studio vault dunham&sons - 10/new york ny...

THB KyHflNOFOiT: 1WEW YOKK, TUESDAY JULY 16, 1867. ir* is i t* arta f in tnel into diarepwte. We hare oftea r—ikij tamt ha lacked .taoaltooa* erer? weak >M has a*ts*Ani*tr* atsvaa how Brrton* * fAott this I* la a r-ahrrr ra time* of potrtlcal etrrteraemt H e w •u aaJartaaatr a* rwt tnlr to - l a w the e,'pr» • f tb*> nr>rtjir"r» r**'*?*** by rrit a--to a*4 that gtre M « netaMnn, *ua toast IT tor the le«-tarnation <rf demajra^tm ; bat La the a m m»nr« he raise* the *r*i *>*p** ef the irtonramliaete a*d irtoleoatem i hi the toother* atAle*. he makee a speech w i n h e eaJUa for the oyraVm of the Atton*r«T fJrri-»»T*l, w h e n he ball. w * * a h to Caiafrreae, IH« M m m u. a! *• n a u r wha ,Uifeawiaii th* tfni^a. a a s i M t a n m r i f t the hopwo of tbnoe vlu stall 4aai»iaaa*erthruw. and wha hate Ibura* do not twIUva he mean* to do thi* . hut fftto «**•»* n<-4 eheojr. him froaa bUtae H* baa ertnorttrr.-d Cotajprjtt a/viaat htmtolf and agaiaat the | «ltf» he far ..rt bie a h a o t * war- k!' giro* <tw*m*»r-.o;Bv« ia the N >rth aad (Vjolh * nr*»*/nl u>pi with » »ieh to sopeel V< potman, when* ia that public bn'rr-sot, .Vruld V »L ATnl lit', out ei .^.1 W i*l i .-urines *n i i taati I»H * u» sew haw mil* tetaBeee tv a.- .*•'nipliftik *.. uiiik'h rust-m. A giaac deal waa tashd* o/ the cratat •( Mr. Sisvafaerr act the iiflouoatracatan ac« , k i t what was lh.-re raaarr m lAai .-urtoua *nj an- 'nttB'jl^- *•**•• U bea-'-H ike m.-au*e >r aOttlfy alam. oat ( h e part of .he frtaale ot the t'nioe * It ia a Ihrt that a f"a*a a/ i).e **lf".t atwy«TB V» ' -mf-reo*, tmourf thai* Crcaerai awl.* **o**r6d that Mr, ^aMha-T * antrarri la the power V a ^nmiat-1 aw* e*r*t naVwia, wtah»ut trial, waa *>ir->C* MaiairWia , tfc.- Preal,Ian tiki iiOi aran aiweaapt jflar u> i»p w tht* h„rt • * ^ * M ^*M'**^I to W*M raiw the whlakef wowid waL he (bcthoomiax aad the M we »UIT^ al- remdj aaaa, •Wifhff raeh eooaiTaace Bat tke griituat aomree of fraa I haa not rat Toe gorerraaat haa aut oalr takca the rah af all t*eer aanMaajw, ahJaeaaahi aad Uaea, hat it aUawa reav>»aia ttmm hoadad wareaowae (at tha pawooaa aX reraaaateetara. That U tu ta* aaj yiraa tot of whiahey taa/ ha tahen jut of an/ boa Jed warehoaas for •llailiaataaa— »baaxl ta>r«taB« ta> taw Ware haasa th# aaiae waarber of proof aaSaaa With in a o>*ea\ aanthar of dawa Uader thia ar raafMneat it i» oaJr necaaaaxy that a eorrapt taapaator ihcatd ha t i l , aad aajttoinrf whater*er o t r be pat baeh. from aa inferior artieie of wntakrr doWa as easar water The article to eahwtrtiaW, of aar deg-ree ot wotta- haaaaeaa. may then be shipped to tome for- eign port, aad the retara of a l»adtag oefti- awaaw far the £**«• aaaaberof barreU af what- erer may aarr been akippad—(t matter* aot if it were only water—aripea oau aaailr the -laim of tae goTeraBtemt for tat. > f pouae, tut* U oajy aa eaUlae We hare not thn tpaoe to loUuv the iiarllaaj rartety of aaiita and eKgedteata that ara darif laawrted to the practire ot which la eaoaing the de- atvraiiaatacai at alaauat erarr aaas haeia^ aay- taxn, to Jo -it* haatdMaaT a h a t k a y Let aa hawe aa lalwiUfaat aad earefu; Jia- -uMkin at thia (Object The addiuoci of fram one hunJred to two handled rail haa eWlare w> the Bart ratal iwwaaaaa, aad the ra- »>o^ofiiiA,aa| l ,a»hji| a>a| Mt aa tf |.ta- aepaaabie aaaa all t a a a W law aaaf aagaU- uuaa,ar* of the* aajr , there are atane fairhlaaa oaVwra, haa there u I a* ryetaaa of admiaiaeaaataa* aad taeaw aac ao £ officer*. h<jen iai w%j*ea*a, aeaapeteat to fraard taw awaetaJa aa aa order, bat *ent it to thorn aa " Laiormattnn " only rh* tea* - red raf " 8aa^ cmt h/Mr, J^aa totl waa ia haa aataaaaj* yaaaerdar. waera ha tVat W taw atete anaanaaeau W« «hal! aerw-llaar we af rag<? from >oe aide te a of aort 9t tlltey (hod *r iuknaoaSeia Lind ){ ataa* af JlBta. •aay hue* BWaber of ptfrMtat wha ar». an luckily eMe to heap the -wastry IB aa ap- roar "'ilk ia-j aaaann-r ht'r -' t- *-*• lite,. **.u aaa\ fcaiara em aaak atrial bar the way to a apeedr arttl-meal at taw cottatrT'i iiancaJ- tka . eaak haaaaaaa; teto omhaat haa a*ah atdea aaa<*»!avl>rhlaaViihi«;waat the p^optoaaxfbaa-,, Jj &t*u~ Taaa the warid tau* mnaanaj a»y» -*- Tat raJInaat hawa atawaraaa faa C<0batttstton of Me I aiteJ 4t*u>*, aad are rrrarrtoatdat' the ' nreraaaeat. Thetr parpoaa ia »-w0 j plain, to keen fat toafbera a»t*af oat at tfiaatt «W aaakrateettorj aalaat -her -an V eearpeQed to retara m the laapatai Of the L'oa^iiaai niel dr caiar; teatatra aad traatwoaaVr [taaaarl Bavarraaa. Bat wtaat ajirea atrettarrh aad anwae to the " radica.^*, atcavpt the (o.>li*tt aaathoda of op p-aiucai adopted by their poQtleel oypooenta, north and aotttL ! af the aoanvhern people had a. i uptiad the uuitotttatkaaal aaaaaadaaset. whea U waa adared, they woaid haa* haaa aepae- wawaad aa tjte aw4 Crjajpeea , tf tava* aadayaaeto work heartily aader the ttini taaaVi aulham aet all oar >dl IIITI i woald hare beeat atrttle-1 LAu« a i i : n n i e r But aader tne adrtoe of aorth am J^uia,rii{ i-e * ho wroa^riy oaJI taaaaaorvea irr.. <-,-»•> ^J i M .aa loi.^Qi if .ther n<>rth • rn l»m»«'>ir'i«i wb<- .a;. ih'-iieelTrw Heriur> ,i a:j the *rathe-Ti leaders har<" auuka^ I t ;.ji :+i*. \*» a the way •••iluiil be^..u I be ! u l/u'. wSoinor .rir i>»v»n»bar aanetiiiif of ''f.n>{-»-Bt »..'. aee tL- -vonntry tettled ao>l : ^l^a**' %. ^ T ' * •»' »f*!fl»h p«j':ti-"'. ia.-> m •. •_ «. it-n « ao tiare rary .itt.o oAaracter anil •ca-ri iv a pn-fenoe >f patriotism, the nati )ti :* n-t-c a ianj-nJ ;ado«try .* :n -.' *'. . *'Di- ar-J oaceaaarr l«-iri».» i. 4 :<u: rT * a J t2ie ^»>ui»i«) aiv i <a r '.-nat i n o . r o«3a< S*o-i-w oad i--(rrttni»u- -xpec- i h*-re .« n • -e^»on e i e.i< ,a the eru .ual tosunecy o< t b e eontnera ,«a-len» anU their tlliea ia the a irtharn ateu<a. why the w- -nuntrr ahould a A be repraaaalea JI tb- --ae a: oOjrreae. and all the people .ate .*.-. a .he a e t t 1'raairtentiai eloewuu Tht entire whiekey if? ttf Tamflcatwow e4eavad away* cad' reached a point front whaak U a-earflj the ipatlfcia a n ts tax oa whiakey Can aay paraoB girt a aualataat reaaan ajatf ah* naaauajatarera oi w^Lakei. ,a»<jW Uka*. I** aaaa a fact a re re of Uvo faatfttjra or of aaythiitaj aaaa -aatarer. ahooJd a*ra an Iadetaite, aai»eraal lataVa- the (oraraataat * Dr he At*. Her at aVe BOuidW all kaaatlag hoae w h o I toUkabaaaV to a* that thia woald be a who It ta i ' iiatiij to tatow ara ta ao praratfl aaataaw ml pan haaaneat It woaJd be a bad aad danf^r. te tan fatare. The aav af aaaaaadraw htrga araaiea haa a aaaaiihnwiaiii The be lalriatlilt vera it aattled taWU» am that rirtaal aad af a great war, the rnflaaaaiitaa r*gt " ' M *- '*-*- Iwaaila. whenerer and hdwarer they pleated, and (hat all tittle irrearaiariuaa woald be *TWward* iianJ.atnl by aa aet of Caag reae Partiaaa Reporte. We eaO •laattan to aae taet taat *| the detail- ed accoanU ae har« had of the axacatiaa of the Mbaaaar ahxlaafliaa, aad tae etrenmataacea that preceded and •tteaded the event, hart come to a* taroawh •oeptcaowa raaaiitila, that ara inter aatnd ia girtna; a tea atdia rtaw af the oaae. What aa bare thue tar at the aeaoaa* alren la daa haaaraai of Hapaaaoa aad OnwarUnt. at Karape aad ahaofatlaaa, af the rabafltoa aad ale eery It ta oarioaa te aaa the irtrraiaan tyavaatay which haa teiiaatit ail taeaa hataraata Into aaeh open ac eord. bit aaaa of thia laraaJiaB of the laaJeta aaafted acfoaa fhe roral mhtd, aad Ah-aToaB reeeJrad thia uuwer "I appoint you afiniatar of wood aav AaTthiaa t which the reeeat death of ht Tioaaaeaa haa rerlred, ia one to the effect that be waaid aerar ooaaant that Ma «raadehildren aboold take a doae of medtciae. Tat Jt. Treaa- a handaome fortane by doataf o#*er t |iaai illiiaa A. haadred etinlaw »to- rtaa are toad of the nvaat orainaat pa/aiclan*. aad it hat often beta uttfoad aaat the ruarduna ot health are muck more *Tf**B*. of their dragt ta their own tamiUe* than ia their aaaarai practice. Waa atoUere riant ad Tat*. The London rhava on (he *k* of iaay. kaV^ aot quite tree year* aejo, uttered the IbBowtag *eaU- BMiot , ooeemiBK t*e L eated aaataaof iataal a The federal* • * • thatr Vtalfh U turned tat* povertT- their proaptrtw laae wratehidinui. The power in which they tJerUed at aaVeat Uw te traaaaatd aader taat, aad aha coeattry timat 41*- ma; into anarohj, tae aotj rafaa* Boat which U teaafiMaBi. aad aa da aot aarapaa to aar that we shall rejoice 1/tae woree of taeae bareaJBatd.' Oa the aoth of Jaaa, 1**7, at a aabHe hreafeaatt •yan* to Jar. oarrww, ia I rat aaa. ie*at Br^ut prratdtnf, tad Tari Huaaell belna; one of the pdn- Varnon Haroonrt, a ate fling law antBority, and auaaorof taeaaaaaa BttBe eaa," which atBaaaBng *B ataah attention dart)o( tha war of the raaaaaaa. He aid aht awihaaad that aVa faMaae ad i najanklaa him aToreraanaaBt^^awBtt^a ajajahani from f for 1 an akjMildajr aa* *B*eraaB*at aaean ui m t af tae mean lira hi i fn t aad. Tae Eseiae l a w t a Jereer Cut- meeting waa held laat eaeaxag a* the Oonfre- Tahemacte In Jereer City, tor the par- poee of cmdorainK the action of the Mayor and dty aaihorltie* tn attempting to suppreaa the aaaor trafac aa Sanaa j. Mr. * \ F . teadojph •tamWud, tad made a abort addraaa, and aaa fol- lowed by Hera. Meter*. Dana, Permelee and Cord*, gad Mr. hUaata*. ot the rather Mathc* Total ibatioeoee SJocietle*. and Major Papg<> born. The follow rag resolution* wart adopted awaaaaater •LJn. Taa coacarta f t r t a by That Ofta* of hUottetoafaaitMeajtiiely •are to aay that tax riallf attprwred M. taatare* at tbeat eoacert*. howerer, ta the daettoa of aaaate new to thia ooantry, wMeh haa been procared by Mr. Thoma* daring hi* reeeat rlait to the old world. erhoffand hOaa WtjUttha of thia etty had a Batter iagmiajHaV A.MaMa c^trairwoa- lo lb* 'daaaa at opaea Aw Piiaaaa*, la Tocel compoaitio* aa Wi The lucceaefai interpretation giren it by BrittkcrkoaT it ao ntattar af wonder to nap aow Sat we naderatand the rmn«e, ealtare la the reeltatl aaaa be aaaa to timeat, while the pacify ol he BrinherBoaT on thm eon which adminthte tn the tztreme. calfr«H*or*< ballad " BMKBB OITY Fin Insiircince Company, 1M BMOJIDHMV. B. M. **r«»aaa.f '•aafaanaBaBBS rl J Oaaar ate-, fcjjai MOSQUITO NETS, tr-A INDIA BACCtHC. oh* aaa an thai in reaponat a beantiful little riaahytatiaa church In the Tillage of Wtatokattar waa robbed af prop crty rained at three knndrtl d*ihva oa Taaaday aigM. Oaaatarday eight the aaaae thief robeed the vatJtoHc charck of Wtatebeattr af Bra haa- dred dollar* worth af panpuity. Teaterday the bnra of the f aUetred thief waa wrested aad locked Bptoaandt aa examination. SIMMER RKaJORTB. •Bbrta la aiB>re* the ktwa pilX. PwB*r*B*n (Bf ajvef I mjOm tWTI*UtB*f - aaaarraa, l i a t we etol aaan a* at* B**aa* ot kw S a S U W a W a T ^ - f c ahatato aaa»* tBarbto a**i tala* halldraaa. The Rnaltab.. LMt eomapiaaoaary la t|te TW»*>af Bate atoratnt;, of aa BBtanat w y * t ahMffttci^lk- W « Jb, C * fWal,** aaaiatf atatrrtat. haa facta, ae ahay are nov ^tw^mh^pX^r^-^ h»m beooeua naturaBaed ia thia eoaatry >"tw Italian opera rrtrr year , aad Jem**d* Ot>t » ghaJI at frfVeaf ia |t> -h-th a«Vk and la wUlin^j to pay what It eoate, and a tote fB«w» te IM. a n l i t i g BBBaatrar. That tbia it ao at oarta*; «v nart to the wkte din^aaBJBtaf ill Bab aT t a J t a i t t t h d toote . ia part the laaaraaee eaaaba- oXtwwl^a^^ whick win eorar tkrap hjat *f I tab ilrnil. hha boat oa Braadtaa/ wtU he akty-ir* feet, aad ln> einde tae three lota So*, lid, lit and XaU 0* * aoat wBl at ataawaad a ban ieet, »4. Mead aa. The l*ta aawnect ia ta* eaWi »*•«*» ag*V *Upreaeat thagvoandta ee*ap*ad by usdiaary brtok front bwildlaa*, whach watha tatea lilBBIM j f t , aBBBwte*aa Bf f>a attracure «*d raaaabie baildingt oa Brotd- •SLg—- c »f » 1 • - Tateopttt of taaVaraoai deed* to thia property, The proprietor* *l the following houeea hare aaat a* that thaw keep the BVBMIM« Ptet nletortae peraaat of their traeaia. We pab- Uah the U*t In order to keep bofore oar reader* la the ertfea, to waa Bad eoaatry flat'JBBBA aad i*> Haiiii abaia Mai ia* IBRII aba a t i n t i a I'"" " ^ ' ^^W ^^^^^^r ^^ r^^^r"» >It THB BrotOJI ABB BBTOJrD. Ta* caoa* or -ma Lanov or taarawyaMBBBita*. to the flaw*aaaae Bean ta« oalj atsttseUaB ore* ike tear other a***** awatdet twrtaaskawt**. *H at whtsBwars taaeny asm* sad of •faal ralas, aad thershr eoaflradac the aaaaiwoa* sward ot th* Taaa* Jcasa* sore raa iaraaiaa Oaasnssies •Isets* ta* Caio*aai»e rHawt *l th* Hasp or U i Oranas B*. *M Brosdwss. Baw tork *ha Unprecedented Triaaapk. Csat* Diw<na, 1***1* BxpsatTsea, Jakr t. itri par * Baar*, of Baw Tartu" •? Ikltsslton Jory *( th* Bsaotl Ho* Taw Fiaar GOLD MIUAL or Mamtt i«vr«t s/|Mrr*ofi««*i*rB*if>st»ar»*Ms* •00 n stn* urrrnt WABBCT 1,000 Coila BALI aMaPl. roB saxt f t ww. at. < tx>rn». jr., * cm., M PINf BTBXBT «y* Was* rhi'aja, •** stw «« of 1*4 BvraSBB UTBBBATIoau. It ***t aaiasias* ^rr*. wrey . - laiaraat to «ae*Bsa**nrj •. _ ^ w lee* than eighty too* word* a day WHItXlT n-AOTH :.