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SSC-SR-1002 a SUPERCOLLIDER PROGRAM PLAN PHASE I January 7985 DISCLAiMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, m m - mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. SSC CENTRAL DESIGN GROUP c/o Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Berkeley, California 94720

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  • SSC-SR-1002





    January 7985


    This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, m m - mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

    SSC CENTRAL DESIGN GROUP c/o Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Berkeley, Ca l i fo rn ia 94720


    Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document .



    1 .







    2.1 Overall Objec t ives - 3 2.2 Technical Object ives - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 2.3 Conceptual Design Report and Other Documentation - - 5 Management/Organization 7

    SSC Design Concepts 9






    In t roduct ion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Phase 1 Object ives: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Program Description - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.1 Development o f Program Tasks - - - - - - - - - - - -

    5.2.1 Program Summary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.2.2 Superconducting Magnet Program

    5.2.3 Conventional Systems Program - - - - - - - - - 40 5 . 2 . 4 Central Pesign Group Program - - - - - - - - - 43


    5.2 The Fy85 P l a n : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    5.3 The Fy86-E(7 Plan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Program Schedule - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Program Costs


    56 6.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Appendix A - SSC Research & Development Topics- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58




    The purpose of this plan i s t o describe the Research and Development

    activities associated w i t h the SSC

    program. T h i s Phase I program w i l

    report and i s geared t o accomplish

    (Superconducting Super Coll i der) Phase I

    provide a comprehensive conceptua design

    speci f i c research and development

    objectives t h a t are required p r i o r t o i n i t i a t i o n of Construction (Phase 11).

    The overall program objectives are given i n Section 2.

    t h a t these objectives are a t t a i n e d i s described i n the SSC Hanagement Plan.

    An overall description of the planned program i s provided i n Section 5. T h i s

    Phase I program follows an extensive Reference Design Study conducted f o r the

    The p l a n for assuring

    purpose of assessi ng technical feasi b i 1 i ty and probable costs.

    The SSC will be a h i g h energy high-luminosity hadron collider similar t o

    t h a t described i n the SSC Reference Designs Study Report of May 1984.

    planned Conceptual Design Report will describe the technical and conventional

    fac i l i t i es for the SSC, together w i t h Cost, Schedule and rlanpower


    so address Environmental, Safety, Q u a l i t y Assurance,

    and Mai ntainabi 1 i ty issues. The experimental areas

    requirements. I t will a

    Operati ons , Re1 i abi 1 i t y , w i l l be studied t o maxim ze the High Energy Physics research potential.

    A comprehensive Research and Development program will take place over the

    next three years t o arrive a t a cost and performance optimized design. This

    program will also serve t o demonstrate t h a t the key technical features of the








  • 0





    accel erator-coll i der system proposed f o r the SSC are achievable w i t h i n the

    estimated construction cost and schedule. The R&D effort will a lso include

    assessment of the requirements f o r the i n i t i a l complement of detectors f o r the

    projected SSC physics research effort.

    The Phase I program will provide a s i t e parameters document and other s i t e

    information, as required for D O E ' S s i t e selection process.

    parameters document will be specific t o those technical features of the SSC

    which are related t o the physical condi t ions of the s i te .

    The s i t e

    The Phase I na t iona l effort will be carried out under the direction of a

    Central Design Group ( C D G ) located a t Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

    working i n concert w i t h DOE, will direct and coordinate the SSC design and

    associated R&D activities a t the Design Center, a t existing Laboratories and

    Universities, and a t Industrial and A / E firms. The CDG i s directed by Dr. M.

    Tigner who reports t o the Universities Research Association (URA) Board o f

    Overseers which has been specifically created f o r this activity.

    The CDG,

    The SSC Phase I program i s planned t o be completed on September 30, 1987.

    The estimated t o t a l cost of this three year program i s $94M.

    schedule and cost are presented i n Sections 6 and 7 respectively.

    Details of the






    The SSC facil i ty i s t o consist of a 20 TeV proton-proton collider, an

    injector complex producing beams f o r injection i n t o the collider, and a

    campus-like arrangement of b u i l d i n g s p r o v i d i n g office and laboratory space,

    shops and other support services. The scale and possible arrangement of these

    faci l i t ies are shown i n Section 4. The primary accelerator design objectives

    for the SSC are given i n Table 2-1.


    Table 2-1

    Primary SSC Design Objectives

    Maximum proton beam energy (TeV/heam) -2 -1 !.laximum luminosity (cm sec 1

    Number of interaction regions

    Overall Objectives.



    1 o~~ 6

    The major objectives of the SSC Phase I program

    To develop the performance specifications f o r the SSC consistent

    w i t h the recommendations o f HEPAP and i t s 1983 Subpanel on New

    Facilities w i t h consideration of the results of subsequent

    pertinent studies and deliberations.

    To conduct SSC design and R&D activit ies, making use of the

    skill s, experience and fac i l i t i es of National Laboratories,

    Universities and the industrial sector.






  • To select an optimum superconducting magnet design style f o r the

    SSC based upon technical, economic and operational cri teria.

    To develop, as required for timely consideration in the FY88

    budget process, the SSC Conceptual Design Report including

    costs, schedule, staffing plan , and other elements showing how

    the SSC can be realized i n a practical, environmentally

    sensitive and safe manner.

    To evaluate s i t e parameter requirements and t o provide s i t e

    i nfonnation specification documents.

    To develop and demonstrate cost effective techniques f o r

    fabrication of magnets.

    To conduct systems tes ts t o evaluate performance and reliabil i ty

    o f magnets and other components.

    To conduct studies of the selected s i t e and t o provide design

    plans o f early cri t ical p a t h structures following s i t e selection.

    To develop a catalogue of operating needs f o r the SSC including

    u t i 1 i t i es , cryogens, maintenance supplies, and manpower levels.

    To conduct appropriate R&D activit ies f o r the development of

    advanced particle detectors.

    e 2.2 Technical Objectives. A major objective of the Accelerator Physics

    group is t o obtain a detailed understanding of the beam dynamics of

    a h i g h current stored beams as prescribed for the SSC. These studies

    will provide i n p u t t o the systems designers on such crucial issues as

    magnet aperture, fie1 d quality, and a1 ignment tolerance requirements

    over the postulated operating range of the accelerator systems.


  • The Magnet R&D program will be geared t o develop magnets t h a t meet

    the aperture and field qual i ty requirements necessary f o r the SSC.

    Additional objectives are t o optimize technical performance and

    reduce costs of the final design, t o develop and demonstrate the

    manufacturability of the magnets i n a reliable and cost effective

    manner and t o demonstrate the performance of systems of magnets.

    R&D f o r other accelerator systems such as Refrigeration,

    Instrumentation and Control s, Power Supplies, Injector, Vacuum, RF

    and Abort Systems share the common objective of conducting sufficient

    studies, i n c l u d i n g modeling and some prototyping, t o assure t h a t cost

    effective and re1 iable systems are incorporated.

    The objectives of the R&D effort under conventional construction are

    t o f i n d ways t o minimize the cost of conventional construction, t o

    develop SSC s i t e requirements and t o develop a s i t e parameters

    document which will be used i n the DOE s i t e selection process.

    s i t e master p l a n will be developed together w i t h studies of design

    approaches 1 eadi ng t o an optimized construction schedu? e.


    2.3 Conceptual Design Report and Other Documentation. The objectives are

    t o develop a detailed conceptual design, a firm cost estimate, a

    staffing p l a n , a proposed construction plan and schedule. Other

    documentation will include d r a f t environmental impact information, a

    Project Safety Analysis Report, and Qual i t y Assurance/Cual i t y Control









  • 3. MANAGEWENT - ORGANIZATION The programmatic responsibility f o r Phase I rests w i t h the Divisior! of

    High Energy Physics ( D H E P ) Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics (HENP) i n

    the Office of Energy Research ( E R ) . Responsibility fo r contract

    administration and performance monitor ing rests w i t h a special SSC Office i n

    the DOE Chicago Operations Office ( C H ) . The contract for SSC Phase I i s held

    by the Universities Research Association ( U R A ) , which has created a Board o f

    Overseers t o carry o u t i t s responsibility f o r Phase I management.

    The Director of the Central Design Group who reports t o the U R A Board of

    Overseers has been delegated the authori ty and assigned the responsi b i l i t y t o

    organize, p l a n and accomplish the objectives of the SSC Phase I program. Work

    on tasks necessary t o accomplish these objectives w i l l be carried on by the

    CDG, by Laboratories and Universities across the United States and hy

    appropriate elements of the indus t r ia l sector.

    The Office of the Central Desian Group has been located a t the Lawrence

    Rerkel ey Laboratory. The address i s :

    Universities Research Association SSC Design Center c/o Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory rlail S top 90-4040 One Cyclotron Road Berkel ey , Cal i forni a 94720

    The Organizational Chart for the CDG i s shown i n Figure 3-1. The

    Organization reflects the major SSC technical systems t h a t w i l l be involved i n

    the Phase I program. Approximately 40 technical and support personnel are

    projected for the CDG organiza t ion i n FY85.

