invigilator and subsequently distribute them. (d) To check that the candidates, on entering and leaving the examination

hall/room, do not take in things other than writing materials, and do not take out used or unused answer books.

(e) To inspect and examine the Matriculation Cards of candidates to ensure correct identity. For female students whose faces are veiled, visual (facial) identification is necessary. Identification by voice or by any other means is not advisable.

(f) To collect the attendance slips which have been correctly filled in and check

them against the attendance sheet. Any absentee has to be immediately reported to the Chief Invigilator.

(g) To hand over the Attendance Slips to the Chief Invigilator for his/her

inspection. (h) To supervise candidates closely in all examinations and provide services

when necessary. (i) To supervise strictly any candidate who is given permission to leave the

examination hall/room for any reasonable purpose. (j) To ensure the peace and order of the examination hall/room. (k) To report to the Chief Invigilator if there is any candidate who falls ills or is

found to have breached the examination regulations. (l) To collect the students’ answer scripts or to monitor the process of

submission of answer scripts by all candidates (where applicable) (m) To help the examiner to count the examination scripts.

(n) To perform other duties as stipulated by the Chief Invigilator.


a) To collect question papers from the Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute office

respectively, and to report for duty at the examination room at the specified time.

b) To instruct and supervise the Examination Assistants in handing out whatever examination materials are approved for that particular paper. Examination Assistants are not given any supervisory role, except when

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authorized by the Invigilator. However, they are given the authority to ensure that the Invigilator fills in the relevant forms in the Reference File.

c) To be responsible for the distribution of question papers (to be placed

alongside the answer books) and the collection of answer scripts.

d) To check that the candidates, upon entering and leaving the examination room, do not to take in things other than writing materials and do not to take out used or unused answer books.

(f) To ensure that all candidates who enter, have their Matriculation Cards and Examination Timetable Slips as a proof of eligibility to sit for the examination. Candidates without the Matriculation Card and Examination Timetable Slip shall not be allowed to enter. Also, to check on the candidates’ correct identity.

(f) To remind all candidates of the regulations while taking the examination and

to make all necessary announcements. (g) To ensure that there shall be no candidates entering the examination room,

more than thirty (30) minutes after the commencement of the examination or leaving the room during the last fifteen (15) minutes of the examination.

(h) To examine the Matriculation Cards and Examination Timetable Slips of the

candidates. (i) To supervise candidates closely in all examinations and provide services

when necessary. (j) To supervise strictly any candidate who is given permission to leave the

examination hall/room for any reasonable purpose. (k) To complete the EX’A-E’ Forms and any other necessary forms as contained

in the Reference Files.

(l) To collect the attendance slips and ensure that the details have been filled in correctly, and to mark the attendance of the candidates in the attendance sheets and mark sheets.

(m) To ensure that there shall be no cheating or copying, or attempt to cheat or

copy by candidates, and to act immediately when candidates are found cheating, copying, attempting to cheat or copy, or breaching the examination regulations. If circumstances arise, in the case of cheating, which in the opinion of an Invigilator at an examination, render necessary the cancellation or postponement of the examination, he/she must, as soon as possible, collect the scripts already written and report the matter to the Chief Invigilator on the Move. If, in the opinion of an Invigilator at an examination, circumstances arise which render the examination unfair to any candidate, he/she must report the matter to the Chief Invigilator on the Move. (Please refer to Part VII – Provision 24 (a) and (b) on handling of cheating cases)

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(n) To report to the Chief Invigilator on the Move or Dean/Director of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute if there are any irregularities.

(o) To announce the time fifteen (15) minutes before the examination ends. (p) To ensure that the number of answer books collected matches the number of

candidates sitting for that paper.


ARRIVAL TIME ________________

17. The Chief Invigilator and Invigilators must report for duty at the examination hall

not later than half an hour before the scheduled time for every examination. However, Invigilators for small venues/rooms which capacity not exceeding 70, must arrive not later than fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the examination.



_____________ 18. DISTRIBUTION OF QUESTION PAPERS Invigilators must ensure that:- (a) The correct question papers are distributed to the correct section and

candidates. (b) Each copy of the question paper shall be placed face down on top of each

examination table. (c) Extra copies of the question papers shall be put into the original envelope

and handed over to the Chief Invigilator. 19. ADMISSION OF CANDIDATES The Chief Invigilator shall:-

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(a) Ensure that Invigilators and Examination Attendants have taken their places as directed before the start of the examination;

(b) Call in candidates to take their respective places in the examination hall ten

(10) minutes before the commencement of the examination. 20. CHECKING THE CANDIDATES ON ENTRY AND LEAVING Invigilators shall:- (a) Take their positions at the entrance(s) to the hall/room not later than ten (10)

minutes before the examination is due to commence; (b) Ensure that candidates enter one by one when the instruction is given; (c) Ensure that every candidate who enters has a Matriculation Card and the

Examination Timetable Slip. A candidate without this card/slip shall not be allowed to enter; this matter has to be reported to the Chief Invigilator for further action at his/her discretion;

(d) Ensure that every candidate who enters does not bring along with him/her

any book, paper, booklet, picture, purse, handbag, handphone, or any materials that could help the candidates in any manner, or any means of communication. Any candidate who has these items must leave such items outside the examination hall/room. Pens, pencils, rulers, and drawing instruments can be taken into the examination hall;

(e) Take their positions at the door of the examination hall/room when the

instruction to stop writing is given; (f) Ensure that candidates, on leaving the examination hall/room, do not take

out with them any answer books (used or unused) that are distributed during the examination.

