sudden strike 1


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Page 1: Sudden strike 1
Page 2: Sudden strike 1

2 3

I. Before the game 5II. Short Introduction 5III. The Game

A. Main Menu 8B. Controls 11

Key Configuration 22

IV. The Multiplayer ModeA. Selecting a connection type 23B. Creating a multiplayer game 23C. The "Players" screen 24D. The multiplayer game 25E. Completing a multiplayer game 27

V. Description of the various unit typesA. Artillery 28B. Trucks 29C. Supply trucks 30D. Infantry 31E. Jeeps 32F. Tanks 33G. Tank vehicles 34H. Mobile missile launchers 34I. Stationary anti-aircraft cannon 35J. Mobile anti-aircraft cannon 35K. Tank destroyers 36

VI. Description of further objectsA. Boxes of ammunition and construction parts 36B. Watchtowers 36C. Buildings 36D. Bunkers 36E. Bridges 37F. Oil tanks 37

VII. HINTSA. Scout, scout and - scout! 37B. Why don't my units obey my commands? 38C. For advanced players 39



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Page 3: Sudden strike 1


If you hear the sound of an approaching aero-plane, be quick! You are being attacked bybombers. Select the Greyhounds and supplytrucks and lead them to safety!

You can use a selection box in order to selectthe tanks and supply trucks more quickly.Press and hold the left mouse button, thenmove the mouse across the screen. You willsee a green rectangle appear. When you re-lease the mouse button, all units within thisrectangle will be selected.

Meanwhile, your infantry should have beentreated sufficiently inside the ambulances.Select all ambulances (the easiest way is todouble click one of the vehicles with the leftmouse button).

Have your soldiers leave the ambulances. Thiscannot be done by simply right-clicking theterrain, only by issuing a direct order.

There are 3 x 3 boxes to the right of the MAP.These contain various orders, depending onthe type of unit.

Left-click the box in the middle (UNLOAD).This box will now be highlighted by a yellowsquare.

The order will not be carried out until youhave entered a position for the soldiers to dis-embark at.

To do this, right-click on a random location onthe map. The soldiers will disembark andmove to the specified location. (If the locationis far away, the ambulances will move closerbefore letting the soldiers disembark.)

You are now familiar with the basic proceduresfor selecting units and issuing orders. Read thesection "Key Configuration" in the chapter "TheGame" to find out more about methods of co-ordinating and commanding units or groups ofunits (notably under the heading "OrderQueues" on page 18).





Sudden Strike!

area enlarged in the main window. Continueto shift the view until you can see a group ofsoldiers, a truck and a group of ambulancesin your main window.

Select a soldier by positioning your mouse cur-sor over him and pressing the left mouse but-ton. A coloured bar will appear below the sol-dier to highlight your selection. Remove thehighlight by left-clicking an empty space onthe map.

Now select another soldier, this time by doubleclicking him. This selects all soldiers of thesame type within the main window.

To select all units of the same type on the en-tire map, double click one of them while press-ing and holding the CTRL key.

Selected units can carry out actions. Move thecursor across ordinary terrain, a house and anambulance. The mouse cursor will change asyou do so to demonstrate which action the sol-dier will perform if you press the right mousebutton.

On ordinary terrain, the selected unit or unitswill perform the MOVE action and make theirway to the spot where you pressed the rightmouse button.

Right-clicking on a house, ambulance or truckwill order the units to go inside.

Now try to order as many soldiers as possibleto enter an ambulance. Remember: Select theunits with the left mouse button, then right-click to issue orders.

Now press PAUSE once more to continue play-ing. The soldiers should now begin to move to-wards and climb into the ambulance. Once it isfull, the remaining soldiers will wait outside.Try to split the soldiers up and get them intothe ambulances.

Remember you can pause the game at anytime and give orders without wasting valuableplaying time!

HINT: Split your men into groups and sendthese groups to an ambulance each to speedup the process.

See to the damaged Greyhounds to the left ofthe ambulances. To do this, order the supplytruck below the ambulances to repair them.

Select one or more of the supply trucks. Movethe mouse cursor over one of the Greyhounds.The cursor will change into the REPAIR/RE-LOAD icon. Right-clicking the Greyhounds willnow order the supply truck or trucks to repairand reload them.

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Clicking on the appropriate button startsthe campaign and leads to the first mis-sion briefing.

In the mission briefing, you will be in-formed of the general circumstances andaims of the mission. Clicking on OK ac-cepts and starts the mission, selectingMENU will take you back to the cam-paign title screen.


To start a single stand-alone mission,click on SINGLE MISSIONS. A selectionscreen will appear offering various singlemissions. All available missions are dis-played in the list on the left-hand side ofthe screen. Selecting one with the mousewill bring up a description on the right-hand side of the screen. Should you de-cide to play this mission, confirm your se-lection by clicking on OK. Otherwise picka different entry from the list or click onCANCEL and return to the single player ti-tle screen.


In order to load a previously savedgame, click on the button LOAD GAME.This will take you to the selection screenwhere you can choose one of your savedgames. Select a saved game from the listto the left by left-clicking it and load it byclicking the button LOAD. The CANCEL op-tion leads back to the single player titlescreen.


In order to leave the single player titlescreen and return to the main menuwithout starting a game, simply click onCANCEL.

2. MULTIPLAYERClicking on the MULTIPLAYER option willtake you to the multiplayer title screen;see page 23 ff.


A.Main MenuThe main menu contains the followingoptions:

You can also use the buttons in the topright-hand corner to change the game'sresolution.

Menu Items:

1. SINGLE PLAYERLeft-clicking on the SINGLE PLAYER op-tion will take you to the title screen of thesingle player mode. This is where you canenter and alter your player name, startcampaigns and single missions or load apreviously saved game.


Left-click in the text line at the top left toenter a new name. Confirm the newname by pressing the ENTER key or se-lect an existing player from the list to theright by clicking on it with the left mousebutton.


Should you no longer require a playername, select it from the list and click onDELETE. This action will be followed by aprompt asking you to confirm that youwish to delete the name. If you confirmthe action, the player name and all asso-ciated saved games will be deleted.


To begin a new campaign with the cur-rent player, click on the NEW CAMPAIGNoption. You now have the choice of AL-LIES, GERMANY or RUSSIA. If you want toleave the campaign title screen and re-turn to the single player mode withoutstarting a campaign, click on CANCEL.