    While direction and coordinat ion of the Phase I effort rests w i t h the CDG,

    work w i l l also be carried o u t under bilateral agreements and contracts between




    tl Ytgner

    Deputy lor External Rclatlons

    5 Wojclcki

    Deputy l o r Opcratlons

    J 0 Jackson

    nanagemcnt Advlsor

    R Platyas

    I 4 I - I

    I n)ec tor Convent lonal Project Planning Acce lerator Accelerator magnet Systems Systems Systems h Physics Systems tl T i p e r

    tmJq-1 C Taylor

    (*dy osllr) J Sanford


    T Elioff A Chao P Limon - DOE Lab5

    A/E F irms

    Wf L d k - t)NL . FNAL - LBL

    -3t LA>> - JUC ~ d t t .miuers ,: i t i - universities

    - v m t r y . - T A C

    I : I d Labs

    - universities

    - Industry

    0 e

  • a



    the CDG and va r ious i n s t i t u t i o n s , such a s National Labora to r i e s , U n i v e r s i t i e s ,

    I n d u s t r i a l and Arc h i tect-Engi neeri ng F i rms. The CDG w i 11 be responsi bl e f o r

    o v e r s i g h t , coo rd ina t ion , and i n t e g r a t i o n of a1 1 SSC r e l a t e d ac t iv i t ies . The

    CDG will develop a plan f o r i n d u s t r i a l involvement i n the SSC program a t the

    e a r l i e s t a p p r o p r i a t e time, i n s u r i n g t h a t f a i r o p p o r t u n i t i e s are provided t o

    a1 1 interested and qual i fied parties.

    Management and o rgan iza t iona l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s a r e provided i n more detai l

    i n the SSC Phase I Management Plan.


    A brief description of the planned SSC faci l i ty i s provided below. T h i s

    picture serves t o indicate the nature of the required fac i l i t i es and the scale

    o f the accelerator systems; i t does n o t represent a f i n a l or an optimized


    The energy of the SSC (20 TeV per beam) and i t s h i g h design luminosity 33 2 -1 (10 cm sec ) are a substantial extension o f the major parameters o f

    existing colliders, proposed o r under construction.

    probe t o a much higher mass scale o r t o smaller subnuclear distances t h a n are

    The SSC will be able t o

    accessible w i t h any other existing o r planned facil i ty.

    scientific community the means fo r making major advances i n our growing

    I t t h u s offers the

    knowledge of the fundamental properties of matter and i n our unified

    understanding of the forces of nature.

    The main SSC technical components are a cascaded series of particle

    accelerators o f increasing energy: 1.0 Gev Linac, 70 Gev Low Energy Booster,

    1.0 Tev High Energy Booster, and the 20 Tev on 20 Tev proton-proton collider.

    A possible arrangement o f these systems is shown t o scale i n the schemetic

    representation o f Figure 4-1. The collider r i n g shown i s 60 miles in

    c i rcumference, representing one of the opt ions currently under consideration.

    Figure 4-2 i s a projected aerial view of the SSC complex on a median s i te .

    The most visible parts of the SSC will be the office, laboratory and shop

    b u i l d i n g s i n the central campus o f the f a c i l i t y and the experimental buildings

    t h a t w i l l be located around the r ing a t the interaction regions. A n

    advantageous place fo r the central campus i s near the p o i n t o f beam injection

    i n t o the main ring as shown i n Figure 4-3.

    booster r i n g i s seen t o the r i g h t o f the building complex. Because the area

    The outline of the low energy




  • Collider and Injectors to Scale

    Collider - to 20 TeV

    Enlargement High Energy of

    L Linac- to 0.07 T iV 0 to 0.001 TeV

    Figare 4 . 1 Layout of the SSC indicating the injector complex and the main ring where protons arc acctlerated to 20 TeV in counter-rotating bunches that collide at six points along the circumference.


  • Figure .4.2 Aerial view of median site illustrating the scale of the SSC facility and the relatively unspoiled nature of the countryside once the machine is in operation. The main ring perimeter is only noticeable when the tunnel approaches the surface too closely. Buildings arranged in circular array near the campus outline the injector machine. The laboratory building and the campus-like assembly of industrial build- ings arc areas of major concentration and staff activity. Access roads to nearby popu- lation centers arc clearly visible.

  • Figure 4,3 proximity to the injector facility.

    Aerial view of the campus revealing its compact arrangement and its


  • of the campus i s very small i n comparison w i t h the size of the main ring, most

    of the surface area of the s i t e will not be affected by the construction of

    the SSC.

    The c o l l i d e r r i n g will be housed i n a tunnel below ground where


    superconducti ng dipole and quadrupol e magnets w i 11 steer and focus two counter

    r o t a t i n g beams of protons i n nearly c i rcu lar paths. In most o f the

    ci rcumference the two beams travel i n separate para1 1 el vacuum encl osures. A t

    6 special locations around the circumference the beams are focused t o 0

    transverse dimensions of a few microns and brought i n to near head-on


    analyze the results of the collision process.

    I t i s a t these locations t h a t complex experimental detectors will

    Figure 4-4 shows a perspective

    view of the main r i n g tunnel and the vacuum pipe i n which the magnet systems

    are enclosed. Figure 4-5 shows the superconducting magnet system w i t h i n the

    vacuum p i p e .


    Figure 4-6 and 4-7 provide similar views of other magnet system

    These designs typify the range o f options from which the f ina l

    optimized design w i l l be determined. Detailed descriptions of these systems

    can be found i n the Reference Designs Study Report o f May 8, 1984.

    The next section of the Program Plan (Section 5) will describe the

    Research program for the technical development of superconducting magnet

    systems as we1 1 as other accelerator components.



  • Figure 4 4 Perspective view of the main ring tunnel.


  • MLati-Layec Insulation

    Yoke Support & Helium Containment (330.2 mm diam.)

    Iron Lamination Cold Mass support Ring

    vacuum vessel

    Yoke Alignment Keys

    IN, Cooled Heat Shield’



    e Figure 4.5 Cutaway pcnpcctive view of the 6.5 T, 2-in-1 dipole magnet.



  • Iron Yoke,



    Figure 4 6 Cutaway perspective view of the 5 T, I-in-l dipole magnet.


  • Figure 4 7 . Cutaway perspective view of the 3 T, superfemc dipole magnet.



    5.1 Development of Program Tasks

    The Reference Design Study Report of May 1984 served t o provide

    a systematic identification of many R&D Tasks t h a t are

    associated w i t h each technical system of the SSC. Additional

    tasks have been identified i n subsequent reviews and studies by

    the CDG. Examples o f such studies are the Magnet Systems Test

    Site Task Force, the Magnet Aperture Workshop, the Managerial L

    Fiscal Panel f o r the SSC Magnet Program, and the SSC Technical

    Magnet Review Panel.

    which represents a comprehensive l i s t of tasks, issues, studies,

    and problems t h a t must be addressed d u r i n g Phase I .

    Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the Phase I program (see Table

    5-1 ) i s designed t o incorporate these tasks appropriately i n t o

    the SSC organizational structure.

    The results are summarized i n Appendix A

    The Work

    The studies noted above clearly indicate two important areas o f

    the R&D program which are on the early cri t ical path f o r

    accomplishing the program goals.

    activit ies required t o provide i n p u t fo r magnet selection and

    the s i t e cri teria development program which i s the f i r s t step i n

    the extensive process of s i t e determination.

    the R&D effort f o r FY85 i s therefore directed toward

    accomplishing the tasks related t o tbese areas.

    These areas are the R&D

    A major p a r t of



    X . SSC Phase I Program e

    1.0 Centra1 Design Group

    1.1 Administration 1.1.1 Director's Office 1.1.2 Administrative Support

    1.2 Program Planning and Management

    1.3 Accelerator Research and Development 1.3.1 General 1.3.2 Accelerator Physics - 1.3.3 Accelerator Systems 1.3.4 Superconduct i ng Magnets 1.3.5 Injection Systems

    1.4 C,onvent ional Systems 1.4.1 Planning and Coordination 1.4.2 Site Parameters 1.4.3 Conceptual Design 1.4.4 Speci a1 Studies

    2.0 Brookhaven National Laboratory

    2.1 General 2.2 Magnet Models 2.3 Tooling 2.4 Magnet Measurements

    * 2.5 * 2.6 Cryogenic System

    Power Supplies and Quench Protection



    e 19

  • TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


    3.0 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

    3.1 General 3.2 Magnet Models

    3.3 F a c i l i t y Development and Operation

    * 3.4 Superconductor Development * 3.5 Cryos ta t Development * 3.6 Accelerator Physics

    4.0 Lawrence Berke?ey Laboratory



    4.1 General

    4.2 Model Magnets

    4.3 Calcula t ions and Analysis

    4.4 Instrumentat ion and Measurements * 4.5 Accelerator Theory * 4.6 Superconductor Development

    5.0 Texas Accelerator Center

    5.1 General 5.2 Shor t Magnet Model

    5.3 Long Magnet Model s 5.4 Tool i ng Development

    5.5 Theoret ical /Analysis 5.6 F a c i l i t y Development

    *Ongoing Laboratory Acce lera tor R&D ac t iv i t i e s t h a t are re1 evant t o the SSC program.