21. CHECKING THE CANDIDATES’ MATRICULATION CARDS Invigilators shall be responsible for the following:- (a) To check the similarity between the candidates’ appearance and the photos

attached to their Matriculation Cards;

(b) To check their matriculation numbers with the numbers on the attendance sheets.

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22. CHECKING ATTENDANCE Invigilators shall be responsible for the following:- (a) To collect all the attendance slips from candidates; (b) To arrange these attendance slips in ascending order of the Matriculation


(c) To mark the attendance sheets by using the attendance slips as reference;

(d) To report the names of candidates who are absent to the Chief Invigilator; or to fill in the relevant forms (EX A – EX E) in the Examination Reference File (where applicable)

(e) To hand over to the Chief Invigilator the attendance slips and attendance

sheets (where applicable). 23. COUNTING THE EXAMINATION SCRIPTS Invigilators shall be responsible for collecting the examination scripts from the

tables, for counting them, and for recording the number of collected scripts in the Ex-D Form.


INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINERS ________________________________

24. (a) The respective examiner of every paper must be present within the first 30 minutes of the examination to answer any queries related to the question paper or to correct any errors in the question paper. However, the examiner of any paper shall not act in any manner to assist candidates in answering their papers, such as explaining a word or translating a question.

(b) The examiner or his representative with written permission from the

Dean/Head of Department must be present at the end of every examination to collect the examination scripts.

(c) The examiner or his authorised representative will count the examination

scripts and the collection will be officially acknowledged by signing the receipt form.

(d) In exceptional or emergency cases, the Invigilator may hand over the answer

scripts to the staff of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute who is on

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duty at the respective venue, for safekeeping. However, the examiner of the paper, shall collect the scripts from the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute Office on the following day.




25. (a) Any act of cheating or attempt to cheat, or any act of copying or attempt to

copy in any examination or any act to cause or attempt to cause leakage of examination questions or a part thereof is a serious offence. The maximum penalty imposed on candidates found guilty of this offence is dismissal from the University as provided under Part V of the Discipline of Students Rules 1984.

(b) Any breach of examination instructions, rules and regulations or parts

thereof is a serious disciplinary offence, and candidates found guilty of such an offence shall be subject to an immediate disciplinary penalty as provided under Part V of the Disciplinary of Students Rules 1984.




26. In the event that a candidate is caught or suspected of cheating or copying, the Chief

Invigilator/Invigilator shall: (a) confiscate the candidate’s answer script(s), together with the evidence (e.g.

handwritten notes, book, calculator case). The candidate shall then be given a fresh answer booklet to continue answering.

(b) write a full report on the incident in the Reference File and hand over the

confiscated evidence to the Dean/ Director of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute.

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_______________________________________________ 27. (a) Only candidates who are registered for the course and not disqualified from

the examination or any part thereof are allowed to enter the examination hall/room.

(b) No candidate is allowed to present himself/herself for any examination later

than thirty (30) minutes after the commencement of the examination. (c) Candidates are not allowed to take into the examination hall/room,

handphones, calculators, electronic dictionaries, purses and wallets, reference books (unless specified), booklets, diagrams or pieces of paper or any written material.

(d) Candidates shall not take out of the examination hall/room, any answer

books (used or unused) or question papers in cases where answers are written on the question paper itself.

(e) Candidates are not allowed to communicate with one another in any manner

while the examination is in progress. Candidates who wish to communicate with Invigilators shall raise their hands.

(f) Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall/room within half an

hour after the examination has commenced, or within the last fifteen minutes before the end of the examination.

(g) In ordinary circumstances, candidates are not allowed to be given any

additional time except if allowed by the Dean of the respective Kulliyyah. (h) Candidates must observe and obey all instructions given by the Chief

Invigilator or Invigilators in the conduct of the examination.

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INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES _________________________________

28. No candidate shall be admitted to a University examination unless he/she has been

duly registered for the course. 29. Candidates are advised to go through the examination timetable carefully. Any

additional instructions or change to the timetable will be displayed on the notice boards. Candidates who miss the examination due to negligence (not checking the changes in the timetable), will not be given a substitute examination.

30. Only candidates with valid Matriculation Cards will be allowed into the examination

hall/room. Candidates without Matriculation Cards will not be allowed into the hall/room unless some proof of identification is produced.

31. Candidates are required to have their examination slips with them as proof of

eligibility to sit for the examination. 32. Candidates will not be permitted to sit for their examination if they appear thirty (30)

minutes after the commencement of the examination. 33. Candidates who are absent without any legitimate reasons or barred from any

examination shall be deemed to have failed their examination. 34. Once candidates have taken their seats, they must:- (a) Fill in the attendance slips and leave them on the right-hand corner of the

table. (b) Place their Matriculation Cards and examination slips on top of the

attendance slips for Invigilators’ inspection.

