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    Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wowDiscussion in 'DAT Discussions' started by DogeDDS, Monday at 10:21 PM.

    This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donorsand sponsors. Thank you.

    Hey guys! I just took my DAT this morning and am elated with my scores. To

    start, I wouldlike to thankthe SDN community. Withoutyou guys, this score

    would not have been possible. The knowledge I've gained here was invaluable

    and now I feel it is my duty to give back to that which nurtured my growth and

    ability to succeed. I am still in shock that I received the scores that I did. My

    GPA's aren't great so I knew I had to make a statement with this test. This wasabout the score I was hoping to get, but I didn't think I'd actually get it. Just

    goes to show that if you put in the work, it pays off.

    PAT: 23

    QR: 22

    RC: 25

    BIO: 26

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    GC: 25

    OC: 25

    TS: 26

    AA: 25

    Here's a quick breakdown of materials I used in case you just want to get in and

    out. A more detailed breakdown is included further below.

    Materials Used for Review:

    1. Chad's Videos(11/10)

    2. Feralis' Notes(9.5/10)

    3. Barrons AP Bio/Cliffs AP Bio (9/10)

    Materials Used for Practice:

    1. DAT Bootcamp (11/10)

    2.DAT Qvault (11/10)3. DAT Destroyer (9/10)

    4. Math Destroyer (10/10)

    5. Organic Chemistry Odyssey (9/10)

    Practice Test Scores for DAT Qvault

    Bio: 20/19/20/19/18/21/20/22/19/22

    GC: 20/20/17/21/20/20/21/24/22

    OC: 18/20/20/21/21/21/20/21/18

    PAT: 18/19/20/22/22/20

    Practice Test Scores for DAT Bootcamp(I didn't record my first 2 so

    scores start from exam 3; retake of exam #1 two days before my exam)

    Bio: 20/21/22/30

    GC: 26/19/20/23

    OC: 19/22/21/27

    PAT: 21/20/21/23


    My study time was about 11 weeks, partly because I am horrible at sticking to astudy plan. I must have re-planned out what I was going to do with my

    remaining time at least 5 times. This added much unnecessary stress. Don't do

    this. Make a plan and stick to it, but it's also important to know how to adapt it

    to your needs. Also, know that practice tests will guide you to where you need

    to, but you have put in the work to improve those areas.

  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network


    Another factor that helped me were flashcards. Yeah, I know, I neveruse

    flashcards either, but when I noticed I kept getting questions wrong that I've

    been exposed to before, I decided that it was time to go old school. Went to

    Wal-Mart, bought like 700 flashcards and went to town. Anything I got wrong

    from Bootcamp or Qvault, anything I thought was important from Feralis'

    notes, anything I knew I would forget, I wrote it down. The last 2 days before

    my exam, I went through ALL of them. Probably not the best time to reviewthem as I got worried to see that I had forgotten some of the things I had

    written weeks before, but I made sure I knew every single one before exam


    Biology 26


    I reviewed this section using a mixture of Cliff's, Barron's, and Feralis'.

    Cliff's and Barron's are great resources but are notorious for lacking in

    physiology. Feralis' notes has everything you could need. The only reason I gave

    it a 9.5 was that it was a little too detailed, in hindsight. However, better safe

    than sorry. I would advise making your own set of COMPLETE notes that you

    can study from for this section. It is time consuming, but I believe putting in

    your own words, and formatting it yourself is infinitely better than just reading

    someone else's work over and over.

    Also, when reviewing notes, try to formulate questions for yourself in your head

    to make connections. For instance, if a gene that codes for a pyruvate transport

    protein was mutated, what would occur? Well, (1) pyruvate would build up in

    the cytosol and (2) the Krebs Cycle would no longer be able to occur. This may

    not be entirely right but I used it in order to make sure I knew which cellularprocesses were occurring where. Using pathology-based questions is a great

    way to test yourself.


    I started by using DAT Destroyer. Good for getting down concepts into your

    head but overkill in some aspects. I would suggest doing this after your review

    to solidify your knowledge, then go into Bootcamp/QVault to polish everything.

    I planned on going through it twice but I got lazy after the first time and went

    straight to software practice. I used a spreadsheet to jot my answers.DAT Qvaultbiology has huge number of questions on every topic. The layout

    and user interface is amazing. They provide specific breakdowns of which

    subjects you got wrong so you know what areas to work on. Some questions

    were a bit out of the scope but definitely worth getting.

