sunday the co-cathedral 1:30 pm - spanish of saint …

ST. TERESA OF AVILA THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF SAINT JOSEPH MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 9:00 AM - Creole 11:00 AM - English 1:30 PM - Spanish Weekdays 8:00 AM - English 8:30 AM - Creole 9:00 AM - Spanish CO-CATHEDRAL AND ST. TERESA STAFF RECTOR The Reverend Christopher R. Heanue [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR The Reverend Pascal Louis [email protected] PRIESTS IN RESIDENCE The Reverend Monsignor Sean G. Ogle [email protected] The Reverend Sebastián Sardo DEACON Deacon Fausto Duran [email protected] DEACON/RCIA DIRECTOR Deacon Manuel H. Quintana [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Ms. Jessica Figueroa [email protected] Mrs. Brenda Donald [email protected] PARISH SECRETARY Fabiola Edmond [email protected] BOOKKEEPER Bill Slattery [email protected] MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Alejandro Zuleta [email protected] BULLETIN Alma Ramales [email protected] SEPTEMBER 19 TH , 2021 MESSAGE FROM THE RECTOR MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM - Creole 6:30 PM - Spanish Sunday 10:00 AM - English 6:00 PM - English Weekdays 10:00 AM - English “Message from the Rector”? Who’s that?! My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Since my arrival to Prospect Heights on July 1st, I have been incredibly busy getting to know the parish community: the staff, the buildings, the neighborhood, and most importantly, the people! I have been blessed to be invited to the homes of some of the elderly of our parish family, to pray with them and bring them the Graces that come from the Sacraments. I have had the opportunity to visit St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy and celebrate the “Back to School Mass” with these young and energetic disciples of Christ! I plan to visit the school bi-monthly, and work with the fourth and seventh graders, visiting their classrooms, and offering my support however I can. ere have been many blessings in this short time and there have been some challenges. Water has been quite problematic for both the Co-Cathedral and St. Teresa during the recent rain storms. St Teresa hall flooded twice, the boiler room taking on water which ruined the hot-water heater, wooden floors in the rectory buckled with the water, etc.. To quote the prophet Jeremiah, “streams of [living] water flowed”, into the Co-Cathedral undercroſt, on the eve of Bishop Sansaricq’s Funeral. Water entered from three of the four corners of the church hall and completely soaked the carpets and center floor. We are working to address the root causes of these floods, and work is being done to remove the carpet that has been badly damaged and lay a replacement floor. Apart from the woes of a landlord for 100 year old buildings, other challenges exist. I am truly grateful for the work of Msgr. Harrington (Co-Cathedral) and the recent pastors of St Teresa of Avila (Fr Borno, Fr Ahern) in what they have done to build the Kingdom of God here in Prospect Heights. e work, however, is far from complete. As I mentioned during my Installation Mass remarks, the work of evangelization is a task for us all! I see great potential here for continued growth! I will need your help and I know that I can count on you! Together we will do incredible things. We will continue to grow as a community of believers, both in number and, more importantly, in holiness! More to come… God bless. Fr Christopher R Heanue Rector

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MASS SCHEDULESunday 9:00 AM - Creole11:00 AM - English 1:30 PM - Spanish Weekdays 8:00 AM - English 8:30 AM - Creole9:00 AM - Spanish


RECTORThe Reverend Christopher R. Heanue [email protected]

PAROCHIAL VICARThe Reverend Pascal [email protected]

PRIESTS IN RESIDENCEThe Reverend Monsignor Sean G. [email protected]

The Reverend Sebastián Sardo

DEACONDeacon Fausto [email protected]

DEACON/RCIA DIRECTORDeacon Manuel H. [email protected]

RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONMs. Jessica [email protected]

Mrs. Brenda Donald [email protected]

PARISH SECRETARYFabiola Edmond [email protected]

BOOKKEEPERBill [email protected]

MUSIC DIRECTORMr. Alejandro [email protected]

BULLETINAlma [email protected]