III. The Game






Page 5: Sudden strike 1


3. RATINGSThis option allows you to view evalua-tions of all missions you have won. Atfirst or after confirming CAMPAIGN, allmissions belonging to the campaign willbe listed. Left-click on the SINGLE MIS-SIONS option to view evaluations of yoursingle missions. Left-click on one of themissions. Each successful attempt to com-plete this mission will be listed in the win-dow on the left, along with the name ofthe player who completed it. Click on aname in this list with the left mouse but-ton. (The same name may, of course, ap-pear multiple times if this player com-pleted the mission more than once.) Thewindow to the right will display an evalu-ation. Clicking on either CAMPAIGN orSINGLE MISSIONS will take you back tothe respective categories, where you canselect another mission. The CANCEL op-tion will return you to the main menu.

4. VIEW INTROThis option enables you to view the intro-ductory video sequence. Press ESC orSPACEBAR to stop the viewing.

5. CREDITSThe CREDITS list all the people involvedin the creation of this game.

6. EXITConfirming this option exits the gameand returns you to the desktop.


The main window displays a detailedview of the units and terrain. Areaswithin your units' line of sight are dis-played brighter than others; these arethe only areas where you can see enemyunits. Areas outside the range of all yourunits are darker; enemy units withinthese regions will not be displayed (thisdarkening of non-visible areas is oftenreferred to as "Fog of War").


The MAP provides a bird's-eye view ofthe entire playing field on a smallerscale. Areas within your units' line ofsight appear brighter, the remainder ofthe map is dark. Your units are displayedas green dots, enemy units within line ofsight are displayed as red dots. Friendlyunits under attack by the enemy will bebriefly displayed with concentric red cir-cles around the units.


B. Controls

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2. SELECT MAP SECTIONThe following opportunities exist forchoosing the section of the map to be dis-played in the main window:


Left-clicking a particular point on theMAP displays the area within the rectan-gle in the main window.

NOTE: Unlike left-clicking an area in themain window, left-clicking the MAP doesnot select any units. However, right-click-ing has the same effect in both cases.


Moving the mouse to the edge of thescreen or to one of the four corners willturn the cursor into an arrow pointing inthe respective direction, and the sectionof the map that is displayed in the mainwindow will move continuously in that di-rection (the speed with which the sectionchanges is determined and can be al-tered in the control options menu underSPEED/MOUSE SCROLL SPEED).


Through pressing the arrow keys (incombination), the section of the map thatis visible in the main window will movecontinuously in the respective direction(the speed with which the sectionchanges is determined and can be al-tered in the control options menu underSPEED/KEYBOARD SCROLL SPEED).

3. SELECTING UNITSThere are various ways of selecting agroup of units. Selecting another groupinvalidates all previous selections.(Exception: Selecting units while pressingand holding the SHIFT key, see page 14).


Pressing the left mouse button selects theunit currently under the cursor.

The information area contains informa-tion on the unit currently underneathyour cursor.


Displays the unit's name and primaryweapon, if applicable.

(2) (L)IFE

The length of the bar represents theunit's current status in percent; the num-ber below the bar represents the unit'sstatus in absolute values to enable play-ers to compare units with one another. Ifthis value sinks below the maximum, itwill rise slowly until the soldiers have re-covered. Minor repairs to vehicles will beseen to by the crew themselves. If thevalue is too close to zero, it will continueto sink slowly (e.g. after serious injuriesor bad damage, which lead to furtherconsumption). If this value reaches zero,the unit is lost.


Displays the unit's experience. The high-est possible experience level is 1000; thebar displays the unit's experience in apercentage of the highest value. Higherexperience levels mean the unit is able to

shoot more accurately and suffers lessdamage through scattered fire and directhits. Units with higher experience levelsalso make better use of the natural coverprovided by the landscape.


Determines the amount of remainingammunition for the unit's primaryweapon.


Determines the amount of remainingammunition for the unit's secondaryweapon.The values for the two ammotypes represent the exact number ofshots that can be fired using this weapon.(However, anti-aircraft cannon or rocketlaunchers use up a lot of bullets in a veryshort space of time; see page 28 ff.)

NOTE: The amounts removed from thesupply truck when reloading (see page30) not only depends on the amount ofammunition that the unit being rearmedtakes, but also on the weapon that is be-ing recharged. As a supply truck maycarry ammunition for various types ofweapon, its cargo is measured in weightrather than shots.


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5. MOVING UNITS, HOLDING FORMATIONS, GATHERING Having selected one or more units, right-click in the main window or the MAP tomake them move to the respective loca-tion on the terrain (unless the units donot have MOVE as their standard com-mand; see “Mouse cursor, right-click" onthis page).

If the formation these units belong to isdivided or varying due to the structure ofthe terrain, try to gather your troopsagain once they have reached their tar-get. Press and hold the CTRL key whengiving the order to MOVE. Your units willmove to the specified location and thengather together as closely as possible intheir respective groups.

In any case, right-clicking displays con-centric green circles indicating the posi-tion a unit will take up.



Actions can be performed by selectingunits and right-clicking a location in themain window or the MAP. The first optionavailable is the respective unit's standardcommand (usually MOVE; the cursorchanges into a circular crosshair with adot in the centre;

see "Moving units, holding formations,gathering" on this page). Move themouse cursor across another unit or ob-ject that your selected unit (or units) tointeract with, and the cursor will auto-matically change into the appropriateicon (e.g. if you have selected a truckand you move your mouse over a can-non, the cursor will change into the LOADicon; if you have selected infantry unitsand move the cursor across a building ortransport vehicle, it will change into theENTER icon, etc.). If you have selectedvarious units all at once, the cursor willchange if at least one of those units is ca-pable of interacting with the object underthe cursor. If an order is selected fromthe menu ORDERS (see the followingpage), the cursor remains unaltered, re-gardless of which object it passes across,and the chosen action is carried out. Ifyou have selected different types of unitsand not all of these are capable of per-forming the selected action, then onlythose capable of doing so will carry itout: You might e.g. order multiple trucksto UNLOAD; only those trucks will moveto the specified location which actuallyhave a cargo.


Pressing and holding the left mouse but-ton while moving the cursor across thescreen draws a selection box. Release themouse button to select all units withinthis rectangle.


Double clicking a unit with the left mousebutton selects this and all other units ofthe same type within the main window.Press and hold the SHIFT key when dou-ble clicking a unit to select all units ofthat type on the entire map.