    DAT Bootcamp has quickly become the gold standard for practice tests. Good

    balance of challenging questions with very helpful explanations.

    Flash cards were made from all 3 sources.

  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network



    Definitely breadth over depth. The bio section of the DAT has become much

    less regurgitation and more application. Make sure you understand the

    concepts. Memorization of all of Feralis' notes will probably get you a 20+, but

    memorization and being able to critically think with that knowledge will take

    you a lot further. During the test, I was unsure about a few questions whichdefinitely frazzled me early on but I just marked them and moved along.

    General Chemistry 25


    Chad(noun): Dealer of Knowledge. Reaper of Chemistries. A God among Men.

    As you probably already know, Chad is the go-to for the chemistries,

    recommended by nearly all of SDN's DAT takers, and for good reason. His

    ability to teach difficult concepts so you remember them a timely manner is

    unmatched. Watching Chad is important, but it's worthless if you don't take

    good notes. You willforget things and you willneed to review these notes to



    Afterwards, I practiced using DAT Destroyer. It kicked my butt the first time,

    especially the calculations. As I went through it, I marked any questions I got

    wrong and that I thought were important in an excel spreadsheet. My last week

    or so, I went through these again as I still felt GC was a weak point.

    Used DAT Qvaultand DAT Bootcampfor more practice after Destroyer. If I

    had to pick, Bootcamp > QVault but both were helpful.Flash cards, again, were made from these 3 sources.


    Mostly straight-forward questions. I did mark quite a few I was unsure of but

    moved onto OC before returning. I don't think I got these right and this

    unfortunately, I believe, affected my ability to concentrate during the PAT


    Organic Chemistry 25Review

    Same as GC.


    Chad is great, however, I will say that he does not go over every

    reaction/reagent that you mayneed. I definitely came across a question that

  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network


    wasn't included in Chad's lectures, but luckily I was exposed to it in either

    Destroyer, Bootcamp or QVault. Thus, make sure you practice with other tools!

    ou never know what might show up on the test.

    Odyssey was surprisingly helpful. It's definitely not one of the universally

    recommended tools like Chad's or Destroyer, but it helped me to work out my

    weak points. Each chapter is broken down into a certain discipline such asstereochemistry, substitution reactions, carbohydrates, lab techniques,

    aromatics, etc and each has ~40-50 questions. After doing a certain chapter of

    Odyssey and making flash cards for it, I definitely felt I knew that concept

    inside and out. Not essential but recommended if you can afford the money and


    up, more flash cards were made.


    I thought this sections was fairly straight-forward as well. Mastering the basics

    will probably get you a 20+.

    Perceptual Ability 23


    Unlike many of my fellow SDNers, I didn't get CDP because I read mixed

    reviews about it being too easy. However, I think as long as you supplement

    CDP with Bootcamp, you should be golden. I used only Bootcampand

    Qvault. Qvault is quite easy, especially with the angles, but it's not horrible. I

    used Qvault in between the 5 Bootcamp tests, which were definitely harder andmore closer to the real thing. Bootcamp prepares you for the more difficult

    third-folds, tear-inducing angles, and hair-splitting proportions you could see

    on the real test. The way they breakdown every answer is incredible. It shows

    that Ari and his team put in a lot of effort into this program for us pre-dents.

    Worth every penny.


    As I said before, I came into PAT more focused about not getting everything

    right in the sciences. Don't do this! If you have time left (which I didn't) take asecond to reset your mind. Forget about your performance in the sciences. You

    will now be using a different part of your brain to succeed! I'd say the hardest

    part was probably keyholes. It was surprisingly hard to eliminate wrong choices

    and decide on the right one. Some angles seemed disgustingly close too.

    Reading Comprehension 25

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    Alright, so this is score is what surprised me the most. I did like a total of

    maybe like 5 practice tests for RC and that's it. I used Bootcamp and Qvault.

    I thought both were pretty hard compared to the real thing but I barely

    practiced this section so don't take my word for it. I'm not the best reader and I

    figured that wasn't going to change. I tried all kinds of strategies but I didn't

    really feel comfortable with any of them. Search and destroy gave me heartpalpitations when I couldn't find answers so I knew this method wasn't for me.

    I tried passage mapping and question mapping but got inconsistent scores.


