sup sample mobile workflow employee directory

Sample: Mobile Workflow Employee Directory Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1

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Page 1: Sup Sample Mobile Workflow Employee Directory

Sample: Mobile Workflow EmployeeDirectory

Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1

Page 2: Sup Sample Mobile Workflow Employee Directory

DOCUMENT ID: DC01644-01-0210-01LAST REVISED: November 2011Copyright © 2011 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved.This publication pertains to Sybase software and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new editions ortechnical notes. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnishedunder a license agreement, and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.To order additional documents, U.S. and Canadian customers should call Customer Fulfillment at (800) 685-8225, fax (617)229-9845.Customers in other countries with a U.S. license agreement may contact Customer Fulfillment via the above fax number. Allother international customers should contact their Sybase subsidiary or local distributor. Upgrades are provided only atregularly scheduled software release dates. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated in anyform or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sybase,Inc.Sybase trademarks can be viewed at the Sybase trademarks page at Sybase andthe marks listed are trademarks of Sybase, Inc. ® indicates registration in the United States of America.SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world.Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and othercountries.Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc.All other company and product names mentioned may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they areassociated.Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS52.227-7013 for the DOD and as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(a)-(d) for civilian agencies.Sybase, Inc., One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568.

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Context Summary ..................................................................1Usage Scenario ......................................................................3Get Started .............................................................................5

Prerequisites ...................................................................5Registering the Application Connection in Sybase

Control Center ............................................................6Importing the Sample .....................................................7Working with the Sample Project ....................................9Exploring the Database ..................................................9Exploring MBOs ............................................................10

Mobile Business Objects .....................................10The Mobile Application Diagram ..........................11

Exploring the Mobile Workflow Interface Design ..........12The Mobile Workflow Forms Editor ......................12

Try It Out ...............................................................................15Deploying the Sample MBOs to Unwired Server ..........15Installing the Mobile Workflow Package .......................16

Installing the Mobile Workflow Container on theiOS Simulator ..................................................17

Configuring the BlackBerry Simulator for MobileWorkflow Packages .........................................18

Configuring the Android Emulator for MobileWorkflow Packages .........................................19

Installing Sybase Messaging Runtime onWindows Mobile ..............................................20

Generating Code for a Mobile WorkflowPackage ...........................................................24

Running the Sample on an iOS Simulator ....................26Running the Sample on a BlackBerry Simulator ...........32Running the Sample on an Android Emulator ..............34Running the Sample on a Windows Mobile Emulator ...38

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Additional Modifications ................................................40Learn More ...........................................................................47

Related Reference ........................................................47Project Artifact Reference ....................................47Troubleshooting Mobile Device Connectivity

Issues ..............................................................48Learn More about Sybase Unwired Platform ................49Getting Help ..................................................................50

Index ..................................................................................51


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Context Summary

Use the Sybase® Mobile Workflow Employee Directory sample to explore artifacts and theresulting mobile workflow package, the development environment, and the underlyingcomponents.

The Employee Directory sample is a mobile workflow. It is a secure mobile application that isaccessible from a supported smartphone. From their mobile devices, employees can use theEmployee Directory to:

• Search for an employee by first name, last name, phone number, or department name.• Navigate the organizational hierarchy (by manager and direct reports).• Create an employee favorites list. Employees can be added or removed from this list.• Initiate a phone call, open e-mail messages, or open a Google map of the employee’s office

location.• Sign up for notification of new hires or departures.

The Employee Directory sample is based on a development environment that uses:

• Sybase Unwired Platform• Sybase Unwired Workspace, an Eclipse development environment• Mobile Workflow device development• The iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile device platforms

Using this sample provides a comprehensive preview of the benefits Unwired Platform canoffer. To learn how to create a mobile workflow package, see Tutorial: Mobile WorkflowPackage Development.

Next steps

1. Review the Usage Scenario on page 3, which explores the business context and use casefor the sample.

2. Follow the setup process in Get Started on page 5 to install and prepare artifacts in theEclipse edition of Unwired Platform.

3. Test functionality and features as described in Try It Out on page 15.

Context Summary

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Context Summary

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Usage Scenario

A company provides its employees with a mobile workflow for their mobile devices thatallows them to use the company directory remotely.

Business requirements for the company include:

• Provide access to enterprise data sources – by supporting remote access to the employeedirectory, company employees can quickly communicate with their colleagues andunderstand with whom they need to interact.

• Reduced maintenance and more simplicity – the mobile workflow package must easilydeploy with little or no employee intervention. The employee user base does not want tospend time troubleshooting or self-supporting.

• Secure transactions – the employee (with credentials stored on an LDAP server) must beauthenticated, and secure transmission of confidential internal data across the wirelessnetwork ensured.

Next: Get Started on page 5 shows you how to set up the sample on your computer.

Usage Scenario

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Usage Scenario

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Get Started

You must complete the setup tasks before you can use the Employee Directory sample.

1. Review the Prerequisites on page 5.2. Bring all artifacts into the Unwired Platform development environment for Eclipse. See

Importing the Sample on page 7.3. Open connections to the servers that this sample depends on. See Working with the Sample

Project on page 9.4. In the sampledb database, explore the existing tables that are the foundation for the mobile

workflow package. See Exploring the Database on page 9.5. Explore the mobile business objects (MBOs) that perform operations against tables in the

sampledb database. See Exploring MBOs on page 10.6. Review the mobile workflow form interface design in the Mobile Workflow Forms Editor.

The design of the interface correlates to the MBOs that perform database operations. SeeExploring the Mobile Workflow Interface Design on page 12.

