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Student Information System (SIS) Project Checkpoint Report Clark County School District - Implementation Phase Report date: January 30, 2014 Objectives: Summarize all plans that will be used to execute Implementation Phase tasks

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Student Information System (SIS) Project Checkpoint Report

Clark County School District - Implementation Phase

Report date: January 30, 2014


Summarize all plans that will be used to execute Implementation Phase tasks


Transforming K12 Education®

©2012 Infinite Campus, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Table of Contents

Definitions 2

Overview 3

Project Status 3

Work Stream Updates 4

Organizational Change Management and Communication (OCMC) 4

Professional Development 5

Business Process Definition 5

Data Conversion 6

Help Desk and Support 6

Development 11

Hosting / Infrastructure 21

Project Management 24

Risk Summary 24

Budget Update 25

Timeline Review 27

Summary 27

Definitions Term Definition

Steering Committee CCSD Executive Committee, CCSD Project Manager, Infinite Campus Project Manager

CCSD Project Team CCSD Executive Committee, CCSD Project Manager, Infinite Campus Project Manager, SIS Team (Core and SME Teams optional)

Implementation Project Team CCSD Project Team and Infinite Campus Teams Combined


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This document summarizes the activities and tasks that have been completed to date in the second quarter of the Implementation Phase of the Clark County School District (CCSD) Student Information System (SIS) Implementation Project rollout. It also provides an outlook of the activities, tasks, and strategies for the upcoming quarters leading to go live.

Current Phase: 2.0 – Implementation

WBS Project Phases Start Date

End Date %


0.0 Pre-Implementation 10/01/12 02/12/13 100%

1.0 Project Initiation and Planning 01/07/13 05/31/13 100%

2.0 Implementation 06/03/13 08/29/14 51%

3.0 Go Live Track: Scheduling 11/25/13 01/31/14 93%

Track: Full Conversion 05/26/14 08/29/14 0%

4.0 Post Implementation 09/01/14 09/30/14 0%

5.0 Continuous Improvement 10/01/14 0%

Upon completion of the Mid-Implementation Checkpoint 1, the Student Information System (SIS) Implementation Project Team has continued to focus on correcting converted data and adjusting cross-walk logic to rectify data conversion errors. Additional District stakeholders were included in the data review process, and continual enhancement of the Practice and Procedures (P&P) document assisted in preparing stakeholders for go-live readiness. Custom development data elements were created in the Infinite Campus application to capture the requirements for Human Resources, Transportation, and Athletics. More emphasis was placed on knowledge transfer for District support resources and detailed efforts were put into shaping the Help Desk Support Plan. Communications to schools assisted in identifying the staff that will perform specific job roles within Infinite Campus, and all training resources were put in place to communicate the training plan, accommodate training content, and to facilitate all training sessions (online and classroom environments).

Major tasks worked on during this phase included:

(1) professional development preparation (more in-depth training for the SIS team; Assessment, Accountability, Research and School Improvement (AARSI); Guidance and Counseling; Gradebook support; and Help Desk staff;

(2) Additional development requirements gathering; (3) User security planning; (4) Practice and Procedures (P&P) development; (5) Knowledge Transfer (Mastering the Fundamentals of Campus Project, certification, and credentialing).

The CCSD Executive Committee continues to engage stakeholders from departments including Assessment,


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Accountability, Research and School Improvement (AARSI), the Student Support Services Division (SSSD), and Subject Matter Experts (SME) in the P&P process.

These stakeholders were provided the opportunity to view the current configuration of the CCSD Infinite Campus application, view current converted data, and provide feedback on how processes could be streamlined and improved prior to the August 2014 Go-Live. Modifications to the master SIS project plan were made in order to capture a more detailed view of all project tasks and to properly align ownership of tasks across all work streams. Diligent efforts by both CCSD and Infinite Campus provided an efficient path to a successful Track A Go-Live, which occurred on Monday, January 13, 2014 with the live production database. As the SIS Implementation Project Team continues to move forward in the Implementation Phase, more detailed planning, discussions, and customizations will continue. This phase includes performance test 2 (which will be communicated as the “System Performance and Monitoring” window or SPM), the start of the 2014-2015 scheduling process in Infinite Campus, data review, and the development of CCSD specific reports and extracts (RICEF) needed for go live.

Key communication messages have been well received by CCSD stakeholders and the team continues to work tirelessly engaging all end-users and stakeholders District-wide to ensure a smooth transition to Infinite Campus.

This section summarizes the activities, tasks and objectives of each work stream. Because work streams often overlap, business owners are working together to identify any dependencies in the related tasks and activities.

Organizational Change Management and Communication (OCMC)

As communication and stakeholder involvement are the key vehicles by which organizational change management will occur, all activities in this work stream have shifted in preparation for the two major go-lives in January and August of 2014. Strategic objectives as outlined in the OCMC Plan for setting and managing expectations of District employees and other constituents has been well executed through established internal communication channels. Internal critical mass has been reached in generating understanding, support and acceptance of the changes resulting from the project through a comprehensive Business P&P and professional development strategy. Frequent communications with internal audiences in preparation for Scheduling training have been developed and disseminated through various channels including the Work Stream Planning & Monitoring Committee (WSPM), Academic Managers, Principals, Curriculum Administrators, Counselors, and those who will be directly involved in scheduling activities.