** ;««n novonoat the taat rear jr .w . the frorerajneet waa swindled >ut of one haadred militona ot dollar* of revenue la the ainirie article if whaekew The faat ltsx^j' aUracaad atlle attention m umj a* there wa* *t... reroaae «ooagh to meet the aauonai ripwitM and the rater eat if the dobl The P»»oie w-re ladiflereat and Copgraa* thoasrht D 'tb-inj; to he of -onaanueoce that d i d a o t r*> .»•--- ;•• -.he >.;:•...-« .f -aooaatrvaetaon. Ail the •a. ts w»-» .m u w-i". know a iaa* win'.--- «.» ..i- » ».— ^i •" V J' were aot then straita r-t '-»r r-»»a'jc. aa<t *>' ''origr->a» 'arri'->i the ii.stu-r or ->r '••> Jon jf th oa lUiastDx—* n 'W* ». .m^r-«m->ri»l lBreeti(f*t:nB -. n . •*, the exoeDaat Oerataa opara haB bad Vht arteraationa ttf adiaput **d pw*tn*ri*i ktaws ha* ***aat rat wmtRa w a y a o aaa*uloaut f aBaoay the kmer tcan bum paa*an* of atoane Raring a tarfe L htr* Ut* fsvirnrif of I w»d*BB tat raja ktian - aatd atrpaoft haa* been Jawtoa lack of tdrbrta to smt Junenca* n e t a*, Ma*/ other oaaeea. which rt neadleaa now to mention, hare ae.pvd kapreTeati tke ataraliaatosi ot* iier i'f" op>-ra here—the leak of resjaier perform anecs b*>iag the principal reeaou The Oar msn -)[*r* "vtnpan.f* hare been Iranaieat :: tneir orsranaaatioK. whuoh inipiiea s letk-te-ncr in the dfaotphne and stflcJoocv A the chnraa aad arch eat ra. at wel. as a fortuitous aetembL**re of the principal ^a^rer* withi'ul regard to • proper Jiainb* .ion of part*. It ta hoped that tke time is aot '.A: '.istsxnt when Uermaji opera will h*re % .enmnsTii b>«ne in tbi- *i*y. There ia an s'>uD.lance A material—both rooal and lnatra- m. nt*j —for ail of the subordinate work. All t b s t i* Deeded ia good management, aad some i; steniatlc eflbrt to pruoare 1 Trading sinjrers i The patroaagw ta ready wheaerer a oafltcieiit 1 and ri*apr*n*tfbie orgatnuauon I* propared to 1 »ppe»J for support To roand the liat of metropolitan amuae- mexitt we nood th* peraaaaeat aata\h«tohmeat of Treaeh comedy and 'reach opera, aad the*e 1 New York ia to hare. We yeeterday (rare a bri-'f statement of the arraQ*r*menta Tikfig ' tn- Mr (frau—whoae hrUliant snec-eea ia his ( atsatort m***Mreeneat to freak ta tke public m.uJ I ader hie itliistttnn we shall hare , Franch oosnasdy performed LB a style on -o,o*itod anywhere oat of Pari*. Mo expense will be spaj-ed to procure the heat taleat that can tM tounJ a Paris, and the repuiatioa ae- \ q'iirod by Mr Utxaa in hi* ataiug iraunt of win g^re him p^cnflar ad ifuasitt^e. after—as •* ..a..*. ;">king sbout aiul tu-niasr stirring up s £ -d ,u»uj- The do so l>n«lao th- -•• ipf* . h- air aa I r"">>rt !th »..J i -eturueil to W*ahlQ,fX.Hl LJWO.uuiy outhibji jf^r-mfficnt jV.itiahly uadertak s to -selaairelT credit buatnea* wit.-i '.--.s r* •>( whi*ke» taatead if colic- :.^j s' .he place it prrwfuctlon th-* ! St.. • •^'e-i jiaytLent s*>i alio w* the wti.s- i a - u I--.1 w a r - ' ! "i-«-e -'>n»>-n':a^ - r i:i« 'ULL fti •«!•• al-in.te illlie 1"' •- > l » IIL-S" '.he 1 .-41. .,.-.- ,Q -. jtu t. * >ute rua *-a.-»* L t ***.-• •»i ;• t :-a:J. br» . '.-*. :b his m i l i *>- j-»T--T!-r.-it a- — •'•>: t . '. eh It is i Htnc-t in ' bit w^-sk" ibta w*ii-isev »> -m e i n * r s e -, ar« .- »nt * ' • r SH-- :t :us- >."!» 111, pern - I - . 1 * . r l -< I -i l- • -. - . iSt-*- boUvis -.1 T •f - rvcoanse - . bon.if' w-^rv 1 - tuay be ship;-:-! anixud— o> - v >a«< ori lib- » - St :be p«»ri •« a-, [li -n lh « H i » « ' • \ 11IBSI to aa- l.i- remoraJ «n n-lt- - . a.;-' a-t-YnruniciJ! aar!D7 •' h-w<l iT'-n st -b- set pi»o Sup-«-ee. ti"W ' v '* ; '• '« 1 tin near Barrel-"' •kiB-' to New V wt T h - sh ;>;>- this '.r tbe oja.J-l.--a that m.- tiK>uaan-.l barrels ••: H ce-...j , .- shall be 1-1.»• rod m » liatnci :iaui.-.! sa •• :h» i*»ith. -t p»-ra»it la then J » t h e a • a lanat.. stallag th a«uub->r A * •• a -./-.J K*s beea ^.reu. he -i i." ..-.->•> ftiiJ aambe.-s -T—.'* * «>:i: ' - ' V " "••(.- •' : 1 - : l n N >» 1 rt i h i. ou tbe *.- r t >t : a^ ;>t Q sa- ,1 a*in^: eoilect-or harreta ' number Bii.l :bi« Kirtk d*i nral ot -,r, • watsjitoatss *-••- •« " tnrmOhio,on - »-. for L****a**i^irt**-' It »il woil enoogh But JBBt B*ie tn. TB* lot la »te : , tftj - Jltt-- .eJ. marked each'. i* whore the ira* 1 <-uei -jaaaiion, bef ir • -,n iv* ta iVioviBat. a-i. :. i For tjrat»el»rt*iton u. K...a .•., Jork.'" T B * »di»pp*'r t*A ,», hit panuithnd ahipt the whiakey f.»r N-.. Tork to toig, *V. of » , \**&I*L barr-.. l.Trtj-j ***** taaa* ae ahipe * thoussa 1 m iaa*, is kBM of the *B*BM aaa* h**»B*»B*BMaBWtee%***».OJ»d ^- mtM paidtBB haaaald properly. ^wlranrBbf *** 0^9 *af tht illicit hrticie , risrihtnt ofBcor ;«a> - ahosMhl* •*«- ;Hv wtlw rsjii**re* in hi* ae g< Hiattone abroad VV;th the Vreach ooinody we ar-- to b»»e French opera under the direction ot Mr Bate- man whoae atana*rerial reoturea oi utte have beea ao uniformly tacoaaa/ni thai w e i o a it '.-«<k •' -r any'.hiag like failure oa hi* part He .'.a* aircady xiia ptoted arrangeraente in Par-.s w hach ecaure hit anility to prod uoeTranoh opera a better style th** we hare erer eavoyed it 'i thia coontrr He hat ooatracted with U<- 'enoach the Roaauti of Preach aomic opera w-iu-r-j for Jupbcate copiee of all hi* w^rks rti-se wi be br-nght oat here la ths aam-i - «.-» ,u 1'ana. The ouetuxnee » ' - t-. be . •. -. 'opMcales if ih'-m- u*e.l in the couisc - i It i'jr.j the leader A :be orchoeir* tin.! his principal subordiaate>c are to be luiii ciana who nare for year* been faxnitiar wit a L^fenba^li s v-ornpoaitiona. the leading singer* w'H \v pt-raoo* trainod in the Preach eotnic or->ra, »n<l .n all reapecta an ""ffurt w i l l b.-> ::.«..- :. re^ir--.! ace t'ailhl'ull.'' the styh. of pe.-- '.•rriiaace rfiren ia Pan*. 1 lie rinainiai taiiarea A prertou* attempt* si r reach ©• inedy anJ opera eaa isaeily b e e i psajueo sjktl aee-a aot liaeourage—ae ther do Ni-M>ni IIII sod Bateuiaa A lack if ..ftctk-al ' iii.n as management ha* bee* the ...a;:: -iu*' of »-.'ure h:tberU> sid thia wi;. i _-er ttaa-. u the W»T Aside from th- .ari. e brvnch e -meot In our popalaiion there sr>- ie:i!t»Hl uiore Amenoans who hare * pa; ..., - tboros^'h aoqaaintanoe with the Ian .- , _- ':nn th-'re are of OAI aaure-born peopJe i- w -h ither 'oreign tongnee. ,. . -—^,-f, -ina-dj it ;s -onceJed thai ioi lunacy s doe kaowieJge af the weak -.«»-. aa.i *i ht-« oi human aature. anJ »rti» i.-ti .[i it aa* ao ev|ual. The FVeuch - ' ... ..I a.tiarf. too, is '.be moat thorough aa 1 an-br-J ;n .be world. A oooipai; of urat rai. Kreach oiroa: actor* will beoome a tchool for .;.. study snJ iinitatiou il oar owe Aoiericaa player* Not that aare aot a lew " star* »h. will -otupare faviranlr with any aetor-i a '.he world, but the niij>nty of oar "eup p>>rt-ng " ftctor* are i-xir-meiy erode la their -oncepttiio* if their art. >..r will tbe patrons of hilun >pera suffer by a Lively oiupoULtun i»u««n tbe Kreaoii tu.l Italian school* Much of in* LudiaWeu'. and orerwTooghi acting that we hare be-.i secuatooied to surfer tn Italian opera will u* apoaarwhen we hare French opera paonarW preastnted. The public will become more ex acting In it* demand*, and these J.-uisn 1- wili b* protapiiy neoeded to, or art* anuci patod. When th* war by the aarrender •>"bnelu*. the aappea* t *-k***»2j i dl _ --a iljd*iB*»daiB* aaliaaa^ah aBBt practically to a close of th* BTBirrT of Lea aad of dtBBTp|ia* in oar own j . i i l a adyta- MrtaJaJ of aetr faaaral and aten stBtVhi the ml atdtrury law. a*ti! they were « "j "irf'Tj- ahW»**V The IBSBBBW atoaBg. of OhJa,"plit 1 » l I B shaclaimtr of Jswtwaajraaat conduct oa the part af rate of hi* son*, freaeral tragh Twtng It teems that an Ohio paper charged aa* tatter with ha ring *ppr» printed "Inaha aad other thing* betoaplng to imK. Oarta" Tke father notice by gtrtng the oaly paaathla sbaaaatiu* aar aaeh charge. At of Jackaoa, Miwlaslppl. the book* la Bhrary were scattered, and tome of them *rt Into the posaesaio* of denote! Cwtag. Se kept them until the close of the war. sud than aotlfled the snthontlee of the state tiial the eo-.ks waa* in the office of the ezpree* oompany ^abject to the jnler >f the iKirernor jf Mi»*r*s1ppl. Ibis w** Lhe set jt an nouorable and houeet of ucer, a* itoneml brwlng is known to be. Alter stating the see. Mr Kwlog 50a* onto say —in re ply to another harjre j! Jlaloyslty on the part of himearf and hi* (hanlly that, af hi* four son* sal two sons-'.u law, Are satereJ the serrlce early, and that of the lour tout sn<t oa* of hi* son* In law terred to the sad 01 th* war. The other ton ta law was wounded while leading hi* rerlmeot, •ad was honorably dlaeharged. One of these sons-tn law la William T rarBMrara," T th* pernor, ana /aaaaaTtataafrr, had aetn to the atoav fat kaad new , t httBdmoed thto three panaX OauaaavSh of May, lfah, tht aenira bat, tweaty-atx IBM boat, se .eaty two feet Jeep, and thirtaaa laeiai tb* ratV. af teat A PotiUonl CrUU at Pari*. Some 00* hat started a em-loo* rumor which may turn oat prophecy, or, unite a* likely, hoax It* sabataace la that the Corp* I agt*l«ril wtll soon be itasotfed M Ltouaor superseded. M-Wsiew- ski *ppointaor Minieter of the latertor, aad a Drearnd* Lhny* Mtnlatwr of Foreign Aflalr* and an alBBnse termed with Austria. By * enri oe* surai-niea— aaare I* * *tory *aoat Out M Oflrrler ha* had aaothar toag audience at ihe T alienee. A Ciaaadu agnlaat Groaad SaBtrrel*. The daci-ataaiit* *W la daataksBBsi in gaaaine Peter-ta*-iiennl4 etyle aaniatt tae groaad eqnir rehi aad gopher* e*T Caltlbrni*, It aaaerU that in th* Alameda aad aaat* Olara ralleya the tnrmers bare actually hoe* driaaa ay these little peats from some of their beet land*, that alter the <rain hat been reaped aad shocked it la aot at all m us ual to are from two to three haadred of them -uaalag ahoat la • single field : that their aettl* menu, Uhe those of the prairie-dog, extend tor oiilaa, eaoh barrow 1 hollering front one to six in- mate* and thai It woald hardly be an exaggera- tion to »*y that (bey eat one-fourth of the annual ebeai crop It calls upon the stale Agricultural doctety to offer at oace * liber*, reward tor the "<e.*t and cheapest method of ei termination. tgnoer Baggage. Among the toilet artless* which the Saltan ha* brought with aim into the countries of the Inn- dei» i* an linntonee taah of Sue water Hi* high- ness forbidden to bathe la any leaa sacred water, rhe transportation of thi* tank frusa Sgypt te Paris Lon.t hare coat somebody a retry pretty aaa af money. Another of the Baltaa soosseortea it a kind of wreeii, which he use* ai meal*. It eesabaa* him u> see the other people at table without being seen himself Tradition direota that profane *ye* ihftll aot be able te note either tb* appetite or th* abstinence of tae Father of the Faithful—Joubt- led* s oafonlcot reigalaltos brer as a a W i t . LUUSI Biasnarek'* organ ai Berlin ridicule* th* lum-tY professed by some i'rench journals with retareac* to tbe commercial treatte* with th* states of Bouth llaiiikiBj il aanartB that thee* treaties here no such political importance as 1* asvnbed to Uiew st Paris, and add* that Prussia iiiitat as well take umbrage at the commercial treaty between atiglaad aad France. " aad w* s*y, ' it ssks wiiL nrtoou* i,w ?'g***t1"". " whea that treaty waa ratified, mat Inajianrt had alien- ated hex Independence aad pat aataell aader the £u*rdiaa*nip of France ?' Blashiag Hoaora tot t.ortackakoB. Tbe Jfmr^uti y .i*t ratsr-aostru Inform* the ootid that Prince (.rortachakoff ba* beea recently ad- v snevd to t oew dignity H e t* now Chancellor >i the Kaapira lor Foraarn Aaaira. The office waa conssrred upon him ta aa aaiograph letter, whicil said to bar* tkaded te ail the terrtcea wtuco Lhe Pnnee ha* rendered hi* country, and assured him 01 tke proatond gratrtadu and warm ineudship of the Kaaperor. Bi«auct Get* * Baxgnan. A i.Qfiaaa paper retaarka that Count Biamarck 14 ..