summary phd thesis the effectiveness of the monetaryș...

"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration Domain: Finance Summary PhD Thesis The effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the context of globalization Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ovidiu Stoica PhD. Student: Andreea Andries (Nastase) -Iasi, 2014-

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Page 1: Summary PhD Thesis The effectiveness of the monetaryș (Năstase... · PhD Thesis The effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission mechanism

"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration

Domain: Finance


PhD Thesis

The effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission

mechanism in the context of globalization

Scientific Coordinator:

Prof. Univ. Dr. Ovidiu Stoica PhD. Student:

Andreea Andries (Nastase)

-Iasi, 2014-

Page 2: Summary PhD Thesis The effectiveness of the monetaryș (Năstase... · PhD Thesis The effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission mechanism



In the present research we have proposed as a general objective to

highlight the economic and financial impact of globalization on the

effectiveness of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy signals,

particularly from a qualitative perspective, taking into consideration the

complexity and topical of the phenomenon studied.

CHAPTER 1 Mutations in the content and objectives of monetary

policy in the context of globalization

In the first chapter of the research we have reviewed

considerations regarding the evolution and developments that revolve

around monetary policy under the imprint of globalization, both in terms of

the factors that enhance the effectiveness of the activity of central banks,

and those acting for the purpose of reducing it.

With increasing independence, central banks have obtained a

greater freedom in the choice and implementation of their strategies, which

is why over time, monetary policy strategies were under the sign of


Despite the advantages of other monetary policy strategies, we

believe that inflation targeting strategy (with a certain level of flexibility

required by the economic and financial environment in countries that

practice this regime) is the most appropriate to use, of evidence being also

the evolution in the macroeconomic performances to which it has been

referred to in the present study.

With the onset of the current international crisis, the role of

monetary policy has gained a new dimension by assigning to central banks

(explicitly or not) the mission of ensuring financial stability. It should be

noted, however, that expanding the powers of the central bank in this

sphere should not be seen only through the prism of trust granted to

monetary authorities, but especially in the light of the tasks received,

which is likely to potent the diminishing independence in relation to the

political factor.

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In the same vein, circumstances of crisis (as components of

globalization) can determine changes in the hierarchy of objectives of the

central banks and decrease monetary policy performances, without the

effectivenes of the monetary policy transmission mechanism to be directly


Once the fundamental objective changes, transformations occur

also at the level of monetary instruments. In this regard, the central bank's

arsenal has recently been completed with "unconventional" monetary

policy tools, for a period of time not clearly delimited, that managed to

improve the functionality of the monetary mechanism. Moreover, in the

context of maintained anemic economic growth worldwide and the

uncertainty associated with the sovereign debt crisis, we believe that there

are sufficient grounds for which the new frame of thinking in monetary

policy matters to include part of the so-called "unorthodox" measures.

CHAPTER 2 Monetary policy influences over the real economy

In the second part of our research we approached the transmission

mechanism of monetary impulses from a general perspective, in the light

of specialized literature, following, in particular, three areas: the

relationship between the real and monetary economy, characteristics of

monetary transmission channels and factors of influence on their


In addition to structural transformations in the economy, other

important determinants of the transmission process of monetary impulses

are the following closely related to the speeding up of economic and

financial globalization: amplification of financial innovation, increasing

connections between financial systems, raising interdependecies in

financial markets, increasing degree of economic openness, economic and

financial turbulences, evolution in the level of public debt and not only.

In the same vein, in the context of accelerating globalization,

monetary transmission channels have undergone numerous mutations, in

terms of importance. Thus, in terms of the development of financial

markets, has taken up the interest rate channel (and complementary, the

credit channel with banking systems development subsequently), and in

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recent years, it is has been put more and more emphasis on the inflation

expectations channel.

Also, in the context of the current international financial crisis was

shaped a new channel of monetary transmission, namely the risk taking

channel and it is put under question the increasing importance of asset

prices channel.

As monetary policy decidents are aware of the wide-scale impact

of globalization on the economic and financial sphere, at least in theory,

recent studies have questioned the possibility of a global framework

development for the transmission of monetary policy signals. Despite the

fact that the benefits of formulating a monetary global framework are

evident, we believe that the specifics of economies constitute an essential

barrier to the design of a global framework for the transmission of

monetary impulses, as well as the nature of the fundamental objectives.

From the perspective of the degree of economic development,

unlike developed countries, emerging states are experiencing considerable

difficulties in the process of influencing the real economy, amid greater

volatility of real and financial variables.