The attendance slips shall be collected by the Invigilators. Candidates are reminded to take back their respective Matriculation Cards and examination slips after they have been checked.

35. Candidates must fill in all information required (eg. Matric no, section no, desk no,

examiner’s name, etc) on the cover page of every answer book used. Candidates are not permitted to write their names on the answer books.

36. Candidates must follow all instructions printed on the answer book. All rough work

must be done in the answer book only. Candidates are warned not to tear out pages from the answer books or write on pieces of papers. All answer books, whether used or unused, must be left behind in the examination hall. Candidates must never take out any answer books/question papers which contain answers.

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37. Writing pads, booklets, pieces of paper, pictures, purses, handbags, handphones or any article on which writing is possible cannot be taken into the examination hall except for stationery that is permitted by the Chief Invigilator. While in the examination hall/room, candidates must not receive books, papers, booklets or pictures of any kind from anyone, but they may receive these items from Invigilators authorised to do so by the Chief Invigilator.

38. The Chief Invigilator/Invigilator-in-attendance will announce the end of an

examination. After the announcement, all candidates must stop writing. 39. Candidates are responsible for placing all examination scripts on the table or as

specified by the Chief Invigilator, at the end of the examination to be collected by the Invigilators. Any misplaced script will not be accepted for marking.

40. ILL HEALTH/EMERGENCIES (a) During the examination period, students are advised to stay on campus, and

not to leave the campus unless on health grounds with written permission from the Supervising Medical Officer, IIUM Clinic. Any student who misses an examination because of ill-health or unforeseen circumstances must submit official evidence to the Dean/ Director of the respective Kulliyyah/ Centre/ Institute within 1 (one) week of the date of absence from the examination.

(b) For the purpose of the Final Examination/Resit/Special Examination, the

University will accept only medical reports issued by the University Clinic, IIUM.


(a) Students who need the facility should contact the respective Kulliyyah/

Centre/ Institute or the Supervising Medical Officer, Health Services prior to the examination day.


(a) Students who are living off-campus/outside the IIUM must first notify the clinic of their illness prior to the examination and before seeing a private doctor. The IIUM doctors will later refer the students to a specific clinic.

(b) Students who need medical treatment while living outside Selangor/Federal

Territory and need to see an outside doctor, must also notify the IIUM Clinic at Tel. No: 03-61964444 before the examination so that the IIUM Clinic can liaise with the private doctor of the students’ choice.

Senate Approval : 272nd meeting on 30th August 2002

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In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 59 of the Constitution of the International Islamic University Malaysia, and in accordance with the provisions of the said Section 59, the University makes the following Rules: 1. IDENTIFICATION

1.1. These Rules shall be known as THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA ADMISSION RULES, which consists of several policies of undergraduate and postgraduate admission.


2.1. These Rules shall apply to all international and local applicants for admission into the International Islamic University Malaysia, in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes offered by the International Islamic University Malaysia.

2.2. The Admission Rules are divided into five (5) PARTS:






3.1. This Admission Rules shall come into force upon approval by the Senate of the International Islamic University Malaysia.


4.1. In this Admission Rules, unless otherwise stated:

‘‘A & R” means the Admissions and Records Division; “ACADEMIC CALENDAR” refers to one academic year, consisting of two regular semesters and one optional short semester. A regular semester normally runs for 17 weeks while a short semester lasts for nine weeks;

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“APPLICANT” means a person who submits an application form along with other relevant documents to the University to be considered for admission into the IIUM to pursue a specific programme of study; “ARABIC PLACEMENT TEST (APT)” refers to the test administered by the Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD) of the University to determine the Arabic proficiency of a student; “BOA” refers to the Board of Admissions (please refer to PART V: SCHEDULES); “CANDIDATE” refers to an applicant offered a place in a specified programme who is yet to be enrolled/ registered as a student; “CANDIDATURE” refers to the status of a bona fide, registered student; “CPS” refers to Centre for Postgraduate Studies; “CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE OR CGPA” means the sum of the products of the credit hours and the quality point equivalent of the grade for all courses taken divided by the sum of all credit hours; “DEFERMENT” means the postponement of enrolment up to a maximum of one academic year; “ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST (EPT)” refers to the test administered by the Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD) of the University to determine the English proficiency of a student; “GRADE” refers to the final assessment of a course, based on the total scores awarded for assignments, tests, etc., and the final examination, expressed in numerical marks and the equivalent letter; “HE/ HIM/ HIS” refers to a person of unspecified gender; “IELTS” refers to the International English Language Testing System, which is jointly assessed and run by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), the British Council and IELTS Australia: IDP Education Australia; “IIUM” means the International Islamic University Malaysia; “INTERVIEW” refers to an interview conducted by the University for admission into a specific programme of study (if necessary); “KULLIYYAH POSTGRADUATE COMMITTEE (KPGC)” refers to the committee in charge of postgraduate matters within each Kulliyyah;