-e. nUliaa In lead Ha ha* Just boqghi an eetaxe in Pomrasianie aar thro* haadred thaler*, *nd the Boigkhoriag proprietor be gets H rery fheapty. HM bargain is due to the tact that he OBBaad conk naytmna. Tht olaBaef the pre**, Mr Field, who ha* eon I Uoa. staatty ssTToeaiod B»»aB% aKnntwl fc bf^hajf *}, * > * M ^""T^ l^****"*"*! ••• *J|BB ati utieaa BtiFteaB^afy^anaj, BBM*> BBBBhWaVatpf Anril Ma whole AsBnWBatod Praa* of MOa erjuntyy had aad hskea a haa arid word* e any. That Mr. BTB-B, •ret record of the etofr stwHaalat, the Bat at ftedaBat-tlTrVJil HMnate t t e gaj. of the property by't^eaaBaBtaaaajrt** F sprnttegv? te asp «BB» af taw hundred add twenty-tre pound*. The shore-named " spinster'' w*gdoubts*M a ptreoa at aaate not* in hoc day. at ail areata ah* appaere to hara beea a talerebty toed specuMtee, (or In 17H6 ant a*M tht aame property to Jaose* Anderson and Abraham Brown tor thw very handsome sum of tfteen haadred panada. Aocordtug to the record she was still * "spinster." When the property was first sold It was tn the West Ward, but st Lhe second sale it waa ia the First Weed. Th* lot south at the cbore, twanty-eigbt by seventy-two teet, w»* sold bv the same couioita siouera, on July 10, 1788, to Wllltam A Forbe*. •or three ton idredpounds It sfterwards passed into the band* ot Darld Brooks and »U», to satisfy a debt, aad in 1790 the latter sold It to James Anderson sod Abraham Brower for two inouaaad pound* At the present time either of tbe shore lots would bring sereuty or eighty thousand dollar*. The various deed* of thi* property would pro re interesting, ** showing tae gradual ehange tn the vslne of property in the tower part ot the city The ntmliiea of the tarty owner* hare nearly all passed ftotn prominent position* 1* th* btttnmu community, and are now almost unknown. For many year* the lota on Cedar street formed a part at tke burying groaad ot tke Bcotak Pre* byterian Church Tbe bone* which were laid ther« to real nearly a eaatary ago ware long ago dis- turbed I* giro way to the atarok of commerce Tbe Equitable Company will erect on the ground k costly Ire-story ntarble front baikfing. rhe basement sod first story will he fitted a p tor bent tag purpoaaa. The satire second toor will be need by the company The growth oi Lhe Equitable Life Assurance Compear ha* been rery rapid. Started only eight years ago, on a capital stock ot tlOO.000, the accumulations now exceed four million Jul tars, and It metre* twenty-three thousand per- son*. EllertoD New Mills COTTOM PLAKMEItS For the Season of 1807 The Btlsntlea of th* trads t* taeeUlly tartlet t* tht aew testae*o* a»r the ssassa of fan, saatst* eases ot stout *r* now reaor for tasueetlou st oar store, a aao st E.R.llD.S,yWVER4(iO. . r*- * - « T0WNSW04TALE, Nchv York and Boston, arms* at ksaroraar'* Iaiaae. General Urant rotamed front Watt Point yoster day afternoon, and waa lntaaedlately eaeorted to Ooreraor'* Island, where arrangemenU had been made to girt htm a proper reception. Gas tie William guv* a salute oi aereateen gun*, aad the band played sereral popular air*. It 1* expected that General Grant will spend sereral daya oa the island, a* th* guest of General WaJlen The A n aaa of A meeting of the Conatituiional Union AatoeU- tion wa* held latt sural ia Masonic Hail, tor the purpoae of taking action tn relation to the arrett by the British gorernment, of Colonel William 1 ot thia city, sud Ooioaat J. Warren, of .ts. A pre* ta nle waa adopted, aettlng torth that the kbore-oamed ofneer* had been *r- reated tn Ireland without the sHghteat orert sot en their pert, while on a ritK to taoir relatires; and raeoiutaan* wen adopted cabkng hpoa aecre tarj Seward to mak* a speedy aad sbeolatc do- id tor their immerltato release." TV* I a cease Tava la the aereath attscrtet. Collector Blake, at the oertnth collection dts- trict, snnounoe* that tbe Income tax list* of hi* district are complete, and that be will be prepared to receive the sum* dat from tbe *Xh of July to th* BBth of August, st tb* now bank bunding ta Third arcnue. corner of dereuth street. eoaata ta that •appedoatet soaa* BsBy BMB of the lower eaaat BsnTha byoajaaaaM BBraoa^ and nokf mwn i rte* Philip Monahan waa arretted last night on a chanre (A hare sensed the deatk of hi* former em- ployer, Thomas Coagrore, by stabbing him. —John LilieatBal, of Ifo. M Centra street, hat beea arretted an a charge af hating roceired and used * draft for *BB» 88, fultngiag to John Lllien- taal of No, IM Warrea atreet. — A a e a o r t M lasahliisj. to resarrect the McXeon —Two Win^TahoreTBta, tatated Simon Oemptty and John Muliina, attacked Chnaiian Lad wig tad Henry W. Quail, who wore working for lea* the* society wages, at pier No. B7, Bast Mirer. Mal- Baa attempted to throw Latrwtg The assailant* were arrested. Jeatph Jatdtt yesterday refused to pay for hit bill at Crook* dining saloon, aad leering the place with hi* dm at. he waa atreetod and sont- auuedto the romt* on » oharge of hsrtngatoien •aid check, the raiae of which wa* trad at two Fort Wtulasj Hsnrjr nwtai, at QaldwaH, ». Oate, pro- Al ths *oath end ef Lake Hoase, Caldwell. BockwaU are*., e**r tht land tag. Board *t It per day a r rau*. walaaay. Jerraald * Osx, Cataract Hoase. ea ths American rails, aad oa the edge of the rapid*. Fuitou's thtornettoaal Hotel. Accra*Biodatloni tor WO guests, ft per day; par week. A aack k Co., Bptaeer Uouse, saw hotel, three ann*ttr of th* Fall*, oeaniba* to aad boat th* oar* free. Cliaon Hoase, oa Can*** no*, ta fan rlew of both Fall*. Stop st Saspesaflo* Brlat*. Otaai haa waitlag MOSTTBBAX, OAHAOA. Amsrtcaa Boas*, C ft. Brown, | n a n * n i . Pirat- •Isss m e»erj respect. Brie* I* sanostsfs .jroprtetor. Vt, Leoaaru Lore, Hoase. Newport V t . oa th* iftks st taaaaaMa » * • • j . i BlpMw Oolleg* Hoaae, Faattaty. , w«w hotel, wihl Bar. **. R TV' Vt, I. %. The Bqalaox Hooss, Maarhaetar, Tt, WHfTB sfQCBTarw*. Osan aoaaa, i M Tnomnaoa * Os., propristtra. Ksarsaraw Uosse, North Ooaway. N li. " OU 0*t» way of th* Watte JanaaBBB r*s**a sad Qraat Notch A* BBLAWABB W a r e * ear. L W Breahial, Utattraay rktasa, Pssssata Watar Oap. Pa. no—tortJt gassni. Oetatsj** toiat, *st>«daj.*WB*aw*tk. {Near Delaware Wateriest i BBaJt* OOOBTT, TL. Busts* H**ia,W*BBi*ita«, Pa.tatflMBawBeBB- tng A. BBBBh, BL D-, H * | I B U n . rOBBB Ot^TMB D* LAW ABB. Onlssd 8 sat us Hotel, earner Taint sad atorbtf 9 at its* street*, taslnr Pa. saaual Haydaa, gttprattjtt. LBHiaa Tiurr. R. A. Orldar. St* HeSsi, BMalahem. Pa. attntt m> i—iiiilitiisa Mr regular teaider* aadaawar IsarisO IB OOsU, BaatlOBa. Wyoaamg Be***, Sniaatoa, Pa., 8. M Nat ral grouao* *itach*d. WTOMUto ralXBT. MaaBtatn Hoes*, aaar Wumaahatro, Pan 8 proprietor. "NeMllng uaoag the sassnaBan* " Mantdca Hossa, Maach Caank, Fa. (Joed Pare, coo tunable hoase. L» Toarette Hon**, nergea Potot Boating, bathing, flahlng, awah i sa******* aad fratto Beat aardaa. c'nt^oodHoaisa Key port, Dr Eent.nro'T. Btawal ill stsr. a., footof Barclay Board *w to %M mm Wtok. Brighton BVoata, Perth Amber, i. 0. Tafly, prtpri* tor. Ooantry, dty and lassiii adltalaaat. OoaOaeatal Hotel, Loag Braaea. oarlj an sdraasngeaa* to both gaesti ai Hathaway'* Hotel, Deal, thro* mfl Branch, within (hart distance of batch. hfoaataia Hiasi, Drakesrtll*, If. f. Fishing and boating; two sad s half aeaaa bom N*w Tork by MeuU and Baser KaUrosd. II*—It Moose, ttoaantt, M. i., *a* heat from New Tork oa th* Morris sad Baaaz aaflroad Paiiaade Boa**, lagiswsaA N. i., tn Borthara Bail read of New Jorory, (beat aa hoar bom New Tork. James M. Prases. Waahiagtoa Bock Hon**. Plata N. J . on Oi ilnil flit*is* af Bww J«r—j. atoty-flrt atrhy OB BXATBB BsLBjrn. F Mucfti*. Partnoa, Row to sad Bom New Tork s r orr hoar. •twarRklia. B. L *Beyl,tB t - The captain *f th* steamtog Deaa Btenmnad waa arrested reaterday an a inharge ot baring rio- ktted tbe hearth law*, by throwing tbe body of a dead animal into tat North Blrer 'TfWHT 1 * ^ •"BBBBB^teTeat aattaHk For Bala,to*snUrs froal sa MB Araaaa seat stos ts twasa tath aad ataa ssrssss. wBh two teW ta as* rear, axak kaaltrallleo Apoly to B.B.L0BU>W* 00.. «> (rant) »o. t pts**«nset Befrt* JaXUBB, BB».*wsr r ' BOOK yOTICBS NIW BOOKS. NnTW HOVEL. tra*. Oarix>^ Ifww Bfor a t is w a t t WOBTB auriaa AID aaanxae raaowanewt. htat. trowa ts caritxaurie; ra* OBLT omasa wosxaa i aaa in TB* oats' ****** av- oou*T*t TatftT ^potrtD WaTfa stfon ajr • tABn* I Bao* . A BOB AttCB OT THB BUVtTBLIC. A asw Bevel, Mas. A.Toia Maais Csuu> 1 } THE PICKWICK BelDg HM Br** oi t*W *att**0 W. P*r»BI»». Dw*taa*"s t u r n su TUI jnat^j^uJu^iQ^^ Bsmo*. Tht* sdinoa wtll rosMli t tglbltltj. Darabtflty, Bnsot Back ttore! will as complstsd U s Th* p*ff« a s Bowing, ops* o s, aad alHirlsrtT* head Ba* hat been sttached ay th* *alher to swory right head page. Bach returns win coatatu skttt *f to* SIMIBBI lllastrsdoos, telsctsd s* the boat Tka sdrtioc will bear s olstlngalshtnt rac-slmlle tlUe It will to seaaaressd ta Thirtesa or Poartosa Volomss wkiek will be issued st the rat* ef an* or more monthly *a«l tke s*t * nsaspliuil. i«mo Purple Cloth. |iti roll riror, by mfl or boat ri* MMdlotown or Hartford. ta* nwataa****nnwar*aak eranai anna saow * w a * 9 \££!2£XSZm\ , OL, a. *T Alsto. | <***%•- s -ifi-sxx THS HOBTH AM1EICAH E I VIEW For Jely, IBoT. to New Meadr. CO* TB NTS: AST. L-THB OBIOttt OF THB IT ALIAS Li SOU tut n.-aBBTDOM AJn>TH< BaTANCirATIOS L i n > m R0««i A lli.-tWEDBNBOaet OBTOLOOT IT-LoaerBixow-8 TBAHM-ATIOB or -THI tWYTTB COMsTDT." T.-TWB JT/DrClABT OF HEW TOSH CITT TT.-TUB LABOR CKIBI8 TIL—OB THB TBtTlMOlfT OF LA50UAGK K't BT* TWO THB DBTTT OT THB B D I i l stAfBa. TTrL-sW^BBBBAe ABO TBS BEBTIHEMTALUSTS ir.-camcAL STOTPCBS. LBTTKB RAOM PB IF GBOBOB W.AAHIBO TOB OBBBNB. ti ta. Tsartr aabsartntlon, *t ts w rer aar other ptrlediesl tsswsd bj us. AT TUSIU frBOLEAALK STOCK. TAAINO " ^ ^ " { y * ! - bBMI-A-BTAli IB- BATHING DRESSES W sTraBT VABirrT. At 85 and Upwards. A. T. STEWABT & CO., mnvurr JPLT 1st mi stXlBB n«.ifi prMrcroms.- ^•bi«ril». t «AHC1A- JRja^Wi, BCtrTBK - a. Bit i at BWM OT.M1I OBrTM. T AHDIKG B * WH AJ MS Docs, fiaaar ttaaa, fm.ym ^Wrw.**gr , t rwat tp», tan sirsfitoi, i 4 r. a. PaggaB****, lesr* WMtwV ARM Bin LARGE ADDITIONS BATB BBBB MADB TO OL'B *r>f>X7Z-s^kvBrt. B T O O A t V S or Cloti Saoques at $10 and $12, snWcontJy Bood at BaMwaat »B3. A few choice Paris made Saoques AIM, Bros Goods at 25, 50 and 75c. raw Tard nasi PnaraaMa A. T STEWART & CO., OB CITT ISLAND, PORT ( UB8TKH aw* OanaarwioB.—Oa sad after .1 sir ti, ths trsisiaas j a i r JOHK thOhtkh wi.1 laars Her is a. a., foot ol Oliver sires*, dairy U i B r I. aad foot of Mtiskr*** at Bet r, a. Botornaw. tears Tssawtok w i s . * . , kaad Utf ksabert, arrlrtagal Ntw Tork fcJk. jeltloci-u TtfeMTH P O B T AMD WILLnTrrg iBwrlsataatSlM^ ponat«aadWlM**>^jfotat»»taia-a. tplsi T OW*> BBAriCrM, BttBaMWBBT/BTT AND A. T. STEWMT & CO. ABB vow orrgBiifG Jk. L A B O K AUHk»OtA-3'M.B.?r r r or 4-4 French FouJani Sfltok, Btack SOts, tf 1W mflst Popalvr M»*f», At 8) B» par Tard aad Upward*. i«*\**t k CkMbfrja, **% ate. At rtWBt VfiatraiBBUbj lew Brottiltt *y MB4 Teaifc Street. 8UMMKH RlrlORTTi **«*>^M»aa*Bs--a*WstBaBaji at ta s o*i WSS* sails to* itaw*w *•«••••— . A sMsslA*Va*BB Bvmtum 1BH1». U B A N T HOl T S6 is HOUII, b aew eeea tor th* aaosrBea e< gaft»y Parsoas wis* tat to ******** root** eaa do so "ay sflrrrstrlrir jT»lif-* 8. hT VAmiaTBLiy T\ lr> BRICHTOM HOUSB. rerab tmher. B.J. BBLBCT FAM1LT HOTEL AIMat, B t o r B T HA BBWIBA, », BsMBtBaaB aVB > «****! LAMB "jLLOlliHlI. Ill THB SrreRSsW Lett* Bww Tork n* Few Bsrc* aaUroad. si u it (aesoj; l*r«r. a« or or Mew Bsrca sMaturr. Facklrilp. 41a Batoraws to* latt Brat* istosptaf oars stiaatrl COW throsMk to ths lata wUheU skua. Mass sssTpstrtlcetar*IB Apnl«ioe's ttauwa; b . l m aaa start's t.Mtos of Can—rttual rsilsr m~ Sa. TX>B. NOBWALE P1RBCT.-THB FAST JT aad •rtesdv) •Otaarteat BBLLT WRTTB tesraaPVsr ft has* Hirer, toss ai II atoll skives, <«wi •ttmrao** at SH o*e»oct. aad (oof 01 kit* street at **i Betorsiaa. Isawes* Mrs Bs ataa-r. ooaa. leMtav-H Mer-aatk at Ms. ar so tosarrriaJ orDoDkwrr ajftf trslaa. Far* tt esc Is. Ric aisles tickets ti I settorNew Csiisaa, Wlfto* aao snarsto* r^JHrS^toti"^ ^t^STT^ OOatraVwr taUTM BOB ALdkATTT. j"»waM*tssr* isY'tl 'tViT^"^ (Anal Mti^-otkr,*., V VtrotOCS f. W,,. Staaw FlaM II IWal aalVf.- lOOt ->! OI M th» T fTWBrt HftTBOH BTBAarBOAT CQ/B • CsaTi <*••*' SaV-se M :; iarwrs MarssTsvl B [' r^^ggs^wwo-Bti fMCJT ^*l^i^J5*5^ iHin stlitr a, IlAlLT. AUCTIQJ-J SALE& ABJIII MOtTB" Aactlooeer IEIT8 AID LEA8E8 INSURED NORTH BRITISH AiJD MEBCANTJLE INS. CO, Of London and Edinburgh. BWTAML,l«rTM* IB 1HO*. BabaeribeB CaoittU. $10,000,000 Inr^fMlfd FaBttl Ifl 0O*d • - $11,847,429 tftmrnvTom IM JTSTW TOMM DABBXr, Baa, ~ fteawa. D*n*-nTMoaaas * Co, Baaaass Mtsswa. Loa*. Dar * Loan, aaBsBsra OIBre, Fd Hsait hAr«*M, M«w fork. BALTIC FIRE lNSUBa4aNCEC0MPA.Nl' CBAA. B. _. of Oak**;. Moersa a r. aBra.Bsa st B. 1>. *f*r«aa « c« ^nSrtrrtw. a •« « w a y tutat Ad W a U Ut. Caab CBBfUl - 7 ~~ . . trtte.BM TBUI laaeu, Jaa. 1, \m\ • • idi.litj v Tata coafPajtT H*> an ooNwacTinw w.ih AAI ixHsihikariuk *r a-»»K>ciAIiu>. sun «<*-. ,... sssat i* tto TaelC saa* Mai** SSOIHSS ki u* hoai.- U»«w liners. n/it»rr'>»fl W s v * . Oorwtav Saw ill eras. Wa P !••«• .- trhaasssr B. Frsj, Batasa War*. f-atnra :tm»- Boeerl Daaiaa, H«nr j suaarfeora. Rica i T ismu Bsary T DrwrsaL Jsoo* rtak, at*, tan. »B»ax s»»e**a, Joba If Hsrwari. r (' Adaaa. ittmm. W. Ttoak, Wm. Tuosm. a «U'mo»- Joha t. Martla. Msoars b kart, ILMIOIB r*srr» BBaMead,J h J«aaa*oa, Joia^.« .., "•"•J** w rnos. An-os V uta... ( L.r... 4 y ,. lo , Jo** H Jsaaia. l t » o Ontll h.^).|>». * -, ,r ra.« riLUAM t OUtWiK. rrsw.o.a!. Wauas I kirr swssln j J Srsacs. slaua* Ueoara. tin I M 1 (H MAI» LIFE I K S m K f ' E COMPANY W TH** OfTT OT B*BW T0KB .1>. 