MASS SCHEDULESaturday Vigil5:00 PM - Creole6:30 PM - SpanishSunday10:00 AM - English6:00 PM - English Weekdays 10:00 AM - English

“Message from the Rector”? Who’s that?!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,Since my arrival to Prospect Heights on July 1st, I have been incredibly busy getting to know the parish community: the staff, the buildings, the neighborhood, and most importantly, the people! I have been blessed to be invited to the homes of some of the elderly of our parish family, to pray with them and bring them the Graces that come from the Sacraments. I have had the opportunity to visit St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy and celebrate the “Back to School Mass” with these young and energetic disciples of Christ! I plan to visit the school bi-monthly, and work with the fourth and seventh graders, visiting their classrooms, and offering my support however I can. There have been many blessings in this short time and there have been some challenges. Water has been quite problematic for both the Co-Cathedral and St. Teresa during the recent rain storms. St Teresa hall flooded twice, the boiler room taking on water which ruined the hot-water heater, wooden floors in the rectory buckled with the water, etc.. To quote the prophet Jeremiah, “streams of [living] water flowed”, into the Co-Cathedral undercroft, on the eve of Bishop Sansaricq’s Funeral. Water entered from three of the four corners of the church hall and completely soaked the carpets and center floor. We are working to address the root causes of these floods, and work is being done to remove the carpet that has been badly damaged and lay a replacement floor.Apart from the woes of a landlord for 100 year old buildings, other challenges exist. I am truly grateful for the work of Msgr. Harrington (Co-Cathedral) and the recent pastors of St Teresa of Avila (Fr Borno, Fr Ahern) in what they have done to build the Kingdom of God here in Prospect Heights. The work, however, is far from complete. As I mentioned during my Installation Mass remarks, the work of evangelization is a task for us all! I see great potential here for continued growth! I will need your help and I know that I can count on you! Together we will do incredible things. We will continue to grow as a community of believers, both in number and, more importantly, in holiness! More to come…

God bless.Fr Christopher R HeanueRector

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¿“Mensaje del Rector”? ¡¿Quién es ese?!

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

Desde mi llegada a Prospect Heights el 1 de julio, he estado increíblemente ocupado conociendo a la comunidad parroquial: el personal, los edificios, el vecindario y, lo más importante, ¡la gente!

He tenido la suerte de ser invitado a los hogares de algunos de los ancianos de nuestra familia para orar con ellos y llevarles las Gracias que provienen de los sacramentos. ¡He tenido la oportunidad de visitar la Academia Católica San Francisco de Asís y celebrar la “Misa de Regreso a Clases” con estos jóvenes y enérgicos discípulos de Cristo! Planeo visitar la escuela dos veces al meses y trabajar con los estudiantes de cuarto y séptimo grado, visitar sus aulas y ofrecer mi apoyo como pueda.

Ha habido muchas bendiciones en este corto tiempo y ha habido algunos desafíos. El agua ha sido bastante problemática tanto para la Concatedral como para Santa Teresa durante las recientes tormentas de lluvia. El salón de Santa Teresa se inundó dos veces, la sala de calderas tomó agua que arruinó el calentador de agua, los pisos de madera en la rectoría se doblaron con el agua, etc. el sótano de la Concatedral, en vísperas del funeral del obispo Sansaricq. El agua entró por tres de las cuatro esquinas del salón de la iglesia y empapó completamente las alfombras y el piso central. Estamos trabajando para abordar las causas fundamentales de estas inundaciones y se está trabajando para quitar la alfombra que se ha dañado gravemente y colocar un piso de reemplazo.

Aparte de los problemas de un propietario por edificios de 100 años, existen otros desafíos. Estoy realmente agradecido por el trabajo de Mons. Harrington (Co-Catedral) y los pastores recientes de Santa Teresa de Ávila (Padre Borno, Padre Ahern) en lo que han hecho para construir el Reino de Dios aquí en Prospect Heights. Sin embargo, el trabajo está lejos de estar completo. Como mencioné durante mis comentarios de la Misa de Instalación, ¡el trabajo de evangelización es una tarea para todos nosotros!