PrerequisitesBefore you begin importing and setting up the sample, review and complete the prerequisites.

See Supported Hardware and Software for the most current version information for mobiledevice platforms and third-party development environments.

This sample was developed and tested using the supported versions. If you use a differentversion, some steps may vary.

• Install Unwired Platform.• For Windows Mobile, install:

• Windows Mobile emulator (or have access to an actual device)• Windows Mobile SDK• Active Sync 4.5• .NET Compact Framework 3.5

• For Blackberry, install:• BlackBerry JDE, which includes the BlackBerry simulator and MDS. For more

information on configuring the BlackBerry Development Environment, see DeveloperGuide for BlackBerry.

• For Android, install:• SDK Platform• Android SDK Platform-tools• Android SDK tools

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• For iOS, install:• iOS simulator (or have access to an actual device)• Xcode and iOS SDK

• Start the simulator or connect the device.• Start Unwired Server:

In Windows, select Start > Programs > Sybase > Unwired Platform > Start UnwiredPlatform Services.

• Start Sybase Control Center:In Windows, select Start > Programs > Sybase > Sybase Control Center.

• Log in using the user ID and password you indicated during installation. If you did notchange the ID and password, the defaults are:User ID : supAdminPassword: s3pAdmin

Registering the Application Connection in Sybase ControlCenter

Use Sybase Control Center to register the device.

PrerequisitesStart Sybase Control Center.


1. Log in to Sybase Control Center with the user name and password indicated duringinstallation.

2. In Sybase Control Center, select View > Select > Unwired Server Cluster ManagementView.

3. In the left pane, select Applications.

4. In the right pane, click Application Connections.

5. Click Register.

6. In the Register Application Connection window, enter the required information:

• User name – enter a user name, such as user1.• Server name – the DNS name or IP address of the primary Unwired Server, such as

"". If using Relay Server, the server name is the IP addressor fully qualified name of the Relay Server host.

• Port – the port used for messaging connections between the device and UnwiredServer. If using Relay Server, this is the Relay Server port. Default: 5001

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• Farm ID – a string associated with the Relay Server farm ID. Can contain only letters A– Z (uppercase or lowercase), numbers 0 – 9, or a combination of both. Default: 0

• Activation code length – the number of characters in the activation code. If you arereregistering or cloning a device, this value cannot be changed.

• Activation expiration (hours) – the number of hours the activation code is valid.• (Optional) Select the check box adjacent to Activation Code to enter the code sent to

the user in the activation e-mail. This value can contain letters A – Z (uppercase orlowercase), numbers 0 – 9, or a combination of both. Acceptable range: 1 to 10characters.

Note: <server_name> should be the actual name of your machine.

Importing the SampleImport the sample project archived in into Sybase Unwired Platform.

1. Start Unwired WorkSpace and choose your workspace by clicking Start > Programs >Sybase > Unwired Platform > Unwired WorkSpace.

Ensure that the Mobile Development Perspective is open.

2. Import

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a) Click File > Import.b) In the Import wizard, select General > Existing Projects into Workspace and click

Next.c) Choose Select archive file and browse to the location where you saved

d) Click Finish to import the artifacts in the archive as a project.

3. Right-click the EmpDir project and select Open in Diagram Editor.

Ensure that the advanced developer profile is selected.

4. Copy the empDirImages folder from the Workspace Navigator to C:\.

5. Start the sample database by executing <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\sampledb.bat start from the command line.

6. In the Enterprise Explorer, create an ASA connection profile and connect to sampledbby following these steps:

a) In Enterprise Explorer, right-click the Database Connections folder and selectNew.

b) In New Connection Profile, select Sybase ASA as the connection profile type, inName, enter sampledb, and click Next.

c) In Drivers, select ASA v 12.x for Unwired Server Default, and configure theseconnection properties:

Property Value

Host The default is localhost.

Port 5500

Database name sampledb

User name Use the default, dba.

Password Use the default, sql.

Save password Select this option.

When you are finished, click Test Connection.d) Click OK in the Ping Succeeded window.e) Click Finish.

A sampledb database connection profile is added.

This new profile should resolve any connection profiles errors you received when youimported the EmpDir project. If it does not, ping the server to see whether or not it isavailable.

7. Copy the empDirImages folder to the appropriate location (for example, c:\).

8. Right-click the empDir.sql file, then select Execute SQL Files.

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Provide values for the database server type, connection profile name, and database name.

9. Right-click the EmpDir project and select Deploy Project.

10. Select Message-based.

For more information, see the section called Install and Configure the Mobile WorkflowContainer On the Device in Developer Guide: Mobile Workflow Packages.

11. Configure the Sybase Settings on the device for the newly created user.

12. In the Sybase Control Center, click Refresh and ensure that the status for the registereduser is Online.

13. Right-click EmpDir.xbw and select Generate Mobile Workflow Package.

14. On the device, open Workflow (for iOS) or go to the Inbox (for BlackBerry or WindowsMobile) and choose Workflows, then select the workflow named Empdir.

Working with the Sample ProjectOnce you have imported the sample and started the EmpDir database server, you can browseartifacts and open required server connections.

1. In WorkSpace Navigator, expand the EmpDir folder to view the project artifacts.

Project artifacts are contained in the Mobile Business Objects and Deployment folders.

2. Connect to the Unwired Server:

a) In Enterprise Explorer, expand the Unwired Server folder.b) Right-click the My Unwired Server icon and choose Connect.

When you connect to the server, a complete set of administrable elements appear belowthe server icon.