40 WmU Street. MIMnerW B. COM!NB, Prcaldiia $2,000*000. BtUataO Of JUMBCTOMS. <9ea*4aj Baal, scksc Bdwsr4a.C.ark. J oka J Pbaiaav -. -^,• Bsa kV OaraLaa, #•••'J*»*»**o*, OBas P trtinct Bsarr W. Bart, Frsd**. thalSoB 'AhTBBW.a CL«»1XWT« M. D, Msdioal Bxaaiuxw a*aii lean aairto—ato > H s*oiostr a WildAaJklaB-rfHtJkAkLiKOoassaSiaas i*»rslrsek B.ts.BBOlttXri.Sast-7. *OBH Batnia. s* •BTTtAw aad lassnssl rlaaa ut Life Laawr- •ae* barenoe* adawtrdhr thi* Catoraar. Bee* - at* aba a i a faaaaaalas HOMf: IXS. COallP'.V. 1** JMUtW*wir\«ir. /a*. X, XB87, !"•; : IS Paao aand Inland Insu ranee. CBAA J. ht*a*Tl»,r>i _ . A_ F. • Vloarr 4. a wa W^SIf tniaJEJ IITO. CO OF LlVatnroOL AHD LOIilKil. .. 1* STORAGE OF Faniily Silver VaXLa-BUta, (MVhsUiAIBBT BOjrna ai.D OTR KB tsKUaUTlsBt, Af THB STUDIO VAULT SI Wtst TtMtb rMrw-4. Tas Vsolto srr Oksolatetr FtTtB tad BTTROLAh PstiKir sa* oBdoaSto* taareatT** ******* t'rrsoa. l*a«ia» Has stir wtsl aa* th* Vaall a (rrsai eta rsaltosM tor th* s**a*>*SB*BB *i ftata aa* tohei rasas •tea Prtrraas «ato> sadetrearBoxei to reel of saltsels Maw*. attisi-o r. BuaBaa. B. HLL8BN. Rsp«rUlsj».e*l of Vaalts Dunham&Sons BUBT rSSTTtrBBBB OF tTBAMB, 80T/ABB AMD OTaMwHa Piano - Fortes. Ill «so III But lttk St., K.T. K. srj laatrnwcai warraBtsd far Ar* r***s. Old Planus takes la i THI WEBER o^ec tor ths sessoa, sod s few choice roouif ran be ohialaed ea t*ssseaist**erneatloe <vmss*utta*uo wit* hew Tork li tlaM* ealli - daslaut ,* boar, fayd ksttitrn ]ri»*t ' f*ius*toi->* COLLECE HILL HOTEL, I*OrOHBBBT*8TB. » T Isllshiral Bcm-svcr Hotel, under tke taankaremsos SSTV-UTT. tors-ertt proprietor of to* tjsnamore Thli (1*1: of Willi: House, Ne* Turk, will he laifaiieai at>u*l Ju:.e 1. Avpu- usllses may b* *to toOBOTtGB sr(M»ti&*f rYor-rletoi JjUlw STAMPOR0 HOU8E, oTAjarOBD. OT. M B * f,'-^' yOftPi. FOBJMBMLX li- fer V-1 Hot* aad Fai-ksr Hoase. Bostos. sad i*u a/utstotor or ins kiaroua HOvtia, ash—, hat takss faifn 0 ^ 0 ik^ to 2rwK« i Ss a»si: s a halted BBBshsr for the f a s s i s . T W t o k i swpajaad to^o-awttTto* aMaaL^lSfi,. -TJOrrifOasT NOTIOB. aZGTJLAi WXULT TEADi SALKS tor t * ****ea. jsetXTk** ma 8UNIMIT HOUSE AT tl*MMIT,lf. 4, O.SBBOtIR per Morris for tksaith dnrss.*c [IT,*. 4, ONBBOSJB rBWtl MaTW TOtiJL, d^rVSitorihr^a*^^ trttt—* I CAT8M11.L MOCKTAII HOI81 rTTflT*. FATORITB BTTJMMBB KBfJOl X * asw oeea tor rattora. fH.ew.wtB B S M paaav. H**»oa^T»ltolwoaA?*w|**-*aito*jUba*j' -VA'artBi 0©BB WW be A CCO Vsrj to* tear AT™*, aad Pisaix* srr to* tear B Tor datalls of to* saserlor adrseJecss af Wat** Hill mat ss s ii suit** aMIiiWo eaa SOT* r*B asssripdv* ^!R^l»a4iaSt'- v, '• «• *• --^W isi.T***-* A.m.rhoamm» a oa J*HM_ mii« OCBAJ. UOUBM, BDaBWATKB, M. Btate* Tslaad, oath* Bki tffaa »|BB, fu-st UadtM rroai Wkit*a»l! strew. Bow Tork, oahn ths t a* tafsi ataate of anj kotai oat af th* ettt to ****** wisalsK s ooar«ei«al. sir; place Basts hoarlr Boa*a.* r.m. aad al 11 aad i st K * r u t taaaa* **d talus, tta buns oa ths premises. Address THoe D G AL1, as shora •a i c. a utiD jUns i jyftl P BBM1CM POIBX BOUBM, BIW BOcaaiAa-- aotae ana rooms, with Brstclats tat-ie. ea* to obtatneo tt modersu term*. ST-ts-i B : **T*t><K>, L AMB PtTOTOBB BOrSB, &AXIB- ar»*. Tw^-I. a. TBBf*rLn, Preeneaor-The aho-vs ksast Is sow os** for th* rsatoBeo ol faaalllas aad loar Ms. Cwnstofi at Brsndea, TT, WkaW* coeohes are read; taet l a Piano-Fortes Are .. i i - f * prorjoaoesd k; tke trst naskst*** •* the ate* sac itos, sad bj the ieadlac aiattll'ert ia th* rUlss. THS BEST PIANOS M aJTUr AOTC BB*. Ther are seed at aa* COMABJT. A T O M m OT Mtj:kit of KiW TOBB sad 114KKJXLTB, s o d . a l l the Hi** kfasleal Bekools or tka ouoa* J, B*«*taa* of taetr bar**D*e uuwer, swretoess. brarssaaj aad sarteetaqsalltr W saa*. elasticity oi loud, sad rrsat darshuttj. WABZBOOIdB. 4W BROOatlE STREET, BBAB BaOADBST B T The foratotaa booksforsals bj alt Bookseller*. f b j the rahBshers, FITaLU*- TICKNOH *fc BOwTOM. Aad SB Bleacher (Street H. T MIBt TBACXKBAT*fl CHABslIIIO BTOBT. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Keat paper eoran, prte* U Mats pleasant a* hoar hi lb* -tattoeoen- tjr o f s t r l e . oatoralaaas af saajuar wtueh sksraairr roatasT ta the eoau- nw-rToitr LMtntrS SALES W TIE SIT s series ef short I Fancy Goods HI 1 T A B L E A7*0» BRIDAL AND OTHEB PSESEHT8, OOSSISTTIO is ras-r or Bros re Marhle aad tail Claras. Rrstte Kts* • re-s aad Kr-ta, Taaaa •• Psreetal* aad i»w k,aia. IIISM, Uls.e sa* Jewel BSiss, Car* Kreel.ers, Jat Issada. f i n ta Ureal li.rt.-l). Fllajree Jeweln, A c As. Tke atlennon of Wholesale Borers Is solicited. A*a» dltioD* are coastaa.i'j made to Iaa stark of the laical Paris Novelties. W1H. A. WHEELER, 3 3 .WrttV.f'r* L>mu*s. mm m PLITED f UI, TKA 8BT*. CADTOBB, ICB P1TCHBB8, WAIT an*. COMBUMIOB SKT*. at*OOBB ABD rOBXA. CUTLB&V, FAHCT ULTBaV WAJtB IB (JABBS, *c, *C Ao. WALTER M. SMITH, IB J * h a ntreaBs • • F . , Tin SlLtEalWlU ISIJBWKLBI AT COST aPlhaaV B»**aCjr*t-'aB*aVaTa».^ ' I roaB.Trjim.iiffla 609 SUMMER TRAVEL tQfT teowTtetit tw Toiristh. SAOOAOB or misartor ttorstOf*, Lake Mahopee, Lake t e a s * , lash* Oh—plats th* rtrsr etLawreaee and Baplds. MurbeJMi Tt. aad all place, la BartSerii Hew Torh. Vermont aa* Caasds, aad oo the tine ol the Barto* Baliroad, called (or aad tourer** st rasiaeae*. l*Wr*i*Wa» to r*B ls/4 at w otter or mud »» nai utlt re or FUR eakND WOOL HATS BY mmY MOLTEN & CO,, AT TIIEIB BAXKt.BOOtU^ NO. if7 Title 4 I It NTBKET, CObnfltltCTtfG Jf9\dmemt1 mp, Jmlp 17lh. lKtOT. ABB WILL t» rwrtirrrji »*TI?BT WTD>B6DA'; lKHisMi rat acaeoti T>* ftrst rernlsr sale of tbe seaaoe will take place Cu Wctlac*«ia>, Jui> 17th, IttaW, Wha* wttl h*onaradtw sale bj taiifeaa. tot csaes Mtta>, Bojt sad OtuMUsr, . rtr h SSM WOOL HATS, ts lots to sail purcli tnai bj ths LAAA Ok LI if the rarleas ftrlr* gastltles aad colors. swadaetloos of ths best sassafketarwr ts * . * seitskse tor *r*rp elan W ka*s. atrs* roods *tr*M Iron to* si*u»*»st—a Prr»o*»I attsBttoc (IT** to orders Bar pare****, rroa •ales lea wta be ea *sh*isusa as* eatstof-sr* r**dr o* a* 11 a-stash. AatOrsa. Boa 1AU nkl.L. OF RAILROAD PROPERTY sur» hones l» karebj aires that, bj rtrtoe SS aacr** ot toe Supreme court ot Peaaa/l»»al». we wlC iijs.i ia sass a. Paatle Aoettoa. AT THB rUILiOILPUU BXf MANsiB. I* th* olU 01 rttllsatslpkia, stas* af " r~ u... to the 13-TB DAT or fXTTWBBM. r raid a* Oaaitai aad D.rsl.. * I."<**,» frBt-iAi. art a * o r w***.*** * i ^ M at CkUiA, liAiM ItoesfiV la. 11 1 Bill I w 4 f. I T OkKihUa* ana au» W LLLiaUt B. BOaa. htorst«rr WTIZDIS' mmm. WOMPANY OSOOBTOBATSD AJflUL. ia»v So. IM BkUADHAI, ft. 1 . AtTTBOBjrjrj) CAPITAL •ArTTAL Ja**arr 1 1866, Jul* 1. 1*6* kkAOC.000 OB tsoo.ow re «T9.216 ol «M,B« k* ADWaltll A WaXTOh, JA.MA* H MotJUB aecrsterr ,a. u,, Ckr*. lfseSlaery a* watt a* state WtoTafVott CBllBt. wHA^at. oftaa, DBrvT* I sad eeerj otnei • t ketone AjruriT *ll to* raenorase t aTI sail .u.j.t u I u. r ls»aii Is rosafaad I SUN MUTUAL MSiWANCE COMPANY iWBLBANCt BCILDIXOn, JVC irWsLal, STHMMT U*«. O H P O R A T B D 18il. CBJtliftl BBf A&BFtS. - - |!,IM44| 7». m ^ *"Ma*aiF Banao raasater ********* rt. perrieas ssswtt s pai* sp ess* saaual of aksvAM. s a * ,aau*iM oa*e« n sdraaae M presuaaat ot arm to. *ia~rs te * »** partcte. of tasarsooe sfalasi Manae aad '-.-IIMI Ban • • " ***** B* nrs snak taaeoaaeetsd troa Bartae bjto*Coa*a*r. Baaaass see suntlsk to *U# s, •**. BOfsBB a. wBlh.ShU, "-T-ifm JOrTB T. r i C U a O * . Tice-l*rest4*mi ataac B. WALXBh t a w war, MaJkTFOBB taaVB IMMh-AJtCA •BMFAh*t *r MAMtrrnxD, con UtatTXAia ABB BtTUrLUt la&OO.OOO. •as kf Oorr. Ba**7. laao L utaii f-is. i BTBI TBITBAJTCB 00XPABT «' MJtrrotr.. r r*. rariTAL urn »iaVrT.rrt SloOOOoOOO. W. B Ckasaa. See r H ti. ivjee h.1 0l.erai.u-a M&4 propertf Is dtasted ts V«aaii*> the tt*** ef Paaaarlraato. as * ' nrkta, priTlieret t c fraec -opertj-, nrbts. pnrtieres » Q fraticklMt wo let taat iBWia*. br tali alar* af asasxaaaa, **to*toetae! aa> *r, ATI) I Ml, aad oali recorAel la toe asBae s< ta. reorder or Bsttr ef renamro Coast; tfr i .aanl Ir . t. pat* sat, aw- es ahe <*k «.. . iled sod rooee/ec iv the iu.der*lx£«-al i treat toaaaataearsara Vaods tser. avraoeder Js»e. ATP !/*» rraoi alotia X. Haaaaoa. la U oiectiosed. teh toe said fATIOBAI. 05 OOBF. W*y. j e * BXeori EXCUBBIOMB PLEABAHT DAILY TO aVJMBOT AVJIB laTFOBT Toucsua* aao* war ar SXUABBTITPUBT. t*wio». kjoatriLsaa, Tan rsroarra sjud TOTTSil WaA. aVA O N AND A B T M B J L L T A . W I L L LBAVB loot of Barclar strtot t.oelksrtnsj AaUr iSasdars *weewted> at ttf o'etoek, T» i-etarnlaa. will leave a«r port at ttf UtoithP *• • ICffaTBlOa TsCBBT* BO KBirOBT W CKBTB. Be to. TO fhKIii AhtBOT Ah 0 XTTnMMADlATI LA>'L>LSC*. CXH [*. Pteeie .1 refatar rste*. ¥ralcht lakes ai re* o lar rata*. ).» *uod » W ktllTk BKTWBBr) M . W l O U K AND BOH'l'0>. r i * BBirrrota. a. i. The Bairaaaaaau bioaaa.hi» Oa.'s Be* tlisrairt BkurroL, carr. BBB BBUTTOB, aaa PBOTIDENCB, CatTT. B. a BiBDaOXa, W ILL COMMBMOB BLMNlBii ON Loag IsXsad aoaaa M0BDAT. Jaa* l*Jta. leertof ar, Mortons of canal street (s A leaa; Fieri. BT rdi, st I o'etoek, and frorldaoe* Baelreed, railroad ride th htjjilis asai.l l a t a * Baaata* aad *to* aad sat aa iter ot their jaasrf^MdMto*so- Ticketoforsals sad 749 r**BBB* JtBBMtjaM ."*WBW taV a**rta *^* ^f> ^** f *^ rapttr by radentar. ot mort*s*r Wesald. la ttert i**y ofAaarl A Is st aeaaaa, and Aad rml dated Af-rll t, ISM, s a * **f; r*< orslod ta tar o * re oi saac Beearder ofTSeed. ofT*nao*o count; .foresail* O f t B K k t s AvaajaWAet*,** Ue*ts* IS lett, arsated **«. coj.»urod te hterrls _ the eaoeeataii** WTBto-e ,' Bsrr te trasi tn seeore eer tela dtots tkaian nsuBsaiil. Tkss see* win b* Baa* a s dw »na In nrs***er of s decree ei.lereC. b; B<« said f>s LISTS. • eail or the SUM of FeooseIretoa o* the hi 4a; or Jul;. * D las,. Is s oasae ueadia* la eoaMe la sea* soon epos s 1.11; t i e d b; the said Joke ft Psaaade. Trustee a*alast tte said Ceaap*iiT.tod the aatd Sterne K lee. ,i sod Wirtlao. J Man deteadaots. prsr-las .Inter alls, for t decree of .ale o" -* as- cofidlttoDj rSest - Tae vorbrsced oi eel, *ao will to strwah ot t* ta* klgbsst aad best b for rash taaoad—Free par aaat srf the porrstosa aooer ahal be paid to lh* sjadersiaaeo si L-e thae of th* sals k* ta. pur chaaer saatomn-f slsr mr-r the tortos sad eoadlflow of sale, otoerokM tto said in a*I li wttl be la Tatra—Ttse 1II lea 11 e* tae .arrassi aseaer u to Use or,dersleaMd,al ths hsnlnss Hoaae af Or axel * < o. Bo It « 1-slNMrr**. rklladefphla. wltal* thlrtj dart trow aad aflat th* dar W sale. ^ 3roS»t r •>< i-ale ol th* said aerteaced premie. Tbe terms ditiora. of .ate all) be a. follows -Tbe asortoffederecmlats wfn be sold is o*. oar r seen Ve pais iM J, .APaaiViTrwaS l-bliaOelpbia J*XJ I. 1*TL IL THOMAfi A iOIS, AucUoBeert jylt" BTIJBOFIXLB rau ABB MAAJIB m oo. WMiMvrLMiUJ. MASS LarTTaX AMP at'sif-vut 15700.000. i n Birias, Istj t Faa**.! r-es-, OOBBBCTICVT FTMB IBBTJAAICX 00MPAFT CAPTTAL 1(275.000. * »*.s*-n. Si,»ee; J lueses rrr-mr-t;; sdjasted 6; It. t | t a H Lars sas »a.s U cerresat a a a e ; WHITE, ALLYN & CO., Agents, "•. 1 4 * AAA. BTUKffT. iOLtaTlBIA FIBE INSURANCE (0MPAVV \o. 161 BrotiAJvtH Tba t i * | l l ) bas rsortaaiaea iu JU.. capital BBB I t I . AtsBBTet, traiL inov Batdl 100 U0 r.iat and i .4.1 .6 M Intarart and uspaiu P.-. K 3M M Btort*TasT** ant •ther lectin M B. BNaXUNb. .uotlon Aaetionear • arm. MADFOBO tamatli MALL. THIB trrnit. .ULT a AT TJ» O-CLOCA. CATALOOC* BALA or Mooh*. Falariaaa. Baar-arlaaa. Alba ma. Ba-ar; aad other Article*. tt- I PMtXLIB-fl * ADAMB Aaetloaeer. V AIaUABLB HTATBN ISLAND TtRtl . Ay rara . .aaa^JW— Will beast* at HaOnr *s«- *«*T», jB»j,st threaoVasck r a , at tbe dwellisi t. *'*•***< srr Btcbard rtosaaaai. at TttSsarstoCaatrr rUK ar Boar loo oT three armor; acres toe ca tto* ttoaattt ***** ma; to t ***** each, r OS** rtows was; ta hot Bewrrk, thsrtrsi ts shoot o -oo* sera. a. Ui.d, formeri r lacaseed oesr u>e testes Ista.,1 lo •k> deatb lorraerl; oesr l*e BAM 47. »0 Bans* sk.ntorl He s*rw«»e. si : ea, « ) e at. t s « rlsas tkereii. isereuj r.-:sc:ns u '• ru.«.- i .wiitaas b; TWO-TBIUlis IA' '«P"i •• '-'- -t e H-ki.. ts toswaass u. ts. eft. oatee Ko it'v.f fcud salmir BSs psl lansl i ef ia me&Ss ar,d lb. |.sbib i.^SBL IK-loLAS. >TfMSesV >.HI * thill! h ancjeta/) II'WT B karrfUta.** i s ' l See , HANOVER Fire Insurance Company, raw. 45 trull Mr. e-t tbe elevated lo- se Bs.. ef tew sarrosjMtlod rlaaaee, *c . a* ant* frorl f s r n a ri-'— eat shoal tw* mtkts fr./n »err»a* toa Bad FarSBrjrul* to Be* Tork enj The sthsmtoi eao»rb **o* taetsH*.' rt. UUd wttk k - a - " * ^ tto 4 p^aTeai: *o er*rri INSTTRANC11 rr*it!-a JEFFfsRSOaM INSURANCE COMPANY So, Ot> WALL 8TKEBT, CAP1TA1* - - - CA8B CAPTTAL. tHJBJ-LBB Jan. 1st. 1807 T0TAL ABBBTa, 1 IsaLM&BB LABh. Bcenisrr rxi 161,J3) 81 BM1AA1 81 KI I IKK FIRE INS11RANCEC0MPA.NV, JTW. tf^MLL STBtECT, .Y. r. (atb raartal TBUI Aa*eU. Oct. 1, t MM ..^^.v.-a,,.^ I *B^BBB>iWBf**»>^ . * I* 4 '!, if-sf iim°*bf. -. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: STUDIO VAULT Dunham&Sons - 10/New York NY Evening... · Mr. Sisvafaerr act the iiflouoatracatan ac« , ... to the practire ot which la