The project web site has been updated to include details about user group access to the system, training resource release dates, and required trainings for the secondary scheduling go-live starting January 20, 2014. The web site has served as a resource for District employees as well as a reference for webinars and other communications because of the level of detail provided. As the project timeline progresses, additional training details will be added for census, attendance, the attendance wizard, building/ad-hoc super-users, Infinite Campus teacher power users, parent portal liaisons, teachers, and other school-based administrators.

In alignment with the OCMC Plan, the Executive Committee has been working with the CCSD Communications Office to develop a plan for the development and delivery of approved communications in English and Spanish targeting parents, students, and the community at large. Nearly 30 communication vehicles have been identified for use in in a wide range of capacities, and work is now underway to develop core messages and their timing and sequence – along with feedback mechanisms for measurement and accountability. While the high-level plan identified some of the more common communication vehicles, more detailed methods and media are being identified in preparation for a strategically sequenced and timed release of information to a very large population


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of end-users – mainly parents and students.

Informing the community of the new Census concept will be integral to ensuring understanding of household information and accurate data within Infinite Campus. Part of the communication plan detail will be a campaign to inform the community of these changes including benefits provided by the new system and how families will provide updated information to CCSD. Since the parent portal component of ParentLink will be replaced with the Campus Portal, another major part of the communication strategy will be to manage the transition to the new portal. The District and school-based web sites will be modified or redirected to a new web site for the Campus Portal, and parents and students will be informed of their access to the new system including mobile apps for their tablets and smart phones.

Professional Development

Knowledge Transfer

CCSD and Infinite Campus continued with the knowledge transfer process by offering another class in Mastering the Fundamentals for stakeholders who were either unable to attend the initial class or were unidentified at the time the initial class was offered. Additionally, the SIS Team completed a Fundamentals of Campus Database and SRS Reporting technical class.

The Campus Project was distributed to the EBT team, Help Desk, Steering Committee, and various other stakeholders for completion and grading for the purpose of proving mastery of the Campus application from the end-user perspective. Work on the Project is ongoing by these identified groups.

Infinite Campus will continue to perform knowledge checks with CCSD staff to ensure that they are prepared to train and support Campus users within the District.

Training Delivery

The EBT team prepared and delivered content-specific trainings to various stakeholders with the goal of assisting these business owners to shape comprehensive P&P decisions for District business workflows.

The EBT team produced and released the Infinite Campus Essentials eLearning class District-wide. Work on the Secondary Scheduling online class is set for completion by late January.

Details regarding training delivery for the January 13 Scheduling Go-Live can be found at

Business Process Definition

Business process definition continues with ongoing stakeholder input from departments, Core Team, and SME teams. These sessions remain focused on the specifics of how CCSD will be implementing Infinite Campus. The CCSD Instructional Business Process Experts provide these groups with periodic updates and enhancements to the system, and they, in turn, assist the Instructional Business Process Experts with continual development of the CCSD Infinite Campus Practice and Procedures document. The continual feedback loop between the Instructional Business Process Experts and stakeholder groups through the P&P is establishing the foundation for an ongoing cycle of business process improvement.

As stated above in the Organizational Change Management section, additional sessions have been scheduled in January and February to continue developing business process definition, which will influence organizational change. The initial P&P document that will assist in the facilitation of training is expected to be completed in


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March 2014.

The Instructional Business Process Experts meet with the EBT Training Coordinator weekly to synchronize business processes to training needs. The EBT Training Coordinator uses this information to define training session length, number of sessions needed, and the appropriate grouping of attendees for each session.

Each defined business process will be linked to a module in Infinite Campus’ core product and aligned to the corresponding department data owners.

Data Conversion Track A – Scheduling

All Track A conversions have been successfully executed and the Track A final URL was made available January 13, 2014. The synchronization process between Infinite Campus and the Clark County School District data (students, enrollments, employees, and user security information) is occurring daily and will be fully automated on January 15, 2014. Synchronization is scheduled to run through August 2014. A Track A Go-Live checklist is being used to verify that the Infinite Campus application is setup and prepared for scheduling activities. The SIS team has created secondary 2014-2015 calendars in preparation for scheduling processes that will begin in February 2014. Elementary 2014-2015 calendars will be created pending Board of School Trustees approval of year-round schools.

The next scheduled activity is the coordination of the online course requests process for secondary schools. Course files will be extracted from Infinite Campus and will be sent to ParentLink to facilitate student course requests gathering. After student course requests have been collected, the data will be imported into Infinite Campus where schools will complete scheduling for the 2014-2015 school year. There is no data conversion effort necessary for elementary schools and secondary schools not using ParentLink for student course request gathering. Track B – Historical Student Data and Households

Track B1 was completed with minimal issues in October 2013. The issues were identified during the data review which was conducted October 1 through October 4, 2013 with the participation of the SIS, EBT, Help Desk, Student Data Services and CPDD staff. The SIS team is currently ready for Track B2 data to upload to the dashboard February 3, 2014 and to conduct a Track B2 data review March 5 through March 7, 2014 that will include school-based staff.

Help Desk and Support

User Support staff has participated in several meetings and training sessions including Core P&P Workshop, Train the Trainer Boot Camp and data review. Their participation is essential and plays a pivotal role in the CCSD effort to become self-sufficient. While a considerable effort has been made to participate in training and staff readiness, the focus is now shifting to support go live efforts for scheduling and preparation for the full implementation at the start of the school year.