    All 3 of my articles had varying levels of "scientific density", but they were all

    fairly short compared to what I did in practice . There was one passage about

    quantum physics with loads of terminology. I quickly read the first paragraph

    and understood nothing of it so I tried SnD but that went horribly. I wasted like

    4 minutes trying to figure out the first 2 questions so I freaked out and went

    onto the next passage. It was a horriblefeeling knowing I had to make up time

    in a section that I sucked at. Luckily, I found this one interesting and it was a

    pretty quick read so I could recall most of the questions without having to look

    back. With like 15 minutes left, I decided to just completely read that

    godforsaken passage again before answering questions. Clutch decision.

    Somehow, I got into the groove of comprehending what the passage was about.

    I think reading the passage enthusiastically and really trying to understand it is

    key to doing well. Read like you enjoy it. Read like its something you want to


    Quantitative Reasoning 22


    Considering how much I neglected this section, I'm definitely happy with this

    score. I started with Chad's math videos since I had access to them. It was good

    for reestablishing my math foundation but if you're already good at math, you

    could probably skip this. I got shafted on like every Math Destroyertest,

    scoring around 25-30/40. With Bootcamp, I was scoring like 20/40 because I

    always ran out of time (I didn't realize Bootcamp stated that it was actually

    much harder than the real thing ). The fact that I was barely improvingdiscouraged me from trying to perfect it.


    In my opinion, Math Destroyer and Bootcamp were both overkill by a mile. The

    real thing was much more basic and intuitive, which I could do. However, being

    exposed to the harder questions definitely helped. I actually had a decent

    amount of time to check some answers by using the calculator. I clearly got

  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


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    DogeDDS, Monday at 10:21 PM Report #1 Like + Quote Rep

    some wrong but I would've have been happy with a 19+ so this was a pleasant


    Once again, I would like to thank SDN and everyone who posted their

    breakdowns. They helped me tremendously and I would like to pay it forwardto future DAT takers. To sum up, just know that hard work beats out talent any

    day. I am not naturally smart or intelligent. I just decided that I would work my

    butt off to get a high score to help achieve my goal of being admitted into dental

    school. Work hard, work smart, and never give up!

    Also, a shoutout to Starbucks for consistently making such tasty americanos.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Tuesday at 10:20 A

    25 AA | 26 TS | 23 PAT
  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network


    UMDMD, Monday at 10:32 PM Report #2 Like + Quote Rep

    Futuredentguy2015, Monday at 10:35 PM Report #3 Like + Quote Rep

    customx, Monday at 10:39 PM Report #4 Like + Quote Rep

    Congratulations! Great scores!

    WOW! great scores and thanks for the breakdown. BTW I love that video at the

    end haha

    What's with people just destroying the DAT lately? You guys are making me

    consider a retake! Congrats!

    22AA / 22TS / 19PAT

    My Breakdown

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  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


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    StumpMT, Monday at 10:44 PM Report #5 Like + Quote Rep

    hongbinbaneben, Monday at 10:46 PM Report #6 Like + Quote Rep

    gobinoob, Monday at 10:52 PM Report #7 Like + Quote Rep

    KILLER scores!!!! I read your post this morning and was thinking about how

    you did today. My test is on Thursday and I'm getting 21-22 in all sections on

    qVault and Bootcamp. Seeing your qVault/Bootcamp scores and your actual

    scores just got me pumped!! I can't wait to destroy this thing. Awesome

    breakdown. Thanks! All day today I pretty much took practice tests and did

    problems and skimmed a little through Ferali's. Any advice for the next two

    days before DAT-day?

    customx said: !

    eah seriously. First 27 AA, then 23 AA, now 25 AA...

    Anyways, this is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations.

    AA 21 TS 21 PAT 22

    CONGRATULATIONS!!I remember you were the first person to post on my

    breakdown and I wanted to be the first to post on yours but I'm much too late!!

    Also, I think the reason we're seeing a lot of people with decent scores right

    now might be because a fair number of people choose to take the test at the end

    of spring break? But I dunno, perhaps it's just chance. It doesn't much matter

    though, I think all scores above 21 or 22 are just about equal. After all, I'm sure

    people must realize that the DAT's resolution becomes super wide at the high

    ranges, such that the difference between a 22 and a 26 is just one or two

    questions. Now it is time to relax (for a change!) and spend some time doingthe things you love, once again. You've more than deserved it!

    27 AA; 26 TS; 22 PAT Breakdown

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    Joined: Mar 16, 2013

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    What's with people just destroying the DAT lately? You guys are

    making me consider a retake! Congrats!

