sunday 12 october 2014 lauren perfect haileybury [email protected]

Sunday 12 October 2014 Lauren Perfect Haileybury [email protected] HTAV Student Lectures The Exam – Section A American Revolution

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HTAV Student Lectures. Sunday 12 October 2014 Lauren Perfect Haileybury [email protected]. The Exam – Section A American Revolution. Suggested Resources. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Sunday 12 October 2014 Lauren Perfect Haileybury

Sunday 12 October 2014Lauren Perfect


[email protected]

HTAV Student Lectures

The Exam – Section A

American Revolution

Page 2: Sunday 12 October 2014 Lauren Perfect Haileybury

Suggested Resources





• Textbooks, reading compilations etc.

• Written notes, reading summaries etc.

• Lectures and presentations

• Podcasts, wikis, apps, social media sites

• Classmates and forums

• Your teacher and other teachers

Page 3: Sunday 12 October 2014 Lauren Perfect Haileybury

Section A, Qu 1 & 2 of the ExamThe Task

• 2 extended questions

• Answer both

• 1 page per response

• 10 marks each response

• Total 20 marks

• Spend 30 minutes maximum

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Section A, Qu 1 & 2 of the ExamThe Content

• Revolutionary Ideas, Leaders, Movements and Events

• 1763 (End of French and Indian War) –

1776 (Declaration of Independence)

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Concepts to Consider

• Mercantilism

• Acts of Trade and Navigation

• Salutary Neglect

• Self Government in Colonies

• French and Indian War (1757-63)

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Key Legislation and responses… (Events)

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The Proclamation Act (1763)

• Aimed to avoid conflict with native Americans• Prevent settlement territory difficult to control or

govern• Proclamation line ran through the Appalachian

Mountains• All who had settled West of this line were

ordered to return East

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• Some colonists (particularly new settlers and land speculators) were angered

• Desire to expand further into the West (the Ohio valley)

• Colonists believed it was their right to expand following victory over the French

• Despite anger, only temporary• Difficult to enforce Act, no government control or

police on the frontier• Some colonists ignored the act and crossed the


Colonial Response: The Proclamation Act (1763)

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The Sugar Act (1764)

• Existed since 1733

• Part of Acts of Trade and Navigation

• Renewed every 5 years

• Renewed in 1763, for 1 year only

• Reviewed and found to be inefficient and corrupt

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The Sugar Act (1764)

• Revenue Act (1764) – known as the Sugar Act

• Reduced duty on foreign molasses to three pence a gallon (previously sixpence)

• Sweeping powers to customs officials

• Increased patrols to prevent smuggling

• Revenue to defend colonies

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• Merchants and distillers were angered in New England

• Official protests lodged

• Otis and Adams – come to the forefront in protest, later discussed in ‘ideas’ section

• No genuine unity in protest between colonies

Colonial Response: The Sugar Act (1764)

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The Stamp Act (1765)

• First tabled in 1764• Revenue raising act • Aimed to finance defence of the colonies and

also to enforce mercantilist policies• All revenue raised would be returned to England• A tax on legal documents: titles, bills of sale,

wills, contracts, diplomas, playing cards and dice • Stamp indicated the tax had been paid• Paid for in coin (specie)

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• Wide-reaching act, all classes of society impacted

• Virtually no stamps sold

• Otis, ‘The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved’ (July 1764)

• Boycott of British goods in protest

• ‘No Taxation without Representation’

Colonial Response: The Stamp Act (1765)

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Results: The Stamp Act (1765)

• Trade slumped and British merchants pressured British parliament to repeal the act

• Henry ‘Virginia Resolves’ (May 1765)

• Sons of Liberty and the Stamp Act Riots (August 1765)

• The Stamp Act Congress (October 1765)

• Repealed March 1766

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The Quartering Act (1765)

• British regulars remain in colonies following war

• Role to protect and defend• Potential French, Spanish claims on land• Potential conflict with native Americans –

Pontiac’s Rebellion• Responsibility of colonies to house, supply

and feed British soldiers• Not in private houses

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• Colonists unhappy with presence of soldiers

• War over, therefore no need for them

• No standing armies in a time of peace

• Especially angered by having to pay for their supplies

Colonial Response: The Quartering Act (1765)

