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  • 8/6/2019 Summers Illusion


    The Scientific Illusion in Empirical Macroeconomics

    Lawrence H. Summers

    The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 93, No. 2, Proceedings of a Conference on NewApproaches to Empirical Macroeconomics. (Jun., 1991), pp. 129-148.

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    Scand.J. of Economics 9 3 ( 2 ) ,129-148,1991

    The Scientific Illusion in EmpiricalMacroeconomicsLawrence H. Summers*Harvard University and NBER, Cambridge M A, USA

    AbstractIt is argued that formal econometric work, where elaborate technique is used to applytheory to dat a or isolate the direction of causal relationships when they a re not obvious apriori, virtually always fails. The only empirical research that has contributed to thinkingabout substantive issues and the development of economics is pragmatic empirical work,based on methodological principles directly opposed to those that have beco me fashionablein recent years.

    I. IntroductionMany macroeconomists a nd most econometricians believe and teach theirstudents that (i )empirical work in macroeconomics should concentrate onidentifying "deep structural parameters" characterizing preferences andtechnology; (ii) he best em pirical work in macroeconomics formally testssubstantive hypotheses rigorously derived from economic theory; (iii)sophisticated statistical technique can play an important role in sorting outcausation in systems with many interdependent variables. These beliefsconstitute the core of what I regard as the scientific illusion in empiricalmacroeconomics.This paper argues that formal empirical work which, to use Sargent's(1987, p. 7) phrase, tries to "take models seriously econometrically" hashad almost no influence on serious thinking about substantive as opposedto m ethodological questions. Instead , the only empirical research that hasinfluenced thinking about substantive questions has been based on*I have been helped in writing this paper by comments received from Olivier Blanchard,Stanley Fischer, Richard Freeman, Mervyn King, Ro bert L ucas, Jeff Mir on and Ken R ogoff.Many of my teachers and colleagues have influenced my attitudes on the matters treatedhere, but I alone bear responsibility for the views expressed. This is a revised version of amanuscript originally presented at the NB ER Macroeconomics Ann ual M eeting in 1987.

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    130 L. H. Summersmethodological principles directly opposed to those that have becomefashionable in recent years. Successful empirical research has been charac-terized by attempts to gauge the strength of associations rather than toestimate structural parameters, verbal characterizations of how causalrelations might operate rather than explicit mathematical models, and theskillful use of carefully chosen natural experiments rather than sophisti-cated statistical technique to achieve identification.

    These views may seem extreme. But I invite the reader to try andidentify a single instance in which a "deep structural parameter" has beenestimated in a way that has affected the profession's beliefs about thenature of preferences or production technologies or to identify ameaningful hypothesis about economic behavior that has fallen Intodisrepute because of a formal statistical test.

    Now consider two issues where today's macroeconomics textbookspresent a radically different picture than did the macroeconomics text-books of the 1960s- the long-run neutrality of inflation and the relativeimportance of monetary and fiscal policies in affecting economic behavior.Changes in opinion about inflation neutrality resulted from theoreticalarguments about the implausibility of money illustion that becamecompelling when Inflation increased and unemployment did not declineduring the 1970s. Formal statistical tests contributed almost nothing.Surely,A Monetary History of the linited States ( 1963)had a greater impactin highlighting the role of money than any particular econometric study orcombination of studies. It was not based on a formal model. no structuralparameters were estimated, and no sophisticated statistical techniqueswere employed. Instead, data were presented in a straightforward way. tobuttress verbal theoretical arguments, and emphasis was placed on naturalexperiments in assessing directions of causality.The argument of this paper is in very much the same spirit as the attackon modernism in McCloskey's (1985) treatment of The Rhetoric ofEconomics. Like McCloskey, I emphasize persuasiveness as a cruclalcriterion in evaluating empirical work. My argument here is also similar tocritiques of conventional econometric approaches put foward by Leamer(1978). While Leamer and others, notably David Hendry, have been atpains to develop methods for ensuring that econometric results are robust,my argument is somewhat more nihilistic in emphasizing qualitative ratherthan quantitative conclusions from econometric work.