Help Desk resources have been identified and secured for scheduling go-live and preparations are currently underway to hire additional staff to prepare for the fall. School-based job roles and add-on rights were developed. Three school-based support roles (Building Ad-hoc Super User, Teacher Power User, and Parent Portal Liaison) were also created. Schools were asked to identify those individuals who should have add-on rights and/or placed in a school support role. Add-on rights have been gathered from the majority of District schools, and staff has been


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provisioned into the system.

The school-based support escalation process was shared with schools. The internal help desk escalation process is in the process of being finalized. The Help Desk and Infinite Campus support teams have identified six support (general and technical) contacts. The selected staff will enter support cases to report bug issues, escalate issues, or place a direct phone call to Campus Support. Support contacts will need to be Campus Certified and Infinite Campus Support Certified. Infinite Campus will make every effort to empower CCSD staff to train and support their users internally.

The User Support Services Central Desktop Management team and Employee Business Training team performed compatibility testing on current supported computer models and browsers utilized in the District. Firefox is the recommended browser for accessing Infinite Campus or the training modules. Infinite Campus also requires JAVA to be installed.

Minimum software requirements (currently included in the base images provided to schools):

PC Browser: Firefox version 24

Mac Browser: Firefox version 26

JAVA 7 update 11 is the minimum requirement for all operating systems.

A magic button installer and instructions for technical staff to prepare machines that may not be running the minimum required versions of Firefox and Java have been made available at on the User Support Website located at

Support Case Summary

Case Number

Date Entered

Date Modified

Case Subject Status Priority

262925 16-Jan-13 30-Jan-13 Conversion server Closed Medium

263670 22-Jan-13 7-Jun-13 Training Docs ~ Clark County Training Escalation Medium

264170 24-Jan-13 3-Dec-13 Conversion Docs - Clark County Closed Medium

264171 24-Jan-13 25-Jan-13 Organization ID: NV_02 Resolved Medium

275138 2-Apr-13 12-Apr-13 Request for four training sites Resolved Medium

281626 9-May-13 11-Jun-13 Training site for CCSD to be used as their master

Resolved Medium

290460 26-Jun-13 9-Sep-13 Data Conversion issue with races Closed High

292454 11-Jul-13 7-Aug-13 ODBC Access for SIS Team Resolved Low

292600 12-Jul-13 9-Sep-13 Behavior setup information that needs to follow to all remaining trials

Closed Medium

292602 12-Jul-13 9-Sep-13 Custom Tab setup to follow through all conversions

Closed Medium

292748 15-Jul-13 9-Sep-13 Attendance codes to roll forward in all trials

Closed Medium

292860 15-Jul-13 9-Sep-13 Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian converting to Asian

Closed High


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Case Number

Date Entered

Date Modified

Case Subject Status Priority

292861 16-Jul-13 29-Jul-13 Strip leading zeros from license numbers

Closed Medium

292863 16-Jul-13 9-Sep-13 Enrollment code descriptions incorrect in Campus

Closed Medium

292864 16-Jul-13 9-Sep-13 CCSD School types not converting Closed Medium

292865 16-Jul-13 30-Sep-13 CCSD grades rejecting Closed Medium

292982 16-Jul-13 16-Jul-13 Unable to establish connection to server on Track a conversion test.

Closed Critical

293280 17-Jul-13 15-Aug-13 We have added the custom attribute "Building" to the Address Tab

Closed Low

293420 18-Jul-13 9-Sep-13 Courses/activity drop down created Closed Medium

296586 5-Aug-13 14-Oct-13 custom fields created in District Employment

Closed Medium

298337 12-Aug-13 9-Sep-13 new custom tab (Dropout Cancellation)

Closed Medium

298379 12-Aug-13 9-Sep-13 custom field created on enrollment tab

Closed Medium

299009 14-Aug-13 9-Sep-13 new field added to persons Closed Medium

301992 23-Aug-13 9-Sep-13 additional fields added to Transportation tab

Abandoned Medium

302591 26-Aug-13 9-Sep-13 custom tab "Bus Transportation" created.

Closed Medium

302595 26-Aug-13 9-Sep-13 New flag created under programs/flags

Closed Medium

303410 28-Aug-13 9-Sep-13 remove conditions list in health Closed Medium

305236 4-Sep-13 8-Oct-13 user groups and assignment Closed Medium

305945 6-Sep-13 11-Oct-13 health conditions list Closed Medium

312414 30-Sep-13 14-Oct-13 Households Closed Medium

312931 1-Oct-13 21-Oct-13 CCSD custom tab data did not convert Resolved High

312940 1-Oct-13 9-Oct-13 TP grade level missing in crosswalk of state grade levels.

Rejected Medium

312946 1-Oct-13 8-Oct-13 Change position of custom tab in student general

Closed Medium

313369 3-Oct-13 14-Oct-13 Boolean data not converting correctly Resolved High

314094 4-Oct-13 11-Nov-13 Physical address fields not converting correctly.

Closed Medium

314095 4-Oct-13 9-Oct-13 Not all students converted in Trial B-1 Rejected Medium


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Case Number

Date Entered

Date Modified

Case Subject Status Priority

314097 4-Oct-13 9-Oct-13 Time data n data field in Health/conditions

Closed Medium

314103 4-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 Home Primary Language not populated during conversion.