¡Veo un gran potencial aquí para un crecimiento continuo! ¡Necesitaré tu ayuda y sé que puedo contar contigo! Juntos haremos cosas increíbles. Continuaremos creciendo como comunidad de creyentes, tanto en número como, lo que es más importante, ¡en santidad!

Más por venir…

Dios los bendiga.P. Christopher R. HeanueRector


Sunday: 10:00am - 3:00pmMonday - Thursday: 12:00pm - 6:00pmFriday: 12:00pm - 8:00pmSaturday: Office CLOSED


Sunday: Office CLOSEDMonday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pmSaturday: 10:00am - 6:00pm

563 Sterling Pl, Brooklyn, NY 11238718-622-6500 - Fax: [email protected]

856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238718-638-1071 - Fax: [email protected]




ST. JOSEPHSunday: 8:00 am - 3:00pmMonday - Friday: 7:30am - 3:00pmSaturday: CLOSED

ST. TERESASunday: 8:00am - 7:00pmMonday - Thursday: 8:00am - 1:00pmFriday: 8:00am - 7:00pmSaturday: 3:30pm - 7:30pm



9:00 AM 11:00 AM

2nd Collection1:30 PM

2nd Collection

ST. TERESA5:00 PM 6:30 PM 10:00 AM

2nd Collection 6:00 PM

34 $345438 $3,036

$714124 $621


32 $258-- $14749 $904

$6534 $471

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3 StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK


SATURDAY5:00 PM Marie Ostane (Birthday)

6:30 PM +Rosa Granier

SUNDAY9:00 AM Mozart & Dolores

Guillaume (33yrs wedding anniversary)

10:00 AM Theresa & Triniya Lee-Wallace (Thanksgiving)

11:00 AM Nathan Pozas (Birthday)

1:30 PM +Maria Tomasina Santana

6:00 PM For the People of St. Joseph & St. Teresa

SEPTEMBER 255:00 PM - Mozart Guillaume6:30 PM - TBD

SEPTEMBER 269:00 AM - Marie Edith Jean10:00 AM - Teava Brown11:00 AM - Martine Michel1:30 PM - TBD6:00 PM - Marie Theresa Antoine


MESSAGE DU RECTEUR« Message du recteur » ? Qui c'est?!

Mes chers frères et sœurs en Christ,

Depuis mon arrivée à Prospect Heights le 1er juillet, j'ai été incroyablement occupé à apprendre à connaître la communauté paroissiale : le personnel, les bâtiments, le quartier et, surtout, les gens!

J'ai eu la chance d'être invitée chez cer-taines personnes âgées de notre famille paroissiale, pour prier avec elles et leur apporter les grâces qui viennent des sacrements. J'ai eu l'occasion de visiter l'Académie catholique Saint-François d'Assise et de célébrer la « messe de la rentrée » avec ces jeunes et énergiques disciples du Christ ! Je prévois de visiter l'école tous les deux mois et de travailler avec les élèves de quatrième et septième année, de visiter leurs salles de classe et d'offrir mon soutien autant que je le peux.

Il y a eu beaucoup de bénédictions au cours de cette courte période et il y a eu quelques défis. L'eau a été assez problématique pour la Cocathédrale et Sainte Thérèse lors des récentes tempêtes de pluie. La salle Sainte Thérèse a été inondée deux fois, la chaufferie prenant de l'eau qui a ruiné le chauffe-eau, les planchers de bois du presbytère se sont déformés par l'eau, etc. le sous-sol de la Cocathédrale, à la veille des funérailles de Mgr Sansericq. L'eau est entrée de trois des quatre coins de la salle paroissiale et a complètement trempé les tapis et le sol central. Nous nous efforçons de nous attaquer aux causes profondes de ces inondations, et des travaux sont en cours pour retirer le tapis qui a été gravement endommagé et poser un sol de remplacement.