Existing selections can be saved to one often slots by pressing CTRL-0 to CTRL-9.Pressing the respective number key re-selects the units in these groups. Pressingthe number key twice quickly re-selectsthe units and centres the view aroundthem.


Units can be added to existing groups bypressing and holding the SHIFT key whileselecting them through clicking, drawinga rectangle, double clicking or pressing anumber key. Units can be removed fromthe selection by pressing and holding theSHIFT key and then left-clicking the unitor units.

4. UNIT STATUSStatus bars are displayed on-screen forselected units.

All data from the information area aredisplayed again for every unit. From topto bottom: one or two bars for (a)mmo(depending on whether the unit pos-sesses a secondary weapon), one for(ex)perience and one for (l)ife. For vehi-cles which are capable of transportingother units, the number of availableplaces is displayed above the status barsas an empty or filled box.

Objects containing units (e.g. cannoncontrolled by crew, trucks towing cannon,etc.) display the status bars of those unitswhen they are selected. Buildings,houses, watchtowers, bunkers, etc.) arethe exception: If these contain units, thestatus bars are displayed even if thebuilding has not been selected.

Places for crew (here two, one of themempty)




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In some missions, you will be supportedby aircraft: i.e. transport planes droppingsupplies and paratroopers, bombers orair scouts.


If you move the cursor across the respec-tive planes icons, the information areawill display the type of plane, the num-ber of loaded (READY) planes and thenumber of aircraft currently at the air-field (PLANES) as well as the number ofcargo loads (LOADS) including those al-ready delivered. The cargo currently be-ing transported by air is not represented.

Every aircraft you send for will have ex-actly one cargo load on board; you cannever request more planes than thereare cargo loads remaining at the airfield,even if there are more aircraft available.(In short: You cannot send for emptyplanes.) For air scouts, LOADS signifiesthe amount of flights that can be madewith the available amount of fuel.


You can request air support by clicking onthe respective planes icon. The air sup-port menu will appear in the menu OR-DERS. To begin with, this menu consists ofone to five buttons (depending on howmany aircraft you have at your disposal)for selecting the required number ofplanes and a CANCEL button. CANCEL al-lows you to break off your request at anytime until the air support has been dis-patched.


When you click on an aircraft icon, themouse cursor in the main window andthe MAP changes into the WAYPOINTicon. You can now set waypoints by right-clicking on the desired location in themain window or the MAP, depending onthe type of aircraft you have selected.Once you have set at least one waypoint,the buttons REMOVE LAST WAYPOINT andOK will be added to the menu ORDERS.Selecting REMOVE LAST WAYPOINT willdelete the last navigation point whichyou placed from the flight path. SelectingOK completes your request for air sup-port; the aircraft will be dispatched soonafter.


When units are selected, only those ordersare displayed in the menu ORDERS (3 x 3boxes to the immediate right of the MAP),which these units are capable of fulfilling.Left-click on one of these orders to issue it(if it is an order that does not involve inter-action with another object). Otherwise, thecursor will change into the appropriate iconand the order will be carried out as soon asyou right-click an object in the main windowor on a location on the MAP. If the desiredaction cannot be carried out with the objectyou clicked on, nothing will happen. The ac-tions offered in the menu ORDERS can bechosen by clicking on them or by pressingthe following keys, representig the 3 x 3block of boxes: Q-W-E, A-S-D,Z-X-C).


This option can be toggled on or off usingthe R key or by clicking on the STANDGROUND order. When given this order (themovement arrow is crossed out in red), unitswill not move automatically to attack theiropponents. This option makes sense whenestablishing a front line just outside enemydefences as it stops your units moving intothe firing range of the enemy artillery. If

you have selected multiple units, some ofwhich do and some of which do not have theSTAND GROUND option active, the cross andmovement arrow will be grey; if none of theunits has the STAND GROUND option active,only a yellow movement arrow will appear.Giving a supply truck the order to STANDGROUND stops it automatically driving up tounits in order to repair/reload them (see"HOLD FIRE ", "Description of the variousunit types", page 16/28).


This option can be toggled on or off usingthe T key or by clicking on the HOLD FIREorder. When given this order (the targetcrosshair is crossed out in red), units will notautomatically open fire on enemy unitswhich come into their line of sight. This op-tion makes sense if you want your units tomove quickly across the terrain without at-tracting attention. If you have selected mul-tiple units, some of which do and some ofwhich do not have the HOLD FIRE option ac-tive, the cross and target crosshair will begrey; if all of the units have this option ac-tive, the cross will be red and the targetcrosshair will be grey; if none of the unitshas the HOLD FIRE option active, only a yel-low target crosshair will appear.

Giving a supply truck the order to HOLDFIRE stops it automatically driving up tounits in order to repair/reload them (see"STAND GROUND", "Description of the vari-ous unit types/Supply trucks", page16/30).

Page 9: Sudden strike 1


Examples: (1)

Orders: Select a motorcycle, right-clicka location, right-click more locationswhile holding down the SHIFT key.

Action: The motorcycle will drive fromone location to another in the order inwhich they were entered.


Orders: Select a truck, right-click a can-non, select the UNLOAD action, right-clicka location while holding down the SHIFTkey, click on another cannon while hold-ing down the SHIFT key.

Action: The truck will tow the first can-non, take it to the specified location,drive to the second cannon and tow it.


Orders: Select a soldier, right-click a lo-cation, left click COVER in the menu OR-DERS while holding down the SHIFT key.

Action: The soldier will move to thespecified location and take cover once hehas arrived.

If a queue action cannot be performed, itwill be skipped and the next order will becarried out. This enables further effectiveorders, especially when selecting multipleunits:


Orders: Select a group of soldiers, right-click multiple bunkers and buildingswhile holding down the SHIFT key.

Action: The group of soldiers will moveto the first building. As many soldiers aspossible will enter the building. The re-maining soldiers will continue this processfrom one building to another, until allsoldiers have entered the buildings orthere is no room left inside the buildings.


Orders: Select a few trucks, right-clickmultiple cannon while holding down theSHIFT key, select the UNLOAD order andright-click a location while holding downthe SHIFT key.

Action: The trucks will drive up to thecannon and will each tow one of them tothe specified location.



Planes transporting paratroopers and sup-plies cannot take more than one waypointper flight to drop their cargo loads at.

