sunday services in south bend cliurclies puns...

SUNDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1922 THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- S 27 end Cliurclies South B Puns Chow Deals Poker Out Sunday Services In Papal Consistory Delay Due In Part to Coming U. S. Elections ' ' t 1 . r V r f Vatican ! :r r- a fa v - " 1 ' . rr. er 1 1 r. a i rr: t h is refls .r. ''. -- .rxi--ut that it Washing op. 1 v O tho rhurTi. RPWORTil MUM Olli AL M. E. Olive fit. and Lincoln way VS., Hv. o. V. Jarkson. pistor; Sunday .?rhoo!. 9:30 a. m.. Theodore I'roud. f jpTlr.teridnt; wor.'h.p 10:43 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Epworth league, C:30 p. m. MT. PLEASANT II v. Da Witt C. EllinwooJ. pa.tor; Fiar.k D- - Mat-h',T.v- Sunday p?hool ."rjprlntendnt. Sunday school, 10 a. in.; preaching. 11:1." a. m . MCKPO.V CIIAPELr I'.ev. IV Witt C. Ellin wood, pastor; Harry Oaspel'.s. Sunlay echcol supf rintndont; Sun at 2:30 p. m.; Our Lady of Hungary' mixtion In 5r,0 block on C:talpa av., same morning service.3; no after-- : 'iOon Service; Sacred Hart mi.s.n on Indiana av.. as uthr mis- - SACRED HE AKT, RELGIAX 1126 W- - Thomas et.. Rev. A. re, pa-sto- r; low masses at 10 :C 0. 7:20 and 3 a. m.; high miss at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; benediction and vespers at 2:30 p m. ST. MARY'S, GERMAN 431 S. Taylor St.. Rev. John M. Scherer, C. S. C, pawnor; low mass at 7:30 a-m- high mass and sermon at 10 a. m.; Sunday ?chool at 2:30 p. m.; benediction at 3 p. m. SACRED HEART, NOTRE DAME Rev. John R. Scheier, C. S. C, pastor; 6 a. m., low mass; 8:15 a-m- studentri mass; 10:15 a, m., par- ish rnas; 2 p. rn.. vespers. - -- .r .;' " t re r. P. '- -s f ' r vtl-ir- . tr. . rd rA"0 f T.Vt ran prT trend of p ' ". i 1 r-- r - Th-- " ar c:r. e h hop th" the Unite'. S'at.- - r.-- -5 the Vatican, working tccethr m y ab to nc hi en- - rvrult rr. en of r fi'.'- - RIRP.ON IUV. Ribbon bov, s ar- - in crv favor, in rtll . Ve-r- fall rr.e decort" a !livj-- f on th m'.ddy y-- r and hold in the fullr.-- s abo-.-.- t '; h!p Three, armnp I her:.rr.a l!v. mak- - a Wird-o- r tie fju;te ; r r. - ry. IR PIT1IUS, ?dany' h a '.r frocks look perfectly plain fr. ni th front but have elabrat- - .!nrfr;" in the back which may s-- -' e a.- - w ir.g-sleev- e draperies ph! rrv si-- h effects or loo par There are m re r-- of pub'Ic 'crhip in Ar:--- r l:a ! proportion t- - th populat :or the. n in any place :n BAPTIST FIKFT M;:.-- : ar; I Wavn .'ts., ! Il.v. f. S. I iv.-- . I) I. pastor; r(,!'r.-'- , 2 I 1 V. W.c r- .- ; ?;30 j 8 "... S-:r- . lay 'h -- 1. W. i: S'.ude-- ! 1 - r..t lr. t; 10:45 8. m ; Y"'j;;g r'.r m-'tirt- : 30 p :a.; 'vc,.r.,' vor.'hip, 7:. 10 p. m.; We ire - : i 7 1', p. m, f r M rr. c "'.:. on "Ti S rt cf nrzir i " i:T-T''r.- n(.r;, p i ! '!' 4 rr.s-i- . . rT-'i- i .r.'' t. "Is '1 i.r J'..i.1 rr'i'.i ? A S!i:ly !n ti. Con-tri'- . :t!'in tl Jw to" (.v ihzrit'.r.n." S;t:r.i at i, tt irt't. ' "ALVA It V Co rr.r Ülalr. and CaMr av:.. K v. A. M. Qi!g rnlr.l-tT- ; r! iT.f". 1019 Woodward ftv., j;. J. Wi-kf-y- , S'irday rch-v- d u-- r : Irfn .t ; 1" a m.. Hildo school. I-r- . J. O. II-ir- .. tfirhor of mn's :). 11 a. in., morning worship; f ; p. rn.. It. V. p. U.; 7:30 p. rn., ! 7:-t.- p. m. Wednes-- ' day . ( r.InT. prayer pervlee. J w.rn'-,:- - fi'.icct. "Tl. IIpi cf 11". '! : ''." I" Y. IV C. J'vi In-- r wrr.!j. J" i. '"I.1. r,r-- .t Iirf i:tr." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE iTp.T t i j r t r-- 1 r o i- - Mir TT i ilk. I i r ''IlINTIST M-it- and Malison st.v;) h'.. 1, 'j : 1 " a. m.; morning !'. 11 a rr..". V.'. rlrr-'I't- even-- , : f te r.iai me th.g at 8 o'clock, j .!. ,' r""-r:- . op. n daily from 3 a. r. to p rn.. S i urday, ' a. in. to 8 j. i.. at 7i;7 J. .!. S. l.ui'.dlng- ROME. Ort 7 TV r- -h coming Tus in the United Saren are pir-- t : 1 y r c.3 ; r. 1 ! vl fir hi" vi'! in drt-".ä- y in h iding the long rpc!e I c.r.sl5try, nord.rg f well-tr-u- n '- .- reports R'.me. Rope XI w:13 cor.ecrat in th c a number of new "red bats." and among thes Is certain to be M'sigror Rar.zano. ' "r. e pr apostolic delecnte to the United State, und it 1 t:nd rso.- - 1 trat h.e pope !s nnwilllnc to rail M..r.?;cTior Hor.sino from Wasaing-- ' n until o.ftor the ejections are over. Th v,i:!cir.. it if explained, b. r.o dr'-a- of Jr.tluenc In American pclitics. but inaf-muc- h as the Pop ho!:vo5 that the United States is the keynote in any scheme for pacification of Europe, it is be. lievel that th" Vatican .. ttld hove a keen and experienced observer in Washington during the election period. The Prpe ; f.rmly convinced that :; e red pacif.-Mtio- f Europe can-- r 't be achieve! the United States intervene. a:;d is keep:ng a c .watch upon th politioiil trend in America. If a proper -- casMp. ares 1' is probable that the Vatican mav invite th United State-.- - to intervene and take a ad :i. tne oration or nut rn 1 We Pay THE Will benefit We will you Interest Your Compounded bonded And our Quarterly CI IRISTI AN I FIKST 3K, H. Main Et.. Rev. HI- - j Or:.. - Ward Co! , p stor; rtidence. .CJ. M'iln rt.; IUhlr school at 3:30 SERVICE WE OFFER you in every way. work out a plan that will en- able to save conveniently sys- tematically and easily. money will be well protected by the state. loan service will some time be very valuable to you. St. Joseph Bldg. & Loan Assn 124 South Ti . in.. ..I. Ii. iJenniHon, .s.ipt'riiiiFiiu- - ; l0:!" a. m and 7:?-- ; i i ; Y. i C. K. rr. pe-tin- s at 6:30. i.VDIAN'A AVr.XUK Corner In-- J !..-- i ria av. and St. Jo-pp- h St.. J. F. I. vi!!.'. rn;n i'- -t r. Mati, 015 Pnn-- 1 av. Ii. A. V'appner. super-- I j'tTjlVnt of rpIU'iou education; : .n. r;r. worship. 0:Cö to 11:43; j :' at 3:30, at j : " :0 a. and :C0 p. m. ' i ti .ür.'.oa hr. l r, r H. h'ns at 10:TA i i - r. (V.npipd thp Holy Spirit .i.,.-- n f f ii !rE-ln- " I "hriht 1.1 Tl 11a- - ,if nr at ly.fnlüc srrn'ii. "foul's j It- - '.-- r l'rf.üi!?- - " Worth hl Hihle n- - n.'fH Ith Mrr. r. ofp. MlK. Mll-t"- tt st. TuHiJir 'vniri at 7 :"o. Wo-i- i ;n' r.slc.r-,r- ''t v rnp''?" with Mr. H. Cr.-Ti-t-.n- . 1!.V. IV hi-!'.."- ! a iv., Wtd-r."!.i- v .Tft-rnn- iit 2 V I.INTiKN AVr:.NTTi: I.indpn ftv. i r.p ! ar:t rt.. I. N. Miller, pastor; Sunday srliool at 10 a. in-- . F. O. Hn-- j 1. .'jpcTintpr.'lpnt; worship, 11 a.j j:i : Chrl .Ian Kmlr.ivor, 6:30 p. m.; t ihip. 7:30 p. in. 1 TAR IMS I'nAIRIT: Hilde Pohool. V.') n. rn. : ronur.unlon and p roach- - l".-- r at 10:': :i. in.: son? JMr- - v.o Iv.rrvt dy wplcornr. EPISCOPAL ST. JAMES Lafayette blvd., north of Wahincrton av.. Rev. Rob-- f i'i J. In- - rector. Holy rommun-- i .,r.. 7:30 a. rn.; church pchool, 9:43 it. rn.; rtrrnon. 11 a. m. iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuj f I THOGl I NEW YORK E 42 Broadway w OTRINTTV Colfax av.. MEMBERS: New York Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange New York Produce Exchange E New York Cotton & Sugar Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange E Chicago Board of Trade E Chicago Stock Exchange E Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce E Winnipeg Grain Exchange E All Indianapolis Exchanges E SOUTH BEND OFFICE J. M. S. BUILDING Telephones: Main 390-391-39- 2, Lincoln 2028 E W. O. KENNEDY, Manager f Facts and figures in connection with securities or com- - E modities cheerfully supplied. Our private wires extend to the leading cities of the E United States and Canada. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN GRAIN AHO COTTON FUTURES E COMMUNICATE WITH NEAREST OFFICE Chlr.i has ma :e unother contrihu- - o c : v. ' -- r atin. This timt it a .il through China not only an; jr.g -- .he Chinee but in Amer.can, Er:r:h. French ar.d oiher foreign c:rc:v one hears the rattle and click of a lot of mrango !oiking. bam-too-backe- d, ivory or bone-face- d ob- jects somewhat resembling dom-iroe- t. a the players about the table become excited, they ejaculate 'Rung!" "Chow!" "Mah Jongg!" an i the like. They are playing one of he oldest games of the oldest civilisation in the world: "Muh Jongg." In the far eatt the game has su- perceded dominoes, poker and bridge. Everywhere in the e'.uh. in homes and tea-hous- es. Mah Jongg's the thing. America Gotting the Crazo. Now the craze has h;t America. It can be found even at. department stores, it least !n the larger citie. In America they call it '"Pur.g-Chow.