styles of music videos


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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Styles of Music Videos
Page 2: Styles of Music Videos


• There are a lot of different and creative genres used for music videos,

here is a list of some of them; Electronic, folk, hip hop, jazz, pop and


• Some genres are very popular in todays society and some are

becoming very unpopular e.g. you don’t see many rock music videos

nowadays but you see a lot of pop videos.

• Genres can identify the target market and bring in a large fan base if

one of them is successful making some genres more successful than


• As people in the music video industry become more creative new

genres may be created as time goes on.

Page 3: Styles of Music Videos


• Animated music videos need a lot of hard work to become successful

because its a lot of editing. A good example of a successful animated

music video is Daft Punk – ‘One More Time’ which was released in 2000

and made Daft Punk very famous and gave them a lot of publicity.

• Stop motion is also a viable way of creating music videos, they are not

as successful as other types of animation but there is still a audience

for them.

Page 4: Styles of Music Videos


• Interpretive music videos look into what the lyrics are and how they

create a clear meaning.. Some can have a in depth narrative or a

meaningless collection of images presented throughout, sometimes the

images may not be connected to the song at all and be very abstract.

• They allow the audience to develop their own thoughts of the music

video and the meanings behind it.

• These types of videos usually have great impacts on the viewers which

are interesting.

• Zedd is a very good example of someone who creates meaning through

their music videos.

Page 5: Styles of Music Videos


• The narrative in a video echoes the lyrics of the song while the narrative

inspired by the song adds a new element to compliment the themes of

the song. The narrative also has a very small relationship between the


• Narrative is subordinate to performance and a video that includes a

visual story that is easy to follow, a example of a narrative music video

could be ‘Grenade’ by Bruno Mars

• Audience takes in the information for music videos in a more looser

way, more casual.

• Authenticity is very important in the performance of music videos.

Page 6: Styles of Music Videos


• An impressionist music video makes the audience feel a certain way

about the images from a music video based off of camera angles, shots,

movement and position. Editing also helps these types of music videos

by using unrelated and random shots to make the theme of the music

video stand out.

• Each shot links together to create one theme using mise en scene,

camera shots and editing.

• A lot of impressionist music videos will also include synergy to create a

meaning and have a effect on the audience/viewer. A good example of a

band that uses this is ‘Lonely Island’

Page 7: Styles of Music Videos


• Parody /pastiche music videos are usually music videos that are related

to other music videos and copying existing ideas creating them into

something else. The intention of these music videos is often for


• Some parodies can even be intended to mock the producer of a song

and give them a bad image to the public.

• Weird Al Yankovic is a very good example of someone that creates

parody music videos intended for humour.

• Yankovic did create his own music videos however he got very popular

and his fame from creating parodies

Page 8: Styles of Music Videos


• Homage is a demonstration or show of dedication or respect to

someone or something where a music video will relate to something

that they respect.

• Justin Timberlake shows homage in his music video ‘Take Back the

Night’ making references to the very popular music video – Michael

Jackson’s iconic ‘Billie Jean’ video.

Page 9: Styles of Music Videos


• Being a director is about learning and experts continually experiment by

working on commercials and music video. When music is used in a

commercial usually the producer of the song needs to be asked for

permission and with that the producer of the music video gains

publicity and becomes more popular.

• Some commercials would rather have their own song or beat to make

the commercial more fitting.

Page 10: Styles of Music Videos


Mise-en-scene: The mise-en-

scene in this music video is stylish

which is conventional with all the

work he has done in this album

fitting in with his soul and R&B

style. Looking at his costume, he is

in a suit and looks smart

throughout suggesting that he is

formal and giving a sense of the

style of music video that is being

presented to us; the audience.

Plan B – Stay too long

Page 11: Styles of Music Videos


Camera Work:: The use of multiple close

ups are used throughout this music video to

show the audience who he is and close ups

on his face add authenticity. When

Strickland gets drunk the use of canted

angles is used to give the effect of him

being unstable and drunk. There are a lot of

POV shots which helps viewers relate and

emphasise with people in the video. When

the song picks up so does the speed of

shots so that there is a relationship between

the shots and sound.

Page 12: Styles of Music Videos


Editing: Editing is normally slow at first

because of longer takes and shots of the

main character to create a meaning or

story. When he gets drunk an effect is

used which blurs the image to add a mood

which connotes instability, this also helps

to add to the validity of the lyrics as it

suggests that things are getting out of

control. This links in with Goodwin’s theory

about the relationship between lyrics and

visuals. Time is also a key factor because

it is mainly focused on Plan B which lets

the audience relate to the situation.

Page 13: Styles of Music Videos


Professor Green -


Mise-en-scene – The mise-en-

scene in this music video is the

same throughout with Professor

Green wearing casual clothes

suggesting that he is informal and

doesn’t work. The lighting in this

video is very little as every couple

of shots there is either a bright

light coming from the corner of a

shot or reflecting off of the props

in the background.

Page 14: Styles of Music Videos

MUSIC VIDEO ANALYSIS PT. 2Camera Work: The music video opens with

“Professor Green” in a shot of a car, this

creates a sense of anticipation, waiting for

what will happen next, there are a lot of POV

shots or shots to make it seem as if were

looking from “Professor Green” which helps

make the music video more emotive and adds

a sense of drama and chaos to get a feel for

the social aspect of the video where

“Professor Green” becomes jealous over a

girl. We also see the facial expressions from

close ups in the start of the video making

“Professor Green” looking depressed and

towards the end of the video that is shown

through the girl. The music video also ends

where it starts; back in the car and it turns out

that it was outside the girls house suggesting

that his love for this girl is strong.

Page 15: Styles of Music Videos


Editing: This music video isn’t as fast paced

as his other releases; this slow pace

represents the meanings and thoughts shown

from the music video. There are also jump cuts

between the girl and “Professor Green”, this

could be to show that they have both

separated and no longer have that connection

that they once had. “Professor Green” is also

given a lot of time on screen to give him

authority over the girl and indicates he is of

importance over the other characters with a lot

of the shots focused on him.

Page 16: Styles of Music Videos


Mise-en-scene: The opening scene is a

west end sign lit up, this could show that

the performer is popular as it also has

“sold out” written across it. The shot after

we can see a microphone and the

performer standing in front of a live

audience, this creates an atmosphere and

helps the audience engage with what its

like to be at a live performance, with bright

lights flashing at a fast speed along with

characters dancing and drinking alcohol to

suggest that the music video has a happy

mood to it, very similar to the music video

“Stay Too Long”.

Plan B – The Writings on The Wall

Page 17: Styles of Music Videos


Camera Work: This music video opens with a low

angled shot and what appears to be a west end

sign with the words saying “Strickland Banks Sold

Out” shown on it, this low angled shot is used to

create a sense of importance or as if this character

“Strickland Banks” is a person who people look up

to. This music video is very similar to “Stay Too

Long” as they both use lots of close ups of the

main character, this helps promote the artist (Plan

B) and helps with branding. There are also POV

shots of Strickland Banks which could be used to

show performance from the audiences point of

view and help add emotion and empathy to the

video, There are also a lot of shots focusing on

females dancing, this could be related to the ‘Male

Gaze’ Theory.

Page 18: Styles of Music Videos


Editing: This music video includes a lot of

cross cutting between the band playing

and the storyline portrayed from lyrics and

shots in the video. This relates to

Goodwin's theory and that music videos

must follow a storyline so that the audience

can have a better understanding of the

meanings and thoughts portrayed through

shots and sound. There are also a lot of

slow motion shots to perhaps cause

tension or to make the performance more

exciting for the audience.