suitable adjustment for naresh kadian: gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal...

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  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Leading animal rights activist in India.


    ate of birth: !ctober "#$ "%&".

    Address: '()*$ Rose A+artment$ ,rashant -ihar$ sector("$ Rohini$ elhi.

    Email: / 

    'ontact: 2%"(%*")#"#3%3$ %)"))"4#%%.


    1. 5aster of Arts in 6ournalism and 5ass 'ommunication.

    4. ,ost 7raduate i+loma in 6ournalism and 5ass 'ommunication.

    ). i+loma in 8oot9ear echnolog0.

    . Advance 'ourse in 8oot9ear echnolog0 9ith istinction.

    3. Elected member of 'lothing and 8oot9ear Institute$ London on *(""(**.

    &. 5aster rainer$ Animal ;elfare Leather?$ Har0ana Khadi and -illage Industries

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    4. echnical Su+ervisor >Leather?$ Har0ana Khadi and -illage Industries 7ovt. of India? for

    9hole state of Har0ana along 9ith adjoining area of Rajasthan.

    3. ;or/ed as Nominee$ ','SEA at NRI$ Karnal and 'entral Insecticides Laborator0$


    &. ,a+er setter for 7overnment 8oot9ear Institute$ Re9ari.

    =. 'hairman$ ,eo+le for Animals >,8A? Har0ana$ since "%%* till date.

    *. Re+resentative of Bnited Nation affiliated !I,A in India$ since 4##* till


    %. ;or/ed 9ith ,rabha/ar 8ilms$ 9hile ma/ing Har0anvi film CLaddo

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    ". ,rotection of Sambhar La/e along 9ith the natural habitat of 8lamingo birds$ ,IL

    +ending before the Su+reme 'ourt of India.

    "3. 'laimed to be first +etitioner under RI Act$ 4##3 because Act 9as introduced on !ctober

    "4$ 4##3 and Naresh Kadian submitted +etition on !ctober "%$ 4##3 about animals

    sufferings due to )=# in 6FK. 5iss Soha Ali Khan arms license 9as also e@+osed under RI


    "&. ;or/ed as In charge of 'onsignment$ 8aridabad to handle 'oo+er and brass materials of

    man0 com+anies$ 9hile +osted as istrict !fficer for si@ istrict of Har0ana$ covering

    south +art of the state till 5arch$ 4#").

    "=. ,roceeds -oluntar0 retirement$ after )# 0ears service$ as on =(*(4#" for better +ros+ects

    in other fields.

    "*. Handle much disaster management issue for animal 9elfare because animals 9ere in

    distress$ during natural calamities in 7ujarat and Bttra/hand.

    "%. he ;ildlife 'rime 'ontrol 5inistr0 of Environment and 8orest?$ nominated as


    4#. Had been ,ress 'orres+ondent for 6agiriti$ K-I' +ublication.

    4". E@+osed Ivor0 scheme of K-I' under RI and then this scheme 9ere banned.

    Article’s and book published:

    # A boo/ in Hindi$ +ublished on animal 9elfare related legislations

    G 5an0 articles on the scheme of 5S5E +ublished in all leading ne9s +a+ers and


    G. Regularl0 +artici+ating as an E@+ert on 5S5E scheme along 9ith animal 9elfare issues$

    on all - channels since "%%* till date.

    Awards and appreciation:

    G hree times Naresh Kadian name 9as considered for ,adma a9ards b0 the 7ovt. of


    G ,EA issued a++reciation during 4### for lodging 8IRs against t9o s+ecial cattle trains$

    carr0ing # boogies co9s for slaughter.

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    G ;I issued merit certificate for introduction of Kalander rehabilitation scheme along

    9ith their +erforming bears$ rescue of +erforming animals from circuses.

    G istrict Administration$ 7urgaon a++reciation for animal and 9ildlife.

    G istrict Administration$ 8aridabad a++reciation for animal and 9ildlife.