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Results: The Quartering Act (1765)

• Most colonial legislatures refuse to pay

• Consider it a ‘tax in kind’

• Public opposition, riots, non-compliance

• New York Assembly suspended 1767-9

• Tension mounts between soldiers and colonists

• Aggravated by competition for work

• Boils over in the Boston Massacre of 1770

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The Declaratory Act (1766)

• Passed at the same time the Stamp Act was repealed

• Stated that Britain had the right to pass laws relating to her colonies in ‘all cases whatsoever’

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• Significance unrecognised by many• A ‘face-saving’ measure after the Stamp Act was

repealed?• Many colonists ignored it • In reality it was a clear signal that the British

government intended to take further steps to tax the colonies to recover the cost of colonial expenditure

Colonial Response: The Declaratory Act (1766)

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The Townshend Acts (1767)

• Chancellor of the Exchequer, Charles Townshend exerted powers in William Pitt’s absence

• Government accused by opposition as being ‘soft’ on colonials

• A series of revenue-raising acts

• Import taxes or duties placed on a variety of items: glass, lead, paints, paper and tea

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• Again, the colonists were angered

• Boycott of British goods again

• Non-importation agreements strengthen protest

• Active protest to British parliament

• Confidence high after the repeal of the Stamp Act

Colonial Response: The Townshend Acts (1767)

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Colonial Response: The Townshend Acts (1767)

• Circular Letter 1768 (Sam Adams) – push for unity

• Suspension of Massachusetts Assembly 1768-69

• Mob violence

• Increased British Redcoat presence in Boston

• Increased tension

• Boston Massacre 5 March 1770

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• Duties removed in 1770

• Severe slump in trade

• British merchants pressured the parliament to remove it

• Duty on tea remained

• Peaceful period follows (three years)

Results: The Townshend Acts (1767)

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The Tea Act (1773)

• Aimed to force the colonies to buy tea from the East India Company

• Fledging British company with a surplus of tea

• Act would ensure a virtual monopoly on tea sales in American colonies for the company

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• Colonists outraged • Didn’t feel parliament had the right to

restrict trade • Boycott of British tea• Smuggling of foreign tea• Boston Tea Party December 1773• Tea tipped overboard in symbolic act of

protest (Boston Port)

Colonial Response: The Tea Act (1773)

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Results: The Tea Act (1773)

• Immediate impact in Britain

• Colonists were forced to repay the East India Company for the cost of the tea and the duties owing

• Strengthening of control over the colonies by British parliament (especially Massachusetts)

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The Coercive Acts (1774)

• British response to the Tea Party• Four acts• Tightened British control on the colonies• Boston Port Act• Massachusetts Government Act• Administration of Justice Act• Quartering Act• Quebec Act – passed in conjunction, but not

actually part of the Coercive Acts

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The Coercive Acts (1774)

• The port of Boston was closed • A military governor was appointed in

Massachusetts, the Upper House was now to only comprise of members appointed by him

• Trial of British for offences in Massachusetts could now be tried in England or another colony

• Colonists were ordered to quarter (pay upkeep and potentially house) British troops

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• Colonists labeled them the ‘Intolerable Acts’• Active protests and petitions to the King• Virginian support leads to dissolution of House of

Burgesses and meeting at Raleigh Tavern• Meeting called for a continental congress to

discuss the crisis (Henry)• Massachusetts House of Representatives echo

this call• The first unified meeting of the 13 colonies was

destined to take place

Colonial Response: The Coercive Acts (1774)

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• Commenced September 1774

• Philadelphia

• 45 representatives

• 12 colonies (Georgia not represented)

• Petitioned the King, pledging loyalty

• Number of resolves

The First Continental Congress (1774)

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• Enforced boycotting all British imports and trade until the acts had been lifted

• Henry, “I am not a Virginian but an American”

• Suffolk Resolves adopted• Galloway Plan (Plan of Union) - rejected• End October 1774• Resolved to meet again May 1775

The First Continental Congress (1774)

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• King and British Parliament did not falter

• Believed it was better to ‘nip rebellion in the bud’ in a short war rather than address issues later

• British raised military ready to suppress the rebellion in colonial America

British Response: The First Continental Congress (1774)