    01 02s


  • 5.2 The FY85 PLAN

    5.2.1 Program Summary. The major areas of research fo r the FY85

    program are Superconducti ng Magnet Development w i t h re1 ated

    Accelerator Physics Studies and Site parameters Development.

    A primary goal of the accelerator physics studies is t o

    determine an optimized storage r i n g la t t i ce that ensures

    achievement of desi gn 1 umi nosi t y a t each i nteracti on poi n t w i t h

    a minimum intensity of stored beam.

    translated i n t o the specifications for magnet systems i n terms

    of field qual i ty and aperture. A t the same time several

    different magnet design concepts are being investigated. T h i s

    magnet development program i s geared t o provide cri t ical i n p u t

    f o r the selection of a single magnet style i n FY85.

    The la t t ice design will be

    Currently short magnet models are being produced and tested.

    These models will focus on provid ing infomation for aperture

    and field quality evaluation.

    issues of design and fabrication techniques which are aimed a t

    maximum reliabil i ty and cost effectiveness f o r operations and

    mi-nimurn costs f o r production. In parallel w i t h this effort i s

    a program t o develop outside industrial capability f o r the

    production of uniform, reliable, and improved high-field NbTi

    superconducting w i re and cab1 e.

    T h i s program a l so addresses

    The devel opment of engineering




  • designs and t o o l i n g necessary t o produce magnets economically

    and reliably i s also being pursued.

    magnet style and the development o f satisfactory magnet models

    and prototype t o o l i n g , full-scale prototype magnets and

    associated cryogenic hardware w i l l be fabricated. Of particular

    importance will be measurement and minimization of the

    cryogenic system heat 1 eak. The envisioned cryogenic systems

    are strongly dependent on achieving a very low level o f heat

    1 eak.

    Following selection o f the

    W i t h regard t o conventional systems, the development of s i t e

    cri teria and a detailed catalogue of information needed for the

    DOE s i te selection process i s on the cri t ical p a t h and must be

    actively pursued. Thereafter the overall design and

    devel opment of conventional systems will be accompl i shed i n

    concert w i t h the technical systems requirements i n order t o

    provide a complete SSC Conceptual Design.

    5.2.2 Superconducting Magnet Program. The primary objectives of the

    FY85 program are the selection of a Basic Magnet Type and the

    development of a final engineering design f o r Magnets of the

    chosen type.

    which t o proceed should be based on three major

    considerations: operational characteristics, potential

    re1 i a h i 1 i t y and cost.

    Selection of a basic magnet design type w i t h

    Development of the worki ng engi neeri ng


  • designs will include many elements such as model tes ts of

    various possible design features and studies of t o o l i n g and

    manufacturing methods. These two major program components are

    intertwined t o a considerable degree. To be successful such a

    program must draw on the collective resources of the community

    i n many areas.

    The SSC Magnet Program involves RkD Groups a t R N L , LBL, FNAL, &

    TAC. These groups strongly interact w i t h the CDG v ia technical

    i n p u t f o r magnets and magnet systems. Indus t r i a l consultants

    are used both by the CDG and through the laboratory groups.

    The CDG a l s o uti l izes a Technical Magnet Review Panel for

    advice on technical issues. The membership i s drawn from the

    national pool of superconducting magnet experts.



    Reviews and assessments of special technical o r operational

    features are necessary f o r successful design of the SSC.

    Accordingly a number of panels and task forces composed of

    experts from the US and abroad have been formed. a These include:

    - Technical Magnet Review Panel - S t a b i l i t y Assurance Task Force - Photodesorption Task Force - Aperture Task Force - Operational Factors Task Force - - Cost Estimating Task Force

    Re1 i a b i l i t y Assessment Task Force


    23 0

  • A l l of the information resulting from these Panels and Task

    Forces will be utilized by the CDG through a Basic P?agnet Type

    Evaluation Panel t o determine the optimum design style for the

    SSC Magnet System. Following this determination, the CDG will

    fonnulate an integrated program t o move forward w i t h the final

    engineering and design. T h i s program w i l l use the resources

    and technical abi l i t ies of the various DOE Laboratory R&D

    groups as well as industry.

    Figure 5-1 shows the time scale fo r the activit ies of the Task

    Forces, consultants, and review panels during FY85.

    selection o f a Basic Superconducting Magnet Type w i l l occur i n

    the las t quarter o f FY85.


    There are a number of basic magnet types under consideration

    which one can parameterize as shown i n Table 5-2.

    checked show which Basic Magnet Types are now receiving most

    attention and a t wh ich institution i t i s being investigated.

    The systems bearing an X mark Basic Magnet Types known t o be


    The systems


  • FIGURE 5-1



    LAB RID PROGRAMS - obtain data. prepare lor tinal eng r g

    comparative cost. rehab, mfr olan

    determine physical aperture for Types


    APERTURETASKFORCE - STABILITY ASSURANCE TASK FORCE - det phys aper from impedance consid

    ?i+GTODESORPTlOh TASK FORCE - der pnys aper from vacuum consid

    eslimaie costs for eacn Type C3ST ESTIMATING TASK FORCE - OPERATIONAL FACT3RS TASK FORCE - der opor consequences of each Type

    compare reliability factors for Types

    review prgm during pre-type sel'n

    EASiC MAGNET TYPE EVALUATION PANEL evaluate input from Task Forces and retommeno Gasic Magnet Type to CDG




    - -









  • 0



    TABLE 3 - 2


    Lo B Cold Fe

    H i B Cold Fe

    Lo B No Fe

    H i 8 No Fe

    Notes t o Table:




    "2 i n 1 Magnets

    1 TAC V

    J E FNAL



    "1 i n 1 " Maane t s

    J TAC






    I n t h i s contex t Lo B r e f e r s t o f i e l d s o f about 3 Tes la and H i B t o about 6 Tesla. "2 i n 1 " re fe rences t o mechanical and cryogenic l i n k a g e o f t h e two SSC beam channels. magnet ic 1 inkage. Most design cons ide ra t i on i s now be ing given t o magnets based on t h e w e l l es tab l i shed NbTi cab le technology. The c u r r e n t d e n s i t y c a p a b i l i t y o f t h i s technology i s c o n t i n u a l l y improv ing.

    In t he H i B case the channels have s t r o n g


  • During



    The process for selecting the Basic Magnet Type i s comprised of

    several components, namely da ta acquisition, da ta analysi s,

    evaluation and final selection. Each component will depend on

    i n p u t from the community of experts and active par t ic ipants i n

    the devel opment of superconducting magnets fo r accelerator

    service. The i n p u t da ta and some analytical work will be

    acquired from the ongoing R&D programs a t Laboratories and

    universities, from studies by i n d u s t r i a l consultants

    commissioned by R&D performers and by the CDG, from Task Forces

    and Workshops convened f o r the purpose, and by the CDG i t se l f .

    period the CDG will be advised i n

    a Technical Magnet Review Panel

    ed of recognized ,xperts and leaders i n the

    superconducting accelerator magnet area. In making the f i n a l

    Basic Magnet Type selection, the CDG will be advised by a Basic

    Magnet Type Evaluation Panel, appointed by the CDG, and similar

    i n composition t o the Technical Magnet Review Panel. T h i s

    panel w i 11 be suppl emented by accel erator magnet experts from

    abroad and w i t h add i t iona l members from industry and system

    d i sci p l i nes.

    the pre-selection

    and evaluation by

    The Basic Magnet Type Evaluation Panel will make i t s

    evaluations and recommendation based on consideration of the

    three major areas concerning each of the Basic Magnet Types

    being assessed: operational characteristics, potential

    re1 i abi 1 i ty and cost.









  • e



    W i t h regard t o operational characteristics each of the Basic

    Magnet Types have inherent features, as opposed to detailed

    design features, affecting operational performance of a

    complete collider system based on that Basic Magnet Type.

    operational duty factor a t the needed operating parameters of

    energy and luminosity i s a primary consideration for the SSC.

    In addition t o the effective operation a t collision energy w i t h

    good beam control and minimum i nci dental background for the

    detectors, other factors such as efficient injection, stacking

    and acceleration will be important. Del ineation and evaluation

    of operational performance characteristics w i l l involve

    consi derati ons o f :


    7 at t ice restrictions

    cryogenic coup1 i ng between beam channel s

    electro-magnetic coupling between beam channels both i n the

    bending dipoles and focusing magnets

    correctabil i t y of placement and fie1 d errors

    unwanted multipole components

    coo?-down and warm-up time

    quench protection

    quench recovery time

    There are two major aspects o f potential reliabil i ty for magnet

    systems which merit evaluation:

    individual magnets as components and the reliabil i ty of a

    the reliabil i ty of the

    e 2a

  • complete system of magnets. For component re1 iabil i ty one must

    evaluate characteristic tolerances, number o f units, mechanical

    and electrical stress, and complexity such as the number of

    par ts and welded joints. For systems reliabil i ty the factors

    for consideration involve mechanical supports, refrigeration,

    correction elements, quench protection, and overall moni tori ng

    and control s.

