suburban citizen. (washington, dc) 1900-05-19 [p ]. · 2017-12-17 · t i the suburban citizen...

t I THE SUBURBAN CITIZEN Instructions t POSTAGE The postage to all parts of tho United Stntoe and U by the ubll8hors- IlEMiriANaisa ol small Bums may be made ith lu letters turn of one dollar or more must registered letter or postcflloo order i lthenv3C we nnnot responsible forenme Coaxer or ADimitia Subscriber wishing their Address obangod must Invariably former as well as now Mistitto NuiroEBS It occasionally happont that number of our paper sent to ro tort or stolen In In case divot receive number when due of the mleslag number iMroRTAKT OF every letter that you wrlto never tall to your rail plainly written name postoffloe aunty aa PflTHPVC PfllllMW a Weekly News Items of Great Importance to Readers of this Paper Wo bavo two stores one at 325 12th Street N E between 0 and D Streets the other at 1246 G Street N B Corner 18th and G Streets If you come to either store you will get treated right and when your have been made you will be satisfied that you never got such bar- gains before aro not in business for the fun of the but we are satisfied to handle standard goods on a small margin of Parties traveling the road or the Bladensourg road either should stop at our 13kh and G Street store since it is only one square from H Street and only square from Maryland Avenue Among other STANDARD goods we handle Lofflors smoked hams Lofflero corned hams Lofflors smoked sau sage goods that acknowledged by everybody to be the best We are having a largo run on a upaoial brand of elegant flour that is superior to other more expensive braude Large sack GO cents half size 26 cents By using this flour your bread will cost you loss than 2 cents loaf When you learn our prioo by the barrel you will want about two barrels at a time Our choice roast beef from 8 cents to 12 cents per pound will do you good Our steaks run from 10 cents to 18 cents per pound but they are first class Soap starch and soap powder arq way down in price In the matter of canned goods we can usually save you from 1 cent to 3 cents can Wo guarantee to please By that wo mean wo guarantee to please YOU In tho matter of service as well as in the matter of price Wo deliver all orders within a reas onable distance and deliver them promptly What we save in the matter of low rent you get the benefit of in tbo shape of low prices A trial order will convince you of this GIBSON COBEY Cash Grocers 625 12th St N E AND 1245 G St N E UNITEDSTATES COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SURGEONS B22 O Htr e V vf YTasblnfton D O SESSION BEGINS OCTOBER lit For proipectoi and full InfonnatlonftddrtMi C BARN WEL4 ROBINSON DEAN Jahns E JAHN Prop ft Groceries Moats Provisions A Tens anti Coffees of standard ox S collenco 8 Nome Dressed Meat a Specialty A Brave Qentleneii The Army and Journal gives- a incident which shows how gentle a nature may exist beneath tho sternness at times reckons not tho life of men while in the pursuit of viotory The late Commander James W Car Hn was in command of the Vandalia at Apia Samoa during the terrible storm of March 16 1889 Ono evening some years afterward- on to his room while visiting his sister ho found a mouse that had fallen into a basin of water and was struggling for his life There was and defiance in that little fellows said tho Commander speaking of it the next day As I gazed on that helpless little creature I thought of that terri ble night on the to the open window I gently emptied dry him with my towel but I saved his life tho Commander added i J J j I Subscriber I I l booont b give write a postal and we will oheertu1ly fur a n ALLIn us L GIBSON 0- pur- chases oue half are I I I Ii j V S 4IJ UB r and i I Man dalia it t the contents of the I didnt Hff r t y 1 heir as edsL State i i it i Market t1 a i j > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = J W WOOD PBAOTIOAL BOOT AND SHOE MAKER 82O 10th St N E Repairing done Work promised NORTHEAST WASHINGTON Who want the trade of the people of Northeast Wash- ington and the outlying Suburbs and the rea- sons why h l BUSINESS MEN pj a 1r4yT i ¬ = LONELIEST OF WOMEN The Home of Mm Clark on a Little Island In IlelirltiR Sea Without doubt tho loneliest woman that is to say the ono furthest front her all these United States of America is Mrs Clark tho wife of Major E W Clark Government Agent of the Pribylof or Seal Islands iu the Bohring Sea This group composed of the two small islands of St Paul and St George are the homes of nearly all the seals in existence and they are about 1800 miles west of the entrance to Puget Sound and about 200 north west of tho Aleutian Islands begin- ning at Unimak Pass St George which is the smaller of tho two about six by twelve miles in ex- tent is forty miles from St Paul and it has a population of about one hun dred Aleuts and four or five whites consisting of Major Clark and his wife a physician and two or three clerks for the North American Com- mercial Company