THB K y H f l N O F O i T : 1WEW YOKK, TUESDAY JULY 16, 1867.

i r * i s

i t* a r t a f i n tnel

in to diarepwte.

W e h a r e o f t e a r — i k i j tamt ha l a c k e d

. t a o a l t o o a * e r e r ? w e a k >M has a*ts*Ani*tr*

a tsvaa h o w Brrton* * fAott t h i s I* la a

r-ahrrr ra t i m e * of potrtlcal etrrteraemt He w

•u a a J a r t a a a t r a* rwt tn lr to - l a w the e,'pr»

• f tb*> nr>rtjir"r» r**'*?*** by rrit a--to

a * 4 t h a t g t r e M « netaMnn, *ua

toast IT tor t h e le«-tarnation <rf d e m a j r a ^ t m ;

b a t La the a m m » n r « he raise* the *r*i

*>*p** e f t h e ir tonramliaete a*d ir to leoatem

i hi the t o o t h e r * atAle*.

he m a k e e a s p e e c h w i n h e eaJUa for

t h e oyraVm of t h e Atton*r«T fJrri-»»T*l, w h e n h e

ball. w * * a h

to Caiafrreae, IH« M m m u. a!

*• n a u r w h a ,Uifeawiaii t h * t f n i ^ a .

aasi M t a n m r i f t the hopwo of tbnoe v l u stall

4 a a i » i a a a * e r t h r u w . and w h a h a t e I b u r a *

W » do n o t t w I U v a he m e a n * to do thi* . hut

fftto «**•»* n<-4 e h e o j r . h i m froaa b U t a e H *

b a a ertnorttrr.-d Cotajprjtt a / v i a a t h t m t o l f and

a g a i a a t the | « l t f » h e far ..rt bie a h a o t * war- k ! '

g i r o * <tw*m*»r-.o;Bv« ia t h e N >rth aad (Vjolh *

nr*»*/nl u>pi wi th » » ieh to s o p e e l V< p o t m a n ,

when* ia that publ ic bn'rr-sot, .Vru ld V »L

A T n l l i t ' , out e i .^ .1 W i*l i . -urines *n i

i t a a t i I»H * u» sew haw m i l * tetaBeee tv a.-

.*•'nipliftik *.. uiiik'h rust-m.

A g i a a c deal w a a tashd* o / t h e cratat • •(

Mr. Sisvafaerr act t h e iif louoatracatan ac« , k i t

w h a t was lh.-re raaarr m lAai .-urtoua * n j an-

' n t t B ' j l ^ - *•**•• U bea-'-H i k e m . - a u * e >r

aOttlfy a l a m . oat (he part of . h e fr taa le ot t h e

t ' n i o e * It ia a Ihrt t h a t a f"a*a a / i ) .e **lf".t

atwy«TB V» ' -mf-reo*, tmourf t h a i * Crcaerai

awl.* **o**r6d t h a t Mr, ^aMha-T *

antrarri la the p o w e r V a ^ n m i a t - 1

aw* e*r*t naVwia, wtah»ut

trial, waa *>ir->C* MaiairWia , tfc.- Preal,Ian

tiki iiOi a r a n aiweaapt J» jf lar u> i » p w tht*

h „ r t

• * ^ * M ^ * M ' * * ^ I to W*M r a i w t h e w h l a k e f wowid waL he ( b c t h o o m i a x a a d t h e

M w e »UIT^ al-

remdj aaaa, •Wi fhf f raeh e o o a i T a a c e

Bat t k e g r i i t u a t aomree of fraa I haa not r a t

T o e g o r e r r a a a t haa aut o a l r t a k c a t h e r a h af a l l t * e e r aanMaajw, ahJaeaaahi a a d

U a e a , ha t i t a U a w a reav>»aia ttmm h o a d a d

wareaowae (at tha pawooaa aX reraaaatee tara .

T h a t U tu t a * a a j y i r a a tot of w h i a h e y t a a /

ha t a h e n j u t of a n / boa J e d w a r e h o a a s for

• l l a i l i a a t a a a — » b a a x l ta>r«taB« ta> taw Ware

h a a s a t h # aa iae waarber of proof a a S a a a With

in a o>*ea\ a a n t h a r o f d a w a U a d e r thia ar

r a a f M n e a t it i» oaJr necaaaaxy t h a t a eorrapt

taapaator i h c a t d ha t i l , a a d aajttoinrf

whater*er o t r b e pa t baeh . from a a inferior

art ie ie o f w n t a k r r doWa as easar w a t e r T h e

art ic le to eahwtrt iaW, o f a a r deg-ree ot w o t t a -

haaaaeaa. m a y t h e n be s h i p p e d to t o m e for­

e i g n port, a a d t h e re tara of a l » a d t a g o e f t i -

awaaw far t h e £ * * « • a a a a b e r o f barreU af what -

e r e r may a a r r b e e n ak ippad—(t matter* ao t

if it were o n l y water—aripea oau a a a i l r t h e

- l a i m of t a e goTeraBtemt for t a t .

> f p o u a e , tut* U oa jy a a e a U l a e W e h a r e

not thn tpaoe to l o U u v the iiarllaaj rar te ty of

aaiita and eKgedteata that ara dar i f laawrted

to the practire ot w h i c h la e a o a i n g t h e de-

atvraiiaatacai at alaauat e r a r r aaas h a e i a ^ aay-

t a x n , to Jo - i t * haatdMaaT a h a t k a y

Let aa hawe a a l a l w i U f a a t a a d eare fu ; Jia-

-uMkin at thia (Object T h e addiuoci of fram

one h u n J r e d to t w o h a n d l e d rail h a a e W l a r e

w> the Bart ratal iwwaaaaa, a a d t h e ra-

»>o^of i i iA ,aa | l , a»hj i | a > a | M t a a t f | . t a -aepaaabie aaaa al l t a a a W law aaaf aagaU-u u a a , a r * of

the* aajr , there are atane fairhlaaa oaVwra, haa there u I a* ryetaaa of admiaiaeaaataa* aad taeaw aac ao £

officer*. h<jen iai w%j*ea*a, aeaapeteat to fraard

taw awaetaJa aa aa order, bat *ent it to thorn aa " Laiormattnn " only

rh* tea* - red raf " 8aa^ cmt h/Mr, J^aa totl waa ia haa aataaaaj* yaaaerdar. waera ha

tVat W taw atete anaanaaeau

W« «hal! aerw-llaar we af rag<? from >oe aide

te a of aort 9t

tlltey (hod *r iuknaoaSeia

Lind ){ ataa* af


•aay hue* BWaber of ptfrMtat wha ar». an luckily eMe to heap the -wastry IB aa ap-roar

"' i lk ia-j aaaann-r ht 'r -' t- *-*• lite,. **.u aaa\ fcaiara em aaak atrial bar the way to a apeedr arttl-meal at taw cottatrT'i iiancaJ-tka . eaak haaaaaaa; teto omhaat haa a*ah atdea aaa<*»!avl>rhlaaViihi«;waat the p^optoaaxfbaa-,, Jj &t*u~ Taaa the warid tau* mnaanaj a»y» -*- Tat raJInaat hawa atawaraaa faa C<0batttstton

of Me I aiteJ 4t*u>*, aad are rrrarrtoatdat' the ' nreraaaeat. Thetr parpoaa ia »-w0 j plain, to keen fat toafbera a»t*af oat at t f i a a t t « W aaakrateettorj aalaat -her -an V eearpeQed to retara m the laapatai Of the L'oa^iiaai niel d r caiar; teatatra aad traatwoaaVr [ taaaar l • Bavarraaa.

B a t wtaat ajirea atrettarrh a a d a n w a e t o the

" radica.^*, atcavpt the (o.>li*tt aaathoda of o p

p-aiucai a d o p t e d by t h e i r p o Q t l e e l o y p o o e n t a ,

north and aotttL ! af t h e aoanvhern people had

a. i uptiad t h e uuitotttatkaaal aaaaaadaaset. w h e a

U waa adared , t h e y w o a i d h a a * h a a a aepae-

wawaad aa t j te aw4 Crjajpeea , tf tava* a a d a y a a e t o

work h e a r t i l y a a d e r the ttini taaaVi aulham aet

a l l o a r >dl IIITI i w o a l d h a r e beeat atrttle-1

LAu« aii:nnier But a a d e r t n e adr toe of a o r t h

a m J^uia,ri i{ i - e * ho wroa^riy oaJI taaaaaorvea

irr.. <-,-»•> ^J i M .aa l o i .^Qi if .ther n<>rth

• rn l»m»«'>ir'i«i wb<- . a ; . ih'-i ieelTrw Heriur>

,i a : j the *rathe-Ti leaders har<" a u u k a ^ I

t ; . j i :+i*. \*» a the way • • • i l u i i l b e ^ . . u I

be ! u l/u'. w S o i n o r .rir i>»v»n»bar aanetiiiif

of ''f.n>{-»-Bt »..'. aee tL- -vonntry t e t t l e d ao>l

: ^l^a**' %. ^ T ' * •»' »f*!fl»h p«j':ti-"'. ia.-> m

•. •_ «. it-n « ao t iare rary . i t t .o oAaracter anil

•ca-ri iv a pn-fenoe >f patr io t i sm, the nati )ti

:* n-t-c a ianj -nJ ;ado«try .* :n

-.' * ' . . * 'Di - ar-J oaceaaarr l«-iri».»

i. 4 :<u: rT *aJ t2ie ^»>ui»i«) a iv i <a r ' . -nat

ino.r o«3a< S*o-i-w o a d i--(rrttni»u- -xpec-

i h*-re .« n • -e^»on e i e.i< ,a the

eru .ual t o s u n e c y o< t b e e o n t n e r a ,«a-len» anU

t h e i r t l l i e a ia t h e a irtharn ateu<a. w h y the

w - • - n u n t r r ahould a A be repraaaa lea JI

t b - - - a e a : oOjrreae. and all the people . a t e

.* . - . a .he a e t t 1'raairtentiai e loewuu

Tht en t i re w h i e k e y

if? ttf Tamflcatwow

e4eavad away* c a d '

reached a po int front whaak U

a-earflj t h e ipa t l f c ia a n t s

tax oa w h i a k e y Can a a y paraoB girt a

aualataat reaaan ajatf a h * naaauajatarera oi

w^Lake i . ,a»<jW Uka*. I * * aaaa a fact a re re o f

U v o faatfttjra or of aaythi i taj aaaa - a a t a r e r .

ahooJd a * r a an I a d e t a i t e , aa i»eraa l lataVa-

t h e ( o r a r a a t a a t * Dr

h e A t * . Her a t aVe

BOuidW all


hoae w h o I

toUkabaaaV to a* that thia woald be a

who It ta i ' iiatiij to tatow ara ta ao praratfl aaataaw ml pan haaaneat It woaJd be a bad aad danf^r.

te tan fatare. The aav af aaaaaadraw htrga araaiea haa

a aaaaiihnwiaiii The be lalriatlilt vera it aattled

taWU» am that rirtaal aad af a great war, the rnf laaaa i i taa r*gt " 'M*- '*-*-Iwaaila. whenerer and hdwarer they pleated, and (hat all tittle irrearaiariuaa woald be *TWward* iianJ.atnl by aa aet of Caag reae

Partiaaa Reporte. We eaO •laattan to aae taet taat * | the detail­

ed accoanU ae har« had of the axacatiaa of the Mbaaaar ahxlaafliaa, aad tae etrenmataacea that preceded and •tteaded the event, hart come to a* taroawh •oeptcaowa raaaiitila, that ara inter aatnd ia girtna; a tea atdia rtaw af the oaae. What aa bare thue tar at the aeaoaa* alren la daa haaaraai of Hapaaaoa aad OnwarUnt. at Karape aad ahaofatlaaa, af the rabafltoa aad ale eery It ta oarioaa te aaa the irtrraiaan tyavaatay which haa teiiaatit ail taeaa hataraata Into aaeh open ac eord.

bit aaaa of thia laraaJiaB of the laaJeta aaafted acfoaa fhe roral mhtd, aad Ah-aToaB reeeJrad thia

uuwer "I appoint you afiniatar of

wood aav AaTthiaa t which the reeeat death of

ht Tioaaaeaa haa rerlred, ia one to the effect that be waaid aerar ooaaant that Ma «raadehildren aboold take a doae of medtciae. Tat Jt. Treaa-

a handaome fortane by doataf o#*er t | iaai illiiaa A. haadred etinlaw »to-

rtaa are toad of the nvaat orainaat pa/aiclan*. aad it hat often beta uttfoad aaat the ruarduna ot health are muck more *Tf**B*. of their dragt ta their own tamiUe* than ia their aaaarai practice. Waa atoUere riant •

ad Tat*. The London rhava on (he *k* of iaay. kaV^ aot

quite tree year* aejo, uttered the IbBowtag *eaU-BMiot , ooeemiBK t*e L eated aaataaof iataal a

The federal* • * • thatr Vtalfh U turned tat* povertT- their proaptrtw laae wratehidinui. The power in which they tJerUed at aaVeat Uw te traaaaatd aader taat, aad aha coeattry timat 41*-ma; into anarohj, tae aotj rafaa* Boat which U teaafiMaBi. aad aa da aot aarapaa to aar that we shall rejoice 1/tae woree of taeae bareaJBatd.'

Oa the aoth of Jaaa, 1**7, at a aabHe hreafeaatt •yan* to Jar. oarrww, ia I rat aaa. ie*at Br^ut prratdtnf, tad Tari Huaaell belna; one of the pdn-

Varnon Haroonrt, a ate fling law antBority, and auaaorof taeaaaaaa BttBe eaa," which atBaaaBng *B ataah attention dart)o( tha war of the raaaaaaa. He aid

aht awihaaad that aVa faMaae ad i


h i m aToreraanaaBt^^awBtt^a ajajahani from •

f for 1 an akjMildajr aa* *B*eraaB*at aaean u i m t af tae mean lira hi i fn t aad.

T a e E s e i a e l a w t a J e r e e r C u t -

meeting waa held laat eaeaxag a* the Oonfre-Tahemacte In Jereer City, tor the par-

poee o f cmdorainK the action of the Mayor and d t y aaihorltie* tn attempting to suppreaa the a a a o r trafac a a Sanaa j . Mr. * \ F . teadojph •tamWud, t a d made a abort addraaa, and aaa fol­lowed by Hera. Meter*. Dana, Permelee and Cord*, g a d Mr. hUaata*. ot the r a t h e r Mathc* Total i b a t i o e o e e SJocietle*. and Major Papg<> born.

The follow rag resolution* wart adopted awaaaaater • L J n .

Taa coacarta f t r ta by That

Ofta* of hUottetoafaaitMeajtiiely •are to aay that tax riallf attprwred M. taatare* at tbeat eoacert*. howerer, ta the daettoa of aaaate new to thia ooantry, wMeh haa been procared by Mr. Thoma* daring hi* reeeat rlait to the old world.

erhoffand hOaa WtjUttha of thia etty had a Batter iagmiajHaV A.MaMa


lo l b * 'daaaa at

opaea Aw Piiaaaa*, la Tocel compoaitio* aa Wi The lucceaefai interpretation giren it by BrittkcrkoaT it ao ntattar af wonder to nap aow Sat we naderatand the rmn«e, ealtare

la the reeltatl aaaa be aaaa to

timeat, while the

pacify ol he BrinherBoaT on thm eon which adminthte tn the t z t r e m e . calfr«H*or*< ballad "

BMKBB OITY F i n Insiircince Company,


B. M. **r«»aaa.f


rl J Oaaar ate-, fcjjai



oh* aaa an thai in reaponat a beantiful little

riaahytatiaa church In the Tillage of Wtatokattar waa robbed af prop crty rained at three knndrtl d*ihva oa Taaaday aigM. Oaaatarday eight the aaaae thief robeed the vatJtoHc charck of Wtatebeattr af Bra haa­dred dollar* worth af panpuity. Teaterday the

bnra of the f aUetred thief waa wrested aad locked Bp to aandt aa examination.


•Bbrta la aiB>re* the ktwa

pilX. PwB*r*B*n (Bf ajvef I mjOm tWTI*UtB*f -

aaaarraa, l i a t we etol aaan a* at* B**aa* ot kw

S a S U W a W a T ^ - f c

ahatato aaa»* tBarbto a**i tala* halldraaa. The Rnaltab.. LMt

eomapiaaoaary la t|te TW»*>af Bate atoratnt;, of aa BBtanat w y * t ahMffttci^lk- W « Jb, C * fWal,** aaaiatf atatrrtat. haa facta, ae ahay are

nov ^ t w ^ m h ^ p X ^ r ^ - ^

h»m beooeua naturaBaed ia thia e o a a t r y >"tw

Italian opera r r t r r year , a a d J e m * * d * Ot>t » ghaJI at frfVeaf ia | t > -h-th a«Vk and la wUlin^j to pay what It eoate, and a tote fB«w» te IM. a n l i t i g BBBaatrar. That tbia it ao at oarta*; «v nart to the wkte din^aaBJBtaf ill Bab aT t a J t a i t t t h d toote . ia part

the laaaraaee eaaaba-

o X t w w l ^ a ^ ^

whick win eorar tkrap hjat * f I tab ilrnil. hha boat oa Braadtaa/ wtU he akty-ir* feet, aad ln> einde tae three lota So*, lid, l i t and XaU 0*

* aoat wBl at ataawaad a ban ieet, »4. Mead aa. The l*ta aawnect ia

ta* eaWi »*•«*» ag*V *Upreaeat thagvoandta ee*ap*ad by usdiaary brtok front bwildlaa*, whach watha tatea lilBBIM j f t , aBBBwte*aa Bf f>a

attracure «*d raaaabie baildingt oa Brotd-•SLg—- c »f » 1 • -

Tateopttt of taaVaraoai deed* to thia property,

The proprietor* *l the following houeea hare aaat a* that thaw keep the BVBMIM« Ptet nle tor tae peraaat of their traeaia. We pab-

Uah the U*t In order to keep bofore oar reader* la the ertfea, to waa Bad eoaatry flat'JBBBA aad i*>

Haiiii abaia Mai ia* IBRII aba atintia

I'"" • " ' ^^W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ r^^^r"»


Ta* caoa* or -ma Lanov or taarawyaMBBBita*. to the

flaw*aaaae B e a n ta« oalj atsttseUaB ore* ike tear other a***** awatdet twrtaaskawt**. *H at whtsBwars taaeny asm* sad of • faa l ralas, aad thershr eoaflradac the aaaaiwoa* sward ot th*

Taaa* Jcasa* sore raa iaraaiaa Oaasnssies •Isets* ta* Caio*aai»e rHawt *l th*

Hasp or U i Oranas

B*. *M Brosdwss. Baw tork

*ha U n p r e c e d e n t e d T r i a a a p k . Csat* D i w < n a , 1***1* BxpsatTsea, Jakr t. itri

par * Baar*, of Baw Tartu" • ? I k l t s s l t o n Jory *( th* Bsaotl

Ho* Taw Fiaar GOLD MIUAL or Mamtt

i«vr«t s/|Mrr*ofi««*i*rB*if>st»ar»*Ms*

• 0 0 n stn* urrrnt WABBCT

1,000 Coila B A L I aMaPl. roB saxt f t

ww. at. < tx>rn». jr., * cm., M PINf BTBXBT

«y* Was* rhi'aja, •** stw «« of 1*4 BvraSBB UTBBBATIoau.