Last but not least, because of the weight of influecing factors and

beyond, central banks face limits in the design and implementation of

monetary policy. It is important however that the impact of these limits to

be as low: thus, if globalization influences the national monetary policy

framework, it is urgently required for the incorporation of a global vision

in the monetary arsenal; although there are objectives which can be

conflicting at times, central banks need to prioritize them appropriately.

CHAPTER 3 The role of transparency and communication of the

actions of central banks in enhancing the efficiency of the monetary


In the third chapter we focused on the role of transparency and

communication in the enhancement of effectiveness of the transmission

mechanism of monetary signals both in the real and financial plan. This

chapter begins with an overview of the two dominant forms of

communication in monetary policy which have been the subject of many

controversies, namely the „action” and „word”.

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One of the most important advantages of an increased transparency

is the raise in monetary policy predictability, which is why we considered

useful to highlight it using the ARIMA model. The results of our research

on the predictability of monetary policy are in line with those in the

literature, according to which, there are periods during crises when

monetary policy needs a certain degree of predictability, for instance,

meant to calm tensions in the market or to counter any actions inconsistent

with economic and financial fundamentals.

In addition to the importance of monetary policy predictability, it is

to be noted the clarity of the messages of central banks in relation to the

general public, which is very little treated in specialized studies, although it

is one of the most complex issues in the communication policy of

monetary authorities.

In order not to remain strictly in the area of qualitative analysis of

clarity of communication on the part of central banks, within the

framework of our research have been used readability statistics and content

analysis on the example of the following central banks of world

importance - the Federal Reserve System, the Bank of Japan, European

Central Bank and the National Bank of Romania, taking into account the

upcoming adoption of euro of the latter.

In spite of the high similarity with respect to the degree of

development of economies surveyed, we found significant differences in

the level of clarity of communication policies of central banks, for

instance, caused by the lack of uniformity in the objectives pursued, but

also by differences in the degree of financial education.

On the same registry ideas on enhancing transparency of central

banks, a recent implication induced by the current global crisis highlights

monetary policy transparency in connection with financial stability. For the

purpose of capturing the link between monetary policy transparency and

the transparency related to financial stability, it has been applied the

analysis of major components (ACP) on the example of the following

states, grouped according to their economic and financial specific: the

Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, on the

one hand, and the United States of America, Japan, United Kingdom and

Germany, on the other hand.

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In the case of the majority of states surveyed, the connection

between the transparency of the communication policy of the banks

regarding the financial stability is positively correlated with government

debt; however, in the medium term, increasing the correlation between the

two variables it is most likely to generate pressures for central banks,

particularly in the context of the alarming growth in public debt.

Following changes in the communication policy of central banks,

from a qualitative perspective, we believe that one of the most important

mutations in the transparency of central banks is the commitment

concerning the monetary policy stance, and in quantitative terms, it is most

likely that we attend to a scale amplification of fiscal information.

CHAPTER 4 The impact of economic and financial globalization on

monetary policy performances

The fourth part of our research is an analysis on the effectiveness of

the monetary transmission mechanism under the impact of globalization.

Thus, are taken into account the particularities of the monetary

transmission mechanism in developed and emerging countries and last but

not least, the implications of economic and financial crises on the process

of transmission of monetary policy decisions on the financial and real

sector, in close relation with innovative tools used by central banks.

Some of the most debated implications of globalization on

monetary policy performances relate to the effects on inflation formation

process and monetary policy transmission mechanism. According to

statistical data, together with the amplification of the phenomenon of

globalization, the inflation rate went on a downward trajectory, leading to

the so-called "Great Moderation".

On this plan, prospects to take into account are numerous:

• integration in the labour market of economies such as China or

India favoured reductions in wages, but also boosted economic growth

rates which exert substantial pressure in the sense of rising prices;

• from the perspective of central banks, increasing the effectiveness

of monetary policy (as evidenced by decreasing lag of monetary policy

transmission and increasing pass-through of interest rates) supports the

reducing inflation;

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• studies attest the fact that globalization has been accompanied by

a reduction in the volatility of gross domestic product, coming out in

support of monetary policy and the list goes on. However, it cannot be

revealed with certainty the role of globalization in reducing the level of

inflation worldwide.