which controls the seal business and has stores and on both islands Tho little village of St Georgo contains five or thirty houses including the bi ldings tho house and a Greek church There are no other houses on the islands and Mrs Clark is the only white woman Her home is a small cottage of four rooms very cosy and comfortable with books and pictures and a fine outlook over the sea She does no cooking in hor own house as tho Government officials take their meals at the companys house near by Mrs Clarks nearest neighbor is the wife of the agent on St Paul who is less lonely because she has with her her two small children Mrs Clarks children being grown and liaving their own homes in tho States There is no communication between the islands except by one of tho com panys ships and by revenue cutters- as other ships are not permitted to visit the islands These ships come uly in the summer and from October until June Mrs Clark does not expect to see any one or hear anything from the United States or to send word home no matter what happens Sick- ness death disaster may come to her far off in that forbidding sea or may visit her own at home but no word may corns or go untiUnavigation is resumed St George is absolutely without trees but its rolling surface and mountains a thousand feet high are beautifully green with coarse grass and moss and wild flowers of brilliant hues dot tho level stretches near the sea Blue foxes abound anti over the rocks at the waters edge thou- sands anti thousands of seals in activity disport themselves noisily day night from June until December while millions of water fowl fill the air and the sea and flutter about the cliffs Three hundred days in tho year the weather is dark and dismal and fogs hide the islands for days at a time The cold is never but tho winter storms are severe and terrific gales swoop over tea and land There is no harbor and ships come to anchor a mile 01 more from shore Sir Charles WnrrefPi Bath There is something extremely Eng flab in the story of Sir Charles War- ren doing trimbics as Bouncer ox pressed it in the open air on tho battlefield of Vanl Kranz Sir Charles it appeurs is a strong believer in hydropathy and uuder no circum- stances intermits his morning bath On the occasion of Butlers last effort to relieve Ladysmith Sir Charles found it impossible to leave his post so when day broke on tho battlefield- he ordered his servant to bring his bath with sponge anti towel and there and then in the open air Sir Charles Warren commanding the Fifth DI vision proceeded to take his bath sublimely indifferent to the tire of the enemy A humorous addition to tho incident relates how Sir Redvers Bat leI wishing to consult with Sir Charles sent his orderly to summon him But not even an order from the chief could interrupt this matutinal function and Sir Rod vers was obliged to ride to the bather and then an important conversation- was held the two generals tho one on horseback and tho other in his tub Diogenes himself never por formed a of cooler indifference to the conventionalities than Sir Charles on this occason London News Lave Their VeuiletUc All ants that are not from the same nest seem to be deadly enemies but while an ant will do what he can to put to death a stranger he does not seem to take a corresponding delight in his as is shown tho following experiment A scientist- in to test the attention of ants belonging to the same nest took six of them and imprisoned them in a small bottle covering it with a piece of coarso mesh muslin Their fellows paid no attention to but when tho was repeated substituting however six ants of a rival tribe their enemies swarmed around the bottle and after something like a week through persistent effort succeeded in eating thoir way 6 through tho muslin Two ants wore found dead proving they had been put to death i kindin boo- ing c ex- cessive I II Ant the prisoners re- moved ware- houses agen s cease- less commander in order ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sir Charles Warren There is something extremely Rug lisp in tho story of War- ren doing as Bouncer ex- pressed it in tho open air on the battlefield of Vast Kranz Sir Oharlos it appears is a strong believer in and under no stances intermits his morning bath On the occasion of Butlers last effort to relieve Sir Charles found it impossible to leave his post So when broke on the battlefield he ordered his servant to bring his bath with sponge and towel and there and then in tho open air Sir Charles Warren commanding the Fifth Di vision to take his bath sublimely indifferent to the fire of the A humorous addition to the incident relates how Sir Redvers Bul ler wishing to consult with Sir Charles sent his orderly to summon him But not even an order from the chief could interrupt this matutinal function and Sir Red vers was obliged to ride to the bather and then an important conversation was held the two generals the one on horseback and the other in his tub Diogenes himself never