    In order to avoid misunderstandings, it will be helpful at thls point todelimit this paper's argument in a number of respects. First, my quarrel isnot with the goal of estimating deep parameters and seriously evaluatingprecisely formulated hypotheses but with its feasibility. Attempts to makeempirical work take on too many of the trappings of science render ituninformative. Second, the issues treated in this paper are largelyScand. J . of Ecor~omlcs1991

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    The scient$c illusion in empirical macroeconomics 1 31independent of the substantive issues separating New Classical andKeynesian macroeconomists. Research in the New Classical tradition likethat of Mehra and Prescott (1985 ) where formal statistical tests a reeschewed, falls within the pragmatic approach advocated here, whereasKeynesian research like that of Rotemberg (1 98 3) or B lanchard (1 9 86)takes the formal statistical viewpoint that this paper criticizes.Third, diversification is good in research strategy as in most otherthings. Undoub tedly the line I have drawn between the research strategiesI praise and condemn is too bright. I am only insisting that the approach tomethodology normally offered to students in gradua te school is seriouslydeficient in slighting approaches to empirical work that have beenenormously productive.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section I1 offerssome general observations on the very different roles played by formaleconometric work in economics and experimental and observational workin the natural sciences. Section 111 uses recent research directed at estimat-ing deep parameters and at identifying causal relationships betweenmacroeconomic time series as examples in discussing systematic reasonswhy so much formal econom etric work in economics has so little impact.Section IV describes the pragmatic approach to empirical research ineconomics and discusses some of its many successes. Section V offerssome tentative observations on the relationship between theory andempirical work in econom ics. I argue that the failure of em pirical work toserve up stylized facts in a usable form is an important reason for thesterility of so much economic theory. Section VI concludes.11. Empirical Work in Economics and the Natural SciencesIt is interesting to contras t the relationship between theoretical and formaleconometric work in economics with the relationship between theory andexperiment that prevails in other sciences. While reading lay expositions ofmajor breakthroughs in the physical and biological sciences, one isimmediately struck by the crucial role of empirical work in stimulatingtheory in these sciences.' For example, Weinberg (1 977)describes the cru-cial role that Hubble's observation, whereby stars appeared to recede fromthe earth at a rate proportiona l to their distance from it, played in the deve-lopment of the Big Bang Theory. And he describes how theories had to beoverhauled to accommodate empirical observations on the uniformity ofbackground electromagnetic radiation in the universe and on the chemical'Two brief and accessible books whose evidence supports the discussion in the text areWeinberg ( 19 77 ) about the beginning of the universe and Smith (19 86 ) about m ode mdevelopments in biology.

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    132 L. H. Summerscomposition of s tars. Smith ( 1986) describes the crucial role of fossil stud-ies, fruit fly experiments, and molecular studies of the DNA of differentcreatures in shaping the current understanding of the process of evolution.Theoretical particle physicists wait anxiously to see whether experi-mentalists will be able to identify the particles their theories postulate.'The image of an economic theorist nervously awaiting the result of adecisive econometric test does not ring true. The negligible impact offormal econom etric work on the development of economic science is man-ifest in a num ber of ways.First, the major writings of leading economic theorists, those oriented toboth m icro and to macroeconomic issues, contain almost no reference toeconometric studies. A perusal of several volumes of The Journal ofEconomic Theory reveals no references to econometric studies. Kreps's(19 9 0 ) hugely successful textbook A Course in Microeconomic Theorydefines the purpose of economic theory as gaining "a better understandingof economic activity and outcomes". Yet of more than nearly 200 studiesthat it references, only two contain any econom etric work, and ne ither ofthose studies seeks to estimate a structural param eter. A random samplingexperiment suggests that the 200 articles and books Kreps referencestaken together contain less than a dozen references to econometricarticles.Things are only slightly different in macroeconomics. Lucas's (1987)book surveying business cycle theory includes few references to the resultsof econometric estimation. T he empirical studies that he does referenceare simulation exercises such as the work of K ydland and Prescott ( 1 98 2 )and relatively informal discussions of the properties of data such as Romer(1986) .Sargent's (1 9 87 ) reatise on macroeconomic theory does refer to anumber of econometric studies in a way that makes clear how minimal istheir contribution to the development of theory. A typical reference noteswithout amplification regarding the results that "Xhas examined econo-metric implications of this equation". Solow's (1 9 7 0)masterful expositionof growth theory do es not contain a single reference to an econom etricstudy, though great emphasis is placed on stylized facts revealed bystraightforward data analysis. Tobin's ( 1 98 0 ) forceful defense ofKeynesian economics makes no reference to econometric tests thatsupp ort hts conclusions.Second, the informal "rules of the game" governing econometricresearch in economics bear out the suspicion that most of it has littleinfluence. Recent audits of econom etric research that uncovered pervasive:Indeed, the current (as I am writing) issue of Th e Economist describes the theoreticalphysicists' response to the recordings made by neutrino detectors in the wake of the recentsupernova.Scand. J. ofEconomics 1991