    G Naresh Kadian name 9as considered for nomination as 'hairman$ A;

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    ;here as 7andhian Ideologist$ +hiloso+her$ environmentalist$ trade unionist$ social

    reformer$ RI and animal rights activist Naresh Kadian$ former ut0 5agistrate and

    istrict Khadi and -illage Industries !fficer$ Nominee of ','SEA$ Nodal Ins+ecting

    Authorit0 for Animal ;elfare ivision >7ovt. of India?$ founder 'hairman of the ,eo+le

    for Animals >,8A? Har0ana$ re+resenting Bnited Nations affiliated the International

    !rganisation for Animal ,rotection ( !I,A in India J$ 5aster rainer$Animal ;elfare

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    o@0tocin 9as recovered 9hich 9ere injected in 3 boogies &3 co9s for lactation and these all

    accused 9ere +unished b0 the concerned court at 8aridabad$ similar s+ecial cattle train of

    # boogies 9as also sto++ed for the violation of animal related la9s$ 8IR 9as lodged 9ith

    the 7R,$ 7aiabad on 4*th ecember$ 4### and the Allahabad High court u+held the

    objections raised b0 Naresh Kadian$ animals 9ere rescued$ handed over to the local animal


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    legal action then he filed a com+laint before S+ecial Environment 'ourt at Kuru/shetra$

    li/e 9ise a blac/ buc/ 9as hunted in Bdmi village of ,ani+at$ 8IR 9as lodged and 9hen

    due to +oliticall0 +ressure Administration moved to cancel the case but Naresh Kadian

    moved com+laint in this case as 9ell before the S+ecial Environment 'ourt at

    Kuru/shetra. A blac/ buc/ 9as also found in the ca+tivit0 of a 'hairman$ Har0ana

    ourism 'or+orations residence at haruheda but same 9as also rescued andrehabilitated in Rohta/ oo b0 Naresh Kadian$ due to this strong activism Naresh Kadian

    9as harassed b0 then Har0ana 7ovt. A blac/ buc/ 9as ca+tured b0 the officials of ;ildlife

    science facult0 of Aligarh 5uslim Bniversit0$ same 9as rescued b0 the B, ;ildlife

    e+artment 9ith out an0 legal action against offenders but Naresh Kadian lodged 8IR No.

    %" dated %th 6ul0$ 4#"" against five officials of the facult0 as 9ell. Ele+hant +olo 9as held

    at 6ai+ur in 4##& but Naresh Kadian raised the issue and then moved +ublic interest

    litigation about ele+hant abuse$ Rajasthan High 'ourt ( 6ai+ur 6ai+ur

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    India for freeing the Ele+hant s0mbol of 5inistr0

    of efense?$ 6har/hand High 'ourt$ Ranchi building and 5ioram Legislative Assembl0$

    9hich insulting the National Emblem of India$ 9here as Har0ana ,olice comes for9ard to

    remove the errors after Naresh Kadian com+laint. HE the 7overnor of ri+ura breach the

    agreement and violated the set +rocedure$ guidelines of the 7overnment of India being an

    ,adma Shri a9ardees but Naresh Kadian ta/en u+ this matter as 9ell$ he has further

    raised his voice about the ran/ of the Indian ,olice$ ,ara 5ilitar0 8orces$ the 8ood Safet0

    and Standards Authorit0 of India along 9ith the Indian Arm0 because their badges alsodont have Sat0ameva 6a0ate. ,unjab ,olice and Har0ana ,olice re+laced original emblem.

    Naresh Kad0an also successfull0 cam+aign against the attac/ on Indian students in

    Australia$ radio(tagging scores of Indian students du+ed b0 a OshamO universit0 in

    'alifornia$ castles reservation cover for all communities based on financial status$ removal

    of Lord 7anesha image from the Indica beer 7oddess La@mi image from non(vegetarian

    burger -ests$ s+read +eace and harmon0 after terrorist attac/ on 5umbai 4&""$

    a9areness cam+aigning about Ram Setu$ Pamuna$ aj 5ahal$ S+arro9s$ -ultures and hol0

    7anga 9ith the full su++ort of International communities$ he is the man behind getting

    a++roved of the +ension benefits scheme to the Har0ana Khadi and -illage Industries

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    He has managed man0 ,ILs and online +etitions$ as he has s+ent )# 0ears active service for

    the develo+ment of Khadi and -illage Industries$ man/ind$ animals$ 9ildlife$ nature and

    societ0 as 9ell$ +roceed on voluntar0 retirement on August =$ 4#" from the Har0ana

    Khadi and -illage Industries

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    ". !@0tocin injections 9ere o+erated on

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    4=. he 5inistr0 of Social 6ustice and Em+o9erment made documentar0 on cruel

    trans+ortation of animals$ live raids along 9ith 8IR and rescue of abused animals 9as

    conducted b0 Naresh Kadian.

