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e.motion21 Term 1 2015 Newsletter View this email in your browser Welcome to 2015!! Welcome back to another year with e.motion21 everyone. We hope you are just as excited as we are! Check out what e.motion21 will be getting up to in the year ahead! In this issue: CEO's Message Performance Program Auditions India Information Session Teacher Profile Beat Fit™ Update e.motion21 Board WDSD @ Fed Square WDSD Gala Dinner Creative Kick Off e.motion21 Welcomes WDSC India Key Dates Dear families and friends Performance Program Auditions WOW!! What a fun day! It was so great to see all of our dancers get up and show off their skills! Not only that, they all got a sneak peek at our new Celebrity Ambassador, who will be officially announced on WDSD @ Fed Square. We are so proud of all of our dancers for their efforts on the day. Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate

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e.motion21 Term 1 2015 Newsletter View this email in your browser

Welcome to 2015!!Welcome back to another year withe.motion21 everyone.We hope you are just as excited as we are!

Check out what e.motion21 will be getting up to inthe year ahead!

In this issue:CEO's MessagePerformance ProgramAuditionsIndia InformationSessionTeacher ProfileBeat Fit™ Updatee.motion21 BoardWDSD @ Fed SquareWDSD Gala DinnerCreative Kick Offe.motion21 WelcomesWDSC IndiaKey Dates

Dear families and friends

PerformanceProgram AuditionsWOW!! What a fun day! It was sogreat to see all of our dancers get upand show off their skills! Not only that,they all got a sneak peek at our newCelebrity Ambassador, who will beofficially announced on WDSD @ FedSquare.We are so proud of all of our dancersfor their efforts on the day.

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There are exciting and uniqueopportunities in store for 2015 and Ican’t wait to share in the journey withyou all!

First up, we have our annual WorldDown Syndrome Celebrations @Fed Square on Friday 20 March @12.30pm! Check out our 2014 event. This year marks the 10th anniversaryof the UN sanctioned WDSD, and weintend to make this year’s eventbigger and better than ever. Withplans to launch the results of ourRMIT Beat Fit™ research, anew collaboration with The AustralianBallet School, Beat Fit™ withthe Carlton F.C. players and theannouncement of our newAmbassador - you don’t want to missthis fun, free public event packed withcelebrities and awesomeentertainment! Tell everyone andbring along your workmates, familyand friends - we want a HUGE crowdto fill Fed Square and celebrate ourkids! In August 2015, our students andfamilies will pack their bags to travel toChennai, India to participate in theWorld Down Syndrome Congress. Itwas brilliant to see so many families atour first information session lastSunday. This tour is gearing up to anamazing and life-changing trip. Forfurther information on this tour andhow to get involved, please visitour website.

Offers for the program will commenceearly next week.

India InformationSessionFor those of you who missed it, theIndia Information & Discussion Packthat was presented on the weekendcan be found on our website alongwith the rehearsal schedule andregistration form.To ensure that you receive all furthercommunications about India, pleaseensure you complete this form andreturn it to us so we can keep youinformed of our progress.We are also delighted by the offers ofsupport from parents to be part of ourIndia working group. Sam Kennedy,Michelle McCormack and Fiona Boydwill be working with us to bring thefamilies perspectives to all of ourplanning and we thank them inadvance for their support andcommitment to making this a wellplanned and memorable trip.

How long have you been withe.motion21?Since October 2011, so threeand a half years.

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As well as all of these fantastic events,2015 will be a year of growth fore.motion21 as we explore interstatepop up classes and ways tostrengthen our impact in thecommunity. Our core aim is toenhance lives and change perceptionsof Down syndrome within society – wewant to see our programs offered tomany more over the next year.

