summary of value chain information gathering workshop€¦ · tops (financial literacy and...

Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop 1 Summary of Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop 18-22 March, 2013 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Hosted by: An Activity of the In Partnership with:

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Page 1: Summary of Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop€¦ · TOPs (Financial Literacy and Numeracy) Actors & Stakeholders Understanding TOPs Skill training and method Financial service

Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Summary of Value Chain Information

Gathering Workshop

18-22 March, 2013

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Hosted by:

An Activity of the

In Partnership with:

Page 2: Summary of Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop€¦ · TOPs (Financial Literacy and Numeracy) Actors & Stakeholders Understanding TOPs Skill training and method Financial service

Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Table of Contents TOPs (Financial Literacy and Numeracy)................................................................................................. 3

TOPS (Labor Market) ............................................................................................................................... 6

Financial & Insurance Services (Interest-free Banking & MFI + Insurance) ............................................ 8

Alternative Energy (Solar & Stoves) ...................................................................................................... 11

Horticulture (Irrigation, Privatize Agric Input Supply and Extension Service) ...................................... 14

Livestock – (Live Animal and meat) Value Chains ................................................................................. 17

Dairy (Production and Productivity) ..................................................................................................... 20

Dairy (Transportation and Marketing) .................................................................................................. 23

Poultry ................................................................................................................................................... 30

Privatize Animal health Service ............................................................................................................. 33

Fisheries ................................................................................................................................................ 36

Grain Storage and Post-Harvest Losses (Grain, Seed & Feed at HH + Industry level) .......................... 38

Wheat & Other Grains .......................................................................................................................... 40

Private Tree Nursery (Fruit, timber & Ornamental) ............................................................................. 42

Prosopis, Gums, Resins and NTFPs ....................................................................................................... 45

Page 3: Summary of Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop€¦ · TOPs (Financial Literacy and Numeracy) Actors & Stakeholders Understanding TOPs Skill training and method Financial service

Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop

This paper presents summary of basic value chain information for 15 subsectors that has

been gathered through Stakeholders and partners workshop from 18-22-March, in Addis

Ababa. Around 75 participants took part in the workshop and shared experience. An open

space format methodology with six posters each with different theme was employed to

gather the information. Areas that were explored for each subsectors during the workshop

were identifying actors and stakeholders, geographic identification for current and future

value chain, leveraging points, Lesson learned, way forward and annotated bibliography.

TOPs (Financial Literacy and Numeracy) Actors & Stakeholders

Understanding TOPs Skill training and method

Financial service

Governance regulation and

research Producers Small scale petty trade

(consumer goods), irrigation cooperatives, vegetable production, IGG, wood selling, charcoal, kaht trade, cobblestone

DA's, Coops, experts, NGOs,TVETs (Oxfam, SC USA, PC) on Record keeping, saving, technical skill


HU is developing curriculum for TOPs, three research are ongoing by HU, CSA(urban labor market survey), Office for social affairs, Oromia Pastoralist office , CPA, BOA, Clan leaders

Aggregators/ Collectors

SME, individual trader, coops, livestock brokers

TVET, Trade and market Agency, SME promotion office, BDS providers


TVET, Trade and marketing Agency,

Processors/ Value Adders

Restaurants, hotels, furniture, tailor, metal and wood work

JJ municipality Clan leaders, kebele administration

Wholesalers Coops, traders, Sees

Retailer Traders, IGGS

End Market Consumers

Page 4: Summary of Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop€¦ · TOPs (Financial Literacy and Numeracy) Actors & Stakeholders Understanding TOPs Skill training and method Financial service

Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/ Activities?

Southern Cluster

Construction skill training by Action For Development (AFD) in yabello

Numeracy and literacy training

Training on Irrigation, petty trade, metal & wood work, construction (liben, G/Dolla, filth, yabello, Moyle)

Develop different service for TOPS

REFLECT in Dhas and Arero, moyale

Eastern Cluster AFD provided vocational skill training for drop out youth

Numeracy and literacy training

Mercy corps supported TVET training on basic BDS

Adult Education program through Barkadle Foundation (Jijiga and Gode area)

Continuing activities from RAIN

Integrated Adult Education Program by GIZ DVV International

Afar Cluster Next further assessment Next further assessment

SWOT Analysis for TOPS Literacy and Numeracy Strengths Weaknesses

TOPs willingness to learn lack of social integration

Existence of Strong communication and TOPS cultural Ties inconsistence support approach (GO and NGO)

Adaptability of TOPs for alternative livelihood activity Lack of access to basic education

Opportunities Threat

Existence of GoE and NGO support Vulnerability /Destitute (poor acceptance from urban dwellers and city administration

Integrated adult educational program No formal settlement and shelter program

Availability of Financial service providers (RuSACCO, MFI)

Availability of Private educational and training institute

Presence of awareness in community about TOPs

Page 5: Summary of Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop€¦ · TOPs (Financial Literacy and Numeracy) Actors & Stakeholders Understanding TOPs Skill training and method Financial service

Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it

work/not work? Reflection meeting conducted among youth Reflection meeting by SIPED

Strong facilitation by SIPED

Informal education Adult education for drop out Need further assessment Conflict

Vocational skill training Need further assessment drought

Formal education coverage lack of basic numeracy skill

Adult education for drop out Women literacy and numeracy through RuSACCO by PC

Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Strengthening those TOPS who are engaged in business facilitate OSC set up and financial literacy curriculum

Linking TOPs with training and financial institutions Facilitate award scheme for well performing TOPs SME

Research and development on TOPs Continue TOPs awareness creation on alternative livelihood

Labor industry analysis labor market assessment

Role of clan in TOPs livelihoods capacity building for training centers and TVETs

Socio Economic status of TOPs Strengthening TVETs

TOPs migration trend and future Projection Methodology development for private TVET

Policy analysis

market linkage and BDS

market linkage and BDS

Assessment of alternative livelihood for TOPs

Effectiveness of TOPs community support

Establishment of one-stop-center (OSC)

Annotated Bibliography SEEP network CGAP Micro Save Microlinks

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


TOPS (Labor Market)

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently VC Activities? Which Potential Future VC Activities? Southern Cluster Negele, yabello, Moyale, Adola, D/hora Organized security guarding service

Construction, wood work, metal work, Milk marketing, meet trade, irrigation agri.., Hotel loading unloading , security guarding Milk processing business (yabello, Moyale)

Eastern Cluster

Livestock market (Brokerage) hotel, cleaner, cobblestone, construction, daily laborer, milling and foam factory vocational skill training for new and existing TOPs

Afar Cluster Need Further Assessment Need Further Assessment


Employment Skill

training institutions

job for untrained

TOPs in Urban

job for untrained

TOPs in Rural

job for trained

TOPs in Urban

job for trained

TOPs in Rural

End Market/


RetailerPetty trade,

mini/super market


Processors/ Value


cafeteria, livestock



Collectorsmilk trade Vegetable sellers milk traders




construction, petty

trade, house maid,

Irrigation farm

(20%) , daily

laborer (80%)

Tailors, driver,

milk seller,

metal and

wood work,


daily laborer

Value Chain Actors and labor market

TVET (JJ, Yabelo and

Negele, Private TVET

(Driving licence,

buity salon,

construcition, etc,)

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for TOPS labor market

Strengths Weaknesses

Willingness to adopt alternative livelihoods need further Assessment

increased membership in organized coops and SACCOs

social networking (clan system)

Opportunities Threat

potential labor market inflation

Economic growth slum reduction (displacement of TOPS)

Urbanization and demand for labor Environmental consequence

current infrastructure development sanitation problem

Better information and communication limited access to basic services

Availability of financial service providers

Gov't settlement strategy

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't Work?