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• Commenced May 1775

• 48 members

• Georgia represented

• Plan of Union not likely

• War had already broken out – Lexington and Concord (April 1775)

• Washington attends in militia uniform

Second Continental Congress (1775)

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• Adopt army made up of colonial militia

• Washington appointed commander

• Declaration of the ‘Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms’

• Justified why war was necessary

• Olive Branch Petition to King – arrived after the King had already rejected conciliation with the colonies

Second Continental Congress (1775)

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During the Congress

• Revolutionary War breaks out

• Lexington and Concord

• 19 April 1775

• Following a series of Powder Alarms

• 700 British regulars

• Committees of Safety, colonial militia, minutemen

• ‘Shot heard ‘round the world’

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During the Congress

• Paine’s ‘Common Sense’ January 1776

• Challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy

• Used plain language to appeal to the common people of the colonies

• Change in ideological thought – openly asked for Independence

• Push towards separation

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Declaring Independence (1776)

• Second Continental Congress

• Drafted by Jefferson

• Approved 4 July 1776

• Declaration of Independence signed during the Congress confirming separation of Britain and America

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Key ideas:

• All men had the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

• It was the duty of governments to protect these rights

• Reflected the liberal Enlightenment ideas (discussed in ideas section)

Declaration of Independence (1776)

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George Washington

• The most prominent figure of the revolution• French and Indian War• Virginian landowner and planter• Member of Virginian House of Burgesses• Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army• First President of United States of America• Outspoken critic of England’s colonial policies in

the 1760s

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Thomas Jefferson

• Member of the Virginian House of Burgesses• Author of the Virginian Constitution, Declaration

of Independence• Many other important documents• A Summary View of the Rights of British

America, 1774• Not a prominent speaker or ‘active’ leader• Contribution is ideological and in penning key


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Benjamin Franklin

• The most famous American of his time• Scientist• Pennsylvania Assembly delegate• Agent in England for the colonies – intercepted

personal letters of Hutchinson and Oliver• Slow to support independence of the colonies,

but a strong believer in unity• Suggested that the 13 colonies unite in 1754 –

‘Albany Plan’ – ‘Join or Die’

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Thomas Paine

• A prominent pamphleteer • Penned two of the most important

revolutionary documents• Common Sense, January 1776• Written using plain language, expressed

why the colonies must become independent• The American Crisis, late 1776 (out of this

AOS)• Strengthened morale following a series of

defeats in late 1776

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Samuel Adams

• A prominent activist in Boston• Leader of the Sons of Liberty, Committees of

Correspondence (1772), Solemn League and Covenant (1774)

• Organiser of the Boston Massacre (1770) and Tea Party (1773)

• Prominent and inspiring speaker and author• ‘The Rights of the Colonists’ (1772)• ‘Grass-roots’ contribution - able to recruit,

organise and communicate with common people

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Patrick Henry

• Questionable impact on the revolution, despite fame

• Member of Virginian House of Burgesses• Biographer reconstructed two most famous

‘radical’ and ‘inflammatory’ speeches in the Virginia House of Burgesses

• Caesar/Brutus speech - “If this be treason, make the most of it!” (1765)

• “Give me liberty, or give me death” (1775)

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Other Leaders

• John Adams

• Paul Revere

• James Otis

• John Dickinson

• John Hancock

• Consider other prominent individuals

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Sons of Liberty

• Most famous movement• Existed in almost every colony• August 1765• Based in large cities such as Boston• Created and spread propaganda• Organised acts such as the Stamp Act Riots

(1765), Boston Massacre (1770), Boston Tea Party (1773)

• Harassment of the British and loyalist colonists

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• Existed temporarily since 1764 - dealt with current issue and then disbanded

• 1772 established – Adams and Warren• Sometimes intertwined with the Sons of

Liberty• Various and existed in many colonies• Purpose was to spread the word about

events, ideas and British ‘tyranny’• Also to protect the natural rights of colonists• Usually spread their message through letters

and pamphlets but sometimes by meetings

Committees of Correspondence

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Continental Congress

• Is this a revolutionary movement?

• It formed illegally and passed laws that led to revolutionary events

• Nominated representatives from the 13 colonies

• However, not democratically elected

• Can this body be considered as a revolutionary government?