Air scouts can patrol up to twelve way-points in the order they are entered; ateach waypoint, they will fly a bit lower(as shown by a yellow bar below the air-craft) and scout the area they are flyingacross. The lower they fly, the greater thedanger that they will be hit by enemy airdefences. Air scouts usually fly a fewloops around each waypoint and thencontinue to the next one. However, click-ing the button MOVE TO NEXT WAYPOINT(e.g. when under heavy anti-aircraft fire)will stop your aircraft scouting the areaaround a waypoint and send the air scoutstraight to the next waypoint. The MOVETO NEXT WAYPOINT button is alwaysavailable when a scout is circling a way-point. If there is more than one scout inthe air, the button will become availableif at least one of them is scouting thearea surrounding a waypoint. Clicking onthe button now will make all air scoutscurrently circling a waypoint proceed tothe next.

Bombers will drop their charges at up tothree waypoints. These three locationscan be identical (right-click the sameplace three times), but bombers can onlydrop a certain amount of bombs per at-tack flight (a third of their cargo).Therefore, they must fly a loop beforerepeating their attack on a waypoint.

NOTE: For safety reasons, left-overbombs are dropped before landing. So,should you order a bomber to attack lessthan three waypoints, the unused cargois lost.


Order queues are very effective and easyto carry out. If you press and hold theSHIFT key while performing a click tostart an action, the order will not be car-ried out immediately but added to aqueue of orders. All further actions plot-ted while holding the SHIFT key will alsobe added to the end of this queue. Theunit will proceed to perform its actions inthe order in which they were added tothe queue. This enables you to set a way-point and tell a unit to patrol a route, orprogram more complex rows of orders ina simple and intuitive way.

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Allows you to set the Gamma value (i.e. thebrightness) of the control elements.


Allows you to set the amount of time a mes-sage remains visible on-screen.


Clicking the OK button exits the GRAPHICSmenu.


This option enables players to alter thespeed options.


Sets the speed of the game itself.


This option determines how quickly the mapsection displayed in the main window shiftswhen the mouse is moved to the edge of thescreen.


This option determines how quickly the mapsection displayed in the main window shiftswhen pressing the LEFT/RIGHT UP/DOWNarrow keys.


Clicking the OK button exits the SPEEDmenu.


This option displays a short summary ofyour mission objectives. Exit this summaryby clicking on OK.


This menu item offers the following options:


Exits the current mission and starts it againfrom the beginning. A prompt will appearfor you to confirm the desired action.


Exits the current mission and the game. Aprompt will appear for you to confirm thedesired action.


Exits the current mission and displays theRATINGS screen. A prompt will appear foryou to confirm the desired action.


Exits the EXIT menu without performing anyof the above actions.


Clicking this menu item exits the control op-tions menu and returns you to the currentmission.


7. PAUSE MODEPressing the PAUSE key toggles thePAUSE mode on or off. Orders can still beissued in the PAUSE mode, i.e. you canstill view information on your units, issuesingle commands and order queues orchange your units' MOVE/ATTACK mode.These orders will be carried out when youleave the PAUSE mode.

This option allows you to coordinate theactions of large numbers of units,arrange for multiple actions to be per-formed simultaneously in the sameplace, e.g. in order to attack the enemyfrom two sides at once or distract pur-suers by telling your troops to retreat invarious different directions.

8. MENUClicking on MENU or pressing the ESC keypauses the game and takes you to thecontrol options menu. The menu offersthe following options:


Saves the game. Left-click the text line inthe top right and enter a name or selectand edit a name from the list. Clickingthe word SAVE will save the game underthe name you specified. If the name youhave selected is already in use for an-other saved game, the existing savedgame will be overwritten without yourbeing prompted to confirm the action.Should you no longer require a savedgame, select it and click on the DELETEbutton. Confirming the ensuing promptby clicking YES will remove the saved

game from your hard drive. If you do notwish to delete the game, answer theprompt by clicking on NO. Click on the CANCEL button to leave theSAVE menu without saving your game.


This menu item allows you to continuegames which have been saved previ-ously. Select a game from the list andclick on the LOAD button. The savedgame will be loaded so you can continueplaying.

Click on the CANCEL button to leave theLOAD menu without loading a game.


The sliders MUSIC, SOUND and VOICE al-low you to adjust the volume of the re-spective components. The LR-RL buttonswitches the assignment of the left andright stereo channels.

The list to the right allows you to pick aCD title for background music; selectingRANDOM plays the titles back in randomorder. Exit the SOUND menu by clickingon OK.


This option enables players to alter thedisplay options.


Allows you to set the Gamma value (i.e.the brightness) of the main window andthe game map.

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10. END OF A MISSIONOnce all objectives have been fulfilled orif the mission cannot be completed, theend of mission menu will appear. You caneither choose EXIT, which exits the mis-sion and displays the RATINGS screen, orclick on CONTINUE to carry on with yourmission. To finish the mission later, selectEXIT/QUIT TO MENU from the menu.

11. RATINGS SCREENOnce a mission has been exited by theplayer or automatically, an evaluationwill be displayed on the right. A list ofrankings, containing the names of allplayers who completed the mission suc-cessfully, will be displayed to the left.Below these you will see a CONTINUEbutton which allows you to begin thenext mission within the campaign. (Thisbutton will not be available if the previ-ous mission was not completed success-fully or if it was a single mission.) TheREPLAY button allows you to retry themission.

The button EXIT will take you back to themain menu.

NOTE: The game will not automatically besaved when a mission has been com-pleted. If you wish to interrupt the gameat this stage, start the next mission and

save the game before quitting.

The MULTIPLAYER option in the titlescreen will take you to the connectiontype selection.

A. SELECTING A CONNECTION TYPEThis screen allows yu to select a connec-tion type for the multiplayer mode.Clicking on one of the three buttons IN-TERNET (TCP/IP), LAN (IPX) or MODEMwill take you to the main multiplayermenu.

Clicking on CANCEL will take you back tothe main menu.

B. CREATING A MULTIPLAYER GAMEIn the multiplayer menu you have theoption to enter a player name and decidewhether to create a new game or join acurrent game.

If you decide not to play in multiplayermode after all, click on the CANCEL but-ton.