Why did it work/not work?

Trained TOPs networking

Networking of TOPs with private contractors by CI

Need further assessment

willingness of private contractor

Experience sharing Apprenticeship competence of TOPs

e.g.. JJ, Amal construction, TG building city , schools, JJ City Admin offices etc.

private irrigation farm due to Gov't and NGO support

irrigation farming

wood work


milk trade

Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Linking TOPs with Financial institutions Skill inventory Assessing labor market

Create sustainable job market that can absorb TOPs Life skill training for TOPs through BDS and TVET

facilitating linkage between employment agency Capacity building for existing OSCs, TVET and BDS providers

Facilitate business opportunity for TOPs (like milk processing, improved irrigation…)

organizing TOPs in to VSLA

involving TOPS in urban agriculture Linking TOPs with financial institution

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Financial & Insurance Services (Interest-free Banking & MFI +


Actors & Stakeholders

RuSACCO/SACCO MFI Bank Governance/

Regulators, Research & Development


105 RuSACCO in (South Cluster) - Provide loan to producers - In Eastern cluster there are many RuSACCO and SACO doing the same

OCSACCO, Harar, Dire and SMFI provides saving, loan and money transfer service in Eastern cluster and Negele, G/dolla, Arero and Moyale

CBE, OIB,CBO, Most private banks

For RuSACCO: Coop promotion agency, LCaRD, for MFI; NBE and AEMFI, For Banks: NBE

Aggregators/ Collectors

Some collectors are member of SACCO, take loan from RuSACCO, dairy coops, livestock traders, vegi. Coops

SME from liben, moyale, Arero and G/Dolla have accessed to MFI

OIB to SMEs and collectors

Processors/ Value


Provide credit for those engaged in Fatting business

Abattoirs, exporters( meat and live animal), fattening, Unions have access to CBE, OIB,CBO, Most private banks

Wholesalers Milk, livestock, fruit and vegetable coops

wholesalers, exporters( meat and live animal), fattening, Unions have access to CBE, OIB,CBO, Most private banks

Retailer Petty traders RuSCCO members engaged in community small scale trading

saving and money transfer

End Market Consumers

community for saving community for saving saving and money


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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently VC Activities? Which Potential Future VC Activities?

Southern Cluster

MFI-OCSACO; Saving, Loan, money transfer, insurance service (Liben, g/Dollo, Arero, Moyale)

RuSACCO; loan and saving (Liben, G/dola,Arero,Moyale, Hudet,Dhas)

Banks; Saving and loan (Liben,Moyale,H/mariam,Yabello,Dire)

Eastern Cluster

MFI & EH- OCSaCCo; Harar, Dire and Somali MFI: (Saving, loan, money transfer)

Livestock insurance

Insurance Company: DD, Harar, JJ (Life and property insurance)

crop insurance

Banks; all GoE and Private banks , loan , saving and money transfer)

Mobile & agent banking

RuSaCCOs and kebele level : Saving and credit Sharia compliance financial product (interest free banking in banks, MFI, Saco and RuSaCCO

Afar Cluster Need further Assessment Need further Assessment

SWOT Analysis for Financial Strengths Weaknesses

Availability of strong control system in the banking and insurance sector

Inadequate technical institution and financial capacity

Expansion of Financial service providers Lack of appropriate MIS

Growing financial facility and institutional capacity Shortage of skilled man power

Gaps in knowledge and financial skill of members of MFI, SaCCOs and RuSaCCOs

Limited financial R&D (new product and new market)

Opportunities Threat

Huge demand for credit Inflation

GoE policy and commitment Poor infra-structure

Availability of communication technology Limited capacity of regulation (National Bank)

Availability of good enabling environment Lack of appropriate information technology provider

Support of Donor and NGO to the sector Security

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it

work/not work?

Developing Islamic banking product Developing Islamic banking products

Direct grant to IGG and RuSACCO Need of collateral

Mobilizing Islamic banking window in Conventional banks

establishment of SACCO and KoSACCO Interest free products

Mobilizing investors to start Islamic bank appropriate products Provision of seed money (Cooperative in Liben) high demand

Establishing MFI Establishing SMFI Good Support from regional Gov't

Credit grant to IGG and RuSACCO Strong project facilitation

Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Upgrading of MFI to formal bank Expansion of Islamic Financial products to other regions

MFI taking part in equity investment Mobile bank service

Financial Association at Regional level Linkage of SACCOs and VSLA to MFI

Privatization of MFI(advocacy) Expansion of MFI & RuSACCO branch to other districts

Advocating Islamic banking in the operational areas Stretching Relationship between MFI's and existing business associations (Chamber of Commerce)

Dev't of appropriate insurance product based on sharia compliance

Capacity building on Islamic banking compliances

Mobile bank and agent bank service expansion Awareness creation on interest free banking for private and commercial banks

Leasing product -(to own) introducing of new product to SACCOS and RuSACCO

Mobilization of Zakat fund through MFI Facilitating livestock insurance with Oromia insurance company

Establishing Credit rating agency Translating regulations and directives in local language

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Alternative Energy (Solar & Stoves) Actors & Stakeholders

VC actors Input

suppliers Governance/Regulations

Research and Development


Fesera production PLC, Delight (Solar lanterns), Tikikil wood stove production, Nigist Stove production(Adama), Metal liner production (Negele), Electric stove producers,

Environment Protection Agency, BOA, Water and Energy Office, trade and

Industry office

AAU (Bio Gas), World bank work with different universities, Talk Energy Ahead (TEA), Ethiopian Solar Energy Societies, SNV (Bio- gas), Coops (Cook Stoves)

Collectors /Aggregators

Fanos (DD) from Nigist, Dhil ( Degahabur)

Processors/ Value

Adders - -


Solar 23 Dev't PLC, Hidasse (JJ), Vera , Nigist, Fanos, Informal solar panel traders, (Negele)


Hidasse (JJ), Two traders in JJ, 15 in yabello, 6 in Moyale, 1 in Filtu, Hartishek coop

Oromia MFI, Electrical utility suppliers

End Market Consumers

Rural and urban HH

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs

service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/

Activities? Southern Cluster Small SHS (SNNPR, Oromia) Strengthening market for cook stove & solar

Cook Stoves and micro solar ( Filtu, Moyale, Hudet, Liben, Arero, Gordola, Yabello

Eastern Cluster

Market linkage for Energy Efficient stoves market linkage for Off grid lighting product

JJ, DD, Harar, Gursum, Babile, Midhega,

Shinile, Erer, Degahabur, Gashamo, research on wind energy potential

Micro Haydro Power (GIZ)

Afar Cluster Small SHS

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Alternative Energy Strengths Weaknesses