    Joined: Sep 16, 2013

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    Status: Pre-Dental

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    DogeDDS, Monday at 11:18 PM Report #8 Like + Quote Rep

    Ari Rezaei, Monday at 11:20 PM Report #9 Like + Quote Rep

    StumpMT said: !

    Thanks! I'm glad my scores reassured you haha. I would say to know

    fundamental reactions, and lab techniques for both Bio and OC. Other than that

    ust keep reviewing bio. You'll do great!

    Wow, incredible scores! You guys are knocking it out of the park back to back.

    Congratulations big time, enjoy your time off before dental school starts next


    25 AA | 24 TS | 23 PAT

    Columbia University

    College of Dental Medicine

    gobinoob said: !

    Joined: Mar 8, 2014

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    Status: Pre-Dental


    KILLER scores!!!! I read your post this morning and was thinking

    about how you did today. My test is on Thursday and I'm getting 21-

    22 in all sections on qVault and Bootcamp. Seeing your

    qVault/Bootcamp scores and your actual scores just got me pumped!!

    can't wait to destroy this thing. Awesome breakdown. Thanks! All

    day today I pretty much took practice tests and did problems andskimmed a little through Ferali's. Any advice for the next two days

    before DAT-day?

    Joined: Mar 14, 2012Messages: 329

    Location: New York, NY

    Status: Dental Student

    Ari RezaeiAri Rezaei

    Gold Donor


    CONGRATULATIONS!!I remember you were the first person to

    ost on my breakdown and I wanted to be the first to post on yours

    but I'm much too late!!

    lso, I think the reason we're seeing a lot of people with decent

    scores right now might be because a fair number of people choose

    to take the test at the end of spring break? But I dunno, perhaps it's

    ust chance. It doesn't much matter though, I think all scores above
  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


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    DogeDDS, Monday at 11:22 PM Report #10 Like + Quote Rep

    gobinoob, Monday at 11:25 PM Report #11 Like + Quote Rep

    DogeDDS, Monday at 11:35 PM Report #12 Like + Quote Rep

    gobinooblikes this.

    SmileDesignersDDS, Tuesday at 1:33 AM Report #13 Like + Quote Rep

    Aha thank you!!! I actually kiiind of used your RC strategy. One of the passages

    I got was like wtf and I skipped it after I failed at finding the answers. I think

    we actually got the same passages lol. And congrats to you again! I think you're

    the first 27 on SDN!

    Last edited: Tuesday at 12:09 A

    DogeDDS said: !

    Oh perhaps, but Glimmer has a whole set of people who got 28s lol. But to behonest, I don't think it much matters and very sincerely, I would have been just

    as pleased with a 22.

    gobinoob said: !

    up but no 27s You finally bridged the gap!

    Good job! Sick scores! I'm sure the destroyer and crack dat pat really helped!

    Joined: Mar 8, 2014

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    21 or 22 are just about equal. After all, I'm sure people must realize

    Joined: Sep 16, 2013

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    Status: Pre-Dental


    ha hank you!!! I actually kiiind of used your RC strategy. One of

    the passages I got was like wtf and I skipped it after I failed at

    inding the answers. I think we actually got the same passages lol.

    nd congrats to you again! I think you're the first 27 on SDN!

    Joined: Mar 8, 2014

    Messages: 47

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    Oh perhaps, but Glimmer has a whole set of people who got 28s lol.

    But to be honest, I don't think it much matters and very sincerely, I

    would have been just as pleased with a 22.

  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


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    1Overdrive, Tuesday at 2:57 AM Report #14 Like + Quote Rep

    dp93, Tuesday at 3:16 AM Report #15 Like + Quote Rep

    DogeDDS, Tuesday at 8:36 AM Report #16 Like + Quote Rep

    Congrats man! I remember you were scared to take it but I had the utmostconfidence that you were ready for it and you absolutely killed it (you rocked it

    like a category 5 hurricane )! Btw, you mentioned starbucks, did you take

    your exam in Penn Plaza, NYC by any chance?

    DAT Breakdown:

    24 AA/24 TS/21 PAT

    i was gonna take it today but decided to reschedule. Now you make me wish i

    took it lol

    SmileDesignersDDS said: !

    Nope CDP didn't help me at all...because I didn't use it.

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    Good job! Sick scores! I'm sure the destroyer and crack dat pat

    really helped!
  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network


    DogeDDS, Tuesday at 8:38 AM Report #17 Like + Quote Rep

    SLDENTAL, Tuesday at 9:09 AM Report #18 Like + Quote Rep

    Glimmer1991, Tuesday at 9:10 AM Report #19 Like + Quote Rep

    1Overdrive said: !

