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Sunflower Project AR Interfaces April 22, 2009

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Sunflower Project AR Interfaces

April 22, 2009

2Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Welcome & Introductions

• Dean Arzoian – SMART Technical Team Manager

• Bruce Myers – SMART Technical Team Manager, Accenture

• Ed Payne – SMART Interface and Data Conversion Coordinator

• Kurt Meisner – Interfaces Lead, Accenture

• Nate Hill – Data Conversion Coordinator, Accenture

• Allison Garcia – Accounts Receivable Lead, Accenture

• Jan Murray– Accounts Receivable Lead, State

3Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART System and Interfaces Overview

Accounts Receivable – State Agency and Regent Interfaces

Customer Interface (INF26)Inbound load of new and updated customer informationPending Items (INF28)Daily inbound receipt of receivables items from legacy billing sources

4Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART System and Interfaces Overview

INF25 – Billing – State Agency and Regent Interfaces

BI Inbound Invoice Interface (INF25)Daily inbound file of agency billing data for agencies retaining their legacy systems that want to maintain their information in SMART and print invoices from that information

5Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 – BI Inbound Invoice Interface• Agencies will interface invoices to SMART• SMART will maintain this billing information and print

the invoices related to those billings• These interfaced invoices will be used to create pending


6Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Header Record Layout

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

RECORD_TYPE Used to specify the record type This is a method to separate the multiple record types within the interface file.

“01” = (Fixed value for the header record)

BUSINESS_UNIT Business Unit This is the identifier used to differentiate from which agency the invoice originated from.


INTFC_LINE_ NUM Interface line number A general sequencing number for the interface lines.


TRANS_TYPE_BI Interface transaction type Used to indicate the type of information that the interface bill contains .

“LINE” = (Chargeable Line)

TRANS_TYPE_BI_SEQ Transaction type sequence. A unique identifier that is used when providing multiple accounting lines or notes/comments for a specific charge line. Initialize to "001" for LINE transaction type.


BILL_TO_CUST_ ID This is the Bill to customer ID One valid bill to customer will be provided per invoice.


7Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Header Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM Address Sequence Number This field will contain a valid PeopleSoft Address Sequence Number for the Customer ID provided above. This is the address for which a customer will be billed.


BILL_TYPE_ID Bill type This will be an identifier to identify the type of bill associated with this invoice.

These values are currently being determined

BILL_CYCLE_ID Bill cycle id This identifies whether the billing cycle for this invoice will be an installment or recurring.

These values are currently being determined

INVOICE_DT The Invoice Date This field will indicate when the bill will be generated in SMART.


ACCOUNTING_DT This field will contain the accounting date This field will indicate the date in which the invoice is entered into SMART.


IDENTIFIER_TBL This the table identifier This field is used as a code to default values, similar to a charge code.


8Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Header Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

IDENTIFIER Charge Code This field is used as a code to default values, similar to a charge code.

These values are currently being determined

TARGET_INVOICE Target invoice number If provided, the target invoice becomes the invoice number you want to be referenced. If not provided, the system will assign the invoice.


DESCR Bill charge description This field will be used to provide a description of the invoice.

“This is the bill charge description”

UNIT_OF_MEASURE Unit of measure Quantifier used for invoice item “EA” = (Each)

QTY Quantity The number of items on the invoice “00000000001.0000”

UNIT_AMT Unit amount Monetary amount per unit item “00000000043.0000”

9Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Header Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

GROSS_EXTENDED_AMT Gross extended amount Net extended amount calculated based on the quantity and unit amount.


ORDER_NO Order number This field indicates the order number. This field is not currently used by SMART and will be reserved for future use.

“ ”

ORDER_DATE Order date This field indicates the date of the order. This field is not currently used by SMART and will be reserved for future use.

“ ”

PO_REF Purchase order number This field will be left blank if there is no Purchase Order associated with the invoice.

“ 0000000001”

PO_LINE Purchase order line This field will be left blank if there is no Purchase Order associated with the invoice. The field will contain a valid Purchase Order Line Number for the Purchase Order ID entered above.

“ 00001”

CONTRACT_NUM Contract number This field references a contract. “0000000000000000000000001”

10Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Header Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

CONTRACT_LINE_NUM Contract line number This is the contract line number to reference a contract item.


BUSINESS_UNIT_PC Projects Business Unit This is the identifier used to identify which project costing agency the invoice originated from .


PAYMNT_TERMS_CD The payment terms for the invoice The time frame in which the invoice needs to be paid. This field will default from the business unit if not specified.

“Net 30” = (Due in 30 days)

NOTE_TYPE Note Type Type to designate the type of note to be printed on the invoice.