Willingness to adopt by GOE and individual consumer

Inadequate solar products

Established vendors especially moyale, Yabello, Negele

Poor quality products

GoE and donor support Exchange rate /devaluation and price fluctuation

Cost of Ownership/ operation, pricing

No responsible organization at Woredas level

Unprofessional business environment

Opportunities Threat

Growing demand for Alternative energy No local manufacturer

Bio-gas for TOPs lack of community awareness

Social information dissemination lack of Entrepreneurial spirit

Availability of natural resource (Sun, wind) Limited outreach to rural community

GoE policy for energy sector ( Climate Resilience Green Economic developed) CRGEC

lack of awareness and advocacy

shortage of hard currency for importers Limited grid infrastructure

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What

Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it work/not

work? Finding dealer for Solar (RAIN) in JJ

Cook stove - Private sector

Finding interested dealer

Lower cost of cook stoves

Energy efficient cook stoves by private traders in JJ, Degahabur, refugee camps

Less Smock technologies

Poor accessory for solar panel

Awareness and profitability of the business

Solar for mobile charge, radio, lighting and water pump ( Hartishek, JJ, Hudet, Negele, Moyale)

SHS High price of Solar technologies

High price of solar products

Bio-Gas in SNNPR by SNV Linkage to improves cook stoves due to compatibility problem

Far distance

Import and distribution of SHS solar Solar 23 in Degahabur, Harar, DD, JJ Afar, Oromia, SNNPR

Interaction of supply Incompatibility of cook stoves for some areas and inability to import as demanded

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Solar irrigation system development Create linkage between solar company and agents Urban and pre- urban Solar lighting system strengthening

Agent networking at kebele level

Energy efficient dairy storage technologies for off grid areas

Access to Small, portable solar for home use

Bio CHAR (Soil improvement) Energy saving cook stove promotion

Dust mitigation R&D

Awareness campaigned of light Africa for duty free imports (industry stakeholders)

Financial Service product for solar

Biomass chipper, pelletizer, banquette machines for eco charcoal

Wind energy intervention Engage MFI to provide loan for Energy sector

Solar energy research

incorporate energy as cross cutting in all VC interventions

Fuel from sugar can by-product for cook stoves

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Horticulture (Irrigation, Privatize Agric Input Supply and Extension


Actors & Stakeholders

VC Actors Inputs Suppliers Governance/Regulations Research and Development


Agro-pastoralists in genale and dawa river (Hudet, Moyale, Dolo ado, Melka guba, Filtu, Arero) -Onion pepper cabbage, tomato Farmers in Babile, Haramaya fafen, Jijiga area Commercial producer (Mekenisa, Fethia agro industry, Abebe irrigation farmer in Erer, Babile)

Union (Afren Kello, Areda Libel), Coops, Private traders, Kebribeyan Nursery( mango seedling), Jamal fafen, Input suppliers Harar and DD

MOA, Seed regulation agency, Coop promotion office

SARI, Melkasa Agri. Research institute, OARI, JU, HU, SOPARI, Jijiga TVET, Fedis research center

Aggregators/ Collectors

private traders, Fethia Agro Industry , SME

Individual farmers, Coops, Private company, Horti. Coops, Private Companies (Chemtex, General chemical trading, Axum trading, Adami Tulu)

Processors/ Value


Small scale processors in JJ, HH, DD K/beyan (Juice makers)


Private traders , Neima (big trader in JJ),

Traders (Shashemene, hawassa, Addis Ababa, Adama, yabello


Many individual traders

End Market Consumers

urban community (Negele, oyale, Somalia, Kenya, Harar, DD, JJ, Addis Ababa, Hartishek, Hargessa

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs

service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/


Southern Cluster

Onion production(G/dola, Hudet, Negele, Filtu, Dolo, Moyale, Arero)

Filtu, Negele, liben, D/Ado - Market expansion

Collection(G/Dolla, Negele, Moyale) large scale irrigation- Dawa and genale river ( G/Dolla, Hudet, Filtu, Dolo)

mango, papaya, Potato, Water Mellon (Dolo, Filtu, Moyale, Liben, Negele)

Small scale irrigation- liben Arero, Moyale (O), G/dola, Filtu, Dolo, (Bore hole, pond and river

Small Scale irrigation (liben, Gola, Filtu, Moyale, Hudet, Arero, Dolo, Harisan, Myale (S)

Eastern Cluster

Erer-site zone, Gursum, fafen, Babile, Haramaya, Jijiga zone

Gode- large scale irrigation construction to be started next month by JICA, will have a capacity to irrigate 400 ha, in 4 kebele

Small scale irrigation, Fafen- Gursum, Awbere, D/habur, Jijiga

Afar Cluster Need further Assessment Need further Assessment

SWOT Analysis for Horticulture (Privatize Agric Input Supply and Extension System Strengths Weaknesses

Availability of input supply Inadequate technical capacity

Coops availability Less market oriented

lack of processing facilities

Limited irrigation facilities

Inadequate improved seed supply

Opportunities Threat

Availability of water and land resource Climate change

Availability of Horticulture production technologies


Better awareness on horticulture production Double taxation across regions

High demand for horticulture products Inadequate skilled daily labor

Proximity to regional markets Conflict

Availability o Coops and Unions Drought GoE support

Access to transportation

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it work/not

work? Shallow well bore hole drilling

Shallow well bore hole drilling

low cost

demonstration of small irrigation facilities like tridle pump

Demonstration of tridle pump

supply if mango seedling from local


availability of local drillers

Promotion on private mango seedling

community willingness and readiness

Input supply market

input supply linkage

availability of local supplier (irrigations equipment)

trust between actors

supply source of mango seedling is far

absence of private grafted mango seedling supplier

Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Processing of Tomato and mango Strengthening of market linkage

Storage facility for horticulture (fruits and veg.) Facilitation of supply of improved seed verities, irrigation facilities and new technologies

Strengthening input supply & market system, extension system

Strengthening and expansion of cooperatives

Support individual /commercial oriented private producers and coops

Capacity building for DA's producers, SME

Awareness creation on improved agronomic practices Support actors involved in value addition

Integrate with watershed management Expansion of market infrastructure, maintenance of existing

Introduce new water saving technologies Input supply strengthening

Water capacity study Water use committee strengthening

Introduce Drip irrigation technology and Sprinkler irrigation techno

Capacity building (experience share, trade fair)

Water harvesting Training to farmers on different irrigation scheme

Strengthening customary institutions

Strengthening water use associations

Research on identification of dry-land horticulture adaptable verities

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Livestock – (Live Animal and meat) Value Chains

Actors & Stakeholders

VC actor Input suppliers Governance/Regulations

Research and Development

Producers pastoralist, gro- Pastoralist, Feed lot operators

Feed suppliers ( Ethic-Feed), public & private animal health service, Water and salt suppliers

Coops promotion Agency, BOA, Livestock Agency, BoT

HU, JU, SoRPARI, Fedis RC, Yabello Pastoralist and dry land research center, Debre Zeit university, ILRI, EARI

traders/brokers/ collectors

Small traders, big traders, coops, butcheries, abattoirs' agent

Financial services (MFI, OIB)


Processors/ Value Adders

Export Abattoirs ( Luna, Elfora, organic, Modjo modern, Helmex...), municipality slaughter house at regional and federal level, turkey and Chinese Companies, coops


Wholesalers Live animal traders, (Addis, Adama, DD, JJ, Babile) Informal exporters


Retailer butcheries, Super markets

End Market Consumers

urban consumers, Rural HH, Middle east and some North African countries,

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently VC Activities? Which Potential Future VC Activities?