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“ENROLLED” means the time when a person who is offered admission reports to the University to commence his studies as a registered student; “MUET” refers to the Malaysian University English Test; “SAC” refers to Students Admission Committee (please refer to PART V: SCHEDULES); “SENATE” refers to the Senate of the IIUM, the highest authority on academic matters in the University; “SKILLS” refers to the skills in English or Arabic language, i.e., Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening; “SPM” refers to Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia; “STAM” refers to Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia; “STPM” refers to Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia; “STUDENT” refers to a person enrolled/ registered at the IIUM to pursue a specific programme of study; “STUDY PERIOD” refers to a period of time within which a student is expected to complete a programme; “TOEFL” refers to the Test of English as a Foreign Language, which is administered by the TOEFL Board and developed by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton and Ewing, New Jersey; “TRANSFER OF CREDIT” refers to the applicant’s academic credits for courses taken at other recognized institutions, universities or Kulliyyahs transferred to his current academic records for the purpose of fulfilling his graduation requirements; “UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDIES (UCPS)” is a University-level committee comprising representatives from each Kulliyyah to discuss and deliberate on various issues related to postgraduate studies.

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5.1. These Policies shall be known as the POSTGRADUATE ADMISSION POLICIES.


6.1. The POSTGRADUATE ADMISSION POLICIES stated therein are applicable to both Malaysian and international applicants to all Postgraduate programmes, i.e. Ph.D., Master’s and Postgraduate Diploma programmes.



7.1.1. Ph.D. Programmes A relevant Master’s degree with good grades from the IIUM or other institutions of higher learning recognized by the Senate of the University;

OR Any other certificates that are recognized as

equivalent to a Master’s degree or any other relevant professional qualifications and experience that are recognized by the Senate of the University.

7.1.2. Master’s and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes A relevant Bachelor’s degree (honours) with good

grades from the International Islamic University Malaysia or other institutions of higher learning recognized by the Senate of the University;

OR Any other certificates that are recognized as

equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree (honours) or other relevant professional qualifications and experience that are recognized by the Senate of the University.

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7.2.1. English Language Requirements Applicants are required to have achieved at least the minimum score in TOEFL or band in IELTS or EPT as listed in TABLE 1 below.




BAND Ph.D. and Master’s of English Language/ Literature

600 7.0 (at least 7.0 for each skill in

EPT) Ph.D. in Laws and Master’s of Comparative Laws

600 7.0 (at least 7.0 for each skill in

EPT) Ph.D. and Master’s of Medical Sciences

600 7.0 (at least 7.0 for each skill in

EPT) Other Programmes with English as the medium of instruction and bilingual (English/Arabic) programmes


6.0 (at least 6.0 for each skill in


Ph.D. and Masters in Arabic Language / Literature

500 (entry requirement)

550 (graduation requirement)

5.0 (entry requirement) (at least 5.0 for each skill in

EPT) 6.0 (graduation requirement)

(at least 6.0 for each skill in EPT)

Other programmes that are fully conducted in Arabic as the medium of instruction


6.0 (at least 6.0 for each skill in

EPT) Exemption from may be given to those who

have undertaken regular programmes of studies and graduated from universities that use English as the medium of instruction in English-speaking countries, such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand or those who have graduated from the IIUM in a programme with English as the medium of instruction. An offer of admission issued to an applicant who

does not satisfy the conditions stipulated in TABLE

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1 shall remain valid for a period of two years. Should the applicant fail to attain the required scores in the TOEFL, IELTS or EPT within two years, the offer of admission shall lapse.

7.2.2. Arabic Language Requirements An applicant intending to pursue a programme with

Arabic as the medium of instruction must attain a minimum score of 7.0 in the APT before being allowed to commence his postgraduate studies. Exemption from may be given to those who

have undertaken regular programmes of studies and graduated from universities that use Arabic as the medium of instruction from Arabic–speaking countries or those who have graduated from the IIUM in a programme with Arabic as the medium of instruction. An offer of admission issued to an applicant who

does not satisfy the conditions stipulated in shall remain valid for a period of two years. If a student fails to achieve the requirement of APT within the given two years, the offer of admission shall lapse. An applicant pursuing a programme in which the

medium of instruction is both English and Arabic must fulfill requirements stipulated in and/or


7.3.1. If deemed necessary, an applicant may be interviewed and/or

required to sit for an entrance test in order to determine his eligibility for admission to a specific programme.

7.3.2 The Department or Kulliyyah may, with the approval of the UCPS,

require the applicant to satisfy additional conditions for admission to a specific programme.

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9.1. The UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION POLICIES (THE GRADUATES IIUM MATRICULATION CENTRE) stated herein are applicable to all IIUM Matriculation graduates.



Applicants must have fulfilled all requirements for graduation of the relevant Matriculation programme of the IIUM Matriculation Centre.


Applicants must have:

10.2.1 fulfilled the language requirements of the University.

10.2.2 taken the MUET.