- " Fun-,- ' Chow i played by four per-ci;- k. with "tiie.f" a the units are called 12o in number. These are divided into Ave suits. Three have tiie name value and run, like caras, from one to nine. The suits are called "Bamboo." "DouV and "Char- acters." The other two suits are he nor t and are of h:gher pcor-.n- g value. One is named for the f"Ur winds East. West. North and South, the other for the Dragons-R- ed. White and Green. A four-side- d 'wall," two tiles deep, is built and from thin wall the play- ers draw 13 pieces, save the banker the banker is always known aa "Fast Wind" who gets 14. By a sysr.em of drawing each player strives to build up a winning hand. This my hav even more value than in poker. Counters Kttl bonestlcksi ta the place of chip and there is a settling up" after each hand played the banker winning or los- - mid-wee- k meetings Tuesday and Thursday ASSEMBLY OF GOD MISSION SIS W. Division st.. Rev. Wm. Ma- jors, pastor; regular nervlces, 7:45 every evening but Monday; Sunday at 10 a. m.. G. B. Leeke. superinten- dent. PENTECOSTAL MISSION 208 W. Jefferson blvd.; 7'-4- o p. m-- , Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, wor- ship; 7:20 p. m., Sunday, worship; p. m.. Sunday. Y'oung People's meeting. Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A. Corner S. Main and W. Wayne sta., W. M. Danner, Jr., general secretary; L. E. Goodwin, secretary boys' department; services Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- day, 9 a. m., religious conferences; Monday, 10 a. m.. Ministerial asso- ciation; Friday, 7:30 p. m., Religious Institute-- ; Monday (boys') 6:30 p. m., Trl-- C club Bible clasA MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The ministerial association meets every Monday morning at 10 o'clock except during the months of July and August. The officers are E. G. Johnson, president; A. E. Monger, vice president, and R. F. Gordon, secretary and treasurer; visiting ministers are cordially invited to attend the meetings. Y. W. C. A. T. W. C. A. 121 N. Lafayette blvd., is open every Sunday from 12:30 to 7:30 p. m. MILLTNTUIY Close turbans, formed entirely of velvet foliage in soft gren, and browns, are shown for winter. As the season advances and more w'n-te- r millinery is shown the smaller hat is getting more attention. HUTTF.HFLY 1XNYS. Iltjge butterfly bows of taffeta, moire and velvet are used on frocks for young girls. Sometimes they have long saph ends that reach to the hem of the frock. MONOGRAMS. Monograms are a feature on sports! blouses and dresses. They started! small and comparatively lnconspic- - uous but now they ar? attaining' quite large proportions and are fre-- j quently made the whole decoration.' The mnsive pile of masonry known ns the Creat Chinese Wall, which maintains a uniform direction N:rdlv a single mile, is not a struc- - ural unit as generally sunpc-jd- , but: was built in pieces durivj different j a gen. The list effort to keep the; wall in repa!r was in the beginning of the Chlng dynasty. j The important watch and clock I r.-cr- at La Chaux-do-Fond- s. Swit- zerland, have taken up the manu facture of locomotives. Reader Takes Newer Form of Iron Feels Years Younger V Vi.' Xi" ' "Six weels ago I aw a special otTer in the paper telling how thousands ol people grow old in looks acd enry long before they are really old in years, because, as exfixainatioas by j bysicians have shown, an enormous number ol people do not hare enough Iron in their blood. I have bt-e- a taking Nuxated Iron for two weeltsi the reg'olts ar simply astounding. The rces haTe come baclc in ray lips and chfeks, and I cm conscientiously say that I fed tea years yomigtr.' The abore is a typical hypothetical case showing the results that bare becc achiered by a great many people inc we started this 44 satisfaction or money tick' otler on Nuxated Iron. We will i::ake you the same guarantee. If, aftri taking the two week's treatment oi NuxateU Iron.joudo Dotfe-elan- look years younger, we will promptly refuac your money. Call at once for a bottle of Nuxate Iren at CVntral Trug S'ore. Wllrf8 Cat Itate Pr:g Store. I. anion Drtij Co. and Amer- ican Iru S;or A will jrire pl.i'-- e to r-:j-r croup prayer r.i''Aj t ö:4". I'ci'lf'n e la eve-nu- z. w itiiO?;:; koj-;- l pr'a-.Mn- c. du-"I- " ly Mi M.i'j.l- - I'.yl.-- r aijU; Monday, 7:lä. inft'.na .f th whl :.ur.: f-,- intr- - io;,. Fir.-- t Krtr.ou i:v:;r.;.:...t M i: t: '.! n ,. .n Ti;m. iv, Ti--L- - ur.ti; O.-t- . ?J. R ROADWA Y Cor ne r I' roadway anil Carroll t.s.. Rev. E. Llarfitld Johr.fjn, patf.r. Residence-- , 1412 S. Carroll. Rev. Renjamin (. Thorna.i, a ociate patr; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.. S. C. Lehman, superin- tendent; morning service at 10:30 a. m-- ; evening service 7:30 p. m.; Young- - People's Alliance. 6:30 p. m. Mondr!;- - w..rLJ;'. "The T!m9 of Ke-f- r hi .?.' ern:oa hr th pis'or. Vouij iv-.plo-- Aülnn'c by Miss I. aura Wa:.-i.- r. I.ipninc worship. Mrs Vlrsin'a A hr. pre;l-n- i f thp Chil 1 We'fan .'y!.itU:i of Terre Haute will add re 4 the oriirrcpation. GRACE EVANGELICAL ASSOCI- ATION Lincoln way W. and Wal- nut st.. Rev. O. Herman, pastor; rider.ce, $47 N. Walnut St.; 3:30 a. m., Sunday school, C. W. Hop-kin.-- ?, superintendent; morning wor- ship. 10:30 a. m. This will be Rally dir la our school. The rnornlnr ervleo will mors 1 with tho i:ih!o pchool. Frank M. McKibN-n- , eo.jnty i'.lrc'tor of rol!?i.ij wi;i in. the pivlnl ppeakor; C, p. in., Yoiin? I'ef-plp'f- l AlIlirifH rally. Mrs. Ella 15. rrernher of th state Juvenile probation rorumission t Andersnu. Ind.. will tpeak at toth evening ferricos; 7 :i p. ra. Wednesday, prayer me-tlnc- . COALrUSH, R ETHEL Rov. Earl F. Snyder, pastor. Parsonage at Ly-dir- k; 9:30 a. n. Sunday school, Charles Weiss, superintendent; 10:30 a. m. worship; 7:30 p. m., Younsr Peoplo's Alliance. LYDICK. R ETI I EL Rev. Earl F. Snyder, pastor. Residence at Lydick. 10 a. m. Sunday school, William II ul-ling- er, superintendent; 7 p. m Young People's Alliance; 7:4 5 p. m., worship; 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, prayer meeting. EVANGELICAL ST. PETER'S GERMAN 415 W. Laallo av.. Rev. Hugo Weichelt, pastor; 9 a. m., Sunday school, Wil- liam Meyer, superintendent; 10:15 a. m., German worship. Men's Ilible class 9 a. ra., Ai:srut Kop-Pr- , pn-fiilen- t. Morning worship. (Jr-m:;n- ; 2:30 p. m.. Ladles' Ail: Monday. 7:10 p. 'I.. EvnriK''i' al leacru': Wednesday :i i m.. church council: Thürs. lay after- noon. circle; contlrrnatlon school, Tuesday and Friday at 4 p. m. ZrON'S EVANGELICAIr Corner Wayne and St. Peter sts.. Rev. Wal- demar M. Goffeney, pastor; 9:15 a. m.. Sunday school, Charles Weber, superintendent; 9:15 a. m.. Men's Rible class, L. M. Hammerschmldt, leader; 10:30 a. m., German worship; 7 p. m.. Evangelical league meet-- . SWEDISH EVANGELICAL MIS- SION CHURCH Main and Monroe fts.. Rev. P. A. Strom, pastor: Sun- day school. 9:30 a. m., Oscar Berg- stedt, superintendent; 10:45 a. m., worship; 7:30 p. m., worship. UNITED BRETHREN CONFERENCE MEMORIAL 6 08 S. St. Joseph st.. L. F. John, pastor; 9:30 a. m., Sunday school, Waldo Kellar, superintendent; 10:45 morning worship. Sunday school special program. Th program of the hour of worship will be combined with the program of the Sun- day school. Evening services. Mrs. C. C. Virrlnjrton. state Juronll probation oTicer of Fort Warn will speak. ZION Regular services of the Christian Catholic Apostolic church at 20CH Mishawaka av.. South Lend, at 2:30 p. m.. Van B. Shumaker, cider in charge, 417 H S. Franklin st. BIBLE STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL 224 J. M. S. bldg., Rible study, 10 o'clock a. m.; lecture 7:30 p. m.; Wednesday S p. :n.. testimonial mooting; Friday S p. m., Riblo study. .: Senior, amor and children's dase; 7:3d p. rn . lecture by Frank Anthony, suble t. "The Tri: Sheepfold." John 1 : 0 INSTITUTE 242 S. Lafayette hive.. Melville hall; 7:43 p. m., wor- ship. COMMUNITY ULLERY Dixie highway in Clay township; 9:30 a. rn., St. Joephj Valley Sunday schod. C. F. Post, superintendent; Erma Helmari, a?-ta- nt superintendent; 10:43 a. m-- , worship. COMMUNITY Cleveland rd.. of! Dixie highway N.: Sunday school. 9:,10; mornir.c: service, 10:20; even- ing service. 7:30 p. m. ADVENTIST SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 9:20 to 12 a. m., Saturday. Procress hall. Mclil!e bldg. JEWISH TEMPLE RETH-E- L Losa He and Taylor st.. Rabbi Julius Mark; 9:30 a. rr.. Sunday school; 10:40 a. m., worship. CATHOLIC ST. PATRICK'S .",03 S. Taylor st.. Rev. William Moloney, C. S. C. pastor; Rev. Wm. Mlnnick. C. S. C. assistant: low masv-es- - at C:20. 