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    The scient@c illusion in empirical macroeconomics 133problems have attracted a good deal of attention; see e.g. Dewald et al.(1986).Perhaps m ore disturbing than the problem of replication is the factthat, except for the purpose of audit, none of the work examined wasconsidered worth replicating. In the natural sciences, investigators rush tocheck out the validity of claims made by rival laboratories and then tobuild on them. Such efforts are very rare in economics. I find itimplausible that this is a consequence of the accuracy and robustness ofthe conclusions of econometric studies. Instead, the absence of replicationattempts for most empirical work are a consequence of the fact that theresults are rarely an im portant input to theory c reation or the evolution ofprofessional opinion m ore generally.Those few econometric studies that have generated numerous a ttemptsat replication and the evaluation of robustness, have usually had as theirgoal demonstrating a qualitative proposition rather than estimating astructural parameter or formally testing a hypothesis. An excellentexample is Feldstein's (19 74) study of the impact of Social Security onprivate saving, and the subsequent literature it spawned.Finally, take a longer perspective on the development of economicscience. Think about the papers from the 195 0s or 19 60 s that ar eremembered today. Many are purely theoretical and are rememberedprimarily because they enriched the language of economic argument.Samuelson's (1 958 ) introduction of the overlapping generations m odel isan example. Many others are remembered for their empirical generaliza-tions - perhaps informal theories would be a better term. A MonetaryHistory of The United States ( 19 63 ), Modigliani and Brumberg's ( 1955)and Friedman's (1957)work on the consumption function are examples.Solow's (1 957 ) low estimate of the contribution of capital formation toeconomic growth is another one, although his contribution was methodo-logical as well as substantive. It is difficult to think today of many empiricalstudies from more than a decade ago whose bottom line was a parameterestimate or the acceptance o r rejection of a hypothesis.Given the tremendous professional investment in econometric work, itis natural to ask why it has so little impact in either the short o r long run. Itake up this question in the next section. The n in Section IV, I try to assesswhat does change economists' beliefs.111. Why Does Formal Econometric Work Prove so Unpersuasive?The two dominant approaches to formal econometric work in macro-economics are the "deep parameter" approach of Sargent and his followersand the " V A R approach of Sims and his followers. Both seek to bescientifically rigorous, and both have involved significant methodologicalinnovation. Researchers in both these traditions seem to me to suffer from

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    134 L. H. Summersthe scientific illusion, and to confuse methodological with substantiveadvance. Such an argument is difficult to make in the abstract." thereforeproceed by considering in some detail prominent papers in each of thesegenres.Seeking Deep ParametersPerhaps the most influential recent work o n deep param eter estimation hasbeen Hansen and Singleton's (1982, 1983) treatment of the relationshipbetween consumption and asset pricing. This work embodies the virtuesmost prized by those committed to making economics more "scientific".Hansen and Singleton attack an important problem area - the rela-tionship between consumption behavior and asset pricing. They seek toestimate truly structural parameters. Their work is methodologicallyinnovative. They rely on new estimation techniques to build a bridgebetween a fully articulated stochastic theory and da ta. Given the dom inantprofessional view of what constitutes high quality empirical work , it is easyto understand why their paper was awarded the Frisch medal as theoutstanding paper published in Econornetrica over a several year period.Precisely because it is so outstanding an example of formal econometricwork, it is instructive to consider its deficiencies. For if, as I shall argue, it isdeeply flawed, it is likely that the entire genre it represents is as well.One interpretation of Hansen and Singleton's research is that theprimary goal is to test a particular hypothesis regarding the pricing ofassets. Here they do provide an answer to a question - is a model of arepresentative consumer with an additively separable utility function andconstant relative risk aversion and...rejected statistically by data for thesample period 19 59-81? But it is hard to see that this is a very interestingquestion. The "model" is rejected by the observations that the consump-tion of different consumers is not perfect correlated and that a largefraction of the population holds zero wealth, or by the observation thatmoney is held despite being a dominated asset. Hansen and Singleton'smodel, like any theory, is literally false.The interesting question is how accurate it is as an approximation toreality for the purpose of making different types of predictions or under-standing different types of behavior. Th eir J statistic sheds no light at all onthis question. It is obvious that with enough data, the J statistic will a ttainany given level. Observing its level tells the reader as much about theamount of relevant variation there was in the da ta Hansen an d Singletonstudied as it does about the validity of the hypothesis under consideration.3 T h e argument here is largely an application of general considerations, developed inLearner's (1978)brilliant b ook , to specific targets.Scand J of Economlo 1991