    Magnet Cost Analysis requires evaluation of both capital costs

    and operation costs. The capital costs w i l l be determined from

    the specific elements of the design including the materials,

    fabrication methods, and assembly and testing techniques. The

    operational costs will depend on t o t a l heat load, convolution

    o f warn-up/cool -down costs w i t h expected cycle frequency, and

    the size and number of refrigeration u n i t s .

    The above factors are pertinent t o the selection of a magnet

    design style.

    and participating laboratories will focus on the final

    engineering design which w i l l draw upon the information t h a t

    has been assembled from the R&D programs.

    t h i s effort will be a system tes t of the final magnet design.

    The magnitude of this effort requires early detai 1 ed planning.

    A Task Force on the Hagnet Systems Test Site was appointed by

    the CDG director i n August 1984 and fs described further i n

    Section 5.2.4.

    After this selection process, efforts a t the CDG

    An important p a r t of


    4 29

  • The b a s i c informat ion t h a t will be used i n the assessment of

    opera t iona l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , re1 i a b i l i ty and c o s t s f o r

    different magnet designs i s a product o f the c u r r e n t R&D

    programs a t BNL, LBL, FNAL, & TAC.

    involved i n these programs are Superferric (TAC), No I ron

    (FNAL), Cold I ron 1-in-1 (LBL), and Cold I ron 2-in-l (BNL). In

    a d d i t i o n BNL, LBL, and FNAL are c o l l a b o r a t i n g on the

    development o f a h i g h f i e ld (6T) c o l d i r o n des ign .

    elements of the a s s o c i a t e d R&D programs a r e described below.

    The Basic Magnet Types

    The b a s i c

    The program a t LRL can be d iv ided i n t o f o u r components;

    and Superconductor Devel opment, Desi gn-Engineeri ng,

    Experimental Operat ions, and Model Magnet R&D. The Cable and

    Superconductor Program is aimed at opt imiz ing the NbTi a l l o y

    composition and heat t rea tment i n the b i l l e t i n g and a t

    devel oping an i ndustrial capabi 1 i t y t o draw f i ne f i 1 ament-hi gh

    current c a p a c i t y superconduct i ng w i re.

    being studied t o form the superconductor wire i n t o quali ty

    c a b l e ( h i g h compaction wi thout deg rada t ion ) .

    degrada t ion dur ing keystonfng i s a1 so being i n v e s t i g a t e d . The

    o b j e c t i v e i s t o develop a mechanical ly improved cable.


    Techniques a r e a1 so

    The ques t ion o f

    The LBL Design Engineer ing e f f o r t i nvo lves des ign of magnet

    c o i l w ind ings , des ign and mechanical (stress) measurements on

    p ro to type c o l l a r s f o r clamping and pre-stressing c o i l s and

    prel imi nary a n a l y s i s and design o f quadruples , c o r r e c t f o n


  • magnets and special intersection region bending and focusing

    magnets. In a d d i t i o n LBL will collaborate w i t h industry i n

    preliminary analysis and design o f a complete magnet-cryostat

    system, i ncl udi ng mechanical supports , vacuum vessel , heat-leak, coo?-down and warm-up, helium p i p i n g requirements,

    construction tolerance requirements, and cost.

    Experimental Operations f o r this program involves the

    performance o f tes ts on one meter model magnets fo r such

    factors as stabil i ty ( t r a i n i n g ) , ramp sensitivity, quench

    characteristics, and field qual i ty . These operations wil l

    involve the maintenance and operation o f magnet tes t fac i l i t i es

    and a wire and cable "short sample" tes t f a c i l i t y . The Model

    Magnet RAD involves the development of a detailed design for

    d i p o l e magnet ends, evaluation of cable insulation, development

    of winding and molding procedures f o r the coils and the

    construction and testing of a series of one-meter model magnets.

    The program a t BNL involves the development of 4 .5 meter

    magnets w i t h emphasis on 3 . 2 cm and 4.0 cm bore magnets having

    stainless steel collared coils n a 1-in-1 and 2-in-1 cold i ron

    yoke. T h i s work can be divided i n t o two components: Toolfng

    and Test Equipment Design and Development; and Magnet

    Production a n d Testing.





  • 0

    The Tooling and Test Equipment Design and Development program

    involves the development of mandrels, a curing press, and a

    long winder for coil product ion; the development of the

    horizontal t es t f a c i l i t y t o o l i n g and measuring device; the

    development of collars and a modified press f o r prestress

    collar f i t t ings; and the development o f trim coil tooling.

    The Magnet Production program i nvol ves a technique where

    superconducti ng cab1 e is wound on 4.5 meter 1 ong mandrel s,

    cured, clamped i n stainless steel collars, and f i t ted i n t o

    bolted iron yokes.

    be b u i l d and tested i n FY 1985.

    The plan cal ls f o r four o f these magnets t o

    The Magnet Testin? program will include tests o f peak field

    performance, magnetic field mu7 tipole content, persistent

    current effects , quench propagat ion velocity, temperature at ta ined d u r i n g quench, and trim coi l performance.

    The program a t FNAL i s concentrating on the development of a

    magnet system based on collared cosine theta coils similar t o

    the FNAL saver design, b u t w i t h reduced aperture, improved

    superconductor, increased length and reduced heat leak. The

    effort i n FY 1985 will concentrate on Superconductor

    improvement ( in close collaboration w i t h LBL and BNL),

  • e

    development and t e s t of a "Dry-Wound* coil insulation system,

    cryostat and suspension development, and improvements t o the

    Magnet Test Facility fo r magnetic measurements.

    In the superconductor devel opment , FNAL i s expl o r i ng the development of strands w i t h fine (5-6 micron) filaments.

    passive superconductor scheme for correcting persistent

    sextupl e f iel ds i s bei ng devel oped.





    The magnet program cal ls for development and design of dry

    w i n d i n g techniques, study of collaring forces, and

    investigation of quench protection techniques.

    cold testing w i l l be performed t o measure harmonics, t r a i n i n g ,

    quench protection, and mu1 tipoles. Persistent current sextuple

    measurement and correction will a l so be studied.

    B o t h warm and

    A l o n g vacuum vessel will be built t o develop supports and

    a1 ignment techniques. Testing will include cool -down, heat

    leak measurement , quench protection, magnet performance, electromechanical interactions, field quality, and l i f e tests.

    Emphasis w i l l be p u t on the design of a cryostat f o r Cosine

    Theta Type Magnets.

    The program a t TAC i s aimed a t developing a low (3T) f ield,

    2-in-1, cold iron magnet system for the SSC. The design i s an

    iron dominated magnet w i t h aperture of approximately one inch.

    The plans for FY 1985 call for the building and testing




  • o f several short ( 2 foot! models, and several longer (25 f o o t )

    model s. F u l l length model s ( 9 2 f t . are a1 so planned. TAC

    will use superconductor from the LBL/BNL/FNAL development

    programs i n their cabling process. Some magnets will be tested

    a t BNL.

    The purpose o f the three foo t models is t o study mechanical and

    magnetic consistency. The 25 f o o t models will be b u i l t t o

    study techniques for b u i l d i n g longer magnets, t o t e s t magnet

    alignment, t o develop cryostats and t o check heat leak. The

    long magnet (02 f t ) program i s planned t o study length and

    mechanical characteristics, and shipping and testing


    fabrication o f the 92 f t . models.

    The TAC program plans t o involve industry i n the

    The schedules f o r fabrication and testing of magnet models for

    the programs described above are presented i n Figures 5-2, 5-3,

    5-4 and 5-5.


  • FIGURE 5 -2



    1984 - CT NOV DE(

    4.5 metcr

    3 . 2 Ul BORE

    3 aa conploted

    4 cn BORE TOal

    TEST - CONSTRUCT .*..-,,.".."....,A.,A% M FEB nw








    - 1986


  • a









    3 f o o t FERHXLM (5 cn)


    20 f o o t FEWILAB ( 7 . 6 cn)

    -I__- LONI; M m s

    Long Coil r8brlCatlOns "

    Long CRYOSTAT Design

    tonq CHYOSTRT Construction

    FIGURE 5-3


    ORDER - C - -- 1984


    - 2-

    3 -









    _I -


    TEST .... ......... ... ... >"*e *.*v

  • FIGURE 5-4




    1-IN-1, 4 Ul BORE


    ORDER - 1984



    I l! cy( FEB tlM ClPR HCIY JUh




    - 1986

    Fw FEB HCY;








  • FIGURE 5-5


    E T NW DEC


    25 f o o t TM



    LONG m L s

    92 f o o t Industry

    n a1


    rials 1 ,

    . .... .. .. . .. . ... v,-x+ TEST


  • e

    Vagnet Engineering Design.

    programs will be used for the magnet type selection process and

    i t will also provide the technical basis f o r the development of

    the final magnet design. I t i s envisioned t h a t a widely based,

    collaborative effort , employing the particular resources and

    The information from the current

    strengths o f the l a b s and institutions now involved, will be

    needed i n th is development.