Duplicate Medium

314107 4-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 Teacher titles incorrect in District Assignment/Title

Closed Medium

314112 4-Oct-13 14-Oct-13 Custodians have "Counselor" checkbox marked in

Closed Medium

315100 9-Oct-13 11-Oct-13 Health Condition flag appearing for students

Closed Medium

315101 9-Oct-13 9-Oct-13 drop down lists being populated with unwanted data

Closed Medium

315105 9-Oct-13 14-Oct-13 Behavior comments did not convert. Closed Medium

315106 9-Oct-13 11-Oct-13 Title 1 field needs blanked in enrollment.

Closed Medium

315107 9-Oct-13 17-Oct-13 If Hispanic/Latino flag is "No" data displayed is "No Data" instead of "No"

Closed Medium

315109 9-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 Home Primary Language not set for English.

Closed Medium

315110 9-Oct-13 9-Oct-13 Custom field "SeniorityNum" error-our fault

Closed Medium

315246 9-Oct-13 11-Oct-13 Department name change Closed Medium

316083 14-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 custom field in enrollment-Special Ed Sub Program

Closed Medium

316514 15-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 Assignment drop down Closed Medium

317056 17-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 Sent a "Y" for Foreign Exchange, checkbox not checked in Campus

Closed High

317297 18-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 new custom field added to schools Closed Medium

317762 21-Oct-13 19-Dec-13 Performance Test Security Closed Medium

318402 23-Oct-13 17-Dec-13 ODBC access for CCSD Resolved Medium

319666 30-Oct-13 3-Jan-14 1 Health Condition not set during conversion (No Known Disability)

Closed Medium

319829 30-Oct-13 13-Jan-14 behavior preferences Closed Medium

319834 30-Oct-13 9-Jan-14 Course type field not available on dashboard. Adding to course/custom

Closed Medium

319838 30-Oct-13 6-Jan-14 Custom field on Enrollment not populated (boolean)

Data Conversion Medium

319842 30-Oct-13 19-Dec-13 custom tab gifted and talented missing in A3

Closed Medium


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Case Number

Date Entered

Date Modified

Case Subject Status Priority

320720 4-Nov-13 19-Dec-13 custom tab "Endorsements" created in A3

Closed Medium

320721 4-Nov-13 19-Dec-13 "ARC" custom tab created. Closed Medium

320728 4-Nov-13 3-Jan-14 Custom Fields added to Employment Closed Medium

320907 5-Nov-13 7-Nov-13 unable to modify department name in employment assignment

Training Medium

322775 14-Nov-13 19-Nov-13 Multiple households Data Conversion Medium

324862 27-Nov-13 2-Dec-13 Athletics Info Custom Tab added Assigned Medium

324937 2-Dec-13 5-Dec-13 Need Final track A conversion added to the dashboard

Closed High

325469 4-Dec-13 13-Jan-14 Custom field empMonths conversion Closed High

325927 6-Dec-13 9-Dec-13 A3 URL appears to be down. Closed High

326075 6-Dec-13 17-Jan-14 AD/LDAP Hosting High

327223 13-Dec-13 3-Jan-14 remove district wide grading comments and copy comments from 2 school sources.

Closed Medium

327536 17-Dec-13 19-Dec-13 B1 does not seem to be responding at times and is timing out when opening in a browser.

Resolved High

327695 17-Dec-13 20-Dec-13 user unable to connect ODBC-Gene McFerrin

Resolved Medium

327870 18-Dec-13 14-Jan-14

External URL created on custom tab not working. Browser is IE 11. Does not appear to work at all in firefox or chrome.

Pending Input Medium

328083 19-Dec-13 17-Jan-14 Create ODBC accounts for CCSD personnel on trial A3, A production and all future Trial B CCSD databases.

Pending Customer Verification


331675 16-Jan-14 17-Jan-14 can John import data for me into our custom endorsements tab?

Closed Medium

331963 17-Jan-14 17-Jan-14 What is the IP or IP range that a Data Extract Utility output will come from?

New High


Transforming K12 Education®

©2012 Infinite Campus, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



The SIS Project Team and Infinite Campus Development team started gathering and building requirements for all development commitments almost immediately following completion of the RFP Fit/Gap Analysis exercise.

Below is a summary of the contractual development items that are currently in development.


Resolution Timing Date End of Quarter

Go-Live -6 Months 01-Jan-2014 Q4 2013

Go-Live -3 Months 01-Apr-2014 Q1 2014

Critical for Go Live 01-Jul-2014 Q2 2014

Go-Live +6 Months 01-Jan-2015 Q4 2014

Go-Live +12 Months 01-Jul-2015 Q2 2015

Summary of RFP Gaps - All target dates are estimates and are subject to change as development progresses. All target releases are anticipated to be on or before the agreed upon time frame from the Fit/Gap Tollgate Report (see report for details).

RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Allow counselors to interact with students online regarding their self- scheduling choices, either through instant messaging or e-mail conversations.

In Progress Go-Live +6 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Provide a way to compare a student's course requests against their required academic program and flag inconsistencies. In this context a program will be high school graduation requirements, 21st Century Course of Study or Career and Technical Education (CTE), and promotion/retention.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410


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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Provide the ability to alert the student's counselor of inconsistencies between the academic plan and course requests.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Provide the ability to notify the counselor if the student is enrolled in a duplicate course from the student's course history.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Provide a method to alert the counselor that a student has enrolled in a course previously taken, including different levels of the same course, such as Algebra I and Algebra I H.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Courses shall be associated to a minimum of five subject areas for graduation requirements.