En dehors des déboires d'un propriétaire pour des immeubles centenaires, d'autres défis existent. Je suis vraiment reconnaissant pour le travail de Mgr Harrington (Co-cathédrale) et des récents pasteurs de Sainte Thérèse d'Avila (P. Borno, P. Ahern) dans ce qu'ils ont fait pour construire le Royaume de Dieu ici à Prospect Heights. Mais le travail est loin d'être terminé. Comme je l'ai mentionné lors de mes remarques sur la messe d'installation, le travail d'évangélisation est une tâche pour nous tous !

Je vois un grand potentiel ici pour une croissance continue! J'aurai besoin de votre aide et je sais que je peux compter sur vous ! Ensemble, nous ferons des choses incroyables. Nous continuerons à grandir en tant que communauté de croyants, à la fois en nombre et, plus important encore, en sainteté !

Plus à venir… Dieu vous protège.Père Christopher R HeanueRecteur

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4 StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK


On Wednesday, September 29, we will celebrate the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, the patron saint of police officers. We wish to invite the men and women in the

law enforcement to the morning masses for a blessing at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph.

El miércoles 29 de septiembre celebraremos la fiesta de San Miguel Arcángel, patrón de los policías. Deseamos invitar a los hombres y mujeres de las fuerzas del orden a las misas

matutinas para una bendición en la Concatedral de San José.

Nan Mèkredi, 29 septanm, nou pral selebre fèt Saint Michel Archang sen patwon pou polisye yo. Nou ap envite tout gason ak fanm ki travay pou gouvènman ki se polisye. Nan

mès maten nan legalize ko-katedral St Jozèf pou yon benediksyon.


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FAITH FORMATION 2021 - 2022We are continuing Faith Formation registration for all children from Pre- K to Confirmation year. You can access the registration form on the parish website: you have any questions please contact Ms. Jessica Figueroa or Ms. Brenda Donald at the rectory office at (718) 638-1071 or by Email.

Ms. Jessica Figueroa - [email protected]. Brenda Donald - [email protected]

On Sunday, September 26th, after communion at each mass, we will have a second collection for Parish Innovations. Thank you for your generosity.

El domingo 26 de septiembre, después de la comunión en cada misa, tendremos una segunda colecta de Innovaciones parroquiales. Gracias por su generosidad.

Nan Dimanch, 26 septanm, apre kominyon nan chak mès, nou pral gen yon dezyèm koleksyon pou Innovations pawas la. Mèsi pou jenewozite ou.


ST. TERESA'S PARISH FEAST DAYOn October 15th, 2021 we will celebrate St. Teresa's Feast Day. Join us for the day of celebration at 8:30 am morning mass followed by Eucharistic adoration from 9am until 7:30pm. During Eucharistic adoration we will have a novena at noon

with prayer. At 7:30pm we will have a trilingual mass. All are welcome.

El 15 de octubre de 2021 celebraremos la Fiesta de Santa Teresa. Únase a nosotros para el día de celebración a las 8:30 am misa matutina seguida de adoración

eucarística de 9 am a 7:30 pm. Durante la adoración eucarística tendremos una novena al mediodía con oración. A las 7:30 pm tendremos una misa trilingüe.

Todos son bienvenidos.

Nan 15 oktòb, 2021 nou pral selebre fèt St. Terèz. An nou selebre ansanm nan mès 8:30 nan maten ki ap swiv pa adorasyon sen sakreman komanse a 9am jiska 7:30 pm. Pandan adorasyon sen sakreman nou pral fè novena ak Lapriyè a midi. A 7:30

pm nou ap gen yon mès nan 3 lang. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus.

Starting October 12, our Daily mass schedule will change to 8am - English, 9am - Spanish and 10am - Creole at St. Joseph and 8:30am-English at St. Teresa.

A partir del 12 de octubre, nuestro horario de misas entra la semana cambiará a las 8 am en inglés, a las 9 am en español y a las 10 am en criollo en St. Joseph y a las 8:30 am en inglés en St. Teresa.

A parti du 12 oktòb, orè mès jou la semaine nou yo ap chanje nou ap gen mès a 8am - Anglè, 9am – Panyòl ak 10am - Kreyòl nan St Joseph ak 8:30am-Anglè nan St. Terèz.


