super bakers (india) ltd. phone :(079)22203739 fax' (079

SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. [CIN: L74999GJ1994PLC021521) Phone :(079)22203739 Fa x' (079) 2220 1788 Flour Mill Unit : (0 2717) 284408 - 284409 - 284410 Email : [email protected] REGD. OFFICE : Nr . Hirawadi Char RasIa , Anil Starch Road , Naroda Road , Ahmed abad _ 380 025. Website : www. supershuddhatta .com BSE Limited Phiro ze Jeejeeb hoy Towe rs, Dala l Sir ee l, Fort , Mumbai - 400 001 Dear Sir, s'" Novembe r, 2018 Company Code No . 530735 Sub: Submission of Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended on 30'" September, 2018 We refer to o ur lette r da ted 24'" Oc tober, 2018 inf o rmin g the date or Meeting or the Board of Directors of the Co mpany. Pl ease no te that the Boa rd of Dir ec to rs in their meetin g held today, have t aken on record the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended on 30'" Septe mb e r, 2018. We are enclosing herewith copy of the said Unau dit ed F inan cial Results. T hi s is as per Re gulat io n - 33 of the SE BI ( LODR) Reg ulations, 20 1S. T hanking you. Yours faithfully, For SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) L1MlI:E.D / ANIL S. AHUJA MANAGING DIRECTOR Encl : As above .

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Page 1: SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079


Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079) 2220 1788 Flour Mill Unit:(02717) 284408 - 284409 - 284410 Email : [email protected]

REGD. OFFICE: Nr. Hirawadi Char RasIa , Anil Starch Road, Naroda Road , Ahmedabad _ 380 025. Website : www.supershuddhatta .com

BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeeb hoy Towers, Dala l Sireel, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001

Dear Sir,

s'" Novembe r, 2018

Company Code No. 530735

Sub: Submission of Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended on 30'" September, 2018

We refer to our lette r dated 24'" Octobe r, 2018 informing the date or Meeting or the Board of Directo rs of the Co mpany. Please note that the Boa rd of Direc to rs in th eir meeting hel d today, ha ve taken on reco rd the Una udi ted Fina nci al Results for th e quarter ended on 30'" Sep tembe r, 2018.

We a re enclosing he rewith copy of the sa id Unaudited Financ ial Res ults .

T hi s is as pe r Regulation - 33 of the SEBI (LODR) Regula tions, 20 1S.

T hanking you.

Yours faithfully, For SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) L1MlI:E.D


Encl : As above.

Page 2: SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079















Phone :(079)22203739 Fax (079) 2220 1788 Flour Mill Unit: (02717) 284408 - 284409 - 284410

Emai l : super @ supershuddhatta com

REGO. OFFICE: Nr. Hirawadi Char Rasta, Anil Starch Road, Naroda Road, Ahmedabad _ 380 025. W ebsi te : www,supershuddhatta com


( R s. In I:tkh )

-1I" lf ended UII

Prt' \' iolls P~lrticu l ars QU ~l rtcr ended 011

(Cumulative) Y('.lf l'ndcd

on 30-09-2018 30-06-2018 30-09-2017 30-09-20 18 30-09-201 7 31 -03-20 18

(Refer Notes Below) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (U naudited) (A ud it ed)

-Ilcvcnuc fWIIl operations - - - - - ·

-Other income 14. 10 13.98 14 .03 28.08 32.03 65. 10

Total Income ( 1+2) 14.10 13.98 14.03 28.08 32.03 65.4°_1 Expenses

-<l. Cost of Materials consumed - - - - - -

- -b. Purchases o f stock-i ll -trade - - - · - ·

-- - -c. Changes in inventories of - - - - - -

fin ished goods, work· in-progress and stock-in-trade

d . Employee bene fit s expense 0.75 0.78 0.66 1.53 1.40 2.92

e. Finance costs 0.0 1 - 0.04 0.01 0. 16 '0. 16 -I f. Deprec iation & amort isal ion 1.66 1.67 3.44 3.33 6.87 13 .57

expense 29 0~ g. Other expenses 3.4 1 6.03 4 .34 9.44 14.85

Tota l Expenses 5.83 8.48 8.48 14.31 23.28 ~5.72

Profit / (Loss) before exceptional 8.27 5.50 5.55 13.77 8.15 19 .68 I items and tax (3-4)

I Exceptional items - - - · - (O IX)

- , Prolll / (Loss) before lax (5-6) 8.27 5.50 5.55 13.77 8.75 19.86

Tax expense:

~ Current lax - - - - - 6 .90 - -

Defe rred tax - - 1.61 - ( 1.03 ) (3 III)

Profi t (Loss) for the period from 8 .27 5.50 3.94 13 .77 9.78 16 .06 ~ conlinuil)~ operations (7-8) Pro fI t/(Ioss) from discontinuing - - - - ·

operations before Tax j Tax expense of discontinuing - - · - ·

operat ions - '1 Profi t/(loss) from Discontinu ing - - - -opcral io ll s (after tax) (1 0- 11) - -Pro lit / (Loss) for the period (9+ 12) 8.27 5.50 3 .94 13.77 9 .78 16.06 ,