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    The scient@c illusion in empirical macroeconomics 135The point here is a much more general one. Without some idea of thepower of statistical tests against interesting alternative hypotheses and/or

    some metric for evaluating the extent to which the data are inconsistentwith a maintained hypothesis formal statistical tests ar e uninformative.Science proceeds by falsifying theories and constructing better ones.Falsifications of hypotheses based on overidentifying restrictions of thekind provided by Hansen and Singleton are unenlightening in two senses.First, they provide little insight into whether the reason for the theory'sfailure is central to its logical structure or is instead a consequence ofauxiliary assumptions made in testing it. For example, should asset returnsbe evaluated on a pre or post-tax basis? Are the consumption needs ofchildren equivalent to those of adults? Is clothing a durab le good? Any testof the representative consum er model involves a test of whatever assump-tion is made about these issues and a dozen similar ones. While inprinciple it would be possible to explore a range of possible assumptions.this type of "data mining" is usually condemned by those who favor formalapproaches to em pirical work.Second, suppose that the theory is rejected for reasons that do involvethe details of em pirical implem entation. T h e fact of re jection gives littleinsight into the direction in which the theory should be modified. Considerthis question. What empirical or theoretical approach to asset pricing hasbeen stimulated by the specifics of Hansen and Singleton's results? Follow-ing their work, others have sought to estimate models more general thantheirs, but the direction of generalization has not to my knowledge beeninfluenced at all by the specifics of their results. Nor have their rejectionsprovided the impetus to new theoretical developments regarding assetpricing. As I discuss below, the informal approach taken by Mehra andPrescott (1985)has had a much greater influence on the development oftheories of asset pricing.An alternative interpretation of Hansen and Singleton's work is thatthey were seeking to estimate "deep" parameters describing the repre-sentative consumer's behavior. As things turned out, the fact that theirdata rejected their model was taken to mean that they had not in fact founddeep parameters. But let us imagine that the data had failed to reject theirmodel. Alternatively imagine that in the future some model with moregenera! preferences than those postulated by Hansen and Singleton passestests of overidentifying restrictions. Would anyone take seriously the deepparameter estimates that resulted? I doubt it. Revealed behavior canenlighten us about the extent to which Hansen and Singleton's results aretaken seriously in two ways.First, taking seriously deep parameter estimates describing tastes andtechnology would presumably involve regarding them as being in somesense more stable than the "mongrel" param eters contained in traditional

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    136 L. H. SummersKeynesian models. Lucas ( 1976 ) highlighted the fact that Keynesianmodels rarely were estimated using all the available data as the theory ofeconomic policy on which they were based w ould suggest. H e took this asa kind of "revealed behavior" argument that the parameters beingestimated were not truly structural. While many investigators in a morepragmatic empirical tradition, Robert Gordon most prominently, havesought to examine the robustness of conclusions using prewar as well aspostwar data, and using data from other countries, neither Hansen andSingleton nor their followers have yet ventured off the Citibank data tape.A second way of evaluating the extent to which Hansen and Singleton'sresults are taken seriously is to ask whether anyone would use them inmaking predictions about the effects of policy interventions. Lucas's(1 976 ) amous critique of econometric policy evaluation treated the effectsof temporary tax cuts on consumption. His point was that the permanentincome hypothesis implied that the marginal propensity to consum e out ofa tax cut depended on its likely duration. On Lucas's view as I understandit, empirical research concerned with predicting the effects of tax cutsshould concentrate on estimating the parameters of the utility function ofthe representative consum er. Once it is know n, the m arginal effect of any

    change in policy can be com puted.' Hansen and Singleton have estimatedthe utility function parameters the importance of which Lucas stressed.Would anyone genuinely interested in predicting the effects of a tax cutmake use of their estimates of representative consumers' utility functions?To my knowledge, no one has used these estimates for this or for anyother purpose. It is not difficult to understand why. The uncertaintiesabout the discount rate of the representative consumer upon whichHansen and Singleton's empirical work can potentially shed light aredwarfed by uncertainties about other nontaste variables.' For example,many consumers may be unable to borrow money at any interest ratebecause of information and enforcement problems associated with debtcontracts. These consumers will spend all of the proceeds of a tax cut.Others may lack the information processing skills necessary to distinguishthe reasons for changes in their take-home pay and so will not beinfluenced by the temporary characte r of the tax cut. Still others may revisetheir expectations about future income and so alter their spending on thebasis of their own view, o r one acquired from the newspaper about the taxcut's likely impact on the econom y."T h is statement is not q uite right because of general equilibrium considera tions. In order toactually calculate the effects of a fiscal policy change on consumption for example, it wouldalso be necessary to know its impact on interest rates which presumably depends ontechnology parameters .'Fro m here o n, 1 am assuming that the tax cut is matched by s pending cuts so I do not haveto worry abou t any expected future tax changes.

