study guide for chapter test know your vocabulary. be sure to study your blue sheets. know the...

Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns.

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Post on 04-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

Study Guide for Chapter test

Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the

articles that go before nouns.

Page 2: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

les amis/ les amies


Page 3: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

le cinéma


Page 4: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

le magasin


Page 5: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

la plage


Page 6: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

le vélo


Page 7: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

l’école (f.)


Page 8: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

les frites (f.)I prefer fries.J’aime mieux les frites. Je préfère les frites.


Page 9: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

l’anglais (m.) I love English.J’adore l’anglais.


Page 10: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

les vacances (f.)They really like vacation.Elles aiment bien les vacances.


Page 11: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

les escargots (m.)He doesn’t like snails.Il n’aime pas les escargots.


Page 12: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

Be able to conjugate the –er verbs. Also know the pronouns.

Page 13: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

je (I) aime nous (we) aimons

tu (you) aimes vous (you) aimez

il, elle, on

(he, she, one)

aime ils, elles



Pronouns and verb endings.

Page 14: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

Know the verbs.

Page 15: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

regarder la télévision


Page 16: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

sortir avec les copainsThey like going out with friends.


Page 17: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

sortir avec les copainsThey like going out with friends.Ils aiment sortir avec les copains.


Page 18: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

parler au téléphoneTry: I talk on the phone.


Page 19: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

parler au téléphoneI talk on the phone.Je parle au téléphone.


Page 20: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

étudierTry: She studies English.


Page 21: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

étudierShe studies English.Elle étudie l’anglais.


Page 22: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

faire du sportTry: We like to do sports. We like doing sports.


Page 23: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

faire du sportWe like to do sports. We like doing sports.Nous aimons faire du sport.


Page 24: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

faire le ménageTry: I don’t like housework.


Page 25: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

faire le ménageI don’t like housework.Je n’aime pas faire le ménage.


Page 26: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

danserTry : Do you dance?


Page 27: Study Guide for Chapter test Know your vocabulary. Be sure to study your blue sheets. Know the articles that go before nouns

danser Do you dance?(Est-ce que) tu danses?