To realise our aspirations of growthand participation at the WDSC we arehosting a once-off Gala Dinner -Saturday 21 March @ the HawthornArts Centre to raise important fundsto support our local programsand Moving Bodies to India project. Themed Bollywood, we are bringingtogether an amazing array ofperformances and entertainment for aspectacular night. All the informationis on our website - share it widely andplease contact us directly if you oranyone you know is interested inpurchasing a table or individualtickets. We have sold 21 tablesalready which is awesome - pleasehelp us sell the final 7 tables!

For our Ballarat and Geelong sites, I’mthrilled to welcome our two newRegional Managers to join Bek Fraserin Bendigo. Linda Kinnersly (Ballarat)and Sarah Marshall (Geelong) will becommencing their roles in March soplease warmly welcome them to thee.motion21 family!! In a year filled with exciting

How did you first get involvedwith e.motion21?I was doing support work with anadult with Down syndrome and itwas my job to bring him to danceclass. Right there and then Iasked who I needed to talk to getinvolved. What is your first e.motion21memory?Walking into the site, getting aglimpse of a class and thinking‘well, that’s it. I’m not leaving thisplace!’ Where is your dream travellocation?My next big goal is NASA,Huston, Texas! (After India ofcourse). What do you do when youaren’t working or volunteeringwith e.motion21?I am a teacher in a specialschool, I am obsessed withspending time with mydachshund –Elliot, I enjoyhanging with my friends andfamily and watching too manymovies.

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opportunities for our students andfamilies, I am continually driven by theongoing opportunities to enhance thelives of all people living with Downsyndrome. Please keep in touch with us forupdates via our Facebook, Twitter andwebsite. We know thatcommunicating with you all is criticalto our ongoing success. As we enter our sixth year, I can sayconfidently that the future fore.motion21 is bright. I would like tothank each and every one of you foryour support to get this far and to saythat we would not be where we aretoday, moving bodies and movingboundaries, without you. Warmest regards, Cate x

e.motion21 BoardParent RepresentativeNeeded!We are currently seeking ane.motion21 parent to sit on theBoard and to not only bring theirpersonal skills to the table but torepresent the interest of ourfamilies. If you’re interested, weare looking for someone who isprepared to be a strongadvocate for e.motion21, theparticipants and families. Youwill need to be able to devote

Beat Fit™ Update!Class ExpansionsWe are so excited to announce thatour Beat Fit™ program has expandedin 2015! Our high-energy, fast-pacedfitness programs are now available attwo new sites in regional Victoria –Ballarat and Bendigo.Interested in seeing Beat Fit™ cometo your site – Register your interesthere. Please note at least 10enrolments are required to start BeatFit™ in new locations.ResearchWe plan to launch the long anticipatedresults of the 2014 research on ourBeat Fit™ classes on WDSD @ FedSquare. The full report will beavailable on our website following theevent.A big e.motion21 THANKS for allthose Beat Fitters and families whoparticipated in the research – yourparticipation means a lot!!

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time to this role includingattendance at Board meetingsin Melbourne generally heldmonthly. If you’re interestedplease submit a covering letterdetailing why you’re interestedalong with a short resume [email protected] call the office for aconfidential discussion on 039854 7100.

21 March 2015 marks the 10thanniversary of World Down SyndromeDay, a UN sanctioned day whichexists to raise awareness of peoplewith Down syndrome in society.e.motion21 will celebrate this day witha performance at Federation Squareon Friday 20 March. This all ages,lunchtime event will be a vibrant,colourful and fun demonstration ofwhat young people with DownSyndrome can achieve when giventhe opportunity! Grab your lunch anda friend and come along to this freeevent to support our young performersput on yet another fabulous show andmove boundaries in society. When: 20 March, 12:30pm – 1:15pmWhere: Federation Square

WDSD BollywoodGala DinnerThis year, in order to raise fundsfor e.motion21 and to supportour dancers to travel to India forthe WDSC in 2015, e.motion21will be hosting an inaugural Galadinner at the Hawthorn ArtsCentre! This is an event that willshowcase the talents andabilities of our dancers tocorporate partners, Governmentofficials, philanthropicorganisations, as well asindividuals. There will be anamazing display of performancesand entertainment that will makefor a sensational Bollywoodthemed evening. To purchaseindividual tickets, visit ourticketing website. For moreinformation and table purchases,please contact the office [email protected] or on03 9854 7100.

