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Academic Performance Solutions Central Washington University Investigating Institutional Enrollment Trends, Student Progress Barriers, and Class Size & Seat Utilization Student Scorecards

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Academic Performance Solutions Central Washington University

Investigating Institutional Enrollment Trends, Student Progress Barriers, and Class Size & Seat Utilization

Student Scorecards

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Academic Performance Solutions

Practice Manager

Chetan Rao

Contributing Consultants

Lauren Sheram

Kristen Marshall

Irene Kan

Executive Director

Chris Miller

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Actionable Decision Support Through Meaningful Data Analysis

An Overview

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78% of U.S. research universities hold an EAB membership

26,000+ academic and administrator leaders supported


Launched in 2007 as a division of The Advisory Board Company, EAB strives to provide the unique insight, collaboration opportunities, and expert advice needed to help make higher education smarter.

1) Central Washington University partners with EAB on all italicized programs – Academic Affairs Forum, Continuing and Online Education Forum, Advancement Forum and Academic Performance Solutions.

Research and Insights

At the center of what we do, our research forum memberships offer academic and business leaders across campus access to strategic insights and actionable practices gleaned from thousands of colleges and universities, as well as tools and expert advice to help with their implementation.

Our Research Forums:

• Academic Affairs Forum

• Business Affairs Forum

• Student Affairs Forum

• Continuing and Online Education Forum

• Enrollment Management Forum

• Advancement Forum

• IT Forum

• Facilities Forum

• Research Forum – launch in fall ‘15

Technology Collaboratives Data and Analytics

We provide web-based software with dedicated support to help members install technology-based best practices. We believe that bringing hundreds of institutions together to collaborate around a common platform facilitates the sharing of lessons and generation of new insights.

Our Technology Collaboratives:

• Student Success Collaborative

− SSC Campus

• University Spend Collaborative

Our data scientists take disparate and disconnected member data sets, apply world-class analytics and industry understanding, and provide members with insight into their own performance, as well as their performance relative to peer institutions.

Our Data & Analytics:

• Academic Performance Solutions

1,000+ colleges and universities across North America

650+ researchers, consultants, and technologists on staff



With our 2015 acquisition of Royall & Company, the industry leader in strategic enrollment management and advancement services, EAB now partners closely with members to help grow undergraduate and graduate enrollments, manage financial aid, and increase alumni giving.

Our Enrollment Marketing Services:

• Undergraduate recruitment

• Graduate recruitment

• Financial aid optimization

• Alumni participation

Enrollment Management

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The Top Issue for Provosts and CBOs

How Do We Free Up Resources for Mission Growth?

No End in Sight to External Revenue Pressures

State Support Declining

Performance-Based Funding

Grant Proposal Yield Down in Traditional Fields

Enrollments and Net Tuition Flattening

Urgency to “Self-Fund” through Innovation and Restructuring

Launch and Grow Profitable Programs

Next-Generation Student Success Initiatives

Reorganizing Research around Multidisciplinary and ‘Challenge Grants’

Fix Economics of Low-Demand Programs 70+% of Institution

Expense Driven by Academic Decisions

Academic Decisions at the Center

One-Third of Capacity Underused

Unexamined Course Releases

15-40% of available FCH in service release

Proliferating Small Courses

15-30% of classes seat less than 10 students

Under-filled Sections

10-25% of sections statistically unnecessary

Yet Some Resist Change

“Efficiency is just code for lower quality”

“Faculty will have to work harder for the same pay”

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Data is Necessary, But Insufficient

EAB Research Indicates Broader Range of Change Management Challenges

Can’t See the Full Cost-Quality Picture

Holistic Program Views Require Unsustainable

Staff Effort

• Key decisions requirefaculty, enrollment,financial and researchdata from 10+ sourcesystems

• Leadershipdramaticallyunderestimatesfaculty and staff timefor data governanceand quality assurance

Change Requires Expertise, Incentives

Need Leadership Development and

Management Training

• Deans and chairs wantto be good stewards,but don’t know leversto achieve cost andquality goals

• Front-line faculty resistchange unlessconvinced something’sin it for me”