7:30. a. rn.; hiph ma.s at 10:3'" a. m. ST. JOSEPH'S Hill ft. and La--al- ie av.. Rev. Wm. Lvnnartz. C. S. C. paster; Rev. William Burke. C. S. C. n." '.Ft ant: low mflse.i at 6:30. 7:20 ar.d 9 a. m.; high mass at 10:30 a. m- - ST. HEDWIGE. POIJSH Corner S. t and Napier st . Rev. Anthony Pev SVa-reek- i. C. S. C. Rev. N Warken. C. S. C: low masses at 7.30 and 9 a. m, high mass at 10 a. m.. Sunday pcho--d at 2 p. m.; vespers at 2:30 p. m. ST. STANISLAUS. POLISH Comer Brockeld and Florence av., Roman Marciniak C. S. C. pastor; masses at 7:30. 9 and 10 a. m- - ST. CASIMIR?. POLISH 5 22 Webster ft.. Rev. S. J. Gorka. pas tor; services, low masses at S:20 and 9 a. m.; high mass, 10 a. m. ST. ADALBERT'S. POLISH Olive and Grace sts.. Rev. John W. O.adnick. pastor; mass.. at 7:3C, 9 and 10:30. ST. STEPHEN'S, HUNGARIAN Thomas and McPherson a.s.. Rev. Iawrenco Hnrvuh. paster; Rev. Paul Mille.-- , C. S. C. assistant: ma? nt 8 and 10:15 a. m.; Sun- day f..-ho- l a: r p. m.; benediction day hchool, 10 a. m.; prtuchins. 7:30 p. m- - TAY I) II A. M. E. ZIOX Rev. R. ' F. Gordon, pastor; morning prvlce.j 11 a. m.; Sunday prhool, 12:30 p.j m.; W. C. E. Ifarrue, 6:30 p. m.;1 eun.r.;' sendee. 7:30, Friday pven-- , lncr. prayer cla?. mpptins. Mr?- - Relle Aller, uper! t Sunday fchoo!.i OLIVE A. M. K. 310 W. Monroe St.. Rev. Walter Crid-r- , pa?tor; 10:HO; a. m., worship; 12:30 p- - ni., Sundayi pchool; 7:30 p. rn . wornh'.p; 7:30 p.j rn., Wednesday, worship. i osceoia m. ::. circuit j ii. Iloyrr, pastor; Willow Crook Ser- mon. t:30; Sunday school. 1:15 o'clock; Tamarack Sundiy rhool, 8:30; sermon, 10:13; Osceola Sun- day school. 9:30; Epworth leapue, :30: perm on. 7:30. PRESBYTERIAN FIRST Corner of Washington av and Lafayette blvd.. Rev. Archibald MoCluro. minister; Ml.s Charlotte M. rartrldire, assistant to the minis- ter; morninir .service at 10:43 a. rn.; evening forvlco. 7:30 p. m.; Rible school at 9:30 a. m.. J- - I. Shafer. f uperlntendent; Mon'H Fellowship club at 9:30 a. m.. Dr. Lippincott, leader. WESTMINSTER Scott and Llnd-po- y st?.. Rev. II. K. Grose, pastor: Sunday Fchool. 9:30 a. m.. L. C. Whitcomb. puperintondont; morning worship, 10:43; mid-wee- k devotional tervico, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. SL'XNYSTDE E- - Washinpton av. and Ftanrls St., Rev. M. M. Uodcers, Ih. r.. minister; Sunday school, P:30 a. in., J. F. Whitcman, super- intendent; 10:45 a. m.. mornlnc: wor- ship; 6:45 p. m.. Chrirtlan Endeavor; 7:30 p. rn., evening worship; mid- week service Wednesday, 7:30 p. in. Morr.lns. Amos W. Butler. fpTet.iry a board of charities. Hilly d iy pro- gram in evening. HUNGARIAN Cornar Cherry Pt. and Washington av.. Rev. John Dpzso, pastor; Sunday pchool at 9 a. m.; church service at 10 a. m.; vesper service at 2 p. m. HOPE Leer and Dayton sts.. Ed- win O. Mei?ter, pastor; Sunday school. 9:30 a. m., Frank Kettring. superintendent. GRANGER Rev. W. O- - Teninty. pastor; Sunday choolr 10 a. m.; hurch service every two weeks at 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. rn. LUTHERAN HOLY TRINITY ENGLISH j Corner Sherman av. and Llndsey Rt., Rev. Albert II. Keck, pastor. 707 Sherman av.: Sunday school. 9:15 a. m.. Charles Hnss. superintendent; preaching, 10:30 a. m-- ; Luther league, 0:43 p. in.; vespers with sermon, 7:30 p. m. Frenlnc vejpcru with addrrs- - by Miss Illanche Merry, state attendance efTlcer of Indi.-inapnli?- , Ind , who 1 in the city at- tending tb. state conference of Chirltle and 4'orroctioa; p. in. Tuesday, Luther league laieine. social nn-ctiu- g at the church: s p m. Wednesday, holr rehear-eil- - ThursiV. all dav sewing nt th h.eöe .f M-- s. Fiord Hood. 1107 S. Cam 11 .... 0 n m. Pt S.iturdar. cat c'het icil in-- ! ru't Ion. ST. FAULT, LUTHERAN Jeffer- - on hlvil. and "William st.. Rev. IL I Holle, pastor; German service every! Sunday at 9:30 a. m.: English ser- vice every Sunday (except the third funday of the month) at 10:50 a-m- Knli?h Sunday erhnol at 11 a. m.; parochial school, with dally re-iitlc- ir.s-tructio- 410 W. Jefferson blvd. Holy ooramnr.ion will he cdhrated inj the FnglNh service. rreiaratory service M:m n. ra. Walther league meeting Tuesdav erenlnp. CtlORTA DEI TWEDISIT Chapln and Kerr tts.. Rev. Carl G. Ander- son, pastor: 9 a. m.. school; 9:45 a. m.. English morning wor- - thi-- v 11 a. m.. Swelih morning service; 7:30 p. m . worship- - Fnclish mornlnc subject. "IMaln Spik-lng"- : Sw.-dci-i rnorri'iC uh.1.u. "The True I'.iN-pir- cf th Sibhath." Rver.sontr. preach'ng in Swedish. subject. "Fvo." Thürs, '.av, Oct. 12 the Women's Hotn nr.. I Foreign MlIonary Mjclety of the district will heb! its annual mec-t-i- in Tt.khirt. T.-dera- t ar.d memters wild wid attend ire .'iked to ta S ft. m. irt.rurhan: S p. ra. Friday, the Se- - MU.!.,TnrT oHefv Will h'ld Its j'lar'erly meetinr. Ir. T.etty Ne'.an of. !;." '"ivf T l. Ph. vsi'd he the speaker ef tLe BRETHREN FIRST 1214 S. Michigan st.. Rev. G. W. Rench. pator; residence. 214 E. Rroadway; 9:3 a. m.. Sunday school. F. P. Sriver, superintendent: 10: SO a. m. and 7:30 p. m., wor- ship with sermon; 6:30 p- - m.. Junior and Senior Christian Endeavor. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN FIRST Miami st. and Indiana a v.. Rev. H. H. Helfnan. pastor; 9:30 a. :r... Sunday Svhool. P. G. ahly, t ; 1C : 0 a . m . wor ship; 7:30 in., worship. N. I . MF.:ik.i:i. Indiana;. od. wt;i a the at "hurch v in n. ri iac. reviral service. M. C. Su'gart. l'h iia-iel- h'.a will prea-- h. Suh-1'-c- t. 'Tit' I!--gra- ta cf a Pru-greslv- Life." Kvering young pp:e'9 r.i.-etir- at L."--. Preartiiatr la eor.iCK. subje-t- . "Utein.- - :n th Way.'" SECOND CHURCH OF BRETH- REN Corner Cashing and Van Puren. Rev. J. W. Grater, pastor; Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.. superin- tendent, Frank Rotorff; services, 10:20 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Christ- ian Endeavor. 6:30 p. ra.; prayer meeting Wednesday eveninsr. S p. m. EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION FIRST Iafayette blvd. and Mon-- J roe t.. Rev. Kerlln, pastor.. 9:30 a. m.. Sunday school; 10:30 a. m., worship: 6:45 p. m.. Your.g people's meeting; 7:30 p. m. wor- ship. . Annual fall re!al begins with er-niii- e hy Fdauu. d Keriin at mornics ar. l vulug crvlcc. FiLal o;a-ai- r u.ctt- - 1 ,t ;ng or ...r. ai a v. in. nowapi rnrk. Yojcs l'eupie Cievtlcg during revdral 1. 1 Cm Ja vre --U mg Jl U I;l..'. You ear. lecirn to play in nr. eve- ning. Your ;s oo short, however, to b.irn all there is to learn. As a mind-build- er and a teacher of concentration it has all ee backed off the board'. Kasy t) Ixw One's Iload. That's why it wü.s ald :n the Orient "the puue of a thousind Mah Jongg mar.H "sparrow." For thousands cf years it was a game for royalty only. Only emperore. their families and the Mandarin Pieye-d- . It w.i thpn centuries ago called "P? Ling." meaning "the lark," the "bird of a hundred intelli- gences." The goes that a common person would lose his head it found playing Pe Ling. It later became popular under the name of "Mah Diao." meaning "matching the pair." U. S. MAIL MEN ARE TAUGHT TO SHOOT Kansas City Federal Workers Coached in Use of vers. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 7. In- struction in the use of firearms has been furnished to more than one-hal- f of the government employes in Kansas City who have the care ol funds or valuables entrusted to the United State malls. The scores for accurate fdiootinc: run high, post of fice officials said. The withdrawal of United State, marines from guarding the move- ments of mail necessitated x training federal employes to become expert "shots." A miniature range has been es- tablished In the sub-baseme- nt of the Federal building. Fred Croy, a World war veteran, who has charge of the claims department in the reg- istry is the instructor. The laws of well-doin- g are th dictates of riirht reason. w BLACKHEADS are Embarrassing (( Oh! how can I get rid of them and enjey the glory cf a clear 6kln? Dcn't despair I S. S. S. will lead you into a "world you have never known Erobably a world of joy, where strong lieht and lovo are welcome, where spotted- - faced embarrassment is r.o more! S. S. S. m&Ves the WA rich arl pur, nd Thn your V'.ool is fr"d cf irr.punti. your stut h.o'ehei. rirr.r!. Hacbads, ccr.e. rnrh. tet- - t - I al in ri-n- e Ar & .tii r . 1 t r M Miw T.'