10.3.1 The student should not have any pending disciplinary charges.

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12.1. The UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION POLICIES (OTHER MALAYSIAN QUALIFICATIONS) stated therein are only applicable to the undergraduate applicants who have taken the following examination:

12.1.1. STPM or STAM examination administered by the Government of

Malaysia; 12.1.2. Diploma/certificate conducted by local institutions which is

equivalent to / higher than the STPM examination. 13. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS


13.1.1. Academic Qualifications

Applicants must have: Passed the STPM examination with at least three (3)

principal passes obtained at one sitting including the General Paper;

OR A diploma with good grades from institutions

recognized by the Government of Malaysia and/or the Senate of the University;

OR STAM qualification with good grades;

OR Other qualifications that are recognized by the

Senate of the University as equivalent to the above.

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13.1.2. Additional General Requirements

Applicants must have: a credit with at least 6C in Bahasa Melayu in SPM; taken MUET.




15.1. The UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION POLICIES (INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS) stated therein are only applicable to undergraduate applications with internationally recognized qualifications, such as GCE ‘A’ Level, International Baccalaureate, etc.



16.1.1. At least three (3) principal passes in the General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced Level’ (GCE) ‘A’ Level Examination (UK Educational System) obtained at one sitting;


16.1.2. International Baccalaureate (IB) with a minimum of (6) subjects

obtained at one sitting;


16.1.3. Any certificates that are recognized by the Senate of the University as equivalent to the above.

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17.1. Applicants applying to pursue their studies in programmes with English as

the medium of instruction must have obtained at least a minimum score of 550 in the TOEFL; OR

17.2. Have achieved at least a minimum Band 6.0 in the IELTS; OR

17.3. Have obtained a minimum Band 6.0 in the EPT.

17.4. Applicants interested in programmes with Arabic as the medium of

instruction must fulfill the minimum requirements of APT.

17.5. Applicants who are unable to submit satisfactory results in any of the above tests may take up language proficiency courses at the University to fulfill the admission requirements.



18.1. The University, if deemed necessary, may ask applicants to submit the University Entrance Examination as a condition for admission.

18.2. If deemed necessary, applicants may also be required to attend an interview

and/or take an entrance test conducted by the SAC.


19.1. These Policies shall be known as the DOUBLE DEGREE ADMISSION POLICIES.


20.1. The DOUBLE DEGREE ADMISSION POLICIES stated therein are applicable to the second degree programmes offered at the IIUM which is to enhance Islamization and integration of knowledge between the two disciplines of study. These policies apply exclusively to undergraduate students or graduates of the IIUM. The programmes will be conducted either through simultaneous or non-simultaneous mechanisms.

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21.1. The Simultaneous Double Degree is a situation in which the students undertake Double degree programmes concurrently with their major programme. Parts of the relevant courses in the major programme will be automatically transferred to be combined with additional courses to be undertaken to qualify for the second degree programme.

21.2. The Non-simultaneous Double Degree is a situation in which the students’

have to apply within 5 years after the graduation in the first degree and they also have fulfilled the minor programme requirements. The students have to fulfill certain credits required for graduation of a Double Degree programme after the exemption/transfer of credits.



22.1.1. Simultaneous Double Degree Programmes Have a good CGPA in the current major degree programme at the International Islamic University Malaysia;

OR Have a good CGPA in the current programme of the

IIUM Matriculation Centre with a declaration to do the Double Degree programme.

22.1.2. Non-Simultaneous Double Degree Programmes Obtained a First Degree in the mentioned Kulliyyah

from the International Islamic University Malaysia and have a CGPA of at least 2.500 in the majoring programme.


22.2.1. Fulfilled all the language requirements for entry into a Kulliyyah of

the major and minor programmes as determined by the University.

22.3. OTHER REQUIREMENTS (For Simultaneous Double Degree Programmes ONLY)

22.3.1. Students who are interested in undertaking a Double Degree

programme, may opt to choose either of the following procedures:

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62 To decide and notify the relevant authority to do the Double Degree programme at the Matriculation level and fulfill all the required English and Arabic language courses at the Matriculation Centre,

OR To decide and notify the relevant authority to do the

Double Degree programme and having completed Level 1 at the degree level and having fulfilled all the required English and Arabic language courses before pursuing the Double Degree programme.


23.1. For Postgraduate, Double Degree and Undergraduate Applications (excluding Malaysian Direct Intake and IIUM Matriculation Graduates)

23.1.1. Applications are to be made on the prescribed forms, which may be

obtained from the Admissions and Promotions Unit, Admissions and Records Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA or through the University web-site at

23.1.2. The applicant must submit an appropriate, completed application

form with all the required supporting documents to the Admissions and Promotions Unit within the period of time stipulated by the University for a Specific Intake.


24.1. The closing date for Malaysian Postgraduate applications is normally two (2)

weeks after the issuance of the advertisement for each semester. The closing date for International Postgraduate applications is four (4) months before the commencement of any regular semester.