    4*. E@+osed cruel shee+ and goat shifting under India Arm0 su++l0 cover from elhi to

    6FK. Animal trans+ortation in goods vehicle be banned$ matter 9as considered b0 theState 'ommittee for Slaughter Houses >7ovt. of Har0ana?.

    4%. Successfull0 running t9o ambulances and shelter for animals in distress$ this 9as

    a++roved b0 the 7ovt. of India to ,8A Har0ana under 'hairmanshi+ of Naresh Kad0an.

    )#. ogs have rights to bar/$ rules for +et sho+s$ dog breeders and fish auariums along

    9ith ban on +eacoc/ feathers trade in India.

    )". Removal all objectionable material from the internet about our ,rime 5inister Smt.

    Indira 7andhi s+read b0 the so called Khalistanis$ li/e 9ise removal of fa/e accounts on

    Internet about our ,rime 5inister Atal

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    )%. 5an0 scheduled 9ild animal s+ecimens 9ere re+orted$ raised voice in Sacered Heart

    School$ 'handigarh ,S and 7reen 8ield ,ublic School$ Re9ari

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    3". he irector 7eneral of Su++l0 and is+osal along 9ith the 7overnment of ,unjab

    insulted the State Emblem of India but Naresh Kadian lodged 8IR against all of them 9ith

    the ,olice Station 5odel o9n$ Re9ari$ li/e 9ise ,unjab Khadi Amendment?

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    &4. ,IL No. "#* of 4#") moved before Su+reme 'ourt of India about +rotection of

    Sambhar La/eM 9etland of Rajasthan$ from bore 9ell mafia in Rajasthan and to +rotect

    e@otic s+ecies.

    &). 5oved cam+aign for the removal of Shri K.. Singh from the 'hairmanshi+ of the

    National 5eat and ,oultr0 ,rocessing 5inistr0 of 8ood ,rocessing Industries J7ovt. of India?.

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    o++osed b0 Naresh Kadian$ li/e 9ise conservation of 9hite tiger efforts 9ere o++osed being

    an no s+ecies in Amendment? Act$

    4#") after Naresh Kadian com+laint$ li/e 9ise 7ovt. of ,unjab going to amend their la9s.

    =%. 'osmetics testing on animals banned in India$ amendment in legislations demanded

    cam+aign launched b0 Naresh Kadian.

    *#. ,etition before the 'hairman$ 'ommittee on ,etition$ Raj0a Sabha to revie9 the meat

    e@+ort +olic0 from India.

    *". o get ban orders on thorn bits for horses and earl0 dis+osal of Animal ;elfare Act$

    4#"" draft ,IL moved before the Rajasthan High 'ourt >6ai+ur

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    *3. State Emblem of India$ National a9ards along 9ith National 8lag of India misused b0

    man0 High 'ourts 9ebsites$ 5inistries but Naresh Kadian raised his voice and corrections

    9ere made out.

    *&. elengana State official logo also defective$ Naresh Kadian raised his voice$ li/e 9ise

    mon/e0 9as shot dead in Rohta/ but Naresh Kadian raised his voice.

    *=. Access to 6ustice and Re+arations?

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    %%. Naresh Kadian is fighting against biased +ractices in Har0ana Khadi and -I

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


    ""). 'om+laint against 'ongress led 7overnment in Har0ana$ 9ho lost majorit0 after High

    'ourt verdict on !ctober %$ 4#"$ demanded ,resident Rule.

    "". he 7reat Ro0al 'ircus abused +erforming animals$ +ro+er com+laint lodged b0

    Naresh Kadian$ to rescue the abused animals.

    ""3. ,etition for +rohibition of ele+hant trading along 9ith animal +erformances$ in the

    Sone+ur cattle fair acce+ted b0 the A;

  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist


  • 8/9/2019 Suitable adjustment for Naresh Kadian: Gandhian ideologist, social reformer, philosopher and animal rights activist