Southern Cluster Commercial de-stocking through private traders

link livestock coops with Financial service providers

Capacity building of livestock market groups, association and cooperatives

Formalizing cross border trade

linkage of livestock traders with Abattoirs Strengthen vet service

index based livestock increase encouraging local potential traders

livestock marketing coops established and supported (Filtu, Yabello, Dire, Hudet, Liben, G/dola)

support small scale fattening enterprise

strengthening national livestock market information System

linking livestock exporters to local traders

Expansion of drought resistance of fodders

Eastern Cluster Scale up effective livestock IGG in to big IGG (Hartisheck IGG) Strengthening formal livestock trade

Linkage of JESH with livestock traders Introduction and formalizing animal grading for export

Linkage of traders with Export abattoirs Linking JESH with livestock traders

linking livestock traders with financial service

Support quarantine service

Afar Cluster Strengthening market linkage dev't Establish linkage of trader with financial service

revitalizing coops livestock market linkage traders to market and support of livestock infrastructure

SWOT Analysis for Livestock- Live animal and meat value chain

Strengths Weaknesses

increasing number of livestock traders Not market oriented production

large number of livestock population Under developed transportation system

Free grazing at local level Lack of traceability of livestock

improved weakness of pastoralists about live stock market information and international market

Limited quarantine facilities

Limited MIS

Many middle men involvement in the market Unhealthy competition among actors

Lack of unified trade association

Opportunities Threat

Encouraging export policy competition from other countries in the market

proximity to Middle East Animal disease prevalence

High demand for meat at domestic and international market Illegal livestock trade

The existence of live animal export association conflict, drought, climate change, shortage of feed

Cross border trade Middle East Crisis

Ethiopian live stock market information system multiple taxation

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't Work?

Why did it work/not work?

Establishing standard livestock market engaging private actors

Establishing standard livestock market engaging private actors

Go and NGO involvement

MIS MIS Interest of producers

Institutional support (Fed- PA level)

Institutional support (Fed- PA level)

Increase in demand from international market

Commercial destocking Commercial destocking profitability of the business

legalizing boarder trading legalizing boarder trading

Promoting livestock trade by NGO

Market root description and establishing

Market root description and establishing

Quarantine and inspection Quarantine and inspection

Identifying potential livestock market

Identifying potential livestock market

Problem in local market and not

considered agro-ecology and participation

Commercial restocking Commercial restocking

Support livestock market coops Support livestock market coops

Support local commercial abettors

Support local commercial abettors

Establishment of livestock market stall

Establishment of livestock market stall

Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Support market hub facility and networking Linkage of livestock trader with JESH creating competitive environment at international livestock market continue route defining Guaranteeing / ensuring transaction Legalizing export route in southern cluster Revitalize NLM's MIS Support standard and grading from live animal and meat facilitation of animal feed supply Avoid multiple taxation support formalization of cross border trade reduce # of Brokers Support improvement of transportation system Animal well fair Awareness creation on live animal and meat policy

and regulation Improving Quarantine and health inspection Support newly established abattoirs linking traders with financial service providers reduce long chain of market system EWS and commercial de-stocking

Annotated Bibliography End market analysis Ethiopia livestock and meat (USAID) An IBAR doc livestock market in Kenya, Ethiopia Quick scan on livestock market ( Belachew Huressa) LEGS, ACDI/VOCA LM value chain

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Dairy (Production and Productivity)

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs

service/ Activities? Southern Cluster Milk Processing Cooperative Yabello, Miyo Private & Cooperative milk marketing

Private traders- Yabello, Surpha, Yabelo, Filtu, Moyale, G/Dola, Liben

Assess potential for development of local milk processing

CARE- Milk value chain analysis in Borena Dairy (Goat, Cow, camel) production in all Southern cluster

Dolo ado- Milk quality SC, VSF

Eastern Cluster

Milk coops in fafen, Bomabs, Moli, Hardim, Jijiga,Kebribeyan, Shinile and Degahabur

TA to Amir(product development and marketing)

Support to milk coops (collection, marketing, training, linkage…)

Linkage of Awash milk processing with Eastern cluster Producers (Mile&Hardin)

Reviewing support for Amir Dairy processing Linking producers with coops

Strengthen HH range land management and forage production in Sitti Zone Mieso, fafen zone (Gursum, Jijiga, K/beyan, Babile) linkage producers with input suppliers

Afar Cluster Need Further Assessment Need Further Assessment


Service Providers &

Input Supplier

Governance and


Research and


End Market/


Coops promotion

Agency, BOA,

Livestock Agency



Dairy equipment

supplies ( Gasto

trading, Neway

place, bio-thech,

Tropical pharma….)

Regional Vet lab

Processors/ Value




equipment suppliers

(churner, aluminum

milk cans, cream




BOA, free extension

service, coops and

traders, CHAWs, PVP

Coops promotion

Agency, BOA,

Livestock Agency


Fedis RC, Yabello

Pastoralist and dry

land research center,

Debre Zeit

university, ILRI, EARI

Generic Value Chain Actors Dairy Sub-Sector

Pastoralist and agro-pastoralist HH (+ 5 million),

Pre-urban dairy farmers

Rural and Urban HH, Cafeterias, Kenya, Somali land, Universities, boarding schools, hospitals, military


Individual milk shops, traders, pre-urban dairy farmers, supermarkets

milk coops, Individual wholesalers

Small scale milk processors in Supha Yabello,

hamdail (DD), G/dola, JJ, Gashaw Awash Processing

Milk Coops, (Camel& cow):- Al Nasri, Tewekel,

Hoden, Ehulkhan, Al Amin, Iskufila, and Coops in

Moyal, Yabelo, G/ola and Liben, commercial milk


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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Dairy (Production and Productivity) Strengths Weaknesses

Pastoralist endogenous knowledge on dairy Limited awareness both at producers and policy makers

Commitment to overcome challenges Cultural limitation on milk sell ( Filtu)

Poor sanitation

Inconsistence approach by NGOs

Lack of consistence support and control from local GOs

Traditional way of marketing

Opportunities Threat

Promising range land especially in Borena & Liben Zone

Erratic rainfall

Potential production Pasture competition

Huge demand (local, export) Disease (FMD, Anthrax, Mastitis..)