    As soon a s practical af ter the Basic Magnet Type Selection,

    task assignments fo r f ina l development of the chosen magnet

    type will be made. Proposals from the laboratories and

    institutions wishing t o participate will be invited.

    Invitations t o submit proposals w i l l be issued a t about the

    time of Basic fjagnet Type Selection by the CDG. A plan f o r

    industrial involvement i n the ear ly stages of f ina l design and

    prototype devel opment w i 11 be prepared prior t o t h i s time.

    R&D results germane t o efficient production of magnets, such as

    t o o l i n g and manufacturing plans, f a s t coil w i n d i n g methods,

    effective cabling methods, and al l inclusive cable

    specifications, as well as research on long cryostat designs

    including mock-up measurement and design of suppor t and

    alignment systems, will be valuable as i n p u t t o the final

    engineering design.









  • 5.2.3 Conventional Systems Program. I n concert with the technical

    activities described above, the scheduled SSC milestones

    require an active ef for t for conventional systems. A n

    important milestone fo r Apr i l 1985 i s the Site Parameters

    Document. A considerable effort will be required i n the

    preparation of this document.

    i s a s follows:

    A summary o f the near-term tasks

    a ) Preparation of a Site Parameters Document t h a t would

    indicate the information required fo r potential sites.

    Guidance f o r the preparation of preliminary environmental

    impact statements and safety analysis reports.

    b )

    c ) Preparation of designs fo r conventional systems on a

    representative s i te , t o be part o f the Conceptual Design


    I n order t o accomplish the prescribed tasks, the services of

    an Architectural and Engineering Firm ( A / E ) are planned fo r

    early 1985.

    requirements and d a t a relevant t o s i te selection.

    parameters expected t o be important f o r selection of a s i te

    suitable f o r the SSC w i l l be defined.

    parameters t o be included in this evaluation i s shown i n Table


    The A / E w i l l assist the CDG i n the study of s i te


    An example of such











    I .

    GENERAL LAND DESCRIPTION 1 . Land usage 2. Configurat ion 3. Natural f e a t u r e s 4. Manmade features

    1 . Temperature and humidity 2. Precipi ta t ion 3. Wind cond i t ions 4. Storm history 5. S o l a r energy

    1 . Topography 2. So i l p r o p e r t i e s 3. Geology 4. Hydrology 5. Corrosion

    1 . Electric power 2. Fuel sources 3. 4. Water 5. Waste d isposa l

    ACCESSIBILITY 1 . Population 2. A i rpo r t s 3 . I n t e r s t a t e highways 4. S t a t e / l oca1 roads 5. Rai l road 6. Pub1 i c t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

    1. Human resources 2. Housing 3 . I n d u s t r i a l base 4. Universities/coll eges 5. Cul tura l resources 6. Community support

    1. Ecological d e s c r i p t i o n 2. Baseline da ta 3. Archeological record 4. Historical 1 andmarks

    SAFETY CONS I DE RAT1 ONS 1 . Life support 2. Safe ty requirements 3. Local codes

    LAWS AND REGULATIONS 1. Land use p o l i c i e s 2. Zoning 3. R i hts of way 4. Laser laws 5. Tax consequences




    Tel ecommuni c a t i on








    e 41

  • Guidelines within the s i te cri teria document will provide

    available s i te related information including required area,

    size, capacity o r other parameters required for the SSC.

    S i t i n g criteria will be developed and reviewed by the Central

    Design Group and Department of Energy (DOE) staff and will be

    i n p u t f o r the Request f o r Proposal (RFP) i n s o l i c i t i n g

    candidate sites.

    A Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) will be

    prepared. The GEIS i s a useful tool in the environmental

    assessment of broad-based act ions o r related groups of act ions

    t h a t agencies are likely t o approve, f u n d o r directly


    being more general or conceptual in nature. For the SSC

    Pro,ject, the GEIS will set f o r t h conditions, cri teria o r

    thresholds under which the s i te specific Draft EIS's will be

    prepared. The s i te criteria identified above will be used i n

    preparation of the GEIS.

    The GEIS differs from the s i te specific EIS by

    In addition t o s i te related issues, consideration must be given

    i n FY85 t o the methods f o r p r o v i d i n g appropriate beam housing

    I tunnel enclosures) for the accelerator systems. The Reference

    Design Study showed t h a t the collider tunnel and i t s surface

    penetrations constitute a large f r ac t ion of the t o t a l SSC

    cost. Accordingly an SSC Tunnel Technology Review Panel of

    recognized experts i n this field has been formed t o advise the


  • CDG as t o R&D directions appropriate t o possible reductions of

    tunnel construction costs. Studies i n this area are

    anticipated i n FY85.

    An important issue related t o accelerator operations i n tunnel

    enclosures i s t h a t of personnel safety d u r i n g operations of

    1 arge cryogenic systems. Studies i n v o l v i n g tunnel experts,

    cryogenic engineers, and physicists expert i n safety matters

    w i l l be undertaken.

    5.2.4 Central Design Group Program. The CDG has the responsibility

    for organiz ing , pl anni ng and coordinating a1 1 Research &

    Development fo r the SSC Phase I program. Efforts f o r the

    magnet program i n FY85 will involve largely the coord ina t ion of

    programs a t existing laboratories together w i t h the detailed

    p l a n n i n g f o r the selection of a magnet style. I n the area of

    accelerator physics studies, the CDG staff will play a central

    role w i t h assistance of personnel from other institutions.



    0 The main task of the accelerator physic effort i s t o provide an

    optimized 1 att ice (arrangement of deflecting and focusing

    magnets) tha t will contain the SSC stored beam i n a manner t h a t

    will ensure the design luminosity and will provide optimum

    performance f o r experiments.

    aperture of magnet elements w i 11 be establ i shed using


    The required field qual i ty and


    43 e

  • d,






    analytical methods, computer tracking programs, and where

    possible, experiments on exi sting accelerators.

    a1 1 owed magnet mu1 t i pol e errors wi 1 1 be determi ned together

    w i t h o r b i t correction schemes and an understanding of potential

    misalignment errors.

    qua l i ty w i t h aperture will be developed i n order t o provide

    flexibility f o r the magnet designers and more accurate

    comparative cost estimates.

    The maximum

    Also a program for the scaling of field

    These investigations will include techniques for maintaining

    small emittance, the determination of the effects of RF noise,

    and the growth time of various beam instabilities.

    maintain the qua l i ty of h i g h current stored beams, the

    poten t ia l for beam instabilities must be fully understood and

    methods prescribed f o r their elimination o r control.

    In order t o

    A n Aperture Workshop conducted i n November 1984 involved 40

    accelerator physicists from throughout the U. S.and Europe. The

    workshop served t o identify the accelerator physics

    relevant t o aperture determination as well as a plan

    continued studies during FY85. Part of the plan cal

    improving the calculational tool s. Various computer

    s u e s

    f o r

    s f o r


    codes are being updated. More effective organization and

    coordination will be required of relevant computer codes t o

    perform the many consecutive calculations, involving a large

    number of inter-related parameters, t h a t are required i n the


  • l a t t i ce optimization.

    improved t o involve h i g h order systematic and random multipoles

    as well as survey and excitation errors. Many existing

    programs are now being prepared for utilization on the CRAY

    computer system a t LLNL fo r improved speed and efficiency.

    With these enhanced calculational tool s, an active program will

    be pursued i n the f i r s t h a l f of FY85 t h a t will provide a

    theoretical prescription f o r the design aperture.

    O r b i t t r ack ing programs are being

    One of the most important goals of the FY85 program i s the

    selection of a magnet style f o r the SSC.

    from existing programs i s of prime importance, the selection

    process, which i s aimed a t the opt imum cost-effective design

    f o r the SSC, may determine a style which i s somewhat different

    from the specific current designs.

    development process the CDG w i l l involve Task Forces o r Review

    Panels i n the fo l lowing areas:

    While the information

    In g u i d i n g the magnet

    Cost Estimating

    Magnet Systems Operations

    Aperture Requirements

    Photodeso rp t i on Effects

    Vacuum Envelope Impedance

    Tunnel i ng Methods

    Ragnet Systems Test Facil i t y ( S t r i n g Test!









    45 I


  • One of the f i r s t of these studies has involved the SSC Magnet

    Technical Review Panel. T h i s 1 2 member panel was appointed by

    the SSC Director on October 8, 1984. This panel i s charged t o

    provide a technical review of each of the ongoing

    superconducting magnet R&D programs, t o summarize the progress

    i n FY84, review plans for FY85, and t o make suggestions fo r

    enhancing the programs t o meet the objective of making a magnet

    style selection a t the earliest practical 4ate.