Dashboards Aren’t “Smart” or Interactive

Static Reports Don’t Answer Critical


• Unrealistic time andeffort needed tounderstand “so-whats” of data

• Can’t access keyinformation or do“what-ifs” due to longIR turnarounds

Hard for Leadership to Follow Through

Continuous Improvement Essentials

in Short Supply

• Frequent turnoverand “planning fatigue”leave academicsunmotivated to trackprogress againstgoals and course-correct

• Leadership can’t tellwhat’s working oncampus or what“best” performancelooks like externally

Diagnosing Opportunities Taking Action 1 2

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Unique Assets to Help Elevate Decision-Making Culture

Members Have Helped EAB Gain Critical Expertise in Faculty Engagement and Analytics


Activating Data to Diagnose Problems and Pinpoint Opportunities

File Maps and Extraction Scripts

Data Dictionary and Code Crosswalks

Key Focus Areas for Resource Realignment

What We’ve Learned

Extensive Best Practices on Faculty Change Management

High-Impact Leadership Training

Campus-Tested Incentives and Communications

Innovative Budget Models and Incentives

What We’ve Learned

Smart Growth

Running the Academy by the Numbers

Revitalizing the

Program Portfolio

Elevating Academic Program Performance and Strategic Alignment

Optimizing Institutional

Budget Models

Strategic Lessons for Aligning Incentives and Improving Financial Performance

Developing a Data-

Driven University

Strategies and Best Practices for Increasing Reporting Capacity to Improve Institutional Effectiveness

A Proof-of-Concept for Department-Level Analytics

+ +




Full Access to Systems

Five years’ access to all ERP – SIS, HR, and Finance systems – needed for integrated cost, capacity utilization and enrollment profiles

Advice from Expert Practitioners

Hundreds of hours with IR, IS, and finance leaders mapping data architecture; with provost and deans mapping decision-making needs

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Academic Performance Solutions in Brief

Unified Analytics Platform

Seeing the Full Picture

• Multi-dimensional faculty, enrollment, course and cost data

• Instant drill-downs from institution to colleges and departments

Faculty Change Management

Elevating Expertise and Engagement

• Leadership development, management trainings and unit action plan support

• Incentive and policy alignment audits

Structured Analytics

“Smart” and Interactive Tools

• Automatically alerts decision-makers of opportunities and emerging problems meriting course correction

• Takes users step-by-step through root cause diagnostics and action plan development

Continuous Learning Collaborative

Data-Driven Insight and National Best Practices

• Department-level benchmarks from scores of peer institutions

• Annual summits and cohort best practices reports showcasing data-driven insights on cost and quality opportunities

Making High-Quality Decision Support Repeatable

• Streamlined data extracts and quality assurance to reduce burden on IR and IT

• Analytics tailored around critical academic planning and resource decisions

• Nation’s largest benchmarking data for program and course-level performance

Dedicated Consultants

“Consiglieres on call” working directly with your institution to coach decision-makers, proactively identify opportunities, and identify solutions to systemic challenges


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Roadmap for First Year of Membership

Ensuring Accurate, Meaningful Results Through A Rigorous Configuration and Report Review Process

Student Enrollment, Progress and Capacity

• Sponsor preview call

• Leadership team onsitepresentation

• Opportunity prioritized andchampion identified

• Follow up performancepulse check

• Sponsor preview call

• Leadership team webinarpresentation/update onexisting workstream

• Opportunity prioritized andchampion identified

• Follow up performance pulsecheck

Faculty Mix and Courseloads

• Sponsor preview call

• Leadership team webinarpresentation/update onexisting workstream

• Opportunity/ prioritizedand champion identified

• Follow up performancepulse check

Cost and Resource Allocation

• Onsite annual review andprioritization exercise for yearahead

• Year ahead service planconfirmed

Ongoing APS Partnership Resources

• On-demand consultativeresources

• Cohort networking webinars

• Best practice opportunitytoolkits

• Annual Executive Summit

Value Summit

Student demand patterns Course persistence and

capacity roadblocks to studentcredit attainment

Trends in class size andenrollment cap fill rates

Instruction and median course-load trends for instructionalstaff

“Local” costs (notincluding centralallocations) to produce astudent credit hour

Campus Kick-Off

APS Launch 1

Data Inclusions + Exclusions

Analysis Configuration 3 APS


Leadership Onsite + Best Practices

Change Education

Annual Summits + Discipline Benchmarks

External Benchmarking

Extraction + Validation

Data Engineering

26 222

2 22 4 25

Scorecards + Department Viewbooks

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Data Configuration for Meaningful Analysis

