summitix draft adoptionfundingbreakout-110501223638-phpapp02

Kathy McKinney, Daniel LaBry, JT Olson, Mike Rusch, Skip Perkins,Rich Metcalfe

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Draft PPT for Summit 9


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Kathy McKinney, Daniel LaBry, JT Olson, Mike Rusch, Skip Perkins,Rich Metcalfe

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Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families. Psalm 68:5-6

In you the orphan finds mercy. Hosea 14:3

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Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17

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“For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills...” Psalm 50:10“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25,26

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A person who pleads for a cause


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someone who expounds or interprets


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person who uses the mind creatively


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highly cultured or educated


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… a person who pleads for the cause of orphans or expounds

and explains their plight by using the mind creatively in an

intellectually appealing and highly cultured manner!

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The “Wyatt’s” of the world are why it’s important!…

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Born with:

Cleft lip & palate

1 finger on each hand

2 toes on each foot

Severe hearing loss

Congenital heart defect

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God truly…

“sets the lonely into families….”

- Psalm 68:5,6

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I. God’s PullRomans 8:15-17: “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ.”

II. God’s Promises2 Corinthians 9:8: “God will generously provide all you need.”Philippians 4:19: “This same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Matthew 7:11: Jesus said, “If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him”

III. God’s ProvisionRomans 8:32: “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?”

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◦ Overview of the Costs of AdoptionHow much will it cost? State Foster CareDomestic Adoption – $8-25k

◦ International Adoption - $20-$35k +

◦ All tools, ideas & organizations are just instruments in God’s hands…

God is “Jehovah-Jireh”!

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◦ Directly awarded to family for adoption expenses

◦ Given without repayment or fundraising

◦ Mirrors grace freely given to us

◦ Grants range from $2,000-$10,000+

◦ Disbursed directly to adoption agency

◦ Based on financial need

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Matching Grants of up to $4,000/per child ($1-for-$1 match)

Kingdom activity: see adoption as “missions in reverse”…bringing the mission field home. (involves family, church, community)

Families given “turn-key” support raising kit◦ Biblical act of making needs known (letter, Facebook, blog)◦ Others donate tax-deductible gifts◦ e.g. Harlow family - $2500 Matching Grant – raised over $11K◦ 100% of donations to adoption expenses (no admin fee deducted)◦ Church, family friends become engaged financially & prayerfully

Average Scenario: Matching Grant of $2,500 - mobilizes an additional $5,000 - average total grant funds for your adoption = $7,500


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Currently there is a federal adoption tax credit of up to $12,970 per child (for 2013) for unreimbursed “qualified adoption expenses.”

See IRS Tax Topic 607: Adoption Credit (, which provides general information about the current federal adoption tax credit.

Note: Please be sure to consult your tax adviser for additional information and to understand how the federal adoption tax credit works and may impact you.

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Reduces initial, upfront ‘cash-flow crunch’

Maximizes stewardship by allowing family to capture up to the $13k Federal Adoption Tax Credit

Couples sign a covenant agreement to repayMonthly or Annually(can use Fed Adoption Tax Credit to repay loan)

The loan is repaid & then circulated through the next family

Funds can become self-perpetuating, where loan repayments each month/year can help fund NEW families

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Tax CreditsFederal (as mentioned previously)State

Employer Adoption AssistanceA number of companies have adoption assistance programs built into their benefits with some providing between $2,000--$10,000

The military provides $2,000

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Meet Needs Orphans find homes, families are assisted and churches become more active

Share Jesus Adoption provides us with an opportunity to share the Gospel and point people to Jesus

Encourage Others Allows us to put our faith into action; develop relationships/support

Live out Loud As the Church is active the community will see Jesus is alive and working in His people (Matt 5:16)

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3 Options - in Creating an Adoption Fund

◦ Church CREATES own 501c3 (non-profit organization)

◦ Church MANAGES own funds, donations, distributions, screening, qualifying, etc.

◦ Church PARTNERS with an organization who will administer/facilitate the fund on behalf of the Church

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Building from ground up gives total ownership in vision, opportunity & rewards

Empowers lay people to get involved / but staff doesn’t administer

Spins off an entity that can grow nearly unlimited ways

Gives church financial separation between Fund & money

Freedom to grow; not dependent/drain on churchAllows the 501c3 responsibility to follow tax laws

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Gives the church complete ownership Gets church clergy, staff, and decision makers

involved Church can use the benevolence fund to avoid 501c3 Funds can be from inside or outside church budget Funds are maintained as part of the church budget Step-by-step instructions & case studies available Church is not dependent on third party

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Build your team / Choose the right model Create your grant & loan guidelines

What types of adoptions will we fund? Who is eligible?What percentage of the total adoption expenses will this grant supplyWho on the team will make the grant decisions?

ManagingAccounting, donation receipting, verifying qualified expenses, funds disbursement, IRS guidelines, etc.

Example/Sample:Step-by-Step Guide to start in-house fund: Pointe Church –

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◦ Partner can manage/facilitate the Fund & carry administrative load on behalf of church All screening, reviewing, approving/denying as partner of the church (agreed criteria) All accounting, receipting, disbursement of funds to approved agencies/expenses

◦ Flexible – church can be as involved as desired◦ Quick – funds can be set up in 1-2 days◦ Branding – Church Fund is “branded” as Church desires◦ Reports – monthly financial reports given to Church

(balance, disbursements, etc.)◦ No Cost – no administrative fee / 100% of donations to


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◦ Church & Partner have initial conference call to set up Fund Church shares criteria/preferences for making decisions

◦ Members of Church apply to Church Fund on church-branded application

◦ Applications come to Partner, who processes application as Church desires

◦ Grant/Loan decision make in conjunction w/ Church◦ Partner handles all disbursements & expenses

ABBA - -

Iriving Bible Church (Tapestry) -

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Jeeah’s Hope…

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One for the WIDOW & One for the ORPHAN

Innovative tool to remove financial barrierA team fixes up a widow’s homeRenovation provided for free to widow (donated labor &

construction materials)Sponsorship donations help fund adoption expenses

How does this help fund adoptions?100% of donated sponsorships are used for adoption expensesDisbursed as Adoption Grant

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Both Hands Video

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Challenge and Support families so 100 children can be adopted

Adoption Fund exists as one component to financially help those same 100 adoptions

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Connected Child (book) Created to Connect (Study Guide/workbook) Empowered to Connect Resources

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Adopting 1 yr old, cleft lip, India (already had 2 children in family)

◦ Adoption Cost: $31,350 $3,300 - from savings $10,000 – adoption loan $2,500 – adoption matching grant $12,906 - donated, result of matching grant $3,000 – direct grant from organization $2,000 – unexpected property tax refund $300 - garage sale proceeds that friend held

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Adopted 2 yr old, China (already had 5 children in family)

◦ Adoption Cost: $25,050 $2,000 gift from their church $2,000 savings $2,000 sold personal items $3,000 matching grant $9,716 donated, result of matching grant $1,000 result of giver after reading newsarticle $2,000 (2) anonymous givers $1,000 each $3,500 sister donated FF miles to pay for flights/airfare

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Kathy McKinney, Show Hope [email protected]

Direct Grants, Church Fund guides

Daniel LaBry, ABBA Fund [email protected]

Covenant Loans, Administer Church Funds

Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong for Orphans [email protected]

Covenant Loans, Matching Grants, Administer Church Funds