-- Rri. Ill E. Wnter i.1 St.. Pain'f-- 1 Fot. N. .. writra : hi "I Trai troiiHei with pimples on tf nry fare, r.eoic ni cbst. I wa Ml Tind to tke S. S. S. I founj It at elir-!d- . mm it ertelr.lT parl- - y f mr and my eompxiai LSI IU now a!. r Any rood dra? tor cad yppb El you with S. Z. S. makes foujed like yourself again VTiWN v'f"FFERSON Successful Decide on for Set Interest Paid from Oct. 1st sec: ST. MATTHEWS Miami t,t.. Rev Theodore Hammes, pastor. GRLEK CATHOLIC SERRIAN ORTHODOX, STS. PETER AND PAUL S. Kendall ft. and Dubail av., Rev. Ph. Sredano-vic- h, pastor: 4 23 W. Cal- vert st.; Sunday school and prayer services. SPIRITUALISTS PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST ClU'RCll Moose hall. 30305 S. Michigan St., 7:30 p- - m. FIRST INDEPENDENT CHRIST- IAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF CHRIST Woodmen hall. 118 E. Jefferson blvd.. Rev. Sylvia A. Shaf- er, pastor. FRATERNAL ORDER OF SPIR- ITUALISTS Meets every Sunday 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. (Woodmen hall), 120 E. Jefferson blvd.. Rev. Charles A. Thompson, pastor. CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH OF GOD Harrifion av. and Llndsey ft-- , Wilmcr C. Gray, pastor; 9:45 a. m., Sunday school, W. L. IIuLsell, superintendent; lö:45 a. m., worship; 6:30 p. m., Young People's meeting; 7:45 p. m., worship; 7:45 p. m., Wednesday, prayer meeting. CHURCH OF GOD OF THE ARRA1IAMIC FAITH Holds ser- vices in Melville hall. 212 S. Michi- gan st-- ; 10 a. m., Sunday school, F. A. Stllson, superintendent. CHURCH OF GOD 546 S. Cha- pln et.; morning Services 11 a. m.; afternoon service, 3 p. m.; Y. P. W. W., 6 p. m. ; preaching at 7:30 p. m., Elder Moses Anderson, pastor. INDEPENDENT SACRED HEART, HUNGARIAN Corner Catalpa and Indiana avs., Rov. Alexander G. Y'upa, pastor; 8 a. m., low mass every morning; 8 a. m., Sunday, low mass, 10 a. m.; high mass, 7 p- - m., baptism; 7:30 p. m., vespers. NATIONAL POLISH ST. MARY'S OF THE HOLY RO- SARY, POLISH Sample and Koe-ciuszk- o stfl.. Rev. Edward Starory-plnsk- i. pastor; week day, 8 a. m.; Sunday and holy days. 8:30 a. m-- ; high mass at 10:30 a. m.. Sunday school. 2 p. m. WES LEYAN METHODIST WESLEYAX 1407 Rush St., Rev. C- - N. I'orter, pastor; residence, 1407 F. Rush st.; 9:30 a. m.. Sunday school, F. M. Porter, superintendent. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Corner Rush and Milton sts.; Sun- day school, 9:30 a. m.. W. S. Hou. worship, 10:30 a. m-- ; Young People's meeting. 6:30 p. m.; evangelistic service. 7:20 p. m.; praser meeting Wednesday even-in- ?. 7:20 p. m., O. W. Valz, pastor. FREE METHODIST RIVER PARK FREE METHO- DIST Fourteenth and Vine sts . Rev. A. R. Hamilton, pastor; 0:30 a- - Sunday schcol; 7 p. m., wor- ship. FREE METHODIST Pennsyl- vania av. and Ruh st., WiKiam E. Atteberry. pastor; 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m.. preaching. Sunday evening erang-dlsti- 7:1." p. :n. Thürs lay evening, prayer ma t- ing 7:30 p. in. FIRST Nazareno, 114 W. Sample st.: 9:30 a. m-- . Sunday school; 2:30 p. rn.. worship; 7:30 p. m., worship. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CRUMSTOVvTs UNION Paul S. Harris, pastor; 10 a. 'm., Bible school. RIVER PARK S. Seventh St.. Rev. Albert L. Brandenburg pastor; residence. 913 S. Eleventh St.; 9:30 a. m.. Sunday .school; 10:40 a. m.. worship; 5:30 p. m.. Epworth league; 7:30 p. m., worship. PORTAGE CHAPEL Rov. De-Wi- tt. C. EUir.wood. pastor; Clarence Ashley, Sunday school superintend- ent; preaching. 10 a. m.; Sunday school, 11 a. m. GRACE A. M. E. ZION Corner Laurel and Napier t3.. Rev. A. L. Pierce, parrtor; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. : sermon at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m. SALVATION ARMY Holiness meeting, 10:20 a. m.; company meeting. 2 p. m., all chil- dren invited: praise meeting 3 young people's legion. 6 p. m. ; salvation meeting. S p. m.; open air 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. MISSIONS CITY P.KSCUi: MISSION 115 E. Jefferson blvd.. Hay A. Ilird. super- intendent: 2 p. m . Jail service; 3 p. ra.. Sunday school; evening service at 7:20 p. m. MHNNON'ITK HOFE MISSION Z22 S. St. Joeph ft. Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Freachinc: 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. A'm service. 4 Tl.urs lay, Friday and Saturday nights. rnNTErosTAii mission, apos- - TOIJC FAITH 32 0 N. Olive St.. Cecil CfiLstle. raaor; 10 a. m., wor- ship; 7:43 p. m., worship; 7:4 5 p. m.. 7T!llllllllllllll!!l!ll!ll!llllll!llllllllIlilllllll!lll!inillIi;il!ii:!:il!lllllllllllllimil!llK REGISTER OCTOBER 9th So You Can VOTE FOR 0 Main St i J E CHICAGO 209 S. LoSallc St. 1 H ii I! For Prosecutor ii pATT POST Of FICE Save For on Deposits Made on or nejore. Oct. 10 th Corner Father Ed win E. Smith, priest in charge; rcsi r,;:cr, tr.:, X. Walnut t.; 9 a. m., Sundav 10 a- m.. mass. METHODIST EPISCOPAL FIRST 13 N. Main St.. Rov. A. E. Monger. 1. I. pastor; S : 4 3 a. m.. mcftlric: 9:T.0 a. m., Stinday scho d. Herber! R. Gam. superln-- j tetdent; worship. 10: 40 a. m. ar.d j 7 :'; j. m.; seriiT and high school j j:r. worth le-igu.- 6:30 p- - m. K! -- ?art i hurh at H:40. Junior !',:,!) h-- l ! In the luntor rf'.r. Mr. IMul-)- : ,ir-- . Mornins nr.hlic worship. v.-- ' !'..',, ..T. S.v-- t r in ; !:.' W. rl I"- -" F.attle Fn'it" Ny Pr. Mon- - - wershlp. ad.ires. , "' t.v Fi. f. T. F Pltz-- p vm. Viir,. '.- - Ir-- l. Wc lr- -, lay eveninp m't.l r'.ver serrl-e- . 7:3 p. in., led hv Ir. M'.:i;-t- . ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL Colfax; an 1 !.; ! te a vs.. ReV. J . J p.:stf.": Tlev. G. L. Ruii-to- a. acting pastor; Sunday school. f:.'ri a. 111 .. O. A. Pulkerson, .t; nvrnl'.g worship. 10:45 a. m.; Epworth league. 6:30 p. ni.. ur evening worship. 7:30 p. m.; prayer meetirg. 7:43 Wednesday vniniTs. r r. -: w.cshin tl.e paptc.r wl!i ...ik'.-- i -- ::e Ilopp Vf fi.' World." le-p.-- f. ..f th. Kpworth leistie. In tl.-'- e, in aidrc-- s Fmf. Ion-- j ,id iMiShane. r..;:i:iV,is. . be A p gra.a will he 'given.: I MM A NT A Ii GEE MA N Li f ay ett e at Wavno st-- . Rev. Fred H. Koehne- - rnar.n. pv5tor. Sunday school, 3:30! a. rn.. ("hnr'.es E. Stark. worship. 10:30 ft. m. and 7:" p. m ; Up worth lea sue. 7 p. m. f iiAf-i- i wortihlr. "What Wo';r.d "te:i!i Wi Wn."'.e Jesus! . with an cv-c:- ' rum en tr- - oue-tm- n. v v 1 1 Wen: 1 .Ifns in various r.v ,'.., 0f overrdtv ltfe. f r- - - r a!.- - t ?h erv-- e pr. . i i. -- .if;i- .f. ,,!r. (o.'v-r- - of Irf.ict ar.d Child Ifvr ' the fT" 'ir 1 1 will on the Mjhject, -- Reaita la Ch'.l l.od " ( ; RA'M! i'orner Michigan and T:;tt st? . l . R--- rt lb R"ck. pastor; S:43 a. ra.. c! -s rr.eetin- -: 9:30 a. rr. . Fur. day fb.ord. C rn Whitcman. fsAiperl.".ter..!en. : T..-rn'.:v- v.r.-'.ii- p. 0:45 a. rr..; Epworth league rneet-lr- ., at t:3o p. m. Irrr.t-- .; w-rM- "Many M"-c3- F. r M irv r : ." y pit.r: Fp-w..rt- h rr !:.t. V..- - Fa Abter. Intrc: v orV:;'. ::: S Pittcnptr. 5l.:te IV: P. if. w :'.; v. i :k TRTN1TY M. I'. turner Pdllr.e ara Va-sa- r as.. Ru-- . :i L. Phillips, j pastor: residen c 9J I i"v!ir..! av.; ! school. 9:3-- a. rr... Mr. W. L. j Owdn superintendent; mr-rnin- wor- -' hi7. 10:45; Epworth b1 igue, 6:30 p. m.. P-'h- er K!rkp atri-k- . pr.-sldnt- ; rr.:i-w.'e- k serv:ce. T:3 p. nt. Wed- - v. ; LOWELL HEIGHTS Minor ai.d "ran-'i- s ts. P.ev. C. J. Jordan, pas- - j -- r; S ;r. i.iv d. 9:45. Jvi 4lear-- ; rvart. f jperinten lent; worship. 11 a.1 ra.; Epworth Lvigje. :30 p. m.. C. A P.uskusk!. pre:d.Tt: evening; w 7:30 p. 1:1.; Junior church.1 2 0 p. m. STELL MEMORIAL Corner S. M..-hirn- :i an 1 Victoria sts.. CUude YM.r.g, ;d.or; Sunday school at ' ."; a. rn , W L R- - itrer. acting su-- : rir.t.".dt nt; worship. 10:40 a m.; J ;o p. rr... Epw..rth ! ague; 7:30 p. :r. . 7. ray. r s.m-v- i V.'dne.--ia- y even-;r:'- s at 7:30. i' rn 11 g w w'.th nr.. a t v th r. t:. :.- -. what Mut the C:n:r h !. to S.v.. '., YT.rjT IV'Tdt-- ' de- - '. -- ..nsl ? ,' ?. ;.. ra . T!.-'d-- rr s. '. :.-f- . 1 1.!-- - n wor-hi- p Ith r g frv'. .' r. ' ,r t1, pi;..r, if.--.i- "- -. l'.iT.. With th I'Jnr-:.- " ':.: it nr it u.:! m.-.- t ?.? th '1. ! T- h e, M -- ,'biy co '.!.". it 7:'i. Tl. I.Ad! Al l !U tn-- t at the chun a V.'f'.T--- . y a? ."' rr.. s !.oo! m y m 3 i ED DORAN 7fie BanK Ah?ac2 o o NATIONAL BLVD. . NEXT TO Service-Stabilit- y Method Is To A Definite Purpose a certain amount which you will need buying a home or for any other purpose. a definite time in which to accumulate that amount. Divide the whole amount hy weeks and montns ana save the sum regularly. ! V Loard in-::'- . l'r.l-- 7 at 7.30 p. ra. at