per formed a feat of cooler indifference to the conventionalities than Sir Charles on this News TJTO Velvet liable An almost forgotten book save among scholars is Lays of the Deer Forest by two brothers John So bieski and Charles Edward Stuart It was written by men who lived all the year round the wild animals of the Highlands and learned to love them as only the familiar can One of the most beautiful descriptions of these abundant naturenotes is that of a doe which was seen for several mornings restless and anxious list and searching the wind trotting up and down picking a leaf hero and- a leaf there After her short and unsettled meal she would take n frisk round leap into tho air dart into her secret bower and appear no more un til the twilight day down the brae among the birches In the middle of the thicket there was a group of young trees growing out of a carpet of moss which yielded like a down pillow Tho prints of the does slender forked feet were thickly traced about the low and the centre there was a vel vety bed which seemed a little higher than the rest but so natural that it would not have been noticed by any unaccustomed eye carefully lifted tho green cushion and under its veil rolled close to- gether the head of each resting on the flank of tho other nestled two beautiful little kids their large velvet ears laid smooth on their dappled necks their spotted sides sleek anti shining as satin and their little deli- cate legs as slender as hazel wands shod with tiny shoes as smooth and as black as ebony while their largo dark at me with a full mild quiet gaze which had not yet leArned to fear the hand of man Still they had a nameless doubt which followed every motion of mine Their little limbs shrank from my touch and their velvet fur rose and fell quickly but as I was about to re- place tho moss one turned its head lifted its sleek ears toward me and licked my hand as I laid their soft mantle over them- I often saw them afterward when they grew strong anti came abroad upon tho brae and frequently I called ho crossed their warm track NEWSY GLEANINGS of tho exhibits at the Paris Ex- position pro not yet In piece A successful telephone Is In operation between 1Itl Aguuu Guam Massachusetts has Just refused to pension system city employes It Is reported that tho German Govern- ment will establish an embassy at the Vati canA exhibition Is to be held at Gothenburg Sweden from July 15 to Sep 1 Too Daughters of the Confederacy of will buy tbo old Davis home at There Is talk of a to use the Hud- son River tnnnal for trolleys from Jersey City to Now York City Canada will put Into effect on 1 next a cent preferential tariff In favor of England Tho Korean Government has refused to nocodoto a request for mining concessions In favor of citizens of United States The dummy clock on Indepen dence Hall In Philadelphia Is re- moved It was the subject of much adverse criticism There Is under consideration n plan for establishing n circuit of the earth by Alaska with Siberia across the Bering Strait An attempt to embody in the constitu Episcopal Church a provision for to annual con ferences was defeated at Chicago It has been decided that the Scottish Geographical Society shall send a party to lu Antarctic then be In progress on all sides tho Polar area Consul at Asuncion writes of a chance for Investment In Para- guay in a bard wood called an extract used for tanning leather Investigations by tliB show tbat tho cigarette evil Is moro prevalent among the children of ton than among those of any other Amerl city Northern M tho With 1000000 plant cane Tampa tbbudistUiHiJhittiitUelbtoibliJlto I occasonLondon One r stole hole off whon provide- a o flume can A South Florida and erect Q the t w flat commander fn ion Sntnr Planting toAueq in et Ply ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ZZraSSERSEBmSS- SMZSSGLJSTAVE HARTIQ DEALER IN Builders and Coach Hardware Bar Iron Steel Blacksmiths Supplies Etc FLY SCREENS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS PAINTS OILS GLASS Colors Dry and in Oil ELjsPHoNt t 509 and 511 H Street N E M R HUTCHISON You Confectionery Cigars Tobacco PURE BREAD and Smokors Articles Morning Evening sad Sunday BIB H N E M A JENKINS 924 H Street 15 Per Cent Saved By Buying Your Groceries from us The wholesale grocers profits will at 15 per cent TLia amount wo guarantee to save you on nil your purchases in grocery and meat lino We buy in large quantitiesDi- rect from the manufacturers and packers thereby saving the jobbers We carry the largest stock And variety in both and domestic groceries to be found In any one house in Washington Your Patronage Solicited THE FAMILY SUPPLY CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE GROCERIES PROVISIONS Etc Cor 7th and H Sts N E HENRY C LAUBACH B Upholsterer AND E Cabinet Maker b No 64 H Street Northeast All work entrusted to me is In E yory best stylo I make a H- w repair work Every lob guaranteed Pi Repair Outfit Including i Years Subscription to