***t aaiasias* ^rr*. w r e y . -laiaraat to «ae*Bsa**nrj

•. _ ^ w

lee* than eighty too* word* a day

WHItXlT n-AOTH :.** ; « « n n o v o n o a t the taat rear jr .w .

the f rorera jnee t waa s w i n d l e d >ut of one h a a d r e d mi l i tona ot dol lar* of r e v e n u e la the ainirie art ic le if whaekew T h e faat ltsx^j' aUracaad a t l l e a t t e n t i o n m umj a* there w a * * t . . . r e r o a a e « o o a g h to m e e t the a a u o n a i r i p w i t M and the rater eat if t h e dobl T h e P»»oie w - r e lad i f l ereat and Copgraa* thoasrht D 'tb-inj; to he of - o n a a n u e o c e t h a t d i d a o t r*> .»•--- ;•• -.he >.;:•...-« .f -aooaatrvaetaon. Ai l the •a. t s w»-» .m u w-i". k n o w a iaa* win'.--- «.» ..i- » ».— i •" V J ' w» were aot t h e n s t r a i t a r-t '-»r r-»»a' jc . aa<t *>' ''origr->a» 'arri'->i the i i . s tu-r or ->r '••> Jon jf th o a lUiastDx—* n 'W* » . .m^r-«m->ri»l lBreet i ( f*t :nB -. • n . •*,

t h e e x o e D a a t

O e r a t a a opara haB bad Vht ar teraa t iona ttf

a d i a p u t * * d pw*tn*ri*i ktaws h a * * * * a a t r a t

w m t R a w a y ao aaa*uloaut f a B a o a y t h e k m e r

tcan b u m paa*an* o f atoane R a r i n g a t a r f e

L h t r * Ut* f s v i r n r i f of I w » d * B B t a t raja ktian

- aatd atrpaoft haa* b e e n Jaw to a l a c k of tdrbrta

to s m t J u n e n c a * n e t a*, M a * / o ther oaaeea.

w h i c h rt T» neadleaa n o w to m e n t i o n , h a r e

a e . p v d kapreTeati tke a t a r a l i a a t o s i ot* i i e r

i ' f " op>-ra h e r e — t h e leak of resja ier perform

anecs b*>iag t h e principal reeaou T h e Oar

m s n -)[*r* "vtnpan.f* h a r e b e e n Iranaieat

:: tne ir orsranaaatioK. whuoh inipi iea

s letk-te-ncr in t h e dfaotphne and

stflcJoocv A the chnraa a a d arch eat ra. a t w e l .

as a fortuitous aetembL**re of t h e pr inc ipa l

^a^rer* withi 'u l regard to • proper J i a i n b *

.ion of part*. It ta h o p e d t h a t t k e t i m e is aot

'.A: '.istsxnt w h e n Uermaj i opera wi l l h*re %

.enmnsTii b>«ne in tb i - *i*y. T h e r e ia an

s'>uD.lance A m a t e r i a l — b o t h rooal a n d lnatra-

m. nt*j —for ail of t h e subord ina te work. All

t bs t i* Deeded ia g o o d m a n a g e m e n t , a a d s o m e

i ; s teniat lc eflbrt to pruoare 1 Trading sinjrers

i T h e patroaagw ta ready w h e a e r e r a oafltcieiit 1 and ri*apr*n*tfbie o r g a t n u a u o n I* propared to 1 »ppe»J for support

To roand t h e l iat o f m e t r o p o l i t a n amuae-

mexitt w e nood t h * p e r a a a a e a t aata\h«tohmeat

of T r e a e h c o m e d y and ' r e a c h opera, aad the*e 1 N e w York ia to h a r e . W e y e e t e r d a y (rare a

bri-'f s t a t e m e n t of t h e arraQ*r*menta T i k f i g

' tn- Mr ( f r a u — w h o a e hrUl iant snec-eea ia h i s

( atsatort m***Mreeneat to freak ta t k e publ ic

m.uJ I ader h ie itliistttnn w e shal l h a r e

, F r a n c h oosnasdy performed LB a s t y l e on

-o ,o*i tod a n y w h e r e o a t of Pari*. Mo e x p e n s e

wil l be spaj-ed to procure the heat t a l e a t that

can tM tounJ a P a r i s , and the r e p u i a t i o a ae-

\ q'i irod by Mr Utxaa in h i* a t a i u g iraunt of

w i n g^re h i m p^cnflar ad

ifuasitt^e. a f t er—as •* ..a..*.

;">king sbout aiul tu-niasr

s t i rr ing up s £ - d ,u»uj-


do s o


t h - - • •

i p f * .

h- air

aa I r"">>rt !th »..J i - e t u r u e i l t o W * a h l Q , f X . H l

LJWO.uuiy outhibj i

j f^r -mf f i cn t jV.itiahly u a d e r t a k s to

- s e l a a i r e l T credit buatnea* wit.-i '.--.s

r* •>( w h i * k e » taatead if colic- :.^j

s ' .he place it prrwfuctlon th-* ! St..

• •^'e-i j iaytLent s*>i a l io w* the wti.s-

i a - u I--.1 war- ' ! "i-«-e -'>n»>-n':a^

- • r i:i« 'ULL fti • « ! • • a l - i n . t e

illlie 1"' •- > l » IIL-S" '.he 1 .-41. .,.-.- ,Q

-. j t u t. * >ute rua *-a.-»* L t ***.-•

•» i ;• t :-a:J. br» . '.-*. >» :b his m i l i *>- j - » T - - T ! - r . - i t a - — •'•>: t . '.

e h It is i Htnc-t in

' b i t w ^ - s k "

i b t a w * i i - i s e v

»> -m e i n * r s e -,

a r « .- »nt * '

• r SH-- :t :us-


• 1 1 1 ,


- I - . 1 * .

r l "» • -< • I -i l- • -. - .

i S t - * -


-.1 T

•f -

rvcoanse -


b o n . i f ' w-^rv1-

tuay be ship;-:-! anixud— o> - •v

>a«< ori lib- » -

St :be p«»ri •« a-,

[li -n lh « H i » « ' • \ 11IBSI to aa- l.i-

remoraJ «n n-lt--. a.;-'

a-t-YnruniciJ! a a r ! D 7 •'

h-w<l i T ' - n s t - b - set p i » o

Sup-«-ee . ti"W ' v ' * ; '• '«

1 tin near Barrel-"' • k i B - ' to N e w V w t T h - sh ;>;>-

t h i s '.r tbe oja.J-l .--a

that m.- tiK>uaan-.l barrels ••: H c e - . . . j , .-

s h a l l be 1-1.»• rod m » l ia tnc i :iaui.-.! sa •• :h»

i*»ith. -t p»-ra»it la t h e n w r . i t - a J » the

a • a l a n a t . . s t a l l a g th • a«uub->r A

• * •• a -./-.J K*s beea ^ . r e u . he

-i i." ..-.->•> ftiiJ aambe . - s

-T—.'* * «>:i: ' - ' V " " • • ( . - •' : 1 -

: l n N >» 1 r t i h i. ou tbe *.-

r t >t : a^

;>t Q sa-

,1 a*in^:


harreta '

n u m b e r

Bi i . l : b i «

Kirtk d*i

nral ot -,r, • watsjitoatss *-••- •« " tnrmOhio,on - »-. for L****a**i irt**-' It »il woil enoogh

But JBBt B*ie tn. T B * lot la

»te : , t f t j - Jltt--

.eJ .

m a r k e d


i* w h o r e the ira* 1 <-uei

-jaaaiion, bef ir • - , n iv*

ta iVioviBat. a-i. :. • i For tjrat»el»rt*iton u. K...a .•.,

Jork.'" T B * »di»pp*'r t*A <« ,», hit panuithnd ahipt the whiakey f.»r N-.. Tork to toig, *V. of » , \**&I*L barr-..

t» l.Trtj-j ***** taaa* ae ahipe * thoussa 1 m iaa*, is kBM of the *B*BM aaa*

h * * » B * » B * B M a B W t e e % * * * » . O J » d

^ - mtM paidtBB haaaald properly. ^ w l r a n r B b f *** 0^9

*af tht illicit hrticie , risrihtnt ofBcor

; « a > - ahosMhl* •*«-

;Hvw t l w

rsjii**re* in hi* aeg<Hiattone abroad

VV;th the Vreach ooinody we ar-- to b»»e

French opera under the d irec t ion ot Mr Bate-

man whoae atana*rerial r e o t u r e a oi utte have

beea ao u n i f o r m l y tacoaaa/ni t h a i w e i o a it

'.-«<k •' -r any ' .h iag l ike fai lure oa hi* part He

.'.a* a ircady xiia ptoted arrangeraente in Par-.s

w hach ecaure h i t a n i l i t y to prod uoeTranoh opera

a better s ty l e t h * * w e h a r e e r e r eavoyed it

'i thia c o o n t r r He h a t ooatrac ted w i t h U<-

' e n o a c h the Roaauti of P r e a c h aomic opera

w-iu-r-j for J u p b c a t e copiee of all hi* w^rks

r t i - s e wi be b r - n g h t o a t here l a t h s aam-i

- «.-» ,u 1'ana. The ouetuxnee » ' - t-. be

. •. -. 'opMcales if ih'-m- u*e.l in the couisc

- i It i ' j r . j the leader A :be orchoe ir*

tin.! his pr inc ipal subordiaate>c are to be l u i i i

ciana w h o n a r e for year* been faxnitiar wi t a

L^fenba^li s v-ornpoaitiona. the l e a d i n g s i n g e r *

w'H \v pt-raoo* tra inod in the P r e a c h eotnic

or->ra, »n<l .n all reapecta an ""ffurt w i l l b.->

::.«. .- :. re^ir--.! ace t'ailhl'ull.'' the s t y h . of pe.--

'.•rriiaace rfiren ia P a n * .

1 lie rinainiai tai iarea A prertou* a t t e m p t *

s i r reach ©• inedy anJ opera eaa isaeily be e i

psajueo sjktl aee-a aot l i aeourage—ae t h e r do

Ni-M>ni I I I I s o d B a t e u i a a A lack if

..ftctk-al ' i i i .n as m a n a g e m e n t ha* b e e * the

...a;:: - i u * ' of »-.'ure h:tberU> s i d thia w i ; .

i _-er t taa- . u the W»T Aside from t h -

.ari. e brvnch e -meot In our p o p a l a i i o n there

sr>- ie:i!t»Hl uiore A m e n o a n s w h o h a r e * pa;

..., - tboros^'h aoqaa in tanoe w i t h t h e Ian

.- , _- ':nn th-'re are of OAI a a u r e - b o r n peopJe

i- w -h ither 'ore ign t o n g n e e .

, . . -—^,-f, - i n a - d j it ;s -onceJed t h a i

ioi l u n a c y s doe k a o w i e J g e af the w e a k

- . « » - . aa.i *i ht-« oi h u m a n a a t u r e . anJ »rti»

i.-ti .[i it aa* a o ev|ual. T h e FVeuch

- ' . . . ..I a.tiarf. too, is '.be moat t h o r o u g h aa 1

an-br -J ;n .be world. A o o o i p a i ; of urat rai.

Kreach oiroa: actor* will beoome a t c h o o l for

.;.. study s n J i initatiou il oar o w e A o i e r i c a a

player* Not that w» a a r e aot a l e w " star*

» h . wi l l -otupare f a v i r a n l r w i t h a n y aetor-i

a '.he world, but the n i i j > n t y of oar " e u p

p>>rt-ng " ftctor* are i -x i r -me iy erode la the ir

-onceptti io* if their art.

>..r wil l tbe patrons of h i l u n >pera suffer

by a Lively o i u p o U L t u n i » u « « n tbe Kreaoii

tu . l I ta l ian school* Much of i n * LudiaWeu'.

and o r e r w T o o g h i a c t i n g that we h a r e be- . i

s e c u a t o o i e d to surfer tn Ita l ian opera wi l l u*

a p o a a r w h e n w e h a r e F r e n c h opera paonarW

preastnted. T h e publ ic wi l l b e c o m e m o r e ex

a c t i n g In i t* d e m a n d * , and t h e s e J . -uisn 1-

w i l i b * protapi iy neoeded to , or a r t * a n u c i


W h e n t h * w a r by the aarrender

•>"bnelu*. t h e

aappea* t * - k * * * » 2 j i

d l _ - - a i l jd*iB*»daiB* aaliaaa^ah

aBBt practically to a close of th* BTBirrT of Lea aad

of dtBBTp|ia* in oar own j . i i l a adyta-

MrtaJaJ of aetr faaaral and aten stBtVhi the

ml atdtrury law. a*ti! t h e y were « " j " i r f ' T j - a h W » * * V

The IBSBBBW atoaBg. of OhJa,"plit 1 » l I B shaclaimtr

of Jswtwaajraaat conduct o a the part af rate of hi* son*, freaeral t r a g h Twtng It teems that an Ohio paper charged aa* tatter with ha ring *ppr» printed " I n a h a aad other thing* betoaplng to imK. Oar ta" Tke father n o t i c e by gtrtng the oaly paaathla sbaaaatiu* aar aaeh • charge. At

of Jackaoa, Miwlaslppl. the book* la Bhrary were scattered, and tome of them

*rt Into the posaesaio* of d e n o t e ! Cwtag. S e kept them until the close of the war. sud than aotlfled the snthont lee of the state tiial the eo-.ks waa* in the office of the ezpree* oompany ^abject to the jnler >f the iKirernor j f Mi»*r*s1ppl.

Ib is w** Lhe set jt an nouorable and houeet of ucer, a* itoneml brwlng is known to be. Alter stating the see. Mr Kwlog 50a* o n t o say —in re ply to another harjre j ! Jlaloyslty on the part of himearf and hi* (hanlly that, af hi* four son* s a l two sons-'.u law, Are satereJ the serrlce early, and that of the lour t o u t sn<t o a * of hi* son* In law terred to the sad 01 th* war. The other ton ta law was wounded while leading hi* rerlmeot , • a d was honorably dlaeharged. One of these sons-tn law la William T

rarBMrara," T th* pernor, ana /aaaaaTtataafrr, had aetn

to the atoav f a t kaad new , t

httBdmoed thto three panaX OauaaavSh of May, lfah, tht aenira bat, tweaty-atx IBM boat, se .eaty two feet Jeep, and thirtaaa laeiai tb* ratV.

af teat

A PotiUonl CrUU at Pari*. Some 00* hat started a em-loo* rumor which

may turn o a t prophecy, or, unite a* l ikely, hoax It* sabataace la that the Corp* I agt*l«ril wtll soon be itasotfed M Ltouaor superseded. M - W s i e w -ski *ppointaor Minieter of the latertor, aad a D r e a r n d * Lhny* Mtnlatwr of Foreign Aflalr* and an alBBnse termed with Austria. By * enri oe* surai-niea— aaare I* * *tory *aoat Out M Oflrrler ha* had aaothar toag audience at ihe T a l i enee .

A C i a a a d u a g n l a a t G r o a a d S a B t r r e l * . The daci-ataaiit* *W la daataksBBsi in gaaaine

Peter-ta*-i iennl4 etyle aaniatt tae groaad eqnir

rehi aad gopher* e*T Caltlbrni*, It aaaerU that in th* Alameda aad aaa t* Olara ralleya the tnrmers bare actually hoe* driaaa ay these l itt le peats from some of their beet land*, that alter the <rain hat been reaped aad shocked it la a o t at all m us ual to are from two to three haadred of them -uaalag ahoat la • single field : that their aettl* m e n u , Uhe those of the prairie-dog, extend tor oiilaa, eaoh barrow 1 hollering front one to six in­mate* and thai It woa ld hardly be an exaggera­tion to »*y that (bey eat one-fourth of the annual ebea i crop It calls upon the s t a l e Agricultural doctety to offer at oace * liber*, reward tor the "<e.*t and cheapest method of e i termination.

t g n o e r B a g g a g e .

Among the toilet artless* which the Saltan ha* brought with aim into the countries of the Inn-dei» i* an linntonee taah of S u e water Hi* high­ness t» forbidden to bathe la any leaa sacred water, rhe transportation of thi* tank frusa S g y p t te Paris Lon.t hare coat somebody a retry pretty a a a af money.

Another of the Baltaa • soosseortea i t a kind of wreeii , which he use* a i meal*. It eesabaa* him u> see the other people at table without being seen himself Tradition direota that profane *ye* ihftll ao t be able te note either tb* appetite or th* abstinence of tae Father of the Faithful—Joubt-led* s o a f o n l c o t reigalaltos

brer as a a W i t .

L U U S I Biasnarek'* organ ai Berlin ridicule* th* lum-tY professed by some i'rench journals with retareac* to tbe commercial treatte* with th* states of Bouth llaiiikiBj i l aanartB that thee* treaties here no such political importance as 1* asvnbed to Uiew s t Paris, and add* that Prussia iiiitat as well take umbrage at the commercial

treaty between at iglaad a a d France. " aad w* s*y, ' it ssks wiiL n r t o o u * i,w?'g***t1"". " whea that treaty waa ratified, mat Inajianrt had alien­ated hex Independence aad pa t aataell aader the £u*rdiaa*nip of France ?'

B l a s h i a g H o a o r a t o t t . o r t a c k a k o B .

Tbe Jfmr^uti y .i*t ratsr-aostru Inform* the o o t i d that Prince (.rortachakoff ba* beea recently ad-v snevd to t oew dignity He t* now Chancellor >i the Kaapira lor Foraarn Aaaira. The office

waa conssrred upon him ta aa aaiograph letter, whicil i» said to bar* t k a d e d t e ail the terrtcea wtuco Lhe Pnnee ha* rendered hi* country, and assured him 01 tke proatond gratrtadu and warm ineudship of the Kaaperor.

B i « a u c t G e t * * B a x g n a n . A i.Qfiaaa paper retaarka that Count Biamarck

14 . .-e. nUl iaa In lead Ha ha* Just boqghi an eetaxe in Pomrasianie aar thro* haadred thaler*, *nd the Boigkhoriag proprietor be gets H rery fheapty. HM bargain is due to the tact that he OBBaad conk naytmna. T h t


the pre**, Mr Field, who ha* eon I Uoa. staatty ssTToeaiod B»»aB% aKnntwl fc bf^hajf *}, * > * M ^ " " T ^ — l^****"*"*! • • • * J | B B ati utieaa BtiFteaB^afy^anaj, BBM*> BBBBhWaVatpf Anril Ma whole AsBnWBatod Praa* of MOa erjuntyy had aad hskea a haa arid word* e any. That Mr.