Exploring the DatabaseIf you have started and connected to the database, you can now explore its structure anddesign.

The tables have been explicitly designed for this sample. By understanding the structure of thedatabase, you can better understand how the business logic programmed into the mobileworkflow works with the database.

1. In Enterprise Explorer, expand Database Connections > sampledb > sampledb.

2. To browse the tables used by the mobile application, expand Tables.

Expand each table of interest, such as Emps or EmpFavorites, to review the table design foreach (columns, keys, constraints, and so on).

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Exploring MBOsReview the existing attributes and operations for mobile business objects, and explore howMBOs are bound to the EmpDir table as their back-end data source.

1. In WorkSpace Navigator, expand the EmpDir > Mobile Business Objects folder to viewthe MBOs created for this sample (EmpFavorites, Emps, and ListEmpFavorites).

EmpFavorites and Emps match two of the table names in sampledb.

2. To see the MBOs and understand the business logic behind them, right-click any MBO andselect Open in Diagram Editor.

Mobile Business ObjectsMobile business objects form the business logic for mobile applications and workflows.

A mobile business object (MBO) is derived from a data source (database server, Web Service,SAP® server, and so on). MBOs form the business logic for mobile workflows that can bedeployed to an Unwired Server and referenced in mobile devices (clients). MBOs include:

• Implementation-level details – read-only metadata columns that include informationabout the data in the implementation.

• Abstract-level details – attributes correspond to class-level properties on the mobile clientand map to columns. Parameters correspond to synchronization parameters on the mobileclient and map to arguments. MBOs can also contain operations, which themselvescontain parameters and arguments, and can be used to update, create, or delete data. Fornative applications a database runs on the mobile device. When users makes changes,those changes only apply to their local copy of the data. When a sync happens, the changesare sent to the Sybase Unwired Platform server and changes in the actual enterprisedatabase are sent to the mobile device. With Mobile Workflow, even though the userexchanges data with the server, there is no client-side store that is synchronized with theserver's consolidated database.

• Relationships – defined between MBOs, link attributes, and parameters in one MBO toattributes and parameters in another MBO.

You can define MBOs using either a top-down approach – designing attributes and parametersfirst, and later binding them to a data source, or a bottom-up approach – specifying a datasource, and automatically generating attributes and parameters from it.

A mobile application includes MBOs, as well as role and server mappings, and other artifactsthat are delivered to the Unwired Server during deployment.

Get Started

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The Mobile Application DiagramEach mobile application project has an associated Mobile Application Diagram that providesa graphical representation of all mobile business objects (MBOs) within the project.

The Mobile Application Diagram is not only a static graphical representation of MBOs. Youcan copy and paste existing objects, create a new object, or even define data sources for MBOsthat are not yet bound to an enterprise data source. However, the application diagram used inthis sample is complete as provided.

For a larger project, you might want to create a filter to view only selected MBOs – either byexplicitly selecting the MBOs, or by creating a logical group. To explore this functionality,open the Unwired Platform online documentation and click Sybase Unwired WorkSpace -Mobile Business Object Development > Develop > Working with Mobile Business Objects >Mobile Business Object General Properties > Managing Mobile Application DiagramFilters and Logical Groups.

What the Mobile Application Diagram ShowsThe diagram shows the different objects and how they are related to each other :

• Emps MBO – represents employee information.• EmpFavorites MBO – represents a list of commonly contacted employees.• ListEmpFavorites MBO – represents a listing of an employee's favorites.

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Exploring the Mobile Workflow Interface DesignUse the Mobile Workflow Forms Editor to explore the mobile workflow package.

Business logic is not stored in the mobile workflow package. Instead, the mobile workflowpackage relies on the MBOs that are deployed to the Unwired Server to provide the businesslogic. The separation of the workflow interface from the processing and logic componentskeeps the workflow compact and makes more efficient use of the client device’s battery.

1. In WorkSpace Navigator, double-click empDir.xbw.

2. Click the Flow Design tab to explore the flow of all existing screens.

You can also see each individual screen by selecting it, then clicking the Screen Designtab.

The Mobile Workflow Forms EditorThe Mobile Workflow Forms Editor consists of views and pages that allow you to model theinterface of the device screens.

The Mobile Workflow Forms Editor has drag-and-drop functionality, which allows you todrag and drop mobile business objects onto the Flow Design page. You can also drag and dropmobile business object operations onto the Flow Design page. The Mobile Workflow FormsEditor contains three pages:

• IntroductionCreating a new custom device workflow, or double-clicking an existing one, opens theIntroduction section of the Mobile Workflow Forms Editor. This page is the starting pointfor designing your custom device mobile workflow. You can access help and launchtutorials from this page.

• Flow DesignUse this page to specify the manner in which screens link together. You can then linkspecific screens and actions to a mobile business object on a server. The Palette view showsavailable screens and connections.The Flow Design page displays an empty canvas with the Palette to the right, which showsthe available screens and connections. You can drag and drop items from the Palette to thecanvas. Screens that you drag to the Flow Design canvas are displayed as icons and showthe connection lines between them. Dragging a new screen into this page starts a newscreen. Double-clicking a screen opens the Screen Design page.Right-clicking anywhere in the Flow Design page displays a context menu.

• Screen DesignUse this page to design the screen of your custom device mobile workflow. The Paletteview shows the menu and controls you can use to design a new screen. Drag controls todesign the user interface on the device screen.

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The Device Workflow toolbar includes a list of existing screens. You can open a differentscreen by selecting the corresponding screen name from the list.

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Get Started

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Try It Out

Deploy the sample MBOs, register device users, and run the sample on a device simulator.