Urbanization Conflict

Economic growth poor infrastructure

Conducive enabling environment Women involvement in Dairy

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't


Why did it work/not


Establishing Coops to enhance production and productivity ( Save the children, CARE)

Establishing Coops to enhance production and productivity ( Save the children, CARE)

Poor Monitoring & follow up by GoE

Pasture land management to improve dairy production (CARE)

Pasture land management to improve dairy production (CARE) Institutionalizing

of range land

Commitment of Coops and NGO

Forage development around Genale river

Forage development around Genale river

NGO Support

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't


Why did it work/not

work? Upgrading Borena breed it increase dairy production ( Yabello Research center)

Upgrading Borena breed it increase dairy production ( Yabello Research center)

Lack of participation the community

Rain fed fodder and forage production

Recurrent drought

Milk coop establishing and building collection center

Milk coop establishing and building collection center

Availability of ground water in river (seasonal)

Range land management, Bush clearing and water development ( Borena by goe)

Range land management, Bush clearing and water development ( Borena by goe)

Active participation of community

Commercial Camel Dairy by (PC) Commercial Camel Dairy by (PC) Customary institution on NRM by (MC, CARE, PC)

Customary institution on NRM by (MC, CARE, PC)

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Commercialization of dairy production Linking producers with dairy equipment suppliers Support breeding improving in appropriate area Existing fodder production development Linking research institutions with output Strengthening privatized AHS

promoting optimal herd size Linking feed suppliers with producers Support research and development on dairy production, feed, breed

Strengthening traditional wet and dry season gathering management

Establishing collection system and processing center

Training on Producers on milk quality and hygiene

Establishing milk marketing Union EWS and emergency response (risk management)

Understanding Policy and regulation on dairy production

Link coops and traders with financial service providers

Improve transportation system

Strengthen existing milk coops, private milk traders, thorough training, material support and exchange visit

Annotated bibliography

ILRI Dairy value chain assessment in Afar and Shinile, JJ by Save UK and SNV

EARI Milk shade data collection by Mercy corps and SNV

IPMS Milk value chain analysis in Somali region and EH ( MC: RAIN)

ESAP Dolo Ado milk quality analysis - Save the children

Milk value chain analysis (CARE)

Dairy (Transportation and Marketing)

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Actors & Stakeholders

Market /outlet Transportation Governance/Regulations Research and Development


From rural area to nearby village in Southern cluster, EC (Fafen, Babile, Awsherif, Sudani) Dendema, Gillo, Mgala Anani, Dofedha

On foot and donkey

Coops promotion Agency, BOA, Livestock Agency

HU, JU, SoRPARI, Fedis RC, Yabello Pastoralist and dry land research center, Debre Zeit university, ILRI, EARI

Aggregators/ Collectors

Collection center ( JJ, K/beyan, Hartishek, D/habur, DD, harar, Haramaya, Awash

On foot and donkey, Isuzu truck, Dyna, min bus, Pick-ups (Babile, Meieso, Hartishek, K/Beyan)


Processors/ Value


Small scale milk processors in Supha Yabello, hamdail (DD), G/dola, JJ, Gashaw Awash Processing, Women coops

Cold chain (Hamdail & Afkat)


milk coops, Individual wholesalers (JJ, Babile, Harar , Hartishek, Awash, )

Isuzu Truck and Pickup to Hargessa, Somali land

Regional Vet lab


Restaurants, Shops, individual women traders in several towns in Eastern and southern clusters

End Market Consumers

Rural and urban HH, (JJ, Harar, DD, Babile, milk centers, hospitals, Somali land, Hartishek, Hargessa

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/


Southern Cluster

Surpha milk collection (coops) Marketing and transportation to moyale Kenya Moyale- establishing groups for processing

Goro Dola (coops) collection and selling Dolo Ado, Supha, Hidi Lola ( strengthen collection center, sheltering)

Filtu (Haya Suftu) Coops collection and selling Promoting Coops to Union

Hidi local (Mio) collection and selling processors Linking Coops with Awash and Amir processing plant

Eastern Cluster

Alhamin- Fafen, Hwmut (collection and marketing, transportation to Hargessa)

Linking Coops to Amir and Awash processing plant

Haramaya plant ( collection Processing, marketing)

Promotion of milk quality and Hygiene in all area

Berwako (coop) production, processing, marketing to Jijiga)

Up grading and construction of new milk collection shade in all area

Bomabas/ Gursum- Al Mensur Coop(Collection transportation and sell to Hargesa)

Babile coops -Production, collection , transportation and selling to nearby towns)

4 coops In K/beyan, collection, transportation and sell in JJ and Hargessa)

Facilitating Amir milk processing plant in JJ

Mullu Coops - Collection and selling

Afar Cluster Need further Assessment Need further Assessment

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Dairy Transportation and marketing Strengths Weaknesses

Organic milk production Undeveloped dairy processing

Strong social ties and trust among producers, traders and transportation providers in pastoralism area

Raw milk consumption habit

Increase awareness on milk and milk products Poor consumption habit in Highland area

Lack of coordination among GoE, NGOs, research and private sector)

Milk supply shortage

Limited transportation

Informal cross boarder milk trade

Poor hygiene, transportation facility and handling

Opportunities Threat

Increased domestic demand Competition from imported milk

Increase private sector transportation service High mobility of livestock in search for pasture

Low competition in market Price fluctuation

Expansion of infrastructure by GoE Inflation and exchange rate variation during cross border trade

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked?

What Didn't Work?

Why did it work/not work?

milk collection center established by MC, SC UK

milk collection center established by MC, SC UK

material provision but not functional

neither market linkage created not fully equipped

Small scale milk coop (Supha and JJ)

support was not sustainable promotion

Provision of milk processing equipment

awareness creation technical support

Provision of aluminum milk transportation equipment

Engaging dairy milk processing plant by private sector Experience sharing

Engaging dairy milk processing plant by private sector

multi stakeholders plat forum for milk marking in JJ

nobody has taken over the initiative

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

milk value addition Milk hygiene training packaging and transportation Strengthen milk collection (yabello, Dola, moyale,

liben) Scale up commercial owned dairy enterprise Linkage wholesalers and transport service providers linkage research and extension (Between produced and processors

Establishment market center and access to equipment supply

formalize cross boarder milk trade Strengthening local processors

improve milk quality market mapping and industry analysis

Promoting coops , union to collection, transporting processing and marketing

Experience sharing visit

piloting small scale dairy enterprise

Support milk transportation and preserving sector

Livestock (Feed & Fodder)

End Market



Enabling Environment


Processors/ Value





Input Suppliers:

Actors & Stakeholders

SoRPARI, OARI<,ILRI, Universities…

Research and Development

MoA, MDTI, Regioanl labs, Livestock agency


(Agro indestrial by-product, DD food complex,

Harar Brewery, Bereket flour factory, Brothers

flour factory, cemet factorie, oil industry, coops,

Farmers ( crop residue and hey), Commercial


pastoralist, LS producers, feed lot operators ,

LS exporters, Abbators

Traders (hey, residue, flour mill by products

and mixing ingredients

Commercial Livestock farmes, poultry, dairy,

fattning) get feed from Coops & unions, LS

traders, Feed traders, exporters,

Feed processing companies: more than 15(

Ethio feed, Modge, Awahs, Metahara, Akaki,

Commercial Livestock farmes, poultry, dairy,

fattning) get feed from Coops & unions, LS

traders, Feed traders, exporters,

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/ Activities?