•ret record of the



the Bat at ftedaBat-tlTrVJil HMnate t t e gaj. of the property by't^eaaBaBtaaaajrt** F

sprnttegv? te a s p «BB» af taw hundred a d d t w e n t y - t r e pound*. The shore-named " spinster'' w*gdoubts*M a ptreoa at aaate not* i n hoc d a y . at ail areata ah* appaere to hara beea a talerebty t o e d specuMtee, (or In 17H6 ant a*M t h t aame property to Jaose* Anderson and Abraham Brown tor thw very handsome sum of tf teen haadred panada. Aocordtug to the record she was still * "spinster ." When the property was first sold It was tn the West Ward, but st Lhe second sale it waa ia the First Weed.

Th* lot south at the cbore, twanty-eigbt by seventy-two teet, w»* sold bv the same couioita siouera, on July 10, 1788, to Wllltam A Forbe*. •or three ton id red pounds It sfterwards passed into the band* ot Darld Brooks and »U», to satisfy a debt, aad in 1790 the latter sold It to James Anderson sod Abraham Brower for two inouaaad pound* At the present time either of tbe shore lots would bring sereuty or eighty thousand dollar*.

The various deed* of thi* property would pro re interesting, ** showing tae gradual ehange tn the vslne of property in the tower part ot the city The ntmliiea of the tarty owner* hare nearly all passed ftotn prominent position* 1* th* bt t tnmu community , and are now almost unknown.

For many year* the lota on Cedar street formed a part at tke burying groaad ot tke Bcotak Pre* byterian Church Tbe bone* which were laid ther« to real nearly a eaatary ago ware long ago dis­turbed I* g iro way to the atarok of commerce

Tbe Equitable Company will erect on the ground k costly Ire -s tory ntarble front baikfing. rhe basement sod first story will he fitted a p tor bent tag purpoaaa. The sat ire second t o o r wil l be need by the company

The growth oi Lhe Equitable Life Assurance C o m p e a r ha* been rery rapid. Started only eight years ago, on a capital stock ot tlOO.000, the accumulations now exceed four million Jul tars, and It m e t r e * twenty-three thousand per­son*.


For the Season of 1 8 0 7 The Btlsntlea of th* trads t* taeeUlly tartlet t* tht

aew tes tae*o* a»r the ssassa of fan, saatst* eases ot stout *r* now reaor for tasueetlou st oar store, a aao st

E.R.llD.S,yWVER4(iO. . r*- * - «

T0WNSW04TALE, Nchv York and Boston,

arms* at ksaroraar'* Iaiaae. General Urant rotamed front Watt Point yoster

day afternoon, and waa lntaaedlately eaeorted to Ooreraor'* Island, where arrangemenU had been made to g i r t htm a proper reception. Gas tie William guv* a salute oi aereateen gun*, aad the band played sereral popular air*. It 1* expected that General Grant wil l spend sereral daya oa the island, a* th* guest of General WaJlen

T h e A n aaa o f A meet ing of the Conatituiional Union AatoeU-

tion wa* held latt sural ia Masonic Hail, tor the purpoae of taking action tn relation to the arrett by the British gorernment , of Colonel William 1

ot thia city, sud Ooioaat J. Warren, of .ts. A pre* ta nle waa adopted, aettlng

torth that the kbore-oamed ofneer* had been *r-reated tn Ireland without the sHghteat orert sot en their pert, while on a ritK to taoir relatires; and raeoiutaan* w e n adopted cabkng hpoa aecre tarj Seward to mak* a speedy aad sbeolatc do-

id tor their immerltato release."

TV* I a cease Tava la the a e r e a t h attscrtet.

Collector Blake, at the o e r t n t h col lect ion dts-trict, snnounoe* that tbe Income tax list* of hi* district are complete, and that be will be prepared to receive the sum* d a t from tbe *Xh of July to th* BBth of August, s t t b * now bank bunding ta Third arcnue. corner of dereuth street.

eoaata ta that •appedoatet

soaa* BsBy BMB of the lower eaaat BsnTha byoajaaaaM BBraoa and nokf

mwn i rte*

— Philip Monahan waa arretted last night on a chanre (A hare sensed the deatk of hi* former em­ployer, Thomas Coagrore, by stabbing him.

—John LilieatBal, of Ifo. M Centra street, hat beea arretted an a charge a f h a t i n g roceired and used * draft for *BB» 88, f u l t n g i a g to John Lllien-taal of No , IM Warrea atreet.

—Aa eaort M lasahliisj. t o resarrect the McXeon

—Two Win TahoreTBta, tatated Simon Oemptty and John Muliina, attacked Chnaiian Lad wig tad Henry W. Quail, who wore working for lea* the* society wages, at pier No. B7, Bast Mirer. Mal-Baa attempted to throw Latrwtg The assailant* were arrested.

Jeatph Jatdtt yesterday refused to pay for hit bill at Crook* dining saloon, aad leering the place with hi* dm at. he waa atreetod and sont-auuedto the romt* on » oharge of hsrtngatoien •aid check, the raiae of which wa* trad at two

Fort Wtulasj Hsnrjr nwtai, at QaldwaH, ». Oate, pro-Al ths *oath end ef

Lake Hoase, Caldwell. BockwaU are*., e**r tht land tag. Board *t I t per day

a r r a u * .

walaaay. Jerraald * Osx, Cataract Hoase. ea ths American rails, aad oa the edge of the rapid*.

Fuitou's thtornettoaal Hotel. Accra*Biodatloni tor WO guests, f t per day; t » par week.

A a a c k k Co., Bptaeer Uouse, saw hotel, three ann*ttr of th* Fall*, oeaniba* to aad boat th* oar* free.

Cliaon Hoase, oa Can*** no*, ta fan rlew of both Fall*. Stop st Saspesaflo* Brlat*. Otaai haa waitlag

MOSTTBBAX, OAHAOA. Amsrtcaa Boas*, C ft. Brown, | n a n * n i . Pirat-

•Isss m e»erj respect. Brie* I* sanostsfs

.jroprtetor. V t , Leoaaru Lore,

Hoase. Newport V t . oa th* iftks st taaaaaMa » * • • j . i

BlpMw Oolleg* Hoaae, Faattaty. , w«w hotel, wihl

Bar. **. R T V '

Vt, I. %. The Bqalaox Hooss, Maarhaetar, Tt,

WHfTB sfQCBTarw*. Osan aoaaa, i M Tnomnaoa * Os., propristtra. Ksarsaraw Uosse, North Ooaway. N li . " OU 0*t»

way of th* Watte JanaaBBB r*s**a sad Qraat Notch A * BBLAWABB W a r e * e a r .

L W Breahial, Utattraay rktasa, Pssssata Watar Oap. Pa. n o — tor tJt gassni. Oetatsj** toiat ,

*s t>«daj .*WB*aw*tk. {Near Delaware Wateriest i BBaJt* OOOBTT, TL.

B u s t s * H**ia,W*BBi*ita«, Pa. tat f lMBawBeBB-tng A. BBBBh, BL D-, H* | IBUn.

rOBBB Ot^TMB D* LAW ABB. Onlssd 8 sat us Hotel, earner Taint sad atorbtf 9 at its*

street*, taslnr Pa. saaual Haydaa, gttprattjtt. LBHiaa T i u r r .

R. A. Orldar. S t * HeSsi, BMalahem. Pa. attntt m> i—i i i i l i t i i sa Mr regular teaider* a a d a a w a r IsarisO

IB OOsU, BaatlOBa. Wyoaamg Be***, Sniaatoa, Pa., 8. M Nat

ral grouao* *itach*d.


MaaBtatn Hoes*, aaar Wumaahatro, Pan 8 proprietor. "NeMllng uaoag the sassnaBan* "

Mantdca Hossa, Maach Caank, Fa. (Joed Pare, c o o tunable hoase.

L» Toarette Hon**, nergea Potot Boating, bathing, flahlng, awah i sa******* aad fratto Beat aardaa.

c'nt^oodHoaisa Key port, Dr Eent.nro'T. Btawal ill s t s r . a., footof Barclay Board *w to %M mm Wtok.

Brighton BVoata, Perth Amber, i. 0 . Tafly, prtpri* tor. Ooantry, dty and lass i i i adltalaaat.

OoaOaeatal Hotel, Loag Braaea. oarlj a n sdraasngeaa* to both gaesti ai

Hathaway'* Hotel, Deal, thro* mfl Branch, within (hart distance of batch.

hfoaataia H i a s i , Drakesrtll*, If. f. Fishing and boating; two sad s half aeaaa bom N*w Tork by M e u U and Baser KaUrosd.

II*—It Moose, ttoaantt, M. i., *a* heat from New Tork oa th* Morris sad Baaaz aaflroad

Paiiaade Boa**, l a g i s w s a A N. i., t n Borthara Bai l read of New Jorory, (beat aa hoar bom New Tork.

James M. Prases. Waahiagtoa Bock Hon**. Plata N. J . on Oi ilnil f l i t * i s * af Bww J«r—j.

atoty-flrt a t r h y


F Mucfti*. Partnoa, Row to sad Bom New Tork s r orr hoar.

•twarRklia. B. L * B e y l , t B


- The captain *f th* s teamtog Deaa Btenmnad waa arrested reaterday an a inharge ot baring rio-ktted tbe hearth law*, by throwing tbe body of a dead animal into t a t North Blrer


* ^ •"BBBBB^teTeat

aattaHk For Bala, to* snUrs froal sa MB Araaaa seat stos t s

twasa tath aad ataa ssrssss. wBh two teW ta as* rear, axak kaal tra l l leo Apoly to B . B . L 0 B U > W * 00..

«> (rant) »o. t pts**«nset





NnTW HOVEL. tra*. Oarix>^ Ifww Bfor a t is w a t t WOBTB aur iaa A I D

aaanxae raaowanewt. htat. t r o w a ts caritxaurie; ra* OBLT omasa wosxaa i aaa i n T B * oats' ****** av-

oou*T*t TatftT ^potrtD WaTfa stfon ajr • tABn* I

Bao* . A BOB AttCB OT THB BUVtTBLIC. A asw Bevel,

Mas. A.Toia Maais Csuu> 1}

T H E PICKWICK BelDg HM Br** oi • t *W *att**0 W.

P*r»BI»». Dw*taa*"s t u r n su




Tht* sdinoa wtll r o s M l i t tglbltltj. Darabtflty, Bnsot • Back ttore! will as complstsd U s

Th* p*ff« a s Bowing, ops* o s, aad alHirlsrtT* head Ba* hat been sttached ay th* *alher to swory right head page. Bach returns win coatatu skttt *f to* SIMIBBI lllastrsdoos, telsctsd s* the boat Tka sdrtioc will bear s olstlngalshtnt rac-slmlle tlUe It will to seaaaressd ta Thirtesa or Poartosa Volomss wkiek will be issued st the rat* ef an* or more monthly *a«l tke s*t * nsaspliuil. i«mo Purple Cloth. | i t i roll

riror, by mfl or boat ri* MMdlotown or Hartford.

ta* nwataa****nnwar*aak eranai anna saow *wa

*9\££!2£XSZm\ , OL, a. *T Alsto. |

<***%•- s -ifi-sxx

THS HOBTH AM1EICAH EI VIEW F o r J e l y , I B o T . to N e w M e a d r .


n.-aBBTDOM AJn>TH< BaTANCirATIOS L i n > m R0««i A

l l i . - t W E D B N B O a e t O B T O L O O T IT-LoaerBixow-8 TBAHM-ATIOB or - T H I






t i ta. Tsartr aabsartntlon, *t ts w rer aar other ptrlediesl tsswsd bj us.


TAAINO " ^ ^ " { y * ! - bBMI-A-BTAli IB-


At 8 5 a n d U p w a r d s .


mnvur r JPLT 1st mi stXlBB



^•bi«ril». t «AHC1A-

J R j a ^ W i , BCtrTBK - a. Bit i a t

BWM OT.M1I OBrTM. T AHDIKG B * WH AJ MS Docs, fiaaar ttaaa,

fm.ym ^Wrw.**gr ,trwat tp»,

t a n sirsfitoi, i 4 r. a.

PaggaB****, lesr*

W M t w V




* r > f > X 7 Z - s ^ k v B r t . B T O O A t V S


Cloti Saoques at $10 and $12, snWcontJy Bood at BaMwaat »B3.

A few choice Paris made Saoques

A I M ,

Bros Goods at 25, 50 and 75c. raw Tard nasi PnaraaMa


OB CITT ISLAND, PORT ( UB8TKH aw* OanaarwioB.—Oa sad after .1 sir ti, ths trsisiaas

j a i r JOHK thOhtkh wi.1 laars Her is a. a., foot ol Oliver sires*, dairy U i B r I . aad foot of Mtiskr*** at Bet r, a. Botornaw. tears Tssawtok w i s . * . , kaad Utf ksabert, arrlrtagal Ntw Tork fcJk. j e l t l o c i - u

T t f e M T H P O B T A M D W I L L n T r r g

i B w r l s a t a a t S l M ^ ponat«aadWlM**>^jfotat»»taia-a. t p l s i

T OW*> B B A r i C r M , BttBaMWBBT/BTT A N D

A. T. STEWMT & CO. ABB vow orrgBiifG

Jk. L A B O K A U H k » O t A - 3 ' M . B . ? r r r


4-4 French FouJani Sfltok,

Btack SOts, tf 1W mflst Popalvr M»*f», At 8) B» par Tard aad Upward*.

i«*\**t k CkMbfrja, **% ate. At rtWBt VfiatraiBBUbj lew

Brottiltt *y MB4 Teaifc Street.

8UMMKH RlrlORTTi **«*>^M»aa*Bs--a*WstBaBaji at ta s o*i WSS* sails to* itaw*w * • « • • • • — .

A sMsslA*Va*BB Bvmtum 1 B H 1 » .

U B A N T H O l T S 6 is

H O U I I ,

b aew eeea tor th* aaosrBea e< gaft»y Parsoas wis* tat to ******** root** eaa do so "ay sflrrrstrlrir

jT»lif-* 8. hT VAmiaTBLiy

T\ lr>

BRICHTOM HOUSB. rerab tmher. B .J .


AIMat, B t o r B T H A BBWIBA, » , BsMBtBaaB aVB > «****!

L A M B " j L L O l l i H l I .

Ill THB SrreRSsW

Lett* Bww Tork n * Few Bsrc* aaUroad. si u it (aesoj; l * r « r . a« or or Mew Bsrca sMaturr. Facklrilp.

41a Batoraws to* la t t Brat* istosptaf oars stiaatrl COW throsMk to ths lata wUheU skua.

Mass sssTpstrtlcetar*IB Apnl«ioe's ttauwa; b . l m aaa start's t.Mtos of Can—rttual rsilsr m~ Sa.

TX>B. NOBWALE P1RBCT.-THB FAST JT aad •rtesdv) •Otaarteat BBLLT WRTTB tesraaPVsr ft has* Hirer, toss ai II atoll skives, <«wi •ttmrao** at SH o*e»oct. aad (oof 01 kit* street at **i Betorsiaa. Isawes* Mrs Bs ataa-r. ooaa.


Mer-aatk at Ms. ar so tosarrriaJ orDoDkwrr ajftf trslaa. Far* tt esc Is. Ric aisles tickets ti I set tor New Csiisaa, Wlfto* aao snars to*

r^JHrS^toti"^ ^t^STT^

OOatraVwr taUTM B O B ALdkATTT.

j"»waM*tssr* i sY' t l 'tViT^"^



V VtrotOCS f. W,,. Staaw FlaM II I W a l aalVf.- lOOt ->! OI

M th»


• CsaTi <*••*'

SaV-se M :; iarwrs M a r s s T s v l B ['



^ * l ^ i ^ J 5 * 5 ^ i H i n

s t l i t r a , IlAlLT.




Of London and Edinburgh. BWTAML,l«rTM* IB 1HO*.

BabaeribeB CaoittU. $10,000,000 Inr^fMlfd FaBttl Ifl 0O*d • - $11,847,429

tftmrnvTom IM JTSTW TOMM DABBXr, Baa, ~

fteawa. D*n*-nTMoaaas * Co, Baaaass Mtsswa. Loa*. Dar * Loan, aaBsBsra

OIBre, Fd Hsait hAr«*M, M « w f o r k .


CBAA. B. _ . of Oak**;. Moersa a r.

a B r a . B s a s t B. 1>. *f*r«aa « c«

^ n S r t r r t w . a •«


w a y tutat Ad W a U Ut.

Caab CBBfUl - 7 ~~ . . trtte.BM • T B U I laaeu, Jaa. 1, \m\ • • idi.litj v

Tata coafPajtT H*> an ooNwacTinw w . i h AAI ixHsihikariuk *r a-»»K>ciAIiu>. sun «<*-. , . . . sssat i* tto TaelC saa* Mai** SSOIHSS ki u* hoai.- • U»«w liners.

n/ i t»rr'>»fl Wsv*. Oorwtav Saw ill e r a s . Wa P !••«• .-trhaasssr B. Frsj, Batasa War*. f-atnra :tm»-Boeerl Daaiaa, H«nr j suaarfeora. Rica i T i s m u Bsary T DrwrsaL Jsoo* rtak, a t * , tan. »B»ax s»»e**a, Joba If Hsrwari. r (' Adaaa. ittmm. W. Ttoak, Wm. Tuosm. a «U'mo»-Joha t . Martla. Msoars b kart, I L M I O I B r*srr» BBaMead,J h J«aaa*oa, J o i a ^ . « .., "•"•J** w rnos. An-os V uta. . . ( L.r... 4 y , . l o , Jo** H Jsaaia. l t » o O n t l l h.^).|>». * - , ,r ra.«

r i L U A M t OUtWiK. rrsw.o.a!. W a u a s I kirr s w s s l n j J S r s a c s . slaua* Ueoara. t i n



.1>. 4 0 WmU Street.

MIMnerW B . C O M ! N B , P r c a l d i i a

$2,000*000. BtUataO Of JUMBCTOMS.

<9ea*4aj Baal, scksc

Bdwsr4a.C.ark. J oka J Pbaiaav

- . - ^ , • • Bsa kV OaraLaa,

#••• 'J*»*»**o*, OBas P t r t i n c t Bsarr W. Bart, Frsd**. thalSoB

'AhTBBW.a CL«»1XWT« M. D , Msdioal Bxaaiuxw a*aii lean aairto—ato >H s*oiostr a

WildAaJklaB-rfHtJkAkLiKOoassaSiaas i*»rslrsek B.ts.BBOlttXri.Sast-7. *OBH Batnia. s * •BTTtAw a a d l a s s n s s l r l a a a ut Life Laawr-

• a e * b a r e n o e * a d a w t r d h r thi* C a t o r a a r . B e e * - a t * aba a i a f a a a a a a l a s

HOMf: I X S . COallP'.V. 1** JMUtW*wir\«ir.

