stylistic devices.docx

Stylistic devices = rhetorical devices, figures of speech Phonology: alliteration, anaphora, assonance, blank verse, consonance, couplet, free verse, metre (-> lambic, Trochaic, Anapestic, Dactylic), onomatopoeia, parallelism, repetition, rhyme (-> end/tail rhyme, internal rhyme, eye rhyme), rhyme scheme (-> rhyming couplets, alternate rhyme, embracing rhyme) Semantics: allusion, anticlimax, antithesis, climax, cynicism, euphemism, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron, paradox, personification, pun (-> homophones, homonyms), register, sarcasm, simile, symbol, synecdoche (-> pars pro toto), tautology, telling name Syntax: chiasmus, ellipsis, rhetorical question

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Stylistic devices

= rhetorical devices, figures of speech

Phonology:alliteration, anaphora, assonance, blank verse, consonance, couplet, free verse, metre (-> lambic, Trochaic, Anapestic, Dactylic), onomatopoeia, parallelism, repetition, rhyme (-> end/tail rhyme, internal rhyme, eye rhyme), rhyme scheme (-> rhyming couplets, alternate rhyme, embracing rhyme)

Semantics:allusion, anticlimax, antithesis, climax, cynicism, euphemism, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron, paradox, personification, pun (-> homophones, homonyms), register, sarcasm, simile, symbol, synecdoche (-> pars pro toto), tautology, telling name

Syntax:chiasmus, ellipsis, rhetorical question