success in human life

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  • 7/29/2019 Success in Human Life


    O Lord ! O MyLord ! May I never forget You !

    Shri Hari

    Success in Human Life(Manushya Jeevan ki Safaltaah)

    Tvameva Maata Cha Pita Tvameva

    Tvameva Bandhusha Sakhaa Tvameva

    Tvameva Vidyaa Dravinam Tvameva

    Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva

    Swami Ramsukhdas

  • 7/29/2019 Success in Human Life


    O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

    Shri Hari

    Success in Human Life(Manushya Jeevan ki Safaltaah)

    One needs things, not money, for the sustenance of this body. It is

    the things themselves that are useful, whereas the money itself is not useful.

    It is through things that money achieves its usefulness. Therefore things are

    significantly more essential than rupees (dollars). More useful than the things,is the body. The material things are for the body. The things are not as great

    as the body. The bodies of animals are very useful; because many of the

    things that are needed for sustenance are produced from them; just as milk

    comes from Cows, wool comes from the sheep etc. But also greater than

    that, is the human body, by which both this world and beyond can be


    In the scriptures, there is great significance of the human body.

    What is the great thing in this body? In this body the great thing is "vivek"

    (discriminative faculty). By this "vivek" one can get to know in the true sense

    what is Essence (tattva)-versus not, the eternal versus temporary, duty versus

    non-duty. This is called "vivek" (discrimination). This "vivek" is the best of all.

  • 7/29/2019 Success in Human Life


    O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

    The greatness is of this "vivek" only. The more "vivek" there is, that much

    more a man will be better. In dealings, some men are more respected and

    admired. The reason for this is their "vivek". The more awakened is their

    power of discrimination (vivek shakti), that much more he will be revered. It

    is with this power of discrimination that he will be able to take proper

    decisions on every subject. The glories of the power of discrimination is even

    greater than that the human beings themselves. It is due to having the power

    of discrimination, that the glories to this human body are sung. The glories

    are not of this physical body.

    What is greater than discrimination? Greater than this

    discriminative power is God (Parmatma). Through that power of

    discrimination "vivek" upon knowing and understanding the essence-versus not,

    eternal versus temporary, one can attain the highest of all the eternal

    and-constant Essence (God). It is in this attainment that human body attains

    its success. On attaining this human body, if one only spends their time in

    worldly pleasures, then it is not a success. Even animals and birds get the

    pleasure of sense enjoyments. They too can remain peacefully. I have seen

    such dogs, where they have hired caretakers to take care of them. They

    have rooms which are kept cool during hot months. They have comfortablebedding to sleep on, along with fans. When they go for walks and exercise,

    the caretaker is there for them. They travel in motors and airplanes etc. Even

    very few men have such rest and relaxation and pleasant lives. Therefore if

    one is to get worldly pleasures and sense enjoyments, rest and relaxation,

    then one can get that being born as a dog or a donkey etc. However

    realization of God is only possible in the human body. Leaving aside man, the

    various bird and animals cannot even comprehend God.

    Of all the animals, the best of all is regarded as the cow. Purity is

    achieved with cow-dung and cow urine, and diseases can be eradicated. Cow

    nourishes the earth and the earth nourishes the cow. With the nourishment of

    both these (cow and earth), all men are provided for, and sustenance of the

  • 7/29/2019 Success in Human Life


    O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

    bodies takes place. One will be unable to explain to even such a great cow,

    about the subject of God, and what is God like.

    Cow is very useful, very great, we benefit immensely from cows,

    therefore it is our main duty to protect the cows. However the cow does

    not have the ability to attain its enlightenment. This ability is only in the

    human body. The glories of demi-gods (devatas) is also not as much as the

    glories of human beings. The bodies ofdevatas are divine. They are not like

    our bodies made of bones and flesh. Our body has a predominance of earth,

    whereas the bodies of devatas have a predominance of spirit and radiant

    element. Just as in this light you can see everything, isn't it? This is the

    radiant element. This is pre-dominant in devatas. When a pig soiled and

    dirty, passes by us, then we can smell the fowl odour, in the same way, our

    body is that dirty, that the "devatas" can smell odour from our bodies. But

    gentlemen! Even those devatas are not eligible for enlightenment. The life

    of demi-gods (devatas) is only of pleasures. They have divine bodies, their

    abode is good, their food is nectar filled. However only the human body is

    great for attaining salvation, and not the bodies of "devatas." Therefore,

    human body is called the rarest of all

    Nar tan sam nahin kavniu dehi |

    Jeev charaachar jaachat tehi || (Manas 7/121/5)

    However, the criticism is that even on attaining the human birth,

    one does not attain one's supreme good and only remains immersed in eating

    and earning money.

    Those who are attached to the two desires - accumulating money

    and enjoying it, for such men, what is the Supreme Essence ? What is

    liberation? What is the benefit of ending the cycle of birth and death? What is

    supreme bliss? They cannot know these things. They do not have the power

    to understand the Essence, to end the sorrow once and for all and to become

  • 7/29/2019 Success in Human Life


    O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

    ever blissful.

    We want to attain that Essence, that can be attained through this

    human body. How can it be attained? For this there is one main point - Our

    intention, our aim, must become one of wanting to realize God. Whether we

    go through suffering, or attain joy, whether we become poor, or we become

    rich, whether we become sick or healthy, whether we continue to live or we

    die, whether people honor us or dishonor us, we have to attain salvation.

    Once the main aim becomes so, then God Realization can be very easy. As

    long as one does not have this aim, till then God Realization will appear to be

    difficult. In reality, realization, salvation, enlightenment is not difficult. The

    reason is, God is present everywhere, God is everywhere, in all space and

    time, in all beings, in all events, in all actions. There is not a single subatomic

    particle, where God is not present. The difficulty in realizing God is that one

    does not have a strong enough want. They are trapped in worldly pleasures

    and in hoarding. Therefore bringing an end this cycle, one should have the aim

    of attaining enlightenment.

    Greater are objects then money, greater is body then objects,

    greater is discrimination (vivek) than the body, and greater is the real EssenceGod, than discrimination. Therefore one must honor God the most and doing

    so one should realize God. This is the main duty of a human being, and in this

    is the success of human life.

    To listen in English

    Narayan ! Narayan !! Narayan !!!

    From book in hindi "Vaastavik Sukh" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

  • 7/29/2019 Success in Human Life


    O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

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