    The Magnet Technical Review panel met five times d u r i n g October

    and November a t the Brookhaven National Laboratory ( B N L ) , Fermi

    National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) , Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ( L B L ) , and the Texas Accelerator Center ( T A C ) . Details for each program may be found i n the report of this


    arrive a t a preliminary basis f o r magnet style selection w h i c h

    would, i n t u r n , help g u i d e the R&D programs. The panel has

    suggested t h a t this process be based on the following selection

    factors :


    An important result of the panel s ' deliberations was t o

    Measured magnet performance from tests of models relative


    ( a ) Reliability

    ( b ) Field qual i ty

    ( c )

    ! d ) Quench behavior, t r a i n i n g experience, etc.

    Reproducibility of design (considering required to1 erances and p1 anned manufacturing processes 1


  • e

    ( e )

    ( f ) Mechanical s tabi l i t y and vibrational behavior

    ( g ) Heat Leakage

    ( h ) Cool-down and warm-up times

    Cycling behavior (magnetic and thermal

    2. Operational efficiency and cost considerations ( re la t ive t o

    alignment, replacement, quench recovery, radiation effects ,

    beam tune-up, e t c )

    Relative cost of en t i r e accelerator f a c i l i t y d u r i n g

    construction and operation periods ( a t same effect ive beam

    aperture for a l l magnet types).

    F lex ib i l i ty of future phy.sics program permitted by magnet

    type character is t ics .

    3 .


    5 . Relative technical and financial exposure d u r i n g

    construction and operating periods due to indeterminate

    ( l a t e n t ) character is t ics inherent i n each magnet type.

    As described i n Section 5.2.2 the Basic Magnet Type Evaluation

    Panel will make i t s evaluations a n d recommendation based on

    consideration o f the three major areas:

    charac te r i s t ics , potential r e l i a b i l i t y and cost. Following

    Basic Magnet Type selection, the CDG and participating

    laboratories will focus on developing the magnet design. An


    important par t of this program will be systems t e s t s .

    A Task Force on the Magnet Systems Test S i t e was appointed by

    the CDG director i n August 1984. T h i s Task Force met a t BNL,






    e 47

  • 5.3

    SLAC, and FNAL d u r i n g September and October, 1984. Their

    detai 1 ed report (SSC-SR-1001) was provided i n October 1984.

    The report concludes t h a t BNL and FNAL could provide the

    necessary basic facil i t ies and attendant manpower required for

    the SSC magnet systems tests. The final selection and planning

    of this f a c i l i t y will be a p a r t o f the COG effort i n FY85.

    Implementation i s expected t o begin i n FY86.

    The FY86-87 Plan.

    In the area of SSC Technical Systems, the magnet program will remain

    as the largest effort; however, other accelerator systems for the

    SSC i n c l u d i n g the injection accelerators wi l l become a more

    substantial part of the t o t a l program.

    Before the beg inn ing o f FY86 i t i s planned t h a t the various

    considerations f o r magnet design will have been narrowed t o a single

    op t imum magnet style. Efforts will be focused on perfecting this

    design and producing a number of f u l l size prototype units.

    Appropriate industrial involvement will be pursued i n this task.

    After rigorous i n d i v i d u a l tests of magnets fo r field qual i t y and

    performance, a system of magnets w i l l be tested (the string tes t ) a t

    one of the existing laboratory sites.

    t e s t i s t o generate and answer questions t h a t arise concerning those

    aspects of the SSC design t h a t apply t o relatively large groups of

    magnets as opposed t o single magnet tests.

    The purpose of the string

    In a d d i t i o n t o being


  • used for system design and tes t , the S t r i n g Test F a c i l i t y will also

    be used t o perform l i f e tests on magnets and other accelerator

    components. The resulting information will be used t o develop and

    verify designs i n the following systems:

    Magnet Systems Magnet Cryogenics Power Suppl i es Quench Detection and Protection Controls Vacuum Correction Coils Safety

    I n FY86 the SSC program will also include engineering studies o f

    quadrupoles and other special units such as correction element

    spools, in j ec t ion system magnets, and insertion region magnet


    above) wi l l enable Development efforts t o be intensified on the

    associated cryogenic systems. This includes the relatively large

    refrigeration p lan ts and the overall cryogenic distribution

    systems. Studies will be aimed t o achieve maximum system

    re1 i a b i l i ty and minimum c a p i t a l and operational costs.

    The determination o f the dipole magnet style (noted

    An important effort wi l l begin i n FY86 fo r development of an optimum

    injection system f o r the SSC storage r ing .

    of the injected beam w i l l have been established i n concert w i t h the

    determination o f the storage ring la t t ice a n d magnet


    The desired parameters

    The injection system i s currently visualized as a






    e 49

  • e





    sequence of three accelerators; a 1 Gev linac, a low energy booster

    synchroton (-70 Gev)and a h i g h energy booster w i t h a energy of

    1 TeV. Studies will determine the opt imum energy and beam

    characteristics of each o f these injector accelerator systems.

    will begin on the overall la t t ice system for b o t h booster

    accelerators and the requi red magnet parameters.

    the h i g h energy booster a program will be inaugurated t o provide

    prototype models of the superconducting magnet designs.


    In particul a r f o r

    Other technical systems o f the main storage r ing will be studied t o

    insure t h a t appropriate designs can be achieved. These include the

    overall Vacuum Systems, Power Supplies Systems, Radio Frequency

    System, Abort System, Beam Diagnostic System,

    Control Systems, and Safety Systems. I t i s expected t h a t the system

    design phi!osophy f o r the computer control systems will be planned

    a t an early stage. Components for the control system as well a s f o r

    beam instrumentation may be tested a t existing accelerators i n order

    t o achieve state-of-the-art designs w i t h proven reliability.

    Instrumentation and

    F ina l ly , as specific design concepts evolve for the various

    accelerator system, studies will be undertaken t o understand and

    project the overall operational reliability and performance of the


  • SSC. For example, techniques fo r rapidly changing o r repairing

    magnets must be considered and developed.

    The Conventional Fac i l i t i e s a c t i v i t i e s i n FY86 will be directed

    toward completing the Conceptual Design Report. Re1 ated work

    involves design concepts f o r accelerator systems tunnel s and beam

    enclosures, power system, f i re protection systems, communications,

    drainage, and cooling water systems.

    A master plan fo r the layout of the central off ice , research

    of f ices , laboratories, assembly b u i l d i n g s and warehouse f a c i l i t i e s

    will be developed together w i t h appropriate s t ructures fo r housing

    refr igerator systems, R.F. systems, power systems, and various

    suppor t f a c i l i t i e s . Roads and transportation systems will be of

    s ignif icant importance t o b o t h the construction and operation o f a

    r i n g on the s ize scale of the SSC.

    construction methods and an optimized construction schedule will be

    an important p a r t of the Conventional Faci l i ty e f f o r t i n FY87.

    The de ten ina t ion of

    The determination of the SSC l a t t ce system and insertion regions

    will a l low the conceptual designs of the experimental area

    s t ructures to be developed.

    w i t h plans for experimental detectors. The detector systems w i l l be

    large and complex and will require s ign i f icant Research &

    Development e f fo r t s by High Energy Physics research groups i n FY86

    and FY87.

    T h i s e f f o r t must proceed i n concert











    The program schedule for major elements of the RAD program i s shown in

    Figure 6-1. The associated program milestones are tabulated i n Table 5-1.

    The accelerator theory group ac t iv i t i e s are a critical p o i n t of the early

    R&D program.

    (instabil i t ies, etc.) and performance, one of the most impor tan t tasks i n

    the determination of the required aperture fo r the storage r ing.

    information and associated magnet costs are vital da ta f o r the magnet type

    selection. After the magnet selection, work will be directed toward

    optimizing a l l accelerator systems parameters, i n c l u d i n g the injector, as

    required fo r the Conceptual Design Report.

    In conjunction w i t h studies of beam limitations


    The Injection System Group will study a number of possible injections

    schemes. After magnet selection, the appropriate system will be optimized

    w i t h respect t o projected performance and reliability and described i n the


    One of the f i r s t tasks of the Accelerator Systems Group i s t o provide

    detailed information regarding accelerator operations requirements. A n

    operations task force will issue a report i n Apr i l 1985. This data will

    be utilized i n the magnet type selection process.

    work will be directed t o studies o f cryogenic, vacuum, power supplies,

    R.F. Systems, Beam instrumentation, and control systems i n preparation for

    the CDR. Prototype tests of developmental components will be conducted i n

    FY86 and FY87.