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FOOD PANTRY Every Thursday our pantry is open at St. Teresa School building located at

560 Sterling Place, from 8am - 11am.

Todos los jueves, nuestra despensa está abierta en el edificio de la escuela de Santa Teresa ubicado en 560 Sterling Place, de 8 am a 11 am.

Chak jedi food pantry nou an louvri nan bilding lekòl St Teresa ki chita nan

560 Sterling Place, a 8am - 11am.

DISCIPLESHIP IS STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION!As disciples, we are challenged to seek Christ actively and not be satisfied with the status quo of our lives. The disciple is not afraid to take on new and challenging responsibilities while thinking “outside the box.” The disciple displays the face of God! Truly, God longs to know us and love us unconditionally, if we will just allow Him.

But, would others know I am a disciple of Christ?

How can you express your discipleship, your relationship with Him?

Prayerfully consider becoming a part of the following ministries: Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or Usher.

If you are interested in serving as a lector or extraordinary minister, please contact Tom Rozinski at 646-866-3192.If you are interested in serving as an usher, please contact Deacon Manuel Quintana at 917-250-1921.

SACRED WRITING SERIESThe Continuing Faith Formation Group helps our faith to grow and us to live it in ways that are concrete and active. Its Sacred Writing Serie continues throughout the year. It’s always open to every adult and teenager.

Starting on Tuesday, September 28th, and every Tuesday and Thursday evening through the fall, our reflections will center on the Book of Proverbs. We’ll talk about its place in the Old Testament, Wisdom’s invitation and her advice and guidance, and many individual proverbs. Each session last for an hour.

With people from St. Joseph’s and St. Teresa’s and some from farther away – Atlanta, Chicago, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, we’ll talk about where these sacred writing came from, what hey mean, how they have been used by those who came before us, and how they apply to us today.

To learn more about the Proverbs series or get the numbers and codes to become part of it, email Deacon Manuel at [email protected] or call him at 212-343-2500.

RCIA 2021/2022 STARTS SOONRICA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It’s the path adults take to become Catholic or to prepare for sacraments they’ve not yet received.

After the 11:00 mass at St. Joseph on Sunday, 9/19, sign-up sheets will be available. After the 11:00 mass at St. Joseph and the 6:00 mass at St. Teresa on Sunday, 9/26, there’ll information sessions in those churches. RCIA will start the week of October 3rd.

If you know someone who might be interested in joining, please pass this information on. To learn more, get in touch with Deacon Manuel at 212-343-2500 or [email protected]

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LAPRIYÈ POU SEMÈN NANO God, because without you we are not able to please you, mercifully grant that your Holy Spi-rit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Oh Dios, porque sin ti no podemos agradarte, concede misericordiosamente que tu Espíritu Santo dirija y gobierne en todo nuestro corazón en todas las cosas; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor, que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, ahora y por siempre. Amén.

O Bondye, paske san ou nou pa kapab fè ou plezi, avèk mizèrikòd akòde ke Sentespri ou kapab dirije tout bagay nan tout bagay epi dirije kè nou; gremesi Jezikri, Seyè nou an, k ap viv ak ap gouvènen avèk ou ak Sentespri a, yon sèl Bondye, kounye a ak pou tout tan. Amèn.

Monday - Lunes - LendiEzr 1:1-6/Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday - Martes - MadiEph 4:1-7, 11-13/Mt 9:9-13Wednesday - Miercoles - MèkrediEzr 9:5-9/Lk 9:1-6 Thursday – Jueves - JediHg 1:1-8/Lk 9:7-9 Friday – Viernes - VandrediHg 2:1-9/Lk 9:18-22Saturday - Sábado - SamdiZec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Lk 9:43b-45

EUCHARISTIC ADORATIONBlessed Pope John Paul II encouraged Eucharistic Adoration. In Dominicae cenae, he expressed: “The Church and world have a

great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet Him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making

amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease.”