24.2. The closing date for Malaysian undergraduate applications (Other Malaysian

Qualifications) for third semester intake is ten (10) days after the release of the STPM results (subject to the decision of the Bahagian Pengurusan Kemasukan Pelajar (BPKP), Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia). For the second semester intake, the closing date is normally two (2) weeks after the issuance of advertisement (subject to the agreement of the University to do a second intake and based on the availability of places in the Kulliyyahs).

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24.3. Double Degree applications:

24.3.1. For Simultaneous Double Degree programmes, at least two (2) months before the second semester of the applicants’ first year of study.

24.3.2. For non-Simultaneous Double Degree programmes; three (3) months

before the commencement of any regular semester.

24.4. For international undergraduate applications, the closing date is four (4) months before the commencement of any regular semester.


25.1. Disabled applicants should notify in advance the Admissions and Records

Division about the nature and extent of their disability.

25.2. Malaysian applicants using Other Malaysian Qualifications must apply through the Malaysian Ministry of Education (through Bahagian Pengurusan Kemasukan Pelajar) once this office has issued the advertisement. The applicants have to follow all the rules and procedures as required by the Bahagian Pengurusan Kemasukan Pelajar, Ministry of Education, Malaysia.

25.3. For applications other than (25.2), the application should be sent to the

Admissions & Promotions Unit, Admissions and Records Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

25.4. The University has the right to admit students for the second semester

session subject to the approval of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. If deemed necessary, the Admissions and Promotions Unit will issue the advertisement



26.1. A student must enroll in person into the IIUM on the date stated in the offer letter. The University, however, may allow delaying the enrollment within the first week of the commencement of classes in his semester of study. Failure to enroll in the specified period may result in the following:

26.1.1. Withdrawal of the offer by the University or,

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26.1.2. Deferment of enrollment (please refer to DEFERMENT OF ENROLLMENT / ENROLLMENT part) or,

26.2. The Double Degree candidates shall enroll on the first day of the semester

and submit the final semester examination result slip to validate the offer (except in the case of simultaneous Double Degree programmes)

26.3. For the purpose of enrollment, students must fulfill the following


26.3.1. To pay all fees as specified by the University;

26.3.2. To submit their latest examination slip/results – For Double Degree students only.

26.4. Candidates offered places are required to bring along all the original copies

of academic transcripts and certificates for verification by the University authorities. Should the University authorities discover any false declaration or the use of forged certificates or documents by a student for gaining entry into the University, the student concerned will be dismissed from the University and the University may, at its absolute discretion, take appropriate legal action against the student guilty of committing forgery or fraud.


27.1. A student may choose to enroll either on a full-time or a part-time programme, subject to the availability of the desired type of programme. Should a student opt for a full time programme, he will not be allowed to enroll concurrently into another full time programme.

27.2. A continuing student may apply to change his status from part-time to full-

time or vice-versa, once in his study period, subject to the approval of the University Committee for Postgraduate Studies (UCPS).

27.3. A student intending to maintain his employment while studying full time at

the IIUM is required to provide evidence that he has the permission of his employer to pursue his studies on a full-time basis. Otherwise, he must opt for a part-time programme.


28.1. Students who do not achieve the language requirement will have the option

of enrolling on the Special Language Programme for Postgraduates for a maximum of two years prior to their admission into Postgraduate programmes. Under such circumstances, the student will not be allowed to register on any of the core-courses of the Postgraduate programme.

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28.2. Students who enroll in the bilingual programme and who are exempted

from the main language used for the programme but fail to achieve the other language requirement may choose one of the following options:

28.2.1. To undertake the Special English / Arabic programme for

Postgraduates. Once the student has achieved the required score for English / Arabic, he can register for core courses in the postgraduate programmes;


28.2.2. To register as a conditional postgraduate student and be allowed to

do English / Arabic language proficiency concurrently with the core courses of the postgraduate programmes.

Conditional Candidature of Postgraduate Programme


Type of

Programme Course Registration Duration for

completion of Language

Proficiency Courses

Minimum Starting Level

Ph.D. (Bilingual)

To register for language proficiency course and maximum of 2 programme courses

3 regular semesters

LE 1000

Master’s (Bilingual)

To register for language proficiency course and maximum of 2 programme courses

1 regular semester

E 3000 (Listening / Speaking / Reading

/ Writing)

28.3. Students who fail to achieve the required scores after completion of the

period as specified in TABLE 2 are allowed for an extension of one semester. However, they are not allowed to enroll for programme courses.

28.4. Should they fail after the extended period; the students will be dismissed

from the programme.

28.5. Students who enroll in other programmes but have deficiency in one (1) skill may also opt for conditional candidature but have to complete the requirement in the first semester while concurrently taking a maximum of two programme courses.

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29.1. Students who have been issued an offer of admission may apply to defer their enrollment for a maximum of two academic years. The period of deferment will not be included in the total duration of their studies.

29.2. For undergraduate students, a deferment application of this nature has to be

made to the Admissions and Records Division with valid reasons and only genuine cases will be entertained by the University. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of the offer of admission.

29.3. For postgraduate students, the University Committee for Postgraduate

Studies (UCPS) shall decide on the applications for deferment of enrollment. Should the UCPS reject such an application, the student shall be required to matriculate on the date originally set by the Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS).