Q Menu ORDERS, Position 1

W Menu ORDERS, Position 2

E Menu ORDERS, Position 3

A Menu ORDERS, Position 4

S Menu ORDERS, Position 5

D Menu ORDERS, Position 6

Z Menu ORDERS, Position 7

X Menu ORDERS, Position 8

C Menu ORDERS, Position 9


T HOLD FIRE on/off

1 to 0 + CTRL Save unit selection with the respective number

1 to 0 Select saved unit selection with the respective number

TAB entre view around selected units

SPACEBAR Centre view around last event (red circle)

ESC Control options menu

PAUSE PAUSE mode on/off

F1 to F8 + CTRL Save position of main window sectionon the MAP

F1 to F8 Load position of main window sectionon the MAP

F9 Display mission objectives

F10 Exit game

F11 Go to SAVE menu

F12 Go to LOAD menu

Order + SHIFT Add order to end of queue

MOVE order + CTRL Gather at destination

Left-click While entering a message: Determine selection + CTRL recipient on MAPmap

Double click left + CTRL Select all unit sof same type on the entire mapon unit

; Display number of reinforcement units on their way

KEY CONFIGURATION - ADDITION FOR MULTIPLAYER MODEBACKSPACE Pass command over units to a different player

ENTER Message to team member

ENTER + SHIFT Message to enemy

ENTER + CTRL Message to everyone


Page 12: Sudden strike 1


Players confirm their selection by clickingon the button READY. The word “Ready”and the ping rate, a measure for the qual-ity of the network connection, are dis-played (the smaller the value, the better)at the end of the line with the player´sname.

The slider GAME SPEED serves the purposeof adjusting the speed of gameplay for thehost. You cannot influence this value if youare only joining the game.

Click again on the button READY and waitfor the start of the game.

As a host you will have to wait until all theother players have clicked on READY. Thenthe button START is activated and you canstart the game by clicking on it.


In some of the lines which usually containthe names of joining players the word"CLOSED" is displayed as the maximumnumber of players depends on the chosenmap. As a host, you can change the num-ber of players by locking or unlocking slotswith the buttons to the left. However,changes are only possible within the scopeof the given number of players.

As a host, you can exclude an unwantedplayer from the game. In order to do thisyou have to use the button to the right ofthe respective player's name (the columnabove the word "BAN").



The aim of the game in the multiplayermode is to destroy all the opponents' units.The last player to own any units is the win-ner (that does not necessarily have to bethe player with the most points).


Most important for winning a game in themultiplayer mode is the superiority in num-bers. This is achieved through as many re-inforcements as possible.


You can get reinforcements through takinga zeppelin group. Such a group consists ofseveral zeppelins of the same colour, whichare displayed as dots of the colour of theirgroup on the MAP. If you move the mousecursor over a zeppelin on the MAP, all thezeppelins of the same colour are displayedwith a white rectangle around them.


A zeppelin group is taken as long as unitsof whatever kinds are next to each zeppe-lin of the group (with more than one playerin the same team, they can share this task).If this condition is fulfilled, all the zeppelinsof the respective group are displayed ingrey in the main window as well as on theMAP. The player or team gains the first re-inforcements after a short time.


Left-click in the text line in the top left,enter a name and confirm it by pressingthe ENTER key, or left-click a name in thelist to select it.


Click on the CREATE GAME button to starta new game. To create an entirely newgame, select a map from the list on theleft and confirm your selection by click-ing on OK. (Moving the cursor across thesmall-scale map on the right will displayan enlarged view beside the list ofnames).

To continue a saved network game, clickon SAVED GAMES, select a game and con-firm your selection by clicking on OK.(Clicking on the MAPS button will takeyou back to the map selection screen fora new game.)

The next screen is the "Players" screen.

Should you decide not to create a game,click on the CANCEL button.


If you would like to join an existinggame, click on the button JOIN GAME. Onthe next screen, all the sessions whichare still waiting for players are displayedin the list to the left. Choose one by left-clicking on the list and confirm with thebutton JOIN GAME.

The “Players” screen is displayed.

If you decide not to join a game, click onthe button CANCEL.

C. THE “PLAYERS” SCREENThis is the menu for the general playerconfiguration. To leave the menu withoutstarting a game in the multiplayer mode,press the button CANCEL.


All the players who have already joinedthe game (yourself included) are dis-played in the "Players" menu. The partychosen by the respective player (ALLIES,GERMANY, RUSSIA) and the team num-ber (1-4) are indicated behind theplayer's name. Player units of the sameteam do not shoot at one another.

You are obliged to choose a party and ateam (with the buttons at the top right ofthe screen). You can optionally changethe colour that indicates you in the game(with the buttons at the top left of thescreen). If a player has not yet decidedon a party and/or a team, this is indi-cated through a question mark.

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E. COMPLETING A MULTI-PLAYER GAMEAfter the end of the played mission youwill receive an evaluation. At first you getan overview over the distribution ofpoints. You can get a more detailed list-ing of the destroyed units by clicking thebutton DETAILS.

Here you can find a list stating in cate-gories how many enemy units of a typeevery player has destroyed and how

many units of the same type they havelost. Clicking the BALANCE button in thetop right-hand corner displays theamount of enemy units destroyed minusthe amount of own units lost. With thebutton DESTROYED/LOST, you canchange this display to the previous one.

Clicking on the button TOTAL SCORE takesyou back to the screen with the point dis-tribution.

The EXIT button takes you back to thegame's main menu.


Those additional units arrive at the pointwhere the original units appeared at thestart of the game.

The zeppelins of that group keep theircolour for the other players, which meansthat they can still get reinforcements bytaking that zeppelin group.

As long as your team has not taken allzeppelins of one group, the taken zep-pelins (also visible for the other players)are displayed with the number of the re-spective team in the main window. Theyare surrounded by a green rectangle onthe MAP. Airships taken by an opponentteam are framed in red. If there are unitsof different teams in range of taking azeppelin it is defined as not taken.


There is another way of losing a gameapart from the destruction of all theunits: If there is no zeppelin controlledfor more than five minutes. As soon asno zeppelin is taken, a five minute count-down starts, which is displayed in the topleft-hand corner of the screen. Your teamlooses when the countdown is down tozero.


In the multiplayer mode, you can sendmessages to your team members usingthe ENTER key. A text line appears whereyou can enter the message.

While you are in the entering mode, youcan highlight a point on the MAP by hold-ing the CTRL key and clicking with theleft mouse button. The highlighted pointis briefly displayed with concentric greencircles for your team members when theyget the message.

Press the ENTER key once more to sendthe message.

Press the ENTER key and hold downSHIFT at the same time to enter a mes-sage to everybody (including your oppo-nents). You can send this messagethrough pressing the ENTER key as well.

You can also send a message only to youropponents by pressing the ENTER key.

