sun salutations flyer

Sun Salutation For Stress Management Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 postures performed in a single, graceful flow. Each pose is connected the flow of your breathing, allowing you to connect to your inner self . Sun Salutations is a great way to manage stress and relieve tension from the body. Steps to begin your own Sun Salutation 1. Start in Mountain with the palms together. 2. Inhale and sweep the arms up with palms to- gether. 3. Exhale into Forward Fold. 4. Inhale and step the right foot back into High Lunge. 5. Step the left foot back into Plank. 6. Exhale down into Caterpillar. 7. Inhale into Upward Facing Dog. 8. Exhale into Downward Facing Dog. 9. Inhale and step right forward into High Lunge. 10. Exhale into Forward Fold. 11. Inhale and sweep the arms up with palms to- gether. 12. Exhale and bring the palms together in Mountain.

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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Sun Salutations Flyer

Sun Salutation For Stress Management

Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 postures

performed in a single, graceful flow. Each pose is connected the

flow of your breathing, allowing you to connect to your inner self .

Sun Salutations is a great way

to manage stress and relieve

tension from the body.

Steps to begin your own Sun Salutation

1. Start in Mountain with the palms together.

2. Inhale and sweep the arms up with palms to-


3. Exhale into Forward Fold.

4. Inhale and step the right foot back into High


5. Step the left foot back into Plank.

6. Exhale down into Caterpillar.

7. Inhale into Upward Facing Dog.

8. Exhale into Downward Facing Dog.

9. Inhale and step right forward into High Lunge.

10. Exhale into Forward Fold.

11. Inhale and sweep the arms up with palms to-


12. Exhale and bring the palms together

in Mountain.