Suburban Citizen for i oc See offer In anothei column GEO N HOLLAND j 1500 H St W E ESTABLISHED 1883Wfl H ERNEST liANDFACTUnEIl OF Standard Flower Pots Jugs Milk Pots Butter Pans Jars Pitchers Stew Puns Milk Pans Spittoons Bean Pots Churns Pipkins Stove Pipe Pots Flower Pot Saucers and Fern Pans and M Streets N E WASHINGTON D C I z IF WANT NOME MADE AND ROLLS HOD1emade papers on hand Call or Address Periodicals Stationery Nooltles KEYSTONE NOME BAKERY T H E profit willing to give our customora saving IMPORTERS Complete I of tZ fl 2 oox G XD OOXOO 28th 9 aonv1aao STRE We are I s pone the e s t < < = ° Good Work Prompt Delivery JONES AMERICAN LAUNDRY No Family Laundrylng In the Rough Dry 1 our Patronage- A USEFUL ARTICLE FREE EXCELSIOR Wo will ono ffjc s t of these useful Spool Supporting i to son who subscribes for the Suburban Citizen through us 1 See MLB no tu I lion of the Bracelet v 3th pogo Remember tho papor one oar Bracelet for Goat N Holland 1500 H St 80J H St NE 0 nu NE- t W L WAESCHE 1100 O St N E Groceries Provisions Fruit Vegetables Produce Heats c CIgars and Tobacco PHILIP LEDERER LATH wrrn ANTON KSHIR Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment Ladles and Gentlemens Garments of every description cleaned end to now All altering and repairing neatly done a cur wagon call J203 H STREET N E a i W H DUNN I DEALER IN QJ Fine Groceries Teas Coffees Etc 1 Stalls 18 35 Northeast i Fine Lino of Canned Goods FOOD FOR REFLECTION- A Fow Thoughts in Relation to Northeast Washington SOME TERSELY TOLD TRUTHS By One of tho Foremost Londoro of Thought In That Section That Will Amply Justify a Oaro full Perusal To SUBURBAN PEOPLE The object of the following linos attract the attention of the anbnt ban people to the many superior ad- vantages offered by the northeast sec- tion of Washington as a place of residence If you live in the suburbs and con template making a change oomo to northeast section of Washington and look around It is a section that will hear the closest scrutiny It is a seotion that offers tho great- est possible inducements to men of moderate means It is a section dotted with homes peopled by lawabiding and thirfty people- It offers to the tenant low rout and- a comfortable home It offers to the purchaser numerous wellbuilt houses nt very low cost Among tho thousand and moro ad- vantages offered by every well ordered city you will find in Northeast Wash- ington The finest schools Ample police protection Excellent fire protection Rapid transit to all parts of theDls triot of Columbia for one fare Well streets Well lighted streets Good complete and perfect sewerage system Churches of all denominations- A good market A temple where many different lodges meet Societies of all kinds Theatres within easy access In short everything that makes for the comfort peace and well being of mankind In tho matter of North east Washington is the banner section of tho District If you have been unfortunate enough- to situated remote from the of life and are ever for- tunate enough to soil come to North east Washington and wo will put you in close touch with the good things of this life Do you suffer from Poor roads Poor sidewalks Poor police protection Poor fire protection Poor social surroundings Poor church advantages Poor municipal government If so your indicate that a ohang6 would bo desirable Ileliel from all the above troubles may be had in Northeast Washington Respectfully LOKINO GaApriXi 822 H St N E have known MrChuppol for a number of and it is no dioparag mont to other men of ability in Washington is it any flection on thorn to say that ho stands out conspicuously as the ono man whoso opinion is most frequently sought and most highly He came to tho Northeast section ot Washington in 1872 with which ho invested there and ho has resided in the same locality contin- uously ever since His faith in tho section and its fa tnro was strong in 1872 and it has continued uninterruptedly ever since being today stronger than over Ho Las built moro than one hundred and twentyfive and possibly as many- as ono hundred and fifty in tho Northeast section and they have all been well built substantial struc- tures that have found sale He is one of tho largest if not largest holder of real property in his section and a man whose word no ono disputes Ho it n member of the Board of Trade and an active member of tho Northeast Washington Citizens Asfo elation being connected with other organizations that make for progress His success has warped his judgment ao that parties seeking hit advice can rely absolutely on what ho says people who for any cause desire to make a change will find in tho reflections over Mr Chappols signature much food for thought wo commend them to onri readers Editor Suburban Citizen Z25S8SSSS8 DR W E BRADLEY Dentist 810 H St N E Washington ooxooxXE lJaSX t I Market- A liXE IDGXiX I- to sidewalks- A comforts NotoWo b- east ra 17000 bel a not DC ac tt M 4 j tin < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < <

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Page 1: Suburban Citizen. (Washington, DC) 1900-05-19 [p ]. · 2017-12-17 · t I THE SUBURBAN CITIZEN Instructions t POSTAGE The postage to all parts of tho United Stntoe and U by the ubll8hors-IlEMiriANaisa



Instructions tPOSTAGE The postage to all parts of tho

United Stntoe and U by theubll8hors-

IlEMiriANaisa ol small Bums may be madeith lu letters

turn of one dollar or more mustregistered letter or postcflloo order ilthenv3C we nnnot responsible forenme

Coaxer or ADimitia Subscriber wishingtheir Address obangod must Invariably

former as well as nowMistitto NuiroEBS It occasionally happont

that number of our paper sent toro tort or stolen In In case

divot receive number when due

of the mleslag numberiMroRTAKT OF every letter

that you wrlto never tall to your railplainly written name postoffloe

aunty aa

PflTHPVC PfllllMWa

Weekly News Items ofGreat Importance to

Readers of thisPaper

Wo bavo two stores one at 325 12thStreet N E between 0 and D Streetsthe other at 1246 G Street N BCorner 18th and G Streets

If you come to either store you willget treated right and when your

have been made you will besatisfied that you never got such bar-gains before

aro not in business for the funof the but we are satisfied tohandle standard goods on a smallmargin of

Parties traveling the roador the Bladensourg road either shouldstop at our 13kh and G Street storesince it is only one square from HStreet and only square fromMaryland Avenue

Among other STANDARD goods wehandle Lofflors smoked hams Lofflerocorned hams Lofflors smoked sausage goods that acknowledged byeverybody to be the best

We are having a largo run on aupaoial brand of elegant flour that issuperior to other more expensivebraude Large sack GO cents halfsize 26 cents By using this flour yourbread will cost you loss than 2 cents

loaf When you learn our priooby the barrel you will want about twobarrels at a time

Our choice roast beef from 8 centsto 12 cents per pound will do yougood Our steaks run from 10 centsto 18 cents per pound but they arefirst class

Soap starch and soap powder arqway down in price

In the matter of canned goods wecan usually save you from 1 cent to 3cents can

Wo guarantee to please By thatwo mean wo guarantee to please YOUIn tho matter of service as well as inthe matter of price

Wo deliver all orders within a reasonable distance and deliver thempromptly

What we save in the matter of lowrent you get the benefit of in tboshape of low prices A trial order willconvince you of this


Cash Grocers625 12th St N E




SESSION BEGINS OCTOBER litFor proipectoi and full InfonnatlonftddrtMi


JahnsE JAHN Prop

ft Groceries Moats ProvisionsA Tens anti Coffees of standard oxS collenco

8 Nome Dressed Meat a Specialty

A Brave QentleneiiThe Army and Journal gives-

a incident which shows howgentle a nature may exist beneath thosternness at times reckons nottho life of men while in the pursuit ofviotory

The late Commander James W CarHn was in command of the Vandaliaat Apia Samoa during the terriblestorm of March 16 1889

Ono evening some years afterward-on to his room while visitinghis sister ho found a mouse that hadfallen into a basin of water and wasstruggling for his life

There was and defiance inthat little fellows said thoCommander speaking of it the nextday As I gazed on that helplesslittle creature I thought of that terrible night on theto the open window I gently emptied

dry him with my towel but I savedhis life tho Commander added





I SubscriberI



booont b


writea postal and we will oheertu1ly fur

an ALLIn






oue half












it t the contents of the I didnt



t y






















82O 10th St N E

Repairing done Workpromised


Who want the trade of the people of Northeast Wash-ington and the outlying Suburbs and the rea-

sons why





a 1r4yT i




The Home of Mm Clark on a LittleIsland In IlelirltiR Sea

Without doubt tho loneliest womanthat is to say the ono furthest

front her all theseUnited States of America is MrsClark tho wife of Major E W ClarkGovernment Agent of the Pribylof orSeal Islands iu the Bohring Sea