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Page 1: Sunday Services In South Bend Cliurclies Puns … Services In South Bend Cliurclies Puns Chow Deals Poker


end CliurcliesSouth B Puns Chow Deals Poker OutSunday Services In Papal Consistory Delay Due InPart to Coming U. S. Elections

' 't 1 . r V r f

Vatican ! :rr- a fa v - "



. rr. er 1 1 r. a i rr:

t h is refls .r. ''.--.rxi--ut that itWashing op. 1 v


tho rhurTi.

RPWORTil MUM Olli AL M. E.Olive fit. and Lincoln way VS., Hv.o. V. Jarkson. pistor; Sunday.?rhoo!. 9:30 a. m.. Theodore I'roud.f jpTlr.teridnt; wor.'h.p 10:43 a. m.and 7:30 p. m.; Epworth league,C:30 p. m.

MT. PLEASANT II v. DaWitt C.EllinwooJ. pa.tor; Fiar.k D- - Mat-h',T.v-

Sunday p?hool ."rjprlntendnt.Sunday school, 10 a. in.; preaching.11:1." a. m .

MCKPO.V CIIAPELr I'.ev. IV WittC. Ellin wood, pastor; Harry Oaspel'.s.Sunlay echcol supf rintndont; Sun

at 2:30 p. m.; Our Lady of Hungary'mixtion In 5r,0 block on C:talpa av.,same morning service.3; no after-- :'iOon Service; Sacred Hart mi.s.non Indiana av.. as uthr mis- -

SACRED HE AKT, RELGIAX1126 W- - Thomas et.. Rev. A. re,

pa-sto- r; low masses at 1 0 : C 0.

7:20 and 3 a. m.; high miss at 10:30a. m.; Sunday school at 2 p. m.;benediction and vespers at 2:30 p m.

ST. MARY'S, GERMAN 431 S.Taylor St.. Rev. John M. Scherer, C.S. C, pawnor; low mass at 7:30 a-m-

high mass and sermon at 10 a.m.; Sunday ?chool at 2:30 p. m.;benediction at 3 p. m.

SACRED HEART, NOTRE DAMERev. John R. Scheier, C. S. C,

pastor; 6 a. m., low mass; 8:15 a-m-

studentri mass; 10:15 a, m., par-

ish rnas; 2 p. rn.. vespers.

- --.r .;' "

t re

r. P. '--s f ' r

vtl-ir- .tr.

. rd rA"0 fT.Vt ran prTtrend of p ' ". i 1 r-- r -

Th-- " ar c:r. e h hop th"the Unite'. S'at.- - r.-- -5 the Vatican,working tccethr m y ab tonc hi en- - rvrultrr. en of r fi'.'- -

RIRP.ON IUV.Ribbon bov, s ar- - in crv favor, in

rtll .Ve-r- fall rr.e decort"

a !livj-- f on th m'.ddy y-- r and holdin the fullr.-- s abo-.-.- t '; h!p Three,armnp I her:.rr.a l!v. mak- - a Wird-o- r

tie fju;te ; r r. - ry.

IR PIT1IUS,?dany' h a '.r frocks look

perfectly plain fr. ni th front buthave elabrat- - .!nrfr;" in the backwhich may s-- -' e a.-- w ir.g-sleev- e

draperies ph! rrv si-- h effects orloo par

There are m re r-- of pub'Ic'crhip in Ar:--- r l:a ! proportion

t- - th populat :or the. n in any place:n

BAPTISTFIKFT M;:.-- : ar; I Wavn .'ts., !

Il.v. f. S. I iv.-- . I ) I. pastor;r(,!'r.-'- , 2 I 1 V. W.c r- .- ; ?;30 j

8 "... S-:r-. lay 'h -- 1. W. i: S'.ude-- !

1 - r..t lr. t; 10:458. m ; Y"'j;;g r'.r m-'tirt- : 3 0

p :a.; 'vc,.r.,' vor.'hip, 7:.10 p. m.;We ire - : i 7 1', p. m,f r

M rr. c "'.:. on "Ti S rtcf nrzir i " i:T-T''r.- n(.r;, p i ! '!'

4 rr.s-i-. . rT-'i- i .r.'' t. "Is '1 i.r

J'..i.1 rr'i'.i ? A S!i:ly !n ti. Con-tri'- .

:t!'in tl Jw to" (.v ihzrit'.r.n."S;t:r.i at i, tt irt't.

' "ALVA It V Co rr.r Ülalr. andCaMr av:.. K v. A. M. Qi!grnlr.l-tT- ; r! iT.f". 1019 Woodwardftv., j;. J. Wi-kf-y- , S'irday rch-v- d u-- r

: Irfn .t ; 1" a m.. Hildo school.I-r- . J. O. II-ir-

.. tfirhor of mn's:). 11 a. in., morning worship;f ; p. rn.. It. V. p. U.; 7:30 p. rn., !

7:-t.- p. m. Wednes-- 'day . ( r.InT. prayer pervlee. J

w.rn'-,:- - fi'.icct. "Tl. IIpicf 11". '! : ''." I" Y. IV C. J'vi In-- r

wrr.!j. J" i. '"I.1. r,r-- .t Iirf i:tr."

CHRISTIAN SCIENCEiTp.T t i j r t r-- 1 r o i- - Mir TTi ilk. I i

r ''IlINTIST M-it- and Malison st.v;) h'.. 1, 'j : 1 " a. m.; morning

!'. 11 a rr..". V.'. rlrr-'I't- even-- ,: f te r.iai me th.g at 8 o'clock, j

.!. ,' r""-r:- . op. n daily from 3 a.r. to p rn.. S i urday, ' a. in. to 8

j. i.. at 7i;7 J. .!. S. l.ui'.dlng-

ROME. Ort 7 TV r--h coming Tus

in the United Saren are pir-- t: 1 y r c.3 ; r. 1 ! vl fir hi" vi'! in drt-".ä- y

in h iding the long rpc!e I

c.r.sl5try, nord.rg f well-tr-u- n '- .-

reports R'.me.Rope XI w:13 cor.ecrat in

th c a number of new"red bats." and among thes Iscertain to be M'sigror Rar.zano.' "r. e pr apostolic delecnte to theUnited State, und it 1 t:nd rso.- - 1

trat h.e pope !s nnwilllnc to railM..r.?;cTior Hor.sino from Wasaing-- '

n until o.ftor the ejections are over.Th v,i:!cir.. it if explained, b.

r.o dr'-a- of Jr.tluenc In Americanpclitics. but inaf-muc- h as the Popho!:vo5 that the United States isthe keynote in any scheme forpacification of Europe, it is be.lievel that th" Vatican .. ttld hovea keen and experienced observer inWashington during the electionperiod.

The Prpe ; f.rmly convinced that:; e red pacif.-Mtio- f Europe can-- r

't be achieve! the UnitedStates intervene. a:;d is keep:ng ac .watch upon th politioiiltrend in America. If a proper --

casMp. ares 1' is probable that theVatican mav invite th UnitedState-.- - to intervene and take a ad:i. tne oration or nut rn


We Pay THEWill benefit

We willyou


Compounded bonded

And ourQuarterly


FIKST 3K, H. Main Et.. Rev. HI- - j

Or:.. - Ward Co! , p stor; rtidence..CJ. M'iln rt.; IUhlr school at 3:30

SERVICE WE OFFERyou in every way.

work out a plan that will en-

able to save conveniently sys-tematically and easily.

money will be well protectedby the state.

loan service will some timebe very valuable to you.

St. Joseph Bldg. & Loan Assn124 South

Ti . in.. ..I. Ii. iJenniHon, .s.ipt'riiiiFiiu- -

; l0:!" a. m and 7:?--

; i i ; Y. i C. K. rr. pe-tin- s at 6:30.

i.VDIAN'A AVr.XUK Corner In-- J

!..-- i ria av. and St. Jo-pp- h St.. J. F.I. vi!!.'. rn;n i'--t r. Mati, 015 Pnn-- 1

av. Ii. A. V'appner. super-- Ij'tTjlVnt of rpIU'iou education;: .n. r;r. worship. 0:Cö to 11:43; j

:' at 3:30, at j

: " :0 a. and :C0 p. m.' i ti .ür.'.oa hr. l r, r H. h'ns at 10:TA

i i - r. (V.npipd thp Holy Spirit.i.,.-- n f f ii !rE-ln- " I "hriht 1.1 Tl 11a- -

,if nr at ly.fnlüc srrn'ii. "foul's j

It- - '.-- r l'rf.üi!?- - " Worth hl Hihlen- - n.'fH Ith Mrr. r. ofp. MlK. Mll-t"- tt

st. TuHiJir 'vniri at 7 :"o. Wo-i- i;n' r.slc.r-,r- ''t v rnp''?" with Mr.

H. Cr.-Ti-t-.n- . 1!.V. IV hi-!'.."- ! a iv., Wtd-r."!.i- v

.Tft-rnn- iit 2V

I.INTiKN AVr:.NTTi: I.indpn ftv. i

r.p ! ar:t rt.. I. N. Miller, pastor;Sunday srliool at 10 a. in-- . F. O. Hn-- j

1. .'jpcTintpr.'lpnt; worship, 11 a.jj:i : Chrl .Ian Kmlr.ivor, 6:30 p. m.;t ihip. 7:30 p. in.

1 TAR IMS I'nAIRIT: Hilde Pohool.V.') n. rn. : ronur.unlon and p roach- -

l".-- r at 10:': :i. in.: son? JMr- -v.o Iv.rrvt dy wplcornr.

EPISCOPALST. JAMES Lafayette blvd.,

north of Wahincrton av.. Rev. Rob-- f

i'i J. In- - rector. Holy rommun-- i.,r.. 7:30 a. rn.; church pchool, 9:43

it. rn.; rtrrnon. 11 a. m.


fI THOGlI NEW YORKE 42 Broadway


OTRINTTV Colfax av..

MEMBERS:New York Stock ExchangeNew York Cotton ExchangeNew York Produce Exchange ENew York Cotton & Sugar ExchangeNew Orleans Cotton Exchange EChicago Board of Trade EChicago Stock Exchange EMinneapolis Chamber of Commerce EWinnipeg Grain Exchange EAll Indianapolis Exchanges E


Telephones: Main 390-391-39- 2, Lincoln 2028 EW. O. KENNEDY, Manager f

Facts and figures in connection with securities or com- - Emodities cheerfully supplied.

Our private wires extend to the leading cities of the EUnited States and Canada.SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN GRAIN AHO



Chlr.i has ma :e unother contrihu- -

o c : v. ' --ratin. This timt ita gä

.il through China not onlyan; jr.g --.he Chinee but in Amer.can,Er:r:h. French ar.d oiher foreignc:rc:v one hears the rattle andclick of a lot of mrango !oiking. bam-too-backe- d,

ivory or bone-face- d ob-jects somewhat resembling dom-iroe- t.

a the players about thetable become excited, they ejaculate'Rung!" "Chow!" "Mah Jongg!"

an i the like.They are playing one of he oldest

games of the oldest civilisation inthe world: "Muh Jongg."