29.4. Since the period of deferment shall not be included / calculated in the

student’s total study period, the student is not entitled to the use of any of the University facilities.



30.1. Subject to specific approval from the Dean of the Kulliyyah, a student may apply to have his academic credits for courses taken at another institution, university or Kulliyyah transferred to his current academic records for the purpose of fulfilling his graduation requirements.

30.2. The maximum number of credits transferred from outside institutions

recognized by the Senate of the University is 50 % of the total credit hour requirements of the programme of studies.

30.3. The minimum grade that has to be achieved for the consideration of credit

transfer is ‘C’/equivalent for local public universities or ‘B’/equivalent for local private institutions or international universities. However, the Kulliyyahs/Departments have the right to determine the grades for transfer of credit on a case to case basis.

30.4. The courses taken should not be more than five (5) years before the date of

matriculation in the student’s current programme except for skills and practical based courses. However, the Kulliyyahs/Departments have the right to determine the courses for transfer of credit on a case to case basis.

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30.5. However, the maximum number of credits transferred within the university or Kulliyyah will depend on the relevancy of the courses already taken to the requirement of the new programme of studies.

30.6. Students who wish to apply for credit transfer must do so at the point of

application for admission or the latest by the fourth week of their first regular semester with the attachment of the necessary documents to support the application.

30.7. The student should have been on good overall academic standing in his

previous candidature.

30.8. A student may apply for exemption from taking a course required by his programme of study if he has relevant knowledge or professional experience in the areas covered in the course.


31.1. A student who has completed certain postgraduate courses from the IIUM

or another accredited institution may apply to transfer credits earned previously to his current programme if the following conditions are fulfilled:

31.1.1. Courses sought for transfer are comparable to the corresponding

courses in the current programme offered at the IIUM.

31.1.2. A minimum ‘B’ grade or its equivalent was obtained in the course sought for transfer.

31.1.3. The student was on good overall academic standing in his previous


31.1.4. The courses were taken not more than five (5) years before the date of matriculation in his current programme except for skills and practical based courses. However, the Kulliyyahs/Departments have the right to determine the courses for transfer of credit on a case to case basis.

31.1.5. Courses or credits sought for transfer or exemption must only be

credited or exempted once and for all.

31.2. A student may apply for exemption from taking a course required by his programme of study if he has relevant knowledge or professional experience in the areas covered in the course.

31.3. Applications for transfer of credits or exemptions must be accompanied by

the supporting documents such as course description and grading system. A student may be interviewed or required to sit for a test, if deemed necessary

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by the department, in order to determine his eligibility for the transfer of credits or exemptions.

31.4. The maximum number of credit hours that may be transferred and/or

exempted is 50% of the total credit hours of the coursework required for the graduation in the current programme.

31.5. Applications for transfer of credits and exemptions are to be made to the

Dean of the Kulliyyah at the point of the application for admission or the latest by the fourth week of the student’s first regular semester of studies at the IIUM.

31.6. All applications for transfer of credits and exemptions shall be decided by

the Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS) upon the recommendation of Kulliyyah Postgraduate Committee (KPGC).

32. FEES

32.1. Students are required to pay all the tuition fees and other related academic and non-academic fees as determined by the University. (Refer to Appendix I for the actual quantum)

32.2. The University reserves the right to revise the said fees without prior notice.

32.3. Students who have failed to settle the fees within the stipulated period as

determined by the University will be subject to the consequences as prescribed by the University.


33.1. For Undergraduate Students

33.1.3. All applications for change of programme will be decided by the SAC.

33.1.4. Applications from new students can only be considered after they

have undergone at least one (1) semester of studies.

33.1.5. Change of programme only applies to students whose credits attempted are not more than 40 credit hours.

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33.1.6. Applications can only be considered from applicants with the following CGPA:

Kulliyyah Applied For No. Current


1. LLB - 2.5 2.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Not Allowed 2. ENM 3.0 - 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 Not Allowed 3. ICT 3.5 2.5 - 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 Not Allowed 4. IRKHS 3.0 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 3.5 Not Allowed 5. ENGIN 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 Not Allowed 6. SCIENCE 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 - 2.5 3.5 7. AED 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 - Not Allowed 8. MEDIC 60% 50% 47% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 9. PHARM 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5

Not Allowed

- *Subject to performance in science subjects at SPM/STPM, ‘O’ Level/ ‘A’ Level or other equivalent qualifications.

33.1.7. The applicant must also meet the following: satisfy the entrance requirement of the intended programme and be able to complete the programme of studies

within the maximum residency period of 6 years (for undergraduate students).

33.1.8. A change of programme is only allowed once during the

student’s duration of studies.

33.2. For Postgraduate Students

33.2.3. A student who has matriculated into the University may apply with valid reasons for a change of programme in the first regular semester of his studies.

33.2.4. Should a student apply to change his programme of studies

within a Kulliyyah, the Kulliyyah Postgraduate Committee (KPGC) shall have the prerogative to decide on such an application subject to Article 7.1 of the Postgraduate Policies and Regulations (Revised 2001). The University Committee for Postgraduate Studies (UCPS) must be informed accordingly for record purposes.