    After magnet selection,


  • e

    Devel opment programs for Superconducting magnets have been in progress

    a t BNL, LBL, FNAL and TAC d u r i n g FY84. By agreement w i t h the CDG, these

    programs are now focused on p r o v i d i n g information on a variety of magnet

    designs t h a t might be appropriate f o r the SSC.

    models are being fabricated, tested, and evaluated. T h i s data, together

    w i t h other information noted above, w i l l be used t o select the optimum

    magnet type f o r the SSC during the l a s t quarter of FY85.

    selection there w i l l be an intense development program together w i t h

    fabrication of a number of prototype magnets. These will be thoroughly

    tested in a system which closely simulates actual operating conditions.

    The system tests a r e projected t o begin a t the start o f FY87.

    Developmental magnet


    The f i r s t task of the

    cri teria document o f the SSC. An A/E firm has been se’lected t o assist

    Conventional System Group i s t o develop a s i te

    1985. Afterwards efforts will be

    Conceptual Design Report. Select

    i s currently i n progress. Beyond

    i n the effort. The final report will be presented t o DOE in April

    directed toward preparation of the

    on of an A / E firm for these a c t i v i t

    the CDR effort the s tar t of T i t

    planned fo r December 1986 a t the time of s i t e selection. T h i s w i

    t o provide an orderly and and efficient construction s tar t a t the

    beginning of FY88.



    e es

    e I i s

    1 help

    The program schedule i s geared t o accomplish the required research and

    development over a 3 year period prior t o a construction s ta r t i n FY


    the next section.

    The associated projected costs f o r this program are provided in


  • e 8 e e a e 0 e 0 e

    Ln P


    n x o m


    1. JXCTOI

    I I T m k Force Import D.81#0 I A l AI I A 1

    I I Eeteblleb Caplet. I ?roaram Laboretory ? r o r r u kra*t

    I 1 I I

    I I I I

    I I I I

    A 4 I I I I I 1 I

    I I I I I I I I I E:::: * I I atu4i.a ttqamt typ. I I

    1 I I 1 I I I I

    Cooc.ptcul Start S y a t e r 0ptlmi.a l o r

    A A A

    I I I I I I I I

  • e

    TABLE 6-1




    Oct 1984


    Nov 1984

    Apr 1985

    Apr 1985

    Jul 1985+

    Dec 1985

    Feb 1986

    Mar 1986

    Oct 1986

    Dec 1986

    Jun 1987

    Aug 1987

    Oct 1987

    I tern

    Define Selection Criteria and Technical Information needed for Magnet Selection

    Established Primary SSC Design Features and SSC Phase I Program Plan Objectives

    * Site Parameters Document Review Magnet Development Program

    * Magnet Design Type Selection Preliminary Conceptual Design

    Start Pre-Production Prototype Magnets

    * Conceptual Design Report (non-site specific) and Other Documentation

    Magnet System Test Begins

    * Site Selection by DOE Report on Systems Tests

    Recommended SSC Phase I1 Management and Procurement Plans Partial Title I Design Report

    * SSC Construction Start (NTP)

    01 88S-45

    * Denotes Primary Milestone Selection to be made during the last quarter o f FY85.








    e 55


    A p r e l i m i n a r y c o s t est imate f o r Phase I a c t i v i t i e s i s prov ided i n

    Table 7-1.

    o f t h e program, FY 1985 - FY 1987; t h e SSC t o t a l R&D c o s t i s est imated a t $94M.

    represent t h e t o t a l s requ i red f o r necessary s t a f f i n g l e v e l s ,

    equipment support, m a t e r i a l s and component purchases, and r e l e v a n t

    f a b r i c a t i o n s . The c o s t est imates r e f l e c t t h e scope and schedule

    accomplishments t h a t each a c t i v i t y must achieve i n o rder f o r t h e

    o v e r a l l program goals t o be met.

    The costs have been est imated f o r each o f t h e t h r e e years

    The cos ts i n d i c a t e d are i n FY 1985 d o l l a r s and

    The Phase I R&D program descr ibed above covers t h e p e r i o d FY


    i n t o FY 1988; the major o b j e c t i v e o f which w i l l be t o demonstrate t h e

    p r e d i c t e d magnet product ion r a t e and y i e l d us ing t h e t o o l i n g and

    exper ience developed d u r i n g the f i r s t th ree years.

    t h i s c o s t est imate may change as d e t a i l s o f t h e R&D program evolve

    together w i t h actual annual budgets. The program p l a n w i l l be

    updated t o r e f l e c t these c o n d i t i o n s as requi red.

    It i s a n t i c i p a t e d t h a t a s t rong R&D program w i l l cont inue

    The s p e c i f i c s o f


  • TABLE 7-1


    Program Tot a1

    - SSC Program - Accelerator Related Programs

    (by Funding Category)

    FY85 -E-

    20 5

    FY86 28 -

    20 8

    FY87 - 66 - -

    59 16

    Program Total (by Accelerator System)

    - Central Design Group - Conventional Facilities - Accelerator Systems

    General Studies Supercon Magnets Cryo-Refrigeration Vacuum Power Supplies R.F. Systems Injection Systems Abort Instrumentation/Controls Safety System

    4.3 1 .o

    19.7 0.5 18.4 0.5 0.3



    2 .O 20.5 0.5

    18.0 0.5 0.3 0.2


    - 0.6 - 0.4 -

    10 .o 5 .O

    51 .O 1 .o 40.0 5 .O 0.5 0.5 0.3 2 .o 0.5 1 .o 0.3





  • 4


    A P P E N D I X A








    SSC Research and Development Topics

    1 .O Technical Program Tasks

    1.1. Program Management

    - Organize and Plan the SSC Program - Supervise and d i rec t the SSC Program. - Coordinate R&D a c t i v i t i e s w i t h participatory laboratories

    and institutions - Prepare the project proposal and Conceptual Design Report - Prepare a1 1 required documentation incl u d i ng qual i ty

    assurance and safety analysis reports - Report t o URA and DOE as .required

    1 . 2 Accelerator Theory

    1.2.1 Calculations and Studies - Study the dynamic aperture by numerical and analytical

    methods and correlate the results w i t h the mu1 t ipole content o f magnets.

    - Study models of pers is tent current e f f ec t s and the i r correction including trade-offs w i t h injection energy.

    - Refine and optimize the l a t t i c e , including interaction region variants, and study chromatic aberration compensation.

    consequences for beam-beam e f fec t , backgrounds, and provision fo r low intensi ty t e s t beams.

    - Develop c r i t e r i a for systems tolerances (e.g. power supply s t a b i l i t y and ripple, e tc . ) .

    - Determine working points i n tune space. - Beam loss studies: energy deposition; consequences of

    uncontrolled beam loss, etc . - Study requirements for slow beam extraction. - Study implications of te r ra in following.

    - Study interaction region clustering, including


  • 1.2 .2 Development of Improved Computational Methods

    - Extend the study of col lect ive e f fec ts , including the improvement o f impedance estimates, w i t h wake-field codes.

    - Develop improved computational methods i n nonlinear dynamics to permit longer term tracking i n real time, e w i t h the inclusion of the beam-beam e f fec t , and the long

    range beam-beam ef fec t w i t h crossing angle.


    1.2.3 Investigations on E x i s t i n g Accelerators - Investigate, u s i n g exi s t i n g synchrotrons and col1 i ders,

    par t ic le l i fe t imes i n superconducting rings, dynamic apertures, beam-beam ef fec ts , crossing angle e f f ec t s ,

    and mu1 ti-bunch operation.

    - Investigate methods o f bean control t o provide adequate s t a b i l i t y a t the interaction points i n the presence of possible vibrations and other sources o f ins tab i l i ty .



    1.3 Accelerator Systems Design

    - Develop the conceptual design f o r the SSC - Investigate design options - - Integrate the technical systems

    I n i t i a t e generic design studies, as required




  • 2.0 S i te and Conventional Faci 1 i t i e s




    Development of S i te Cri ter ia

    - Outline the technical needs of the SSC f a c i l i t y . - Determine the range o f acceptable physical, mechanical and

    u t i 1 i t i e s parameters f o r possible sites.

    Generic A/E Stud ies

    - - Undertake environmental, and safety analysis studies. -

    In i t i a t e parametric studies fo r design optimization.

    Study the implications of te r ra in following.

    Geo tec h n i c a 1 S t u d i e s

    - Do on-site investigations of the physical character is t ics , i ncl u d i ng prel iminary mappi ng and s i te summaries as requi red.

    2.4 Conceptual Design Studies

    - Study the possible configurations of conventional construction f a c i l i t i e s on candidate s i t e s .

    information f o r final candidate s i t e s . - Prepare d ra f t environmental impact and safety analysis

    2.5 Indus t r i a1 Contracts

    - Study methods of economical t u n n e l construction - Arrange f o r consultant he lp from A/E firms.


  • 3.0 1n.iector Svstems

    3.1 General Injector Studies

    - Determine injected beam requirements fo r f i n a l main ring des i gn .

    - Optimize parameters for each of the injector accelerators. - Investigate the modifications required t o operate for bp

    col 1 i d i ng beams. Investigate the modif icat ions required t o operate f o r detector testing. Investigate the design necessary t o yield low emittances



    3 . 2 Linac

    - Optimize the transition energies for the various types of accel erati ng structures i n the L i nac. Investigate various r ad io frequency quadrupole (RFQ) structures.

