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Page 1: Study of Mark -  · Web viewThe Book of Mark does not state its author’s name. ... From v.1, what do you think the author is trying to present? What is Mark trying

Study of Mark

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Lesson 1-5 | Jan-Feb 2019

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COMA on Mark English booklet 1

Sermons on MarkThe Ruler Who Rules

1. Beginning Mark 1:1-8 13 Jan 2019

2. Jesus Came Mark 1:9-15 20 Jan 2019

3. A Day in the Life of Jesus Mark 1:16-39 27 Jan 2019

4. The Healer of Hurts Mark 1:40-2-12 3 Feb 2019

5. The Scandal Maker Mark 2:13-3:6 10 Feb 2019

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Lesson 1 - Beginning Mark 1:1-8 13/1/2019

Introduction of Mark, the author

The Book of Mark does not state its author’s name. Early tradition commencing with Papias of Hierapolis links it to John Mark, a companion and interpreter of the apostle Peter. Let us find out more about him.

Perhaps when we talk about John Mark (the cousin of Barnabas; Col4:10), the first thing that comes to our mind is the dispute between Paul and Barnabas over whether to bring John Mark in their 2nd Missionary Journey. (Acts15:36~41)

1. Why did Paul not want to bring Mark? What does that show about the early years of Mark?

2. What was Paul’s opinion of Mark in his latter years? (2Tim.4:11) What do you think has happened to Mark?

3. Who else knew Mark? How was their relationship? Where were they then? (1Peter 5:13)

By tradition, it is believed that Mark was a close companion of Peter, while he was in Rome ministering during his latter years. Therefore, the Gospel of Mark is really a compilation of the accounts of Peter by Mark.

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Into the text:

4. From v.1, what do you think the author is trying to present? What is Mark trying to bring out when he uses the word, ‘Gospel’?

[Gospel (/ˈɡɒspəl/) is the Old English translation of Greek εὐαγγέλιον, evangelion, meaning "good news". How was the word used in old days? The Calendar Inscription of Priene speaks of the birthday of Caesar Augustus as the beginning of the gospel announcing his kingdom, with a Roman decree to start a new calendar system based on the year of Augustus Caesar's birth. ]

5. When a government wanted to bring good changes to his people, he will first announce his plan. What did Isaiah 40:3~5 say would happen? According to Mark 1:4, how was that fulfilled?

6. What was the message of John? How often in life, do you have a person who is highly respected claiming that there is someone else who is much more superior than him?

7. If you were there, seeing and hearing what John has declared - what will you be thinking? How will you prepare yourself?

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Lesson 2 - Jesus Came Mark 1:9-15 20/1/2019

Before we start looking into the passage, let us have a little understanding of the geographical area in Palestine, then.

1. Shade the following areas: a. Mediterranean Sea; b. Sea of Galilee; c. Dead Sea and d. River Jordan (between Sea of Galilee and Dead Sea).

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2. Where are the following places found? [Put a tick in the correct box]

Galilee Judea

a. Jerusalem

b. Bethlehem

c. Nazareth

d. Capernaum

3. Circle Bethsaida, Decapolis and Caesarea

(Try to memorise the map and the location of each town. That will help in the understanding of the Scripture.)

Into the text:

4. According to v.9, who went to Jordan to be baptized by John?

5. What did Jesus see and hear when he came up out of the water? What do you think it means? (Refer to Isaiah 40:3~5)

6. V.12 said that ‘at once’ the Spirit sent him out into the desert. We know from John1:35 that he was still there on the next day. Thus, the word ‘at once’ does not necessary mean immediately. It simply means ‘without delay’.

7. What did the Spirit see as the most urgent thing for Jesus? Do you find it strange that this happened after God has declared His love for Jesus? Why? Do you think this would happen to us as well?

8. V.14 & 15 seem to be Mark’s way of declaring the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. What is the message that Jesus declared? What does it

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mean that “The kingdom of God has come”? Does that mean that the kingdom of God was not around before that? What different does it make?

9. Notice that the word ‘Good News’ is again mentioned. What has this Good News to do with the Good News that Mark mentioned at the beginning? What do you think Jesus is declaring?

10. What does Good News here mean to you? How should we respond to this Good News?


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Lesson 3 - A Day in the Life of Jesus Mark 1:16 - 39 27/1/2019

Background Knowledge:According to John 1:35~42, Jesus met Andrew and Peter on the next day of his baptism, probably in Judea. They were probably separated thereafter (Note: Jesus was alone in the wilderness for 40 days.) He only went to Galilee after John, the Baptist, was put into prison. So the calling of Andrew and Peter at the Sea of Galilee was not their first meeting.Synagogue:  the house of worship and communal centre of a Jewish congregation

1. What did Jesus say to Andrew and Peter? What do you think Jesus mean when He said, “I will make you fishers of men?” What do you think was the understanding of Andrew and Peter?

2. Who else did Jesus call? What do you think was Jesus’ purpose?

3. How did these people respond? What do you think was the reason that they were so determined to follow Jesus?

4. Jesus went to a Synagogue on a Sabbath day to teach. Why were the people amazed?

5. Just then, a man possessed with an evil spirit cried out. What did he say and why do you think Jesus stopped him?

6. What happened next? What was the onlookers’ response? What happened after the incident? (v.28)

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7. Next, they went to Simon Peter’s house. Who was sick then? What did Jesus do?