Creative Kick Off To ‘kick off’ the start of a newe.motion21 year, some of us gottogether to discuss the year aheadand generated some ideas to makethis year bigger and better than ever! Held at Visy Park (thanks CarltonFootball Club) we spent the day

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Important Note!WDSD Fed Square 2015ALL e.motion21 dancers who comewearing their uniform are invited toperform on the Fed Square stage forour Absolutely Everybody Finale!!Please ensure you register by returnemail so that we can allocatevolunteers accordingly.

Want to volunteer atWDSD this year?We would absolutely love to see all ofyour smiling faces on Friday 20 Marchfor another amazing event atFederation Square.We have numerous jobs for ouramazing volunteers spread throughoutthe day so there is room for everyoneto lend a hand.Check out our website to register orcontact us at the office on 9854 7100or [email protected] for moreinformation!Cannot wait to see you all there!!

together and covered topics such ashow can we reach even more youngpeople with Down syndrome in 2015and how do we better communicatewith our families. We have alreadystarted on some of the ideas thatcame through and can’t wait to get toexplore the other ideas generated byeveryone involved.

A BIG e.motion21welcome to our newRegional Managers!

Ballarat RMLinda Kinnersly

Born and raised in Ballarat, Linda isexperienced in Performing Artsmanagement having been a Managerat the Royal South Street Society,Australia’s longest running Eisteddfodencompassing over 10,000 performersduring 13 weeks of performancesannually. Linda has loved dance all her life. Shebegan dancing when she was just sixyears old and continued classicaltraining and then performing inmusical theatre for another eighteenyears. “I love the joy and musicalitythat dance provides and it is a creativeoutlet I am now able to share with mythree daughters”. Linda is thrilled to work for e.motion21and is looking forward to working withthe Ballarat e.motion21 families and

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2015 brings about another yearof the triennial World DownSyndrome Congress – this timeto be hosted in Chennai, India.For the second time, e.motion21have been invited to bring alonga delegation to perform on theworld stage! This is such anamazing opportunity for ourdancers. It allows them not onlyto do what they love, dance, butalso to meet new people fromaround the world, learn about anew culture, and to experience awhole new place. To learn more about how youcan be a part of this amazingopportunity or for informationabout the tour please check outour website or contact us at theoffice, [email protected].

within the local community.

Geelong RMSarah Marshall

Sarah was the Director and owner ofher own dance school in Melbournefor nine years. While taking a careerbreak to have her two daughters, shecompleted a Masters of Arts andCultural Management at TheUniversity of Melbourne. Sincemoving regionally Sarah has looked towork in a way that provides a benefitto the community in which she nowlives. She has worked at CourthouseArts, The Loft Dance Studio and theGeelong Region Local Learning andEmployment Network. Having taughtdance to hundreds of children, Sarahfirmly believes that art, and inparticular dance, is more than theaesthetic and she is very excited to bejoining the passionate team ate.motion21 to work to enable childrenand young adults with Downsyndrome to enjoy all the benefits thiswonderful art form has to offer.

Someorganisations thatwe love...Australian Ballet SchoolCarlton Football ClubDown Syndrome VictoriaDuluxFed SquareLearning Seat

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Perfect EventsQantas

Save the dates!Term 1 dates – 2 February – 27 March WDSD Federation Square Performance – Friday 20 March, 2015WDSD Bollywood Gala Dinner – Saturday 21 March, 2015WDSC India – 19 August – 21 August, 2015e.motion21 India Tour (Dates TBC) – 15/16 August - 29 AugustAnnual e.motion21 concert – Sunday 20 September, 2015

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