Now that you have set up your sample project and understand the MBOs that are used, you candeploy those MBOs to Sybase Unwired Server and run the sample on a device simulator.

You can install a device simulator, then run the mobile workflow application on it. In thesections that follow you will be able to see basic usage of the Workflow application.

In addition, you will learn how to apply optional modifications to the sample, including thelook and feel on the device, the device cache, adding a confirmation dialog, and debugging.

Deploying the Sample MBOs to Unwired ServerDeploy the sample to the Unwired Server to make the MBO logic available to the userinterface (empDir.xbw).

PrerequisitesEnsure you are connected to an Unwired Server.


There are multiple techniques you can use to deploy the mobile application. This sampledocuments how to deploy the sample from the project. For information on the other options,open the Unwired Platform online help and click Sybase Unwired WorkSpace - MobileBusiness Object Development > Develop > Packaging and Deploying Mobile BusinessObjects.

Note: Skip this section if you have already implemented the steps in Get Started > Setting Upthe Sample.

1. Right-click the EmpDir project and select Deploy Project.

Accept the defaults for the deploy mode, target version, and package name.

2. Select Message-based, and click Next.

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3. Select all boxes to deploy all MBOs and click Next.

4. (Optional) In the Packager User-defined Classes window, click Next.This window is only seen if you are using the Advanced Developer Profile.

5. Select My Unwired Server and click Connect.

6. Accept the defaults for Domain and Security configuration, and click Next.

7. If you are using the Advanced profile, map the connection profile for sampledb to theServer connection profile of the same name.

a) From Server Connection, select New Server Connection.b) Accept the defaults and click OK. This mapping process creates a named endpoint to

the correct server that gives you access to the systems you require.

8. Click Finish to deploy the package to the Unwired Server.

Installing the Mobile Workflow PackageConfigure the emulator or simulator, install the Mobile Workflow package, and generate theMobile Workflow package files.

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Installing the Mobile Workflow Container on the iOS SimulatorThe Workflow Container referenced in this procedure is a sample container. You can use theprovided source code in Xcode to build your own customized user interface and configureother resources.


• Register the application connection in Sybase Control Center• See Supported Hardware and Software for the supported Xcode and SDK versions.


1. From your Mac, connect to the Microsoft Windows machine where Sybase UnwiredPlatform is installed:

a) From the Apple menu, select Go > Connect to Server.b) Enter the name or IP address of the machine, for example, smb://<machine DNS

name> or smb://<IP Address>.

You see the shared directory.

2. Copy the MobileWorkflow-2.1.tar.gz from your Sybase Unwired Platforminstallation <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\Workflow\ios to a location on your Mac:

3. Unarchive the MobileWorkflow-2.1.tar.gz.

This creates a Workflow folder.

4. In the Workflow folder, double-click WorkFlow.xcodeproj so that it opens in the XCodeIDE.

5. If necessary, add these frameworks from the SDK to the project by selecting Project >Edit Active Target > <ProjectName> > General:

• Security.framework

• AddressBook.framework

• QuartzCore.framework

• CoreFoundation.framework

• libicucore.A.dylib

• libz.1.2.3.dylib

• libstdc++.dylib

6. In XCode, select Build > Build.The project builds and the simulator starts.

Configuring iOS Connection SettingsConfigure the settings for the Mobile Workflow application.

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1. Go to the device Settings screen and click WorkFlows.

2. Enter the settings for the Mobile Workflow application:

• Server Name – the machine that hosts the server where the mobile application projectis deployed.

• Server Port – Unwired Server port number. The default is 5001.• Company\Farm ID – the company or farm ID you entered when you registered the

device in Sybase Control Center, in this case, 0 (zero).• User Name – the user you registered in Sybase Control Center.• Activation Code – the activation code for the user, for example, 123.

• Password – enter your password so that the Workflow container registers using theautomatic registration option.

Note: The Activation Code and Enable Automatic Registration options are mutuallyexclusive. If you use a password for automatic registration, you cannot enter anactivation code and vice versa.

• URL Suffix (Optional) – the URL suffix used to connect to a Relay Server.

Configuring the BlackBerry Simulator for Mobile Workflow PackagesCopy the .cod files to the BlackBerry simulator directory.

1. Navigate to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\Workflow\BB.

2. Copy the required .cod files to the BlackBerry simulator directory. These include:

• CommonClientLib.cod – shared code that can be used by native Sybase UnwiredPlatform BlackBerry applications.

• Workflow.cod – the main Mobile Workflow application.• MessagingClientLib.cod – where the user enters the server connection information.• MocaClientLib.cod – messaging library.

3. Start the MDS server by clicking Start > Research in Motion > BlackBerry JDE 6.0.0 >MDS-CS.

4. Start the BlackBerry simulator.

Configuring BlackBerry Connection SettingsConfigure the connection settings for the Mobile Workflow application.

1. Click the Workflow icon on the applications screen, then press the Menu key and selectSettings.

2. Enter the settings for the Mobile Workflow application:

• Server Name – the machine that hosts the server where the mobile application projectis deployed.

• Server Port – Unwired Server port number. The default is 5001.

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• Company\Farm ID – the company or farm ID you entered when you registered thedevice in Sybase Control Center, in this case, 0 (zero).

• User Name – the user you registered in Sybase Control Center.• Activation Code – the activation code for the user, for example, 123.

• Enable Automatic Registration – when you select this option, the RegistrationPassword field is enabled. Enter your password.

Note: The Activation Code and Enable Automatic Registration options are mutuallyexclusive. If you use a password for automatic registration, you cannot enter anactivation code and vice versa.

