summarise the policies and procedures schools may have


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Page 1: Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have
Page 2: Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have


Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have relating


a) Staff b) Pupil welfare c) Teaching and learning d) Equality, diversity and inclusion e) Parental engagement

The types of policies and procedures that schools have to help them operate more

smoothly tend to revolve around staff; pupil welfare; teaching and learning; equality,

diversity and inclusion; and parental engagement.

Polices around pupil welfare.

Page 3: Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have


The list below is not exhaustive; some schools will have additional policies, some will

have fewer.


Pay policy, detailing the pay structure of different levels of roles within the staff at the


Performance management policy, explaining the frequency of appraisals and other

supervision sessions, how performance is monitored, and what is done when it is

found to be less than desirable

Grievance policy, explaining the order in which disagreements, bullying at work

situations, and other grievances can be dealt with

Staff leave policy, describing the limits of staff leave, when time can be taken and

when it cannot or should not be taken

Staff development policy, explaining what opportunities are open for staff at different

levels to have continuing professional development.

Pupil welfare

Safeguarding policy, explaining what members of staff should do if they believe a

child is being abused, mistreated, or neglected

Health and safety policy, describing the minimum levels of safety that should be

guaranteed within school

Drugs awareness policy, explaining what staff should do if they suspect a pupil is

misusing drugs

Behaviour management policy, describing what is expected of pupils in terms of

behaviour, and how staff should deal with behaviour that contravenes the


Personal, social, health, and economic education policy, explaining how the school

aims to help children their personal and social development.

Anti-bullying policy, explaining the way in which allegations of bullying should be

dealt with.

Page 4: Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have


Teaching and learning

Curriculum policies for each subject, giving an overview of what is expected of pupils

at each level

Early year’s policy, stating the principles behind the way in which the EYFS is

delivered and dealing with any specific points such as 'intimate care' and equal


Teaching and learning policy, delivering key elements and principles of teaching and

learning at a school

Planning and assessment policy, providing a framework for the planning of work and

assessment for children and to ensure that their attainment is measured, monitored,

and that their progress is ensured

Marking policy, detailing the way in which feedback is given under different

circumstances (for example if a child completes a task well, or if they repeatedly are

unable to complete the task), the frequency and speed of the feedback, and the way

in which the feedback itself is monitored.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

Equal opportunities policy, explaining the ways in which the school enables

equal opportunities and the roles of key members of staff in carrying out the


Race equality and cultural diversity policy, explaining how the school

promotes cultural diversity

Special educational needs – or inclusion – policy, detailing how a school

approaches support for pupils with SEN

Gifted and talented policy, explaining how a school encourages and promotes

the education of children who have a particular gift or talent

Disability and access policy, detailing the ways in which a school makes itself

more accessible for disabled pupils and how to make further changes if


Page 5: Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have


Parental engagement

Homework policy, explaining the frequency and how much homework is to be

expected for each age group, how it will be set, and the roles of the teacher

and of parents and guardians.

Attendance policy, describing the attendance expected from children

throughout the year, what is expected of parents if a pupil is unable to attend,

and what measures will be taken by the school to improve attendance.

Home-school agreement, detailing how the school intends to work in

partnership with parents.

Below are a few examples of policies that exist at various primary schools around

the country:

Ashby Church of England Primary School homework policy

Bramley Grange Primary School Equal Opportunities policy

Kingshill School marking policy

Martin Primary School planning and assessment policy