This group composed of the twosmall islands of St Paul and StGeorge are the homes of nearly allthe seals in existence and they areabout 1800 miles west of the entranceto Puget Sound and about 200 northwest of tho Aleutian Islands begin-ning at Unimak Pass St Georgewhich is the smaller of tho two

about six by twelve miles in ex-

tent is forty miles from St Paul andit has a population of about one hundred Aleuts and four or five whitesconsisting of Major Clark and hiswife a physician and two or threeclerks for the North American Com-

mercial Company which controls theseal business and has stores and

on both islands Tho littlevillage of St Georgo containsfive or thirty houses including the

bi ldings tho houseand a Greek church There are noother houses on the islands and MrsClark is the only white woman Herhome is a small cottage of four roomsvery cosy and comfortable with booksand pictures and a fine outlook overthe sea She does no cooking in horown house as tho Government officialstake their meals at the companyshouse near by

Mrs Clarks nearest neighbor isthe wife of the agent on St Paulwho is less lonely because she haswith her her two small children MrsClarks children being grown andliaving their own homes in tho StatesThere is no communication betweenthe islands except by one of tho companys ships and by revenue cutters-as other ships are not permitted tovisit the islands These ships come

uly in the summer and from Octoberuntil June Mrs Clark does not expectto see any one or hear anything fromthe United States or to send wordhome no matter what happens Sick-ness death disaster may come to herfar off in that forbidding sea or mayvisit her own at home but no wordmay corns or go untiUnavigation isresumed

St George is absolutely withouttrees but its rolling surface andmountains a thousand feet high arebeautifully green with coarse grassand moss and wild flowers of brillianthues dot tho level stretches near thesea Blue foxes abound anti overthe rocks at the waters edge thou-sands anti thousands of seals in

activity disport themselvesnoisily day night from June untilDecember while millions of waterfowl fill the air and the sea and flutterabout the cliffs Three hundred daysin tho year the weather is dark anddismal and fogs hide the islands fordays at a time The cold is never

but tho winter storms aresevere and terrific gales swoop overtea and land There is no harborand ships come to anchor a mile 01more from shore

Sir Charles WnrrefPi BathThere is something extremely Eng

flab in the story of Sir Charles War-ren doing trimbics as Bouncer oxpressed it in the open air on thobattlefield of Vanl Kranz Sir Charlesit appeurs is a strong believer inhydropathy and uuder no circum-stances intermits his morning bathOn the occasion of Butlers last effortto relieve Ladysmith Sir Charlesfound it impossible to leave his postso when day broke on tho battlefield-he ordered his servant to bring hisbath with sponge anti towel and thereand then in the open air Sir CharlesWarren commanding the Fifth DIvision proceeded to take his bathsublimely indifferent to the tire of theenemy A humorous addition to thoincident relates how Sir Redvers BatleI wishing to consult with SirCharles sent his orderly to summonhim But not even an order from the

chief could interruptthis matutinal function and Sir Rodvers was obliged to ride to the batherand then an important conversation-was held the two generalstho one on horseback and tho other inhis tub Diogenes himself never porformed a of cooler indifference tothe conventionalities than Sir Charleson this occason London News

Lave Their VeuiletUcAll ants that are not from the same

nest seem to be deadly enemies butwhile an ant will do what he can toput to death a stranger he does notseem to take a corresponding delightin his as is showntho following experiment A scientist-in to test the attention of antsbelonging to the same nest took sixof them and imprisoned them in asmall bottle covering it with a pieceof coarso mesh muslin Their fellowspaid no attention to butwhen tho was repeatedsubstituting however six ants of arival tribe their enemies swarmedaround the bottle and after somethinglike a week through persistent effort

succeeded in eating thoir way 6through tho muslin Two ants worefound dead proving they had beenput to death















agen s


commander in













Sir Charles WarrenThere is something extremely Rug

lisp in tho story of War-ren doing as Bouncer ex-

pressed it in tho open air on thebattlefield of Vast Kranz Sir Oharlosit appears is a strong believer in

and under nostances intermits his morning bathOn the occasion of Butlers last effortto relieve Sir Charlesfound it impossible to leave his postSo when broke on the battlefieldhe ordered his servant to bring hisbath with sponge and towel and thereand then in tho open air Sir CharlesWarren commanding the Fifth Division to take his bathsublimely indifferent to the fire of the