    Haha! Thank you, and no I didn't take it there.

    Congrats on the score!!

    When you say you "I used a spreadsheet to jot my answers." Did you write

    down your questions for each answer or the ones you answered incorrectly?

    WOO HOO!

    Very amaze. Such impressive!

    Welcome to the collection!

    Ultimate Breakdown Collection


    UNC Dentistry 2018

    My DAT Breakdown

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    Congrats man! I remember you were scared to take it but I had the

    utmost confidence that you were ready for it and you absolutely

    killed it (you rocked it like a category 5 hurricane )! Btw, you

    mentioned starbucks, did you take your exam in Penn Plaza, NYC

    by any chance?

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    Glimmer1991UNC Dentistry

    Gold Donor
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    Screen Shot 2014-0

    DogeDDS, Tuesday at 9:22 AM Report #20 Like + Quote Rep

    SLDENTALlikes this.

    SLDENTAL said: !

    eah so I just made an excel spreadsheet just for Destroyer and did this. It's

    pretty makeshift but it worked. So I made sheets 1-4, each sheet was a different

    subject: GC, OC, Bio, and Math. I left the 1st row blank and only marked it green

    if I thought it was an important question. The next row is what I thought the

    answer was. I used yellow marks when I wasn't sure of the answer so I knew even

    if I got it right, I should still try to understand it. The last row (4th) is what the

    answers were. I marked it red when I got them wrong. I left a space so that if I di

    get it wrong, I could try again later without peripherally seeing the correct


    I also went and made index cards for ones that I thought were REAALLYY

    important. Like important calculations, concepts, reactions, etc.

    Attached Files:

    Glimmer1991 said: !

    Ahhh! Thank you! I can't believe it. I used your list so much and it's crazy to

    think that I'm now a part of it. Totally insane.

    If I could make a suggestion, I think it would be helpful to add a date next to

    Joined: Mar 8, 2014

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    Congrats on the score!!

    When you say you "I used a spreadsheet to jot my answers." Did you

    write down your questions for each answer or the ones you answered


    Joined: Mar 8, 2014

    Messages: 47

    Status: Pre-Dental


    WOO HOO!

    Very amaze. Such impressive!

    Welcome to the collection!
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    DogeDDS, Tuesday at 9:26 AM Report #21 Like + Quote Rep

    Glimmer1991, Tuesday at 9:28 AM Report #22 Like + Quote Rep

    DogeDDS, Tuesday at 9:30 AM Report #23 Like + Quote Rep

    each breakdown (possibly just year, or month + year), at least the ones of the

    more recent breakdowns. I know that when I started doing my research, I tried

    to look for the more recent ones added to the list, and I definitely weighed the

    advice of the 2013's more than say 2011's. Just a thought.

    DogeDDS said: !

    Shoot... are there still some from 2011 on there? I thought I got rid of them all--

    I try to go through periodically and only keep the ones that are recent enough to

    be applicable. My last flush was about 2 months ago. Right now, it's only

    supposed to be breakdowns from 2012 onward.

    If I have a slow day at work, I'll go through and do that.

    Glimmer1991 said: !

    Oh! Well, I'm mistaken then. I was using 2011 as an example but I guess you're

    way ahead of me. Nevermind, keep doing your thing.

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    Glimmer1991UNC Dentistry

    Gold Donor

    hhh! Thank you! I can't believe it. I used your list so much and it's

    crazy to think that I'm now a part of it. Totally insane.

    f I could make a suggestion, I think it would be helpful to add a

    date next to each breakdown (possibly just year, or month + year),

    at least the ones of the more recent breakdowns. I know that when I

    started doing my research, I tried to look for the more recent ones

    added to the list, and I definitely weighed the advice of the 2013's

    more than say 2011's. Just a thought.

    Joined: Mar 8, 2014

    Messages: 47

    Status: Pre-Dental


    Shoot... are there still some from 2011 on there? I thought I got rid

    of them all--I try to go through periodically and only keep the ones

    that are recent enough to be applicable. My last flush was about 2

    months ago. Right now, it's only supposed to be breakdowns from

    2012 onward.
  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


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    Glimmer1991, Tuesday at 9:31 AM Report #24 Like + Quote Rep

    emitpeels, Tuesday at 10:32 AM Report #25 Like + Quote Rep

    ICUrunning, Tuesday at 3:13 PM Report #26 Like + Quote Rep

    DogeDDS said: !