In Progress Go-Live -6 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Access 21st Century Course of Study to identify discrepancies between graduation and NSHE requirements.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Additional Core Items

Provide schools with the option of online cross registration with feeder schools, and special programs for the next year (Magnet, Open Enrollment).

Discovery Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Provide the ability to enforce course rules, such as prerequisites.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410


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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Provide the ability to alert the counselor when course rules are violated.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Allow parents to access their students' academic plans for review and electronic signature each year.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-134 Multi Year Academic Planner

Produce a report of students who have not completed or updated their academic plan by individual school or District wide.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1410 EFOLIO-135 Additional Core Items

Support communication features including messaging, chat, and a communication log.

Open Go-Live +6 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

Support an Electronic Portfolio, which is accessible to students, parents, teachers, etc.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

The EP can be viewed by students and parents through the parent portal.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

The Electronic Portfolio's functionality is compatible with scanners and digital cameras.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

Store short presentations within the EP - video, PowerPoint, slides, etc.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio The EP has the ability to organize screens.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio There is no limitation on the size of the EP.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

Support the electronic transfer of the EP within the District.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD


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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

Support the electronic transfer of the EP outside the District.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

Easily manage student portfolios at the classroom and school office levels

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-136 Electronic Portfolio

The Electronic Portfolio can be viewed by students and parents through the parent portal.

Open Go-Live +12 Mo TBD EFOLIO-138 Additional Core Items

Track the amount of time a student has spent online (for students participating in distance education coursework).

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1418 EFOLIO-138 Additional Core Items

Manage non-traditional attendance for online courses, which are often attended asynchronously.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1418 EFOLIO-138 Additional Core Items

Provide a process or workflow that allows the Learning Management System (LMS) to update the proposed solution with date, time, and duration the student user is logged into a specific course.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1418 EFOLIO-138 Additional Core Items

Update student attendance with the LMS data referenced in above.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo E.1418 EFOLIO-140 Audit Trail Transaction audit trails.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1422 EFOLIO-140 Audit Trail

The ability to configure audit trails; ability to set which tables and which fields have tracking data stored on them.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live



Transforming K12 Education®

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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release EFOLIO-140 Audit Trail The ability to monitor and manage user transactions.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1422 EFOLIO-140 Audit Trail

Ability to archive audit trail histories to minimize online storage and enhance performance.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1422 EFOLIO-140 Audit Trail

The Respondent's solution shall trace who entered what transactions by log-in, date, and IP address.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1422 EFOLIO-140 Audit Trail

Provide the ability to configure how much transaction audit information is maintained online.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1422 EFOLIO-140 Audit Trail

Provide the ability to display and/or print audit report with various sort and range selection capabilities.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1422 EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Allow staff to schedule a parent teacher conference which directly notifies school staff.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1414 EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Send a reminder to a parent regarding conference date and time (via electronic messaging).

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1414 EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Record conference attendees, selected from a list including the student, his/her parents, guardians, and District staff. Allow free text entry for those participants not included in the list.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live



Transforming K12 Education®

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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Record recommendations from a drop down list, which includes the option of Other, and includes a free-text field which describes Other.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1414 EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Record outcomes from a drop down list, which includes the option of Other, and includes a free-text field which describes Other.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1414 EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Create summary report of referrals created by counselor (individual, class, grade level).

in Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1414 EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Print a summary report on individual students summarizing a detailed contact and comments information.

in Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1414 EFOLIO-186 Additional Core Items

Mass assign referral information for multiple students (variety of cascade options: by multiple students, by class, by grade, by alpha).

in Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1414 EFOLIO-192 Additional Core Items

Provide the ability for users to attach electronic files of pre-defined file types to any record.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

E.1406 EFOLIO-193 Additional Core Items

Provide reports that can be filtered by staff demographics, race and ethnicity, gender, age, foreign languages spoken, etc.

Open Critical for Go-Live



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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release

z.03 EFOLIO-194 Additional Core Items

Zoning changes trump the sequence on enrollment roll forward

Open Go-Live +6 Mo TBD EFOLIO-194 Additional Core Items

If the student is enrolling in a school outside the assigned attendance zone, the Respondent's solution shall support variance codes as designated by the District that allow the enrollment exception.

Open Critical for Go-Live


z.04 EFOLIO-230 Localization Current start status codes belong to Washoe.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo TBD EFOLIO-230 Localization

Support the entry of an End Status individually and by mass assignment.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo TBD EFOLIO-230 Localization

Provide reporting to comply with state legislation and Title IV - Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

TBD EFOLIO-230 Localization

Provide reporting to comply with the state required 'Persistently Dangerous Schools' and NCLB (Unsafe School Choice Option) - ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) of 1965, Title IX, Part E, Section 9532, amended by NCLB Act of 2001.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

TBD EFOLIO-230 Custom

Provide reporting to comply with the Office of Civil Rights report.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live



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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release EFOLIO-230 Localization

Provide reporting to comply with IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) reporting requirements for special education.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

TBD EFOLIO-230 Localization

Track Special Education student's equivalent grade IF the student's enrollment grade is 'UG' (ungraded).

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo TBD EFOLIO-230 Localization

Require an exit code and exit date for all withdrawals and transfers.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live

TBD EFOLIO-230 Custom Allow the District to maintain the lists of valid values.

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo TBD EFOLIO-230 Custom

Provide a method to associate the SIS codes with Nevada Department of Education (NDE) coded values to facilitate State reporting (if the Respondent's solution does not use Nevada State code sets).