A humorous addition to theincident relates how Sir Redvers Buller wishing to consult with SirCharles sent his orderly to summonhim But not even an order from the

chief could interruptthis matutinal function and Sir Redvers was obliged to ride to the batherand then an important conversationwas held the two generalsthe one on horseback and the other inhis tub Diogenes himself never performed a feat of cooler indifference tothe conventionalities than Sir Charleson this News

TJTO Velvet liableAn almost forgotten book save

among scholars is Lays of the DeerForest by two brothers John Sobieski and Charles Edward Stuart Itwas written by men who lived all theyear round the wild animals ofthe Highlands and learned to lovethem as only the familiar can Oneof the most beautiful descriptions ofthese abundant naturenotes is that ofa doe which was seen for severalmornings restless and anxious list

and searching the wind trottingup and down picking a leaf hero and-a leaf there After her short andunsettled meal she would take n friskround leap into tho air dart into hersecret bower and appear no more until the twilight

day down the brae amongthe birches In the middle of thethicket there was a group of youngtrees growing out of a carpet of mosswhich yielded like a down pillowTho prints of the does slender forkedfeet were thickly traced about thelow and the centre there was a velvety bed which seemed a little higherthan the rest but so natural that itwould not have been noticed by anyunaccustomed eye

carefully lifted tho green cushionand under its veil rolled close to-

gether the head of each resting onthe flank of tho other nestled twobeautiful little kids their large velvetears laid smooth on their dapplednecks their spotted sides sleek antishining as satin and their little deli-cate legs as slender as hazel wandsshod with tiny shoes as smooth and asblack as ebony while their largo dark

at me with a full mildquiet gaze which had not yet leArnedto fear the hand of man

Still they had a nameless doubtwhich followed every motion of mineTheir little limbs shrank from mytouch and their velvet fur rose andfell quickly but as I was about to re-place tho moss one turned its headlifted its sleek ears toward me andlicked my hand as I laid their softmantle over them-

I often saw them afterward whenthey grew strong anti came abroadupon tho brae and frequently I called

ho crossedtheir warm track


of tho exhibits at the Paris Ex-position pro not yet In piece

A successful telephone Is In operationbetween 1Itl Aguuu Guam

Massachusetts has Just refused topension system city employesIt Is reported that tho German Govern-

ment will establish an embassy at the VaticanA

exhibition Is to be held atGothenburg Sweden from July 15 to Sep


Too Daughters of the Confederacy ofwill buy tbo old Davis

home atThere Is talk of a to use the Hud-

son River tnnnal for trolleys from JerseyCity to Now York City

Canada will put Into effect on 1next a cent preferentialtariff In favor of England

Tho Korean Government has refused tonocodoto a request for mining concessionsIn favor of citizens of United States

The dummy clock on Independence Hall In Philadelphia Is re-moved It was the subject of much adversecriticism

There Is under consideration nplan for establishing n circuitof the earth by Alaska with Siberiaacross the Bering Strait

An attempt to embody in the constituEpiscopal Church a

provision for to annual conferences was defeated at Chicago

It has been decided that the ScottishGeographical Society shall send a party to

lu Antarcticthen be In progress on all sides tho Polararea

Consul at Asuncion writes of achance for Investment In Para-guay in a bard wood called

an extract used for tanningleather

Investigations by tliBshow tbat tho cigarette evil Is moro

prevalent among the children ofton than among those of any other Amerl

cityNorthern M tho

With 1000000 plant cane





One r stole


off whon





South Florida

and erect Q the




commander fn


Sntnr Planting

toAueq in etPly

























Builders and Coach HardwareBar Iron SteelBlacksmiths Supplies Etc


ELjsPHoNt t 509 and 511 H Street N E


Confectionery Cigars TobaccoPURE BREAD

and Smokors ArticlesMorning Evening sad Sunday

BIB H N E M A JENKINS 924 H Street

15 Per Cent SavedBy Buying Your Groceries from us The wholesale grocers profits will

at 15 per cent TLia amount wo guarantee to save you on nilyour purchases in grocery and meat lino