8. After casting an evil spirit from one person and healing another person, what happened that evening?

9. Jesus woke up early the next morning to spend time with God, the Father. Who came to look for Jesus? From their remark, what do you think was their intention?

10. How did Jesus answer them? Why did Jesus choose to leave instead? What do you understand by the words, “That is why I have come.”

11. What is the main ministry of Jesus? What was the interest of the people around? At the end of the chapter, we saw Jesus could no longer enter a town openly. Why?

12. Do you have similar experience - being carried away from your focus while experiencing certain insignificant successes? [Ex. - A preacher who experienced warm responses from his congregation through his sermons could be carried away by his success and begin to focus more on seeking popularity rather than telling the hard truth. ] Please share your experience. What do you think is the solution?

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Lesson 4 - The Healer of Hurts Mark 1:40 - 2:17 3/2/2019

Background Knowledge:

The houses during Jesus’ time typically looked like those above. There is always a staircase that leads to the roof top because, as you can see, they use the roof for various purposes. The roof is solid, usually made of straws and mud. Thus, carrying someone up to the roof and making a hole on the roof is not that difficult. Yet, repairing it may take days.


1. V.40 told us that a man with leprosy came to him. What did he ask from Jesus and how did Jesus reply?

2. Why do you think this passage is inserted as the conclusion of the chapter? Do you consider Jesus’ initial ministry a success? Were people interested in Jesus or only on his healing power?

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Mark 2:1~12

3. What had happened when Jesus returned to Capernaum? (Mark2:2)

4. While Jesus was preaching in the room, what had happened?

5. What was the man on the stretcher suffering from? Was it so urgent that these men must made such an entry? Was there really no other alternative?

6. The scripture said that Jesus saw their faith. What faith were they having - were they believing that Jesus was the son of God or they simply believed that Jesus could heal?

7. In the first chapter we read about how Jesus was prevented from preaching because the crowd were more interested in his healing. Was the act of the stretcher carriers any different from the crowd mentioned in 1stchapter?

8. When Jesus said that your sins were forgiven, did he realize that such words would offend others? If he did, could he be doing on purpose?

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9. What was the concern of the teachers of law? Were they right to have such a concern?

10. Jesus then asked the teachers, “Which is easier: to say that your sins were forgiven or to heal the person?” Which do you think is easier?

11. Finally the paralytic was healed. What does that prove? What was Jesus’ claim?

12. Wasn’t it interesting that so many people had experienced Jesus’ miracles and were very confident that Jesus could heal yet none has asked who is Jesus?

13. Have we not also experienced many wonderful things in life - yet we do not acknowledge the creator? Why?

14. In your life, have you experienced the healing touch of God (whether physical or emotional or having problems solved)? Please share the incident. What does that show you? What should be your response?

Questions provided by Pastor YF Lam

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Lesson 5 - The Scandal Maker Mark 2:13 – 3:6 10/2/2018

Ice Breaker question:

Who do you least expect to be in conflict with Jesus?

Discussion questions:

Q1. What is the repeated comparison in 2:21 - 22?

(Bear this comparison in mind as you answer the rest of the questions)

Q2. Focusing on 2:13-17, what did Jesus preach? Do his actions show what he preaches?

Q3. What is happening in each of the 4 accounts? Who are the people involved? How are they responding to Jesus? Organize these details in the table below.

(Recommended: fill in the table row-by-row, i.e. one account after another. The 1st row has been filled as an example)

Passage What is happening here?

(state briefly in 1 or 2 sentences)

People involved (Main characters)

The people’s response to Jesus:

Who opposed/ accepted Jesus?

How did Jesus answer the questions of those who opposed him?

2:13 - 17

Jesus calls Levi the tax collector and dines with other sinners and tax



Tax collectors and sinners welcome Jesus.

Their Question:

Why is Jesus hanging out with sinners?

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Tax collectors and sinners

Pharisees question and oppose Jesus.

Jesus’ answer:

That is precisely why he came (v17)

2:18 - 22

Their Question:

Jesus’ answer:

2:23 - 28

Their Question:

Jesus’ answer:

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3: 1 - 6 Their Question:

Jesus’ answer:

Q4. Refer to 3:6. What did the Pharisees do? What does it ultimately show about their response to Jesus?

Q5. From each of the 4 accounts, how do they bring out the idea of “Old VS New”? Who represents the “Old”? Who represents the “New”? (identify a group of people/ person)

Who does it refer to?

Old (old garment/ old wineskins)

New (unshrunk cloth/ new wine)

Q6. Who could then be the ‘fresh wineskins’ (2:22)?

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This passage’s big Idea:

The ________________________ pharisees __________ Jesus - God’s true king

who preaches that He is the ________________.

Author’s aim for the readers:

Come to Jesus, _______ and _________ him because


Application questions:

Q7. Return to the Ice Breaker question at the beginning of this study. Could I perhaps be in conflict with Jesus too? Am I on Jesus’ side?

Q8. Am I like the pharisees— outwardly religious but inwardly far from Jesus? Are there things about Jesus’ teachings in the Bible that I find difficult to accept?

Questions provided Yeo Yue

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