In Progress Go-Live -3 Mo TBD

z.1 EFOLIO-431 Other Seating chart can be saved with incomplete roster.

In Progress Critical for Go-Live




Need a report that shows student attendance more closely aligned to the schedule.

Unspecified Go-Live +6 Mo TBD



Send a message to the school principal when a new staff member is assigned to the school.

Unspecified Go-Live -3 Mo TBD


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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release

Additional Core Items

Provide administrators and teachers the ability to report on student pace for self-directed, asynchronous classes. This includes submitted assignments, absences, and test scores.

Discovery Critical for Go-Live


Custom Prohibits enrollment or withdrawal on non-school days.

Cancelled Critical for Go-Live


Additional Core Items Online School Discovery Critical for Go-Live


Additional Core Items

Distance Education (includes blended/hybrid learning environments)

Discovery Critical for Go-Live


Additional Core Items

Import the results of auto-dialer calls into a call log that is associated with the student and attendance day.

Closed Go-Live +12 Mo TBD


Provide the ability to perform real-time and point-in-time reporting against warehouse data (if present) to support enterprise Business Intelligence initiatives.

Open Critical for Go-Live


Additional Core Items

A matrix of data can be produced by selecting fields on a particular screen or set of screens.

Cancelled Critical for Go-Live



Transforming K12 Education®

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RFP Item Case Number Fit/Gap Group Name RFP Description Status Timeframe Target Release

Additional Core Items

A matrix of data can be exported from the proposed solution and saved in several different formats such as Excel, HTML, PDF, etc.

Cancelled Critical for Go-Live



Be scalable to support future growth in processing, transaction rate, data storage, and number of users accessing the system.

Unspecified Go-Live -6 Mo TBD

Additional Core Items Provide alerts when qualifications are not satisfactory.

Unspecified Go-Live -6 Mo TBD


Perform real-time and point-in-time reporting against warehouse data to support enterprise Business Intelligence initiatives.

Open Critical for Go-Live


Additional Core Items

Teachers shall have the ability to update prior dates as defined by the District in order to maintain absence data from the classroom.

Impasse Go-Live -3 Mo N/A

Additional Core Items

Maintain an event calendar and allow for student sign-up and reminders.

Cancelled Critical for Go-Live


Additional Core Items

Provide an occurrence counter that indicates how many times the counselor has met with the student for each contact reason.

Cancelled Critical for Go-Live



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Hosting / Infrastructure

The complete CCSD hardware infrastructure was in place by October 31, 2013. The specifications for the hardware are:

Supported Environments

CCSD Infinite Campus Sites:

Production - The production environment is a web application and database. This environment is where day-to-day work is done by the end-users, including reports generated by Infinite Campus.

Replicated Production - Extracts for custom reporting and third party applications have the potential to adversely affect database performance. To prevent performance issues in the production database, Infinite Campus has configured SQL Transactional replication of the production database in a separate Campus Cloud database server. Connections from the client machines to the replicated production database will be made using https basic authentication. There is not a web application associated with the replicated reporting database.

Sandbox - The sandbox environment shares a web application with the Production database. When the Production environment is updated to a newer version, the Sandbox environment is also updated to that version. It is intended to be a place for CCSD to test data changes or configurations prior to running the tasks in the Production database. Infinite Campus hosting will refresh this database with data from the production environment at the request of CCSD.

Staging - The staging environment is a database and a web application. This is where the District will


Transforming K12 Education®

©2012 Infinite Campus, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


review new releases prior to putting them into production. This environment will also serve as the pre-production test deployment site for custom code, extracts and reports developed by CCSD. Infinite Campus hosting will refresh this environment with data from the production environment at the request of CCSD. This environment is a full copy of the Production Environment

Training Environments - Infinite Campus Hosting has seven (7) [one (1) master site and six (6) training sites] databases to support CCSD training needs. Each training environment will consist of a distinct web application and database. These environments are clones of the CCSD training master and will be refreshed as requested by CCSD. The databases are not full copies of production. To protect user information, the databases are scrambled.

Development Environments - Infinite Campus is preparing to create five (5) development environments that will serve as the work environments to support CCSD custom development activities. These environments will be subsets of the production database. CCSD will be granted full rights to maintain these development environments.

Select CCSD personnel with a business need to access the Production, Sandbox, Staging, Replicated and Development Environments have been given ODBC access to the respective environments. Infinite Campus Hosting grants the appropriate access level (Sys Admin, Read/Write, or Read Only) after receiving the release form(s) signed by the account holder and the designated authorizing authority at CCSD. Accounts will be modified or deleted using the same process.

Performance Testing

The first of three performance tests was conducted on November 4, 2013 by various volunteer schools across the District. The objective of the test was to help gauge computer performance through the District network while accessing the cloud-hosted Infinite Campus application.

The performance test consisted of three specific activities:

1) Logging into Infinite Campus 2) Running a report 3) Completing a 25 question survey

Volunteer schools were asked to follow a step-by-step guide document that assisted them to login to the Infinite Campus application and navigate to a specific module within Infinite Campus to run an Enrollment Summary Report. These steps were deliberately planned to capture the types of computers and web browsers used and to ensure that all plug-ins were installed and up to specification on end-user computers. Upon completion of the process steps and completion of the survey, users were also asked to submit any additional issues experienced to the SIS Performance Test InterAct Conference, which was setup to capture and track all feedback from the Performance testing process.