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    The scientijic illusion in empirical macroeconomics 137None of these uncertainties can be addressed by estimating the utilityfunction of the representative consumer. Nor, I suspect, will anyone

    modlfy their view about the empirical importance of these considerationswhen and if someone gets a representative consum er model to fail to rejectits overidentifying restrictions. I find it hard to escape the conclusion thatHansen and Singleton's work creates an art form for others to admire andemulate but provides us with little new k n ~ w l e d g e . ~utatis mutandis, thesame is likely to be true of any work which seeks to test a highly restrictedand surely incorrect struc ture using elaborate methods which do not shedlight on the cause of any deviations of d ata from theory.Isolating Econom ic StructureWhile efforts to link specific stochastic theories to data represent animportant component of formal econometric work, there exists a verydifferent econometric tradition as well. This tradition seeks to usestatistical technique to pin down the direction of causal relationships insituations where a great deal of simultaneity is present by using techniqueswhich place little or no structure on the data. Vector autoregressionsrepresent the most prominent example of recent work in this tradition.Sims (1 98 0)provides the most powerful argument in favor of work in thistradition. His argument has both a destructive and a constructive com-ponent. The destructive component stresses the heroism of the assump-tions that are made in many efforts to impose structure on data andquestions the validity of any results that em erge. I find it convincing. I findthe constructive part of the argum ent much less convincing in holding outthe hope that robust conclusions can emerge from work that makes fewidentifying assumptions.Again, the point is probably best argued by example. I consider thework of Bernanke (1986) on the relationship between money and outputbecause I agree with Robert King's observation that it is an "admirablepiece of normal sc ience" even if I do not share his view that the paper is "atribute to m acroeconomics". Bernanke's thoughtfulness, care and attentionto detail is apparent. His scientific objectivity in considering his owntheory and that of o thers is exemplary. A s with Hansen and Singleton'swork, I single Bernanke's work out because it is an example of excellentresearch within the tradition it represen ts.Bernanke's paper does not really reach a substantive conclusion thatcould possibly change the views of any serious observer of the economy." regard the fact that Hansen and Singleton's paper was awarded the Frisch medal evenafter it was recognized that it contained major data errors which affected the substantiveconclusions as corrobo rating this view.

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    138 L. H. SummersHis conclusions state that he has provided evidence against the hypothesesthat credit is irrelevant to cyclical fluctuations and that real shocks explainall cyclical fluctuations. Even these judgments are deemed to be"tentative". The only firm conclusion reached is that structural inter-pretations of VARs are very sensitive to the model one assumes and thatfuture research using VARs should take this into account. It is hard to seehow such findings can stimulate new theoretical developments or bringabout improvements in our ability to predict, control or explain economicevents.

    Of course Bernanke could not have known before undertaking hisresearch that the results would be so inconclusive so the last paragraph isnot entirely fair. It is instructive therefore to consider what possible resultsBernanke could have obtained that might have led to clear conclusions.Since Bernanke is entirely persuasive in challenging standard VAR inter-pretation procedures, I will focus on his preferred procedure of imposingjust enough structural restrictions to provide exact identification. Evidenceon the role of credit comes in effect from an analysis of the contemporane-ous partial correlation between unforecastable movements in credit andoutput after holding constant unforecastable military spending, real moneybalances, and a postulated structural disturbance. The evidence that creditmatters is that this partial autocorrelation is significantly positive.

    Apart from a myriad of statistical questions that could be raised,obvious questions of economic logic come up. Wouldn't one expect banksto expand their lending activities at times when asset values are up becausefuture business prospects appear bright? If real money properly measureddetermines real GNP, but there are measurement errors in the real moneydata as is likely given the proliferation of money substitutes. wouldn't oneexpect any other variable that moved with GNP to enter an equation for itin a significant way? These considerations suggest that a finding that creditmatters hardly proves that it has an active role in causing cyclical fluctua-tions.

    Nor would a finding that credit did not enter Bernanke's equations beevidence that an exogenously caused credit disturbance would have noeffect on the economy. Is it not reasonable to expect that if the economyappeared to be overheated, the Federal Reserve would pursue policies tocontract credit in order to reduce subsequent values of GNP? Might notcredit tend to go down as output went up because firms had moreinternally generated funds even if ceteris paribus credit promoted outputgrowth?