    It's still a good idea! I'll get around to it soon. I'm always looking to improve the


    Hey man congrats. I will have my DAT early next month. Did you have alot of

    reactions or IR/NMR?

    Such amazement. Many thanks.

    It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we

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    Glimmer1991UNC Dentistry

    Gold Donor

    Oh! Well, I'm mistaken then. I was using 2011 as an example but I

    guess you're way ahead of me. Nevermind, keep doing your thing.

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  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network


    Prettygirl5, Tuesday at 5:45 PM Report #27 Like + Quote Rep

    DogeDDS, Tuesday at 5:54 PM Report #28 Like + Quote Rep

    emitpeels, Tuesday at 8:07 PM Report #29 Like + Quote Rep

    Congratulations on your scores! Do you have a copy of the study plan you

    followed? I'm a full time worker and I'm trying to find a plan that I can use as a

    guide and modify to my schedule. Thanks in advance and good job again!

    Prettygirl5 said: !

    Thanks! Unfortunately I do not have a study plan (mostly because I didn't

    really have one after my 1st month). I would recommending looking at Ari's

    schedule from DAT Bootcamp. His schedule is pretty consistent with how I

    studied my first month and I would have used it as well if I found it in time.

    Hey man congrats. me will have me DAT early next month. Did ye have alot ofreactions or IR/NMR?

    emitpeels said: !

    I didn't but I would definitely prepare for it as I've read some people having

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    Congratulations on yer scores! Do you have a copy of the study

    lan you followed? me be a full time worker and me be tryin' to find

    a plan that me can use as a guide and modify to my schedule.

    Thanks in advance and good job again!

    Joined: May 22, 2013

    Messages: 175


    Hey man congrats. me will have me DAT early next month. Did ye

    have alot of reactions or IR/NMR?
  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network


    DogeDDS, Tuesday at 8:20 PM Report #30 Like + Quote Rep

    gobinoob, Tuesday at 8:21 PM Report #31 Like + Quote Rep

    multiple questions on it. My advice would be to not skimp on anything

    emitpeels said: !

    The version I took had no IR or NMR at all. However, both these spectra are

    more than fair game to ask on the test! Memorizing the infrared spectrum is

    not that bad, as long as you break it into chunks. The professor I had in school

    broke it into five manageable sections:

    Section 1: 3700 - 3200

    Section 2: 3200 - 2700

    Section 3: 2300 - 2000 (remember, 2000 - 2300 is a good score on the SAT)

    Section 4: 1850 - 1650

    Section 5: 1650 - 1450

    Notice that sections 1 and 2 have the same "width" and that sections 4 and 5

    have the same "width". This makes them much more memorable! Then, just

    know which groups fall into each section (no need to memorize exact numbers,

    except perhaps for the exceptions) and you will almost certainly be able toanswer any question that comes up about the IR spectrum!

    Exceptions: carboxylic acids span a stretch of 2500 to 3500 wavenumbers

    (but this is quite memorable) and aldehydes have signature dual peaks at

    around 2700 and 2900. In addition, above 3000 wavenumbers lie the sp2

    CHs (a double bond in either an alkene or aromatic ring) and below 3000

    wavenumbers lie the regular sp3 CHs(remember this because alkenes are

    "stronger" than alkanes lol)

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    Hey man congrats. me will have me DAT early next month. Did ye

    have alot of reactions or IR/NMR?
  • 5/27/2018 Such Breakdown! 25AA:26TS:23PAT Wow | Student Doctor Network


    4/3/14,Such Breakdown! 25AA/26TS/23PAT wow | Student Doctor Network


    biomolecmed, Tuesday at 11:53 PM Report #32 Like + Quote Rep

    surgehw, Yesterday at 12:56 AM Report #33 Like + Quote Rep

    lexa_m, Yesterday at 2:15 PM Report #34 Like + Quote Rep

    Go to First Unread Previous Thread Next Thre

    Solid scores. Nicely done.

    Wow. You made it! Cheers!

    AA25 TS25 PAT20 from non-traditional test taker.

    Wow congratulations!! I know that they say online tests like Qvault and

    Bootcamp are made harder than the actual test but do you think it's commonfor scores to jump as much as yours? I'm not sure when I should take the DAT

    because I've been scoring around a 19-21 on all my my Qvault tests but I can't

    imagine my scores jumping THAT much. What do you think?

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