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Continental Army

• The military branch of the revolution• Not ideologically based• However, many sympathetic to the

revolutionary cause• National unity and identity grew out of this

group• For many, this was the first contact with

men from other colonies

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The Enlightenment

• A period during the 1600s and 1700s

• Questioning of the traditional world order

• Science, medicine, philosophy, politics and art also questioned

• Much revolutionary thought stemmed from this period

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Natural Rights

• ‘Natural rights of man’• John Locke• It was suggested that the purpose of

government was to serve the people, rather than vice versa

• Also suggested that the role of governments was to protect natural rights, not control or limit them

• Otis developed this idea into his theory of Natural Law

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Popular Sovereignty

• Challenges divine right

• The right of governments to rule came from the people, not from the birthright of a monarch

• Widely expressed through the idea of ‘taxation without representation’ – the first key grievance of the revolutionaries

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• Actual representation - each person in an electorate is directly represented in the assembly by an elected figure

In opposition

• Virtual representation - parliamentarians represented the best interests of constituents, whether they had directly elected them or not

Actual and Virtual Representation

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• Developing notion of nationalism – a separation from being ‘English’

• Lived thousands of miles away – different geography, people, climate, values etc.

• ‘New World’ vs ‘Old World’ of Europe

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• Republicanism – a system of government without a monarch (links to Roman Empire)

• Constitutionalism – a written framework for government

• Both major features of the new society – this is central to AOS 2

Republicanism and Constitutionalism

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2013 VCAA Exam

Question One

Using three or four points, explain how the ideas of republicanism contributed to the development of the

American Revolution from 1763 up to and including 1776.

Provide evidence to support your answer.

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2013 VCAA Exam

Question Two

Using three or four points, explain how the actions of the British Government from 1763 up to and including 1774 contributed to a revolutionary situation.

Provide evidence to support your answer.

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General Advice for Section A, Questions 1 & 2

• Learn your ‘facts’ – study techniques (cue cards, timelines etc.)

• Ensure you are clear about the outcomes of particular actions or events – study techniques (flow charts etc.)

• Respond to all parts of the question– highlight the key terms, plan your response

• Structure your response in a logical sequence • Begin with a brief contention that touched on their main

points • Signpost your answer to ensure clear points – use ‘firstly’,

‘secondly’ and ‘thirdly’, or language such as ‘furthermore’ to link points

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General Advice for Section A, Questions 1 & 2

• Refer to the key terms in the question throughout your response, not only at the end (highlight these terms)

• Demonstrate a range of knowledge • Use specific historical terms and include policies, events,

dates, places and names• Establish links between your points, don’t simply ‘list’

information or provide a narrative• Always explain the contribution to the revolution or

revolutionary situation – use these phrases throughout• Do not use historians’ views at the expense of factual


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General Advice for Section A, Questions 1 & 2

• Take your response further – not only how the event, idea, leader or movement caused the revolution, but ALSO how the topic combined with a number of other events or circumstances to create a ‘revolutionary situation’

• Be careful to confine your discussion to the period set for the area of study, which is stated on the examination paper

• Information can be best presented in chronological order to demonstrate the development of the revolution

• Do not use dot point format

• Try to stick to the allocated space and time

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Questions 1 & 2 – a difference?

• 2013 VCAA Examination Report discusses the difference between Question 1 and Question 2

• The development of the revolution• vs

• A revolutionary situation

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The development of the revolution

• Long-term

• Broad view

• Unfolding situation

• Step back from the events and view the development of the revolution

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A revolutionary situation

• Immediate situation

• Volatile

• Crisis point

• Sudden change

• Very specific

• Close focus required on situation

• Understanding of a moment when the established government loses control

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General Advice for Section A, Questions 1 & 2

Possible Structure:

• U nity

• M ovements

• I deas

• L eaders

• E vents

• R elationship change

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Student Sample Response

• Sample – high level response

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Section A, Qu 3 of the ExamThe Task

• Write on the same revolution as Qu 1 & 2• Document, commentary, visual representation or

interpretation• 4 scaffolded questions• 2 comprehension style questions• 1 on context – “using your knowledge”• 1 on “usefulness” or “reliability” or “accuracy”• Total 20 marks• Spend 30 minutes maximum

