summer assignment2

Music video 1: Ben howard: ‘keep your head up’ P65wbBUpc

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Page 1: Summer assignment2

Music video 1:

Ben howard: ‘keep your head up’


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Introduction:The video I am analysing is keep your head up by ben howard.

This video is in the indie genre as its acousitcally based and has a calming beat.

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Relationship between visuals and lyrics

‘Embrace the darkness in which I swim’

‘Strength of a turning tide’

These visuals represent the lyrics as in the first image he’s talking about the darkness which surrounds him and the image is dark. And In the second image he’s talking about the current and in the image he’s looking at the current.

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‘Keep your head up, keep your heart strong’

‘keep your hair long’

These visuals don’t represent the lyrics in this video as in the first image there talking about keeping your head up and his head is down and in the second image its talking about having long hair and his hair is short.

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Relationship between music and visuals.

Yes the video cuts to the beat of the music as when the beat changes the cuts of the video increases also when the beat increases so does the action in the music video this is shown especially after 2.57

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Close up of the artists or star image motifs?

The artist in this video is represented as care free and as having a love of nature.

The video relates to other videos of ben howard as most of his videos are all featured outside. This is shown in the videos old pine and only love.

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Reference to the notion of looking?

There is no reference to the artist being shown in a sexual way and also no one else in the video is shown in a sexualised way. All images show the artist as having a care free nature and not caring what people think.

There is also no reference to looking in this video.

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Are there intertexual references?

This video doesn’t relate to any other music video by another artist, it fits in with the theme of all of ben howards videos. Which focus on the outdoors. The star is also represented as care free and that he doesn’t care what people think about him and neither does anyone else in the video.

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Is the music video concept, narrative or performance based?

The music video is more narrative based as its about a story where they built a waterslide in the woods but then also the video is concept based as its about the concept of being free and having fun.

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conclusionThe video as a whole is a typical indie video with a calming atmosphere and with a country and care free vibe. This is good as it doesn’t have a proposed look on life.

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Music video 2: ‘smells like teen spirit’ nirvana


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introductionThe video I am analysing is ‘smells like teen spirit’ by nirvana.

This video is a typical video from the rock genre and was produced by Butch Vig.

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Relationship between lyrics and visuals.

There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals in the first image he mentions about light and in the image he has a bright light on him. Also In the second picture Kurt is addressing the audience just like he is in the video.

‘when the lights are’

‘hello, hello, hello’

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There is no relationship between lyrics and visuals as in the first image he’s referencing forgetting but its only focused on his face not on what he’s supposed to of forgotten. And in the second image its about bringing your friends but Kurt is all alone and not among other people’

‘and I forget’

‘bring your friends’

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Relationship between music and visuals.

Yes the video cuts to the beat this is shown when the beat picks up and so does the speed of the cutting of the scenes. This is shown here:

This link also shows how the video changes pace with the music as the beat speeds up so does the action in the video.

Solo instruments are also shown by the video this is shown in the part where the drummer drums his on his own to the drum solo.

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Close up of images or star image motifs?

The image of the band is shown as a typical 80s rock band and as grunge idols of there time.

This video relates to previous videos of nirvana as it likes to show of to its audience just like in lithium they also reference the audience.

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Reference to the notion of looking?

You get the idea that other people are used in a sexual way In this video as they focus at the beginning as cheerleaders but only focus on there chests and not there faces. Also throughout the video they use shots of the cheerleaders but only there frames and can never see any non sexual features.

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Are there intertexual references?

This video doesn’t relate to any other music videos but it does relate to other nirvana videos and they all focus on the performance aspect of things aswell as incorperating some kind of message.

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Is the music video conceptual, narrative or performance based?

This music video was performance based as it focused on the performance of the band and was shown as if they were at a concert performing it.

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conclusionThe main idea for this video was that is was more about performing to people and exciting people and also showing new and old fans what they should expect when they went to concerts they were also quite influenced by that fact they had people admiring them, which helped to sexualise there performances.

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‘lean on’ major lazor.


Music video 3:

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Introduction:The music video im analysing is lean on by major lazor.

The genre of this video is house music.

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Relationship between lyrics and visuals

‘All around the wind blows’

‘Focus, fire a gun’

There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals as in the first image she’s talking about how the wind blows all around and that’s what she’s refering to, the same in the second picture she pretending to fire a gun to reflect the lyrics.

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‘we all need someone to lean on’

‘but the nights are long’

There is no relationship between the visuals and the lyrics here as in the first image she talking about leaning on someone but instead she’s dancing and in the second, she’s referring to how nights are long, but in the video its daylight

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Relationship between music and visuals

There’s a relationship between music and visuals as the music cuts to the beat, this is shown in the video after 1.28

The music is also shown to keep pace with song this is shown throughout the video.

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Close up of images or star image motifs?

The record company is looking to sell this song as the genre its part of if very current at the moment and so more people would be watching.

The image of the artist is shown as sexual and current, to appeal to a younger audience.

This music video is the same as some of his others as he uses girls as sexual objects in most of his video. Just like he did in lose yourself.

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Reference to the notion of looking?

In this video girls are used in it to promote them in a sexual way, this is shown where the girl in the video is dressed in little clothing which is sexualising her but its also shown by the fact that the dancing is also shown to be In a sexual way. This is shown from 1.20

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Are there intertextual references?

There are no references to other music videos or films but the music video can be compared to other videos by major lazer, as they relate to each other because there all of the same genre and it also is more focused on dance, and girls

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Is the music video conceptual, narrative or performance based?

The music video is more conceptual as it’s a random video, which is filled of dancing and does’nt relate in any way to a narrative, it could be considered a performance as it contains dance but It does’nt have any actual musical performance in the video.

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conclusionThe main point of this video was that is more conceptual based and more focused on being current rather than different.