You can delegate the control over someof your units to a team partner. To dothis, just highlight the respective unitsand press BACKSPACE. The mouse cursorchanges to a yellow arrow as soon as it isabove a team member's unit. Right-clickto delegate the command over the high-lighted units to the player whose unit themouse cursor is next to.

Pressing the key ; displays informationon the number of reinforcement unitswhich are on their way to your base. Thisfeature is also available in the singleplayer mode.

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Howitzers fire ballistically (there does nothave to be a clear line to the target object),they have a wide range and fire grenades(high explosive damage). Howitzers ex-plode very easily when attacked.

The commands for howitzers are the sameas for anti-tank cannon with the exceptionthat ATTACK is substituted by LONG RANGEFIRE. In order to avoid mistakes, the menuitem has a different position in the MenuORDERS and a different key configuration.Thus, the orders ATTACK and LONG RANGEFIRE can be used separately in one groupwhere there are anti-tank cannon as well ashowitzers.

Several target objects can be selected andfired at one after the other without activat-ing LONG RANGE FIRE and without holdingdown the SHIFT key. If a group of howitzersis selected, the targets are split up amongthem, i.e. each target object is only fired atby one howitzer. A gun can only shoot againwhen all the other howitzers of the grouphave fired.

Howitzers can be connectedto trucks for faster trans-port (see "Trucks").

MOVE Empty Empty


Empty Empty STOP


MOVE: Only with a crew of two andvery slowly.

UNLOAD: Crew leaves cannon.

Standard orders:

LONG RANGE FIRE (over enemy units)NONE (anywhere else)

B. TRUCKSA truck is a transporter which can carry acertain number of soldiers, stationaryheavy machine guns and grenadelaunchers. Heavy machine guns andgrenade launchers take two places each:one for the gun itself and one for themarksman.

The ambulance is a special truck whichgradually increases the life value of thesoldiers within to the maximum.


MOVE Empty Empty

Empty UNLOAD Empty

Empty Empty STOP

Not in the Menu ORDERS:

[LOAD]: loads soldiers/grenade launch-ers/heavy machine guns.


NOTE: Commands which are not availablevia the Menu ORDERS but only as stan-dard commands together with other ob-jects are indicated by square brackets:[COMMAND]

Range always refers to the shootingrange.

A. ARTILLERYA cannon is neutral as long as it is nottaken by an infantry unit. If it is taken itis owned by the corresponding playerfrom that time on. A cannon cannot betaken by two soldiers of different parties.At least one soldier is necessary to fire acannon. If the crew consists of two sol-diers, the firing rate increases. In orderto draw a cannon by hand, a crew of twomembers is necessary, but you can onlyadvance very slowly in this constellation.

Artillery can be divided into anti-tankcannon and howitzers.


Anti-tank cannon do not fire ballisticallybut directly (a clear target line to the ob-ject is absolutely necessary!) and use ar-mour breaking ammunition. The rangeof these weapons varies from type totype but the average range is higherthan that of tanks.

If a group of anti-tank cannon is high-lighted, all the anti-tank cannon shoot atthe highlighted target object (cannonwhich are not ready to fire will reloadfirst and then fire). Several target objectshave to be indicated again by activatingATTACK and SHIFT plus right mouse click.The cannon all shoot one after the otherat each of the given target objects (as op-posed to LONG RANGE FIRE by howitzersand missile launchers, see page 29/34).

Anti-tank cannon can be connected totrucks for faster transport (see "Trucks",page 29).




Empty Empty STOP


MOVE: Only with a crew of two and very slowly.

UNLOAD: Crew leaves cannon.

Standard orders:

ATTACK (over enemy units)NONE (anywhere else)


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REPAIR BRIDGE is only available whilestanding on a bridge.

Standard orders:

REPAIR/RELOAD (over damagedunits/units without ammunition)MOVE (anywhere else)

D. INFANTRYThere are the following types of infantry:

1) Soldiers: Equipped with submachine guns, average range, high firing rate.

2) Marksmen: Equipped with guns, wide line of sight, wide range, low firing rate.

3) Snipers: Equipped with sniper guns, extremely wide line of sight, very wide range, low firing rate.

4) Flamethrower infantry: Equipped with flamethrower, extremely high rate of damage, very small range.

5) Officers: Equipped with pistols, extremely wide line of sight, small range, low firing rate, low rate of damage.

6) Machine gun infantry: Equipped with machine gun, extremely high firing rate, extremely high rate of damage.

7) Tank marksmen: Equipped with tank rifles, low firing rate, armour breaking, also high rate of damage to tanks.

8) Bazooka infantry: Equipped with bazookas, low firing rate, little ammunition, armour breaking and explosive, fatal for tanks.

Infantry units can enter buildings(bunkers, towers, etc.) and shoot fromthere. Buildings reduce the damage forthe units in them when they are hit butdo not prevent damage completely.

NOTE: Buildings have effects on the lineof sight of the units in them. Watchtowerse.g. increase the line of sight immensely.

Infantry units can enter and usetrucks/jeeps/tank vehicles/cannon byright-clicking.

NOTE: As long as infantrymen are intrucks, tanks or jeeps, their range is con-fined to that of the corresponding vehiclethey are in. When using cannon, the line ofsight of the soldiers remains intact.



UNLOAD unloads the truck in the follow-ing order: If there are any cannon, they areuncoupled at first and brought together withtheir crew. The next click makes all soldiersnot belonging to the gun crew disembark. Ifthere are any heavy machine guns and/orgrenade launchers, they are unloaded lastby clicking the mouse again.

Standard orders:

[LOAD] (over own artillery, soldiers/ grenade launchers/heavy machine guns)

MOVE (anywhere else)

Towing cannon

Cannon can be connected to and towed by atruck. In order to do this, the cannon has tobe manned with at least one infantryman.The crew of the cannon helps connect it tothe truck and then gets into the truck. Afteruncoupling the cannon, its original crewmans it again. If there are not enough freeseats for the crew when connecting the can-non, some of the soldiers who are already inthe truck must disembark in order to makesome space for the crew.

C. SUPPLY TRUCKSThe following actions can be carried out:1) Reloading ammunition, repairing units

2) Building barbed wire entanglements and tank blockades

3) Repairing bridges4) Building pontoon bridges

Supply trucks transport ammunition andconstruction parts. If a supply truck does notcarry out an action, ammunition and con-struction parts are reproduced at a constantspeed until they reach the maximum.Ammunition is used for recharging units andis universal (suited for every weapon).Construction parts are used to build barbedwire entanglements and tank blockades.