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Section A, Qu 3 of the ExamThe Content

• Creating a New Society

• July 1776

(Declaration of Independence)

– 1789

(Inauguration of George Washington)

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Series of Crises and Responses

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Revolutionary War: 1776

• Shortcomings of the Continental Army:

• Training

• Munitions and equipment

• Leadership

• Discipline

• Enlistment

• Early defeats

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Revolutionary War: 1776

• Washington under attack

• Loyalists support strong

• Paine’s ‘The American Crisis’

• Turning point – the Battle of Trenton (Christmas 1776)

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War in the South: 1778-1781

• Initial British victories

• British success seemed inevitable in late 1778

• French alliance secured 1778

• French arrival 1779

• Turning point: the Battle of Cowpens (January 1781)

• Loyalists vs Patriots – Civil-style War?

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End of War

• Battle of Yorktown (1781)

• Treaty of Paris (1783)

• Terms favourable to Americans

• Resignation of British Prime Minister Lord North (1782)

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After the Declaration of Independence

• The 13 colonies became sovereign/independent states

• Unification?

• Was this a revolutionary aim?

• The states were not ready to relinquish autonomy

• On the whole, they pursued individual interests

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Political Structure of the States

• Written constitutions

• Bills of Rights

• State political structures

• Delegates were appointed by election

• Some states retained property qualifications for voting, this differed from state to state

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• States were essentially sovereign nations

• Very little altered in terms of structure, however, now without British rule

• Most political power lay with the states rather than the national Congress

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Articles of Confederation

• Written 1777

• Ratified 1781

• ‘Loose union’

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Crises under the Articles

The Confederation Congress was faced with several problems:

• International relations

• Trade

• Economic management

• Defence

• Establishing a bureaucracy

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Reasons for Crises

• Federal Congress was weak under Articles • State legislatures held most power• Congress had no coercive power or legal authority

over states• Congress lacked the power to tax or manage

trade• While Congress could request money from states,

they were not obligated to supply it• Congress consisted of a legislative branch of

government only and had no judicial or executive power

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Reasons for Crises

• States possessed the power to act as they pleased, without Congress approval

• Foreign powers maintained a presence in the states, including Britain

• Britain did not honour the Treaty of Paris (1783)

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Limitations of Congress

• Confederation Congress - formed by the Articles of Confederation

• Severely restricted• Faced a variety of problems in the 1780s• Compounded by national debt and loss of

trade with Britain that followed the revolutionary war

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Economic Crisis

• Congress unable to regulate trade – states free to trade with foreign powers

• Also unable to control trade between states• Difficult to establish clear markets for American

exports• Unable to levy taxes • Enormous war debt• Not able to issue paper money• Not able to prevent the states from printing their


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Economic Crisis

• Economic crisis ensued• New export markets required • ‘Safe’ and established trading partner

Britain and her empire gone• Unable to recoup severe war debt• States issued large amounts of paper

money – e.g. Rhode Island• Widespread hyperinflation• Tension mounts between the states

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Economic Social Crisis

• Following revolutionary war returned soldiers face severe economic problems

• Particularly farmers

• Suffered high levels of debt and state taxation

• Compounded by low prices for produce

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Economic Social Crisis

• Urban merchants and creditors also under financial pressure recall debts

• Farmers and working-class were generally unable to meet repayments

• Debtors’ courts established

• Role of courts – to ensure payment of debts or impose foreclosure on mortgages or even imprison those in debt

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Shays’ Rebellion

• Massachusetts

• August 1786 – June 1787

• Group of disgruntled farmers (Shaysites or Regulators)

• Led by former Continental Army officer, Daniel Shays

• Marched on Springfield and force the debtors’ court to adjourn

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Shays’ Rebellion

• It was argued the revolution had not improved the lives of the people

• They had fought for key revolutionary ideals that had not been achieved

• Some state assemblies cancelled the debts of farmers and workers

• Sympathetic to the farmers? OR

• Worried about further rebellion?