Jointly Determining Data Exclusions and Inclusions For Analysis

Configuration allows us to collectively decide which elements to include versus exclude in APS reporting. Working together with the Central Washington University team, we discussed how to ensure that the data visualization for Central Washington University allows for the most meaningful analysis for academic planning.

Throughout the configuration process, the EAB team worked closely with the Central Washington University technical and functional experts of the numerous data fields to gain institutional insights into the nuances of your data.

As an ongoing process, this included multiple requested revisions to the decisions and scripts used to generate the analyses based on early drafts of the analyses. Some of these revisions included:

• Modifying the script placement for course exclusion types to ensure that they are filtered out of the analysis

• Investigating the scripts to ensure that the raw data is consistently transformed based on the census date of eachterm

• Modifying final grade exclusions, such as filtering out “Incomplete” grades for developmental courses

Why configuration?

An ongoing, collaborative process

Revisions to ensure data accuracy

Resulting in meaningful analysis for data-driven decision-making

The iterative configuration process was a joint collaboration between the EAB and Central Washington University teams and resulted in refinements to previous versions of analytics. All changes were made in an effort to best reflect Central Washington University’s data while aligning the data to our best practices and processes we follow with other members of the broader Academic Performance Solutions collaborative.

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Review of the Data Collection and Validation Process


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Roadmapping the First Year of Membership

Minimizing Effort for Your Staff, Maximizing Impact for Leadership

Campus Kick-Off

Introducing project goals and timelines


Academic and Business Leaders


Extraction + Validation

Aggregating files and cleaning data

Data Engineering

Technical and Functional Data Leaders


Institution Scorecards + Department Viewbooks

Scorecarding key institution, college, and department metrics


Campus Project Leader


Leadership Onsite + Best Practice Reviews

Reviewing data, reallocation opportunities, and best practices to accelerate priorities

Change Education

Academic and Business Leaders


Annual Summits + Discipline Benchmark Reports

Leveraging inter- institutional insights for continuous improvement

External Benchmarking

Provost, CBO, Campus Project Leader


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Our Work By the Numbers

A Look Behind the Curtain at Institutional Data and Systems Facilitated by Your Team

5 years of data

• Pulled from the last four academic years:

− 2014-2015

− 2013-2014

− 2012-2013

− 2011-2012

− 2010-2011

Years of Data Data Rows

5M+ data rows

• From HR, SIS, and Finance data systems

• Across institution, college, department, and program

Institutional Staff Consultations


11 files pulled

• From HR, SIS, and Finance data modules

• Across institution, college, department, and program

4 data experts

• Consulted within the institution across technical and functional areas

• Covering HR, SIS, and Finance data systems

Scope of Data Collection

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Special Thanks to Our Partners

The Academic Performance Solutions team is grateful to the many individuals at Central Washington University who have shared their insights, analysis, and time with us.

Project Leadership

System Expertise

EAB Team

Maureen Hahn Senior Director

Dedicated Consultants

Dr. James L. Gaudino President

Tami Morrill Information Solutions Architect

Nina Oman Director of Institutional Effectiveness

Jill Hernandez Director, Enterprise Applications

Hardik Patel Integration Engineer Lead

Michael Riccard Business Analyst

Roshni Agarwal Integration Engineer

Data Extraction and Validation

Preeti Dhir Integration Engineer Lead

Jason Thompson Lead Business Analyst

Chris Miller Executive Director

Chetan Rao Practice Manager

Lauren Sheram Content Analyst

Content and Reporting

Kristen Marshall Dedicated Consultant

Dr. Bernadette Jungblut Associate Provost for Accreditation, Academic Planning, and Assessment

Irene Kan Consultant