Page 3: SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079








SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax (079) 22201788 Fl ou r Mill Unit: (027 17) 2844 08 - 284409 - 284410

[CIN : L74999GJ1994PLC021521] Email : super @ supershuddhatta com

REGD. OFFICE: Nr. Hirowadi Char Rasia, Anil StarCh Road , Naroda ROM. Ahmedabad _ 380 025. W ebsite ; www.supershuddhatta .com

-Quarter ended on I-hllf Year end ed 011 Prr, iOlls

(CullIula ti ve) Veilr Particulars ('IHI('<1 0 11

30-09-2018 30-06-2018 30-09-20 17 30-09-2018 30-09-2UI 7 3 1-03-2018

(Unaudi ted) (U na udited) (U naudited) (U n:llId il cd) (U naud il l'd) (i\ u(liled)

O lher Comprehensive Income 1

IlelllS that will not be reclassified - - - - - - I slIbsequelllly 10 profit or loss Income lax reluting to items that - - - - - -

I will not be reclass ified to profit or loss --- -Items that w ill be reclassified - - - - - -subsequently to projil or loss Income tax relating to items that - - - - - -

will be reclassified 10 profil or loss -O ther Co mprehe nsive In co me, - - - - - -lIet of tax

9.78 - I-Total Co mprehensive Income 8.27 5.50 3.94 13.77 1(, .06 for Ihe period (13+14) Paid-up equity shares capital 302.16 302.16 302. 16 302.16 302.16 302. 16 (Face Va lue per share Rs. 10/-i I Reserves exc luding Reva lu ;:llion 7.81 Reserves j Earn ings Per Share of Rs. 10/-each (for continuing operations) I

- Basic 0.28 0.18 0. 13 0.46 0.32 053 I --~

- Diluled 0.28 0.18 0.13 0.46 0.32 0.53 I -

Earnings Per Share of Rs. 10/-each

I (for discontinued operations) --- Basic - - - - - -

- Diluled - - - - - -

Earnings Per Share of Rs. 10/-.-,----

each (for discont inued & continuing operat ions)

- Basic 0.28 0.18 0.13 0.46 0.32 0 5~1 - Diluted 0.28 0. 18 0. 13 0.46 0.32 0.53

Page 4: SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079


Phone :(079)22203739 Fax (079) 22201788 Flour Mill Unit :(02717) 2844 08 - 2844 09 - 284410 Emai l : [email protected] m

REGD. OFFICE: Nr. Hirawadi Char RasIa, Ani1 Starch Road . Naroda Road, Ahmedabad _ 380 025. Website : IM' pershuddhatta .com


Sr.No. Parliculllrs As a I 30-09-20 18 As a' 3 1-03-2018 (Unaudi ted) . IAudi"d}

ASSETS I Non-C urrt'ut Assels 32.40 2-1 II

Properl Y, plant and c( ui pment -Capital work-i n-progress -Investmcnt propcrty Goodwill Othcr intano iblc AsseLS -Inlan 'i ble Assets under developmenl -Biological Asscts othcr than bcarer plants -NOll-Current Financial Asscts;

(i) Investments, Non-Current 0.05 11.68 (i i Trade receivables, Non-Current (iii) Loans, NOIl-CUTrent 10.64 11 0.6-1

Deferred tax Assets (nct) 17.57 17 57 Otller Non-Current Assels 144

Total Non-C urrent Assets 60.66 J 65.4~

2 Current Assrts Inven tories -Current linancial asset:

0) Currcnt investments - -(ii Trade recei vablcs Current 1.97 I 97

ii i Cash and cas h cQ ui val ents 21.41 6 06 iv Bank balance other than above 203 .99 9713

(v) Loans, Current -(v i) Other Current linancial Asscts - 1034

Current lax Assets nct) Other Current Assets 53.87 517Q

Total C urrent Assets 281.2-1 167.29 3 NOll-C urrent Assets cla ssified as hehl for sa le 4 I~rgul atory dderral al' co unt debit balances Hnd related dcfclTcd I:I X -

Asset s TOTAL ASSETS 3.1.90 332.7)

EQUITY Al'.' 1J U AIHLlTU:S I Ei l!litv

Equity share ca )i tal 302.16 302 16 Othcr Equi ty 21 5& HI

Tolal f:qui!y_ 323,74 J09.n 2 Liubililies

Non-Current liabiliti es Non-Curren t fi nancial Liabilities :

( i) 13orrowings, Non-Currcn t - -(ii Trade payables, Non -Currcnt (iii Other Non-Current financial Li abi lit ies

6io-Provisions. Non-Current 6.90 Deferred tax Liabi lities (net) -Other Non-Currellt Li<abi litics -

Tola l NO Il-Currenl Liabi lit ies 6.90 (" t)U

Currellt Liabilities Current financial Li ab ilities:

0)_ l3orrowi ngs, Current (ii) Trade Dayablcs, Current 6 3 1 3,70

H' Olher Cu rrent fimmcilll I,iabili ties 4.95 () xx Olher Cunent Liabi lities - l.Q2Q... Provis ions, Current - -Currcnllax Liabi lities Nell - on

Totll l C urre nt Li :lbili tirs I U6 is.S(' 3 Liabilities directly assoc iated with Assets in dispOSll l group chlssified :IS -

lIt'ld fo r sale 4 I~rg lll:ltor)' deferral ill'co unt credi t tmlances and rclated deferred tax -

liabilit y

Tota l Liabilities 18.16 22 .76 TOTAL EOUITY A'ill L1A IIII.ITIlCS 341.90 JJ2.""I3

Page 5: SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079

SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. [CIN : L74999GJ1994P LC021 521]

Phone :(079) 2220 3739 Fax (079) 22201788 F lo ur Mi ll Uni t:{02717) 284408 - 284 409 - 28 .. 10110 Email : super @ supershuddhatta com

REGD. OFFICE: Nr. Hirawadi Char RasIa, Anil Starch Road, Naroda Road, Ahmedabad _ 360 025. W ebsite : www.supershuddhatta com


I "Il,c above standalone financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board or DircclOrs in ihl.:ir respective meet ing held on 5th November. 20 18.

2 The Company opcmtcs in a single segment. A s per l nd AS 108 on segment report ing issued by the leAl. the same is cons idt.!rt.!d In consti tute as single primary segment. Accordingly, the di sc losure requi rements of Ind AS 108 arc not appl icable.

J The Company has suspended its operal ions of Wheat Grinding \V.c.f. 01-02-20 IS. 4 The Company docs not have any subsidiary I associatc. S Pro vision for taxation! dcferred taxation, if any; will be made at the year end. 6 ·Ih.: financial resu lts of the compnny have been prepared in accordance with Indian Account ing Standards prcsl.: ribeci under sect ion

133 of the companies ACl. 2013 read wi th relevant rules there under and in terms with regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obl igatIOn ami Disclosures Requirements) regulat ions 20 15 and SElJI ci rcular dated 5111 July 20 16.

7 The statutory Auditors of the company havc carri ed out a "Limited Review" of the above result as per Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obli lations and Disclosure Requ iremcllI s) Regu lat ions, 20 15.

~ Previous period ligures have been reclassi fied I regrouped wherever considered necessary to confirm 10 the ClIrrcnl period tij..!urcs.


Da te: 5'h Novem be r, 2018 Pl ace: Ahmeda bad

8~ AN IL S. All .I A


Page 6: SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079


Phone :(079)2220 3739 Fa x (079) 22201788 Flour Mill Unit: (02717) 2844 08 - 284409 - 2844 10 Email : super @ supershuddhatta com

REGD. OFFICE: Nr. Hirawadi Char Rasia. Ann Starch Road. Naroda Road , Ahmedabad _ 380 025. Websi te : 'NWW.supersh uddhatta corn

BSE Limited I' hiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Da lal Sireet, Fo rt, Mumba i - 400 001

Dea r Sir,

5'10 November . 2018

Company Code No. 530735

Sub: Submission of Limited Review Report for Financial Res ults fOI· the quarter ended on 30'h Scptem ber, 2018

We refe r to our lette r dated 5th November, 20 18 enc losi ng Unaudited Fin ancia l Res ul ts fo r th e q uarter ended o n 30'10 September, 2018.

We are now enclosing he rewi th Limited Rev iew Report dated 5'" November, 201 8 fo r Unaudi ted Financ ial Results fo r the quarter ended on 30'" September, 2018 .

T hi s is as per Regulatio n - 33 oflhe SEB I (LODR) Regulation s, 20 1 S.

Thanking you,

You rs faithfu ll y, FOI· SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LIMITED


Encl: As above.

Page 7: SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LTD. Phone :(079)22203739 Fax' (079

o. P. Bhandari & Co. Chartered Accountants

30, Omkar House, C. G. Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009 Ph (0): 079-26462539, Mo.: 9825014208, Fax: 079-26563388, e-mail: opbhandrica(


Review Report to the Board of Directors of SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LIMITED

1. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of Standalone unaudited financial results of SUPER BAKERS (INDIA) LIMITED ("the Company") for the quarter ended on September 30, 2018 ("the Statement") being submitted by the Company pursuant tothe requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as modified by Circular No. CIRjCFDjFACj62j2016 dated July 5,2016.

This Statement, which is the responsibility of the Company's Management and approved by the Board of Directors, has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Indian Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" ("Ind AS 34") prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") read with relevant rules issued there under and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement based on our review.

2. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and an analytical procedure applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

3. Based on our review conducted as above nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement, prepared in accordance with the aforesaid Indian Accounting Standards and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in the terms of Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as modified by SEBJ Circular No. CIRjCFDjFACj62j2016 dated 05th July, 2016, including manner in which it is to be'disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.

Place Date

Ahmedabad 05.11.2018

For, O. P. Bhandari & Co. Chartered Accountants (FRN.: 112633W)

(O~ Partner

M. No.: 034409