Southern Cluster

Forage Development (UN-FAO) around gentle and dew river

Linking producers/traders with commercial processes ( Dry season)

Rangeland improvement (Save the children International in Arero district

Support forage conservation ( crop residue ad hey)

Range land improvement support

Holistic NRM

Eastern Cluster Linkage livestock traders and ethio feed plc Promotion of commercial animal feed processing

Pilot forage development (Babile and Sitti zone) Awareness creation on the utilization of supplementary feed

Training on supplementary feeding and utilization

Facilitate and engage private animal feed processing

trail on cactus as possibility for animal feed Support traditional dry and wet Season pasture management

forage development by SoRPARI ( fafen and Jijiga)

berwako Agro-Dairy farm JJ ( Elephant grass /Sudanese processing)

Afar Cluster utilization of Procopius as animal feed

SWOT Analysis for Livestock- Feed and Fodder Strengths Weaknesses

Availability of customary institution limited distribution to pastoralist and remote area

Availability of drought reserving system inadequate knowledge on wet feed conservation

Availability of adaptive feed and fodder verities Less accessibility of compound feed

Availability of animal feed expert and professionals lack of awareness on improved feed utilization

Opportunities Threat

High demand Drought

Limited supplying actors Conflict


Enabling environment is good (Gov't policy, NGO and donors attention)

Availability of land for feed production

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't Work? Why did it work/not


Forge and forage seed dev't Forge and forage seed dev't

Private seed production commercial

Private seed production commercial

Market linkage (feed producers with buyers)

Market linkage (feed producers with buyers)

Area closure in Borena Area closure in

Borena Area closure in Borena (part of it)

Social inclusion and informal system

Capacity building Capacity building Capacity building (50%)

Involvement of NGO, MDTI

provision of equipment for feed preparation

provission of equipment for feed preparation

Feed quality and standard Feed quality and standard

Feed quality and standard

No enough attention given

Info desimination Info desimination New attempts

Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Familiarization of feed system Support local feed production research on verities of grass species Identification of feed supplier Expansion of irrigation scheme Link feed supplier with producers

Support SoRPARI' s forage research outcomes and other research institution for forage dev't organizing coops for small fodder production

Linkage producers with feed suppliers through milk collection center organizing coops for small fodder production

Link Feed producers with financial service providers Rotational grazing system

Include fodder in trade fair

Linkage of feed processor with animal traders

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop



Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/ Activities?

Southern Cluster

poultry production by groups/ coops ( Dollo/SCI) Strengthening poultry producer groups

establishing new poultry production coops

supplying of high productivity exotic breeds

disease prevention and control

Eastern Cluster Production and marketing

Awareness creation on management, health of poultry and include it in CHAWS curriculum

Degahabour, Awbere, Kebribeyan, Shinile (Sheder0, Jijiga (Hardim)

Support poultry market and support supply of poultry feed and drugs through PVP

Assessement for potential areas for investment work with research centers

Esposure and experience visits training and piloting improved poultry production

support poultry production for exotic breeds

strengthen poultry production coops

Support establishment of large scale poultry production initiatives

Afar Cluster Need further Assessment Need further Assessment

Generic Poultry Value Chain map from Pastoralist area to End market

End Market



WholesalersElphora and other

poultry farms


Value Adders










traders at different local markets,

farmers, shops (egg), Traders for

commercial purpose,

super markets

Organizations for


Commercial farms








ProducersHH ( pre urban and agro


urban poultry keepers),

Commercial poultry


Research centers

and universities

Input suppliers

Urban and rural HH, universities, Hotels, hospitals,..etc..

traders at different local markets, farmers, Research centers, shops (egg), commercial farms

Abdirebi PLC, Many SMEs in

Debre Zeite, Elfora, Alem,

Genesis farm

commercial Checked breeds hatchers ( Many SMEs in Debre Zeit), feed processing companies


Enabling Environment

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Poultry

Strengths Weaknesses

Adaptability of local breeds with in shortage of feed, climate change and disease

Feed and medication utilization is limited

exotic breeds are less adaptive to local climate change, shortage of feed and has less resistance to disease

low productivity for local species

Opportunities Threat

Less competition High disease (risks, susceptibility)

Low investment predators attack for extensive production

high profitability cultural barriers in pastoralists area

research institutions high cost for improved breed

Availability of feed and medication

high demand for chicken and egg Availability of technologies (incubators,

hatcheries and feed)

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What

Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it work/not work?

Poultry association Need further assessment

Need further assessment Expensive animal feed by suppliers

Distribution of improved breeds

Uncertainty of exotic breeds

Importing of docs, and fertile eggs

No pure line in Ethiopia (grandparent-stock)

Capacity building Couldn't Advertise products in media

Poultry oriented feed production

Farmers paying VAT when buying feed and D.O.C but didn't collect VAT while selling and this makes them uncompetitive

Supplying of docs by genesis farm to farmers Involving private sectors to poultry business Goe and NGO effort

Importing potential stocks in Debre zeite and farms Buying quality feed from Suppliers like Alem

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Introduction, familiarization and utilization of poultry production technologies

Linkage of feeds and drugs to poultry producers

Working with research centers, universities, support establishment of large scale poultry product initiatives

Awareness creation on poultry management, health and

Support poultry market improvement Training and piloting improved poultry production techniques

Support poultry drug supply through PVP and chaws

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Privatize Animal health Service

Actors & Stakeholders

VC actors Input suppliers Governance/Regulations Research and Development


Adami Tulu, NVI at DZ, EHNRI, Ethio American Pharmaceutical, East African Parma

MOA, APHIRS, Livestock agency, DACA

NAHDI, Regional lab, HU, AAU, JU,, tufts University


Addis (Tropical, Easko, Biotech, Newy Plc) regional Hiowot (DD) Habo vet pharm (Harar), Agro Vet (Jijiga)

Addis (Tropical, Easko, Biotech, Newy Plc) regional Hiwot (DD) Habo vet pharm (Harar), Agro Vet (Jijiga)


CHAWs, PVP in most district of SC and EC

End Market Consumers

Pastoralists, Agro-pastoralists, Pre urban & procures

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs service/Activities?

Which Potential Future TOPs service/ Activities?

Southern Cluster

PVP Participating professionals and technicians in to privatize AHS

Yabello -5 Negele-4 Establishing forum for PVP and CHAWs

Moyale-4 Gordola 3 Assisting PVP in business planning

hudet-2 Filtu-3

Das-2 Miyo


Eastern Cluster

PVP strengthening ( Jijiga, Harshin, K/Beyan, Babile, D/harbor, Shinile, Afdem., Erer, Awbere, ararso)

Strengthening expansion of PVP, CHAWS and public-private partnership

Strengthening linkage in input supply side

Support to PVP ( Financial, technical, equipment, linkage with CHAWs,

Support to public sector( Public AH technician training, Support Gov't vaccine campaign and treatment

Afar Cluster Need Further Assessment Need Further Assessment

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Privatize Animal Health Service Strengths Weaknesses

Growing interest from pastoralist on PAHS Poor institutional capacity of vet & CAHWs system

Increase livestock value Lack of ownership for Gov't and Chaws service

Affordability for vet drugs improved Lack of institutional associations for chaws

Proximity neighboring country (Kenya and Somali land)

Lack of commitment by goe sector departments

Limited support to CHAWS from Woredas offices

Opportunities Threat

Resistance of AHS policy Frequent drought

Expansion of cahws Smuggled Vet drugs

Availability of Vet drugs supplier Free drug distributions by organizations

Growing involvement of professionals

Expansion of livestock production

Institutional presence for R & Growing demand for live animal and meat

Increase in number of stockholders in the sector

Disease outbreak

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it work/not work?