    Remarkably. Bernanke never considers interest rates and creditvariables in the same set of equations. The only empirical work he reportsthat considers interest rates as part of a treatment of the monetary

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    The scientific illusion in empirical macroeconomics 139mechanism ignores the role of credit, even though he concludes that creditis important! No explanation is given. I suspect that demands ofBernanke's approach to identification force this rather serious com-promise.The evidence Bernanke regards as suggestive regarding real businesscycle models comes from analyses of whether innovations in quarterlymeasures of base and inside money estimated net of their contem-poraneous responses t o price and output and postulated to be orthogonalto nominal interest rate disturbances contribute to th e forecast variance ofreal output.

    Stepping back from the details of his model, it is hard to see what acorrelation like this can prove. If money mattered a great deal and the Fedused it to partially stabilize future movements in outpu t forecastable on thebasis of variables like the leading indicators that are not included in theVAR, a negative relationship between money and future output wouldshow up. If m oney was exogenous, a positive relationship would appear. Azero relationship could easily appear if these two considerations offseteach other, even if money had potent effects on economic activity.Alternatively, if money did not matter at all but was allowed to passivelyaccommodate forecastable future GNP movements, an investigator usingBernanke's methods might find it to be statistically very importan t.These examples suggest that investigators like Bernanke , who believethat they can learn something new about causal relationships withoutintroducing information beyond that contained in time series whoseproperties have already been studied thousands of times, are shadowboxing with reality. As the foregoing observations suggest, their identifyingassumptions are obviously implausible once stated in English. Formalismand the attendan t matrix algebra serves primarily to obscure the futility ofthe exercise in which they are engaged.How then can one hope to learn something about economic structureand directions of causation? I argue below that skillful exploitation ofnatural experiments that provide identifying variation in importantvariables represents the best hope for increasing our empirical under-standing of macroeconomic fluctuations. While lacking the scientificpretension of an explicit probability model, careful historical discussionsof even ts surrounding particular m onetary changes, such as thoseprovided by Friedman and Schwartz (1 963) persuade precisely becausethey succeed in identifying relevant natural experiments, and describingtheir consequences. In the next section I discuss the role of natural experi-ments in successful empirical economics in more detail as I consider howpragmatic, informal empirical work has greatly advanced economicscience.

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    140 L. H. SummersIV. Why D oes Pragmatic Empirical Work Have S o Great anImpact?While formal econometric work has had little impact on the growth ofeconomic knowledge, I believe that any history of macroeconomics wouldhave to give great weight to informal pragmatic empirical approaches toeconomic problems. I think of Friedman's (1957) and Modigliani andBrumberg's (1955) treatments of the consumption function as obviousexamples. Other examples might include Friedman and Schwartz (1963),Solow (1957) and Denison (1967);Phillips (1958) whose empirical findinghas had profound if largely unanticipated effects; and the large body ofwork summarized in Fama (1970)on the stochastic properties of specula-tive prices.

    These successful pieces of pragmatic empirical work have threeelements in common that distinguish them from most empirical work thatstrives to be scientific.' First and foremost, in each case, the bottom linewas a stylized fact or collection of stylized facts characterizing an aspect ofhow the world worked rather than parameter estimates or formal tests of apoint hypothesis. In Friedman's and Modigliani's case, the point involvedthe importance of savings as a device for smoothing consumption. InFama's case it was the impossibility of malung money by trading stocks onthe basis of publicly available information. The conclusion could prove tobe persuasive or unpersuasive, but the reader was not in doubt that therewas one.

    Second, pragmatic pieces of empirical work produce regularities of akind that theory can seek to explain. Modigliani's finding that wealthentered the consumption function in an important way, as well as cor-roborating his theory, was suggestive for theories regarding the operationof fiscal and monetary policies. Friedman and Schwartz's work on money'seffects continues to be important in spurring theoretical developments.Phillips' finding has gone through a number of interpretations but it hasstood as a reality that any theory of the business cycle must confront.

    Third, successful pieces of pragmatic empirical work have no scientificpretense. They start from a theoretical viewpoint not a straitjacket. Nosingle test is held out as decisive. Many different types of data areexamined. Mayer (1972)counts 16 different types of evidence adduced byFriedman in support of the permanent income hypothesis. No singleepisode in A Monetary History was held out as decisive. No single testreported in Fama's survey proved or disproved anythlng but a persuasivepattern emerged from the totality. Solow did not treat his estimate as a'1 find it interesting that the mu ch less extensive empirical studies reported in Lucas ( 1973)a nd Luca s (1980a )have most of the chara cteristics no ted below and few of the trappings ofrigorous science.

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    The scient@c illusion in empirical macroeconomics 141decisive measurement of capital's contribution to economic growth butonly as suggestive of its role.