NOTE: Tank blockades cannot be destroyedthrough bombardment.

Building and repairing bridges does not in-volve any raw materials apart from thetime used. In spite of the fact that themouse cursor does not change to the RE-PAIR/RELOAD icon when hovering overdamaged enemy units, these can be re-paired and reloaded through an explicit or-der. Cannon cannot be connected to supplytrucks.

Supply trucks work independently: If adamaged unit or a unit without ammunitionis close to it, the supply truck repairs or re-loads this unit automatically, i.e. it ap-proaches the unit, repairs or reloads it andreturns to its previous position.

HOLD FIRE and STAND GROUND can also beused for supply trucks; the commands thenprevent the truck from going to a dam-aged unit as well as from the automaticrepairing or reloading (see "HOLD FIRE"and " STAND GROUND", page 16).

Supply trucks are highly explosive.

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Not included in the Menu ORDERS:

[LOAD]: Loads soldiers.


ATTACK: Only if there are any soldiers in the jeep.

ASSAULT: Only if there are any soldiers in the jeep.

UNLOAD: All soldiers leave the jeep.

Standard orders:

[LOAD]: (over own soldiers)

ATTACK: (over enemy units, there must be soldiers in the jeep)

MOVE: (anywhere alse)

F. Tanks Tanks are vehicles with a revolving turret(tanks with non-revolving turrets arepart of tank destroyers, see page 36).Movement and firing of missiles are in-dependent from one another.

Tanks are better armoured at the frontthan at the back and sides.

ATTACK can also be carried out againsttargeted points in the area. If the areapoint is in reach, the crosshair flashes inred/yellow. If the tank has to move inorder to get into range, the crosshairconstantly remains red. This only takesinto account the distance, not any obsta-cles in the way! When a group of tanks is

highlighted, the crosshair flashes inred/yellow as long as the target positionis in reach of any of the members of thegroup. When given the order to fire,those tanks which are close enough tothe target will fire immediately. The oth-ers will advance until they are within fir-ing range.

NOTE: If the crosshair is over an object itis constantly red in any case.



ROTATE Empty Empty

Empty Empty STOP


MOVE: The tank moves towards the tar-get point and shoots at enemy units ifnecessary without stopping.

ASSAULT: The tank moves towards thetarget point; if any enemy units get intoline of sight, it stops, changes to the AT-TACK mode and chases the enemy.

Standard orders:

ATTACK (over enemy units)MOVE (anywhere else)


Marksmen can lay anti-tank mines.Mines are laid exactly where the soldiersare at the time of clicking on the buttonin the Menu ORDERS (action without aninteraction with another object).

Infantrymen can find and sweep mines.

NOTE: Right-clicking in the main windowor the MAP following the command LAYMINES/SWEEP MINES carries out the re-activated standard command MOVE andhas no effects on laying/sweeping themines.





Not included in the Menu ORDERS: [ENTER]

[MOVE2]: The selected units move to thetarget position; enemy units which comeinto reach are attacked. Afterwards unitsproceed; the direct way to the target po-sition is never left.


MOVE: The selected units move to the tar-get position without attacking enemyunits which could come into their range.

ASSAULT: The selected units advance to-wards the target position. If there is anenemy unit within reach the units changeto the ATTACK mode and chase the enemy.

The order LAY MINES can only be carriedout by marksmen.

Standard orders:

ATTACK (over enemy units)[ENTER] (over trucks/jeeps/tank vehi

cles/buildings etc.)[MOVE2] (anywhere else)

E. JEEPS Jeeps are light and fast vehicles, whichhave the same properties as trucks exceptthat soldiers can fire from a jeep, and thatcannon/grenade launchers/heavy machineguns cannot be connected to them.

The same orders as for trucks are available,as well as ATTACK and ASSAULT when thereare any infantrymen in the jeep.



Empty UNLOAD Empty

Empty Empty STOP

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LONG RANGE FIRE: The missile launchermoves towards the target object if itsrange is not sufficient; the mouse cursorindicates whether movement is neces-sary.

Standard orders:

LONG RANGE FIRE (over enemy units)

MOVE (anywhere else)

NOTE: The fog cannon is not part of thecategory of missile launchers but of thetank category.

I. STATIONARY ANTI-AIRCRAFT CANNON Anti-aircraft cannon have the same prop-erties as anti-tank cannon but rotatemuch more quickly (the cannon can re-volve and is fixed on a stationary basis)and they can target aircraft.




Empty Empty STOP


Move: with a crew of two, slowly.

Standard orders:

ATTACK (over enemy units)NONE (anywhere else)

J. MOBILE ANTI-AIRCRAFT CANNONThey have the same properties as tanks(armed with heavy machine guns) andcan fire at aircraft.



ROTATE Empty Empty

Empty Empty STOP

Standard orders:

ATTACK (over enemy units)MOVE (anywhere else)


G. TANK VEHICLES Tank vehicles have thesame properties as tanks except thatthey can also take infantry. The com-mands are the same as for tanks andtrucks in addition.




Empty Empty STOP

Not included in the Menu ORDERS:[LOAD]: Loads soldiers.

Standard orders:

[LOAD] (over other soldiers)ATTACK (over enemy units)MOVE (anywhere else)

H. MOBILE MISSILE LAUNCHERS Fire only longer volleys; long distancefire and extremely high rate of explosivedamage. Low target accuracy is compen-sated by several missiles per volley. If thetarget of the LONG RANGE FIRE is not inrange, the missile launcher will advancetowards it. If the target is in reach theLONG RANGE FIRE icon is constantly red,otherwise its interior becomes green and

the edge flashes in red/green. If a groupof mobile missile launchers is high-lighted, the crosshair is constantly red aslong as the target point is in reach of anymember of the group.

LONG RANGE FIRE works the same wayas the howitzers (several target pointscan be indicated and are shared amongthe members of a group, see "Howitzers",page 29).

If there are several target objects indi-cated, the members of the group whichare nearest to the respective target ob-ject will fire first. Once all of them havefired, one of the missile launchers whichis still out of range will move closeenough to the target object to hit it andwill open fire.


MOVE Empty Empty


Empty Empty STOP

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D. BUNKERSFor units inside, bunkers reduce the dam-age caused by hits to a greater degreethan other buildings, but they do not pre-vent all damage.

E. BRIDGESBridges can be damaged and destroyed.When the damage to a bridge is beyonda certain level, it cannot be crossed anymore. Damaged bridges can be repairedby supply trucks. To do this, the truckmust be positioned directly on the bridge(see "Supply trucks", page 30).