Chaws -networking with PVP

Chaws -networking with PVP High demand

VSC establishment VSC establishment Business r/ship Chaws coops establishment

Chaws coops establishment Profitability

PVP establishment PVP establishment Acceptance and accessibility Chaws SMS reporting system

Chaws SMS reporting system Weak monitoring from actors

Support establishment of sustainable vet input supply

Support establishment of sustainable vet input supply Inadequate interest

CHAWS linkage with GoE vet services Incentive base

Treating and vaccinating against important local diseases

Treating and vaccinating against important local diseases

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Upgrading CAHWs through training to Animal health technician in collaboration with relevant GoE office

Quick Assessment of CAHWs service performance

Strengthening the business model of PVP and CAHWs are regional level

Stakeholder analysis in regional to private vet service

Establishing and strengthen cross boarder AHI Quick assessment of PVP bottlenecks

Franchising PVP(like Kenyan CIDAI model) Participating Professionals and technicians in AH input supply

Support R & D Link emergency intervention with long term dev't

Trade fair

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop



Actors & Stakeholders

VC Actors Inputs Suppliers Governance/Regulat


Research and



Fishery-men organized

around Dawa, Genale and

Wabishebele River (By GIZ),

Fishery Coops in Negele area

and Dawa river , Fishery men

in Dolo ado (Genale river),

Groups from Gode using

Wabishebele river

shops in town

supplying hooks

No formal regulation

is enforced in these

areas , there is real

concern on certain

clan dominance

Oromia Fishery Research

institute, AAU, National

Fishery research institute

in Sebeta




Fishery-men around Dawa

river dry fish using sun-dry

few deep freeze

suppliers, otherwise

it is subsistence


- - - -

Retailer In Negele fish traders


End Market

Consumers Hotels and consumers

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs

service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/


Southern Cluster Negele

Along Genale and Dawa river there is huge potential for future intervention

Dolo Ado-Liben

Goro Dolla- Guji

Eastern Cluster

Afar Cluster Awash Basin Awash basin areas, Lake Abea _Ethio Djibouti boarder

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Fisheries Sub-Sector Strengths Weaknesses

Value addition Low extension in fisheries

Women involvement Low awareness of the community

Presence of freezing and supplying to the town market Pastoralist dependence only on livestock

Opportunities Threat

Fish is a virgin stock to increase production of fish Pollution from siltation and negligence

Increase in price for livestock and fish can be substitute Discrimination of fisher men in Somali community

Many small towns which can be potential market for fish Limited access due to conflict between clans

Required less investment at producer level

Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Strengthening fisheries extension system Facilitate fisher men to access material and skill training

Deep Fish value chain study Review what GIZ have done & scale up its best practices

Fish farm development Collaborate with Fish for All organization

Sensitize GOE on strengthening policy towards environmental pollution

Promote nutritional value of fish & scale-up

Encourage value addition at community level

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't Work? Why did it work/not

work? Studies on the potential and possible intervention through basin study

GIZ intervention , increased production, livelihood creations, increase supply of fish to community due to extension

Need further Assessment

Properly designed

GIZ - established fish-coops Around Genale and dawa river and provided Technical support and training

Good promotion work

Provided start-up kits like hooks, nets..

Awareness creation was done

Capacity building (TOT) for GoE experts

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Grain Storage and Post-Harvest Losses (Grain, Seed & Feed at HH +

Industry level)

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently VC Activities? Which Potential Future VC Activities? Southern Cluster

Need further assessment Need further assessment

Eastern Cluster Gursum Expansion in the existing Woredas

Babile K/beyan, Erer, Dembel



Midhega Tola



Afar Cluster Need further assessment Need further assessment


Service Providers &

Input Supplier

Governance and


Research and


End Market/

ConsumersLCRDB &BOA


FSS COOPs Agents,( JJ ,Awbere)

WholesalersHiTech (Addis Ababa)

Processors/ Value




ProducersGrain Pro (Kenya, and

Other countries) Plastic sheet sellers

(Dire, Harar, JJ) LCRDB &BOA Grain Pro

Value Chain Actors in Post Harvest Storage Subsector

Farmers (Gursum, Babile, Fedis, Midega, Haramaya, JJ, Awbere)

Mesele (Dire dawa), Mohammed (Harar),

Haramaya University,

Fedis Research Center,

SoRPARI, Tufts

University, Jijiga


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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Post-harvest losses (Grain, Seed and feed at HH + Industry Level)

Strengths Weaknesses

Locally made Limited awareness on the importance of using storage bag

Easy production and use low adoption rate of storage bag

Long useful life if appropriable used Reluctance in digging appropriate pit that is compatible with the existing bags

Opportunities Threat

Availability of raw material (plastic sheet) getting appropriate pit cover by farmers

Demand for post-harvest storage bag due to high PH loss

Standardizing the size of plastic bag across the farmers /HH

Availability producers and suppliers

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it

work/not work? Private Sector plastic bag production and distribution (By RAIN Project)

Private Sector plastic bag production and distribution

Incompatibility of the storage bag for existing traditional pits

Cost share

Promotion and awareness creation of storage bag

Promotion and awareness creation of storage bag

Awareness creation and promotion responded well by creating more demand

Promotion of storage bag on Trade fair

Awareness on importance of storage bag is improved due to promotion

Suggestions for Ways Forward Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

large scale production of plastic bag Training, coaching and awareness creation on storage bags research on impact of bag before and after slowly minimizing the subsidy(cost share) Improving access to finance Organize SME to produce storage bag at local level

facilitate participation of coops and unions in production and distribution develop standard pit design to promote plastic bag

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Wheat & Other Grains

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently VC Activities? Which Potential Future VC Activities?

Southern Cluster Wheat (G/Dolla, Liben)

Wheat (Wardera, Adola, Bulehora, Glean, Abaya, MeqaDillo, Miyo)

Teff (G/Dolla, Liben) teff (Teltele, Yabello, Moyale (o)

Maiz (D/Dolla, liben, Moyale) Maize (G/Dola, Moyale, Meqa, Yabello,Wardera)

groundnut (Hudet, Dolo) Groundnut (Dolo, Filtu, Moyale (s), Miyo)

Eastern Cluster Wheat Wheat

Tulu Guled Tulu Guled

Awbere Aw-Bare

Jijiga District Jijig district

K/Beyan K/beyan

Afar Cluster Need further assessment Need further assessment


Service Providers &

Input Supplier

Governance and


Research and


End Market/

Consumers Pastoralist HH Urban Dwellers Pastries Bakeries


Local Traders Local Distributes Shops Shops Coop, Union, Traders


Local Traders Regional Distributors Flour Factory

Commercial wheat

producers on rented


Haramaya University,

Coops, traders, Fedis

Research Center,


Processors/ Value

Adders Liben Flour factory

Kara Mara Flour

factory Durdur flour factory

Dire dawa Food


Coops, Traders, (Ali

Aw Beshbesh)

Regional Investment



Collectors Local Cereal Traders Cooperatives Flour factory agents Women traders Coops, Union

ProducersCoops, Union and

Individual traders




Haramaya University,

Jijiga University,


Value Chain Actors in Wheat Subsector

Agro-pastoralist, Commercial wheat producers on rented land

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Wheat and Other Grain Sub-Sector

Strengths Weaknesses

Willingness to adopt new technology by producers and processors

It Is rain feed

Increasing transition from traditional pastoral practice to diversified farming system (Youth & New generation)

lack of market information

Good Endogenous knowledge small scale production

shortage of Agri. Inputs

disconnected/disorganized market system

poor agronomic knowledge

Opportunities Threat

Availability of many potential processors Climate Change

fertile land & favorable agro ecology Rainfall variability

Availability of Agri. University for research and development (Jijiga and Haramaya University)