In the far eatt the game has su-perceded dominoes, poker andbridge. Everywhere in the e'.uh. inhomes and tea-hous- es. Mah Jongg'sthe thing.

America Gotting the Crazo.Now the craze has h;t America. It

can be found even at. departmentstores, it least !n the larger citie.In America they call it '"Pur.g-Chow.- "

Fun-,- ' Chow i played by four per-ci;- k.

with "tiie.f" a the units arecalled 12o in number. These aredivided into Ave suits. Three havetiie name value and run, like caras,from one to nine. The suits arecalled "Bamboo." "DouV and "Char-acters." The other two suits arehe nor t and are of h:gher pcor-.n- g

value. One is named for thef"Ur winds East. West. North andSouth, the other for the Dragons-R- ed.

White and Green.A four-side- d 'wall," two tiles deep,

is built and from thin wall the play-ers draw 13 pieces, save the banker

the banker is always known aa"Fast Wind" who gets 14.

By a sysr.em of drawing eachplayer strives to build up a winninghand. This my hav even morevalue than in poker.

Counters Kttl bonestlcksi tathe place of chip and there is asettling up" after each hand

played the banker winning or los- -

mid-wee- k meetings Tuesday andThursday

ASSEMBLY OF GOD MISSIONSIS W. Division st.. Rev. Wm. Ma-jors, pastor; regular nervlces, 7:45every evening but Monday; Sundayat 10 a. m.. G. B. Leeke. superinten-dent.

PENTECOSTAL MISSION 208W. Jefferson blvd.; 7'-4-o p. m-- , Tues-day, Thursday and Saturday, wor-ship; 7:20 p. m., Sunday, worship;

p. m.. Sunday. Y'oung People'smeeting.

Y. M. C. A.Y. M. C. A. Corner S. Main and

W. Wayne sta., W. M. Danner, Jr.,general secretary; L. E. Goodwin,secretary boys' department; servicesTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-day, 9 a. m., religious conferences;Monday, 10 a. m.. Ministerial asso-ciation; Friday, 7:30 p. m., ReligiousInstitute-- ; Monday (boys') 6:30 p. m.,Trl-- C club Bible clasA

MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATIONThe ministerial association meets

every Monday morning at 10 o'clockexcept during the months of Julyand August. The officers are E. G.Johnson, president; A. E. Monger,vice president, and R. F. Gordon,secretary and treasurer; visitingministers are cordially invited toattend the meetings.

Y. W. C. A.T. W. C. A. 121 N. Lafayette

blvd., is open every Sunday from12:30 to 7:30 p. m.

MILLTNTUIYClose turbans, formed entirely of

velvet foliage in soft gren, andbrowns, are shown for winter. Asthe season advances and more w'n-te- r

millinery is shown the smallerhat is getting more attention.

HUTTF.HFLY 1XNYS.Iltjge butterfly bows of taffeta,

moire and velvet are used on frocksfor young girls. Sometimes theyhave long saph ends that reach tothe hem of the frock.

MONOGRAMS.Monograms are a feature on sports!

blouses and dresses. They started!small and comparatively lnconspic- -uous but now they ar? attaining'quite large proportions and are fre-- jquently made the whole decoration.'

The mnsive pile of masonryknown ns the Creat Chinese Wall,which maintains a uniform directionN:rdlv a single mile, is not a struc- -

ural unit as generally sunpc-jd- , but:was built in pieces durivj different j

a gen. The list effort to keep the;wall in repa!r was in the beginningof the Chlng dynasty. j

The important watch and clock I

r.-cr- at La Chaux-do-Fond- s. Swit-zerland, have taken up the manufacture of locomotives.

Reader Takes NewerForm of Iron Feels

Years Younger

VVi.' Xi" '

"Six weels ago I aw a special otTer inthe paper telling how thousands olpeople grow old in looks acd enrylong before they are really old in years,because, as exfixainatioas by j bysicianshave shown, an enormous number olpeople do not hare enough Iron in theirblood. I have bt-e-a taking NuxatedIron for two weeltsi the reg'olts arsimply astounding. The rces haTecome baclc in ray lips and chfeks, andI cm conscientiously say that I fedtea years yomigtr.'The abore is a typical hypothetical caseshowing the results that bare beccachiered by a great many people incwe started this 44 satisfaction or moneytick' otler on Nuxated Iron. We willi::ake you the same guarantee. If, aftritaking the two week's treatment oiNuxateU Iron.joudo Dotfe-elan- lookyears younger, we will promptly refuacyour money.Call at once for a bottle of NuxateIren at

CVntral Trug S'ore. Wllrf8 Cat ItatePr:g Store. I. anion Drtij Co. and Amer-ican Iru S;or A

will jrire pl.i'-- e to r-:j-r croup prayerr.i''Aj t ö:4". I'ci'lf'n e la eve-nu- z.

w itiiO?;:; koj-;- l pr'a-.Mn- c. du-"I- "

ly Mi M.i'j.l- - I'.yl.-- r aijU;Monday, 7:lä. inft'.na .f th whl:.ur.: f-,- intr- - io;,. Fir.--t Krtr.ou

i:v:;r.;.:...t M i: t: '.! n ,. .n Ti;m.iv, Ti--L- - ur.ti;

O.-t- . ?J.

R ROADWA Y Cor n e r I' roadwayanil Carroll t.s.. Rev. E. LlarfitldJohr.fjn, patf.r. Residence-- , 1412 S.Carroll. Rev. Renjamin (. Thorna.i,a ociate patr; Sunday school,9:30 a. m.. S. C. Lehman, superin-tendent; morning service at 10:30 a.m-- ; evening service 7:30 p. m.;Young- - People's Alliance. 6:30 p. m.

Mondr!;- - w..rLJ;'. "The T!m9 of Ke-f- r

hi .?.' ern:oa hr th pis'or. Vouijiv-.plo-- Aülnn'c by Miss I. auraWa:.-i.-r. I.ipninc worship. Mrs Vlrsin'aA hr. pre;l-n- i f thp Chil 1 We'fan.'y!.itU:i of Terre Haute will add re 4 theoriirrcpation.

GRACE EVANGELICAL ASSOCI-ATION Lincoln way W. and Wal-nut st.. Rev. O. Herman, pastor;rider.ce, $47 N. Walnut St.; 3:30a. m., Sunday school, C. W. Hop-kin.-- ?,

superintendent; morning wor-ship. 10:30 a. m.

This will be Rally dir la our school.The rnornlnr ervleo will mors 1 withtho i:ih!o pchool. Frank M. McKibN-n- ,

eo.jnty i'.lrc'tor of rol!?i.ijwi;i in. the pivlnl ppeakor; C, p. in.,Yoiin? I'ef-plp'f- l AlIlirifH rally. Mrs. Ella15. rrernher of th state Juvenileprobation rorumission t Andersnu. Ind..will tpeak at toth evening ferricos; 7 :ip. ra. Wednesday, prayer me-tlnc- .

COALrUSH, R ETHEL Rov. EarlF. Snyder, pastor. Parsonage at Ly-dir- k;

9:30 a. n. Sunday school,Charles Weiss, superintendent; 10:30a. m. worship; 7:30 p. m., YounsrPeoplo's Alliance.

LYDICK. R ETI I EL Rev. Earl F.Snyder, pastor. Residence at Lydick.10 a. m. Sunday school, William II ul-ling- er,

superintendent; 7 p. mYoung People's Alliance; 7:4 5 p. m.,worship; 7:30 p. m. Wednesday,prayer meeting.


Laallo av.. Rev. Hugo Weichelt,pastor; 9 a. m., Sunday school, Wil-liam Meyer, superintendent; 10:15a. m., German worship.

Men's Ilible class 9 a. ra., Ai:srut Kop-Pr- ,

pn-fiilen- t. Morning worship. (Jr-m:;n- ;2:30 p. m.. Ladles' Ail: Monday.

7:10 p. 'I.. EvnriK''i' al leacru': Wednesday:i i m.. church council: Thürs. lay after-noon. circle; contlrrnatlon school,Tuesday and Friday at 4 p. m.

ZrON'S EVANGELICAIr CornerWayne and St. Peter sts.. Rev. Wal-demar M. Goffeney, pastor; 9:15 a.m.. Sunday school, Charles Weber,superintendent; 9:15 a. m.. Men'sRible class, L. M. Hammerschmldt,leader; 10:30 a. m., German worship;

7 p. m.. Evangelical leaguemeet-- .

SWEDISH EVANGELICAL MIS-SION CHURCH Main and Monroefts.. Rev. P. A. Strom, pastor: Sun-day school. 9:30 a. m., Oscar Berg-stedt, superintendent; 10:45 a. m.,worship; 7:30 p. m., worship.


6 08 S. St. Joseph st.. L. F. John,pastor; 9:30 a. m., Sunday school,Waldo Kellar, superintendent; 10:45morning worship.

Sunday school special program. Thprogram of the hour of worship will becombined with the program of the Sun-day school. Evening services. Mrs. C. C.Virrlnjrton. state Juronll probation

oTicer of Fort Warn will speak.

ZIONRegular services of the Christian

Catholic Apostolic church at 20CHMishawaka av.. South Lend, at 2:30p. m.. Van B. Shumaker, cider incharge, 417 H S. Franklin st.


bldg., Rible study, 10 o'clock a. m.;lecture 7:30 p. m.; Wednesday S p.:n.. testimonial mooting; Friday S

p. m., Riblo study. .:

Senior, amor and children's dase;7:3d p. rn . lecture by Frank Anthony,suble t. "The Tri: Sheepfold." John 1 :


INSTITUTE 242 S. Lafayettehive.. Melville hall; 7:43 p. m., wor-ship.

COMMUNITYULLERY Dixie highway in Clay

township; 9:30 a. rn., St. JoephjValley Sunday schod. C. F. Post,superintendent; Erma Helmari, a?-ta- nt

superintendent; 10:43 a. m-- ,


COMMUNITY Cleveland rd.. of!Dixie highway N.: Sunday school.9:,10; mornir.c: service, 10:20; even-ing service. 7:30 p. m.


9:20 to 12 a. m., Saturday. Procresshall. Mclil!e bldg.


Taylor st.. Rabbi Julius Mark; 9:30a. rr.. Sunday school; 10:40 a. m.,worship.

CATHOLICST. PATRICK'S .",03 S. Taylor st..

Rev. William Moloney, C. S. C.pastor; Rev. Wm. Mlnnick. C. S. C.assistant: low masv-es- - at C:20. 7:30.

a. rn.; hiph ma.s at 10:3'" a. m.