    Conside r the example of early empirical work on the efficient marketshypothesis suggesting the martingale properties of stock prices. An investi-gator saddled with the goal of creating a general equilibrium asset pricingtheory would have found it much harder to apprehend this empiricalobservation. In the same way, he would have been unlikely to construct atheory that had as a natural test a comparison of the performance ofprofessional money m anagers and market averages. Yet such tests, whichbore out the efficient markets hypothesis to a very great extent, surelystand as one of the most important empirical conclusions of financialeconomics.Perhaps the best way to begin an argum ent, stressing the effectiveness ofpragmatic empirical work, is to consider the problems addressed by theformal work deemed unsatisfactory in the previous section. One suchproblem was predicting the response of consumption to a change in itsdeterminants such as a temporary tax cut. Here informal work can and hascontributed a good deal. First, it can lea rn the lessons of h istory. Surely themost relevant knowledge for predicting the effects of a temporary tax cuttoday is knowledge of the effects of previous temporary tax cuts. Similarly,history can be informative about the effects of announcements regardingfuture tax p~ l i c ie s .~Second, it can exam ine other relevant natural experiments. For exam ple,there is a sizeable literature surveyed in Mayer (1972)regarding the effectsof windfalls on consumption. While there is controversy regarding theissue of whether or not the marginal propensity to consume out of wind-falls was lower than that out of m ore perm anent changes in income, thereis a consensus that the marginal propensity to consume on nondurablesout of windfalls was well in excess of 15 per cent.Third, pragmatic empirical work can report relevant information andapply common sense. For exam ple, it is surely relevant to an evaluation ofthe importance of liquidity constraints to know what fraction of a given taxcut will be given to persons who hold no financial assets. Since suchpersons might be unable to borrow, it would be informative to know alsohow much of a spike there was at zero in the distribution of net worthe9would also find survey results regarding the fraction of the population thatwas aware that a tax reform bill passed recently to be informative.

    See Poterba and Summers (1986)for a first look a t this question.'T h e available data indicate that a large fraction of the population, (greater than half) haveessentially n o liquid assets and that th ere is a substantial spike very close to zero. I am notaware of any calculation of the fraction of the population weighted by income or by taxpaymen ts with n o liquid assets.Scand. J . of Economics 1991

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    142 L. H. SummersPerhaps an even better example of how much more enlightening

    informal empirical work is than formal work is the area of asset pricing. Itis instructive to contrast Hansen and Singleton's test of the consumptioncapital asset pricing model with the much more informative results ofMehra and Prescott's informal calibration exercise. Hansen andSingleton's bottom line is that their model and the associated stands theytook were rejected by the data. It does not point in any particular direction.Mehra and Prescott's work on the other hand highlights the ways in whlchthe data are inconsistent with theory - the spread between the return onstocks and bonds is greater than is consistent with reasonable assessmentsof the extent of risk aversion. By highlighting a fact, it points towards thedevelopment of alternative theories.

    At the same time, the nature of the argument makes clear the robustnessof the conclusion. Reading Mehra and Prescott's paper, unlike Hansen andSingleton's, it is clear that making different assumptions about separabilityand time aggregation, or allowing a role for consumer durables is not goingto be helpful in salvaging the model under consideration.

    An issue closely related to the ones treated by Hansen and Singletonand Mehra and Prescott is the volatility of asset prices. A large literaturestarting from Shiller's ( 1981 seminal paper has debated whether stockprices are more volatile than can be rationalized on the basis of fluctua-tions in fundamental values. It is hard to identify people whose mind hasbeen durably changed by this research. In contrast, two studies, Frenchand Roll (1986) and Shleifer (1985), neither of which are pretentiouslyscientific in the modern way or make use of elaborate techmques seem tome to force a major change in standard approaches to the theory of assetpricing. Each points to a striking, robust empirical conclusion that theoryought to be able to account for.French and Roll show that the market is more volatile during tradinghours than during nontrading periods, even after controlling for theamount of news received during both periods. That is, over periods whenthe same amount of public news (statistically) comes out, the marketmoves by an almost proportionately greater amount when it has been opena larger fraction of the time. This belies the hypothesis that market move-ments entirely reflect rational responses to news about fundamentals.

    Shleifer's result is that when an exogenous event with no informationcontent (joining the S&P 500) leads some investors to increase theirdemand for a stock, its price moves significantly. That is, the demandcurve for securities is not horizontal. This also suggests that price move-ments are caused by something other than rational responses to publiclyavailable information.