Slower rate of change in pastoral community

Availability of rental tractor service Price fluctuation

inadequate financial services

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What

Worked? What Didn't

Work? Why did it work/not

work? Wheat production (liben) Wheat

production need further assessment

need further assessment

Haricot bean (Liben, G/dola, Hudet, Moyale)

Haricot bean

Groundnut (Hudet, Moyale) Groundnut

East harangue need further assessment

Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Strengthen gov't and private extension system Improve market linkage for wheat seed varieties

Quality improvement and grading system Creating access to financial service Support private investors Support private sector and cooperatives in tractor,

harvesting and other farm tools equipment leasing

Support research on Dry land crop variety development and extension

Facilitate market linkage and expansion

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Private Tree Nursery (Fruit, timber & Ornamental)

Actors & Stakeholders

VC actors Input suppliers Governance/R

egulations Research and Development


Mekenisa private tree nursery (Babile), Private Mango seedling producers ( Liben), Private nursery ( Filtu, Negele, Arero) Fethia Agro Industry

Solomon and gezahagn (Negele), Adil (DD), Jemal (Fafen), MSEs( Babile)

ADRO EIAR, HU, JJU, SORPARI, ILRI, Melkasa Research center

Collectors /Aggregators

Fethia Agro industry, NGO (PC) in Filtu PSNP

Processors/ Value



Melkasa Research center, Africa Juice, Gezahagn and Solomon in Negele


Nursery operators

End Market Consumers

farmers, coops, individuals

Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs

service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/

Activities? Southern Cluster Seedling production and distribution Linkage with wide area business actors

Negele, Gordola, Filtu, yabello ( Arero, Dolo, Borena zone)

Eastern Cluster

Private sector seedling production and input supply

Fedis woreda, Haramaya, Kombolcha, Awbere, Degahabur

East Hararghe (Babile, Gursum,


DD (Sitti Zone), fafen, JJ

Afar Cluster Need further assessment Need further assessment

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Private tree Nursery ( Fruit, Timber and Ornamental)

Strengths Weaknesses

Promising initiative for private tree seedling production

Poor community awareness on tree management and seedling production

Willingness by farmers The sector is at its infant stage and lack of


GoE support low business skill

inadequacy financial service

The VC system lack market infrastructure

Opportunities Threat

Water Resource (surface and underground)

lack of high yield varieties

high market opportunity lack of knowledge on seed verities

good Agro-ecology around river basin input Supply problem

high Demand recurrent drought

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't Work? Why did it work/not

work? Nursery establishment (PSNP)

Distribution of seedling (was under capacity)

Performance verses demand was very limited

Limited capacity ( input, financial and skill)

Seedling distribution in Negele

Mango seedling production by private nursery

Unable to introduce agro ecology adaptive species

Lack of commitment

RAIN has Supported Private Nursery

Facilitation of mango seedling production through coops

Lack of well-organized coops

Facilitation of Mango input Supply and output market

The support from NGO was counter business model

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Support area specific research for private tree nursery Improve Access to Finance and linked with local retailers

Promoting sustainable technology, input and feasible market infrastructure system

Supply of environmental friendly inputs and species

Strengthen enabling environment private sector mango seedling grafting in Babile

continuous coaching Multi- stakeholders intervention for awareness creation

Integrate public- private model

Support research on important varieties and modern technologies

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Prosopis, Gums, Resins and NTFPs

Actors & Stakeholders VC actors

Input suppliers

Governance/Regulations Research and Development


Prosopis charcoal (Amhara, Tigray, Wolayta, Afar) Gums and Resins (farmers traders, coops and private and public enterprises)


For G&R (private traders, coops, women groups)

Prosopis ( PLI I), Kenyan forest research institute (KeFRI), CARE-Cornell- Jimaa University (Bio CHAR), HU, JU, CIFOR

Collectors /Aggregators

Highlanders( Prosopis charcoal), G&R women groups in Yabelo and Liben

Processors/ Value


Merchants, G&R processing Enterprises,

- SoS Sahel and Action for Development


Merchants, G&R Enterprises, other individuals



truck drivers from Djibouti and pastoralists and agro pastoralists (charcoal), petty traders G&R


End Market Consumers

urban and pre urban dwellers, livestock owners (Prosopis -feed), International market, Singapore and other middle East markets


Geography: Identifying communities where VC Currently Active vs. Potential for Expansion

Woredas Which Currently TOPs service/Activities? Which Potential Future TOPs service/

Activities? Southern Cluster Collection, processing and selling of G & R Processing, labeling, grading of G&R

Moyale, Dolo, Teltele of Borena

Guji ( Liben, Filtu Hudet)


Arero, Dhas

Eastern Cluster Prosopis (Shinile) Processing, labeling, grading of G&R

G&R ( Degahabur, Aware,

Charcoal production

Afar Cluster

Prosopis (Afar Zone 3 ( Gewane, Awash fentale, Gewane, Duecha) Honey production

timber making with specialist equipment

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


SWOT Analysis for Prosopis , Gums, Resins and (NTFT)

Strengths Weaknesses

using tree (NTFT ) Adaptation to CC Lack of land tenure clarity

improved land resource lack of strategy and policy

National market for lower grade product Low return for production

Opportunities Threat

Organized groups exists for gums and resins problem of reinvasion of Prosopis

Private actors engaged problem of regeneration (G&R)

Availability of Export market for G&R Rapid change in climate condition

Good awareness among business actors lack of proper clearing management

high demand for charcoal Illegal trade (G&R)

carbon sequestration for bio CHAR lack of tenurship demand for organic and low cost fertilizer Nondiscriminatory clearing of other species

Lessons Learned

What's been tried? What Worked? What Didn't Work? Why did it work/not

work? Prosopis control ( pod crushing, converting land for crop production) - Farm Africa and Ethio-feed

Charcoal making from Prosopis

Limited implementation of policies Coppices aggressively

Charcoal making from Prosopis ( Farm Africa)

pod crushing ( Small Scale)

very labor intensive

Bio-fertilizer from Prosopis

G&R coops still functional

Low commitment and lack of cooperation between actors

marketing of Prosopis pods Environmental issue ( national to local)

Distance of forest and processing plant

Market linkage for G&R ( SNV) In Sudan- large scale mechanical clearing of Prosopis

High transportation cost

Mechanical clearing of Procopius

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Summary of Findings from Value Chain Information Gathering Workshop


Suggestions for Ways Forward

Long Term Interventions Quick Wins/Low Hanging Fruit

Awareness rising on Prosopis control Honey production ( Prosopis area)

Rehabilitation of agriculture and grazing land (Prosopis cleared )

Livestock feed from Prosopis

Planting G& R tree for commercial charcoal making from Prosopis

Woodwork fro Prosopis Strengthen regulatory actors to protect NR and env't

Strengthening of Prosopis, G&R VC Assist coops engaged in G &R business

Bio-fertilizer production from Prosopis Research for better market for G&R

Industrial analysis for G&R

Promote private enterprise that address and promote the whole chain issue of forest and env't

Strengthen exporters and coops networking

certification, standard and grading for G & R