• URL Suffix (Optional) – the URL suffix used to connect to a Relay Server.

Select Menu > Save to save the settings.

3. Start the Mobile Workflow application, then view the settings log to verify that theconnection is active.

In Workflows, select Settings. On the Connection settings screen, select Show Log.

Configuring the Android Emulator for Mobile Workflow PackagesConfigure the Android emulator.

PrerequisitesInstall the Android SDK and run the SDK Manager to install SDK Platform, Android SDKPlatform tools, and Android SDK Tools. See Supported Hardware and Software for the mostcurrent version information.


1. Run the Android SDK Manager and select Virtual devices.

2. Click New, provide a name, and select the target version.

3. In the Android emulator, start the newly created virtual device.

4. (Optional) Select Wipe User Data.

5. Run platform-tools\adb and install SybaseDataProvider.apk andWorkflow.apk, which are located in \UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\Workflow\Android. If you encounter an error indicating the device is offline, repeatthese commands to ensure the files are properly installed. If you selected Wipe User Data,reinstall the apk files if they were previously installed, delete the device user previouslycreated in SCC, and recreate the device user in SCC.

The Sybase Mobile Workflow application should now appear in the emulator.

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Configuring Android Connection SettingsConfigure the connection settings for the Mobile Workflow application.

1. Click the Workflows icon on the applications screen, then select Settings.

2. Enter the settings for the Mobile Workflow application:

• Server Name – the machine that hosts the server where the mobile application projectis deployed.

• Server Port – Unwired Server port number. The default is 5001.• Company\Farm ID – the company or farm ID you entered when you registered the

device in Sybase Control Center, in this case, 0 (zero).• User Name – the user you registered in Sybase Control Center.• Activation Code – the activation code for the user, for example, 123.

• Enable Automatic Registration – when you select this option, the RegistrationPassword field is enabled. Enter your password.

Note: The Activation Code and Enable Automatic Registration options are mutuallyexclusive. If you use a password for automatic registration, you cannot enter anactivation code and vice versa.

• URL Suffix (Optional) – the URL suffix used to connect to a Relay Server.

Select Save to save the settings.

3. Start the Mobile Workflow application, then view the settings log to verify that theconnection is active.

From the Mobile Workflow application, tap Settings > Show Log.

Installing Sybase Messaging Runtime on Windows MobileStart the Device Emulator Manager and your synchronization software, cradle the device, andinstall Sybase Messaging Runtime.


• The Sybase Messaging runtime client requires that you have Microsoft .NET CompactFramework 3.5 Redistributable installed.

• The synchronization software must be running, and the device must be connected andcradled.


1. Start the Device Emulator Manager by navigating to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Device Emulator\1.0 and double-clicking dvcemumanager.

2. From the list of devices, right-click the device you want to use, and select Connect.

3. Right-click on the device again and select Cradle.

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The synchronization software appears.

4. Go to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\Workflow\WM and copy the file to a folder on your mobiledevice, for example:

5. Use File Explorer on the device emulator to browse to the SUPMessaging_Pro.cabfile.

6. Click on once to start the installation.

Installing Microsoft Synchronization SoftwareInstall and configure Microsoft synchronization software so you can deploy and run a mobileapplication on a Windows Mobile emulator.

Note: Microsoft ActiveSync is for Windows XP. If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7,or Windows 2008, install Virtual PC 2007 SP1 and Windows Mobile Device Center to managesynchronization settings. Download the Windows Mobile Device Center from

1. Download Microsoft ActiveSync from Save it to your local machine. Windows XPrequires ActiveSync version 4.5.

2. In Windows Explorer, double-click setup.msi.

3. When installation is complete, restart your machine.

ActiveSync starts automatically, and its icon appears in the Windows toolbar.

4. Double-click the ActiveSync icon.

5. Select File > Connection Settings.

6. Select Allow Connections to One of the Following, then select DMA.

7. Under This Computer is Connected to, select Work Network.

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8. Click OK.

Configuring Windows Mobile Connection SettingsConfigure the connection settings.

PrerequisitesInstall the Sybase messaging runtime client.


1. Select Start > Programs > Sybase Settings.

2. In the Sybase Settings screen, click Connection.

3. In the Connection screen, enter the connection settings:

• Server Name – the machine that hosts the server where the mobile application projectis deployed.

• Server Port – Unwired Server port number. The default is 5001.• Company\Farm ID – the company or farm ID you entered when you registered the

device in Sybase Control Center, in this case, 0 (zero).• User Name – the user you registered in Sybase Control Center.• Activation Code – the activation code for the user, for example, 123.

• Enable Automatic Registration – when you select this option, the RegistrationPassword field is enabled. Enter your password.

Note: The Activation Code and Enable Automatic Registration options are mutuallyexclusive. If you use a password for automatic registration, you cannot enter anactivation code and vice versa.

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• URL Suffix (Optional) – the URL suffix used to connect to a Relay Server.

Note: The URL Suffix setting is in Advanced settings.

Note: "localhost" is name of your machine.

4. Click Done.

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5. Start the Mobile Workflow application, then view the settings log to verify that theconnection is active.

Select tap Start > Programs > Sybase Settings > Menu > Show Log

Generating Code for a Mobile Workflow PackageGenerate the files for the Mobile Workflow package and deploy them to the Unwired Server.

