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1) Who is the founder of the concept “Sarvodaya”?

“ ” ?

(a) Vinobha Bhave ( )

(b) Mahatma Gandhi ( )

(c) Jai Prakash Narayan (जय य )

(d) K G Mushroowala ( ज )


2) Who was the founder of Swatantra Party?

‘ ’ ?

(a) B. G. Tilak ( . ज . )

(b) Dadabhai Naoroji ( ज )

(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale ( )

(d) C. Rajagopalachari ( . ज )


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3) The National Anthem was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on :


(a) Dec. 27, 1950 (27 , 1950)

(b) Aug. 15, 1947 (15 , 1947)

(c) Jan. 24, 1950 (24 ज , 1950 )

(d) Jan.26, 1947 (26 ज , 1947)


4) Who had demarcated the border-line between India and Pakistan?

औ ?

(a) McMahon ( )

(b) Lord Durand ( )

(c) Radcliffe ( )

(d) None of these ( )


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5) Who of the following Prime Ministers sent Cripps Mission to India?


(a) James Ramsay MacDonald (ज )

(b) Stanley Baldwin ( )

(c) Neville Chamberlain ( )

(d) Winston Churchill ( )


6) Who is the Viceroy of India during Quit India Movement ?


(a) Linlithgow ( )

(b) Cornwallis ( )

(c) Mountbatten ( )

(d) Munro ( )


7) The famous INA trials took place in the Red Fort, Delhi in____.

ईए ए , ____ .

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(a) 1945

(b) 1943

(c) 1944

(d) 1947


8) The foreign traveler who visited India during the rule of the Guptas



(a) Hiuen Tsang ( य )

(b) Beriner ( )

(c) Fa-Hein ( - )

(d) Manucci ( )


9) Which ruler of Gupta Empire is also known as “Napoleon of India”?

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“ ऑफ ” ?

(a) Chandragupta I ( I)

(b) Chandragupta II ( II)

(c) Samudra Gupta ( )

(d) Srigupta ( )


10) The Kushans ruled in

____ .

(a) 1st century AD ( )

(b) 2nd century BC ( )

(c) 3rd century AD ( )

(d) 5th century BC ( )


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11) Who among the following rulers organised the Second Buddhist



(a) Ajatashatru ( ज )

(b) Kalasoka ( )

(c) Ashoka ( )

(d) Ananda ( )


12) To which king belongs the Lion capital at Sarnath?


(a) Chandragupta ( )

(b) Ashoka ( )

(c) Kanishka ( )

(d) Harsha ( )


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13) Under the Mughal rule the judicial service was headed by –


(a) Vakil ( )

(b) Diwan ( )

(c) Qazis ( ज )

(d) Mansabdars ( )


14) Who among the following painters committed suicide?


(a) Basawan ( )

(b) Lal ( )

(c) Daswant ( )

(d) Mahesh ( )


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15) The greatest painter of birds at Jahangir’s court was –

(a) Basawan ( )

(b) Mansur ( )

(c) Syed Ali Tabrizi ( य )

(d) Khwaja Abdus Samad ( ज )


16) Name of the Veda which deals with magic spells and witchcraft?

उ ए औ ?

(a) Rigveda/

(b) Samaveda/

(c) Yajurveda/यज

(d) Atharvaveda/


Sol. The Atharvaveda is sometimes called the “Veda of magical formulas”.

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17) The Vedic Aryans first settled in the region of

ए ?

(a) Central India/ य

(b) Gangetic Doab/

(c) Saptasindhu/

(d) Kashmir and Punjab/ औ ज


Sol. The Aryans came to India in groups that settled in the areas of North-

Western Province in Pakistan and the Punjab which they had then named

Sapt-Sindhu or the ‘land of seven rivers’.

18) Which of the following contains the famous Gayatri mantra?


(a) Rigveda/

(b) Samaveda/

(c) Yajurveda/ यज

(d) Atharvaveda/

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Sol. The Gayatri mantra, also known as the Sāvitrī mantra, is a highly

revered mantra from the Rig Veda.

19) The famous Gayatri mantra is addressed to


(a) Indra/

(b) Laxmi/

(c) Pashupati/

(d) Savitri /


Sol. The Gayatri mantra dedicated to Savitr, the sun deity.

20) Division of the Vedic society into four classes is clearly mentioned

in the

उ ?

(a) Yajurveda/ यज

(b) Purusa-sukta of Rigveda/ -

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(c) Upanishads/

(d) Shatapatha Brahmana/


Sol. The Purusha Sukta gives a description of the spiritual unity of the universe. It

presents the nature of Purusha, or the cosmic being, as both immanent in the

manifested world and yet transcendent to it.

21) Which of the following is a Vedic God know as ‘a breaker of the

forts’ and also a ‘war god’

‘a breaker of the forts’ औ ‘war god’ ?

(a) Indra/

(b) Yama/य

(c) Marut/

(d) Varuna/


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Sol. The Indo-Europeans called Aryans had a male god of thunder and rain called

Indra, who also was a god of that other disturbance: war. Indra was also called the

“breaker of forts.”

22) The first metal to be extensively used by the people in India was


(a) Bronze/ य

(b) Copper/

(c) Iron/

(d) Tin/


Sol. The evidences regarding the Copper Age in India came from the surface of

Ganges-Yamuna Daub and also from the places like Hyderabad, Nagpur, Madura

and Mysore.

23) The town planning in the Harappan Civilization was inspired by a

regard for


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(a) beauty and utility/ य औ य

(b) uniformity/

(c) sanitation and public health/ औ ज य

(d) demographic factor/ ज य य


Sol. The Town Planning System of Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan

Civilization) was city based. The excellent drainage and sanitation systems are


24) The date of the Harappan Civilization (2300-1750 BC) has been

fixed on the basis of

(2300-1750 BC) ई ?

(a) Common pottery designs and other antiques/ ज औ

(b) Stratification/

(c) Aryan invasion / य

(d) Radio Carbon-14 dating/ य -14


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Sol. Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon-14 dating) is a

method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using

the properties of radiocarbon, a radioactive isotope of carbon.

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