We buy in large quantitiesDi-

rect from the manufacturers and packers thereby saving the jobbers

We carry the largest stockAnd variety in both and domestic groceries to be found

In any one house in Washington

Your Patronage Solicited


Wholesale and Retail Dealers in


Cor 7th and H Sts N E


Upholsterer AND

E Cabinet Makerb No 64 H Street Northeast

All work entrusted to me is InE yory best stylo I make a H-

w repair work Every lob guaranteed Pi

Repair OutfitIncluding i YearsSubscription to

SuburbanCitizen for i oc

Seeoffer In anotheicolumn


j 1500 H St W E



Standard Flower PotsJugs Milk Pots Butter Pans Jars Pitchers Stew Puns Milk Pans

Spittoons Bean Pots Churns Pipkins Stove Pipe Pots

Flower Pot Saucers and Fern Pans

and M Streets N E WASHINGTON D C






papers on hand Call or AddressPeriodicals Stationery Nooltles KEYSTONE NOME BAKERY


profit willing to give our customora saving





tZ fl 2






We are

I s

ponethe e


< <



Good Work Prompt Delivery


NoFamily Laundrylng In the Rough Dry

1 our Patronage-

A USEFUL ARTICLE FREEEXCELSIOR Wo will onoffjc s t of these useful Spool

Supportingi to

son who subscribesfor the SuburbanCitizen through us

1 SeeMLB no tu I lion of the Braceletv 3th pogo Remember tho papor one

oar Bracelet forGoat N Holland 1500 H St

80J H St N E






Groceries ProvisionsFruit Vegetables ProduceHeats c

CIgars and Tobacco


Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment

Ladles and Gentlemens Garments of

every description cleaned endto now All altering and

repairing neatly done acur wagon call





Fine Groceries TeasCoffees Etc 1

Stalls 18 35 Northeast iFine Lino of Canned Goods


A Fow Thoughts in Relation to

Northeast Washington


By One of tho Foremost Londoroof Thought In That SectionThat Will Amply Justify a Oarofull Perusal

To SUBURBAN PEOPLEThe object of the following linosattract the attention of the anbnt

ban people to the many superior ad-vantages offered by the northeast sec-

tion of Washington as a place ofresidence

If you live in the suburbs and contemplate making a change oomo tonortheast section of Washington andlook around

It is a section that will hear theclosest scrutiny

It is a seotion that offers tho great-est possible inducements to men ofmoderate means

It is a section dotted with homespeopled by lawabiding andthirfty people-

It offers to the tenant low rout and-a comfortable home

It offers to the purchaser numerouswellbuilt houses nt very low cost

Among tho thousand and moro ad-vantages offered by every well orderedcity you will find in Northeast Wash-ington

The finest schoolsAmple police protectionExcellent fire protectionRapid transit to all parts of theDls

triot of Columbia for one fareWell streetsWell lighted streetsGood

complete and perfect seweragesystem

Churches of all denominations-A good marketA temple where many different

lodges meetSocieties of all kindsTheatres within easy accessIn short everything that makes for

the comfort peace and well beingof mankind

In tho matter of Northeast Washington is the banner sectionof tho District

If you have been unfortunate enough-to situated remote fromthe of life and are ever for-tunate enough to soil come to Northeast Washington and wo will put youin close touch with the good things ofthis life

Do you suffer fromPoor roadsPoor sidewalksPoor police protectionPoor fire protectionPoor social surroundingsPoor church advantagesPoor municipal governmentIf so your indicate that

a ohang6 would bo desirable Ilelielfrom all the above troubles may behad in Northeast Washington

RespectfullyLOKINO GaApriXi

822 H St N Ehave known MrChuppol for

a number of and it is no dioparagmont to other men of ability in

Washington is it anyflection on thorn to say that ho standsout conspicuously as the ono manwhoso opinion is most frequentlysought and most highly

He came to tho Northeast section otWashington in 1872 withwhich ho invested there and ho hasresided in the same locality contin-uously ever since

His faith in tho section and its fatnro was strong in 1872 and it hascontinued uninterruptedly ever sincebeing today stronger than over

Ho Las built moro than one hundredand twentyfive and possibly as many-as ono hundred and fifty intho Northeast section and they haveall been well built substantial struc-tures that have found sale

He is one of tho largest if notlargest holder of real property in hissection and a man whose word no onodisputes

Ho it n member of the Board ofTrade and an active member of thoNortheast Washington Citizens Asfoelation being connected withother organizations that make forprogress

His success has warped hisjudgment ao that parties seeking hitadvice can rely absolutely on what hosays people who for anycause desire to make a change willfind in tho reflections over MrChappols signature much food forthought wo commend them to onrireaders Editor Suburban Citizen



Dentist810 H St N E Washington

ooxooxXE lJaSX t

I Market-A








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