Another mutation in the monetary policy is manifested in the light

of the fact that, in determining inflation nationally, global factors play a

significant role, if not majority, thus affecting the efficiency of the

monetary transmisson, for example through the reduction of interest rate


From a different angle of approach, an unfourable implication on

monetary policy performances is generated by globalization through

economic and financial turbulences. With regard to unconventional

measures adopted by central banks in order to counter the effects of the

global crisis, we believe that bringing into attention the risks and costs

associated with non-standard instruments is more than indicated, taking

into account their magnitude and unprecedented nature.

Considering that the implementation of extraordinary monetary

policy measures succeded to avoid entering into a financial meltdown and

a greater sacrifice of the real economy, we suppport the imminent need of

introducing them, especially in developed countries, from where the

turbulences erupted. However, unknowns regarding the persistence of the

impact of non-standard measuress, lack of precedent and the uncertainty

revolving around their implementation in the light of the risks (of which

detaches the reputational risk) and costs, requires a careful design of

conceiving exit strategies.

Therefore, globalization can influence the monetary policy

performances both favourably and unfavourably, but it is important that

decident authorities to capitalize to a greater extent the benefits of

accelerating interdependencies globally and to eliminate as far as possible,

adverse effects.

CHAPTER 5 Analysis on the functionality of the monetary policy

transmission mechanism in Romania

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Part five of our work is devoted to the analysis of the functionality

of the transmission mechanism of monetary signals in Romania. From an

overall perspective, the evolution in the central bank's strategy plan was in

tune with the global changes in the sense of adopting the flexible inflation

targeting regime.

As of the 2000s, the Romanian banking system has experienced

significant mutations with positive implications reflected in a faster and

more symmetrical transmission of monetary impulses to the economic

activity. So, amid the strengthening of financial intermediation, are

reactivated the credit and interest rate channels wiped out earlier by control

mechanisms established by the state.

Also, in terms of capital controlled by the state, nor the exchange

rate was functional. Currently, however, in the conditions of a high degree

of currency substitution, exchange rate channel proves very active,

including by stimulating exports or for bringing the exchange rate in line

with economic fundamentals, which is why Romania should still avail of

this leverage, and moreover, not to speed up the process of adopting the

single currency if the real economy does not give the expected signal.

Since 2005, when it was adopted the inflation targeting regime,

another channel has acquired a crucial importance in achieving the basic

objective, namely the inflation expectations channel, which has determined

the reconfiguration of the monetary policy transmission mechanism of the

National Bank.

As regards the objective of the National Bank of Romania in the

context of the recent crisis, as was natural, the central bank gave priority to

the goal of ensuring financial stability, without however neglecting the

maintenance of price stability, the latter coming on a strong downward

trend, though not because of NBR`s actions (as resulted also from the

application of a VAR model) but because of external factors such as

deficiency of demand, resumption of downward trend of oil quotations or

good agricultural harvests.

Whereas Romania has an open economy and is under the impact of

globalization, one of the paper's sections aimed specifically at the impact

of the global crisis on the monetary transmission, which is in an early stage

of development.

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If in the financial markets were episodes with major fluctuations

were managed with prudence, quickness and efficiency by the National

Bank, the impact on the real economy is a more delicate matter. Visible

efforts of the central bank to boost economic activity, have not found a

correspondent in the reactions of commercial banks amid strong growth of

risk aversion, drastic reduction in the external financing and demand and

growth of the share of non-performing loans in the portfolios, which surely

contributed to hindering the transmission mechanism of monetary

impulses. Thus, in the case of the NBR, despite the fact that the economic

fundamentals of functioning of monetary transmission channels required a

more expansive monetary policy, the need to ensure financial stability has

hampered the exact implementation of the reaction functions suggested by

monetary models.

From the extensive range of challenges to the National Bank of

Romania, probably the most difficult to manage are those relating to the

central bank’s entrance on the „unorhodox ” tier measures, given the lack

of precedent and implications on the communication policy with the

financial markets and general public, plus the downward trend of inflation,

which is not in line with the central bank's target.

In the medium term, the main challenge for the National Bank of

Romania is lining up to the standards of the ECB for the purpose of joining

the euro area, at present the target being January 1, 2019, but the one that

should give the verdict in this sense shall be the real convergence.

Based on those shown in the framework of our research, it can be

affirmed that the mutations induced by the phenomenon of globalization on

monetary policy, are more than evident. In these circumstances, it is

difficult to assert whether globalization has facilitated the task of the

central bank, or the contrary, that it made it more difficult. One thing is

certain however: currently, central banks do not conceive the development

and implementation of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy

impulses without incorporating a global vision.

Selective bibliography

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