You are invited to visit Jesus in the EucharistEvery Friday after the 10:00am Mass

ending with Benediction at 7:00pm, St. Teresa

CARRERA GUADALUPANALas solicitudes para la Carrera Guadalupana de

este año ya están disponibles con nuestro Comité Guadalupano. Los animamos a que se

registre y participe en esta celebración anual en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. La misa

será el 12 de diciembre de 2021 aquí en la Concatedral de San José.

Applications for this years Carrera Guadalupana are now available with our Guadalupe Committee.

We encourage you to sign up and participate in this yearly celebration honoring our lady of

Guadalupe. The mass will take place December 12, 2021 here at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph.

DIVINE MERCY 2021You are invited to join us every 4th Sunday of

the month at 3pm to gather for prayer at St. Teresa of Avila.

Estás invitado a unirte a nosotros cada cuarto domingo del mes a las 3 pm para reunirnos

para la oración en Santa Teresa de Ávila.

Vous êtes invités à nous rejoindre tous les 4e dimanches du mois à 15h pour vous réunir

pour prière à Sainte Thérèse d'Avila.

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Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading Wisdom 2:12, 17-20Responsorial PsalmPsalm 54The Lord upholds my life.Second ReadingJames 3:16—4:3Gospel Reading Mark 9:30-37

LECTURAS DE HOYVigésimo Quinto Domingo ordinario

Primera lecturaSabiduría 2:12, 17-20Salmo ResponsorialSalmo 53El Señor es quien me ayuda.Segunda lecturaSantiago 3:16—4:3Lectura del evangelioMarcos 9:30-37

LEKTI JODI AVinnsinkiem Dimanch Nan

Premye LektiLasajes 2:12, 17-20Sòm responsabSòm 53Sé Granmèt la k-ap soutni nam mouinDezyèm LektiJak 3:16—4:3Lekti levanjil laMak 9:30-37

SAINT OF THE DAY Sunday (9/19) - Saint Januarius

Monday (9/20) - Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Hasang, & CompanionsTuesday (9/21) - Saint Matthew

Wednesday (9/22) - St. Lorenzo Ruiz & CompanionsThursday (9/23) - Saint Pio of PietrelcinaFriday (9/24) - Saint John Henry Newman Saturday (9/25) - Saints Louis Martin & Zélie Guérin



Children’s Religious EducationIf you are interested in enrolling your child for Religious Education, plea-se contact Brenda Donald or Jessica Figueroa for more information. [email protected]

Parish CouncilSchedule varies Contact Tom Rozinski [email protected]

Rites for Christian Inititation for Adults (RCIA)If you are an adult seeking to become a Catholic or complete your sacraments, please contact Deacon Manuel Quintana. [email protected]

Sacred Scripture Series Seasonal. Contact: Deacon Manuel QuintanaRemote PrayerEvery morning at 7:15AM - gathers via Zoom (AUDIO ONLY) for morning prayer. Contact: Deacon Manuel Quintana [email protected] or 917-250-1921

Contact the Rectory for More Information.

SACRAMENTSReconciliation: Confessions are available by appointment. Please contact the Rectory.

Baptism: St. Joseph: 1st Saturday & 3rd Saturday of the month (AFTERNOON)St. Teresa: 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month (AFTERNOON)Contact the rectory for more information.Baptisms are available in English, Spanish and Creole.

Holy Matrimony: Marriage arrangements must be made at least six months prior to a wedding date. Contact the rectory for an appointment with a priest or deacon.Weddings can be scheduled in English, Spanish and Creole.

Anointing of the Sick: This sacrament is available for any bapti-zed Catholic who is seriously ill or suffering from the effects of advanced age. It is also recommended for anyone who is going to undergo serious surgery. Please call the rectory to schedule an appointment for a priest to visit your home. A communal celebration of this sacrament will be scheduled twice a year.

"The Two Will Become one flesh."

Mark 10:8, NIV

The Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph is broadcast live via NET TV at 8AM in English, 8:30AM in Creole and at 9AM in Spanish Monday through Friday.

You may watch us at home, at work, or on the go at:• Spectrum ch. 97 • Optimum ch. 30 • Fios by Verizon ch. 548or Anywhere, anytime via our livestream. (