ST. JOSEPH'S Hill ft. and La--al- ie

av.. Rev. Wm. Lvnnartz. C. S.C. paster; Rev. William Burke. C.S. C. n." '.Ft ant: low mflse.i at 6:30.7:20 ar.d 9 a. m.; high mass at 10:30a. m- -

ST. HEDWIGE. POIJSH CornerS. t and Napier st . Rev. Anthony

Pev SVa-reek- i. C. S. C. Rev. N

Warken. C. S. C: low masses at7.30 and 9 a. m, high mass at 10

a. m.. Sunday pcho--d at 2 p. m.;vespers at 2:30 p. m.

ST. STANISLAUS. POLISHComer Brockeld and Florence av.,Roman Marciniak C. S. C. pastor;masses at 7:30. 9 and 10 a. m- -


Webster ft.. Rev. S. J. Gorka. pastor; services, low masses at S:20 and9 a. m.; high mass, 10 a. m.

ST. ADALBERT'S. POLISHOlive and Grace sts.. Rev. JohnW. O.adnick. pastor; mass.. at 7:3C,9 and 10:30.

ST. STEPHEN'S, HUNGARIANThomas and McPherson a.s.. Rev.Iawrenco Hnrvuh. paster; Rev.Paul Mille.-- , C. S. C. assistant:ma? nt 8 and 10:15 a. m.; Sun-day f..-ho-l a: r p. m.; benediction

day hchool, 10 a. m.; prtuchins. 7:30p. m- -

TAY I) II A. M. E. ZIOX Rev. R. '

F. Gordon, pastor; morning prvlce.j11 a. m.; Sunday prhool, 12:30; W. C. E. Ifarrue, 6:30 p. m.;1eun.r.;' sendee. 7:30, Friday pven-- ,lncr. prayer cla?. mpptins. Mr?- - RelleAller, uper! t Sunday fchoo!.i

OLIVE A. M. K. 310 W. MonroeSt.. Rev. Walter Crid-r- , pa?tor; 10:HO;a. m., worship; 12:30 p- - ni., Sundayipchool; 7:30 p. rn . wornh'.p; 7:30 p.jrn., Wednesday, worship. i

osceoia m. ::. circuit j ii.Iloyrr, pastor; Willow Crook Ser-mon. t:30; Sunday school. 1:15o'clock; Tamarack Sundiy rhool,8:30; sermon, 10:13; Osceola Sun-

day school. 9:30; Epworth leapue,:30: perm on. 7:30.

PRESBYTERIANFIRST Corner of Washington av

and Lafayette blvd.. Rev. ArchibaldMoCluro. minister; Ml.s CharlotteM. rartrldire, assistant to the minis-ter; morninir .service at 10:43 a. rn.;evening forvlco. 7:30 p. m.; Ribleschool at 9:30 a. m.. J- - I. Shafer.f uperlntendent; Mon'H Fellowshipclub at 9:30 a. m.. Dr. Lippincott,leader.

WESTMINSTER Scott and Llnd-po- y

st?.. Rev. II. K. Grose, pastor:Sunday Fchool. 9:30 a. m.. L. C.

Whitcomb. puperintondont; morningworship, 10:43; mid-wee- k devotionaltervico, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.

SL'XNYSTDE E- - Washinpton av.and Ftanrls St., Rev. M. M. Uodcers,Ih. r.. minister; Sunday school,P:30 a. in., J. F. Whitcman, super-intendent; 10:45 a. m.. mornlnc: wor-ship; 6:45 p. m.. Chrirtlan Endeavor;7:30 p. rn., evening worship; mid-week service Wednesday, 7:30 p. in.

Morr.lns. Amos W. Butler. fpTet.iry a

board of charities. Hilly d iy pro-gram in evening.

HUNGARIAN Cornar Cherry Pt.

and Washington av.. Rev. JohnDpzso, pastor; Sunday pchool at 9

a. m.; church service at 10 a. m.;vesper service at 2 p. m.

HOPE Leer and Dayton sts.. Ed-

win O. Mei?ter, pastor; Sundayschool. 9:30 a. m., Frank Kettring.superintendent.

GRANGER Rev. W. O- - Teninty.pastor; Sunday choolr 10 a. m.;hurch service every two weeks at

11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. rn.


Corner Sherman av. and Llndsey Rt.,Rev. Albert II. Keck, pastor. 707Sherman av.: Sunday school. 9:15a. m.. Charles Hnss. superintendent;preaching, 10:30 a. m-- ; Lutherleague, 0:43 p. in.; vespers withsermon, 7:30 p. m.

Frenlnc vejpcru with addrrs- - by MissIllanche Merry, state attendance efTlcer ofIndi.-inapnli?-, Ind , who 1 in the city at-

tending tb. state conference of Chirltleand 4'orroctioa; p. in. Tuesday, Lutherleague laieine. social nn-ctiu-

g at thechurch: s p m. Wednesday, holr rehear-eil- -

ThursiV. all dav sewing nt thh.eöe .f M-- s. Fiord Hood. 1107 S. Cam 11

.... 0 n m.Pt

S.iturdar. cat c'het icil in-- !

ru't Ion.


on hlvil. and "William st.. Rev. IL I

Holle, pastor; German service every!Sunday at 9:30 a. m.: English ser-

vice every Sunday (except the thirdfunday of the month) at 10:50 a-m-

Knli?h Sunday erhnol at 11 a.m.; parochial school, with dally re-iitlc-

ir.s-tructio- 410 W. Jeffersonblvd.

Holy ooramnr.ion will he cdhrated injthe FnglNh service. rreiaratory serviceM:m n. ra. Walther league meetingTuesdav erenlnp.

CtlORTA DEI TWEDISIT Chaplnand Kerr tts.. Rev. Carl G. Ander-son, pastor: 9 a. m.. school;9:45 a. m.. English morning wor- -

thi-- v 11 a. m.. Swelih morningservice; 7:30 p. m . worship- -

Fnclish mornlnc subject. "IMaln Spik-lng"- :Sw.-dci-i rnorri'iC uh.1.u. "The

True I'.iN-pir- cf th Sibhath." Rver.sontr.preach'ng in Swedish. subject. "Fvo."Thürs, '.av, Oct. 12 the Women's Hotnnr.. I Foreign MlIonary Mjclety of the

district will heb! its annual mec-t-i-

in Tt.khirt. T.-dera- t ar.d memterswild wid attend ire .'iked to ta S ft.

m. irt.rurhan: S p. ra. Friday, the Se- -

MU.!.,TnrT oHefv Will h'ld Itsj'lar'erly meetinr. Ir. T.etty Ne'.an of.

!;." '"ivf T l. Ph. vsi'd he the speaker ef tLe

BRETHRENFIRST 1214 S. Michigan st..

Rev. G. W. Rench. pator; residence.214 E. Rroadway; 9:3 a. m.. Sundayschool. F. P. Sriver, superintendent:10: SO a. m. and 7:30 p. m., wor-

ship with sermon; 6:30 p- - m.. Juniorand Senior Christian Endeavor.


a v.. Rev. H. H. Helfnan. pastor; 9:30a. :r... Sunday Svhool. P. G. ahly,

t ; 1C : 0 a . m . worship; 7:30 in., worship.

N. I . MF.:ik.i:i. Indiana;. od. wt;i athe at "hurch v

in n. ri iac. reviral service. M. C.Su'gart. l'h iia-iel- h'.a will prea-- h. Suh-1'-c- t.

'Tit' I!--gra- ta cf a Pru-greslv-

Life." Kvering young pp:e'9r.i.-etir- at L."--. Preartiiatr la eor.iCK.subje-t- . "Utein.- - :n th Way.'"

SECOND CHURCH OF BRETH-REN Corner Cashing and VanPuren. Rev. J. W. Grater, pastor;Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.. superin-tendent, Frank Rotorff; services,10:20 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Christ-ian Endeavor. 6:30 p. ra.; prayermeeting Wednesday eveninsr. S p. m.


FIRST Iafayette blvd. and Mon-- J

roe t.. Rev. Kerlln, pastor..9:30 a. m.. Sunday school; 10:30 a.m., worship: 6:45 p. m.. Your.gpeople's meeting; 7:30 p. m. wor-

ship.. Annual fall re!al begins with er-niii- e

hy Fdauu. d Keriin at mornics ar. lvulug crvlcc. FiLal o;a-ai- r u.ctt- - 1,t;ng or ...r. ai a v. in. nowapi rnrk.

Yojcs l'eupie Cievtlcg during revdral


1 CmJa vre --U

mg Jl U I;l..'.

You ear. lecirn to play in nr. eve-ning. Your ;s oo short,however, to b.irn all there is tolearn. As a mind-build- er and ateacher of concentration it has allee backed off the board'.

Kasy t) Ixw One's Iload.That's why it wü.s ald :n the

Orient "the puue of a thousind

Mah Jongg mar.H "sparrow." Forthousands cf years it was a gamefor royalty only. Only emperore.their families and the Mandarin cla.ssPieye-d-. It w.i thpn centuries ago

called "P? Ling." meaning "thelark," the "bird of a hundred intelli-gences." The goes that acommon person would lose his headit found playing Pe Ling.

It later became popular under thename of "Mah Diao." meaning"matching the pair."



Kansas City Federal WorkersCoached in Use of

vers.KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 7. In-

struction in the use of firearms hasbeen furnished to more than one-hal- f

of the government employes inKansas City who have the care olfunds or valuables entrusted to theUnited State malls. The scores foraccurate fdiootinc: run high, post office officials said.

The withdrawal of United State,marines from guarding the move-ments of mail necessitated x trainingfederal employes to become expert"shots."

A miniature range has been es-

tablished In the sub-baseme- nt of theFederal building. Fred Croy, aWorld war veteran, who has chargeof the claims department in the reg-istry is the instructor.

The laws of well-doin- g are thdictates of riirht reason.

wBLACKHEADSare Embarrassing(( Oh! how can I get rid of them

and enjey the glory cf a clear6kln?

Dcn't despair I S. S. S. willlead you into a "world you

have never knownErobably a world of joy,where strong lieht and lovoare welcome, where spotted- -

faced embarrassment is r.omore!

S. S. S. m&Ves the WA rich arlpur, nd Thn your V'.ool is fr"dcf irr.punti. your stut h.o'ehei.rirr.r!. Hacbads, ccr.e. rnrh. tet--t - I al in ri-n- e Ar & .tii r . 1 t r

M Miw T.'-- Rri. Ill E. Wnteri.1 St.. Pain'f-- 1 Fot. N. .. writra :

hi "I Trai troiiHei with pimples ontf nry fare, r.eoic ni cbst. I waMl Tind to tke S. S. S. I founj

It at elir-!d- . mm it ertelr.lT parl- -

y f mr and my eompxiaiLSI IU now a!.r Any rood dra? tor cad yppb

El you with S. Z. S.

makes foujedlike yourselfagain



Decide onfor


Interest Paid from

Oct. 1st


ST. MATTHEWS Miami t,t.. RevTheodore Hammes, pastor.