STD_NOTE_FLAG Standard Note Flag This note field indicates if the note is to be printed on the invoice.


INTERNAL_FLAG Internal Note Flag This field is used to indicate if the note is only for internal use.


11Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Header Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

HDR_OR_LINE_NOTE Header or Line Note Indicator This field indicates if a note will print on a bill header or bill line.

“H” = (Header)

STD_NOTE_CD Standard Note Code This is the Standard Note Code that can be printed on the invoice.


12Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Distribution Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

RECORD_TYPE Used to specify the record type This is a method to separate the multiple record types within the interface file.

“02” = (Fixed value for the distribution record)

BUSINESS_UNIT Business Unit This is the identifier used to differentiate from which agency the invoice originated from.


INTFC_LINE_ NUM Interface line number This field identifies the line number for each individual bill line for every bill line submitted.

A general sequencing number for the interface lines

TRANS_TYPE_BI Interface transaction type Used to indicate the type of information that the interface bill contains .

“LINE” = (Chargeable Line)

TRANS_TYPE_BI_SEQ Transaction type sequence. A unique identifier that is used when providing multiple accounting lines or notes/comments for a specific charge line. Initialize to "001" for LINE transaction type.


ACCT_ENTRY_ TYPE Accounting entry types This field indicates the account entry type and is required for regular revenue entries and grants.

“RR” = (Regular Revenue)“UAR” = (Grants)

13Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Distribution Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

DST_ID Distribution code This is a code used to disperse revenue. “LIC”

PERCENTAGE Percentage The field indicates the percentage distribution that is applied to the distribution code.


AMOUNT Accounting entry amount. Required. Sum of accounting entry amounts for a particular LINE transaction must equal GROSS_EXTENDED_AMT on the LINE transaction.


FUND_CODE Fund This field defines a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. It records cash and other financial resources, together with related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and any corresponding changes. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

Values are currently being determined.

ACCOUNT Account This field defines the purpose of the transaction and specify the balance sheet account or operating account (i.e. expenditure or revenue object codes) on financial transactions. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

Values are currently being determined

14Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 BI Inbound Invoice Distribution Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

DEPTID Department This chartfield identifies the financial management organizational entity associated with a financial transaction. The State will use this chartField to capture the State and agency organization chart. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

Values are currently being determined.

PRODUCT N/A This field is not currently used in SMART. “ “

PROGRAM_CODE Program Code Used to capture the enterprise program concept. The Program Chartfield will enable the State to capture activity within an agency's organization that is intended to provide a specific good or service in response to an identified social or individual need or problem. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

Values are currently being determined.

15Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 – BI Inbound Invoice Distribution Record Layout

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

PROJECT_ID Grant The Project ID ChartField will be used to capture grant and project transactions. All grant and project transactions will be tracked in this ChartField to facilitate enterprise-wide reporting. This ChartField is designed to track grant and project financial activity, which can cross budget years, funds and departments. It is the gateway to the project costing module functionality. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

Values are currently being determined.

CHARTFIELD1 Agency Use The Agency Use ChartField will be used to fulfill agency-specific reporting requirements, as they relate to cost centers, activities and tasks not captured in another ChartField. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

Values are currently being determined.

CHARTFIELD2 N/A This field is not currently used in SMART. “ “

CHARTFIELD3 N/A This field is not currently used in SMART. “ “

16Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 – BI Inbound Invoice Distribution Record Layout

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

CLASS_FLD Service Location The Service Location ChartField will be used to capture the concept of location (state, county, city, district, building, etc.). This will allow the State to track spending in relation to a geographic designation. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

OPERATING_UNIT N/A This field is not currently used in SMART. “ “

BUDGET_REF Budget Unit This is the budget reference value referenced on the payment voucher. Defaults from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided, else it must be provided.

Values are currently being determined.

17Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF25 – BI Inbound Invoice Note Record LayoutSMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueRECORD_TYPE Used to specify the record type This is a method to separate the multiple

record types within the interface file.“03” = (Fixed value for the note record)

BUSINESS_UNIT Business Unit This is the identifier used to differentiate from which agency the invoice originated from.


INTFC_LINE_ NUM Interface line number A general sequencing number for the interface lines.


TRANS_TYPE_BI Interface transaction type Used to indicate the type of information that the interface bill contains .

“LINE” = (Chargeable Line)

TRANS_TYPE_BI_SEQ Transaction type sequence. A unique identifier that is used when providing multiple accounting lines or notes/comments for a specific charge line. Initialize to "001" for LINE transaction type.


TEXT254 Text 254 field Free form note that will be printed as note on the bill header or bill line if provided and as indicated by the HDR_OR_LINE_NOTE field on the XX_INTFC_BI_TAO record.