Participation in the performance test was broken down as follows:

1. Total number of participating schools: 56 2. Total number of participants in Performance Test 1: 3296 Participated 3. Number of teachers who participated: 2721 Participated = 82.5% of the Participants 4. Number of school staff participants excluding teachers: 554 Participants = 17% Participation 5. Number of District staff participants: 21 Participants = .5% Participation

The CCSD Implementation Project team tracked and disaggregated the issues and feedback received from the SIS


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Performance Test. Additionally, Infinite Campus monitored the impact on the hosted servers and produced production environment load charts that showed how the application performed. For a detailed accounting of issues experienced, lessons learned, and to review the Infinite Campus production environment load charts, please reference the “Performance Test Summary” document that is housed in the SIS Project InterAct Conference. A second performance test has been scheduled to begin on February 3, 2014 and will be concluded on Tuesday, February 18, 2014. This second performance test will be called the “System Performance and Monitoring” (SPM) window. The SPM window will track any issues that volunteer schools experience while completing the scheduling tasks in Infinite Campus that have been identified in the Webinar I of the Scheduling professional development training sessions. All secondary schools received communications instructing them on how to sign-up for the SPM on Monday, January 27, 2014. All schools that have signed-up to participate by Friday, January 31, 2014 will be monitored during the aforementioned SPM window.


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This section covers itemized risks, project budget, and a timeline overview for upcoming milestones. All details for each of these areas can be found in the Risk and Action Items Report, Project Budget Report, and CCSD Project Implementation Timeline.

As individual work stream and sub-project plans continue to develop, the SIS PM Team is consolidating all tasks, activities, and deliverables into the overarching master project plan. This will allow the SIS PM Team to better manage project dependencies and to ensure transparency across all project related activities.

Risk Summary

Risks are defined as outlying dependencies that have the possibility of interrupting the successful rollout of the SIS. Each risk is assigned a score for the level of potential impact it can have on the overall project and a score to measure the likelihood of the risk occurring. Once each risk is scored, it is averaged to calculate the overall Risk Index.

The last Risk assessment meeting was completed on January 9, 2014.

Next Risk Assessment Review: February 12, 2014

Risk Index: 3.00 (See Risk Log for details) Total Risks To Date: 6


High 5 0 0 1 0 0

Significant 4 0 1 0 0 0

Moderate 3 0 1 2 0 0

Limited 2 0 0 0 0 0

Low 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5





Likely Likely


Likely Certain


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ID Description Type Priority Status Risk

Probability Risk

Impact Risk Exposure

1 Census Data Management (Staff Entry Process and

ongoing maintenance)

Risk H Open Somewhat

Likely Significant 3.2

3 Need plan and process for how

emergency contacts will be populated.


Open Not Likely Low 0.4

4 Census Data Management (Addresses)


Open Somewhat

Likely Moderate 2.4

7 Professional Development

Delivery Systems (Centra, Pathlore,


Risk H Open Likely High 6

11 RICEF Risk H Open Likely Moderate 3.6

12 Desktop platforms need to meet the

Campus supported platforms minimum


Risk H Open Somewhat

Likely Moderate 2.4

Budget Update The project budget forecast below indicates that the overall project is expected to be under budget at the conclusion of the implementation. Based on the original project budget planning that occurred on July 19, 2013, there are two expense categories that were projected to be over budget as indicated in the “Projected” table below. These categories are Process Consulting and Travel Expenses. Since this original estimation, actions and planning have occurred to make sure these areas are under budget at the end of the project. These expense categories are projected to exceed budget by $161,461.19 combined. Lower estimated total costs for Project Management, Training, Data Conversion and Custom Development will offset this overage resulting in a net project completion cost of $33,608.81 under budget. The projection time window is from July 2013 through September 2014 (see the CCSD SIS Implementation – Campus Budget Worksheet for details). Resources for training and consulting are expected to increase starting March 2014 and continuing through May 2014. The


Transforming K12 Education®

©2012 Infinite Campus, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


onsite training, consulting, and assistance for support resources at the start of the 2014-2015 school year from Infinite Campus will increase the cost in this category. Infinite Campus has reserved four training resources in addition to two support resources that will be dedicated to onsite support.

Projected The following table shows budgeted and estimated costs by category based on the tasks and activities currently planned or projected to occur between September 2013 and September 2014. The differences

Budget Category Total

Budgeted Total

Estimated Difference

Project Management $626,400.00 $590,880.00 $35,520.00

Process Consulting $291,600.00 $300,800.00 ($9,200.00)

Training $420,000.00 $311,050.00 $108,950.00

Data Conversion $228,000.00 $210,200.00 $17,800.00

Custom Programming $33,600.00 $800.00 $32,800.00

On-site Support $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Travel Expenses $245,700.00 $397,961.19 ($152,261.19)

Totals $1,845,300.00 $1,811,691.19 $33,608.81

Actual Below are the total expenditures for the project from November 2012 through December 2013.

Budget Category Total

Budgeted Billed

To Date Difference

Project Management $626,400.00 $316,650.00 $309,750.00

Process Consulting $291,600.00 $122,550.00 $169,050.00

Training $420,000.00 $73,150.00 $346,850.00

Data Conversion $228,000.00 $43,350.00 $184,650.00

Custom Programming $33,600.00 $0.00 $33,600.00

On-site Support $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Travel Expenses $245,700.00 $163,183.89 $82,516.11

Totals $1,845,300.00 $718,833.89 $1,126,416.11


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©2012 Infinite Campus, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Timeline Review

See Implementation Timeline addendum.