    - Investigate various h i g h velocity structures - SCL, Disk and Washer, A n n u l a r coupled, on-axis coupled, etc.

    - Develop higher efficiency RF sources i n the frequency range


    of 200-500 MHz.

    3 .3 Low Enerav Booster ( L E B )


    - Develop r i n g magnet designs. - Develop faster, stronger kickers and improved septum

    magnets. - Develop lower impedance beam monitors and other devices t o

    be installed inside the beam pipe. - Investigate cost/performance of superconducting vs. normal

    copper coi l magnets.




  • 0






    3.4 High Energy Booster ( H E B )

    - Develop r i n g magnet des ign and associated cryogenic systems. - Demonstrate t h a t superconducting magnet polarity can be

    reversed i n a sat isfactory manner. - Develop superconducting septum magnets. - Develop the design f o r slow beam extraction.

    4.0 Collider Ring Systems

    4.1 General Studies

    - Test systems of magnets t o determine system behavior. - Verify instal la t ion and leak checking techniques, including

    devel opment of re1 ated tool i ng and we1 d i ng machines. - Develop accurate, labor-efficient methods fo r ins ta l la t ion ,

    survey and magnet alignment. - Analyze major causes of magnet quenches induced by the beam

    including those due t o operator e r ror and develop ’ appropriate controls. - Develop feedback techniques t o keep small beam bunches i n

    col l is ion. - Analyze the causes of downtime on exis t ing accelerators

    w i t h a view to achieving greater r e l i a b i l i t y i n the SSC.

    4.2 Superconducting Magnets

    4.2.1 Superconductor

    - Develop commercial production capabi l i ty of NbTi w i t h the highest possible value of Jc. Investigate the production of superconducting filaments of small diameters.

    - Develop a rigorous program of short sample tes t ing for the c r i t i ca l current density of the superconducting wire and cable which will obviate the need fo r cryogenic tes t ing of every magnet.



  • 4.2.2 Cabl ing

    - Develop methods t o extend t o larse quantities the industrial production of NbTi cable w i t h higher cri t ical

    current density. Investigate i nnovati ve cab1 i ng approaches i ncl udi ng

    i nsul a t i o n and incorporate any improvements i n t o 1 arge scale cable production.

    - Develop cable making techniques t h a t minimize the degradation due t o the cabling and keystoning

    operations, including the investigation of post-cabling heat treatment for recovery of Jc.

    - Determine a reasonable allowance for degradation of Jc i n cabling.

    - Develop methods t o correct fo r the effects of persistent currents a t low magnetic fields, including b o t h sel f-energized and externally energized correction coil

    systems. - Demonstrate the feasibi l i ty of using dry w i n d i n g

    techniques w i t h a collapsible mandrel fo r forming the

    coils i n a collared coil design.






  • 4 . 2 . 3 Magnet Research and Development









    Investigate the behavior of aluminum collars, and the cost/benefit of using more aluminum parts. Optimize the cold-mass support structure w i t h respect t a heat leak and t o s tabi l i ty under expansion and contraction, particularly f o r very long magnets. Investigate characteristics and techniques of superi nsul a t i on. Make heat-load measurements on magnets, spool pieces, cryogenic valves and o%her components. Design optimized thermal shields t o eliminate d i s t o r t i o n due t o thermal gradients. Develop procedures t o measure the a1 ignment of the magnetic field. Develop techniques for more complete determination of magnet characteristics from roam temperature measurements, and f o r relating the measurements t o cryogenic measurements done on a sampl i n g basis. Develop magnet t e s t equipment and methods for r a p i d and economical measurements of magnetic fields i n small aperture, long magnets t o accuracies of about Develop accurate, 1 abor-efficient methods f o r internal magnet alignment, i s retai ned d u r i n g cool -down. Investigate eddy current forces on the heat shields and helium p i p i n g inside the cryostat of the no-iron magnet under rap id quench conditions. Develop q u a l i t y assurance procedures f o r a l l stages of manufacture. Develop mass-production methods for winding the dipole correc ti on el emen t s . Design, construct, and t e s t a series o f model magnets. Devel op too l i n g that i s appropriate t o produci ng magnets a t the required rate.

    including verification t h a t alignment


  • Develop r o b o t i c s t o reduce l a b o r c o s t s i n f a b r i c a t i o n

    and i n s t a l l a t i o n of magnets.

    Cons t ruc t a s i g n i f i c a n t number of ful l - l e n g t h "proof"

    magnets, us ing actual product ion t o o l s and procedures , a t high product ion r a t e s . Prepare the r e f r i g e r a t o r and cryogenic system f o r a

    s t r i n g l i s t .

    Test u p t o a k i lome te r long s t r i n g of superconduct ing


    E s t a b l i s h c r i t e r i a f o r e v a l u a t i o n of c y c l i c f a t i g u e .

    I n v e s t i g a t e va r ious quadrupole op t ions t o determi ne the most economical design.

    Devel op speci a1 superconduct i ng magnets, such as high g r a d i e n t quadrupoles and l a r g e bore d i p o l e s f o r the i n t e r a c t i o n reg ions .

    Develop procedures t o repair, retest and c e r t i f y magnets. Develop hand1 i ng techniques f o r very long magnets.

    rep laced , such a s obse rva t ion o f low quench current, v o l t a g e t a p monitor ing, or pickup loop vol t a g e monitor ing. Develop procedures f o r the t r a n s f e r of superconduct ing magnet techno1 ogy t o industry, i ncl u d i ng development o f too l i ng.

    Develop procedures t o i d e n t i f y magnets t h a t have t o be *




  • 4 . 3


    C ry oge n i c s /Ref r i ge ra t i on

    Investigate the re1 i a b i l i ty/repai rabi 1 i ty of col d turbocompressors as cryogenic pumps . Develop cryogenic valves of low heat leak, h i g h r e l i a b i l i t y , and low cost. Develop methods of construction for low heat-leak he1 i u m transfer lines a t an economical cost. Study the operating experience of the Tevatron cryogenic system w i t h a view t o improvements i n efficiency and re1 i ab i 1 i ty . Optimize and test a model recooler. Investigate and optimize screw compressor efficiencies. Develop efficient and expeditious purification techniques f o r the He refrigeration .system. Develop a computer simulation of cryogenic systems.


    Measure the desorption due t o synchrotron radiation, of hydrogen and other gases from cryogenic beam tubes. Develop leak detectors and techniques w i t h sensitivities of order lo-” torr /sec, on b o t h warm and cold systems. Develop and test devices fo r making the beam tube wal l s and bellows electromagnetically smooth t o reduce the long i tud ina l impedance. Verify the absence of beam induced mu1 t i pac to r i ng i n materials exposed t o the proton beam. Identify, (using computational methods) ,those particular condi t ions o f bunch spacing and bunch intensity under which trapped stable electron orbits exist i n the beam tube. Develop suitable cold valves f o r vacuum i so la t ion and leak detection purposes and carry o u t an opt imiza t ion study t o determine the minimum number o f valves needed.


  • 4.5 0




    Main Power SuDDlies/Ouench Protection

    - Develop a simple and fail-safe dynamic quench protection system. Investigate passive quench protection as a means of achieving potentially less expensive and more reliable


    Investigate the regulation and tracking of multiple

    independent power supplies t o one p a r t i n - Calculate and measure transmission line modes of magnet

    systems. - Develop reliable h i g h current power leads f o r cryogenic use.



    Correction Element Power SudDlies

    - Investigate the regulation and t r a c k i n g of independent power supplies.

    - Optimize power supply distribution and connections, i ncl udi ng mu1 ti p l e-1 ead feedthrough.

    - Study external vs. internal (cryogenic) connection of series elements.

    RF Systems

    - Identify the most cost effective operating frequency and type o f RF equipment.

    - Compute the expected SSC impedances i n detail and the rise times of the various modes.

    Injection Systems

    - Investigate superconducting septum magnets.



    68 a

  • 4.9 Abort Systems

    - Design and simulate abort systems t o a r r i v e a t an optimal conf igurat ion.

    - Study beam loss phenomena and t h e i r e f f e c t s on superconduc ti ng magnets.

    4.10 Beam Instrumentation

    - Invest igate superconduc,ing amp1 appl icat ions.

    Fiers f o r use , n special

    - Develop special beam instrumentation, such as Schottky scan e lect ron ics, f l y i n g wires, etc.

    4.11 Control s

    - Develop mu7 t i - l e v e l con t ro l system network designs. - Analyze and t e s t experimental ly whether e lec t ron i cs can be

    ' placed i n the tunnel w i t h ou t r a d i a t i o n shielding. - Analyze and develop redundant con t ro l systems.

    4.12 Safetv Svstems

    - Conduct cost /safety study o f e x i t spacings. - Analyze safety systems f o r operations.


    Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Phase 1 Objectives: - - - -