“Invoice note description”

18Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 – AR Customer Interface• Agencies will interface customers who will invoice with

SMART• New and updated customer information will be


19Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Header Record LayoutSMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueROW_ID This identifies the customer header within

the fileThis is a method to separate the multiple row types within the interface file.

“001” = (Fixed value for the header record)

CUST_ACTION Customer Action This field indicates the type of action to the customer information.

“A” =(Add)“M” =(Modify)

SETID Agency Business Unit Customers are agency specific by SetID. “00001”

CUST_ID Customer ID This field can be provided by agency, or left blank to allow system to assign customer ID.


CUST_STATUS Customer Status This field is to indicate the status of the customer in SMART.

“A” = (Active)“I” = (Inactive)

CUST_STATUS_DT Customer Status Effective Date This is the effective date for the customer status.


20Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Header Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

CUSTOMER_TYPE Customer Type This field indicates the type of customer being created or modified.

“FEDGOV” = (Federal Government)

SINCE_DT Since Date This date indicates the date on which the customer was first entered.


NAME1 Customer name This is the name of the customer that will be maintained in SMART and referenced on pending items.

“Corporate Express”

NAMESHORT Short Customer name A short customer name that can be used to sort in SMART. First ten characters of the vendor name plus +001.

“Corporate ”

VENDOR_ID Vendor ID This is the vendor ID in SMART if the customer is a vendor also.


TAXPAYER_ID Tax Payer ID This is the tax payer identification number for the customer.


21Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Address Record Layout SMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueROW_ID This identifies the customer address record

within the fileThis is a method to separate the multiple row types within the interface file.

“002” = (Fixed value for the address record)

CUST_ACTION Customer Action This field indicates the type of update to the customer information.

“A” =(Add)“M” =(Modify)

SETID Agency Business Unit. Customers are agency specific by SetID. “00001”

CUST_ID Customer ID This field can be provided by agency, or left blank to allow system to assign customer ID.


ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM Address Sequence Number Address that you want placed on an invoice. A customer can have multiple address sequence numbers.


EFFDT Effective Date The date in which the address was activated or inactivated.


22Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Address Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

EFF_STATUS Address Effective Status The status for the customer address. “A” = (Active)“I” = (Inactive)

ADDRESS1 Customer Address 1 The address for the vendor where the payment will be sent.

“1234 Topeka Blvd”

ADDRESS2 Customer Address 2 This is an overflow field if the customer address exceeds the field length of Address 1.

“ “

ADDRESS3 Customer Address 3 This is an overflow field if the customer address exceeds the field length of Address 2.

“ “

CITY City The customers city. “Topeka”

COUNTY County The customers county. “Washburn”

23Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Address Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

STATE State The state for the customer address. “KS”

POSTAL Postal The postal code. “66612”

COUNTRY_CODE International Dialing Prefix The country in which the phone number is located in if outside of the US.


PHONE Telephone The main phone number for the customer. “123-456-7890”

EXTENSION Phone Extension The phone number extension for the customer.


FAX Customer's Fax Number The fax number for the customer. “123-456-7891”

24Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Address Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

BILL_TO_ADDR Bill To Address This field will indicate if this address can be used for billing purposes.


PRIMARY_BILL_TO Primary Bill To Address selection This field will be used to indicate if this customer address is the primary bill to address. Set to 'Y' (Yes) if Bill-To Address selected for BILL_TO_ADDR field is the default address for all billing correspondences.


CRSPD_TO_ADDR Correspondence Address This field will be used to indicate if this customer address can be used for correspondence.


25Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Contact Record LayoutSMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueROW_ID This identifies the customer address record

within the fileThis is a method to separate the multiple row types within the interface file.

“003” = (Fixed value for the contact record)

CUST_ACTION Customer Action This field indicates the type of update to the customer information.

“A” =(Add)“M” =(Modify)

SETID Agency Business Unit. Customers are agency specific by SetID. “00001”

CONTACT_ID Contact ID This is a contact ID field for customers. “000000000000001”

EFFDT Address Status Effective Date This is the effective date for the customer address.


EFF_STATUS Address Status This is the effective status of the customer address.

“A” = (Active)“I” = (Inactive)

26Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Contact Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

CONTACT_FLAG Type of Contact This field indicates the type of contact this customer is.

“E” = External Contact

NAME1 Contact's name This field is for the customer name. “Bob Smith”

TITLE Contact's Title This field indicates the customers title. “Program Director”

EMAILID Contact's Email Address. This field contains the customers email. This field is required if the communication method is “E” = (Email) or “P” = (Print and Email).