    It is too early to know how theory will accommodate these findings.Perhaps they will lead to new models of privately informed traders. MyScrrnd. J , of Economics 199 1

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    The scientijic illusion in empirical macroeconomics 143own suspicion is that the result will be theories of how asset prices aredetermined when some traders are not rational in the conventionaleconomics usage of the term. T h e crucial point is that these findings arevery likely to have an effect on the theories economists use to understandasset pricing. The reason these studies have been and will be influential isthat they have brought new information to bear on important issues. It isnew information not new technique that leads to new insights in empiricaleconomics.Consider as a final example the problem of the role of m oney in cyclicalfluctuations. Reading Friedman and Schwartz's treatment of the 1937downturn is surely more convincing as a demonstration that financialdisturbances have important effects on real economic activity than anyGranger causality test. Histories of postwar business cycles like thoseprovided by Eckstein and Sinai (1 986 ) and Wojnilower (1 9 80) thathighlight the credit crunches precipitated by Federal Reserve actions thatpreceded every economic dow nturn surely is more suggestive for theorythan a comparison of the predictive power of a "money" and "credit"variable in a multivariate equation. Evidence like Mussa's (1 986 )demon-stration that across dozens of countries and a number of decades, floatingexchange rates dramatically increase real exchange rate variability aremuch more convincing in suggesting that purely nominal changes can havereal effects than a re the cross correlations of any particular set of blips nomatter how carefully selected.In most of the examples considered in this section researcherspresented an em pirical regularity that was sufficiently clear cut that formaltechniques were not necessary to perceive it. It is difficult to believe thatany of the research described in this section would have been moreconvincing or correct if the au thor had begun by laying ou t som e sort ofexplicit probability model describing how each of the variables to bestudied should evolve within a specific pseudo-w orld. Conversely, it is easyto see how a researcher who insisted on fully articulating a stochasticpseudo-world before meeting up with data would be unable to do most ofthe work described in this section.

    V. Tentative Reflections on the Role of TheoryI have devoted most of this paper to issues of empirical research strategyrather than to the role of theory. This reflects a judgment about my com-parative advantage, the existence of Friedman's (19 46) persuasive attackon purely formal theory, and a recognition of the fact that macro-economics is an em pirical science. Th is section concentrates on aspects ofthe relationship between theory and empirical work. I have already argued

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    The scientiJic illusion in empirical macroeconomics 145exercise. In fact only a small fraction of theoretical work is ever appliedempirically in this way. If empirical testing is ruled out, and persuasion isnot attempted, in the end I am not su re these theoretical exercises teach usanything at all about th e world we live in.Given my skepticism about decisive formal econometric tests ofhypotheses, it should be clear that in urging that theory should generalizefacts and make predictions I do not refer only or even primarily toevidence provided by econom etric analyses. Indeed , the empirical facts ofwhich we are most confident and which provide the most secure basis fortheory are those that require the least sophisticated statistical analysis toperceive. A good example of theory drawn from experience and logic isBarro and Gordon's (1 9 83) heory of inflation as arising out of considera-tions of dynamic consistency. This theory explains how policymakerscome to pursue policies leading to higher long run average rates ofinflation than they or the public would prefer given their benefits. Thisempirical regularity canno t be demonstrated econometrically but that do esnot detract from the theory's power. T h e theory also makes predictions -for instance that societies will seek out those who are more inflation aversethan the representative citizen to determine monetary policy - which areamenable to empirical analysis if not formal statistical testing.My argument so far has been that theoretical research divorced fromthe problems of empirical generalization and prediction is unlikely to befruitful. There is however a still greater danger however in researchdirected at achieving internal consistency starting from first principleswithout explicit regard for empirical observation. It is all too easy toconfuse what is tractable with what is right. There is a tendency to reasonthat since the world must be consistent, and since all known full-blownmodels derived from optimizing behavior share a common prediction, thatprediction must have some validity. This form of illogic is a moderndevelopment. The factor price equalization theorem has rarely beentreated as evidence that measurements showing wages to be differentacross countries were flawed. Yet, Prescott (19 86)has recently respondedto discrepancies between the predictions of his theory and the data byasserting that "theory is now ahead of measurement".Reliance on deductive reasoning rather than theory based on empiricalevidence is particularly pernicious when economists insist that the onlymeaningful questions a re the ones their most recent models are designedto address. Serious economists who respond to questions about howtoday's policies will affect tomorrow's econom y by taking refuge in tech-nobabble about how the question is meaningless in a dynamic gamescontext abdicate the field to those who are less timid. No small part of ourcurrent economic difficulties can be traced to ignorant zealots who gainedinfluence by providing answers to questions that others labeled as

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