PrerequisitesComplete these tasks:

• The device must be registered in Sybase Control Center.• If Microsoft ActiveSync is not running, start it now. (Windows XP)• If Windows Mobile Device Center is not running, start it now. (Windows Vista, Windows

7, Windows 2008)


1. In the Mobile Workflow Application Designer, click .

2. In the New Mobile Workflow Package Generation wizard, select:

Option Description

Favorite configurations (Optional) Select a configuration.

Generate Select Generate into the project.

Unwired Server Profile Select My Unwired Server as the profile withwhich to associate the mobile workflow pack-age.

Deploy to an Unwired Server Deploy the mobile workflow package to anUnwired Server, and in Deploy Mode, selectNew.

Assign workflow to users Select this option, and click Get Users. Select auser, for example, user1.

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3. In the Mobile Workflow Package Generation wizard, click Finish.

The files for the mobile workflow package are generated and stored in the specifiedlocation as a .zip file.

The mobile workflow package appears in Enterprise Explorer in the Workflows folderunder Unwired Server.

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Running the Sample on an iOS SimulatorRun the Workflow application to try out the Employee Directory sample on your iOSsimulator.

1. Launch the iOS simulator.You can see the Sybase mobile workflow client application.

2. Launch the Workflow application, then set a password.

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The workflows are listed, and server notifications appear as e-mail messages in theMessages section.

3. Select the empDir application.

The Credential screen appears once.

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4. Provide the user ID and password.

Your credentials are cached by the mobile workflow and are not requested again.

5. Search the employee directory in a variety of ways.

Use the % symbol to represent wildcards.

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The following are example search results for employees whose names begin with Jo.

6. Select one of the results to display Employee Details.

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7. In the Employee Details screen, do any of the following:

• View attachments such as images using the attachment viewer.• Navigate through the company hierarchy by selecting the Manager or Direct


8. Add a commonly contacted employee to a favorites list, and request the list from theSearch screen.

Go to the Options screen, which allows you to enable or disable notifications.

9. Create a notification e-mail message when an employee is hired or terminated.

The e-mail message is sent to those employees who registered for notifications. Thisfunctionality requires additional setup and configuration of an e-mail server. The insert

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and delete triggers provided in EmpDir.sql are provided as examples. To simulate thisprocess, use the Send a Notification wizard.

10. Provide the information to send to the device.

An e-mail notification now appears on the device.

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Running the Sample on a BlackBerry SimulatorRun the Workflow application to try out the Employee Directory sample on your BlackBerrysimulator.

1. Launch the BlackBerry simulator.In the Messages section, the workflows are listed, and server notifications appear as e-mailmessages.

2. Select Workflows.

3. Select the empDir application.A help screen appears, followed by a credentials screen.

4. Provide the user ID and password.Your credentials are cached by the mobile workflow and are not requested again.

5. Search the employee directory in a variety of ways.Use the % symbol to represent wildcards.

6. In the Employee Details screen, do any of the following:• View attachments such as images using the attachment viewer.• Navigate through the company hierarchy by selecting the Manager or Direct


7. Add a commonly contacted employee to a favorites list, and request the list from theSearch screen.

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Go to the Options screen, which allows you to enable or disable notifications.

8. Create a notification e-mail message when an employee is hired or terminated.

The e-mail message is sent to those employees who registered for notifications. Thisfunctionality requires additional setup and configuration of an e-mail server. The insertand delete triggers provided in EmpDir.sql are provided as examples. To simulate thisprocess, use the Send a Notification wizard.

9. Provide the information to send to the device.

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Running the Sample on an Android EmulatorRun the Workflow application to try out the Employee Directory sample on your Androidemulator.

1. Launch the Android emulator.

2. Launch the Workflow application, and enter your password.

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The workflows are listed in the next screen, and server notifications appear under theSybase Workflows screen.

3. Select the empDir application.

4. Enter your user ID and password.

Your credentials are cached by the mobile workflow and are not requested again.

You can search the employee directory in a variety of ways. Use the % symbol to representwildcards:

5. Search the results for employees whose names begin with Jo.

6. Select one of the results to display Employee Details.

Attachments such as images are displayed using the attachment viewer.

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7. Navigate through the company hierarchy by selecting the Manager or Direct Reportsbuttons.

8. From the Search screen navigate to the Options screen, which allows you to enable ordisable notifications.

9. Simulate a notification e-mail message.

When an employee is hired or terminated, an e-mail message is sent to those employeeswho registered for notifications. This requires additional setup and configuration of an e-mail server. The insert and delete triggers provided in EmpDir.sql are provided asexamples. To simulate this process, use the Send a Notification wizard.

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The information you provide in the Send Notification to a Device User dialog is sent tothe device:

A notification now appears on the device:

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Running the Sample on a Windows Mobile EmulatorRun the Workflow application to try out the Employee Directory sample on your WindowsMobile emulator.

1. Launch the Windows Mobile emulator.

In Outlook E-mail the workflows are listed, and server notifications appear as e-mailmessages.

2. Select Workflows.

3. Select the empDir application.A help screen appears, followed by a credentials screen.

4. Provide the user ID and password.Your credentials are cached by the mobile workflow and are not requested again.

5. Search the employee directory in a variety of ways.

Use the % symbol to represent wildcards.

The following are example search results for employees whose names begin with Jo.

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6. Select one of the results to display Employee Details.

7. In the Employee Details screen, do any of the following:

• View attachments such as images using the attachment viewer.• Navigate through the company hierarchy by selecting the Manager or Direct


8. Add a commonly contacted employee to a favorites list, and request the list from theSearch screen.

Go to the Options screen, which allows you to enable or disable notifications.