The Project Steering Committee continues to evaluate, execute, and plan project activities weekly. The project focus has concentrated on professional development, organizational change management, and more detailed tracking of tasks within the project plan. The work stream owners are planning activities to begin providing professional development to the District on Infinite Campus, mapping processes for users to follow, and planning methods and strategies in which users will be trained. Everything needed to facilitate the successful Track A Go-Live on January 13, 2014 has been completed. The scheduling support structure is now in place and CCSD is prepared to begin assisting end-users in the scheduling process in Infinite Campus starting Monday, February 3, 2014.

The next Mid-Implementation Checkpoint is scheduled for May 1, 2014. This date will be confirmed at the meeting on January 30, 2014.

Nightly Student, Staff & Security Synchronization

5/20/2013 8/1/2014

7/1/2013 10/1/2013 1/1/2014 4/1/2014 7/1/2014

Clark County School District Project Implementation TimelinePhase: Implementation – June 2013 thru July 2014

Notes:· Data conversion follows three independent tracks (Track A & B) geared towards specific purposes with a third

track (Track C) to complete the conversion of data for summer schools and year-round schools. Track A will only contain data specific to the scheduling process in Campus while be concentrates on other student data (i.e. behavior, transcript, etc.). The two tracks will merge in July 2014. See Data Conversion Plan for more details.

· CCSD and Infinite Campus will partner to deliver all end user professional development. Infinite Campus will also work with CCSD to identify and prepare resources to deliver Infinite Campus learning content and for support. Documentation and resources will be provided to CCSD to complete the preparation process. See Staff Development Plan for more details.

· CCSD’s SIS application will be hosted in Infinite Campus Data Center located in Blaine, MN on the Cloud Choice Plan.

· The deliverables in this timeline have been accepted and agreed to by both CCSD and Infinite Campus.· Detail planning for each deliverable will be coordinated by CCSD Executive Committee, CCSD Project Manager

and the Infinite Campus Project Manager.· The status of these items will be provided by the CCSD Project Manager and the Infinite Campus Project


Important Project Activities:· 9 December – Master Scheduling Training Part 2· 16 – 18 December - Mastering the Fundamentals of Campus (Boot Camp)

Training· 19 December – Track A Go Live Readiness Review· 6 – 10 January – Mastering the Fundamentals of Campus Training· 6 – 10 January – Fundamentals of the Campus Database & SRS Reporting

Training· 14 January – Synchronization begins· 30 January – Mid-Implementation Checkpoint 2

Activities:· Data Conversion· Facilitated & Non-facilitated Data Review Sessions· Training database prep· CCSD Training Curriculum Prep and Development· Development Requirements Gathering (includes RICEF)· CCSD Practice and procedural guide first draft· User Security Workshops

6/1/2013 - 9/30/2013

Quarter 1

1/1/2014 - 3/31/2014

Quarter 3

10/1/2013 - 12/31/2013

Quarter 2

4/1/2014 - 7/18/2014

Quarter 4

Activities:· Activities continue from Quarter 1· District level system administration training· Setup Hosting infrastructure· Deploy implementation development

environments (tentative)· Begin developing interfaces for third party


6/10/2013 - 6/17/2013

Conversion Trial A1

1/6/2014 - 1/13/2014

Live Conversion Track A

9/19/2013 - 9/30/2013

Conversion Trial B1

2/18/2014 - 2/24/2014

Conversion Trial B2

4/21/2014 - 4/28/2014

Conversion Trial B3

7/9/2014 - 7/17/2014

Live Conversion Track B



Systems Cutoff

6/18/2013 - 6/28/2013

A1 Data Review


Initiation/ Planning

Phase Tollgate


Track A



9/10/2013 - 9/20/2013

A2 Data Review

10/1/2013 - 10/31/2013

B1 Data Review

1/14/2014 - 1/30/2014

Track A Live Data Review

2/25/2014 - 3/21/2014

B2 Data Review


SASI 14-15 Enrollment

Roll Forward

3/31/2014 - 4/18/2014

Complete & Load

Student Requests

Activities:· Activities continue from Quarters 1 & 2· Scheduling preparation (hybrid model) in live

database (course setup, grading setup, course rules, etc.)

· Census end user training· SASI 14-15 enrollment roll forward· Development resolutions deployment to live

database (gaps & RICEF)

Activities:· Activities continue from Quarters 1, 2 & 3· Scheduling training· 14-15 scheduling 7/7/2014

Track B



7/18/2014 - 8/1/2014

Track B Live

Data Review


Start 14-15 Scheduling

in Campus



Module Training


Performance Test 1


Production Infrastructure

Setup Complete



Checkpoint 1

9/3/2013 - 9/9/2013

Conversion Trial A2

10/14/2013 - 10/18/2013






Checkpoint 2

10/21/2013 - 10/25/2013

Conversion Trial A35/1/2014


Checkpoint 3

4/29/2014 - 6/23/2014

B3 Data Review


2014-15 Calendar

Roll Forward

Current & Pending Development:· State Reports: NV01, NV02, Behavior/Safe Schools, etc. (updated list will

be provided by Localization)· Multi-Year Academic Planner (MYAP)· Electronic Portfolio· Audit Trails· Meeting Management (Counselor Chronology)· Document Management· RFP Gaps· Instruction Module (Teacher Tools)· CCSD Specific: Reports, Interfaces, Customizations, Enhancements,

Forms (RICEF)