PETER AND PAUL S. Kendall ft.and Dubail av., Rev. Ph. Sredano-vic- h,

pastor: 4 23 W. Cal-vert st.; Sunday school and prayerservices.


ClU'RCll Moose hall. 30305 S.Michigan St., 7:30 p- - m.

FIRST INDEPENDENT CHRIST-IAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OFCHRIST Woodmen hall. 118 E.Jefferson blvd.. Rev. Sylvia A. Shaf-er, pastor.

FRATERNAL ORDER OF SPIR-ITUALISTS Meets every Sunday2:30 and 7:30 p. m. (Woodmenhall), 120 E. Jefferson blvd.. Rev.Charles A. Thompson, pastor.


and Llndsey ft-- , Wilmcr C. Gray,pastor; 9:45 a. m., Sunday school,W. L. IIuLsell, superintendent;lö:45 a. m., worship; 6:30 p. m.,Young People's meeting; 7:45 p. m.,worship; 7:45 p. m., Wednesday,prayer meeting.

CHURCH OF GOD OF THEARRA1IAMIC FAITH Holds ser-vices in Melville hall. 212 S. Michi-gan st-- ; 10 a. m., Sunday school, F.A. Stllson, superintendent.

CHURCH OF GOD 546 S. Cha-pln et.; morning Services 11 a. m.;afternoon service, 3 p. m.; Y. P. W.W., 6 p. m. ; preaching at 7:30 p.m., Elder Moses Anderson, pastor.


Rov. Alexander G. Y'upa, pastor; 8

a. m., low mass every morning; 8 a.m., Sunday, low mass, 10 a. m.; highmass, 7 p- - m., baptism; 7:30 p. m.,vespers.


SARY, POLISH Sample and Koe-ciuszk- o

stfl.. Rev. Edward Starory-plnsk- i.

pastor; week day, 8 a. m.;Sunday and holy days. 8:30 a. m-- ;

high mass at 10:30 a. m.. Sundayschool. 2 p. m.


C- - N. I'orter, pastor; residence, 1407F. Rush st.; 9:30 a. m.. Sundayschool, F. M. Porter, superintendent.


CHURCH OF THE NAZARENECorner Rush and Milton sts.; Sun-day school, 9:30 a. m.. W. S. Hou.

worship, 10:30 a.m-- ; Young People's meeting. 6:30p. m.; evangelistic service. 7:20 p.m.; praser meeting Wednesday even-in- ?.

7:20 p. m., O. W. Valz, pastor.


DIST Fourteenth and Vine sts .

Rev. A. R. Hamilton, pastor; 0:30a- - Sunday schcol; 7 p. m., wor-ship.

FREE METHODIST Pennsyl-vania av. and Ruh st., WiKiam E.Atteberry. pastor; 10 a. m., Sundayschool; 11 a. m.. preaching.

Sunday evening erang-dlsti- 7:1."p. :n. Thürs lay evening, prayer ma t-

ing 7:30 p. in.

FIRST Nazareno, 114 W. Samplest.: 9:30 a. m-- . Sunday school; 2:30p. rn.. worship; 7:30 p. m., worship.


Harris, pastor; 10 a. 'm., Bibleschool.

RIVER PARK S. Seventh St..Rev. Albert L. Brandenburg pastor;residence. 913 S. Eleventh St.; 9:30a. m.. Sunday .school; 10:40 a. m..worship; 5:30 p. m.. Epworthleague; 7:30 p. m., worship.


C. EUir.wood. pastor; ClarenceAshley, Sunday school superintend-ent; preaching. 10 a. m.; Sundayschool, 11 a. m.

GRACE A. M. E. ZION CornerLaurel and Napier t3.. Rev. A. L.Pierce, parrtor; Sunday school, 9:30a. m. : sermon at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m.; Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m.

SALVATION ARMYHoliness meeting, 10:20 a. m.;

company meeting. 2 p. m., all chil-dren invited: praise meeting 3

young people's legion. 6 p. m. ;

salvation meeting. S p. m.; open air10 a. m. and 7 p. m.


Jefferson blvd.. Hay A. Ilird. super-intendent: 2 p. m . Jail service; 3 p.

ra.. Sunday school; evening serviceat 7:20 p. m.

MHNNON'ITK HOFE MISSIONZ22 S. St. Joeph ft. Sunday school,2:30 p. m. Freachinc: 3:30 and 7:30p. m. A'm service.4 Tl.urs lay, Fridayand Saturday nights.

rnNTErosTAii mission, apos- -

TOIJC FAITH 32 0 N. Olive St..Cecil CfiLstle. raaor; 10 a. m., wor-ship; 7:43 p. m., worship; 7:4 5 p. m..




Main StiJ


CHICAGO209 S. LoSallc St. 1



I!For Prosecutor ii


Save For

on Deposits

Made on or nejore.

Oct. 10 th

CornerFather Ed

win E. Smith, priest in charge; rcsir,;:cr, tr.:, X. Walnut t.; 9 a. m.,Sundav 10 a- m.. mass.


E. Monger. 1. I. pastor; S : 4 3 a. m..mcftlric: 9:T.0 a. m., Stinday

scho d. Herber! R. Gam. superln-- j

tetdent; worship. 10: 40 a. m. ar.d j

7 :'; j. m.; seriiT and high school j

j:r. worth le-igu.- 6:30 p- - m.K! -- ?art i hurh at H:40. Junior

!',:,!) h-- l ! In the luntor rf'.r. Mr. IMul-)- :

,ir-- . Mornins nr.hlic worship.v.-- ' !'..',, ..T. S.v-- t r in ;

!:.' W. rl I"- -" F.attle Fn'it" Ny Pr. Mon- -

- wershlp. ad.ires., "' t.v Fi. f. T. F Pltz-- p

vm. Viir,. '.- - Ir-- l. Wc lr- -, lay eveninpm't.l r'.ver serrl-e- . 7:3 p. in., ledhv Ir. M'.:i;-t- .

ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL Colfax;an 1 !.; ! te a vs.. ReV. J . J

p.:stf.": Tlev. G. L. Ruii-to- a.

acting pastor; Sunday school.f:.'ri a. 111 .. O. A. Pulkerson, .t;

nvrnl'.g worship. 10:45a. m.; Epworth league. 6:30 p. ni..ur evening worship. 7:30 p. m.;prayer meetirg. 7:43 WednesdayvniniTs.

r r. -: w.cshin tl.e paptc.r wl!i...ik'.-- i -- ::e Ilopp Vf fi.' World." le-p.-- f.

..f th. Kpworth leistie.In tl.-'- e, in aidrc-- s Fmf. Ion-- j

,id iMiShane. r..;:i:iV,is. . beA p gra.a will he 'given.:

I M M A NT A Ii GEE MA N Li fay ett e

at Wavno st-- . Rev. Fred H. Koehne- -

rnar.n. pv5tor. Sunday school, 3:30!a. rn.. ("hnr'.es E. Stark.

worship. 10:30 ft. m. and7:" p. m ; Up worth lea sue. 7 p. m.

f iiAf-i- i wortihlr. "WhatWo';r.d "te:i!i Wi Wn."'.e Jesus!

. with an cv-c:- ' rum en tr- - oue-tm- n.

v v1 1 Wen: 1 .Ifns in various

r.v ,'.., 0f overrdtv ltfe. f r- -- r

a!.- - t ?h erv-- e pr. . i i. -- .if;i-.f. ,,!r. (o.'v-r- - of Irf.ict ar.d ChildIfvr ' the fT" 'ir 1 1 will

on the Mjhject,-- Reaita la Ch'.l l.od "

( ; RA'M! i'orner Michigan andT:;tt st? . l . R--- rt lb R"ck. pastor;S:43 a. ra.. c! -s rr.eetin- -: 9:30 a.rr. . Fur. day fb.ord. C rn Whitcman.fsAiperl.".ter..!en. : T..-rn'.:v- v.r.-'.ii-p.

0:45 a. rr..; Epworth league rneet-lr- .,

at t:3o p. m.Irrr.t-- .; w-rM- "Many M"-c3-

F. r M irv r : ." y pit.r: Fp-w..rt- h

rr !:.t. V..- - Fa Abter.Intrc: v orV:;'. ::: S Pittcnptr.5l.:te IV: P. if. w :'.; v. i :k

TRTN1TY M. I'. turner Pdllr.eara Va-sa- r as.. Ru-- . :i L. Phillips, j

pastor: residen c 9J I i"v!ir..! av.; !

school. 9:3-- a. rr... Mr. W. L. j

Owdn superintendent; mr-rnin- wor- -'

hi7. 10:45; Epworth b1 igue, 6:30p. m.. P-'h- er K!rkp atri-k- .

pr.-sldnt- ;

rr.:i-w.'e- k serv:ce. T:3 p. nt. Wed- -

v. ;

LOWELL HEIGHTS Minor ai.d"ran-'i- s ts. P.ev. C. J. Jordan, pas- - j

-- r; S ;r. i.iv d. 9:45. Jvi 4lear-- ;rvart. f jperinten lent; worship. 11 a.1

ra.; Epworth Lvigje. :30 p. m.. C.A P.uskusk!. pre:d.Tt: evening;w 7:30 p. 1:1.; Junior church.12 0 p. m.

STELL MEMORIAL Corner S.M..-hirn- :i an 1 Victoria sts.. CUudeYM.r.g, ;d.or; Sunday school at' ."; a. rn , W L R- - itrer. acting su-- :

rir.t.".dt nt; worship. 10:40 a m.;J ;o p. rr... Epw..rth ! ague; 7:30 p.

:r. . 7. ray. r s.m-v- i V.'dne.--ia- y even-;r:'- s

at 7:30.i' rn 11 g w w'.th nr.. a t v th

r. t:. :.- -. what Mut the C:n:r h

!. to S.v.. '., YT.rjT IV'Tdt-- ' de- -

'. -- ..nsl ? ,' ?. ;.. ra . T!.-'d-- rr

s. '. :.-f-. 1 1.!-- - n wor-hi- p Ith

r g frv'. .' r. ' ,r t1, pi;..r,if.--.i- "- -. l'.iT.. With th I'Jnr-:.- "

':.: it n r it u.:! m.-.- t ?.? th'1. ! T- h e, M --,'biy co '.!.". it 7:'i. Tl.I.Ad! Al l !U tn-- t at the chun aV.'f'.T--- . y a? ."' rr.. s !.oo!

m y m3



7fie BanK Ah?ac2




BLVD. . NEXT TOService-Stabilit- y

Method Is ToA Definite Purpose

a certain amount which you will needbuying a home or for any other purpose.

a definite time in which to accumulatethat amount.

Divide the whole amount hyweeks and montns ana

save the sumregularly.


VLoard in-::'- . l'r.l-- 7 at 7.30 p. ra. at