9. Create a notification e-mail message when an employee is hired or terminated.

The e-mail message is sent to those employees who registered for notifications. Thisfunctionality requires additional setup and configuration of an e-mail server. The insertand delete triggers provided in EmpDir.sql are provided as examples. To simulate thisprocess, use the Send a Notification wizard.

10. Provide the information to send to the device.

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Additional ModificationsApply additional modifications to the sample, including the look and feel on the device, thedevice cache, adding a confirmation dialog, and debugging.

Basic Look and FeelWhen you develop a workflow, it is recommended that you begin with a basic look and feel.This will enable you to generate a smaller workflow package that you can deploy, start, anddebug easily. To use a basic look and feel, select Window > Preferences > Sybase, Inc >Mobile Development > Mobile Workflow Forms Editor:

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When you generate the .zip file that is deployed to the device, all the contents under the htmlfolder are included in that .zip file. When you use the basic look and feel, delete the previouslygenerated contents if the sophisticated look and feel was previously selected.

Customized Look and FeelYou can further customize the look and feel by modifying the Custom.js file. For example,you could add a gradient background and footer by replacing thecustomBeforeWorkflowLoad and customAfterNavigateForward functionswith the contents of the Customization\gradientAndFooter.txt file included inthe EmpDir project. Then create an images folder under the generated html folder and copyEmpDirImages\gradient2.png into that folder. Ensure the look and feel setting is setto Basic for this example. Run the Package Generate wizard to redeploy the mobileworkflow. Note that this change does not apply to iOS, since that platform already uses buttonsinstead of native menus.

If you prefer to replace menu items with buttons instead of adding a gradient background andfooter, replace the contents of these same functions with the contents in Customization\menusToButtons.txt.

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To make changes to the sophisticated look and feel, modify the html\css\jquery\ file. For example, you could modify the color-stopvalues in the following code:

For example, suppose you would like to modify this entry:.ui-body-a { … background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom, color-stop(0, #666666), color-stop(0, #FFFFFF));

To use a color-stop value of #B2CFDA and white, modify

color: #FFF;

withcolor: black

Add a Confirmation DialogTo add a confirmation dialog, replace the contents of the customBeforeSubmit functionin Custom.js with the contents in Customization\beforeSubmit.txt includedin the EmpDir project, and run the Package Generation wizard to redeploy the mobileworkflow:

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Add Clickable LinksYou can add custom code to replace the location, phone number, and e-mail text fields withclickable links to open Google Maps, dial the phone, and open e-mail messages. In addition,you can replace the attachment viewer link with an img tag so the employee's image can beshown without navigating to another screen. To make these changes, replace the contents ofthe customBeforeShowScreen function in Custom.js with the contents inCustomization\beforeShowScreen.txt included in the EmpDir project:

Improve SearchesTo improve your searches, set the On-device cache timeout property. For example, selectthe By First Name menu item on the Search page and enter a value of 240, which is equivalentto 4 minutes. This will result in faster results in subsequent searches, and the results will beavailable even when the device is not connected to the network if you invoke the search within4 minutes of the previous search.

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Use a DebuggerAt times it is useful to be able to step through the customized code with a debugger. Thesimplest way to do this is to drag and drop the generated html file, such as workflow.html,onto a browser such as Chrome and press <Ctrl>-<Shift>-J to display the Java ScriptConsole. Add a parameter to the URL to indicate the screen to be displayed. For example,add ?screenToShow=Search.

To simulate the workflow message that would be passed into the workflow as a result of amenu action or a server notification, we can execute the menu action on a mobile device orsimulator and then copy the workflow message that was sent to the device.

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1. Modify the TraceConfig.xml file located at C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\MessagingServer\Data\TraceConfig.xml and ensure that theWorkflowClient is set to debug:

<Module Name = "WorkflowClient" Level = "Debug" Desc = "WorkflowClient"/>

2. Restart the Sybase Messaging Service by running the following commands from acommand prompt:net stop Sybase Messaging Servicenet start Sybase Messaging Service

3. On the device, perform a search to return the favorite items.In the folder C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\WorkflowClient locate a .txt file that contains the device user name in it.Within that file, copy the returned message and paste it into a file named rmi.xml in thehtml folder. The message should appear as follows:

<XmlWidgetMessage> <Header></Header> <WidgetScreen>Favorites</WidgetScreen> <RequestAction>Favorites</RequestAction> <Values> <Value key="ListEmpFavorites" type="LIST"> <Values key="100010" state=""> …</XmlWidgetMessage>

4. Copy the generated html folder to a Web server, such as the htdocs folder on Apache.

5. Open a desktop browser such as Chrome to the appropriate URL such as http://servername/EmpDir_Sol/EmpDir/html/workflow.html?screenToShow=Search.

6. Click on Favorites to view the data, which is derived from the rmi.xml file that containsthe workflow message with the data from a previous query.

7. Click on a favorites item to see the details screen.a. Press <Ctrl>-<Shift>-J to display the Java Script Console.b. Click the Scripts tab and select Custom.js.

Now you can add a breakpoint, for example, in the customBeforeSubmitfunction.To use that breakpoint, in the workflows shown in the browser, select Favorites, selectan employee, and click the Remove menu item.

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Learn More

Learn about this sample, or get additional help on using Unwired Platform in your enterpriseenvironment.

• For information about project artifacts, database schemas, and other detailed informationon this sample, see Related Reference on page 47.

• For information on how to coordinate your self-directed exploration of Unwired Platformsamples, tutorials, and documentation, see Learn More about Sybase Unwired Platform onpage 49.

• To get help or more information, see Getting Help on page 50.

Related ReferenceReview reference information to understand the implementational and architectural details ofthis sample.