[email protected]

COMM_METHOD Preferred Communication Method. This field indicates how the customer would prefer to be communicated with.

“C” = (Call)

27Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Contact Phone Record Layout

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

ROW_ID This identifies the customer address record within the file

This is a method to separate the multiple row types within the interface file

“004” = (Fixed value for the contact phone record)

CUST_ACTION Customer Action This field indicates the type of update to the customer information.

“A” =(Add)“M” =(Modify)

SETID Agency Business Unit Customers are agency specific by SetID. “00001”

CONTACT_ID Contact ID This is a contact ID field for customers. “000000000000001”

EFFDT Address Status Effective Date The date in which the address was activated or inactivated.


PHONE_TYPE Phone Type Contact's type of phone number for correspondence purposes.

“BUSN” =(Business Phone)

28Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF26 AR Customer Contact Phone Record Layout (cont)

SMART Field Name

Description Processing Information Sample Value

COUNTRY_CODE International Dialing Prefix The country in which the phone number is located in if outside of the US.


PHONE Telephone The main phone number for the customer. “123-456-7890”

EXTENSION Phone Extension The phone number extension for the customer.


29Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF28 – AR Pending Item Interface• Agencies will transmit their pending items to SMART• Pending items will contain account and item information

30Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF28 AR Pending Group Record Layout SMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueROW_ID This identifies the record type This is a method to separate the multiple

row types within the interface file“001” = (Fixed value for the pending group record)

GROUP_BU Group Business Unit This is the identifier used to differentiate from which agency the invoice originated from. This will be the Agency AR Business Unit/ Deposit business unit .


GROUP_ID Pending Group ID Agency Sequentially numbered Groups of Pending Items (Batches) that uniquely identify a collection of pending items that are to be posted to an account.


CONTROL_AMT Control Amount Sum of all Pending Items in Group. “123.123”

CONTROL_CNT Control Group Count of all Pending Items in Group. “000001”

GROUP_SEQ_NUM Group sequence number Sequence of Pending Item in Group. “000001”

31Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF28 AR Pending Group Record Layout (cont)SMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueRECEIVED_DT Received Date This field indicates the system date of

when the pending group is loaded into SMART.


ENTRY_DT Entry Date This field indicates the system date of when the pending group is loaded into SMART.


ACCOUNTING_DT Accounting Date/System Date This field indicates the system date of when the pending group is loaded into SMART. This date must be for a current open accounting period.


32Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF28 AR Pending Item Record LayoutSMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueROW_ID Type of Record. This identifies the record

as a pending item line.This is a method to separate the multiple row types within the interface file.

“002” = (Fixed value for the pending item record)

GROUP_BU Group Business Unit This is the identifier used to differentiate from which agency the invoice originated from. This will be the Agency AR Business Unit/ Deposit business unit.


GROUP_ID Group ID Agency Sequentially numbered Groups of Pending Items (Batches) Uniquely identifies a collection of pending items that are to be posted to an account.


BUSINESS_UNIT Deposit Business Unit This is the identifier used to differentiate from which agency the invoice originated from. This will be the deposit business unit .


CUST_ID Customer ID This field uniquely identifies an organizational entity that purchases goods or services


ITEM Item Uniquely identifies an invoice, credit memo or debit memo.


33Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF28 AR Pending Item Record Layout (cont)SMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueITEM_LINE Item Line This field uniquely identifies each Item Line

on a single invoice


GROUP_SEQ_NUM Group Sequence Number Specifies the sequence number of a pending item within a group.


ENTRY_TYPE Entry Type Specifies the type of transaction associated with a pending item.

“INV” = (Invoice)

ENTRY_REASON Entry Reason Specifies an entry reason that further qualifies the entry type associated with an item. This value will be specific per agency.

These values are currently being determined by agencies.

ENTRY_AMT Entry Amount Represents the monetary amount of a pending item transaction such as an invoice


ACCOUNTING_DT Accounting Date The accounting entry construction date for a given transaction. This will be the system date.


34Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Interfacing with SMART

INF28 AR Pending Item Record Layout (cont)SMART Field

NameDescription Processing Information Sample

ValueAS_OF_DT As of Date This field indicates the date in which the

item was created in SMART.


COLLECTOR Collector This field indicates a third party who has helped to collect on this item.

“3RDPARTY” = (Third Party)

PYMNT_TERMS_CD Payment Terms Code Specifies the time frame in which the item must be paid for and how the payment due date and discount due date are calculated.

“Net 30” = (Due in 30 days)

USER_DT1 Beginning Service Date This field specifies the date when a service was begun.


USER_DT2 End Service Date This field species the date when a service ended.


ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM Address sequence number This field will reference the address where the bill for this item would be sent.