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Response: Shays’ Rebellion

• Congress and the Articles of Confederation were unable to protect both groups involved

• Debtors – suffered poor trade, low prices, high debt and high taxation

• Creditors – rights were not protected • A Constitutional Convention was needed - elite

members of society called• Philadelphia (1787) • Purpose - revise the Articles of Confederation

and improve the system of government

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Constitutional Convention

• Philadelphia (1787)

• Completely scrapped the Articles of Confederation – revising impossible

• New governmental framework to be built on a federal system

• Result – the Constitution

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The Constitution

• National government significantly strengthened

• Autonomy and powers of 13 states greatly reduced

• Congress divided into two houses – House of Representatives and the Senate

• Power to pass laws, tax, raise armies and navies, control trade and commerce

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The Constitution

• Executive branch (presidency) - to run the government on a day-to-day basis

• Legislative branch – law makers

• Judicial branch (courts) – interpret laws and make legal rulings

• ‘Checks and balances’

• Designed to prevent tyranny

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Ratifying the Constitution

• Met with significant public debate • Anti-Federalists - feared the return to a strong

central government and the potential for tyranny (Jefferson and Henry)

• Federalists - supported the new system (Madison and Hamilton)

• Became law following ratification by 9 of the 13 states

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Ratifying the Constitution

• Ratification – a ‘crisis’?

• The process had the potential to fail

• Debate and propaganda ensued

• Madison’s Federalist Paper – in support

• Support of George Washington as a strong figurehead convinced many

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Ratifying the Constitution

• Passed in 1788• Promise that a Bill of Rights (a series of ten

amendments) would be added after ratification

• Appeasement for the anti-federalists?• Many believed the protection of natural

rights was not inherent in the Constitution• Bill of Rights – to protect the natural rights of

individuals and avoid tyranny

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Bill of Rights

• 1789

• Guaranteed freedoms of speech, religion, the press, of association and assembly

• Ensured a due legal process

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Inauguration of Washington

• George Washington

• Appointed the first president

• Inaugurated on 30 April 1789

• Elected convincingly

• Relieved many who feared the president as a virtual monarch

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2013 VCAA Exam

• Visual –

• Howard Chandler Christy, Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States

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2013 VCAA Exam

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2013 VCAA Exam

Question Three

a. Identify two features of the representation that depict unity.

b. Identify two ways in which the representation depicts the signing of the Constitution as a historic event.

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2013 VCAA Exam

c. By referring to parts of the representation and using your own knowledge, explain what led to the ratification of the Constitution in 1787.

d. Evaluate to what extent this representation provides an accurate depiction of the new society. In your response, refer to parts of the representation and to different views of the Revolution.

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General Advice for Section A, Question 3

Questions 3a & b• Ensure you read the comprehension questions carefully

and answer the question that is being asked• Many ‘easy’ marks are lost through misunderstanding or

incorrectly focused responses• Use precise terms• Simple comprehension only

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General Advice for Section A, Question 3

Question 3c • Read carefully to ensure a correctly focussed response –

highlight key terms, pay attention to dates• Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the topic – go beyond the

document• Avoid a narrative of events, you need to contextualise the

document or graphic• Use reading time to ensure you are clear on the viewpoint of

the document or graphic – use the captions and unpack the symbols

• Clearly link your answer to the document or graphic – quote, identify features, interpret symbols, use linking phrases (“as stated in the extract” or “as seen in the visual”)

• Question ‘c’ does not require historiography

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General Advice for Section A, Question 3

Question 3d• Avoid simply listing your knowledge or comparing historians• Analyse the view of the document (perhaps start with this) and

make specific reference to it and the author – use linking phrases• Address the ‘strengths and limitations’ of the document as evidence• Also refer to the strengths and weaknesses of the event itself• Incorporate outside factual knowledge relevant to the document and

question, do not simply reply on content from the document• Ensure your historiography is relevant to the document and question

– agree or disagree? (school is not essential, label correctly)• Do not simply list schools of thought, label and compare and

contrast historians views to that of the document• Use of ‘bias’ and clichés• Structure your ideas clearly and logically

Page 106: Sunday 12 October 2014 Lauren Perfect Haileybury

Student Sample Response

• Sample – high level response

Page 107: Sunday 12 October 2014 Lauren Perfect Haileybury

Please feel free to contact me should you

have any questions or comments:

Lauren Perfect

[email protected]

Best of luck for the exam on 10 November 2014!