/ a * . X, XB87, !"•; : IS Paao aand Inland Insu ranee.

CBAA J. ht*a*Tl»,r>i _ . A_ F. • m i . n i . t f m Vloarr

4. a wa

W^SIf tniaJEJ IITO. CO OF LlVatnroOL AHD LOIilKil. ..

1 *


Faniily Silver VaXLa-BUta, (MVhsUiAIBBT BOjrna ai .D


STUDIO VAULT SI Wtst TtMtb rMrw-4.

Tas Vsolto srr Oksolatetr FtTtB tad BTTROLAh PstiKir sa* oBdoaSto* taareatT** *******

t'rrsoa. l*a«ia» Has stir wtsl aa* th* Vaall a (rrsai eta rsaltosM tor th* s**a*>*SB*BB *i ftata aa* tohei rasas •tea

Prtrraas «ato> sadetrearBoxei to reel of saltsels Maw*.

attisi-o r. BuaBaa. B. HLL8BN. Rsp«rUlsj».e*l of Vaalts



Piano - Fortes. I l l «so III But lttk St., K.T.

K. srj laatrnwcai warraBtsd far Ar* r***s. Old Planus takes la i



o^ec tor ths sessoa, sod s few choice roouif ran be ohialaed ea t*ssseaist**erneatloe <vmss*utta*uo wit* hew Tork l i tlaM* ealli - daslaut ,* boar, fayd ksttitrn

]ri»*t ' f*ius*toi->*


Isllshiral Bcm-svcr Hotel, under tke taankaremsos SSTV-UTT. tors-ertt proprietor of to* tjsnamore

Thli (1*1: of Willi: House, Ne* Turk, will he laifaiieai at>u*l Ju:.e 1. Avpu-usllses may b* * t o toOBOTtGB sr(M»ti&*f rYor-rletoi

J j U l w

S T A M P O R 0 HOU8E, o T A j a r O B D . OT.

M B * f , ' - ^ ' y O f t P i . F O B J M B M L X l i ­fer V-1 Hot* aad Fai-ksr Hoase. Bostos. sad i*u a/utstotor or ins kiaroua HOvtia, ash—, hat takss

faifn0^0 ik^to 2 r w K « i S s a»si: s a halted BBBshsr for the fassis. T W t o k i swpajaad

to^o-awttTto* a M a a L ^ l S f i , .

-TJOrr i fOasT N O T I O B .


tor t* ****ea. jsetXTk** ma


per Morris for tksaith dnrss .*c

[ IT,* . 4 , ONBBOSJB rBWtl MaTW TOtiJL,

d^rVSitorihr^a*^^ trttt—* I

C A T 8 M 1 1 . L M O C K T A I I H O I 8 1 rTTflT*. F A T O R I T B BTTJMMBB KBfJOl X * asw oeea tor rattora. fH.ew.wtB B S M paaav.


-VA'artBi 0©BB WW be

A CCO Vsrj to* t e a r AT™*, aad Pisaix* srr to* t e a r B

Tor datalls of to* saserlor adrseJecss af Wat** Hill mat ss s ii suit** aMIiiWo eaa SOT* r*B asssripdv*

^!R^l»a4iaSt'-v , ' • «• *• - - ^ W isi.T***-* A.m.rhoamm» a oa J * H M _

m i i « OCBAJ. UOUBM, BDaBWATKB, M. Btate* Tslaad, oath* Bki tffaa »|BB, fu-st UadtM rroai Wkit*a»l! strew. Bow Tork, oahn ths t a* tafsi ataate of anj kotai oat af th* ettt to ****** wisalsK s ooar«ei«al. sir; place Basts hoarlr B o a * a . a . to* r.m. aad al 11 aad i st K * r u t taaaa* **d t a l u s , t ta buns oa ths premises. Address THoe D G AL1, as shora

•a i c. a utiD jUns i


PBBM1CM POIBX BOUBM, B I W BOcaaiAa-- aotae ana rooms, with Brstclats tat-ie.

ea* to obtatneo tt modersu term*. ST-ts-i B : **T*t><K>,

LAMB PtTOTOBB BOrSB, &AXIB-ar»*. Tw^-I. a. TBBf*rLn, Preeneaor-The aho-vs

ksast Is sow os** for th* rsatoBeo ol faaalllas aad loar Ms. Cwnstofi at Brsndea, TT, WkaW* coeohes are read;

taet la

Piano-Fortes Are .. i i - f *

prorjoaoesd k; tke trst naskst*** •* the ate* sac i t o s , sad bj the ieadlac a iat t l l 'ert ia th* rUlss.


Ther are seed a t aa* COMABJT. ATOMm OT Mtj:kit of KiW TOBB sad 114KKJXLTB, sod.all the Hi** kfasleal Bekools or tka ouoa* J, B*«*taa* of taetr bar**D*e uuwer, swretoess. brarssaaj aad sarteetaqsalltr W saa*. elasticity oi loud, sad rrsat darshuttj.



B T The foratotaa books for sals bj alt Bookseller*. f b j the rahBshers,


Aad SB B l e a c h e r (Street H. T


BEAUTY AND THE B E A S T . Keat paper eoran, prte* U Mats

pleasant a* hoar hi lb* - t a t t o e o e n -

tjr ofstrle . oatoralaaas af saajuar wtueh sksraairr

roatasT ta the eoau-nw-rToitr

LMtntrS SALES W TIE SIT s series ef short I

Fancy Goods H I 1 T A B L E A 7 * 0 »


B r o s re M a r h l e a a d t a i l C l a r a s . R r s t t e Kts* • re-s aad Kr-ta, Taaaa • • P s r e e t a l * a a d i»w k , a i a . I I I S M , U l s . e s a * J e w e l B S i s s , C a r * K r e e l . e r s , J a t Issada. f i n ta U r e a l l i . r t . - l ) . F l l a j r e e J e w e l n , A c A s .

Tke atlennon of Wholesale Borers Is solicited. A*a» dltioD* are coastaa.i'j made to Iaa stark of the laical Paris Novel t ies .

W1H. A. WHEELER, 3 3 .WrttV.f'r* L>mu*s.



WAJtB IB (JABBS, * c , * C Ao.

WALTER M. SMITH, I B J * h a ntreaBs • • F . , Tin


aPlhaaV B»**aCjr*t-'aB*aVaTa».^ ' I

roaB.Trjim.iiffla 609


t Q f T teowTtetit tw Toiristh. SAOOAOB or m i s a r t o r ttorstOf*, Lake Mahopee,

Lake t e a s * , lash* Oh—plats th* rtrsr etLawreaee and Baplds. M u r b e J M i T t . aad all p lace , la BartSerii Hew Torh. Vermont a a * Caasds , aad oo the tine ol the Barto* Baliroad, called (or aad tourer** st rasiaeae*. l*Wr*i*Wa» to r*B ls/4 at w otter or mud »» n a i utlt re




NO. if7 Ti t le 4 I It NTBKET, CObnfltltCTtfG

Jf9\dmemt1 mp, Jmlp 17lh. lKtOT. ABB WILL t» rwrtirrrji »*TI?BT WTD>B6DA';

lKHisMi ra t acaeoti T>* ftrst rernlsr sale of tbe seaaoe will take place

C u Wct lac*« ia> , J u i > 1 7 t h , IttaW, Wha* wttl h*onaradtw sale bj taiifeaa.

tot csaes Mtta>, Bojt sad OtuMUsr, . rtr h SSM WOOL HATS, ts lots to sail purcli tnai bj ths LAAA Ok LI

if the rarleas ftrlr* gastltles aad colors. swadaetloos of ths best sassafketarwr ts * .

* seitskse tor *r*rp elan W ka*s. a t r s * roods *tr*M Iron to* s i*u»*»st—a

Prr»o*»I attsBttoc (IT** to orders Bar pare****, rroa •ales

lea wta be ea *sh*isusa as* eatstof-sr* r**dr o*

a* 11 a - s tash . AatOrsa. Boa 1AU

n k l . L . O F


hones l» karebj aires that, bj rtrtoe SS • aacr** ot toe Supreme court ot Peaaa/l»»al». we wlC i i j s . i ia sass a. Paatle Aoettoa.

A T T H B r U I L i O I L P U U BXf MANsiB .

I* th* olU 01 rttllsatslpkia, stas* af " r~ u... to the

13-TB D A T o r fXTTWBBM.


r a i d a* Oaai ta i aad D . r s l . . * I."<**,» f r B t - i A i . art a * o r w * * * . * * *

* i^Mat CkUiA, liAiM ItoesfiV la . 111 B i l l I w 4 f. I T

OkKihUa* a n a a u » W LLLiaUt B. BOaa. htorst«rr


S o . I M B k U A D H A I , ft. 1 .


• A r T T A L Ja**arr 1 1866, Jul* 1. 1*6*

kkAOC.000 OB

• tsoo.ow re «T9.216 o l

• « M , B « k*

ADWaltll A WaXTOh, JA.MA* H MotJUB aecrsterr

,a. u,, Ckr*. lfseSlaery a* watt a* state



wHA^at. oftaa, DBrvT*

I sad eeerj otnei • t ketone AjruriT

*ll to* raenorase t •

aTI sail .u.j.t u I u. rls»aii Is rosafaad I



JVC 4» irWsLal, STHMMT

U*«. O H P O R A T B D 1 8 i l .

CBJtliftl BBf A&BFtS. - - | ! , I M 4 4 | 7». m^ *"Ma*aiF Banao raasater ********* rt. perrieas

ssswtt s pai* sp ess* saaual of aksvAM. sa* , a a u * i M oa*e« n sdraaae M presuaaat ot arm to. *ia~rs te * »** partcte. of tasarsooe sfalasi Manae aad '-.-IIMI Ban

• •" ***** B* n r s snak taaeoaaeetsd troa Bartae bj to* Coa*a*r. Baaaass see suntlsk to

*U# s, • * * .

BOfsBB a. w B l h . S h U , " -T- i fm JOrTB T. r i C U a O * . Tice-l*rest4*mi a t a a c B. WALXBh taw war,

MaJkTFOBB taaVB IMMh-AJtCA •BMFAh*t *r MAMtrrnxD, con


• la&OO.OOO. • a s kf Oorr. Ba**7. laao L u t a i i f-is. i

BTBI TBITBAJTCB 00XPABT «' MJtrrotr.. r r*.

rariTAL urn »iaVrT.rrt

SloOOOoOOO. W. B Ckasaa. See r H t i . ivjee

h . 1 0l.erai.u-a M&4 propertf Is d t a s t e d ts V«aaii*>

the tt*** ef Paaaarlraato. as * ' nrkta, priTlieret t c fraec -opertj-, nrbts. pnrtieres » Q fraticklMt wo let taat

iBWia*. br tali alar* af asasxaaaa, **to* toe tae! aa> • *r, ATI) I Ml, aad oali recorAel la toe asBae s< ta. reorder or Bs t tr ef renamro Coast; tfr i .aanl Ir

. t. pat* sat, aw- es ahe <*k « . . . iled sod rooee/ec iv the iu.der*lx£«-al i treat toaaaataearsara Vaods tser.


Js»e. ATP !/*» rraoi alotia X. Haaaaoa. la U oiectiosed.

teh toe said

f A T I O B A I .

05 OOBF.

W * y . j e * BXeori


aVJMBOT AVJIB l a T F O B T Toucsua* aao* war ar

S X U A B B T I T P U B T . t*wio».

kjoatriLsaa, Tan r sroarra

sjud T O T T S i l

WaA. aVA

ON A N D A B T M B J L L T A . W I L L L B A V B loot of Barclar strtot t.oelksrtnsj AaUr iSasdars

*weewted> at ttf o'etoek, T» i-etarnlaa. will leave a«r port at ttf UtoithP *•

• ICffaTBlOa TsCBBT* BO KBirOBT W CKBTB. Be to . TO fhKIi i AhtBOT Ah 0

XTTnMMADlATI LA>'L>LSC*. • CXH [*. Pteeie f i M . e e .1 refatar rste*. ¥ralcht lakes ai re* o lar rata*. ).» *uod

» W k t l l T k BKTWBBr)

M . W l O U K A N D B O H ' l ' 0 > .

r i * BBirrrota. a . i.

The Bairaaaaaau bioaaa.hi» Oa.'s B e * tlisrairt

BkurroL, carr. BBB BBUTTOB, aaa


W ILL COMMBMOB BLMNlBii ON Loag IsXsad aoaaa M0BDAT. Jaa* l*Jta. leertof

ar, Mortons of canal street (s A leaa; Fieri. BT rdi, st I o'etoek, and frorldaoe* Baelreed, railroad ride th htjjilis asa i . l

l a t a * Baaata* aad *to* aad sat aa iter ot their jaasrf^MdM to* so-

Ticketo for sals sad


r**BBB* JtBBMtjaM ."*WBW taV a**rta *^*^f>^**f*^

r a p t t r by radentar. ot mort*s*r

Wesald. la ttert i**y ofAaarl A Is s t aeaaaa, and

Aad rml dated Af-rll t, ISM, sa* **f; r*< orslod ta tar o * re oi saac Beearder ofTSeed. ofT*nao*o count; .foresail* O f t B K k t s AvaajaWAet*,** U e * t s * IS lett, arsated **«. coj.»urod te hterrls _ the eaoeeataii** WTBto-e ,' Bsrr te trasi tn seeore eer tela dtots tkaian nsuBsaii l . Tkss see* win b* Baa* a s dw »na In nrs***er of s decree ei.lereC. b; B<« said f>s LISTS. • eail or the SUM of FeooseIretoa o* the hi 4a; or Jul;. * D las,. Is s oasae ueadia* la eoaMe la sea* soon e p o s s 1.11; t i e d b ; the said J o k e ft Psaaade . Trustee a*alast t t e said Ceaap*iiT.tod the aatd Sterne K l e e . ,i sod Wirtlao. J Man deteadaots. prsr-las .Inter alls, for t decree of .ale o" -* as - cofidlttoDj

rSest - Tae v o r b r s c e d oi eel, *ao will to strwah o t t* ta* klgbsst aad best b for rash

taaoad—Free par aaat srf the porrstosa aooer ahal be paid to lh* sjadersiaaeo si L-e thae of th* sals k* ta. pur chaaer saa to mn-f slsr mr-r the tortos sad eoadlflow of sale, otoerokM tto said in a*I li wttl be la

Tatra—Ttse 1 II lea 11 e* tae .arrassi aseaer u to Use or,dersleaMd,al ths hsnlnss Hoaae af Or axel * < o. Bo It « 1-slNMrr**. rklladefphla. wltal* thlrtj dart trow aad aflat th* dar W sale. ^

3roS»tr •

•>< i-ale ol th* said aerteaced premie. Tbe terms ditiora. of .ate all) be a. follows -Tbe asortoffederecmlats wfn be sold is o*. oar

r seen Ve pais

iM J, . A P a a i V i T r w a S

l-bliaOelpbia J*XJ I. 1*TL

IL THOMAfi A i O I S , AucUoBeert j y l t "


LarTTaX AMP at'sif-vut

15700.000. i n B i r i a s , I s t j t F a a * * . ! r-es-,



1(275.000. * » * . s * - n . S i , » e e ; J

lueses rrr-mr-t;; sdjasted 6; It . t | t a H Lars sas »a.s U cerresat a a a e ;

WHITE, ALLYN & CO., Agents, " • . 1 4 * AAA. B T U K f f T .


\ o . 161 BrotiAJvtH

Tba t i * | l l ) bas rsortaaiaea iu J U . . capital — BBB

I t

I .

AtsBBTet, t r a i L i n o v Batdl 100 U0

r.iat and i . 4 . 1 .6 M

Intarart and uspaiu P.-. K 3 M M

Btort*TasT** a n t •ther lectin

M B . B N a X U N b .

. u o t l o n Aaetionear

• arm.

M A D F O B O tamat l i M A L L .

THIB t r r n i t . .ULT a AT TJ» O-CLOCA. CATALOOC* BALA or

Mooh*. F a l a r i a a a . Baar-arlaaa. Alba ma. Ba-ar; a a d o t h e r Art i c l e* .

tt- I PMtXLIB-fl * ADAMB Aaetloaeer.

VA I a U A B L B H T A T B N I S L A N D T t R t l . Ay rara . .aaa^JW— Will beast* at HaOnr * s « -

*«*T», jB»j,st threaoVasck r a , at tbe dwellisi t . *'*•***< srr Btcbard rtosaaaai. at

TttSsars to Caatrr rUK ar Boar l oo oT three armor; acres toe ca tto* ttoaattt ***** ma; to

t ***** each, r OS** rtows was; t a hot Bewrrk, ths rtr si

— ts shoot o

-oo* sera. a. Ui.d, formeri r lacaseed oesr u>e t e s t e s Ista.,1 lo

•k> deatb lorraerl; oesr l*e

BAM 47. »0 B a n s * s k . n t o r l He s*rw«»e. si : ea, « ) e at. t s «

rlsas tkereii. isereuj r.-:sc:ns u '• ru.«.- i .wiitaas b; TWO-TBIUl i s IA' ' « P " i • •• ' - ' - -t e H-ki.. ts toswaass u. t s . eft. oatee Ko it'v.f fcud salmir BSs psl l a n s l i ef i a me&Ss ar,d l b . | . sbib

i . ^ S B L I K - l o L A S . >TfMSesV > . H I * t h i l l ! h a n c j e t a / ) I I ' W T B k a r r f U t a . * * i s ' l See ,

HANOVER Fire Insurance Company,

raw. 4 5 t r u l l M r . e-t

tbe elevated lo­se Bs . . ef t ew

sarrosjMtlod rlaaaee, *c . a* ant* frorl f s r n a ri-'—

e a t shoal tw* mtkts fr./n »err»a* toa Bad FarSBrjrul* to Be* Tork enj The sthsmtoi eao»rb **o* taetsH*.' r t .

UUd wttk k - a - " * ^ tto4 p^aTeai: *o er*rr i


r r * i t ! -a


So, Ot> WALL 8TKEBT, CAP1TA1* - - -

CA8B CAPTTAL. tHJBJ-LBB Jan. 1st. 1807


1 IsaLM&BB LABh. Bcenisrr rxi

161,J3) 81

BM1AA1 81


JTW. • tf^MLL STBtECT, .Y. r .

(atb raartal TBUI Aa*eU. Oct. 1, t MM

. . ^ ^ . v . - a , , . ^ I *B^BBB>iWBf**»>^ .

* I*4'!, if-sf iim°*bf. -.

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