Project Artifact ReferenceFamiliarize yourself with artifacts of this sample.

All project artifacts are imported into Sybase Unwired Platform from the file.To explore the contents of the project, expand the project in WorkSpace Navigator. The top-level folder structure of this sample is

Folder Contents

Mobile Business Objects The source files for the MBOs used in this sample, as well as theirrequired attributes (for example, the table and columns the MBOsaccess), and the operations they perform if any.

Data Source References The pointers to the data source used by the MBos in the sample. In thiscase, there is only one: PurchaseOrderDB.

Roles The roles defined for the project. The sample project has no rolesdefined.

Personalization Keys The personalization keys defined for the project. The sample projecthas no personalization keys defined.

DB The database files used as the back-end repository for the sample.These files include the .BAT file that starts the database with all re-quired properties, the database file itself, and its corresponding logfile.

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Folder Contents

Deployment The folder where all applicable deployment files are saved. Theproject contains some sample/test deployment files. You can add yourown deployment files if you choose.

Troubleshooting Mobile Device Connectivity IssuesProvides troubleshooting information for mobile device connectivity issues to the UnwiredServer.

As a first step on the device or simulator choose Restart Client and then Show Log (notavailable on iOS). Viewing the device or simulator's log file can be helpful in determiningconnectivity problems.

Cannot Connect to Server

1. Verify that the server name and port are correct.2. Open a browser on the device or simulator or machine that is running the simulator to

http://MACHINE_NAME_WHERE_SUP_IS_INSTALLED:5001 where 5001 is themessaging based synchronization port number shown in SCC under Servers > ServerName > Properties > Messaging Based Synchronization Port. This is also the portnumber used when creating the device user. An empty white page should appear. If it doesnot, configure your firewall settings to unblock port 5001.

Out of NetworkThis may indicate a network problem. Check the device or simulator's network settings andverify connectivity by opening a browser to a website such as On a WindowsMobile simulator, ensure that there is an Active Sync (Windows XP) or Windows MobileDevice Center (Windows Vista, Windows 7) Active Sync connection.

Server Response TimeoutThis indicates that a networking problem exists. Check the device or simulator's networksettings and verify them by opening a browser to a website such as If you areusing a BlackBerry simulator, verify that MDS is running.

Bad User Name or CodeThis indicates that the activation code or user name specified is incorrect. Recheck the settingson the device and in SCC.

Wrong Device for CodeThis indicates that the user name specified is being used by another device. In SCC, create anew device user.

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Awaiting Server NotificationAfter you deploy a workflow, if it does not appear on the device and this message is seen, tryrestarting the client. If this works and the device is a BlackBerry, you may need to modify theBlackBerry Push Configuration in SCC. Select Servers > Server Name > ServerConfiguration > Messaging > BlackBerry Push Configuration.

Disabled: Low StorageThis issue may occur on a Windows Mobile simulator. On the device check Settings > System> Memory. If necessary, browse to Device\Program Files\Sybase\Messaging\AMP and delete the sub folder. Redeploy your workflow after performing this action.

Learn More about Sybase Unwired PlatformOnce you have finished, try some of the other samples or tutorials, or refer to otherdevelopment documents in the Sybase Unwired Platform documentation set.

Check the Sybase Product Documentation Web site regularly for updates: access, then navigate to the most current version.

TutorialsTry out some of the other getting started tutorials available on Product Documentation to get abroad view of the development tools available to you.

Tutorial ProjectsTutorial projects are available for download, if you want the finished tutorial without goingthrough the steps. Download tutorial projects from:

SamplesSample applications are fully developed, working applications that demonstrate the featuresand capabilities of Sybase Unwired Platform.

Check the SAP® Development Network (SDN) Web site regularly for new and updatedsamples:

Online HelpSee the online help that is installed with the product, or the Product Documentation Web site.

Developer GuidesLearn about using the API to create device applications:

• Developer Guide: BlackBerry Native Applications• Developer Guide: iOS Native Applications

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• Developer Guide: Windows and Windows Mobile Native Applications• Developer Guide: Mobile Workflow Packages

Customize and automate:

• Developer Guide for Unwired Server Management API – customize and automate systemadministration features.

• Developer Guide: Unwired Server – customize and automate server-side implementationsfor device applications, and administration, such as data handling.

Javadoc and HeaderDoc are also available in the installation directory.

Getting HelpEach Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more designatedpeople who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support.

If you cannot resolve a problem using the online help or other technical documents, have thedesignated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.

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ActiveSync, installing and configuring 21Android 19Android emulator 34applications

generating code for device 24articles 49artifacts

reference 47


BlackBerry simulator 32


consolidated database, exploring 9


debugging 40deploying

configuring ActiveSync for 21deploying to Unwired Server 15device applications

generating code for 24


Emulator 15


Flow Design 12


generatingcode for a device application 24


help, getting 50


installingMicrosoft ActiveSync 21synchronization software 21

interface design 12iOS simulator 26


MBOsoverview 10

Microsoft ActiveSync, installing and configuring21

Mobile Application Diagram 11mobile applications

generating code for 24


prerequisites 5projects

artifact reference 47


referenceproject artifacts 47


samplelearn more 47

samples 49Screen Design 12ServerDB, exploring 9Simulator 20Sybase Control Center

register application connection 6Sybase Mobile Workflow 19Sybase Unwired Platform

getting help 50


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learning more about 49Technical Support, contacting 50

synchronization softwareinstalling 21


configuring the Android emulator 19

tutorial projects 49tutorials 49


Windows Mobile emulator 38


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