F. OIL TANKSOil tanks are highly explosive and quickto burst into flames, even if they are onlyslightly damaged. Units in the affectedarea are damaged as well.


A. Scout, scout and - scout!One of the most effective ways of inflict-ing losses to the enemy without being af-fected is to fire at them before they areable to do so. The dilemma is that theline of sight is limited for units withstrong weapons, which have a widerange, while units with a wide line of sightare not equipped with the best weapons.

The solution to this problem is to combineboth possibilities when advancing to un-known territory or to the enemy lines.

Tanks, for example, are able to shoot atfaraway target objects and cause heavydamage, but the marksman has only asmall lookout, and his line of sight is heav-ily decreased.

However, if you add an officer to a tankunit, what you get is a powerful unit, whichcan attack enemies heavily from a greatdistance.

Fixed front lines make it appropriate to po-sition a number of anti-tank cannon as of-fensive weapons, and to order one or sev-eral of the officers to take command. Sinceofficers are very vulnerable, they should bepositioned directly behind the armouredanti-tank cannon, and there should be fur-ther officers available in case of losses.

If you have artillery with LONG RANGE FIREavailable, you will be able to employ an airscout and thus seek out and destroy largegroups of enemy units or even a supplybase (see "Air support", page 17), beforethe enemy is able to attack. Instead of ar-tillery, you can also employ bombers. Thesewill shoot more accurately and cause heavydamage in confined areas (see "Air sup-port", page 17), but the number ofbombers at your disposal can by nomeans be compared to the amount of ar-tillery ammunition. Besides, bombers caneasily be destroyed by enemy anti-air-craft cannon.


K. TANK DESTROYERS They have the same properties as tanksexcept that they do not have a rotatingturret and can thus only fire forward.



Empty Empty Empty

Empty Empty STOP

Standard orders:

ATTACK (over enemy units)MOVE (anywhere else)



Ammunition and construction parts aresupplied in boxes. These boxes can bedropped by transport planes (also on re-quest, see "Air support", page 17) or theyare already existent on the map. Onlysupply trucks can tow the boxes, whichcontain either ammunition or construc-tion parts. The supply truck takes asmuch of the contents out of the box untilit is empty or the truck cannot carry anymore. Any left-overs can be taken at alater time.

B. WATCHTOWERSWatchtowers can be entered by infantry-men in the same manner as buildings.Thereby the line of sight of the respectiveunit is increased.

C. BUILDINGSBuildings help to reduce the damage tothe units within them when they are hit,but they do not reduce it to zero (see"Infantry", page 31).

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anti-aircraft cannon e.g. are very usefulfor clearing whole forests, but only withsufficient ammunition.


Are there any obstacles in the way to thetarget position? Big units like tanks can-not go through dense forests, or narrowpositions like bridges could be blocked byunits positioned on them. Units go as faras possible in the direction of the targetposition and only stop when the way isblocked. If the way is cleared within acertain period of time, the previouslyblocked units will go on automaticallyand obey the command.



The amount of damage depends on thepoint where the object is hit. There arethree different hit zones: the front, theback, and the sides. The armour of thesezones is different; The units are usuallyarmoured in a better way at the frontthan at the back and sides.

When using directional weapons(=firearms) you have to keep in mindthat units nearby can also be damagedthrough scattering. The scattering de-creases in relation to the distance to thetarget position.

Explosive weapons on the other handhave a round area of impact, i.e. the im-pact spreads from the centre of the ex-plosion in a circular way and ebbs awaymore and more.

If a unit is directly hit, nearby units canbe damaged as well. If there is no directhit, all units are only affected by scatter-ing effects.

Imagine a tank surrounded by 4 in-fantrymen (to the front, back, left, andright). All units have the same line of vi-sion. The tank is attacked by aflamethrower (firearm) and a grenade(explosive weapon). Both cases have incommon that the tank is hit directly andthe surrounding units are hit indirectlysince they are in the area of impact. The


In order to reconnoitre enemy territory,quick units can be used as scouts. A mo-torcycle e.g. can cross unknown territoryquickly and return without being hit byslow weapons like cannon or tank guns.It is then possible to attack sighted targetobjects with wide range weapons.Another possibility is to drop paratroop-ers in the rear of valuable enemy equip-ment (e.g. howitzers) in order to capturethem.

Fast scouting units should only be at oneplace for as short a time as possible in or-der not to make a target for slowweapons.

This is why you should keep in mind thefollowing instructions:


You should take care that your units donot come to a halt just because there areno waypoints to be followed any more. Inorder to achieve this, enter the course inthe PAUSE mode with the SHIFT key (see“Order queues", page 18) or always fol-low the scout unit in the main window(first having allocated your scout a groupnumber!) and set a new waypoint ingood time before the unit reaches thelast one. Following the unit by sight givesyou the advantage of you getting an ideaabout the position of enemy units.


Activate the HOLD FIRE mode so that theunit does not leave its course in order toattack enemy troops.


Rather design a round stretch instead ofordering the unit to turn by 180 degrees,since that takes up much more time.

B. WHY DON'T MY UNITS OBEY MY COMMANDS?Sometimes units do not react to com-mands given to them. This is by nomeans a refusal to obey orders but it issimply not possible for the units to obeythe command. Here are some items listedwhich need to be checked if units do notreact to commands:


Is the line of fire to the target objectclear? Anti-tank cannon e.g. fire in astraight line as opposed to howitzers andmissile launchers (see "Artillery", page28). If there are any obstacles in theway, objects cannot be hit. Of course it ispossible to clear those obstacles. Mobile

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Executive ProducerVictor Vinokurov

Project Leader

Victor Streltsov

Lead Artist

Dmitry “Plastilin” Jempala


Oleg SemenovVictor “Buktop” Bargachev

Victor StreltsovVladimir “Dr. Bug” Medeiko

3D ArtistS

Alexey “Losidze“ KrivorotkoAlexey “Malenki” Bykov

Dmitry “Plastilin” JempalaYuri Elshin

2D Artists

Dmitry “Plastilin” JempalaGleb “Glebson” Kuznetsov

Roman “Popan” Barinov


Victor VinokurovOstap Dragomoschenko

Sound and Music

Igor “Pocomaxa” Rzheffkin





additional missionshandy games

dirk stövesandt

MANUALthomas kröll

christiaan Liedorpthomas liedorp
















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