33.2.5. Should a student apply to change his programme of studies

from one Kulliyyah to another, the decision shall be made by the UCPS upon the recommendations of the releasing department/Kulliyyah and the KPGC of the accepting Kulliyyah.

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33.2.6. A candidate, who has not yet registered as a student, may

write an appeal letter for his desired programme addressed to the CPS at least 3 weeks before the registration day of the semester. The CPS will then forward the said appeal to the accepting Kulliyyah for recommendation.

33.2.7. Based on the recommendation from the accepting Kulliyyah,

the CPS will seek a release of such a student from the offered Kulliyyah.


34.1. An IIUM student shall not be allowed to register as a student in any other institution of higher learning during his studies at the IIUM, unless granted permission by the Senate.

34.2. Any student found to have registered for studies at any other

institution without obtaining approval from the Senate may be dismissed from the University and denied any fee refunds.


35.1. Applicants who are currently registered on any degree programme at any recognized higher institution may apply for admission into the degree programmes at the IIUM on condition that the applicant is on a good academic standing, free from any disciplinary action and meets the minimum admission requirements.

35.2. Such an applicant must get an official release letter from his previous

institution and such a letter must be submitted together with the application form.

35.3. The University may consider a “transfer of credit” subject to the

approval from the respective Kulliyyah through the official procedures as mentioned.


36.1. Undergraduate Applications

36.1.1. Students enrolled in other recognised universities may also register for relevant courses in the IIUM for the purpose of transferring credits earned at the IIUM to their own universities.

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36.1.2. Application should be made to the International Student Office at least three months before the beginning of the semester in which they wish to commence their studies at IIUM.

36.1.3. The approval of the application is the prerogative of the

Dean of the respective Kulliyyah and the International Students Office.

36.1.4. Fees will be charged accordingly.

36.2. Postgraduate Applications

36.2.1. Applications must be made to the International Students

Office at least three months before the beginning of the semester in which they wish to commence their studies at IIUM.

36.2.2. The approval of the application is the prerogative of the

Dean of the respective Kulliyyah and the International Student Office.

36.2.3. Fees will be charged accordingly.

36.3. Other qualified candidates may be considered subject to the consent

of the relevant Kulliyyah.


37.1. Kulliyyahs or academic departments of the University may institute by-laws pursuant to these policies. Such by-laws shall come into effect upon having been duly noted by the Senate.


38.1. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the Senate may grant an exception to any of the provisions as stated in the Senate Standing Orders.

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39.1.1. Members Rector of the University or representative as

chairman. In the absence of the Rector, it may be presided by the Deputy Rector (Academic Affairs) or Deputy Rector (Student Affairs and Discipline) or any person nominated and appointed by the Rector, Deputy Rector (Academic Affairs), Deputy Rector (Student Affairs and

Discipline), Dean of Admissions and Records Division, Dean of Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Dean of Centre for Languages and Pre-

University Academic Development (CELPAD), Deans of all Kulliyyahs, Dean of Matriculation Centre, Directors of Centres, Secretary of Senate, Deputy Dean (Admissions and Promotions)

of Admissions and Records Division, Any other members that the chairman may

appoint temporarily or permanently.

39.1.2. Functions To decide/standardize general policies on fees; To endorse the selection of students for admission conducted by the SAC; To decide on special cases for admissions; To determine the

merit/CGPA/point/percentage for admission, with the endorsement of the Senate of the University and To discuss other matters relevant to admission into undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

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39.1.3. Meetings To have a meeting at least twice a year, To have a special meeting based on

urgency, if deemed necessary.



40.1.1. Members Deputy Rector (Academic Affairs) of the

University as chairman. In the absence of the Deputy Rector (Academic Affairs), it may be presided by the Deputy Rector (Student Affairs and Discipline), Dean of the Admissions and Records Division or Dean of Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Deputy Rector (Student Affairs and Discipline), Dean of Admissions and Records Division, Dean of Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Two Deans from art-based Kulliyyahs (on

rotation basis), Two Deans from science-based Kulliyyahs (on

rotation basis), Dean of Matriculation Centre, Deputy Dean (Admissions and Promotions) of

Admissions and Records Division, Any other members that the chairman may

appoint temporarily or permanently.

40.1.2. Functions To select and admit students based on the Admission Policies and evaluation conducted by the Admissions and Promotions Unit, Admissions and Records Division into the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and on the recommendations of the respective Kulliyyahs/ Departments; To propose and make recommendations on undergraduate admission; To conduct an interview / entrance test with the assistance of the Kulliyyahs in admitting students, if deemed necessary;

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74 To deliberate and decide upon various appeals of undergraduate and postgraduate students; To decide on the fees / scholarships for students; To report / get endorsement from the BOA on any decision made and To discuss any other matters regarding admission relevant to undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

40.1.3. Meetings To hold regular meetings at least once a

semester, To hold a special meeting based on urgency,

if deemed necessary.